Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1882, Image 1

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A Oombinofl Movement of the
Iron Workers for Higher
The Moat Extensive Strike
Ever Organized in the
The Mills of Oir cinuntJ , Chicago
cage , Sprinaflf g d and St.
Louis BhutnDovm.
Thousands of Men .Affected
by the Lockout , but Prepared -
fe. , pared for the Siege.
Proprietors Determined to
Resist the Demand for a
Year at'Least.
Few Wise Mill Owners Will
Pay tba Price , nnd Prepare far
a Rise la I ho Market ,
A Detailed Statement of the Differ-
encea by Both Workmen and
OHICAOO , Juno 1. Twelve hundred
men at Irondulo mills , n few miles
south of this city , went on a strike
this morning. Mr. Jarrol ) , president
of the Amalgamated Association of
Iron workers , is expected to arrive to
day from the vast for consultation with
the men and manufacturers.
ST. Louis , Juno 1. A lack of har
mony among the employers and the
men on the question of wages has
caused the shutting down of the La
clcdo rolling mill , Helabackor forge
and Harrison wire works. All throe
closed this morning. The Nut and
Boll Co.'s works in East St. Louis
have also stopped for trio present.
CINCINNATI , 0. , June 1. All. but
two iron mills in this noiuhborhood
shut down this morning , the men re
fusing to work. Twelve hundred men
are ouc of work , which will probabiy
necessitate the closing of establish
ments dependent on the mills for a
supply of iron.
SPRINCI KIELU , 111. , Juno 1. At 6
o'clock this evening fires wore put out
in the rolling mills here , the men go
ing out and , locking up the doors. Up
to noon the proprietors believed the
strike would not occur , if at all , before
the Ijxh. Over 900 men are thrown
out J employment and neither opara <
ti flfnor employers have any idea
"ynon work will bo resumed. Every-
is orderly n
J rolling'mill in" this city'is idle to-day ,
/ all having refused to sign the scale
i presented by the Amalgamated asso-
n ciation. The outlook indicates a long
< \ strike.
I James Ward , proprietor of one ot
the mills , signed the scale this after-
4 j
A ttsburg dispatch (30th ( ) to The
Philadelphia Press says : The only
interesting feature of the iron , situa
tion is the question of the length of
the struggle which is certain to coni-
tnpnce on Thursday morning. Work
will prjbably bo continued in the
steel establishments , but private tele
gram * received to-djy contain assur
ances that in Pittsburg nnd through
out /ho / entire west work -vill bo sus
pended in the rolling mills. Thodespo
rate measures decided upon the Amal
ganuted association have added new
complicatioiii to the situationand man
ufacturers who before had resolved to
Zct on the defensive now openly favor
/in / aggressive movement. Said one of
the most prominent to-day : "If this
atato of olfaira keeps on , I shall bo in
favor of reducing the basis of the aca'o
to 2 conta instead of 2 , aa is the case
at present. The latter figure is too
high and should have been changed
long ago. As to the present situation ,
the iron men of this district are show
ing a moro determined and united front
than ever before , and it is impossible
to state how long the period of inac
tion which will begin on the 1st of
Juno will last. "
President Jarrott , of the Amalga
mated association , said : "I endorse
word of Swank in his state-
nts of the condition' of the iron
fcsk j " , and admitted tliat the best
clement of the association had been
overruled by the hot-heads. Ho
thinks the strike will not bo of long
duration , and is phinly hopeful that
after a month or two of idleness the
members of the Amalgamated will BOO
the injustice of their demand , and recede -
[ cede from the stand taken. Manu
facturers state that this ia the only
[ thing that will end the trouble , They
ire prepared to ahut down their mills
? or a year.
If the length of former determined
itruggles may be taken as & criterion ,
hey will likely have an opportunity
0 wait that length of time.
1 Business men expect a long struggle ,
ad on every hand there are evidences
t preparation. One representative
f an eastern jobbing establishment
'tated ' to-day that he usually sold
' 15,000 worth of goods every tune ho
iflitod this city , but during last week
is aales amounted to only $150 ,
At a I > o hour to-night the general
iliccra fthe \ Amalgamated aseooia-
on vmfi notified that Whitakor &
Jf the Orescent iron works ,
? oung , had signed the scale. This
. .i manufactures sheet iron exclu
yoly , anil employs 300 men. The
jrkmon consider the break very sig-
Gcant , but the few manufacturers
tie could bo seen say that it will
tvo no effect on the situation.
. Louis Itepubllcan , May 80.
The Btnke of the iron workers last
wr lasted from Juno until October ,
lirjng which time the proprietors in-
aisled that their employes should con
tinuo work at PitUburg prices. At
the end of this strike the men resumed -
sumod work at prices they obtained
when they ceased"work. When they
went to work again at the end of the
strike in question , they agreed to con
tinuo their labor until Juno , -882 ,
under an agreement entered into in
Cincinnati , Tno Cincinnati agree
ment between manufacturers and
workmen , it is claimed , bound St.
Louis workmen , as St. Ljuis work
men at that time belonged to the
snmo district-tho third district.
This allegation is drniod , however ,
by the St. Louis workmen , * who claim
that they were not represented in
Cincinnati at the time the agrcoraonl
was niado. The Cincinnati agroemonl
reads as follows :
CINCINNATI , p. , Oct. 20 , 1881.
The following is the agreement on-
torcd into this day bptwnon the pro
prietors of rolling mills in Cincinnati
and vicinity , und the workmen in con
fcronco for that purpose : '
We , the proprietors of the rolling
mills in Cincinnati and vicinity , agree
to pay the prices ruling herb immedi
ately prior to Juno first ( Ij , 1831 , for
skilled labor , until June 1 , 1882 ; tmc
from then forever after the pricof
bhall bo the same OBJ ' may bo adopted
in Pittsburg , Pa.
In the oyont of no prices being
fixed as the Pittsbmt ? and vicinity
scale of wages on Juno 1 , 1882 , the
men hero are to continuo work at the
scales in force hero prior to .Juno 1 ,
1881 , and when a ecilo of wages bo
agreed upon at Pittsburg , said scale
of wages shall bo the wagon dcalo for
Cincinnati and vicinity. ' '
It is ngreod that where scrap and
cinder fix is used in boiling , fifty cento
per ton shall bo paid for boiling in ad-
tion to the price established where
cold or patent ere fix is used.
It is also agreed that the proprie
tors , in consecration of the work
men having accepted the i'ittaburg
scale of wages us above specified , the
proprietors nil furnish all the labor
as furnished by Pittsburg proprietors
to men working ; at rolls , furnaces or
other skilled work.
We oflrtify the above to bo correct.
L. M. Dayton , Charles Avery ,
0. J. Tranter , John G. Lewis.
J. L. P/au , Soc. , G.Sumera , jr.Sec. ,
Special Com. Special Com.
Committee of manufacturers
Switt's iron and still works , by E. L.
Harper , treasurer ; Mitchell , Tranter
& Co , , Globe rolling mill company ,
by J. Walter , vice president ; Licking
rolling mill company , by I Droegoj
L , M. Dayton , Riverside iron and
stcol company , by E. L Harper ;
Cobbs iron and nail company , by John
D. Divyer.
" ) > y Committee of workmen James
A very , John Barry , David A. ll ° oae ,
Eaugh , John G. Lewis , Win. Lister' '
nunn , Geo. W. Martin , S. W. Moore ,
George Summers , Jr. , secretary for
P. S. Prices paid by mills in St.
Louis and vicinity have always boon
the same as tho/o paid by mills in
Cincinnati , to which district they bo
Since tht > Cincinnati agreement was
signed , it is claimed , Sf. Louis work
men have worked under it for several
however , has taken place under the
Ampgamatod ! union's direction which
has placed the St. Louis branch of the
society in the fifth district The object
of this change was to give the S/-
Louis division a vice president in this
vicinity in order that misunderstand
ing in the local lodges of the union
might be settled with less traublo and
uxponso. Prior to this arrangement
the St. Louis committee found it
necessary to visit Cincinnati whenever
they desired to present a question for
arbitration ; whereas at ttio present
time , und the' revised order of
things , they can now have their mis
understandings adjusted at HolloVillo
bv their now vice president , Mr.
The manufacturers say the men
have work d under the Cincinnati
agreement for some time to their own
advantage , yet they are determined to
strike for the simple reason that the
Pittsburo ; workmen have struck ,
PitUburg workmen demand an advance
of 50 cents per ton , and St. Louis
workmen place themselves in the field
demanding 50 cents advance en the
ton aboyo Pittsburg. The workers
who make this demand fortify them
selves by advancing arguments.
that the coal they use is inferior to
Pitteburg coal. The former fuel , they
claim , burns to an ash , while the latter
leaves in its wako cinders that must
bo picked from grates by great labor ,
The Laclodo mills are preparing to
shut down , and will take their invnl.
untary holiday with a large stock of
finished material on hand. In fact ,
according to the statement made by
those high in authority at the Laclodo
mills , they shut down thoroughly prepared -
pared to moot the demands that are
likely to bo made upon them for six
months to come. While the proprie
tors claim they are in bettor shape
than they ever were in the past to
combat a prolonged strike , the work
men say that their powers of endur
ance will enable them to stay out a
year , as they have a sinking fund of
8150,000 or $100,000. During the
first two weeks they are out the men
will receive no assistance whatever ,
but after that time they will bo ac
corded by the national union $4 a
week , individually. In the west there
are about 10,000 iron workers and in
the east as many more. This being
the case the $160,000 is not as great
a sinking fund for an emergency as
might bo supposed by those not fa
miliar with the vastneas of the army
of pensioners that will demand their
allowance of § 4 per week
It has been ascertained that the
large mill at Wheeling , W. Va. , will
not join the strike , aa the demands of
the employes have boon acceded to by
the mill operators , This mill makes
light ; alioct iron , whioli happens to bo
in great demand at present. For this
reason , rather than bo forced from
the market , the Wheeling mills will
continue operations , while its other
competitors remain inactive. The
Lnclcdo mills manufacture Trails , all
kinds of ban , railroad spikes , street
car rails of various patorna , boiler
iron , light sheet iron , etc. Besides
the articles enumerated above , the
mills turn out castings for their own
uio and for outside customers. The
Laclcdo mills employ 020 men , nearly
half of whom have families * relying
upon them for support. About the
only mills m the vicinity of St. Louis
that will not join the strike are the
Holt and Iron company's mill of East
St. Louis and the Stcol works at C.T
rondolot. The mills that
are the Laclodo , the Harrison wire
mills on Choutoau avenue , the Grauito
rolling mills , Holmbachor a forgo and
rolling mills and McDonald Brothers'
forgo and axle works. The Liclcdo
mill has worked its stocks off in raw
material thoroughly , and is well prepared
pared for a lock-out of many mouths ,
but Bomo of the other mills will feel
the blow mnro seriously.
Of course , it is generally admitted
that manufactured iron will advance
in the market during the strike , while
raw material will decline.-
Said a prominent mill owner to n
Republican reporter yesterday : "Wo
are willing to pay Pittsburg prices ,
but no moro , for the reason that wo
cannot afford to permit ourselves to
bo handicapped by eastern manufac
turers , At present wo can compote
with eastern manufacturers , but the
moment wo are compelled to pay
more for labor than Pittsburg pays ,
that moment wo will find our
selves handicapped. At the pros
( . nt time the mills of S
Louis supply Utah , California and
many of the territories with iron ,
which will bo supplied by Pittsburg
and eastern manufactories in general ,
if the cost of production is increased
in St. Louis. No , we can't afford it.
This fight is a fight ter existence with
ui. The moment it costs moro to
produca iron in a manufactured shape
in St. Louts than it does in Pittaburjr
and Cincinnati , that moment the iron
works of St. Louis will begin to de
cline. Fully sixty men in ono of the
largo mills of St. Louis are making
from $4 to § 25 per day and only work
nine hours a day. Notwithstanding
this they insist upon an advance. Wo
are doing all wo can for these men ,
and they are standing in their own
light by doing cyirything in their
power to retard the growth of the
manufacturing it1 tores ta of the west. "
Last fall business waH brisk , but on
the first of January , 1SS2 ,
Business full uway because railroads
stopped their construction work or
track systems and made an effort to
the work of iron workers in St. Louis
is more laborious than elsewhere is con
cerned , it can bo said , unofficially and
officially at the same time , that St.
Louis mill owners deny that such is
the case inasmuch as most of the fur
naces used at the Laclodo and other
mills are gas and air furnaces , in
winch little or no coal is consumed.
The furnaces in question are the most
modern in existence , being what are
known as the regenerative gas fur
A puddler in high authority and
skilled , bos this to say : "Thoy want
CO cents on a ton moro for boiling and
10 per cent , in the finishing depart
ment department over the Pittsbur ?
mills. They claim that it is moro
difficult to work , on account of the
inferior western coal which they are
required to handle. Pittsburgh coal ,
they maintain , is both hotter and
easier to work with than any other
fuel they have been called upon to
handle. The western iron , they al
lege , is harder , and the firca less in
tense than in other soctionB. Hence
their demands. "
In addition to facts already stated
the workingmen claim that St. Louis
manfactorios in shipping their iron tea
a western and "profitable market" are
much moro accommodating to their
purchasers than Cincinnati and Pitts-
burg. St. Louis ships , they claim ,
principally to Utah , California , Ari
zona , etc. Inasmuch as St. Louis
manufacturers have always paid 60
cents moro per ton for manufactured
iron than Pittsburg , the men claim
the advance to-day simply because
Pittabarg has increased her demands
50 cents on a ton. The demand of
the St. Louis mill employes appears to
bo arbitrary , yet they deny that such
Is the case.
Dealers in manufactured iron as
well as the raw material have their
word to say , The dealers who have
manufactured goods are jubilant , as
they maintain the stiiko will cause
their property to advance. The "raw
material" men , on the other hand , are
trembling , as they know their stock
will take a tumble. Bomo political
economists who have boon maintain
ing that the country has been afliictod
with an over-production of metallic
property will , of courae , maintain that
the strike will bo a blessing , as it will
give the country an opportunity to
readjust itself on the labor question ,
That is to say , it will teach men to
sock profitable sources of employment ,
casting away those that depend upon
dictations from extraneous and unnat
ural influences.
Other Strlicei-
Pa. , Juno 1 , A gen
eral strike of hod carriers and laborers
engaged at the building employment ,
; ook place to-day , and in consequence
ajildmg operations are temporarily
suspended. They were getting $1 75
per day , but demanded $2 , The
demand is based upon the recent ad
vance by contractors to bricklayers ,
K. CHICAGO , Juno 1 , There being no
liopo of an amicable settlement of the
dilteronccfl between the brick laborers
mil manufacturers of this city , the
latter this morning started up work at
: he yard with green non-union hands.
The police ate on hand to prevent the
ntimidation of workmen by the
olrikora. >
Who Flaps His Wings , Swears by
the Book , and Takes a Seat
in the House.
The Purity of the Ballot in
Florida and Elsewhere
Again Vindicated.
The Democratic Minority Rap
idly Disappearing from
Public View.
Another Tissue Stuffer on the"
Spit with Hazleton at the
Compulsory Retirement of Army
Officers Debated in the
A Jury Secured In the Star Route
Cases A Mysterious Move for
the Assassin.
national Associated IfroM.
WASHINGTON , D , 0. , Juno 1. The
bill to reimburse the Crook orphan
fund passed.
Senator Terry reported from the
postoflico committee a bill to provide
postal cards with flexible covers.
At 2 p. ID. the senate took up the
army appropriation bill. The clause
providing for voluntary retirement of
oflicors or soldiers after forty years
service , land compulsory retirement of
officers nt 02 years of ago , gave rise to
considerable debate.
Senator Bayard opposed it as being
unjust to the men who are competent
and able to continuo in the service.
Senator Logan advocated it as enact
act of justice to all.
Senator Maxey opposed considera-
now A departure like this , he said ,
iras too important to bo passed in an
appropriation bill , and said neither
Judas , Ciowr , Hannibal , nor Na
poleon reached their eminence by a
retired list cutting off the heads of
those above them. Circumstances ,
not a retired list , brought out great
The senate at 4:30 : p. m. adjourned.
Mr. llanny opened 'the discussion
of the Bisbeo-Filloy Florida o'ection '
caao , giving notice ho would call ' the
previous question at 4:30 : p. *
fht'FjUoy'was ' * justly elected. Ho
said that the reason the usual num
ber of republican votes was not poll
ed at the principal precinct in ques
tion , was , that there were two republican
lican candidates for the senate , and
one of these was strongly opposed to
Bisboe , and Bisboo'a name was not on
the ticket voted by his men.
Mr. Jones ( Texas ) spnko in opposi
tion to the report ot the majority of
* he committee.
Mr. McMillan ( Tonn. ) followed ,
closing the case for the defense.
Mr. Bisboo , contestant , then took
the ilour at 4:45 : to close his own case ,
but had not completed his argument
when , at 5 p. m. , the house took a re
cess till 7:30 : p. m.
EVENING SKHsioN Mr. Bisboo con
cluded his remarks and the vote re
sulted , yeas 141 , nays 0.
Mr. Bisboo was then sworn in.
Mr. Page submitted the river and
harbor bill , and gave notice that he
would attempt to pass it under sus
pension of the rules Monday. ,
Mr. Hazloton called up the election
case , Lowe vs. Wheeler.
Mr. Wheeler made a statement and
complained of want of time given to
nrpuo the case.
Mr. Calkins said there was no dis
position to press the case. Ho asked ,
if the case" was postponed , would the
democrats filibuster.
Mr. Kenna replied that they would
resist the enforcement of the new rule.
Cries all over the republican side ,
"Then wo will go on , " and a vote was
taken and resulted yeas 148 , nays 4.
Messrs. Hazzloton and Manning
spoke on the question.
An angry and exciting BCono fol
lowed , growing out of Mr Cox insist
ing on bging recognized , when the
speaker had already recognized Mr.
At 9:50 : p. m. the house adjourned.
Notional Awocktod Freaa.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno 1 It is
stated on what appears to bo gdod au
thority that tlio name of Edwin
Cowles , editor of The Cleveland
Leader , will bo sent to the senate to
morrow as consul general to Egypt ,
vice Wolfe ,
Nothing was done in the star ro/ito /
cases to-day further than the selection
of n jury , which was completed. )
Tim AHHAH8IN , /
Mr. Rood will make a now raovu in
the Ouitoau case before the court in
bane on or before Monday next. ( The
nature of the proposed move is/ not
known. |
The senate finance committee nave
agreed to Mr. Crapo'a bank charter
extension bill with several amend
ments , one of which limits the withdrawal - ,
drawal of the circulation in any one
month to § 3,000,000 , instead of ? 5- ,
was reduced during May $10,375-
441.10 ; during the pwsont fiscal
year , $13'J,123G04.5G.
J , M. Athorton , of Louisville , Ky ,
before the Windom whisky investiga
tion committee , testified that it was
not true that ho was approached by
any man in the interest of the liquor
traffic directly or indirectly , Ad
Pour Non-Union Iron Workers Fa
tally Doaton.
National Associated 1'rem.
CHICAGO , Juno 1. A terrible riot
occurred this evening at Brighton
Park , five miles scvth of this city ,
where the iron works of the Joliet
Iron and Stool company are located.
The company has been employing
men from Joliet , This evening while
Jfi workmen were on the train proceed
ing homo , about 100 strikers rushed
aboard the train armed with pistols ,
knives , clubs and strips of iron , and
commenced a murderous attack upon
all passongera. Judiro Pittsburg , ot
Pontiac , was shot through the hip and
dangerously wounded , Four colored
non-union men were terribly and
fatally beaten , and many passengers
badly wovnded.
Judge Pittsburg is judge of the
second district appellate court , and
was a passenger on the Chicago & Al
ton train proceeding homo at P mtiao.
Ho is universally respected , and the
rioters certainly could have no spite
against him , but the hundred infuri
ated norkora belonging to the union
rushed madly through the carashooting
right and loft , and clubbing every
body or slashing thorn with knives
All the passengers worn more or leas
wounded , but none fatally , except
Judge Pittsbun ; and the four colored
non-union iron workers. Judge Pitts
burg was brought to this city , and
physicians probed unsuccessfully for
the ball which lodged in the illium.
Subsequently the judge was convoyed
on the midnight train to his homo in
a very critical condition.
The four colored men who wore so
terribly beaten wore also taken to
their homes at Joliet on the same
train , and will probably dio. It
Booms the object of the rioters waa to
intimidate the scabs who had taken
the places of strikers at the mills.
When the evening train first stopped
at Brighton Park station , several
rioters boarded the cars , and with
pistols intimidated the engineer to
hold the train until the murderous
work was accomplished , A largo
force of police repaired to the econo
later , ana at midnjght had arrested
Boveral of the rioters .
Eye-witnesses state the attack of
the rioters was so sudden and savage
that the wildest confusion provailnd
among the passengers. The hundred
rioters dashed into the smoking-car
and' coaches , yelling like demons ,
an'd brandishing pintola , bowie-
knives , crow bars , clubs and all sir Is
of. weapons. Nobody was spared from
their iutack , and it Boomed incredible
that a Bcoro oi people were not killed
outrichtuhub many .arasorioufely ricut ,
. . . , .
ci * * * *
vv % < * T- > > - ; ' i 4r. - * it * * '
and wounaeaV m addition to those
At ono o'clock twenty rioters had
been arrested , and it is expected fifty
more will bo secured before daylight.
The Horsey Trial.
National Associated Press.
WAHHINGTON , Juno 1. In the star
route cases Ingersoll asked leave to
withdraw the plea of J. W. and S. W.
Doraoy , of not guilty , and offered an
amended plea that further prosecution
was illegal , because it was found the
crand jury was illegally constituted.
Merrick objected. The court de
clined to entertain it , and the work of
getting a jury then proceeded.
Fir 01.
National Associated Press.
NORTH LIBERTY , O , , Jnno 1. J s.
Mackey's stole und dwelling waa de
stroyed by firo. LOSB , ? 5COD.
CHICAGO , Juno 1. The planing
mill of Kasoburg & Kinn was humid
this morning with all the contents.
Loss , § 30,000. The body of Jack
Uarthoiser , the fireman , is supposed to
bo in the ruins. Throe other work
men were fatally burned.
NEW YORK , Juno 1. Seymour's
chair factory was destroyed by fire
last night. Loss on buiiding , $ CO- ,
000 ; on stock , $20,000. One hundred
and fifty men are thrown out of em
Crop Prospects : .
National Associated Press.
SPRINGFIELD , Ills. , Juno 1. Re
ports from southern counties of the
state say that , notwithstanding the un
favorable weather and some sravagcs
by the army worm , the propoct for
wheat has scarcely over been equalled
in that section , and the farmers are
much encouraged in this vicinity , and
in spite of the recent cold weather
corn is marly all planted.
Fattening for tlio Killing.
Rational Associated Preen.
WAHHINOTON , D. 0. , June 1 W.
II. English , Jr. , of Indiana , visited
Ouitoau at the jail and had a long
conversation. The assassin expressed
himself contontcdand happy and said ,
"While ho preferred to live , as ho had
a mission to poiform , ho did not re
gret to dio. " Quiteau is more fleshy
than over and shows no signs cf weak
ening ,
Political Prosecution *
National Associated 1'rwu.
HARRIHDURG , Pa. , Juno 1 , Mr.
Boyer , editor of The Oil City Echo ,
to-day laid criminal information
against State Senator Roberts , charg
ing that he used corrupt means to
Bocuro his election in 187V , and con
sequently committed perjury when ho
too * the oath and his seat , The hear
ing is fixed for the 15th inst. This is
the sequel to the prosecution of Mr.
Boyer by Mr. Roberts for malicious
\ Illinois Groonliaoltom.
vtlonil Associated i'reas.
/uuuao. June 1. The senate cen
tral committee and greenback labor
party mot hero this afternoon , and
called the state convention to moot at
Pooriu , August 2nd ,
Tke Maine Fusion.
National Aw Delated Proof.
BANUOR , He. , Juno 1 , The fusion
greenback state convention wet to
day ; 1C4 delegates were present. The
platform calls for a circulating
medium of gold , silver and paper , all
full legal tender , issued and controlled
by the government , to bo increased in
Tolumo as the business and
population increases , It calls for
the reduction of the debt
the use of surplus coin and
unrestricted colnngo. It opposed na
tional banks and demands the substi
tution of greenbacks for national bunk
notes , It touches about everything
else worth mentioning , including the
independence of the three cardinal
branches of the state government , and
emphatically endorses Governor
Plaistod , who was ronnminatcd by ac
clamation and gracefully accepted ,
Return of the Special Knvoyo to
South America.
National Associated 1'rtws.
NK\V YOUK , Juno 1. Among the
passengers by the otoatnor Acapulco ,
from Aspinwall , to day , were Walter
Blaine and W. II. Troscott , special
envoys to South America , and M. T.
Dooley , secretary of the mission. The
steamer was ofTStattm Island , ivhcn a
revenue cutter carrying Collector
Roborbon and other custom house
ofticials mot the vessel. Robertson
went on board and escorted Blaine
and Trcscott to the city. Dooley re
mained on the shin until she was
docked at her pier , lilaino , Troscott
and Dooley started for Washington
on the 4 o'clock express train. The
Acapulco did not reach her pier until
shortly before 3 o'clock. As soon as
she touched the pier a reporter ob
tained an interview with Dooloy.
"Can you tell about your trip , how
you were treated , etc ? " was naked.
"In Chili wo were received with
that degree of politeness that amount
ed to saying , 'If wo cm make use of
you wo will do so. ' While in Peru
they were perfectly willing to accept
any terms that were honorable , and
not humiliating or ' degrading.
As for Bolivia she will navor
do anything except conjointly with
her ally , Peru. In Peru wo were as
bosom friends. People there depend
altogether on us to help them out of
their difficulty , and Trcsc tt's visit
there had a desirable effect , and
showed them the relations between
Peru und the United States , They
eoein to understand the mutter now
fully. Ho sought to impress upon
them that this country is willing to
avert , any hostilities between BO-
called boligoronts. Wo are every-
nhoro treated with consideration.
Exchange in Oallao , Peru , wont
up when wo loft thnro on May 13. A
fouling of confidence prevailed. The
Peruvians have become satisfied that
American intervention id not to bo a
forcible ono unless pushed as any
other * nation would'Uef but it- will 'be
ono of peace , friendship and amity , "
Blaine and Trcscott have not yet
prepared their report.
National Associated Vice * .
NEW BAVIN , Juno 1. In the Mai-
ley case John F. Tuttle , a fisherman ,
testified ho was rowing a pleasure
party Friday afternoon , August Cth ,
and about half a mile from the shore
saw an object floating about six inches
under water. Ho assured his passengers -
gors , who thought it was a human
body , that it was only a skate fish
Next morning , when ho heard about
the finding of Jennie's body , ho re
called all the circumstances and felt
certain it must have boon her body ,
Minnie Quinn , axed 13 , who was a
servant in James iMalloy's homo , gave
a particularized tUtomont of Jainus'
tnovmnonta about the house Thursday
and Friday evening , establishing an
alibi for him unless contradicted suc
In the Malloy trial this afternoon
little Minnie Quinn was subjected tea
a vigorous cross-examination by the
prosecuting attorney , but was unable
to affect any material variation in her
testimony. Miss Lucy Malloy , sister
of James , testified that James did
not leave the houao at all Friday
night. Ho oamo homo at 7 o'clock ,
and she saw him in bed at 11 o'clock
when she went to his room and took
a pillow from under his head for her
U9i > . It is a matter of remark that
the testimony of Miss Iloaloy , Mies
Minnie Q linn und Lucy Malloy coin
cides with alinoa : mathematical ox-
uctneea. The story iniiflt have been
rphtjaraed hy the parties an bundled
times toguihor , or ulsp it is true , and
the public itro'be inninK to cntorttiii
tlic opinion that the alibi ia impregna
ble , yet the prosecuting attorneys
keen a bold and unconco.ncd front as
if they hid a icaorvo of testimony
euro to convict.
National Associated i'rcM.
WAHHINQTON , Juno 2 , 1 a. in.
For the Missouri Valley : Occasional
rains and partly cloudy weather , fall
ing followed by rising barometer , vari
able winds shifting to southwest and
northwest in the northern portion ,
and a slight rise in temperature.
BntinoiK Failures.
National Associated Frew.
BOSTON , Juno 1. 0. B. Darling &
Son. , liquor dealers , of this city , have
failed. Liabilities , $100,000.
Surgical ,
National Asaodated frna.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Juno 1. At
the second day's session of the annual
convention of the American Surgical
association a long discussion took
placq on the uo of antiseptics in cur.
Spring Chickens , dressed and other
wise , and fresh fuh at MoU & Rosen-
stuin's ,
BASWm & WELLS' Opera
IJouso Shoo Store , keep a full line of
no shoes' ] ni2J-eodlw
Pasture Horsea taken to pasture
in the Croighton pasture , well watered
and board fence. Inquire of W. Q ,
Ilenshaw , 1102 North 18th street ,
corner of Nicholas , 31-01 *
A Popu'ar and Progressive One
into WMoli Egypt is How
Passing ,
Men , Women nnd Cbildron of
All Colors Working for
Homo Rule.
The Powers * Prooraatinate and
Propose n Peaceful Pre
A Conference of Interested
Nations Called for Imme
diate Action ,
The Dictator's Stnff Hurrah for'
Ilnllm and High
LONDON , Juno 1.It is reported in
vitations to an immediate conference
on the Egyptian question have boon
dispatched to all European govern
ments interested.
Ouno , Juno 1. The announcement
that England and Franco had agreed
to invite other powers to a conference
for the settlement ot the Egyptian
question has Beared Europeans in
Euypt , who declare thodolay of .such a
step before any intoforonco by foreign
powers would bo dangerous.
LONDON , Juno 1. In the house of
commons this evening Mr. Gladstpno
said ho did not npprohond any im
mediate necessity for landing troops
in Egvpt , and in his opinion the delay
in taking uoh a stop to secure the influence -
fluonco of the powers would not bo
dangerous to the interests of England ,
France nor Europeans residing in
Egypt. Franco and England had.
pledged to the Khodivo.
A 11UMAN 110 ART.
The workhouse at Oesthamma ,
Sweden , was destroyed by lire.
Twenty persons perished.
CAIRO , Juno 1. Troops in this
city hold a mooting in the barracks
and demanded the immediate procla-
mati ; of Prince Halim as Khedive.
Arabi Bey calmed the eoldiera and ad
dressed thorn , advising pationea , and
promised the Kliotlivo as hostage.
MoHa l ? * '
erick MuBoy , private secretary of
Governor Foster , was married to
night to Mrs. Annie Younger , daugh
ter ot the governor. The bridal trip
will be to Europe.
National Associated" Prow
LONDON , Juno 1. The race for the
Manchester cup to-day was won by
Wallenstoin , formerly Mr. Lorrillard's ,
now owned by Lord Ellinmoro , For-
tisaimo coming in second , Eisox thirl.
WoncKBTKR , ' Mass. , Jnno 1.-
Olovelands 13 , Worcostors 3.
NEW YORK , Juno 1. Metropoli
tans 2 , Ohiciigos-l.
PuiLAnBLi'iiiA , Pa , Juno 1 Cin-
oinnatti'a 0 , Athletics 3.
PROVIDENCE , B. I. Juno 1 To
day's races at Nurragansutt Park were
[ jostponed on aojount of ruin. They
will bo finished Friday. *
CINCINNATI , Juno 1. The Queen
City jockey club continued the spring
meeting at Chester Park to-day. First
race , soiling allotranca , ono und one-
quarter mile , was won by Saunter ,
Mary Lyslo second ; Ulondovor third ;
time 2:2D. :
Second race for all ages , winners
excluded , ono mile , was won by
Maniac , Tom Bowline ; second , Watch
man third ; time 1:57jl : , Lord Edward
came in ahead , but was put back to
the last place for foul riding.
Third race , merchants stakes for
three year olds , inilo heats , was wor.
by Babcock in two straight heata ,
Lute Foglo second , and Darby third
both heats ; timolifHJ.
The President.
National Aisaclab cl Freed. ,
NKW YORK , Juno 1. President
Arthur remained at his house this
morning , receiving but few callers.
Ho was at the Fifth Avenue hotel
this afternoon , and a number of poli
ticians congregated in the corridors ,
Marino Intelligence.
National A * oclatod 1'rcM.
NEW YORK , June 1. Sailed : The
City of llichmond tor Liverpool , the
State of Georgia for Glascow , the
Herder ( or Hamburg , the Holland
lor London ; arrived ; The Hholnland
from Antwerp , the Acapuloo .from.
ANTWERV , Juno 1. Arrived ; The
Walsland fr'oin Now York.
LiVERi'OOti , Juno 1 , Arrived : The
Hibernian from Baltimore ; sailed :
The Ohio for Philadelphia , the City
of Berlin from Now York.
COPENHAGEN , Juno 1. Sailed : The
Thingyoalu for Now York ,
PtvViouTU , Juno 1. Arrived : The
Vandalia from Now York for Ham
burg ,
STOCKHOLM , Juno 1. Sailed : The
Cassiors for Now York.
Solo ot Blooded Stoolr.
National Ateoclatod 1'ieu
Si'iUNai'iELi > , 111. , Juno 1 , At the
short horn sale at Harriitown , among
the best offerings were seine of
llonik's Rose of Sharons , selling at
from $200 to § 000 each. The best
sale waa Conitanco Ninth to A , B.
Winslow & Sons , of Kankakeo , 111. ,
for $1,000 , Forty-nine niniala
brought 814,000.