Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE JAAlLrrBEE""TJUDAir : MAT 26 1882. . OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. , j - ? , DAKOTA. * Tick-pockets are troubling VcrmUltnn. ' _ ! Rapid City wants to build ft 810,001 . , school house. S .Moody county his fifty-five organlzec tf school district * . Gophers are doing immense damage It : . Hamilton county. , i Tha Clay county teachers hate otgan. firfzcd on association. Mo klfnpr has too much population for the number of houses. IJIch copper and silver ore has been dis- r ' rd. 1'ochf i covered near t > Deadwood and Lead City are in the throes of a wood famine. The U. E. society , at Kapld City , will soon begin the erection of n church. Over forly school children t tlio llrtile time with the agency were lick at ono mcatlts. AtDeadwood on the afterroon of the § th , the thermometer indicated two do- j gren above. - , Koad ngenti attempted to stop the Rid- < ney coach ft few miles out of Kapid Clly on the 14th , but the driver whipped up , nd got away. WYOMING. T. J. Webster , an old time territorial newspaper man , died at Cantral , U. T. , on tha IGth. ii The first Installment of Wyoming wool. i 15,000 pounds of Merino clip , wai shipped from LaramU to lioston on the 22d. A tramp Chinaman tried to board n freight ttaln at Croydon on the 17th , Itit ' fell across the rail nnd was cut In halves , - COLORADO. f .Burglaries have been very numerous of late in Denver. i ' A snowstorm laid the dust at Central is , City on the 19th. 1 Bsblngersoll orates at the Denver ex- pea tion'August 1st. The body of on unknown man wai found in n gulch near Colorado Springs on the 21st. From papers on hit person it is thought ho hailed from St. Louis. ' - " * A passenger who traveled on a past and was injured on the Itio Grande road Laa brought suit for damages. The company claim * to stipulation on the back of the ' pass will relieve it of all liability. Denver is agitated over the disapperanco of Hoe Watkins , alC-yoar-olddaughtor of a prominent citizen. She was visiting friends in St. LuuU and loft the house about 5 o'clock on the afternoon of the 18th ta mail a letter. It Is fan rod she has been abducted and a reward of 832,500 Is offered for her discovery , the city of St. Louis going $25,000. ' UTAH. Chinese R.udenors nr supplying Salt Lake with early stuff. Farmers are doubling their potato aero- riages. ' A man named Curtis was arrested at " . Ogden last week for stealing an 81,800 ' package from Wells-Fargo'n express. Ho ' confessed. IDAHO. The Wood lliverTimcH is now published . daily. > ' ; Col. A. B. Hilllker , a well known operator - ator , is now taking press report at Black- foot. foot.At At Malad , while court waa in session , a number of prisoners broke jail. Among them waa one whose trial wai in progress and he was acquitted , However , ho was _ , captured uid returned before the pursuing - , / suing party heard of the \ crdlct , and now ho mutt stand trial on the charge of jail breaking. MONTANA. , ' ' Sneak thieves are working Benton. , The Ouster county court house at Miles ; J City will cost § 30,000. v * ' An addition to Beaton's industries will bo the manufacture of root beer. , Buffalo meat is shipped from Montana to Now York and there consumed. The now Crow agent has ordered all squaw men to get off the roicrvatlon. Helena decided by a largo majority against separate schools forcjured peupl * . Walkorvlllo morchnntH are consldoilng the feasibility of closing their stores ou / Sunday. ( Hens are a soarco article In Helena and a man named Lebow , discovered in the act of stealing Home on tlio night of the v 10th was shot an'l may die. He hud four Ifowle , valued at $0 each. ' , Thirteen snow Rtsrrns , thrco chlnooka , , ! , six hall storm * , four hurricanea and nine HpelUof unehlno contributed to the vrlcty qf the weather in Butte to-day. Inter * Mountain , 19th. There was a jail delivery at Dillon on , the 12th , and one of-the prisoners who es caped wai n young horse thief named Kemper. Ho stole the deputy sherlH'ii revolver , with which ho kept that ollicer at bay until ehotin the sldoby the deputy. . - Ketnper crawled lutu the brush and was . . . subsequently found dea lhaving shut him self in the heart rather than bo taken alive. OREGON. An attempt Is to bo made to recorer the steamer Brother Jonathan , uunk ut 1'oit Oxford , seventeen years ago. The 400 Chinamen employed by the Oregon Construction Company struck for $30 A month. They were gttting $20. The depot which the Northern IVIfio nroporea to build at Portland will costal. 500GOO , to bo computed of atone and Iron , Sirs. Louise lioddy of Lake county 1ms . been allowed 5,600 by the present Con- grcBg for losMcs tuttaincd during the iloJoo war' OALIFORNIA. A'J.OOO-ncro farm In Tohama county was Bold recently for 9127,000. f On the 17th the entire business portlom of DaTiavlllo was do troyml by firo. LOIH , $25,000. Aycaruuuit fculfored similarly. Army Serins nro BwarmJng In inultl- tndes in the willow thlcketi on the south side of the Villa tivcr , oppatito IIuty * - vlllo , Leland Stanford , the Crockers , Hunt * tDKtaii and JJioholas Smith have been In- corpornt d at San Fruucleco to GgtMilUli a cable road with a capital of $5,000,000 , Tlio Grldley Herald recently contained an article regardinghoodlumUm , declaring that it was "encouraged and tiutainud by a number of tha btismeis men , " at which the citizens took alienee , and u public meeting wai held , aUunded by about 100 persons , which pasted resolutions danouuc- iut ; the Hentld , and calling upon tlia edi tor to remise Item the town. NEVADA , Tracklayn | | ; will noon be recommenced on the Nevada and Oregon railroad. It Is intended to /ofty-firemiles thli sum mer. mer.An old pair of trousers hanging in a barnyard in Reno had become llie homo ol net of hornets. An Indian begged tbo trou&ern , t'ot them , and with rteat pride , put ou th garment aud started down the 'street. Mro ! lonjr he set up n warwhoop , and started oil like a deer , WANTED HBB MONEY. , A Colored Woman Who Tnouant It Unnecessary to be Idontlllod. i'tMtll Eepubllc a. ' A. colored woman called at the o ey order window at the poet-oflico yMtortlay aarl pr ented an order to tb * alrk , caylog : "I wwt t jdoll * ' ; ray htubatid eon' mo dot nnd tolo mo fur tor git lot dolln'swidit. " The clerk examined it , found it ir proper shape , and naked the womat if she know any ono in the office wht could identify her. "Nt' , nab , " , she replied , rathct sharply , "I dunne nobody ycro. Who I want tcr know anybody yore fut ? " "You will have to gt-t some ono to identify you before I can pay this or dcr"sixid the clerk. " "Wat's dair "You will IIAVO to get some ono who a ncquainted with you to Bay that you nro the proper person to receive the money somebody to identify you. " "Didn't tny husband mm1 mo dat raporj" "I eupposo ao. " "Don" dat paper say fur tcr pay me ton dolln'o ? " "Certainly. " ' Dan you says how I got tor gil somebody to 'dontcrfy mo btfo * I gitc de mono ) ? " Thai's it exactly. " "Now yo' look yore , ynung man , I don'uint noionnc3B. Yu1 got lot jhnmo dat ten dolla's. I don' haftoi > o 'dentorfied. I war bone in dos yore ob Saint Loose ' ' iily , an' ov'ybody knows who I is. Now yo' jiss Rimmc dat ton dolla'a o * I'll ropoto yo' to the icad man. Yo' hero mo talkiu' now ? ' The clerk firmly reiterated that ho could not pay the order unless aho was identified , and aho was referred p the business office for further par- ormg all sorts of vengeance and entered the business ollico wnoro she excitedly reported her grievance to ono of the officials. "la yo' do boss hero ? " oho asked the oflicial. "Yes. What is it ? " "My hubband ho sen * mo dis yore IDS' oUlco order fur ton dolla'a , an' vhon I axed dat young man out dar o' do money , ho toll mo dat I ttiua' bp 'dontifiod fo * I gets it. What kin'or doggone bizinca is dat ? " 'Ho is perfectly right , madamo. lo does not know you , and you will iavo to got nome ono to identify you > oforo ho can pay you " "Didn't my hubband son" dis paper o mot" "I don't know. I suppose so. " "Don't it say tor pay mo ton dol- a' 7" "Tea. " "Don why don't I git dat ten dol- a's ? " "Because you'll have to bo idon ti lled. " "Am I a teof ? " "I guess not. " "Don wet I haftor bo 'dentifiod fur ? " "Because that's the rule. " ' 'Yo' can't play dat game on dis liggor. Doy is ton dolla's a-comln * ror mo an' I wants it. " "You'll got it when you pot BOIUO ono to identify you. " "I gits a io'yor an' somebody roun' | is ycro 'stabhshmont gits 'rested , iat's all. Yo' don't como none o' yor y white games on dis coon. I aint no toof. I wus bo'n and bred in dis ore St. Loose , an' wants dat ton do ) . a's now fo' somebody gits hurt. " And the woman boqan to howl and term until it was found necessary to pen the door and gently guido her ut into the hall. Then she went off n search of a lawyer , heaping all aorta f maledictions' upon the poatoilico fficials as she went. A Honovotlntr ctemody s to bo found m UUUDOO BLOOD JITTERS. As an antidote or sick loadaaho , female weakness , billious- ess , indigestion , constipation , and > thor diseases of a kindred nature , lo o bitters are invaluable. Price. 1.00. A BODY-SNATOHER SHOT. A Modlcal PrnctitlonorofGood StandIng - Ing Found Wltn a Ballot In Hm Bead , poclal Dispatch to the Now York \VoriJ. SYJIACUSK , May 18. Great excite- mnnt has been caused hero in COIIHO- quenco of the finding this morning of lie body of Dr , Ilonry W. Kendall , f this city , lying insonniblo in a meadow near the county poor-houso omctery with a bullet hole between ho eyes. Near the body were two hoyels wrapped together in a piece of old carpal and a aatchul. ' The atchol contained a bottle of whisky , a caul-hook , a dark lantern , a bit and stoqk , a Bcrow-dnvor , and other tools isoi by resurrectionists in grave rob- ring. On the person of Dr. Kendall a dirk and two revolvers in a bolt wore bund. The wounded man was lifted out of the pool of blood in which ho ay and convoyed to the poor house , whoro-ho rallied ( sufficiently to bo able o sneak a low words , but ho stead- astly refused to say how ho was shot. L'o the east of the spot where the jody was found there is an oat-field oading to the road ; ocross it are the tracks of a wagon and the footprints of a man. Around the bpol where the wounded man was lying the jround is nil trampled about and ihowa evident nigna of a struggle. A mrrel of ono of tha pistols in Dr. vendull'u bolt had boon discharged , vhich ulsn showed eigna of having > een recently diuchargud , Dr. Kendall waa married about five months ago. Ho graduated from an eastern college last summer and had dready estnblixhod a good practice in Syracuse. Ho haa tor nomd tiino > ast , however , made a custom of aup- > lying the modionl college of this ) laoo with dead bodies , but had quar- oiled with the authorities and was inderatood to bo since unpairnd in furnishing ' 'dissecting Bubjedta" to BOIUO ether college. Tlioso who knew lira well say that ho was crazy on the subject , and a man who visited the room where hu keeps the purophor- lallu for prosecuting his nocturnal pursuits says it is fitted up ivitli all nannor of tools for breaking open graves and body-anatching. Several theories are put forward to account for the event. Some think that the doctor shot himself , either wposoly or by accident , and that ils companions , fearing to bo impli cated in the matter , immediately loft urn. Another theory is that ho was mistaken for a watchman by others engaged in the dreadful business of rifling graves and ahot by them. Sotlung definite > a known , but as his hameful pursuits are now made pub- to little or no sympathy is felt for the wounded man , although it is under load that there is no probability of lia recovery , BOBSU SaUe ii the iu ive _ l remedy or burai , .caldi , cuti , bruleei nd fleih wound * . DAILY BEE MAMA PUOLlflHINO CO . PROPRIETORS e6 ! F rnham , hot. Oth and 10th Streott. TKRIIS or nutwcntPitoN , . . t tmiMhn ' " . . . fl.O ramith ' . . . 3.f ' < A.1JLWAY TIMiU TABLE ) . T4RD rillCA'lO , M , FAVk , MtKX ArOI.M ill OXAtIA R tlROAn. Li' to Oinahk l'ic i > n < or No. 2 , 8M : .m. Ac nimodktlou No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m 4lfU jXinBlk PMNtiirnr No. \ , 0 : 0 P. m c-c ? ; ilntbn Ho. 8 , 10K > a. m. J l OMAHA 'AIT OR"inn KlCHO n. , II. o. 7:10 : , m. 8-40 p. u , 0. a W. W. ( 7:40 1. . m.M p. m. 0. . II. I. A { . , 7io . w. 3:0 1 . m. K. 0.St. J. & C. a.lcnvol ( it 30 n. m. and 1.41 at. Airlrofi it SI Louloat "W t. m. nnl dS : < ii. 'V. , m. L. h r.,1iiU3f.lB . n > . n < l 8iO : p Atrlroi i fit. txjalA nt 0:10 : t. in. ad 1u ( m TWIT or. KirTmT flfl. 1 , S * II , tn N b , , TlitouKb i'.xpriHil , A : 0 * . m U. t H Lincoln Expreiti 3iU ; p. n , \ ' P. Otrrl-nd Krprcw.lSitS p. m. 0. t R. V. for Lincoln , 11:45 . . tr. tAH V. lor Oiccoh. 9.40 o. tn. 0. P ( r I'Ji ( , Ko , 6 , 0-in i. ra. 0. P ' rolRht ! i"o. ft , K-.20 . m. 0. P. Irolght No. 132M p. in. 0. P. froljfljt No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m emlmnl. . P. Denver expm * . 7:35 : p. m , (7 ( P. ffflflil Nn 11 , 11-30 p. M. U. P. Dinvet ( rfliht.SSS p , m. inMvi.iw yuoK HAST AID romv. a n. b o 6oa . IA. TM u m. C. 2J. W. , RIS : a. ni. 7:26 p. m. 0. II. I. P..0.4& ix. m. 9:0fl : p. m. < 47. , ML Jna it 0 n. , 7:86 : . . m. < :4Bp. : n BXIVINO rnoM nil win AND HOtrrnwur. J. fc R. V. from Lincoln 1:08 : p. to. IT. P , Piclflo Kxp/oii 5:25 p. in. D h M. In Nob. , Through Eiprem 4:15 : p m. U. t U. Lincoln Kxpres * 9:46 : tn. 17. I * . Don\cr oznroM , 7:36 a. m. U. P. Freight No. It JW : p. in. U , P. So. 6 6:10 : ft. m. Kmlif ut U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:16 : p. m. U. P. No. 6-9:00 : p. m. U. P. No. ia-l : . . tn. U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 a , ra. 0. & R. V. tnlxnl. r. 4:45 : p. m. unmix TKAini irrwiM ouini An cntiicta tijam. Lakva Umahk t 8:00 : , 0CO. ; 10:00 : tad 11:00 : in. | 1ft 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. LeftVe Council liluffa nt S:26 : , 3:21 , 10:25 knd : K5 . m. ; I : ! 6 , 2:25 : , 3.16 , 4:26 : and (35 p. m. ilun-4ay The dummy IcavM Oman * ftt 9M mil 11:00 : x m. ; 2.-00 , 4CO : and 6:00 : p. m , L &veo Uoancll Bluffi kt 0:26 : and 11:36 a. ra. ; 2:25 , 4:2E nl 626 ; p. m. Through and local p-Monn > r tnlns between Omaha aud Council DluOa. Leave Omi\hn 0:16 : , 116 , 8:60 : 0.01. ! 3:40 : , 6:46 : , d.-OO p. m. Arrive On > sh& 740 ! , 11S5 , 11:46 : a. ra. ; 6:40. : 7:06 , 7:16 , p. m _ _ Openlnff ana Clcilng of M llt. IOUTI. crin. aiatt. * . m. p. m. a. m. p. m , W . 11.00 0:00 : 6:80 : 2:4C : , R I. ft l > cWo. 11:00 : 9:00 : 6SO : i:4C : lay , vlr : fiM : a.m. OWco npmi Sunday ) from 12 m. to 1 p. in. r HALT , P t. J. IlfJsT , \ > < 1 > " ! LV AB30J.OTCLY SAFE' i . ! > U.iu"ki ( ( UT fits ] ilicvimt d MMIIS ! ! [ jhiUvill tlio daily food n ' , tW c r < > K ivv Iiviit , dtiFt , litter nl ic 'n's ' of a ronl \uiiidttovo. . Tlio vnntoi' Cii Steve wiil do it , better , | iili'iv < > r and chcupur tlian by any other ncaiiB. 1 1 in thu only Oil StOVO imido vith the oil roaorvoir elevated at the > ack of the stove , nway from the heat ; by vliicli arrangement absolute nafoty is ccurctl ; as no gas can bo generated , fully 20 per cent more heaths obtained , the nlclca nro preserved twice ns long , thuB caving the trouble of constant triiuming ind tiioczpciiBCof new ones. Esamino ; hO Monitor and you will buy no other. Manufncturcil only by tlio Monitor Oil Stove Co. , Cleveland , 0 , Send for descriotive ( urculnr or call in M. lingers & Son , Hole agents for flobraokn. D. M. WELTY , ( Sacoosior to D. T. Monnt. ) Manulaiturcr and Dca'cr In Saddles Harness , , Whips , FANOY HORSE OLOTHINQ , Dusters and Turf Goods olLL UESCIUPT10NB. 'ThoBost ' in The World. " Ordcn Eolliltcd. OMAHA , NEB ino ly Joux BUBLEU , LHOMU tsciuur , Pr lcljn . Vlco Prts't. W. B. DIISIIBB , Boo , dtiJ Treas. THE NEBRASKA lAMIACTUEIIfB CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUlM.OTUHKllS OF Oprn Planters , HarroMt. Frm Rollort , Bulk Hay Rakei , Uucket tlevtlnK Wind nl &c. Wo are prepared to do Job work nd miaul ' tiirlrif ( cr other partly. Addn > ll otJcrt NEBKASKA IJANUrAOTURlKO CO. , Liioom NIH _ CHOICE CIGARS. Imported aud Domestic. Fluott Selection iaTowii. Prloc. to Salt Everybody. From Haifa Dollar Down to 60- Schroter & Becht's. ffourafgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , flacfacho , Soreness of iho Cfiesi , Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swofl- /nfjs and Sprains , Burns anil * * * Scalds , General Bodily Pains , footh , Ear and Headache , Frostoti foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Ache * , VL rrepariitlon on ftrth * quali ST. JACOM On Ht * tafe , ure , tlmplf and cheap Extercal % tmi djr. A trial entalli but the comptratlrtl ) Mfllng outlay of GO Cf nl" , and terj oa tufftr- l t lth pata can bat * cheap and poiltlT * Kel tf Hi claim * . Dlrtctloni In Eltrtn LangnicM * t IV MEDIOINE. A. VOGELER < to CO. , Among tlio medicinal means of unresting disease , Hosteller's Stomach 1 liters stands pre-eminent. It checks thd further progress of all disorders of the stomach , Ihcr and boweb , rcthcsthc vital stamina , pmcnU androi eJIcs thills and fever , Increases the acth Ity of the kidneys , counteracts a tendency to rheumatism , and la a genuine stay andeolaco to aged , Infirm and ncr\ous persons. For ralo by all druggists and dealers generally ol to ml _ The Great Lnglish Komedy .NcTcr falls to cute Ncrrous Debility , VI- Ital Exhaustion , Emls- Islons , Seminal Woak- Incasos.LOSTMAN ilHOOD , and all the j | rtl ollecU of youth- Ijful follies and execs- 'jios. ' It stops perma Inontly all weakening. [ involuntary lossis and Ijralns upon the sys- Icom , the Inevitable re- . , , , * ult of these evilprac' tlces , which are so destruel Ivo to mind and body and taako life miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nerves.Kralu , ( memoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and llepro- ductlvoOrifns , ' It restores to all the organic funstlr-nj their fonnor vigor and vitality , ma- Ung llfo cheerful and enjoyixblo. Price , ? 3 a 'tottle , or four times tha quantity 810. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address. on receipt of price. No. C. O. U. sent , except on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters rj- qucntlng answers must inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dftndelion Pilla are tb ; best and cheapest d ) spepsia and blllioua euro l.i the market. Bold by all druggists. Trice 60 cents. Dn Jtisnx'B KIUNBT Kumror , NBPRBTICOU , Ourps ill kind of Kidney and bladder comnlalnto , gonorrhea , elect and loucorrhei. For ealo cy all uauirglstii : via bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 OH vo St. , St. Louie , Jlo. For fiaeiu , Omaha by Jan26-lv QUAY'S SPECIFIC MTJJICINE TRADE ody. An un failing euro i for Scculnil Woftkness , Bparmator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all Dlecasestbttt * ' ' * . .eSiue'nco' AFTER TAIIBD. Helf-Abiico ; as LOBS of Memory , Unlv orsal Lassi tude , Pain In the Hack , Dimness of Vision , I're- mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. CVFull particulars In our pamohlct , which wo desire to send ( roe 1 v mall to every ono , CTTho Specific M'odlclno U sold by all druggists at (1 per package , or 0 packtgca for < 5 , or will be aunt free by mall on reel plot the money , by addressing THE a HA JEDICINE CO. , Buffalo , N. V. orealo" oc7me-eoj To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT mmOPCAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It la a poBitUocju for tipcrtnatcirhcn , Eontlna VTooVu fiu. Impotancy , and all dtecasca rctiullla ; Iron Sclf-Abiuc , an .Mental Anxiety , Loaai Uuaory , P&lns lu tha J ! c'or Side , aud dUiaeei . * ' * o t load to Consumption on. early grave Ttie SucclOc llodiclna Ii belnj cted ( ul success. J'amphlotB emt I rue w til. > Vrlt lit them ind R | lull p i. . Vrlro , 8\KvTi ! , Jl.W p" P i > K , or ell pacSt. ( urea tor KM. Addr > jra all orders to D. atUSON 11EP1CINK CO. No . 10J and lOfl ilaln Bt Duffalo , 11 , Y , SoH In Omalia by 0. F. Uoojmau , J. W , Uell , J , K. Mi , nnd all drufnlltaavarywhero. 1 .dkir IMPERISHAgLE MBEUfflE. Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER , Best for TOILET , BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. Mrs .t. O. Robertson , Plttsbnrg. r . , writes : " ] M imfTerlnir from general dfcty , want of bp petite , constipation , etc. , so tnm flfo WM a bur den ; niter using Burtlock Blood Hitters I tclt bet tcr than ( or j cars. I cannot praise your Bitter too much. " Jt.OIbb * . of Buffalo , N. 7. , writes : "Voui Burdock Bloc Hitters , In chronic diseases of thi blood , liter auJ kidneys , Imo been slgnalli marked with success. I have u cd them nijscli with best rctulta , ( or torpidity o ( the liter , and Ir CMC ot a Irlcnd o ( inino Buffering from dropsy , the effect wag man clous. " Druce Turner , Rochester , N. Ylwrltes-'I : have been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys , and unable to attend to business ; Burdock BIocx ! Bitters relieved mo before half a bottle n as used I feel confident that thqv will entirely cure mo. " Aecnlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. , writer : "I suffered with a dull pain through my ell lung and shoulder. Lout my spirits , appctlt < and color , and could with dllnculty keep up nil day. Took your Durdock Blood Bitters as ill reeled , and hava felt no rain sluco flrat week a ( ter using them. " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlro , N. Y. . writes : "Aboul four years ago I had an attack of bilious f over , and never fully recovered. My digestive organ were weakened , and I would bo completely pros < trated lor days. Ater ( using two bottles ol youi Burdock Blood Bitters the Impnn crnent was so vl-lblo that I wan aetonlshixl. I can now , though 01 years of ago , do a fair and rcisonablo day-'j work. C. Blncket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Korycan I Buffered greatly front olt-rccurrlng headache. I used your llurdock Blood Bitters with happiest results , and I now find invvelf In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buff&lo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Blood Bitters f or ncnoiu and 1)11- lous headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a euro for bllliousness. ' Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several jcars I have suffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com- Slalnts peculiar to my sex. 8inco using your urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 01.00 oei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts lOSTEfi , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by lab & McMahon and C. F. Goodman ? jo 27 cod-mo if jounrfj < Ltnan miui ot In _ * neill > ytliL tern tdUniroTM mli jour < lutlri nvoiO nlubt nork , tu roi torplinUniicrTencJ Hop BittorOi wostu usu Hop B. If jua nreyounij una fulTcrlnKfron.Miy It disciftlon or Ul plpa Iton ; 1 youororjar rla ur elficlo , old or ounp , Buttering frees pottrhcaltli or lanculsn ntr on K belt : < ! c uc.-x , rtly OQ Hop Bitter * . < D- \VhooTor yon ore , Thcuunot5dlo vhenovcr you feel njallyfrora w > in that your oyetcra _ form ot K ' > J n O ) needs cleansttiff. toft' UK or ftltmiluUnft , liava bcenpre cntert by * timely MSOO : Talie Hop prpt'a , kidney Del. O orui'norvcoi'i- Is an lwclut * | ) lan - , dlseaw and Irreslsta- - ottivoinach , bio cure foi . HOP tiood. tmctti , ( lnucnnem. llvtr a * nova I. . use of opium , Yon will bo tobacco , c- enrcdlf jouusc narestlct. Hop Bitter * IfT < raanctro- BoWbydrnie. fists. Bend tar rly w e a k and lowfptritcil.trj NEVER ClrculLr Ut It may save your FAILI VFtt CO life. It has nuvod hun | EMkM ) ra , I dred BC 4 T.roDto , Out. Dl'caso Is an ( fleet , not a cause. Ha origin le within ; Its manKostitlons ulthoiit. II en co , to euro the dtsoano the CAi'SKinust ba removed , and In no other way can n euro ever > o clloi-tcil. 'WARNER'S SAFEKVDNDY AND IjIVKR CUKE 1 established oil Jubt this p < lncli > le. U realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arize from deranged kldnuys and her , anil It ttilkcsat once attboroot of the dimculty. The olcnianta ol which It Is compocod act directly upon tbeso croat organs , both as a 'ODD aid HKSTORBR , and , by placing them In a rcalthy , condition , drive dUcaso and pain from bo .syetcra. For the Innumerable troub'os caused by un- iralthy KldncjB , Llvrr and Urinary Organs ; for the distro-slr Dleordcraof Women ; for Malaria. anil pliynlcil derangemeuU Ronorally , this Kreai rcmt dy ha ? no equal. Uovaro of Impostors , Im. tatlons and concoctions said tn bo just as good. DI A B F or sale by ull dcalera. H. H. WARNER & CO. , mo Roohostor N. Y. SYPHILIS nauy it-vjj Cntarrb , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any Skin Diseas , Oares When Hot Springs Fail MAVKRM , ABK. , May g. 1881 We have Cisoi In onr own town who lived t lot Hrlig8 | , ad were finally uircd with S. S. 8. . . McCAMUON & UUEXT. * " uoun couio to .uo us aau MiWiL.L , CUUE YOUR OK charge nothluz 11 Write lei artfcuUri nd coi.y of llttla Biok o the Unfortunate Suderinv 81.QUO Howard will be paid to ny hcmfjt who will Bnd , on unalyBll 100 bottle 8.8. 8. , one particle ot Mercury , Iodide Potii lum or ny Mineral nulaUnco. BWiraSfKOiriO CO. Vtepi. a ' AtUnU. Ptlc or Small lte , 11.00. Larne Ue 11.76. Bold by KENNARD B1103. If 00 and DruggUU QeoeralJr No heau-achu or back-ache for -t-J- ' ' k "WINE OF OARDUI.T U. JOHNSON WB. MILLAUD. . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commissioji and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Pock & Baueliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour , OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. WHOLESALE , BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Parnham St , Omaha Neb. - O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. Nfib. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE LUMBER , COAL & LIME , I. On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo I 1020 Farnham Street , I STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS * r AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of . OffiAES AID WMACTURED TOBACCO , it ft , . for BENWOQD NAILS AND LAFLIN & EAND POWDER G ft"I JOBBER OF "I AND 'i ' INDOW SHADES i EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. f IMS FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA I. OBERFELDER & GO. , WHOLESALE MILLINERY AND NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stook very nearly. Complete ets fvKaciflu. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALUR IM Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ftOLD9NG8 ! , Li H , CH AQEN1 FOU UILWAUKEE OEUSMT COMPANY ] Near Union Pacific Depot , , - OMAHA HE B POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , unmia HAOHINEKY , BELTING , " ' , HALLADAY WIND-WILLS. CHURCH AMD SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG 205 F < > w1" " " St. . Omaha IROTIE ! & Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Fmham Street , Omaha ,