* * ; ? , : , * ? . * -v f t ' r , 4 , . , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAE. OMAHA FillDAY MORNING MAY 26 , lb82 BUCKING BOURBONS That Kick Successfully Against tlio Ousting of a Southern Brother. Another Day of Parliamentary Bosh-whacking for Party Ends. The Republicans Initiated in the Golden Eulo of Voting Early and Often. A Rapture in the Mahono Banks Produced by a Promise to Pay. The Hoass Committee Think a Railroad Commission Just the Thing. The Assault ! Grows Restless His Day of Rest Approaches- A Variety of Items from the Na tional Capital. CONGRESS. KaUooal Associated ITeaA. SENATE FBOOBEDINOS. WASHINGTON , D , 0 % Mny 25. Th bill appropriating $15,000 for th erection ot a light housu and fog aig nnl at the entrance of Little Travors harbor , passed. The bill to reimburse the Croc Indian , orphan fund , was disousaec and went over. The Japanese indemnity bill was taken Up , and Senator Morgan mad a long argument in favor of the pis ssgo of the bill , and Senator Jones , o Florida , followed in opposition , am at 4:30 p. m. yielded to a motion fo executive session , and at 4:50 : p. m the senate adjourned. HOUSE FZOCEEniNOB. Mr. Calkins called up the Mackoy Dibbcll case , nnd the democrats resumed sumod filibustering. 'Mr. Kenna moved to adjourn. The / ayes and noes were demanded , result ing 183 nyos nnd no noos. Mr. Cut-tin naked leave of absence nnd Mr. Randall demanded the ayes \i- 1 and noes. * r The house spent the entire after noon in filibustering , and at 5 o'clock took a recess until 8 o'clock. Before reccts the speaker laid before fore the house a communication from \ the secretary of slate , with copies o vi | correspondence touching the Yene zupla award. The president calls at tention to the necessity of congres siooal action in the matter , and says that if neither branch of congress taki action , he will feel called upon to t reoogniro the absolute validity of the award. * 3 : The bouse reassembled at 8 o'clocl and bilnbustered for two hours , anc on motion of Mr. Calkins adjournoc at 10 o'clock. CAPITA ! . NOTES. National Am > cated ! Pec * * . A RA.ILKO.tD HHREAU. WASHINGTON , D , 0. , May 25. & Uouao commit tco un commerce agreed If , to report favoring Towiisond'a bill for a board of railroad commissioners as a bureau of the interior depart ment. Smi'HEUD drew his witness foes to-day. Ho promises to publuh something start- ting to-morrow. TWO TE&LEUS. W. H. .Gibson and J. 0. Poynton , both of Pennsylvania , have been ap pointed teller and assistant teller , re- epectively , of the treasury. UAUONE'S MAN. Although the reported rupture be tween Senator Mahono and Mr. Ful- keraou lacks confirmation , consider able comment has boon occasioned by the rumor that both partioa refuse to bo interviewed. Friends of Fulkor- son say he is dissatisfied with the non fulfillment of a promise made , and will not be bound by Mahono'a orders. Bomo persons says Riddlobergor fools tbo same and will- more than likely vote with the democrats should the next senate bo near a tie. The re publicans in the house claim that Fulkoraon is acting in good faith in voting with them , and there is no fear of his desertion now. DEATH APFROACHKd. Gulteau anxiously awaits the coming of Reed , oacli day , but Rod has no good news yet. The report that ho hoped to get the supreme court to issue a writ do lunatico inquirondo under an old Maryland law is denied by Reed. Ho knows it could not bo done here , but has not abandoned tjio idea ot habeas corpus. Guitcau is growing reatlea * . The imports of dutiable merchan dise during March amounted to over $50,000,000 , and thosn free of duty to over 818.000,000 , making a grand total of 908,000,000 , an excess of $8- 000,000 over the same month last year. ST. OKOUOE8. The North American St. Georges societies convention wound up with n I trip to Mt. Vernou to-day , and a soiree this evening , AllMY CHICLES ' , nro greatly concerned over the pros- tf pectivo defeat of the compulsory re- tiremeiit bill in congress this session , TAllIPr UOUUIWUONEU8. : Owing to the president's abaoneo It la thought that no nominations of tar iff commusionerd will be made before his return. NOMINATIONS Postmaster * At Cambridge City , Ind. , U. 0. Mosbougb ; Anderson , Jnd. , 8. Motcalf ; Greenville , Ohio , Mrs. E. A. Stevenson ; Osborno , Kas. , C. A. Crnmpton ; Bonding , PA. , 0 A. Whitney ; Holdon , Mo. , W. 0. Smith. TUB WI11LKY JUNO. The Windom whisky ring invnsti- gating committee mot to-day , or ganized , issued summons for several witnesses , and made every preparation to begin their work next Monday. The meetings will be open to the public. CRIMINAL NEWS. National Amociatod trow. THN MALIKY CASK. NHW HANEN , Conn. , May 25.-In the trial of the Mai leys to-day , Mag gie Kane did not appear and produce the dress she promised to product ) , ns the one she wore on the "flying horses" at Savin Rock the night be fore Jennie Cramer was found drowned , and which dress BO resem bled Jennie's , ns according ti the theory of the defence , deceived those who saw Mazgie , ntid led to the belief that they saw Jennie. Dlgnan , Mag gie's companion that night , testified , corroborating' her story , but admitting they took n dozen drinks. This afternoon u. number of wit nesses gave Etiong testimony ns to an alibi , utid on the wnolo it' looks brighter for the Malloys than at any time previously. HEADLESS LUNATIC. DETROIT , Mich. , May 25. A spe cial to The Evening Mews from Lon don , Out. , Buys : The body of a man with the Head almost severed there from wns found by the roadside about ten miles from hero , in Dorchester township , last night. A magistrate elicited the information that the man was named Odoll Andrews , who had left the Griggs house yesterday morning - ; ing to go Port Stanley. Instead 'of doing so ho had taken tho/roaQ , to Belmont , intending to visithis * lis ter's near thoro. The razor with which the deed was committed was lying under his knee. He had boon a bartender at the Grtggs house for ifif- teen years , and owing to disappoint ment in marriage about two years ago became mentally aberrated. * < JAH ON TOAbT. j Mrs. Rjbinson , of Alymor , Ont. , a guest of the Griggs house , blow out the gas in her bed room , and it took two doctors about three hours .to bring her to consciousness. t THE HALL DOLLING. t Another srncinl to The News , froin East Snginnw , Mich. , says Robert Graham , of that place , was shot and instantly killed near Gladwin , yester day , by John Andrews , in a quarrel about wages. Andrews was arrested. LAUDANUM. } Lewis Waits suiciuod with Ian num at East Suginaw. Feat Pigeon * , National Associated free . FALL RIVER , Mass. , May 25. Two ' homing pigeons , belonging to E. G. Grayraone , of this city , liberated from New York this morning , reached hero in 3 hours , 28 minutes. They 'wore winners last year in the inter-state contest. The average to-day was one mile in less than one minute , which is extraordinary. The Spirit has Fled National AesocUtod Press. CHICAGO , May 25. A young man named Chuffdo , son of the president of the Peoria sugar refinery , was taken violently insane , and was taken to Dayton , O , , his former residence , and placed in an insane asylum. Cause , spiritualism. Drowned. CHARLESTON , W. Va. , May 25. A clay boat at the government works , with many laborers on board , sank last , evening. All were saved but Harmon Banks , who drowned. Foil from a Scaffold. National Associated froat. CHICAGO , May 25. F. A. Anderson was killed and Fred. Helm , John Sil- verson and John Alsen badly injured by falling front a scaffold on Brie street this morning. Crop Prospect * . National Amociated Froua. SriuNoriEU ) , 111. , May 25. The department of agriculture has made deductions from recently received crop reports from all parts of the state , that are far from encouraging. Corn planting has been hindered by wet weather , and It is known that much seed planted has rotted in the ground , necessitating replanting. ) There are increased fears about chinch bug ravages , nnd the secretary of the state board thinks if a season n of hot weather should sot in before harvest the damage could not be but great. There is as yet no abatement of the ravages of the army worm in the southern cocntios , The blades in many fluids have boon stripped off and the insects are at work on the heads , t particularly the late and tender varie ties. ' The Brewer * . > National AModated Vita * . Cmcaoo , May 25. Tlio brewers' convention adopted a long series of resolutions setting forth that the pro hibition movement hod assumed start- lin ? proportions In all parts and the dominant party in congress had de clared itself antagonistic to distillers' intercuts , and therefore the members jf the convention pledge themselves to work at the bollot box to defeat all candidates favoring prohibition. Ad journed to meet in Milwaukee at the sail of the executive committee. The Gall Board. > . National Associated I'rcsi. CHICAGO , May 25. The sale of scats to-day on call board of trade aggregated $71,000 for the 435 scats , fhuro are now 1,000 members of the all board , lees than half of whom are provided with seats , Political Assessment * . National Aaaoclatod Prtn. NEW YORK , May 24. The trial of ' 3en. N. M. Curtis , ex-treasury agent af this city , indicted for receiving nonoy from his fellow oflloe holders For political purpose in violation of the statute , wns continued to-day. After some farther testimony the case was given to the jury , who were directed by the judge to bring in a sealed verdict , in onso they should agroo. NJJW YORK , _ M fe 25. The jury rendered a verdict in the case of Oon. N , M. Curtis , under indictment by the Civil Service lloforru aisoctation for soliciting nnd receiving , as the treas urer of the republican stnto commit tee last fall , election contributions for oompaign purposes from federal oni- P'OJCH , hi nsoif bling tn employe special troisury agent. lie was found guilty under two counts of the indicttr.onr , charging that ho received 350 from Peter Vogelsang , n postof- Coo employe , the other that ho re ceived $10 from Col. Charles Froiclu < 1 , of the custom house , the jury find ing that ho and they were federal em ployes. The federal etatu'o under which the enactment was procured , forbid such conduct on the pirt of federal employee , Curtis maintaining that ho wns n federal ofiiciul nnd not an employe.- Curtis gave notice of a motion for a now trial. PRESBYTERIAN PEACE , The North and South Again Clasp Hands in Pious Harmony. Overturra of Poaoo and Good Will Warmly Woicomod The Baptists Bollovo In Wolcomlngr the Cnlnoso. National Associated Preen. ATi.ANTAGn , , May 25.Tho gener al assembly of the Southern Prusbj- torians in session hero sonttho follow ing dispatch to the assembly at Spring field , III. , in answer to the overtures from the Presbyterian assembly in session there : "Tho following paper was adopted almost unanimous'y. In order to remove - move all ditlibultibs in the way of that full atd fraternal correspondence which on our part wo are prepared to accept , wo adopt the following : That while receding from no principles wo do hereby declare our regret for nnd withdrawal of all expressions of our assembly which may b ) regarded a * reflecting upon or offensive to the general assembly of tko Presbyterian church in the United States ; that a copy of these papers bo sent by tel graph to the general assembly for their prayerful consideration , and for their reciprocal consideration as afford ing a basis for the exchange of dele gates forthwith. ( Signed ) 11. K. SMOOTH , Moderator. JAB. R. WATSON , State Cor. Sec. ; ATLANTA , Ga. May 25 The 'gen eral assembly of Presbyterians dis cussed the case of the negro preacher , Parks , of Memphis , who insists on voting in the Presbytery. SrnuftmuLD , 111 ; , May 25 The General Assembly to-day received and read a telegram from the Assembly of the church south , in session at At lanta , Ga. , expressing regret with reference to any action of the post which has given offense , and hoping this assembly would take corresponding - ing action , ns a basis for more iriti- mute relations in the future. The dispatch was received with wild delight - light , and it is understood the a sera- bly will return a response of still warmer coidiality , and which will end the estrangement of the two bodies. IIAITI8TS AND CHINESE. NEW YOIIK , May 23.-At to-day's session of the American Baptist homo missionary association , the commitUo on Chinese missions presented their report , which caused quite a breeze 011 the Chinese question. The com mitted believe that the passage by congress of the bill prohibiting Chinese immigration was not demand ed by any actual peril to our institu tions or industries , and ndv < 8os all to help and encourage the Chinese now in this country so when they return to their native land they will bring back good impression of the United States , and the genius of Christianity , Rev. G. S. Abbctt , of California , rxpressod himself ns strongly opposed to Chinese immigration , and' D. rhomas , of Brooklyn , faverod it. Dr. Potter , of Sprinafield , was in favor of restricting immigration. Dr. Boyd , f St. Louis , thought wo should wul- x > rae the Ghinoao oven if it should jffeot our pockets , Dr. Baker , of 3alem , Ore , , favored the Chinese , rho report of the committco was idoptdd. ' Xioniiiana Ljrnohoru. National Associated Preaa. NEW OBLEANK , May 25 , A reign of error exists in St. Martin's parish vhero Jenkins and Ayroso were * e- wntly lynched. ( Ayroso WBB not ar- 'ested for murder and was out on $300 ail. Sixteen lynohora have been .rrcotod , and negroes are going about n bands swearing vengeance for lyrose's death. Gov. McEnory commuted the son- enco of Joseph Paddillo to bo hanged t Lafayette parish , Juno 9th , to life tnprisonmont. ° JOMO Jnmo > . [ fatlooal Associated 1'roM. KANSAS CITY , Mo , , May 25 A [ Kansas man has prepared a lecture on ho life and otroor of the hto Jeso Jamee , which ho proposes to deliver ver the norlh and oast. Ho has .dually succeeded in getting the wife f the dead bandit to sign a contract o appear on the platform with him luring Iho delivery of tha lecture. i"or her mere appearance alone ho grees to pay her a good round sum if money. This is learned trom Mrs. uincs herself , Hartford , Fa. Thomas Fltcbnn. Bradford , Pa. , write * ) 'I enclose for SPHIKQ monev ULOBSOU. a aid I would if it cure-l me. My dy . [ - baa TunUhed , with all lu eymp- ' , . rithont It in the houae , * Prloa 60 cent * rful bottlM 10 wnU. FLEETING HOPES. Those Which Snflflonly Sprung in the Egyptian Breast Ban ished by Ironclads , The Ultimatum of England and Franco Issued , with 24 Hours to Dooido. Arabi Boy Obeys Not and Hurries on the Arma ment. The Kantian * Contlnno Burning Ont the J w < Body nnd Basinets- Tlio Now Irish Coercion B11J. ' * TUB EGYPTIAN TIIOU1IU2. LONDON , May 25. The English and Froi.uh governments have sent an idcntic.il note to the porto that naval demonstrations on the coast must cease when order is restored. The French and English consuls have ad vised their vovurnments till efforts for amicable solution of Egyptian troubles have failed , asking instruction before proceeding to force. The religious institutions of Cairo have voted Ourrli Bey half a million sterling war credit. THE ULTIMATUM. LONDON , May 20. The joint ulti matum of the English and French governments to the Egyptian govern ment demands temporary cxilo of Arabi Boy , minister of war ; Mustapha Fehimy , minister ot foreign and pub lic instruction , and the loaders of the military party all of whom are to retain their military grades and pay during exile , the ministers , retaining their rank as pasha * . Twenty-four hours is given the Egyptian govern ment to decide whether or not it will accept the terms of the ultimatum. TBEPAKINO FOU WAlt. OAIEO , May 25 Arabi Bay , minister - tor of war , has rnado re quiaitiona upon workingmon's.corporations for mili tary works. AUStniAN AFVAIKH. f VIENNA , May 25. The Vienna in ternational electric exhibition has been postponed to August 1883. M. Rictar , editor of The Viennese , a well known socialist paper , has been convicted of treason and sen tenced to two years of imprisonment at hard labor. EARTHCjUAKEK. LONDON , May 2G. A dispatch from F < tyet , Aziros , states that an eatth- quake had viaited that. city and oc curred at Intervals for an hour , during which time churches , public buildings and many houses wore de stroyed. JEWIriDZ HOUSKH BURNED. VIENNA , May 25. Throe hundred houses in the Jewish quarter of Wass- likey , near Witns , have been burned. PETITION ON COKItCION. LONDON , Muy 20. Forty-six liber al members of the house of commons have sent a memorial to Gladstone asking him to limit the period of the Irish coercion billjund to modify the provisions affecting the press and public meeting- ) . LANDS IN nOUMANIA. VIENNA , May 25. The poaoants of Roumanm have petitioned parliament to establish land owning peasantry by distribution among peasants of state domains. The present land owners oppose the movement , VIIIULE.M HMALL POX is raging in Bosnia , killing hundred ? . PETITIONING HIE GOVERNMENT. ST. PETEIIHBUIIU , May 25. Leading firms hero and in Moscow are petition ing the government to stop the perse cution of the Jews as it is ruining business. COMING TO THIS OOUNTKV. PAULS , May 25. M. Iloustan loaves Juno 2d for Washington. The Bouiards Abroad. National Associated fro LANCASTER , PH. , May 24. Great : excitement was created by the escape 3f ton long term convicts from the county jail. They cut through the partition , dug a hole through the brick wall and scaled the jail yard ivall with ropes and hooks. Two fvere the notorious Buzzard boys , who ivere terrors to farmers of this region 'or years. A Bunlio Unit. National AtaocUtod Crew. BOSTON , May 24 J. K Fitzgerald , . ho bunko man who swindled Cfuu. , Francis Adams , when the cane was called to-day , pleaded not guilty. His lounsol moved to quash. The motion ) TOS held in abeyance. BOHTON , Mass. , May 25. In the Charles Francis Adams bunko case ho prosecution concluded and the [ lofonio submitted the case without irgumont. The jury found Jas. C. Fitzgerald guilty , Fifteen exceptions 7oro taken. Collision of Trains. ttloiuU AMOcUted Pros * MINNEAFOLIH , Minn. , May 25. 'here was a collision yesterday morn- ng at llarkina. on the M. & St. L. oad. A freight train from which the ngiup had been detached was loft landing ou the main track of the Pa- ilip division , when the passenger rain from Likp Minnelonka , and ' rhioh was pushing two freight can head of it , cvuo nloiip around a urvo at the rate of six miles an hour , > nd oollided with it , Several freight ars were badly smashed , the engine ras damaged and the passengers were iven a lively shaking up , although lone were sononsly injured. Bnow in the South , atlonal AffliclaUxl CIOM , WWHTON , May 25. Captain T. P. Jaldwell , who Just returned from tha 1 JaUom mountain , had an experience \ i never before known in n southern aUto. Within n week of the 1st of Juno when ho got in the valley of the Halsom mountain ho wns overtaken by heavy snow storm , which had boon falling nil night , and being lost in the drifts only got out after n hard struggle and was nearly frozen , The Balsom mountain is on the line be tween North and South Carolina , and the thermometer stood at 33 * . SPORTING. AmoeUtod 1'ron THK ROYALHTAKKrt. LONDON , May 25. The race for the royal stakes was won by Lime stone , Silver Boll second , Passaio third. A DIOYCLIHT BKAlXm MAUUIORO , MASS. , May 25. Lewis T. Froyo , champion ama'our ' American bicjlist , was fatally injured , falling on his head from a machine last evening , HARK HALL. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , May U5. O.imca postponed nu account of rain. Tuny , N. Y. , May 25.No game on account of ram. Bt'FPALo , N. Y. , May 25. Clove- lands , 1 ; Uufl'.ilos , 20. DETIIOIT , Mich.May 23. Chicagos , 0 ; Dotroita , 8. BOSTON , .May 25. No game on ac count of ruin. LOUISVILLE KACE9. LOUISVILLE , May 25. First race , for two year olds , three-fourths of a mile , was won by Bpnniotta Brother , Grinstcad second ; time , 1:174- Second racf , tobacco stakes , heats of a mtlo and one sixteenth , was won by Bender , who took second and third heats , Bootjack taking first , nnd com ing pecoml in the two last heats ; time , 1M9J , 1:40 : , 1:41J. : Too third race was declared off. Fourth race , test stakes , for two year olds , three-fourths of n mile , was won by Punston , Bondholder second ; time , 1:15 : ] . Fifth race , for all ages , mile and a half , was won by Aleck Atnunt , with a dead heat between Qlouullin and Ocorgo Hakes fir second place ; time , 2:37i. : COLUMBUS IIACHH. CoLUMuua , O. , May25. 2.24 class : lloua Willies , 1 , 1 , 1 ; Big John 2 , 2 , 3 ; Unalata 3 , 3 , 2 ; time 2:29 : , 2:28j. : , 2:27. : 2:27.Second Second race Florence 1 , 3 , 2 , 2 ; Angling 4 , 4 , 3,3 ; Highland Stnnger 3 , 1,1 , 1 ; L na Grlbbin 2 , 2 , 4 , 4 ; time 2-.30J , 2:33 : , 2:29 : , 2:33. : BYCICLK CONTEST. BOSTON. Mass. , May 25. The fifty mile byciclo contest between John J. Prince , champion of Amoricn , and Mile. Louise Amaindo , for the su premacy of mnlo and female riders , and a purao of $200 and a gold medal , came oft'at the Casino in the Charita ble mechanics building this afternoon. There wore 4,000 spectators in at tendance. Prince gave the lady five miles start. The race started at 4 p. m. Prince made his first mile in 3:13 : , the lady in 3:40 , beating her best record 2 seconds. Up to the last the lady was load by Prince , who paased heron the last lap , beating her 215 seconds. Time for the fifty miioi , 3 hours , 12 minutes and 32 $ seconds. Fired by Xiime. Nktlontl AnsodAtod Preu. PORTLAND , Oregon , May 25. The steamer Nioquima arrived from San Juan island this morning with 3,000 barrels of lime. On opening the hatches the cargo was discovered on fire. The hatched were battered down to smother the the , but the steamer burned to thn water's edge. She wan owned by / . W. Hatch. Loaa , § 30,000. Texas nnd the Railroads. National Anooclated Prow. DALLAH , May 25. Tlio obligation of the state to fatibfy certiGcata4 is sued to railroads , will , it is said , bo brought to a test in the federal courts. Able counsel huld that where the state's obligations to roads represent ing an indofiiiato quantity , the acts tying up the lands fur such Ilimsy pre texts ns payment of public debt , nro unconstitutional. RaUoood Ragnlation NiOonM Asaociuted I'reat ALBANY , N. Y. , May 25 , The eon- ito this morning passed the railroad ommission bill. Ic was sent to the , issombly this afternoon and passed. It now awaits the governor's signa ture. Tlio Iron Man. National AwocUf ( I I'riMS. PiTTSuunoii , PH. , May 2fi. The largest meeting of tlio Western Iron iSBUciation ever huld was this aftor- ipon convened in this city. The only listrict not represented was St. Louis. With the manufac- I. . great ponitivonoss - I.I .ureis assort that they will not accede I.I I o the demands of the Atnul anuUd I [ iBsocmtioi ) . Bomo say that they will ii ihut down forever rather than pity the * ! ricas asked. The mills and furnaces it Stcubunvillo , Ohio , will shut down. Gca/gla'i Peach Crop. Ulou/U ArtoclMod PIBU. ATLANTA , Ga , May 25. To-day u louvoulion of Georgia fruit growers ras hold hero to coneidur the question if fruit transportation north and ither points. There is an immense ; rep in the state which will bo ready or market soon , and interest in the ranspurtation problem drew a largo onvention , Alter a full discussion ho entire matter was referred to a ommittee with instructions to make guros and term ? , A Elim Crowd. : 'atloni ! Associated I'ruw. DOVKK , Dol. , May 25. The green- ackers of Delaware hold a slimly ttendt'd convention in this city to-day , nd nominated Juo. Jackson for gov- rnor. Au Ex-Pooler in Prlvou , UUocAl Amociiua rrixu. 8r , PAUL , Minn. , May 26. It was lisooverod to-day that Colonel J. F. L. Btuddart , agent of the New York ; lutual Life Insurance company , and ; prominent man in society and the church , has obtained & > , OCO en fraudulent policy issued to n fictitiou person , and paid to n bogus widow a Litchfiold. The affair creates grea ecandal , but Studdnrt mode stronuon efforts to lottlo. It is also stated tha the officials in Ireland have sent her to have Studdar't sued to obtain i , largo amount of money fraudulently gained by him on bogus vouchers while sub-Inspector of constabulary In Ireland. A "iatl0V National Amoc ited rrwa. CHICAGO , May 26. Throe mysterious ous men were arrested nnd lodged in the Central police station with no charge booked agninst thorn. It is rumored that they had mndo proparn tions for starting nt once for Kearney Mo , to cxhunia the body of Jcsao James for the purpose of oihibitiiij the remains nbuut the country , i A Tnnucl Cave * . Kutlonal Ajwoclatod t'rra. NKW YORK , May 25. A fatnl ncc ! dent occurred nt Union Hill N. J. , to-day nt the Ontari and Western rnilrond com patiy's tunnel , which is bling carric ( under the palisades. Ic occurred it almft No. ! , which is about 200 fee long. At I ) o'clock while the tnei truro nt thuir labor a portion of th section caved in nnd many tons o earth foil on them. Ono man wa killed outright , another wns fatally in jurcd nnd u third seriously hurt. Mnrlno. National Antedated I'rcta. NEW YOIIK , May 25. Sailcd-Th State of Indiana fur Glasgow , the Republic public for Liverpool , the Oanadn lor London , the Leasing for Hamburg arrived , the State of Georgia from Glasgow , the Villa do Marseilles from Marseilles , the Sorento from Hull. LiV iirooLMay 25. Arrived The Servia from Nuw York ; sailed , the Brittanic for Now York. ANTWERV , Mny 25. Arrived The Stunmnn from New York. GLABCIOW , Mny 25. Arrived The State of Pennsylvania and the Ethiopia from Now York. ROTTERDAM , Mny 25. Arrived Ilotterdam from Nuw York. Indication * . Nitlonal Auoclatixi Preen. WABUINOTON , JJ. C. , JVIny 20 , 1 o m. For the upper Mississippi vat Icy , fair weather , followed by incroaa < ing cloudiness and local winds , eta tionary or lower pressure. For thi Missouri vnlloy , cloudy weather , loca raiiiB , warmer southerly winds , fall ing barometer , generally followed by rising barometer and colder northwcs winds. _ Blaine in Ciuoinoatl- Nitlonal Associated free * . CINCINNATI , May 25. Ex-Secretary Blaine arid son , Marshall Blaine , an J. Y. Lewis arrived at the Burnet house this morning , and are now in consultation with Mr Garret t an" Ohio & Mississippi officials. Tbo National AMoclatod f rcxw. CINCINNATI , May 25. At to-day' session of the American Library assp elation reports were read by Justin Wmsor , J. M. Lamed , W. F. Poole , Milton Chamberlain , Samuel 8. Green and J , Schwarts. Trcsioott and Blainc. CarrcfpaniUnco National Avuoclatod 1'roas. LIMA , Muy H. The steamer Lacka- wnna has returned to Lima with Messrs. Tresscott nnd Blninn and others who coinpriso thu ministerial party. They hud to visit Huorez , as Montoras did not care nbout going to the coaat. What action has boon taken at the conference has not boon uiado public , but it is said Mr. Tress- ci tt hud urged thonocossity of a truce and Monttnis showed n disinclination to sign anything , indicative of n dis position to cede territory. The inin-i istors wcra warmly received , Thd strainer which convoys this will also tnko Trosscott'a dispatches to the Washington government. A Frlnnd In Need. Tiinu over and ngaln THOMAH' TJUO On , JIUH proved n nnlutrxry fi lend to llmilistruswd. AH u reliablu curative for croni ) In children , ere throat nnd bron- chlul Hirectlnno , and an a ixnltlvo oxtcrnal remedy fur pain , it in a nov. r-fallini ; nntl joto. Worklncmen's Maau Mooting , The workingmou of Omaha are hereby invited to uttond u mass moot ing to bo held nt the Academy of Music on Sunday , May 28 , at 1:30 : /clock p. m. to express their sonti- ncnta about the report on the late abor troubles inado to the legislature > y the committee , of which E. M , Jart'ett ' was clminnun. A special nvitatitm is hereby extended to Hon. S. M , B.irtlult to enable him to pub- icly explain to his constituents. The ithor mumbora of the Douglas county loleg.Uioii are cordially invited. J. F , Challia , Prost. Coopers Union , Goo. Dovcroll , President Plasterer * Jnion. Win. Turtle , President Bricklayers In ion , S. S. Van Burou , President Typo- raphical Union. James Dooley , President Iron ilouldera Union. L , B. Green , for Machinists. Ed. Walsh , Prest. O , L. P. U. C. D , Simmons , Sec , Coopers Union. Nick J. Garrotr , Sec , Plasterers Jnion. W. S. Mil's , Sec. Bricklayers Union. J , 11 , L < jwia , Hue. See. Typographi- * 1 Union , James F. Uacey , Boiler Makers Jniou. Thomas Cummings , for Black- unitliB. H. Taylor , Sen. 0 , L. P. U. ths-fri-eut Frank Bardal , North Dennett trut > c , SufTulo , cayd : " 1 have trlod your Hprlny Sloasom an a family wedlclue , and have lever oomo acroad anything to do so much oed In v > abort a time lu oaiou of indi- aUon. dy pepala and dernngeinjnt of the itotnaou ; I trouilr reoouimead It. Price 10 wnto ; trial bottles 10 canU m23dlw THE DESERTED VILLAGE. Lincoln Again Ro'apseH Into a State of Profound Politi cal Peace. The Lost Lonely Pilgrim Pocke Hlo Grip and Hios Homo * ward , There to Rest His Wearied Brain a on the Bosom of His Constituents. The Rising Statesmen of Lan caster Already Pear the Power of Douglas. QrowlitR DlnRnit at tbo Gorry- I" of the Dutriolo. Howe's Succoeslul Bolt for His Com panion in Crime. Bptolkt Corrtipondcncfl ol Tni Bim. LINCOLN , May 25. The last country member has packed his gripsack and has hied him homeward to the bosom of hia constituents , there to receive commendation or curses , according to whether ho has boon n faithful or inefficient - > efficient servant. It is safe to say that for a goodly number of the pro found statesmen who have so lately sat in council hero , the wclcomo homo will bo anything but an affectionate one. As the cchoea of the "Hurrah boys" method of carrying an unjust or unpopular measure through dH > away , the returning legislator will hear the uncomfortable murmur of o misrepresented public buzzing in hia ears. It ia safe to say that n large proportion of the members of the present legislature desire a re-election. They have had one "whnok" at the sport of creating a United States sen ator , nnd would bo only too willing to repeat the pleasure , if it may bo vouchsafed them. For the larger portion tion of them ihis hopa is not destined to blossom into reality. The select few , who through their works have really earned tbo gratitude of these whom they are supposed to represent , will come back to the old stamping grounds next winter , and perhaps then Fay'the foundation for future political greatness. I will shortly take occa sion lo refer to this subject more at length , and hold up the records of Bomo of these profound men of affair a. It will make good Sunday reading for them. Notwithstanding the specious pleas made in its behalf , the Burns bill ia very unpopular here among these who take any interest in political matters. With ua here , the great objection to the present plan of apportionment ia that Omaha is saddled upon our dis trict ; with you the trouble seems to bo , not that Lincoln is with you , but that you are soporated from that ter ritory to which you nro naturally illiad by a similarity of interests. [ Icro it is fear that n multiplicity of candidates elabwhpro in the district will work to the disodvautagu of Lin coln statesmen ; there is merely afeol- ng that you have bean thrown out ci rnur normal position merely to gratify he jealousy of the northern pirt of the state , and the cupidity of the southern. There was a grcut deal of ontiniontal party talk vented over the josaibility of making a democrat db- rict , if Douglas county was loft with ho North PJatto region. Simmered lown , this four amounted mm ply to & ealization of the fact that Mr. Yalcn- ino would fail to secure a nomination n u district so arranged ; nnd it waa n no small part to further his chances hat the existing arrangement was taado. The Bcr.no in the house the last night of the session wan not altogether reditablo to that body. There k ittlo doubt but that a majorit/ the nombors were willing , even deoirouo , o censure Lieut. Gov. Cams , and. uoh would have been the result that night , had it not been for Church Inwe's bolt. The feeling on thu > ubjcct had been carefully woikcd up. 'lie argument was successfully used with a good ninny wavering momboru lint the house had no right to coo- uro an officer of the senate , but that ho latter body was the tribunal bo- ore which ho should be tried. The argo vote by which the majority re- > ort of iho senate investigating conv- nitteo was carried is pointed to by Hr. Cams' friends as an evidence.that no prejudice exists in the party ranks gainst him. Still , it is perhaps lucky or Cams that ho has had no very erious intentions of running for of- co this year , as the not results of the wo investigations could bo used gainst him with damaging effect in u ody where issues will conflict , as they re bound to do at the coming statti onvontion. Lincoln is again as sleepy and quiet s she was before the late session oo- urrcd to send n pulsation of fresh fo through her veins of trade. Tiia orraant condition of affairs will dubtlcss continue were or less all ummer and fall. With the next sea- ion will como fresh appropriations , nd if the harvest yielus as bouuti- \ ully as is the present prospect , a now m of prosperity may dawn upon thu uagio city of thu Bali no basis. W ! A Raioal' atloaal AsuocluUid 1'rose. CINCINNATI , May 25. Charles K , IcDrido came to Sharrouvillo several oars ago , and after obtaining & dl- orco married Phojbo Roser , a lady of vealth , aged 76 years. On Wednea- ay night ho robbed horpf $2,500 , rhioh she had in the home , and lied.