THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAE , OMAHA , SATPKDAY MOKNIjyiO JUNK 3 , 1882. 297 YOU OFTEN want just a little smoko-not enough for a pipe or cigar , and at such times nothing an swers the purpose BO well ns a cigarette. But oven if it is only to bo a little amoko you want it to bo a OOOP one. To secure the IIEST nnd vuiiEBT you should use BLACK- WELL'S BOLL DURHAM CIOAK * ETTES , which are the result of long experience , careful stu dy and thorough experiment ing. ing.Very many other kinds contain opium , valerian and other poisonous drug ; , nnd are covered with paper made from old rage > , etc. It is these impurities that have made cigarette smoking so injurious that loading phy- aicianfl and scientific men are frightened at the consequen ces. Blaokwoll & Co. , are trying the experiment of making an absolutely pure cigarette , using only the BEST and PUREST loaf tobacco that money can buy , and omitting the usual addition of drugs and deleterious flavoring maU tor , and covering all their ci garettes , with the genuine uninjurious imported rice pa- por.and so far tntjiemand for these cigarettes supports their belief that Iho smoking public appreciate a aooi > ar ticle. ticle.You You can't afford to run the risk incurred in smoking oth er kinds , beside you of courao want the BEST. The purity and quality of BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM CIQARETIBS makes thoiu "a novelty. " You can tell the genuine by the trade mark of the BULL on the package. Ask for BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM CIGARETTES , INSIST on having them , and don't take any other. Don't bo put off with Iho claim that "these are just as good' * ( that is , pay a batter protit , ) but try the genuine and judge for your self. self.BLA"KWELL'S BLA"KWELL'S BULL DUR HAM LONG CUT No. 1 tobacco is pre-eminently the gentle- man'a tobacco and is the FINEST made. DURHAM Low ? .Cur .No JB lnwDttf apelitob < ioco'DuFis , the beU lOo LONG Cur 'and BLACKWELL'S BULL DUBBAM GRANULATED well if you ever smoked a pipe you know that it boa 110 equal in the world. RELIGIQUS. ad Southern Baptist convention will J their annual meeting in Alr.y , 1883 I , niVaco , Taxas. the Metnodht Church Smth. since iiW has increased in itn membership fully JO per cent. It reports 800,0 X ) members , /be incraase last year was 12,984 , / A wonderful revival among the Baptist ihurches in Burlington , Iuw , Is reported , ffMie have been two hundred converts , /and / inquirers multiply. / The fifty-faun h annual convention of the Fr iiestant Episcopal churc'i in the dioces * of Northern Ohio will he held ( D.V. ) atst. Puul'a chunh , Steubenvllle , Ohio , commencing - mencing Tuesday evening , June Ctb. The Kmtnuel church , Philadelphia ( He- formed BpUcooal ) , Ins added forty-eight persons to Ita membership in the last mouth , BIthop Nicholion olHciaUd. v The Jowri in tbii country have lung been dtstlnguUhed for the liberal proviti nthey onnke for the e of their own race in need , ui.-'Bt week waa Iniil the cnrner-atone for n ' Hiviie for the Aged and Infirm Hebrew H , " on One Hundred and Ninety-fifth street , New York , with appropriate ceremonies. Th. < journey into L ndon of Great Paul , the new and monster bell designed for St. Paul's cathedral , wai attended with many difficultleiJ , Bomo of them great. Several times thtf r ad gave way beneath the weight , until the brick became half Imried in the earth , Wherever the road WI > B soft , the wheel' , though very hr ad , would sink into the nil , HO that on a certain day only about fifty yards of the journey were traversed , Humors have he-n started th t this bell would be ueod in future to ( strike the bourn on , but an official denial of them is pub Jshed. The oiii 6-ton lellwill , ttlll he employed for this purpose. The Lutheran Church of Christ in New York occupy the building formerly the chapel of St , George's , l > r. Tyng pastor , It has been purchused by the Lutherans at a coat of $20,0/0. The congregation .numbers five hundred personH , aud in the result of a mission work begun fif een yean ngo by the present paster , Itov , G , N. Yenner among the German masses. The flint service was held in a blacksmith ehnp on Fourteenth street in 1800. l > ev , Mr. IlurrUon is meeting with his u/ial wonderful success at St. 1'aul , Min- j/Hfita. Thi scenes of lost Sunday night ( le thusBtated : "The huuse waa literally ' Rcked. many hundreds turnlai ; dlsap. Qintedly away. When the invitation to seekers was given , the most extraordinary BCCUU occurred. Persons literally rushed up the crowded aisles , from all parts of the huuse , and fell nt the altar crying for mercy , i'l'ty were at the altar and thirty converted , Without controversy thfe MM the most remarkable meeting ever hold in bt. Paul. " It ls also elated that aara the con verts are Swedes Mid Germans , imo on one ncoMiionaix nationalities were aeon at the altar. The KvaugelUt u in fine health and spirits. NOT FOR JOSEPH , The Lonfl and LeDgtLy Talk on the Low-Wheeler Contest , A Greenback Democrat Fitted Against a Reconstructed Bourbon , But the Bargain , is Sealed , and the Boat will boon bo Delivered. Another Desperate Bffort to Prolong the Life of the Assassin. A BllMfnl Arraignment of Star Ronten by the Prmeontloot The North Polo Navigator Provided for VartouB Itoma From Wash Ington. CONGRESS. National AssocUtod VroM. SENATE PKOOKEDINOS. WASHINGTON , Juno 2. Senator Davis was unavoidably absent , but sent a letter nominating Senator In- galls president pro torn. Senator Hoar moved that Senator Ingalls be so oleotod for ono day. Consideration of the Japanese in demnity bill occupied the day. Adjourned till Monday. UOUBB PHOCKEDINOH. The Lowe-Wheeler case was re sumed. The time up to 3 p. in. was occupied in argument , most of the time being occupied by Mr. Atherton , who produced nothing new. Ho charged that the republicans had agreed to vote with the greonbackers if the latter would rote with them. Mr. Jones ( groenbacker ) stoutly domed that any such understanding existed. At 3:30 : p. m. Mr. Wheeler took the floor in support Of his own case , He reviewed the case , claiming that he was fairly elected , and that great unfairness had been shown by the other aide , in taking of the testimony , otc. Many of the witnesses showed that they themselves did not know for whom they voted. At 4:30 : p. in the homo adjourned with the understanding that Wheeler would have an hour to-morrow to fin- eh his statement in the case. CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated Proas. THE STAR ROUTE TRIALS. WASHINGTON , Junoi 2. Mr. Bliss opened the case for hjj.gpy.ernraent in It lmTg'niniiienl7 describing IhVsfar route service and the nature of the crimes alleged. After the conclusion of Mr. Bliss' ' argument to-day , the star route cases were adjourned to Monday. DANBNHOWER had a long consultation with Secretary Chandler to-day. Secretary Chandler has assign Lieut. Danenhower to' special duty in the navy department. It is under stood that ho will at once enter upon preparation of a report of his travels and sufferings in the Arctic regions , in search of the north polo. MAIL DELIVERY ON" StTNDAY. Mr. Robinson , ( if New York , to-day called on the postmaster general and urged an extension of { ho letter de livery service so that letters may bo delivered in large cities once on each Sunday. BETTER LATE THAN NEVKU. The house committee on war claims have agreed to a bill giving 817,000 to Mrs. E. A. Garr , for rations fur nished troopa going south through New York during the rebellion. A FRAUD. A man named Carpenter was ar rested at St. Louis engaged in issuing fraudulent land certificates of deyoait. TUB ASSASSIN LOOKING PLUCK , The Washington Critic says : An adage old as the hills Bays : "Timo and tide wait for no man. " The con demned assassin realized that time is not waiting , and that every succeed ing day hastens him nearer that time when the sentence of the law will bo executed and ho will bo precipitated into eternity. The cheerful demeanor and hopeful expressions which have characterized him throughout have vanished like sunshine before thu gathering masses of a muttering thun derstorm. The familiaratr of bravado is gone , and in its stead the ashen hue of terror has appeared. Reading and writing , once favorite occupations , are not now resorted to by the assassin. Hiscarnestpondoringaarooiily relieved when occasionally ho paces the floor of his oell unmindful of the dead watch , whoso eyes are upon him , wringing his hands and talking in a must incoherent manner , A few nights since ho retired to his prison coc about 10 o'clock , and in less than half an hour ho awoke in the most startled manner , and looking wildly around ; the weird moonlight pouring in through the grated window , ex claimed , his voice trembling with ex citement , " 1 BOO horrible phantoms before me. What shall I do ? My poor brains reel. Oh , why did I as- daseinato him1 It took some time to pacify the assassin , and when ho be came quiet ho calmly said : "Don't mind what I said ; I waa dream ing. Wo all dream at times. I am no coward , nor am I afraid to die. " "But , " ho continued , "it is not possible that President Arthur Is going to permit them to hong mo after what I did to redeem the republican p&rty , No I do not believe ho will. If ho ropriovoB mo or ownroukB my sentence hoodlums will howl , but the respectable element of aotfa p will otand by him and in dorao his action. " Having relieved his mind on that score i , ho ognin retired to his cot , but only to find troubled rort. Perhaps the ghastly phantom again vitited his bedside , n frightful reminder of the act and the near approach of the hour of vengeance , when from the Pacific to < the Atlantic and the lakes to the gulf , the electric click will announce fia fit an indignant people , ' 'Garflold is avenged. " A gentleman who lately visited'tho assassin spoke of the near approach of the : hanging day and desired him to make his peace with God. Turning av with a half frightened look , the latter said : "If man fails in this matter , if Charley Rood does not succeed and if President Arthur docs not stretch out his hand and aavo mo , there is Ono nbovo who prompted mo to take ono lifo for a country's good and who pro tected mo from the bullets of Mason and Jones , that will still protect mo. The first hand that is laid upon mo for the purpose of doing violence will bo instantly withered. I fear not man's power. I am God's man , and He'll protect mo. " . No doubt is expressed but that the court in bane will overrule Rood's now motion for a now hearing in the Guitoau case , made to-day. The only point mido is that the iccord is false in that Guitoau wan found guilty as in dicted , whereas several counts alloccd the death'of Gen. Garhold in Wash ington , and Reed urged that in these covnts the verdict should have boon not guilty. A decision will bo ren dered to-morrow. It is reported to-night that ex- Senator Harlan , of Iowa , will bo a member of the tariff commission. THE BLACK MASK. A Red Handed Harvey Hoisted in the Interior of Georgia. BU Partner in Orlma Prolongs HI * Iilfo for On * Day with Morphine. Criminal Notes of All Colors. CRIMINAL NEWS. National AssocUVecl Picas A NECK-TIE. ATLANTA , Ga. , June 2. James E. Harvey and William L. Moon wore sentenced to hang to-day at Carrolton , Harvey was to hang for the murder of Arthur McMullen in July last. Ho was executed in the presence of 'a largo crowd at 1:10 : p. m , Moon murdered J. B. Ward a little over a year ago. Ho attempted suicidp in his cell by taking poison this morning , and was respited by Gov. Colquitt until to-morrow. Ho was restored to consciousness at two o'clock this af ternoon , and will bo hanged tomorrow row between the usual hours , the sheriff having received a dispatch from : thcr coveraor tf this afternoon > to execute Moon to-morrow. The Malloy Trial. NKW HAVEN , Conn. , Juno " 2. Juror Lovejoy was attacked with violent lent erysipelas , the doctor pronounc ing danger of going to the bruin and proving fatal. Lovejoy is 72 years old. Court adjourned until Tuesday , Juno 13th. In case of Lovejoy'a death , this case will bo retired. The Htato attorney says in that event the prisoners will not bo admitted to bail. Sent Up for Iilfe- National Associated 1'resj. CATTLETTSBOKO , Ky. , Juno 2. Qeorgo Ellis , ono of the three Ashland murderers convicted , was this morn ing sentenced to imprisonment for lifo. No Pardon Offered Frank Jaxnoi Nttiorim Associated Press. JKVKEIWON CITY , Mo. , Juno 2. Gov. Oriitondon denies having offered a pardon to Frank James or of enter taining any proposition for executive clemency in any shape. Fire * National Anocialea f roaa. NEW YORK , Juno 2. Wm. Shaffer's piano factory , ' West Thirty-fourth stroor , was damaged $1,000 by fire ihia evening ; fully insured. The fire broke out in the factory of the Amer ican Paper Bag company. Loss , $5 000. QUEBKO , Juno 1. The Grand Trunk Railway depot , at South Quebec , burned this evening , with the emi grant sheds and a largo three-story house. The depot was situated at the edge of the St. Lawrence river , on wharves built ou into the stream as a landing place tor all Allen Line steamers on their arrival from Europe , The depot consisted of four three- story buildinus , 200 by GO foot , and worth $20,000 each. In ono was the oflico of thu United States consul , A number of cars containing freight wuro destroyed on the track , aluoa quantity of freight in the sheds. The Ions falls principally on the Grand Trunk rail way and the Dominion and Ontario governments , and in estimated at § 400,000. Indication * National Ajgoclated 1'rcsd. WASHINGTON , Juno 3 , 1 a. m. a For the upper lake rotrion , the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys , slight rains followed by clearing weather , northeast to northwest winds , higher barometer , stationary or light fall in temperature. Oo'ntral Illinois Crops- Kat'onal ' Awoclated Fiotu. CHICAGO , Juno 2. A special from Clinton , III. , says there has not boon so fine a prospect for good crops in Central Illinois for ten years as at the present time , The chilly and wet weather has been the making of the whwt CK > p. Rye and oats are also growing fbaoly. Corn planting Is about finished. A Chncid Opening. NUftnl AaratMul Via * . LKAVKNWORTH , Kan. , Juno 2. Five hundred citizens of this city wool to Oakaloosa on the Loavonworlh , Topeka & Southwestern railroad to day , to celebrate the opening of the road to that point , which is half way between this city and Topoka. The excursion was accompanied by the Barry Cadols and Crotor'a band , and were received and entertained in a very agreeable manner by the citizens of the town. THE LABOR OUTLOQK. Demands .for Hiffhor Wages Becoming Common , in the Bast. An Early Settlesteat of the Iron Strike Expected. Hultoul AnocUUd Free * . WINONA , Minn , , Jnno 2. All lum- jor mills hero are shut down because of the alnko of the sawyers , who demand an increase of 25 cent * a day , b"ivo hundred men are out. CHICAGO , Juno 2. The striking tanners in this city failed to accom- ) lish their object , and are asking to > o reinstated. A few are being taken > ack. OUIOAOO , Juno 2. There is no material change in the situation at [ roudalo this morning. All the men are still eut. President Jarrott has not arrived , and n telegram has boon received stating that ho will not come on as oxpootod. Corresponding Sec retary Pat Oarmady , of the Iron Makers' association here , has just re ceived the following dispatch from President Jarrott at Pittsburg : "My. instructions being advisory , you are at liberty to stop , provided that they all stop ; " and Mr. Crmady has.also re ceived the following telegram from Vice President J. C. Rullock : "BAY VIEW , MILWAUKEE , Juno 1. Do not work unless they m'gn the scale. Wo are out , and will atop out until they all sign. The indications now are that the men will stick out till the manufacturers give in. " The men claim that they have half a million dollars in the treasury at Pittsburg. The men also claim that the stool and rail men will come to their financial aid when they need it. About 1,0.30 men are out of employ ment here , CINCINNATI , Juno 2. The result of the great iron strike this morning in and about Cincinnati la as fdllows : Ono thousand iron workers are ! out of work at Ironton , 1 000 at Pomoroy , 200 at Masuillon , 130 at Wollsvillo , 250 at Springfield , 1,000 at Akton , Ohio. ( Terra Haute , Indiana , will shut down , it is expected , at any mo ment. ZANESVILLE , Ohio , Juno 2. Non union men are working in 'the mills without interruption. At Btoubon- ville , Ohio , 94 are out , and 1175 em ployes of the Panhandle r .ilroH f hojia have.beon dwohargnd.t t UnicuviLLK , Ohio , Juno 2. Ono hundred and thirty men have been * suspended from work on the Pan handle railroad. CHICAGO , Juno 2. Several arrests have been made in connection with last night's not at Brighton , but it is not thought any of the ring leaders bavo boon captured nor is ir consider ed probable they will bo. The labor ers at the dock are being protected by police. PiTTSBtma , Pa , Juno 2. The sit uation is unchanged. There are still rumors of firms signing the scale , but the rumors are not confirmed. The fooling is general that the strike will not last long Nuvf YOKK , Juno 2. About 900 of the striking boiler-makers returned to work to-day in various shops of this city and Brooklyn at the increased wages demanded by the union. Dur ing the day a cnmnattco visited the other shops , and made a report at a special mooting hold late this after noon. The session was conducted with closed doors. Ourran , presi dent of the union , who accompanied the committee , says they wore well rocoisod at all the shops visited , with the exception of Ddlamatire & Co. , where they were informed they < vould bo starved into submission. Roach also refused their demands. By Monday morning there will bo at least 1,000 men at work at increased wages , and they will contribute from their earnings towrrd a fund which is being mod to help these who must continue the strike because of the refusal of Dulamatiro and Roach to concede. They think the strike will have proved successful in every direction before another week has passed. Nn change in the Brooklyn ques tion. The advisability of starting a 30-oporativocoopers' shop.with funds in thu possession of the union is now being seriously and favorably received. PiTTfliiuuo , Juno 2. There is no change in thu iron situation. SritiNOFiKLD , 111. , Juno 2 , The strikers have been very quiet to-day ind nothing now has developed. They hold a meeting this forenoon and paseod a resolution expressing their wishes for a settlement of the diffi culty and telegraphed them to the president of the Amalgamated unions. The state of fooling hero between workmen and manufacturers is quite friendly and they are simply waiting settlement of the difficulty at Pitts- bun ; , when work will bo resumed. OSIJOUN MILLS , N. J. , Juno 2 Eighty hands have quit work hero ir the pottery works because of refusal of an increase in wages. Marino Intolliconoo. National Asaoclitod I NEW YOHK , Juno 2. Sailed ; The Ohio for Bremen. BALTIMOUK , June 2. Sailed ; The Strassburg for Bremen. LONDON , Juno 2 , Arrived ; The Franco from Now York. QUKENHTOWN , Juno 2. Sailed : Thi City of Berlin for Now York. Atlantic HreeBM. National A oOcUto4 PrcM. DENNISPOUT , Mass. , Juno 2. Th storm was remarkably severe to tin largo ilooU in the harbor. Tw < choonors were smashed by being orcod on the wharf , and two mete were cast on the beach , Bailor's wharf was torn up. Telegraphic com munication has been closed since 4 p. m. ycslorday. POLITICAL ! rfOTBS. Oonldinp ; Proves the I > ie tattonM AMOclated ITOM. Nmv YonK , Juno 2 To provo the ahohood of the Kingston ( Now York ] oeman's and Gen. Goo. H. Sharpo's allegations that Oonkling told au un- ruth when ho said ho wont to Albany niter his resignation to cnnvais for re- ilectlon against his own wishes but at ho urgent solicitation of immediate rionds , Oonkling to-day publishes in ho Herald letters from United States Senator John P. Jones , ox-Stato Superintendent of Insurance John F. Smith , ox-United States Senator " 0. Plattj ox-United States Marshal xjuis F. Bayno , 0 , M. Dennison , of Jtloi ; A. P. Johnson , of Utica , and 'olice Commissioner S. D. French , of Jew York City , nil assorting that Mr. tankling waa called from Washing- on after hid resignation to attend n onsultalion among friends , at which hoabovonamed , includingGcn Sharpe were present , and that all insisted ho hould co to Albany and canvass for n o-oloctiou , Sharpe insisting moro han any other upon that policy. A Dinner to Chandler. 'atlonal Atoodatod l'ro . BOSTON , Mas * . , Juno 2. Secretary Jhandlor will bo dined by the Now lampshiro club on the 14th , nnd will raako an address. Senator Fryo and Gen , Banks will bo present. Pennaylvania Politic * National Associated 1'reiw PHILADELPHIA , Juno -State Son- tor John Stewart , independent win- iidato ior governor , had a conference o-day with several loaders , during which the outline of a vigorous cam- was discussed. State Senator William J. Sowoll , ono of Cameron's lonchmon , said publicly to-day that f the indications later in the cam- > aign pointed to the success of the ndepondonts , the regular republicans would turn in and vote the democratic ickot. Mr. Thompson Xliioueica Ohio Pol- Itici. Ta blngton ipoclatto Cincinnati ! Commorciil , Colonel Jno. O. Thompson , who las been confined to his room for some time past by illnc&H , is able to ) o about again , and will leave for Columbus this week if possible. "There ij no authority for the stat- mcni recently made that I am to bo a candidate for congress aga nst Mr. 3onver o , " saia the Colonel to-night , "for I am by no means certain that I will bo. I do not know that I will bo now at least. lean tell moro about , hose things when I return to Ohio. Dur county congressional conven tion will bo hold July 25 , I believe , and the state convention not before * the 1st of August , so that matters will not bo in shape far mo to say what I shall do for some time. "What is there in this ta1 < c about Ex-Senator Thurman running for sec retary of state on the democratic ticket this fall ? " "Nothing. There is nothing in such an oliico as that to induce Mr. Thurman to re-enter public lifo. Hud ; ho republican legislature failed to rer distno' the and loft stnto a cnnurosa- man-at-largo * to bo ( looted , I think ; ho pressure which would have boon wrought to bear nn Mr. Thurmnn to iccopt this nomination would have seen irresistible. Ho would then , case of his election , have ; ono back to the house with lomo prestige. Ho would have occupied the same position towards ; ho democrats as Mr. Clay did towards ; ho Whigs. Ho would have doubtless boon the democratic candidate for ipoakor ; bat the secretaryship of stnto ; $ quito another matter. When it comes to cheese a governor next year think Mr. Thurman will again bo called upon , but ho will not consent to enter the race this year. " "Would Mr. Pondleton'a friends tavo united in bringing forward Mr , 1'hurman ? " "I think they would have done so ; his fall gladly. Mr. Pendloton'a 'rionds ' regard him simply as a candi date for re-election t > his own spat in -ho senate. Mr. Pendieton himsolj desires nothing more. As well as tnow Mr. Poudloton , the question of lis being a candidate for the presi dency has never been mentioned. Ho s devoting himself strictly to his sen atorial duties , and desires nothing moro than his re-election to that office. All this talk about a literary bureau whioh gets into the newspapers is trash. " SPORTING. National Aesocl&teJ I'reni THE HANDCWN DKltHY. LONDON , Juno 2.-Tho Sandown Derby was won by Loonar < i , Gerald and Mardoa coming in second on a dead heat. BARB UALL BOSTON , Juno 2.Belflos 6 , Bos tonn 0. PnoTiiiENOH , Juno 2. Detroit 7 , Providence 8. NEW YOKK , Juno 1. Metropolitans tans 3 , Clevolanda C. Pirruujio , Juno 2. Allcghenies 8 , St. Louis 2. PHILADELPHIA , Juno 2. At Oak- dale park , Athletics 1 , Cincinnatis 7 , at Recreation park , Philadelphias 9 Ohicagos 11. The Athloiics left to night for a live weeks' playing tour in the west. QUKEN CITV JOOKEY CLUD , CINNCINNATI , Juno 2 , First race ono milo , was won by Barley , Tom Barlow second , Manitou third. Second race , throe-quarters of i milo , was won by Bonnotta , Ella second end ; time , 1:22. : Third race , three-quarters of a mile was won by L. B. Sprague , who took second and third heats , Hickory Jim winning first heatj time , 1:21 : , 1:21 : 1:21. : I-ITTSBDItO EACK.S. Pmsuuiui , Juno 2. Third day' spring running mooting ; First race , ono mile , was won by issau- . * . Jollo of Hunnyrncdo , Kruppgtm second end , Traveler third ; time , 1:51. : Second race * , throe quarters of a mile , was won by Barnor , Easter nee- end ; tlmo , Ii22 ? . Third race , ono and a half mile , was won by CAPIAS , Droiubalotta sea * end } time , 2:47 : $ . Fourth rnci ? , hurdle , was won by Virginia in two heat ? , Keno second , Edwin , A. distanced ; time , 1:51 : , 2:01. : IIUIOIITON BEACU 1UCF.8. NKW YOUR , Juno 2. The opening vent at Brighton Hunch , Coney sland , was a running race , won by jauni Glass , Rab Roy second ; time , 1:301. : Second race , ono milo , was won by Odcn , Sportsman second ; time , 1:4BJ. : Third race , ono milo and one-eighth , was won by LagloraPtomao ! second ; imo , 1:58 : j. Fourth race , ono milo and ono- ighth over five hurdles , Welter weights , was won by Terror , Clark ooond ; time , 2:23. : KANSAH Hl'OUTH. OSKAIOOSA , Kan. , Juno 2. The lass ball shooting match resulted , > avonworth 81 , Oakaloosa G8. The > aso ball game resulted , Lf > avonworth tods 8 , Sta'o University ( Lawrence ) 8. The Effect of Small Pox Overcome- ST. JOHEPII , Mo. , May 19,1881. II. H. WARNER it Co. : Sirs Small > ox left mo with weakened kidneys , nd only your Safe Kidney and Liver Jure gave mo permanent relief. m50dlw WILIJAM KKNNKY. A GOOD OODHX&T TO AVOID , California Degenerates from a Paradise to Pauper- dom. A Richer irad Moro Profitable Field Eatt at the Rooldoi- To th * Editor o ! the Ceo. I lately received a communication rom G. B , Merriam , of San Fran cisco , CM. , requesting mo to have niblishod in the paper that had the .aigost circulation an article describ ing the labor market in California , speaking from my own experience and his knowledge , hoping that it might deter some from going there to bettor their condition , which would certainly result in their disaster. Ho ays : "Business of all kinds is dull , wages are down to starvation point , with no brightening outlook. The ' jung men do not take unto thorn- elves wive ? , for employment is too > recarious , and when it can be ob tained , the compensation is too moa- rre to support comfortably the person who receives it. This , is , indeed , a sad7 but alas ! too truu a picture. " "Fifteen young-men arrived hero in April from Wiscjiiam und stayed just 'our days , when disheartened by the rebuild they received , shook the dust of the 'Golden state' from off their 'cot. jumped aboard the train and ro- .urned to their homos in the north west. "California has for years and years ceased to bo the poor man's paradise and has now become his pandcmo- um. " My experience dates back to 1874-0. At this time wages were generally peed compared to eastern prices. i3rickmasons received $5 per day and carpenters § 4 for workon the Palace lotol , but when that was finished work was scarce at any prico. Common work was hard to go t , though wages were ordinarily fair. Many ana many a time I applied to the shops , mills and 'factories for work , jut was always a little too lato. Call again , better luck next time , soon be came the expected answer , and aa a ast resort I wont to work on the horse cars , an occupation regarded by Homo as intermediate between honest employment - ployment and thostato prison. When I returned east I was out of everything except a year nnd a half of experience. And from this I should advise everyone ono who has not a full purse to stay away from California , for they will surely bo disappointed. Going there wo mot train after tram of returning emigrants all cursing the country. Wo thought they had not caught on just right , and hoped wo would bo moro fortunate , but wo were not. Stay whore you are acquainted ; but J you must go do not go to San Fran- ; isco unless you have the cash ; if you | liavo , , go ; as there is no place where a person can enjoy lifo more than in San Frstuoitco. Everything that goes to make up the sum of man'n enjoy ment cm bo procured there fur money , With money I would live j in San Francisco ; without it I will re main in the Republican valley. Axford , Nob. 0. G. MIKHI. Virtue Acknowledged. MM. Ira llnlhollaiid , Al'-any ' , N. Y. . writes ! "Forsaveral yearn I luve sum-roc ! from oft-recurring hllltoua heodaobes , dys pepsia , mid complaint * peculiar to mviex 9lico u ing ynur UuimooK Uwon UJITKW - nin entirely relieved. " Price SI 00. The Apaches Again , Nutlonil AsoocUteU 1'rciH AUHTIN , Tex. , Juno 2. Adjutant General King Js in receipt of informa tion that I lie Apache Indians , depre dating in Now Mexico , are gathtrint in largo number * in the Gaudaloupo mountains , and indications are that they intend to raid into Texas. Mucl uneasiness is felt on the northwest border , and as soon as practicable foui companies of rangers , now distributed along tbo Irontior , will bo concen trated and Gen. Kinjr , taking com niand in person , will proceed to thi Gaudaloupo mountains and ondeavo to prevent the movement into Texas Uranamotuer Used to ay : "Boys , If your blood It ou of order try Burdock tea ; and then the , had to dig the Burdock and boll it dow | u kettles , inaktojf a nasty , mnellipg deroc lion ; now you get all the curative proper I lea put up in a palatable formlnbfliuot' BLOOP tyimiiB , 1'rlw f 1,00 THE RELIGIOUS REBEL. Don , Garibaldi Gathered to His Fathers by Bronohitis. The Old Campaigner's Death Causes Excitement in Italy , A Now Sachet Quietly In troduced iu Egyptian Affairs , Co whioh the Khedive Tum bled at on Early Hour and Declined with Thanks. rhe New Ministry Entirely-Too Anti for the European Nostrils , A JFnl B Prophet Carrie * th * War late Africa and Captnroa Several Townn TUB OLD CAMI'AIONRll OONH. pccUl Dliitttdi to Tim On. OHICAOO , Juno 2.--Acablo dispatch rom Rome at midnight , says : Gen. Garibaldi's fatal illness was of short uration. It was occasioned by a long listing asthmatic complaint , which , ovclopod suddenly into a sharp attack f bronchitis , whioh was further in- roasod by the great debility of the ationt , and ho rapidly succumbed to bo attack. News of his critical con- ition reached different members f' his family , residing in louie and Genoa this morning , and hey nil immediately started tor Oaprora' but failed to arrive in time , o see the general alive , death having akon plica t-omo hours previous. The ; ovornmont on learning of his aori- IUB illness , sent Dr. Albanczo , of lomo to his bedside , but the doctor could offer him no relief. Qon. < 3ara- mldi died when in atrugglo , but waa conscious until near the end. N Uon J Associated Press. ROMK , Juno 2. Gen. Guiscppo Gari- .jaldidiedot his homo , Odland,0nprora , at half past G o'clock this evening rom an attack of bronchi tip , from which ho has been sufferinc soma imo. Gin. Garibaldi was born at Nice , . July 22,1807. A NKW DEAL. CAIKO , Juno 2. The khedive has summoned Raghot Pasha to form a ministry. It is reported R ighot will undertake to got Arabi Bey to leave the country and that Absallah All will retire to the interior Raghot Pasha is strong anti-European. LONDON , Juno 2. The Turkish commissioner starts for Egypt to-day. The khedive refused to accept R g- ict Pasha'rt ministry on the ground hat the members are too anti-Ei- opoan. A ritOOLAHATlON. CAIRO , Ju"o 2. A declaration just ssuod by Arabi Boy through the sec retary of the interior , guaranoea so- urity of lifo and property throughout 3/ypt , irrespective of religion or na- ionality. A VALSB rnoriiET. CONSTANTINOPLE , Juno 2 The Sou dan insurgents under a false prophet lave captured Khcortouin , the capital of the Egyptian government of Sou dan. TIIE ronTB rours. LONDON , Juno 2. All the powers , with the exception of the porte , have igrood to a European conference for bo settlement of the Egyptian diffi culty. A COM&nWJlONKK. OoNHTANTiNoi'LB , Juno 2. The porto has sent Dervish Purha as spo- iial oommissionor to Egypt. ' AHT HIUI1IITION. ST. PuTEKHBUita , Juno 2. Grand Duke Vladimir opened the exhibition of arta and industries at Moscow to day. IIHENNAN AimOAl ) . LONDON , Juno 2. Bronnan , secre tary of the land looguo , was uncondi tionally released. BUSINESS FAILURES. The Notorious Gaaanftvo of Louisiana. Sold out Collupioa In Denver , and Boston. NitlonM Associated Press. NEwYouic , Juno 2. There wow 101 failures in the United States ro- jortod to Bwdstroot durinc the past ivoek , a decree so of 20 from the preceding - ceding week , but 23 more than the corresponding week last year. Ro- wrts from Now Orleans state that jasanavo undertaker , is advertised to bo sold out by the sheriff. Ho wan a member of the notorious Louisiana returning board , but his connection with politics caused him to neglect Business , which ho began in 1867 , succeeding his father , and ho soon found himself harrassod on every aide , Dispatches .received by Bradstreet a state that the Kentucky Distilling company , at Denver , Col. , has been closed by attachments. Dispatches from Boston state that the Crocker Filter company and Litchliold & Crocker , maohlmsta , have failed , The Crocker Filter com pany started in 1880 with a nominal capital of 550,000 , , the organizers be ing LitohColdj Crocker , and Win. P. Hunt , president of the South Boston Iron company. LHohCold & Crocker HI manufaoturodWters for the company , if ; and it U said tae latter owes the firm largely. / Nrft For n Fortune. "PlwWj/t wouldn't marry her If iiho had a fortune/ ' Poor girl , nhefd bo all tight If tke took/Si'BiHO Buwsou , the beat thing in the world for otleuiive bio th. DO cents ; trial bottle * , 10 cent * ,