Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1882, Image 5
rvno THHJ DAILY BEE : OMAHA FRIDAY , MAV 26 , J882. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. riNAKCI.flJU NBW YOBK , Mfty25. MONET. Money closed at 3 per cent. Exchange closed firm. QOTERNMKNT HOMOS , Currency 6's.k . 132 48 coupons . 120J 4Vs ceiii > n * . . . , . , . llf J 5's continued . 101 3 U's continued , . > . . . . . 101 3 BONDS , Pacific railroad bondo closed aa follow * ! Union lets . 118 @ 118J Union Lmd dranti . 118J Union Sinking Funds . . .121 @ 12I i Centrals . H7i@U8 HTOCKH The Block market to-day was mod erately aotlre and the course of price * lr- regular. During the grower part of the day the tondcnj waa downward , led by Western Union , which was Bold down from 82J to 61 J. 'Iho decline in tlio rc t of the Hit ranged -from J to 1 per cent. Near the close , how&ver , there was a stronger tone and a sharp recovery , some of the Blocks closing at almost the highest prices of the day , notably Heading- , Now Jersey Cen tral , New York Central , Denver & Ilio Grande , Delaware , Lackwanna & West- cm , Milwaukee & St. Paul , and Missouri Pacific. The following were closing bids : Am'nDisi/iel. 43 M & O . 50 A&T11 2i Met.El . 8GI Preferred. . . . 02 Mo. Pee Sl ) B. A. Line pfd. ( > 3 Man Beach. . . 30 } OB&Q 12UJ M & T . 22 OO&IO , . . . 9 NJO 70 * ' ' N Y 0 & 8t L 10J C. B. & O'.V.V. 61J Prof erred. . . 30 C. & Alton 13uj N YC 1201 OOfcI 73 North western. . 129 J Canton 55 Preferred. . . . 14ij Canada 3 48J N& Wpfd. . . 62 Ctrtrul Pacific. 89 NY&T L. . . . 85J Ool ami 48 N YEldvated.KO OStL&NO. . 74 N P. . 419 O&O 20 Preferred. . . . 704 1st pref 28i Nash. & Chat. . 59 $ ad pfd 22 New Cen Coal. . 13 D. &H 103 Ont. Silver. . . . . 35 , DL& W ll'J O&W . 243 D &R G 58 * Ohio & . Miss. . . . 32i D t 3 0 8 J Preferred' . . . . 100 Erie 35 O 0 . 1S { Eriaft W 23J Ore Nav , . 138 - KTenn 10 OreTrani . 72i Preferred. . . . 18J Omaha . 87 Adams 131 Preferred . . . .lOOi American 96 Pull. Pal. Car..l20 US 72i PM . 4IJ Fargo 118 PD&E . 28. Grotnhay 79 Quick < ilver . . . . fc Houston & Tex. 71 Heading . 55 H&StJ 90 Rich & W P. . . 52 Preferred. . . . 80 11 & A . 1C Homoatake 174 R&D . 105 I , 0 1341 R&P . 20 I B & W. . . . . . . 4U Rome & W. . . . 30 ! St. Paul . 11 ( LS . Prof erred. . . . 119 III . St PM&M..128 IfNA& C. . . . San Fran 1st u'd 8G fife ! ? . & Nasb. St. P. Dul . 31 14 &StL . Preferred. . . . 83 * Pref-rrtd. . . . T D &B . 11 * M. & Essex. . . . Texas & Pac. . . 38j M&02dpfil. . UP . 112 | MIcbCen WcstemUnion. 81j' MaubatUnEl. . 65 | Wabash . 28 : Preferred . UJ Preferred. . . . 52 ; CHICAGO UONBT. CHICAGO , May 25. PreaUn , Kean & Co. , linkers , report : There ia no new feature ) to notice in local mrnetary affairs. Money continues in good supply , and the market rules easy at 5(5,7 ( per cent , all kinds of A No. 1 passing readily at the at.ovo rates. Eastern exchange remains at a premium f 75@80e per 81,000 between banks. Foreign exchange more in demand and firm at former rates. UNITED BTATKS BONDS. Si's Extended 6's 101S@10U 3Vs Extended 6'a 101fja ( 1014 4i's Registered 1141U | 4S'sCoupm * 1169@116r 4a Registered ] 2u'/a)120 ' / , 4's Coupons 120i@120 ; RAILWAY AND MISOELLANjiOUB. C. JJ &Q first 101 ; C. , B. & Q , fowadiv. 6'a 103 , C. , B. &Q Inwadiv4'd 83i b6 Burlington & Mo. in Neb 4'n 81 C. , M. & St. P. B , O. & P. W. div. 107 J O. & N. W. coupon gold 7's 124@123 C.&N. Biuking . 0'i 10'JV Chicago & Northwestern 5's OS @K'J ; Jnckeonullo & Southern C'a ( J7K'4'9 ' Wabash. St. L & P. 5's COMMEUCIAJL , "WTiolonlo Marltot. OPFIOK off THE OMAHA BKH \ Thursday Evening , May 25. j No change in reported in the markets to-day. Local Grain Dealing * WHEAT. Cash No. 2,107J ; cash No. 3 , 07 : rejected , 70c. BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 90cj No. 8 , RYE. Cash. 63o. CORN. Cash No. 2 , C9Jo. OATS. Cash , 41n. STREET PRIOES-Com , 60@45 ; oats , 0@45. HAY 80 C0@6 50 per ton. CHOPPED ITEED $160. CHOPPED CORN-SI 40. BRA.N § 115 per hundred. STRAW § 4 00 ton loose ; 85 00 baled. Produce and Vegetables. ° OTATOE8 Nebraakas , 1 00@1 10 ; " jnportod Scotch Champions 100@115 , te" riWEETPOTATOES-$5.75@0.00 per barreL WILD DUOK-81 25@1 50. EGGS-15@16o. BUTTER Creamery , 20@25o ; choice roll , lll@15c ; common roll , 8@10u. BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22o v' ONIONS-Bushol boxes , 2 50@3 00. ORANBERRIES-Per box , S 75 ® 4 CD. CD.OHKKSE OHKKSE ! C(314c. ( ORANGES ( > 7 00 LEMONS-5 50@0 00. Provisions. HAM3-16operlb. BACON-Breakfast , 15c ; clear sides , 13o : dry salt sliler , J2c. SnOULDERS-Slo per Ib. DRIED BEEF-lOio per Ib. G roc ore' List. COFFEE. Rio , lair , lie ; Rio , good 2c ; Rio , prime to choice , 12Jo ; Old eov't Java ) 20i@2Slc , Mocha , 23Jc ; Arbuokle's , 14flc. w- TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@65 85o ; Japan , choice , C0@75cj Oolong , good 85@40 ; Oolong , cbo.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong gtKKl. 85040c : choice. 3,5(2)45c. ) NEW PICKLES Medium , inbarrelj 9900 ; do in half bbls , 6 25 ; email * , In bbla 12 00 do , In half bbls , 700 ; gherkins , in I bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 60. VINEGAR Pure npplo extra , 16o pure apple , 13c : Prussincr pure annle , 16c SUGARS-Cut loaf , lie ; Crushed lie ; Granulated , llgo ; Powdered , 11 Fine powdered , lie ; Standard Coffee As < * 9Jc ; New York Confectioner'a Standard A , lOo : Good A , 9Jc : Prairie Extra O. 9s. ROPE-SIsal , i Inch nnd larger , Sjc ; 4 inch , 9Jc. CHEESE Full Cream , 14c ; Part 81dm , Itic. WOODENWARE Two hoop pall , 1 96 ; fare * hoop palls , 3 20 ! No. 1 tub pioneer wwhboards , 1 85 Double Or wn , i 90 ; WellbuckeU , 3 CO , LEAD-Bar. 81 65. DRIED FRUITS-Choioe halves , peaches. 7c : Salt I ake lOic : vap. orated 60Q > boxes , 13Jcj Michigan , 7o ; New York apples , 74cs Prunes , old , Gfcc ; now , i\c \ ; Currants , bj@7c ; blackberries , new , IIOMINY-New , 55 00 per bbl. BODA. Dwlcht'g K ) p-xpern , f2 8o { Do- * ni do , ? 2 83 ; ChurchX t2 fi5 ; Keg icxU. 2\o. 2o.BRANS Imported German $ .1 7" > per mshel , UANDLKS Boxes , 40 lb > . Ifi oz , 80 , r icboics ; 40 Ibs. , 1C or. , Cs , inic , UANNED GOODS Oystore. 2 Ib Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Hcld's ) , > or case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , | > cr case , 3 CO ; do 1 Ib ( utandard ) , per cnse , 2 20 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , i > cr Cftae , 2 76 ; do 1 Ib ( Mack ) . x > r c.130 , 200. Oniony 3 80. Salmon , 1 b , per dozen , 1 80@1 UO ; do 2 Iti , r > er dozen 2 b i@2 Co. Sardines , nroall tph , Imported , one quarter boxeaper boi , 14Jc ; American , l art r boxes fcr box , lie ; do hnlf boxes , > er box , 21 Jo. Lobsters , 1 Iti ( > er dozen , .80. Tomatoes , 230j do Ib T > cr cxso. 290 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per cage , i ) 10 ; o.\ked corn , 210 ; dn 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cao , 31G ; string beano , per case , 2 10 ; Limn beans > cr case , 1 S. > . Succotash per case. 2 00. 'cas , tornniontKsrcao , 2 00i ; > oati , choice , icr case , 3 15 , Ulnckberrioa , 21b , per caio , 240 ; fltrawborrica , 2 lu , per case , 2 30 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case. 3 00@315. Jixnieona , 2 V > , per case. 2 45. linttlett icars per case , 3 C0@4 TO. Whortleberries tor case , 240. Egg plums,2 Ib pcrctse,3 30) ) trf on gages,2 Ib per case , 3 30 ; do choice , . b ( > or caBe,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 OOO5 75. IVachcs , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : do 3lb. case , 4 C0@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per cai > e,276 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 3 50 , KICK Carolina , 7i@8c ; LouUIana , 7 @ 8c ; fair , C@CJ. gar homo , bbls , 55c Shall bis , 67c ; kegs , 4 j gallons , 82 50 ; choice table syrup , 63c ; half bbls , 65c ; kogs,82 50. 8TARUU. 1'carl , 4ic ; Silver Uloiw , J SSJo ; Corn Starch , 8j9c [ ; Exeolilor -loos , 7c ; Corn. 7ic. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash ion , In sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 8 46 ; bbls dairy , 100. 8s , 865. SPICES.-Pepper , J19 : Allspice , 19c ; Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , 810025cvasai ; , Mace 81 00. MATCHES Per caddie. 90o ; round cases , $7.65 ; square casce , 8 .10 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 880 ; Kirk's satin. 30 ; Kirk's standard , S 65 ; Kirk's whi Russian , 500 : Kirk'a Eutoca , 20 Kirk'a Prairie Queen , [ 100 cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 20. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye. 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 2 76. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4. doz. , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 190 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in oaso. 150. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice _ jw , $6 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. 87 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 11 alfa clover , now , $12 50 ; alsike , now , 81300. Timothy , good , now , 83 OOj blue grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue grass , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , $100 to 8125 ; Hungarian. SOc. HEDOESEED Osngo orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 oushebi or over , $4 60 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. , 25 00. FIS ji Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 84 75 ; jS'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 6 70 , No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 76o : Colur"- bia river salmonper 100Ibs , 8 00 ; Georg- ' Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen. boneless codwA 9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel , 100 Iba , $1250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 60 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Iba , 6 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 , No. 1 or shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 ib do 75o. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Tennessee - nessee , lj < per Ib ; fancy white , lOJo per Ib raw white Virginia raw , IOc ; roasted , 12ic. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; . Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , 8o ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7icj Chittenango A. 6Jc ; Great Falls E , 8c ; Hoosier , 6Jc ; Honest Width , 7c : In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A , 83c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jo ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5ic ; Wachus ett B , 7ic ; do A , 8ic ; do E 48,12Jo ; Wai' cott BB. 8J.o FINE BROWN COTTONS Allondale 4-4 : 7Jc ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LL. 6Jc ; Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington 0 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , 6jco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8ic ; Laconia O 39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh E 4-1 , 9Jo ; Lonsdale 4-4 , IOc ; PoppereU N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 71c ; do R 36 , 7 c ; do E 39 , 8ic ; Pecans .t O 4-4 , 7Jc ; Wamimlta4.4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androioog Kin L 4-1 , IHcjBlftcksUmoAA in peria.18fc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4 , it I ; Fiilelity4-4 , 9icVruit ; of thfLoom , 10 ; do cair brio 4-1,13u ; do WaterT\vist,104c ; Great FallaQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c : Lunsdule , IOc : do cambric 37 , 12ic ; Now York Mills. 12c ; Pequot A , IOc ; Pepperell N G Twills , 12\cj Pocahontas 4-t , 9Jc ; Pocasaet 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta OXX,12ic. iluOKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do O , ilrab , He : do XX stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes ana plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , Ilio ; Indiana A brnwn iv : NeDonset A brown. 15c. T1UK.J.JNU& .nmoslicag A U A 32 17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowauca 9Jc ; Clareraont B B.lSJc : Conestoga ex tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D. lljc Lewiston A 30,15c ; Minnebaha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82 , IGio ; Put nam XX blue Btrlpo , 12oj Shetucket 8 lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8 Jo DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and bronn ICJcj Andover DD blue , ISJo ; Arllng X blue Scotch , 18 c ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13i ; do XXto do do 14J1C ; Hayniaker'a'blua and brown , 9Jo ; Mystic River DD tatripo , IGJo ; Pearl River , Slue and brown , lojc ; Uncasville , blue and brown. 13jc. CAMBRICS Barnard , Bio ; Eddystone lining. 24 inch double face , 8c ; Garner A glazed , Co ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jo ; Newport do 6c ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do 6c ; Loukwood kid hnish , Go. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros ; coggin sattecn , 8jcOlarendc ; n , 6JcConos ; toga catteene , 7jc ; Hallowel , So ; Indl i Oniprd 74c ; Narr > gansottImprovedo Pepperill nattwm 9 n ; Rockport , 7Jo. PJtINTS - Aliens , 6Jo ; American , Cjc ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick. 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ; Coneutoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4 c ; Dunnell , CJ@7c ; Eddyetone. 7c : Gbucoster , 6oj Ilarmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , 6 c ; Mer- rimao D. 7o ; Mystic , GJo ; Spratrues , Cc ; Southbridge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; tlarl- bore , 5Jc ; Oriental CJc , GINGHAMS Amoskeag , lO c ; Amos- ke i { drosa 12 J i Argyle , lOJc : Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7jc ; Ji'shland ' , 8Jc Kenllwortb , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Bus. sex , 8c. COTTONADE3 Abberville 13JO Agate. 30c ; American , lie ; Artlalan , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Deccan Co.etripea DandT. ICe ; Key- atone , 13Jc ; Nantucket. 19c ; Nonpareil , 16c ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc ; Royal , 10J t Sunaex , 12o ; Tioga , 12jc ; Waohnsett shirt- if\f sheclcs , 12c ; do , Nankin , 12 0 ; York , plain Nankin , 12ic ; do , checks , itripea and fancy , 120 ; do , 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS Androaoogdn HM,27Jc ! do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22ic ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Poouot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do 7-4,19c ; do 49 , 16o : Pepperell 36 , 29c : do 67. 21c ; do 67 , 18o ; Utica 98 , 85c ; do 58,22ic ; do 48 , 17o Clgart nd Tobacco * . CIGARS. Beedi , 815.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , 850.001 Clearllavana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Kule , 24 Ib , 60c ; Our Rope , first quality , C2c ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , buttsCOc ; Horuo Shoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , COc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , 59c ; Lorll- lard's Climax , pounds , COc , FINE OUT In pails. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fotmtain , SOc Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , ( iOc Fancy , 55o ; Daisy , BOc. In tin foil Catlins 0. 8. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib CSc ; lyori UlArd'u I'iger , C5c ; Diamond Grown , Wo , 8MOICING All grades Common. 25to S3c. Granulated Blnckwclls Durham , 16 oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , SOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 16 OK , 46 ; Sort ] of Nobrco. ca , 16 oz , SSc ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , llnon bags > or Ib , $1,35 ; Marbnres' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 6 oa ; DOR Tail. C5c. Pdlnti Ollt nd Vrnl he . PAINTS f N OIL White lead , Ornahn P. P. , fijc ; white lead , O.P.&O Co .S.P.6J ) nro,6 ; Alar8illlosgrccn , 1 to 5 Ib cans , SOc French zinc , gisin nenl. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In vnrnlah iwrt , 20c : French zince , In oil n'st , 15c ; Raw mid burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw nnd btirnl Sienna , 13c : vatHyke brown , 13- ; lefincd lampblack. 12o ! coach black , lcc ; v ry black , IGc ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian jlue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chnnne BrVen , L. M. A. D. , 14c ; blind and shutter rrocn , L. M. k D. , 14cj Paris green , 18c ; Lr.illan rwl , 15ci Venetian rod , flc ; Tuscnn trt , 22c ; American Vcnnlllod , I. A P. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , Ifcc ; vellowochrb , 9c ; golden ixihro , IB ; patent Irycr , Cc ; graining colors ) llht oak , dark oa t , walnut , chestnut and h 12o Dry ° alnt White load , CJc ; Frcncft rlno. IOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jo ; whiting gliders , IJc ; v lilting com7 ! , lie ; lainjiblack Gonnan- town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 80 ; Prus sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; uml > erIbiirnt , 4c ; umber , raw , tcglcnna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l 2hu ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70c ; vur- million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. IOc , ro e pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's 3Jo : Venetian red Am. , Wo ; rod load , 71c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20cj chrome ycl. low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 8c ; ochre , French. 2jc ; ochre , Atncrican , IJc ; Winter's mineral , 2 c ; lohigh brown , 2c : Spanish brown. 2Jc ; Prince's mineral Sc ; VARNISHES Barrels per g..llon. Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; furniture , U. 85e ; coach , extra , $140 ; Coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar , $1 60 ; Japan. 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , $3 50 : hard oil finish. 81 SO OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , Ilio ; 150 headlight , per gallon , 12ic ; 175 * headlight , icr gallon , 16ic : ; crystoline , i > er gallon , 19c ; r gallon , 60 ; Unseed , bollo-1 , . . WW y. rtri llliuilf A 4tiff 4/U * v | * &up avivukf per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 55j fish , W. B. . per gallon , COc ; noatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; soden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tor- pontme , per gallon , 75c ; naptha , 74 , per gallon , SOc : 04 . 20o Heavy Hardware Lilt. Iron , rates. 83 00 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; crucible , Be ; special ur GermanCc ; cast tool do. 15@20 wagon upokco , set. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , per Ib , 8@18c ; nvots , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6@l2c ; malleable , 8c ; iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring Btoal. 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 35 ; Burden's mulcshoes , 6 35. SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs. $6.40 : do. , half kegs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kega , $1.88 ; Blast ing , kegs. 83.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c. BAltBED WIRE In car lots.,8 30 par 100 ; in lesa than car lots. 8 55 cor 100. Leather. Oak solo , 38c to 42o ; hemlock sole , 28c to 35c ; hemlock kip. SOc to 100 ; runner , Goo to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 2Cc ; oak m per. 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ; Greiacn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8Uo to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip , 110 to ] 55 ; Fionch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- setts , 6 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 8 50 ; top olngs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; pebble O. D , Morocco , 36c ; shnou , 2:0 to 3 00. HARNESS No 1 star oak , 42c ; Node do , SOc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 3Sc ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No. 2 do , 34c. Horses nnd Mules. The market is brisk and all grades are selling well at n alight advance in prices. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply consideraoly. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , $160. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225 , ; Common drait horses , 8100. to 160. ; Extra farm horses , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses $90. to 8100. ; Extra plugf , $60. to 75. ; Common plugs , $20. to $40. MULES. 16 to 15J handa ( extra ) , 8125. ' " ' " to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; ands , $75. to 100. ; 13 } to ' to 75.LI LI uors. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 26 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 1 26 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled v-tiikiea , 100@15J ( ; fine blended , 150 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken- tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , $ S 00@10 00 ; domestic 140@4 00 , GINS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic , 140@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England. 2 00 ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 f > 0@3 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 175@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 2SOO@3i OjAmsrhiJ , case , 1200 ® 1600 , CLARETS Per case , 4 60@16 00 WINES Rhine wine , per case , 6 00 ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLESALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and shingles on ; ara at Omaha at the following prices ; JOIST AND SCANTLING-16 ft. and under , $2100 ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , $22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 00 ; 1C ft. $24 CO , 23 ft. , $27 50 ; 24 ft , 827 60. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 in. , $22 00 ; No. 2. 820 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) 818 50 ; No. 2 , $17 00. STOCKI BOARDS.-12-in. D , $2300 ; 12-in. C. $35 00 ; 12-In. B , 840 00. SIDING A , $24 00 ; B , $21 00 ; 0 , $1800. FLOORING-A , 90 00 ; B , $37 50 ; O , $32 00 ; D , 823 00. SHINGLES-NO , i , si 76 ; e-in. clear , $2 76 ; star , $3 25 ; extra A , $4 00. LATH-NO , i. $3 50. SHIP LAP-Plaln , 823 00 ; 0. G. Nor 2 , 821 00 ; O , G. No. 1 , $35 00. CEILING 3-in. No. 3 , $25 00 ; 2-lr , No. 2 , 837 00 ; g-in. No. 1 , $42 50. FINIS No. 3 , $37 60 ; Kin No. 2 , 813 50 ; 1-in. No. 1 , $18 50. THICK FINISH 848 00@55 00 , TARRED FELT-Per Ib , So STRAW BOARD-Per Ib , 3c. BKAIl CREEK L1ME-8125. PLASTER PARI8-82 35. LOUISVILLE CEMENT 2 00. Building Material. LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk per bus. 35o Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , $2 50. Hair per bn , 85o. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 84 CO PAPER Straw paper , 8o ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manlla paper , lOcj news paper. So. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run Bloasburg , $12 ; Wbitebreast lump , $ Q f 0 ; Wbltebreast nut , $6 CO : Iowa lump , $6 50 ; lown nut $0 60 ; Rock Spring $8 : Anthracite , all sizes , S12 00@12 50. NAILS-Rates , 10 to COp , 3 CO , Oruci. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Acid Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartarlc , GOc ; Balsam Copabla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Soasafraa , per Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonldra , per oz , $1 05 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100 Dover's powders , ner Ib , $1 40 ; Epson : alts , per Ib. SJc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , 40c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 21c Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , > 1 25 Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $120 ; Oil , Olive , per pal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o Opium , 84 75 ; Quinine P , 4 W. & R. & 8. , ner oz , $2 40 ; Potassium. Iodide , per Ib 82 35 ; Balacm , per 07 , 40c ; Sulphate o ; Morphine , per oz , $3 75 ; Sulphur flour , per Ib , 4o ; Strychnine , ner oz , $1 35. Merino unwashed , light , 14@16o ; heavy , 13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 1820c washed , choice , 82c : fair , SOc ; tub-dingy and w. , 28c ; burry , blackand cotted woou 2@6o leu Hide * tun. Etc. HIDES-Ureen butcher1 * tide , ; G@OJo cured 7o ; hldo8j green ealt , purl cured 7c hides , Clc ; dry flint , sound. 12@13c ; dry calf nnd kip , 12@13c ; dry silt hldesounu , 10@llc ; green calf. rrt. 8 tolMTis. . 10@llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 It * , pet kln. 60 < l < ! green pelki , 50@$1 25s Rrccn Inmb nklns 31 25@160 ; damaged hide ? , two-third rnto , cut scored and ono grub , clashed two- II Irds rate , ) branded h WM 10 per cent. off. Coon skins No. 1 , 45e ; No. 2 , 30c ; No , 3 , JO. ; No. J , lOe. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , : ! 0c ; No. 3 , 16c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2,250 , Sknnk , No. 1 , black , CAc ; short stripe , 40n ; narrow stripe 2fio ; broad slrlpo , IOc , Tftllow , Cc. Council Blnfiii Mnrhnt. Cousoit' Utcrr * . May 25. Flour Crystal Mill * Golden , 1 CO ; California Kureka , patent , 3 S i ; boat > rau.l of ICunw , 3 50' < $3 90 j Konw and Missouri flour 3 50@4 25 ; graham , H 76 ; ry flour , 3 40. Bran and Short * 20 00 per ton Chop Corn 2JI 0 | x > r ton. Wheat No. 2 , 110@1 15. Corn Ii3o. Oils No. 2 , 45c. Rje 75- . Barley-SOi. Hay Loose , 5 00@6 00 ; baled , 75 per bnle. Wood B 00@C 00. Wool 15@V5. Butter Creamery , 25o ; In rolls , wrap , nod , 15@20o ! rolls not wrapixsl , 15o ; mixed color ? , 10 ( < ai5o. Potatoes Rows and Scotch , 1 Onions 125@1 40. LUo Chickens 3 60 per dozen. Chloofro fToanoo. CJinoAQO. May 25. Flour Firm but slow ; spring wheat Uour , quotable nt 4 < 5fe7 W ; cornnion to choIcowrBtern 5 (0@7 ( U0conimi ; > a tifancy Minnesota , 8 00@U if for patcnto ; winter wheat flouw , C 00@7 ' 0 ; fair tn choice r > e Hours quiet at t GU@G 90. Wheat No. 2 spring xvas active and lower , clo-ing on odlnt 1 25 furca h ; l""i @ 1 25J for May ; 12 j for June ; I 2U for July ; 1HR for August ; 1 074 for Sep tember ; 1 04j tor the your ; 111@114 for No. 3 ; rejected nominal. Corn No. 2 wjak nnd unsettled , cloning on call at 71c for cash ; 70Jfo or Mav ; C9jc forJune ; 70s for July : 7 < Jla ) for August ; C9jo tor September ; uSe for October ; 62c for November ; fiSJc f-r the year ; 72&0 for highmixfd ; CBjo for rejected. laU Deprsarccl at 49@4'JO | [ f < r canh ; 40Jo for May ; 48Jo for June ; 43Jj for July. Barley Dull and intctlva at 1 00 for No. 2 cash ; 80o for No. 3. Rye blow t 77c for No. 3 cash. M ay , June and July ; 7-1 io for Angunt ; 33ja for th * year. Pork Moss act ire nnd lower at 19 50 for cash ; 19 mi@19.5r for Mny ; 19 45 far Juno ; 19 62i for July ; 19 80 1 ! ) 82i for August ; 1995 for September ; 2005 Octo bur ; 18 02 } for the year. Lird Stekdy with but little change at 11 374 for aish , May and June ; 11 50 for July ; 11 62J@U c5 for August ; 11 75 ® 11 77.J for September ; 11 771 for October ; 11 55 for November ; 11 35 fur the year. Bacon Short ribs easy nnd lower at 11 iB@ll 15 for cash and May ; 11 00 for June ; 11 05 for July , August and .Septciu her ; 10 97J for October ; 10 95 for Noveni' bar ; 9 85 tor the year. Butter Quiet and easy ; creameryv choice to fancy , 23@2 fc ; do , fair to coed , 21@22c ; dairies , rhoice to fine , li@21c ; fair to good , 13@17ci low craden , 10@llc , Egga Firmer nt 18i@19c for fresh. Whisky 1 10. Reo'ts. Shipm'fc Flour 10,800 13,109 Wheat 17,499 33.491 Corn 263,002 67215 Oats 83,769 68,8 > 3 Rye 4,801 2.C20 BttMer 11,591 12,263 Mow York Prodnoo- NEW YORK , May 25. Flour Quiet ; family , 4 35 ; BUI erfine , 4 03@5 25 ; southern flour steady ; common to choice extra , 5G5@82 > . Wheat Unsettled , closing dnll anc weak at lowest point ; Xo. 2 red , 1 47 ; No. 1 white 1 431 ; * < > 2 red May , 1-iCg@ 1463 ; June , 146147i ; July , 130 ; I 314. Corn OneeUlod and lower ; demanc fair : No. 2 , 80J@87 ; No. 2 , white. 92c ; No. 2 mixed- May , 86J < 87 ; do June , 82@81ic. ' Uuu Dull , depressed and lower ; No. 1 white , GOJc ; No. 2 do C3c ; No. 1 mixed , ( He ; No. 2 do , C0@61c ; mixe 1 western , 59@62c ; N. . i ! mixed May , 60@00i ; do June , 57i'S58ic. Rye Dull ; Canada , 90ic. Barley ftomilnal. Pork Dull and neak ; now msss July , 20 25@2 ( ) 40. Lird Dull and heavy ; 11C7J for the yeir ; 11 70for Mny. Whisky-Nominal. St. juoats JfroUaoo. ST. Louis , May 25. Flour Dull nnd unchanged. Wheat Oporto J with some sales higher , but cloBcd loner and weak ; No. 2 red , 1 32 for cish ; 132J fur May ; 1 23J for June ; 112i for July ; 1 Ofrjj for August ; 1 08 | for Sept mber ; 1 OGJ tor the year ; No. 3 do , 122 ; No 4 do , 112 bid. Corn Itnwe r and slow at 74j(2)76c ( ) for cash , nccordingt- ) location ; 751o for May ; 721o for June ; 72jo for July ; 72e for August ; 70Jo lor September ; 55ic for the yenr. yenr.Oats L'iwer ; 53cfor cash ; 49Jo for June ; 41JO for July ; 35io for August ; 33c for th pear. Rye Lower at 73o bid. Barley-Dull at 80c@l 10. Lead-Dull nt 4 37 } . Butter Unot nngeci. Esgs Steady at lie. Whisky Higher nt 110. Pork Dull at I960 bid for cash ; 19 75 bid for Mi y. Lard Nominal , Rec'ta. Shlpmt * . Flour Ol.fXX ) 4,000 Wheat 30.000 32,900 Corn 86,000 2,600 Oats 31,000 6,000 Rye 4,000 Barley Potrolenui CLEVH.ANIJ , O , , May2rj. Petroleum Weaker ; a Hhade lower ; standard white , 110 tint , fijjc. NKW YORK , May 25. Petroleum Du'l ' and easier ; United , Ojc ; crude , in barrels ( ij@74o ; nnptha , in barrel" , CJ asked ; refined in barrels here , 7JJ ; 7jo lu Pblhuelphia naked ; re sales ol reuned here offered at 7jc : , PlTTfiliUIMJ , Pa. , M y 25. Oil The market opened at ( HJc , anc closed nt rmou nt 6lc ; Juno delivery , Oil ; July , C6Jc ; August , 08io ; New York re fined , Tim Antwerp , IHjf ; ebipmeuts , un ited , 47I6J , barrels ; do. tldtwater , 9,712 barrels ; charter.70,157 barrel * ; Plttaburg , 090,1,00 barrels ; exchange stock , 8160 , Toledo Produce- TOLEDO. May 25. Wheat Dull nt 1 39 J for No. 2 cavh and May ; I 33J for June ; 1 IHJ for July ; 1 13j for Augutt ; 1 12 for the year. Corn Inactive ; 79c for high mired ; 77lc for No. 2 cash ; 70Jc for May ; 73@73ic fur July ; 58o for the year. Oats Nominal. Buifalo Live Stock. EAHT BurrALO , May 25. Hogs--Easier ; receipts , 317 cars ; uhlp mente , 34 cars ; Yorker * , gond to choice 7 90@8 25 ; good medium weights , 8 25 ( < j 8 40. Liverpool Prodnon. I-jvKiirooi , , May 23 , Flour American. 10H@l2d Oil. Wheat WIntert9d ( l@10i8d ; white , 9d 8d @ 'Jj Ildipring9d@10 ; ) club Ui 10d@10j 3d , Corn Cs 3id. P.rk-87 . . l ard S8j. GUioago Xilvo Stock. CIUOAOO , May 25 , The Drover's Journal reports ; Hoga Fairly active and steady ; com mon to good mixed , 7 408 25 ; hear ] puckini ? , 70D@8r.5j light h"ff , 7 SO ® " 00 ; sl < ii. ind cirlLi , ( ! 00@720. Re int. , 28,000. Cattle Murket fererih * nd excited ; hipping cnttl * , G r.0@fl 70 ; Jnlxed but h- era'inlnek , 2 505.8 00 : TcjcnriF.O iO ; utock- if. 4 330 < ; R c ipt < < , 2,300 Hhemi A tlve nnd stronger ntI < r > @ CO. Receipt * , 500. Clnolnnnti Prodnco. OrNOTNNATi , May 25 , Mew Pork-19 7" @ 20 25. I nrd I'riino n'enin , 11 1,1. Hulk Moitfl-Clo.irfllilci liel 1 t 11 87J. BIG. n Clear titles lolil nt 11 7.r. . Flour Dnll nnd somewhat easier ; ln- erfimlty , fiPO. Wheit I.lttlo doing nnd nnnilml. Corn- rumor audncarc < ; Xn. 2 mixed , 7Jc.Oati Oati Irregular , but firm ; No , 2 mixed , Cc. Rye Uu'l ' and nomltml ; No. 2 , fiGc. Birloy Nninirnlj fall wradc * , yOc@103. Whiiky HlRlior and firm at 115. Poorln , Prodaoo. I'KOUIA. Mav 2" . Corn K-wler : high mixtd , 7l'/72cj / mixed , 7U@7 o. 0 U Hull ! No. U whltr , r,2J 3e. Ryo-Nomlnnl ; No. 12 , 71@7llc. Uiglmlnes 114. Reo'U Bhlp'tn. Wheat . . .i . . . . Com 31,000 Oats 2T.,2fO 21,875 Barley 2,750 . . . . Rye 5,10) Baltimore Prodnoo. BALTIUORK , Mny 25 , Flour-Dull. Wheat outhcrn , < i > ilet ; lultr , 1 S3 ® . 40 ; Longberry , 1 tlal ( | Io ; No 15rcil win- erdull Ht 1 ill foroMh ; 141J@142 for Mny. Corn Whit * Bouthern. dull nt 8B@87o ; mixed western 8U@31ic. Tnrpontlno Mnr&ot Wiunxaiotf , N. 0. , Mny 25. Rosin-QiuVt ; strnincd , 1 70. Spirits Klrw nt 40o I'ar Virrn at 1 65. Ph.llnaolphla Prodaoe. 1'HILADKLriIIA , May 25. Wheat Lower at 1 43@1 44 forcashanc Ma > ; 1 42 for Juno. Corn Firm at 8l@85c for cash anc May. Oats Eisler at 61J j for cash ; f r Mny. Rye Quiet at 91c. Eostlilborty liivo Btoob EAUT LiDRnTr , Pa. , Mny 25. Cattle Nothing done. Receipts , 80i lioatl ; shiiiruvntK , 1,122 head. HoBs Firm. ItucuipU. l.tOOhoad ; ship ments , 1,500 huail ; Vhiladelphlaa , 8 2. @ 855 ; YorUers , 7 78@7 90. Sheep -Fair and unchanged. RecoipU , 2,200 ; ehlptucntu , 2,600. PEKSONAL. Col. \ \ rn , Moore , of Colorado , is 3n the city. city.Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Way , of St. Louis , ID In the city. city.W. W. 1 * . Carlin , U. S. A. , h at the Can field. field.Win. Win. H. Haxe , of Denver , is at the VVithnell. John T. Manning , of St. Joe , Ia at tlio Crolghtoi ) , Gen. W. Harlln , U. S. A. , registers al the Withnell. W. B. Holliuter , of Wood River , h m the Croighton. A. J. Wounoyer , of Atlantic , Iowa , I at the Creighton. J. S. RIcbnrdson , of St. Louis , is a guest the Creighton. W. S. lio.fidlJ , of Cheyenne , Is in th metropolis of Nebraska , A. II. Baker , of Rock Creek , Wyoming is at the Metropolitan. Miss H , Hllliof Cheyenne , registered t the Withuull ln t night. N. and M. C. Uoodsell , of Rudford , Ia. are guests of the Withnell. C. A. Hough nnd H. S. Deemer , of Ret O-tlr , Ia. , are nt the Withnell. Hon. W. F. Sapp , of Council. Bluir * , as at the Metropolitan last night. Hon. J. L. Webster , of this city , dellv- era the oration at Fremontou Decoration D y. y.W. W. T. Taylor and Mrs. R. H. Harris , of Missouri Valley , are among the With- ncll IIOUBU guotU , Win. C. IJaynes nnd Walter A , Hnyncs , of Canada , reglHtcrod at the Creighton laut night night. AT T1IK C'ASKIKU ) . H. S. Culby , Hhelton. S. 0. A > cr , Gibbon. D. M. Strong , North Bend. F. E. Brown , Arnold Still , Wil Ham N , Cook , Syracuse. 0. H. Meeker , Lincoln. Thoj. J. Hill , Pawnee City , J. W. Hart , Rising. L. R , Brush , Ashland , A. II. Biwn , Lincoln. 1 , T. I'uiuo , Grand Island. A. L. Sprague , Stromnburg. W. B. White , Tekamah , A. J. CumlngH , Oakland. Dr , L. L , AUICH , Aurora , J. A. Bowun , Lincoln. Byron Clurk , Papilllon. AT TJIK cnmanroN. A T. White , Tekamah. M. A. Hartigan , PlatUmoutlr. C. E. Babcook , Lincoln , Wrn. H. G. Eubj , Fremont. Louis Jelp , Tekamah. T. W , Lowrey , Lincoln. li. R. Brush , Lincoln. - Taylor , Lincoln. P , Van Dousen and wife , Doalphftn. II. R. Lundy , Columbia , AT THK JHTUOI-OL1IAX. T. , T. PIcbett , jr , Anhland. H. F. Durons , W. If , Love , 0. O. Kennedy - nedy , Lincoln , Byron lira .It , Beatrice. 1C , Scouten , Cedar Rnplilu. Mro. Hourbnck , Jnckeon. John Albert , Fnirfield. AT THK WITHNELL ; D. II. Wheeler , Pluttumouth. T. S. Nightengale , Loup City. A , G. Kcndell , Lincoln , J , B , Dluamore , Button. W. H. B. Stout , Lincoln , O. P. King , Geneva. II. W. Nieman , Schuyler. J. 0 , BUckman , Fremont. J. T. Deiilrifr , Shelby. F. P. Ireland , Nebraska City , U. II. Wouley , J. W , Jennlng * , Gee , A , Smith , Plattdmouth. Buoklin's Arnioa Salve , The BEST BALVB In the world for OuU , Bruises. Sores , Ulcerii , BnltRhcuin , F ver 8orea , Tetter. Cliapped Hands , Chilblalnn , Coras , au'l all skin eruptions , and posi tively cureu pllei , It la guaranteed to L'lve iiatlsfacllou or money refunded. Price , 25 centu per box , For laid by 0. F , Goodman EBONY AND GOLDs Tlio Palatial New Bmnob Phar macy on Jnokdon and Thirteocth Streets , Tlio Judicious Enterprise of Sclirotor & Uocht. Tlio tmproromonts being in nil o in nrious places nbout Oio cily are BO numerous nnd important that it but cidotn Hint ono attrncta the particu- ar attention of THE KEK reporter. Ono of tlicso , however , attracted his ittontion yoitorday on passing down Thirteenth tlrcot , and tlmt is the ele gant building just completed on the corner of Thirteenth and Jackson , on the old site of the Western News- mpur Union building , which was do- troyed by fire some time ngo. The now two-story brick block is seventy foot long nnd is ono of the mndsomost buildings in the city. It was built by Mohus and has boon eased by MUSTS , Hchrotcr & Bocht , iropriotors of the well-known Opera tlouso Pharmacy , for a term of yoarr , while in it they have established a jrauch house , which is , at once , a credit to the city and n monument to their own enterprise. Thin firm was prevailed upon to take this stop by the urgent solicita tion of the business men and citizens of the vicinity , and they have made a wise investment. The stock thuy put in is entirely now and the store is furnished in exquisite taste through- oat , the shelving and counters being of ebony , inlaid with gold , which cor responds finely with the sixteen-foot ceilings of paimolled wood. It ii by nil odds the most gorgeous looking store room in the city. The side containing patent medicines is fur nished with glass sliding dojrp , and the depth of the front room is about forty-two foot , the back room , used as a laboratory , being twenty-eight foot in length. The entire outfit is i credit to the proprietors and an ovi donee of the push and enterprise of the proprietors. When wo mention the fact that the two young mon commenced business in their old location , ono door north of Boyd's opera houao only a little over a year ego , and have already one of the largest , if not the largest retail and proscription trades in the city , wo note what is the bare fact and may safely predict for thorn a pronounced success in their now nndottaking. They have embarked in business on the proper principle , vi- : that of hon orable dealing [ in the way of keeping andBelling only the best mutoiial at al timer , no matter at what cost uud this policy is bound to win in the end. In their now store they have a valu able acquisition in the person of Dr , E. N. lioITman , a physician and sur geon of ripe and undoubted experi ence , both in military and civil prac tice , having been attached to the United States army for a number o ; years. TUB BEK reporter had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the genial gentleman , and was sur prised to learn that ho was in Omaha twenty years ago , when the city wai as yet in its infancy , having passec through hero with General Harnoy. Of late ho has been located in Ilous ton , Tex , whereho commanded ono of the most lucrative practices in the city , being obliged to relinquish it 01 account of climatic considerations. Wo can conscientiously congratulate the medical fraternity upon this new and valuable accession to their ranks us well as our young friends , Sohrotei and Bccht , upon being able to induce the doctor to cast his lot with theirs. Dr. IIotTnmn , besides being a graduate uato of the United States army , has the additional advantage of a two year * ' course previously taken in a Ger man university. Mcesrp. Schrotcr it Eocht are also having an extension of eighteen feel built to their store north of Buyd's opera house , their fast incrousmj trade creating a necessity for addi tional room. When finished , this will bo one of the most complete pharmacies in the country , and wil bo fitted out with especial reference to the prcecription business , of which tliay make a specialty. It requires no deviation from the letter ot fact to say that they are already among the foremost business firms of the city , and will p vo BO during all its future growth. WANTED Blon and sand briol moulders. Apply at tlio water work fllco. may22.1t-m&o Notice , A special meeting of the Teamsters Union will bo held next Wednosda ; evening , May III , 1882 , at 7 o'clock at Thiele's hall , corner ot Ninth an < Farnhain streets. By order of J , M. MKLIA , President Teamsters' Union. Army Orders. The latest orders issued from th Department of the Platte , Omaha Nebraska , are as follows : llocruit Charles J , Nolun , onlistci at fort Omulm , Neb. , is assigned t Company 0 , Ninth infantry. On the roccommondation of th chief commissary of subsistence of th department , a bord of officers to con eist of Captains Richard 3. Viekory assistant surgeon U. 8 , A. , and Josep KeulTo , Fourth infantry ; First Lieu tenants John Scott , R. Q. M. , Fourt' infantry , and John J. O'Brien , Fourt ! . infantry , is appointed to moot at Ohoy onno depot , \V. T. , on the first day June , 1882 , at 18 o'clocic a. in. , or soon thereafter as practicable , to inak full and complete examination , an test the quality , of certain brands o Utah flour , on hand thereat , and t report as to suitability of said ilou for issue to troops. In the event tha any of this Hour should bo found unfi lor use , the board will report whetho it can bo advantageously used b > mixing with other ( lour of higho grade and , if so , recommend kind and proportions. The following named enlisted mon now at Fort Omaha , Neb. , willrejoii their troops and companies : Private James Kennedy , troop E Fifth cavalry , Fort Sidney , Neb. Private John Gobhurdt , company } C , Ninth infantry , Fort Omaha , Neb Corporal Franoia U. Tolson , com pany A , Ninth infantry. Fort McKin noy'w , T , Private Arthur Ueyhlo , compan ; 5 , Ninth infarMry , Fort Niobrara , Neb. Sergeant James JJoord , company C , Sixth infantry. Fort Douglaa , U. T. Private _ Milton B. Hill , company } , Sixth infantry. Fort Thomburgh , U. T. Corporal Joseph A. Smith , and Pri vate Charles F. Alathows , company I , fourth infantry , Fort D. A. Russell , V. T. The quartermaster's depirtmont will furnish the necessary tran porta < ion. It is impracticable ) to carry ookcd rations , ROGUES' RESORT. The Dally Output from Judge Bono I. ko't ) Reduction Works. . In the police court yesterday ono lain drunk was fined the usual sum > ut sentence waa suspended during oed behavior on account of ita be- ug his first offense. The colored woman , Mrs. Williams , who was arrested for disturbing the once Wednesday by officer German vas fined § 3 and coats. The trouble row out of row between the children f Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Blook. the attor being proprietress of a trait land on Douglas street. In a b)3- uont conference Mrs , Williams st acked Mrs. Dlook and tore ono of her ar-rings out of her cor. She was tailed out and the case adjusted yea- orday morning. A cjlornd disciptn of the tonsoriat art was also fined $3 and costo for du- Airbiug the ponco. Jordan Leaslain , colored , waa tried roatordav on the charge of throat- ining the lifo of Joe Rico , the Fif- , oonth street rcstourantonir. The statement of the complainant ia that- Jordan , who had been working on night as assistant to the head moat cook , quit work , finding it too hard 'or him , as ho is in delicate health , , came into the restaurant and do- naud his pay. Mr. Rice told him to * TO to the head cook who had hired lim and the order for it. Mr. Rioo > states that Jordan became excited and ticked up a two-pound weight , and hroatonod to ' 'fix" him , , and then , when ho advised Jordan to put down ho weight , the latter kept it in hia land and went down to see the cook. Seloro ho returned the police were called , and when Jordan came up stairs with the weight and resumed/ the armcnt with Mr. Rice , the poiico- arrcst him. N. 8. P. C A. There will bo n meotinR of thp Nebraska - braska Society for the Prorcntion o Oruolty to animals in the district court room , next Monday evening , May 20 , when it ia hoped them will bo a largo attendance of munibers of the organi zation , and all othora intcreated in its > objccti. At thia mooting there will bo ft re port from the cornmittoo on the loca tion of public drinking fountains. Judge Savage , chairman , and it ia especially important that property holdora in the various parts of the : ity desirous of having theao fountains Iccitod in their vicinity should bo present in person to giro their views on this subject. There will also bean an election of president and secretary. GBOKUB L. MILLBU , JMO. T. BELL , President. Secretary pro tern. Death , No tlco , DAUU At her homo in Douglas. c uny ( , Oregon , uftor n brief illness , Airs. Martha E. Darr , wife of Conrail - rail D.irr. Shu was a dcyoted mother , an af- fcctioiiHto wife uud air earliest Chris tian , and died in great ponco. She eaves u liusnatid und four cluldrou , jesidoa nuny rolutivua and friends- who deeply nrourrr liar lose. Ilurfuuural seniuea were conducted 'rom the homo of thu dccuaaed by the writer , T. B. GOODPASTUKE , DKAI.V , Oregon. HOLLAND In this cily May 25th , . at 2 p. in , , Mrs , Ann Holland , mother of Thomas Holland , aged 85- yuius. Funeral on Saturday , May 27th , at 10 o. in , , from the rcsidpncQ on Ninth , and Jones street ] . Friouas invitod. How to Cook Rloo. Rico is becoming a much more popular article of food than hereto fore , It is frequently substituted for potatoes at the chief meal of the day , being more nutritious and much moro readily digested. At its present cost , it ia relatively cheaper than potatoes , , oatmeal or grain-grits of any kind. lr preparing it only just enough cold water aliould bo poured in to prevent the rico from burning at the bottom of the pot , which should have a close * fitting cover , and with a moderato Cro the rice is steamed rather than boiled until it is nearly done ; then the cover is taken off , the surplus steam and moisture allowed to escape , and the rico turns out u mass of enow white kernels , oacli separata from the other , and as much superior to the usual soggy mass as a line mealy potato tate ia superior to the water-soaked article. MOUNT ARBOR , NUH8EIIY. Htdgo plants 7Co. per thousand wholesale or retail. T , E. B. Mason , Shonnndoah , Ta. d-2t HULL ItielMoneot ami unly taper t % HH 5orif - \ ! Vtlmthas ttood i ' Jjj tlid mi > t oC i ' s yraranu JklT- uiuitin sn - - uuLinjfSf rrnc.i-t t ll5- pi rJ fitctlon. Rw iaffik 3fe _ . r NowVatciit * - - 1 * ' h > ft r | 11UI.I , IWIB. lor J832. Pntcntrcroovnltlannilutcr hanBui > l < J04 Oclflc * . i-rnil rl v our lniriirm InilvuliriicU * lilo NVIV OHM V itr < - lluriirr on two Awr < ov > < . A' MrflmV < yIte irvnIr ye summer use thcso Stores are icdlspons&bi * Thcso colebratoJStovwfcrsila by D. A. Ploroy Ouuha. Neb. THE KENDALL PLAITING IAGHINI ! * " " _ * > * DEESS-MAmS OMPAIIOI , It plaits from MB ol a n Inch to vtUth la tlio coarwat Mta or flnefct il In It doua all kluda and ttjlcj ol | laJtlnjf ta CM. It No U J ) ' that Joe her own fmin > tlB alord to do without cue M nice etUutur to. novcrout ol ( asblou , Hsecu It ecllsUtU , nt Uacbluti , Clicular cr A cDt'l tormi iddMM OONGAB 4k OO.S ) 1IB AdaaaBt ,