Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1882, Image 10

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    . . .uua JAOJJJ.I. JOVE , : OMAHA 'Jl'UJiSOAlf , MAY 30 1882
The Daily Bee.
. .
TUSBCIBV Moraine , May 30.
Wnathor Report-
( Tlie following observations are taken al
tha * fttuo moment ot tlmo at all the eta
Rlror B fe t S Incho * abort high w Ur mark a
Omaha and S fwl 10 Inch ( nil Tankton.
Tb band with Morton' * "Bis Pour"
aaade a fine atreet parade about coan yes-
Nebrmka Lodge No. 1 , K. of P. ,
will work firit decree on Wednesday , ths
* L
A performing hear held a crowd ol
msn and children tntranoed yevterday
on 3famam street.
The work of making Jefferson street
panablt from Dodge to Farnam was com-
mtmoed yesterday.
The front ol tha new warchon.e ol
Foxton & GalUgher , on Tenth street , Is ,
without doubt , the handsomoat pleco ol
architecture in tha city ,
A. game of base ball was played yea-
Sunday between the Llttla Rocka and
Resjlutee , which resulted in score of 17 to
8 , In favor of the Little Hocks.
A letter on the subject of the to-
moval of the women who occupy bawdy
houses on Twelfth etrott , signed ' Taxpayer -
payer , " Is fired in the waite basketbecansn
the author' * name does not accompany it.
Ihe excunio * to Lincoln this
morning leaveathoTJ. F. depot nt 8 o'cloch
There will probably bo a large number who
will take advantage of tha cheap rate t6
go down nn1 hear Col. Smytho orate and
the Omaha Qlco o'.ub sing.
The nines plotted out from tbo dry
goods houBcaof Mono and Crulolcalinnk
will play a match gams of base boll nt
2:30 p. m. to-day , at the end of the
green line track , In .Lake's addition. It
will bo an Interesting game ,
The report that the Harncy street
cracker factory had been sold to Dr. S. D.
Mc.rcr proves Incorrect. It is ( till in the
bands of the enterprising firm of Borth-
wick Bros. & Co. , who are dolrjj an enor
mouc business which they propcwa to hold
onto and enjoy ihe profits of.
In purraanoa with hli orders from the
city ootmoll , tha tranhal has notified all
proitilutoJ residing and doing business on
Twelfth street , und In what is known as
"HoU'u Half Acre , " to remove from that
locality at once. Where they will move
to is not yet decided.
A valuable trot tins hor-o was taken
rora Its stable in Council Bluffi Sunday
and run across the river to thli city. It
appear * that then was some dispute M to
tha ownership of the hone , which had
been entered for the racer , and one claim-
aat toek this means of Raining nine points
la the law for hla aide of the cue.
Saratoga was Infested with a reckless
and lawless gang at th5 fair grounds-Sun
day , who annoyed the neighborhood by
( hooting at stray pigeons and thereby
rendering the approaches to the grounds
by Sherman and Garfield avenues danger
ous to passers-by. Names ore withhold
for the present. CDOKOO.
A very select private party will be
given to-morrow evening in Ilansoom
part. The Miuloal Union orchestra has
been engaged to furnbh the mus'o , and
arrangements have been made by the
committee to make the affair a grand luo-
OSM. The fo'lowlng erentlemen comprise
the committees Harry B. Hunt , chair
man ; John A. Thoelcoke , If. IS. Moon1 ,
B. O. Loebeok , Gns. Williams , H. J.
BurllU and Max Ubling , Coaoheiwill
leave Max Meyer & BroV. musio a ton at
t and 0 p. a.
The Caucasian Again Oppoeeos the
Sable Bon of Ethiopia.
A rather cu.lous petition was filed
in the office of the clerk of the dis
trict court yesterday , in which
Charles Edward Burke , a colored man
is the petitioner and Emma F. Burke ,
a white woman , the defendant , In
ibis complaint the petitioner swears :
Pirat That ho in a uegro and pos-
aetsed of inoro than ono-fourth negro
bloud , and that the defendant ia a
white woman and without any negro
blood. That they wore [ married at
Council Bluffr , Iowa , November 22d ,
Second That Mn. Burke has boon
Ruilty durinK their entire manicd Hfo
of extreme cruelly and prouftly brutal
towards the plaintiff , whorqby his lito
Juts often been put in extreme jeep <
* rdy , and by reason of which he has
had great bodily and mental suffer
ing. Opprobrious epithets , profane
and obscene language were also eorved
up to him on the side.
By reason of defendant's miscon
duct Mr. Burke alleges that ho was
compelled to give away in adoption
bis only child the isuuo of said mar
riage ; that in the fall of 1881 dcfcn-
daut threw a hatchet at his head , fol.
lowing it with other dangerots ) nils-
ilea , which compelled him to leave
her , and that he has of ton been com
pelled to leave her through fear ; that
at one time defendant broke out all
the windows in hia rooraj that he has
been severely .injured by said dofon-
danf and severely out by missiles
throws by her , elo
Notwithstanding all tbU the plain.
tUf wys be ha * been a just , upright
and exemplary husband , and ho now
frtyn the court "that Bald pretended
marrlaga' ' be disaffirmed , annulled
d'd J red absolutely void. Walter
pper for the plaintiff.
Where the Patriot Dead Ar
Ro'oasQd from Armed
Gratofal Hearts and Lovinj
Hands Preparing to Dock
Their Graves.
The Programme of Oeromoniei
Perfected The Procession.
ran roflTomcn.
To the Editor of Th Den.
Poaloflico will bo closed to-day ,
Decoration Day , from 10 a. m. untl
3 p. m. Ilespoclfully ,
Tuos. P. HAM , , P. M.
The B. & M. local freight dopol
will bo open to rooeivo and dolivoi
freight until 11 o'clock n. m. to
day. and will bo cloned thoroaftoi
until Wednesday.
All the member * of the Ploneei
Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 , are requested
quested to bo present in full uniforn
k-'ny , May 30th , 1882 , nt 0 a.
m. aharp , No. 3 engine honto. Bj
ordor. OIIAS. FISHBR , Foreman.
J. RoranoLTz , Sec.
All companies belonging to the Om
aha fire department , including the
Daranta , are requested to moot at No.
3 engine homo , at 8:30 : a. to. Maj
30th , for the purpose of attending
Decoration Day exorcises. Bo prompt
and como in full uniform aa far at
poisiblo. All ci-chlofa and ex-assist
ant chiefs nro requested to ' .urn out in
the full uniform of these offices.
JOHN n. BoixEtt
Chief Omaha Fire Department.
Details of the Day.
The committee having charge ol
proparatiouB for the obicrvanco ol
Decoration days announce to the pub
lic :
1st. That Oon. Ooo. M. O'Brien is
detailed from Oeo. A. Ouster Post
No. 7 aa chief marshal.
2d. All men , women and children
in Omaha and vicinity are invited to
lain in the observance of that moat
Itting ceremony the strewing of
lowers upon the craves of our honor-
id dead.
3d. It Is requested that public and
irivate office * , stores and shops bo
iloscd from 10 a. m . to 3 p. m.
4th. Hon. James \V. Savage ia an-
louncod oa the orator of the day.
Cth. Attention is called to the order
if the chief marshal , giving formation
ind route of the procession ,
Cth. Citizens are requested to ap-
iropriatoly decorate their homes and
> laces of business.
By order of the ozecutivo commit-
oe ,
Ordora of the Marshal.
In assuming the duties of chief
narshal for Decoration Day , I an-
lounco the following as my assist-
, nto ;
First assistant , Sergeant \V. E.
Ulison , Phil. Kearney Post No. 2.
Second ossiatant , Comrade O. R.
Third assistant , Chap. Hanloy.
First division to form on Fifteenth
treor , right resting on Douglas , in
10 following ordtr , under direction
[ First Aiiiotant Marshal Allison :
Platocn of Police.
Ninth Infantry .Band.
Phil Kearney Pout No. 2 , Q. A. R.
iuard of llonnr of Veteran Soldiers , es
corting Banner Depleting Peace
nn-1 War.
The Orator of the Day.
The Mayor and City Council.
Judges of the Unltod States Courts.
Gen Crook and St'ff.
ffloersaud Soldier * from Fort Omaha.
he Sisterhood of States , Represented by
Thlrty-elKht Younrf MLuce.
Kslaliint Marshal Rathbono in command , '
to ferro on 14th , tight resting on Doug.
las. BR follows :
maiia Fire Department , headed by Chief
Butler and bin AusUtantn , Mounted.
Iron MouHera' Union.
Wag ns v ith Flowers.
oard of Education , Superintendent of
l-ubllo school * .
oachers and echnlara of public and prl-
vato schools.
eprosentalivoa of the presn , Invited
guesU and cltlzonu In carriages ,
Asatstant Marshal Charles Hanloy com-
andtng , to form on Thirteenth , right
istlng on Diniglan.
Union PaclQo Band. '
Kmtnott Monument association. ,
eorgo A. Cuater Post , No , 7 , U , A. R
Ia t on Douglas tu Eleventh , south on
ileventh to Furnnm , west on 1'arnam to
ixtoonth , north on Sixteenth to Oullf. r-
la , thence l > y the usual nnd most practl-
Mo route to 1'ioapeo : Hill cemetery.
At Prospect Hill.
The following order of exorcises
rill bo followed ,
Music by the 9th infantry band.
Pryycd by the chaplain , Uov. Mr.
Oration. Hon. James W. Savage.
Musio by the Union PacSflo band.
A special memorial service by Ous-
er and Phil Kearney Posts , G. A. R.
urjng which time the graves will bo
The "procession will start at 10:30 :
. m , , and all organizations and parties
cubing to participate are urgently ro
uostou to report not later than 10
'clock a. m. All eoldiera , Bailers and
larines will report to Frank M.
looro , Commander Geo. A Ouster
'ost to bo formed in battallion with
lo'r comrades of the G. A. R.
Owners of teams and carriages are
; quoslod not toentor ( the cemetery on-
losuro in their vehicles until the pro-
oaaion has passed the gate ,
The chief marshal will have his
tiadouartcra ia Kuonoy'a Hall , car
er fourteenth and Dodge streets.
Quo. M. O'JJniKN ,
Chief Marshal.
OMAHA CITY 80110018 ,
Omaha. Neb. , May 21) ) , 1882. J
The public cchools in this city will
o closed to-morrow ( May 30th ) to ob
ervo the dscoration of our fallen sol-
ior's grave. GEO , B. LAMB ,
All members of the Ouster Post are
jciuested to meet at their hall to-day
, m. , at 0 o'clock sharp.
We wish once more to remind the
tizens of the scarcity of flowers ow
ig to the backward ecuon , and re
quest liberal contributions by thoi
who are RO fortunate as to have then
All contributions however small wi
bo thankfully received by the Gran
Army of the Republic , and may t
left nt Kuoney's Hull or nt Wyman
store store in Oroighton block ,
A Monnment to Oar Dead Heron
The beautiful custom ol dccoratin
soldiers' graves is an nppropriat
honor to the living and homage t
the noble dead. It is n simple r
knowledgemont of n debt of gratilud
wo can never hope to repay , and re
aulta neither from the demands c
selfishness , nor is it for the gratifies
tion of any ambition or oipcctation c
reward. Standing at the graves o
the dead heroes it is not aodght t
ntnuso animosities , At that uaorc
ahrino "fond regrets and tender recol
lcctions"alono are recalled. Regrets tha
these so bravo and true could no
have , lived to enjoy the rich inherit
mice they fought to maintain , and re
collections of the Borrow and sacrifice
pain and anguish , they Buforod in th
great cauBO of human liberty. To th
old soldiers who marched and bivou
aokod , who stormed batteries am
charged lines of glistening steel
and who remember the thonsam
little incidents and events cc
earring in army life , thi
earnest observance of this anniversary
is peculiarly grateful for in honorioj
the heroic dead , wo honor the lirin )
heroes and the cause for which the ;
battled. The seventeen and twent ;
years which have elapsed have soften
ed the realities , bat to-day it is fit al
should remember and with oni
voice , render homage to thi
living and the dead , wh <
stood amid the smoke of battli
and bequeathed to us unsullied thi
banner Irom whoso beautiful folds art
reflected naught but deeds of hone :
and gloryIn the light of the past
and for the sake of the future , ovorj
lover of hia country is admonishot
that under no circumstance or condi
tion should ho fill t do a freeman' )
duty , or be ready , if need bo , to emu
ulato the example of the silent dead
above whoso honored graves n natiot
this day scatters flowers and moistom
it with its tears. To these who io
their death have loft behind them
"monuments moro enduring than stotv
iod bronze or sculptured marblo. " Thii
nonumont is dedicated to these to
lay denied the customary1 tributes ol
eve 'from surviving comrades anc
rionds , only ° t3 have tKoir gravea
noifltonod bylho < ioars of heaven.
Jno. Lee
L. Hml'h.
Chu. Cox ,
Iiy. Oroy ,
Bl. Jonos.
llort. UrCoy ,
D a s m on i ,
3U o M a-ylion ,
Matthews on.
L. H. Martin ,
John P. Martin ,
Ohorlos lleyors ,
J h n W I 11 lainB ,
Colonel Ilankln , '
John M. Jlowtrd ,
Onl. Wra. B umor ,
Ulch. F. Mitchell ,
Jacob H o ft e 1 d r ,
W in. B. Holland ,
Patk VI o ore Thomas ,
Hefty. Henry Graves ,
Jacou Q1s h Dennis
Ooslrr , Q. Floury , Ja
cob n. Hood , Oaptali
H m 11 h , B a tier Flttahor ,
Robt. Noon n , Robert II.
H. rtnlay , Joseph VlnUy ,
Klrlats Kom ky , J. It. rarsons ,
Justus 0. Meyer , Alexander
Ramsey , 111 cha ol Ken a 1 le r.
iPatrlck Clinch , Frederick lelfrln- :
; ger , Oor2o MSB n , Vfm. U. Bmlth. :
; Loander K. Jlonrco , A , UoLarnbcrt :
flarg. Junhe F. Farn.worth ,
Jis. W. Chelson. Ida Ler-
pold , lUMor Peter Fickle ,
Aug Walling , . A. 8trick-
land , Col. I > ge , Cipt Pratt
A. O. Attbaus , John Swetsv , A--ton
Bchoenbjrn , Tbomai Tipton | Then hurg
Lkutenant Oeo. Rives , Cipt Oauly.
"Light be the turf of tby tltnb ,
Uty I'.u < ordun It e emerald * be ;
Them should not bs a thtdaw of gloom
In eng .t that reminds u , of Ihte. "
Brownell Hall gave iU fourth en-
crtainmont lakl Saturday * evening ,
ilth oven moro tHan its usual BUCCCBS.
? ho prograhinib'as' devoted to the
ittle children % lie sob'mod to bo in
oyolisnoobrd vrith their'dramatic ' our-
MUs nadio Hnmbloton in gorgeous
putt train , tripped the light fantas-
io with her sagacious parent ,
lias Delia Ohandlor and her very
rinnttnj lever Mtsa Mabel Pratt.
IS. 8. Brooks'oxtravaqrmza , "Lord
lalapert , nof Mqonshio Ouatlo , " was
iTeotivoly proaeutod. The atylo and
oloriug of the cnstutnon was brilliant
nd nrtistio. The romantic and graca-
ul heroine MisaBeauioYatcs , cmbod-
od the philosophy /Eithoticism ,
iotli in ita ycaruing noplrationa and
ta inauilioloiicy. Aa LordvMalaport ,
lisa Lottie Motz rendered with no-
uracy the role of gallant cavalier ,
iliss Mamie Hnrjer was a lovely vition
if Moonlaud. Mias 0 + ra Ilobbs , the
iouoschal , was BO cage and dignified
hat she waa in no dugreo moved by
he unoontrollablo laughter of iliaa
Jessie Stophonson. the man "in the
aoon , over his excellent cold porridge.
YO must also congratulate the numor-
ius KUirda and vassala , the K ccful
naida of honor , and Oharliu Pratt and
Villio Jonkina , the sturdy bearers of
ho magio cnrpot.
The instrumental soloists of the
veiling , the Mieses Munio Ilamblo-
on , Delia Ohandlor , Bessie Yatcs ,
Lilian lies ? , Hilly Motz , Nancy
Duller and Lgttio Mote , acquitted
hewselvosadmirably. .
Entrancing and lnchly appreciated
ooal Boloa wore rendered exqulatoly
y the Misses Ambrose , Sparks ,
lager , Wilson , Linincor , Oramor ana
lotz. Essays eviucinu depths of
liought and careful study wore ready
y the Misses Mabel Pratt , Mamio
V'iUon , Alice Thrall and Mattie
Tliero will bo no other entertain *
icnt until commencement , which
romieea to be unusually find this
year , and which is hoped will bo hoi
in the Opera House.
Brownoll Hall , through the efforl
of Oanon Doherty , Mrs. Windsor an
the fasulty , is doing n largo and neb ]
work ; it in an important factor in ou
western civilization nnd culture , an
well deserves the hearty help an
encouragement of our citizens.
Brilliant Tribute to the Mem
ory of the denial Irish
Splendid Oration Jnclro X * C
Yesterday evening the Emmc
Monument association celebrated th
103d anniversary of the birth of TOD
Moore , the poet , in Euony's hall
There waa a very largo attendance
and a very appropriate programm
was gotten up for the occasion ,
After an overture by the A. 0. H
band , Mr. P. M. NcDonagh dolivoroi
an address , which was followed by ai
oration on Moore , written byJudgi
I. 0. Northrop. Tbo judge's oratioi
waa a very fine mo , and a brillian
tribute to the genial poet's memory ,
and wo regret that want of space pre
cludes us from reproducing the oration
tion in iU entirity.
In the course of his oration , Mr
Nbrthrup said : On the 28th day o
May , 1770 , in Annglof street in thi
olden city of Dublin , Thomas Moon
was born. Hia father was a grocer ,
a good , qaiot plodding man. but with
out any remarkable quality oxcopl
devotion to his family. His mother
lorrovor , was a remarkable woman o :
extraordinary intelligence and dev *
; lon. It was from her that our peel
took his genius , and it was to her thai
early and late , in prosperity or ad
voroity , he never failed to return. II
was her influence that fashioned hii
soul and filled it with marvelous ,
wit and melody. Ho was her darlinf
ihild and she had prophotio visions oi
iis future. She kept him close to hit
studies and nuraod the budding flowei
nto the full blown rose. She was i
rue Catholic , and her son was buriec
> y these infamous penal laws. Bui
ho instant the door waa opened ah <
ishcred him into the university , , anc
n his fifteenth year ho matriculated
at Trinity Colleges
As early , as 1700 'ho rhymed ant
sang as a show boy in private plays
and in 1703 ho put somothina in prin
n a magazine , which did not live Ion ;
enough to bo remembered.
In his 19th year ho took hia bachelor
olor dfgrocs and loft the university
jut while there an episode occurrei
.ha' ' , tinged all his future Hfo ant
Drcathod through his verse in its rich
! st harmonies. Ho was a member ol
iho same debating society in college
rith the heroic Robert Emmot anc
Sdward Hudson and several others ,
md they formed a triumvirito ol
> rillant patriotism. Ho c.itno noai
flhariug their fate , but the vigilauco ol
lie mother chocked hia ardor.
Ho left the college campus for the
Saglieh temples of the law in "Lon
don , but ho did not take to it vcrj
much. In London ho bucamo ao <
[ uaintod with the nobility and the
Prince of Wales , and was lionized ,
.nd ho became a groatiman bcforo h > :
enow it. Then ho scoured an office
o-A registrar of the Bermuda admir
alty , which ho held for fifteen years.
About this time ho published , urtdoi
the name of Thomas Little , a very ap-
iropriato name , for ho was a little
man , with the brightest of faces and
Bwootpstof voices.
In 1800 ho published his "Epistles ,
Odes and other Pocma" under hia own
iamo , and ho was severely handled
> y the "Edinburgh Review. "
Ho challenged Jeffrey , the writer
of the Review , and they mot at Chalk
form , but wore separated by the po-
ice and subsequently became- the best
of friends.
Ho also had an ombroglio with
jord Byroiij which happily ended in
heir becoming good friends.
On the 25th of March , 1811 , ho
narricd a Miss Elizabeth Dyke , and
hey passed a very happy married life.
On the 20th day ot February 1852
( tor an eventful career , the genial
> out returned his spirit ta his maker
n a cottage near Burnham where ho
lad lived for thirty years.
At the conclusion of Mr. North-
up'a beautiful oration , the A. O , H.
> and played some soul inspiring
mutio , which waa loudly applauded.
Mies McNamara gave a truly arlis-
io rendition of "Tho Last Rose of
ummer , " Miss Stacin. Orowloy ro-
alod the audience with n very appro-
> riate original poem culo lstio of
ilonro , which was received with great
nthusiasm. Mr , 0. McDnald did
'Tho Minstrel Boy , " and Miss Quinn
nd HuEsoy gave como brilliant piauo-
orto solos ,
Mr. F. M. MoDonagh , of "Tho
Watchman , " read eomo of his ovur
ntortainitig machiuo poetry , and
Ii s Sarah Brounan road an excellent
> ioco on tha poet ,
Messrs. Smyth , Foonoy and Mur-
by added to the enjoyment of the
veiling's entertainment , end some
nero musio by the band concluded
Ilia hiuhly cucccsefu1 programmo.
On Suudar , J o ItI ) , the Danish
rotberlioud will iuva an erouralon tu
remont. Tha train will leave the U. l .
opot at 10 o'clock a , m. , eharp , oudon th
eturn Journey iflavj Fremont at B p , ta.
'tis excursion U gotten up excluairely for
) anc8 and their friends. Tickets at $1.00
or each person can ba bad of P. lI.Greon ,
10 13th etreet , between Harney and
[ owarJ ; A.foa \ , corner of 224 and
umiujjr utrcetB , and N. 0. Nielsen , corner
f Cth and PaclGo btreots. By order of
winmlttse. tuos-tbur-frl-iat
Quits a party of Omaha people will
o to Lincoln to-day on the special
rain which leaves tbe U. P. depot at
o'clock. The Omaha Olc club will go
na boily , _ ,
liussu Sa've Uunrirallod f or It speedy
ealinti quallttoa. Ailc your dniggiats for
t. 35 eta.
lade from the wild flowers of the
t is the most fragrant of perfumes.
Manufactured by 11 , B , Haven , Ban
Francisco. For ealo in Omaha by W.
T , Whitehouso and Konnard Bros. '
So ,
An Omaha Boy Meets a Torr ;
bio Death in Denver.
A Saturday Night Sensation in Colt
rado'a Capitol.
In The Denver Tribune of Sue
day there is an account two column
long of the killing of a young ma
said to bo from Omaha.
The victim's name waa Philip Hut
bard and it appears , as will bo seen
that ho is from this city. The ocoui
ronco took place at 7:30 : Saturday oven
inq near Tabor Block. Young Hub
bard had n couple of hour * previoual ;
hired out to n man named Dicl
Mackoy , of Novadavillo , as a drive
nnd tender for his stock nnd the twi
had taken n few drinks topothor ti
bind the compact.
They then started down the street
aud at the point named started ti
cross an alley-way where they mot i
man named C. H. Wood , ayounj
real estate dealer. They ran agaius
him , it ia believed accidentally , am
Wood at once pushed them roughl ;
aside. Wood and Mackoy thoi
had a tussle in which Mackoy got thi
beat of him , and there waa a tempo
rary cassation of hostilities. Anothoi
quarrel soon began between Wooc
and Hubbard , and the former finally
struck Hubbard , who was much the
smaller of the two , but who soon go
him down in the _ mud and gave
him a terrible boating. Some one
Qnally pulled him off and ho starlet
to go when Wood drew a revolver ant
began firing at the crowd promiscoua
ly. The first shot struck Mr. Johi
Donny , a telegraph repairer , who wai
standing near , iniicting a sorioui
wound. The second bullet strucl
Bubbard in the back just below th <
loart , and lodged under the skin noai
; ho eighth rib. Ho fell to the ground
in a heap , and his head and si ouldoi
igainst the wall of the Brunswick
building. The next and last bullol
3rcd entered the late posterior , made
ita exit on the face of the loft thigh
uid lodged against the pit of Hub'
bard's stomach.
An immense crowd soon gathered ,
ahd it was with difficulty .that the
[ ynchinR of Wood won prpvenjeid. He
wan taken away'by'tfio'offlcofa'to ' ' the
city jail , and young Hubbard was soon
: arriod ; to the , . eamo place. The Tribune -
buno proceeds.
After the young man had been
taken to police headquarters he conv
menced to rink , and at 11 o'clock the
doctors gave up all hope of saving
him. Ho did not recover conscious
noas , and about half an hour later he
breathed his last. An effort wai
made to revive him. Brandy was ad
ministered liberally by hypordomio in
jootion , but further than an occasional
convulsive struggle of a 1 nib and t
heavy breathing the victim of thi
awful tragedy showed no signs of life ,
A search of young Hubbard's cloth
ing rovoalcd a letter which ho rccoatlj
received from hia mother. From its
contents it would appear that the
young man ran away from home. She
eluded him in worda inclined to ton.-
IcrnoBs for his wilfuiuoaa in leaving
icr , and implored him to bo a good
) oy and to write ; to her often. She
wrote that when his absence was dis
covered it was a great blow to the
'amity and a shock of surprise to hie
acquaintances and friends. Condon-
ng hia adventurous spirit , eho invoked
closing the letter with tender expres
sions of love and good oheor from hu
Drothers anil sisters. The letter wae
ouching in the extreme , and read in
, tie presence of the dying boy , almost
jrou ht tears | f njmpsthy for the far
away mother , from the ojca of the
sturdy men who encircled the blood
stained couch ,
Hubbard was twenty years old ,
and of good appearance. His face
vas regular in its features and smooth-
y shaved. Hia clothing waa good
, nd scrupuloua neat in appearance ,
lia parents roeido at Omaha. Tele
grams were sent to them last night
lotifying them of the sad and un-
iracly ending of their son.
A Chapter From tbo Rooorda of tbo
Police Court.
His honor Judge Boncko was pretty
may yesterday , aud the tvook
pens up in good shape all1 around.
One man paid thousualfinon's'seased '
n Slooumbs , nnd anblhoij paid { § 3 and
oats for disturbing the peace. ' ,
Two tramps were brought out of
ho cage , and one sent up for ton days
t hard labor. The other was dis-
barged ,
Thruo men , ono a soldier , were in
ail for disturbing the peace , and their
rial sot for the afternoon. The trio
rent to the Y. M. 0 , A. rooms , in
'opploton'o block , on Sunday morn-
ng , and raised a disturbance. The
cquest to withdraw was not complied
rich , and aa the disturbance grow to
ho proportions of a nulcanco , Officer
Juckloy was called and took tha
hroo men up to ba 'guests of the
lotol do McUluro. Ono ot the par
ies waa intoxicated at the time , but
he ether two were sober.
E. 1C , Oatlroy , who was sirroatud for
tealing Mr. Bobert Glenn's banjo ,
dvcrtisod in TUB BKU , was arrested
ndput in jail the samp night , and
bo banjo returned to its happy
Carr Kendall and Annie Finorty ,
rrestcd in possession of a portion of
lie jewelry stolen for 0. E. Abort's
esideuco on the morning of the fire
t May 12th , are still in jail , no bail
oing tixod. The property was found
i Finerty's stocking and not on Ken-
all , as was stated. A search warrant
raa yesterday issued to enable the out
ers to search the womtm'u house , on
Eleventh aud Oasa , and another to
oarch Finer I y'a trunk , which had
eon taken to the ciprt-aa office for
hiptuont ,
Barney Shannon has been arrested
n the complaint of Michael Connolly ,
vho charpoa him with an assault.
James R , Spencer and John Deere
ro wanted , on the charge of stealing
horse from Valentino Lipp , of North
A complaint waa filed against Vin-
ent Hrabik , for refusing to remove a
haytaok fron his premises in Bohcmi
antown. The complaint is made b
the chief of the fire department.
Dr. Graff returned from Wyoming la *
Hon. J If. Thnrston and family lei
for Milwaukee lost evening.
O. G. Petrlti and wife , of Kansas Cltj
are the gueUs of Mr. W. F. Bechel for i
few day ; .
A , R. Gage , who takea ohnrjo of th
new U. ft M. eating homo at Hod Cloud
h In the city.
Jim Laird , of Hauling * , WM to the oil ;
yesterday , and loft on tbe afternoon trail
for Den Molnog , to ittend tb Unltei
States court there.
Mr. Alvln Gruff , of New York , genera
traveling agent for thoJ3tat 1 no of team
nhlp § la In the city looking up tha Inter
cats of that lice ,
Mrs. John H. Ilheem , f dttumwa , la.
U In the city visiting the farnllloi of he
relative * , Mr. L. M. Ilhcom , genera
managar of the Western Union telegrnpl
offloe , and Mr. 8. J. Ilheem.
Geo. W , Froit , government director o
tbe Union Pacific railway , Iraves to-da ;
for Now Tork , to attend a directors'meet
lag. He will be accompanied by hi
daughter , Mn. Jno. 1 , Marshal ) , o
Medina , N. Y ,
C < B. Hav nii , Esq. , superintendent o
tbo bridge divMoo , Union PoclEo rnl'road
l jnit o t after a very severe Illness
which hM confined him ta his boose foi
forty-five days. The boys are all glad tc
see him on dcek again.
-ONEY TO LOAM Call al L w utnce of D ,
M L. Thomas EojmS OreUbton Block.
< 2OKA ( \\f\f ° LOAA At 8 per eentln
< U > 'vOv/iUUU tereat In nma.of * 2tco anc
ap < rard > , forStofiyear , on ont-clan city and
f&ru property , Bntis REAL EBTATI and Low
Aantor , 1Mb and Dowlas 8U.
TTfrANTED Two men to work In garden. In.
VY quire at Totulcy Bro's , next to Fall
Grounds. " SOO-tf
TirANTED A iflrl for housework. 2118 Cal-
VT I'ornla street , between 21st and S2dsts.
A Ont-'U's barber. Nonr othei
WANTED apply. Addrod , T. W. Brown , Nor.
folk Nebraska. 274-30 *
"ANTED A good dining-room girl good
wsgo < pId , at 1 OS Cos ] r reot. 271-tf
WANTED-A glil f t general homework , at
415 North VMtb street. 200-21 *
"XTCTAKTED A good competent girl for gen-
TV oral housework. Apply at 1310 Uaron-
port street. 27Z-tffl
WANTED 'evcnty laborers. Apply H.
Manuweller , Employment Agent , llth
itteot near lainun. 219 9"
- by a baker. Addre s cor
ner 7th and Jonei. 203-29 *
TTTTANTED Sltaatlon bjr a younf man as
TV shipper , aj.'t book-keeper , pr oolloctor.
Qoi references. Addrcsa W. F. I' . Eco office.
02-31 *
WANTED situation In n Jcwl-h fimlly as
cook and make henclf KonerAlly useful
Apply at 1010 ticulh loth street. 2fi-2j *
WANTF.D Children as boarders In a solecl
school. N. W. corner California and l&.h
street * . L. U. LOOMIS ,
l' Few more boirderj oin bo oc-
commodat-d with fir t clas < table board ,
at Tcry reasonable rate , at 1620 Northeast cor.
nor 18th and Webjtor street.
8tT-8j * _ MRS. J. A , ALLISON ,
By a Bist-rlifg dressmaker , cew. .
log of all kind' , at rso.1319 Dodfjo street.
or will go out and do work al moderate pricts.
230-1 *
Store nltli one or two ruoms vic
inity orpostcilico or tome good central loca
tion. Addrus 0. hUS-EL ,
227-29 * Council Blufls.
To rent , cottage cf BorOroomrl
WANTED , convonloot to street R. R. '
Addresi stitlng tirms md location. "Rent. "
linn Olllcc. _ _ tt *
\T7"ANTKD To rent , with prlvl'cgo of b y- '
V V Inff tfter about thtco months a collage of
Qv roonm , good locality , within t.vonty minutes
ivalk cf p stofllco. Address stating terms and
location , "llou-e" B cfflcc. _ inl7-tf
A partner wanted , active or ci ent ,
MONK1 $1000 to S20.COO cash to Invoit In t.
logitlniito buelno s which la six months tlmo wTI
I ay a prcflt at least equal to tha amount in
rested , and both be turned into clean cash and
the pirtnerthlp endoJ. Address "Moniy" Bco
office 8S-tt
Fimdlnp bridge and echosl bandt
WANTED Clark , BoUoniB IS-tt
TT7"A TKI ) SCO privy vau.t , sinks and cess
VV pool * to clean with Lanltiry Vault and
Sink Cleaner , the beet In use. A. Kvans & Co. ,
residence ISCfl Dodge etreet , Ouialii.
| 7l6ftllMNT A nicely furnlihtd frjit room
I'l.vrilh alo3 > ewhh board , at SOU Cuai street.
* OI-at
KENT NIej su't of furnlihrd rjoms far
POR or throe gentlemen at 1004 Dodge it.
JD3-SO *
FT ! OH RENT A larra nlco front pirlor , with
| > biv windows , rn the Northwett corner of
tthand Da\cnport strteta. 292-SOt
rjlOH HENT-no'ue ot clx rooms , ctllar , we'.l
D and cittern ; alia a barn 20xli feet Apply
in pnmtses 1713 California street. 05 If
T1WO FURNISHED siutb rpoms for rent. S.
J _ VI. corner 18th and Davenport. 306-tf
RKNT-SIx cotlajts Sib 00 to $18. 03 per
POR . UcCagne oppoilto poitoffiee.
L > 816 Howard struct beUoau 8th and 9th.
S47-50 *
RENT New bousa of s.x rooms aoulh-
FOB corner 13th and 1'aoiflo streets. Ap-
ily at 11 ' 2 , llth street. T. 0.1'KLLE ,
I7IOR LEA E To Decembrr 1 , 1832 , Orit-rato
[ } dwelllDfh'-uio lth eight rooms , closets ,
.c. . oorapletclr fuinlahel. plearantly dtuitoJ
> a Calif nrnta str et. DA Via tt BN VDEB.
RiCNT Good hcune nltb fix rcomi , and
POR modern Imp oveoicntf , and coutouiont
iitreetcar. Inqnlrsat K cery etorc , rorner
Oth and cumlnu street. 238-tf
' REST 8J rooms .10th
and Davenport Dta Newly fltted ut > in
omplote order. Apply to QKO W GRAY ,
2at-8tood 211 Twelfth Bt
Oil KENT Twohoa > oi offlietoomi each.
P Itiqul o at 11X1 bherman ae. . S33-2 *
t1110 Ohlcaio street , between litb
Cth ItrjeU.
KENT Houis of ill rooms n ar corner
POR rclflo and llth sucst , also two new
ioujo ready by the middle ol Juns. Inquire at
lea. n. Fetcreonl Clothing store , 604 a. loth
trtet 8i9-tl
nOOUS-TolcL HIT Howard rtreet.
879-ST *
11 UEMT Boont and board , at S16 North
TJIOR HKXT Thrte bn-lns-s 1 is for a > terra tf
JU rears two I * Bnt block north l po ode
on 16'hftreet , cue betireei farm n ani ll\rat < j
on iMh Btvolr * flntt houst north <
Wlthntll nont . ROaWELb SMtTlI.
B88f f
T710R RENT yiwly futnMit < l roim for gerv-
JJ tleven with refersnee. 1818 Do4i bo-
M IjthandKth ITS-tl
I10R RENT * oottog * on Harr 7 between
SJnd aad 23rd. O. OLSIJt ,
BOOHS , ejnnrettd. ID rtnl is
gentlemen , with boird. At toil Cut it.
" It HEHT Fonilihed room * . 1609 Daren
JS" port itroot.
RUNT Two unfurnlthtd room * , toH-
EOR ( or officet or bea roomt , within onv
bait block of postofflco. AdJr or call at Jfoj
15(2 Dodge llreet. UOU
BENT Rlc Iy firalih
FOR , at 1711 Daigt.
RENT Two front roomi farnlihixi at
C 3 l th Btrt t. _ 234-80
OU HUNT S mrnlo.'iid rooni * OTBI Ms
F chant1 Kich njeH. K. eor < 18th and Dodv
"TTIOU ItKNT Mcely furaioCiotl rooms with or
Jj without boartf. Reasonable prices. 9011
11 RENT Cellar corner 10th and
> RENT Large furnished front room lot
L two gentlttnan , with or wlthont board.
References. 1215 DoJfro street. laa-M
LtCAbK At fib a year , MTer nice
POK nee loU near 2ith street and Bt Mary's
818-U W R. PAHTUTT. Heal Ertata Agent
TOR RENT House of Ore rooms , corner SM
JTJ and Pierce. Apply at 8. O. Btorenson , cor
ner 17tn and CM * , near Easter Church
ron BALE
OH BALE Home ol fir * toomi and lot o * .
Dodge itrcet. | 1MO , Small honia ami tv *
! Bhlnn'i addltlen | 00. UtCAQUK ,
S MI OppmUe foitollco.
pOR SALE-A house and lot 150x118 fronL
JJ with barn , two wells and cittern. 1S9B
South 14th lUeet , i oond hauta north of WUltana
Btrwt , Price JUM.
FR BALE Ona lot 132 test fronttge by 0 *
feet deep , on eonth Uth street , on < 101 Mr-
month payments , te anyone who will tiulld. In-
SOlre 1407 Howard , bstween Hln and 16th sta.
TTIOR BENT The fpiclons and elegant ball
r with a'l modem I rprxTomentslnCmk'aan *
Koster'a Block , /poly tv A. U. Clark , or to U.
A. Kottsr'a 105 and 107 3.14th streit. 207-tf
17IOR 8 ALE At a bargain fun Itnre rf a first
X1 class pthMo boarding hcuie. Rent ot
building moderate. Hare 30 boarders , at 140&
Cora tt. Inquire within. E07-U
TTIOH BALK Restaurant on a well triTclod
231-tt llth itre.t , near Faraam.
T7IOR SALE A good horse , cheap at 1903 Cnt -
J ; Ing street. , 2t3-30
BALCD HAY And provisions wholesale and
i tall at Blackbuin , Landls fcOo . 10 X
10th street. . S50 31
SALE Boautllul aero lot ncd house on
FOR street , $1300. McCAQUE ,
853-tt Opponlto Poettfflea.
l UR 8ALK tiou e of tix rcoras , aud lot 80x
J } 220 , north of sixteenth street bridge. Ap
ply corner 12th and4Ii.ward. Newspaper Union.
17WR BALE A home and lot on Dodge street ,
JJ one of the finest locations In the city
11&-U J. H. DUUONT , 13th and Harney.
TjlOR BALE Home a d lot 8 rooms , well and
D cistern. 1812 Dodge between 13th and 141k
itreeti. 218-tt
TJIOR SALE Or Trade ; 44x132 feet on 10th
Jj street next to the corner of Uorney , also
60x132 feet on the cast Fide between Vud.r aid
Capitol avenue. Enquire of II. BEHT1IOLD.
23 tf
I71OU HALfc Iho Warm bpim
jj rallci eouth of the U. K railroad In Carbon
County , Wyoming Territoiy 440 ncroi ol
miadow and upland tlti pruarantcd. Address
W. II. Caldwell , rtnrm Epilngg. Wyoming.
I OH 8Abb I ho POPULAR UOrKL , known
1 } as the BOYS' IlOilE. This house ia coi-
tially located , has sou h and east front , and If
Btirronndcdwtli fine thode trees ; cent Ins thirty
seeping rooma , boa lea houit.laundrysimple
room , &c. Has a world w do reputation ana a
hotter patroni go than many houses of twice Ita
capacity. Price $5,000. Kor particulars ad-
diesa , A. A. SAWDEY.Rod Clouu , rub.SE4U
I710R BALE 200 choice lots In Ilanaeom Place ,
X ? W. R Bartlett. Real Estate Agect. 817 8.
18th street. 833-tf
ITlOu BALK A good corner lot on loa e and
JD 22th street , in a very fast growing part of
the city , will divide. Inquire at vlO fouth 20th
street , near Farnam Jogg'i & IIUl's addition.
_ _ _ | 820-lm *
T7 OlV.tlALK Ur Hill excca nu < or umaua | iro-
P I Iperty. an improved sec on of land adjoin-
In ? a station on U. P. R. R. U. DUNHAM , 1413
Parubam St. , Omaha. 72U Soil
) UAY At A. H. Bander * Feed Sto
T OS r Gentlemen's gold locket , onjz. ItT-
JJ ItlaJaT. J , II. in monogram. Finder w'll ba
mlttbly ronaidcd by Icaring siuio at Bco otlioo.
AK N UP By William Farn , one b y bore *
colt , tupposdd to be Syoir- old this spile ? ,
vhlto spot on forehoid.a smill vhlto f pot on
ght 'ore ' leg. Inquire at lltrrlj & Fither'a
Jacking Home. _ 8C2 81 *
rKBTRCOTION In vocal mualo glyen by Ills *
1. Llrz o A. Pcnnf II. Jl e ldcn e south west ror-
ler 20d and PurtsUeaU. _ ' OI-8'
riTBAYED Ono 3 year old dark bar horse
3 colt , right hip B little lower than the If ( t.
> .o S rear old llgbt Lay mare colt , roan spoti
in body and whlientsrla ( or eho. d. and one six
'car old dark lay Iteilcan pony , v I th brardon
ilndtg. \ . A liberal re ord will t e paid tbe return
ir Information leading thereto by
2t23t 21st and Ml holaiftt. . Omaha.
rilPORTANT NOTlOE-Joo & Fam'l Candy
L 1'ilsco moved to 2lti KorthlSUi street , jatt
or'h of Maionlo Hall. Fire wcrko clgara ,
Tiani adi Icmonadi56cen > . 8289
* '
'AIUJN Uf A cow about 7 jo.regid , tua witA
white ) rote , larro borr.s Also a belter ,
, wl'h wnlto fcpot * . both with rait.
34tt on e w Bakery. 18th bt. peir WllUams.
IONAL1ST , 403 Tenth fltroet , between Farnam
ndHnner. Will , with tbe aid ot euirdltz
plilts , obtain f or any ono a glance at the pusl
, nd preroat , uml on certain coadllUna In the fu >
mo. UootaandSUecamnde to icdtr , Pcrfco
Absolutely Pure.
Tbli powder net er rates. A marvel ot p
y , strength and wboldnitnesi. More coo DO
"iS1 , thul th . rjln 'y.klnd . , " id cannot Vs
old In competition flth the multitude of I ow
tut , short weight , alun or phocphata powdtrt