' * l T COMBimClAl. Omaha 'Wholn > als > Knrket- Ornox or Tn * OMAHA B \ Tmetday ErenlpR.May 80. > No changes reported in tts market Producsand V K UblS. SALT LAKK POTATOE3-$1.50. WI1.I ) JUOK-l 25@l tO. KQG3-15@19o. UUTTKH Ureaniery , rO@25c ; choice roll , ll@lJc { ( ; common roll , 8@10j. BEESWAX 'Yellow , 20@22 , ONIONS-Uuxhel boxes , 2 G0@300. ORrtNOKB JBOO .LEMON3-C 60@0 CO. t Local Uraln WHKAT.-OMh No. 2 , 10GJ ; cash No. 8 , 9. > c ; rejected , l > 5o. liAULEV. UMh No. 2 , 97o ; No. P , jv x j'j vK iiiiit G3j ( CORN.-Cash No. 2 , OATS. Caoh , 49.\ STREET PRlOES-Corn , 60 ( 45 ; oats , 40jr. * JlAY ? G fO@6 f > 0 per ton. - - . -CHOPPED fc'EED 31CO. , CHOPPED CORN $1 40. BUAN 8111 per hundred. STRAW $1 ( K ) ton loose ; $5 00 baled. Provisions. HAMS-lKo perlb. BACON -Brcakfint , ICc ; clear sides , 13c ; drvsslt MHo * , -2o. SHOULDKUS-SJe per Ib. DRIED BEEF-ltUc per Ib. Orooori ? List. COFFEE.-Klo , lair , lie ; Rio. good 2o ; lUo. prime to choice , ISJc ; Old pov't Java ; 26ig28io ( , Mocha , 28Jo ; Arbucklo'a , 14JO. 'jt'EAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Choice , C0@76c ; Imixjrlal , good , 40fe45c ; _ Choice , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , Rood , 86 ® COc ; choice , C5c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 85o ; Japan , choice , CO@7Cc ; Oolong , good , 85@40j Oolong , cho.ce , 40@56 ; Souchong , pond , 31 > (5 > 40e : choice , 3545c. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels , ' $9 00 ; do In half bbls , G 25 ; smalls , in bbls , 12 00 do , In half bbls , 7 CO ; gherkins , in bbls. 14 00 ; do , in half bbls. 7 50. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , ICci pure apple , 13c ; JPrusslnB uure ancle , IGo. dUUARS-Cut loaf , lie ; Crushed , lie ; Granulated. 118o ; Powdered , 11 ; Fine powdered , lie ; Standard Coffee A. O j ; New York Confectioner's Standard A. lOc : Good A , 9Jc ; Prairie Extra O. 9o. HOPE Sisal , & inch and larger , 8Jc ; 1 inch , 9k , . > CHEESE Full Cream , ' ISo ; Part Skim , lljc. WOODENWAKE Two hoop pail , 1 95 ; hroe hoop palls , 2 20 ! , No. 1 tub ) pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Orawn , 2 00 ; Wollbuckcts , 3 0. LEAD Bar , 81 C5. DRIED FRUITS Choice halves , pjachen , 7c : Salt Lake lOJc ; van- orated 50 ib boxes , 13Jc ; Michigan , 7c ; Now York apples , 7Jc ; Prunes , old , Gjc ; now , 8Vc ; Currants , C @ 7c ; Blackberries , now , HOMINY New , 85 00 per bbl. SODA. Dwiaht's tb papers , $2 85 ; De- _ and do , 2 85 ; Church's , $2 85 ; Keg soda , BEANS Imported German $3 75 per bushel. CANDLES Bwoa , 40 Ibs , IB or , 8s , 1Clcboxcs ; 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Go , 15Jc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 GO : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 3 GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 20 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , pt coxe , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slock ) , per case , 208. Onions , 880. Salmon , 1 Ib , per dozen , 1 80@1 90 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen 2 65J 65. Sardines , small tfsh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14 Jc ; American , quarter boxes per box , He ; do half .boxeo , per box , 21 Jo. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 8 tb per case. 290 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 310 ; soaked com , 310 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 315 ; string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per caao , 2 00. Peas , common , per cose , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per cose , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 a , per case , 240 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 SO ; ' raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. 300@315. 'Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per caee , 3 00@4 TO. Whortleberries per case , 240. Egg plunu,2 Ib percuw,3 30 ; Omen gagcs,2 Ib per coae , 3 30 ; do choice , * j Ib per cose , 4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 005 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case.'S 10 : do 3 IK c-iso , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per ci o,275 ; do pie , 6 D > , per dozen , 3 50 , HICK Carolina , 7i8o ; Louisiana , 7 @Sc ; fi ir , G@GJ. I / " - e , bbls , 55o lhaf ! , \ bin , . 37c ; ktft , 4J eullonn , 82 50- choice table syrup , D3c ; Usff bbb , 55c ; kegs , $3 50. STA-KOH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver iiJo-.n , S\ \ ® il3/s } Corn Starch , Si9o ; Kxtelaior Glosa. 7c ; Corn. 71o. SALT. Dray loada , per bbl , 1 So : Anh Son , in : ckB , S 50 ; bbls dairy GO , OH , 3 45 ; fcbla ddirv. 100. 3s. 3G5. Bt'ICEH. Popper , 19 ; Allspice , 19c ; Clovoa , 40c : Nutmo < a , 810025cCasaia ; , Zstaco SI 00. MATCHES Per caddie , 90o ; round canon , 07.G5 ; square cues , $5.10 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ; Kirk's eatini 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 G5 ; .Kirk's whi Busalan , 500 : Kirk'a Kutoca. 2 0 Kirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 cukca ) , (0 ; Kirk's nagnolla , 4 20. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis' ' lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz , , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in c&ee , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Bed clover , choice new , 6 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. $7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 11 alfa clover , new , 912 50 ; alsLke , new , 91300. Timothy , good , new , $3 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , 31 50 ; blue grasa , clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 : rod top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , German , $100 to $125 ; Hungarian. SOo. HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , $5 00 ; oaatfo orange , 10 bushel * or over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 85o ; per 10ofb . , f2500. FIS . Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , * 5 25 ; iVo. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family 10 Ib kits , 85c ; Now Helland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum bia river wilraon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorgVi Bank codfish , Go ; Gen , boneless coda * . , flic ; boneless fish , 51c. MACKEREL HaU bbla mousmackcrel , 100 Ibs , $12 50 : hf bbl No. 1 ox shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibn , G 00 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex-shore , 12 Ib do , 150 : No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fa family , 10 Ib do 75o. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- cesijeo , lOo per Ib ; fanoy white , lOjo porlh ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ; rooated , 12io. Dry Goods , BROWN CJ ' F71c ; Cliittenaneo A , GJc ; Ure'at Ftlls Ej 8c ; Hoosler , GC ; Honest Width , 7o : In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A , 8jc : Indian Orchard d , w , , 8Jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystlo River , 7io ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca 0 , 51o ; Wochus- ett B , 7io ; do A , 8Jo : do E 48,12jb ; Wai- cott BB. 8&a. FINE BRO VN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 : 7Je ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7J 5 Atlantic LL , Gtc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Henniufton 0 4-4,69c ; Buckeye 8.4-4 , Gico Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8 9 ; Laconia O 39 , 84o ; Lehlch E 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdale 4-1 , lOo ; I'epperefl N 80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7Jc ; do ll Sfi , 72c ; do B 39 , 8ic ; Pocasset 0 1-4 , 7 c ; WnmButta4-l ISr , BLEACHED UOTTONS-Androscog. clu L 4-1.Jc ! ) : BlackstoueAA Irrperlal 83. . do do . half . bleached _ _ 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 , ' ! l1.1A-.J - t f\t ll * J * * * Fidolity4-l , flicjVrult of theLooni.lOj uu can.brio4-4,13cdoWaterTwistloicGreat ; ; FalUQ , lOic ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c Jjunsdalo. lOc ; do cambrlo 87 , 12ie ; New York Mills , 12c ; Pequot A , lOo ; Pepporel N G Twills , 12Jo ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9Jc Pocajwet 4-4 , 8o ; Utlca , lie ; WatnautU O X X 12ic , HOOKS tOolered } Albany 15 brown , 8e ; do C , < irab , IlM do XX itripes sue plaids , lt\c \ ; do XXX brown and drab , striiws and plaids , 12jcj Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ! Chariot fancy , Uo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Klver brown , extra heavy , 11 } c ; Indiana A brnwn lHc Veixmset A brown , 15c. TIUIUAU&vmcmfeesK A O A 83 I7jc ; do XX blue 32. 18Jc : Arrowatra } Jc ; Claremont B B. ISJc : Conestoga x tra , I7jcs Hamilton D. IIJo Lewtston 30,15c ; MInnehaha 4-4 , SOc ; Omoca super extra 4-4. 28c ; Pearl River 82. 16c ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket 8 lOJcjdo SS 12o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8Jo DENIMS. Amoskoak , blueandbronn ijc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord (300 , blue nw brown. 12Jcj do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto do do 14Jc ; Haymaker'ii blue and brown , Me ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl [ liver , blue and brown , l&ic ; Uncasvllle , alue and brown , 13Jo. CAMBUICS Barnard , 5to ; Eddystone Intng. 24 Inch double face , 8jc ; Gamer A : lazed , 5o : Manhattan glove finish , 6Jcl Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do ic ; Lei kwood kid finish , Cc. COKSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros ; coggtn satteeriv 8Jc | Clarendc n , GJcConos ' ioga Ratteen's , tie ; Hnllowel , 8c ; Indi J 7Jo ; ' Pcpp'crlll sattpon OJd ; Kockport , 7Jo. PRINTS Aliens , GJc ! American , GJc ; Arnold , ? c ; Berwick , 4jc ; Cocheco , 7cj 3ouo8toxa. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4c ; Dunncll , 47 ) Eddystone. 7c : Gloucester , Cc ; [ Iimncmjr , SJc ; Knickerbocker , GJo ; Mer- rimao D , 7c ; Mystic , CJc ; Spramies , Gc ; Jouthbridge , Bo ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marl- bon ) , 5Jc : Oriental GJc. GINGHAMS Amoskeag. lO.Jc ; Amos- -j ? dross 12JAnrylo ) , lOJc : Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , 8Jc ; Konilworth , 8Jc ; Plun kelt , lOJc ; Sus sex , 8c. COTTONADES Abberville Idio Agate , VQc } American , He ; Artiaian , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 13c ; Clarion D oud T , 17Jo ; Doccan Co. stripes D and T , IGc ; Key stone , lyjc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13o ; Royal , 10J ) Sussex , 12cTioga. . 12Jc ; Wachusett shirt ing shocks. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jo ; York , plain Nankin , 12tc ; do , checks , stripes and fanby. 12Jo ; do. 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS Androscogdn 10-4,27Jc ! do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie : Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 27i ; New York thills 98. 85c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 08 , 22ie ; Pembroke 10-4 , 2. > o ; Poquot 10-4 , 285c ; do 7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperoll 36 , 29c ; do G7 , 21o ; do 57 , 18c ; Utlca 9G , 85c ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 48,17o Olgarv and Tobaccos. 'CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , $25.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , (50.00 ; ClearUavana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Knle , 24 Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , Crsl quality , 62c ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , buttsGOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55c ; Bullionpounds , M : ; Lorll- lard's Climax , pounds , GOc , FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ; Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Catlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori Ulard'a IMgcr , 65c ; Diamond Crown , GOo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 83o. Granulated Blackvrells Durham , 16 oz 51c ; Dukea Durham , 16 oz , SOc ; Seal ol Worth Carolina , 1C bz , 46 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 16 oz , 3Sc ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags perlb , $ f.35 ; Marburgs'Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 5 Go ; Do Tail , G6c. Oruca. DRU S AND CHEMICALS Acid Carbolic , We ; Acid , Tartaric , GOc ; Balsam Copabla , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , ) > or Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonidia , "per ox , 8105 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100 ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epson : alts ; < per Ib. SJc ; Glycerine , pure , perlb , 38o ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 24c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , 'per ' gal , * 1 15 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , ' per gal , $100 ; Oil , Olive , per pal. 81 0 ; Oil , Origanum. SOo Opium , $4 35 ; Quinine P. A W. A R. 4 8. , per oz , $2 40 ; Potassium. Iodide , per Ib ; § 2 25 ; Solacin , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate ol Morphine , per oz , 53 75 ; Sulphur flour , par Ib , 4a : Strychnine , tier oz. 9135. Paints Oils and Varnlshw. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , Cc ; white lead , pure , Go ; Mar- sallies green , 1 to 5. Ib cans , 20c French zinc , gipon seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asat , 20o ; French zince , in oil asst , 15o ; Ran and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13 ; refined lampblack , 12c : coach black , l < c ; ( very black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18e ; chrome green , L. M. t D. , 14c ; blind and shutter Ireen , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris green. 18c ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan drt , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. 4 P. , 18o , chrome yellow , L. , H. , O. 4 D 0. , 18o yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; patenl ilryer , Gc ; graining colora : light oak , dork oa x , walnut , ohostuut aad oah 12o.- 4t Drv.0 lnU White lead , GJc ; French riao , lOc ; Paris vhiteiiig 2ic ; whiting gilders. l c ; ( ihitins com7 ! , lie ; ampblack German- tov/n. 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 80 ; Prut- oii-.n blue , 45o ; ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke , brown , Be ; umberburnt , 4c ; timber , raw , 4cscnna ; ! , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 2-'c ; Paris green com' 20u ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20o ; cbrom- green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; rer- million , .America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc , rood pink , 14c ; Venetian , read , Cookaon'i ic ; Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rod lead , 7ic ; cnrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; ch'-nrce yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2o Winter's mineral. 2Jo ; lohlgb brown. 2Ac : Bpanish brown , 2jc ; Trinca'i mineral Sc ; OILS 110'carbon , per gallon , Iljcr50 ; headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , IG c ; olectrlm , per gallon , 19o ; linseed , raw , per gallon , 57 ; linseed , bolle-i , per gallon , GOc ; lard , winter stt'd , per gal lon , 90 ; No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , GOc ; castor , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri eating , rero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35o ; No , 2 , SO ; upenn , signal , per gallon , 80o : ter- peiune , per gallon , 75c ; naptba , 74 , per gallon. 20o : 6V. 18o VARNISHES Barrels per wllon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; furniture , U , 85o ; coach , extra , 8140 ; Coach , No. 1 , 8120 ; Domar , 81 50 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; ihellao , 83 50 ; nan. oil finUh. $1 30. Heavy Hardware Lilt , Iron , rates , 83 00 ; plow steel , upccla cast , 7c ; crucible,8c ; special ur GermanGc ; cost tool do. 15@20 woKpn spokes , net. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawei dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc washers , per Ib. 8@18o ; rivets , per Ib , lie cell chain , per Ib , C@12c ; malleable , 80 , iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; lioreeahoea , per keg , 5 00 ; spring Bteol. 7@8c ; Burden'a horseshoes , 535 , Burden's muleshoes , G 35. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 : Oriental Powder , kega , 8G.40 ; do. , hall kogs. $3.48 : do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast- Intr , kees. 83.35 : Fuse , oer 100 feet EOo. BAUBKDVIIU5In car lots,8 30 per 100 ; in leu than car lots. 8 55 nor 103. Leather. Oak sole. 880 to 42e ; hemlock sole , 28o to 35o ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100 ; runner , G.lo to SOc ; hemlock'calf , 85o to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 2ic ( ; oak upper , 21c alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 32@33c , Greisen kid , 2 fX ) to 2 75 ; oak kip , UOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- setts. 550 to7 50 ; linings , GOO to 10 50 , toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35o ; pebble 0. D , Morocco , 35c ; elmon , 2 TO to 3 00. HARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2 do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No. 2 do , 34o. Hortei and Mule . The market la brisk and all grades nre Belling well at ullcht advance in pricea. The demand for good horees exceeds the supply coaslderaoly , Pricea range aa fol lows ; Fine single driven , 0150. to SOO. ; Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225 , ; Common dra.'t horses , $100. to 150 , ; Extra farm honee , C110. to 125 , ; Common to good farm horsea 890. to $100. ; Extra plupi , $60. to 75 , ] Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15 } hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 14i to 15 hands , $100. to 140. 14 to 14 i hands , 875. to 100 , ; 13 } to 1 < hands , 860. to 76.LI LI uors , ALCOHOL 187 proof. 226 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , fee txr proof fr > llon ; triple refined rplrito. 187 proof , 124 p r proof gallon ; re-dlstlll a vtiikiei,100@lCo ; fine blended , 1CO@ 3 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kfn- tuckv and PennsrlrAnU ryes , 2 00@7 00 BftANDlBS Imported , 96 0001600 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Exported , 4 C06 00 ; domestic , 140@3 00. RUMS-Imported , 4 50 § 6 00 ; New England. 2 00(3)4 ) 00 ; domeitic , 1 J > 0@S 50 PEACH AND APPLB BRANDY 176@4 00. OHAMPAGNF/S Imvorted per owe , 2 < < 009I 0Am9rlM4 , cose , 1200 ® 16 00 , CLARETS Per case , 4 50 ® 10 00 WINES Rhine wine , per ewe , 6 00 ® 20 00 ; CaUwbft , per case , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLCSAfR. Wo quote lumber , lath nnd shtngtoa on : Ci nt Omahn at the folio wine prlceij JOIST AND SCANTLING-16ft. and under , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMUKRS 10 ft. an. ) under , $22 00. TrMKKU AND J01ST-18 ft. , 823 00 ; C fl . 624 CC. 22 ft. , 827 CO ; 24 ft , 827 50. KLNOING No. 1 , 4 and G In. , $23 00 ; No. 2. $30 HO. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd'common ( boanlc ) 818 60 : No. 2 , 817 00. STOCKI UOARDS-12.In. D , 82300 ; 12-ln. C , 835 OOj 12-ln. B , 840 00. LIMK i'cr barrel , 9185 ; bulk per bun- IT o Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster. ) bl , 82 50. Hair per bu , Soo. Tarred felt 100 tbs , 83 50. Straw board , 8-1 CO PAPER Straw paper , 8Jo > rag paper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manlla paper , lOo ; news paper. Sc. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blonsburg , 812 ; Vhitobreast ump , $0 fOj Whitebreaat nut , 86 RO : Iowa lump , 86 50 ; Iowa nut 86 50 ; Rock Spring ? 8 : Anthracite , all sizes , 812 00(312 ( 60. NAILSv-Rates , 10 to GOft 3 GO , Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; henvy.o © 1316c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20 washed , choice , S2e : fair , SOo ; tub-ding and w. , 28o ; burry , blackauJ cotted wool 2@Gc ten Hldet r-un. Etc. HIDES Ureen butcher's hide , GiZ6\o ( : urod 7)o ; bides , green salt , part cured 7o liideB , Die ; dry flint , Bound. 1314c ; dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hides , sound , 10(5)1 ( ) lo ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@Hc ; ipreeu calf , wt , under 8 Ite , per skin , 50o ; ; roon iwlts , 501 25 ; green lamb sklnx , jl 25@150 ; damaged bides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , classed two- U-Irds rate , ) branded hides iO iwr cent off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 3 , 20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 8 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , block , 65c ; short stripe , 40cj narrow stripe 25c ; broad stripe , lOo. Tallow , Cc. Coanoll Blaff * Markot. CocNoiij BLDFFS , May 30. Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf , 3 GO ; California Eureka , patent , 3 80 ; best brand of Kansas , 3 50@3 90 ; Kansas and Missouri flour 3 504 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; ry flour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 20 00 per ton Chop Corn 24 liO per ton. Wheat No. 2 , 1 101 15. Corn G3c. Oats No. 2 , 45o. Rye 75 ? . Barley 80o. Hay Loose , 5 00@6 00 ; baled , 75 per bale. bale.Wood Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 15@'J5. Butter 'Creamery , 25cin rolls , wrap oed , 15@20c : rolls not wrapped , 15c ; mixed color * , 1015o. . Potatoes Rose and Scotch , 1 Onions 1 25@1 40. Live Chickens 3 50 per dozen. Cbloaeo OUIOAOO. May 30. To-day being a legal holliday the board of trade , banks , stocks and mining ex changes are closed. Butter No new features in the market ; choice to f > ncy creamery , 22@23c ; fair to good , 20@21c ; okoico to fin * dairy , 19 ® 20 : ; fair to good , l'l@17c. EgfB Weaker at 174@18a WhUky-l 10. Patrol CLEVILAND , O. , MayM. Petroleum Unchanged ; stamdarc white 110 test , Ggc. dty Lire Btoolc. KANSAS CITT , May 80. Cattle Receipts , 3,218 head ; shipments , 2.914 head. Market dragging at a deblini of 50c OB oommom cattle ; native * slow a 100o declim * ; satlr * ehipptri , 600 $ 7 50 ; native ttockers and feeders , 3 75(2 ( 4 75 ; native oow , 3.CO@3 75 ; grasi Tex ans and Indians , 3 ' . 04 75. Hogs Receipts , 2,773 head ; shipments 770 head ; market strong and active and So higher ; gale * ranged from 6 65@8 00 ; bulk from 7 60@7 80. St. ! > } litre Stooh. ST. LODIS , May 30. Cattle Supply moutly of grass Ttxai t500550 ; nativts , 730&770 ; ship pingat en , 8 009 CO. Receipts , 1,900 iblpminU , 800. Chicago tilvo Stooli. ClIlOAOO , May 3) ) . The Drover's Journal reports : Hogs Market without chance ; common to rood mixed , 7 25@7 90 ; heavy packing , 795@850 ; light , 7 S0@7 80 ; skips and culls , 6 ' < 5@7 20. Receipts , 19,000. Cattle Market weak and unsettled , shipping cattle , 5 50@8 75 ; mixed butchers stock , 3 C0@3 50 ; Texans , 4 00@5 75 , stockera and feeders , 310@5 2i. B/sceipta , 4,500. Sheep Market overstocked and prices lower , 3 12J4 75. Receipts , 1,400 , To acquaint Buffering humanity with the fact that St. Jacobs Oil J the moat bonoOcial remedy over introduced ducod , I consider a duty ; sixteen years I have Buffered with rheuma tism , and BO severely that I was often robbed-of my night's rest. A change of weather would have the moat pain ful efl'oot upon me , for then I coult neither move hands nor feet. I triec every known remedy , but of no avail. At last somebody recommended St. Jacobs Oil , and I concluded to try it , but with little hope for relief. Hav ing used hardly half a bottle , the pains diminished , and to-day I am well and hardy once more. The small sum of fifty cents had cured mo. TIIOUAH Orr , St. Boniface , Pa. Poatofflco Changes. The following arc the postoffico changes in Iowa during the weak ending May 27 , 1882 , furnished by Wm. van Vlock , of the postoffice do- dart men t : Established LaddsdaloDavis coun ty , Charles 0. F. Ljuld , postmaster ; Percy , Marion county , Israel Putnam , postmaster. Discontinued Staploton , Ohicka- saw county. Names Changed Page City , Page county , to Pacjo Center ; Polo , Appa- noose county , to Piano * , Postmasters Appointed At Grog ) ? , Johnson county , 0. F. Sitnonson Havre , Washington county , Frank Trobolcock ; Larchwood , Linn county , Mrs. Hannah Fraciua ; Oakland , Pot- tawattamio county , L. I ) . Robinson Victor , Iowa county , Joseph M. Bu chanan. There were no changes in Nebraska this week. Virtue Acknowledged- Mrs , Ira Mulholland , Albauy , N , Y , writes : "Forsevernl yearn I huvesutferec from of t-recurrlng billioua headaches , dye papula , and complaints peculiar to iny Bex. oiuce using your BUIIUOOK BIX > OD BITTKUB I am entirely relieved. " Price 91.00. OLD MEXICO , Tbo Eoturn of Hon. Logan H. Roots From His Mexl- can TrJp. 91 * ImproitioB * of the Cnitoms and Connlrj- . { lisml Republican. Hon. Logan H. Roots , of Arkansas , > s returned from the City of Mexico , laving passed through here tome six weeks axp on route from Now York to ho Mexican republic , to look after olcphpno and other Interest ; . As * to the principal object of his \isit-tho establishment of telephone and tele graph connections in Moxico-tho ro tult was not as favorable as oipcotod , in j ho desired not to say much about t ; it was a matter of moro importance , o his associates than to the public in general at the present timo. Ho iovurtholcs3 had nn objection to giv- ng some account of his trip and tome observations nbout the country that iruck him. Ho was accompanied on lis tour to the Mexican capital by Jilts. Hoots nnd by Mr. J. K , Keller , superintendent of the Southern Telegraph - graph and Telephone company. They .rent . from here to Galveston , thence jy steamer to Vera Oruz , nnd Irom ihoro by rail to the Oity of Mexico. Returning they sailed from Vera Cruz direct to Now Orleans , as during their stay in Mexico from n yellow" fever scare Galvcston put on A TKN DAYS' QUARANTINE against Vera Oruz and New Orleans three days , which of course practically precluded any vessels from Vera Ccuz going to Galvoaton. Speaking of the Oity of Mexico , Mr. Roots said : "It is just as ic was , according to all accounts , when General Scott took it with his little army. The changes which Imvo boon made result principally from the cur tailing of the power , influence and confiscation of the property of the Catholio church under Juarez and others , nnd the beautifying and im proving of the Piaza , Pusco and other places of public resort under the influ ence of the Empress Oarlotta , the consort of the unfortunate Maximil ian. Although the Catholio church had much of her property taken , she has numerous grand and extensive churches , with costly ornamentations , and is , of course , the church ot the country , all Protestant congregations aggregating but a small per cent , ol the number of adherents to that ol Catholicism. " In Mexico among T11E PLACES OF IHTI'.UEST visited by Mr. Boots were the palace in which the president , Gonzales , re sides , and the national government's ofliccs are situated. "I was , " ho said , "kindly received by the govcrnmuni officials , was shown through the palace - ace , shown the private apartments and garden of the Empress Oarlotta , the two guns which were said to bo respec tively the ones which were uiod in the execution of the Emperors Iturbide and Maximilian. I also visited the famous heights of Ohopultepec , which Humboldt said affords the grandest view which ho over behold , and up whoso frowning aides climbed the in trepid United States soldiers , a feat which soama almost beyond cro donco. " Mr. Boots was struck with the dress of the citizens. The better class o ths gentlemen in Mexico dressed wit ! much more taste and expense than they do in this country. He said "Our Americans have not got hold o the business to any great extent. ' nean general business oommercia business. All the'new railroad outer prises are under the auspices of CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. The Mexican Central , as it is called is the road that the Atohison , Topek & Santa Fo Boston parties ar backing up , and they are biildiu this road. They have already three hundred miles of road com pieced , and moro graded between Mexico City and El Paso on the Ric Grande , about two' hundred mile completed on the Mexico end nnd on hundred on the El PUBO ond. Then the Palmer-Sullivan combination , call od the Mexico National company , hav about the same amoant ot track laid Their main line'is between Mexic Oity and Laredo , on the Rio Grande "Tho concession belonging to th Jay Gould combination also lies be tween Mexico Oity and Laredo , am has some track laid on the Laredo end "Tho concession in which Gen Grant is interested is altogether soutl of the Oity of Mexico. They seotri. HOT ANXIOUS TO PKES3 WORK until the other railroads are throug ] connecting the capital of the Mexican republic with the 'states , ' "The Huntlngton concession i without subsidy from the Mexican government , but is given the right t < build from Eagle Pass , on the Rii Grande , to the City of Mexico. "Undoubtedly wo of thcso varioui concussions will bo completed in lea than throe years. The Mexican Central tral and the Mexican National but ! claim that they will bo through in 1883 , and the opening of any twc routes will at once make a largo traf Co. It is a peculiar and inturostirij country , and , in my opinion ; will in i tow years furnish a largo portion o the coffee and tropical fruits whicl are now received from Drazil and the Indies. The Mexican oolitic is unexcelled celled the world over. In oxclmng for their products they will take frou this country all kinds of manufncturoc articles , and especially all kinds o machinery used in mining districts Mining machinery is being already largely imported from the Unitet States. I saw n number of comtner cial travellers or drummers from Now Orleans , Now York and Chicago , th latter city furnishing most of the rain ing machinery. One drummer , rep resenting the Providence Tool com pany , who was HAVING CHEAT MJCCKfcP. Was shocked by the report of th failure of the largo company ho Jopre sentod. Agriculture mid mining ar carried on in the most primitive style the farmer'u plow-point conu'mting of i sharp stick. Under tho. old system o mining the workmen descend the shaf on notched poles and bring up th water in skins. These vessels ar inado from the skins of hogs an' ' sheep , and they carry water , nn pulque , a beverage of the country , in them. The skin is taken off entire legs and all , from the animal , am filled with liquid , and looks like th i genuine animal as they arc lying around " Mr. RooU gave a rapid sketch of ho peculiar customs of the country , md of the architecture , the houses wing constructed on the old Spanish rstem , having four sides with n court n the center , in which the occupants , lorscs , pigs and poultry have their re- nectlvo apartments , but American anus wore gaining n foothold respect- ng buildings and other improvements. Mn. Josnrit A Limn , Pottsvlllo , PA. , writes. For sixteen years I had suf. ercd with Dyspepsia , and spent many dollar to find relief , but in vain * ) no of my friends , Mr. F. Altntadt , nduced mo to take Hamburg Drops , n remedy ho could recommend from is own experience. I had taken carcoly one of the little bottles bo- ore I felt n change for the better , and ooii got well altogether. I am now warm advocate of Hamburg Drops. * fc'roaka of Thunderbolts. Throe cyclones of terrific violence ut their paths through portions of ho Indian territory on the Oth , 7th nd 8th of May. The last of the tor- ladocs , that of Monday the 8h , WAS omarkablo for its electric phenomena , tahtning playing froake , the like of vhich no person in the neighborhood jf Paris , To * , i had over anon. Bolt after bolt descended , nnd many trees wore rent asunder or scattered into plintorp. The cyclone's track waa ( ibout fifty yards wide and throe miles ong. Among those killed by light ning in this track was Wallace Hill , who had just driven into Paris with n oad of.telogrnph poles. Hill's death waa instantaneous. When the body WAS examined by the coroner that ofll cor was startled to s o the picture of a roe photographed in fiery rod upon Jill's ' chest just over the heart. The ) ioturo was in outline nnd in detail of > ran oh nnd loaf n-truo miniature ef nn > nk that stood a few foot from the spot of death. Vines clung to the original rco. and the vines wore to bo scon in ho blood picture. The delicate veins of some of the loaves were visible also , and tnicroscopio examination showed that the natural not of photography was much nearer perfection than nn artificial act would hnvo boon. The lortlon of the akin containing the pie uro is preserved by Hill's family. During n heavy thunder storm that swept over Hiirvoysburg , O. , n few days ago , Frank Oylor , n lad of six- toun years , sought' rcfugo , with his plowing team , in a barn. Whllo ho was oaring for his horses , the building was struck by lightning. The bolt pruned through the building , hit the boy fairly between the shoulder ? , and running down his back , passed around in front across the groin , thunco down the left leg to the knee , whore il forked nnd sent both prongs to UK bam floor. This bolt that passot down the lad's back nnd leg sot fire to the floor at the points whore the prongs struck , and in a few minutes the building was in ashes. Frank's younger brother saw the barn ii [ limea , and , fighting his way in , drag Rod the insensible lad to the house Young Ojrler remained unconscious for nearly an hour , during which time his father traced the course of the bolt by moans of a blistered streak running from the shoulders to the loft knee. Upon recovering , and at lost accounts he waa nearly well , the boy said : "Quick as'sho ' wont Icoulc feel the darn thing all the way frou : my nook to my knee. " Lightning earn * down from a clout that over-hung Atlanta , O a. , on th 13th inat. , and did moro damage that a shell thrown from > siege gun int the heart of the city would have done The bolt , or Jora's handfol of bolts killed a horse , a mule , and a soconc mule , tearing the latter from the aid of its mate , which was untouched Then running through the wall of th Harden dwelling , on Northern ave nue , the lightning killed little May Mitchell and prostrated Mrs , Eliza Mitchell Mrs. Harden. The lat ter regained consalousnois in a short time , but she was blind , her eyelids being turned inside out. Several other persons in the vicinity wore knocked down and clocks and windows dews wore shattered. On Tuesday light of last week lightning struck a telephone polo near Roxbury , Oonn. After shivering thn pplo into a thousand fragments the current ran along the wire to Rpx. bury station and Bridgewater , molting the telephone bells at each station. The thunder clap that accompanied this stroke caused -Mrs. Wells , who lives near the Roxbury depot , to leap affrighted from her bed , Looking through n * window she saw a largo map in the depot framed in fire , and th'o alarm immediately given by her saved the building from destruction. At one point near Bridgewater the telephone wire hangs near the ground. A few inches from the wire a cow waa switching her tail. The current left the wire and killed the cow , Mrs. Burrows , of Kaufmnn , Texas , waa at her ton-tablo last Tuesday eve ning. A sharp cry from his wife caused Mr. Burrows to look up , She hold her tea cup in her hand , which was half way up to her lips. Mr. Burrows asked what waa the matter , and she replied : "I urn shot through the head. " As she npoko a second electric current enveloped her head. The oup was knocked from her hand. She tried to gut up , but was knocked insousiblo by a quickly following cur rent. Mr. Burrows was not touched. The poor woman was rational enough on the following day , but could not open her eyes. Last year two men and throe animals were killed within a few yards of the same house. Bucklin'a Arnica Salve. The BEST SALVE In the world for Cut * , Brulseii. Sorea , Ulcers , Halt Kheum , Fever Mores , Tetter , Chapped ] Iaadn , Chilblain" , Corns , aii'l all Hkin eruptions , and posi tively caret pile ) , It u guaranteed to give eatlirfactlon or money refunded. Price , 25 cents per box. For le by O. V. Ooodrrmn J. C. ELLIOH & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Pitting AUSSTH Turbine Water Motor. 'Atao ; OBB WI IK Pusip , Pipe "JJB , Bnd Br * " Cor , Uth and Ilarnoy , Omaha , Neb , WAtu MOTOI U OolSTxyi OruiTioal SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONh , | M ONCY TO LOAN Omll t L wOtnc of D. RojmB Crelshlon Block. B p r eonlln- P"WLfVW lenw In Snms of $7,600 And pirards , I or 3 to 5 7erton flrst-cUss ell ; sod * nn property. Umiui RIAL Esrirs nd Loin OIHCT , Uth Mid Donrlts 8U. HELP WANTED. " \7"ANTKi > Arun tiUHi of ctreconsanl > 'V roricn , nn l bea'tfooJl htnj to u It * , tt arat ia llou'f , Port O i aha. Ill SO' \rANTED A gonJ moiiHer at York Foundry CY AdUrdl U C. OL001Y. 3i7.31t TTANIED-TwOcomp'tenl Rlrl , one isrolk yY nt-d lMlnilrc . nil the cthor M e m1 III Ai'i > ! r to Jlr . Kintrnftn , No. (01 IMuMint reel , clt , S18 3 \v IANTKD-dooJ cook. Aoly ot H2) Dodge Ittcct. 3'OBIt L\r ANTKD-A ehttmbcrnu'.d , ImraeiUtelv , at VY Occidental llottl. 810-tf riTANTBt ) Two mm ti work In pur Jen. In- VV ( julio at Toujley tiro's , nnt to Fair rounds. FOO-tf 116 Oil- w KornU ittect , butnorii 81st anil kf l ill. rao-31 W IANTKO A nr tU > b bor. None other need ap.ly ) , AJilrcd , T. W. firown , Nor- Dllc Nebtarka. S74-30 ANTK1) A | [ oo < t idnine-room Rlil good ild , t 1 OSCisi a rc t. 271-tt ANTKU A phi f r Rinernl homework , at JU.Noith Wth street. VCO-2,1' SITUATIONS WANTED. -\T7"ANTKl-8ltiatlon ! by a youn ; man n YV ihlppfr , ajVt hook.kcep-r , or collector. 0 od red ruucti. AJdrcuV , F. I * , tee office. EOi-31 MlOELLANEOOa WANTS. WANTRD Children at bnarden Inacolrct Khoal. N. W comer Cftlllornta and IVth tree * * . U U. LOOMIS , 200-tl * ) 1'ow more benrdoM em bo ac > WANTKI Kith flnt CM < table lioard , at very rutnonablo rale , at 1520 Northeast corer - or 10th and Weuitor itnet. SS7 > 3t , * M US. J. A , AlURON , \T7"ANTKU To rent , cottage cf Core rooms YV Rood locution , mmeuluiit to itrcctll.lt. Adarrni lUtlnff ttrms Hid locitlon. "Kent. " HER Ollkr. t ( ' ANTKD To rent , wllh prM'cRs of buy ing Hltcr about three month * n cottage ol rooms , good locality , within t jrenty minutes walk ol piHtoHlco. A lid res i stating touus and ocatlon , "llou-e" II PlBco. ml7-11 I\ONR\ putnor wanteductlveorsl'ont , 1YJ with f.000 toJOCOO C IQ to ln\ott In a cglllm tolm lno s which lu ix inon tbn time will rnya proflt t leant equal to the amount In iittod , an J hoth bo turntd Into clean cash and the pirtncrihtp enJoJ. AdJrcts "ltoniy"Ilt o olllco 8S-U ATTANTKD ly ! a fltet-rUre droumakar , loir ? Y Ing ol all kind * , at Mo. 1310 Dodge street or will go out and do work at moderate prices. 2.1IM" 'ANTK1 > JTundmir brtdgoaud school fconli. . U. T. Clark , Ilollorae S8-U WANTED COO privy vau.tn , sinks And cosa poolt to clean with Sanitary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A. K > ans & Co. , rcBldcnvo 1200 Dodge street , Oinaho. FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. , iniENf Kront roam with cl uttsouthwln- _ dow < . AppjN. K. cornir k17lh a-id ( hi- ttgo streets. OJ-30 * POU HENT I'Ua-Biitly lutnlihsii room , 117 . . tjouth 17th it.cct , one ilooruoith of Ioug- laj. 314.1 * VTEW COTTAGE FOU UENT Furnlihf a , un- IN til Septambtr Is ) , splendid location , ovcry- ti lag now Bund sdJross to Nebraska , ties of fice. 313-30 * KENT A tiluely furnished froat room FOR alojNo , with board , at 2011 Casi stroit. SOI 31 * [ 10U RKNT Nlos su't ol lurnlshrd rooms for 1 two or three KOatlomon at 1004 Uodgo it. SflJ-SO * nr.S'T A larro nlco front ptrlor , with FOlt ? windowH , en the Northwtit cornrr tf Uth nnd Unvtnport strceb. TQH HUNT Home ol six rooms , otllar , we'l E and cistern ; M > o a toirn 2Vxl4 itot. Apply on primmed 1713CalltJriila tlrett. SOT tf v TO KLllKlSllKDnoutli rooms for rent. H. T ' .coruu/lOth aLd Wneiiport. [ tOO-tf filOJl UENT-8l\fotlftfsJI600 to Sl OOjior JU inantti.icOiifaooppotltu noKtollico. .1011 _ . KOOHS-Kor nint at I 810 Howard ctruut bclwoon BtU and Otb. 217-30' I7IOH RUNT Now house of B.X rooms sou h- I' ciwt cirncr 13'h and I'&clflu itrcots. Ap ply t 1112 , llthstreet. T. 0. PKLLU , LKAliE To Utccinbrr 1,1832 , lir.t-r te FOK homo with eight rooms , closets , Ac. , ootnplitelr lutnlahoJ , jileatantly iltuitod ojCalitornU fctroot. DAVIS d BNVDKIl. 27C-30 T710K HUNT Two houtol of flvoroomi each , jj lijqulioatU37 Sherman ve. Wn-V A NICELY FOlfNHUUD KOOM-for rent. 2v 1410 Chicago street , between 14th and Uth straeU. ZS4.lt TJ10H RENT Home of ill rooms near corner JL1 of Pacific and llth Mreot , atio two new homes ready by the middle of June. Inquire at Qco. H. Puterson's Clotlilujf store , 604 a. loth street. 2bO-'f filOR RENT Throe business lots for a terra of JJ yosrs , two In llrst block north of tvMtoSlce on 16th street , ono between Carnam and Ilarnoy on irth stroet. Kcqulro flrst how north of Wlthnell House , ROdWELL HUITU. 21X-30I RUNT ( Jwd houie with llx rooms , and FOR modern lupiovumenls , and convenient t.i rtrcotcar. Inquire at grccory store , corner SOth and Cumlngstriiot. 288-tf JACIFIO HOUSE TO RKKT 32 rooms-IOth I and Uavenjiort als Newly fitted up m Jcmpluto order. Apply to OliO W UHAY , isB-Steod 211 Twelfth St. IlKN'f A eottoee ou llarflpy between E10H and Klrd. 0. OLHhN , 277-SO' ItKNT rurnlihcd rooms , 16CO Dave FOlt t Uruct. 210-31' . HUNT Two unfnrnlilicd rooms , suit- EOR lor olllcei or bed rooms , within one- half b'otk ' of pottoillce. Addre s or call at No , TTIOIt ftBNT-Tho ipiclous and elct eant hall 1 } with a'l niodcra lirprcvcint'nIilnC'l Urk'sand Koster'N Illotk. Apply to A. M. Clark , or to II , A. KO UT'J 105 and 107 H. Kth street. 207-tf I OIl IIKST Wlcoly furnlshol to t it | J boirJ , at " OK RJENT Two fiont rooms furnlihcd at E COS Uth/triDt. rooiui uvoi Mo chuito bxch ui'eN , K. cor. 10th nd Dodj itrt > i > tK I71OK hi M r Mwjy rurniunea roouui witu 01 ij withuyt boarrf. Heasonablq price * 1B Uou St. _ HKKT Cellar corner 10th and Douulas iiu-tt rno HKNT- Urge furnished front room for L two cuntltiuen , with or without board. ' . ' 1S loJpe street. 1B8 tf < r.ASr.Aft , Eel lo'u near Kith BtroU and Ut. Mury'B ia-t ( \V U. lliUTLKiT , Itcal Kstate Agent. I'.KNTlluuao of flvo roomi , rornor ZSd FOK i'i < ro . A'i | ' > ly nt 8. O. Htovenson , corn - n r 17ln a d t-'avB , uiur Easttr Church. FOR DALE 17UMBAL.Jnelotl32 fe t frontigo by 60 X' fut dci | > , on bouth Itth street , on tlOixr mouth | aiii' ntn , to anyone who will oulld. In- ulrt > Hu ; lluAard , between Iltn and IMli its. iOj-tf * . -Tho line propery oa the N. K EOHHAti1Tho and 20ti street , occupied ! > / Major Furvy , or will b leased lor a term of vcais. Api'ly to IJr. BuramM , U. B. A. ( Ue- pMtuient Ucadqiurten. 820-tl SALE Uotno of firs rooms and tot to FOR itrcet , | UOO , Smsll htrara and tw lots IB Bhino'i addition WO. MoOAOUR , 191-tf Opposlt l'o toflce. ! noR flAtG-A houas and lot IBOillfi front. C with btrn , two wells snd cittern. 1225 South 14th itrert , seMnd homo north of William street. ! Price 11100. I9MI' T7IOR a ALBAta birft > tn-far < Itnre ft a first JL1 dais piliftta boarding hcute. Rent ol > iull < > ln2mcd rat . Have SO boarder * , at 1403 lus it Inquire within. 307-tf TT OIl BALE TTeiuura t on a wfll tnreled JU dlrojt. H. MAKNWKILEK , l-tl ll'h fetrt t. near Farnam. TTlOIl SALK Aeood horir , cheap at 1003 Cnm- JU IPE street. KS-SO BAL 1)IIAV And prcrlclons who'ewle ' and iiUllat UUckbuin , Undls&C . MON. 10th s'rett. VM 31 F 0R SALK nciutlftil sere lot snd h U o on California ttrtet , SUM ) . iloCAOUK , SB1-M Itfflco. .lull HAI < h tluun OUIX noiix , IKI 101 Jb' 220 , north ol olxU-ouUi strict btldse. Ap ply corner 12th tnl H.warJ. Ncwijur T Union. lC2.tf IjW > U SAt.B A fcoui * and lot on Dod re street , L' ono ot th finest locationIn thaclly 11B-M J , II. DUilONT , ISth and Uarncjr. - Tr < lf 44x182 l t on 10th POUHALE-Or street utit to tlio corner ol llurncv , alra 60x132 ticton thn taut ( Id * betncen IXxUfard Captlol tvtnue. Knqiilteof II. BEHTllOLD. S3 * i iSAL.K SAL.K Iliaarhi Bpilnzn , fltuitcd mile * Routh o ( the U. 1 * . rMlrond In U&tbo Uounty , Wtomlnu Terrltoiy , 440 acrei of meadow and upland title ( itmrnntcd. Addrtn W. ll.Clilv > ll , XarmEpi Ingii , Wyoming. _ _ OR BALK Iho POPULAIl 11OTKU , Known H tbn COYS' HOUR. Th'i ' honiw II co"- ttally located , hM ton h and CM ! front , and Is nurronndcd w th flno rhadotrect ; contain thirty teplne rooms , IIM Ice houre. laundry , lunplo room , c. Ha < a world w do reputation and a tetter natron- than many h6iuc > ol twice It * cuniclty. 1'rlua IS.OOO For particulars ad- UICM , A. A. SAWDhY , Ited Cloud , Alb. OH SALE 200 choice lota In HanMOm Placd , W. H Vartlett , lle&l EnUte Agoat , 817 8. 13th tr t. 833-tf I. OK BALlv A RVO < I corner lot on Uoairo and 1 } 23th ttrcrt. in a very fut ijrowlnp part of the city , will dlvldo. Inquire at 1\Q Houth 20th ttrcet , near FarnamDoKK'i * HIU'i addition. I71UH UALK Ur will axcha KB lor Uuiaha pro- JU I Iporty , an Improved see onol land adjoin * ing a Btatfon on U. P. 11.11. M. DUNHAM. 1411 Farnham St. , Om&ha. 720 Bmt B so3-tr FOil KALIWESTABHOOK b COK. ALEU HAT At A. II. Bander' Feed Bto B 101B Harner St. lB-tl MIBOELLAMEOU8. ITUAYED A pair * l y horses , llx joars ; J old , star In lorchcivl of mob , ono whlto . , lnd loot , h d ImltcM oil. Andrew 1' . Quam- strom , corner u ( UoJpoanJ 28lli , Omaha. . w270 30 * DP On my preral-s , tn Burl itrcet , near the now Aovleiny of ths Sacred Uevrt. liar , 0. 181)2 , one white horeo. Owner will plcaao call and pay damifcs and tret the cnlraoU Dfilrlnff to enter bmlno's cin , ( cam PAHTIK9 - jxirtunltv Icalllnir on W. , U. Tnylor , Eup'tUradttrcet'iAKcncy 18th ttrcet. 810-B ) TTIOU-JD Alockitno I.oMonworthand , 20th J } ttrotU , the owner C'tn P1 | > ' lo tne lle onanlca One Price itoic , 40S 13ili atitct. 316-31 T OST Ocntlemen's ( 'old'rocko ! . onjx. In- JLj ItlaltT. J. II In mouoKram. Finder wH ) bo suitably ru aidcd by leaving same at Uea ortloo. S08.30 ITrtAKKN UP Dy William Parn , ona b y horeo JL colt , luppoiod tolii3 > eirc old tlila npiloK , whlta ipoton forchetd , a Binill Hlilte tpoton rtht fore lev. Inquire at UnrrU & Firhcr'a Packing jlome. ! 53l ! _ TNBTUUCTION In vocal mmlo glrcn by Mies I I.lu'e A. I'cnntll. Botldcnco southwont or- nor 20d and Durt ( Ucets. SOI-31 niAUKN U I' A cow about 7 ) ei.n old , red with JL whltei rot * , larro bores Also a heller , red , with wnlto epoU , both with calf. F 'RANK KOBEnEO. 7S-4tt on e w Bakery. JSth tt. near Williams. EDWAUD lIUEHL UAQISTEB OF PALMYBTKKT ANDjOONPI TIONALIBT , 493 Tenth Street , bctwMD Parnaa andDuneT. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any ono glance at the pail and present , and on certain condition ! la Iba fa. ( uro. Boots and Shoos mads to xdor. Perteo ' Ncl'on ' fuarantiwd anSd-lm POWDER Absolutely , Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel at p * y , strength and wholesomenesi. More ocono mlcnl .than the ordinary klnd , 'and cannot bs told In competition with the multitude ofi o test , short weight , alum or phosphate powders Bold only In cans. ROTAt , Uaasa POWDU Co. , 0 Will St. . New York SiULL COOK STOVE. 1 he Plonew ami only Vapor UtOT that has stooS tliu last of yuaisnndBtv- cu cntlro an * perfucc UU * . Jactloii. Over 75,001 , How h 11 * New Patent toriaw ? * PntenfrenioTnlilonndlnterchangrulile Jaft Delllci * , ri-mlTl'iit our burner * lnu ( rnell | le New ttnn Vnlv - llurwr on two Newi Mar M. JVoxv Hafi-ty Keiervolr Vn Kummor uee these Stoves are Thcso colfbratedStovesforsalo by D , A. Pleicjr Omaha , Neb. aZO-lm-m&eAw Joiia UTAIMS , President. Vice Frca'L W. 8 , Diunu , Bec.aDdTreaa. THE NEBRASKA MUFAGTUBIM Ctt Lincoln , Neb , MANUFAOTUREKB OP Corn Planter * , nurrovr * , frtn , Bulk Hay Rakei , Ducket Elevating Wind ml &c. Wo ere prepared to do Job work and lauml 'J turlrjr ( or other parties , ANEmAB0K'AeMAKUFAOTiniIKO ? GO. , Awning , Tent and Wagon Covers MANUFACTORY. Cor. 14th and Howard Sts. A , CRUENWALD , (1 ( M r4