Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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'I 1
f pppr"7
+ r p . ? > 7\ ;
I'.W SvA'-iV
The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning May 26.
sunscnirnoN HATES :
Br Carrier , - - - - - 20 ccoU per week.
B/U&ll , - - 110 00 per Year.
Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
n rood war.
0. K. MAYNE , V n Rcr City Circulation.
H , W. TILTON , City Editor.
Fancy goods at coat &t Hcnnmn'g ,
The rain IIM rondo teaming on Main
treet nimjily lionlble.
h Secure your ecftts for Littn concert at
Bushncll & Urackctta. oprM If
Closing otit sale at Hcrzman'a ,
New line of Chip And Strnw Flower
JJwkets just received at SeamunV.
Goodi froth at low price * , Ilcrzm&n.
Joseph Hotter tnnltcs suits In tlio Int-
cat styles &t 310 Broadway. nprll-tf
The Congregational foils have * social
this crcnlng At the residence of V. F.
There la some delay In putting up the
* * . clcctilo fire alarms , tlio watt Lcini ; for the
arrival of material.
The ladles of the city , interested in
temperance work , nre earnestly requested
. to meet at the church to-day nt
2-30 p. m.
, Don't forget to cill at the now ice
j cream parlora of Sire. J , A. Gray , over
405 Broadway. may22-lf
tty Next Sunday night liar. Mr. Lcmen
is to speak in tlio Baptist church on the
prohibition amendment. All are Invited
cf whatever faith or belief on the tern
peranco question.
Tnlto your Ice frtrn the Blue Wspcns
Orders taken at J. T. Oliver's and at
Jones Biob' . Groceiy. MullholUnd&Oo. ,
Successors to D , F. Richer. op29tf
Hcrzman ls surprising everybody.
Mrs. 11. S. Simpson \VM charred before -
fore Juttice Frainey yo terday with mnli
y ; . clously nulng out a search warrant. Mrs.
MV , * , T. S. Carroll waa tlio complaining witness.
The case was contluuod ,
Joseph 11 ) 'fl , ct 015 Upper Broadway ,
$ Council Bluffs , make * the best butter tubs
In tbo west nnd solla them nt tbo lowest
cosh price , npr23-tf
K /The city marshal was out early yes
terday morning , and had tome uf the pris
oners at work cleaning off street-croBnlncrs.
P * 9B early as 4 o'clock. Some of theprison' '
I ij era prefer to climb out that early , rath2r
* j * than lay around In the cnlaboos ? , ns long
as time is credited them.
The sidewalks on Main street , in many
places , between the Chicago , Burlington
Quincy depot and the Chicago & Ruck
liltind depot , nuo in a horrible condition ,
and strangers who bavo occasion to doany
walking in tbat vicinity et a bad idea ef
the town. Why , even old settlers grum
" ble greatly ,
We ere requested by the committee of
1' \ tulles' Temperance toclnty , of Council
P/'T , " Uluffa , to say that there will bo a meeting
K ' of that society at the Baptist church to
ftV ' " ' day t 2:30 p , m. All ladles , whether
jr& - members or not , are invited. Matters of
' Intereit and importance ure tu como np
fe ; .
, teforc tbo mcotinc , A full attendance is
% : - ' " earnestly solicited.
5 V
v - Over teventy-fivo suita have been be
gun fur the collection of Some
. ' v against whom Milt has thus been begun
have stepped up to th otllco an-i settled ,
It costing them $0.05 , a slight advance
' over the $1 which would luwe settled the
- - ' claim if it had been met promptly. Still
ir.r - . further delay on tbo part of othera will
caiuo still larger ojsts.
The Blulf City engine now has a now
learn. The horses were purchased by Pat
Xaoy at Glen wood , nnii by him sold to tbo
city , tbo cost being about 5450 , The team
is apparently an excellent one , und bear
k fair comparison with those recently
bought by tbe city for the other company.
The boys are ecttini ; tbe new horses ac
customed to their peculiar duties , and ex
' - . , * . ' pect to soon Imvc tbeui in shape to do as
yv , ' - , . . . vpeedy and good work as any 6f them.
' " * '
. * " Complaints has been made that
8- -v t1 *
frV - - * tramps hare be n frightening some of tbe
IS . . * * families Hying on the bottom , by their
. tw- > Tough way of demanding meats , and un
! & > * < nerving timid women. The officer * bag
J ' 4- Ked several of them Wednesday night
B , v + , . * w- ' Bleeping In a freight car , but they denied
k"llr being tbe offrnJIng parties , and claimed to
be limply men who were out of work and
cut ef money. After spending a nlfbt In
tbe cooler they were allowed to go.
Nellie l ng and Maggia Ludley , two
wild girl i of tbo town , were brought into
' ? . - " court yesterday on'tbe charge of vagrancy ,
( ' * ; They have both been HO bold on the streets ,
> and caused the officers so much trouble
that Marshal Jackson concluded they
| t . ' must quit. Nellie said the lud folks in
, - Des Molues , and would go home if let free ,
te-V. : . . / and on .this promise her care was
continued one week. The other
girl has a mother living in tbe city ,
but refuses to stay at borne.
The choice was given her to have her cane
continued If the would stay at home , but
ube did not seem to care to do eo , and she
was given until to-morrow morning to
Huke up her mind , whether she would behave -
have herself or lake up quarters In j < ll.
There Ii much trouble about the cala-
lx > oe. Sobers and drunks have to be
alike tbiust into the den , and those who
are inclined to leep are often kept awake
by the howlt and antics of those who are
drunk , Those who are inclined to be de
cent aud cleanly have to suffer from the
aastioesi of those wbo are cither too
drank or too laiy to take care of thorn-
velvet. Tbe other night Mayor Bowman
took pity upon tbo lack of sleepiaj ; uccom
> * d at I jus and provided a new mattress and
' tne new blank ti. It showed his klud-
. M0 of hetrt and ready cyuipahty , but ai
, ; , , the rate l > y which bedding has been soiled
/ Mid .torn , the mayor' * sympathy and .tbe
tlanktU will be apt to give out before nny
p raBBat reform can be mstituled.
W * CoB't Help It-
No matter the source or cause , we
kate growling , and recommend here
with tie waaedy. Use St. Jacobs
Oil and ku h at pain , It will do ( lie
rwk my time ,
Their Ropreaentativea Consider
Various Means for Their
Faotn nnd F < Rnr „
Growth of the Work.
The Sunday school convention yesterday -
terday continued its session , opening
in the forenoon with devotional ei-
oroisos , led by Rev. George G. Jl ise ,
at which o goodly number were prts-
A few minutes were spent in loci's ]
chatting and hand-shaking , after
which the topic , "Tho Truth , " was
opened by llev. A. Jacobs , who
ihowod the peace and puciousutsa
of the Word.
Dr. Montgomery gavoaotno of his
izporionccs , and how his sympathies
for his fellow-men were drawn out by
studying "Tho Truth. "
Mr. Love stated some of hin expo *
rioncos as to how the power of "The
Truth" quiets the roughest cases on
our pniries and in thu largo cities.
After singing by the audience , Uev ,
_ ' . F. Uresco conducted n normal class
; esson "Abraham" which proved intei-
csting and profitable , mid which
showed that many tchool workers
were nu'ito doGcieut in the old testatl
mont history.
The next topic wns "Tho Lifo , Proin
sontod , Enforced and Lived. " , Tim
discussion was opened by 0. N.
Caldwell , who was followed by Mrs.
Dr. Oaborno and othets.
Mr. Jacobs g ive some excellent ad
vice as to how the truth shall bo pre
pared so ns to make it palatable to the
A stranger eutjecoted that the lo-
son for next Sunday shall bo taken up
for discussion , Thu lesson to him
scorned to represent a Sunday school
with Christ as a teacher.
The forenoon session was closed
with sinning and the benediction by
Rov. S. N. Vail , of Missouri Valley.
The afternoon session opened with
a Borvico of praise and prayer.
Tho. president announced the next
topio as a bible reading on the sub
ject , "Holy Spirit. " After a few
prayers , 0. D. Mitchell gave several
rofcronccBfrom the btble , showing the
personality of the Holy Spirit , and
ether trutlyj ,
Rov. Cyrus Hamlin introduced the
topic , "Tho World Brought to the
OrosH. "
Reports wore presented from a
number concerning the work as going
on.Mr. . Jacobs repotted from Shelby
county that four townships are or
ganized ; number of Sunday schools
reported , 8 ; number of oillcera , SO ;
number of teachers , 54 ; number of
scholars , 700 ; average attendance ,
574 ; number rocoired into the church
this year , 14.
Dr. Montgomery gave a report of
the Sunday schools in Council Bluffr ;
number uf regular schools , G ; mission
schools , 4 ; number of scholars , 1,100.
J. 8. Love reported Pottawattamio
county as having between 125 and 140
Sunday schools , and that some 800
now scholars had boon brought in.
Harrison county reported by 0. N.
Galdwcll. There were 47 schools ,
with a total membership of 2,400 and
an average attendance of 1,000 ; num
ber received into the church the past
year , 75. The following resolution
was offered and adopted :
Resolved , That wo have a high ap
preciation of the eorvico of Bro. F.
H. Jowott among u , and it gives us
pleasure to commend both him and j
his missionary work and pray that in
the future as in the past ho may bo
blessed and prospered in this neces
sary work , and establishing Sunday
schools where there were none boforo.
Mr. S. N. Vail presented many
good thoughts on the topic , "Influence
of Homo 'Lifo on Sunday Schools. "
Rov. Mr. Lemon and Rev. Mr. Brcseo
also gave some interesting talk on the :
saino theme.
The thanka of the convention were
expressed to the friends of iho Baptist
church for the use of the auditorium
for the Hireling , and also to Mrs. Judd
for her help at the organ in the ser
vice of song , .
After singing "Blrst is the Tie that
Binds Our Hearts in Christian Love , "
and prayer by Rov. Mr. Lomeu , the
convention adjourned ,
\V , H. Judson , of HoHton , WAS hi this a
city yesterday.
II. A. Uherry , of DurlluRton , wan at
Ogdeo yesterday.
Constable. Kilgerton , of Omaha , wan
visiting on thu Htreeta yesterday.
Q , W. r lmor , of Chicago , wan one of
yesterday's Ogden house arrivals.
15. I ) . Cole , agent nf the Grand Trunk
line , Chicago , was In the city yesterday.
W. II , Dkrawell , of Madison , Nub. , „
took In tlie Ogden house dinner yesterday. C
LauU Bechloe ! , who is connected with b
* leading dry goods lituso in St. Lduin , ia v
In thU city vMtlng II'H purmtn , f
" " "
i * u
The District Court.
lu the district this
court morning , a
motion was entered for a now trial in
the case of Kultwick vs. Rico , and |
will doubtless bo decided this morn
A decree of divorce was granted in
the case ot Nancy Strain vs John S.
Strain , the ground of complaint being
The case of Swauson vs. Hardio
woa on trial yesterday , and took all $
day. It was u claim of damages for
false imprisonment. It appears that
the residence of Mr. Frederick , in
Avoca , was robbed and set fire to , and
llardlo , as an olllcor , arrested Swanson -
son on suspicion. No information
was filed against Stransoii , and 'on be
ing discharged , lie commenced suit for
damages , The case was not given to
the jury until the cloao ot the day ,
a. A. B.
All members of Abe Lincoln nosl
No. 20 , G. A , R. , ere requested to
meet promptly nt 7:30 : Friday evening -
ing , for the purpose of making final
arrangements for memorial services
pee decoration day.
Peat Commander.
Such Booms the Chief Duslncao o
Anderson t Co. at Proaent.
If a fraction of the many reports
sfloat are true , Maj. Anderson , in his
eagerness to capture the congrcs
ftional nomination in this district , has
been making some queer trades and
promises. 32loctcd as a railway com
missioner to look after the interests of
the people , ho is reported aa having
promised his position to a man who is
known as strongly affiliating with
railway interests , provided that roan
would withdraw from the contest , and
hence John Y. Stono's declination. I'
is again reported that to keep out of
the contest a Montgomery county
man , ho has promised to work for his
nomination four years hence , if said
county will now support Anderson.
In fact , it seems that prom-
ism are being scattered in
all directions in the desperate
liopo ot gaining some strength for An
derson. Ic is all well enough for The
Nonpareil to cry "boom , " but the
fact is there is tut boom. There's a
grab , but no boom.
Iho call for thu county con-mtion
A deferred , eo that as short n time as
lossiblo will bo givmi those in the
enmity to itifoim themselves
and dccido how to act. This
grab on the county is cf
the s.inio kind as that tried on the
districtThis dispicuhlo way of try-
Uig to force a nomination is reacting ,
and none know it butti r than Andcrw
son & Co. , who seem to bo now trying
to atone for it by making promises to
any and all who may apply. What
uru the promises worth ?
A Suggestion to Do Away With Both
Anderson ana Sncp.
Cotro'iy/ndcnco ct The Dve.
TADOU , Iowa , May 22. Prohibition
is still the loading topic among our
people , with politics on deck. Presi
dent Brooks is devoting most of his
time to the causu and is speaking at
various points in and out of the coun
ty. Thu prevailing opinion , won by
its opponents , is that the amendment
will carry.
The republican congressional con
vention for this diitricc having been
called for next month is turning the
speculative minda of local politicians
to ( predictions of the probable result.
If no now candidates are sprung on
the convention it is conceded here
that Major Anderson of this county
will tccoivo the nomination. It is
supposed the fight for a position on
our country's altar will be between
Anderson and Sapp. It is generally
looked upon as a ( tcrumblo fur office in
which the masses are but little inter
ested. They should , however , attend
the primaries and let their preferences
bo known before it ia everlastingly too
late. While we would willingly
enough BOO our district represented by
Mr. Anderson , yet our first choice
would be one of our own townsmen
Tabor could present to the convention
as | a candidate a gentleman as worthy
and deserving of concressional honors
is any that the new Ninth district can
bring forward. A gentleman whoso
private character is above reproach ,
ind whoso integrity and ability are
beyond question ; s gentleman who has
done as much for Fremont county as
any citizen it contains , and said aa
many good words for southwestern
Iowa as any who present more pre
tentious claims to public favor. Wo
rtfer to President Win. M. Brooks , of
Tiibor College , who is doing more for
this part ot the otate in the building
up of a model school of learning' for
the improvement of its young men
and women than a score of chronic
ollico-Bookers , who for the real good
they luivo ever done , are but barren
ig trees. This is ono of the best dis
tricts in the state , Its citizeno appre
ciate education and respect religion.
Lot thniu not bo misrepresented. Let
them ccnd an able , educated , refined
Christian and public spirited gentle
man to congress from the now ninth.
Jamea Vincent , Sr. , editor of the
.Nonconformist , of this pluco , is men
tioned by the titato Tribune and oth
er loading papers of that' party as a
very proper candidate for congress iu
the national greenback party. Mr.
Vincent is a man of far moro than the
average ability and would likely make
good race , although too radical for
the more conservative of his own party.
There are not moro than a half
dozen democrats in our town , but BO "
far as congressional honors are con
cerned , wojcan accommodate oven that
party , although as they are all good
citizens , wo should not like to part
with them and would rote to have
them tarry at home.
Cairo (111. ( ) Kvoning Sun : "And
what can you toll about St. Jacobs
Oil ? " said ono of our oldest subscri
bers. This was a fair quottion , and
wo answer that wo are reliably informed -
formed ( that n gentleman of this city ,
who has Buffered untold agony , and
and spent a mint of money to got re
lief from Rheumatism , in desperation ,
bought some and tried it , and declares
that it ii the best remedy for rheumatism -
tism ho ever hoard of ,
Ben Allen's Estate-
Nation * ] AttocUted Pron.
DtsMoi.NES , la. , May 25.The
Charter Oak Lifo Insurance
Company having been defeated in the J
Allen-Blanket mortgage case , to-day
filed a claim against Allen's estate for *
$700,000 , the Bum alleged to bo duo J
them from Allen , Stevens & Co. The
claim will bn vigorously contested by
the assignees.
Do Pore ( Wis. ) Standard : Ono of 1
our patrons hero had u log roll over
ono of his foot , and was unable in
consequence , to walk the distance of a
rod , for the last two months. About
two weeks ago ho observed a notice of
St. Jacobs Oil in the Standard , and
sent to W. II. Chapman's Drug Store ,
West Do Pero , to pwrchaao a bottle.
lie applied it to hiu foot , and in two a
hours no was able to walk across the
street ; in two days the pain had en
tirely disappeared. The foregoing art
strictly the facts in the cue. The
party's name ia John Vergeldt , and
he will certify to this At any time ,
Laborers Cautjbt Beneath a
Falliug1 Bank Near
Park's Mill ,
Ono Killed , Souio Injured , nna
Other * Bnrely Eacnpo.
The vicinity of Park's mill , a few
miles east of the city , seams prolific of
late in frightful accidents. Another
fatal ono occurred yesterday morning
about 10 o'clock. A largo number of
men were engaged shoveling in a big
cut , being employed by the Cnicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. The
tank at which they were at work was
Bomo fifty or sixty feet in height ,
and was close by thu track , upon
which stood the dirt train which was
being loaded. Thus hemmed in between -
tweon the high bank aud the track
there was little chance to escape from
aIand-alido. ) The bank had been
dug into two or three feet at its base ,
nnd some shovolors were at work there
when a bit of dirt came tumbling
down , A man named John Lynch
yelled to the men , and they fell back ;
but ono named Peter Johnson , who
was just taking a shovelful of dirt ,
delayed a little too long , and with a
dull and sickening thud a mass of dirt
foil from the height of about liftoon
foot , striking him upon the head
an ho was stoopinc over , knocking
him down nnd burying the upper part
of his body in IPMJ time thim it takes
to write it. Several of his fellow
workmen jump'ed to his rulfcf at once ,
and catching him by the feet was try
ing to pull him out when another fall
of dirt camo. Moat of them succeeded ,
in jumping out of the way , but some'
were caught by it and moro or lets
injured , while poor Johnson was
buried completely. Ono other man
was partially buried , but was got out ,
and his most serious injury proved to
bo a broksn leg. When Johnson's
body was dug out there was no signs
of life , and it was evident that ho had
been fearfully crushed by the slide of
dirt. It was reported that still an
other man was buried , and the digging
was continued in the expectation of
finding him , but no moro bodies were
found. Ono man , John Lynch , was
somewhat injured , but not so but that
ho could get about , the hurts appear
ing to bo only bruises.
Coroner Faul at. once held an inquest
on tno body of Peter Johnson , nnd
the facts gained were in substance as
ubovo narrated. It appears that
Johnson haa only been hero a short
time , having arrived in this city from
Denmark about eight .days ago. Ho
bus a cousin , or distant relative named
Chris Johnson , who lives hero , and
with whom ho was making his homo.
Ho had b.'en a Bailer for several years
and just came to this country in the
hope of bettering his fortune , leaving
in the old country his aged father and
mother , a brother and sister , and a
betrothed , to whom the sad news will
como with sad suddenness , following
so soon upon his arrival in this now
land and among strangers ,
Being without means , the county
has taken steps to give the man a de
cent burial , and his remains have boon
placed in the hands of the under
There were many rumors that oth
ers were buried beneath the fall of
dirt , and reports placed the number
as high as tour , but no moro bodies
were found. Thoro'was at least ono
ot the laborers who disappeared my
steriously about the time of the acci
dent , and it is thought that he at
least must have been buried , but it is
possible that ho was BO frightened
that ho quit work and left. A largo
number of the laborers were Danes
who understood little English , and
roost of the witnesses who appeared
before tha coroner's jury had to testi
fy through an imerpoter. It was im
possible to got at the real facts as to
whether the accident could have been
woidod by arty ordinary precaution ,
hut it seems that the place is at its
best a dangerous ono in which to
work , as in fact are nearly all the
banks in this vicinity.
NOTICE. Special ftJvortlaemcnU , sue M
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Silo , To Kent ,
Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thle
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER
LINE for tha first Ingertlon nnd FIVE CENTO
PEIl LINE for each Bub > e < juont Insertion.
Leave adv ertUementfl at our office , No. 7
Pearl Street , near LJroaJway ,
\TtTANTED Good Rlrl for general housework
W Inquire at Bee oUlce.
- to do general houarwork.
ilia. W. S. Auient corner 7th
uiid8tha\ . _ maylDtf
Everybody In Council ISIuOg Ic
WANTED Tii BEB , 40 centa per week , de
llvcrcd by carriers. Offlco , No 7 1'earl Street'
near llroauway.
AMEU To Duy luu tons broom coru
W For particular * addresa Council UluS ,
liroora Factory , Council lllufls , Iowa. CW-29tf
For Sale and Rent
fTlOIl BALD. By J. W Ilcdefcr , 0,000 feet
JJ Inch bonds , 1,600 fco icantilou , 325 cedar
posts kii4 one t no-story dauio ImllJIig , nil put
now. Cheap t t cath. m21-tl
FOH 8A1.K Two new lijclclf * at a bargiln.
K It. Btolnhllber , at nuwfurnlturu factory
on Boroiith artnuo , cult 10 0. & N.V , II It.
TTIOKnENTNow house cfifun roomi. For
IJ particular * Inqulie of F. M. Williams , on
Fraiiklln Miost. mS2 flt
FOR BALK Sheet inualo uorlh K5 centi ta
1 00 for 6 ctills'a icpy. and over 10,000
other uicful articles , at Sn Itli & Kerel I'a U reat
Kl > e and Ten-Uent Store , Nt > . HO liiojdway.
Ccuncll UluOl , Iowa. naviO-tf
TTOR ( BALK. Eighty-acre f rm partly cultl-
] tated , twomllca went of Omahx O dell A
Hiy. tn-6-tl
I7101t KENl' l'artoruhole of nice residence ,
? or will acll on cuy teiroa.i > i > ly at Uej
rlllce. ina)2-tl
FOR KENT Two jiloaiant rronas Imcry d .
ilrablv location , tlther furnlnhed or uufuru-
lulled ; aultablo for UJii a or trentlcnicu.
uptll-tf J. W. 6QU HE & CO.
77011 BALE Hca-itiCul mldcnce lota , 60
? each ; nothing ( Sown , and fipcrn-outh only ,
by tX-MAYOlfVAUGllAN ,
milE EXCELSIOR OALLKUY the Hut to in
J. traduce the cow Instiiitaneoui process nj
make a uccias of It. Call and co tpcclmcni.
DH. W , L. I'ATTON-I'bjtlclao and Oculist.
Can cure any case of sore eye * . It ia only
matter of ttino , aod can cure generally m
from three tc five weeks It makctf no differ ,
ence how long dlacMed. Will etmlgMcn crota
eyca , operute auJ tcmo > e I'tyrtKlnma , eta , and
Iniert artificial eyes. Special attention to re
inovelne Ude orm . ap5-tt
A hYONK WANTING ton enne quality brooi
Jcoru KOd can ( el It by rltloff to
? litf rT , WAYNE , Couocnuiuffi
M."Jtt ? dj JtJ.
Are Supplying the Aesthetic
Wants of the Public in
With Everything in Staples at
the Lowest Prices ,
Fresh Roast Coffees ,
Chioce Drawing Teas.
Boston Tea Co.
16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
Road , Track , Coaoh & Livery
3. H. SHERMAN , 'Business JIann er.
W1I. CHRISTOPHER , MechnnlcM Manager.
124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Ia.
Bright and yellow and Imd and cold ,
Molten , graven , hammered and roU'd ,
Heavy to Ret and lieht to hold ;
Hoarded , bartered , oought and sold ,
Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled ;
Spurned by the young , but hugged by the
To the very verge of the churchyard
mould ;
Price of many a ciimo untold.
If you want to have gold yau must
spend vour money to the very best advant
age. Do business with cash men , and
where only one price will be asked or
token ,
"A tree is known by its fruit "
A store by ita prices.
Our prices are right. Our business is a
guarantee that fair dealing is our wntch
word. XLOR is our motto. Our busi
ness is In a most healthy condition. Every
department is doing good work. Canned
Goods are going off very cheap. Teas
and Coffees a choice assortment. Fancy
Shelf Goods for the million. Come and
see us , wo will do you pood.
F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , ,
162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden
Offlca and Works , Main Street ,
We giro special attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will receive prompt attention. A general u-
Bortmcnt of
Brass Goods , Belting , Fining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Ooal ,
President ,
Bixby I I & Wood ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth FtreetsQ
J. M. PALMliE ,
Drs ; Woodbury & Son ,
3EI 3S5T 1 ? X S VCT
Cor. Pearl A let Ave. COUNCIL BLUFKS.
Rich Out Qloaa , Flno Froncn China ,
Silver Ware &o. ,
MRS , flJ , HILTON-M.D. ,
222 Broadwav , Council Bluff * .
Attorneys & OounBellors-at-Law ,
Broadway , Cor. Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
- -
I mean business nnd no blowing.
Having recently oontiacted for 600
Oigans aud over 200 Pianos for th" sea-
eon , to bo sild at Bargains for Oasb , and
ontiao Agents wanted.
Correspondence solicited ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00 -
Bluff and Willow Streets , Council Bluffs ,
Mirrors. Upholstery. Eepairine , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins ,
No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but firat-cloas Bakera
employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Oar
Wagons run all day :
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves.
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands ,
and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , OOUNTOIL 3LTJFS
Hew Just Received.
11 Pcnrl Street , Council Bluff * .
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and llet&ll Dealers In
Nos. 207 Ss 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Irs , J , E , Metcalfe and Iiss Belle Lewis
Art now de&llosr In all Iclndt of fancy goods , ench OB Laces , Embroideries , Ladles' Undenrea
of all descriptions. Alao Hand ) crchlefs , both In tlili and linen , hose of all Hindi , thread , pint ,
needles , i tc. . We hope the laalca will call and eco our Block of Roods at 636 Broadway bifore go
li ( * eloAwhflrfl.
Dealer In
of AH Kinds. A Full Line of Canvas , Fclt , Embroidery , Knitting
Sill and Stomncd Oood . Nice Aisortnent of A v ili ue Flotnroa
-A. Iff 30
Zrp '