' J. * . _ . DAILY BEE : OMAHA , MAY 26 1882 The Daily Bee. OMAIR Frldov Moraine , Ma-y 20. Weather Ueport- ( The following observations ore taken i the me moment ot time at all the sw SffliffiS HT. O. B. no u Bnrnc. . I " omny foyr 2 * . 18M. nfo P. rn. ) f . ° -J of s - SIU SIof ofWeather. Weather. { tenter. . . . Jt.fl ? NW Rrttk ChtrenDB. . 74 Fresh C1. r WMhakl . . 81 SR Brink Ooudjr Omaha.oii 0 01 S Frr h Fair Taakton. . . S9.M SW CIMldr DM ItolnM. 30 OS S Kroih Wr Davenport. . 10.01 8" 're h Fair W.Si BW niik Fair W.lxral . . S0.10 flOl1 ! Moarhefcd. . . 21. S3 Mghl tear Vlaecnt. . . . 9.87 NW Fre.h Clon'lj Invarck. . . NR Krc-h l.ar Itotord. . . . . NB FtWx -loir Crater. . . . . . 2970 sr.N Frcrti Cloudy Dadwood. . 19.71 N Fe h Fair < ualnlboln 29 B7 NK mink 01 car River 8 fc t 10 Inchc * ahoTO high water mark 8 feet 10 Inchca at Yankton. LOOAL BBBVITIBB , The new city attorney was irwom It v Wednesday. -Another big train weat out on h , V. P. yeAerday , including Lur Puuina : -v .can. The U. 1 * . company is now womn 176 employ In l'io frclglit department n the Transfer doi.ot . ot the company. Tbo Congregational church festlvi taken p'nse ycstcrdt ' that was to have bu beou Indefinitely pofltp mod. The llaymond excursion party , cor posed of wealthy Boetonlans , will pi through Omaha next Wednesday , Mi Slat. ' An adjourned nesslon of the lento ! turohelint Joe Blako'a Wednesdays the joint session of the house nnd B < > * " Iho Academy of Music. man fttwr -Every icrvlco bJ ( hjld ( „ present at tfo | 0 , m , thB evrtintt > Ul ° STload of Ph. IJoat Brewing Co1 Export Beer was forwnrdc Xeh1i day to North 1'latto by J. B. Blake 214 south 16th ktrcct , A lot of now machinery will ihortl ; bo introduced into the meat packing nn canning works of II rria & Fisher in thi city. Hobt. Harris left for Chicago Wed Tuslay to malto Iho purchase. Superintendent Line is giving n per eonal examination in arithmetic to al claisei in the city school * tliin term , ant finds that mast if the classes stand verj Two necklaces stolen from the resl- den e of Mr. Gross in South Omaha or Sunday night , were found Wednesday hav. ing been thrown between a couple of trees near by , whore they were discovered by a neighbor. Coroner Jacobs and Deputy .Manual McClura visited the "mysterious grave" in Wast Omaha yestotday , concluded not to Investigate It. A man who had the small pox will be sent out to-day. The plot thickens. - There was a game of base boll ont at the end ol the atreet car track In Iiake'n addition Sunday last between the Quick * fr. . steps and Bluebottles , Five Inninga were played which resulted in a score of two to rr three In favor of the Quicksteps. On Account of the unavoidable absence from the city of Mr. Frank 8. Smith , director of the Plantation Melody and War Song concert for the bone ( It of the i , M. 0 , A. , there was no reheanal last i i * ovenlnjf. Wednesday a bull dog bit a little boy on lower lOtli Htreet. The boya father gat nr v ilver nnd ) tinaured liU doqship with lend. Tlio injuries will not it Is feared prove fatal to the dog , 8 nno other cure ought to bo treated to the same dose , The grand .jury In the U. S. court were engaged Wednesday in Investigating the Watson B. Smith murder , and also found a now indictment In the etar route case * . Tbe cose of Mr. I ) . G. Hull coiuoi before them only In A casual way. Yesteid&y we accidentally hap. pened into tbe cntorprlilng jawelry estab lishment of Edholui & Kilckaon , corner of Fifteenth an-l Douglas btreotf , and found them very bn y unpacking a large invoice of Clocks , Watchci , OhainH , Diamonds nd Jewelry of every deto Ip'Ion. ' A batty glance developed the fact they we-o -of the lutest and more at ) llah denignr , and ou Inquiry found that they were selling at remarkatily low fiRuros. On expression Burprhe that cash elegant goods tliould be offerol at tuoh figure * wo were informed that on this basis they hud built up the ononnous Lusinoas they nr dojrg , Moral ) Good Good' , square denting and low fitturea , will Insure succeaa In any line of btuinoes , Conductor Tom I'lorronet , of the iinlon i'acifio , and wife celebrated the tenth anniversary of tlielr wedding on Tuesday tv-nlng at tlielr residence , near j the corner of Filth and Walnut streets. There were present about fifty of their friends , who heartily congratulated them apoa the h ppy event , and presented them with about a carload of useful andorna- BionUl tinware , together with some very foe gifts. The guesta were treated to an lezant supper , and all greatly enjoyw Tbe case * of Homan and Suowden , " B ot d with A nhoottng affray on Tue < y _ day might , have been continued to 8&tur- " "d y aert. The court officials Hate tbat Bnowd n i willing to diiicie tiult Agalntt Ilomau , but -be latter , claln.lnc ( bat he acted In wlf- ' ' -4Ute.se WAnU to pro ecute. It is general. v reported that Mr. Homau haa married spJthe ladles who witneteed the affair occurrence , W < 3ne day four special Ifriarfl. . Kirk , Curly , Doty and Hyip | , yfvte itlliVdd by Mayor Boyd end eurreu. i Thl , , wa because tholr v- , > - lengT needel and they out witi ) * i > e raejrd. Guat. Burke , _ i < mf J i d Aiid confirmed la place f Miiffiu Sullivan rwlgatd , WM twoin in aild fjo * < 4 M duty J # t wfeht AM a regular ' McOww ndKleff , SHM ! tU * . k h fcopid , ' will be for a tcnutM THE BLAZING BULL'S-EY ft Continues to Revoul Orec Activity in Railroad Oiroles. A Loaf from the History of tb New Denver Lino. Flck-Ups From the Four Quarters < the Iron World. The Burlington & Missouri extor aion to Denver was completed ycatoi day afternoon , nnd the track cot noctod ton and tnroo-quartor mile east of Donvor. The silver spike we driven by Superintendent Holdrodge in the presence of a number c officials , As a matter of fact , the complotio ofldctcd yesterday , which was bcgu : in August last from a point in Us Willow county , Nebraska , 247 mile east of Denver , is unequalled in Ih history of railroad building on thi continent. The track laid on Wednesday covered orod n distance of three miles and fou hundred feet. TUB BBB , on bohal cf the cily of Omaha , heartily congratulates gratulatos the Burlington it Missour Company , and trusts that but n shot tun , wjjj elapse when wo can an nouncv its conpiction to the Pncifii coast. The Gliicnx Timca of Wednesday contains the fuUL. . , imotcating hia tory ol tno now . ' the B. & M. m NobraV 'do , . extension . . . . o . " " " bo completed lo-morrow by Vj"0" of the silver spike by Suponn 'V Iloldrogo : The contwtH for building the Dei ycr r.vonsion of the Chicago , Bui sriiglon and Quincy railroad wei closed Aug. 1 , 1881 , and by Aug. 1 the construction work was under waj The last spike will bo driven to-moi TOW. The construction lias been poi formed in 219 working days. Th contractors were E. M. Reynolds t Co. , of Rock Island , and A. J. Stroel of Donvor. The extension haa boo ; built with a dispatch tm $ KAVID1TV ALMOHT VMEXAMVLKl ) . On April 10 a stipulation wai signed by the contractors that fron that date track should bo laid at tin rate of two miles ptr day. A forci of six hundred mou has mnct carried forward the surfacing one track-laying. At times since thi contracts were awarded a force o 2,000 men wore employed in buildinj grades and constructing bridges. Thi completion of the connection tomorrow row will bo four days in advance o ! the limit ot the contracts. The in itial point of the Denver extunsior was at Oulbortson , Nob. , at the wee I line of Red Willow county nnd 32S miles west of Plattsmouth , on the Missouri river. From Culbortson to.thc state line between Nebraska and Col orado in 70 miles , and from the state line to Denver is 173 miles further. THE NEW 110AD. traverses the valleys of three streams , the Republican , the Chief Crook , a Fork of the Republican , and the South PJatte. and , for a distance of * hnnt my miles eastward from Denver , par- \llels , the Julesburgline of the Union Paciho railway. 'Iho grades are 32 foot maximum , with no curves ever JJ degrees. There are t ro stretches ) t truck , ono 31 and the other 27 piles in length , that nro perfect air- inos. At Akron , 111 miles east of Denver , upon the crest of the plains , ho first view of the Rock mountains j obtained , and though 130 miles liatant , nro boldly nnd clearly out- inod to the spectator. Thirty miles iprthwnrd from Akron , nnd in perfect 'low , are Fremont's Button. The lomplotion of Iho line to Denver en- arges the Burlington's trans-Missouri ystoin to an abrogate of 1,250 miles , vhioh , added to the company's lines if the Missouri , makes a system of morly 4,000 miles. The now division crimnala weat of the river will bo as allows : First division , Pl&ttsmouth oRtd Cloud ; second division , Red Jloud to MoCook ; third division , rloCook lo Akron ; fourth division , Lkron to Dtmvor. The distance from Jhicago tj Denver by the now route 31,044 miles. THUOUaiItlIlUINH Vill run over the main line from Chi- ago to Plattamouth , thence ever the lurlington and Missouri River main ino to Hastings , nnd thence ever the lopublican Valley main line to a con- ection with the Denver cxtenbion. 'hoso lines in Nebraska , it will bo nderatood , though known by their averal titles , are consolidated with lie Chicago , Burlington and Quincy , nd are identical with the main ays- am. The route , with the exception f an elbow between Hastings and tad Cloud , is direct ; but the officers f the company say that engineers are I ready locating a cut oft line from .onesaw , west of Hastings , to Arap.v oo , weat of Roa Cloud , which will ITrfot a saving in distance of twenty- oven milos. The distance from Kan- "O.l'yto ' D ° nver by the now route 'ill bo 049 milec , or moro than " 100 lilosshoitortranthe longest route nd ton miles longer than the shortest no. ZQUIl'MKNM. The company will equip the Denver no with 20 locomotivop , 18 passon- or cooche u8 Pullman sleepers , 12 1Sixpiri ! ? ? ! ? nndbaS8aSo , , cars , and ,000 freight and Hvo stock cars. This quiprnout is now in a forward state f construction. Some of it is com- loted , and the remainder will bo do- vored before the inlddlo of June ho company yesterday signed a con- wet with Well * , Fargo & Oo , , and lat firm will begin operating upon lltho Burlington linea west of the luapun July-1. The Burlington ? ents have instructions to commence iceiyine to-day any freight that may Boilerod for Denver via the now > ute. Freight trains will bo rogu- rly scheduled over the now oxton. on within a few days. The maungo- ont announces that the route will 3 opened as a passenger line July 1. TUB COOT t Jh9,9lllc R0i Burlington & Quinoy , iii B B.nd , , c < luiPP ng its Denver will 10 nrobably exceed $4,000,000. l o road bed , which is pronounced of iponor construction , has co t at the t of 917,000per BU > The com. * j pany has secured adequate term in grounds at Denver. Fur the prasoi nt least it will not occupy the Unic depot jointly with the Union Pacil and other roads , but will erect a ten porory pAStongor station of its own. Mr 1'otfor , vice president and gci cral mnnntcorof the compmy , who IK had charge of the comttuction of th Denver extension , in addition to h other official duties , is content to wi ness the driving of the "last sptko from afar , but will bo represented t the scene by Mr. lioldrcdgo , Rcnon superintendent of the trans-Missoui division , nnd other local oiQcors , wh left Omaha yesterday for the front. KNOINKER8 IN COUNCIL. A union mooting of the Brothoi hood of Locomotive Engineers of th United States and Canada canvonc yesterday at the llnrpcr opera hou < Rock Island , Illinois , Between 20 and .TOO members nnd tholr wives wor expected to bo present , as is also Mi P. M , Arthur , grand chief engineer c the brotherhood. A grand time 1 anticipated , an the visitors intend t pull the vnlvo of fun wide open nn lot the boll of merriment announc khoir coming , and those who nro to "tender" in sentiment to know whc liaving n royal good time is , may a well "clear the track" or run on "switch" and permit the knights c the foot board nnd lover to "pass without any further signal , TUB ST. ciiAiii.Hs.nnT.Dai : . Within the next ten days the SI Charles bridge , on the Wabnsh road sill bet completed , nnd the novr struc , uro will bo nearly HO per cent strange thnn before. The old spans , bom nado of cast iron , were noccssaril ; itavy to secure the desired strength yhilo the vrrouuht iron now ueeit i ighter , stronger and relieves th structure of the dead weight which i sustained before TUB KII1HT TIU1N TO DENVER. { atlonal Associated I'rcss. BDHLINGTON , May 25. The firs tm'.y ' to PaBa ovcr tno n w Denver ex { . „ ' -J X the C. , U. & Q. , road wil Burlington O , wl > h pulled out o the west this morning State Journal. The Nebraska State ilomceopathi , Medical association mot a the Com mercial parlorn yesterday -nitrnoon Dr. B. L. Paine , of Lincoln , OBj dent ; Dr. 0. N. Dinsmore , of Omtho sccrolnry. A largo number of physicinns fron different parts of the stuto are present and the meetings thua fir have beet very interesting. At the nfternooi session a number of intcrestint ; papen wore road and discussed , Meutini adjourned at 5:30. : At 8 o'clock tin members of the association and friondi gathered nt the opera house , where Professor Oowperthwait , ol the _ Iowa university , delivered nn interesting lecture , subject , "Hom- ceapathy the Science of Therapeutics. " Dr. Cowporthwaito ia well known throughout the state nnd enjoys nn enviable reputation both as a lecturei and physician , pained while a resi dent of Nebraska. His effort last night far exceeded the expectation ol his warmest admirers. Af tor the lecture the members gath ered at the Commercial restaurant , ivhoro they regaled themselves with itrawberriec , cream , etc. , etc. , and Slaving thus fortified themselves , they iold another business session , which idjourned at 12 o'clock to meet again ; hia morning at 8 o'clock. .4 THE WHOLESALERS In Important Decision In Judge Bonoko'd Court. ' The cases of the state against the vholesalo liquor dealers of Omaho , m complaint of the city marshal , were icard by Judge Beueke last Saturday , ihd the matter taken under consider * , ion by him until yesterday , " District Attorney Burnham appearing for the irosocution nnd 0. A. Baldwin , Esq , for the defense. The cases were sub- nitted upon nn agreed state of fact' , vhich were , that the defendants were rholosalo dealers and not retailor- , ho dofoudutiti claiming that under ho law they are not required to pro- uro a license. The court hold that the law had ro- eivod a construction by our Supreme Jourt ; that the liconeo m-muy was not ntended to bo in the nature ot u tax n the buitneaa , but rather as a polica ogulatiou of the retail and mo of iqutrs ; that jif the law wore to bo con- trued according to the strict letter hereof , such construction would in- or/ore with intcr-atato commerce and rould bo in open violation of the Fed * rul 0 institution , and the decisions of 110 United Status Supreme Court nd would prohibit the use of wine for ncramontal purposes ; that the law met bo interpreted in the light of oaspn and oruinon sense ; that u waa otintoudod that wholesale dealers liould pay the license , and the oasua liould bo nnd are dismissed. Evils to lie Avoided. Over-eating is In ono BOUHO as prodno. voof o\ll ua iatemprrttnoa in d Inking , .void both , and k < ei > the lilootl ptirllled 1th llimlock blno i bittern , nnd y .u will e rewarded with ro uet bealtli and an in- Igorated hydtom. IVIooSi. m2Jdlw That Indefatigable author , ITun. W. [ . Ijanw , ban juat issued the second vol- of the eerie * of 188' ' , entitled "liar ocbet of tbe District Court , June Term , 152. " It is yellow backed , Ilka Handle's ipular worku , and If read "betweeoit JOB" would prove fully oa Interesting , U ntnlnn an alphabetical Index to the JCK , running with trial uunibcr , H list of ftotlolni ttorney , nnd the ruled of notice. There are 578 canes Indexed , liloh are In tbe charge f IDS lawyers and Uw JirmH. The otllcen of the court are ivbauged Unce the last IHKUO. There- irtercounted i)0 ) divorce cases , and then 111 In despair of inarltul felicity. AYEN'S YOSKS1ITE COLOGNE , ade from the wild flowers of the LH FAMED YOSEJIITE VALLEY , is the most fragrant of perfumes. : anufacturod by II. B. Haven , San wncisco , For Bftlo iii Omaha by AV. Whitohouso and Kenuard Broa. , . , J tyI I unrivalled for Hi p dy ftHn qualities. Ask your drtifgUts for STILL SHOOTING. The Second Day's Sport the Nebraska Aaseo- oiatirn. The Race * at Colnmbn To-dny' Programme , Etc. The second day of Iho tournamon of the Nebraska Sportsmen's Aasocia tion was ai favorable and pleasant n the most fastidious could wish for While not warm it was bright nni clear , with scarcely n breath of wim to disturb the proceedings , nnd i coscquonco there was a good day' sport. The matches resulted na fol lows : CONTKflT NO 4. Purse $ 'ICO ; class shooting ; opei only to residents of the state ; 20 single glo glass balls ; 18 yards rise ; rotar trap. Entrance , $5 , balls included Tips , 5 bnlli > ; 1st prize , $120 ; 2 < prize , $00 ; 3d prize , ? COj 4 .h prize SUO. Jimea . 14 Patrick . 1 D. KtmbaU.4..10 Pet'y . 2i S.hroedor . U Woi d . 1 ! Binckor . 17 LUU . 11 O. L. Baum . 19 F. Kimball . 1 1'fumalco . 20 Drowning . . . . . .T Naih . IB T. Klmtall . II llohlnson . 17 White . II K. Leader . 15 Men . li BI sell . 4 B. Leedcr. . i Hnthnwny . 10 Kav . 1' Holmes . 1Q Si mi era . li Mill * . . . . .18 K oily . 1 ! Sykca . 18 Tics on 20 Parmalco and Pettj divided first money. lies on 19Baum ft , took second money : Hit ha way 2 , Woods 1 , Kay I ! Eberly 1. Ties on 18 Nairn 8 , Mills 9 , tool third monov ; Sykos 2 , T. Kimball 1 E. Lueder Ties on 17 Bruckcr 4 , llobinaor fi , took fourth money ; Latta'J , Browii' ing 2. CONTEST NO. fi. Prize silver cup , presented in May , 1877 , by the Plattsmouth Sportsmen's club , for club teams. Four member ; of a club to compose a team. Ten single birds , 21 yards rise. Entrance f p. cost of birds. Record : May , 1877 , won by the Lincoln tenm nt Plnttsmouth. Score , J4 May , 1878 , won by the Fremont team at Fremont. Score , 'M , May , 1870 , won by the Fremont team at Omuha. Score , 'iO. May , 1680 , won by the Lincoln team " Nebraska City. Score , KG. May , l hi. won iy the Omaha team at Liucou scor0 ( ; J7. SILfiBY GUN CI.UH. ' P ° .e . . 10 'ook ' . 0 B av . i . 7 stm . , . : : : : : : : : .v.v.vj : 34 OMAHA BPOnTHMK-N's CLUII. Patrick. . . . . o Mill. . ; . , . 4 & Proaton 28 NHHAHA CLtB. SnmmerH g I'.rownlig % . . . ' 8 Len o ' " Btorly , . . . . . . ! lO 25 08CEOLA CLUB. " Wood * . . . . " " . , c Itfirey ! . ! ! . ! . ' . ' ! ! ! ! 9 Segar 9 S3 LINCOLN CLUB. Hnllett 7 linura , n McBride 7 Quick 7 no OMAHA UOHKIKCIMEN'H cum , Robinson 0 I' irmalee 3 Hunter 7 Leeder 3 20 cojra'.sT NO. G. Purse $250. Class shootin ? . Free : p nil. Ten single birds ; 30 yards iso. Ties , 3 birds same rise ; on- ratico , SO ; birds included. Use of ) oth barrols. Plunge traps. English ulcs , except gun must bo hold as in tsasciation rules , Eighty yards xiundary. First prize , $100 ; second ) rJ7.e , 875 ; third prize , 350 ; fourtl ) ri7.o , $25. John 7 T. KlmbnlL inllett 7 Brown , , . . Stanley 7- Glover 3ray , , 8 Preston 1 Jrucker , 0 lloblnaon ) ulck 0 Unimex 'urmeleo 9 E J > eder luilth 7 U.KIraball 'atriok 8 B. Leeder UUuway 7 White i 'onoa . - . 4 Huuter M , . , ' larnea 7 McDride i _ lutiis SI Den , . . 9 Vocxh 9 Beard ' . . . . . 8 lykes . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Browning. . I effrey 0 Bberly io 'etty 10 Ij.tta . - . . . . Jui-li , . . . .4 Huffmeyer 'orter 8 Kenria 1 'icknun 7 Lmndy 8 lills U Bflbroidor 7 ( arley 7 Cook , 0 'age ' 8 K Baum Crux 7 Sommura , iowe 4 Kny urbuthnot , . 8 Ties on 10 Petty , Preston and iberly divided. Tioa on 0 Won by Mullis. Ties ou 8 nnd 7 will bo shot off this loruing at 9 o'clock. TO-DAY'S I-KOGIUMUF. Contest No , 7 Parse , ? 200 ; class liooting ; open only to members of the isociatiou ; teams of two from any lub ; 10 single birds to each man ; or > ranco $5 , birds included ; 1st prize , 80 aud the Ballot silver cup , valued t $50 : 2d prize , fOOj third prize , ? 40 ; th prize , $20. The Hollet silver oup > to bo shot for annually , and is to bo eld in trust by the club whose team ins it , and is to bo accounted for ich year to the state association , and tuat bo shot for nt 10 single birds , 21 irda rise. ContosJ No. 8. Purao 8250 ; class looting ; open only to members of 10 association ; 15 single birds ; 20 ird * rise from 5 ground traps ; use 3th barrels ; ties 5 birds 31 yards so ; entrance $11 , birds included ; iino rules to govern as in contest No , 1st prize , 8100 and "The State nicer's Cup of 1880 : " 2d prize , $7fi ; I prize , $50 ; 4th priza , $25 , Record State Ollicor's Oup" M y , 1880 , an by Frank t'onualleo , of Omaha ; ay , 1881 , not contested for. Contest No. U Parao | 200 ; class ootiug ; free to all ; R ( ingle birds , 20 yards rise and 2 double birds ; tie 2 sinelo birds , 3L yard * rise , and pair ' ( ! yards nee , and 1 pair 21 yard entrance for , $1 , birds included ; li pnz , $80 ; ad prize , $00 : 1)4 priz , $40 ; 4th grize , $20. Sl'OHTINO UATTEM AT OOLUMBUfl. From Mr. Gus. G. Boochor , of Co umbus , the following programme c the raccs to begin there July 3td I received. The following is the programme t races and other sporta at Columbus on July 3rd and 4th , which was n coived from Gus. G. Boochor , Been tary : First day , 0 o'clock a. m Baa ball games ; $25 to the winning clul Pouy race One-half milo , boa three in five ; purse , $40 ; 1st promiurr $20 ; 2nd , $15j 3rd , $5. Five to ente and three to start. No horao nllowo to em or that is over fourteen nnd half hands hii > h. 2:30 : o'clock p. m. Three minut racu ; purse , $100 ; mile heat * ; DUE three in five ; five to enter , three t start ; open to all horses who hav no record better than three miuutof First premium , $50 ; second , $26 third , $10 ; fourth , $10. Second day , 0 a. m. Clay pigeoi shooting ; $25 for the best scora madi by a team of t > ix organized within th stnio. 2 o'clock p , m. Froo-for nil trot ting race ; purno. $150 ; milo heats best three in five ; livw tu enter , thre to start ; open to nil horses. Firs pri'inium , $75 ; second , $35 ; third $25 ; fourth , $10. 2:30 : o'clock p. m. Froo-for-al trotting nice ; open to all horses purse , $20D ; best three in five ; fivi to outer ; three to atarr. Firstprumium S100 ; second , $50 ; third , $30 ; fourth $2 * The races will be run under the nn tionul rules for races , nud judge sultcicd on the ground. Those races are under thn dirccl supervision of the Columbus drivinj park and fair association , which is i guarantee to the public tbat the pro gramme will ba fully carried out ai published , and premiums will bi promptly paid on the ground as soar as the duciaion of the judges is ron dcrod. The track is ono of the fines ! in the state , nnd will bo put in first- class condition to celebrate this oui national holiday. Reduced ratoa on all railroads. Qua. G. BKUUKII. a. Secretary. PULLING PROSTITUTES. A Bald on Delinquent Fine-Payers A GonortU Alarm Without Cause. It was an open secret at an oarlj hour last evening , that the marshal had hia blood up and was going tc tnako a raid on the houses of ill-fame located in various places about the oity. oity.Tho The resolution adopted at the last meeting of the city council was an imperative demand for some such jction on the part of the authorities , md it was supposed that Marshal & .ngoll would make a clean sweep jf it. it.As As a matter of fact , however , there was no intention to raid those who nad > paid their monthly levy of blood inoney into the city treasury. The ' . .luuhi. . . - , . _ ! . „ t _ . . .n ,4 uuuU < . irere delinquent in their fines for April , and a ow who had heretofore iludud the vigilance ( ? ) of the officers. Buainess begun at 8 o'clock , and up to the hour of 10:30 : eleven had been irreutod in all , who either put up ; aah or other security for ; heir nppearanco to-day. The lames of those arrested were recorded on the list kept by the police judge ai follows : Birdie Webb , Lina : cott , Miss FmnortyJennio | Bartlult , Nellie Gibson , Alice WhalingGeorgio [ jowis , Nottio Howard , Minnie Dav- niport , Lottio Leo and Edith Crow. 3ovon of theao hod never before paid i fine. This ended the raid so fur as heard rom , nnd it amounted to very little , ) oing but n nowjinal compliance with ho order issued by the council. It ippeara that owing to the indifference , ir whatever it may be called , of the ity marshal and his aids , the list of irostitutcs has fallen off at t terrible rate of late months iVhorcas , under the administration of Fudge Anderson and Judge Hawos , ho list has included about seventy- ivo names , under the present regime t has auuk as low as twenty-four. jast month thirty-four prostitute rero fined , while the police judg hinko there ro not less than on undn d in the city. The action o , ho city council in ordering the mar hal to present a sworn statement on ho first of each month had a goet fleet , but the result is still unsatis Mitory. It was rumored that the saloon. , nd gambling houses were to bo closed 112 o'clock last night , but a visit > tbo leading homos about 1 o'clock lowed that nil wore running in ful1 lost , and the edge of the marahal' iinpor mutt have boon easily worn oil. Bool Eetato Transfers. John L McCaguo , real estate ageni id conveyancer , reports that the fol wing deeds were recorded at the mnty clork'a ofllco , on May 23d and 1th : , Marten Hansen to William Kolby , tl block 2 , Bowery Hill addition , 1,860. Heirs of Jacob Shull to Louis tomm , lot 15 block 7 , Shull's second Idiviou , $050. Thomas Bryant to Nolss 0. Nelson , t 7 block 15 , Credit Foncio'a addi- m , $ GOO. 'Win. Kierstadt to IJanna T. Uar w , the e. J of lot C block 1 , Rood's st addition , $1,900. Byron Reed to Sarah Jessie Roddis ts 1 and 2 block 10 , ReeU'a first ad- tion , $1,350. Samuel J , Rogers to Bella Estello , 11 block 7 , Bowery Ilill addition , 1,000. Aug. Kountzo to Gustav Stopp , the i of o , * K of lot llKountzn'a second oition , $450. A. IJ. Dailoy to Harry D. Reed , t 10 in block 9 , O.pital addition , ,000. _ _ _ Deaf as a Mate. \ln. W. J , Lang , Bfthany , Ont. , states t for fifteen uiontha ahowae troubled th a diseaae In the ear , canning entire xfnuiu. In ten inlnutoa after using IOMAH' ECLECTBIO OIL nhe'iound'rellef , i in Bhort Urn * the WAI entirely cured J Lor bearing restored , ARMY PROMOTION. An Old Frontiersman Etovatod to th Rank of Major. Major EJtvard G. Bush , recontl promoted to the Gthinfantry , is in th city , on his way to join his regiment c Fort Douglas. Major Bush was stu tioncd at Fort Laramie in 1801 who that post waa on the extreme frontic nnd reached by stage from Leaver worth. Adobe huU , a few companio of the Tenth infantry and two oflicoi composed the fort. Recalled east a the outbreak of the war , Major Bush at ita close , spent ten years in Toxw nnd haa recently commanded nt For Brady , Mich. , from which station h hes been called by his promotion froc a captaincy to the I cpitrtmont of th I'latto. The Mayor is nn interostinj talker and narrates with evident gue to many of his experiences ns a lieu tenant in the early days on the western orn frontier. Nearly a Miracle- r. AMIth HnlL Blnghnmton. N. Y , wr tos : I Buffered for several inontha will a dull pain through the loft lung am HbouldeM. I lost mv uplrlt * , ppotito nni color , nnd cou'd wl h difficulty keep up nl tiny. Sly mother prnc trcd HOIIIO Isurdocl IJlood Hitter * ; I took thrm ns directed and hava felt no pnlti ulnco first wor ] after using them , and ntu now quite well , ' t'rlco 81. m23dlw Ycsterda t n mnn on his way wes purcha ed a now set of tuspocders 01 lower 10th street and going to an outhouu to put them on , dropped his g Id watel and ch.in , valued at 8",3. Ic was n deal los and ho went on without It. Therewill ben meeting held in th parlors of the First Cjp-ist church on Fri dnjr evening , the 26th In'tnnt , at 8 o'clock nt which it is expected that all member and fricnia will bo nresent , to tnko Ink consideration what nervlces shall be belt inrgardtotho dedication of tbo churcl ( upon lompletion of the upper audio LCI room ) in the early part of the con.ing month. He May Well Ba Jovfal. TOPKKA , Kan. , May 12xl881. H. H. WARNKK & Co. : SiraAfter _ nineteen years of unmitigated Buffer ing from chronic kidney disease I fin ally found joyful restoration to health m your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. d22-lw D. B. OWKNH. SPECIAL HQT8GES. NOTICE Advertisement To U > an , For , B ! < Lost , Found , Wanta , Boardlne , fcc. , will be In serted In those columns once for TEN GENTS per Hoe ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS per line. The first Imwrtlon never leu than TWENTY.FIVB OKNT8 TO I-OAM MONb . ONKV TO LOAM Call at L w Otneo of D. M L.Thomfcs _ Bo3m 8 Crelebton Block- . i At 8 per ecu tin- tarest In lumx.of C2oOO and apwards , for S to 6 yean , on Orst-cbfl city and farm property. Buua RtAli EsrATi and LOAM AentOT. lEtb and Dourlaa Sta. HELP WANTED. D A drug clerk at Sehioter tt WANT / . . T-lt , , WANTKD-OIrl In small family , younc girl preferred. 1221 North 10th street. 253-27" Flrrt.claea dreta makrr , In-niedl- WANTED at 1414 Dod o street , up slal.u. ntTANTED Expetlented ti 1 to do general VV bous wcrk at Iludion Rl r House , at .310 Parn y street , 249 27 * - - for general hcu.ewn , WANTI-D-OIr aB04 $4.00 mr. nick. Apply at Mrs. ? dholm. 821 Noun IS'hnr.'Ot. JS7-fB ANTKU At Oi co , a L | I to d i kltci on W vork at 1403 C.pltuHvo. J1RS. hOES. 218tf WANTED By a nrst-cla'a wholre lerlothlnc honeo fo- each of the state * of Mte'ourl , Cans.i anrl N.bins-as vcraljvoodeal < Fmencnm- nanoln tra o. AOdries wl'h reference and ull pait ciilare riRarrilnv territory aid terms - . 0. Ilex 2003 rnlla < elphli , I'o. ml3-Ot9OJ nfr A eood crtrl at the N. W. corner YY C llforn a and I0th street * . giO-tf _ I , . B LOOM 1 1. SITUATIONS WANTED. 11TANTED-Situation In any tt robyajoung VV well recommended Dane , who speaks lerman and i ngbib. Addro * 0. L. E. Bee of- ice. Z43 27 ' Ituatlou , travtl ug salesman W'ANTEO city work. Kefeicncei. Don't an- wrrnnlcmablean' * willing to pay ( or serviced a dcrdd. Ai'droM 17 Dee lllco. 214-20 MlCELLAWEOie WANTS. [ " \r ANTED Four or fl a bosrdemlna rrlrate VY tamUy , M 1608 JocVf.n street m < ar 16th. 16i-27t : AA nnn BKIOKB WANTED-imiuiro t ) \J\t\l\J\J \ \ Flodm n&HkbWoa'.oro. 20SS. 9th street , Lrmaht , Nob. 03-36 nn-ANTED-TO HENT-A rmall larnltheJ VY hotel In Iowa cr Nebra ka. AddreM Ilusl- cts Fee ettlce. [ 17ANTKD Ura ttmt-diFg dresi < maLcrrcw \l \ V I 'K ol all kind * , at Ho. 1310 Dodge Htrcct , r will go out and do work at moderate pile s 238.80" TfTANr D Store with one or two ruomn vie- r Y inlty o-pc6tttlco or kome good central 1 * a on Aidrcts O. I XWEL , Council BlufU. rth prlTl'rga of tur- I B liter about truce month * aoottago ot v- rooms , good locality , within t entj minutes alk of p'ulolUcf. Addrcn stating terms and cation. "IIou c" B olBcf. rnU-tf , * ONKi A ruitovr w ntrd , actliu or si ent , ri with &JOOO loSJO.COO * fi to imeit In i jitlmitoliuelne awhlchinttx monthstlmo HI I lya prelit at lout equal to the amount in tted.aut ) both lie turned Into cl an cash and epirtnerahlp ended. Address "JIom > "Ico ! Boo M-U rrANTED Ponduur bridge and school bondr. Y H.T. Clark , BoUoTur Sfl-U IT ANTED 600 pnvy rau.U , slnVi and CMS Y pool * to clum with KonlUry Vault and nk Cleaner , the best in use. A. Kvans ft Co. , ildeuca liOS Dodge street , Omaha. FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 1011 RENT rurnlbbcd rooms , ICOO DaToiu part itrtct. 10 31 > flOK'Y KUHNI8IIED HOOBH-For rent at ( 616 Uow ard street boutcu 8th and Uth. 1011 KK.ir Two Urge p'euant rooms. ltb clcsets , luralthed or uufuinlibcd. 1311 w stnet , 256 S7 * iOH HEXT Two nnlurnlihcd rooms , suitable - able for oH'iCci or bed rooms , within one- f block of poitotllca. Addrtts or call at No. 2 Dodge btroet. 2iO tl OK ' ilKNT Klcoly furaUh * ! juJai * w.th board , at 1718 l > 3dg , OR RENT Two front room * furnished at (03 13th street , 864-50 OK RENT-Furnl bed cottage , MS N. Uth stre t. Apply after I p. m. 227 * 1 HUNT Two south rrornn , fnrnlihoct. t ) . FOR . co-n.r 19th and D.ieMjiort. 213-26 KVT Nfw house f six rooms touth- FOR * rorn rol 13thand tac fie ntre 'is Ap- | .lj ot 1112 , llth tr t. T. 0 fKULK , S2J-SS- room 1 7 t * th I7lh E otrce , one door .o th cf Doug'at stroci. 22924 * lurns d rx > niR , north , wroth PLfASAMT vlpdoni , scuticart corner Four- tetnth and Chlro j. 301-M RENT HoussofMvenroorn * , on Ptcrc FOR , b twcfln Six h and Serealh itreetti. Irquire of O. P n tkctt , it.son , botw.cn H Tenth - enth nnd Tenth strots. . RENT Houco of six roomeon H'h stieot FOR > t een CnlraxoandUaM , Apply at 8. K. corner 14th and Cast st.eet. RENT S furnished rooms ot r if * FOR ' Eicbange.N. R. cor. 18th and Dodo ; itmU. 889-2T T10R RENT Nicely furnished rootna witfa et Jj jrtthout board. Reaconable price * . 2013 OawSL I OH RENT Cellar corner lOlh and Dongba. F 16 Ml Tilt ) HENTUrjre lumlihcd front room lac 1. two Rontl men , with or without board. lUfrrobcct. 121 ! > Dofpoctroet. 108 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OIl ItENT House 14 rocm , collar , ditcrn and oil on ccinor 1 th and Chicavo ttrotta. a.0-24 TIMOTHY KtLLT. FMK LKAtfii , At$2S ajiur , seven moa drnco lots near 26' h strrot nd St. MarrM B18-tt W U. Djmn-m , UcM fc Ut < - Agent. EOll P.l'.NT Ilousn of flva rooms , corner 23d and Pierce. Arplt at S. 0 , BtetcnMQ , cor ner 17ttiand las , near < uUr Church. BO-tt "OR SALE BALKDHAY And provhlons who'csslo nml ntftllotBlttckbuin , Lamlls&Oo 610N. 10th street. 2io SI FOIl BALK Bonutlftil cro let and home on CWornm itrcct , $ UOO. JlcCMOUE , 2&3-tt 1'Cfit ( COO. 7 > OK MALI , A Drat qiullty 'wi-toit ca riaeo I ' for onohor o , at A. J. 8lm | snn'a. It lain ex ollouticpatr. having been us ) OMnpiratlTtly nry 11 lli , and Ji beet of ca o Uken cf It ; for u lam ly hcru thera nto tivn or three children t It cinnot bo excelled to Bee It in to bo convinced. 224-27 tif if CIIEAI'EYT 1.0 t-ln ? the city olOirahn-SlM and \puanl9 , 0 per cent down and ft per cent per month , lie IV ngcnt , Uth and Douglas gte. niZO-U _ 3 ALE ITo'l'CR d lot 8 rooms , well and FOIl . 1312 lode Utwccn 18th and 14th et-ecti. sitf 170R SAL13J aero , lth house , bam' .C Kr ape * . rult trei , etc. . near Wcat On aha. by M. Q. JUKoon , 1010 Louilavf triot , 204-20 1UK HM.K- boUM him Jot K.OU1B front , F with birn , t o wcl'a tnd Cfctorn 1235 Bouth Uth strc < t eojond bju > u north of WUltatn Btrcct. PflceSlCfO. 19a-31l T71ORSALB foiue of ( , l > c rooms , and lot 80x P 220 , north of "Ixtioutl street bitde. Ap ply corner 12th and Upward. Nowepaper Union. loa-tf _ TpOU SALE loner an I Adjoining- lot on J ; Park avenue. First elasi prop rty , OEO. W. AM H , lEOd larnam ttreot. 107-t PALE A hou and lot on Dodpe Btxoct , FR of tbe f nest licflflonsln thriltT ll&-t' J. 11. ItUMUNT. 18th an I Harney. -Or 'Iradv ; 44X1S2 rwt on lOtd EWKbALt tl o corner of Ilsrnoy , also 60x182 feet 01. the < ast ( Ida between IKid.'C&nd Capitol avenue Enqulioof II. BEKTliOLD. 23 H _ | , Un tiALb 'Jho narui pllllxl < l "itunita JD mlicj nouth c ( the U. K railroad In Carbon County , Wjomln ; Territoiy 440 acioi of meadow and upland tit uruanntod. Addrcaa W. U. Caldnell. tvarro Spiluge , Wyoming. _ _ SAi-E A re-taurant at a baryiin , H. EOR . llth etrcecnear Farnam. OS9-M _ SAtK Iho PiifULAB HOTEL , known FOR the BOYS' IIOi.'E. Th' ' totwc I3 coi- tially located , baa sou h and coat front , and Is gurroonded w th fine ( bade trees : cent Ins thirty Beeping rooms , ban Ice liou- . laundry , sample room , &c. H a world w do reputation and a better patrongo than nmuj houses of twice It * capacity. Prlra $5,000 For partculan address - dress , AA. . SAWUhY , Red Oloua , Aeb. _ _ E64-U C10R SALB 200 choice late In Hansom Place , W. n Dartlett , Real Eotato Agent , 817 8. _ _ EHn HALE A gioa corner lot ou Uoatco aod SOth Btroet , > n a tery tut ( frowiop pott of : he elty , will divide. Inquire at YlO aouut 33th itrcet , near Farnan Bo 'e & Hill's addition. _ _ _ _ _ 820-lm * HIOK BALK Or mil uiclia jco tor uinana pro * I 'Porty , an Improved eec oa of land adloln- ag a station on U , F. R , R. U. DUNUAil , 1411 rarnh&m St. , Omaha. 720 Bmt f KICK FOU KALi. B 203-tf ESTABBOOK * OOE. & HAT At A. n. Hinder" Teed Sto BALKO rnorSt. MISOELLANEOUQ. dapple brjwn horse abaat 9 yur old , ft little lame en rght h'utl lee , . .llier Bllm looklnjf. A llbeinl tevranl will be la ( r his rf tura to ' y ujnu , CO rods went ot IrelcMo ) College , Omaha. L W , KiJi.GUHON. a ; ' -io _ I\0 EXCHANOE-A g'rt SO ocro ImproTta faru In Adann ( ounty. Neb. , for a o'eaii toc'i ol DryGoOvS , ot Clo hUitr. Add roes or kllon O i O. WILLIAM B 2R4 26 * _ natlrgs , Neb. [ 70UND Al"c > ttcon' , > lilnB n la lea picture. ! | 1 ? Inquire o ( nlflit WQ chuiau nt It jd s Opota I louso. isa 25 f ObT HEW * RO- larpo lztd cow , haHJor- J tev , red an i xthlto n th wLlto Ia < e , and lout Ilvojiaru old , e'njfd from my preilses \ty \ ZU. Cow a BO has liraim i > ob9 on lur Horns. suitable rowaid will i o i aid to the find r tj tieuodoislgucd. W. II. Jlioij , Ucrk W.triU ourt. > IPORTANT NOTlCE-Jo & Fam'l Oandr . P l ce moved tt 2IH North 19th st'cst Ju , orth of Wawnle Hall. Fjro wcrl . clgtn. earn s Ida lemonade B cents. 23 v2S 08T A lit cr and vhlto oilorwl pap , thres J mout u old. Tfca Hi d r will bcsul sbrr re- ard d liy cavlrg the same t a titore ol Jiuoua a in. toulh 10 bttrfet. _ [ 1AKEN UP A cow about 7 jeorsoW , red with L fblt l pot , larye horr.s Also a heUer , d , with wafto spotD. hath with i all. FIIANK KOBEnno , -4tt on e w BakerlUth fit. noir Williams 2DWAED - - - - rOF PAU1YSTEU7 AND JCOND1 ' ONAUST , IBS Tenth Btr t , between Fucam aiUinev. Will , with the aid ol guardUn Irlte. olitMu lor any one & ( -linca at too pul d prefect. auU on certain conditions la tbg ra > ro. Bocta and Shoos made to srder. Perlea * i rnartuteed nuZfl-liu wouo&l I POWDER Absolutely Pure. lloro wouo