Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Wodnosd r Mornitu ? , May 24
( The following observation * are taken
the name moment ut time t all the sU
Horn named. )
DUMMHIHT. D. B. BlO'Ati B T10 , I
OMAHA. May S3. IBM. (1:15 ( : p. rn. ) I
I- f
Dtnitr. tl. 8 At Fair
rf.BO 5 < ] uJ
Waiihakle. ' 40
Plltte. . . . . d'bT fit F r
Omaha. . . . 0 KB 65 1 ivAf
S0.1H 61 W P r
! ) § Uolnos 30 24 61 VS Fair
Imtnport. 80 * 61 S n ar
It. PauL . . W.I I 63 sw Cloudy
. Urols . 30. D 0 Nh 11 run
30 10 fit r.W Fair
Vincent. . . Sll.O- 4K Pair
0 01 40 Cloud jr
tontord so.nt 65 Ntt r tr
Cnster. . . . . * 7or (0 ( W Pair
Dndwood. 2 U2 4 < N Far
AMlnlholne 3013 (10 W ci-mlr
Rlr f 9 loet 0 Inches.nSore high water mark
Osiaha Mid i feet 7 Inches at Yankton.
Dr. P. M Chadwlck held a postmor
tern yesterday in the case i.f the little son
of Mr. Boydell , who died from swallow in ;
n screw.
The Omaha Glee Olub met at Hospa'
last right to rohcnrso lor the Decora
tlon Djty oxerclaes nt Lincoln , in .whtcl
they have been invited to take part.
Another tuit in parnMiintnt nd at
tac'iniojt lita been begun against the firm
oFK. 0. Stcell & Johnston , by Marrcncr &
Kimball , of Chic .go . , for ? 2C14.0J.
MM D5 k Hutno has mode 'ther liuii
band u preH nt of a fuiu baby , n jlr )
standard c ! > lit. It U the firot and ci > n <
eeqnenlly everybody Is happy.
A reward of S5J will bo jmld for the
return of the jouclry taken on the inornlui ;
of the fire. May 12th , nml no questions
askeJ. 0. K. Abeit , 1100 Douijlai Rtreet
Morton's "Big 4" minstrels will ap
pear at tlio Opeia House on Mondny night
next. Thiy are old favorites ani will
draw a big homo.
Mr. M. Uinun , the well known U. I'
engineer , and Minn Annie C'allahnn ,
daughter of Mr. J. B. Unllahnn , of South
Omaha , wore manled Monday byllev.
lather English.
The Chicago firms who bold claims
aguinst Stcell & Johnston , fay that the
mercantile agencloi hero failed to giro
them any warning of the approaching fnlo
of thii firm.
W. 0. Allen & J. W. Thompson , old
and expedenccd laimdrywon , Imvu starUd
a laundry with all thu lat st ami moit Im
proved machinery. The laun try is blui-
ateJ on lifth between Dodge and Capitol
avenue , in Alts. LouUo Hilluke'ii new brick
I building.
There were five Pullman cars out on
theU * , ! * . yesterday Tbreo went light , :
to return tilth the Itaymond excursion
pirty , which leavtH Ugdm nn the 29th
inst , There were alto four baggage o irs
And four day couches , a remarkably large i
Frank Muyo has "returned ti his lirst
love , " "Davy Crockett , " the play vhloh
made him fame and fortune.1 He appears
at Boyd's Opera House to-night ( Wed
nesday ) , aud is euro to rccche a warm :
There were three drunks lieforo Judge
lleceko yesterday Ono wai sent up ,
for tix day on liread and w itcr diet , and
two for ten days nt hard labor. The
county jail ia reported nearly full , and the
talk of a woikhuuHO for city prisoners is
renewed. That la what Omaha ou ht to
There IB a bad hole in tlio crosswalk
ut the southwest corner of 20th and Web' '
stor ttreeta. It is ll.iblo on any night to
be the causeof n inlahap that may cojt the
-city thousands of dollars for pctvonal dam
agea. The street coairabbloner sbouli :
look after It.
Superintendent K. K , Corbln , of the
Sidney and Black 11I1U atnue line , re
ceived a letter ia tbla city Monday ttaV
in ; that an attempt wax made to stop the
coach on thu 14th by several men , a few
miles below Rapid City. The driver got
beyond their range after four shut * wore
fired by them , one bullet pausing th'ough
the hat of a passenger who WM riding out-
elile. No clue has been obtained to the
Han cy llowo , of Otoo county , was
brought Into U. S. court Monday
Officer Wrltdit for selling leaf tobacco
without a license , Ho pleaded guilty am :
was sentenced to $25 and cost * .
Ph. Bent Brewing Cos Celebrated t and Bohemian IJoer by the bottle ,
case or In car lots. J , K. Blake ,
south Ifith sired.
A hurto r n away on St. Jfary'd ave-
una Mosdoy and troVe it.i iioclt , ThU
ehould prove a lesson to runaway homes.
Urler , and nut Graham WM thu name
flaudaj'a victim of ulcoholUm ,
SIMPSON S I KLLAN-Attherealdence
of the bride's pirentu In Florence , Mr.
John Sliopxm to Ml < Hose Htelluu , ou
Tneaday , May 23 , at 8 o'clock p. u ,
ALLEN At Medina , Ohio , Slav 10 , Mr * .
Lama Allen , the mother of W , 0. B ,
JVlleu , i f thU city , In her 74th vear.
One < < f th early cettlen of the Wot-
ertl lleTveshe excited a utroiig Chris
tian iufluenca in the oommunlty where
be lived for fully sixty years. Her In
fluence fur good will long ( main , and is
cot cnndneU to tno etute wlieio uho spent
her life. t
JQHNSON-Inthfs city , May 21 , at 0
p , m. , Mrs Annlo Johcuon.
Puneral tday , May 23 , at 2 o'cloclr ,
from icfcl'cuce on Bauudera strott , near
Cuinlngn ,
fiBYDEIiL May 21 , at 11 . in. , infant
wmof Mr. auUMn.L. B. Heydill , i uJ
17 month * .
Funeral to-day , May S3 , at 4 o'cloclr ,
from mldenca , Ko. 1715 Calif omla htrcet ,
Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Our day * of Bhoumutbni , according
-to n Jlliaoi * exobango , nro well nigu
St. Joob Oil cmton a
A Spoolal Train Leaves Omaha
to Unite Her With Denver
by Another TIB ,
Completion of the B , & M.
A special train loft this city ati
o'clock last evening by the B. & M ,
railway conveying a party of ofllcials
including ; General Sup rintonden
IIoldi40 , Treasurer Taylor , Maa'or
Mechanic Hawkaworth , Purchasing
Agtnt Harpravcs , Gentral Paesongo
Agent Eustis and Mr. Newt Barka
low. Several other B. & M. ofPicials
accompanied the party an far ns Lin
The main party goes to n poin
twenty-nine milns east of Denver
where on Thursday the ceremony o
driving the last spike , which will coin
pleto the B A M. extension and unite
Ohicigo wiilt Ddtivor by the 0
H. & Q ront'j , will bo performed by
Suponntendent iloldrogo. A silver
Hpiku was taken along with thu party
from here for thin purpose.
Upon joining tlio two ends of the
road thu patty will proceed to Den
ver , making the firnt through tri [
over thu new line , und will remain ii
the Colorado motropulia for auvuni
days , attending to huainos conni'ctoc !
with the tcrmiiml frcihtits of the line
tlu-iv. As lias been stated bctoru ,
the through freights will he put on
June 1 , fulliitvod by through pissen
trtT trains u month latir. An uxcur
Bioa of rcprusentativca ( if the
pi oss and buaimts men of
Denver will bo invit d to conio cast nt
an early day to iiiKpict the new ruad ,
H'ing by way of Omaha to Chicago ,
and taking in thu principal towns
ilong the route. This will the fol-
owed by n return excursion nt an
early day.
Supt. Holdrogo nn- ! party will re
turn to Omaha on Sunday next.
To shorten the time and distance
between Denver and thu oust the
Lturlington will nt oncu build a cut-off
Prom Form City on thu Kansas Oity ,
3t. Joe aud Council Blurt's division to
the Atchison und Nnbraakii branch a
distance of ten miles. This necosi-
at us crossing the Missouri river on a
raiisfur b'uit until a bridgu can bo
juilt. This cutoil'will tthortun the
lintunce from the cast to Denver about
rxty miles.
& . Flno Entertainment by a Very
Gtmrminpr Company.
The pressure of news in our columns
yesterday prevented the mention
vhich was duo the excellent porform-
inco given by the liotHpur drumutn
lub ut the opera housa on Saturday
Previous to the opening of the on-
ertaintnunt the A. O. B. hand played
number of splendid pieooa from thu
> a1cuny of the opera house , and hun-
lieds of people gathered on the walks
n front of thu building to hear ) his
i'tiug introduction to what followed.
CJiia new dramatic organization wasro-
ontly organized , and exclusively for
ho purpose of playing for the bunofit
jf charitable organizations and insti-
utions. Thu progrummo comprised
wo pieces , "I'ho Old Guard" uid {
"The Chiinnt'y Corner1 in both of
which the principal members of the
olub appeared. The principal char
acter in each pirco , nuinuly that of
Oorpimil Haversack in the "Old
Guard , " and Petur Probity in the
"Uliiinnoy Corner , " were admirably
suatuinud by Mr. G. A. Wilcox , the
manager of the club. Neither clmr
actur partook of any of those ftuturus
of low comedy or melo-dr.tmu which
usually strongly appeal to tint taste of
u niiecolluiiinms , audiunco. I'Lulii'mi
little sketch of character in thu life of
thu soldier nnd thu honest English
chandler , and in each of which the
truthful mdo of nature wai held up to
the admiration of thu audiencu , which
was not slow to approcittu und un-
courage the conception and rendition
of the gentlemen by. whom they were
Miss Myra Eaton appeared in both
pieces , and displayed un improvement
greatly beyond the expectations of
nor most ardent friends. People who
remember her appearance in "lie-
ward , " three ycara ago , would scarcely
have recognized her , GO greatly im
proved was she , and so satisfactorily
rendered was everything shu did.
Miss Allison , Miss G. Trowbriduonnd
Messrs. E. D. Mclaughlin , L Green ,
A. T. Largo and Ueoruo E. Wright
sustained the other charactera credit
ably und successfully. Eich of the
ladies and gentlemen duaorvo special
and commendatory notice , whioh ,
however , want of space prevents Tiiu
club deserves encouragement ut thu
hands of our citizens , and if they con
tinuo in their present o mrso they will
teen como into that favor of which
Tin : HEK unhesitatingly pronounces
them woi thy.
Mr. R , Schaefer , Allegheny City ,
Pa. , had the rheunihtinu for eight
years. A single bottle of St. Jacob'
Oil cured him.
Congressional Dletrlots.
The following is the wuy it stands.
Aspiring statesmen may now prepare
to set up the pins for the coming
campaign or move into the diotricts
where the prospects are better ;
Wrst District The counties of Rich
ardson , Neraalm , Pawnee , Johnson ,
Gage , Lancaster , Otoo , Cass , Suuu-
dors , Sarpy and Douglas.
Second District The counties of
JUlurson , Siliue , Suward , Uutlor ,
Polk. York , Pillmoro , Thayer , Franklin -
lin , Nuckolls , Kearney , Phelps , Har-
Un , Funms. , Gosper , Frontier , lied
Willow , Hitchcock , Hays , Uhaae and
Third District The remainder of
1(0 ( BtutO.
Deaf a Mute.
Mr . W. J , Lang , I ) thany , Ont. , stated
hat for fifteen months she wan troubled
flth a dlseaia Ju the car , aauslug outlre
lesfnetH. In ten ininutea after uslui ;
iioMAu' KcLECTitia OJL the fouud r l f ,
nd lu & short time ( he was entirely cured
mJLer hearing reitoied ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Younpr Man Arrested on a Serious
Charge His Victim Tried to
Shoot Him
A few weeks ago a brief item ap
peared inTitc BEK to the effect that n
young woman employed in ono of the
city laundries had brought suit against
a young man also employed in the
same place , charging him with being
the father of her unborn child. The
suit was bognn in Judge Anderson's
court , and before the warrant could bo
erred the alleged seducer had loft
Yesterday ho was soon in the city
and was arrested nnd taken before
Judge Wright whore th young woman
appnarcd against him. In the talk
which preceded the hearing of the
case and in which it was attempted
to patch up a compromise , the c "
and the accused were allowed to "go
olfby themselves in a sida room , Con
stable Saunders standing at the door.
While there ho heard a noise within
as if a Eculllo was in progress and
opening thu door found the two strug
gling together , the man apparently
trying to prevent the girl from some
violence. It nppcara that she
had hied to porsundo him to
uottlo the matUr by marry ins
her , nlul failing had attempted to pull
a rnvolver from her pocket cither to
shoot her betrayer cir herself , and the
effort to prevent this Imulablo design
hud result ud in the sculllu overhead.
The deadly weapon , n largo oix shooter
was tnhcn from the dtsporutu girl und
the private conference broken up ,
In thu proceedings which followrd
the mutter wns finally settled by the
pnymtnt of $100 in cash to the plaint
i IF , nnd thu defendant giving n bond
to support the child , und prevent Us
becoming a , burden on the county.
Resolutions Adoptad by the Itoturn-
Intr St. Loulsans.
The following rcsolutioua were
adopted od the return trip by the St.
Louis merchants who were hanquottod
n this city on Thursday last ;
T.I the IIouoMblo Mayor ml Cltlionscf Omaha ,
Thu St. Louis yiaitora having boon
BO cordially received and BO royally
untertaincd by the citizens of Omaha ,
QOIZO their first opportunity to return
their heartlult thanka for the many
courtesies shown them while in your
city , nnd bug to oxpreos their ocnti-
monta in tno following resolutions ,
unanimously adopted ou board the
Missouri Pacific train ,
This day , near Papillion , Nebraska ,
Resolved , That in accepting the in
vitation of the citizens of Omaha to
visit that ridu-awado ard progressive
city , the n presuutativea of the com
mercial interests of St. Luuio did a
wise thing ; und , in addition to the
pleasure of the visit , wo recognize the
fact that its object was also to estab
lish trudo rohuiona between two BOO-
tions of the west , whoso interests ate
Unsolved , That the kind expres
aiona heard by us while in Omaha
from your representative men , are
but evidences that in duo course of
time the people of Nebraska will bo
brought into closer rotations with our
people , and wo trust that the'bond of
union may bo termed for all time , and
that the development of your city and
state may bo as rapid as your worthy
and enorgttio efforts deserve.
Resolved , That inasmuch as it was
not possible for all of our lines of
trade to bo represented in the party
culling upon you , it is hop d that the
Nebraska merchants may iiiid ib con
venient to accept an invitation which
wo learn is soon to bo extended jour
business men , mid that they then will
allow us to rcciprocatu in our own
( rynt city the many courtesies you
have shown us.
Chairman St. Louis Party.
N. G. LAiiiMonft ,
Anuiw MjaLtKit ,
Committee on Resolutions.
May 10,1882
Wo have known people who had
not stirred from their beds fur nix
weeks , on account of Inflammatory
Rheumatism , to bo cured in lens than
uno wei-k by St. Jacobs Oil BUJS
Max Edumeister , Esq. , Walla Walla ,
Washington Territory.
Commissioners Court.
SATUKUAY , May 20 , 1882.
Board mot imrdunnfc to adjourn
Present commissioners Drexel ,
Codies and Knight.
The claim of Mr. Sullivan for $0 as
witness fees was rojcctud ,
The following accounts were allow
ed ;
OKNKlur , FUND ,
V. K. More , ticket fur pauper S 22 10
Ij'lilu.ifjo Lumber i o. , lumber. . . . . -SO
Odlau uuil Lituworthy , Lurbwini. li'J 25
Pun lift-u unit Tiiirliei , greetrle fur
poor , . . . 113 98
John llui-h , c.ihli txpfuilrd , 14 1ft
\Vni , ( Jtmt rn un KHH'erl s fur poor M 00
IVter un I < Jr y , lumber U5 8
1) . O ( Jlnrk , ciul fur punt hoiuo. . . 4 10
D. Hlieicr , hauliny imuj cr to poor
liouce , , 1 00
D. O. Kerr , twod * for O > 0 00
HHXU , medlclno for 0.1) . U. At BO II (0 (
A. Puloolc , good * for Co , . . . . . . . . . 10 00
L , Doll , hay for pe < t hou-e 1 GO
ru i > ,
M. F , Keutlv , Krad up. . . . . . . . . . . ,5 40.00
John Jort , wurk on ro.ul , . , , , 'J.IIO
II. LuitiiiKtoo , " . U.'O
1) 1 U.dman , " . 10W
O. Vrrlllest ; " . , . , , , , . . 1MB
Henry Ulcke , " . JI.OO
L1' , D. Ooouo' , scraper for county , , 18.10
Win.VanPahren , repairing briJgea Cl.fiO
JUH Giluiure , work on do . , , C3.00
Jacob R. Ilendrix , by his attorney
G , J. Hunt , filed his undertaking in
uppufil , whioh wan approved.
Stjvens & ileaney filed their poll-
ion und bond for the bale of liquor at
Waterloo ,
Adjourned ,
JOHN HAUMKK , County Clerk ,
By II. T. LEAVJIT , Deputy ,
Uidgo plants 7Co. per thousand
wholesale or retail. T. IS , B. Mason ,
Shonajidoah , Ia. d-2t
Tha Attack on Younff Krauao on Bui
day Morning.
To lha Editor of The B e :
Lhst Sunday morning about K
o'clock an assault wai made on my son ,
lloratio S , Krause , at the candy store
of L. Brown , No. 115 S. 15th street
which for contemptible , cowardicoant
low brutality , has seldom boon
equalled , The boy , a lad of about
seventeen years , entered the store ,
where were Tom Price ( formerly ol
Price it McDermott , plumbers ) Pat
O'Brinn and two others , names nol
known ; besides Mr , and Mrs. Brown
and their little son , and Mr. Andrew
Ddvins. My son then began talking
quietly with Mr. Dovins , when , without
warning 0 * provocation , ho wan us
saultod by Price , the blow felling the
boy against show cases and bottles
which were broken by his fall , cutting
him foarlully. In falling ho caught
an iron weight fromtho counter , which ,
however , ho had no chance ol
using as the assault was followed up
by Price who attempted to ntriku
him with a aot of iron tcaloi weighing
about fifteen pounds backed by
O'Brien ' , who struck the boy on the
head over Prico'a shoulder. Mr. Do-
vinscaufjht Price and prevented him
from using the scales , which would
surely have killed the hoy.
Mr. Brown's little son ran out on
thostroct and called the police , when
the valiant Price and his bravo gang ,
fearing the strong arm of the law , gut
into a wagon and drove off. 'I ho
moan ra cilily of the gang then
showed itself ry their coming to my
grocery ( knowing that I had long
BJnco quit the saloon business ) and
trying to got mo to soil them sonic
liquor , hoping to thereby prevent my
prosecuting them as they so richly do
My son had worked for Priso and
not being able to agrco with him had
quit him , upon which Price had made
throats of getting oven with the boy
I Bend you this , as I wish the people
plo of Omaha to know such infernal
scoundrels for what they are.
N. B. A warrant is out for their
arrest , but the rumor is that they
have skipped the town , and they have
have not boon found by the police.
A Uttlo Child Dies from Swallowing-
a Plooo of Brass.
Occurring aa a singular coincidence
with the death of the little son of Mr.
Soydell , reported , Monday , is the case
of the infant child of Mr. Cook , of
the firm of Cook & Isaacson , who re
sides at the western extremity of Cal >
fornia atrcot , near Thirty-fourth.
From what can bo learned it np
pears that about ten days ago the
baby -wax given a little bell to play
with. Clnld-liko , it kept' working
a way * at the toy until it * loosened
the "clapper" or tongue , which
was of brass , and putting
this in its mouth , it at length , sad to
oay , swallowed it. Although a physi
cian was called it seemed to bo a hope
less case from the fiwt. The child
was still nursing , and the mother held
it almost constantly to her breast for
four days previous to its death , which
occurred on Sunday morning to alle
viate the agony it suffered. During
these four days it was in a dying con
dition and sustained only by the lifo
it thus received.
On Sunday morning the physician
urged the mother not to prolong its
suffering , but to give her child up.
Exclaiming , "My God ! then take it ! "
she handed the baby over and loft the
room , and hardly hud she dona so un
til the little spiiit passed away.
Thu sad details weru known all over
west Omaha , and never was so much
aympithy expressed for a family a ?
on thij occatioi ) . The mother is
nearly crazed with grief , imagining
herself in some way responsible for
thu accident.
Thu funeral took place at 2 p. m.
Monday. .
Army Orders.
The latest orders issued from the
Department of the Platte , Omaha ,
Nebraska , are as follows :
The following named enlisted men ,
now at Fort Omaha , Neb. , will rejoin
their companies :
Sergeant John White , Company D ,
Ninth infantry ; Corporal Thomas b.
Lamb , company U , Ninth infantry ;
1'rivato Charles G. Holmes , company
G , Ninth infantry.
The quaitarmustor's department will
furnish the necussury transportation.
It is impracticable to carry cooked
A general court martial is appointed
to meet at Fort Douglas , Utah , on the
2'Hh day of May , 1882. or as soon
thereafter as prao ioiblo , fur thu trial
of Private Gcnrgo Miller , Company
0 , Fourteen infantry , nnd such other
pr'st > ner3 as may bo brought before it.
Detail for the court : Majors Ohas
W. Wingsrd , paymaster U. S. A. , nd
Samuel M. Ilorton , surgeon , U. S
A. ; First Lieutenants Uharlon G.
Penney , R Q M. , Sixth infantry ,
Dwid L. Onitt , Sixth infantry , and
Thomas O , Townsend , Sixth infantry ;
Second Lieutenants John J. Shaw ,
Sixth infantry and RoubenB. Turner ,
Sixth infantry ; Fir t Lieutenant
William n. H. Orowell , adjutant
Sixth infantry , judge advocate.
A greater number of ofllcern than
tlioau named can not bo assembled
with manifest injury to thu service.
Second Lieutenant Carter P. John
son , Fourth infantry , will report with
out delay to the commanding ofli or ,
Furt Fred. Steele , Wyoming , for tem
porary duty with company 0 , Fourth
infantry , The quartermaster's de
partment will furnish thu necessary
Lonvo of ubaenco for ono month , to
take effect on or nftpr Juno 20 , 1882 ,
is granted Second Lieutenant Lester
W. Cornish , FWh cavalry.
Dear Sir , You can guarantee that
Erdmun'a pure baking powder ia made
from the fiuust cream tartar crystals ,
and that it contains no alum , phos
phates or foreign substanooa except
starch in suuiuiont quantity to mix
the cream tartar and soda.
E. J. WILSON & Co. ,
wl8-3t-m&o Cincinnati , Ohio.
The Eighth Annuil Convention
of the Nebraska Association ,
The Proceedings at Last
Nighi/s Session.
The eighth annual convention o :
the Nebraska Stata Sportsmen'a asso
ciation began in ihii city last evening
at the room of the Omaha SpotUmen'a
club. There was a fair attendance
last OToning. All the delegates hare
not yet arrived , but arc expected aa
follows :
The Lincoln Sportsmen's club ap
pointed the following delegates : 15 ,
tl. Pok ) , T. P. Quick , 0. E Straus-
burger , S. F. Ilouso , A. U. Kundull.
Oacoola Sportsmen's clut dckuiit
L. A. Bolt ear , J. M Woods. A. Suu-
gor , A. W. Smith , H. M. S > kus.
Lancaster county club dologatct :
A. II. Mondonhall , James Kulloy ,
James Pcatst , Robert Collins.
Slisby nun club , of Syracuse , dele-
Kates : 0. Z. Pnge , D. D. Bniy , W.
U. Cook , \V. T , Poet , F. E. Brown.
'Omaha Workingtnen'a club delegates -
gates : Win. Robinaon , John How ) ,
Win. Carnaby , John McDonald.
Oeortjo Jones.
Omaha BpnrtBiiion'n club delegates :
Wm. Krujr , Oeorgo H. Inko , J. H.
Peabody , A. S. Patrick , R. Ix. With-
Nemaha County Sportsmen's club
delegates : U.V. . Furnas , W. T.
Dan. W. W. Browning J. 0. Eberly.
The mooting was presided over by
B. E. B. Kennedy , president of thu
Hon. J. 0. Me Bride , of Lincoln ,
was elected secretary pro tern.
On motion a committee of throe
was appointed on credentials , us fol
lows : Messrs. Patrick , Browning mid
The roll call showed the following
clubs represented : Omaha Spurt
mon's , Omaha NVorkiupmcn's , Lin
coln , Osceola , Silsby Gun club of
Syracuse , Nemaha County club , Lan
caster county.
The secretary read the minutes of
last meeting , which were approved.
The report of Treasurer Fnrnas
was received and road , showing a
balance of $24.75 on hand. The re
port was adopted.
President Kennedy read his annual
address , which was quite an interest-
On motion a committee of five was
appointed to report a proper location
for the nofct annual convention as fol
lows : J. C. Me Undo , of Lincoln ; A.
S. Patrick , of Omaha ; Mr. Jones , of
Omaha Workingtnon's Sportsmen's
club ; Mr. S'rasburger , of the Eincas
ter county olut ; Mr. Wood , of Oico-
ola ; Mr. Brown , of the Silsby gun
club of Syracuse , and Mr. Browning ,
of the Nemaha club.
Mr. F. E , Brown , of the Silsby gun
club , oflerod the following :
Whereas , at the last tournament ,
held in Lincoln , May 17 , 18. 19 and
20 1881 , Messrs. Petty , Shellabor-
ger and Bray tied for the Parker gun ,
ottered as a prize at said tournament ,
and the parties agreeing as to the
time , place and manner of shooting
off said tie , and having no birds to
shoot the same off at Lincoln at the
time of the tournament , and all the
parties being apprised of the time ,
place and manner of shooting off the
tie and consenting thereto , and noth
ing to work a pootpoubment of the
Hame , but sickness ot one of the
parties , as per agreement , and
the said tie having boon shot off in
Nobrutika City , in pursuance of said
agreement , and John W. Petty , one
of the contestants , not appearing , and
nut being sick , and the suid tip hav
ing been shot off , and D. D. Br.ty do
dared the winner thereof by the
scorer of the said tournament , Ed.
Sayros , and the referee and judges
chosen , and that about one mouth
thereafter the executive committee of
thu Lincoln club announcing that the
tie for the Parker gun would
be shot off in Lincoln ou the
28lh day of Juno 1871 , and on that
day John W. Petty buinq declared the
winner ot said Parker , having shot
for the sumo with Mr. Shellubergcr ,
of the Nebraska City gun club , wtio
had previously entered into a written
agreement with said Bray , that wh J-
over won the gun at Nebraska City ,
should be the winner thereof , and the
losing party should lay no claim there
to ; therefore , bo it
Resolved , That it is the sense of
this association that D. D. Bray , of
Syracuse. Nebraska , fairly won the
Parker gun offered by the Lincoln
club tit the last tournament , and that
no true sportsman would twice con
teat for the same prize after having
fairly won or lost the same ; and it is
Further Resolved , That the award
ing ot said gun to John W. Petty
moro than ono month after the tour
nament , in view of the facts in the
cise , was error , and that the aamo of
right belongs to said D. D. Bray , and
tlut it is the sense of this association
that they should deliver said guu to
Mr Bray as the winner thereof.
On motion , the resolution was laid
over until to-day.
Evils to bo Avoided.
Overheating la in une sense aj jirodno-
; lvo of evil UR intemprranca in d inking.
A\old both , nnd keep tha dlond puriUed
with Burdock hloo t bitten , and y u will
> e rewarded with rovust health and an in
vigorated tvdtoiu. IMcoSl , m23dlw
Overhauling Hull ,
The United States grand jury re
convenes to-day for the purpose of
investigating the case of D. Q. Hull ,
late custodian of the government
building at Lincoln , who is charged
with crookedness in his Accounts and
laving obtained , by false vouchers ,
moro money from the § | vernment
.ban ho should have done. It is
claimed by these who appear to bo
well posted in the matter that ho thus
obtained between $5,000 and $0,000 , ,
and that ho will bo probably indicted
on a largo number of counts. About
.went . y witnesses have boon summoned
rcm Lincoln , and somp of them ar
rived in the city lost evening , and the
rest are exported to-day.
"Hough on RaU" clears out raU , mice ,
roacheu , bedbug * , filet , anti , inolw , chip-
muuks , gophers. 15o.
The Annual Mooting of the Nebraska
The eighth annual convention o
the Nebraska Sportsmen's asscciatio
was 'hold at Petty's 1111 in Cald
well block last evening , and ted
d y the three days tournament wi
begin at the the grounds of thuOnnth
.Driving Park association. There wi.
bo an abundadco of l'vo ' pigeons am
glas balls for the numerous match
that ore to bo shot , and arrangements
have been made to furcish meals an
refreshments on the grounds to tt
yvho desire them.
The Omaha Wutkinsmen's Sports
men's club have eckctud tno follow
ing team to compete with othe :
teams for the chatmuonshiu of th
state ; Ed Lt-edor , Frank Pnmialeo
Willliam Robertson and John Hunter
The following is to-day' ' * pro
grammo :
Contest No. 1$200 : class shoot
ing. Open only to residents of th
s'ato ; 'ten single bird * ; twimty-on
inrds risr ; tics , throe birds. Entranc
$5 , birds included. Four prizes $80
800 , $40 , $20.
Conlett No. 2$200 ; class shoot
ing Open only to residents of the
state ; five double birds at ciulituoi
jardu rise ; ties , two pair. Entianc
and prizes , same as fure ning.
Contest No. 3-$250 ; class shoot
ing. Free to all ; til teen single glus
bills ot nighteen ynrda rise ; rutar
trap. Entrance $3 , balls included
tics , five bulls. Four prizes $100
$75 , $70. S25.
Mnd from the wild flowers of th
it is the moat fingrunt of perfumes
Manufactured by H. B , Haven , Sti
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W
J. Whitehouso and Kennard Bros.
WANTFD Slop and sand brick
moulders. Apply at the water works
( lice. 22-It-nut
ma ) - - *
NOTICE Advertisement lo Loan , For ,
Loet , Found , Wants. Boarding ; , &u , will be la
ucrtcd In these column * once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each BXilwcquont InsorUon , FIVECKNTb
per lino. The flret Inaertlou never leM than
ONKY t'O LOAN Cmll bt IMW < JIT > L of D
M L. Thomas Rom8 Crela-hton Block.
" 0 1.OAA At 8. per centln
toreat In annu.of $2,500 and
upwards , for 3 to 6 year * , on flrst-clasa city not
farm protwrty. Dxuig UIAL EsrAia and Loin
AOINOT. Itth and Doudas Sts
8(010 ( with onrtortwn moms
WANTED lucit.dlco cnemi' yiodio i ralloca
tlon Ai'drtis C. t US. . EL ,
227-291 ( Xuncll Hlnffa.
once , u gi I tl di kltj
vork at HUS C.pltjU > o. UIH. hOSS
Dy flrst cla < a whnkstlixlothlng
hocso fo > inch of the at'.tcn of Jlla ouri
Kansas end NcbinaiaatViraluoodsal unen.c m-
iiaidlne tra o. AdJnsa wl'h reference ami
! ull part c ilarn nganllnif territory 01 d t"rnw
V. 0. Bax 2003 I'nilaielphh , 1'a , ml3 Otsou
C00 < WANTED At H. W. co-ncr
T lltrnoy and 10th. tVa ts $4 00 pur week.
WANTED Two Cr .ca3 < larbrrs , no cne
eUereid pply. < ' . K. barber ship , S.
W. corner 12th and rarnam. 219-ii'
A din ng room pll at ihfl Oecl
dtntal. 21Mf
A good irtrl at the N. W. corner
WANTKD a and 10th fctrett' .
2'jo-tf u n. LOOMH.
"VTT'ANTED A coed g'rl ' for ceneial hou > c
VV work , In email family. Kcmtlie.i to me
17th and UoJge. iOd-22'
- ( drl at 1W ) Nnith 10th. st.
859-tf Mm. J.M. Co
nillOKS WANTKD-li ii'i'rn lit
Fluduiin k Ki.bla.rdi sluru OH K.
lltn street , Umahi , Neb 20-25
To rint to n ! n * o Kontlomm
WANTED front roe n 11 prlr 'o rt , lilo en on
street car line. Adiho < a I ! , lice ollico , 2 1-t
AM KU hour or Iho ln.ari.eislna i rlvato
W family , at 1MJ ) Ja.kinntrttt npar l&th ,
WANTED To rent , cotlogo tl BorO rooms
goad Iccitlon , iou\tnlui t to street H It.
Adlrm-i et.tlntf Urins mil locitlon. ' Itent.1'
UEK OQlcc. tf *
To rent , with prlvfrgo of buj-
WANTFD about thieo monlln a cottajo of
ilvi rooms , good locality , ulihlntAent ) mlnuloa
walk of p'-scotMoo. Addreai atatlnK terms and
location , "llou e" JJ olllcf. iu7-tf
MONCl A partner wunted , iictlreor si ert ,
with KOOO lo S O.eoO cn i to Invo t In d
lenlllmitobuslno s whlchluilx monthdtlme ni I
layu pr lit at loist equal ca the amount In
I'iBtud , anil both bo turned la'o clian cash and
hopirtncrililp ended. Address "Mom y" lice
ollico. fiJ-tf
WANTKJ > l undlns : bridge and ciiODl bond- .
II T OUrk ni-llBvue - !
WASTFD EDO prwy , mnKa and coai
pool , to clean with tanltary Vault and
Sink Tleacr. . the bust In uso. A. E > aus & Co. ,
rc-'olJenui 12CO Uodjjo btrcct , Omaha.
istr.T-HousEB AND LAND.
FIOR IinXT ftcfly fnrnliho'l room , i u'h
fr nt , w.thluv wind ; lull and oitildn
titranco I'Jrk kvcnuciar p.iu the dour. Hit
tic. Jl.r > 'jBvcaii % 233-14
TCTOn KErJT nrtl floorrf frame bmlJIne rext
J ? to Ihu Citeicam Laubdry , wlti or xvTtht ut
Uam or power. 82i-24
Foil > EVT Nfwhoune < | six rooms louth-
ci'trornerof ISihnud I'ac flcbtroils Ap-
lyat 1112. JUhtlrjtt. T , O. I'ELLK ,
I7IOR 11EM-A furnlsho I collate ( or the Bum-
U nier. AddrtmHt. U ieeofflco. llcftrarcea
7\CR \ ItENT-FurDldheJ room. 17 ! South 17th
! Btrco , one door LO tb cf Douglaj ilreet
229 25"
FOK HUNT Furn'shfd rooms , at 1216 be-
twecn 12ih and 13h-on Cau. 2U4
PLEASANT furnsbed rooms , nirth , muth
and iait vlrdovia , aouttwst corner Four-
tenth and Chlcag ) . 201-it *
IltNT Hcuiioffo e'irooini , on I'lerca
POU , b twee i Six h and Seventh utrceU.
iqurucfO , 1 * 11 rkett , JU50U , bctniori Kiev-
nlhaudlcnthstre.U. $ U3-t (
WOIl RENT Homo of u'x rooms on J4'h itieet
U between Chicago and COM. Apply ot H. K.
orncr Itth and Cau at.V3t. 20911
RENT S famished TOO : = * over U
ctuuUi'Eichinze.H.C ccr. 19th ni Dolj
[ 710R BENT Nicely furnished roorrj with 01
L } without board , Bejuonablo pries * . 2C10
UuaOt , * * a"
[ 710R RENT A houia of five rooms mil
L1 cloko'i and a bay w Indow , and all other Im.
noements , corner Crand and Tier. 20J 2J * IT
IlENT Coinfortiblo house with clcucU.
hard and toftn-ater. Good locitlon. Apply
raddtiM Ko. 2015 litre * itrect butw cn .Otu
nd SUUtrotts. <
nEKt-Ah-iu-o ef four rfottd , rlO'H
FOR ilittrn , on llnrniy b'twicn 16&
an4 IDtb streets. Inquire on ) r ui se
rc 0W
OR KKNT Abrct ttor i Cil9 feat ,
L 1 lo Mlr-n. E quire at 10 3 . arr.oy strrot.
A..hltfel. | ! { nt li 8 *
OR URNT Five larifii rooms , wltcli eW ,
F Hi 1.01 or onth.
rppolto | Kj > tolIlco
BKNT C ll r etriwr 10 h nJ
M3HKD nOfiM-Wl her lib nlboinl
FO COt N. lath llrert II.IWOBI i alliortiU nd
We'.itot , 161-tl
mo HENT-r rgo funili ed fr iik rrom In
L t ri > genii nun , with or without bo rd.
tlef-renc - . IStfi Do enntteet. U ) U
IlKST House i rom , c * ' ' r , tl ten
EDK ellen coiner 1 In rd Chlc-wo lrwla ,
2 0 15 TIMO PH VKhLI/T.
OR LFA8K At $25 year , tortn ilco
F drncfl lota near 25ih ttn-etkndM. llarj' *
B18 U _ W _ B. 1UKTLKTT , lital l.U / < KC lt _ _
KENT Houia of flvo roomi. lorncr 23J
FOR I'lrrcr. At i'l At S. O. tUei onaon , cor
ner 17Ui nJ ( .ft > , near Lut > r Church.
FOR " 'At.r A flrsi quillty 'wj-ro-jt
f.r one lior e , ot , J. 8 mi B'h' . 16 IN la
tx cIlenMcpi r , I k\lir beau uij o > inp\r tlv If
\ irII Ib , end h I e-t or ca e tiHmi if It ; for
it Unit } v hero there arc tvnnr three < hlllrca
It cinnot bo excelled to hot-It a tobooonriticeJ.
221-2 ;
- ALF Ho i-c n d lot 8 rcomn , no'l aiil
cutern. 1812 todo ) Litncon ISIh ntil IIU ]
st ccti. HIS-tf
rKST 1.0 S-ln the cltyt fOn ivha-4'W
CHE vpvrards , G porccnt < lo ni tin percent
pcrmonth lie It'n cnt. ICth nnd
"I71QU SALR CTcai > Trr Poe.'ttni
JJ n n 'goBtrcut , wu.tff Oil I Kcl -
TpOIl .AL"-31 ncn * . with hi f , born *
J1 frrapc' , rull tri'i . tto. iiur est On h ,
by M. ( ) JKKWH , 3615 1 oujjliitr t 201-1G
7un SAI K A h use aim lot If-OdlB frunr.
{ ' ulth b n , two wo ! B mil ctti'.n 524
South Kih btrc't , tcjond hjUn north of William
street. PrkceiBlO 19I-311
FOltSAliI ? Lirite lo. an I hon o of fcur rxrnii
on South lljtli Unet , at ? "M. Hull ! canb
pa.rmoit' , balance ma.tli j. J [ , ( ague tp | i-lt
postollico lOi-U
EOR "AfiE One flrc lUpj' rt'il hnrncsn'ot
8t6 Ii quire at lto | ieV Alt f.a'lcry 1TC-24
IT OU SA'E Cheip choice ri Minio. corner
JJ IthanJDurt Irq-ilreat 1322dia s'root.
103 J3f
> OIl SAL1Hou e of blrnom < , mil lot DOx
220 , riortn n ( nixt cut i Ktrnt b l < l o Ap
ply corner 12th m d II w..rJ Nuwepiper Union ,
_ _
1JIOU SALh tor. ir mil odjolnlnv lot ou
jL I'at a o ue. Hi > t ihs * pmii rky
G OV. . Alla , 169Jjlarimru ttn-ut 13T t
EOtt PALE A bou x an i lot rn DixUe gtroet ,
onu ol thu I iic-t li ca'l TP In th illy
116-t J. tl l > UMt'NT. IStianl Harrcy.
. Lt Ur 'I ranc ; 44X1.12 , t on lOtu
1 street ni'xt to tie i-ori cr of also
60x132 net OL thf ta < t > lrtt Intwcoti INJ c&'d
Capitol o > enuo Knqulrcof II. I1RU1 iOLU. :
23 'f
. OALC , Illuttaiu. Jp MIL" , .KlUUXI
tiMJi. 1 d outli cf thu U K r&llroiu In U-irbon
County , VV > omlnic lerritoiy 440 acre < o {
intodow anil up and lit i-iwrnntoi. Addnsa
'V ; H. Oiidcll , arm ! [ ) iLgiV > ni Inif.
| T\OIt \ BM.I'Neut cuttajcnl livi r > oma , barn ,
t ? vill , and el-tern , on 2 Jr.l street no ir Cali
fornia , at 91.400 , easy erin . MLUOKU
10R SALE \ reitaurant at a birp m. H.
Mauiiweilor. llth etreumear Kaniam.
039 U
171011 SALli 'he P > l'ULMl HOTKL , known
X1 aa the BOYS' HOjJE. Th'ii hon o Is co -
.tally located , Ims eou h aud oict Ironr , and Ii \
Burro mdtd w th Unu thadetrtts. cent I ni thirty
s ccpln ? roomH , hni toe lion e. Hut. iry | , simple
room , &C. ll ' u world n de ripu.ntlon and a
setter patron ge than nun ) hou ts at twice its
capacity. Price $5roo rnr paitca&n aJ-
01 ess , A. A. BAWllbY , Ued Clouj , i
_ _
FOR SA1 E 200 chclcu lota In Han.-cotu Place ,
W. U Baitlctt , Ueal KUiU ) Ago.t , S17 8.
ISthstre-t. KXt-tf /
I.TOlvfaALb A gi O.I lurnor lut on Uua > .uaiui
JJ 2Jih street , n n wry fm-t growing part of
the city , will divide. Inquire at v0outh 2dth
street , near Farnain.Boi K'H & Hill's adillilon.
_ pgo-lm *
l/OKSALh stt ) lots ueur lianiH.uiu f jrk , wee *
Jj of 1'ark Avenue. H'JO to $900 each. Mo-
Jaguo opp. 1'oi.tofllcu. _ 671. tt
C1OK tiALb Or wiu uxcui. tft > fur uiuttru * pru *
JJ I pert > , an Iniprovwl ecc on of land adjoln-
n > f a station on U. P. K. R. 11. DUNHAM , ' HU
'arnham St. , Omaha. 720 Bint
203-tf KSTABHOOK *
BALED HAY At A. n. Sander * Feed h'to
IQlBHarnevflt. * 1M1
i ill'OUTANT NOTICE-Jw < fc Fam' Candy
1 I'ilicennvedti H.orth ItJth Ht o.t Jut
orlh of Ma-onlc I' All. Firu wtrka > ltin ) ,
Itnionale G L
LOiT Lap robe and p nio Imn cf fru tg anil
flowelH any nuo 111 Jin/niiliu wil bo p 111
tareturnit to O clJoi.til Hatel. 22fl-ia *
IO- A.Mllowbull dtravoi t nna ) tar ill ,
J whltutpjl onbre htmd 'orohiafl. Fiador
loi-o r , turj lo 1301 Far tmirtrtct. 252-21
nOUMD < ; entltmen'3 tfjll lockat. Cal at
U t-tenlB. Johnson < s Co. , Uth i.nd tlormy.
2024" <
MEALS AT ALL ll > imS lltarJ by the day
or wccL.liO 12 h > iruct totnceu DoUKlaj
iiid Dod c. il . L. Bath _ 170-24
Bt AL'd btitchor shop re-rpened cirncr 10th
and lo-1yr , icni ottcd with 11) iroiery
tore. gvp , butter an i p ult y frtrh from t bo
untry , Fourwairoi reiralarly nmpl y d pur-
haelnir. Froth milk da 1 , from tila nun dairy
All cus timers remits a to ci > l. tnttfjcUo
guaramcid. ii32a"
LOST AlUcrand wht | cilrrod pup , three
inoiit B old. Ti e tli d r Mill ho nil hbly rc-
vraril dly cavl gllionamj t o sturj cf James
Boiuh 10 luitnet
rn AKEN Ut1 A cow about 7 J o . n old , red with
JL white i pot" , lirco JoriK A'-o ' a heller ,
td , wl'h wafte tpats , both with alf.
3-ltt on e w Bakery , 13ttj bt. near Wllllama ;
HONALIbT , 103 Tenth Stir tt , bttneen Farnau
ndil&rnov. Will , with tiie a'.c ] of Kturdlan
ilrlte. obtain for any ona a glance at the pa el
nJ p7c cnt , and on certain conditions In the fui
ire. Dooto and Snooj juido to jriler , 1'erfoo
Absolutely Pure.
Tfch powder net tt railet. A in nel ot p
, ( treoth and wholesomeneni. More ccoi o
ulo.1 Ui n the ordinary kind * , and cannot to
old In ooiopetltlon with the multitude of lew
eel. short weight alnm or phospliata powdfia