Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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How Cfipt , Burrows Transferred tits
Passengers from the ajio Qrandc
Bunk the Stoamor. Rnieod Her ,
and Overtook Hla Ship's Company
NEW YORK , May 20. When the
Mallory line steamship Rio Grande ,
from Gftlveston , reached her horth nl
pier 20 , Kwt river , yontorday after
noon , there xrcro tonrful oyon and
tremulous lipi among the group ol
passengers who gathered about the
tnlwart , manly Cguro of Oapt. Albert
0. Burrows. They wore bidding fare
well to n gallant sailor , whoso bravery
and skill had saved them from fire
and shipwreck , and there was n fer
vent ring to the "God bless you , cap
tain ! ' nnd ix hearty oarnettncns in the
clasp of the hand with which sovcra' '
scores of men and women noucjlit to
oxprcBB nnd gratitude and nlTsctior
for ono to whom they felt they owed
tholr lives. Ono little lady eoized the
captaiu'a bronzed fist in her two
dainty hands , sobbed out a fovr hys
terical words of thankfulness nnd
looked M if she wanted to kiss him.
But she only blushed and hastily retreated -
treated down the gang plank with n
smile and a graceful bow. For an
hour those loavo-takings continued.
It was a remarkable scene , and ono
to be remembered.
Oap5. Burrows has accomplished a
feat which seafaring men say is not
only brilliant and unusual but unpre
cedented. When his steamer was dis
covered to bo on fire last Tuesday af
ternoon at sea , ninety miles beyond
the Delaware Breakwater , ho over
hauled an Italian ( baric , the Boppino
A , successfully and safely , and with
out the slightest panic transferred his
ninety-seven passengers to her , navi
gating the burning vessel to a shoal
near the breakwater , and sank her to
the dock beams. This was the only
means of putting out the fire , which
was in the hold of the ship , among 8UO
bales of cotton. It was impossible to
roach the fire on the Rio Grande or to
successfully battle with it in the usual
way by pouring water through the
hatches. To completely submerge all
of the steamer below the main-deck
hatches was the only recourse. To
accomplish this without serious injury
to the steamer was no easy task. But
Oapt. Burrows managed it in twenty-
even hours after the conflagration was
first discovered ; and not only this , but
in twenty-four hours more ho had ex
tinguished the flames , pumped out and
raised the ship , nnd was once again
ready to start the engines nnd steam
for Now York. At the Delaware
Breakwater the Rio Grande again
overhauled the Italian bark , rotrans-
fcrrod the passengers to the oteamor ,
and resumed the voyage to Now York ,
with the steamer as sound as a dollar
and no other injury except that to the
cargo. "For quick and successful
work , " said a sea captain who ap
peared to 'be a passenger on the Rio
Grande , "I should like to know where
or when that baa boon equalled. Oapt.
Burrows , sir , is a bravo , cool-headed ,
skillful man and a true sailor , every
inch at him. "
"From the first discovery of the fire
the management of Oapt. Burrows wan
simply perfection , " said a passenger
In telling the story to a Herald re
porter yesterday. "There was no
or confusion , and the most care-
preparations wore made not only
for the safety of the passengers , but
for innumerable little comforts and
luxuries. For instance , when wo
were to bo transferred to the Italian
bark every ono was told to take his
blanket and pillow from his berth , to
. .put on the warmest and heaviest clothing -
ing ho had , and to take whatever little
tlo comforts could bo stowed into the
pockets. Oapt. L. G , Shepard , of the
United States Revenue Marino , who
was a passenger on board , took charge
of ono of the ship's boats to convoy
the passenger * to the bark , nnd Oapt.
Brown , another paoEongor , took the
other. After ninety of us had been
put aboard the bark , the other seven
passengers , who were seafaring men ,
including Oapts. Brotm and Shepard ,
determined to toke their chances on
the burning ntoamor with Capt. Bur
rows. Before parting company with
us Oapt. Burrows again allowed his
thoughtfulness by Bonding abroad
what comforts and delicacies could bo
ont from the steamer's otoros. The
bark then made nail , and ut 10 o'clock
on Tuesday night , with many misgiv
ings and sad forebodings , wo anw the
burning steamer , with dense stnpko
pouring from her hatches , drifting
ftway from us. I never again expected
to BOO nlivo the bravo captain who had
saved us , but who himself remained
on board the vessel , which was being
consumed beneath his foot.
"Tho chip on which wo iound our
selves was the Italian bark Boppinn
A , Oapt. G , D. Ferra Oota , heavily
loaded with petroleum in casks , uui
bound from Philadelphia to Genoa.
Italy , The captain and crow couli
not speak English , and wo had urea *
difilonlty in communicating with them
but they treated us kindly and trice
to make uo comfortable , and gave up
their sleeping quarters. It was no
thuir fault that they did not succoot
iu providing for ua successfully ; but
you can Imagine that there was IK
room for ninety passengers on a smal
sailing vessel with no staterooms am
only a email cabin , About fifty p
onr number were ladies nnd chil
dron. Then ? were crowded into the
little cabin , while the men were kopl
on deck and in the steamer's long
boat , which had been sent with ua ,
Very few were unable to sleep , and il
was so cold on deck that night that
many were obliged to keep a vigorous
walk to prevent being chilled. The
next day ( Wednesday ) wo nearly
starved , because of the inability of
the ship's cook to provide for so many
"Thti bark was to make for Now
York if possible , but in case of bad
\voathor was to sail for the nearest
port. Wo wore ninety miles from
Capo Henlopen when wo started , but
we bad bafllng winds , and the captain
decided to try and roach the Dela
ware breakwater rather than steer for
'Now York , On Wednesday wo
sighted the steamer Gulf Stream. She
responded to our signals , and yielded
to the Italian captain's request to
take us in tow for the Delaware
breakwater , 8ho got out two cables
and towed us until Thursday morning
at half-past 12 , when wo passed the
Five Fathom bank. She then parted
company with us and wo proceeded
under sail for the harbor of Lowes.
Del. "
Oapt , Burrows says that ho is satis-
'fled that the steamer is not iu the
least injured by the dangers from fire
and flood through which she has
passed , llcr engines arc none the
worse for being submerged , nnd
worked to perfection in the trip from
the Delaware capes. The extent 0f
the injury to the cargo it is impossi
ble to estimate until it is discharged
from the ship.
A Younff Man Who Wouldn't Do
Measured for Corsets.
Burlington lUnktjo.
Boavcr Dnra is nno of the greatest
places for jokes that can bo found in
a day's rido. The boys nro now toll
ing of a diabolical joke that was played -
od on a young man. They have been
having n coureo of lectures there and
the young man has acted ns n commit
tee that has taken charge of the lec
turers , and has been very oflioient. The
last lecture was given by Anna Eliza
Voting , ono of tlio relicts of the lalo
lamented Brighnm Young , She was at
a hotel , and there wna also a lady
there who waa traveling for a
corset factory , taking measures of
people , and having corsotn made that
fit bettor than those sold at stores.
It was the duty of the young man to
go to the hotel and take the lecturer
to the hall , but the boys put up a job
to hnvo the hotel clerk send the young
mnn'a o&rd to the room of the corset
lady , instead of to the room of Mn.
Young , when ho called. In the
meantime they had written to the cor
set lady that a young man who were
corsets wanted ono made to measure ,
and that ho would call in the
evening. There were so many
mon that were corsets
that the businois-liko little
woman did not think any thing strange
of it , and when the card came to the
door she told the boll boy to show
the gentleman up. The young man
wont up to the room thinking ho wai
being ushered Into the presence of
Brigham's fractional widow. Ho
shook hands with the corset lady and
hoped she was well , and she admitted
that she was ; because , to toll the
truth , business was never bettor since
she had boon on the road.
"From your general carriage I
should judge you prefer ono that
opens at the side , " as she looked at
the young man's fine , manly frame.
Thinking she was speaking of the
lack ho had at the door to take her to
the hall , ho said : "Y s , all the host
people prefer those that open on the
side. "
Finally ho said , as ho looked at his
watch , that it was almost time for her
o coram once. She said it wouldn't
ako but two or three minutes.
"Please remove your coat and
vest , " said she. as she took up a tapa
ino and looked around for a pencil.
Wo suppose the cold perspiration
stood in great drops on the young
man's forehead. Ho is as honpst and
equaro n man as over lived in Beaver
Dam , and never entertained a thought
if guile , and it hurt him deeply to
wvo a woman ho had never mot bo-
bro act so tamiliar , and ho became
weak and faint , and leaned up against
ho mantle.
Ho looked at the "lecturer" as she
came toward him with a tape-lino in
ono hand , a note book in the other ,
and a pencil in her mouth , and when
ho looked up at him with a business
ook and said , "Tako oQ your coat , "
10 turned pale , his knees trembled ,
and with a choking voice ho said :
"Stand back , woman , stand back !
fou do not know the man you nro
dealing with. I have always striven
o load a different Ufa , and no woman
can assail mo with impunity. "
The midlo-agod corset canvasser
stood back aghast.
"What on earth is the matter ! " said
' Matter enough , madarae , when a
jeer orphan goes to escort to the plat-
lorra , the forum , ma'am , and bo mot
by nn order to take off his coat and
rest. It is-enough to make your late
usbond , Brigham Young "
"Sir-r-r " said the
- - , - ,
when ho got to Brichaui , "do you
wish to insult mo ? Have you oomo
aero thinking I am n oho Mormon ? I
will ring the boll , air , and hnvo you
thrown into the street. "
Ho told her to bo calm , and ho
found out eh * was not Mrs. Younp ,
but n corset dealer , and then both
apologized , aud ho wont down to the
parlor and found the lecturer aud in
troduced himself.
Wiping the pornpiration from his
face , the young man askud her if she
was sure she was Mrs , Young , She
caid she waa not the origiiml , but oho
was ono of them , and they started for
the carriage.
After the looturo Mrs. Young naked
nn old gentleman who presided at the
mooting what was the matter with the
young man who brought her to the
hall ; ho seemed nervous and ill nt
oasu.Tho old man said : "Well , Mrs.
Brigham , some think ho is cutting
toetii , but I guess it is only his voice
changing. "
Horiford'a Acitl Pltoiplinto
in sea sickness is of great value. Its
action on the nerves of the disturbed
stomach ia soothing nnd effective.
The Champion Old Negress.
LITTLK ROCK , Ark. , May 10 .
Sovior county , this state , claims to
have the oldest nogrcss in the coun
try. Her naino is Edna Goodman ,
and her ago , which is a matter of ofll-
cial record ia 125 years , she having
been born in 17CO , She is an inmate
of the Sovicr county poor house , near
Lookoaburg , where oho is kindly cared
for , her advanced ngo nnd varied
eccentricities of character making her
nn object of inoro than ordinary inter
est. Bent with ago , toothless , almost
blind as well as donf , she still clings to
lifo with a tenacity as singular ua it ia
determined. She always wants to
Lira to BOO another cotton crop raised ,
mid this has been' ' her wish for the
last quarter of a century , She can
relate ninny interesting anecdotes , and
can toll volumes concerning the
ghastly tragedies which from time to
time have marked the progress of civ
ilization along the borders of the
southwest. She belongs to a long-
lived family , many of her brothers
nnd sisters having lived to reach 100
years. Tamah Brooks , living near
Atlanta , Ga. , ranks second to Edna
Goodman , Mrs. Brooks being in her
123d year. Bho is also colored , and
the mother of seventeen children.
Some few days ago the Chicago
Mayor's Secretary , Thoa. 0. Thompson -
son , Esq. . slipped on a banana pool
and sprained his knee. He writes
that St. Jacobs Oil ' 'ictod like a
charm. "
'IS Fnrnham , bet. Oth nnd 10th DtrAflt * .
J -e } > y 1 Jcar.ln pttanccp ( < * tpald ) J10.00
t mombo " " . . . 6.00
rnflath " " - 8.00
c ho CUICAOO , IT. r uraxiiroLta AKD
, * a\e Omnhv-fatrc niroi Ko. 2 , 8SOam. : Ao
Mmoditlon yo. 4 , l:0i : > . m
Ai tcOmnh TwnMt Mo. 1 , S30 p. m ,
e r riktlOD Ko. 3. 140 a. m.
i\txa Qtfiui r-iBt on rotnn eouxo ,
. , n. t < V. 7:10 : n. tiu J : < 0 Ji. m.
1 fell. W. . 7-40 a. tn. 3:10 : p. m. '
a , U. I , ft P. , 7:10 : . m. 3:40 : n. ra.
f. U.,31 , J. t 0. 3.lciTM at 1 30 1. m. id T:4& :
c. AtritegalHI Loulict 6:30 : fct. m. ml 5M !
V.81.1' \ . ft P.l vrsal8 a. m. and 3:10 : p.
Arilu-i a Lt. Ixmti at BJO ft. ra. and TSO
TJUT ok wtrrnw-ST * .
M. 11 M. In Kch , Through KXVTIM , R ! 0 . m
il. h K. Llproln Kxprwflio ; p. ro.
U r , Oic-rlaml KjtjmnB. 12:15 : p. in.
\ * II. V. 1st Lincoln , 11:16 : n. m.
> . i ) K V. for 0 oolR. ! > : 0 A. ia ,
U. P freUlit No. f , b0 : * . m.
C. V i relUil No. 9 , 8Z9n. : m.
y. I * . Ho. 12. 2:60 p. in.
U. P. trdsht Ne. V , 0:10 : p. m. crater ml.
. , , I1. Item c : cinro ? 3 , 7:35 : p. in.
U. P. < rtlht No 11. 11:30 : p. m.
tJ , 1 * . Denver : rolehtR:26 : p. in.
cur Ana tovrsi.
0 D. h Q 4:00 : . m.-7ID p m.
0. t > N. W. , BUB a. ui. 7:26 p. m.
0. U. I.HP..OM n. m. 9B5 : p. m.
< i C. . SU Joe ftO n. , 7:36 a. m. : < tp. m
n.Mnni mem rax wro AKD Mimrwui.
> fc K. V. Irom Llnccln 1 8 p. m.
17. P. I'aclQo Exprtv-3:26 ) : p. m.
8 li U. In Nob. , Through Expret tilt p m.
n. ft It. Lincoln Exprc 9:18 : A in.
U. 1 * . Denver oipro.ij , 7:3b n. to.
U. P. KiKlght No. 11 IW : p. m.
0. ) ' . HP. 06:50 : n. in. Ernie Mil
U. K freight No. 14. 12:16 : p. m.
U. P. No. 8-9:00 : p. m.
U. P. No. 12 1:46 : a. m.
a. P. Denver freight , 1:10 : ft , m.
0 , & U , V. mlxod , nr. 4:46 : p. ni.
tniur numi narwxm OUAIU A
council num.
r , * TO OmrJi * fit 6:00 , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00
m. ) 1:0 : 2.00 , S:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : > m.
Iiwo Council Blufti nt 5:26 , 0.25. 10:26 : and
At a. m. ; l18 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:26 : tnd 6:26 p. m.
dummy leaves Otn\h at 9:00 :
n.1 11:00 : u. tu. ; 2:00 : , AM hud 6:00 : p. ra. Leaves
Uanacll Bluffs at DiG : and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:15 : , 4:26
Through tmt local passenger trains betwcon
Omaha and Council HluOt. Leave Omaha 0:16 ,
HE , 8:60 : . in. ; 8:40 , 6:46 : , 6:00 p. m. Arrive
Omaha 7:10 , 11:36 , 11:46 a. m. ; 6:10. : 7:05 : , 7:16 ,
p. m
Opening ana Closing ; of Mt lit.
soon , orra. cwnn.
a. m. u. m. a. m. p. m.
Jttctvgo 6 N. W . 11.00 pee : 6:30 2:40 :
JhlcH'o , H r , & I'udilc. 11:00 : 0:00 : f:30 2:40 :
ChlCftfO , II. if Q. . . . . . .11:00 903 G:30 S:40 :
iy bvh . 12:30 : 6:80 2:40 : rtdflo. . 9:03 : 6:30 2:40 :
r.lcn PiclU : . iM : 11:40
OiDuha&K. V . 4:00 11:40
S.hlt. In Neb . . . . . 4:00 : E:10
t > mAha& ElotuCIty. . . . 0:00 : 730
U. ft M. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6:00 :
7. V. Uncoln , Suaday. . . 1:80 : 11:09 :
3. P. Denver Exp . 9:03 0:30
J. . Qloax City U Bt. P. . .11:00 : 8:40 :
Local maIN for BtAto ot Iowa leavt but one * a
, ' v , TlEC:33n : , m.
OiCce cpat , Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
' p'iV r . ! i < : > 0'.U'fELY ' ! SAFE'1
on vri.-vj ; in TKI : WOULD.
I. TV . 'oiiiaiswnw ' focln thu want o.
. ihL ( will rail : tlio daily jood
< 1 ! : vit n conl orrond Ftovc. TllO
% fllt Oil StOVO7iil do it , better ,
, LCkr ( and clicaper than by any other
no.-uia. It in tlio only Oil StOVO made
, vith the oil rosorvou' elevated at the
hack of the Move , nwny f i om the heat ; by
which arrangement ODSOlUtO Safety is
pccurcd ; as nogas can be generated , fully
20 per cent more heat is obtained , the
Tricks are preserved twice as long , thus
'saving the trouble of constant trimming
and liieexnenBoofnewoncs. Esamino
the Monitor and you will buy no other.
Manufactured only by the
Monitor Oil Stove Co. , Cleveland , 0.
Send for dcscrintive cixcular orrnU
on M. Rogers & Son , solo agents for
Hetoaska National
( No. 606. )
Office nt CounaoLum or tin CDBRB.IOT. V
WAhiiiNOTO.1 , April 25th KSi. )
WlliiUB , by wtlefaitory evldonco presented
to the uodors L-ned , It tia > keen made to appear
OMAHA , " In the city of Omaha , In the county of
UouglM , and State of Nebraska , has compiled
with all ths provliloui of thellovlied Statues o [
the United butc * required to bo compiled with
befoio an aaaodatlon tlnll be authorlted to com
mence the bu'lncsj of KanVlntr :
Now , therefore. J. John Jay Knox , Comptroller
ol the Currency , do hereby certify that "The
Nebraska National liaiilc ot Omaha , " In the city
of OinMm , to the omntyof llouglaa , and fctato
of Neunwka , U autborli'd to commence the
bualnosa of llanklmf ni provided In Section Kilty
Ono Huudrrd and KUty-Mnc of the KovUcd
Btatutai of the United butcd.
In tebtlmonr wheriof witness my
f ) hfnd and teal of office thlj S6th
< KKAL. ! day of April 1-62.
Comptroller of th Currency ,
Tin above Bank Is now prepared to recelio
biulncea It commence ! with a fully to d up
capital of 240,000.00 , wltholllceniauddlicotOM
u ( ollowc
3. Ik JOHNSON , PBiaimKT. of Btcele , Johnson -
son ft Co. . Wholctale Uroccri.
A. E. TOU2AUN. Vie .PnnuiDK < T , of C. D. Q.
11. It , Iloston.
W.V. UOUSKot . V. Mo wand Co , , Whole-
calo Jlootj andHhooi.
JNO. Q. COLLINS , of 0 , II. & J. 8. Collins ,
WholcMlo Leather and S dillery.
JAUE3 U. Wooiwortb , CouiuillorandAttoruey
t Law.
LKWI3 B. HUGO , of Iljjon Heed A. Os. , Heal
U UJRY W YATK8. Caihlcr , Isto Cashier ot ths
Mrtt National JJonk ol Omilia , nnd
connected wltli the acthe uianiifij-
uicntot that UaiiU elnce IU orgoli.
lutlon la 1W3.
Murray & Lanman's
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Soreness of the Chest ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Sweft-
ings and 'Sprains , Burns and
Z Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosteit
Feet and Ears , and all other
Pains and Ache * .
K Preparation on arth qu 1s ST. Jiron Oil
ra a laft , turf , ttmpl * and ehtap External
Am dy , A trill enUlli but tht cemptr tlr lj
tittlnr ontUy of 60 Onts , and every on * suffer
' - with pain can har cheap and ' " '
Directions In KUvsn Languafta 'F
Among the medicinal means ofarrcetlng disease ,
Hosteller's Stomach Litters Gtands prc-cmlnsnt.
It checks the further progress of all disorders of
the stomach , liter and Low els , revives the vital
staminajir-ivents and roi edics chills and fe\sr ,
Increases the activity of the kidneys , counteracts a
tendency to rheumatism , nnd Is a genuine stay
and solace to aged , Infirm and ncnous persons.
For sale by all drugxlsta and dealers generally
al to ml
The Great English Bemedy
Never fail * to euia
INervous Debility. Vi
tal Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Woak-
HOOD , and all the
I vil effects of youth-
ul follies and exccs-
es. It stops perma-
filcntly -weakening ,
[ involuntary lossis and
( drains upon the ays-
Item , the Inevitable re-
, , , , , B ult of these evil prac
tices. WhSch are so dcstruetlvo'to mind and body
andrnako llfo miserable , often leading to Insani
ty and death. It strengthens the Nerves.Ilroln ,
( mcmon-f Blood , JIusUos , Dlffcstlvo and'Ropro- '
duotlva Oririins , It restores t-j all the ortranlc
functions their former vigor and vitality , ma-
line Ufa cheerful and on Jo } able. Price , 83 a
bottle , or four times the quantity S10. Sent by
oxpreua , aocuro from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. 0. O. I ) , sent , except
on receipt of $1 aa a cuarantco. Letters r j-
questing answers must inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
are th ) lost and cheapest djepcpaia and billions
euro I'j the markdt. Bold by all dru Rtsts. Price
GO cents.
Cures ill bind of Kidney and hladdorcoinpUInto ,
gonorrhea , (5lect ( nnd loucorrhca. For e lo by all
aiujL'lats : 81 a bottlo.
718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
ody. Anun-
falling cure
i for nominal
Weakness ,
S per mat or-
rhca , Impotency -
ency , and all
Self-Abmo : oa Loss of Memory , Universal Lassi
tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature -
mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema
ture Orate ,
CSTFull particulars In onr pamohlet , which
wo desire to send free I v mall to every ono ,
XaTThe Specific Uodlclno Is Bold by all druggists
at 81 per package , or 6 packtges for $5 , or will
bo sent fieo by mall cm reel ptof the money , by
addressing TUEQRA JED1CINECO. ,
Buffalo , N. V.
orsalo * ocTmo-oad
Oatarrla ,
E02E&IA ,
Old Sores ,
Piinplos ,
or any
Diseas .
Ourea When Hot Springs Fail
HAVBIN , AUK. , May 2.1831
We have ciiti In onr own town who lived at
Hot SprtmN. and wcro finally cured with 8 , 8. S.
H' You ujuUt.couio to eau anU \ c.
UUKE YOUK OH charge nothlue 11 Write for
particulars and copy of little Book
JO the Unfortunate Buffering
81.OOO Reward will be paid to any
clicmintwEo will find , on analjsU 100 bottle
8. S. 8. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide PoUj
llura or any Ulneral lubstanco.
awiraapEomo oo-Propa.
PrlM of Small iUafl.OO.
I by K'KNHABD BBo&.ft oo
Mr * J. O. nobortaon , Plttuburtr , Pa. , writes : " !
was siilTorln ? from general debility , nant of ap-
pctlt , constipation , etc. , * o that life wns k Imr-
den ; after uslnff Burdock Dlood Bitters I felt better -
tor than for ) cars. I cannot pralso your Bitters
too much. "
II. Olbbs , of Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Your
Burdock Dice Bitters , In chronic diseases of the
blood , liter a J kidneys , have been signally
marked with micccon. I have used them myself
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , and In
canoe t B friend of mine suffering from dropsy ,
the effect was marvelous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.wrltes'I hate
been subject to serious disorder of tha kidneys ,
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood
Bitters relieved mo before half a bottle was used
I feel confident that they will entirely euro me. "
Asentth Hall , Blnghampton , N , Y. , write : ;
"I suffered with a dull pain thrtugh my elt
lung and shoulder. Loet my spirits , appetite
and color , and could with difficulty keep up all
day. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters as dl >
rected , and have felt no pain eluce first week af
ter mine them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Hmira , K. Y. . writes : "About
four years ago I had an attack of bilious f ever , and
never fully recovered. My digestive organs
were weakened , and I would be completely pros
trated for days. After using two bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitters the Improi cment was no
vltlble that I was astonished. I can now. though
61 years of age , do a fair and reasonable dajr'i
0. Bhekct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Feryears
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happlcut
results , and I now find mi-self In hotter health
than for years post. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo. N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone
requiring a curs for bllllousness. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , write * :
"For several years I have suffered from oft-recur
ring billions headaches , dyspepsia , and com-
nlalnta peculiar to my BOX. Since using your
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price. 81.00 pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 CU
FOSTER , MILBURN , & Do , , Props ,
Bold at wholesale by Ish & Mcilohon and C. F.
Qoodrnan. jo 27 cod-mo
If jouare niia' Fit you nr
ofbustnem.wcak- i man nt lev - _
rnrdtj \ the strain or tp toltliirorarnuu
jour duties RToltf nlKht nnrk , tu re
ttmulantmnd uta B tore brain nerve anct
Hop Bittern. lwut ute Hop B.
Jf you am ymuip and I H sufferlnz from aur IL.
discretion or dlsslpa [ tluni If you arc mar
rleil or-riBKle , old or S 'oiiDir , rouerlnr f ron
poerht altb or Unzuish king on a bed it tick.
neu. relr on Hop ! 1 Bltterd.
arc , Ibcuuna ale *
VThoever you ,
wbenerer you feel | J miallr from some
that yo r J tetn J form of Klono
needs cleamhiK. ton- di9uu > that mlKlit
rtlmulatlntr , I have bocnpreTenttiO
till ? or
wltbont * n toxlcatlng , 1 bra timely use of
take Hop HcpBItteni
pj.ia , kidney 0.1. O
oruMnorvcom- Is an absclut *
fia < n > , disease and irresleta
ot O omo A ,
HOP ble care f 01
bou-tlL , Mood , dniDbcnnoss.
Mverorncrfesl use of opluia ,
You will be tobacco , o"
cured K : narcotics.
SoM by drag.
JfT n r * simply
weak and IrfsU. Bend ( or
for ply ilrftedtry NEVER ClrcuUx
itt It may BOf-BlTTEU
aveyour FAIL
life. It has
aVed hun
dred * .
Dieeaso la an cftect , not a cause. Its origin Is
within ; Us manifestations without. Hence , to
euro the disease the CAl'gKmust ba rcmotcd , and
n no other way can a cure c\er le tflcctcd.
LIVER , CURE Is established on Jubt this
principle. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys and
her , and it strikes at onca at the root of the
dlfliculty. The elements of which it Is compOEcd
act directly upon these creat organs , both as a
ODD aud RESTORER , and , by placing them in a
wealthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
Iho fiyitcm.
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un-
icnltby Kldnojs , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
.ho distressing Dltordcrsof Women ; for Ualarm.
ind physical derangements generally , this great
ronit dy has no equal. Bi ware of Impostors , Irri
tations and concoctions said to be just as good.
For Diabetes , as f or W ARNER'S SAFE
ror sale by all dealers.
H- "WARNER & CO. ,
me Roohogtor N. Y.
A Sure Cure Found at LastI
No One , Hend Puffer !
A aaro cure for Blind , bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles h a been discovered by Dr. Wll-
lam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Will am'e
ndlan Ointment. A olngla box has cured the
roret chronic cssca cf IB or SOycan standing. No
ino need miller five minutes alter applying thU
ronderful soothing medlUne , Lotions , Instru-
nonts and elcctuiriua do more harm than good ,
William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , alia j 8
he Intense Itchlnir , ( nartlculaaly at ulght after
rotting warm In bed , ) acts as u poultice , glrea In-
tant and rainless relief , and to prepared only for
Mies , itching ot the private parti , aud for noth
us oloo.
Head what the Hon. J. U. Ccfflnborry of Clevo-
and eoj a about Dr. Wllllain'a Indian Pllo Olnt-
nent : I have uaod ecorei of Pllea cures , and It
iff orda me p oaeuro to say that I have cever found
inythlng which gave mien Immediate and perma
icut relief aa Dr. Wlllltm'i Indian Ointment.
For silo by all diugir'.ite or mailed on receipt
& CO..Vrop'r . ,
Otaviutn , Omo.
Tor ( ale by 0. ? Oooiciau.
A Gar * Guaranteed.
Dr. K. 0. WusVs Nen e and liraln Treatment
I specific for Hysteria , Dizziness , Convulsions.
Nervous Headache , llenUl Depression , Loss of
iIomory,8pennaUrrhaiaImpoteny , Involuntary
Emissions , 1'remature Old Age , caused by over-
ixertlon , self-abuse , or over-indulgence , which
cads to misery , decay and death. Ono box will
; ure recent cases. Each box contains one month's
rcatment. One dollar a box , or six bores for
Ivo dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of
irlco. Wo guarantee six boxoi to euro any casa ,
iVlth each order received by us for six boxes , ac-
louipanled with five dollars , will send tha pur-
: haser our written guarantee to return the
uoney If the treatment does not effect a cure.
0. f. Goodman , Urugelat , Sole. Wholceale and
rtjul Agent , Omaha , Mob. Orders by mall at
I etallaprlco. diwlv
tT7'aTifnfl A8CDta'or'he Life Times and
W cllllUU Troaoboroni
Written by hUe < \VIFEf JBBSO
h > only life authorized by her , and which will
lot be a "Wood and Thunder" story , each as hai
icon and will be published , but a true Life by
he only p raon who U In paneiilan of the facti
-a fat hful and devoted wife. Tiuth is mora
ntcrcitmgthau llctlon. Agents should apply
or territory at OHM. Band 75 eta. for 8am-
il.Uook. J. H.Chuml > er &Co ,
me-ood > &w-eow lit. litmU , Mo.
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peck & Baueliers Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour ,
, - - -
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb.
. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Onnaha ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
tS * ( b tfafJ VW ttd > tdtill tStOtAf OeM
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Spring Goods Beceiving Daily ani Stock very noarlyjomplote
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , DOORS , BLiHDS , ft36lOK , Lf fiE , OE
Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA NEB
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRANG 2QQ F" " St. . Omaha
IROTIB : & \
Wholesale Lumber ,
Uo , MOB Farnham Street , Omaha ,