Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1882, Image 3

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    THE B ILY Bttti : OMAHA THURSDAY MAY > 6. i882
& OO ,
The Only Exclusive
Wholesale Hardware House
J" . J" . OCX
Boots and Shoes ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Ms ,
The only and/1 / Uional plate that
original firm oflj
is giving for in-
Rogoro Bros.
otanco - olnglo
All on ? Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon a
Knivoa plated triple thickness
with the greatest
plate nly on
of caro. Each
the a o c t i o s
lot being hung
on a scale while whore expo d
being plated , to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit
making a single
posit of oilvor on
plated Spoon
them.We wear as long na
We would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to
our sec-
Rival ! Orient. Ttoned
All Orders In the West should be AdJreesed to
Wholesale Jewefer ,
The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING
in Omaha. Visitors can here IN TUB WEST I
General for the
find all novelties in SIL
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER' WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
the Latest , Most Artistic , any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
REOIOU3 STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all of FINE
descriptions A SPLENDID stock ol
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway PianoB , Enabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren ,
Store , Tower Building Sterling , Imperial , Smith
, American Organs , &c. Do
llth and Farnham
not fail to see us before pur
Streets. chasin ? .
Large Stock Aways on Hand.
3C JST C3S3L S 8 25
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact thax
Rank foremost in jthe West in Assortment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps
Wejaro prepared to moot the demands of the trade In regard to Latest Style *
and Patterns , Fine Merchant Tailoring In Connection '
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13t
Business nirectorv.
Abtlract nd Kail tiUte.
JOHN U McCAQUE , opporito Poit Offict.
W. n. BAnTLKTT S17 South ISth Strtel.
Room It CreUhton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room S , Cielghtoo Block.
Oooti end Bhoet.
fine Boot ! nd Shoos. A rood MROrtmtnt
lomo work on band , corner mh and Ilnney.
tnOB. KRICK80N , 8. E. cor. 16th and
11110th etroot , tnknufActurci to order teed wet
tttalrprlctn. Kftwlrinpdone.
U U Spring ! .
LAUH1MKK Mnmifuctntpr. 161T Uonrlailt
Bcoki , Nnwx unti Stationery
J. J. FIIUEHA I > nii ( Firntifim
Uutttr tind
40SUANK & SCIIUOKW.K , the oldwt II. and K
KJUHO la Ncliranltft MtaMI'lictl 1875 Onmha.
MRS. A. ft VAN ,
nltiTrcat corner Ifithand Dodfro.
tint n < rd for the lioncjr.
Satisfaction ( luaranteet !
at ill Hotirl.
Board by thu Day , Week or Month.
Qood Tcrmi ( or Canh
Fiirnl-hiirl Uftfmn RutM'lloil.
UarrlaRO and Homo Wagoni.
8NYDER. 14th and HirnevStreets.
Clothing bought.
f. UA11RI3 will v J hlKhCi < tC bprlio tot lecon
und clothbc. Cornorlotli and i'arnhara.
utwo otii.
JOHN 1IAUHEH 18U Furnham Street.
H. DKUTI10I.U , R s wiJ Metal.
Lumber LI mo and Dement.
fOSTKU & OU\V corner Hth nnd DougUt His
Lump * and Glkiiware.
I. BONNKK 1B09 UonzUs Ht. Qood V.tict )
Merchant tnllort.
One c ( our moat popular Merchant Tallart Is re
string the latest dctjleua ( or Spring and Summci
( or gentlemen o Htjliili , durable
> nd prlceo low M ever 516 13th bet. Douj.&Ftrr
' Millinery ,
ttB8. 0. A. KINDER.Vholosalo and Retail , Fan
; y CiooJa In great variety , Zoph ) rs , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , 0 lined , Corsolti , &o. C'licapcat House In
ibe Wont. PtircliMcni nave BO per cent. Order
> 7 Uall. 115 Fifteenth Htroct.
IOHN WCAKNE & SONS cor. 14th it Jickeonit *
Hour and Feed.
niAUAClTYT MILLS , 8th and Farnham Ota.
7e ! h na Brew. , proprietors.
C. BTKVENB , Slet between Cumlng and lur
C , A. MoSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Streets.
Mara wale , Iron and Uteol.
OtAN & LANQnOKTHY , Wholesale , 110 ant1
,12 16thBtreet
A. HOLMES corne 1Mb and Calllornla.
Harnem , Saddle * , &o.
D. WKIHT W 18th St. bnt Fan ) . & Uarney.
ANriKLD HOUSEGeo. C > nadd,9th & Farnham
90KAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 913 Famh&m St.
SLAVIC'S I10TEL , F. Slavon , 10th St.
leathern Hotel Oils. Ilamol Oth &Lc vcnworth
rugt , Paints and Oil * .
Flno Tana Goods , Coi. Uth and
DOOCIM ttresta ,
V. i. WEITKHOUfEVboleGileftRetaU , Iftthel.
0. FIELD , 202 ! Hortti Side Cumlng Btreet.
PARR , Drueirtnt. lOtb and Howard Streets.
OB. PAUIi Wllllamn lllocK Co > . Uth ft Do.lge.
Dry Uooaii notion * , tto.
< ew Toik Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1B11 Fani
ham Btroet.
Cu O. Enewold also hoots and shoes A Pacific.
hurunure ,
i 7. QROB8 , Now and Btjond Hand Furniture
ccl Storea , 1114 Doturlaa. Hlgbert cub price
ld ( or eocond hsni gooot. >
.BONNER 1KOS Donrla t. ' Flno goodi ttc.
tcrce rvorwi.
SUIT , FUIEii ft CC 1211 Carney St. , Improve
id Ice Boim , lice ani Wood Fences , Offlcs
lltnzs. Conntf i Pine aor Walnnt.
ROSENKELD 10th St. . bet far. A Bar
Hoirli | rater , Oonneld'a Patent.
GOODMAN 1th Ht. bet. Farn. A
Oltcan and Tobacco.
VEST & FRITSCHER , manufacturers o ( Cigars ,
nd Wholesale Dcalersl D Tobaccos , 1306 Douglas.
< 7. F. LOHKNZKN mauulacturcr 1416 Farnham
A. Doni hue , plants , cutCOTroro , seeds , ooqattt
tu. N. W. cor. 16th and Uouplaa streets.
Civil engineers and Uurveyon ,
ANDREW ROSEWATER , Crclghton Block ,
'own ' Surreys , Grudo and Sewerage Systems a
Uommlcalon MercnanU.
JOHN G. WIL LIS.Uli Dodge Street.
D B. 11EE1IER. For details see largo adrertloe.
mont In Dally and Weeklr.
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice Works , Manulacturcrs Iron
lonilco , Tin , Iron and Slate RooBlng. Orders
rom any locality promptly executed In the best
manner. Factory and Ofllco 1213 Harnoy St.
0. SPECHT , Proprietor , ;
alvanlzed Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and put up In any part of the
country. T. 8INHOLD 416 Thirteenth street
. DONNEIl IBM Douzlas street. Good line.
Clothing and Furnishing ; doo's.
EO. n. PETERSON. AIM H&ts , Caps , Boots ,
Shoes Notions and Cutlery , 60 * 8.10th street.
Show Oaie Manufoctory-l
0. J. WILDE ,
annfactnrer and Dealer In all kinds of Bhoir
tees , Uprlxbt Cases , A „ 1317 CMS St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
how Case manufactory , 819 South 16th ttreet ,
letween Lcavcnuorth and Uarcy. All goods
arrantod flrst-diBU.
ovej and inware.
ctlur In Staves and Tinware , and Manafactnror
( a In Rees and all klnda of Building Work ,
dd Fellows' Block.
. nONNKIl. HUM T > nnlaii nt. nod and Oheaa
. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Becd Drills and
Cultivators Odd Felloes Hall.
Physicians and Suraeoni.
W. B. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No i , Crelgbton
loci , 16th Street
P. 8. LEISENRINO , M. D. Uasonla Block.
. L. UAUT , II. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce
cullst and Aurltt , 8. W Hth and Farnham BU
Grind Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
ear Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt'
Plumbing , das and Steam Fitting.
. W. TARPY & CO. , 21612 tit. , bet. Farnbam
and Douglas. Work promp yattended to.
D. FITZPATRICK. MO Oouirlaa Street.
aiming an aper uniting.
HENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 Dodge Street.
ehoe Btoro.
bllllpLan 1KO Farnham tt. 15 Uth & Uth.
Becond Hand Btoro.
EREIN8 A LEAR , HID Douzlas St. . New and
econd Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods ,
lie. . bouplit and snld on narrow marHns.
HAS. RIEWE , 1011 Farnham bet 10kb tt Hid.
00 Cent Store * .
> . 0. BACKUS Farnham 81. . Fancr Ooodi
o tns DSW brick block on Douglaa 8tr * t , has
Just opened a most elegant Beel UU.
Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to IS
very day ,
- Caledonia * J , FALCONER 619 Ittb Btml.
The Terrlblo Bzporlenco or n Man
Without Food In the Idaho
The Wood River Times has n long
nccount of the fulvonlurcs of Thomas
F. Cox , a minor , who loft Bonanz *
April 12 for Stanley ba in , expecting
to got work in the plaocra at that
place ; failing to obtain work , hn
ttartod for Sawtooth Oityidislant 45
miles , and camped on the night of the
14th at Vnlley Greek. The next dav ,
shortly after starting out , ho mot two
tnun from Sawtooth , and mndo inqui
ries about the trail. These men eith
er misdirected him or ho misuruler-
stood their directions , for on arriving
at the crook that flows out of Rcdliah
lake , ho took up that creek instead of
keeping on about six miles further to
Beaver crook. Ho followed the creek ,
arriving at the cabins , nt the head of
the lake , about ? p. in. Supposing the
town was just beyond ho kept travel
ing until after dark. Then a snow
storm setting in ho became bewildered
and wandered about in the tim
ber near the summit of thu
Atlantic pass divide until after
midnight. Finally ho got his bear
ings and started back for the cabins ,
when ho bcc tme aware that his feet
wore frozen. Throwing nway his
roll of blankets ho hastened forward ,
making the cabins the second time at
about 11 o'clock on the forenoon of
the 16th. Hastily building a tire , ho
pulled off his boots and found both
feet frozen. Not being able to pull
on his boots again ho concluded to use
the only remedy at hand n snow
poultice to relieve the pain. lie
kept his feet poulticed for four days ,
but at the end of that time , finding
thu snow brought no relief , ho discon
tinued its use. Ilia next thought
wat to kcopagood lookout for passers-
by. Ho would crawl out of the
cabin , tuko a look , and cr.iivl back
again. No sooner back , and hearing
; ho swaying of the giant pines that
surrounded the cabin and mistaking
that noise for the sound of human '
roices , out he would crawl again , only
.o return disappointed. During the
eng , cold nights , suddenly awakened
'rom a troubled deep hy the hoarse
screpoh of n night-owl , ho would crawl ;
nit in the darkness , hoping for the
ong-lookcd-for assistance , only to be
nero thoroughly aroused to his real
There being no wood at the cabins
o keep the fire going , ho burned up
ho rough board bedstead , cupboard
and othur cabin furniture , together
vith the chinking from between the >
ogs as far up as ho could reach ,
which ho knocked out with an old
short handled axe that ho found ,
[ his exhausted ho kindled a fire in
one corner of the cabin , which burned
ho ends olT six or seven logs , when
ho corner of the house dropped down >
about five foot. Putting out the fire
with snow , ho kindled a faro in the
other corner on the same si do , which
> urned down as did the first , thus
letting the middle of the logs for fuel.
About this time , despairing of assist
ance passing by , he conceived the idea
of making A pair of hand snowshoes - >
shoes , with which to try and >
crawl to the settlement. Ho
used the old azo In splitting and >
cutting a cabin log to the required
size about twenty inchoa long by five r
inches wide then cut hla boots for
hand-strap * , which ho Tautened to the
wood with nails he pulled out of the
cabin walls. Ho then made kneepads - ,
pads with the remaining parts of his
boots , making them as puffed up and
as thick as possible , so BJB to keep his
feet off the frozen snow when crawl
ing. At last they were completed ,
nd he was ready to make ono more
effort to save that which ho would
have destroyed in his fits of agony
from pain his lifo when the long- :
lookcd-for assistance arrived. [
About four o'clock on the afternoon
of the 27th , three men , journeying
from Bailey to Atlanta , otarlod from
Sawtooth , on the Atlanta trail , intend
ing to camp at the cabins that night >
and make Atlanta the next day , flomo
twenty-two miles. On Hearing the
cabins , ono of the party saw Oos , but
mistook him for an Indian , EO black
had ho become from smoke. The joy
of the poor frozen , famiahod man can .
bo imagined. They gave him what
nourishment they had with them , and
9iio of the party wont back to Saw
tooth for assistance. From the time
Mr. Cox loft Vallny Greek till his dis
covery , twelve days , ho had eaten but
Four crackers and part of a box of ear-
linos. Upon taking the information
o Halley , where a surgeon was ob
tained , it was found necessary to am
putate both feet , BO badly were they
A KonovatinpKcmedy
s to bo tound in Buituoo BLOOD
hrrEiis. As an antidote or aick
oadaaho , female weakness , billious-
ess , indigestion , constipation , and
ther diseases of a kindred nature ,
heuo bitters are invaluable. Price ,
1.00. m3dlw
Qraes Is Klug.
Before thu w r thuro was proclaimed
n the hulls of Congress and through-
ut the length and breadth of the land'
10 reign of King Cotton. Over the '
lains of Dakotu the producer bows
own to wheat , and among our own
alloys there are tlioso who Imvo
laced corn upon the throne. All
icso are but bus a 'usurpers. They
ave boon and are more tax gatherers ,
onsumers of the wealth of the soil ,
nd causing their subjects to spend
joir capital instead of their incomes.
Dho lands they ruled hare tended to
overly during their usurpations , and '
ley have forced their subjects to OH-
ape from their dominion to safe their
ves ,
On the contrary grais is moil
anefioint rultr , and is continually
eatowing liberally to the land its
wner. It is the homo of liv stock
mt is ever becoming more and more
wealthy as a country , for it is con-
inually adding to its own capacity to
roduc * wealth. The possession of
ve stock is an illustration of the
reposition that "to him that hath
ot shall bo taken that which ho
oometh to have. " The producer of
rass is a feeder of the soil , Ho
liftt raises grain for export is a soil-
The season is at hand for putting in
raw. Prepare the soil as for a gar-
en and sow seed with a liberal hand ,
f done early the season is not so short
hat a full crop may not be reasonably
xpucted during the current year , If
one carelessly , consolation may be
ound in the unorthodox but ox * '
preuive beautltude , "Blowed are )
they that expect nothing for they
shall bo disappointed. "
Success is to bo expected as the re
sult of diligence- this as in other
things , and the injunction is good
which commands ' 'Sow
thy Beod in
the mornintr , and in the evening withhold -
hold not thy hand. " [ Col. John Scott ,
in Iowa Homestead.
I am pleased to say that the use ot
St. Jacobs Oil h s benefited mo
greatly , and I have no hesitation to
recommend it to all as an excellent
curative , is the way the Right Rev.
Bishop Qilmour , of Cleveland , Ohio
writes in reference to the Great Gor
man Remedy , St. Jacobs Oil , so popu
lar everywhere.
Agricultural Surveys.
Considering how valuable the ;
would bo to all classes interested ii
land it seems remarkable that no ays
tomatio surveys ot largo portions o
territory hnvo been made in this coun
try. It would bo within the provinci
of the general or state government , o ;
of railroad grant companies , to maki
them , and the latter could doubtlen
derive pecuniary benefit by so do
ing. An agricultural survey wouli
enable them to soil their lands t
much better advantage than they now
do , and would save oottlon
and prospective purchasers mud :
trouble in making suloctioim
If the surveys woio only mnd (
with suflicient care and were nccom
panicd wilh sectional mnpa a porsor
could form n better idea of the cap v
bilitica of any particular tract than ho
could by personal inspection unless hi
was an expert. The nearest approacl
to a systematic survey of any atato lnu
been made by the agricultural bureau
of Kansas It is embraced in the
various volumes of the published re
ports. By consulting them ono is
nblo tc form a very exact estimate o
the value of lands in different parts ol
the state , and to judge of their capa
bilities for any particular purpoeo.
1'heso reports have done much toward
itittling the state , and Imvo caused
'ottlers to move into the sections
best adapted to special branches of
farming. An agriculture survey would
bo fur uioro useful than a geological
lurvoy , us it would furnish moro praa
ical information. Still a largo pro
lortiou of thu states have completed
r commenced geological surveys , gen-
irally at very great expense. Thu re
port of these surveys have boon val-
lable to science , but they have ro-
mltod in very little good to any in-
lustrinl interest , except that of min-
ng. An agricultural survey , on the
thcr hand , would benefit all classes ,
is all are interested in agriculture ,
An agricultural survey should e
> rnce an examination of the surface
tnd subsoil of each section examined
ind should include a tolerable full in-
rcstigation of the composition of
oth. It should furnish information
n respect to the natural drainage and
acilitics for artificial drainage. A
itatcmont of the average fall of rain
nid snow , and the usual time of their
iccurrcnco should bo given. The lia-
lility to drought should bo stated , as
veil as the usual effects of the drought
n vegetation. The report of- the
urvoy should contain an account of
ho natural flora and detailed accounts
f the natural plants that are availa-
lo in the various industries. The
lativo grasses ) in each , section
ibould receive particular attention.
1 list of the trees cemmon to each
egion should bo given and the pro
portion of each in the forests and
( roves in the vicinity. An account
ihould be given of the success that
iaa attended the introduction of each
jrop , and the ryerago yield on farms
inder cultivation. The adaptability
f land in each section to the various
dnds of lire stock should bo stated ,
IB well as the usual time in which they
an obtain a living iu the pasture ,
loports should be included of the ex-
jorienccn of the farmers who are the
ildestreftidentcin the vicinity in regard
o varioun brandies of fanning and
tack-raising. Similar reporto should
o given in regard to fruit-raising.
Notice should bo made of what kinds
if fruit succeed and of tlioso that fail ,
nquirios should bo instituted in re-
ution to the cause of failures in lead-
ng kinds of fruit , if any Imvo occurod.
'ho wild fruit in the vicinity whould
10 reported on , if any grow that are
f any valuo. By affording informa-
ion in respect to the indigenous pro-
notions much may bo learned in re-
ard to what kinds of cultivated crops
rill succeed ,
The report of an agricultural sur-
oy would bo incomplete without a
ull and accurate account of the natu-
ul supply of water for domestic
lock and fish-breeding purposes. The
acatlon of living streams and springs
hould bo carefully noted and the
haracterof the water they afiurd. If
rater for farm purposes is only attain-
d from wells , the distance necessary
0 dig in order to secure it should bo
tatod. If attempts have been made
1 the vicinity , and on land having the
imo geological formation , to sucure
'atrroy mentis f artesian wells , the
esulta should bo otatcd , The ox-
itence of mineral spring * should
o noted , and an account of
lie water they ufford should le given ,
'ho report should give an account of
iu supply of mnteriitlo fur fuel. If
oed , coal , or peat exists on a given
action , the fact should bu utattd. If
icy are obtained from a distance , the
est ut the place of supply and the ot-
onse of transportation should bo
ivon. Like statement ! ) should be
ivon in relation to supplies of ma-
trials for erecting houses and other
uildings and for constructing fences ,
'ho location of quarries of building
tone and of deposits of marl , gypsum ,
nd limestone should bo carefully
otod , Thoreportshoiild state the most
bvious disadvantages of each section
f territory surveyed. Those are atu-
iously avoided in reports sent out for
lie purpose of inducing persons to
oltle in any particular state or Bee-
ion , and are only discovered after
iittlors are on the ground , In many
ases they find difficulties that would
ave prevented their moving had they
nown of them in season. The infor-
mtion afforded by many of the
amphlota issued by states , terri-
Dries , and laud agents are calculated
j mislead and they generally huve
liat effect ,
Bucklin'e Arnioa Salve.
The Bear SALVE In the world for Cut * ,
Iruises. Sores , Ulcers , Halt llhenui. Fever
ores , Tetter , Chapped Hande , Chilblains ,
tornii , an'l all skin eruptions , and posl-
Ively cure * piles , It Is guaranteed to I
Ive satisfaction or money refunded ,
'rice , 25 cent * per box , For Bale by
. V , Goodman
Closing Sale of
Boots & Shoes.
at G really
also Offer at Retail
-AT- V
Wholesale Prices
Prices Gi-ven Over the Counter. '
-OF- :
Ready for Im-pecfcion
Phe Lowest Prices Guaranteed ,
1310 Parnum Street , Near 14th.
Lath , Shingles ,
15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB
SIGNS House Painting ,
1118 Farnam Btroet ,
Apartments In private houses Painted , Frescoed or Decorated to suit all
os. Wo make a special study of the true harmony of colora and produce
mo contrasts and combinations to match every variety of furnishing. Churches
md publio buildings painted and frescoed in the most approved stylo.
and giro personal attention to all work.
to * ij