T _ : I THE DATYBEWEDNESUAY. MAY 81882. i , F IlL "I " Li , _ _ _ \ * ( 9 OtI1Tcx3 ; a. . aaL : : ao COMMISSION MERCHANTS , CLy ttkot , Council 131Uff , ! ow , WIIOLSALE FLOUlt HOUMZ Oerl.rft Aentd for the Ce1ebrted Mliii ot If. 1) . Ituh Co. Ootden 1agIo F'our , Laenwo.dh , iind Queen lien 3III Sioux Fili , iaots. Petarenee , STIIh & CIttnden1 Council flIuf , Is. . . II _ J I S ii W1OLESALE AND JTAI1J STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S CUODS , COUNCIL BLUFF3 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT OFFICE T. W. LY S L. Xi & Lands and Lots Boiiht and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW 1tATES. NOTARIE3 PUBLIC AND CON VIYANCERS. OUNCIL BLUFFS - . - - - IOWA. : : M T 1AJE S 0 N , 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER III SHOE FINDINGS. Beady.fltted uppex , In CAU 8km ftnd kip. Oak an Hemlock SOLE LATIIER , and a ! ood.ippertainIn to the .hoo trdo. Geode .okl ai cheap ac In the Eaet. . ca : MRss : NOEItI' ' IbbINERY POEE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND OHILDItEN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs Ia. : L wr That never rcquLre cflmplng at Mre. 3. J. 000t' flatr Store , at prcea never befcre touched by any other hair dealer. Mao a. u11 line of swltchce , ctc. , at roatLy reduced prlce. AIo gold , eflver an4 colored zot . Wave. made from ladics' own halt. Do not fall to call before purhelng elsewhere. All geode warranted aa represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , 29 MaIn , trce. , Council Blue , Iowa. _ - MASON WISE , LJ.vBlkl , F2EB & LLE PLBLE The largest and best stables in the west Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also afine lot of , illes just received which will be closed out cheap. DOTT P..NEAII , BROAIIW..Y. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. ( .4 REMOVED withoit , the O ATOll K drawlzig of blood or u8e of .L .LJJ.U knife. eure. lung dleaeee , A ? Jfl ( VPUT Scrofula , Llvcr Vom. . ilalnt , Dropsy , .T U M 0 tisni , Fever and loreur- Ia ! eoros , Eryelpolae Salt Rbouzn , Scald Hei.d , CAtrrh , wok , inglamed and granulated Eye. , crofulou Ulcers and Fu- . a1o Dieaeei of all kinde. Ale Kidney and Vencrial dlraso8. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. Ir All dtsease3 treated upon theprinclploofveget. able reform , without the u3 of mercurial pol- . .cns or the knife. Electra Vaporor M-dlcated lLth , furniahe oewho deelre them. Iernia or , Rupture radlcaliycured by the uee the Elastic belt Tru.a and L'laater , which ! iai superior In the world. CONSULTATION PREE. CALL ON OR ADDRESS lirE. , R1 . RICO and F. U NIIIOr , . COUNOIL BLUFFS , Ta. S LIVERY , Feed aM a1o 8tab1s , 18 North Firet Street , Bouquat. old eand Council Diuffe , Iowa. VhL.LARD SJdITU , l'rop. w. D.STILLMAN , rrcttt1oner of homeopathy , coc8ultthg Physician aild surge Oll Oftlce andreldence 616 WIllow avenue , Coun- cii iflutIs , Iowa. Iowa.w. w. i. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Counoil Bluffs. Extractingand filling a epeclalty. Firet.casi ! work guiranteod. DR. A. P. HANCHEIrr , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OffIce , No. 14 Pearl Street. Ifouz , 0 a. in. to 12. , and 2 p. rn. , to S p , m. Roidenco , 120 1iancrott , drect. ' Telephonic connection with Central office. 1 DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , 'GiE'x'xaEI : ho. 617 First Avenue IIouefrold 10 to 11 a. ins , and 2 to 6 p.m. BANKEE' ' LIFE AUOIATION , DES MOINES , Iowa. Incorporated July 18t , 1879 , for the mutual bonefitof bank officer. and their cutomer , Ilaeodon principlee of Equzvv , EcoNowY AND Se. ouaiir. A few experiencol lit9 insurance aoiicl- tor wanted. Addree , Ii , 1.1. Stovon8 , dietrict BOltcit4t , ODee No. 7 , Evortt' . blox , Ocuncli Illuffe Lowe. Iteaiuenco.lUI 4b avenue. P 0 , box SI E. MAXON , . . . , a u x Office over wings bank , COUNOTLI BLUFFS , . - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. f Y. 0. Jame , in connection with bi law and collection builneeabuye and ecu. real c8tate. Persona wiehing to buy or ecu city property call at h18 office , over Iiuehoell' . book etore , Pearl etroLt. EDWIN J , ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 4l5l3roadway , CouncilBiuffs , Vt.(1a and motages drawn and v.cknoledged a HAIR GOODS , WATERWAVES _ , In Stock and Manufactured - ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price3 Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 w. Broadway , and 109 S. Main St Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa. rn1 E1 J. llAlUffluI , ! L B. Medical Electrician AND GYGN ECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electropthlc Institution , Phila- delpIria , Ponni. Office llor Broatiway 1onn Ave. COUNC1 [ IJLUI'Fd , LOWL The treatment ofeji tIfieaifLS,1Iful 'dif- . flCUItIC8 . P'CUl1f.rt6 f.nai , a eioiitY. -7.-- : : Star Bakery , HOWUil3 & ROBIE , 221 MAIN ST. Employ the beat Ilreal Baker In the Woet ; a1o a choice hand for Cake. and Pice. Dread delivered in all Iurt of the city. FRESH Fliil' ! anie an Poultry , Can alwy. be found a II. DAN EHV'B , 138 Upper Broadway. JNO. JAY FRAINEY , Justice of the Peaoo , . 314 eROADWAY , - Oounoil Bluffs Iowa , - - ! w , B. MAYES , Loalls alldItea1Estate Proprietor of ahstract of Pottawattamie county. Ofilca corner of Broadway and Main treet , Ouncli Blulle , tone , JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( Doutacher Arzt. ) ROOM 6 , EVERETT'S BLOOIC , Council BlulTh. _ ! ! of women and cbtldren a apoclalty. - P. J , lIONTflOtIERY , IL B. . FILER DISPIN8ARY FVStW SATURDAY , OffIce in Evectt'e block , Pearl treat. Real ) dance C28 Fourth atrect. Ouflc h'ura from 0 to 2 a. m. , 2 to 4 and 7.t S p. in. , Council I ljff F. 0. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearletreet , oppoaito the poatollico. Ono of the oldeet pracUtionera in Council ZJluffd. Satl. lafaction guaranteed iii all ceaca DR. F. P. I3ELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WIT ! ! DR. ChARLES DRETREN. Offlco oyer drut store , 4 ! Hroodn'ay , Council Biu , Iona. Al dloeae of tlao uyo and car treated under the inot approved method , anti eli cure. gcarantet'd. JOHN iINIJT A T'T 0 R N E Y' AT' [ AW. Will practice In all eta courti 8peakl German ogngO FEATS dF'THE FEET. . &FIno Day'o8por at the Drtv. ing Park. Saycral Fine Itacos Tn1coP1soe nntl ft Largo Crowd Proucut. The fine woMhor of Monday filled the heatt or ) Ioraomon with hope , and everyone looked forward to a fiio time for the racca , but when the heavy rain of ycatorday mOriling do. acoudod the outlook was rather dia. inal , and early ii Lho morzfin it WM reported thO racea wouldbo potponod. A 1s reporter interviewed Dr. Mo. K30l1O aBc ! from him ioarnou that the progranuno for the day would certain. ly be rried out. Early intho aftor. noon the crowd began o aseemblo on the grouud , until by 3 o'clock ' the grounds wore well filled. The oflicera of tim aBaooiation werobusy in getting the track , which wa very heavy , in the best poBiblo condition. liar- rows wore put ott , and also all the buggies on the ground were put on tlio track , and at 3 o'clock , when the Liir.o . miiiutn race wa called it wa in fair condition. The horeos in the thrco.ininnto race wore brought out and were given positlOnB ff8 followa : Grace S. , firat ; Belle of Coidwator , uecond ; itock and Rye , third ; Mauci Z , , fourth. At tile sixth trial the horaoe were Bent oft in fair shape , and Grace S. reached the quarter , half , three-quarters and mile alioad , but when , under the wire broke : and bat the heat. The positiona at the quarter were ( rnce S. in the load , Maud Z , aecond , ] Jollo of Coidwator third , and Rock and Rye fourth , Theao positi.ne were maintained until the tiorco.quartor polo waa reached , when 13db of Goldwater wont to ace- end place and wont under the wire only a nook behind Grace S. Theao two horses had afino bruah down the home stretch with Grace S. slightly in the lead , but the latter broke under the wire and lost tim heat. Time , 2:4Th. : The other horace came in na follows : Grace S. second , Rock nd Iiye third , Maud Z. fourth. In the aecond heat of the three minute race , the horaoa wore aent off on the aecond trial with a fair atart , and Grace S. took the lead and kept it until she reached the home eretch , when Maud Z. paaaod her and canto in ahead in 2:47k. : The aamo relative positions were maintained by the horace throughout the third heat until the threo.quarler pole waa reached , viz : Grace S. first , Maud I second , Bell of Coidwator third , Rock and Rye fourth. At the turn on the home stretch Maud Z. wont to the front , followed closely by Belle of Coidwater and Rook and Rye , and Grace. S. only a short dis. tance behind , but Belle of Coidwater was act back to third place fr running - ning under the wire. The horses in the. 3:00 : minute race wore sent off for the third heat at the second trial with a good start. Grace S. took the load and eaeily maintained her position to the flniah. Time , 2:47k. : During the entire heat the horses wore strung out along the track , and Grace S. came under the wire in a jog t. avoid diatancin some of the horses. They finished in the following order : Grace S , let ; Belie of Coidwator , 2d ; Maud Z. , 3d ; Rock and Rye , 4th. Tue horses got a fine start for-the fourth heat and Grace S took'the lead and kept it ; without any difficulty , winning the heat in 2:4O. : The horeca retchotl thtquarter ir the fol- loiordor : Grtcu Sjitfaud z , second ; Rock and Rye , third , and BelId of Colthvater , fourth. TiO p0- sitioii remained the same untI the horsea etarted on the home atr3tch , when cllo of Coldwater wontto third place and finished in that order. The horses wore given a good 6-art for the fifth and last heat. Graoa S took the lead and kept it with case In 2:47 : ; BelIe of ( Joldwater , 100o1td ; Maud Z , third ; Rock and Rye , fourth. TIlE 2 :27 : TRoT. Between the second third heat. of the 3:00 : minute race the first heat the 2:27 : trot was called. In this race there wore three entries , with J. W. Poregoy at the poll , Orphan Boy eec- end , and Brown Dick third After scoring several times the horses were sent off with Orphan Boy and Brown Dick close together , and J. W. Pore- goy a conaidorablo distance behind , his driver being unable to bring him up. They wont to the quarter pole with Orphan Boy in the lead , Brown Dick second and J. W. Porogoy third , the horses being strung out for a con- aiderabie distance. At the half milo Orphan Boy waa still in the load , but J.y. . Gregory had taken second place. Thu same relative positions wore main- tamed throughout , Orphan Boy win. ning the heat easily in 2:38. : The ox. citing feature in the heat was the bruth on the home-stretch for second place between Drown Dick and J. W. J.'eregoy , andaa the latter caine under the wire second , only a iiock ahead , ho was loudly cheered. The horace wore sent oil' in the roocond heat with Orphan Boy and Brown Dick together , and J. W. Pore. goy behind. Bofoo the quarter was reaohod J.V. . Perouoy wont to second place , and these positions remained unchanged to the finiall , Orphan Boy winning easily in 2:32 : ? . , J. Vi. Pore. goy several yards behind , and Brown Dick's nose j few foot behind Pore. goy's sulky wheel. The horses werosontoffjn the third heat the seine as before , the driver of .1. W. Pcregoy being unable to make him score up with the other two. Orphan Thiy immediately wont to the front and kopt'a bang lead of the other two to the end , winning the heat and race In ! :37. : Tue other two horses were C1080 together throughout , with Rrown Dick slightly In thou lead. RUNNIKU BACR-TWO IN TJIIIE1I. There vare five entries In this race , and all of them started. This was a very exciting race , and the here kept close together all the way round. Longatrido canto in first , Ella Roweti second , J.V. . Norton third , Barney : iCing fourth , and Iloniestrutch fifth , Time , 1:55 : , : The horses were got off for the eec. otid heat without much difficulty , and : J , w. Norton took the lead , closely followed by Ella Jtowett and Long. stride. These three horses wore close together all the way round , and caine down the track in a bunch , with J. A _ _ _ _ Wa Norton 1Ightly In the Josd , cloiely followed by the ether two. They fin. lehod In the following orders J. W , , NorLon first , Ella Rowott second , Longetrido thlrdBsrnoy King fourth , Uonlestrekh distanced. 'Lfmo , 1:53k. : The third heat , botweo.i J. W. ior. , ton and Longatrido , was eMily or , by the former In 1:58. : The two horses were oloso toAtllor until the three-quarter polo was reached , wLen N'ortoii gained rapidly and finieed ahead in a gallop , with Longatrido fully twenty.iIvo yard9 behind. 100 YAUIS I'OOT RACE. Between the first And socoitd he&t of the three minute race the 100 yard foot race was callodo There vero three entrical .l'owers , of I3ostoi ; Vhitnoy. of Toronto , Canada ; * 11(1 ( Ervin , of Craig , McI. Powers ad Erwin started before the pistol and Wore each sot back one yard , Pow. cre ran In 1st , Whitney 2d ahd Erwin Sd. Time 1O. Powers won the race easily by several yards , 'with Whitney and Erwin oleo together , After the completion of this race a man named Thomas made the decla. ration that ho could boat the wanner in the rtco , and put tip $20. The race was run and Powers boat him easily. IIANDICA FOOT RACE. This ratco was for ono.quartor of a mile , siid there were three started , Bryan , Irwin anc Anderson. The men presented a fine appearance as they wont out on the track to take their positions. They wore promptly started , and all canto down pretty close together until wIthinabout one hundred and fifty yards of the wire , when Anderson foil behind and drop. pod out of the race. Bryan won the race in 52k. No Ma1tcr What Happene You may rest assured that yen ate ante In Icing apeedily curerl by TllouAn' El.tciitia Oii. , in all caaos of rhouttintisni , neuralgia , t6otliztche. etc. One trial nly is necof sury to prove its tilicacy. DIOCESAN boi s. The Epiecopaliane Most in Ohurch Council. The Bishop's Addrcu , antitho Bus- inc. . of the Day. The twonty.ninth annual convention of the diocese of Iowa opened yesterday - day morning in St. Paul's church ih this city : Morning prayer was said by tlio Rev. Mr Cunningham. The ante-communion service was said by Bishop Perry , the epistle be. nig road by thu Rev. S. Ringgold. The convention sermon was preached by the Rev. Canon Spraguofront St. Mark's gospel , sixth chapter , sixth Torso , The holy communion was then celebrated by Bishop Perry , assisted by Rev Mr. Webb , and the offertory was donated to the fund for. the sup. port of pastulants and candidates for holy orders. The convention proper hen opened , the following being present : The Right Rev. Bishop Perry. of Daven. port , P.uv Messrs. B. H. Downing , : D. 0. Howard , S. H. Johnston , C. B. ' Fackenthahl , P. 0. Walcott , T. . B. Kemp , D. D. , R. 0. MoIlvain , A. Ramsey , H. B. Restarick , S. Ring. gold , P. W. Sprague , 0. It. Stroli , H. Thompaoi , B. D. J. Trimblo , F. T. Webb , D. B. , W. Wright. A committee consisting of Rev. Messrs. E. H. Downing and H. Thompson was appointed to consider credentials , and on motion of Rev. Dr. Kemp , adjournment was taken until afternoon. At the opening of the afternoon session the following lay delegates wore reported as present and entitled to seats : T. B. Perry , Albia ; B. C. Berger Cedar Rapids ; D. C. Bloomer , Council Bluffs ; D. B. Nash , Win. F. Ross , J. lioward Henry , F. J. My. nard , of Davenport ; .1. 1' . FitchDen- ni.son ; George F , Henry , Doe Moines ; T. S. Nain , Dubuquc ; Vim. Harris , Independence ; Howard Tucker , Keo. : u.j M. 3. Ohspman , La Mars' Maj. SamUCLMhOfl , . Ottuinwa ; fr. P Warmleyi.te4.Oak ; Capt. F. 0 , Pros. ecU , Tiptou P. .1' . Mynard , ' Davenport , wu unanimously oiected'aoitX , of the convention , and Rev. H. B. Ris&2i0k . assistant. The following were invited to hon. ary aoata in the convention by resolp- tion : Rev. Messrs. H. N. Cunning. ham , Le Mars ; W. H. Von Antwerp , Dee Msines ; 0. ( Yampton Burnett , Iowa City. Coo. J. Degen , Red Oak' John ' . Spiny , F. R. Millapaugh and Rev , Canon Patterson , of Omaha , On m tion of D. Kemp the parish of Grace church , Lii Mars , was restored - stored to the list of parishiers in union with the convention , The receipts of the Eplacopato fund wore reported as being $13.122,3U , anti the total amount now on interest , The amount received for diocesan missions from churches within thin diocese was reported as about $2,100. Bishop Perry's annual address was one of the most intereattng lot.turea of the convention proceedings yottor. day , it was clear . earnest , and of ape. cial Interest to the church. lie pro. sonted a review of the live years past , and gathered up facts and figures , showing growth and reason for en- oouragement. During the period there had been fifteen churches and chapels built or bought ; six rectories had boon acquired ; the number of working clergy doubled ; thin increase In thin number of parishes and nois. 510115 more titan thirty-three per cent ; the increase of thu Peronanont value of church property had beomi at the rate of $1,000 weekly for nearly six years ; and the increase of church pro. pony in Iowa during the six years had been norly half a million dollars ; thin missionary workers load a capital af $10,000 ; the fund for indigent and disabled clergy , and indigent widowa of clorgymeii $75,000 ; Uris. weld college was reported as having : an encouraging outlook. Tim bishop. reported that lie load made 80 visitations , hioldiiig coimfirma. tion on 46 occasions , and comitIroning 249 persons. Ho had assisted at or read prayers on 230 occasions , and do. : layered 208 sermons or addresses. lb had celebrated thin hiol' communion on 60 occasions , catechised 29 time& ! and baptised 8 adults and 4 infantii , - - - - - - - - - Bethesda BATHI'fl 110 UE ! At Bryant's Spring , for. Broath'ay and Union COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thin , Medicated , V.por , Electric , l'iungc , Iouch , Shower , hot anit Cold ilath. Corn. I'etent n BIB an4 feinalo tr.o , soil at.'endant. alnay. on hand , 50(1 .ho best of ca'o and ittn. Lion civen potruns. spocaI elttlon , given to bat..in . . children. Inyo.tlgation cud i.atron.ge BOliCtt(1 BOliCtt(1BIt. . A. H STuiLuv d Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Stud'oy Treatment of chronil di.oaeoi mid. a .pccleity. One of the bret pcond.clui IloteiB in the Ye.t i. the BROADWA.Y HOTEL. A , E IiitWN , Proprl.tor , flea. 534 cmi 536 ifroadwayf'ouncil liiuffalowi. Table .upplled with the beit the merkel at- fords. 0 od rooms and flrt-clea bode. Terms 'ery rca.onablo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son , Filter CLAyS fIOTEt AT IOEASORADLE piucF : . TRANSIENTS ACCOMMOIATED. IiTnt. } OS RENT. 0001) IOEASONS FOiL : ItENTINO. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N. Anderson , - - Proprietor , - 32 Lower Ilecadway. C Table . .appIed % with the bet the rn.rkct at- ford , . Terms 3.t.0antI LOOpcrwcok. Tran.lont l.OO per day. If You Wish ma Lunch ao to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Meat. , and Eatables always on : hand. Five Cents per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAIER HANGING , KALOli1IMNll AND IIItAININEI , . - Shop-Corner Broadway and Scott St MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , aorniavou OF RESTAURANT 'EATIIW HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council ll'ulYa. Now house and newly flttcd up in first class style. Meals at all hours. Ice cream anti lemonade - nado every cyoing. Fruits e d confectioneries. HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars andTobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season ; 12 MAIN ST. , Oouncll Blufi' . 1 had burled 1 person , consecrated 4 : churches , received by letters dismis : ury 7 priests and 2 deacons , laid 4 corner stones , transferred 7 priests and deposed 2 deacons. The defunct parishes reported wore St. Matthews , of Marshalltown ; Grace , of Boone ; Trihity , of Cascade , and St. Luke's , of Lansing. Last evening a missionary meeting was held. This morning there will be services at 0 o'clock. At 10 o'clock the special order of business will be the consideration - ation of tim new constitution and canons. This evening a reception will be tendered the bishop and those .attond. ing tile coiiveiitlini , at time residence of Mr. D. C. Bloomer. All members of St. Paul's parish are also invited to attend. A flantist Minister's Experience. I am a Baptl.t ralnister , and before I aver thought 01 beIng a clergyman I graduated in medicine , lut loft a lucrait'e practice for my i'renent profession , 40 years ago. I was for many years a suf. fjfsr front quinsy ; ' 2bomas' Eclectic Oil 'jrne" I was alan troubled with hoarsenea , sLid Thomas' Eciectio Oil al. ways relieved me , My wife and child load dIphtheri , and "Tnomas Eclectlo Oil cured thorn , " aud taken In time will cure seveitimei in W ! ' I am confident ft is a cure footho moat 'jBtIflatC coldj or cough , . and if any one a small teaapoon and ludf fill It vIth t'i OI. and then place the end of thmd s1oorl"5n one noatril uiid draw the Oil out of the Into tito heat ! by snuffinu as hoard as as they can , until the 011 faIls into ti throat , and iractlce that twice a week , J ( lon't care how olrenslve their head may h , , it will clean It out sand cure the catarrha , For deafness audearaclin it has dead wonder - der to my certain knowledge , . It is the orly medicine dubbed outent medicine that I ever felt like recommending , and ' I am very anxious to men it Ia every pluo'e , for I tell you that I would not be without It Ia my house for any consideration. I am now aufferhiigwith a pain like itheuma. tismn In iriy rJ it llmnl , and nothing re. liuvs rue like 'l'hoznas' Eelectrio Oil. Jut. B , F. CilaNil , Corry , Pa , Zujurios to the Bgyptlan Obehls1. naltimoru cuti , There is said to be something son. Ous thin matter with time Egypain 'ibohlak erected some time ago in Ooii. trail park , Now York ; that lately it has been undergoing important changes , as if train atniosphoeric influ. encos , which threaten to roughen if not to "chip" or "scale" its surface and obliterate its inacaiptions. Thu rains anti snows of last winter have forced into thu delicate tracery of tue latter zuillious of particles of snow which froze as they entered , and melted again in a few hours , and eu close iiispoctiomi it would appear by this prociss time urfaco has under. gone a very zuarkod deterioration ; also , that the corners begin to exhibit decided symptoms of wearing away , threatening to ollanuo the shape of thin shaft front a quadrilateral to a circular. Ill order to preserve itiromn the fate with which our climate tItus threatens it , it is proposed to take it duwzi , amid replace it in thin great hail of the museum , just opposite , height- cuing thou roof to make room for it , I DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTE I HOTELS. ARLINGTON. OARATOOA HOTEL MARSH HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE CITY HOTEL COMMERCIAL HOTE. . , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL COMMEROIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOUSE ENO'S HOTEL EXOHANOE HOTEL METROPOLITAN HOTEL MORGAN HOUSE OUMMIT HOUSE HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WAUtER HOUSE OOHMEROIAL HOTEL CITY HOTEL PARK HOUSE , NEIIRASKA HOTEL MEROr-IANTS HOTEL OOMMEROIAL HOTEL PARKS HOTEL OOMMEO AL HOTEL DAGNELL HOUSE , OMMEROIAL HOUSE JUDKINSHOUSE , I3ALL HOUSE , COMMEROIAL HOUSE WOODS HOUSE. DOUGLAS HOUSE , IIEOFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLK.JUNOTION HOUSE WINSLOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE CROZIER HOUSE AVOOA EATING HOU8E CENTRAL HOUSE F1oF.R ( EiBS J. 0. Mc1NTIRE , .3 , 0. STELLINIUS , E. MANS , JOHN HANNJtN , A. W. HALL OHENEY a OLARK , I , , 0. MEAD , E4SEYMOUI1 , p. L THORP , A. 0. OAARPER , w , MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. L ENO , 0. U. HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. L. ORUOU , SWAN & DECKER , CEO. OALPI , O.M , REYNOLDS , 0 , H. WALKER , 0. BURGESS , DI A. WILLIAMS , MRS. M. E , CUMMINGS , llL AVERY , .1 , W , DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , OHAS , DAGNELL WM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , 14. H , PERRY , B , F. STEARHO , JOHN ECKERT , .3. S. DUNHAM , d. T. QUEEN , hJ , M.DLAOK& SON , A , T. POTTER , 0. McOARTY , M. II. JONES , 0. R. OROZIER , 0. W. ROCKHOLD , . c 'o FV2VF LIncoln , Neh , . MIIford , Neb. I BROWNSVILLE Neb Litromsburg Us LouIsvIlle BlaIr , Neb. NelIgh , Neb. Uabrask CIty , Neb WeeplngWatarNa Hardy , Nab , Oraenwood , Nebi Clarinda , Iowa ' Eremont , Nab Ashland , Nab AtkInson , Neb , GuIde Road , Nab , , ' . ; Oreston , a. Exirs , Is. AtlantIc , Is , Audubon , Is. NeoI * , Is. Harlan , Is. CornIng , a. Stanton , llurllngtondunctlon , N Illanchsrd , Is. Shenandoah , Is , Dayld CIty , Neb ' Oollege8prln s , Is. Villisca , Is. Malvern , Is. Ida Grove , a Odebolt , 1 * S . OsceoIa , Nab. Clerks , Nab , Dedford Ia. Marysvlllo Mo NorfolkJunctlonNeb Seward , Nab. AuroarNeb , SIdney , Non. Avoca Ia. LOCKWOOD 8c SHATTUCK , Rod Oak. I THE JELM MOUNTAIN . GQiD AND sIIvTELa' Mining and Milling Company. working Capital' - - - - - - - - - S00CO0. Capital i3ocic - - - - - - - - - 81,000OO ) Par Value of haroe , - - - - - - - - - $25,000. 'I STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEIJ MINING DISTRIOT. x'x'xcii . , ' DR. J. I. TROMAS , l'rctdont , Cutnunins , Wyoming. wat Ia , TILTON , Vlco.Prcaldont , Cummln. , Wyoming E. N. UARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming , A. a. LUWN , Treasurer , Oummlns , Wyomin 5 _ s Dr. 3. 1. Thomas , Louis Miller Y , S. liramol. A. 0. Dunn , K. N. flarwood. Francis Leavons. Gee. 11. Faio . Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Watkins , nnSmo5m ORG. W. KENDALL , Authorleed Agent for Sale of Rtockl fln. C40 tl..hs W. , u.s-s.ea&.w.r. " k1 I11rl west for being the most Tdiroct quickest , in safest fine connecilna the great iletropoli CR1 CAG0 , and the P.asrenN , Noam.EA.i raN , I , and Souru.EAsnuuc Lien , which ternitnatcihore with ItAselsi CiTy. Luveiwoarn , Aropisos couseti. BLUrTS and Oiumu , the CoatxIiootAZ Ceersas from wldcb radiate , , , EVEIW LINE O ROAD th * penoirsteatbe Continent from the Ulr.ou , illvor to the Pallto fUopo. The CHICAGO ROOE ISLAND & PA CIJflO RAILWAY I. the only line from Chlesgo owning track in itansas , or whIch , by Its own road , reaches lb points above named. No vw.erzaa ST OAuiAos No nisenon OONNPIOT1OSSI No huddling In iii ventilated or unclean can , a every p&asonger carried In roomy , clean md ventilated cc'ichri upon Vest Exproes Trains DAY CAse of unrivaled niaguiScunco , Puni.us PAnaci SLKSFISO CARS , end ourownworld.fsrnoul Dosnea Cans , upon which meals are seived of un. mirpat8o.I excellence , at the low rate of BavilirT ruts CmTS Hen , With ample time lot bo&ithfu enjoyment. Through Care between Chicago , Pearls , weukee and Missouri River Points' and close can noctions ia an p0mw of i0t.500do0 wiiis oth. , road. . We ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to ever pta-ce of importance in Kansas Nebraska Dlb Rule , Wyoming , Utah Idaho , kovedi , Oregon , Washington Sen1tary , Cototido , Anions sod New Melico. As.t ben ! irringemonts regarding baggayese any eUler line , and rates of Sara Masys set ow sa competItors , who furnish but a tithe a the fort. fort.Dogs and tackle of sportsmen free. Tickete ui $ and folders ut all princips omne. in lite Untied States and Canads. B , K. CABLE , If. 8T. JOUR , Vice PoVt Gin. Gee. Tkt indi'ais'r A Manager. Chicairo ' 1DRLL1NE. I83O Ku1t CITY , 3t.Joo& Oo iIBii oTuIosi.T a Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AID Till ! EAST From Omaha and the West. All trabie leave II. & 11. Depot , Omaha : Neb , No cbsee of iaa between Omaha and a , . iidi , ciii bu one between OMARA and NEW YORK. . gx Daily PassengerTrain iuounIc , ALl , tA3 tERN AND WESTERN CITIES With LESO usi.tiwiu and iN ADVANCE of UI. ( fl'JIER LiNint Thf. entice Hoe is equipped with oilman' , Pamaco Sleeping Care Palace IJay Coaches ' MlUr' liatety l'Iatform 1d Coupier , and the cu'lebr&ted Syratinihonte Air.brske. L2 &n that your ticket roadi VIA nA14SAS o1Ty tn' . : ossiz a COUNCIL JILUFa'S Rail road , via it. : Joapb and St. Louis. T1c'sI for &lo a i.U coupon .tat1on In lbs Vc.t. J. F. BAIWAED , 0. v.twis : , Oen , $ upL , St. Joseph , Mo A fir : , . Pkuli. and Ticket Agi. , St. Joseph , Uo. LinT IlOlWIliI , Ticket Agcat , . 3020 Yarnhan. street. v. J.DAveliroaT , General Agent , OMAHA. N FAST TIME I In going East take the ( ililoago 86 Northwest- oru w.a- . TraIns bays , Oniabs SiO : p. at , and 7G0 : a. on. , fuil Information calion U. P. DURJ Ticket Agiut , l4Ut and V.ornbam Sts. J. DELL U. P. 'taiiway Depot , ox at JAMES T , CLARK , boner. 6gcn , thnaln. . ttaltuiao U , ' . hlrl'j.U 1 1 , . , . - S - ic f I - S , . to Ibiool.l } 'avorlto and -FOR- ; . ' CHICAGO , S PEORIA , ST. LOUIS " . , , . MILWAUKEE. BETItOIT , NIAAI1SA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTONr And all Poluts East andouth.East. TIlE LINE COMPIL1tI1IS Nearly 4,000 miles , 8ild Smooth Steel Tracks All ccnnoetlon. are made In UNION DbPOT8. It baa a Nations ! Ropfltatlon a. being th Great Through Oar Line , and i. univereal : conceded to be the FINEST EQUIPPED r , road in the world for all classes of travel. ' - 5 Try it andyou will lInd traveling a lnxurj ' instead of s discomfort. Through Ticketsvls rhIs Celebrated Line tot silo it iii DOers in the West. All information about Rates tf Fare , EleeIn S Car Acoenunoistlons , Time Tabice , Ire. , will b . cheerfully . . given jtorPlrinlnn to .7. . J. 2.1 VIco-I'roa't & am. tlenagorVblcaga. PERCIVAL LOWELL Ocu. PaaaenerAgt.ChlcagO , At , W , 3. IfAVENI'OIIT , ( Icn. Aent , Council Bluff. . II , i , ' , DIJELL , Ticket itgt.niaha. . ' , : inorn.cd ly . ' 3ioux Olty & Paoilio : : . ' S TBI SIOUX 0I ROUTa ti , , n . hroqgh from , _ gu.ei5.lJ ! t4'1 ' " Council B1rat ° St. Paul . d' . , Without Ohan&s ' -IT lS- :1U.3 : MILXS TIlE 6UORT1IT ROOTS pLea' COUNCIL BLUFFS' TO ST. PAUL , MINNRAPOUS ' , pU14ULn Ott 13ISiIARC . t4 mdiii points ip Northorulow. Illunoa.taaaad , ii' Dakota. Ibis bias is equipped th ( the lmprovo4 . Westioghouso Automatic Air-brace and MIUs Llsttorm Coupler and Buffet ; aol tot' 8PEIfD. BAPETY ArW COIIFORT Ii uneurpeasod. Pullinron Paieco Sleeping Car run through ViTI1OUT OIIANUS between Kilt ' , sCtty and St. Paul , vie Council Biude anti Sioux City , S ' 4's Trains leave Union PaltIo Transfer at Cain. . , , cil IJluft. , at 7:35 p. on. dully on arrIval of Ksnuai S filly St Joseph and Council JUnE. train from the outh , Arriving t Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. , ardat tbooNow Union flopot at ilL Paulat I2O S noon. rai nouns IN ADVANCE OP ANYOTUEZ ; EOUTi 5 WRomembor In taking the bloux City itoni. youot a Through Train. The Shortoot Une , ' the uickeotTtuao and a Comfoutablo ittde in 1h Tiirou Ii Cara botoccu S BLUt'FS ANI ) ST. l'AUL. S ta-Sue that i-our Tickuti road via the "Sioux Cliv md Paclilo itaiitoud " S ' , LI , WATTLES , J. B. I3UCIIANA $ 5 Ilupoeluturulcnl. Oeiil t'asi , Agent. I' , 11. ROBINSON , Ato'S Ur'i Psee , A $ . , IdLeaunri Valley , cows S w. E. DAVIS , Uouihnnetern Agent , Counci Bluff' Tn-va "V. ' 5' S EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner Fourth and Io.'tiat Streets. ' ' xixa. H'Z' . , .1 , H , HURST , - - Prop. Rooms , 75o , $1 , and $1,50 Par Day An elegant itottauraut lcunoctod with liii bouso whore meal I are seryodut ruasonabi. prias Upon yand uigat. m-1QC. , I' a a