THE DAILY J3JU1& OMAHA .MONDAY MAY ; 9 , i882. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House acrw 'j M'Tia 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA NEB. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , Boots and Shoes , OMAHA , NEB. OSOHAED & BSAH , J. B. FRENCH & GO. , O A R P. E T 8 1 G R O O E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SiSH , DOOES , BLIPS AID IOULDMS. 15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB SPRING AMD SUMMER STOCK CLOTHING Ready for Inspectioni AT POLA'CK'S The Lowest Prices'Guaranteed , 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. . Uarie od. HAS THE BEST HOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PEIOE The only Furniture House in Omaha that does not deal in Second-Band Goods. CHARLES SHIVERIOE. BEDDED MIRRORS , FEATHERS , Window Shades , Cornices , Curtain Poles , , Lambrequins , Office Desks and Every thing Pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade. CHAS. : SHIVERIGK. 1206,1208,1210 Farnham , TWO DOZEN BU ITONS. Betty sighed. Now why she nhoul have sighed nt this particular momon no ono on earth could toll , And ! was nil the moro exasperating bocausi John had just generously put into hoi little shapely hand a brand-now $1 ( bill. And hero began the trouble. "What's the mattcrl" ho aid , his ( ace falling nt the faint sound nod his mouth clapping together in what those who know him but little called an "obitinato puckor. " "Now , what is it ? " Betty , who had just begun to change the sigh into n merry litllo laugh rip pling nil oror the corners of the ret Hpi , stopped suddenly , tossed her head , and , with n small jerk no way conciliatory , sent out the words : "You needn't insinuate , John , that I am always troublesome. " "I didn't insinuate who's talking of insinuating ? " cried ho , thoroughly incensed at the very idea , nnd , back ing nwnv a few steps , ho glared down from A tremendous height in extreme irritation. "It's you yourself who i < forever insinuating nnd all that , anc then for you to put it on mo it's real ly abominable 1' The voice wns harsh , and the eyes that looked down into hers wcro not pleasant to behold. "And if you think , John Peabody , that I'll aland and have such things said to mo , you miss your guess that's ' all ! " cried Betty , with two big rod spots coming in her cheeks ns she tried to draw her little erect fipuro up to ito tit moat dimensions. " .For ever insinuating ! I guess you wouldn't have said that before I mar ried you. Oh , 'now you can , of course I" "Didn't you say it first , I'd like lo know ? " cried John , in great excite ment ; , drawing nearer to the small creature ho called "mfo , " who wns gazing at him with blazing eyes of indignation : "I can't endure every- thinR ! " "And If you boar moro than I do , " cried Betty , wholly beyond ccntrol now , "why , then , I'll give up , " nnd she gave a bitter little laagh nnd tossed her head again. And hero they were in the midst of quarrel ! Thcso two who , but n year before , had promised to love nnd protect nnd help each other through ifo ! "Now , " said John , and ho brought ilia hand down with such a bang on -lip tnblo before him that Betty nearly skipped out of her little shoes only she controlled the start , for she would have died before slio had lot John neo il , "wo will have no moro of this nonsense ! " Ilia f.ico wns very pale and the lines around the mouth so drawn that it would have gene to any one's heart to have seen their expression , " 1 don't know how you will chnngo it or help it , " said Betty , lightly , to hide her dismay at the turn affairs had taken , "I'm sure ! " nnd aho pushed back the light , waving hair from her forohed with a saucy , indifferent ges ture. ture.That That hair that John always smooth ed when ho petted her , tried or dis heartened , and called her "child. " Her gesture struck to his heart as ho glanced at her sunny locks and the cool , indifferent face underneath , and before ho know it ho was Baying : "Thoro is no help for it now , I sup pose. " v"0h , yes , there is , " said Betty , still in the cool , calm way that ought not to have decided him. But men know so little of women's hearts , although they may live with them for years in cloioat friendship. "You needn't try to endure it , John Peabody , if you don't want to. I'm sure I don't care ! " "What do " you mean ? Her husband grasped her arms nnd compelled the merry brown eyes to look up to him. ' I can go bick to mother's , " said Betty , provokingly. "Sho wants me any day ; and then youcanlivo quietly and to suit yourself , nnd it will bo better nil around. " Instead of bringing out a violent protestation of fond affection aifd re morse , which she fully expected , John drew himself up , looked at her fixedly for a long , long minute , then dropped her arm , nnd , with white lips , said slowly : "Yes , it may bo as you say , bettor nil around. You know best ! " and was gene from the room before she could recover from her astonishment enough to utter a sound. With a wild cry Betty rushed across the room , first tossing the $10 bill savagely as far as uho could throw it , and , flinging herself on the comforta ble old sofa , broke into n flood of bitter - tor tears the first she had shod dur ing her married lifn. "How could ho have done it ? Oh , what have I said ? Oh , John , John ! " The bird twittered in his little cage over in the window among the plants , Betty remembered like a flash how John and she filled the seed-cap that very morning , how he laughed when ho tried to put it in between the bars and when she couldn't roach without getting upon a chair ho took her in his great arms nnd hold her up , just like a child , that she might fix it to suit herself. And the "bits" that ho said in his tender naythey had gene down to the depths of her foolish little heart , Bonding her about her day's work singing for very gladness of spirit , And now I Betty stuffed her fingers hard into her rose ears to shut out the bird's chirping , "If ho only knew why I sighed , " she moaned , "Oh , my husband ! Birthdays nothing will inoko any dif ference now , Oh , why can't I diol" How long she stayed there , crouched down on the old sofa , shonovor know , Oror and over the dreadful tcone nlio wont , realizing its worst features each time in despair until a voice out in the kitchonsaid ; "Botty ! " and heavy foot falls proclaimed that spnio one was on the point of breaking in upon her un invited. Betty sprang up , choked back her * obs , and tried with all her might to compact ) herself and roraoro all traces of her trouble. The visitor was the wor t.possible ono she could have had under the cir cumstances. Crowding herself on terms of the closest intimacy with the pretty bride , who , with her husband , had moved into the Tillage a twelve month prorious , Him Elvira Klinmons had in , do the very most of her tttmtiof , and by dint of making groa parade over helping her in some do mostio work , such ns house-cleaninp drcss-makittg and t'uliko , the niftidci lady had managed to ply her otho vocatipn , that of nows-gathcror , nt ono and the uawo time , pretty effectually She was always culled her by her first name , though Bflttv resented it aud ftho rundo a great handle of her friendship on every occasion , making John rage violently and vow a thou sand times the "old maid" should walk. But eho noYor had and now , scouting dimly , like a carrion nftor its own prey , that trouble might oomo to the pretty little white house , the mako-mischief had cotno to do her work , if devastation had not already commenced. "Boon crying ! " she said , moro plainly than politely , sinking , down into the pretty chintz-covorod rock ing-chair with an energy that showed that she meant to stay , and made the chair croak fearfully. "Only folks do.say that you mid your husband don't llvo happy but la I I wouldn't mind-I know 'taint your fault. " Botty's heart stood slill , Hnd it come to this ! John and she not to jUvo happy ! To bo sure they didn't , ns she .remembered with a pang the dreadful scone of words and hot tem pers j but had it gotten around so soon a story in ovortbody'a mouth. With all her distress of mind ho wns saved from opening her mouth. 3o Miss Simmons , foiling in that , wm 'orced to go on. "An11 loll folks so , 'sho s.-xid rock ns herself back and forlli to witnese thoeflbctof her words , "when they ; it to talkin' ; to you can't blame mo f things don't go chad for you , I'm " " "You toll folks ? " repeated Betty , vaguely , and standing quito still. 'What ? I don't understand " "Why , that the blame is all his'n , " cried the old maid , exasperated at her trango mood and dullness. "I say , ays 1 , why there couldn't no one lire with him , lot alone that pretty wife ID'S got. That's what I sny , Botty. Vnd then I toll 'oin what a queer man 10 is , howcrosj , an " "And you dare to toll people such hinga of my husband ? " cried Betty , drawing herself un to her extremes ! icight , and towering so over the old woman in the chair that she jumped n confusion at the storm oho had raised , aud stared blindly into the ilazing eyes and foco rosy with right eous indignation her only ' thought was how to got away from the storm ho hud raised but could not stop. But she was forced to stay , for Betty teed just in front of the ohair and ) locked up the way , so she slunk } ack into the smallest corner of it and ook it as best she could. Aly bus- > andl" cried Betty , dwelling with irido on the pronoun at least , if hey were to part , she would , say it over lovingly as n.uch as she could ill the last moment , and then , when ho time did come , why , people should tnowthut it was not John s fault "tho > cst , the kindest , the noblest husband hat ever wns given to a , woman. , 'vo made him moro trouble han you can guess ; my hot omper has vexed him I've icon cross , and impatient and " "Hold ! " crioda voice , , "you're talk- ng against my wife ! " and in a mo- nent big John Peabody mailed hrough the door , grasped the little woman in his arms and folded her to lis heart , right before old maid and * ' "Oh ! " said .Miss Simmons , i&iaE up straight and setting her spectacles moro firmly. "And now that you're learned all that you can , " said John , turning around to her , still holding Betty , 'why you may go. " The chair was vacant. A diesolv- ntj view through the door was all hat was to bo soon of the gossip , who started up the road hurriedly , leaving > eaco behind. "Botty , " caid John , some half hour afterward , "what was the sigh fort I lon't care now , but I did think , dear , and it cut mo to the heart , how you might have married richer. I Innged o put ton times ton into your hand , Jotty. and it galled rae because I couldn't. " Betty smiled and twisted awny from lis grasp , Illuming into the bed- 00111 she presently returned , fitill miling , with a bundle rolled up in a clean towol. This she put on her has- jand's knco , who stared at her won- , leringly. "I didn't moan , " she said , unpin ning the bundle , "to get it out now , nit I shall bare to. Why , John , day after to-morrow is your birthday ! " "So 'tis , " said John "Uracious ! las it como around BO soon ? " "And you dtar boy , " said Betty , baking out before his uyea a pretty irown affair , all edged with silk of the iluest shade , that presently assumed ho proportions of a drosaiug-gown , 'this is to bo your present. But you must bo dreadfully surprised , John , when you got it , for oh , I didn't want you to know it ! " John made an answer ho thought ) ost. When ho spoke again ho said , lerplexod , while a small pucker of > owilderment settled between his oycs. "But I don't see , Betty , what this hing , " layintr ono finger on the gown , 'had to do with the sigh. " "That , " said Betty , and then she > roko into a merry laugh , that got so nixed up with the dimples and the anoing brown eyes that for a moment ho could not finish. "Oh , John-1 WM worrying so over those buttons ! They weren't good , but they wore the > est I could do then. And I'd only lought 'em yesterday. Two whole pzon. And when you put that $10 > ill in my hand , I didn't ' hardly know t , but I suppose I did give ono little > it of a sight , tor I was so provoked hat I had not waited buying them till o-day. " John caught up the little woman , rossing gown and all , I don't think lioy have ever quarrelled since at east I have never hoard of it. , ' Women Never Tillulr. " Ji thocrabbad old batcholor who uttered this sentiment could but witless - loss the intense thought , deep study md thorough investigation of women n determining the best mcdicinos to coop their families well , and would iota their sagacity and wisdom in so- octing Hop Bitters as the best , and omonstrating it by keeping their f am- los in perpetual health , at a mere lominal expense , he would bo forced o acknowledge that such sentiments re baseless and false. [ Picayune. D. M. WELTY ( Snooouor to D. T. Monnt ) Uanufa'turtraml Dt.Vcrln Saddles Harness , , Whips , FANOY UORSE CLOTHING Robes , lusters and Turf Goods of ALL OESCmrTIONH. A gent fo ? JAB. It II 111 ft Co.'i CONCORD HARNESS "ThoBost in The World , " Ordtn eollcltcd. OMAHA , NEB mo ly JOnS 8TABLBR , RHOMB SCIUUf , President. Vice I'rca't. W. S. DJIUIIRR , Sec. nnJTronj ) . THE NEBRASKA MMMCTIffllG CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFAOTUKERS 01' Corn Ptantert , narrow * , rarm Rollers , Sulk Hay Unkoi , Ducket Elevating Wind ml &c. Wo are prepared to ilo job work And m nnl \ turlnc lor other parties. Addros all orders NKUllABKA MANUFACTUMNa CO. , LINCOLN Nun Tout far holugtbo molt direct. culcKo ) , nu alwt line conncctlni" tfco ptcat Mfitropolb. 0111 AGO , and the KA91K&3 , NORTn-ICAJfiBJi , I > i nd QoiiTn-ElHTT.n.t LTXKI , which tonr.lrmtthere Itli KANSAS. Cm , , ATiui30 oraoii , BWFFH aad OMAUA , tbo OOUMISCUI nrtELB from which r&dUto EVERY LIKE OF F16AD hRtpenotntcfl tlioOontliiont froui the Illavrji Klcr lo tko I'&clflc mope. The ODIOAGO ROOK IStuUsT ) & PA OIFIO RAZLWAY 'tho only line fyouiChlcaf.o ownln ; traoi tn vonaas , or which , by Ita unn rovJ , ruactici Ih Kilnts ftbovo named. No THAN8FIR3 r.T OABSIAUI to HlUSIXd COKNECTIOKUl No huddling In 111 entllatcd or unclean cam , at every tnsstntfer curled In roomy , clrcm &nd vontlltlcd crochet pan Kaat Exprosa Train ? DAT OAU.I of unrivaled nuKntOconee , PDLIUIM 'ALACB StiiKriKQ Cilia , and ourowuworld'fmaont DiNuta OARS , upon which movla nro ecrvcd of on urparaod ciccllonco , at the low nto of BivxxrY Fran CcNT uca , with ample time for huHhfu nloymcnt. Throush Can between Chicago , Pcorla , traukoo and Mbsvourl River Points : and close con nectloni at all polnta o ! Intctaectkm with othei oads. We ticket ( do not forget this ) directly lo eron ilico of Importance In IConaao. Nebraska , BUfk Illta. Wyomlue , Utah , Idaho , STada. Callfom.4 , Oregon , Wuhlugton Territory , Colorado , ArUon > and Now Mexico. Anil bcrnl arran emontt rcgnrdlc < bay iRfi any other line , and rates of faro Mnayi ad otr te competltora , who furnloh but A tithe 0 IBs coin , ort. ort.Dcg3 and tackle of sportsmen free. Tickets , niapo and folders at all prlnclpa offioii In the Onliod tiUtce and Canada. K. U. CABLE , B. BT. JOHN , Vlco 1'rcs't ft Qon. Ocn. Tkt and Pcj'r AS Wanteer. Ciilcairo flhlcwo. flhlcwo.ZSSi ZSSi IMPEBIS5ABLE ' PERFM5 Murray & Lanman's Best for TOILET. BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Succeiiful Remedy ever discov ered , as It Is cortaln In Ita cllccti and docs not blister. ItKAI ) 1'UOOl111KLOW. Alee excellent for humanllo h. FHOM A PROMINENT PHYSIOIAN. Vraahlngtcnvllle , eino , Juno 17 , 1B81 , in U. J. KKMIALI , , &Co. : dents Heading your ad vertisement In Turf , Field and Farm , of your KcmUH's Hmln | Cure , a'd'li.iriu ; * a valuable and speedy horeo which had been bino from ipavln for eighteen month * , I sent loyou for t. bottle by express , which In nix week a removed all lameness and enlargement and a larg ) Bpl'ot ' from another horse , and both horses are to-uay as Bound as colta. The ono bottle was worth tome mo ono hundred dollars , llcepectfully yo'irs , II , 4 , UKKTOLSIT , II , R. Bond for Illuitratod circular Klvlng positive proof. Price yi. All Dru lutti have It or can getltfer you. Dr. K. J , Kendall A Co ? , Pro- prlctore , linoabiirfli Falls , Vt. BOLt ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-wly To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or. J , B. Simpson's Specific II I ) * positive euro for Hpcmutoirhoa , Bemlaa WooLneaa. ImpotAncy , and all diseases rcaulllog from Self-Abuse , au Mental Aniloty , Losai Memory , Pains lu the Hack or flldt , and disease * " U * lead to Oousumptlon Insanity &HI Lcrlyirraie 'lie cpcclflo MoJIeluo Is being used with wonder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'ainphlots icct free tu i > ll. Wiie for lle/n and fit full juj. tnUrB. ! 1'rlrc , Epeclfle , tl.'O per psctage , cr eli pick , teas for 35.CO. Adu < uos all nrclcra t'J H. ( JIUBON MKDICINK Oti. Noa. IDS and 103 Main Ht lluffalo , N. Y. Sol'l In Omaha by 0 , V. Goodman , J. W , Uall , J , K. Ish , and all araggliUeverywbeio. < 1 tdbvr Fanoy and Staple Groceries , AT BED-ROCK PRICES. BUTTEK AND EGGS , FIIKBII WIOK TJIB OOUNTRV , No. 916 North Sixteenth St , m9-lm As Hs SWANs THE DAILY BEE MAHAPUbLICHINQCO. , PROPRIETORS 910 Frnh m ( b t. Oth Hnd 10th Qtreeti. TERMS OJT SUBSCRIPTION. O.ia copy 1 jt rln dM ncopo tiwlJ ) . . { 10.M J month ! " . . . 6.0C month " " - 8.00 TIME TABLE , CUD CHICAGO , rr. not , inn rcu AX OUAIU RAILROAD. Li iiv .OniJkh r < uwf nrtir No , I , 8:30 : .tn. Ac mmciUtloo No , 4 , IK ) ( p. m. AirlTtOmfch * Piw nir r No. 1 , tM p. m eccc sedation No. S,10CO : * . m. HIK9 OMAHA Un 01 SODTH OCTA 0. , B. it O. 7UO . m. 3tO n , m. a & N. W. , 7:10 : ft. m.-340 ! n. m. a , n. I. h 1' . , 7:10 : n , m. 8lO : p. m. S. CDt. J. A a n.,1wvrp it ISO ft. m. Mid 7:4 : m. ArilresttS I.LonUkt 6:80 : ti. m. nJ tC : ! m. m.W. . St. ! . . A , P. , ICATM t 8 * . m. nd BIOn : AttlVM A 81. Lonla t 0:40 : ft. m. nd 7:80 : m nut OB rotrrnwran. B. ti M , In Neb. , Through Kspresa , 8:10 ft m D. li II. IJncoln Kiprcts OiM p. tn. U P. Oretl ml Knprcsi. 12:16 : p. m. 0. k R. V. for Lincoln , llUS . m. 0. A \ \ V. for Orcool . 0:10 : a. m. 0. P Irelpht No. B , iSO : ft. in. 0. P I rcli-ht No. 0 , :20 : x in. U. P. freight Xo. 18.Mp. ) m. U. P. frdjlit No. T , C:10 : p. tn.-omlgunl. - . P. Donvrr oxprov , 7S& : p. nl. 0. P. frclrht No 11 , 11:80 : p. m. D. P. Detect frdslit , PSt : p. m. AHMYIKU mo wt uio noimr. 0 B. A Q t > .lO n. m. JiSJp m. a A N.f.t DMB n. m. 7:2i : p. m. 0. R. l.M'.0f ; > ! > . m. 96 p. in. K. 0. , Rt. Jo3 k ( I It. , 7:16 : . tr. . C4Eip. ; t. ) Anuivi fl rROU ni < ru ADD nocTiraut. 0. * R. V. fromMncolti TC8v. : in , XJ. T. TAdflo KjtptfSS 3:25 : p. u B' " * t M. In N l > . , Through Riiw > till p w. D. ii U. Lincoln Kjpross 0:16 : ft in. U. V. Denver oipre * ' , 7:36 : a. m. U. P. Freight No. 14-2:50 : ti. ni. U. P. No. U 6:10 : . in. Et.ilj' ( ot U. I' , freight No. K , t ; lC p. in. U. I' . No. S 0ro : jin. . U. P. No. IB-lilB n. m. IT , P. Doincr Iroltrht , 1JO : n. ni , 0. Ii K. V. rnlxcil , M. Mb p , in. tiuu.n ertwi'Ki oii/.ni AW Loava Ooi-.h nt BCO : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : antl llCO m , ; lyt v.eo , SM : , 4:00 : AnJtoop. : m. Lo vo OoniicU lilufTs at S':2.9:2S. : : . 10:25 : nnd : ; .t a. ui. ; l:2fi , 2:26 : , f.U , 1:25 : And 6:23 : p. m. 3un < ! ay Tlw dumuiy Imvin Onu-vhft at P:00 : Oil IIM n. in. ; : Cl ) , 4QO : and 6:00 : p. m. Lcivoa Psundl niunn at DUS : and 11:28 : a. m. ; 1:25 : , 1:25 : tnj Bf ; 6 p. HI. ThroUEh and lorM faHicncrcr tmlns hotwocn Oiimhn ttud found I D'.uftn. LIMVO Ouiaha C:1B , (46 ( , 8:61) : ft. DI. : 3:40 : , B:46 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40 : , 11:35 : , 11:46 : u. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:15 , . m p. _ _ _ * _ _ _ Opcnlncnnrt Ole lna of M III. BODTI. oral. oiosi , a. m. p. m. a. ni. p. m , hlctroN. W . 11.00 0M : t : 0 S:10 : hlwco , II I. ft livdrt o.llw : Boa : B:30 : S : o hl(3ffOlltQ - .11:00 : 8.00 B:30 : ? ! 40 Vab-uh ! . 1S:33 : 6:80 : Klo : loai City und raclftc. . : CO BSO : X:40 : Onion PaclU : . * :00 : 11 : < 0 ni hi&K.V . I'.W 11:10 : 3.SM. InNub . 4:00 : 8:10 : muh is. Sioux City. . . . CW : TftO .AM. Lincoln . 10:31 : 19:03 ' , F. Ltucoln , HnnOay. . . 1:30 : 11:03 : ' , P. Denver Eip. . . . . . . 0:00 : flCO : > . . uiwisCllyABt. r..ll:00 : Sio : Local u&.li lot Htutaot Ion Itivo but once ay , vlx:0UOn : , m , Office even Eunilt-fl from IS m. to 1 p. m. ON. F HALt P U. BirectorY. Abitrcct end Real tstatc. JOHN L. McOAQUit , oppotlto Teat Offlca. W , TV. BMITLKIT 817 SauUi IBtli Btrcul. Archltcctx. JUFUKNK * URNOKLGEOU1T. Itocui 11. Crcl bton Block. A. T. tAUOE Jr. , Hoom 2. CieUhton [ loots and Ohoco. JAMZ3 DnVINE & 00. , i-d Boota niJ llhooo. Acood Muaitment oico wcri on hand , corner 12th and Ilirnoy. fllOG. KIUOKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOI1N rORTUHATUS , Ji 10th direct , ? \anufacturca to order good work \ ftlr prlcoa. UeuAlrlrnMlono. ed Oprlng * . LAKRIMEH Manufacturer. 1617 Donrlasat. Books , flowo and Stationary. 3.1. FltUKlIAUK 1015 Farnhain Street Butter , and EKE . foBHANK & BCUHOEDEU. ( ha oldeat B , and E. JOUJO In NobraakA established 1876 Omaha. UBS. A. KYAH , oaihwest corner Iflthand DoJijo. Btttt Board for the Money. ft to.'actlau : Guaranteed , at Ml Homo. Board by the Diy , Week or Month. Oood Terms lor Cash , FurnWiod Rnnmn SupplIoJ. Unrrlnco * nnrt Road Waeoni. VU SKYDEU , llth and Ilsrnov BtroctJ. Clothing Uought. f. IIAKKI3 will pay hlRhoetCaahrrlce for cecood 3 nd clothlnr. CornorilOth and Varnuam. uowa on. JOHN HAUMKlt 1814 Farnbain Btroct. JunK. H. DKilTHOLD , UtRfl ftud Metal. LumberLlmo nd Cement. 703TKR & OKiY corner etb and Doufflag 8b. 1 Lamps and Qlaiaw ro. I. BONNRIl 1B09 DooKlna Ht. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors , 0. A. LINDQUK8T , iai > cf our most popular Merchant Ttllors la re- iclvlni ; the latent Joelcns for ( tyring and Summer 9ooda for Rciitlorncn'o wear. Btylluli , durable , tud prtco low on our 216 lEtb bet. Mlllliiery. KI1S. 0. A. niKOEItVliolMtlo tnd neUll , K n jy Uooti li jrrnat variety , Zephyrs , Card Boardn , Ucaicry , Ui voi. . , CoHcta , &c. Clieapoat Houao In i > .o\Vust. > iV .111 fno CO per cenl. Orilcr ay M ll. J "Win nth Strnot. rounui ) . fOUH WI'.A ONK ft SOUS cot Mlh& Jacktonttl Mour and Fer.rt. , JKA1IACUY MILLS , Mh ai.a Farnhim BU. , . , proprljtore. Crccsr * . , 21t bctron Cuiolng and lr r . A. Uc3 ' .NK , Coin. 23d and Cu = ilnf ( Htrceto. war o , Iron and btcn. JLAN ft IiANGWOJVjlirVholwale , 110 ftni1 A. IIOLUF,1) eornn I ail and California. Hcrne * * , fijddloi , tto. B. WEIBT SOlEthSt. bet Farn. ft Hamey. Hotel * AHFIELn 110UKE , Coo. CanUeld th & F rnh m OOnAlI 1IOUHU. 1' . H. ' Ctry , 13 Farnbam HI. BLAVKN'O HOTEL , F. Blavo'n , 10th 81. onthcin Hotel Ou > . llamol flth &Loar < nwortb ru , f alnti and Ullt. KUUN & CO. fhiimaclili. Fin i fane Uoodg , Ooi. HIS and Dougln ttrccta. V. J. WlIirEUOUPK , Wboleeale&neUU , IBthel. 0. FIELD , C23 North 81d Cumlng Street PARK , Prurtdat. 10th and Howard Btreeta. Dentltti. OB. PAUTj Wlllluna Illock Cor. Htb ft Dodze. ury uooa * notionn , tto. JOHN U. P. LCllMANIf & CO. , ie.ii Yoik Ury OooJa Store , 1310 ( nd U1S Tarn- him iitrcct. tu 0. nnrwpld 1so boots and chacs A ! Paclflc. purulturo. k V. GROSS , New asd ( JcjCaJ Hand Farnlture r.d Store * , 11H Uotulu. UljbMt cajli prlco 11J for eccoud l.eui 1:0309. CONHKB ISO } DscrU et. Fine ecsd &c. rrrce V/crKK , OUACA mice co. OUET , KB1EB 4 CO 12U Hamey HI. , Impiove d lea lcio , lice acd Wood Vencol , OAlca IMnn . Coiiulci pine and Walnut. r'awnttroxara. ROaENFKLD 10th Bt. . bet fur. & Hal Hotflgerwtor * , O nrleld' Patent , GOODMAN 1th et. bet. Farn. & uljcara and Tobacco , YVK8T & FEIT80DEII , manufactarer * ol Clgut , and Whole ftl Dealenl o Tobaccos , 1MB DougUl. N , r , LOIIKNZEN mauufactujer llieFunbau riorlrt. A. Donahue , riUnto , cnt flowew , fteedi , ooqntte ttc. N. W. cor. 16th and Dourlaa itreeta Olvll EnElntcra end Surveyor * , ANDRKW nOSSWATKTt , Crelghton Bloek , town Burrej-o , Grade and Sewerags Brttomj ft gpedilty. uommimon Mercnantt. JOHN a. WIL L1S.1IU Dodge Street. D B. BKB1IKR. For iletAlI * too large adrertt- ment In D llr anil WwVlv. Uornlce Work * . tVeitttn Cornice Wofki , Manufacturer * Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Rootling. Orden from any locality promptly executed In the b * t manner , Factory and Offlco ISIS Uarney St 0. 8FF.CHT , Troprletor. Oalranlrtd Iron Cornice * . Window Can , etc. , mannlactured ami put up In any wrt of the eountrv. T. BINHOLU tin Thirteenth itreel Crockery , J. BONNER 1809 Doncla ) itrwl. Good lino. Olothlng and Furnlthlng OCKXI. OKO. H. PCTERSON. Alno Hate , Oapg. IJoohl , Shoo * Notlem and Cutlery. 804 8.10th Itreet Show Oata Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kind * of Show Catcw , Upright CMC * , & ' . , 1317 CMI Bt FRANK L. QKRHAnp , proprietor Omah % Show Caao mtmifactory , BIB South 16lh street , jotwcon Loavcnntirtli and Uarcy , All gooda trnmntod nrst-rlv i. ovoo ana mwaro. A. RURMKSTRll , Dcalot In Etovos and Ttnirare , and Mwintictnini of Tin Hcof.1 and all hlndi of Building Wnrli , Odd Triton * ' Bloek. ' . nONNTIt. IMil Dnntl n HK oad and Cheap. jOeed * . l. EVANS , \Miolcralo And Retail Herd Drills and Odd 1'tlliun Hall Phyilclani and Bvrneori * . U * . B , Qllina , M. U. , r.ccm No i , Crelghtcn lluck. lf.tli . Btreet. P. H. LCISKNUINO , K. 1) . Muontc Blotik. 0. L. I1AUT , M. D. , Kye and Htr , opp. pootoQIta ltt , I. . J3. ORADDV. Ocullat Hnd AmM. S. W l&th r.d Tainhim flto Pliotccrapncra. OKO. Hr.VN. ruor. Orand Central Onllcty , 212 Hilt-couth SticcU near Uaconlc Hill. Htst-cltio Work and Prompt- Plumbing , Uai end utaain I P. W. TAUP V & CO. , 21612 Ht , bet. Fwnhurn aud Douglas. Work pronip y attended to. D. rtTZl'ATUlCK. 1 0auctUi 8troe > . aiming an aper aiglng. TKNKY A. KOSTKHS. 141 Dodge Blieet Shoe Store * . Phillip Lan 1120 Farnham ft lt 18th A Ilttr. Bocond Hand Store. PRRKINS d LKAH , Hlfl UouirUi St. . New and Bocond HandFurnlturo , UOUM VSirnlthlnirOoodi. ftc. . . bought and nolil on narrow m rgln > . Unaertaken. C1IA8. RIHWB , 1011 Fnrnlmm bcl. 10th ft lltd. DO Oont Otoret. P. C. CAOKU3 K rnhani SI. , rancr OoodP Baloone , HKN11Y KAUFS1ANN , tn tna now bilck block on DotiirlM Btrtiel , h Jusi oj''nod n coot ckgAtit lIccJ 1UU. Uob I.unch from 10 to 12 every day. 11 Caledonia " J , FALCOIIItU 870 IBth StroH. WEIGHT ONLY 100 IBS. riSsg ? ? fe& 4000 > Bi WAGON BOX' Can Be Handled By a Boy. The box need never bo tiken oO the wngon anil oil theihollcd > Jraiu and Grass Seed Is Saved ! It coslslcsa than tlio oltl eUlo racks. Every tandard wagon la cnlil with our rack complete. BUY NONE WITHOUT IT. Or buy tbo attachments acd apply them to our old wagon box. For cnlo In Nebraska by J. C.'C'MHK. I.'llCOln. MANNING it 1 1ms , Qualm. Fnr.i > > KDDit , ( Irand Inland. lUoaiKTr &ORKKX , llast'ni ' ; ) . CIUIIUH , Columbuii. BrtNonLRJc VVSH , ItcdC'loud , 0. II. CtUNK & Co. , lied Oak , Iowa. li. W. UuMKU'.OIomvoo'l , low * . And every II rut class dtnler In the west. A k .hem for dcucrlptho circular or feud direct to us. J , McOallum Bros. Manuf'g Oo.r , Ofllce , 21 West Like Street , Chicago. _ mi > y23-lw FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , .MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluta Eatt and South-East TllELINKCOMI'HISKa Nearly 4.000 miles , Bolld Smooth Steel Trucks ill ccnuucitona nro umlo In UNION DbPOTB. t has a National Ilcpntatlon as belni ; the Greut Through Our Line , and la unlvortolly oiic&Jed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Half oad In Iho world lor all classes uf travel , Try Hand you \\Ill ilnJ trayolluff a Inxury DBtCld Of ft llldCOIllfort , Through Ticket * vU rhls Celebrated Line foi ulo at all otnccs In the West. All Information about Kates of Faro , Sleeping Car Accommodationj.Tlrno Tablet , Ac , , will bo cheerfully L-lvon bv ' applylulur to T. J. I'OTTE'H , 2d Vlco.l'rj 't * Ocn. Manajror.Chlcago. PCRCIVAL LOWELL , Ocn , Patuei vur A't. ( Chlc o , W. J. DAVKNPOHT , Gen. AL'eut , Oonncll BluOs. II , P , UUELL , Ticket AK , ronubft. moni-ed'ly ANTI-MONOPOLY LEAGUE. Illauk lucmbernhlii roltu for the antl-monpoi.r cft ue. contilolnt ; etatomunt of pnac pie intt- tods of prvcedure and Instructions how to organ , lo , will be sent ou application to 0 , II. Cale iKlroy , Nth. EnclcuDtUuip. ulB-11