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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1882)
V FHE OMAHA , DAILYEE. . V KLGVEFTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING HAY 25 , Ib82. 289 \ THE SEATS OF WAR , Tlio Campaign For Oongressioual Glory Praotioaly Opened. The First Feint Move of Mon. opohats in Planning the Districts. Douglas Pressed Into the Southern Tier to Coalesce With Lancaster. Prominent Candidates Already Training For tbo Flel-l * A Bldo Glbnco of Matters ana Men 4 During the Late Soselon. Kiltcihl Corrctpoiulcncoof tha tlco. LINCOLN , May 1M , The legislative inob has dispersed , the capital is de- j" Bsrtcd and Gov. Nance once moro breathes free. The disgraceful scenes It , * enacted last night under tlfo Icader- I ship of that political mountebank , > Church Howe , arc n fit climax to the career of a legislature that had wasted much time , squandered "tho publio moneys , and whitewashed ono of the biggest'knavca I hat has over been t , elevated to high ollico in the stale. The most important legislative act of tha extra session is the apportionment bill dividing Nebraska into three con gressional districts. The supporters of this measure wore actuated by vmany different motives. There is no doubt that the political man agers of the railroads would have pre ferred that the statn should not bo dintricted because tha nomination ot largo of three concresjmen would have enabled them to drive all their ' strikers into the bull pan at the state convention , and force the nomination of three out and out monopoly men , with an excellent chance of eltct- ing them in a state that has over 20- , < X)0 ) republican majority. Next to an election at largo the bill that did piss is looked upon by them with the great est favor. The first district , composed of Douglas , Sarpy , Oaas , Otoo , Nemaha , Richardson , P.iwneo , Gisje , Johnson , ' .Lancaster nml Sdundorscouutie * , con- "tains over 10 000 republican majority. The most , populous of thoao counties are under railroad control , and by pooling in the convention the U. Pi and B. & M. expect to control the nomination , " * which -'th'cyi regard as equal tp an oliic nljp % J ? ft f $ Church Howe an'd'WVndham , who ore said to bo affected -nth a congres sional "bee in theiri'bonnet , " were doubtless actuated mainly in their of thu Birns-Slooumb bill by these considerations They certainly /support reflect the sentiment of the people of Nemaha and QMS counties , JMt _ , who have no interest in common with * . w-s * " ' , - Sr"'Douglas county. On the other hand , "Valentino , who would also have much prt furred that the state should not bo districted , gave active support through his friends , in both houses , to the Burns bill , because ho did not want Douglas county attached to the northern dis trict , for various rersons In the first place , Dauglas county was liable to bring out some formidable candidate to ihrosv in convention , and in the next place , there was danger that Val would aun several thousand behind in Douglass county on account of Ins no toriously bid record. While Valentine's friends supported the Burns bill for those reasons , Val'a political rivals supported it because they believe that such a division in sures Val'a political defeat. Senator Burns , the father of the bill , assured mo that this was his main niotivo in pushing this measure. Mr. JJurns is now an avowed candidate for "Val'a seat in congress , and he u con fident of success. While he insisted that Douglas and Sarpy should bo at tached to Lancaster , 0 < ws and Nema- ' ha , in order to make the election of a , republican congressman doubly sure , ho was in reality anxious to get rid of Douglas county in the northern dis trict , because ho feared that the U , P. delegation in the congressional con vention would nominate Valentino , With Douglas out of the district , Washington , Burt , Dodge , Merriok , Platte , H ill and BulUlo will have the preponderance , and there is very little danger that Valentino can carry thoao counties , Mr. Burns will not'bo the only formidable rival Val. inuat encounter. There is a probability that Hen. Li- under Gerard , of PJatte , and Hon. B 0. Calkins , of Buffalo , will also come to the front as candidates , with candi dates from several back counties yet to hoar fiom. The fact that the mem bers from Washington and Burt , aa well as other known political friends of Judge Orounso supported the Burns bill confirms my impression that by general agreement annng leading politicians in the North Plutte district Val. is to bo laid on the shelf. After a careful canvass I feel safe in predict ing that in any event Vals. political goose is cooked. Another class of supporters of the Burns-Slocumb bill came from the strong anti-monopoly section in the southwest. Thoao parties believe that by joining Douglas and Lan caster , the two great railroad colters , they concede ono district to the mo nopolies and insure two anti-monopoly congressmen from the northern and western districts , This view may be correct , and if it were not lor the divergence of material interests be / tween Douglas and the southern f/ counties in the first district , I should f9 perhaps regard the division upon the 9 whole favorable to the state at large. The most objectionable feature in this measure is the manner iu which it was crowded and forced through , I know there has been Homo outrageous gerrymandering in many states , but never in any state lias a party formed a concessional district which was A unanimously opposed by the people that inhabit U. It is safeto any tha out of the population of 171000 in thi district there are not ono hundred per ions in favor of this division When the bill first came up in the senate only ono member , Myers o Douglas , roied for it , and ho knov that not ten men nmong the 50,000 people in his district favored the bill. bill.On On the final passage only two ou the fourteen senators from the distric Buppotted tno bill. Ono of those , Cfl&sol of Gagr , flopped bccausd his hrnthcr-in-lvw , Governor Nance , was for the bill. But Mr. Niuico will re.ip no bencfi from ( hit or nny other division of the state. Lilto the good Indian , ho is dCadpolitically. . For him ami his lieutenant Oartis tlicro i * no resurrcc tion not even when Gabriel blows his trump in the morning. E , 11. SPORTING. National Airtoclatod I'resH TIA1.T1MOIIK KAOE3. BAtTivonE , Md. , May 21. Sccom day's rncinp at Pomlico patlt : Fin race , ono mile , na ? won by Blu Lodge , Trnphagan second ; timb , 1:14 Second nice , ono mile , waJ won by Volucsa , Free Gold accotfd ; time 1:141 : ; , - . Third race , for nil nges , mile and a furlong , was won by Crickmore , Glen more second ; time , 1:50J. : : Fourth ruci ! , Peyton handicap fo four year olds , mile heats , was won b ; Greenland , OJarn A. second : time 1:472. Fitth race , steeple chaseft "Woltc stakes with allowance , about two miles and a half , was won by Judge Murry , Doiby second ; no lima. LOUHV1LLK I'.ACKSv LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 24. The spring meeting of the Louisville jocko ; club continued to-day , with a gooc track and fair attendance. The first race was won by Mono gram , Capias second ; time , 1:44 : J. Second race , Magnolia stakes , thrco fourths of a mile , lor all ages , was wet by Bootjack , Lizzio taking second lime , 1:14 : } , 1:10 : , l:21i. Third race , for all ages , mile and a furlong , was won by Fatinitza , Fair Count second ; time , 1:57. : ' Fourth race , for nil uges , five fur longa , was won by lUammist , Gink Jim second ; time , 1:02. : Fifth race , handicap steeple chase about two mill's and u furlong , was won by Miss Malloy , Aguy second time , 4:10L : BASE KAtL. PitoviDENCK , May 23.Yorcestors 3 , Providences 5. 'CLKVELiND , . May * 23. Baffilos ; 1 ClevL'lands'C. ' 4 < S NKW YOKK , May 23. Poughkcpsies , MttrSpolU&nyC.f\ National Associate ! frees. , , Ns.iv/yoiiK , May 24. Sailed The Scythia 'for Liverpool ; arrived , the Ameriquoirom Havre , the Jam Breg- del from , Antwerp , the -Bolivia from London. ' LlV RPOOLMay 24. Arrived The City of Montreal from Now York , the Ohio from Philadelphia ; 'sailed , the England for New York. COPENHAGEN , M y 24. Sailed The Hecla for Now York. HULL , M y 25. Sailed The Lepanto for Now York. SOUTHAMPTON , M y 24. Arrived The Uoppenstauffer from New York for Bremen. ANTWERP , Mav 21. Sailed The Planter for New York. HAJIBUUO , May 24 S tiled---Tho The Sorvu tor Now York via Havre. LONDON , M y 24 Sailed The Queen for Now York. National Associated I'rouj. WILLIAMSPOHT , Fnd.May24. The flouring mill of Banes & Perch was destroyed yesterday by explosion of the boiler. The engineer was instant ly killed The main portion of the boiler was thrown 200 yards. Mexican Deviltry. National Associated 1'reu BROWNSVILLE , Tex. , May 24. Capt. Benigno Orovallo and Lieut. Areste Rntninez , army officers , fought a duel at Thopa yesterday. The latter was killed. Near Guadiljara yesterday a bandit robbed a woman on the road and boat her to death. Stnbbod to Death * National Associated Proas. COLUMBUS , G . , May 24. At Co- umbia , Ala. , Jason G. Jones stabbed Peter Ihomas to death. Fire- National Aeaoclited Hrcw. CUIOAOO , Hay 24. An Albia , Iowa ipecial nays a fire broke 0ut yesterday , n the flouring mill of Wilkin & Sou , spreading rapidly to other buildings , and destroyed property valued at J25.000. Insured for $18,000 , prin cipally in Plitunix ot Now York and Connecticut , Home and North Ameri can insurance companies. ! Frost in Michigan. National Awocuted Pfeu. DETROIT , May 24. The Evening Sows special from Bloomingdale , Mich. , says there a severe frost last night , doing immense damage to ap- lies and other fruits , cut down all growing corn , and it is found wheat was alee injured. Vermont RopuTjllcuui , National AiMOclutod Preta. Si. ALIIANB , Vt. , May 24. The republican state committee have sailed a state convention at Mont- lolior , Juno 21 , to nominate a > ov- trnor , lieutonant-govornpr and ' trcas- urer , _ The Derby. Jstlootl Aatodated Preei. LONDON , May 24. The Derby was won by Shotover , Quicklime coming In second , and Sachorn , the American terse , third. , The betting before the start was eleven to two against Shot- over ; thirteen to two against Quick lime ; sixteen to ono against Sachem Shotovor is a chestnut filly , owned b ; the Duke of Westminster and won th 2,000 guineas April 20th. Quicktim is a bay colt owned by Lord Bradford Stchorn is a chrBtnut colt owned by Prince Lorillard. Bruce , the ba ; colt owned by II. Regnal , was th English favoritr. The odds ngains him at the start being but five to two Ho did not got n place. POLITICAL NOTES , Pennsylvania Independents Open Their Batteries on the Base. Missouri Grooit1 > ao&o'.fn Bray BnnltR- National Associated Jl'rwr. THE INDEPENDENTS. PniLAnBLPitiA , May 24. The in dependent republican convention or ganized at republican hall nt 11 u. in United States Senator Mitchell wa tcmpoiary chairman. He said the movement wan a iiincoro cllort t < purify the party , and compel Arthur' administration to ndopt the higl standard to which Garfield would have devoted hia energy. Henry T. Foster , of Venongo county , was mat'o ' permanent chair man. man.When the convention nssemble ( aftnr dinner AFr. Wolfe created a sen saton by withdrawing 1m oppositioi to Mr. Stewart for governor. The result was : Stewart 139 , Ex-Ohio Justice Agnew 02. Stewart's nomina tion was then made unanimous. Fo : lieutenant governor Co ) . Burdduff district attorney of Pittaburg , was nominated by 144 votes against 41 for Major Marrick , postmaster at Wells bore , Tiopa county. The latter was then nominated by acclamation for Eccrotniy nf internal affairs , and Co ) W. MoMichaol , son of the late Mor ton McMichaol , of Philadelphia , ro ceivcd the unanimous nomination for conurossmon at large. The fight of the day then came on for the supreme judgeship. A portioi of the Philadelphia dele ation nomi uated Judge Ludlow , ol Philadelphia who has the lead for the democratic nomination. The presentation f his name created considerable uproar , which continued until the president ruled the nomination out of order , on the ground of Judge Ludlow being a democrat. The Philadelphia delega tion then withdrew for consultation but did not agree upon a candidate. Ex-Judge Agriow was nominated , am a prolonged discussion upon his avail ability WDB ended by his son publicly stating that/under no consideration would his father/ / "nomina tion" . ' At 0:15 : , no'candidate tfor the pusitiou beirg named , the contention adjourned till 8 p. m. " ' , The independent republican convention - vention completed its ticket by nomi nating George Jenkins for supreme judge. He is a Philadelphia lawyer who has taken , a part in various re ligious movements and was a promo terof the young ' men's Christian asso ciation. * * THE QREEN BACKERS. ST. Louis , May 24 The nationa committee of the greenback labor party has framed a petition askin ; the chairman to call a nationu convention when 500,000 signa tures to the petition has been ob tained , asking the president to veto the bill for the extension ot charteis of national banks should it pass the senate. Adjourned sine die. . .Celebrating a ContonuIaL National Amoiiatod Prose. GIIODE HCTTEN , 0. , May 24. An immense crowd was present to-day at the centennial of the massacre ol twenty-six Moravian Indians hero. Gov. Foster was present. The oration tion was by Senator Hollingsworth. Monument park was appropriately decorated. Car Accountants. National Associated Prew. BOSTON , Mass. , May 24. Sixty dif- 'eront railroads and freight lines out side of New England are represented at the annual convention of railway on accountants association in session at the hotel Vendomo. The object of ; ho convention is to devise some bet- er means for tracing lout freight cars. [ n New England it is done by a rail way clearing house. The following officers were elected : President , A. W. DAVIS , of the New York , Pcrnsyl- rania & Ohio ; vice president , B. F. Elarria of the Red Line ; secretary , F. W. Luce of the Chicago & North- restern ; 'assistant secretary , H. H. jyon'of the Chicago & Alton. This afternoon the delegates made a trip down the harbor by invitation of the 3aston & Uingham steamboat om- > any. The sessions of the convention will continue to-morrow. Indication- Jitlonal Associated Press. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 20 , 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys ; Warmer , fair weath- ir , winds mostly southerly , and sta- jo nary or lower pressure. Too ( litonaJ Anoclatf d Prow. CITT OF MEXICO , May 24 , The Monitor Republican publishes a rumor hat the government of Gautr uuula i as offered to cede Boconuico to the Jnitod States ! n compensation for th.i itter government'n support in the ieputo botwceii Guatemala and Mexico. * i . . . kvroit of a Prominent Physician. 'itloinl AtMciatuil Preti , MILWAUKEE , Wis , , May 21. Dr. Cams , a prominent physician , has > een arrested , charged with enticing nnocont girls into his office for the mrposo of elfocting their ruin. Frank Uardal , North Dennett utroot , iulFdlo , jaysj "I have tried your Spring ilousom on a family metllolne , and liavo ever coroo acroBa anything to do BO much oed In BO short a time la o se nf indl * eetlon. dyi ) ep ia and derantfemjnt of the toraachj I etmngly recommend It. Price M ) coat * ; trial bottles 10 conto. m2Sdlw , THE LOCK PICKED. A Quorum of flepublloans Ap jearlnBosponfotaOal- iin's ' Call , The Maimed , the Hullvnd the Blind Eally For , tlio Party's Good. . Randall Lendo the Bcmrbona Through the Enemy'a The acnnto Mothodioolly and Move Homo- J Tuo First National Dank of oto Au thorized to OponM CONGRESS ) National Associated Prcs . 8ENATE WASHINGTON , D. 0' , bill grunting the right % of , Wujr to the Misaiisipp' ' , Albuquerqu yt& Inter Ocean Railway through Indian Terri tory , was favorably reported by the railroad committee.J * * ' Vf The bill to supply the deficiency in in the Appropriation for hruiy pensions - sions , amounting to $ lpOQv > , COO , was reported favorably froiu/itlio militia cammitteo and passed. " * * * The bill for the relief of officers and crew of Monitor , who participated in the action against the Merrhuac , pass- Senator Windom aak'cdpo bo ex cused from curving on tho1' coranuttto on patents ; granted , aajtwfls iilao a similar request by Senator Hour on the committee on rules. * ! The chair was authorised to fill those and va cancies on oflior committee The bill to incrcaso the water supply of Washington was taken'up anc passed , with sundry amendments. The Japanese indemnity made unfinished business. The senate then wont into executive session , and ad journed at 5:10 : p. m. 3 HOUSE rnooEBDixcu. The Maokoy-Dibboll conteat was taken up. Mr.1 C.ilkins" Allied the allegation made by Mr. Httwltt in a nonspapcr intcrviow , that tlio committee - mittoo liad refused to hear the truth in the ca o , and had refused to inves tigate the charge of forgery. Mr.A.therton also sustained Mr. Howitt'by alleging that Mr. Dibboli had uffctred the committto thuoritjiiiu ] paper witti Mr. Mankey'd interlinea tions and nlteratiouBj Mr. Mackey having tnado changes in every ono of the original depositions , and that the committee refuseo ! to look at them. Mr. Calkins said the depositions wore taken stenographically , revisions being common in such cafe ? , The stenographer had a worn that the de positions read by the committee had been compared with th , ? oviinal notei . found correctin * every particular. The committee had refused to receive any papers with interrogations. Mr. Calkins offered the depositions to bo read , and they wore read. Mr. Calkins demanded that Athor- ton make a statement of his under standing of the case , as in the com mittee. ' Mr. Athcrton started to re ply , but disorder followed , the demo crats opposing the proposition. The speaker submitted the proposition. Mr. Randall objected to Calkin's ropljiiif , but on the speaker ruling that objection would apply to the whole proposition ho withdrew his oh jection. Mr Calkins then prjosedut' . The only difference which liad existed in the committee was merely as to the method ot getting at the truth and not as to what was found by the committee mittoo to bo the truth. Before ho concluded ho read Mackey 'a affidavit. Mr. Randall then began filibuster ing by moving that when the house adjourned it adjourn till Friday. The yeas and nays resulted 147 to L. The vote against adjournment ehowing a quorum , Multorroot moved , o reconsider and Randall called for ; hu yeas and nays. The motion to econsider was tabled , 147'yoas ' , show- ng a clear republican quorum. Ran dall then moved to adjourn. During ho ro'l call , at 3 p. m. , Mr. Walker Pa. ) fell on the floor while walking n the lobby in the republican ido and was taken up in an uncon scious condition , bnt soon recovered and before the house adjourned had so far recovered as ' to be able to go about as usual. 'The event caused quite a sensation and business was omporarily suspended. The balance of the afternoon was consumed in filibustering , and at 4:55 : ho house adjourned , Mr. Calkins jiving notice that ho would renew the : ontest to-morrow , and naked every- > ody to bring five days' rations in lavorsacks. It is understood thu re publicans do not intend to force the ight by all night sessions , as any test of phyeical endurance might oauie ill- less of members , and thus break heir quorum , They propose to fight , t once against dilatory motions , DO- ioving the democrats will find it un wise to longer delay business. CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated Preai. CKETE'H HANK. WASHINGTON , May 24 The comp- roller of the currency authorizes the Hrat notional bank of Crete , Neb , to oramcnco business ; capital , 650,000. OIUND AltMV ItKUNION. The president and cabinet have co- opted an invitation ( o attend the jrand army encampment at Balti- nero on the iilbt. Fifteen thousand roops are expected to bp present , and Ion. Sherman will be in command , UONI'IUMAHONH. In executive section the senate onfirmed the following nominations : i. Bucknor , collector of internal evenuo , Fifth district , Kentucky ; William H. Brown , xurvoyor genera for the district of California ; Loui Dupont Sjlo. of L'onnsylvnnin , Unitn Slates consul nt Tmiolmlj John W Storr , United States attorney for th woitern dintrict of Michigan } M. F Willard , United States marshal fo tlio western district of Tonnctaoc W , F. Oakley , United States marshn forlho western district of Wisconsin TO THE LAW. It luting come to the knowledge o the treasury department that cortnii passenger steamers nro carrying pro ducts of coal oil for illuminating pur poec ? , Hnporvising Inspector Genera Oiinniont icsncs a circular calling at tcntion to the prohibiting sections u the law and the penalty for \iolatioi by any iflicerof inspection. Jlr Dayton , minittcc to "Tho Hnfjup , " snils from Now Yorkto-mor roiv. roiv.At a meeting tc-niaht arrangements were made to give Lieutonent Divon- Iioiver a publio reception upon his re turn. Secretary Hunt , miniator to RUB- , took his final leave of tlio presi dent to-day , and received his instruc tions from the state department. Dt'coralion Diy at the Acndrmy ol Music and West Point Anniversary will bo nmong i ho incidents of thu president's trip to New York. IIo gois Friday for ton days. The Shiphord committee adjourned 311 roccivii g n letter from Blnino stat ing that nn engagement in Cincinnati prevented his attendance until next week. 1'OREIGN NOTES. Nitlonal Aiw'clotoJ Prnvi. TIIU CZAIl'3 EDICT , ST. PJIIKIISBUUO , May 21. The czir has publicly approved of the regulations which forbid Jews in the Russian ciupiro4to tottlo outeido nny owns , villages or cities , except in dis tricts already inhabited exclusively or nearly no by Jews , nnd provisionally suspends all pending contracts with Jews in which the latter acquire title to real estate or to tenancy , nnd forbid .Tews to trane- ot pny commercial business oir Sun day or Christian holiday in which the Christians kctp their shops closed. SLAVnilHV IN CUll V. May 24. Cuban doputiur mvu introduced in the chamb'er iv bil abolishing slavery in Cuba. American Library Asnooiatiou. National Associated I'tcw , CINCINNATI , May 24. The hftl meeting of the American Library con- ven.ion is in session hero. The con tention was welcomed by Mayor Mcdra and ex Governor Cox. An ad dress was delivered by Justin Winsor , of Harvard. The session to-day is oc cupied with reports of odicers nut committees. Terrible Mine Explosion. National A'sochttd Pices. SHENANU.IAIJ , Pa. , May 23. A ter rible mine explosion occurred at noon o-day , at the K'lhnivo colliery , owned by Hitcher & Co. Three men lave been brought out dead , oichtoen are in the mine , and it is nut known at pjcnqnt J5l > ether _ iny sof them leaped , 'Great excltomorit prevails n the vicinity. PERSONAL A. J. Salteb.iry , of Salt Lake City It at th. Witlmell. ] ' . 0. Hurrif , of Council Bluffs , wna in lie city jof'trdny. AVillllim II hnrotth , of Homer , Dakota CJUtity , h in town. Frank Mayo , S. L. Spam , Laura K Clat.coy , KJward Frank and Sheridan Cor- > yit r gst ! red at the Hetrupjlitau ycstcr- d r. r.Hun. Hun. George Brown , wlio roprisonts 3ooue county in the If gljlittire la In the city , en route home , Sir. Crown made a good record at Lincoln thin cession. Among the members of the legislature who came up front Llnoulu yesterday wure : C. L. Limb , of SUnton county. Church Howe , of Nemaha. Silver , of Gage. T. M. Fr nio , Petenon nnd ZebrnDg , f CumingB. Fried , 8111 and Cantlln , nf Laugblln , of Burt. Cady , of Otoe. lorne , of Merrlck ; DUilwiu , of lolluinn , of Dakota ; Taylor , of Wanning- on ; Wyatt , of MadiBon ; McOlure , of lull ; 1'utnoy , of Antelope ; Mjer , of aroy ; Jaolcaon , Bolln , McSbane , I'axton , Cyner , Mullfn , D.auo , Howe , f Doug- a * , aud othera. ' Lot Brown , of the Nebraska City 'rttii , Is In tovru. NEllIUHKANfl IN TJIli U1TT t the Canileld ; Col. II. H , Polk , It. Hidlett , 0. I. , aum , G. W , Irving , Lincoln. H , H. Coon en , Wilier. Join W. Skilei , Arlington. Mr. undMrn. M. D. CUypool , J , U. Taylor , H , V. Cudy , Nebranka Cltf. Thou. J. Hill , Pawnee City. W. K. If ooio , Clark * . A. M. WflluiB , Leigh. Go ) , Lehman , Oolaiabui. A , Y , Itexwood , Wllionville. L. 11. Ptcaberton , Beatrice. V. II , Bradley , H. W. Stanley , Plum reek , Gen. J. 0. HoBrldo , Prof. StmuberKer , Jacoln , At tlm MetropMlt-nt W. J , Cooper , AsaKlnnoy , II. F , Devane , W , J , Mar. mil , Lincoln. George U. Webster , B. Waugb , Aeb. and , W. T. Koandoll , Columbus. II. Hill , Beatrice , Wm , Itobertson and family , Madison , A , J , Hukell , Sidney. George H , Cattle , Blue Springs. II. W. Parker , Beatrice. George Mamlell , Coluuibua. Attha Crelghton ; 0. L. Bum , 0. W , Klnney , LJnoolu. W. II. Conklln , St. P nL Mini Maxr K , Moloy , Bt. PauL J. II. Uallfy , Herman , J. H. Hungato an- | wife , Blair. 0. T. Fish , St. l' ul. S. M. Simmer , Brownirllle. H. W , McClure , OVVetil. Wm. T. BI ell , a. S. Schrocifcr , 0.11. Luntly , Columlius. F. Ktmball , Tcknmah. J , F. Balrd , Her man. M , II , Bonlwell , MadUon. AtthoWithnell. ITon. John D. Seaman , ICearuty. J , H , Mountain ami wlfr , Silverton. Jftmcs Da Vci > r ? , F. K , Clary1 , J. J. Mrlntoab , K. K. Oirbln , Dtdnoy. Wm. t. I > * ccy , O. F. Iddlngp , North l'l tte. J , K. llrvln , Pftwn Kd. Mclntjre , Sidney. II. L , Kdwnnl , HastiiUB. J. H. Sousley , Nebraska City. lion , Win. Dniley , Nemalm. Hon. D , II. Whofler , L'latttraoulh. Hon. A. S. Piuldock , Bc.itrlco. Col. D. B. Ball was In the city jciter- di y. y.Judgo Judge B.trnea , of Ponca , is nt the With * ncllboufc. Col. Frank P. Irclnntl , of Nobr.-ka City , IB in town. Hon. B F. Montgomery , of Council Bhiffr , 8pent Monday tiighb iu Omaha. Bon. Fell , of Heed , Jouoa & Co , , lias joiu ou a vlilt to hU old liomo In Bloom- iiitjton , 111 , U , A. Slnck , proprietor of the Choy- ciiuo Sun , WOA In tliy city Tuetdny , ro turuiut ; from the cast. Mra. Woolnorlb , Mis < Woohvorth , MI'FS Brundago and Mina llnilly ButterGeh ) , were nmoug tha Omaha ladioa who left Tuesday for Chicago to attend the May festival. General manager S. II. H. Chik , of the Union Pacific , uud FioJ L. A me ? , ono of .ho directors of company , left jcshrday 'or Atchiton , ICani B ( Jity nnd St. Loub , and thcnco they go to Now York. ' Wornou Never Tblnlr. " If thocrubbad old b.itcholor who uttuied this Buntiiujut could but wit ness the intunsu thought , deep study aud thorough investigation of women in determining the beat medicines to keep their families vroll , nnd would note their sngucitv and wisdom in se lecting Hup liitters as the best , and demonstrating it by keeping thuir fam ilies in perpetual health , nt a mere nominal expense , he would bo forced to acknowledge that such sentiments are baseloaa and f.iUo. fl'icayuno. MT AYR. A Pronperoua "Feeding" ITown on tlie "Q" Road1 CorrMpondcnco ol Itio Iko. MT. AYK , la. , May 20. Ido not : now tlwt you have any correspon dent in this county , but if you have I iave as yet heard nothing of him. Your traveling correspondent does not switch off the main line of the rail road far enough to roach our thriving little city. - Possibly you are not aware that wa liavo a corporate * oiiiitinco , but wo have all the same. Wo have hero a town of nearly two thousand people , situate on a brunch of the 0. , B , & Q. railroad , which leaves the main line at Chariton , where if you over como this way you will stop at the Dpot lotol , D. Wormloy , proprietor , and receive the best of attention , the best are and the best bed to be found any where on thu line. After jou liavo retted there a couple of hours oomo down the branch taking in the towns if Hamilton , Dtrby , Garden Grove , Jeun , DaviK City , Limoni , Kdlirton , and arrive here in time to get a good quaro meal and a soft bed at the Silis house , take a look around town and find business lively. Throe bank- UK institutions , numerous stores of all kinds , merchants well "heeled" and loing a thriving business , dtctors at- ending to the wants ot their patients md attorneys with a good amount of msinosB , good churchis , good schools with live teachers , good mills aud the icoplo , a fust class population , sup- lorting two weekly and ono somi- reekly paper , Thu Onward has recently changed lands , lloby & Burke , the former > ropriotors , having sold put to J. M. Jri-y ( , formerly of Olariuda. The temperance people of the ounty are working up the sentiment n favor of the amendment to the late constitution , aud the vole in its aver will bo I urge , The board of supervisors has rdcred a vote on the question of ) uilding a now court house , to bo aken Juno 27th. Nothing is so uuch needed hero us a court hoiuo , ut the vote will , in all probability , irovido the funds and then the house vill be built in the beautiful iittlo iark iu the center of the city. Wo have bad a whole week of thoat- ical , the T. L. Welch "Combina- on" playing to good houses. Lust ight I hey gave us "Iho Tickot-of- jeavo-Man , and showed considerable bility in its rendition. But my let ter is Rotting too long , you will grow ired of it. Yours , THHJHC. Free of Charge. All persons autforlnj , ' from Cnughn.Colda , Astima , Hroricliilis , Lou of V ice , or nny Ifcction of the Throat and LungB. are re- uuted to call ut 0 , F. Goodman' * drw ; tore and get i Trial llottlo of Dr. King's iovf JJlncoi'cry for Con'uwptlon , free of lar-'c , whtdt will convince them of its ondorful niciita and ahov/ what a regular ollar-alzo bottle will do , Call early , A Giant Skull Found' ) atlonal Antedated Proua. CIIIOAQO , May 24. A St. Paul spe- lal reports a remarkable lind of relics f mound builders in Hod River val- oy. The only deposit yet found of : iis extinct race in thai region in a kull of immense proportions a siugu- ar formation. It hoa been turned ) ver to a historical society for exam notion , The skull is a perfect spec ! men , and shows conclusive nviden f a race of giant nativei. THE PANGS OF DEATH. Agonizing Convulsions at the Oloso of Monopoly Power. The Nebraska Legislature Fi nally Disolvda and Die- appears. The Hoiiso Holds an All Night Spree With the Calves Carefully Penned , . The XVhitowniliinp ; Process Pro long * the DylnK Hours. CrocotUlo Toara nnd Congratulations nt the Walco. fetal Correspondence of TUB BBS. LINCOLN , May 24. The senate yoE- .crdy nttornoon considered the tcetl- mony presented by the Carm investi gating committee at length , A ultra * jer of speeches being made upon the subject , Howe moved the adoption of the minority report , and Burns , of Dodge movnd to amoud by adopting ho the majority report. Turner , of Platte county , moved to further amend by holding Carna to bltuno for acting bearer of such messages as xTBsed between Robborts and Thurs- .011 , This was rejcotcd , and the ma jority report carried by n vote of 20 o 4 , Senators Doano , Dailoy , Howe and Turner voting in the negative. The hottest episode of the session occurred last evening in the houco , when the testimony in the house in vestigation case came up for consid eration. The house met at eight o'clock in the evening , the testimony having been nearly all printed by tliat time. For a couple nf hours or more the members amused themselves by rending it for themselves. At cloven o'clock Church Howe moved the adoption of the report of the committee mittoo , which censures Itobbcrta strongly in either view of the en BO. lliniBom opposed thie , as did also Whedon and Windham. Mr. Franco expressed his opinion that the com mittee had exceeded its powtrs , and offered a substitute exonerating llobberts altogether. McShano further amended by suggesting that both Cams and liobberts bo cen sured. Howe objected to tliii on the ground that the house had no right to censure an oiiicer of the sonato. After .sev eral speeches on this question , a lively piece of filibustering was com menced. McShane'd amendment was lost by a vote of 31 to 32 , and then the minority , who were headed by Church Howe , and who were working to save Carnr , began moving for calls of the house and for adjournment. Finally , seeing that the majority wore not going to wait for tha sergeant-al arms to summon the absentees , and that , their side would bo beaten , iHk came ttf a vote then , Howe and > thirty * ' others left the room and locked them selves in the sonata chamber. This was at 3 o'clock this morning. The sergeant at-arras was sent after them and wna captured and kept locked up until 5 o'clock. Tlio house , which had meanwhile been without a quorum , finally agreed to summon the absentees and get the matter cleared up. A compromise was accordingly < ffjctcd , and at G o'clock the house , by a viva voce vote , passed a resolution that leaves both Ilobborta and Cams with out censure. Both houses mcl for short sessions this morning , and at ten o'clock ad journed &ino die. Tlio balance of the time up till noon was profitably em ployed by the members in drawing their per diem and mileage , and in bidding each other tearful goodbyes. The house this morning presented to Speaker Stcdd the chair he cccupied during the session , and ptrformcd a like eervico for Mr. Kint' , the ser geant at arms. The governor sent a woul of congratulation over the brev ity of the session. The members gathered up their stationery and oth er plunder and vanished , and the Seventeenth session of the Nebraska legislature passed into history.Allans. Allans. Kabbert * ' Return. Bptcial Dlipatch to Ibe Bee. DAVID Cur , Neb. , May 24. There was a grand demonstration of the people ple of David City when the train or. rived from Lincoln. Over thrco hun dred of our best citizens , with a brass band and cannon , met Hon. J , 0. Robborts at the depot and welcomed him homo , congratulating him on the result of his manly fight in expoifag corruption and fraud.MANY MANY OITIZBNH. Hartford , P * . Thomas Pltchan. Bradford , Fa. , writes * "I enc'osa money fur BPBINQ BLOSSOM on [ uald I would if It cure I me. My dya- ptptia has vanished , with all Its symp- tnms. Many thanks ; I abfcll never b * without It In the house. ' 1'rloa 60 cents , trial bottle * 10 oenU. m23dlw The Harmony Milli. National Associated I'rtiim , TBOY , N. Y. , May 24. The Har mony mills corporation at Cohoes opened the mills this morning and promised to keep them running if enough operatives reported for work at the company's terms to pay for running the machinery. No such number reporting the mills were closed. The strikers now hope to compel the corporation to yield rather than suffer further loss. A Frit ad la Ne d. Time over aaid again TUOUAB" Ecu * . TIUO OIL has proved a salutary friend to the distressed. As reliable curative fca croup iu children , core throat and broiw chlul infections , and as a positive external remedy for pain , it la a neTtr-fallliiB nnut dote. m22dlw