THE DAILY BEE : OMA.HA SAT TIRO A * , JUNE 3 , Ib82. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FTtfANCIAI * NKW YOBK , June 2. UONKT. Money closed nt 2i03 per cent. Iiirmnt4i\1 DO. uovsrtNJiEtfr Currency G'fl 120 hid 4 > conpons 120 } Md 4V coupons 1141 Md R'a continued .101 liiil S'a continued 99 Md ' HAILBOAI ) BONUS. I'nciflo railroad bonds closed us follows : Unionists 118 @ 118l Union Land Qtnnls , . . .113 } bin Union Sinking Fun elf , ottered. . Vti Centrals 117i@ll8 6TOCKD. Tlio stock in.-uhet to-day wna more no UTS than for n long time , but the course of prices wni irregular nnd almost constantly tended dawn , closing generally nt Uio lowest point of tin day. Jersey Con trol , Heading , Krie , Denver & JUo Grande , Western Union , Delaware , Lackturnnrm Western and Missouri 1'nciGo wcro ( pcciatly pressed for mlc and recorded the greatest decline. The strikes in the iron trade wore used effectively by the bcnra in Rome coses to help the downward move ment. The decline for the day in the gen eral Hit ranged from J@8J percent , the latter in Now Jorroy Central , The following were closing bids : Am'nDis Tel.11 ! Manhattan El. . WJ A & T II 2.1 Preferred. . . . ! )0 ) O 1J& Q 121)1 ) Man Uench. . . . 31 BA Lpfd 04 Md Coal \12 Canada S I8t M & Ohio 22 Cal Coal 33 Northwestern. . 120 0 0 & I C. . . . 81 Preferred..UJi C&Gpfd 70 NY&TL. . . . 5 Col Coal 47 N.TC fiS C.&Alton 130.J 2f& Wpfd. . . . 4U OOC&I 70 NYC 12C O&O 20J XYO&StL. . 11 1st prof 2 ! > Preferred. . . . 28 2dpfd 21J N P 41 CStL&NO.74 Preferred. . . . 70 ( on Coal 27V Ntwli. & Chat. . D'J 1) & S C 82NY EUvatcd. .110 JL > &K G 602 NewCMI Coal. . 13 D.&H 103 O&W . . . .24 ' > It k W 1181 Ohio & Miou pfd 31 ? Krio 334 Ohio Cent 12& & KT < mn JlJ Ore Nav 187 * Adams 133 Ore Tram 7h Wells Iffcrgo 128 Omaha 30 , American 1)5 ) Preferred . . . .101 ] US .2 Ont. Silver 35 Greenlay DO PM 40\ H& St J 30 PD&E 28 Preferred. . . . 7 ! ) Pull Pal Car..IIO Homobtnke 17J Quick-ilvor . . . . 8. ' I. 0 133 ? Keadirs 53J 1 B It W 3'JJ ' Home & W. . . . 30' ' K &T 283 H & 1 * 103 ! OjS lOlg K&WP oil LI 58 K 1 128 I-itUe Pittsburg- } St I'M &M. . . 34 L N A & C. . . . r.S ban Fran 1st pM 85 Louis * & Nash. 72 } St. f. & Dili. . 23 M. feJiasoc. . , . 12:5 : Preferred' . . . . b2 MLS&W..48 Sutro M & C. | .fd. . . 10 Standard 160 2d Preferred. 41 ] Texas & Pac. . . 375 MicbCeu 8Vt' U < P 112J M&C 48 Wabash. . . * . . . 27i Mo. Pnc , 'J1J Preferred. . . . fili Met.Kl SS Western Union , SALES. The following wore the ealea of the more active etoolca to-day. Total saler , .335- , 000shares. . W U l ! > 2 < n T > fc U G .WOOD NYC SGOO Erie 38800 NJC 19 00 K &T 8300 M C 9l.O Lake Shore..1 ( 00 N 1 ? 12800 L&N 19000 UP 1(00Heading ( .W9QO Mo. Pee 8100 San F WO TP 1.-.90U Stl'&Om. . . . COOO I ) LSc. W 2T.SOO Wabash .10100 fiTATK J10NIW. T nnessec'i'd. mixed , fold at C i. OlItCAGO MONET. CHICAGO , Junei ! . I'icetou , JCean & Co. , bankers , report : T&9 money market was active ; f until more than ample to meet the wants of rog- uUncustomera and others . -in good fctand- ing , and good flecUrity poesed readily al 57ier.cent. , Eastern uxchatigo between city basks quoted at GOc.premium per-81,000. CJacringi" , COMSIEUCLa.1. iramlm 'Wholosnlo-Mnrliet- OITFIOE OK THE OIJA A BEE ) Tuesdn , ; ' Evening , tJmie- . I Tbe.only changcN reported in the marker to-dayijire ai follawa : Wheat No. 2 advanced lie. Corn Advanced la. Oata rAdvanoed le. Egg Advanced le. Orauaoa Advnnoid to $7.M , Local Grain Oeallnzi WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 101IJ ; cash No. S , 9Cc : rejected , t7u. BAULEy. CasU No. 2 , Oae ; No. 3 , C7o. C7o.KYB.Cash KYB.-Cash , C2o. COUN.- Cash No.3 , 57ic. -i , . ST11EET PBIOliS-Coni , 50 J15 ; oats , nO@G 50 per ton. OH ( PPEB VEKD-GL 50. OHOPPM3COUN L 40. WHA.N-JB1 15 per huudred. Sl'llAW $4 00 ton IOOBOJ S5 00 baled. Produce and Vefj"tible . / SALT LA.Kii : POTA1TOK3-$13W. / WILD DaUK-L 25l W. \ KOGS-20C. UUTrKIl-Creamery , 2023cj daico I ti > ll , HJOlfjc ; couimou rot , 8@10u. / IJKEHWAX Yellow , 20@22o. / ONIONS-JiuBlwl boxe , iJ C0@3 00 I OHKKSK-lC14c. I OKANGKS a 50 ( LEMONS-r 30@0 00. ProMlclons , tilAMS-lfioperll. BACON -BreakfuHt , IDoj .clear ISc ; dry salt'uirleA , lie. fiKOULDEUS-SJo ( Jor lb. JJJKJED BKlif-lUJrt per lb. Grocer List. OOrFKE. Uio , alr , lie ; Rio , good 2c : JWo , prime to choice , 12Jc ; OMd gov't J v ; lC4@281c , Mocha , 2 % ; Ariucklo'e , ] TJ1AG .GunpowiUr , ' > od , d5@fi3 ; 1 Oholoo , C0@75c ; ImixirW , good , 4C45c ; . Choice , C0 < 575c ; Youn < j Hyaon , gooi , 8G@ 60cj cholo , C5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , I 85c ; Jajuw. choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , rood , I B5@40 ; Ocdwig , clio.ce , < 0@55 ; Bouchong , I ffood. 85(34choice. ( : . 35(2l45c. ( NEW PKSKLES-Med/um , fn barraJa , a.000 ; do iiihilf bbb , 6 25 ; maiLil in bbU 12 00 do , in lalfbbls , 700 ; gfaerkins , iu 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. viNEGAK-Pure apple extra , lOoj pure apple , 13ej Prusaini ; nura auulo , lOc. SUGAES-Cut loaf , lie ; Crushed , lie ; Granulated , lljjc ; Powdered , 11 ; Fine powdered , He ; Standard Coffee A , Otfc ; NawYork Coufectioner1 * Standard A. lOc : Good A. 0c ; J'ralrle Extra 0. fls. HOPE Sisal , 4nch and larger , 6Jc ; ilnch , OJc. OllEEdK 1'ull Cream , 13c ; Part BUrr , lljc. WUODENWA11E Two hoop pail , J 05 ; hres hoop pails , S JW ! No. 1 lub < pioneer Wdshboardu , 1 85 Poublo Crown , 2 90 ; Wellbucketu , 3 0. Ui : AI--Bnr. 81 C5. DHIED 1'JHJITB-CIioled luilves , peaches. 7c : Bait Lake lOJc ; vap. orated 60 'b boxes , 13Jc ; ' Michigan , 7c ; Now York apple * , 7c ; Prunes , old , CJoj now , 8\cj \ Uuirantv , t > @ 7c ; lilockberrie * , HOMINY New , $5 00 per bbl. SODA. Dwleht'slb paper * , ? 2 83 ; De- nud do , (2 8Ti ; Church's , 82 85 ; Keg soda , c , BEANS Imported German S3 75 per CANDLES Bee % 40 Ibs , Ifi nt , 8s , [ &Jcboxe : 401bii. , 16 oz. , C , 15jc. O/INNED GooDs-oysto , 2 ib .Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , ler case , 2 COl no 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , T GO ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 20 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per ca e , 2 70 ; do 1 lb ( dack ) . per case , 200. Onions , 3 SO , Salmon , ! b , per dozen , 1 80@1 VO ; do21b , per dozen 2 55@2 CO. Sardines , small i-'sh , imported , one quarter boxes per bo.t , 14Jo ; American , luarter boxes fct box , lie ; do half boxes , icr box , 2ljc , Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , L 80. Tomatoes , 2 80 ; do S lb per case. 290 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) icr case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do ! lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 3 13 ; string taans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans icr vase , 1 85 , Succotash t > er cose. 2 00 , I'eas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , > cr case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case , J 40 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 30 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 300 315. Damsons , 2 ft , per case , 2 45. Bartlett peara per case , 3 00@4 TO. Whortleberries ier cane , 240. Egg plums , ? lb porct e,3 30j jrrcn gages,2 lb per case , 3 30 ; do choice , . b jier casc,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case , 1 00r * fi 70. Peaches , 2 lb per coso , 3 10 : do Sib. case , 4 00@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per oat-e.275 ; do pic , G lb , per dozen , 3 CO. HIOE Carolina , 7i@8c ; Louisiana , 7 ( ? Sc ; fair , 0@G } . aYHUl'a. Sugar house , bblo , 55o ShaH bis , 07c ; keps , 4J gallons , S2 50 ; choice table syrup , 53c ; half bbh , C5c ; kegs , 52 CO , 8TAKUH. 1'oarl , lie : Silver Gloss , 8i 82c ; Corn Stnrch , 8J@'Jc ; Excelsior los . 7o ; Corn. 7Jc. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ami- ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 45 ; bbln dairy , 100 , 33,305. SPICES.-Pepper , 19 ; AllApico , 19c ; Cloves , 40c ; Nutino o , SI 00' 2Ccv ; > as3ia , Mace 81 00. * MATCHES Per cnddio , DOc ; round cases , $7,03 ; square cases. So. 10 SOAPS Kirk's Sa on Imperial , 830 ; Kirk's natim 30 ; Kirk's standard , S G5 ; llrk'a whl Kussinn , 500 : Kirk's utoco ; 20 Kirk' * Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk'o masnolia , 4 20. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis' lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , In case , 3 85 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In coae , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in CAEO , 1 50. FIKLD SEED Red clever , choice new , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. § 7 00 ; white clover , new , 814 00 al alfa clover , new , $12 60 ; alsike , now , 31300. Timothy , good , now , S3 00 , blue grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grass , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grasa , $2 50 : red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , Gorman , SI 00 to $125 ; Hungarian. 80c. HEDOKSEED Osxge orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 oushelfl or over. @ 4 CO ; honey locust , per lb , , 85c ; per 100 Ibs. , 23 00. FIS J Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , S 25 ; A'o. 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls. 7 00 , No. 1 white fislu in 10 lb kits , 1 10 ; family 10 lb kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Kussitn pardines. 75e : Colur - bia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Georj ? < j''s Bank codfish , * Gc ; Gen. boneless cod.vij , fljc ; boneless fwh , 5Jc. MAOICEREL Half bbls mess mackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 ' 50 ; hfbbl No. lex shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; mees mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 , No. 1 cr shoee , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 ahore , 12 lb do. 1 03 : fat family , 10 lb do 75c. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , lOcp r lb ; fanoy white , lOio perlb raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 12Hc. Drv Goods. BROWN .COTTONS-Atlantlo A , SJc Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot ! FF , Sic ; Baokeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chitteaango A , GJc ; Great Falls E , 8ic ; Hoosioc , GJc ; Honest Width , 73c : In dian Head A , SJc ; Indian Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence e is , yjc ; o cott BB. By.c. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allcndale 4-4 : 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argj-le 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LL. GJc ; Badger Stab ? X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington O 4-4 , G c ; Buckeye S. 4-4PCicc Indian Orchard A A 9-8 , 8ic ; Laconia O 39 , 8e ; Lchiph E 4-1 , 9c ; Loncdalo 4-1 , lOc : Pepponjil N SO , 7c ; do O 32 , 7c ; do K 36 , 7jfc ; < io E 39 , SJc ; Pocaaset C 4-4 , 7& ; Wams tta4-l 13r. BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog- gin L 4-4OicBlackatonoAA iar.porial 8Jc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Ccbot 4-4,83 ; Fidelity4-4 , 9JoVruit ; of thoLoom , 10 ; do can.bric 4-d-13cdo ; WaterTwist.lOic ; Great' Kails Q , 10c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c : Lonadalo. lOc ; do cambric S7 , 12c ; Now York Milla. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperoll N G Twills , 12Jc ; PocahonUw 4-4 , OJc ; Pocasset 4-1 , 8Jc ; Utica , tic ; Warnautta o x x , me. iloCKS ( Colored ) Albany JJ brown. 8c ; do C , > lralv Hi : do XA. ctripes and plaids , liiis ; do XXX brown nnd drab , stripes audiplaid , < < , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12Jc ; do extra heavy , liOc ; Pall Kivori brown , ertea heavy , lljc ; Cudiana A brown 1X ( " 'Veoonset A brown. 15o. TlJKiiV -tunoskcaf ? A U A S2 17io ; do XC blue 32 , 18Jc ; 9Jc ; Claremont B B , 15 c ; Couo&toga ex tra , 17Jc : ICamilton I ) , lljc Lewiston .1 30 , 15c ; Miunehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega tuper extra -1-1 , 2Go ; 'Pearl Kiver 32 , tCc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuckot S lOic : do SB 12o ; Yeoman'u blue 29M8Jc DKNI tS. Amoakeak' , blue cud bronn IGJc ; Andowr DD blue , IDJc ; ArlingX blue Scotch-18 0 ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12Jc : do AAA , do do 13J ; < lo XXto do do 14Jci Haymaker's blue and brown , 9ic ; Myfltio liivor DD stripe , IGJs ; Penrl [ River , blue and brown , ID c ; Uucasville , Wue and brown , flSic. OAIIBIIICS Barnard , 5k ; Eddyetone lining. 24 inch double face , 8jc ; Gsiaer A clazed , 5o : ] Mu hattan glove liniub , 6Jc ; Newport do Go ; do lazud , 5Jc ; Pequot do 5c ; Lock wood kid iiniah , Gc. COUSET JEA1JS Amory , 8c ; Androg coxgiu gatteen. BJs ; Clarondc i , CJcjCones toe * eatteenH , 7ic ; Hallowcl , 80 ; Irdi Oroqord 7ic ; Kftrr > ganBottimproveio Pepperill aattona Din ; Kockport , 7 o , IKINTSUeng , O c ; American , CJc ; Arnold , 7"5 Berwick , 4c ; Cocheco , 7o ; Concstnqa. GJo ; DurJtlrk , 4Jc ; Duuoell , Gi@c ; Eddyatone , 7c ; Gbuceater , Cc ; Harmony , CJc ; Kulckcfbocker , G c ; J ? c- rimaa 1) . 7cj Myotic , 5Jc ; SprapuoB. Co ; Souttbridge , Gc ; do. Gughama ! , 7o ; lati- boroC > ? c ; Oriental CJc. GUIGIIAMS Amoal-eug , lOJc ; Amog. ke ? drees 12Ji Arcylo , lOJo ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7c ; n'shland ' , 8jc ; Kenilwortli , 8Jcj L'Uui tett , lOJc ; 8ua- sex. 8c. COTTONADES AbUarvllia 131o Agate , H2c ; American , Hoi Artixian , 20c ; Cairo I > and T , 13io ; Olnrlon 1) and T , jhecks. I2ic ; do , Nwildn , t2Jc ; York , pWu Nankfc. 12Jc ; do , check * , etripca and Jaaey , 12o ; < lo. 8 oz , 20c. 8JZEETINGS AndroMogala 10-4,27jc. do M , 21c ; da 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , J7J ; Now York Mills 9S , Me ; do 78 , iWc ; da S8 , 22ic ; Perabro.ko 10-4 , 25c ; Penuot 108Sjc ; do 7-4,19c ; do 49 , lOci PVmxroll yj , 29o ; do 07 , 21-oj do 5r , 18c ; Utica 9 , iflc ; do - , 22ic ; do 48,17o Clears t-nd Tobacco * . OIGAHH. Seed > , 15.00 ; Connactlout , 825,00 ; Mixed , 335,00 ; Seed Havina , 850.00 ; OlearJIavaiuu 876.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Itnlo , 21 lb , ( Mo ; Our Jlopo , first quality , 02c ; Star , pounds , 21 Jb , butta.GOc ; Home Shoe , pounds , 2J lb , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 2 > lb , butts , CO ; Army and Navy , pounds , COc ; BullUiu pounda , 5'Jj ; I rll- lard's Cliinar , pounds , OOo. FINE OUT In pails. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80o ; Favorite , C5c ; Ilotky Mountain , Wo ) ; Fancy , 05c ; PaUy , COc.-Iji tin fpil- Catllnu O. 8. , 6 lb boxes , per lb C3c ; Lori- Ulard'a Tieor , G5c ; Diamond Crown , CGs. SMOKING All Brades-Coramon , 25 to 83e. Granulated Blackwelli Durham , 10 oz 61 oi Dukes JJurliam , 10 oz , COc ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 or , 16 ; Seal of Nebros- lea , 16 or S8c ; Ix > no J ck , 4 oz , linen bRn perlb , 81.S5 ; Marbnrgs'Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 56c ; Dojr Tail. 660. Drur . DRUHSAND CHEMICALS Acid Jatbollc , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , GOc ; Baleam Jopabla , per lb , 70c ? Bark , Sft sdfra , per b , 14c ; Calomel , per lb , 75c ; Cinchonldin , > er oz , 8103 ; Chloroform , per lb , 100 ; Cover's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epson lt , per lb. 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per lb , ? 8e ; I ea < l , Acetntc , l r lb , 2ic ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PI 16 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8100 ; OH , Olive , per pal. 81 CO ) Oil , Origanum , Wo ) Opium , $ t 35 ; Quinine P. & W. A R. & S. , > cr oz , 82 40 ; Potassium. Iodide , per lb ; n 25 ; Salacln , per oz , 40c ; Snlphote of Morphine , > er or , $3 75 ; Sulphur Hour , > or lb , 4c : Strvnhtiino. nor oz. 81 35 , PMnti Olli nd Vnrnlthei. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , Cc ; white lead , pure , G > i ; Mar- Mlllcs preen , 1 to 6 lb can * , 20c French zinc , jhsin seal. ICc ; French tlno , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c : French zlnco , in oil asst , 15o ; HAW and burnt umber , I lb cans 12c ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13ct Vandyke b o vn , 18 * ; i-efined 12c coach black l ° lampblack , ; , c ; ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian jlue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind nnd shutter trocn , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris green. 18c ; Indian red , 15cj Venetian rwl , 9cj Tuscan Itv , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18e ; yellow ochre , DC ; golden ochre , llj patent dryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak , darken on t , walnut , chcntuut and ash 12o , Dry ° alntt Wilto lead , GJc ; French ilnc. lOc ; Paris whitelng 24c ; whiting pllders , lie ; whiting com'l , lie ; lampblack Gonnan- toxvn. lie ; lampblack , ordinary , Be ; Prus sian blue , 4fic ; nUraiimuuo , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umbcr.lbumt , 4c ; umber , raw , lcslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; , sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 'J 'c ; Prvris green com'l i0u ! ; chrome given , N. Y.4 20c ; chrom- gieon K. , 12o ; vermtllion , Eng. , 70c ; vcr- million , Amcrira , 18c ; Indian red. lOo , nmo pink , 14c ; Venetian rent ! , Cookson'o * ? ; | o : Venetian rod Am. , l c ; roi lead , 7ic ; chroino yellow , frouniiio , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgh brown. 2Jc : Spanish brown , 24o ; Prince's mineral Be ; OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , llJojrOU headlight , per gallon , 12jc ; 175 * headlight , i > er gallon , IGic ; olectr m , per gallon , 19o ; linseed , raw , per gallon , 7 ; linseed , boilo'l , ixr : gallon , GOb ; lard , winter sti'd , poriral- Ion , DO : No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , GOo ; castor , XXX. ppr gallon , 125 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; ncatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5u ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ; Kolden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o : tor- pontme , per gallon , 75c ; naptho , 74 , per gallon. 20c ; G4 . 18o VARNISHES Barrels per Dillon. Furniture , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , § 1 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , 8120 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Japan. 70o : asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish , 8130 Heavy Hardware Lilt Iron , rates. 83 00 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; special ur GermanGc ; cast tool do. 15@20 wagon wpokos , set , 2 25@3 00hub3 ; , per sot , 125 ; felloes , sawec dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per lb , 7@llo washers , per lb , 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie coil chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 80. iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; norseshooa , per keg , 5 00 ; spring stool , 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 0 35 , Burden' * mulcshoes , G 35. SHOT. Shot , 51.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 : do. , hall kego , 83.48 : do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast- btr , kocB. 83.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50o. BAKBED WIRE In car lots.8 30 per 100 ; in less than car lots. 8 65 uer 103. Leather. Oak solo , 3Sc to 42c : hemlock solo , 28o to 35c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , G5c to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oak nnper , 24c" alliftator. 4 00 to C 50 ; ' calf kid , 32@35c , Grciscn kid , 2 W ) to 2 70 ; oak kip , 80c to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 110 to 1 53 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- sotts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 top Dings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; It. L. Morocco , 30c ' to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35o ; simon , 2fOto300. HARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 . do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S8c : No. 2 do 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No. 2 do , 34c Horse * and Mulei. The market in brisk c.nd all grades are soiling well at slight advance in piicoa The demand for good horses exceeds the ' supply consideraaly. Prices range as f ol lows : ' Fine single drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extra draft borsCH , $175. to 225. ; Common druit , horses , 3100. to 150 , ; Extra farm horses 110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horoaa 390. to § 100. ; Extra plugr : , SCO. to 75. Common plugs , 820. to 840. MTJLES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125 > to 150. ; 14J to 15 binde , 8100. to 140. A4 to 14 J hands , 875. to 100. ; 13J to 1 < hands , SCO. to 70.LI LI uof . ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 20 per xvloe gallon ; extra California Bjnrits , 187 prouf , 1'2G per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 137 proof , 12-1 per proof gallon ; re-dlstillec wtlikies , lOOfelOO ; rioo blended , 15O@ S CO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken- tuoky and Pennsylvauia ryoa , 2 tO@7 00. BftANDIES Impurtod , 80 00@1G 00 , domestic 1404 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic , 140C83 00. RU1JS Imported , 4 BOrcJG 00 ; New Ecflland. 2 00@4 00 ; doancstic , 1 6003 f/0 PI2ACH AND Al'PLB BRANDY 175@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imrortect per caw , 2t60@Sl * 0Amjrh j , case , 12 < XXg 1C 00 , CCiARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00 WINES Rhino wine , pec case , G 00@ 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLESALE. We gnoto lumber , lath and nhinglea on : arj ti Omaha at the following prlcoHj JOIKT AND SCANTLING-10 ft. and under , 821 00 ; 18 ft , , 822 00. TIMBERS 10 ft. and under. 822 00. TIMUHU AND JOIST-18 ft. , $23 00 ; JC ft. { Si CO , 2 ft. , 827 50 ; 24 ft. , 827 00. l'EKCING-No. ' 1 , 4 and 0 io. . 822 00 : No. 2. 820 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 81850 ; No. 2 , 81700. STOCK ! BOARDS-12-ln. D , 823 00 ; 12-in. 0. 333 00 ; 12-ln. B , 840 00. LIME Per barrel , l 35 ; bulk pe. ana. 35o Cement , bbl , 82 60. Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 50. Hair per In. S5c , Tarred felt 100 Ibs , 93 50. Straw board , 84 CO PAPER Straw paper , 8o ; rag pa P. , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; maiuln paper , lOo ; nowH paper. Ifo. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Ulosuburg , 812 ; Wbltebreoat lump , SO 50 ; Whitebreast nut , 80 CO : Iowa lamp , 80 50 : Iowa nut 9G 50 ; Rock Spring (8 : Anthracite , all slze , 812 00 ® 12 50. WAILS-RaU * . 10 to C0fc > , 3 GO. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@16o ; hcavy.o @lS15o ; medium unwaslied , light , 18@20 woihod , choice , SL'c ; fair , SOo ; tub-dhig and w2Sc ; burry , blackaud cotted wool leea Hldat f-ur * , Etc. HIDES ( reeu butcher's hide , G&Oho 10@llc ; greeu calf. wt. 8 to 16 Ibs. . 10@llc ; < reen calf , wt , under 8 llw , per skin , COo ; L'reentxilU , 50@81 25 ; cr * n lamb skins , 8125@150 : damaged hiden , two-third rate , cut Bcored and one prub , classed two- LLIrdu rate , ) branded htdc 10 j > cr eent. off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 3 , Ohtcugo rrottnoo. CUIOAQO. Juno 2. Flour Quiet nnd firm ; prlu wheat Hour , 1 70fai7 00 ; aoinincnto choice west ern , 5 007 01 ; common to clioico Mlnno- note , 8 0009 25 ; rye ( lour , 4 G0@4 90. Wheat No. 2 spring active and higher , closlnc on call at 127 for cash ; 1 284 for June ; 1 28jf for July ; 112 ? for August ; 1 OS for September ; 1 03 } for UIB ve r ; 1 ll@l 13 for No. 3 ; rejected nominal. Corn Acttvo nnd Btronper , cloilne on all at 7ljo forc.vh ; 71o for June ; 71Jo T Jnln 72o for August ; f > .if lS for the rear ; 71i@71fo ( tot high mixed ; C9g70o or rejco fd , Oats Active nnd higher ; tPJo for cash : itjo for June ! 432" for Julyj M0 for the rear. rear.KveSle'dyf "Go for No , 2 caih ; ? 5c 'or Juuf ; ? Go for July. Barlo.v Dull and neglected ; 1 00 for OP No. 2 ; 8 'c for No. 3. Ijiitl Aoiito nnd hlghfr , closlm ? nt I 35 nil 37. } f r cash ; 11 M fr .tune : U 41 for July ; 11 O1) for Au mt ; 11 G7i "or September ; 11 32J for the je r. Bulk Meat-Short libs active an-1 offering large' 11 < 0 for < a h ; l 07J for July ) H 12i fflr August ; 11 13 'or September ; 11 10 for October ; 9 85 for , h < ycar. Butt r A better 'eoling ctiHcd ; choice tn fancy creamery , 2123c ; fair lo good , 10(3)20 ( ) ; chnl'o'o Hneuftlry , 1920. ! ) fair to a o.l . , 13@l"p. Eff < s Hair nt 1\@l7c. ( ! \ Wiii ky-Al 117.- lloc'tn. Shipm'tn Flour 7.1K I1,1S Wheat 10.MS IK.l'Jl Corn 2.T-VJo > 32 ' ,500 Oata 8 : ,4 * M..OS Kye f-,7cX ) 4,045 Barley . . . 0,761 1,147 Cluolntiati Prodnoo. CINCINNATI , Juno 2. Pork Firmer ; jobbing , 20 JO 25. Lard Prime btcani , nominal 11 37i@ Bulk Meats Clear eldcs linn ; 11 75 asked , Bacnn-Clear MM , good demand nt 12G2J ) sale' . Flour-Dull and barely ttcady ; winter family , 0 15. Wheat LOOIO and confident ; none nnd market barely steady ; No , 2 rtd , 1 38 ® Corn Le active , nnd spot nnd futures higher ; No. 2 ir.ixtd , 77o ealen. OaU Easier ; No. 2 mixed , nfijc. lyc ! Stronger nud higher ; No. 2 , 80 ® 40 c. Barley Dull and nomtnitl ; No. 2 , fall , 90e(3 ( > l 08. Whisky Strong nnd fair demand at 110. Council Blnffi Mnrhot. CODNOIL BLUFFS , Juno 2. Flour Crystal Milla Golden Sheaf , 3 GO ; California Eureka , patent. 3 SJ ; bcsl brand of Kansas , 3 50@3 ! )0 ) ; Knnias and Missouri flour 3 C0 < § 4 25 ; graham , U 70 ; ry flour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 20 00 per ton Chop Corn 28 HO per ton. Wheat No. 2,115. Corn COc. Oata No. 2 , 45c. Ilyc 7fa. Barley 803. Hay Loose , G 00@G 00 ; baled , 75 per bale. bale.Wood Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Creamery , 20o ; in roll ? , wrap nod , IDc ; rolla not wrapped 12J' ; ; rniic. ' colow , 10121c. Egga 15is. Onions 1251 40. Live Chickeua 3 GO per dozen. Xiivorpool Prodnco. IiVKiiroor , , June 2. Flour American , 10s@12a Oil. Wheat-Winter , Ss ) 9010 < 3J ; white 9H8d@9 lld ; spring , 9d@10i ; club 9 * © Ws 3d. Corn-Gi 2d. Pnrk 87s. I ard 37 Gd. Ileceiptiof wheat past three days , 301 , 000 centalr , 220,000 being American Weather fine. St. riouifl irroduoo. Sr. Louis , Juno 2. Flour Active ; family , 5 33@150choic ; to fancy , G 00@0 50. Wheat-Un-iettled nnd hlclier ; 1 2G@ 127i for CJfih ; No. 2 red , 1 22 for June 10SJ for July ; 10 3 for August ; 1 OU fo the jojrjllSforNo. S. Corn Hluhcr ; 73@74io for cosh ; 73g for June ; 73o for Julv ; 72Jc for August liDJc for Soptembar ; 5 * So for the yenr. Oats Slow ; CG o for cash ; 39 3 fo July ; 32 o for August ; 32c for the year. Rye Nominal. Barley Dull at 0c@l 10. Butter and Eggs Unchanged. I eod Dull at tg : . Whisky Steady at 11C. Pork Higher ; jobbing 20 00. Bacun Better ; shoulders. 9 15 ; nhor ribs , 1 ! CO ; Bhort slear , 12 37J. Lira Nominal. Reo'ta , Shipmbi Flour 4,000- ( i.O.i Wheat 9tOO 23,00 Com 47,000 32.00 Oats 23,000 Toloiio * Produce- . TOLEDO. June 2 , Wheat Weaker ; 1 38 for No. 2 co-h 1114 for June ; lUJfor July ; 1 09 fo the year. Corn 75c for high mixed ; 74c for No. 73\o for July ; C'Jc for the year. Petroleum ' CLKVHNI > , O.r June 2. Petroleum Firm ; Htandnrd white , IK test , Gfje. NKW York , Juno 2. Petroleum Market again higher and very Btrong ; United , G3c ] ; crude , in bar- rein. GJ@7u ; naptha , in barrel' , ( Uc iifiked ; refined in barrels here , "ic ; do fu Phila delphia and Baltimore , 7 c. Stoolc. CuiOAao , June 2 , The Drover'd Journal report ! : Hog Fairly active and steady ; com mon to good mixed , 7 1 @ 7 50 ; ll ht ho H 7 00@7 90f Bklpj and culla , f 70@7 10 heavy packing nnd shipping , 7 85@8 CO RcctlpH , 23,00' , Cattle Strong find higher : rhlpping cattle , 5 35@9 3U ; mixed Imtchera1 stock 2 00 © 5 75 ; Texans , 3 50 ® 1 CO ; stackers and feeder * , 3 C0@4 80. Receipts , 7,000 Sheep Market demoralized and lower at 2 C0@3 50. Receipts , 700. Peoria Px-odaoo. PZORIA , June 2. Corn Firmer at 712@72o for high mixed ; mlicd , 71i@7U'c. ' Oats-Flnner at 5H'52s for No. 2 white. Rye Steady at 757fllc for No. 2. Highwlnes Firm and higher at 110 , Reo'to. Ship'tn Wheat DOO 47r Cora 37,500 19,500 Oats 29,680 10,600 Rye 3,101 Barley 2,810 Eant liberty Iilvo Qtooli , 1C AST Li HE nir , Pa. , Juno 2. Cattle-Dull nnd unchanged ; l 805 ; shipments , 2,010. Hoxs Slow ; recaipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 100 ; Pblladelphlas , 8 23@8 6J ; Yorkere , - G0@7 85. Sheep Fair and unchanged ; receipts , 1,290 ; shipments , 3,000 , Buffalo I < lvo Stock. EAST BuyrALo , Juno 2. HOJT.SA shade weaker ; receipts , 44 cars shipment ) * , 39 cars ; Yorkers , 7 70@8 1C good medium weight ? , 8 25@S 30. Yorlc Produce- NEW YOHK , Juno 3 , Flour Htronu but quiet ; Miuneiota extra , C 00(2,9 ( 95 ; city mllln extra , S i)5 ) © SCO ; Boutliern Hour steady ; cojiimou to choice C 05 ( 8 25. Wheat Kuveiifch and unsettled , ilotlng leavy ; Ko , 3 ted , 1 38) ) ; No. 2 red 1 40& & ; N . 1 white , 1 4'i ; No. 2 red June , 1453. Corn Irregular , clocing uteady nnd I'ebtly ' higher ; demand moderate ; un-l radeil mixed , 7 * > p80cs N , 2 white 02Jc ) < o. 2 mixed , Jun . JOJffiSOa ; do , July , OJ@81c ; Migust , 80J@hl3o. OaU Opened higher at.d . active , closing with l Mrenglhj No , 1 white , fi-ijc ; No , 2 do , GO@GOc | ; No. 1 mixed , 59i ; mlxrd vc Urn , 69gG2j ( ) No , 2 mixed Jims 58 ® "liye-Dull ; 8S@OOc , Barley Nominal. Pork Dull ; newmers , July , 2000 ; Au gust , 20 10. L 'd-Stfady ar.l fairly nctlvci U fi * @ 1 < 17J caMi nnd June ; 11 G7l@ll 70 July. WnUky-Nominal. B.vltlnioro Proilnoo. BALTIUOHK , Juue 2. Flour-Quiet. Wheat -Southern whett firm ; lultr , 3S@139 : lor.tberri 1 40@1 4 > No 2 od winter , easy at 1 33 $ for caih and Juno. Cora Finn at 83(5,8lc ( ; mixed western trrgular at 80j@8lc for CMI and June. PhilnUolphin Prodnoo. 1'lIILADKI.rilIA , Juno 2. Wheat Ensi r nt 1 40i@l 11 for cash nil .Tunes I 24 | fi > r July. Corn Finn nt S2J@8lo forconh ; 80J © lie for Juno. OMH l-'irmcrat Gl@C2ofor eath ; GOc for June. Ryo-Quletat9)c. ) Knnsoa Cltr Prodnoo Mnrltot KANSAS Cur , Juno 2. Wheat Firm , but li w ; No. 2 cash , 13J ; July , Die ; jcnr , 87c ; No. 3 cash , I3cj June , first half , Die ; Juno. ! Uc ] ; Julv , S'4c ; Aiiiust , EOo ; ycai7Uc ; No , 4 ca h , J2c ; Juno. 88a ; July , 80j , Corn Higher ; mixed , cvish , 7Gju ; June , rst half , 733o ; Jun83Jc ; Ju y , 7IJc ) 'car , 45c : No. 2 white inlxet ) , c.inh , 8ic ; luno , 8ljc ; Julv. 8lo. ( Oats J\o. 2til ; June 4itcj July , 33c. Rca'ts. ahlii Wheat . 2,272 1,323 . /oni. . . . nnun 5,003 Oats . , . sa SOD Annual Mooting or tlio Nortli- wostcru. Associated 1'ross , CiuoAno , Juno 2. At the annual 1 Uio atoclcholdcro of thu Chicago & Northwrstorn rpatl , a sotni-nnnusil dividend of 0 | per cent , was declared on common , nnd n quarterly dividend > f 12 per cent , on preferred atock. II is understood from o sources tlmt n resolution WAS adopted provid ing for the Mibatitution of tlio Wng- ncr slcopcrs in place of Pullman's al the 'expiration of the present contran ! with the Inttor , which ozpiros shortly. Tlio old board of director. ! of the Northwestern and proprietary lines wore ro-eleotcd. Oco. Meredith , J array Cits' , writes "TheSntiNn BIOSSOM you ent mo hat the happiest effect on my dauxhtcr ; hrr headache nnd deprcsVion of spirit b.ii vnu Uhcd. i"ho h neiiln able logo to pcliool , and Is na lively as n cricket. 1 shall ccr tainly recommend It to all my fricuild Price i0 ! cent , trial bottles 10 cenln. IML'IBTIBS. A Cinrinnnti mnn said he could not become como a chrictinu because ho found-it im possible to xlvo up rcadinj ; the dail papers. The Northern Prcibytoriaus hnvo re solved to again place themselves ou pca ing terms uith the Southern Presbyter inns. For the benefit of people wln > ar not posted on Mich mattrrn , it maybe wel to s into tlmt Presbyterian * are a particula set of Christians Sinners would keep on fight IDC until somebody wai licked or ran awny. A country clcroyman on a small salary peaking t his city visitors and the ttou bio and expense they entailed upon him saM : "There was Rev. Mr. X , , who cam hero lost summer. Ho wanted to roe slate quarry , and I took him theru afte cautioning him about getting dizzy , buth ventured too near the brink arid fell foil ftfct. " "Did It Mil him ] " naktd n horrific' Ihteucr. "Well it would have. " pnld th narrator , "if ho had nut btena llard-vhb Baptist , " Boston Commercial Bulletin The dispatcher anuounco that the S LOHH ! liapttst mjnhtcr who insulted lady in a Bleeping car , through drunk , hm been faking M > tuctliiti { ; for hU nmc . f secrnn that he touk whinliy to no eflVcl but lili nervcH were quieted in a remiirka bla liiuunor when the three-card niont man knocked him down under thi wash Htiind fc'omotlinei when ; i pf rnon In cxtn norvouu , a blow batween the eyes wl ! lirintf him to hU eensfH quicker tiian th contentH of a brewery. One of the mo ° t eloquent and popula clergymen of Austin , Tex in , lieii ) ) , ' nbou to ascend the Btipn : lending tu hlu church a few Sundays are ; , wan i.fckod by a partial ) ; blind old lady , who did not recognize him tohelp her up the steps. With hit ) uaiia urbanity ho complied with her request Just as they reached Uio 'top steps BI ! aked him who wan K ° 'ni ' ! to preach "Parson Smith , " ho replied , that being hi own name. " 0 ! exclaimed the oh lady. "Help mo down again. I'd rathe lUtin to a man sawing wood. Ploaie hel me down again. I don't care to go in. At the clergyman wai inclined to re fuue , hut , on reflection , ho gently nnlntcc her down , the ntopa again , rumarklng a they reaclird the bottom : "You nro quite right , madam , 'about not going into ill church , I wouldn't to In either if I was not paid for it. " Awning , Tent and Wagon Oovors MANUFACTORY. Cor. 14th and Howard 8ts A. CRUENWALD , Proprietor. SEGER & TONER , HARWJSSS MAKERS IIa > o ivmovcd ( rain them old utand , toNe No , 116 North Sixteenth Street NEXT TO CA1HUAOE KACTOKY. Ila'ie al ay on hand a ftood asiortment HARNESS AND SADDLES. ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420DOUGLAH&TEEET Headquarters of the Literati , Tlio Choariost , I-ar jest and choicest collection NEW AND SKCOND-HAND BOOKS In the Wont. SOHOOL HOOKS A SPECIALTY. Cash paid for Bccond-IIaud Books or exchanged for now. H. SOHONFELD , n22-ly CJIANCKTO Buy Dnuo Sroiti : . At I ani itolu , ' in to utock nlalng , I ottu lor sale. inyDru Htoro. Bltuated at O.ccoU , Ne braska , Thu ttoro Is loldoruo fault , only th-t I need tlio money to nto In my new buslno a. DKdOla Itthu comityBtuto ( I'olk county , which [ one o ( the ( Incut agrlcn'tural countlcn In the tato. It If eltuite 1 on the Cnuha & lo ! ubllcin Valley II. I' . , onu hundred mllei wc.stol ( Oinalu , Durluu'tlio past tunimcr , a no * Court JIouno and School llcuio I ave UQJ erected and thme , r with 1U miuy attrictho uurrouiiJIncf , O.'ccol.i one il the llncat townu In tie ttate The Block will lo sold tc3 t. H will In- volco ( icin $2000 to | 2'00. Tornn muit bo cuh , lo a ptrfori wlubliu to buy a jiaylnif bunluuw , uobottoroppo luulty c-au ho found anywbero. I'.A , fiCHOUUJB. N. II UnUm the parties doilrjng' lo bur , iBtc the ready unb , It will tg n a io ot tlmo and eiiHiusu to apply Jn percon or letter , BARGAINS , 3CKT LOT Souses , Lands. 3E6-ST HfflEMH A8D DBUOLtSSIS , , llaiut'.tul ImllJIn ; IUn on Shcrnan ; iCtli street ) asulli ol l'opiUton'H | nil J , J , Irown'a tlio tract bulonRl g to Sona nt rixildoc'c ( or a many jcars being i.1) ( cot west Ironticn rn the K\cnu- , liv from ! ICU to MO tcct In doplli , raanlntf rAstnant lo the Umiktm & St. I'.uil It. 11. \Vlil Bell In etrliu of 60 ( cot or more ( onttiro on tlio nrontio with lull dertm to tlio rallro.-v I , \ \ 111 ivll tlio above un about any tctmsllmt pur elm 'cr may dolro , To mrtlcs lie ttlll ix reoto bullil houses (1'JCO and iii'ardi lll cottlng ] * toll with out any inymcnt dow n for onojrur , ani 5 to 10 anunil inynunts llnn-iltir t7l'cr crnl To ptittlc.Hrhcil ) not liitoul linpror- ; lintiipJlixUMy will ill lor ( no Hlxthdoivn nml iiulninual inymcntjtlicroatt.rat 7 percent Interest. Oliolco i aero block In Rraltli'unddltlon atoitt rnilot l-'Atnam ttrcot wilt cUe nny Icni'Ui ot tlmo riqiilr.'dixt 7 per con' Intcroit. Aho RBiileiull 1 10 ucro Mock In Smith's ivliU- tlan on M\ino llbrml terms at tbo force \ng. \ No , 305 , Hit ; lei on Intel near Uth s-.rcet , 87CO.Ko Ko 304 , Lo > , on 18th itrott near Paul , SUM. Ko W ) . ' , Ixt SOxiSO ( cut on 16th Direct , near Mchol . Ko CD'J , Ono iinrtor aero on Hurt street , near Dutton $ r > on. Ko 21)7 , 'I'A-o lotn ou UlonJo near Irouo street { 2(0 anil 300 : ! f mil. No21)J , Two lota en Qcoula near Mlchlpin itrcct. 8120X No"95. Twelve choice roildcnce Iota on Hatnll ton ttrcct hi Uldnu'e addition , line and sightly No 201 , UeauUul 1ml ( lot on fit. Mary's a > cnuo , 30xlS3 dot , ccur Illahop CUrkBon'fl an vOth ttrcct , 816'JU No 202 , Flvo eaolca lots on Park avcnuo , f.0t ] M ) cAcli , on street railway , 8300 oic'i. ' Ko 20lSlx lots In Ulllard & Cn d cl'u ailJltlo on tthcrman A > cuuo noir I'opiilctou'i ) , S3.UI ) Jl.r.O each. Nil - > 3 , Choice lots on I'nrk nvonuo nnd street ear line ou r. nd to 1'atk , SIM1 to 810 iO oacli No 280 , IJ'oun ' lo s on Dccn nr n tl Ircn ttrcots , near Sajndcrs etreut , $ J > C to 3 100 cueh No 182 , I < ot on lutli noir I'nul ttrcot , 760. Ko ! Hi , Lot Mxl40 ( octnoar St. lliry'u avcnuo tinu 20th itroot , J1600. NoL'1) , Lot on Du.-ntar near Irene ttrect , J32S No i:7H : , Kurlouon CMawcll , near Blunder ttrn t , $ JO Jcwch. > o2'0 , Lotou Clinton ttrcct , near thot to * cr 1JO. 1JO.No No 2715. Four lot * on JIcLcllfui itreet , oca Blonde , liafrau's kdditiun , Sii5oicli. No 274. Turao Ion noir raca loursc : mak oil n. No G3. DctvutKiil corner aero lot on Callfornl s rcut , opintllo ai ; < l ndjjliilng BacicJ Heart Con v ont ground' , Sloo. : Ko 2to , Lot onMaion , near Ifi'h stroft , $1.860 lOOloistn "Credit Foiicli'r"nml " ( Irani View cdiliilatx , Jnit oiith-u.K > t of U. I' and II. A il nllrond cpoti , imiilnrfroiii { $1W to 41000 cac4 ! an J nu vaiy terms. Iliuutlliil Itesldenco Lots at n larjrilnvcrj linmly toMion ] luOto 2LO 0101 , Spcrcuit dam ml o per cent per month. Call and ( [ it plat nni ( ulltnitleiinn. ) Ko " 'M , Finl rorncr lot on Jono * , Kcir ICtl street , 8J.COO. No Ml , 'J wo loll on Center street , near Cum- inj , ' ttruct , itiW lot both or { 500 each. No 2$1J , Lot on Sow aril , uoar Kliiir street $010.Mo Mo 219 , Hnl ( lot on DoJj > ' , ncnr 11. h street $2100 No 217 , Tour beautiful ronldoncn lots noir Crf iRhton College ( or will gojiarnto ) $9,000. No 210 , 'Iwo lots on Center , near bticit , 8400 each. No aidj , Lot on Idaho , near Ciniiliik' street . No 5-1 5 , IlttiutKul corner atra lot on umiif near l > utt > ri ttrcet , ntar new Convent ol bacroi Heart , 81,000. Ko. W , Lot ou I'arnnii , near 18h ! rtrcct , No 'M , Ix > i 00 by 133 fo t oil CoMcyo street near St. Mar/H avcnuo , $700. No 241 , Ix > t on I'dinaui , near 20th etrott $1.000. IioVJO , I/tCObyOO feet on South nvonue near Mason etrvct , $050. No U. ) , Ujrner let GJI Durt , near S2d etreot J2.BOO NO-JS3. 120x132 toct t , I H&rnoy , near 24th 6trcct ( ll ! cut U up$2 , 00. Ko3I , Lot on Uoutjlajj ttrcot , near 25th S200.No No 23. , Lot on Flor itroot , near Eo arJ , SJOO. No 227 , THO lots on Uvcatur , near Irene itrco' , , Lot 143 by 411 loct on HhcM'annvo nuo (10th ( Bt.cut ) . near Oracc , $2 400 , will divide No 'UO , l.ot dicafuct on liodKc , near ml street ; tuako in otter. Ko 2,7 , Ixit on i'Jrd street , near Clirc , S00. No 21U , Lot ou Hamilton , noir King , 30) . NoZoJ , Lat on Ibth utriot , near Ulcholoa JtOO.No No 207 , Two lotion ICth near I'aclflo street , 81,610. KoiOl , IlcautKul residence lot on Division tioil. near Cuiulnj , 6tH > J NolWj , Lot on 16th street , noir I'Urce , StOO.Ko Ko 193) ) , Lot on BauuJen street , nott Bcw- 8500.Ko Ko ItHj , Ttvo lots onJ2J , near Oraco itreet , 8:00. : No 1021 , Two lota on 17th street , near whl to load works , ? IOM ) . No 1B8J ; Una full block ton loto , near the barncU , 8100 No 101 , Lot on 1'arkcr , near Irene street , No 183 , Two lots on Caw , near 21 t ttreet fellt odff. ) , JO.OOO. Ko leO , Lot OD Tier near Sewird , 8CCO. No 17(1 ( , Lot on I'aclflo itreet , near 14th ; mike oiler , No 108 , 81i lotion Faroam , near 21th street , 82,400 tof'fcSOtoch NoC3 , lull block on 25th streat , noir race oourie , aod three lots In Ulio't adaltlon , near Siuudcrs and Catumi itrcetn , f7OoO. Nol'3 , Lot on Ibth ttrcct , near wbiUi lead works , & 2S. NolU , 123x182 feet ( i loU ) on IStb street , near ropplcton'ii , H.COO. No 111) ) , Thirty hill ocr lot * In Jtlllard & Cal. dwell' * audition * on Micrman avenue , Bprlny and baratoga utreeta , near the end ol green blrcct car track , 3W to (1,800 eich. Mas ? , Ixit on Chicago , near 22d Itroet , ko83 , Lot on CulJwo'l itrcct , near Baundcra , JSOO. Ko 80 , OJrner lot on Charles , near Sauud , ileiu ttrcit , 8700. Ko75 , ( WxS2 feet on Paclflc. near 8tn itrcct , No tO , Kltfhtccn lota on 2Ist , 22d , 211 and daucdcn utrcelK , near draco nud Uiunilura btrcct SEAL ESTATE AGEHCV 15th and Douglas Street , 75,000 TIMKEN-SPRING VEHICLES NOW USE. They turjin nit other vehicles for CUT riding- * tylo nd durability , SPRINGS , GEAR } & BODIES For nils by Henry Timken , Patuntfc unllliilHrr of Kino Curth ? 1005 , WR&nd 1010 St. Uhirlcsflt. , St. I.oun. CaU- lo uoi fiirnUhci. Jl-Om D. M. WELTY , ( Suoooxtor toD.T. Monut- ) U nufaturcr and Dcnlcr In Saddles , Harness , Whips , i HORSE CLOTHING Dusters and Tnrf Boofls of AM. WESCnit'TIONH. Agent ( oJoa. . It. Hill ft Co.'i The Boat in The World , " sue * . Order i follcltcd. OMAHA , NEB me ly mil mm COOK STOVE , The Plonocw nnduulyVapoc CiMte rftovo thrit has ttoo4 tli i it oc y I'lnn anil Rtr- ui fnllro and IMTfi'Ct SOUS- rnctl'jn. Over 7iDCQ , Now Patent lltu.r. UTB for 1882. PncntrcmoruWniiinHntcrchnni nnlileJeJ OclIUrvnil rlor ur liuriii'i-t Imli'Mriictl- liln Nuw Onr > V < il " llnrni-r nit tuu NQOI N \ V. Sew HulVty Itocrvolr. Vf Kummcr ueo tbcio Stores on ) tniliponsitil * TliCBO celebrated Stoves for ale by D. A.FIorcy Onuha. Kob. JOnS HliBMO , President. Vice Proa't W. 8. USISIIIR , Eoc.andTro.ia. THE NEBRASKA UMCTUffltfCO Lincoln , Udb. M.VNTJI-AOTU11ER3 OF Oorn Planttr * . nurrowji. rarm Rollnra. Bulk' ' Hay Rakei , lluckut F.lovatliu WI1U ml &a. We are prcrurod to do Job work nnd.mtmii ' , \ turlri * for other parties. AddrcH nil ardcrv NKDKASKA MANnFACTUIIINO CO. . r.wnnt.M Nut Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Surul Portable Engines , FOR UhKAJIKlUKS. . rinu uiiut , Etc. , tA Speoialty , The Largest Iron Working Establish ment in the Stito. MANUl'ACTUltEnS Of Steam Engines , AKD GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic ( Jut-Off Stoaiu Engine , Hend ( nr Clrciilara. ini3-iii EUROPEAN HOTEL , Cor.nir Fo utli aid I.ocujt Htreots. 3C.0X3 XS , XMCO. . J.H.HDRST , - - Prop. Iloonifl , 70o , ? L , nnd § 1,50 Pnr'Day An elegant Itottauraut 11 connected with Oil boujjo wheremeali rougrrcJat roaaouabloprlcM Open vtndnlitht. in-lOc CHOICE CIGARS. Imported and Domeitio- Finest Salootlun in Town. Prioei to Salt Everybody. From Half a Dollar Down to 60- Schroter & Becht's. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE , TWO NIGHTS and BA1UBDAY MATINEE , Friday and Saturday , June 2 & 3 E very wl ere Lauxhuil Into the utmo.t popu- arlly ) E > cr Foiemout In thu Itunln ol juuj Jho popular Comcdial MR3XT. O. And the carmlDgactrc3 Miss ELIZA. WEATHEESBT. And cu excellent comedy company , under the manage mvot ol Weaara. lIltOUKS & UlCKbON. > * * > AJAJ AA4h * * * L t J 0 wuwti I * JMttia | Alv J ( loouwln ; Wlnnlu Clotvr , ( with eocg. ) Mlu : llri Weither by , Other chkracttra by ihocoru- 'any , Ur. Qoodnln introducing liultatlom ol clobnted ttctorj Kdula Booth , L wrcnco I3ar- rett , Frank M jo. Henry lr > lnjf , etc. .Saturdoy Eveiiln Juno 3d. tbe ghat ucced , thu MtMBEK. for HLO- CUM. Oneiiuius i wt , N. U , Oocdwljr. . ; Araihuai Smith , Ellzi.VtaU Other ftcru by did coiupauy , Biats on vale Thurs day Juue. 1. st JACOB KAUFMAN , Offlco8021BtliSt , Cor , ofBnrt Dealer in ' ALL KINDS OF WINES ,