# - * " ' . THE DAlLf BEE--FRIDAY JUNE 2 1882. THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. " Report of the Merchantb' Ex change Committee , Who Visited the National Capital In the Interest of River Improve ments. St. Louis Republican , Hay 30. The committee appointed by the MerohnnU1 oxchnngo to vi.-it Wash , ington in the interest of the Missis sippi river improvement plans , recom mended by the river commiBsion , sub mitted to the board of directors the following formal report concerning their efforts before the proper con- gresnional committee : To the Prculdent and Board ot Directors of the Merchants' Exchange : GENTLEMEN : The undersigned , duly appointed and commissioned delegates on behalf of the Merchants' exchange , to proceed to Washington and to Tabor for liberal appropriation ! ) for the improvement of the Missis sippi river and its navigable tribu taries , beg leave to present their re port. Your delegates workod'pnrticu- larly for appropriations for the Mis sissippi , the Missouri and the Illinois rivers , us their improvement was of the greatest importance to the people of this section of the country. The oud aimed at waste to procure for these rivers the various sums recommended by the river commission , and by the engin eers in charge cf works not under the actual control of the commission. They poroistontly advocated the rec ommendations of the commission for the amount of $4,123,000 for chan nel improvement from Cairo to Now .Orleans. The commerce committee of the Jiouso , which liavo the matter in hand , have voted this amount , They have also agreed upon the sum of $000,000 from the mouth of the Illinois to Cairo. From the mouth of the Illinois river to the Das Moines rapids they have voted $200,000 , ; for the DCS Moines rapid ? , $30,000 ; from the rapids to St. i'aul , $250,000 ; for improvements almotho falls of tilt. Anthony , $10,000 ; and for continuing operations on the reservoirs at the headwaters of thu Mississippi , $300- 000. Those different amounts do nut include appropriations for the various harbors along the river nor for the building and operating , of snag-boats. The whole amount is given solely for the improvement of the channel of the Mississippi , IN THE INTEUKSTH OF NAVIGATION. The commerce committee have also voted $80j,000 ) for the improvement of the channel of the Miasouri "river from its mouth to Sioux City , Iowa , and $250,000 for the Illinois river. Thoi total amount is throe times crcnter than was ever obtained from the central government at any one session previous to this ; and there is no doubt that these sums voted by the committee will meet the approval of both branches of the national legisla ture. ture.Your Your delegates desire , in making their report , to mention aomo of the obstacles which had to bo overcome to accomplish these desired results. There are some members of congress who opposed these appropriations in interests not favorable to the granting of aid for the improvement of any waterway which was likely to become a formidable rival in transportation. This class , were few in number , vnd their opposition much less than formerly. They had little inclina tion to resist the power of the public sentiment of the west upon the ques tion. tion.There There was , however , another class of enemies who made themselves felt by a most determined opposition to the plans of the river commission. The methods employed by these men men to carry out their project were AH 11ABK AND AS UNJUST as were over usod. Tlioy wore led by John Oowdon , who made a bitter fight against not only the plans adopted by the commission , bul against the competency and skill o ! the whole engineer corps of the United States. Oowdon and his party are what might bo termed speculators ii : river improvement. Do presented what is called the "outlet plan" as a eubstituto for the plan already in augurated by the commission , and , this ' 'outlet " although plan" was clearly shown to bo impractical , dan gerous and contrary to all scientific knowledge affecting the matter , ant contrary to the experience of everyone ono who had studied carefully the phenomena of the current of the Mis sissippi river , nevertheless ho wan able to collect around himself a number bor ot active members of the house who labored incessantly for the pro motion of his scheme , Cowdon , not content with n presentation tation of his plan to the commiltui > and allowing it to bo passed upon nc cording to its merits , commenced it the Washington newspapers , in ordut to prejudice members against thum a most violent attack both upon the plans aad upon the characters and rep utnlions of the individual members o the commission , and ho used language agninet them which , considering their hiuh position , was an oflonco against common decency and unfit to bo < | uo ted in this report. Some luombora gave aid to his plan as n disguise for their hostility to river improvement , well Icnoiving that if the two plans , antagonistic to each other could bt adopted , both would certainly fail. Alone ono period of the controversy it scorn * ed as if Cpwdcn would accomplish his object , , TUB I'KUIL TO OUU INTEKE.STS was imminent , and your delegates were obliged to resort to a most thor ough exposure of his whole scheme ; ana when that exposure culminated in a series of questions put to him which ho answered before the cominit- tee , there was not a member of it but comprehended that Covrdon's interest ! in the improvement of the Muuisaipp river depended upon the amount 01 money he could ootain from Uu > na tional treasury for his own and the advantage of his associates This fac being made apparent by his own un guarded confessions , his cliemo failcc and the recommendations of the river commission triumphed , Ii is believed that had it not buen for the work of your dolugah-s , and thoeo working with them , his Kcherne would have succeeded , and the fruit of our labors and that of tlio people ef the MUniwippl valley , who have labored for year * for the proper improvement of the western water ways , would , for this season at least , have proved a failure. Bettor judg ment , however , prevailed , and wo be- iievo from this time forward the com bined power of the enemies of river improvement will bo unable to thwart the just demands of the people , and the channels of these rivers will final ly bo made safe and navigable through out the whole year , and thus by open , frco and unhindered navigation , cheap transportation of the bulky products of tlio west will bo secured. Public opinion upon a greatmattorln a coun try like ours is only another name for political opinion , and that opinion now demands recognition of our claims upon this great question of river im provement , and it In able to enforce it by ballot. JOHN HOOAN , GEOROE Ii.VniniiT. . The report will bo acted upon by the board of directors at their next mooting. NoMnttor What Hupprnn Vou mtiy rent wwircd that you nro Mifo In liolnf ? upecdily cured by THOMAS' KLECTJIIO On , , In all canes of rheumatism , nctirnltjia , toothncho , ota Olio trial only Is necessary to prove Its efficacy. MEBRIOK COUNTY. Prosoocta Bright , Business Good and the People Heppy. Oorroipondonro of The Boo. CENTIUL CITY , Nob. , May 30. Merrick county is general and Central City in particular , are moving along and keeping pace with the progressive ago. Notwithstanding a very wet spring has boon our lot , crops look splendid. A light snow on the 22A varied the monotonyf but beyond cooling things did no damages. Many fine residences pro being juilt in Central City. In fact wo lave already many of that sort , and with additions being made , wo can ay claim to having the prettiest town on the U. P. To add to its beauty are the hundreds of trcos , of which wo iclievo Central City has more than ary other town of its aizo in all No- jniska. 0. W , Adams , U. P. agent , is ) oautifying his residence by building a largo addition. Morrick county gets over $20,000 r'oarly from the Union Pacifio in L. 0. McBride , of Iowa , a brother of Gun. J. 0. McBride , ia making reparations to go into business hero. Wo think him wise in picking Cen tal City for a business location and a 101110. The Central City house has been orn to pieces' and fixed over , and wo mvo now two as good hotels as can > o found in the state. A meeting was hold at the court louse on Saturday evening laat to orm an anti-monopoly league. Com- nittees were appointed , and the moot- ng adjourned to Juno 10th. The great Do La Matyr , of green back fame , will address the citizens of this place next Thursday night. A good part of our' citizens wont to 3rand Island on the 30th to attend decoration services at that place. The Nonpareil oflico is figuring for a cylinder press , and that paper announces that its publisher has already purchased ono. Central City has not yet got a sroamery , but wants and needs ono ladly. Metrick county is now being favored with lots of aow comers , many of whom are business men of moans 'and who will greatly assist our business boom. boom.Wo Wo nlrno&t forgot to say that Mer rick county , has lots of vacant land awaiting settlement , and Central City has lota o ! good business openings. These looking for homes in the west should not fail to give our county a visit , for they are sure to bo satisfied with its rare beauty and productive ness , and those looking for business openings will go for and search a long while before they surpass or oven equal Central City. This fact is attested by the number of now acqui sitions to our business circles. The Omaha Herald recently stated that there were clinch bugs in Mor rick county. If there over were any they were scarce , and the recent wol weather has boon a "deadoner" on a ) inaoot posts. Wo think Central City can boast ol the handsomest court yard in the state without exception. Wo invite com parison. OliNTUAL. Horaford'a Aold Plionpliato IN NEKVOUH DE1IIL1TV. Dr. Edwin F. Vosp , Portland , Mo. , says : "I have proscribed it for man } of the various forms of nervous de bility , and it has never failed to do good. * * " lw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * " Made nn ferror. Liram'o l This anting in Wyoming lua been quito backward this year. Thu mag- niilia and the broai leaf oottunwoot' have been reluctant about blo-jming , and the pine apple trco has not yel put on its vorduiu. Yesterday a timid little houstlly with * gauzy wings and low , Bad song , crawled out of an old mucilogo bottle on The Hoomorang mahogany esorj- toiro and looked around. Rip Van W.inkli ) housolly then carefully tin- packed n small punctuating machine and went over toward the utovo to get warm. Uis joints were still' and liia hair pulled , Ho wusalso gummed all over with mucilage and ho had a seal brown taste in his mouth. Ho had retired tp that old mucilage bottle last October , when the wintry blasts began to creep down from the mountains , and ho had been there eight months. llo backed up to the stove , spsead his coat tails apart so as to warm tlio dormer window of his ooul and looked out of the window , Over in the Black Hills about four miles from town a snow storm covered the tops ol the mountains and nettled half way down Government canyon , The house fly shuddered and came over to whore wo were writing. Ho Bottled on our hand and the Boles of his foot foil like ice. It was none ot our butinesi , of course , and it was nut of our line , but wo just said to him that the best thing ho could do would bo to reconsider this matter. Wo told lam that Jus spring alarm clock had made a mistake , no doubt. aud gone oil" in January. 119 aoomod to think that it must bo so , for ho wished us a happy now year , rolled up his punctuator again in a shawl strap and wont back into his muciUgo bottle with instructions to bo called in tirno to catch the preserve season. True to her Xrnat- , Too mucn cnnnnt be nai'l ' of the ever faithful wlfo nml molher , constantly Wfttclilni ? uml curliiB for her dear ncn , never npttlccting Mnsjle duty In their ba- half. When they nro nMtllcit by disease , nnd the system sliou'd ' have a thorough clonnsliif ' , , the ktnmnch nml bowels regu lated , Moi ( I mi Ifiid , nnrt malarial poison exterminated , slie muni know the that Klccttlo IJIUern ro the only sure remedy. They nro the best and purest tno ilciuo in the world nn 1 only coit fifty centi. Sold by O. P. Goodman A Story About Zftcti Ohandlor. Detroit Free 1'rctn. Ono day in 1801 Senator Xich Chan dler was a passenger nn the train from OWOBBO to Linaing , and , strangely enough , no ono in the car had any idoit of his identity. Two men hod the seat behind him , and from talking of war they drifted tb politics , and , naturally enough , Chandler's iiamo bocanio mixed up. Both men were red-hot ngaintt him , and directly one of them observed : "It's a wonder to mu that some one doesn't shoot the old blood-letter. " "Oh , ho'll got his dose yet , and don't you forgot it ! " replied the other. The senator turned slowly around , took a good look at both , and then aaid : "Gentlemen , lenso speak a little lower I am Senator Chandler my self ! " Ho thought ho had them frozen solid , but he was mistaken. Ho had scarcely turned his head when ono of them loaned forward and replied : "That's all right , pard , it you can boat the conductor with it ; but don't try to stuff us ! Wo mot the old chap back in Owoaso net an hour ago , wait ing to go cast , and it cost mo ยง 22 in cash and a silver watch to call his liond ! If you've got a now racket trot : l out wo are no giveaways ! " Proflta'blo Pnticnts. The most wonderful and marvelous success in cases where persons are sick or wasting away from a condition of miserablotiesp , that no ono knows what ails them , ( profitable patients For doctors , ) is obtained by the use of Hop Bittors. They begin to euro from the lirst doao and keep it up un til perfect health and strength is re stored. Whoever is olllictod in this way need not sutler , when they can ; et Hop Bitters. [ Cincinnati Star. Danger of Lassoing Cattle. Wnlla Walla ( W. T. ) Union. Capturing cattle by moans of a torso and lasso is ill ways attended with more or less danger , and many Are the atones of daring riders who lave boon violently dragged to death or ruthlessly mangled and crushed by i lioisa falling upon them.A t bc.tt it s a dangerous business , full of luztrds md rialts , and1 usually attended with small profits. Last Saturday after noon , while Henry Scholl was at- to "beef-critter" in ; empting secure a - ; ho neighborhood of the North Paoi- iio mills , ho mot with a slight accident that nothing loss'than1 his coolness and agility prevented from being attended with serious results. He was mounted on a horse and had jutt thrown the lasso around the head of the steer , when the latter gave a sudden turn in behind a tree while running at full speed. As thu horse was also on the run and the ropu was entangled around one of the young man's hands , it was evident that when thu ropu tightened on the true tlio rider would bo jerked in a umnnor that would probably result injuries or death. Seeing the emergency - goncy in which ho WAS placed , Henry at 0:100 lot go all hold on the horse , withdrew his feet from the stirrups , and full to the ground. Tlio steer drugged him a shotc diattttico when it was brought to to a stand-still. Par ties in the neighborhood quickly ruahed to the yount ; man's aid , and , releasing him from his perilous posi tion , took charge of him until con sciousness , which had left him when ho struck the ground , had returned , and ho waa able to ride homo Not a Beverage- "They are not a beverage , but c medicine , with curative properties ol the highest degree , containing no pool whisky or poisonous drugs. They dc not tear down an already debilitated system , but build it up. Ono bottle contains moro hops , that is , more real hop strength , than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Ilocheatoi sells them , and the physicians pro scribe them. " [ Evening Express on Hop Bittors. The Man who Told tlio Doctor that "ho Mt as II bo dklu't want to do an ) thin ? , " u < u tcciiaoi ] ol lailiictn Yet thousicds experience tliU feel- itij ? oeiicclally la nummcr In conucquenc * of a duordciuj coudltlon a ! thu itomaclililcli a lew rulicihlni-drau liti of TAKRAM'S BKLTZKK APEB. IK.st woui i l > o turn to remedy. BOMJ1Y AM , DUUOaUTri. Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa , Soral Portable Engines , FOR OUEAHEIUKS , Priiitinir Offices , Eb. , Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Establishment mont in the Stato. f MANUFAOTUIIERS OF / Steam Engines , AND GENERAI. MAOHINERV. The Howard Automatic Ouf-Oif Steam Engine , Bead lor ClrcuUr * . m25tlm Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Saalacho , Soraness of the Chosi , Sout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell- infls and Sprains. Burns and C- Scalds , General Bodily Pains , ITaotn , Ear and l/aadachof frosted Feet and Ears , and all ether Pains and Ache * . a on en t rth q l ST. _ a fafetitrtitinplf nd chrap Extern * ! % * m l7. A trial tntalli but th comptntlrelj Irtaing ontUy of CO Ont , nd ererj on * uS r. < with piiln MO hurt chotp * nd pcilUn > is ) f lUcUlmi. Dlr ctloni In Xleten WT.D BT ALLDRVTQGISTB AHl/DEAlERS IN 1IEDIOINE. A.T7OGELER & CO , , MCCARTHY & BUBKE , General Undertakers , a. S 2.3b T3 ? 3BC 35 T. BotFnrnnm nod Donglng. Metallic , Wood and Cloth Covered COFFINS ROBES CASKETS , , , SHROUDS , GRAPE , &o. , constantly on hand. Orders Iro-n the country tollcilcd , and promut'y attended to. ni31-ly Murray & Lamnan's Best fir TOILET , BATH and I ANDKERCHIEF. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MKDICINE TRADE MARK1" OrcatTRf JB MARK English rcm- cily. Anun- falllnv curt for Seminal Weakness , Bpormator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all Diseases that * follow oa a BEFCiRETAKIHQ.Boquence of AFTER TAIINQ. Self-Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , I'aln In the Bock , Dlmnesa of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. tarFull particulars in our pamohlet , which wo desire to Bend free t r mall to every one , 49Tho Specific Medicine la sold by all druggists at 81 per package , or 6 pickles for ? 5 , or will bo sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by addressing THE OKA 1EDICINECO. , Bcflalo.N.Y. The feeble nd cmaciitea eutfcrlnir from dvs- persiaorlndlgeitlon lnatirforiuareidvliied. ( for the sake of their ow.i bodily end mental comfort , to try Ilostetter' * btomaoti B tttrs. lAcllos o ( the most del cato constitution test If to Its harm- lots and restorative properties. rtiy lc ! n everywhere , dlsgmtcd with the adultcr > ttd liquors of < immerc9 , prescribe It at thecnfoet and nioit reliable of all stoinachlcv , For sale by all drugglsta and dcalora generally al to ml SYPHILIS Outarrb , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Phnploa , B O I LS , or niiy Skin Di&eas . /jures WJien Hot Springs Fail 1UV MJ , A K. , M y 8.1681 We have catei lu onr own town who lived at Hot Sprlnirs , > nd were Uually cured with 8. 8. 8 , 1 UCOAMIION A IIUBUT. IP you aouttoomoto o us una \ b CUIIK YOUH OH cluxrae uothtne 11 Write for particular * and copy of llttlo Book to tlio Unfortunate huHerlnw T.OOl ) Howard wui " * , I1 ! ? * P " ? ckciufitw bo will find , on onalytbi ICO tottlo B. H. 8. , ouo particle of Mercury , Iodld PoU * iluiu or uy Mineral lubsUnca. BW T BPECIFIO CO. Vropi , AUant Price of Small die , tl.CO. " * " L"K8olSly"ENNARD BK08.Ui 00 UencrallT. If yon sufTer from Djrpepsm , uw BUnDOCiv If you arc afflicted with Blllouincn , usa DUUDOCK BLOOD MITERS It you are ptoetriftcd with sick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS K your Bovclg arc dlmrdcrcd , regulate them with BURDOCK 11LOOD BITTERS. H your Blood Is mpuro , purify tt with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If youhavo Indigestion ) you will find on antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are troubled with Sprlnjr Complaints , cr- Kllcato them with BURDOCK BLOOD B1TTEHS. If your Ltcrls tcrpH , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is alfoctcd , you will find a sura ro- storatlvo In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you tmvoany species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to toke BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jou have nny symptoms ot Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing con equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the tyst m with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTKIIS. Prlco. 01.00 ooi Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cta FOSTEE , HILBUBN , & Go , , Props , BUFFALO. N. V. Sold at wholesale by Ish & UcMahon and C. F. Ooodm&a. _ ] o 27 ooil-mo Bjr If yotiiti < mnmn \r offiu'incss.weuk- man ot Mini l > y tlip trMn or terHrlli vour duties avolt * niplit workt to Stimulants and m \f bralnner r Hop Bittern. H , IHO Hop B. If you are yci'Jip on oitircrinjiSiomtii.y ti discretion or illwlria 1 loll I It yniinn run ? rtcn or nlsKio. old or -ounu , trou po rhcaltb or iMipuun ine on ii I' urnc , r lT on H O p Blttera. Wioerer yon ore. nhoncrcr jou net noallyfrora is > m3 that your sjrtcm form it K'.ono ) iitcde cleansing , ton- that niliilil Ir.c or BtlmulatlnR , uavo bfen | > re'ntm wUhonUnfoxfcalfnp , by i timely nsooJ ' .nlc Hop HcpSltter * JS3SSB5SJ ; ftpi'a , htilnrv . Q.I. O oruMnan/com. an tbsclu'v flatni , disease' ' and Irrealita. ot tlr * romacfc. We en r ( i fci ImctI * . Wood , Uruiifcennenn. Urtr or nine * I use of oplud. You will tin tfcllRCCOj O' cii red If you me QUCCtlCtl. Bluer * Disease Is an effect , not a cause. It ? origin is within ; Its manifestations without , ilcnce , to euro the disease the cAi'SKrnuRt ba removed , and In no other way can a cure over I o efTcottd. "WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND liIVKK CURE Is established on jubt this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys and liver , and It strikes at once ct the root of the difficulty. The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great otffu\a \ , both as a FOOD ard RKMTORER , and , by placl&i ; them In a healthy , condition , drive disease and pain from the syetem. For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un healthy KldneyB , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the distressing Dlsorderiof Women ; for Malaria. am * phyelcil derangements generally , this great remtdy ha * no equal. Beware of Impostors , im itations and concoct Ions Bnlrt to bo Just as good. For fcnlu by all dealers. H. \VARNEB & CO. , me _ Hooliottor N. Y- The Great English Kemedy iNorcr falls to cine Nervous Debility. VI- tai Exhaustion , Kmls- 'lions. ' Seminal Wcak- HOOD , and all the evil cllects of youth * ( ul lollies and exces ses. It stops perma nently all weakening , Involuntary lossig and drains upon the sys tem , the Inevitable ro- 'suit ' of these evil prac tices. which are BO destructive to mind and body and make life miserable , ottcn leading to Ineanl- tyanddcath. Ksiromjthons thoNencs.Ilrain , ( memoryf Blood , Jlusclos , l > lgeilho andltcpro- ductrte Organs , It restores to nil the or anlo functl'-nn their former vigor and \ltal Jty , ma king life cheerful and enjojable. 1'rico , J3 a icttle , or four times the quantity $10. Hent by express , secure from observation , to any address. on receipt of price. No. U. 0. D. sent , except un receipt of VI an a guarantee. Letters rj- questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills ate tb > bctt and cheapest djepvpsln and blllloui cure i the markit. bold by all druggists. 1'rlco (0 cents. DB , ilium's KIIJNIIT HEUBDT , KtcBirricuu , Curosill tin Jot Kidney and bladder comnlilnte. gonorrhea , gluet and loucorrhia. t'oi ealo by all : 81 a bottle. ENaLIQII MEDICAL INSTITUTE , IlSOlho St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Ealo In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. To Nervous Sutterers THE QHKAT EUROPEAN IIEMEDY. Dr. J. B , SimpBon'o Speciflo II Is ft positive euro ( or Brxnuttcubea , Bemlc * WuokncM. Imix > Uncy , .nd all dlstiaca ronultlag from Sdf-Atmw , M MonUl Anxiety , Loaai Memory i F in In the Dick or Side , and djseteei .no. . . * " * n SptloS jDsanlty n , _ early gr ve The Sixclflc Uodlclne II bcln ; u cd with wonder- ( ul Bucceoa. Ftmphletj cut me to Ml. Write (0 ( thorn * cd get lull ( * r > tlculire , Pilco , Snedflo , 01.03 p r juickkge. or * lx pack. tgoi ( or $5.00. AJdrcca nil ordcri to B. B1MSOK MKUIUINK OQ. KOI. 101 and 108 Main St. lluflalo , H. Y , SoM lu Omnhi by 0. r. Qoodnun , J. W. Bell , J , K. lib. acd all dniglit > Ttry hcia.t . t .dbw ANT1-MONOPOLY LEAGUE. Blank membership rolc for the antl-moupoly league , coutalulag statcnucnt of prluc pie met- hodi of procedure and luitructlonn how to organ , Uc. lll boMUt on application to Q. II. Qali , Enclose kUmp. mlS-11 W.B. MILLAHU. IT. U. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , Ull FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Bauuhors Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flonr OMAHA NEB , - - - * REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON A CO. , TOOTLE MAUL A CO. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. IE1. O. DVCCmGKA-IDsr , WHOLESALE 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , -WHOLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JJi-iNSQN & GO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS . t AND JOBBERS IN \ Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & EAND POWDER 0 i i JOBBEE OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE ULLIERY AND NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. &Jr > Spring Goods Eeoeiying Daily anil Stock very nearly Oomploto ' .9 WHOLESALE AND HKTAlIi CKALKU IX Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , & 10LOW , LSME , GE&1B2T fliTBTATB AOKNi FOR MILWAUKEE CEMKNT COUPANY1 .Tear Union Pacific Denot. - OMAHA. POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , immio UAOHINKRT , Bgj.no . , HALLADAY WINDMILLS CHURCH AMD SCHOOL 3ELLS A. L. STRANG 205 FO * " St. . Omaha & Wholesale Lumber , Jo , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , /JL _