The Daily Bee. COUIiCIl BLUFFS. Monday Morning Juno 6. SUBSCRIPTION KATES : By Carrier. - - - - - SOctntsperwceli . Ycai tlO.OO - - - - - - per Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Noai Broodwny. 0. K. MAE , MantRer City ClrcnUtlon. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. Itepublican Convention. The republicans of PoUawattamu counly will meet in delegate convert tion nt the court house in Council Bluffs on Tuesday , Juno 20 , at 1 p , m. , for the purpose of selecting thir teen delegates to attend the congrcs. sional convention to bo held in Uouti' cil Bluffs , Juno 22 , Each townahij will bo entitled to the following number bor of delegates : Kanolstrreo't..O Liyton I Kane,2drreo't..7 Lincoln 2 Kane , 3d rec't..7 Kane,4thlWt..O Macedonia .1 Bloomer 2 MIndcn 4 Belknap 3 Xeolo 4 Crescent 2 Norwalk 2 Cars in 3 Pleasant .1 Center 3 Iloekford 3 Grove 3 Silver Creek 2 Garner 2 Valley. 4 Hardln . . . .3 Wellington 3 Hazel Dell 3 Waveland . .3 James 8 Wright ! ) Knox 8 York 2 Keg Creek 2 The primaries in each township , un ices ordered by township committee , man , will bo hold Saturday , Juno 17 , at 8 p. m. By order of JOHN W. BAHID , Chairman Co. Hop. Cent , Com. MINOR MENTIONS. Go to Ilcrzman's Shcrrnden makes photographs. The city council meets this evening. Humpty Dumpty Hits on a nail to night. Shcrrnclen fs the boss photographer. Closing out of entire stock at Her- nan's. Regular meeting of the board of trade this cvcnlnp. Visitors always welcome at Maurer & Ciaigs. Joseph Itelter makes suits In the lat est styles at 310 Broadway , nprl'Mf The ladles of the Baptist church will give a strawberry and ice cream festival in the chapel next Thursday evening. Mayno & Co , want all the white corn they cangctnt the highest market price. Go to Ilcrzmnn'a closing out nalo. Charles F. lloopos , sou of Isaac and Ulebocca .T.Uoopes , died at Living Springs , Town , Thursday , Juno 1 , aged ID years. Don't forget to oil at the now ice cream parlors of Mrs. J. A. Gray , over COS Broadway. may2'2-tf Herzmnn ia bound to clo o out. The complications concerning the fast liorso "Nappor , " h vo all been settled , and the public will probably hear no mote of the trouble. llallroad tickets bought and 'Bold Bushnell , five doors north'ot Postoillco. Can save you money on tickets , Joseph Hess , of 015 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , makes the best butter tubs ia the west end sells them at the lowest -cash price , apr23-tt The funeral of Miss Mlnnlo Koran , who died last Thiirsiay , was held from the Catholic churcli yesterday afternoon , The work of i trenching the line fsr the electric Gre alarm will commence this morning , tho.material having arrived ex * cept ti\Q boxes. Yesterday afternoon a horse attached to a buggy and owned by John LinJcr took-- * run on Seventh Direct. The buggy IVM * some what smashed. Next Sunday nisht there Is to bo a union meeting of tbo several churches of the city in Uohany's hall , to further the prohibitory movement. Some of these who expect to shoot at Cedar Ilaptds this week indulged iu a lit tle practice at pigeon popping Saturday Afternoon. The announcement made by means oi hand-bills stating that the Juvenile band was to play it a beer garden yesterday , seems to have been an erroneous one , as the band refused to play , The loss sustained by Hans Oehhnan l > y the late fire on Main street was qatls- f Actorlly adjusted Saturday by the State Insurance company , of Dea Molnet , ifi through their agents , Odell & Day. Macedonia Is already making arrange * ments for a rousing , enthuslAitlo 1'ourth of July celebration there , and the citizens are taking hold of the matter with a zip I'M which is the assurance of n big tuccess. Of the vagrant * captured in a box car the other morning , two have been fined $100 each , which they will work out on the atreoU. The others were discharged , there being uo evidence that they were -chronic ) . The discharge papers of James Burnr , f company A , Twenty.thlrd Illinois in fantry , haye been found , ami are now in the hands of comrade John Fox , of the Grand Army of tbo Uepublto , to.whem the owner should apply. Sheriff Gulttar left las * , craning with I "Cranky BUI , " to eicort the latter across the state to serve his six mouth. ' sentence in the Tort Madison penittntlary , this be ing his penalty for nlpoiug GebrpeTer- valiso. Mrs. Durgan , of the Kmmett home , teem * to be in hard luck. After having bad her businesstmarautined fo. ' some weeks , she got nicely started again , and now uha is reported * s having herself fallen a victim tg varioloid , but in a very mild form , however , In the case of the Iow , > Historical company vs. Mnm > y , the jury Iu the dlt trict court returned a verdiot fu favor of the plaintiff , ThU H oue of 'tho ninny wilts to compel subscribers to a county history - ; tory , published by tin company , to fulfill th Ir contract by taking and paying for _ the book. . It li state J that Chief Lacy of the fire d p rtin at will this tvnnlny send In his . , .r # l # iatlen to. the olty counoll , alleging ill . J * lh a reason for vacating the oliice. > PHK w ! rntly cave -voice to a Urge * % * nambcr of citizen ? , who demanded lha he hnHeith rgo ont of the raloou bfcii ness or out 'of the chief * i > I . .epThe mitcly can complain no more If , 'lie slpf outof both. 'I ' ; . | ; Judge Bond is" reported M having hn o lively tnisel with n tramp ycsterJn ; morning , the tramp having come to hi residence nt AH early hour and npplied fi > food in so insolent a manner that ft con flict ensued , in which the tramp wa worsted. A number from this city will .attcnc the stale pportimcn's tournament , whicl begin * at Cedar Ilipldn to-morrow. . ' W , .Oliver , Arthur . "ttelckman and H D. llnrle will reprmnt the Council Bluff sportsmen's club , and J. 0 , Hoffmaycr ttobert Mullls And 0. it Campbell tin Council Bluffs gun club , i . Marshal Jackson and Ofltccr Clougt pulled A houio Friday night , and as a re sult Bill Jones , Mnbb SUnrirc , 1'rnnl Bennett , L. Waldcn and Llwto Hntt flp liearcd before Judge AylcuWorih' Saturday Jones wns fined § 1 and jco ts , the keopc : Mablo Maurice (30 , and the rest'JJli each A saloonlst named BoncrkemjSlo corA datncd of for Rolling drinks within t'w < nllcs of the city limits without n license w s in the supreme court Saturday , III wanted to bo let off on promising to trull the busncs ! , but tbo authorities would nol consent , and the c so was continued unti next Tuesday , to giro him tmetom ! k < ip his mind as to what it wan bcit to do. Thcro was ft largely attended and en. -huMftfllio meeting of the ecrtral commit' .coi of the Knights of Pythias yesterday , .a make further arrangements for rccciv < ng tbo Grand Lodge , which mceta hero in ) ctober. About seventy wcie present , and committees wore appointed to look after every detail necessary to make the cnterprlto a happy success. Fully 830C was railed in a fair minutes towards pay. ug the expenses. The cxecutlvo commit , ca Is to meet next Wednesday evening | And the general committee * next Sunday , 700 J1USDELS ] hoico White Oats for sale cheap. Hayno & Co. , 34 Pearl street. SMOKK FRANK'S BLUNTS. Pen SAM EviUlYVJtKHK. _ PERSONAL. Tony Denier and his _ company of fun. makers arrlvcd'at the Ogdcn yesterday. Miss Lillie.Ktaor , sister of Mrs. D. tr oughs , of this city , waa recently married n Dayton , Ohio , to Hurry I * . Milestone , Her. Dr. Cloland is anxiously asked foi as a pastor by the Westminster 1'rcsbytc rian church , of Keokuk , His churcl icro , ag' well na these outside of thi church , insist on hia remaining hern. Tin matter 111 probably bo decided 'by tin neetlug of the Presbytery at Corning ci Juno 13. SCDITI/E AT SCHOOL It Has Resulted In tbo Death of One of tUo Boya-Tho Finding of the Coroner's Jury. A boy named Charles Enos Bartlett , iving on Walnut , became engaged in a boj-ish Bcuflhvor fight , with some f -aohoolmatos on the school house grounds at the close of school on the 5th day of Hay. In this fight it is aid that two brothers 'named Feck > oundod the boy severely , and inflict ed Buck injuries that the next day ho was unable to louvo'hia bed , and , from hat time on ho continued very ill , until at last death came , ending hie ufforinga last. Thursday. Ooronot JViul was notified and a post mortem examination was had and inquest held. ? here were evidences of very severn titornal injuries which had caused loath , but thorp wore no witnesses who were knowing to the dohils of ho affair , or who saw the Pock boys nllict thnse injuries. The deceased ras aged about eight yearn and the Peck boys arc about ton and twelve roars old respectively , The Bartlett joy'a parents are dead and ho has jeon living with his grandmother , upon whom this sad and sudden be reavement falls heavily. The jury after examining such witnesses as ap- ) eared before them returned the foil- owing verdict : Wo believe that the deceased , 3harle8 Enos Bartlett , died from in > lamination of the bowels caused bj external injuries at the hands nf some party or parties unknown to us , W. H. Lmrat , Foreman. J. S. PALUBII , JOSEPH BEULKU. Archibald Appreciated. Dr. Archibald , the late suporinton. dent of. the institution of the feeble- nindod at Glonwood , was liappilj surprised last Friday evening at his lomo in that place. The employes oi ho institution joined in presenting itmsolf and his worthy wife , who fox o many years served as matron , n costly and beautiful sot of silverware , as an expression of their kindly feel- ng toward the recipients , nml as n okon gf the high regard , felt foi hem. The surprise was as complete as it was joyous , and came with par- icular force at this time , when sr nuch has boon said concerning Dr. Archibald's management of that inuti. ution , This is only one of many proofs that he doctor holds the confidence and respect of these who have been in ) osition to know best concerning the management of the institution , JJr. Archibald's removal from the institu- ion has caused many expressions oi ndignation from different ports of the state , -winch in turn has called forth an attempt to defend the action of the trustees by the publication of charges against D : , Archibald's management. These charges have boon made public by paper * which refuse to publish hia explanation. Elsewhere will bo found Dr. Archibald's defense , which is f ulJ , clour and frank , and which put8 ftn mtiroiy dill'oront phase upon the mat ter , It should be carefully read by all who are interested in the pros perity of our state institutions. UefritforatorB , Ice Chests , Watoi Coolers , Filters , and Ice Cream Freez er * , at Mauror & CraiYa. bushoh of White Corn , Highest market price paid , ulayno & Co , , Broom Factory , Ojuucil Blulfr. may27-tf it THE CAMPAIGN. / - Some IntnrestingAFaota Concerning corning Ita Progregp and the Candidates. How A nclorson 1 * Trying to Kooji Up Kin Boom. The organ to whbso musjo Atodor- so'n is now dancing , has made quito a hurrah over n meeting hold in Logan lalfc Friday. It claims that thd Bapp forces tried to call out , a local cftndi- date in Uftrrlaori county , by gettjng up the nicotine at. Logan , but tlioso attending finally concluded to como oilt f6r Anderson. Tiio foot ) is that lhorcall for this meeting had less than toti signer ? , and ft , majority of those were -Anderson men , TJhilo one or twp were not pronounced in their1profcr - snce. ' All the oJuf-hSarks of the meob liig indicate that ib was a purely An- deraqn schemefront beginning tp end , similar tojthoso which.liovo thus far mn'rkdd Hi's cour oin _ tjio contest. Anothorwhoop is given to thd boom by the announcement that in the pri mary in Hamburg twelve Anderson delegates were chosen : < The m'ayor'o organ and the organ's'mayor ' , fails testate state , however , that ihuso 'delegates were elected by a scratch , the vote icing Anderson 85 , and anti-Ander son 71. , . Elsewhere will bo found a conitnun- cation from Mayor Beach , of that' ilaco , which nliows up another piece ) f Andoroon'a work , which will bo read jvith interest , and will have weight , as its writer is a young mane o not only ability but reliability , as many hero will gladly endorse. One interesting coincidence in Dr. Doyan's withdrawal from the contest s that his son visited this city the ither day and remained over night. Simultaneous with his return homo us father announced that ho would withdraw. In view of the way An derson has worked to suppress other candidates , it seems reasonable that a consideration or premise caused the sudden change. It i currently reported that $1,000 if railway money * aa loft in Missouri Valley ono week ago to help along the Anderson boom. Anderson's well- mown sympathy with railways , and lis support of corporations ns against .ho welfare of the people renders it irobnblo that thcro is much truth at the bottom of the ropott. This seems to bo about Anderson's way of conducting his part in the con test. It is In keeping with the great , 'atno of an early convention. It is in keeping with Andoraon'a monopoly principles , and in keeping with the trickery and political trading which lias marked his oilicial career. If ho iccurcs the nomination by such means 10 is none the moro worthy of the lenora which ho seeks , Even success will not chantro the spots of the leap- ird , and whether hu wins * in the con- est or goes down to defeat , ho haa hewn himself a man unworthy of iven the support which ho has thus ar gained. THE OTHER SIDE. The Facts in Regard to Bogan's Share in the Congressional Contest. HAMIIDUQ , la , , Juno 2 , 1882. To the Editor ot TUB Dun. The article " .About Political Mat- tors" in The Nonpareil of the 1st inst. ms , attracted my attention. If the Writer had boon better informed on ho situation in this county , lie could lot have been guilty of no many er-1 ore , unless misstatomontsand miarep- eaentations is a part of the pro- ; rammo by which the nomination of rlnjor Anderson is hoped to bo affect ed. From the artiolo referred to , ono would infer that Dr. Began hud not icon a candidate in opposition to the major in this county. Iri has boon known for n year to the friends of Mr. Began that ho had congressional aspirations , and in cast ing about for a man to maKe the can vass in this county against this major , Dr. Began was selected by the oppo sition as ono who would develop the Creator strength in the few days loft : or a canvass. Ho waa consulted and 'ound to bo eager for the contest. Ho Teoly stated that Anderson was ro- iponsiblo for his defeat for represen tation in this county last fall , and that while ho had but slight- hopes of being nominated himself , no was willing to mt his name into the political > ot and abide the result. Plana were juickly laid for the canvass and his Honda sot to work , After his nomi- mtion wax assured in Una county ho incorptnoniously and without consult- ng his friends , withdraw from the contest , The Nonpareil artiolo ropro- icnts Dr , Began no trying to prevent raud , and does hia friends a positive ujustico. Dr , Began was consulted in every detail of the canvass , and all plans net his hearty approval , so that if raud was practiced or attempted , ho was party to it and expected to reap ho reward. But the doctor , over bin own uigna- uro exonerates all his friends from any attempt at fraud. The fact 5 , tlaj , Anderson has educated a class of iitizens of Fremont county to believe than any local , personal or political natter that would in the least conflict with hia plans is a fraud and a crime. TIB well for the major thatBogan bided hie tent and evacuated th'o field , or tlw humiliation of defeat at the lands of an obscure man certainly ap peared to bo his fato. The major will find employment it homo until the county convention s over , and nothing but the kindness of heaven can keep the slumbering 'oloano from bursting under hia foot it-ro in hia own county. Most respectfully , J. P. BUAI'II. Popping Plgoone. Some of the members of the Coun cil Blud * Sportsman's Club and the Council Bluifr < 1uu Club had o little > igoon shooting Saturday afternoon. Borne fine wild pigeons had been pro cured for the event and uu interesting imo waa had. Tiio matches wore par ticipated in by OoJ , Hoflmayer , Dug Ilurlc , J. T. Oliver , W. O. Oliver , A W. Rickmati. M. * C. Feikcr , John Bohiri , Vfnfi Pypfety , S. Farnsworth -f NVhllnian antf' Robert Mulli * Matchen. wcr'o shot nt ,20 yards n c , II single birds ; 5' pair'vdoublo birds , 18 yards riscj 3 pair double birds , 21 yards risoj and 3 inelo birds , .31 yardi r se. Borne very fine exhibitions o 'hkill were $ ivon by sqveral of th'o party and Council Bluffs people may expect to hoar a favorable report from her sportsmen -who depart to-day for the state tournament at Cedar lUpidg. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL KOTldES. NOTlOa SpecUl MvertlscmenU , uc M Loit , Found , To Lo&n , Ftr Bale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will to Inacrted 'In thU column t the Iow r t ofi TEH CEIfta PEB LINE for the Dnt Infortlorl nnd .FIVE OtNTf VKR TASK tot each eul equent loccrtlnn Lt&ve adv crtleomcnts ni No. . 7 fcnrl Street , ncnr Uro&dway , . * vWnnte , lnHVANTKlT uwoik Innlmnil _ . fimily. . Inquire t 717 FI th arcnue. prrt touno wc t of Seventh tn et ' A. ywag git p rein tn ( federal W'ANTKD . A. efiaitmil T.O . BoUnlh s'rcct , near .corner Stytnlh nStnua tNTKU tlocxlfelrl fora'cncru ! housen-otk liiqulront Uco oincc. ] > na'tDtt - . . . to Uo icncral hotfiiwork ; - , Ap ] > ly JIu , W. B. Auicnt corner 7th anilEthar. | mayintf -KvcryboJy "fn1 Council Dlnffs Ic WANTEDKvcryboJy to take Tn UBK. 20 tints Tcr'wccl < iljc ' llvorod br. c&rrlors OHIcc. iNo'T 1'carIBtrcot near Broadway , To buy 100 tons broom WANTED nddrcai Council JJlud- nrnom F ft/irv.fnuncll ; ! Tllng town ForSalonndKont t > l\ BALE 1 haw on hai.d Olio 1'lln BlllCK ol ftn pooJ btlck ag cm bo had In tbo' cily. ' rtlci ile rD | { a rtklo vjll flnd It 10 liclr nlvonfcKo to call at my n > blcfacc0if .Inco'n ' avonuc , or nildro B Holjfrt' II dAle.JJox nil , Council llinja ) , a. i ' ( junul-lra * K\OK AIK lro-h milk tow and cilics at C B au Uro.'s yord , Uppo Uroadwty. _ _ _ ni29-Ct * ' POK SALE -Two'new liyclcl at a bargain. K 11. btclnhllbcr , at now ( umltuic lactory an Covcntn artnuo , next 10 CV4 N. W. It M. _ inn ) 23-1 tn ) RENT -iNow hbuso of fpvf n room * . For particulars Inqulio of F. M Williams , on : 'ranklln UO't. m 90t \ K i-iALK bhtct inuslo drill 36 ctnU to 17K . for 5 Knta a opy , and over 10,000 other useful articles , at Sn.lth & F.vcrelflOrcat five anil Ten-Oont Slow , N . HO Biomway , Council Dludri , Iowa. mat tO-tt FO \ BALI' : . K'chty.ncro ' farm twttly cultl- vatcu , two ml leu wet of Omahi Udell tc ay. m-0-tf HEN I 1'ort , or whole of nice residence , IJlOlt will sell on cany teinia.rply at I'oe nlllce. _ m j2-tf SALE Uca-ltiful residence iota , ( CO POIl each ; nothing down , nml SJrcr onthonlr , by KX-MAYO VAUOI1AN np3-t ! ( Miscellaneous. \llil-lOK ! UALLKKYe Unn ul anil ( lie IntBill r > lu Council ifiillj. Umid now nuci : ninety 'o nrflvj thlj week. Call and co. ion Main ono Jm-lnff Irst red hcl'cr with hrso ANY 1 , ran lea n ot uhcrcblou'ii ' by c Illn nt he IIK < olllo < . . W. L. 1'ATl'ON I'hyslcian anil Oculist. Dll. euro any COMI of nero eye' . It is only matter of time , and can cure Runcralty in rein thrco tc tire wcoks It makcu no differ- unco bow long diseased. Will ttraightcn cross lyes.operate and remove I'ryrririnmn , etc. , and nscrtartificial oycs Special attention to ro- iiovo ng tndoworniH. ap5-tf AYUMJ WANTING BOH etine quality brosm _ corn wed can pet it bv wrltlnp ; tn -V | qpl . T. JIAYNK OniiifII Bluffs BATHIIG HOUSEl At Bryant's Spring , , , Oor , Broadway ai Upion Sts. . / COUNCIL BLUFFS. PUIn , Medicated. V per , Elco'rlc , 1'lunge , ) ouch , Shower , Hot and Cold llnha. Com- latent n nlo and limalo iiir'ca and aticndanls Uuoys on hand , and ilie boat olra-c and otten- Ion given natrons. Hpoclal alt-.ntlon Riven to LiatnlMK children. Inrcst'gatlon and patronage ollcltoiiDR. DR. A. H STUDLEY & Co. , 100 Cppor Broadway. Dr , Btud'ey : Treatment of chronlj diseases Ono ot thu best B ( .ond-clnss Hotcln In the West b ho BROADWAY HOTEL , A. E 1IIWVN , Prortlctor. Npg. 631 and 30 Broadway , Council Illuffa , Iow . Table supplied with tan bcot the market at- ordj. G od rooms and flrst-clua bods. Terms fcry rotmonablo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. ,817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. G. Gerspacher & Son. FIRST CLASS IIOTEt , AT nKABONABLE 'UIOK-i. TUANBIKNT3 ACCOMMODATED. IlOTKIi FOH BENT. GOOD UKAHONS FOR IENTINO. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N , Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower Broadway. Table inppllcd with Ilio best the mirketaf- ords. Terms (3,00 and § 1.00 jier week. Trandcnt 1.00 per day. If Yon Wiih a Imnoh Go to. . LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Meats , and Eatables always on hand. Five Cents per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE SI.GN , . , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALHNINQ AND GRAINING , 3hop Corner Broadway und Soott St MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , I'llOPKICTOH OF aESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 613 South ilahi Stri'tt , Council n ufli. Ncw'houso und nculy fitted up In first class tyU Mcalj &t all liouu. lev crenm and Icmo- udo nrcry cvuiJnif. Frulta a d tonfectloncrloe. HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fruits.Nuts 3igars and Tobacco. Fresh Dysters and Ice Cream in Season , 12 MAIN.ST. , A Ooifnoll Bluff * . * < sSSs mi 50 . . SAVED fN ] EXERY DOLLAR BV BUrtNQ YOUR , G.pOp.ERIES ' J * / Atifn'mJI.lni'.j ' ! ' Boston Tea Go's'Store ' ' , 16 Mftiti St , itid l'5 ' Peayl.St. , 1 , . .Council Bluffs , iIT IT AND lake Money , ; 1 iiAiiUFAcrUiiEH1 OF Road , Track , , Ooa < ili & liiyery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. III. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WJI. CIIR1STOPIIGH , Mechanical Manager. 124 3. Main St. , Council BlutTs , In. } OLD ! GOLD ! .GOLD ! ) richt and yellow and hird and cold , ilolten , gAvcu , hammered and roll'd , loavy to pet and light to hold ; Boarded , battered , bought and sold , Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled ; Spurned by the young , hut hugged by the old Co the very verge of the churchyard mould ; ? iico of many act imo untold. GOLD ! GOLD ! If you want to have gold y u must pend vour money to the very bestadvant- ge. Do business with cash men , and mere only one price will bo asked or alien. REMEMBER "A treo'ia known by its fruit " A store by its prices. DNE THING CERTAIN ) ur prices are ritht. ; Our business in a uaranteo that fair dealing is our watch- rord. XLOR ia our motto. Our busi- .css'is in a most healthy condition. Every apartment is doing good work. Canned looda are going off very cheap. Teas nd Coffees a choice .assortment. Fancy Ihelf Goods for the million. Come and eous , we will do you pood. p , J , OSBO'ENE & co , , .62 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS ' @ . & MANUFAOTUllERS OP ENGiHES , BOILERS , W3INIKG AND SEtiERALMACEINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , 3OUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo glv.o special attention to Itainp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOJSTERS AND IENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. 5BNBEAL REPAIR WORK rill recelro prompt attention. A general u- ortment of ? rasa Goods , Belting , Fining. AND SUPPLIES FOR 'ou ' iilry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooal , OHAS , HENDKIE , President. Kubber Hose , Iron and Load ? ipo , Iron and Brass Fittings and Wmmings , at . Sixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. ) n Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- ) J. M. PALMBE , DEALER IK REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA- Drs : Woodbury & Son , Cor. Tearl & let Ave. COUKOIt. ULUFF8. MAURTDR & ORAIQ , \RTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Olosd , Flno French China , Silver Ware 10. , 10 BROADWAY. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MRS , > fl , J , HILTON , M , D. , 'HYSIC1AN AND SURGEON , 222 Braadwav , Council Bluff- r. B. AMKNT. ' JACOB B1US AMENT & SIMS , ittornoys & Oounsollors-at-Law , ' OOUNCIL BLUPF9 , IOWA. . HARKNESS , ORCUTT & GO. , DRY GOODS AFD CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , 'Cor ' , Fourth Street. ; Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar. . 2-flrn' J. MUELLER'S I mean business and no blowing , Having recently contracted for 600 Oigans and over 200 Pianos for the sea son , to bo sold at Bargains for Cash , and on time Agents wanted * TT Correspondence solicited , S O d. MUELLER , O , it COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and fiUow Streets , Oomcil Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Impairing , Etc , , Wood and Metallic Coffins , No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council B'.uffa ' , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH .MAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but first-class Bakers imploycd. Bread , Cake , Pics , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagoua run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS ! . IN Hats , Gaps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. AO-EKT , 3aa For Sale , Tonrn Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad -Lauds , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MA.YNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUVOIL BLUPS 11 Pearl iatroot , Council Bluff * . C. A. BEEDE. W. UUNYAN , W. BEEDE C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Itetail Dealer i In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. and Iss Belle Lewis Mrs , J , E , letcalfe Are now dealing In all kinds ol fancy goods , such a Laccg , Embroideries , Ladles' , Undetwca of all descriptions. Also Handkerchiefs , both In silk and linen , lioso of all Kinds thread , pins , icedlca , i tc. We hope the laalos will call and see our stock oi Roods at CS8 Broadway before go . ag elsewhere. B. J , DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , CERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Kinds. A Full Line of Cnnvni , Folta , Emliroidory , Knlttliie Sllha end Stamicd Gooda. Nice A ortnpnt of A milpe Picture * s , . : : Z . 412 BBQMTOSCOUNCIL BLUFFS IOW1 * , ind WESI8IDX SQUARE CLARIHrA IOWA ,