Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    r ooor >
& CO , ,
The Only Exclusive
Wholesale Hardware House
1108 AND 1 1 10 HARNEY STREET.
J. J. IBIRO'W Isr < Ss O Q. ,
Boots and Shoes.
Cor : Dodge and 15th Street.
We take great pleasure in presenting to our friends our new
line of UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS , for whinh we olaiin Per
fection of Fit , Beauty , anfl Uniformity of Work , Fineness and
Weight of Muslin.
ia undoubtedly tie best value ever offered for the money , baing
made of fine 10o cotton , full reinforced , 1800 Linen Bosoms and
Cuffs , Sleeves and back faced ,
We will pay 50c each for ' 'every shirt brought us to enual
the above.
Can be relied on as being the best shirt we have ever sold for
the price and cannot be beat ,
Our Hercules Shirt ,
Is .made of Utica Nonpareil Cotton , 2200 Linen , 'Four-Pjy '
Ouff , bosoms lined with heavy linens , facings , yokes and rein
forcement ; double stitched , elaborate facings on sleeves and
back , French yoke , felled seams , linen neck-band and
$1.00 HERCULES SHIRTS. $1.00
Money cheerfully refunded if goods do not prove satisfactory.
L. E. Williams < & Son's.
GO O D S ,
Dodge and 15th Streets ,
OF ;
Men's , Boys' and Children's
Heady for Inspection
The Lowest Prices Guaranteed ,
1316 Parnam Street , Near 14th ,
Lath , Shingles ,
15th and Owning Sts. OMAHA , NEB
Business Directory.
Abstract and lUal bsute.
JOHN L. UcCAGUE , onxwlSa Post OB .
W. R. BAnTLKTT SIT South ISth Strwt.
K ft MKNDKi-sBonN , AiumiTEcrra
Room li , Crelgbton Block.
A. T. LAROB Jr. , Room J , Ciolthton Block.
Boot * and Shoe * .
fine Boots and Shoos. A ( rood MMrtmcnt
icms wotk on bind , corner ISth and lUraer.
raoa. KRICK80N , B. K. cor. ICth and DrogUa.
10110th street , manufactures to order good wait
it ( lr prices. B p lrlni dnn .
Bed Spring * .
LARRIMER Mannhctiirer. HIT DonrUsst.
BooVs , New * and Stationery.
i. 1. FIUIEtlAUF1 101B Fftrnbim
Butter and Egg * .
IcSIIANK It SCimOEDER. the ( Meat B. nd K.
lonea In NobrMk * o talllod 1876 Omaha.
I .tithwtst corner Iflth&nd Dodcc.
Boat Botrd lor the Money.
S Us.V.ctlon Gu r aiccJ.
al all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Term * lor C sh
FumlOicd Tinning Supplied.
Uarrlaeet and Road Wagons.
? U ENVDKR , Hth and Harnov BtrcoU.
Clothing Uoufht.
r. UAK1US will ray blghcetCarhnrlco for eeccnd
nod clothtnr. CorncfilOUi and Famham.
uowo or * .
JOHN BAUMEU 1814 rarnham Btrael ,
n. BKRTIIOLD , Ilaco and Metal.
Lumber Llmo and Cement.
& GIUY corner ( Jlh and DoagUo Bte.
Lamps and Qlassware.
I. BOXNER 1809 UouslM bl Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
Joe ol car most rcpul&r Merchant Tailor * to re-
a'vlng the latest designs lor Spring and Summer
Jaodo (01 gentlemen B wear. Btj-llcli , durable ,
nd price ] low an ever 21618th bet. Doue.fc P rn.
MRS. 0. A. RINGER , > VhoIcaalo and Retail , Fan-
iv Goodi la great variety , Zephyr * , Card Boarda ,
Icnlcry , Gloves , Corsota , &c. Cheapest House In
the Wesi. Purchasers eave 30 per cent. Order
17 1111. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOIIN WEARNB A 80NS cor. Hth ft Jackson sts
Mourand Feed.
JMAHACITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Eta. ,
SVnlnhiina Him , proprietors.
i , STEVENS , Slst between Coming and Itai
r. A. McSnANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Streets.
Hardware , Iron ana titeel ,
3LAN ft LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 ane1
,12 Hth etreot
A. HOLMES corne 16th and CalHornl * .
Harness , Saddle * , &c.
B. WRIST 2018th St. bet Faro- Humor.
Hotel *
ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. CknfloldBth ft Farnham
OORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , D13 Farnham St.
BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. BUnen , 10th St
louthorn Hotel Qua. Hamel 0th & Leavonwortb
Paint * and Oils.
fbarmadita , Fins Vine Uooda , Cor. Ulb and
DOOEIX ttrcots.
V. i. WniTEHOOPK , Wholesale ft Retail , 16th el.
0. FIELD , $022 North Side Cumlng Street.
PARR , Dnurrfst. ICtn and Howard Street * .
Dentist * .
JR. PAUL William * mock Cor. ICtb ft Dodge.
ury uooa * Notion * , tto.
JOHN H. F. LEHUANN ft 00. ,
4sw Toik Dry Goods Store , 1810 and Itll Tun-
bam ttreet.
u. O. Enewold also boot * and ihoe * ft Pacific.
i F. GROSS , New and Btoond Hand Fnrnltnre
ad Stores , 1111 Dtrartu. Hiffbtirt cash price
aid for second hand roods.
.BONNKB 1809 Dowto It. Fine eoods fte.
rerco Worn * .
JDBT , FRIES CO 1218 Exraey St. , Improve
d Ice Boxes , Itcc acd Wood Fences , Offlca
Illnir * . Canntd * Pine nJ WalnnL
ROSENFELD 10th St. . be * far. ft Bar
Hernuoraiora , Oanlleld'a Patent.
GOODMAN lib flt. bet. Faro. &
Uiiiiir * unu I ooacco.
WEST ft FIUTSCDER , manuJacturers ol Clgtra ,
xnd Whnlcsilo Du&lcral n Tobnccoa , 1806 Douglaa
V. F. LOUENZCN manulactaror 1416 Farnbam
* A. DonAjhav , pUnta , cut dowers , seeds , ooquett
etc. N. W. cor. loth and Dowlas ctrcota
Olvll tnglneon and Curvoyor * .
ANDREW nOHI\V'ATl'.R , Crclghton Block ,
Town Surveys , Grade and Sewerage Syntema a
Uornmusion Merchant * .
10UU Q. WIL LIB.14H Dodge Street.
D B. CEE1IEK. For details see Urg-o advertise
ment In Pc.Ilv and Wrekly.
Oornlce Works.
Western Corolco Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Rootling , Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the best
manner. Factory and Office 1218 Ilarney 8t
0. SPF.OHT , Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and out up In any pare ol the
country. T. BINHOLD 110 Thirteenth street
Crockery ,
} . BONNER 1809 Douglas street Good line.
Clothing and Furnlthlng Qooi * .
GEO. H. PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots ,
Shoe * Notions and Cutlery. 8018.10th street.
Show Case Manufactory. )
Uanntacturer and Dealer in all kinds ol Show
Cusei , Upright Cases , ft1. , 1817 Casa St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Case manufactory , 818 Houth 16th street ,
between Leavonwortb and Uurcy. All geode
warranted flret-claes.
eve ana mware ,
Dcalor In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
ot Tin Roofs and all kinds ol Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. HONNKR. 1800 HnnglM Ht. oed and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultivator * Odd Fellows Hall
Physician * an * Burgeons.
W. B. GIBBS , II. D. , Room No i , Orelghton
Bloc ? . Uth Street '
P , 8. LEIBENRINO , If. D , Masonic Block ,
a L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce
Oculist and Aurlit , 8. W 16th and Farnham BU
Photographer * .
Grand Central Gallery ,
812 BUteenth Street.
near Masonlo Hall. FUst-claas Work and Prompt-
neos guaranteen
Plumbing. Qa * and Btoam FHtlng.
P. W. TAHPY & CO. , 816 12 Bt , bet. Karnlum
and Douglas. Work promp > attended to.
D. mZI'ATHICK. HO ixiuglas Street.
Intlnic an apar anglng.
HENRY A. KOSTKR8. Ill Dodge Street.
Shoe Store * .
Phillip Lan 1)20 Farnham et , M , 18th ft llth.
becona Hand Otoro.
PERKINS ft LKAR , H10 DougUs BL , Hew and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods
ftp. , bought and > old onnarrow margins.
CHA8. RIEWK , lOlX Farnham bet 10th ft Hid.
00 Cent Store * .
P. 0. BACKUS Farnham 81. . Faner Oooda
Ualoon * .
In U new brick block on DoiigUs Btraet , has
lost opened a most elegant lieu Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to II
everyday ,
"CaldonU"J , FALCONER ei ICIb BU it.
The Uonoral Out'ook Improving1.
From Adtar.ccd Proof of Jni e Hulletln.
TIio gonornl outlook for the weather
of the summer Benson in southern ntul
toulhwcatorn sections is improving ,
owing to the contitnmtico of vurj
windy nroathor in northern nnd rrust-
cm eoctions of Oanadn ntul thu United
States. But n "windy prinj mskea
n Bovoro autumn ; " thurrfur , ) the out
look for the autumn of 1882 is inoreua-
ing in o > only. My thutny of "weath
er relationships 1 ii working just now
in n tolling manner alt over thu
northern hemisphere , nnd I foci
much greater confldonco in
predicting the periods of
the moro marked disturbance * .
Hence , I herewith reitcrato my pre
vious statements rcepcctinj ; "a vei )
cold and stormy autumn" and early
setting in of extreme severity , with
heavy snowfallr , this runching to n
mote southerly points. Wu are likely
to experience ono of the coldest per
iods in a long term of years durinathu
early part of the winter of 188283 ,
but the cold will come in a lump , and
the Jattor part of the winter is likelj
to bo mild nnd open , with an advanced
spring. H. G. VKNNOR
Editor of Vi'inuir'H Uullutin.
The Splendor of Ilia Palace Just Coui-
plotott at Honolulu.
Thirty-fivo years ago , on a gently
mint ; knoll , about onumilo back from
the sea line , King Kamehamehn erec
ted in the city of Honolulu a rojul
palixco of unpretentious dimensionn ,
wliich served as the building of state
until the nsccsMon of K.iluk.iua. In
the spring of 1874 the new king con
ceived the idea of building a now pal
ace , and itnmodiately upon hii arrival
in this country ho sot about , assisted
by his high chamberlain , Col. Judd ,
for the purpose of SLourin pinna nnd
estimates for his proponed now domi
cile. Boston was searched Cnr an arch
itect who could give the king a satis
factory drawing of what ho required.
After this had been found , instruc
tions were givnn to have the old palucu
razed and a now ono erected in its
stead. Au Englishman had boon en
gaged to put up the building , but with
the proverbial pugnacity of his kind ,
ho attempted to force his ideas upon
the king against his wish , the result
being the withdrawal of John Bull
and the substitution in his place of
Mr. G. 8. Wilder , then minister of
of the interior , who successfully carried -
ried the work to its completion.
As was mentioned above , the now
palace is erected on the situ of the
old building. It is two stprios high ,
with English basement , and the mate
rial used is brick and concrete , the
former having been imported from
San Francisco and the latter from
Portland , Oregon. Native and Chin
ese labor had been employed on thu
building , but with poor success , and
not until a force of American artisans
had been sent out did the structure
begin to assume its architcctual pro
portions. Viewed from a distance ,
the building presents a light and
graceful appearance , with its four
bastions , on cither broad verandas ,
pillars and towers. The verandas ex
tend completely around the palace
and are supported by massive columns ,
the shafts of which are of brick sur
mounted by Corinthian capitals of
stone , the entablatures and bases being
of wood. At the corners of the
verandas boudoira have been built ,
which are furnished as our seaside
cottage ? , and will be used by guests
who desire a cool and refreshing
siesta. 'J ho palace is approached by
a wide flight of stairs that leads
directly into the main corridors on the
first floor.
On the right of the corridor op-
poaching from the north is the grand
reception or throne room , which is G8
feet long and 40 fee1wide. . Hero nil
diplomatic interviews will behold , and
other matters of otato attended to.
l eyond and next to the grand recap *
tion room is the dining room , 4ti feet
long and 32 fcot wide. On the loft of
the corridor are the grand ohnmbor-
lain'a room , the king's spare room
eight rooms for servants , billiard ,
china , and card rooms , wino and bcor
vaults , and a kitchen. On the right
of the upper corridor is the king's bed
room , 3t > feet long and 25,0 feet wide.
On this floor ire also located the libra
ry , music , dressing , bath , and a num
ber of anto-rooms. On the lef , of the
hall is the queen's room , a duplicate
of the king's apartment. There are
also three bathrooms , a number of
bedrooms for guest ? , and a few small
anto-rooms. A marble staircase , 19
foot wide , leads from the lower floor to
tho'second-Btory hall. In each of the
corridors four massive chandeliers rote
to bo suspended. Those will bo of
highly burnished brass , bearing fac
similes of the king's crown , and also
his monogram , wrought in artistic de
signs. Glass pendants , elaborately
cut , will bo hung in profusion about
the delicately interlaid and glittering
metal ,
The grand reception or throne room
will bo decorated in red and gold , At
its northern extremity is a dais about
twelve inches high , and hero will bo
located two throne chairs. They are
gothio in style , beautifully carved ,
and the woodwork heavily laid in
gold , of two prettily-contrasting
shades. The upholstering is in rod
silk brocade. There will bo twelve
other chairs in this room , similarly
gilded and upholstered as the throne
chairs , but of much smaller dimen
sions. Over the dais , supported by a
burnished rod , will bo a canopy of
red brocade , ornamented with massive
fringe ot the ssmo shade. In the
middle of this room will ba placed a
largo circular sofa , covered with satin
brocado. The center pin of this will
bo surmounted by a beautiful china
vase with flowers. The windows will
bo draped in heavy red brocalolle ,
with bara and rings. The cornices
are elaborately curved , very deep ,
completely gilded , and each sur
mounted by a crown and two spcara.
Against the walls three massive pier
rnirrora will bo placed their dimen
sions being J'JxC foot , the frames of
which are rich in earring and gold.
The audience room will bo tasteful
ly though not ai elaborately furnished
as the throne-room. The sofas and
chairs are of highly polished and
artistically-carved walnut , upholserod
in blue embossed mohair plush of a
delioat * tint. Heavy fringe of the
same shade ii used as trimming. The
windows will be hung in the ma
terials as the upholstery , and the cur
tain * from brass rings , In this room
will bo located n cabinet twelve fcot
long and ten fret , wide , in wliich will
bo placed such curiosities ns the king
may collect. There will also be two
side tables for the brio-a-brac.
The library ia to bo furnished with
ono largo table , ten feet lonp and flvo
ft ot wide , nnd twelve chairs of the
Clir.ibotlmn style , covered with
maroiiu-colorod moroccj. The wood
is of hard chtrry , oiled , in the man
ner known to the trade as dead finish.
There are two windows in this room ,
and the curtains are of Turkish
maroon catin.
The music-room will contain a center -
tor tofit , six chairr , and n musio rack
of the Elieubothan style , in black
ebony , nil richly carved , the upholstering -
storing being in old gold mohair satin.
Thu curtains are hung on elaborately-
otrvod t'bony pul , and arc of the
same material us the furniture trim
mings ,
For the king's room a most elab
orate suit of gothio furniture is being
made , \vhich comprises ono very beau-
tifully-catvod bedalcad , fitted with
ebony and gold molding ? , the canopy
and bed curtains being of blue satin
dulaino and heavily ornamented with
costly fringes ; also two wardrobes ,
two dressing-bibles of _ mammoth
dimension1 , twelve chairs , lounges ,
otc. , thu coverings being of blue sUm
delaine. All the furniture in this
room , with the exception of the bed
stead , is of ebony , abounding in a
wealth of the mom beautiful and olab-
01 alu carvings. There are nine windows
dews , the drapery of which is blue
satin , bung on ebony poles.
The queen's iipurtnienta are similar
to the king's , except that the drap
eries will bo of red satin delaine , and
the woodwork of mahogany , beauti
fully slashed with gold.
The two great rooms will bo fur
nished , ono with a suit of cherry up
hnlsten d in blue cretonne , nnd the
ether with a suit of oiled walnut ,
covered with ground cretonne. The
number of pieces in these apartments
will bo a duplicate of what the king's
room will contain.
For thu dining room a gothio suit in
oiled oak is shown , It consuls of two
largo arm-chairs for the king and
queen , which are elegantly carved ;
fifty dining-chairs , one-half covered
with brown and the other half with
maroon morocco of the beat English
make ; three side-boards of exquisite
finish and design , nnd n curiously-
constructed dinner wagon. The
seven windows in this room are
draped in Turkish maroon satin.
[ Boston Herald.
"I Don't 'Wont That Stuff. "
Is what n lady of Boston said to her
Itusband when ho brought homo some
medicine to euro her of sick hoadncho
and neuralgia which had made her
miserable for fourteen years. At the
first attack , thcroforo , it was adminis
tered to her with such good rosultR ,
that she continued its use until cured ,
and made so enthusiastic in its praise ,
that she induced twenty-two of the
bust families in her circle to adopt it
na their regular family modicino. That
"stuff" is Hop Bitters.- [ Standard , tf
The Man of Bullets.
As I sat on the hotel stops at Dai-
ton , Ga. , talking with a drummer from
Cincinnati , the landlord came out and
asked us if wo wanted to see a man
who was carrying six bullets about
with him. Of course wo did , and wo
were walked down to the other end of
the veranda aud introduced to Col.
Beach. I was going to approach him
slowly and gracefully , but the drum
mer rushed at him with ;
"So you are carrying six bullets
about with you , oh ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Do they pain you much ? "
"Oh , no. "
"Lands alive * But I don't see how
you lived through it. How many bat
tles were you in ? "
"Etgh'oen. ' "
"Did you got all these bullets at
once ? "
"Yes , nil at once. "
"By George ! Well , I never hoard
[ ho likes of it ! Colonel , I don't want
o bo impudent , but but "
"Yon want to know where they are
located ? "
'Exactly exactly. "
"I'm carrying 'em in this pocket te-
day , " was the quiet reply as ho fiuh-
3d down and brought up six old bul
lets picked up off the battle field.
It was a job put up on mo , but the
drummer got in ahead , and ho was so
mad about it that ho wouldn't ' oat any
supper. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Do Not Bo Deceived.
In these times of qnaok medicine adver
tisements everywhere , it Is truly gratify-
\vj \ to find one remedy that id worthy of
piwse , and which really dues at rocom-
mUiiled. I'lllctnc Biitors wo can vouch
for as befog a true and reliable remedy ,
end one that will do as recommended.
They invariably euro Stomach and Liver
C/'omplalntn , Dlueascs of the Kidneys and
Drinary difficulties , Wo know whereof
wo speak , and can readily Hay , give them
a trinl , Mold at fifty cents a Lottlo by
O , F. G6odman.
Texas the Plnco for Hunters.
11'ftso llmej.
Let the hunter como to Yiluta and
procure a good saddle animal and ono
for packing his traps on , and start for
the ( jutulalupo or Waco mountains.
The largo cinnamon or brown boar ,
second m ferocity and er/.o to thu
dreadful grizzly of California ; the well
known black bear , deer , panther ,
Mexican lion , fox , turkey , and a
species of elk , with which these moun
tains are filled , while on the plains
the unttlopp is found in end-
IOFB quantities , going in herds of
from fifty to two hundred ; and the
mountain streams , of which the Black
river and the Blue river are the moat
noted , are filled with mountain trout ,
and the lakes are covered at all seasons
with ducks , Including the mallard ,
grayback , and all the varieties of teal.
In the low country and along the
river are found the noted California
quail and the sago hen. The quail are
of a species that are very easily net
ted , and their abundance can best bo
illustrated by the fact that last year
two of our citizens netted over 2,000.
' Women Never Tlilulr. "
If thocrubbad old batcholor who
uttered this sentiment could but wit
ness the intense thought , deep study
and thorough investigation of women
in determining the best medicines to
keep their families well , and would
note their sagacity and wisdom in se
lecting Hop Bittora as the best , and
demonstrating it by keeping their fam
ilies in perpetual health , at a more
nominal expense , ho would bo forced
to acknowledge that such sentiments
are baseless and false. [ Picayune.
lake fay for the Cheapest
Mon's Suits § 3.00
A thoroughly good working suit ' - 5.50
A neat business unit 8.00
A line business nuit 10.00
Young men's ' fancy suit § 12.00 glD.OO 18.00
Bny'o suits ' . ; . ! . , ' .Vi. . . ' . 53.75. , 84.00 , $4.50 ' 5.00
Child's suits " . ; 1.70 , 2.25,2.503.00 4.00
Punts § 1 00 up
Best paper collars i I6c
' collars lOo
Socks paper Co. , ' 10c. , loo. , 20c
Bust British socks ; 25o
Undorwoor 25c. , 40o. , 50c
Ovorshirts ; GOc. , 75o. , $1.00
Fine Fancy dross shirts COc. , 75c. , 81.00 , § 1.25 , 1.50
Best White shirts 75a , $1.00 1.25
Overalls & 0o. , C5o. , 75c. , best
While wo do nflt claim to have It
The Largest Stock
We affirm that we have
While our prices are , , I
Positively the Lowest. \
> M
Boston 'Clothing ' ! iHouse ,
IBIbT Gr IRA - V" I 3ST Gr
While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others
3 TA. . T IB
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting In new aid Improve * ,
chinory , I hope to still moro improve the quality and finish of our
ork and fill ordora with moro promptness than ia usual
usualI. I.
My Mctlo a always boon and always wjll bo : "First to gain superior
ties end then advertise the fact notToForo-no wild advertisomen
Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
andthosoof Yours very truly , ;
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
We keep on hand a full and complete line of . FANG
STAPLE STATIONERY of oyery description. emau
Gold Pens. Pencils , InksMucilage , Envelopes ; Vlalting F *
Regret , Dinner and Birthday Oarda , &o. , &o. Give us a o
106 S , 16th Street ; OPP' roatoffloe.
ml 0-810