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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA SATURDAY MORNING MAY 27 , Ib82. 291 THE DIBBELL TO PAY. . A Brilliant Display of Political * l Frenzy in the Lower HOUFO , Scones of Disorder and Confu sion Rivaling ths Days of Hill and Blaino. Sandall Loads the Democratic Babble to the Goal of Their Ambition. Forcing the Majority to Cau cus and Consider a Compromise. - * ' . "The" * Senate Wearily Plods Its Woy Through Much Im portant Business. .Another Unsuccessful Attempt to ttart the Star Route Trials. .A Tlppooanoo 'Warrior Emom Hi a Conscience-to tlia xtont of Twoktjr Cents. CONGRESS. National AModatod Pron. SENATE rnOCEEDINOS. WASHINOTON , D , 0. , May 26. Senator -ator Bayard , from the finance com .mittoo , reported a substitute for th house whisky bill. The substitute , h -stated , had been prepared at the treasury department. The substitute ia the Bamo as the house bill , oxcop the first , tenth and eleventh sections The latter is stricken out. The period of bond is made five yean , with interest torest rate of 5 per cent on the tax after three years. The substitute -allows the present bonded period o three yoara to bo extended on written request and renewal of bond. The Creek orphan fund bill waa dis cussed until 2 p. m , , then went over The bill providing for removal o obstructions in navigable rivers passed The Japanese indemnity bill was i taken up and Senator Jones ( Fla. continued his speech. Senator Morgan followed with a long speech. Senator Saunders offered an amend ment to pay the United States consul -at the time of the trouble § 15,000 out ' of the fund. Senator Jones , of Florida , proposad -an amendment tliat before the pay ment of any money used by this bill , iho president communicate with the governmenta of Great Britain , France and Netherlands the action taken by congress , and request their cooperation ation in making rostitution.for monies received from them. Adjourned at 5 p. m. c HOtJSJB rilOCKBDINOS. The session was a ropitition of yes terday's. The Maekey.Dibbel elec tion contest was called up. On the question of its consideration , illlbai- toring was resumed by the democrats interposing a motion to adjourn , with a call tor the ayes and nays. After several hours of this sort of tactics , Mr. Moore ( Tonn ) arose to a question of parliamentary inquiry , asking "if it were true that several of the pres ent members of the house were lately in rebellion against the government , and were by the government's clem ency permitted to return to citizen ship in the United States , and through that representation of their constitu encies in congress , and if such bo'tho case had thoao members a right to ob struct the public laws of the govern ment which had treated them BO mag- nannimouslj ? This inquiry produced great con fusion , the democrats claimed the inquiry was out of order , and Mr. Bandoll demanded it bo so filed. Mr. Marsh (111. ( ) asked what right Handall had to act on the floor as speaker , and assume the functions of that officer. The disorder became so great that the speaker threatened to call upon the sorgeant-ut-nrms to suppress it. He finally succeeded in securing order , and Morse's inquiry was ruled out of order , and the monotonous work of calling the roll and fillibus- toring was resumed and continued until 4:30 : p. m. , when Mr. Blackburn rose and stated that ho desired to submit a proposition with the hone that it would lead to a solution of the difliculty. Mr , Calkins replied that ho would bo glad to listen to the proposition , without binding to do more until ho know what it waa , The proposition was then submitted , which was to the effect that a committee - too of five members bo appointed to visit South Caiolina and inquire into the authenticity of the affidavits and other matters submitted as testimony in the case and examine also into the allegation ? of alterations of testimony given and of loss or failure to use the original notes of testimony , and to re port to the bouao all facts so obtained. Me. Calkins aaid that while he could repel anything that ho thought was intended to reflect on the committee - tee on elections , ho would not so con- eider this , but would aek for a few moments to consult with some mom- bora Bf the republican aide in order to BOO if some counter proposition could not bo made to take the place of this and ba acceptable to both sides. Mr. Blackburn replied that ho had no intention of reflecting on the committee - mitteo on elections. Mr. Belford wanted to discuss thi question , but the speaker ruled dis cusaion out of order. Then Mr. Bel ford objected , as did also Mr. Wash burne and Hazelton. A acono of con fusion followed , a largo number of members trying to apeak. Finally , when order was restored , the republi cans indicated a willingness to vote aye on the pending motion to ad journ , which WAS put and adopted al 4:20 : p. m. Mr , llobeson called a caucua of the republicans to meet at 4:25 : p.m. in the kail of the housn , to consider the proposition and ngroo upon the future course. TUB CAUCt'3 CONCLUSION. The fooling among republicans is strong not to lot the MackoyDibboll case go back to the oloctiona committee - too and bsforo yielding to that , an effort will bo made to amend the rules so as to dispose of the case as a high constitutional duty of the houso. A proposition having bocn submitted to the nouso by Blackburn'of Kentucky , on behalf of the minority , the majority will submit the following : Whereas , Wo are entirely satisfied that the allegations made by Mr. Samuel Dibbcl as to forgery and falsi fied evidence have been fully , fairly and exhaustively considered by the committee on flections , and arguments thereon have boon fully hoard ; aud Whereas , The cause now comes up for consideration in the house , and there has been no discussion whatever in the house thereon , and as the house cannot vote intelligently with no guide except raero allegations on ono side , on Any proposition to refer to a now committee a question which has already boeu considered by the appropriate committee , but must have the benefit of a full and free discus sion in order to enable the houao to decide the question understanding ; therefore , wo submit the following proposition : Resolved , That the honso immedi ately proceed to the consideration of tko Mackoy-Dibbcl case , and after six hours discussion the house shall vote on thi question of recommittal by a yea and nay vote , and if the houao shall decide thia in the negative , it shall thereupon continue to consider the case until it is finally finished , without dilatory motions. CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated Prow TUB STAR HOCTU CASE * . WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 20. An other attempt waamado to-day to start the trial of the indicted star routers. All the defendants were present. At torney General Brawater appeared for the prosecution , Dorsey'a counsel moved to quash the indictments OB the ground that the former indictment - ment covered the caso. Others asked for a continuance until to-morrow in order to prepare papers. Browster urged prompt hearing , aa it was ever a year since the proceedings began and nothing had been done yet. Ho meant to appear as often aa poaaiblo and secure some conclusion as. soon as possible. Wilson , of the counsel for ; ho defence , said all .the delays thus far were duo to the government's 'course. Adjourned nntil to-morrow. The government rtfosod to toll which case it would preientfirst , thadotonco alleging it did notmakoany difference , aa the defence in all were identical. A CLEAK CONSCIENCE. An ex-soldier at Tippocanoo , Ohio , sends to the treasury twenty cents on account of three cartridges ho misap propriated while in the army. Tno president and" party went to New York at 4:10 p. la. " The First National bank of Flusha ing , Mich. , capital $50,000 , was au thorized to begin business. FINANCIAL. A few 810 refunding certificates is sued in 1870 , which are convertible into 4 per cent bonds , are still out- standing , and the attorney general decides that hereafter , where accrued interest amounts to § 50 , or multiples f that amount , are entitled to receive jonds for interest as well as the prin cipal of the certificates , as no payment of interest can be made on thoao cer- .ilicatos until they are convortod. Those still outstanding carry upwards of three years-interest. POINTS. In transmitting to congress the cor- roopondonco on the subject of the action of Franco on American pork , Secretary Frolinqhuyson suggests that there might bo aome legislative modi- Scation of the existing rules , BO as to ? ivo assurance to the French govern ment that none but boalthy moats will hereafter bo exported from the UniUd Statoa. 4 LANI > TITLES. The commissioner of the general land office decides that a land title does not pans to the government , and that ho still has jurisdiction .in land patent cases whordtho patent has been only partially completed or recorded , . J100KWALTEB. It is reported , and it is not im probable , that Bookwalter , late demo cratic candidate for governor of Ohio , will bo appointed member of the tar iff commission. Although a free trader Brookwaltor is a largo manu facturer of diversified interests in several ctutes. TAUIFF COMMISSIONERS. At a cabinet meeting to-day sovou members of the tariff commission were decided upon , of which Mr. Oliver , of Pennsylvania , Mr. Mitchell , of Wisconsin , Mr , Bookwaltor , of * Ohio , are believed to bo throo. Secretary Folger announced ho would issue a call for $15.000,000 BIX per cent , bonds on Saturday or Mon day. The matter of straw whiaky bonds was considered , and investiga tion was decided upon. Labor Troubles. National Aesodatod From NKW YOKK , May 20.---The strike of the boilormakurs for increase of pay assumed a now aspect to-day , Of the seventeen shops whoso men had gene back at the deairod increase , Cf- teen were declared again on a atriko. and thus about 800 men have joined the ranks of strikers , The determi nation to order men on a strike who had gene back to work at a higher rate of wages was owing to bad faith on the part of employers. The committees - mitteos detected violation of pledges in four or five instances and it wat deemed best for protection to order out all men who had gene back to work until their demind is conceded by all employers. Exception was made in favor of Cramp & Son , who have kept their pledge with the boiler maker's union. There ia no longer any doub * as to the disposition of n majority ol the employers to make the necessary concession. They are hindered by the Dolnmatro iron works and lloacb , t Son , and it is said that the action of the strikers in case they should concede the advance rates would bo followed generally , The coal shovolors along E at Ilivor who have bcon on a strike for an nd- vance from 1'J to 1C couts on the ton , were generally successful to-day , all employers with ono or two exceptions having conceded the desired increase. PREPARE FOR WAR. The Ugyptions Spurn the Ulti matum of England and Franco. Dotnn&inod to Fight for Homo Rnlo If Noootsnrr- CAIRO , May 20. The Egyptian ministry has rejected the demands of thn governments of Franco and England , and deny _ their right to in terfere with the internal affairs of Egypt , and decline to discuss the position except with the aultan. Arab ! Boy , minister of war , has sent a inoasago to Constantinople , assuring the sultan of their legal devotion to the national party , and asks for the deposition of the khedive in favor of Prince Kalimu. Late this afternoon there was a rumor that the ministry intended to resign to-morrow , but the rumor can not bo traced to a reliable source. SPORTING. National Associated 1'roea TUB LOU1SVILLB LOUISVILLK , May 26. The tenth by of the spring mooting of the Louisville jockey club had a good audience. Six events were on the card. First race , three-quarter of a mile , was won by Robert Bruce , Regicide - cido second ; time , 1:15J. : Second race , for all ages , milo and a quarter , was won by John Happy , Boulevard second ; time , 2:11. : Third race , Swigort stakes , for all aqoi , ono mile , waa won by Check mate , Running Maidsecond ; time , 1:41. : 1:41.Fourth Fourth race , for all agoa , owners to handicap their own horses , milo and a furlong , was won by Bramballotta , Aleck Ament second ; time , 1:44. Fifth race , Fleetwood stakes for three-year-olds , was won by Mono gram in two heats , Harry Gilmore second in the first and Capias in the last heat ; time , 1:43 : $ , 1:43. : Sixth race , handicap steeple chase , about a mild and a half , was won by Guy , Miss Malloy second ; time , 3:031. : MARYLAND JOCKEYS. BALTIMORE , May 26 There were six events on the card to-day at the spring meeting of the Maryland Jockey club. First race , Chesapeake stakes , for three year old fillies , milo and a quar ter ( , waa won by Memento , Infanta second ( , Venus third ; time , 2:31. : Second race , for three year olds , selling allowance , three-quarters of a mils , was won by Chickadee , Minerva second , Cordova third ; time , 1:20. : Third race , Cabaugh's memorial stakes , for two year olds , one-half milo , was won by Honlopon , Barbarian second , Empress third ; time , 01. Fourth race , for Wl ages , ono mile , was won by Rob Roy , Ohio Boy second end , Spark third ; time , 1:49. : Fifth race , free handicap , for all ages , mile and a quarter , was won by Little Buttercup , Ella Warfiold BOC- end , Bye and Bye third ; time , 2:14i. : Sixth race , for all ages , two mile tioats , had two starters , Nettle and Surge , It was won by the former In 3:10 : , 3:14. : EI'HOM PARK. LONDON , May 2&--In ho grace of the Oaks stakes at Epsonji to-day , Geheimnoss won. Margcoritto second , and Nellie third. BASE BALL. BOSTON , Mass. , May 20. Bostons , ; Providence , 7. TROT , N. Y. , May 20. Treys , 9 ; Worcefltors , C. DETROIT , Mioh.May20. Chicagos , 3 ; Dotroits , 7. BUFFALO , N. Y. , May 26. Buffo- os , 8"Clcvolands ; , 9. COLUMBUS RACES. COLUMDUS , May 26. Closing day day of Cnluinbui driving park sum mary : For 2:17 : class , purse $800 , divided ; Alloy 1,1 , 1 ; J. B. Thorn an 3 , 3 , 2 ; Vollairo 2 , 2 , 3 ; time 2:25J : , 2:25J : , 2:20. : Second race , 2:27 : class , purse $800 , " dividend ; Una 0 , 4 , distanced ; Msinio 4 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 3 , 2 ; Strcmo 3 , 3 , 3 , D , 4 ; Frank Landers 1 , 0 , D. 4,1 , 3 ; Maroiu M 0 , 5 , 4 , 2 , 2 ; Aldine 2 , 2. 1 , 3 , C , 1 ; time 2:20 : $ , 2:25 : ? , 2:2i : 2:20i : , it 2:27 : , 2:33J. : The nicu will bo finished " at 0 a , m."to-morrow , John Splun , driver of Voltaire , was fined $50 for foul ' driving , ' ' A Foyno Story , National Auoclatid nest. PHILADKLFIJIA , Pa. , May 20. Patrick Fey , of Sligo county , Ireland , a steerage passenger on the steamer British Kint ; , which arrived Monday , visited the British consul's oflico this afternoon , and stated that a passenger who jumped overboard during the a passage remarked , a few minutea be fore ho went ever the rail , "I am the man who killed Lord Gavondifih. " Fey Bays ho is positive as to the sui cide's words , as ho was standing close when he uttered them. The consul , however , thinks Fey is merely seek ing notoriety. Xiooal Election * , National Aesodatod Free * . NouroLE , Ta. , May 96. The mun icipal election held here yesterday pas * nod off quietly , Win , Lamb , present incumbent , was ro-elocted mayor , The entire coalition republican-re adjuster ticket was elected with thi exception of M. D , Moekins , ( colored , , for street inspector , The vote was the heaviest ever cast in Norfolk. The entire democratic tiokot wa ; sloctod at Portsmouth , THE MASHING MAJOR. A Backslider Bored by an En raged Husband Whose Oas- sell was Wrecked , The Frail Wife Kicked Out of the House and Oam- pello'd to Ply. A Sprig of the Law Rune Foul of a Bullet at Aurora. A Forged Drafb on an Omaha Bank Passed at VaiJ , In , A Scandal MOB * * ? Soundly Wal- loppAdby MI Editor at Poorln. A Stralgut-Halred Youth , Rejected by a Rod-Hoadod-iQlrl , Plpea Bta Peace. GRIMINAX/NEWS. BpccUl Dispatch to Tn Btt. AURORA DOItE-XLia. AURORA , Nab. , May 16. ! A Bean- dalous affair was brought to light hero last evening , which resulted in a little shooting affray this morning , causing no little excitement in our quiet little town , Aa far as can bo gathered , the the faota are as follows : Last evening Mr. J. N. Oasoell , of this place , throw his wife out of the liouso , charging her with improper conduct with Mr. J. S. Miller , an attorney of this place. Thli morning as Miller was coming down tocvn , and just as ho was passing Mr.Oassoll'soulcothat rnntloman drew hia revolver and fired two shots , the first taking fleet in the major's right arm , just above the jolbow , inflicting a severe flesh wound. The second shot , which wan on a line with the heart waa turned aside by some pa pers ia a bill book in the major's coat pocket. Mr. Caaaoll attempted to tire the third shot , but was prevented from doing so by Mr. Burchill , the city marshal , who w&a near by whoa the firing commenced. Major Miller was taken to Dr. Brickor's oflico , who dressed the wounds , after which ho was taken homo. Mr. Cassoll is now in the hands of an officer. SUCCESSFUL FOUOKKY. Special Dispatch to THE BEE. VAIL , Iowa , May 20. A forged draft to the amount of $850 waa passed on a man named Wagner , pay able at Oaldwoll , Hamilton & Co. , bankers , Omaha. Th forgora . large. Great excitotmti. t was created. A WARMING TO E Dyj > l. DBTROIT , Michy , May iittFrod Straight , a wc.ll connected youn Juun of Grand Rapids , killed himself in the jail last night. Ho had been rejected by a rod headed servant girl with whom bo was in love , and said ho would kill her When arrested ho was looking in her window and had a razor , a pistol and a quantity of mor phine. REFORMED THE WRONG WAY. Lewis P. Gale , ono of the brightest journalists in Michigan , but who of late has boon a wreck through drink , has boon convicted of forgery He forged a mortgage on the property of an estimable lady who had tried to reform him. Ho says ho will commit Bulcido before ho gons to state prison. A BCANDAL MONOKli MAULED. PKORIA , 111. , May 26. J. H. Mon ger , editor of an evening paper of this city , was severely pounded by Col. Wm. T. Dowdall , of The Democrat. For Bomo days past this follow Mon- jer has published a filthy papsr , busing some of the boat and most enterprising citizens. In a recent number ho reflected on Col. Dowdall , who resented as above. Had Monger tot taken to his heels and ran awpy 10 would have boon severely handled. Aa it ifl ho wears a beautiful pair of > laok eyes and a broken nose. BLAOKMAIL. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , May 16. Ohas. Cooper , a clerk to Edwin , ex- Jnitod States minister of Liberia , was arrested on the charge of attempt- ng to blackmail his employer for two houaund dollars by Bonding thrua.on- ng letters , and exploding harmless jomba in the odico hall way , alleging .hoy must have boon thrown through > y the enemy. THE MALLBY OAflK. NEW HAYIN , CONN. , May 20.-In ; ho trial of the Malloya to-day , Olmer , bookkeeper at Bradford Point iiouse , testified that Walter Malloy and Blanche- Douglas were at that liouso the evening of Friday , August 3th , up to 9 o'clock. Patrick Murphy and Misa Burns testified thny saw James Malloy and Miss Borland on Jhapol atrout , New Haven , Friday afternoon - tornoon , August 5th , at the same time ono of the prosecution's witnesses Bwore Jainea and Jennie wore on the jreon together. The trial this after * noon occupied forty.five minutes only , Ono witness waa sworn , Miss Harland , young lady whom Patrick Murphy and Miss Burns testified they saw in the ctmpany of James Malloy , on Chapel street , Friday , August 5th , She told her story , which was corroborated by the above witnesses , iu a straight forward man ner. It is thought the case will bo concluded Juno 3d , Adjourned untT Wednesday morning. THE LAW ON lYNUlIEKH. KANBAK CITY , May 20. On the * def of April Levl Harrington , colored waa mobbed in thia city , being taken from the officers by a crowd of a thousand men and hung , to a bridge The mob afterward thot several bullets lots into his body. To date no arrest have boon made of parties connoctn with the mob , A few days since th judge of the criminal court , In deliv ering hia charge to the grand jury I enjoined that body to make dillgnt search for the leaden of the lawless crowd. To-dny Goo. Miller and Mathew - how B. Jones were arrested , charged with inciting the mob. Sufficient ividcnco is thought to hare boon ob tained to convict the parties now in custody , A COWARDLY UHUTK. SALT LAKR CITY , Utah , May 20. A pedal from Milford brings news of n lorriblo tragedy near there yesterday , John A. Smyth , n ranchman , asked n's wife for a clean shirt. Shoaaid ho would got it in a minuto. Smyth aid to his married daughter ho would ottlo this trouble now , nnd taking his hotgun fired ono chnrgo into the back f his wife , She not falling imme- liatoly , ho Grod n second charge , when she foil , and was dying at last ccouuts. Smyth deliberately loaded ho shotgun and wont to an outhouse , astonod a string to the trigger , and eely shot himself , dying two hours Ttorwards. Ho waa subjects to tits f insanity. - i ' . . . . . Pnolfio Coa t Notoa- latlonal AMocliteul Prat. SAN FJIANOISCO , May 26 , Mrs. 2llon Maria Colton , executrix of the ate D. D. Cotton , sues her husband's mrtnors , Lcland Stanford , 0. P. luntington , Charles Crocker , and Veils , Fargo & Co. , and asks ho court to set asidp the grcomcnt made by her with do- ondants on August 27 th , 1870 , n which oho transferred certain stocks nd bonds. She alleges that by fraud hey deprived her of § 2,000,000 of her uisband'a estate. , A prirato telegram received Hero tatos that Tombstone , Arizona , is in ishes. Wires are down. No particu- are. Botlor Explosion. aUon&l Associated Press. TALLAHAHSBH , Fin. , May 20. A > oilor exploded yesterday in Col. Bradford's mill at Bradfordvillo , kill- ng one man and a boy outright , and mortally wounding a man and woman , nd injuring others. SXECTRIO BRIEFS. ailonal Associated frees A snow slide in Big Cottouwood canon , Utah , Thursday night , passed vor Teresa mine , crushing the shaft louse and carrying Robert Greaves , 10 lessee , 400Jfoot and burying him nder 70 feet of snow , rook a and ore- 'artioa are searching for the body. Jrcavca' son was buried in the house , ut was rescued before lifo waa extinct. The Union Pulp and Paper com- any's property at Havorilf , Mass. . ran purchased by Massachusetts and JOY , Hampshire capitalists for $200- UO , who will operate it once under the naino of the Hivorill Fibre com pany. John Pbpo Hodnott , president of ic United Labor Icsgno of America , oft Chicago last night on a tour irough the west to explain to capi- . alista the achomo for a national labor eaqun railway from Now York to San Francisco. ' .Thu. jfommUJic * on ( arbitration o ! bo Chicago board of trade fixed the irico on defaulted April wheat at 51.31. Over four hundred million ) ushols were defaulted on April con- .racts. The board will hold no ses sion Monday and Tuesday. Indications. Nitlonal Associated I'rosa. WAHIIINOTON , D. 0. , May 20 > 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi and Missouri valley , partly cloudy weath er , with local rains , winds mostly northerly , stationary or lower tem perature , generally higher pressure. Marino- National Associated I'rosj , NEW YORK , May 26 ; Arrived The Penn Land from Antwerp , the Odor from Bremen , the Cimbria from Hamburg , the Beunsching from Bre men , the Holland from London. BALTIMORE , May 20 , Arrived Strosahurg from Bromon. BOSTON , May 20. Arrived The 'alcstino ' from Liverpool. HAMBURG , May 20. Arrived The lohomia from New York. GLASGOW , May 26. Arrived The lanitoba from Montreal ; sailed , the tate of Nebraska and the Dovonia or Now York. ' BREUKN , May 20. S-iilud The Loin for How York , QUEUNHTOWN , May 20. Sailed 'ho Brittanic for Now York. Buslntu Failure * . 'atlonat Aiaocmted 1'rcim NEW YOKK , May 20. There were 21 failures reported to Bradatroot'a uring the past week , an increase of j ever previous week and 23 more turn in the same wodk last year. The ) , -M. Orandall company , manufoc- urers of toys and building blocks , lotified its eroditorfl that o. receiver md boon appointed to got the concern jut of the entanglement resulting rom the affairs of Uarwood & Bock- wlth , the agents for whom receivers rero recently appointed. Liabilities ( oliovod to bo largo. Reports from Worcester , Mass. , late that E. N , Obilda , manufao- uror of shoos failed ; liabilities $50- 000 , assets $25,000. Marcua Nathan , jobber in dry geode , Lebanon , Pa. , oonfesaed judg- nont In $13,000 ; execution haa buwi Liabilities $20,000. Von B Vandortilt' * Will. 'atlonal Associated I'rosi. NEW YORK , May 20. Rumor eaya iho will of the late Cornelius J. Van. dorbilt , jr. , will bo contested by hia Bister , Sirs. Francis Borgor. Whether or not the report ia true could not bo ascertained. John E. Lord , who ia counsel of Mrs. Berger , said that the matter had not been decided upon , and that he was not at liberty to say what possible action might bo taken. Ho Bald they would wait and aoeif the case IB brought before the surrogate. Hart ford , Pa. Thomas Fltchan. Bradford , Pa. , writes : "I oncloae money for Sruiha IJLOSdOM , AS I Id I would H It cured me. My dy . iH > al haa vanished , with all Ita aymp. tows. Mduy thauku ; I shall never be without It In the house.1' 1'rlce DO cents , trial bottlei 10 cents. in23dlw FRIGHTFUL FIRES. Showers of Burning Oil Thrown on i Orowd at Manaynnlr , Pa , Two Barrels of the Fluid Ex plode , and Many Deaths Result. Destruction of the Most Bxton- otvo Bmolting Workti in Colorado. Loss of Four Hundred Thous-l0. and Dollars , With Oompa- tively Small Insurance. Calnmity. Kktlonkl AnocUted tit * . PHILADELPHIA , May 26. A flro broke out to-night in the grocery store of Robert MoNcal , at Mana- yunk , n manufacturing suburb of this city. While the firemen were otu doavoring to extinguish the flames a largo barrel of coal oil took fire and exploded with terrific effect , the burn ing iluid being scattered over the firemen mon and spectators who were watching their operations. The explosion was o sudden that lookers-on who were unharmed stood for a moment para lyzed until the shrieks and groans of the wounded awakened them to the real situation. Inatantly there was a rush to the relief of the BUflorets , but juot nt this moment another bar rel exploded and the burning fluid was thrown over many who had es caped the first calamity. The Hcono which followed bog- gara dotcription. The air was filled with cries and moans , and hundrcdo of friends and relatives of the aillicted , who had bcon attracted by the sound of the explosion , came rnshinc from all parts of the village to the spot with loud lamentations. Medical assistance was telegraphed for from the surrounding country and Philadelphia , and the injured roco'.rjd every possible attention. Among these who ) it is expected , will die are David Shrunk , a fire mm ; Patrick Taeglo , John McNoal , JOB. EnRlohart , Jan. Kane , Henry Neally. The seriously injured include Thos. Mulligan and Greenwood Forth , firemen mon ; Lambert Shunter , James Down ing , Samuel Frazer , John. Crawford , Albright Pinard , John Hutohinson , Robert Morrow , Wiru Eastwick , Ei. Hipnoy , Archie Thompson and Jas. Morgan. OaweU Henry , a clerk IH McNcall'a store , was tapping a coal oil barrel in the collar. The rubbioh caught fire from the gas jet and communicated it to the barrel. Two other barrels in the cellar , ono containing coal , the other head-light oil , instantly plodod , tearing out the firat floor und front of the house. Henry made , a narrow escape with- some injuriei % to his face. Some of the ponjons injured were taken home ; the remainder were car ried to Bray'B drug atoro and were attended by Dr. Abbott. The loss on the building is $4,500 ; insurance 8217GO. Firemen Daniel Shrunk , Jas. Engle- liart and Thos. Mulligan , of ongmo No. 12 , and Patrick Coatollo are fatally injured. CARRIAGE IfAOTORY BURNING. WILMINGTON. Del. , May 27. Mo- Lea & Kendall's immense carriage factory , ono unjwro in length , from King to French streets , was discov ered on fire at 12 o'clock last night ' and is now burning. The build ing will bo a total loss and nearly all stock , carriages and trimmings , will bo destroyed. ' The loss will amount to many thou sands of dollars. Great excitement ' prevails. The whole fire department ' IB in service. Thecupola foil at 10DD/ : ' . m. and throw sparks ono hundred . E. : et in the air. The wind is from the south and much danger is felt for dwelling houses near by. The fire ( men are confining their energies to saving adjoining property. N Special to the-Domer Trlbuna. LKADVIM.E. May 25. At 11:45 : , last evening one of the most diaastrou/i conflagratsofiH , taking the present and rospcotivo results into consideration , mt haa over visited L advillo oo- urrod at the Grant Smelting coropa- y's works , nilitatod on Front stsoet , id facing California , gulch. It-aeoms tat tlte men employed on the watch , umbaring ever two hundred , , wore ust taking their repast A rtiaavio EXPLOSION , .as heard in what waa known CA the urnaco room , which has an. onon roni , covered with a shod extending 10 whole length of the building , and aoing on California gulch. T-ho work- ion immediately rushed to tliat por- icu of the worka , and discovered that lirnaco No. 3 , in some mysterious nannor as yofc unexplained , had exploded - plodod , Bcattaring the boiling , Booth- ; ng inaes of elag and bullion contained n it in c ory direction. As the > uilding was entirely ofi wood save ho roof , which was c ! corrugated iroah lie hot metal very BOOH BET MXl ! TO TUB , 1/ltAMRWOHK surrounding it , and in ten mlnu despite tfca efforts cf the men employed about tie works , the entire fuxnuco room was enveloped in flames. The ire companies , which are all situated at considerable diatanco from , the works , and also labored under the dis advantage of being few in numbers and disorganized , could do but little a > atay the devouring flames , and in less than half an hour the KNTI1US WOUKH WERE IK ABU EH. The works of the present Grant mnolting company were first started in 1878 , when J , and J. B , Grant put up ono small funmco , to which addi tions were soon afterward mado. In 1870 the worka consisted of ouW two small f uruaooBuid were then found too small to accommodate their fast increasing business. In 1881 the firm was changed. , Mr. Edward Eddy and Mr , W. H. Jarnoa buying in , forming the present company , which controls the largest smelting works about Lond- villo or in the stale. The preduction of bullion of the smelter for last year amounted to ever $4,000,000 , and thin year , if the works had remained stand ing , the output would have boon largely increased. The main building was .750 feet long by about 150 feet wide , besides numerous charcoal and. coke bins , which were all destroyed. TUB LOSS , as stated by Mr. James , amounts to $400,000 , with an insurance of only $0r > ,0 0 , carried principally by Bates , Chittendon & Co. . of Denver , in the following companies : Queen of Liver pool ; South British and National , of Now Zealand ; Insurance Company of North America ; Philadelphia ; La Con- , v fidanco f ! , of Paris ; Fire Insurance asao- / * | ciation . , of London ; London and Northwestern , of London ; Continental , of Now York ; Gorman-American , of Now York ; Standard , of London ; Pennsylvania Fire , of Philadelphia ; American , of Newark ; California , off California , and Commercial , of Cali,4 forms. DXNVKR , May 2d A dispatch from Tombstone , Arizona , saya a _ fire yes terday destroyed a largo portion of the town.-including three of the princi pal hotels , two nowspappr officers , and the Western Union telegraph * office. The loss is estimated at $500j- 000 ; inaurance , $25)000. ) Si'iirna LAKE. Mich. , . May 20. A fire this morning destroyed six or seven million foot of lumber iu fiisaon & Lil lie's yards. The lumber was owned by Kelly , Rathburn & Co. , .of Chicago , and was valued at $100,000. It was insured for $72,000 , principally in eastern companies. CIIIOAOO. May 20. 1ho ! house of n man named McCarthy was burned at Highwoodj 111. , lost night , and Mc Carthy's remains found in the ashes. Indications point to murder , the ob ject being to secure money received by McCarthy for the sale of stock some day a ago. The . ' National AModatod I'rcai * y BraiiNoraELD , 111. , Mny 20. The ' Presbyterian general assembly spent the morning discussing a reply to Iho telegram received yesterday from the Presbyterian assembly in session ai Atlanti Ga. , and just before the noon adjournment the moderator , was in-/ structcd to telegraph to the moderator of the general assembly in Atlanta , "that hia. telegram is received with , warm enthusiasm by this assembly , and in order to remove all difficulties in the way of correspondence , which wo on our part are prepared to accept , wo adopt the follow ing , to-wit : While receding from no .principle wo hereby declare oar regret for any and withdrawal of all expressions of our assembly which , may bo regarded as reflecting upon or offensive- . the general assembly , of the Presbyterian church south , and wo ronoTr the expression of our warm fraternal record for all who compose its communion and our readiness to ft exchange delegates forthwith. ' . ' I This was adoplbd amid great en- ' thunaom , and with the most open and full 'expressions ol goodwill. The debate - bate was loag. The towas not n biltor expression in any part of it. ATLANTA , Ga. , May 2C , The southern Presbyterians are feeling a little snubbed to-day , because the Northern Presbytery replied to their overtures < with a modifying resolution attached. The Preabytery decided , by.a ; vote of 81 to 42 , that Parks , the negro preacher of Memphis , should be allowed the privileges of ordinance the same aa white ministers. CanacmVi Trunk Iiino . National Associated Press. MONTREAL , May 2(5. ( A special 'cable says that a general meeting of the Btockholdora of the Grand Trunk railway ia to bo hold in London , England , on the 29th of Juno , to con- 'aldbr an agreement botwooa the directors - rectors of the -Grant Trunkand Great 'Western railway of Canada , for con- 'Bolidatlon of the two companies. The 'Great Western interest is to bo rep- .resented by 30 per cent , al the total amalgamated capital , the Grand Trunk being ollotod the remaiding 70 por- 'cent. Ended - tlon l AMociatod V io s. MABBiLtaw , O. , May 2& The opol { diggers' strike of this district termin ated abruptly by a vote of 295 to 145 It was determined to. withdraw the demand for an advanca and to go to * work this morning. American Matloual Aiuocutod V tow. OiNcaNKATi , 0 , , . May 20. The American Library Association to-day/ rosolvad to meet at Buffalo , N. Y. , August - , 188't. It poasod resolutions. censuring the piano , of the senate- conuaittoo for a. now- library at 'Wash- . ington. _ AicocUted titat. Yens , , Mcy 20. It was an nounced at a late hour thia afternoon ; thai Rev. T. Sipmund , aeaistant pastor - tor of Graca-chur/jh , this city , had her como insanoi The cauoo is thought ; o have boon , owirwork which has af footed hishealth. . Dr. Sigmujid'e. condition haa boon suspected by Burno * of liia friouda for BOIIIO time , but to * day theic theories were confirmed * [ The Dcotor'a conditios havingaasumod a violent typo , his family were com pelled bo.Eoatrain him of his usual lib erty. Meantime a. consultation w bo hold as to the ad.riaabilityof hav ng hinxooiumittod to , the asylum for n , Ha May Well Bn Joyful. TorEKA , Kan. , May 12,11881. H. H , WAIUJBR & Oo. : Sirs After nineteen yearn of unmitigated suffer ing from chrouio kidney discoae I tin- ally found joyful restoration to health , in your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. d22 lw D. P. OWENS. HAVKN'S YOSEAIITE COLOGNE , Made from the wild Oowora of the J-AU FAMED YOSEMITE VALUJXi it ia the moat fragrant of perfumes. Manufactured by H. B. Havw , San Francisco. For aalo in OmaM by W. J. Whiteliouao and Konn r4