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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1882)
'JH ' -'I . - f'I f THE DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. MAY 2G , 1882. O. O. CJOOUC E OO > . COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City MurVct , Ccranell Eluflt Io , WHOLESALE FLOUR II O IT 9 E , Oct ral AffcnUfor Iho Oltbratcd Jllllio U. t > . hush& Co. , OolJcn V glo Hour , Lc Tcnnoith Knn < , and Queen Rco Mil * . Sioux Fulls. Dakota. ntlth1 Ctl t-n < lcn. four till niutfi , In. WUOLKSALE AMI USTAlti STATIONERY AMD PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLPFF3 , IOWA. _ _ TITLE ABSTRAG V 0 F F ICE. OT.VKT. . * S > Cfi TCT 3C 3 C 3EJSn CJ Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold , , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . iOWA. IE31 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Roach-fitted uppers , In calf skin and kip. OsV and Hemlock fcOLi : LEATHER , and al' oods ppert lnln ( totheghootnclo. Oo il Bold a * cheap tn In the KM' . _ IRS , f ORRIS' ' fflf IILLINERT STORE FOB STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND OHILDllEN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , at Sire. J. J. Good's Ilalr Store , nt pricea no < er bcfcro touches ! by other hair dealer. Also a full Una o ( switches , etc. , at greatly rciluccil prlcei. Also gold , any Ivllca * ownimlr. Da nut tall to call betaro purchasing elhcr and colored nets W&\CB m&do from clwnhcro. All goodn warranted M represented. iRS. J. J GOOD , 29 Main street , Council UlufTs , I on a. MASON WISE mm , FEED a SALE STABLI The largest and bes stables in the wesl Roadsters , Saddle an draft horses for sale also afme lot of mule just received whicl will be closed ou cheap. SOOTT ST. , NBAS BROADWJfl COUNCIL BLUFFS. 8A. n u-vrpiTiiTin UfiMOVED without th 1 1 fl I\I \ I i H ! K iS uranln ol blood or use c Uilil U xJllk ) knife. Cures lun r dtacase AMT n'Pfili'T ? Fits , Scrofula , LUcr Con ? . Pltt1" * . Dropsy. Khcumi T II M n R S tlem. Fccr and Mcrcui I U III U n O iaisJro , , Erjaipelas , Sa Eheum , Scald Head , Citi rh , w oik , inflime nnd granulated Kjcscroluloua Ulcers and F < maloDlsfttSO" of all kinds. Abe Kidney an Venerl&l diseases. Hemorrhoids or Pilea cure money refunded. All diseases treated upon the principle ofcfjc able reform , without the mo of mercurial poU one or the knife. Hoctrj Vapor or M-dlcatod Baths , furnUhc o EC who desire them. Hernia or Hupturo radically cured by the us the Elastic bolt Truaa ana Piaster , wnu.u ui U | > crlur iu the world. CONSULTATION TKEE- CALL OM OU ADDUESS Brs , B , MOB ana F , C , lillei COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ift. _ LIVERY , fed and Sale Stables 18 North First Street , Bouauet's old sttind , Council B'ufN , Iowa. 4 UlLLAltD SMtril. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN Practitioner ol Homeopathy , consulting PliysicianaMSnrgeo ] ] Office and residence 015 Willow avenue , Coui ell Ulufla , IQV.H. IQV.H.W. ' W. E.'BINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffl ExtractlPKand Oiling a tpoclilty. Flrst-cU work puarantcoil. _ DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGECM niiico , Mo. 14 1'earl Street. Itoiiii , 0 a. m. 12. , and 2 p. m. , to G p , in. Kealdonco , 1 Bancroft btrcet. Telephonic conncUlon wl Central otllco. _ DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS No. 617 First Avenu < Iloorglrom IQjo It ft. m. , j > ndjjo5p.jn. mm * LIFE ASSOCIATION DE3MOINE3 , Iowa. Incorporated July 1st , 1B7B , for the mutu benefit of bank olll-ora and the r cuatoinei BascJonprluc'pleaof ' EIJUITV , ECONOMY AND t . A few uxpojlenceJ life Insurance bolU torn wanted. AdJrui , H. M. Stovona , dui/ ' aolltltor , OIHcoNo. 7 , K ertt'd blocir , Ccun . I' liluffa , tow a. Iloslaenoe.lOllthncnuo. bax b 5. 5.S. . E. K9AXON , l 3 Z Office over sa/lnRi b nk. COUNOIti BLUFFS , . . low REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , la connection with bU law a collection bu8lnet9bu ) and Belli real cita Persona wishing to buy or Bell city property ( at bis office , crer Bushnell'a book store , 1'e etruet. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace an Notary Public. 4l5Broadway , Council Blufl D * * < l4 ud morif ; oi drawn * nd acknoledj WATER WAVES In Stock and Manufactu : ed to Order , Waves Made From Your Own Hai TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted a Represented , and Price Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDIC1 337 W , . Broadway , an 109 S. Main St , Council Bluffs ; - - - lows IRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D Medical Electriciac AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Oraauate of ElpctroQithlc Institution. Phi ! dclphm , runiiA. Office Dor , Broadway & Glenn AVI COUNCIL DLUFrd , IOWA. The treatment ol nil diseases and pnlntul J flcultlcs peculiar to fna'ttte a specblty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 JUAEH ST , r.mploy the best Bread Baker In the WeU ; al a choice hind lor Calces and I'les. Dread delivered to all parts ot the city. Game and Poultrj Can alwaja bo found at D. DANEHY' ? , 130 Upper Uroadwn JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Feaci 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs. - - low W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstati Proprietor ol abstracts of Pottawattan count ) , Olllco corner ol Droadnuy and Jl ; streets , Council IlluflJ , loun. JOHN STEINER , M. D ( Pcutecher Arzt. ) ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S ' BLOCK , Council Blufls. Dlacaecs of women and children a apaclalty " " " P7"J"MONTBOMEIIY , M , B FREE DWKNSARY EVERY SATURDAY Olflcoln t'vcrctt'a blocV , Pearl troct. Ri dcnca 123 Fourth street. Olllco hours from 0 2 a. in. , 2 to 4 and 7 t ? 8 y. m. , Council I Iv F. G. GURK , PRACTICAL DENTIS : Feari street , oppo lto the postofflco. One the oldest practitioners in Council IHuffs. Sa' ' lilacllou guaranteed In all cisos IB. F. P. BELLINGER EYE AND EAR SURGED WITH DR. CHARLE8 DEETKEN. Otllco o\cr driu btore , 411 Droadnay , Com niiills , Iowa , Al dlbiaica ol thu v > u and trcitcil under the most approved intthod , and cures jfuaninttcd. JOHN LINDT , AT'TORHEV-AT-LAV Will practice to all lUto'an U i Geruun Lu > gu ge : IOWA ITEMS. AthnU has thirty billiard nud IK tnbles. The Fort Dotlgo water works c < about ? 17,000. Thirty-cielit counties nro witho debt of any kind A stock company is to build % lar tburing mill nt Ames. A free triulo Icnguo has been c gnnized in Shelby county. JI. riou is to hnvo nn opera hou this summer , costing $22,000 , The IMinncnpnlii t St. Lnuis tr chin o ehopa will bo located at 1\ Albin nn immense fire on t 23d , destroying a number of bin ness houses William Shimok conuuUtod suici at Dello Pluino , last wuok , by shot ing himsolf. Poler Sslunitv : , of Peterson , 01 county , comes into possession of Sl ( 000 by the death of n rulativo in Qt many. John T. Welch took n dose ' 'Hough on Hats , " with suicidal inter at Osknloosa the other night. 1 climbed. A Burlington shoemaker nanv Jens Larson , while drunk , foil out n third story window at Burlingto It killed him. John Anderson ( olorod ) , porter the Clearance house. Manchcste under arrest for burglarizing the aa of $500 , has confessed. It is proposed to hold in the no future a convention of the teachers Dickinson , Clay , Emmet and Oscoo counties at Spirit Lako. The pr ctrammo will include a boating oxcu sion , ' In Palo county , recently , Mrs. Ai nio Bars tr urn , a school teacher , wi struck by lightning. About ono-fifl of her body was badly burned , am though she has undergone tor-rib suffering , it is thought that she wi recover. GLADSTONE'S REPLY To the Control Council of the 8 Land Leagues. Bt. Louis Republican. On receipt of the nowa of the assa ination , in Dublin , of Lord Caret liah and Under Secretary Burke , D ; Chomaa O'lloiiiy , chairman of til Central council , -St. Louis Ian caguos , sent the following by cabli ST. Louis , Mo. , May 7 , 1882. Io Eight Hon. Win. E. Gladstone , 1 Downing street , Whitehall , Londoi England : The Irish of every jrndo abhor th issasaination of Lord Cavendish an Ir. Burke. They sympathize wit 'ou and their families. They regrc hat so henious a crime should hav ushered in what promises to bo th nest glorious epoch of your adminii ration , and parallel it with the mui or of President Lincoln while ady < ating the pacification of the south. THOMAS O'REIHY , Chairman Central Council , St. Louis Laud Leagues. Yesterday Dr. O'Hoilly received th ollowing reply. 10 DOWNING STREKT , ) WHITEHALL , May 10 , 1882. ) [ SIR Mr. Gladstone duly receive ho telegram which you sent to him o aehalf of the St. Louis Land League . * * * 41on Wltll tUu iUUlUoA. v r ! Lui jVedorick Cavendish and of M : Jurke , and ho desires mo to nay tlu Ithough ho is unable to acknowlodg oparatoly the multitude of cxpreE ions of sympathy which have becnac reesed to him , lie cannot retrain i his c.v.o from adding to his goner : hanks published in the nowapapei ht ho is deeply touched by the com - > arisen which you have made with th aso of President Lincoln. 1 am , sir , your obedient servant , IloiiAri : SEYMOUR. DR. TIIOMAS O'REILLY. Milwaukee Sentinel : A largo nun > er of people in this city huvo use , hat wonderful remedy , St , Jacol Oil , for Ilhoinatiam with effect trul marvolou * . Freiuont voports ni nado where sufferers have been offon 3d relief , nnd the sale is growin argoly. The fact that this is an 02 ernal remedy , commends it to man vho would not othorniso think c going out of the beaten track to find uinedy. A Thrilling Sight. Corinth Correspondence Saratogian , On Sunday largo delegations < umbormen from Glens Falls drov icro to see the great jam of logs thi tad collected in consequence of tl : lam across the river at the head i Calmer Falls. Largo numbers froi other sections were hero , and all da ho bank of the river was lined wit > ouplo watching the great jam. Froi i point near the Bosworth barn to tl dam at the fulh was onn continnoi am of logs , From the upper end < ho jam to the dam it ia aboi .hreo-quartora of u milo , and thci s one hundred foot full. Tl rater through this cut in tl rocks of necessity is very fast , pluuf ng ipanly down the utroani , A gioi jortion of the way is ono grand boi nt ; chaam , j ot this had become co' sro'l with logs , and that mighty roa ng , that never had been stopped f < ono moment from the commencomei of tim > ) , was still nnd heard no mor As the sun was sinking behind tl .lie western hills ono grand crushiiij sissing , rumbling , thundering , Hour arose from tlio river , Dm dreds of men , women an children runhed to the lodgi to see what had caused such a coniin tion. On arriving at the river , the found that the great jam had starto from the upper end. This gave tl pent up waters a sudden release , anne no power could hold it back ai : lo'nger , consequently the entire ja became one grand moving mas crashing its way through the narrow When they wont ever the dam , tin were from eight to ton logs higl piled on top of each other , After tal ing the plunge of thirty feet ever tl dam , then they made the grar jump of eighty feet ever and down tl falls. People living four to six mil from hero distinctly heard the thui doring and crushing of logs as tin passed over. Logs ten to fifteen ii dies in diameter were broken in tv like pipe stems. Largo logs wou strike on end and split in two. Mi who stood ou top of the falls say th largo numbers of loga bounded twon feet high. The tcono witnessed Sunday occurs but once in n life tin No ono was hurt , and no damage 1 been done. The Model Sexton. .losmh H , Haywood , &oxton of t Church of the Unity , Boston , has i cently celebrated his silver wi-ddiu Among the incidents of the feahvo t ciMon as the reading of a letter f re the Hov. M J. Savage , hio pastor , which ho snid : " 1 propose , therefore entirely f your own good to nuggest a ft fault ; , Ifyoucnn only manage euro these you will have become t' ideal sexton , nnd you o u command salary of § 10,000 n year , or porlia earn more than that by traveling wi Barmitn ns the greatest curiosity the ago , The fnulta 1 allude to a such ns UIFSO : "I'lrnt You have not yet lonrm how to maku the church hot and cu at the enmo tmo. : You must lea how to have ono pow mark 7f > Fa renhoit , nhllo the next ono to it down to a point where it would ' comfortable for nn Eskimo. "Second Von do not seem to knc how to have a free circulation , n pic ty of frceh air , and yet not hnro ai dnught anywhere. You must in vc some way to make nil the drauj-h skip the pows where rheumatic nt bald-headed r/ooplo sit. "Third You hare not yet ncquiri the art of having the church 11 todi with light while all the blinds ihut at the cnmo time. This shou bo atUndcd to nt once , nnd yi should not offer nny ouch poor oxcu is that it is impossible. To a aoxU nothing should bo impossible. "Fourth You must find out son way of giving everybody the be teat , right in the center of the hous no matter whether the povra a ilrondy full or not. "Fifth You must loam how to fi ill the pows with strangers withoi Jinking anybody 'mad' about it , an it the same time have plenty of roe eft for regular pew-holders. "Sixth And finally , you will spor four leisure time in inventing patent church that shall bo just war tnough and not too warm ; not tc ight , but just light enough ; not tt Iraughty , but with just draugl motigh ; where nil the people , wha ivor their mental , moral , or physic sondition , will bo perfectly ccunfor ibje , and crowning achievement i ill that shall have all the scats iu tl niddlo. "What is a nexton for anyhow 10 can't please everybody nt the san * " * lit Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs , Cold V&tima , Bronchitis , Loss of Viice , orar .Ifection of the Throat and Lunya , are TI [ ueeted to cull nt C , F. GoodmanV dri tore and got A Trial Uottle of Dr. KAI8 ew Discovery for Consumption. 'TC5 , r name , whicli will convince t * "i of it wonderful merits nnd show what a reguln ollar-sizo bottle will do. C U early. Fish Farmlnff. By attaching n pump , propelled b ho wind , to a well , says the St , Pal Pioneer Press , you can supply a basi rom 50 to 75 foot in diameter , an ix to eight feet deep , with water sufl itent to raise several thousand carp cither ithor fish. The cost of this pond an ippurtenanpes need not exceed § 7f L'hn bottom and sides need to b lemouted thoroughly. When th > aam is complete place in i L small quantity of brush c loating wuas. If y Intnnd ( aiso carp , do not place other fish ( tredotory character in the pond Tli pawning will occur during the opriii uonths , the female laying f rom 50OC , o 500,000 eggs. Tht eggs will ac lore to whatever thay touch , nnd wi eon hatch , She green ecuin ot n pa i.illy statinato pond is fine food tc ho young llali. Mud in the bottoi if the pond is beneficial. The fis rill feed readily on kitchen garrlu efuao , such as cabbage , led ettuco , hominy or othf lUbatances. Water seldom bccaim oo warm for thcno full. Darin reeaing wcnthor they bury thunisnlvx n the mud at the bottom of thu pom While in this conditiou they shoul lot bo disturbed. In n pond of give limunsions several thousand fish lm\ .nnually buon taken. If weeds an ; rass grow profusely about the bo lore of the pond , so much bettor I- ho fish , Iu two yeara' tiuit you ca lave a constant supply of sport an bed , and the advantage of a pond I issist in beautifying your homo. The National Sewing Machine Co iuporintondont.Mr. Frank Duan , Bo .on , Mass.writes : My wife used S Facobs oil for pains in the basic an vas immediately cured. I was cure > f rheumatism by it. Can most hij l y recommend it to those likewise i : lictud , I intend to purchase mo ; his day us I would not do without i Texas Cattle , 'mil ' AtUnllc. Westward from Houston the com .ry becomes drier , though thoroissti nuoh'low prairie. All nlong the roa : hrough thju region one sues many ca Jo and soon loann the meaning ot tl iccounts , BO often repeated , of citt joing able to. "live out nil white rvithout feed or ahtiHur , " They L ivu so ; that is , some of them cl > ilany diq from starvation. I tu , heir bodies ovurywhoto , and nmnyc .hose otill nlivo were wretched ! irauoiated. Hundreds of thum wori , o use an oxpreeMvo Southwestoi ihrjso , "on the lift ; ' that is , who .hey laid down they were BO weak thi hey could not gut up ; but if they we ; lelped to got up they could wilk aboi md feed , until weariness or wcukne prompted them tc lie down aguii , vhuu the process had to bo repeatei I saw great number ; ) of dead nnirnn n the pools and ditches , where tlu md gone to drink , and being too woi to struggle through the mud they Iu allen into the water nnd been drowi id , Tlio owners appeared general to hold the same cheerful philosopl ivitli a man with whom I talked Dorinth , Miss. , who thought ho d not lose much when hundreds of h sheep uied for want of food mid elu tor , because , as ho suid , "wo git tl wool , " So tlioau Texas cattle mi lecmcd aatisQed with the hide "Hundreds nnd thousands of the on llo die when the now grass begins i uome ; " so I was told everywhere. Tl explanation is that the cattle , wei from long starvation and ravonoi with hungry , oat excessively of tl fresh gross. They have no 'dry foot to servo as a corrective , and the BU felt on green food kills them , Tl Bethesda BATHIHG HOUSE At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union St COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1'U'n , Mciltctloit , V per , Klec'rlc , I)3iuli. bhnncr , Hot OeM lit In Cot intent ftlc Mul liinilo uir c-i ntiil i t eml ti nlwixon lmn.1 , nn < l In bouotifl c niil nth tlnn elruti ) i\tr UK. Spn > a1 lt ntlnn chui I hi'i In * children. IntMt'gatl ' m owl iitronip olldtol 1)11. A. II STUHLKY & Co. , ICt ! I ppor Broadway. Dr. Ktul'rM Ttintincni ot clironl dl ci mtdnn tptciilt } . Otic ot the best ( oml clRM Hotel * ,11 tlio Wen It the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K im < * WN , Proprietor. S'ofl 531 anil ti"Cl HroiuVnv , < ounctl UlnfTj.low Talilo mppllcd with th bc t the inaiktt a loul . (1 od rooms nnd flrst-clrvm bctK Tern irr > roin.oiiMilo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Ser FIlffcT OLA'S MOrUt , AT UKAPONAIU I'KKIK1U4S8IKNT8 ACCOMMODATKI HOTEL FOU HhNT. U001 > IlKASONS tO BKST1XO. _ SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL N. Andenon , - - Proprietor , J32 Lower Droadwuy. TAble imppl cd Ith Iho lint the mtrketa [ nnln. tern. 5 { 3.60 and 84 OOperncok. Tr.Mislci 11.00 pnrilav _ If Yon Wiili n Lunch Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , 3oupp , Meal , nml I'atnble * always o hand. Five Cents per cull. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SICW , AND 3RNAMENTAL WINTERS , PAPER HANGING , EALSOfflNIHl AND GtRAffllHfl , 31iop f"rllor Broadway and Scott St j RS. J. P. BILLUPS , PROPRIETOR OF IESTATJBANT& EATING HOUSE 813 Sjuth tlnln Street , Cauncil It uT. ( . New house and ncwlj fitted up In first clm > tjlu Heals at nil noun Icu cream and lomo . d ionfcctlonrrloi > da fiery c\oiln.r. Krultan HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN FruitsNuti Confectionery , , 3igars and Tobacco , tfresl ) ysters and Ice Cream ii Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blnflfc. _ vholo nystom and plan of cattle rah ug in tliia ntuto Boumud to ino to b ' the indusli- mormously wasi'uful , yet s a sourcu of wealth. It would , how iver , bo much mure prolitublo wit ! ) otter nmthods , and us population bo loinuu inoru deimo , and the IMIII > O fo : attlu in circumecribud , tliujo will o loceasity bo adopted. Niwrly ever nirsuit in tlio South is to n ( > reat ox , out carried on , or rather goes on , wit ! iniihr wastufulnes'i of inothod am esult. Of eourao no buuinesa thu nanagod produces ao inuohns it uoul f proBt'Ctitctl i\i h oven moderate en irgy , foresight and prudence ihould not like toorprcaa my opinion ipon such mutters no forcibly u iouthorn mon oxproau theirs every vhero. Mr. A. V. Burk , Wlutowatcr , Wia. lays ; Tlio success of the ago IB 81 Faoobs Oil ; it cures everybody , and i lonaidorod u gift from heaven by ou icpplo. A Lively Day for a Now Member. iVorid Ounip. Said a youn broker with a dii leveled hair and glowing cheeks : ' ' liavo just come from the board , and toll while I wns there everything vre ivhirlinK and the uproar waa ileafon ng. I did not ezp'ect that , nort c , lung. I wus elected a niolnbor of th ixclmngu only this mornini ; and I ha lot intondud to begin business B 10011 ; but ut noon I noticed that th ; .ipo was coming out very olowly , wit i sale nt rare intervals of two bond > r twenty eharos of Block , or BOIIIC .hinu' of that aizo , and in view of th ixtromo dullness I thought it woul ) j a good time to make my debut , yould not be conapicuous for idluiu-e A'hon nobody liad any.ordora , Eitho [ nude a mintiko or aomobody gav lotico of my approach , for when , wit ny now gray suit carefully smoothed ny hair exquisitely brushed and in lobby lint balanced I passed throug , lie Kouth entranca on Now atreel ivory eye Boomed to welcome m Myly , and auoh a shout aroeo tliut nvnaed just inside thoroughly aboshoc L wan about to lift my hat , but it at : .icipated mo and How twenty fee iig'i to the middle of the loom Thi ict of politeneaa mailo mo a fuvout xt once , and hundreds of strong arm ici/.ud me , I wont forward HUI rounded by a dense , shouting mas c dion. What they wore Baying I coul not maka out , but I gathered that i least 100,000 aharea of stock wei adored to mo or asked of me , For while I smiled with great energy an kept a bothoiod look-out for my lit as I waa whirling swiftly over tli iloor ; but it waa not long before m one thought was to caoape. Twice reached a door but was tossed ban The third time T got clear out , boa headed and all to pieces , Present ! A boy brought a hat to me. It didn look like mine , but my name was iu I No , I haven't ' been back and don think I will go until business pickd u * little , " _ _ . = = = = = = = = = = When you with Itheuuiatlo groan , Gr with Nourtlaaia labor ; Be aura to ua St. Jacob * Oil , And tlun go tell your neighbor , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. ARLINOTON , OARATOQA HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE. COMMEnCIAU HOTEL HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE- , QRANO CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , CNO'3 HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTCL , MORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOTEL COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , OOMMCRO AL HOTEL , DftQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKIN8HOU8E , DALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE V/OOD3 HOUSE , DOUGLAS HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUS WINSLOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE OROZIER HOUSE AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE CENTRAL HOUSE PROPRIETORS J. O. MclNTIRE , J , 0. 8TELLINIUS , E. MANS , JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL CHENEY & CLARK , J. Q. MEAD , S.J3EYMOUR. P. L. THORP , A. 0. OAARPER , W. MAYFIELD , E. OTOREY. C. L. END , 0. D HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E , L. QRUQD , 8WAM & DECKER , OEO.OALPH , O.M. REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , Q. DURGESS , Dl A. WILLIAMS , MRS. M , C , CUMMIN09 , JtL. AVERY , J , W. DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , CHA8. DACNELL , WM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , D , F. STEARNS , JOHN EOKCRT , J. 8. DUNHAM , J. T. O.BEEN. J. M. CLACK & 60V , : A. T. POTTER ' Q McOAR-- M. D. J'HE8 , Oi JROZIER , D . * . ROCKHOLD , TOWN ? ' Lincoln , Neb , Mllford , Neb.g BROWNSVILLE , Neb Stromiburs No Loultvllle Olnlr , Nab. HellRh , Neb. Nsbra ka City , Neb WoaplnKWater.NB Hardy , Neb. Greenwood , Neb ] Olarlndo , Iowa Eromont , Neb. Aihland , Neb Atklnion , Nab. Qulda Racd , Neb. Oreiton , l , Ex Ira , la. Atlantic , In , Audubon , la. Neoln , la. Harlan , la , Corning , In. Qtanton , Dlanchard , I * . Shenandoah , IB , Dayld Olty , Neb College Spring ; * , la. Vllllica , la. Malvern , la , Ida drove , la Odebolt , la Oiceola , Neb , Olarks , Neb. Bedford IA Maryivlllo Mo Norfolk Junction Neb Bcward Neb. Auranr.Notj. Sidney , NoJj. WOCA la. -OCKWOOD & SHATTUOK. Red Oak. THE JSiM MOUNTAIN AlTO T T.7 _ JL , I B w Mining and Milling Compan > Pur Vuluo of ah rt , . . . . { - . - - - 25OM. 3TOOK FULLY PAID UP AM ) NON-ASSESSABLB Mines Located in BBAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. J. THOMAS , President , Cummin * , Wyoming. WM. K. T1LTON , Vlco-rreslJent , CumrnlM , Wyomlnj E. N. HARWOOD , SocreUry , Cummlne , Wyomlnfr. A. Q. LUN'N , Troajurer , Gumming , Wyomlo . . . Tliotuu. Louis Miller W. 8. Drnmcl. A. O. Dunn. Or. J. I. . . , . Lewli Zolman. B. N. llarwood , Francis Lcavona. Goo. II F&loa. Dr. J. 0. WfttklnB. . ( Bale of Stnck ! B" ' " " " ni52mrfini ORO. W. KEWnALL. AuthorUed Agent or V7ent ( or hf\ng \ thu n.o t illiccc , iinlckrat , en u.lfatlln conncctl'ijf tbo i-ioat Metropolis. CHI OAQO , OlidtliO EAUttflW , HOUril-KATMUN , ) > I and BoHrn15iritun LRI ; ' , which tormlnttpthrrr with K. > .am CJTT , LuAVUKworm , ATCIHSOU CODNmii JiW.TO and OIIAIU , the CoUk.ns.cil ! Cn rsuD from which , ridUte EVERY LINE OF R0AD ttut penetrates the Continent from the HIiMat Il > cr to the P&ciria tJIoiw. I bo aeroAGo ROOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY IB the only line Irom CUlcaga e-nlag tiacz In Kanati , or which , by Ita own road , rcc.c > ; 'j th iKilnU nlwvo uiinod. No TBiharnnt BT Oireuai WO UMtlNJ OOHRECT10N31 No huddling Iu III vontllikloj or unclean cars , as cicry puiunjei carrlodlnroom ) , clean and ventlUlod cf : hr ( upon Fast Kzproia Tralna DAT CARS of unrivaled mintflcence | , PuuuAii PALAOI SLKirmo OAUJI , and our own wnrld-fivao jt DIHINQ CAIIS , upon which menlsare served of uu surpassed excellence , at the low r. to ot Ssviur'r FUII Ctnn KAOU , with ample time far hcultktu onlpymont. Through Can between Chicago , Peorla , v , nukeo and Ulswurl Rlv < r Foluta : and close ccn nectloni at all point * of Intersection with olhei roads. V/o ticket ( do not forpet thli ) directly to even ploco cf ImporUneo In Kansas. Nebraska , Bla-k Illlls. Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , Callforc.0 , Ortrfon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arltoni and New Mexico. As I beral arrangements regarding baggage u any other line , and rates ol faro always a ow u competitors , who furnish bnl * tithe o tie com fort Dogs and tackle ot tportsoon ( roe. Tltkcte. majig and foldora at all prlncip * oiDccs In the United KUtes and Canada. U. R. CAUL K. HT. J01IN , Vlco Pren't & Uen. Oen , Tkt ' ' jKanairer. Chlmaro Sions City A Paclc THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE Runs a Holla Tralu Ihrough from Council Blufis to St. Paul Without OhKtige Time , Only 17 Hours it iu : ft.C3 O > UILES THE OIIOKTEBT HOUTB no * COUNCIL BLUJFFB TO CT. PAUL , iUNNKAPOUtJ DULUTfl OR BISMAROX md 1.11 polntd In Horthein Io , . Mlnncs.tiiu < Djkoti. Tlilj ll b Is diulppod with the Improvci Vriitlnghou9ii Automula Air-brake aud Ullio I' t/orm Coutilor and Uuffcr : and ( or aPKEU , SAFETY AND COMFORT UunsurpiMud. Pullman I'alaco Bleeping Cir run through WITHOUT CIIANGK botwotu Uau ii ( i City and bt Paul , via Council BluOs am Joux City * Trains loa e Union Paclflg Traosler at Couu ell Bludu , at I'M p , m. dally on arrhal of Kanea city. Ht Joseph and Council Jllufla tralu fron the South , Arriving at Bloux City 11S6 p. m. and at the Nevr Union Depot at tit. Paul aa 12:3 : noun , rUN HOURS IN ADVAN08 0V ANY.OtnEl ROUTE gjTRemember In taking the Sioux City Raul you get ft Through Train. The Shortcut Line thv Quickest 'lime and a Comfortable Ride In tb I'hrouKhCars between COUNCIL 1ILUKF8 AND BT. PAUL. ta"B < M that your Tickets road via the "Slou Qlty tnJ Pacific llallroad ' / B. WATTLES , J , R , BUCHANAN Superintendent , Qen'lPass. Agonl. P , K. UOUINQON , Aus't Uon'l Pass. A t. , Ulasourl Valley , Iowa W. B. DAVID , Southwestern Agent , Oouncl llluft tnwt EUROPEAN HOTEL Corner Fourth and Ixicuet Btrcets. sot ? . x.o ox , naco. J.H. HURST , . - Prop. Rooms , 75o , $1 , and 1,50 Par Day An elegant Iteitauiaut li'conaectoil with tbi housa whore meali are B i cd&t roMonabUprioei Open day and night. m-10m flf - FOR - 1 CHICAGO , 4 PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETEOIT , HIABAEA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Polut East and 8outh-En t THIiLIHKCOMl'RISES Nearly 4.000 lullea , Holld Bmooth Stool Track * All connections are maijo In UNION DhPOTS. t hag a National llcpntatlon s being the Qreat Throuch Oar Line , and U universally conceded to be the FINEST EQUIPPED lull- read In the world lor all classes of travel , Try it and you will find traveling a Inxury nstead ot a discomfort. Through Tickets vU rhls Celebrated Una for sal o at oil otQcna In the West , All Information about Itates of Fare , Blooplne Car Acocmmo Jatloni , Time Tab'es , ic. , will bo cheerfully given by applylnlnic to T. J. POTTER , ! Zd Vlco-t'ros't & Don. UanaKerChlcago , PERGIVAL LOWELL , Qon. Passover Art. | Chlcayo , W. J. DAVIINPOKT , Men. Afcnt , Council niufls. II. P. UOELL , Ticket Ant-'omaha. morn eil-ly R880 , SHORTJ.iDiE. S389. EA2TSAS CITY , u taa ottw Direct Line to ST. LOTJJ3 ANDTUUKA8T From Omaha and the Wont. All trains lca > e B. d M , Oopot , Omaha : Neb. Ho change of can between Oaiiha and bt , uoali , nd but one between OUAUA , and NEW YORK , Daily Passenger Trains MAOUIKO AUl KABTKRN ANO WE3TKIIN CITIES with 1X39 CUAUUKO i.nd IN ADVANCE cl U.T , OTHER UNKH This eutlte Una ls * quip } < d with nUaiD'i ' l > Ueo Bleopln ? Cars , Palace D y'i Bafety Platform nd Coupler , nd the celewr t < WostlnebouM Alt-buko. . . 3Tti o that jotir ticket reads VIA nANSAB OirV , bT. JOSETil It COUNCIL ULUFfH Balled od , vU Bt. Joseph and 6t. Louis. Tlcketi for sale at * 11 coupon sUUous In Hw Ww.t. J. BAKNAIVD , 0. DAWt3 , Oen. Hupt. , Bt. Jowph. Uo A1 Ocu. Paw. and Ticket Agt , t. Joseph , Mo. &HDT Doacira , Ticket Agent. 1020 Ftrnhun etrcet. , Oonsul Agent , OUAIIA.nK FAST TIMS I In going E t take the DMcago&lrtliwest- lure ta. nd TK : I.IB.