THE DAlLf JBEE- WEDNESDAY MAY 31 1882. COX * SHEHMAW8 DEATH. Ibo King of Counterfeiters Expired In the Penitentiary. Philadelphia Press. Colonel Louis J , Sherman , the noted counterfeiter , is dead. IIo wa quietly buried on Wednesday from the undertaking establishment of J , V Middloton. in Cam don , by his brotho and a few former friends. His doatl occurred on Tuesday in the Eastert Penitentiary of Pennsylvania , nm wns caused by n ho norrlmije of th lungs' . Very few , if anj , person outside the prison trcro nwnro of it and the burial was kept as quiet a possible. Sherman was probably ono of the most remarkable men in his purtfcula line of crime over known in America Ho came of good old German stock nnd his mother being unnbln to properly orly attend , to the education of lie four nous , they wore all placed in tin care of a Mrs. Van Oourt , the wife o n once well known Presbyterian mtn istcr , who did her best to bring the boys up properly and to instil int < their minds the ritcid doctrines of old school Prcsbytorianism. After the mother's death Louis" WAS appren ticed to the tailoring business , but being - ing of a restless , adventurous disposi tion the clone confinement of the shop was irksome , and ha was constantly devising schemes to make money am see the world. Ho wont into tin army after arriving at manhood anc was noted as a bravo and fearless soldier , and was entrusted with numerous ous secret missions requiring great skill and cool daring. TAKING W COUNTERKEITINO. Possessing considerable mcchanlcn' ability , and anxious to gain wealth rapidly , ho cast about for a plan for eomo time , and finally hit upon counterfeiting torfeiting as the quickest road to for' ' tune. Manufacturing bogus boor stamps was his first venture , which ho carrie don successfully for a whllo , but was finally detected , and convicted , and sent to the penitentiary. After serving out his term ho wont to Now York , and formed the acquaintance of a broker , whom ho victimized by a confidence came , which was after ward the means of forming a most dangerous gang of counterfeiters. The victim , assuming the name of John Ghristor , came to Philadelphia adolphia , and began a lifo of reckless dissipation , spending what little money ho had lott at the card- table. Strangely enough , instead of attempting to revenge himself on Sherman , ho sought him out , and pro posed to go into the counterfeiting business on an extensive scalo. The reault was that a band was organized for the purpose , consisting of the fa mous Colonel Vintroe , now in a west ern prison , Jack Christy ; a clover con fidence operator , Henry Rogers , alias James Iluasoll , Larry Keene , now in the Eastern penitentiary , and Joseph Yan Oourt , the son of Sherman's foster-mother. The gang had a abort but prosperous career , their principal business being the "boodle" game. This is a clover piece of swindling by which would-bd speculators in counterfeit money are victimized into buying what they suppose is a bundle of money , which in reality is nothing but waste paper topped off with a genuine note or a well executed coun terfeit. Sherman came to grief by a very simple circumstance in October , 1875 , in attempting to play the game on a local preacher named 8am- > uol RemmoU , in Newark. The "Colonel" got under the influence of liquor , and becoming rather noisy , WM arrested and taken to the Central station , where the discovery of a package of "boodle" money led to an investigation and the sending of Sher man to the Eastern penitentiary for fire years. years.TUB LITE CAPTURE. No sooner was ho released than heat at once went into making bogas coin atVsMlud , N. Y. , with William William,4 Edwin W. Hendrloks , and JamMB : WilUasta. In the latter part of June , 1881 , Secret Strrlto Agent GUkinaon discovered the Yino- land mint , and smocesdad in effaotintj the capture of all the counterfeiters. They were making a coin of nch or oolUnt xocution'tbat Itjwould'docoivo an export. Expensive milling ma chine and a complete set of din' and tools were found and destroyed. On the 16th of December , 1881 , Sherman waa aaa- tonoed by Judge Batter , of the United States district court , to undergo an imprisonment of five years and pay a fine of $500. He begfed for leniency as he waa then In very bad health and constantly a .subject of violent htm- orhsfrea , but the court was inexorable and imposed the sentence with a eoyore lecture. As the counterfeiter was taken from ) the court room ho broke down and , turning to Judge Butler , said : ' 'Well , I am a sick man now , aid if you send mo up for that length of time you are sending mo to my grave , " and so it has proven , Colonel Sherman was a man of gooc address , and easily won frltuds by bla jovial , open hearted naunor. , , He was generous to prodigality , and threw hia money about lavishly among those ol his own class , by whom ha waa re- gcrded as the very prince of counter feiters , just as he was known to bo by the government detectives. HAKRIED OK HEJH JUEATH- BED. The Sad Story of.Colonel Henry O. Lockwood'a Bride of Two Days. New York Times. Arrangements bad been made for the marriage on Wednesday last ol Colonel Hnry Or Look wood , of the law firm of Look wood A Lookwood , ol No. 128 Broadway , t9 Mrs. Frances H. Walker. Both were residents ol this city. MM. Walker living in Har lem. The partie * were to have boon quietly married at Mm. Walker's real dencn by the Her. D. B. Bay at 1 o'clock in the morning. After a wed ding breakfast the partie * woroto have taken the steamer it. Germain for Europe , A week before the day set for the weddiug Mrs. Walker wont to Leona , N. J. , a little village near Fort Lee , to bid farewojl to her three children , who had boon placed in a family to board during the ab ence of their mother la Europe. Mrs. Walker caujht & severe cold while there , and on Friday the 10th inst. , waa .confined to her bed by an attack of pneumonia. Col. Lockwood Lurri < t to the bedside of his be- tkrotJted , taking with him Dr. Wylie , of this city. Despite the efforts of medical skill , Mrs. Walker rapidly grow worse , and by Monday last her friends gave up all hope of 'nor re covery. On Tuesday Alrj. Walker , fearing the worst , bent for h6r bo- throthed nnd was united in marriage to him by the Rev * Mr. "Bay , who waste to have performed the ceremony on the followed day. Even while the marriage was being celebrated it was evident to the witnesses of the sad and ptculiar rites that the hand of death hod already touched Iho brido. Mrs. Lockwood failed rapidly on Wednesday , and on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock ' , after having boon unconscious throughout the day , she breathed her last. The husband of but two days was thus suddenly bereft - reft of her whom ho had so fondly hoped to make his companion for lifo. On Monday afternoon , conformably with her expressed wishes , Mrs. Lock- wood will bo buried in the cemetery at Nyack , in which village she had lived for some time , and where she owned a pleasant residence. The Her. Mr. Bay , who so recently mar ried the couple , will ofilciato at the funeral ceremonies. Connected with this oad story is a bit of romance which lends an addi tional air of sadness to the whole. Mrs. Walker was a native of Scranton , Ponn. , her maiden name being Span- gonborg. When quilo young she became - came acquainted with Col. Lockwood , and the two were greatly attached to ono another. Before this youthful afleolion consummated in marnago they were separated and lost track of ono another. Miss Spangonbcrg married her late husband , Mr. Walker , nearly a score of years ago. The young lovers , when grown to manhood and womanhood , she n loving wife nnd mother , ho a stern man of business , mot and talked of and laughed about their old-time flirtation , little thinking that there would over bo a renewal of their old affection. Some thing over a year ago Mrs. Walker , as a widow , came to this city , and at a mutual friend's mot ,0ol. Lookwood. The change in flier circumstances was made known. The old affection blos somed anew , and out of the chanca mooting came the possible union of the old love and the now. Col. Lock- rood was wounded in the charge be- 'ore Fort Fisher during the war of the rebellion ; was promoted to bo a major soon after for heroic conduct , and since the war was for a timn linuton- ant-colonol of the Seventy-first regi ment , N. Q. ' Women Never Tlilulr. " If thocrabbad old batcholor who uttered this sentiment could but wit ness the intense thought , deep study md thorough investigation of women n determining the best medicines to coop their families well , and would iota their sagacity and wisdom in sc ooting HOJJ Bitters as the best , and lomonstrating it by keeping their f am- lies in perpetual health , at a more nominal expense , ho would bo forced o acknowledge that such sentiments are baseless end false. [ Picayune. "RATTLK3NAKE JOB. " The Odd Citizen Who Kills Snakes For Oll. hlladolphla Record. An an old man in leather leggings , Hinting jacket and tremendous boots , lutohing a long rifle in one hand and a heavy tin can under his loft arm , ixcitea considerable wonderment , mong the idler * at the Broad street totion on Thursday morning as he topped from the smoking-car of the express train from the Philadelphia b Erie railroad , deposited his arm- oad on the station floor , and asked or the address of a prominent drug gist. The old man's hair , which had ividontly boon whitened by the win- ; era of more than the allotted three- core and ten years of lifo , was long , , nd hung in tangled locks about its shoulders. A koavy board hid his eatures. and ho would have made an excellent subject for a portrait of Blp Yan Winklo. In Cameron Co. , where hia curious old man lives , ho is known as "Rattlesnake Joe. " Ho uomo- imes spends years in the mountains without being aeon by any creature , emerging from his retreat to bring the 'rnito of his toll to this city in the old tin can ho brought with him on Thursday , which was filled with beau- tlfnl ambor-oolored rattlesnakes oil. Hi * dally vocation consists in catching the deadly reptiles , skinning them , and reducing their fat oil , which is sold in Philadelphia and elsewhere for an almost fabulous amount. The mountains of Cameron county swarm with the snakes , and with only a pair of hard leather boots and a long stick pronged like a tripod old Joseph Mar tin goes out through the tangled thickets of the mountain side , seek * Ing the sunny eido of old logs and mall rooks , turning ever the ono and rolling the other down the deep gulches , looking for the venomous rattlesnakes , which ho pins to the ground with his atick ; then , Batching them by the back of the neck with ono hand , ho cuts off the head with a knife. Uii rifle furuishvs him with daily food. The snakes are kept for several days , or until enough have boon obtained to fill an old pot at his hut , when their fat in boiled down into oil. A dozen rattlesnakes will not make tnoro than quarter of a gill of oil , which ifl used by physicians in extreme cases of rheu matism , and upon very delicate mo- ohauical works , such as small and val uable ladies' watches. Superstitious people attach a great deal of value to rattlesnake oil in cases of sickness , and imaging that it will euro all the ills that flesh is heir to. Old Joe Martin , although not the only manufacturer of the oil in thia State , is the most fam ous , and it is said that ho has been on the mountains in Cameron county for a quarter of a Centura No ono knows what he does with , this money ; as ho doea not drink he must have acouin- mulated quite a fortune by thia time. A well known lawyer of this city , who bas spout much time fishing for trout In the neighborhood of Joe's hunting grounds , says that there is on old story of his haying once been very rich. He waa crouod in love , his confidential atont ; running away with all his money and his sweetheart as well , which drove him to his strange mountainous lifo , This is the first of. a backward season , Next ) Preserving ( Meats. Bocentlya largo number of now ocesHos have been brought out iu .his country and Europe for preserv ing meat , fish , and other substances employed for human food , They all involve the use of some antiseptics different from those that have long boon employed , such as salt , sugar , and nitrate of potash. In most , of them some * compound of boron is em"- . ployed. A strong prejudice oxlsls\ and most likely alway will exist , and most likely alwayft will 'exist , ' against these and all similar sub- stances. The majority of people dis like the idea of using "drug ( tore pre parations" in their daily tfood. They look upon them in tbo light of medi cines tnat are only to bo used in case of sickness , and as detrimental to the system in times of health. It is very doubtful if meat or fish can bo gener ally sold in a market if it is kuon that other chemicals than salt wore utiod to efloat its preservation. Flesh , fish , and fowl wow all preserved by the process brought out by Prof. Gmageo some fifteen years ngo. The process omploy6d was a strictly solon tide one. and the results obtained were highly satisfactory. Articles prepared m this country in rnidsum * mor reached England in good condi tion , and were oaten with relish. The fact , however , that a small quantity of sulphuric acid wes present in them prevented thorn from being Used and set the public against them. It is certain that many , vegetable and animal substancescan , bo preserved by the employment ( ft boraoio acid , and for all that anyone knows the substance is not injurious. The circumstance , however , that it is not positively beneficial to the hiiman system , and tint no ono knows its effects when used continuously for a great length of time , will load people to bo very cautious about it , and will probably cause them to condemn it in advance. "I Don't Want That Stuff. " IB what , a lady of Boston said to her husband when ho brought homo some medicine to euro her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack , therefore , it was adminis tered to her with such good results , that slid continued its use until cured , and made so enthusiastic in Ho praise , that she induced twenty-two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hop Bitters. [ Standard , tf The Man who Told the Doctor that " 60 felt as II be dldii't want to do any thin ? . " ua * accused of laziness Yet thousand ! experience thli feel' tig mpiclally In eummor In consequupci of a disordered condition o ! the ttomacb , Wh'c'i ' ' . * 'W tufro hlDgdriiu.hta of TJUIKANT'S SBLTZEH , ' .mi- EM woulil bo turn to remedy. SOLD BY ALL DKUaOUTd. D. M. WELTY , ( Saooestor to D. T. Mount- ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Men , Dusters and Turf Goods ot ALL OESCBIPTIONB. Agent ( or Ju. n. Dill & Co.'a CONCORD HARNESS "The Best in The World , " Order * Solicited. OMAHA , KEB > 3GVE IEi Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa , Semi Portable FOR OUEAMEIUES , FARM tllLUI , Printin ? Offlcos , Etc. , A Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Establish * moiit in the State. MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Engines , GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Out-Off Steam Engine , Bond for Circulars. m23-Im To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Or. J , B. Simpoon'o Specific . It Is a positive cure for Upormatoirhea , Scmlm Wookncaa. Iinpotoncy , and all dltouts resulting from Self-Abusi , as Mental Anxiety , Ixwai Memory. . Pains In _ Uu _ > . llack or Side , and iUosos ! Uiftt JwuJ Coitumptton launlty aa , csrlygrare U < .dl lue Is balug uiod irltU d'ouJcr- hU eacccts. lent free to all. Write lor thorn and fit full par. tlcular * . Price , Specific , 11.00 per package , or lU pack. JM ( or to.OO. Adilreas all orders to II. BIUSON 1IKDICINK 00. Nos. 101 and 100 Main fit. Bufiaio , N. V. Sold In Omaha by 0. S. Goodman , J. W , IJcll , J. K. Isb , and all flrugjrliUoYorywbcte.I . I - < Hiir ANTJ.MONOPOLY LEAGUK , Blank niembcnhlp roles ( or the antl-monpoly league , contalulny statement of principle met' hods ol proetdure and inttrucUons how to prgau- lie , will Lonjut on application to 0 , II , . . ( Tali . , U 1royKcb. Buclossstomp. - - PPH E HUMMED ! iron RHEUMATISM , * ltlfoura/gia , Sciatica , Lumbago , ffacfacho , Soreness of iho Cneit , Gout , Quinsy , Sore TfiroafSwelf' ings and Sprains , Burns hnd Pains , Ear and Headache , Frosted Met and Ears , and all other ' 'Paint and Achb * . Hi Preparation on earth tuali fit. Jicoil On it a taff. ture , iltnplf and chtap External A trial tntalli but the comparatlrtly Irtaine outlay of 60 Ctnfi , and every on * suffer- tnf with pain can hav cheap and pctltlvt mf it IU claims. V A Directions In. Eleven tangnsf- f > tfCLDBTALLDRVTOQIBTB idl/DEllIM IS MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. , Among the medicinal means of arresting disease , llostcttir'uStomach Litters utanu's pre-eminent. . It checks the further progress of all disorders of the stomach , liver and towel * , nnh&stho ittal stamina , nr vents and ro icJies chills and fever , Increases the ncth Ity of the kidneys , counteracts a tendency to rheumatism , and Is a po.nulno stay and solace to aged. Infirm and nervous persons. For Bale by all druggist * ud dealers ) f enorally al to ml The Great English Jiemady jNcrer ( alls to cute Nervous Debility , VI- Exhaustion , Emls- is. Seminal Weak- .LOSTMAN . D , and all the vll effects ot youth ful follies and exats- [ , It , stops perma nently all weakenlni'j Involuntary losssi and drains upon the ays- Jtom , the Inovltablo re fill of thesa ovilprac * tlces , which are 80 mind and body and make life miserable , ol cn" leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nervesliraln , ( memorri Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Owns. It restores W all the organic funotlnns their ( ormor vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , 43 a bottle , or four times the quantity 910. gent by express , secure from bscrvatlon , to any oddrow. on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , except on receipt of 91 as a guarantee- Letters rj questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tbo best and cheapest dyspepsia and billloug cure In the market. Bold by all druggists. Trice 0 cents. Da. Henna's Kmxvr RRMSDT , Oared all kind of Kidney and bladder comptalnte. gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhoa. For sale by all uauirBrlsta : 81 a bottle. ENGLISH MKDIOAL INSTITUTE. 718 OMve flt. , St. Loubj , Uo. For Sale In Omaha by Jan6-lT CRAY'S 8P C1F10 TRAD ! MARK Jg. TIIMMI MMK edy. An un failing cura for Seminal Weakness , Bpermator- ency , andall Diseases tha " ciAmi TAIIH. t-Abuse ; as Lo < u of Uemory , Universal Lasel- tude , Pain In the Hack , DlmneaS of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that , lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave , < VFull particulars In our pamchlet , which we desire to send frco t r mall to every ono. onto Specific Medicine Is Mid by all druftglfts at (1 per package , or 8 packages for (9 , or will be sent free by mall on real ptof the money , by addressing TIIKGIU JEDICINEOO. , Buffalo , N. V. ornate" ocfmo-cod SYPHILIS nanyitago Oatarrn , EOZEJIA , Old Sores , Pimplca , BOILS , or any Skin Diseas , Ourea When Hot Springs Fail , ARK. , U y 2. 18,91 Wa bars eases In onr own town who lived at Hot Springs , tnd were finally kured with 8. S. 8. MoOlllMOM It VIUK8T. If YOU doubt , oomo to see us and \ K WILL OUIIB TOUll OU charge nothing 11 Write for particulars and copy of little fiook'Message to the Unfortunate Buffering will l > V A to Qy on analj-alsfM rottl. U.8. B. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide FoUl lluin or any Mineral nbstancc. BWIFTBFBOITIO CO. Pwpi. Atlanta Prio * ot Small site , 11.00. Lareo site C1.T6. SolJby KENNAKDBUOS.IfcOO uidDruggtsU UeooraUv. BITTERS U yon suffer from Dytpepma , UM BUIlDOCn 'LOOD DI7TER3. tf you r affllcUd with Biliousness , use BURDOCK UU30D BITTEM tf yon art prostrated with itek Headache , lake BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS tf four Bowels art disordered , regulate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It your Blood Is mpure , purlfjr It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It you bare Indigestion , you will tin J an antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If Tou art troubled with Spring Complaint * , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. [ ( your Llnrls torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS U your Liter Is affected , you will find a sure reiterative - iterative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ( you hare any species ot Humor or Pimp ] * , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ( you have any symptoms ot Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Tor Imparting strength and vitality to the tys- em , nothlnr can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. "or Nervous and General Debility , tone up the ayitem with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price. 01.00 MI Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ot * FOSTER , MILBUBN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO. N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F. Ooodnian. ] o 27 cod-me , _ If jou sro . mia\ { Fit you nrj of business , vcalc- f man or KV UjedbTttientralnpr terftolUnfforornilil rour diitlci BTok1 nlctit vrork , to res ttlmulantnand ut „ tortbrnlnncrYFiuul Hop Bittern. g waste UK Hop D. I f j ou are joxui f and I 2 differing from tuiy lx < discretion or Uiiflpa Etlunt If rouarurnM * rieiS or l Rle , old or 5 'ouDir. uUerlnr ( fron po r health or lanevlxh Bin ? on ( i bed ol tick. relr on Hop Bltterfi. \Yhoe " TO n are , JKP * Tlicuunat ale Oi- wni2e1J"/o ; l rafffl naally from soot that T o u r BTstcia UALIi form ol r ! % j n ei ) needs ' < tl s ca ? Sat inVbt Ing or itlmniiUne , have becnpnicnwo tirn timely 'wool wiibout in texicatlng. Salto Hop HcpSlttoie Bltto * > prps'a , D.I. eli orunnarueom- li an absclaU tlafni , dise "e . and Irrctlsta. ot d * womorA , HOP bla on re fo > CwttYlH blood , - Ifm-otfimwi nso ot opium , Ton will be tfcbacoo.o.- cured If yon we narcotics. Hop Blttorp RgaHi' IfTonar 'm Rga Hi'NEVER zlsts. Bend Car w e ft k : and Iowc lrlcdto ) NEVER Circnlu- . ill It may uopBtrnu rnvo your FAIL . IKo. It hut , Tfl CO. , itv d liun- n MlerB.T- AT-roulo , Ctat. DUcaso la an effect , not a causo. Its origin Is within ; Us manifestations \vlthout. Hence , to euro the disease the CAUSE muht ba rrmotctl , nnd In no other wny ran a cnru ever ra effected. XVAKHER'S SAFEK1DWDY AND liIVEB. CUKE la cstablUheU ou Ju t tUls nrluclplo. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all ilis'easoa arlzo from deranged kldnoys and liver , mid It Btiikcaat ones at the root of the difficulty. The elements ot which It Is composed act directly upon these creak organs , botn as a roon and KBHTOBEII , and , by placing them in a healthy , condition , drive dhesso ana pain from the system. For the Innumerable troub'ea caused by un healthy RldncjH. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the distressing iJli'ordersof Women : for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great remtdy has no equal. Be war o of Impostors , lm > Itatlona and concoctions said to be Just as good. - - - DARNER'S SAFE H/H. WARNER & CO * me Rcoheator N. Y. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ) A Sure Cure Found at Lastl A lore cure for BlInd/WviedTntr , ifctlnj and Ulo crated Flleibu been dlMorered by Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) tailed Dr. WUlam'i Indian Ointment A single box ba * cured the wont chronic case * of 26 or SOyean jtandlnf. No one need suffer flvo mlnutea alter applying thli wonderful teething medicine. Lotions , Instru ments and electuaries do more harm than rood , William's Ointment abwrto tha tumors , ailayt | he Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after rotting warm in bed , ) acto M a poultice , gives In- itADt and pnlnlcua relief , ar.d Isprepared only for ? llea. Itchtng of the private parts , und ( or nolh up else. Itcad what the Hon. J. II. CotBnberry of Cltre- and eayu about Dr. William's Indian Plls Oint ment : I have need scored ot Files cures , and it For sale by all druggtett or mailed on receipt jrlce , 51.00. 51.00.HTWKY : COM Vrop'nw OUVSUXB , Orao. for tale by O. F Ooodman. OcHOdaodAvtawtr NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. E. 0. Wo V Kerve an "uraln Treatment A epeclflo for lljutcrlu , Dlzzlnoaa , Convulsions. Nervous HwitHche , Mental Depreaalon , Loai ol ilcuiory pcrniutorrhaia.Impotency , Involunbuy dtulwlons , 1'remature Old Aze , caused by ovtr- excrtlon , Kit-abuse , or over-indulgence , whloJb e&ds to mlccry , decay and death. Ono box will cure rcceat cii > j. I i-li lioz contains one month's rcatmont. One dollar a box , or six boxes foir Ivo dollars , Kent by inall prepaid on receipt of 'ilcc. We fxu.r&utee nix boioo to euro any casa. iVlth each order received by us forelx boxes , ac- companlod with live dollars , will send tha pur. chu r our urlttcn Kuaranteo to return the mouoy If the trcatmeut does not effect a cure. 0. t. Goodman , Druggist , Bole. Wholesale and regul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at U etallaprlce. dfcwlr KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ; Fhe Most Ouccenful Remedy evsr dlicov ered. as It li corUln In It * eQects and does not illiter. UKAU 1'llOOF 1IELOW. Also excellent or humau.tlosh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WuhingtcnTUlo , Ohio , June IT , 1881. Da 1. J , KKNDAU , 4 Co. : dents Heading your ad. ertUoiucnt In Turf , Field and Farm , of your Cendall'e Bpa > In Cure , u d having a valuable and spucdy her o which had been lame from paviu for eighteen monthi , I sent to you for a rattle by exprcsa , which lu six weeks removed all lamonrw and enlargement and a large spl'nt ' rout another horsa , and both horses are to-oay as sound as colts. The one bottle was worth to me ono huiUrod dollars. Respectfully O'irs , II. 4. UB&TOLXTT , U. D. Bond for Illuttrated circular Klvtng positive iroof. Price fl. All DrUKgUts have It or can ; ctltlor jou. Dr. D. J. Kendall & Co' , Fro- wlotors , Enoeburgh rails , Vt 30LD BY ALL DBUGGISTS. d-wly W.B. MILLAUD. JT. U. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Conunissioa and Wholesale Fruits , / 1111 PABNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Banners Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES' ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. . o. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS x AND JOBBERS IN 1 i r > Flour , SSItA Sugars , Oan'ned Coodsr and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CI&iES MD lAUIiCTUEED TOBACCO. jf igents for BKHWOQD HAILS AMD LAFLIH & BAUD POWHBE I ) HENRY LEHMANN , \ JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA I. OBERFELDER & CO. , 'WHOLESALE MLLDEBT AID EOT. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly Jomplo to J. A. WAEEFIELD , WHOLBSALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS. BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT MTSTATK AOENJC FOR MILWAUKEE OEUSNI OOMPANY1 Near Union Pacific Depot - - OMAHA WKB POWER AND HAND ZKEFS X Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALUDAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. 8TBAWB2M ( > F - " St. . Omaha & Wholesale Lumber , Ho. 1403 Farnliani Street , Omaha ,