r -fR * * * * ' fn * * iHmlH1tll * 8 -THE DAILY BEE : OMAMA SATURDAY , JUNE 3 1882 The DailY Bee OMAHA. Saturday Morninsr , Juno 3. Wimther Report * ( The following observations are taken at the name moment ot time at all the eta * tlons named. ) DtrABrxurr. U. 8 , StoiAt. BKavion , > OMAHA. June 2. HOT. M-4E T < nO t A restaurant and Ice cream n&loon , near Hantcom park , U ono of the fruit * of the new street car line out there. Three Slocumba were flent to Jail yes terday in default of ten dollars and ooiU , and one was. dlauharged. The resident engineer In charge of the MliBou i river Improvements at this point will remove to Omaha ( shortly from Coun cil Bluffs. Dr. Mercer has moved his office to the southeast corner of Harney and Eleventh streets , the building formerly occupied by him having been given up entirely to the Union Pacific gcnoial hospital. O. H , Doty , who has been for many yoaia with Tom McShane , the Cumlng street grocer , has opened a daisy cigar and confectionery stand at 14171)oiilas.thoold ( Michigan Tobacco Store , Tbero will be a regular meeting of Vesta Chapter No. 0 , 0. K 3. , this ( Saturday ) evening. A full attendance ii desired. By order or Worthy Matron. Three boys whoso ages ranged frem 11 to 1C years were arrested Thursday aa trampsand were yesterday recommitted to the city jail to await an examination until to-day. today.Tho The track of the Misxouri Pacific from Hiawatha to Atchlson h n been completed and through freight trains will login run ning from Omaha to the latter city on next Monday. Through passenger train * will also be put on at an early day. A. oouplo of burglars tried to break into the residence of Mr. V/m , Nellgh on Wedno.day night , when that gentleman Btatlonod himself near the window with a bed slat and let one of th m bare it o\er the head. As ho ran howling away , four shots were fired at him. The remains of the late Philip Hub- bard , who was shot and killed in Denver last Saturday night , nnlved on the Den- rer train yesterday and were taken to his mother's residence on Loavenwcrth street. The funeral will probably not take place before Sunday next. A game of base ball will be played to-day afternoon between nines' com posed of ciuplojes of the general ticket department , and the general auditor's office of the Union Pacific railway , at the end of the Green stieet car line. Qamo called at 3 o'clock sharp. An Omaha drummer , traveling for Marcy & 0 j. , was fined a dollar and costs by the city authorities of St. Paul , Nob. , last week , for shooting off a fire cracker in the city limits , Tbero is one thing the Omaha drummers can't bo lined for , and that Is , shooting oft their rnouthf , and they are bound to make a noise wherever they go. The condition of St. Mary's avenue from Seventeenth to Twcntiet i i < so bad at present as to oxclte the indignation of all who desire to travel that much-used thoroughlare. In some places the duve- way between the street cur track and the dlbch on the north side is so narrow as to < ] anger every ono who posses over it. This street should be widened and broughl to grotto immediately. A number of druggists of Lincoln am other places throughout the state have ' Issue ! the following call to the druggists of Nebraska : "We , the undersigned , be lieving in the wisdom and hoiefits of a state osaoilatioo , moit earntbtly invite your attendance at Lincoln , t'.olBth ' Inat , , 2 p. m. , at boaid of trade rooms , for the purpoue of forming a druggists' elate aa.o- elation. ' Th Chicago Tribune of Thursday snys ; "The general freight agent * of the roads forming th Iowa pool held a brie meeting yesterday afternoon at the office of Commissioner Daniels and dlscussei the answer to be made to the Omaha mer- rchanto who recently meraorallrud the Ilces for the prlv lego of wholesale freight rates , so ( ii to enable them to compel } with Chicago for a portion of the Mou > tana and Kooky mountain trade , An nd. Jouroment was taken before notion was had. " The fifth anniversary of the pastorate of the Rev. W. J. Hanha over the Sec. ondPresbyteilanch'mchof thU city , and also of his marriage , was celebrated Fri day in the new residence into which Mr , JIareha and lib family have just moved. The formalities of the evening were ooufined to a presentation to llev , Mr. Hanbo , which was mode with a peitlnenl speech by Mr , O. K. Coutant in behalf ol the congregation ; a wcll.wordtd retponte by Mr , Ilarsha and a prayer offered by Oeo , L. Little. The evening was memor able by the peculation of flowers , articles of wood and other gif In which attested the regard in which the pastor nd his family are held. held.Wo Wo Matter What Happen * You may lest assured that you are eafo in teing j > eedlly cured byTjiosiAB'liLEcriua Oil , in all cai > e of rheumatism , neuralgia , toothache , eto Due trial culy is uwcsaary to prove its tificacy , SLAVEY'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE. Made from the wild flowers of the AB VJMKV YOSEMITE VALLEY , it u the moat fragrant of perfumes. Manufactured by Ii. B. Slavon , San Francisco , For ยง * lo iu Omaha by W. J , WMtebouso and Konnard Lroa. ' Ac. EDUCATIONAL ECHOES. The Month in Whioh Roses and Diplomas Bloom to Perfec tion , College Gommoncemonta A Now Courao of Studr-OraRhaaradu- ntoa , Ktc. Of nil the year Juno is the month most anxiously looked forward to by atudontc , teachers and alt connected with or interested in public schools and colleges. This month closes the Inborn of thoao whoso duty is to teach the young ideas how to shoot , and for those whoio ideas hare become export marksmen it is the end of school or the farewell to their almti nil tor. Commencement programmes arc bo ng arranged , essays written , orations committed to memory and banquets and parties looked forward to. In ) maha the list of schools in which the Juno exorcises come oil includes the High school. Croighlon college and Brownoll hall , TUB mail HOUOOI. . In this important institution the commencement exorcises will take plaoo on the evening of Juno 30th. fho class of ' 82 consists of nine members - bors , all residents of Omaha and con taining but ono young gentleman. The ist it aa follows : Misses Alice Rogers , Jlara lloodor , Josie McOasuo ; , Lizzie Sharp , Hattie Drowsier , Maggie Road , Mary Fitch. Susie Phelps and Master D. W. 0. Huntington. The class is the largest over gradu- itcd in the Omaha high school with ; ho single exception of the class of 70 , which numbered sixteen. All the rraduatca of ' 82 , with ono exception , lave boon through all the grades in .ho Omaha high school , and taken its wurao. The ono exception is a young ady who waa admitted on a cortiGcato : rom an Iowa school of excellent itanding. The class of next year will jo about the same as the present ono. THE DIOCESAN BBMWABY. There are four members of the graduating class at Brownoll Hall this war and the graduating exorcises oc- : ur on the evening of Tnuraday , Juno 22d. Monday , Tuesday and Wednes day prior to commencement will bo devoted io public examinations. The innivorsary services will bo hold on sunday , Juno 18th , in the Cathedral shapol. The graduates are as follows : Miss Florence Ware , of Nebraska 3ity ; Miss Susan E. Hagor , of St. Paul , Minn. ; Miss Mamio Ambrose , of 3malia ; Miss May Waggoner , of Omaha. OnUlOHTON COLLEGE. ThoannualcomtnonoomoutntCroigh- : on rollcgo will as bo of the most-in- .ereating charactor. The exercises ako place on the evening of Juno ! 8th and a comedy prepared expressly or the occasion will bo ono of the foa- , urca of the oroning. BTATE NORMAL SCHOOL. The closing exercises of the No- ) rnaka State Normal school at Peru , or the scholastic year ending Juno .4 , will take placn an follows : Thursday , Juno 8 , 7:30 p. m , , Concert of Music. Saturday , Juno 10 , 7:33 p. m , , Everett Society. Sunday , June.ll , 4 p , in , , Baccalaureate Address. Monday , Juno 12 , 7:30 p. m. , Philoma- thian Society. Tuesday , Juno 13. 7 p. m , , Students' Reunion 1'iayer Meeting. Wednesday , Juno 14 , 0 a. m. , Com mencement Lxercbes. Wednesfay , Juno 11 , 7:30 : p. m. , Social Llcnnlon. Examination ot Clashes , Monday and Tuesday , Juno 12 and 18. COMMENCEMENT. MuBic-Anthem. Prayer. MuBic-Anthom ealutatory . Misa E. Cap , Heed , Peru Music-Duet , "Drift My Bark. " . Our Nation's Palladium . . . . Misa Ellu M. Marsh , Nebraska City \Vomnn Oompured With Mun as an h d- ucator.MissM. L MoKenzIe , Peru Music Quartette , "O , Mystical River. " . , Silent.Toachcra . . Miss Lottie S. McKenzIe , Peru Hope , the Anchor of the Soul . . Mr. J. M. MoVioktr , North Bend Music-Octet , "Come Klto With the Lark. " . The E lucatfoh of the Masses . . . .Miss D. W. Nuokollf , Nebraska City How They Thought , and IIow Wo Think . .Mr. 0. E. Ord.Shoiidan Mu Ic Duet , "The Crimson Glow of t Sunset Fades. " . , . The Formation of Character . .1 . . . . , Misa Kale L. Hewitt , Peru Discouleutmemt a Condition of ProgretB . Mr. Jc so llazolllne , Sabetha , KB Mtulc Quartette , "Beautiful Star- U ht , " . , . Valedictory. . . , . . . . .Mr. Philip K. Sim , Nebraska City Distribution of Diplomas , Music Chorus , "Farewell to the Forest. " - Benediction. * This distribution of exercises was made without reference to class standing. TAI10U COLLEQB. Sixteenth annual commencement , Juno , 11-14 , 1882. Sabbath 10:30 : a. m. Baccalau reate sorinou , President William M , Urooks. 7:30 : p. m. Addros3 before Y. M , 0. A. Monday 7:30 : p. in. Senior pro- pnratory exhibition. Tuesday 8'JO : a. m. ' Annual meet ing of trustees. 2 p , m , Annual exhibition of Con servatory of BIuuic , and annual moot ing of educational society. 7:30 : p. in. Exhibition by Oratori cal association Wednesday Commencement day 10 a , m , Exorcises of graduating classes. 11:45 : a. m. Address by Key James Powell , of Chicago , 111. , Bocro- tary A. M. A. 3 ; P. m. Address by Rev. E , S. Hill , and other exercises of the Alumni association. 7:45 : p , m , Commencement con cert , A council will meet to examine and. if it bo deemed wise , ordain Prof. riiomas MoOlolland to the work of the Christian ministry , The council will meet Tuesday , Juno 13th , at 11 a. m. , and the ordination services will bo at 345 ; p. in , Subject to the do- cieion of the council , A NJJW BYBTEU OK BTTJDV , Prof. W. W. W. Jones , atato BU- permtondont of public instruction , is preparing n now system of etudv for the common , ungraded schools of Nebraska. The design is to system- atiza the work for teachers and pupils , not with reference to time , but to the accomplishment of definite work ; pu pil 4 only attempting to accomplish work in a deGnito time when such a course is justifiable in the judgment j ( the teacher , as the diflironca in the length of school hours makes it necesnary to leave time out of : < nsideration. So , pupils hav ing passed an examination m ono course , a record will bo made of the fact , and the next teacher will lese no time in learning whore each pupil is to begin his work. T'l i-o jlassifications , in n general way , have been made , based to a certain extent upon progress in reading a primary , MI intermediate and a grammar class. Supt. Jon03 has drawn freely from the work oi other states , where the ad vantages of this plan have been fully tested. Instruction in "What to Teach" " ch " in and "How to To It. connection with the courao will be [ given in all the summer institutes. It m expected by this means to so ac quaint teachers with this plan that they can put it into practical effect this fall. PEBBOHAJj. Mrs.'A. J , Poppleton hoa gone east. Mrs , J. H. Millard ban gone a visit to Davenport. Ltwis Heed and family have gona to New York. Col. J. J. Dickey and family left for the east Thurday in a special car. Capt , Ware , of Jefferson , Missouri , a well known railroad tie contractor , is in the city. Ror , J. W. Shank arrived borne Thur day irum Washington , Philadelphia , Now York and Boston. Mrs Dr. Scherer and daughter have jono to Plttsbnrg , Pa. , to spend the sum * mer with relatives. Miss Nora Fordyce , daughter of lion1 John Fordyce , of Weyauwega. Win. , is visiting Mr. and Mrs , A. Sor'enson. Mrs. Beatty , of Lexington , Mo , , who baa been visiting at the residence of her sister , Mrs , Milton Hendrix , left Thurs day for her home. Hon. D. L , McGuckin , councilman From the Third ward , has returned after an extended visit to the east , going as far aa Philadelphia and the neighboring places. Gen. Thayer left Thursday for New York and Washington t > extend invita tions in person to the president , Generals Grant , Sherman , Hat cock , Logan , and Uonkling , Blalno and Bob Ingersoll to at tend the reunion at Grand Island the last week in August. Mr. llotcrt Grain , for a Ion ; ; time past a resident of Omaha and one of the pion eers of the great northweut , leaves to day for Blair to go into business .t that vicinity. Bob is a No. 1 fellow , and can be depended on to keep up his end of the string whereyor he t oes. W. A Kodlck has resigned his position an chltf clerk in the internal revenue office in this city to enter upon the prac tice of law with his brother , 0.11Redick , Esq. Mr II. A. Doud , who has been in the revenue service for some time , is promoted meted to chief clerk , vice Mr. Redick. Mr. Clark , of Bullevue , has been appointed general clerk. TAMPA BAY TREASURES. A Curious Collection Exhibited by Mr. Oeo. T. Taylor. Ono of the most interesting collec tion of curiosities scon , lately in this city , is that now on free exhibition at No. 211 South 13th street , between Douglas and Far n am. The proprietor , Mr. Geo. T. Taylor , ia a resident of Fremont , Dodge county , and lias boon spending the winter in Florida at Tampa Bay , arriving homo on Tues day last. Ho brought with him the collection referred to , and at the solic itation of his friends put the various articles on exhibition for a few days , to bo inspected by those who desire to do BO. A UKK reporter dropped in yes terday , and took a casual inventory of the articles , which are certainly well woith visiting. Mr. Taylor brought with him four young alliga tors which ho had caught , and brings up as presents to uorao of his friends. The largest is about a foot long , and as it stands on all fours , and , motion less aa n statute , looks at ono \vith the aspect of a hairless dog and the eyea of a basilisk , a person is apt to con gratulate himself that the creature is not a native of northern waters. Ono of the number died last night from overeating , after a prolonged fast. Another is destined as a present to an Omaha newspaper man. All were caught by Mr. Tuylor him self , Ho has also the head and jawa and the skin of an alligator which ho shot himself. When alive it was ten feet nine inches long , and weighed 200 pounds. The skin iooka likes the armor of uomo old knight. There is also the bond and juws on another which was fourtcoon foot long. Several flmall sharks' skins are also to bo soun , the vicious little things being caught by Mr. Taylor with hook and line , tie has one specimen of the pilot full , in ehapo like a large minnow , aucli aa is caught on a hook , and its duty is to act as scout for the shark. They precede him a short distance in advance , and on sighting prey or danger whirl about rapidly and spring down the Bhark'a mouth into lua belly , where they remain until it is eafo to venture out again , In Quo weather and quiet limed the pilot fish attaches iteolt by a sort of u sucker , to bo seen under Ha chin , to the bi < { fish and rides about with the greatest of ease. It would bo impossible to describe all the articles in ditul , and wo must bo content with a summary of the principal objects of the collection , which are a variety of praseo ? , mosses , lemons , figushells and flowers. Mr. Taylor has a very handsome fan and a number of bunches of artiGcial flow- era m ado from the feathers of the pink curfew , the white herron , eto ; also aoino fine specimens of the beau tiful pluraago of the tropical birds There are skins of the fox , coon , op. poaum , cquirrol and a cast-off skm of a tremendous rattlesnake , and an enormous skin ot a snake of the same species shot by Mr Taylor himself. Iho akin of a young wild boar ia quite a curiosity and BO is the flholl jewelry , the air plunt , fan made of wild turkey feathers , alligator's tooth , and BO on. The collection ia well worth a visit by those who like to see strange sights. \ BONES. An Indian Burying Ground Unearthed on the River Front , The Warriors Resurrected Before the Last Trump. Several months ago a lot of children playing on the bluffs which extend along the river front and overlook the lovely valley of the Uig Muddy , unearthed a skeleton , which the rains had partially washed the earth away from. TUB BKR reporter , viiiUd the spot and secured the skull and crossbones - bones , which a physician pronounced to bo these of an Indian , who must , from their extraordinary size , have boon over eight foot in height. Subsequently Contractor Sloven- son's force began work on the B. & M. dump and the resurrection of the remains of an Indian squaw and a quantity of jewelry wilt bo remember ed. It proves to bo the case that the dump , the dark and bloody ground which was the icono of the March troubles , was formerly utilized by the Indiana as a burying ground , and ever since the work began bones have come to light too numerous to mention. Yesterday a skeleton was turned np and Joe Toahon secured the lower jaw bono and showed it to the report er , It is enormous as will bo readily believed when it ia stated that it fit around Toahon's jaw , cheek and all. If the body was in proportion to the head this brave must have boon fully ton feet high. A few daya ago a grave waa un earthed directly beneath the spot oc cupied by the old Catholic school house and foraor cathedral , in which were found fourteen skeletons bearing evidence of having belonged to a race of the same gigantic stature. By the direction of Jim Oallahan , the boss , the bones have , aa often as found , been buried iu the fill beicg made , so deep that it will take an ex tra blast of the trump to arouse them on resurrection morning. To give your suffering rheumatic neighbor a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil is truly charity. BEATRICE CELEBRATES. Decoration Day Duly Observed The Governor and Bis Staff on Drees Parade. Oorrejpondcnce of The Bee. Nature interposed no obstacle to make Decoration Day anything but a success. It was a perfect day. Neither too warm nor too cold. Dust there was none ; the recent copious rainn had laid it very effectually , while old Sol had Blared the mud out of countenance entirely , and a good hard road leading to the cemetery was trav eled that day by a larger throne ; by far than could have been counted on last ahow day. The governor and staff from Lin coln , the regiment and band from York , as also other visitors , cimo down on the 3:30 : train Monday , and were mot and escorted m carriages up town by the mayor and numeroun oiti- ZPOP , and the militia in full uniform , headed by the band. The visitors were entertained some at the hate's ' and some at private boarding houses. A memorial reception was held at the opera house Monday evening , and many people were obliged to go away for lack of standing room even. A regular programme wes carried out. First An invocation by the chap lain , L. F. Britt. Ex-Mayor Yule then gave an ad dress of welcome in behalf of the sol diers of Gage county , followed by Mayor Whoolock in behalf of the city , extending a greeting of Welcome and offering hospitality and the freedom ot the city. Responded to briefly by Gen. Manderson. 1. Sentiment , "Grand Army of the Republic , " response by 8. J. Alex- idor. 2. Sentiment"Our Adopted State , " response by his excellency Gov. Nance. The three last mentioned betrayed quite an inclination to run each other all in a friendly way , which caused some merriment in the audience. The trio are BO well known all over the state , as likewise their respective merits as speakers , that to Bay their remarks were well chosen and fitly worded would not bo emphasising the fact at all. 3. Sentiment , "The State Militia. " In the absence of Col. Colby , re sponded to in a very neat speech by Capt , 0. M. Enlow , and if you'll not feel bad , Mr. Editor , it contained a little aide thrust at yourself. Really and truly , now , did you sympathize with the mob ] 4. Sentiment , 'The Army Bean. " Responded to by Rev. L F. Britt , whose well established reputation for witticinma in no wisd suffered on this occasion. Ho brought down the house again and again , and finally the rev erend gentleman insisted that when ever ho thought ho was m kiug a pretty good speech they wont to mak ing fun of him and , of course , the huviBO came down yet again. When ho had finished a great many know all about the army bean , beside the old aoldior with the advantage of personal experience , 0. Sentimont"OurInvUedGuestsl" roaponsQ by Col. Baird , which was a very happy cflort on the colonel's part. 0 , Sentiment , "Our Nation. " re. aponso by J , E , Bush ; and this last closed the programme , with the excep tion of music that waa interspersed at intervals t hrcugh the exorcises , and did credit to our homo talent , wo thought , besides adding effectiveness to the entertainment. During the whole eveniut ? no one forgot that U was in memory ot the dead soldiers wo had gathered there , unless some small boys who were seated as close to the Btago as they could well get , and whoso parents wo hope will teach them how to bo orderly and quiet between - tweon this time and the next that they are allowed to be out after 8 o'clock m. . We rather pitied the executive when wo saw the amount of hand shaking he waa obliged to undergo , eyen in a town of this BIIO , but wo were glad to note that ho didn't appear to bo going into a decline. At 10 o'clock on Decoration mom- ing people thronged t3 the park , where muno and speaking took placo. The address was given by Gen. Manderson and listcr.cd to with appreciation by over 1,000 individuals , who adjourned for dinner , to form at 1 o'clock into a procession to march to the cemetery , the order of march being given below. Ad vane > Oimrd. Mar 1ml end A'ds. Ketiimentnl Band. Filing Squad. Carriage with Children Bearln ? Flower * . Rixwliui F < at . A. U. YcUrani of the Army and Navy. Governor nnd rftsff. Mnyor ami City Council. Public ; Schools an 1 Teachers. Cole'a Military Cornet Band. lit , Ilermon Com. 1C ighti Templar. Independent Order of Odd Fellows , Beatrice Temple of Hnnnr. Beatrice Lodge I. O. G. T. Bent ice Cornet Bund , Kebtnika Nail < nal Guard i. Citizens in Carriages. Citlz > nion Hornet ak , Citizens on Foot. Arrived at the comoteiy , the usiml solemnities were witnessed by a larger throng than has over assembled in Beatrice on any other occasion. Wednesday morning the guests took their departure , leaving with the Boatricians a vary pleasing impression. SD ended the memorial services , and even now the flowers are withering on the thirteen graves , in each of which a veteran hero sleeps his lot long Bleep. BAH BLHU. Hertford' * A old Phosphate IN NERVOUS DEBILITY. Dr. Edwin F. Vosp , Portland , Mo. , says : "I have proscribed it for many of the various forms of nervous de bility , and it has never failed to do good. d&w Iw AN ELOPEMENT. A fretty Woman Leaves Her Bus,1 band for Another Man. It is rumored that a thrilling sensa tion ia agitating the residents of north Sixteenth otreot. It is a genuine case of elopement , love in this case as in all others , laughing at all opposition. The fair woman was the wife of a well known citizen , and kept a millinery store on the street , while the man with whom aho departed is equally well known. It ia said that the flight took place Thursday , and the husband is left to console himself aa best ho can while his bettor half is speeding on her way to Chicago. MARRIED. DEVOLAN-WILSON-On June 1st. at the r sldonce of the brido'tt mother. MH. E. Wilson , by the R. v. K. B Graham , Mr. L. W. Devolao , of Plattsmouth , and Misa Anna It. Wilson. J. D. L. Harvey , Esq. , of Chicago , 111 , spent over two thousand dollars en medicine for his wife , who was suf fering dreadfully from rheumatism , and without deriving any benefit whatever ; yet two bottlca of St. Ja cobs Oil accomplished what the most skillful medical men failed to do RAIL-WAT NEWS. A General Movement To-ward Faster .Running Time on Western Roads. The fast time rivalry inaugurated between the Missouri river and Denver by the opening of the Omaha shor line to that city , last November , u just now waxing warmest between the Kansas Division Union Pacific , form erly Kansas Pacific railway , and the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad. The latter line announced a twenty- eight hour achodulo between Kansas City and Denver a few days ago. The old Kansas Pacific immediately took up the gauntlet and sent its trains into Denver in twenty-six hours. Not' satisfied with this rapid transit , this line nowannouncoa a through schedule , embracing not Denver only , but Ohey- onno , Ogden and San Francisco , tak ing eUect Sunday , Juno 4. The Union Pacific proposed two years ago to quicken the pace of its trains between Kansas City and Den ver , but was mut with a protest by the Atchison road aud a throat of war upon rates. That line is 115 miles longer than the Kansas Pacific , and at that time was in poor condition and could not well have increased the speed of its trains. It costs money * to run trains at a hi h rate of speed , and the Union Pacific would not favor snch fast time were it not for the fact that it enjoys a most liberal patron- if ? . Sunday morning the fast train will leave Kansas City at 9:45 a. m. and will arrive at Union depot , Denver , at 8.30 a. m. , just 22 hours aud 45 min utes later ; at Cheyenne , 1:15 : p. m , 2 ? hours from Kansas City. The actual running time between Kansas City and Cheyenne is 32 miles per hour for 745 miles , being the fastest time ever attempted by any regular train west of the Missouri river. At Oheyoimo the train connects with the overland train from Omaha , and reaches San Franciecp in 1 daya from Kansas City practically the same time as from Omaha , and just 15 hours iu advance of all rivals. Trains * from San Francisco leaving 12 hours earlier by other lines arrive 3 hours buhind the Union Pacitio in San Francisco. , A similar record is made eastward. Trains leave Cheyenne after arrival of the overland express at 8:30 : p. m. , and arrive at Kansas City at 445 ; p. m. next day , making the run from Denver to Kansas City in 22 hours and 16 minutes. The Kansas Pacific having the ad vantage of Bleol rails , well ballasted track , and 116 miles in distance , can always take the load of the longei lines. The Union Pacific , Omaha & Denver Short Line , which has been the cause of all this interest in quick tune to Denver , has 185 miles the ad vantage of the Atchiscn , and 80 miles of the Kansas division , Union Pacific. It will bo the next to make a record for fast time , and will probably run its trains oil an 18 hour schedule , Buoklin'a Arnica Salve. The BKST SALVK in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fe ver Bores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil blain * , Corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures plies. It is guaranteed to give SAtlafactfon or money refunded. 1'rice , 25 cents per box. For sole by 0. F. Goodman. SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE Advertisement To Lonn , For , Rule Lost , Found , Want * . Boarding. & < x , will be In serted In thoeo columns once tot TEN CENTS p r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVKCKNTS per line. The flnt Insertion never less thin TWENTY-FIVE ORNTS 1OOAt < M1 ONKY TO LOAN-CHI M Lawurncool D. L. Thc/tnM Rosm 8 Crelehton Block. < I O fl Afi TO LOAN On red citatu morl * ti > I VM/UU / Rage * J. R. Hatduibcr h , At- lorney-it-Ln * , HOa Fatnuntt t' ' LOAr < A 8 per cent In. tcrestln iumn.of 82,600 nd upwards , lor S to E yean , on Hrst-clww city and farm property. Bmm URAL Emn and LOAM Aor OT. 16th and Dourlai Bts. HELP WANTCD. 1 fiA MEN \VANT D At Forenej Cut-Off , l\l\f nine miles n rth rl Onftht. Waes 91.76 par U y. MITCHELL VINCENT. Sill ) t ( WANTED A Ontcl miblr Ironer. at the Steam Laundry , between 8th afiTlOth en Jack to ttrcet. S3J.21 ANTED Man liy the month for form W worx. Col. Martin , nil South Twelfth et , 311-tf 'ANTHU-Cook. H. Mannwellcr , Eleventh W netur Farn&m. A peed biotd and cake baker to go to Platttmonth , Keb. Good waroi. Inquire at MEVEK & UAAPKB 3 1317 DoielM8trect.il WAN i HP-Two competent girls , one ai conk and laundress , and the other m econd clrl. Apply to Mm. Klngman , No. COI Plonant street , eft , 318 3. * 'ANTED A cb mborm ld , Immediately , at W Occidental Hotel. 810 tt Ww WANTED A good dining-room girl good w * go p ld , ut 1 OSCtus s rcet E71-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. Poiltlon M sa'csman In a dry WANTED or grocery Btoro. Good nfurenco. SpeaksScanalmniftn airt Erglth. Adi rcsj A. Johnson comer 9th and Ma cy eta. 38-3 * WANTUD Bj Rlrl 1" > ears old , Mtuatton to do housework or toke care of children. 804 EUUcntti Ktrcit , corner Hurt. 340 2"1 WANTED Kmp'oymen ' by n eocd talesman. At p y. H. llVnnw Her Kmploymo t Agt. llth strict , near Fainim. 83 ( 3" f TTANTEH tly a elnalo man on unfurnished YV room , Homeftheto hotocn Dodge and California , and Itth and 224 stree's. Ills refer ences are unexceptionable , II. , DJX445. 321 tf MICELLANEJU8 WANTS. At ore ) 100 laborers Apply to WANTED II. * ann ellaErrplo. . men * Agtncy , Eleventh str-Rt n ar Krrnam d-t \Tt7-ANTED-To loon , 83,000 , on peed mill VV property In Douglas count } . Address Lock Foil 3 , > mnha 4403 * ANTKD A few boarders In a pritata faml W ) y , at 141U Ja k on street. &U-3 * WANTED Children as boarders In a select school. K. W. corner California and 10th streets. L. B. LOOMI8 , 290 tl | \/10NDl A partner wanted , active or st ent , 1YJ with $5000 to 820.COO cash to Invoit In R legitimate buslno s which In six months time wi 1 I ay a pnfit at least equal to the amount In vested , and both bo turntd Into clean cash and the partnership cndoJ. Address "Honey" Bee office 8S-tf Funding bridge and school bonds. WANTED Clark , Bollevao 88-W \TtrANTFD 600 privy vau.ts , sinks and ccea VV poo' ' ' to clean with Hanltary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the best In uso. A. Evans & Co. , residence 1206 Dodge street , Omaha. WANTED To rent , cottage cf 6 or 6 rooms good location , convenient to street R R. Addres * etitlngttrms ind location. "Bent. " llEK omcc. , tl * WANTHD To rent , with prlvl cge of buy- Ing niter about three month i a cottage ol Mr rooms , good locality , within t * en t ] minutes walk ol p stolllciAddrcsj stating terms and location , "Ilou o" B rttico ml7-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. F710R RENT New house 5 rooms , closets , and _ C pantry. Inquln 17th stret , between Learen- worth and Marcy , ( east Bide ) B. HOFFMAN. 34J-U 10R RENT Nicely furnlshid rooms. In- 1 qulrj 1718 California ttrost. 352 Sf T7IOR HENT Furnlshod ? oem , 609 19th street Jj bo-'ween C.sa and Calf ( roll. 8S'I W. A. CARNEY. FOR REN'T Hea'antly liunlihol room , 117 South 17th tt cet , one door north ol Doug las. 350 tf TJ10RRENT Two small neatly furnished r < ems D atHiTHawardbatMtea 14tb aid 15th HC. , alto 0110 Urge ! irnlthtd riom , Bret fl eron 14th between lluward and J-tckson. 3MI ( ht.NT House of nix roe n , on F10K 14th fctreet , be twee Chicago and COSH. Apply eoifthia-t con or Fonrtcenth und Ciis.s 8123 FOR JIEVT largo nice front parlorwith buy windows.on thenortlmcot corner of 18t- and Datenportntrects. 345 6 * FOR RUNT A largo and nicely furnished front room , with dressing room off , i cntle roan ami wife prtfer/ed , or email room suit ible for l glc gentleman. O..O I lock from str tt car rid lint ) . 1X14 Web.tcr btreet. 32i 3 ( Fl RN13HED siutb rooms lor rent. 8. TWO W.corne-lflth aid Daicnport. 306-tl hKNT-I > ew bouse ot s.x rooms sou h- FOR earner 13th and Jacifio streets Ap ply nt II 2 , llth btreet. T. 0. I'KLLE , | 70R RKS'l Houia of tlx rooms near coiner C ol i'idfis and llth street , alao two now homoft ready by thp middle ol Juno Iiqniro at fl o. I ! , Peterson's Clothing etoro , fc&l > - . loth street . ZsO-tt HUNT Two hou > o < of lira toomi each FOR . e at 1 37 bheraun a\u 28U-2 * RENT Good rnune with fix roornr , and FOR modern Imp ovemenu , and couvei lent ti Jtroetror. Inqulraat grocery store , corner 20th rtnd Cumlng street 238-tl & HOUSE TO RENT-32 rooms-loth P&CIPIU Davenport MB Newly fitted up m complete order. Apply to OEO W UHAY , 35-3teod 211 Twelfth St. FOR KENT-The epicims and cUgant hall with a I modern t pr veinentsinCUrk'nand Koeter'g Block , yipoly . il. Clark , or to II , A. BO.ter'u 105 and 0 ] a. 14th ( treat. 297-tf iiAOJl WKNi J rurnlsBoii fuuui * eve < * > r lj chants' Exohanire.H , E cor , 16th * nd Dodz trnetl. IJ10K KKNT Mlculy lurnisned loom * wlU ) 01 J } without board , Reasonable prices. 20U Cans St. w * I710U RENT House of five rooms , corner 23d JL } and Pierce. Aj-plj at S. 0. Stevenson , corner - nor 17th and tajs , near Kaattr Church. 00 tl ran SALE 7710 It SALE Or Trade Ten (10) ) lots aid one 1 ; litre of land iu h-ci } and csunty < 4 Ban Ill-go , Cillfcrnla. Tiriniuuu ol hooutnetn fa- titti& Texan RR. , finest haiborand mot biau- t | u climate on tt ll c.ntl cnt. tail on or ad- drtss me , 1410 Jackson s.reer , Omaha. N < b 813-21 FV. . TULMS. "OOll SALE Marsh hancotcr , cheap , at my JL farm , two miles touth ol Itellevue. lor terms oddretd B TZJC uck , < ) u aha , Nib. 330 tf : Uuelot 182 feet frontige bv CO IICMHALt , on ecuth 1 th street , ontlOptr month payments , to an ) ono who wlU oulld. In quire 1407 Howard , between Jltn and Ifith eta. TjWl SALE The r > ne proper y ou the N K. JL ) corni r ol Pau and 20t fctreet , occupied bj Major Furey , or will ha leased lor a term ol ytars. Apply tq Dr bumuicrs , U. B. A. , I' partment llcadquirtert 820-tle- l OR SALE-llouiool ihe rooaii and lot on J } Dodge street | UOO , Small hou e and two lots In Sham's addition ( KK ) . McCAOUL , ggj.tl Opposite t oatolllce. SAtE A house and lot ICOxllS Iront FOR barn , two wells and rtstern. 1S36 South Itth ttreot , second boute north of William street. Price 11400. -1 8 ALE At a birgaln-Iuwlture ol a flrnt class prhata boarding house. Rent ol building moderate. Have BO boarden , at 1403 CUM t. Inquire within.- BALE Restaurant on a well traveled EOR tre" U. MANNWE1LEK , SS1-U llth itrujt , SALE Beautiful ter lot and hon on FOR street , 91300. JIcCAQUF Opposite t > est > race. IMit SAl.lv ilouoo ofnx room * , aid lot 3x JL ? 220 , north ol Hxtteuth > trKt bildge Ap ply con ut 12tb and Howard , Newepancr Union. 16211 FAI.E A hou-i and lot en Dodge street , FOR * ol the Cnett IccMlonnln thadty 116-tf J , H. DUMONT , 13th and liarnry. > -Or Trade ; 44x132 fott on IWh FOR8ALOr street next to t ) e corner of lUrnoy , alao COX1S2 Icct on til" ia t ride between iKxl f at d Capitol a\enue Enqultool U , BERTUOLD. S3tl f OR SALD-lho PoPUbAll 1101 EL , known JL1 M the COYS'HOME. This hoiwo Uco - ttally located , has sou h and east Iront , and Ii surrounded w th One bade trees : cent Injthirty s ccplng roomi , has ice house , laundry , sampl room , be. Ilaia world w do reputation ana a betlerpatronigothan nuny houses of twice Its capacity. Trlco fB.COO Kor particular * ad- drcm , A. A. SAWDKY , iteJ Cloud , M > b. POR SALE A good corner lot on Doage and 20th ttrcet. in a very last growing part ol the city , will divide. Inquire at JlOaouth 9Cth street , near Faroam.Bogg'8 & UUl'i addition. 820-lm T OR SALE Or will excha ( , o for Omaha pro- JL I IP rty , an Improved Boa on of land adjoin ing A station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , lilt Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 Smt RICK FOH ' B S03-tt BBTABROOK ft COK. ! ) UAY-Al A. H. Bander1 Feed Sto BALE . MISCELLANEOUS. T UoT Kcyiwl.h name and addremon lk Jj rlnir , ( K. A. Robblm , ore. ) Reward ( or leading at Bee offl e. 8552 * wro have lost stock within nix PARTIES would do well to addroM " 8rayed : , JJoo office. OTKAYED ItodoowwIttiwultcflUrmforeiead O and about 6 years old , gtvet milk In three teats. Finder nlil bo liberally rewarded bv re * tumlnehcr to northtut oroir 13th and We fe eler street. (3 8 ' ) FHIDA WtlTZEU O i Monday ( rent g list , a lady' * chat- LOST Ino natch. Fl derwll' beiultably ra- w.idcd by loa\-lng It at cOlco ot Dilly Iko. 837-3 A wklto cow tilth rcdrpots. A. STRAYED of Content , on Hamilton si. ' UP Ou my prcmla H , CD Curt street , TAKEN' the new Academy of thu Sacred lleirt. lla29 , 1682 , one whtto horso. Owner will cicada call and pay dami cres and net the i nlmaL 812-tf W J. C11DDY QAHTIESUcdlrlnff to enter buslno i can Icam I of a llrst clarso' portunlty by calling on W. O. Tavlor , Eup't Bradstrcet'eAgency Uthatrect. 310-Ot TN8TRDCT10N In Tocal music given by Mlw JL Lliz'e A. 1'cnncll. Residence southwcet cor- i or 2Qd and Curt sticets. HOI-3' m AKEN UP A cow about 7 y ei rs old , red wltk I whltei pots , larre boms Also a heller , r ed , with wnito epote , both with calf. FHANK KOBKREO , 73-4tf on e w Bakery , 13th St. near WiUUma. EDWAED KUEEL MAOISTER OF PALUY8TEBY AND .CONDI TIONAU8T , 108 Tenth Street , between Farnam andUarnev. Will , with the aid ol guardian spirits , obtain lor any ono a glance at the put and present , and on certain conditions In Ins In * ture. Boota and Shoes made to > rdor. Perfeo \ POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel ot p By , strength and wholesome-ness. Moro ceo no mlc l than the ordinary kinds , and cannot ha told In competition with the multitude all ow test , short weight , alum or phosphate powders Sold only In cans. Rout , BAKiito Powoia Co. , B YY > II Ht. N w York BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE , JAMES E. BOYD Proprietot TUOH. F. BOYD Business Manager. One Nialit Only , Monday , June 5 EKOAOEUINT or TUB CKLKKIUTED OOMLEY-BABTON OPEEA COM'PI ' From the Filth Avenue Tlieatre , Now York , comprln g CO art ! ti , Includ n Mr. JOHN UOW- SO \ Misa 1URIB \XSKV , lilts Laura Joyc * , Mits Emma Lasulles , lilts > orma mill Ur. Digby V. B II , Mr. J. 0 Campbill , Mr Jamei liar'on , Mr. H. A. Crlppf , Mr. T , If , Frear , and a gran i choru ol forty well trained v lcos. Will present Gilbert & lull \an'utatlr cl anl citlcJam. X'.A.acrx xi ZKTGxas OB BUNlHORNE'd BKIDK. REOINALU BUNTHORNE , a Fleshy Pcct , Mr , John llovrson. PATIENCE , a Village Milkmaid.Mlis Mlis Marie Jaoson. Chcrous of Rapttucu ) Maidens. Act 1. Exterior ol Castle Fuuihorne. Act ? . A Glide , 20 Lote-alck Mildtni , A Trop ol Olrt Uin 0119. The who o pr duced unfe' the eup- civlo.on of Mr. James li.rton. Musical dlioctor , Mr. Alfred Collier , 8e tj LOW on site , 36 GALVANIZED IRON , OOBNIOES Window Daps , FiniasH , MTg , BY T. 'SIN ' HOLD , 13thSt.,41G , Omaha , Neb : Orders from the country tollclto I , J2-1/ : ' tt MCCARTHY & General Undertakers , Butrorunm aud Douglas. " < Metallic , Wood and Cloth Covered CASKETS , COFFINS , ROBES , SHUODDS , OHAPK , &o. , constantly on hand. Orders Irooj tha country lolldlod , and prompt y attoiidod to , m3l-ly Fanoy and Staple Groceries , AT BED-ROCK PRICES , BDTTEJR AflD EGGS , KRKHII FROM THE COUNTRY. No. 916 North Sixteenth St. A. H. SWAN. NORTH-WESTERN Marble Works , A. BAUMEISTER , 1242 NORTH EIGHTEENTH St