THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA WEDNESDAY MOJRNIISG MAY 24 , Ib82 288 MIGHT MAKES RIOT I The Railroad Sucklings Breath lessly Bellow for Mora Pap , The Douglas County Calf Wags Tongue and Tail Together. While Ohuroh Howe Prolongs the Echo for Pecuniary Effect. The Fri nda and Fees of WorhinR- xunn Dltipluy their Palms. The Namoa of tuo Hen Who Refused thorn u Hearing. Corrwpondcnco cf Tlio Boo. LINCOLN , May 23. The ghost of the murdered Armstrong will not down. It hfiunta the legislative halls from day to day. Another exciting and tumultous scene occuircd in the houao this morning over the Omaha riots. Soon after the house was called to order , Hoi man , of iXdcota , rose in hi ? seat and presented a roll to the clerk , which ho stated was a petition and remonstrance representing five thousand citizens of Douglas county. The clerk was directed to read , and upon opening the roll began reading a letter signed by Edward Walsh , prceidcnt of the Omaha labor union , and directed to the house of repre sentatives. After reading a few lines of this communication , which began by protesting against the outrages misrepresentation of facts by the committee on claims , the writer char acterized the chairman , Barilett , ai "A ' . " CONSUMMATE I'll AUD. No eooner had those words been read than Church Howe jumped up ferociously and demanded that the further * reading of the communication bu indefinitely postponed. Ho stated that thu communication waaan , inmilt tD the whole bDdy , in that it cast ro- Jbctions upon ono of its members. Considerable excitement followed , and iuquiiy was made whether the letter ot VVulah waa part of the peti tion. It was tound that the letter wnsaoparate , and the clerk was then directed to read the petition , which was very carefully and respectfully framed , earnestly protesting against the one" sided , and unfair Ireatrnanl" * of 'the- * "DjirNaittta , * -in basing their entire report upon the ( statements from the mayor of Omaha and Governor Nance , who were in- tercstud in sustaining their official courao during the labor troubles aud finally praying that the communica tion presented some days ago by Hon. E Rsuwator be ) filed with the letters of the officers as an unbiased state ment , presenting thu viuwa of the petitioners in thu'prumises. A motion was made that the prayer ba granted when Bartlett advanced to the center of the room aud delivered ono of his nrr-iioAiUNa HAKANUUF.S in which ho very frantically , protested aotaluat allowing any atump speech from E. H)3uwater being printed Hu said that last year the houao had allowed several ladies the privilege of delivering speeches on thu floor , but if anybody had proposed to print ono of thorn in the journals Iljsowator and IIH rotten sheet would have de nounced it as an outrage. ( Mr. Bart- latt , by tlio way , probably is not aware ,4 that ono of thu peechus madu by a lady was printed in the journals , al though it waa not a proper thing to do , ot courao , and in no wajs a paral lel C4BO with the communication ad dressed to Uio houao in writing ) Bartlutt continued to vent his spleen iigainat THK Biii : and lloiowa- ter until he had bellowed himself out ot breath , and then ho w.ii followed by Church Howe , who also discovered a terrible trap in this petition , Howe finally moved that the whole subject , petition and all , bo indefin itely postponed , The ayes and nays were called , audthi motion lost by a vote of 37 to 35 , The Djuglas dele gation , excepting Broatch , who was absent , and Bartlett who voted to U- bio thu thing , voted against indefinite postponement. Tnu petition was then unanimously PLACKOON riLB. During the d.ibato incident to the excilii g cnitrovaray over thia peti tion , Ganer < il llolman and Mr. Who- don made strong appeals on behalf of thu right of petition , and iho right of men to bo heard , and protested against the arbitral y course which Church Howe and Bartlett seemed to bo forcing on the house under whip and spur. The Jotter nf Walsh , which was regarded - garded as disrespectful , was rejected and returned , The debates on the mililu bill and the votes given by the different mem bers make A VKHY EXCELLENT INDEX. to the relations which members bear to the existing state house ring and thti corporations. Some of these men who have all along professed ttrnng sympathy with the producers and lab orers , have now showed their hands by voting thoujanda of dollars out of the atato treasury to ornamental staff oflieow and greedy railroada. It waa decidedly amusing to BOO some of them gyrata in this militia contro versy. onuncii uowu , who is a candidate for nearly every oflico from governor down to member of the legislature , struck out against Alexander by moving that the salary of that great man as a brigadier gen eral bo knocked out , but Church Howe meantime was a warm supporter of every other item in the bill , includ ing extravagant pay for all the other staff officers , the railroads , eating houses nnd over/body ehe , 8LOCUM was also decidedly opposed to allowing the brigadiers cxtrr irant nay , hu when the item of the B. A M. R. It. came np he made a terrible onslaughl on the opponents to sustain the claim of the pauper corporation , from which ho has nad frequent retainers. IIICKBT , or roue , the left bower of Nance , as a matter of courie , was in faror of whole hog or nono. lie was willing to pay eve < y thing and everybody , and was very bitter against the rioter * . WALLI.NO or COLXAX could see no virtue in anybody tha would rofuao to foot the entire militia bill or would dare question the need less use of military. IIO&TEtTKK , OP UEnniCK , although representing a 'strong anti monopoly constituency voted with Uowo and Bartlett through this cam piign. ON THE OTHER HANI ) , Ransom , of Ot.ic , Whedon , of Lin castor , G-an , llolman , of Dakota made a gallant fight against reckless extravagance and partiality. While tlio.y favoredtho , payment of thn eel ditra , they word opposed to costly trapping and exponsts incurred by gold laced brigadiers of the efalT. Members of the lonislaturd ai wo know are privileged characters. They are not responsible either under criminal or civil law for words ppnken in debate on the floor of legislative halls. Church Howe and Bartlett made use of that privilege for the last time perhaps in their legislative career in UKAI'INQ INHULT AND ABUSE upon the man , whom of all others , their mastcra , the railroad bosses , most dread , and who always is and always will bp , in their political path. It was a pastime that amused some people , but created the impression that it was the kick of the expiring mules , A uumborof lesser lights exchanged shots across the bloody chaem , but they are hardly worth noticing be cause most of them are destined for the political bono yard just as soon as the doors of the legislature close upon them. Yostorday'Vorlt - Special Dispatch tu The Bra. LINCOLV , Nub , , May 23. The son ata to-day , after a long debate , adopt ed the majority report in the case ot the investigation against Cams , by a vote of 20 to 4. The house was idle all the afternoon , waiting for the report from the printer in the Robberts case. It met this murpiniTjiit S-andJiBtonecLto. ywrtym of the'testimony. It will adjourn at noon to-morrow. A Capital Carver. Special dispatch to THE HER. LINCOLN , Nob. , May 23. Two ne gro waiters at the Commercial hotel had a row this noon in the kitchen , and ono named Sylvester Matthews cut the other fearfully about the head with a carving knife. Sylvester is at large , with the pursuit hot. The wounded man mayrecover. _ The National Greenback Convention tion- National Associated 1'rotw ST. Louis , Mo. , May 23. The na tional grofiibdckor's convention met at the Lsclodo hotel Urn morning. Some 150 members wrra present , and Jesse llarpor , of Danville , III. , pro- sided. The morning was taken up in five-minute speochun from the dolo- gatts who ropres'.nted every ttito in the union except ono. A committee of eleven was appointed to prepare an addroas to bo presented to the na tional greoribackers. Adjourned to 2 p. in. The reports are all very fa- vorablo. The End ot a Stviko. National Aai elated I'JOSH , TKOT , N. Y. , May 23. ThoOohoes strike will probAbly end to-morrcw , the company making no concession , but a sufficient number of the strikers offering to return to muko it worth while for the company to open mills in the morning , when , if enough hands resume work to start the ma chinery going the mills will bo kept open , A Promiuiu on Sonlps. Nttlontl AKiUti l Hta DAJ.LAH , Texas , May 23. Advices f oin CarisD Pass , 113 miles eaot of El Paso , are to the tflect that the G.iudalupo mountains are full of Apaohcs , who are depredat ing over northern Mexico , western Texas and Now Mexico. The cause of their changing hunting grounds is that the Mexican government offered a reward ot $300 oioh for Apache scalps. The result lias boon to muko killing the principal , industry of Muiicaus Major Baylor , of the itito rangers , left with a scouting party and tou days rations to harass the hostiles. A Slave Ship Overhauled. Nitlontl AMOciated Pices I'oitTLiND , Oregon , May 23. Capt. Thompson , of the British steamer BnlhwellCastle , wasfined$8,000intho United States court to-day for viola tion of the passenger act. Ho brought 1,105 Chinese from IIoKg Kong , 105 won * than the tonnage of the ship al lowed. Ho was also flhcd 81,000 for not reporting a correct list of the pas- Bongora at the custom house. Coast Notoj. National AwclRtud freja SAN FIIANUISCO , May 23. Great chances for the better in wheat aud barley crops have occurred in the last ten days in the southern part of the uUto. Heavy fogs and cool , cloudy days have saved thousand ! of ucros which were dying out. The miners at Harriiburg , Alaska , prevented the Stickeen Indians from burning a squaw at the stake. The Indians showed fight but the military drove them from town. TH COMING WATERLOO Two Noted St. Louiaana Bel lowing in Search of Each Other , A Iiiveljr Beniatlan for tha City Gorlbti- N tlon l Associated Trcxw. ST. Loois , May 23 , Stanley Waterloo lee , editor of The Ohroniclo , was callei before Judge Liughlin , ol'the crimina court yesterday and ankod to show cause why he should not bo commit ted for contempt for publishing ccr tain articles criticising decision o court. Waterloo was given until sun nut to muko a totraotion , which he f.'ilod to do. Judge Lnughltn nays hi will hold him personally responsible and has sent him a note warning hin to make preparation for an cmaigunc ; a * ho wilt make it his business to see him soon. Sr Louis , May 23. The hostili ties between Stanley Waterloo , editor of The Chronicle , and Judge Liiu'h lin , of the criminal court , are li.ibk to terminate by a bullet any minute , as Mr. Waterloo absolutely refuses to retract , Buying while ho is not suekini , a fight ho is not inclined to avoid it. The judge is reported to bo on thu warpath , and to intend handing in his resignation from the beiuh , when hu wiil sally forth with the intention ol gutting the drop on Mr. Waterloo , who is known to bo well prepared for an encounter. Ex-Judge Jones , of the circuit ouit , acknowledges that ho wrote the paragraph in The Ohroni- cln at which Judge Liughlin took offdrice. Though no names were mentioned in thu article , public fcel- i g is with Mr. Waterloo. There is intonao excitement throughout the city. Hit-h HoraiUcsh. Matlonil AsiocltteJ Prow. BALTIMOKE , Md. , May 23. The auction sale of high bred trotters yes terday at the Meadow View stock farm of II. B. Holton , in Baltimore county , attracted much attention among those interested in horseflesh. Many prom inent gentlemen wore present. Among the hones sold were Orange Blossom , Jr. , fur $4,325 , and Pamelia to Wm. Larabeo of Hartford , Conn. , for § 2,000 ; Meadow Chief to Saml. Craig of Philadelphia , for $4,875 ; Hester to Orson Adam ; , of Howard county , Maryland , for § 1,400 , and Hesoie to Uhas. Lord of Pennsylvania , for 81,000. Texas Cfopr. National Associated Proiw. DALLAS , Texas , May 23. RoporJs from many sections i.f the state indi cate that the exceptionally chilly nu itn OTO having ii uriouajiflecf pn young cotton plants. Much replant ing must bo done. The grain yield is fine ; haves tins ; is in full blast. Killed on ship Board- Satlonal Anaoulatud trot * . . NEW YORK , May 23. H. G. Han- ham , aged 3(3 ( , of England , the third officer on the iSational line steamer Canada , was instantly killed aboard the vessel by a aling of pig iron which slipped and fell on him. Garrison's Grab. National Aanocmuni frena. TOUNOSTOW.V , 0. , May 23 Com modore Garrison , of New York , is liero inspecting the Pittsbnrg , Younas- town & Chicago railrond. Ho has lately purchased a one-third interest in the road from C , H. Andrews. Garriaon leaves for Now York thia evening. The LOR Men's Strike. National As-oclUud Mich. , May 23 , The strike continues. The new men from Canada are working on the boom nil- Jcr a guard of Piukerton's men Do- Long , mayor and prosecuting attor ney , who favors the strikers , resigned the oflico of attorney , and the judge accepted. Charges will bo made against him to oust him from the mayorality There is considerable ex citement. Cuicngo'N Fostival. National AbsocUitxl 1'rcsa. CHICAGO , May 23 The May festival - val opened this evening at the Expo sition building , and will continue through the week. There were 8,000 in the audionc * , 800 in the chorur , i'ho entertainment was successful , but ho auditory was BO cold as to keep many people away. Southern PrcfcUytoriaxis. Matloiul Associated Picas. ATLANTA , Ga , May 23. In Pros- > ytt'rian assembly to day's discussion of the oueation of ecnding delegates o the northern assembly at Springs ield , Illinois , was continued , Dr. jir < iadoau made a long speech in op- losition , Bamei'at Darua. National Aurochtud flow. MOUNT HOU.Y , N ,1. , May 23. A fire at Banicgat , N. J. , thia morn- up destroyed John Itidnure's house and store , Allan Neal'a hotel , store and barn and the Methodist church. Loss $30,000 , Will Accept- IittonM Associated I'icu CHICAGO , May 23It is rumored n railroaa circles that Albert Fink , sommissioner if the Trunk line pool , ian decided to accept the prdsidency of the Louisville & Nashville road. Murdered Through Jonloasy. NMlontl AwodaUxl 1'rou. MIUULETOK , Pa. , May 23 , Henry A , Marrow , a nojro ; at Uhambcrsburg , 'a. , to-diy murdered a young mulatto ; irl who refused to marry him. Ho lien escaped. - i i Northern Presbyterians. Ataociatod I'IOHH. SrnmaKiELD , Ills. , May 28.---The norning session of the general assem * > ly was devoted to the minority re- ) ortpf the committee on publication md ite discussion. An attempt WM made to reconsider. A resolution limiting speakers to ton minutes _ on each subject was lout. The dioussion of the majority and minority reports from the committee on homn missions occupied the afternoon. Dr. Nlccols , of St. Loun ; llornblowcr , of Alle ghany City ; Darlin ? , of H mlltoi college ; Dickey , of Philadelphia , and Lowrio , of Huntlngtnn , Uking the lead. Finally the disagreeing p > r tions of the two reports were referred nn motion of Judge Strong , of Wash ington , D. 0. , to a special committee to report to the next general as sombly. , CRIMINAL NEW CHUKL MURDK1U WABHISOTON , May 23. - At Tluppa hanock , Va , , Mrs. Maria Bruce inur dercd her titop-diughtpr , Maria , ngt > < tjn , crushing in the skull with a poker in a fit of rnuo. Tlio murderess tlioi convoyed the body of her victim torn old cabin , saturated thu clothes will oil nnd net it on fire. Thu body was recovered by the noighbois and the woman arrested , YoUNd LOONH , ' , INDIANAPOLIS , May 23. A sensa tional suicide occurred near this citj \oiterdny. Henry Hi amer and E la Wanning , aged respective ! ) oinlitjen and nineteen , rode out about five miles , during Sunday , and hut night the girl returned , Dialing the ) had twice taken linulatmin with aui cidal attempt , the first time withotil effect , but thu second dose resulted fatally in the case of the young man , while eho recovered suflkiontly to walk homo. She says they were both tired of life and fur that reason tried ij end it , aoiNd port KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 23At the opening of iho criminal ciurt yea turday Judge White took ocoHsiou to c ill the attention of the grand jury- to the case of Jno. Harrington , who was hanqtd by a mob Apiil 3 , for complicity in the murder of Polio Officer Jones , His honor reviewed the circumstances of the case and told thu jury that unless they utought in indictments against somu of the mob they would not bo performing their tolemn duty , and ho warned them not to bo appalled by thu great number of the raui-.lerera , although 2,030 people took pait in this mob. CAPTURE OF A UUKDKUKR. MOCM VEUNON , III. , May 23. City Marshal Smith , who murdered Cnaa. W. Yost , on the 18th and fl d , was surrounded yesterday at Mitchell's Ferry , on thu Wabafch river , by the sheriff and posse and ehot and ciptured. Ho wai brought to this city last evening badly wounded. Six hundred and titr > dollars reward had boon oll'enc ) for his'arrest. DOTKU , Nl H. , May 23. JB.V. . Foye , of Stnflord , and wife have been separated some timo. Yesterday ho called at the house of ncr father , where eho has been stopping , and tried to get her to return aim live with him. She refused , and soon after went to the cemetery to decor ate her mother's grave , While en- gained in this act her husband shot her from behind in the arm and breast. She crawled back home. The officer. } are after Foyo. TUB MALl.EY C'ARK. NKW HAVEN , O.inti , M.iy 23. In the Mulluy caaa Geo. W. Metcalf , on thu coroner'i ) jury , testified that James Mulh < y , on Saturday , August Cth , said his hither asked him where ho was , and then checking himself aaid , "It's well for you tlmt you were homo Fiiday ni lit " At 10:25 : prose cutiou uuid it would rest , ex cup t that it would call Dr. Shepherd liter. Thu defense announced would submit their caie to the jury without argument after theirwitriussi'H wcru through. It then put woveral witnesses on the stand to provo that when Jennie Cramer left the Malley house the Thursday morning after her detention all night , she was in good spirit ? , and waved her hand gleefully tu James Mulley standing ; in I ho door , NEW HATEN , Conn. , M.iy 23. Ten witnessed were examined this nfter- noon and only about two hours oc cupied. At this rate 110 or llii wit nesses which the defense claimed they will call , will be shortly exhausted. The sole testimony seemed to bo quite irrovelent , the greater part re lating to Jennie Cramer's being seen by different parlies on Thursday , which seemed to establish the fact that Jonnia was going around town on that day in search of Jai. Malley , ho alleged orgies in the Millny house laving , it is said , ocsurred Wednes day ovcning , HIIOTIN TIU : MIUTU. CANTON , Ohio , Mty 23 T J , Orr , of the B-ilton Steel Co. , was called to ho door of Ida roaidenct ) attwo o'clo < k his morning , and deliberately nhnt in the mouth. He went to Dr , Phillip's oflico , where he fainted. Ho lies in a oriticil condition. Traphagu > , n man recently released from ini ] risonment 'or calling his wife , from whom hu md separated , to the door late at light , and throwing vitroil on her 'ace and chest , horribly scarri g her , las been jailed on suspicion of shooi ng Orr , ai he had made throats against him. Indignation is high. JACKSONVILLE , Ills. , May 23. Two ntilans attacked Tom Jones , a prom- nont Miller , in his mill at Webster , 'oatordiy , and coolly assassinated him , Now B anli i. Nitlaml AwocUtod Prow \VASHINOTON , M y 22. The comp- roller of currency authorizes the fol- owing banks to commence business ; DoKalb National , D Kulb , Ills..capi. al 810.0CO ; First National , Valpai- uiao , Ind , capital 810 , 00 ; First Na- ioiialJoorgotown"Pjiio , capital 850 , fvVt Free of Charge , All persons Buffering from Cnuglia.Coldc , Astium , Bronchllin , Ix < m of V ice , ortny a'fectlon of the Throat and Lunjjs. are re- jUBfted to call at C. K , ( iooduau' druK more and got A 'IVJal Hottle of Dr. King' * Vuw Dhcovery for Cninmnptlon , free of charge , which will convince them of IU wonderful uieiltg and how what a rcgalar otUy will do. C U early. AN ICE TRIP , That of the Steamer Peruvian for Twenty-Six Dayo. Snow , lee , Foe , mid Short Xlntiimi. tttUtmkl AnocUtfd rrr Qur.nKC , May 23 The itearacr Peruvian which has boon twenty-six days out , arrived at this port at 5 p. in. to-day , m tow of the tug Rocket Hnd btoimahip Arcadian. Her pas- sagd was eventful , owing to ice , snow storms and fog off Capo lUy. Her difficulties began on Mity ? . Nothing could bo soon ahead but an immense fluid of icj , oxtoi.ding as far as the uyo could roach , and about a dozen ships were passed in a day which had como to anchor , waiting for the ice to break. At 11 p. m , the Peruvian waa unable to pro ceed any further. Next morning she put on full steam and made a dee- perato effort to break her way through tint icy barriers , but had not got before thu ncrow broke and aim lay helplessly tat and ice bound. The steamship "Lako Huron" lay in sight behind. On Muy Oth a anew storm set in , Steerugu pafsungorn wcru reduced to thort rations. Biscuits were served out only every other morning , and oatmeal gruel was dis pensed with. The hardships were keenly felt by women and children. On the llth the ica began to move , hut the vussul made but very little progress. The L ike Huron had by this time got up steam and cleored her way through the floating ico. On the lUth not a vessel was in flight , and Iho ice became thicker than over and she was blown so close to iho land that it was feared she would go down , but the wind veering iround aho was enabled to cut out in the open aca aguin. On the 17th a schooner hove in sight and was sig nalled. A boat was lowered and the purser go ton board with instructions t" make for the nearest tolouraph office and send the news to Quebec. At 8 p. m. ho hid not returned , though anxiou lycxpcctcdand rockets wore fired every ton minulos. On the 18ch the wchoonor came in sight , but could not gut along side owing to thu ico. The captain and purser walk ed over the ice , which was in lumps forty feet thick and fifty feet wide , to the steamer , from 'which a boat was lovron'd ' , and they were taken on board. The purser brought the good tidings that three steamers were on thu lookout for the distressed vessel dnco the ILth. After hailing a couple of steamers which proved to bo Btrangers , the orew and passengers hud thu delight of being hailed by the Griffin with provisions on board. The Peruvian was taken in J/"T by the Arcadian , the urillin hi'opinir alongaido. On the 21st the tn Rocket also camu to the rescue , and in tow of both eho came into port this afternoon. Thus ends this prolonged voyage with fortunately no loss of lifi ) . About 600 passengers were on board. SPORTING. Notional Ansoclatod 1'rifis LJUISYILLK JOCKEY CLUIJ. LOIJISVILLB , Ky. , May 23 The spring meeting of the Louisville jockey club continued to-day with a better track and larger attendance than yes terday Firat men , for nil ujres , ono milo , was won by Pope Lee , Ilcm'cidu s.-cond ; time , l'41)j. Second race , for two ynar olds , five furlongs , was won by GJO Koiinoy , Wandering second ; time , 15G ; ] , Tliird racu , Maripantn stake , mile and a furlong , win won by Hindoo , Checkmate second ; time , 1:02 : $ Fourth race , for all ny > a , three- quaitora of a mile , was won bv Pride , ( Jlmrluy B. Bccond ; tune , l:18i : Fifth ract ) , for all ngws , nnlj heats , waa won by Brambiillutla , Lucy May second in first heat and C nmry Bird second in aecund Iioal ; time , li-10 ? , 1:18 : ] . ' It ASK HALL. flS- TJMIT , May 23. Treys VJJos- tons 0. CJ.KVKLAND , May 23. Buftaloa 3 , CHICAGO , Miy 23 , Chicagoa 2 , Do- troits 3 , MAUYLAND JOCKF.Y CI.UU , BALTIMOIIB , Md , , Miy 23. The first diy nf the ( spring meeting of the Miry land Jjckuy club at Pirn- hcq , drmv a largo attendance , five ovnnts buing on thu cird. First race , all axes , three quarters of a. mile , was won byVoiius , Vulcan Becyii(5 ( ; timu 1:22. : . ' ' Ht'Cfind racn , hem hnyl ( ilakes , for threw year-olds , onoiniliv/ | / won bv Oal'di'o ' , Colonel vf/fyeau eecond ; tirnolvlO. Rf' \ Third I'i.cj , for all ages , milo and a' quiuttr , was won bv Crickmoru , Minerva Bcond ; timu.10 ) ; | Fourth raw , Itunock'rt hmidioup , all Hgoa , mill ) and a fuilong , wai won by Il'luc L lu'o , with Greenland second ; time , 1:52A : , Fifth race , all ages , milo heats , was oloauly cjntcsted. The first heat was a dead heat between Sweet Home and Surf- ; * ; time , 1:47. : The seond heat was taken by Sweet Ho me , Nettie second ; timn , l48j ; Surge took the third heat , Sweet Home second ; time , 1:40. : Thu fourth heat and race was won by Surge in 1CQ. : Expensive Eggs. National Awociatcd 1'reM Nxsiiirr STATION , Miss. , M y 23. Anthony Driver shot and killed his son , aged 20 , because he fa led to muko returns of money fur oygs sold. Live * Loit. National Aiuiodatvl ) 1'ruu. DtntoiT , Mijli , , May 23. The fol lowing is thu first published Hit nf lives lobt by the burning of the steamer Manitoba in Georgia bay , May 18th : Thomas Hanburg and wife of Owen Sound ; Hobort Henry , a mill owner of Kagawong ; George White , of Collingswood ; J. Little , foreman for Sullivan , M pads & Co , ; an unknown dock hand ; Jamoa Lewis , of Algeua mills ; Fanny Pround , of Owen Bound ] John Ilogau , P. Fitz- natrlck. nf Ottawa , and another un known deck hand. POLiriOAJLi .NOTES. Nation * ! AnoeUUd Pmi. UAKttllALL PEUUNHtJ , PlTTMivna , Pa. , May 23.Thormu Marshall's letter dcciininic to be a candidate for congrcssman-at-largo on the republican ticket was given to the papers this evening. After saying his nomination was the result of pas sionate excitement rather than calm judgment , and it was a strong tempta tion to him to endorse the doctrine of the platform on sound and in ac- cird with the wishes of the poopoho ) aiys it is a mockery to displace tried and faithful public servants in order to provide places for hungry applicants who may provo worthless as they nro voracious. Ho says thu HBO of public patronngo to control or direct people in their choice of candidates is a grave political crime , and tends to make a servant master. Party obligations sit light ly cm hii shoulders , nnd the nomin ation was a complete surprise. Per sonal nnd private duties demand his time , and ho declines rcluctlatitly. He hopes the inheritors of-thu nnmo and organization of the republican part } ' may provo worthy to administer thu fututo affairs of tlio government. THE INDEPENDENTS. PiiiLADELi'Hi.i , May 23. A ma jority of thu delegates to the indepen dent republican convention'to-morrow Irivu arrived. A no'iccahlu ' feature will bo the largo number of ox-federal nnd etato office holders who will par ticipate. The popular state ticket tonight - night is for governor , Postmaster Mcrrilt nf Tiogo county ; lieutenant- governor , Col. Win. MoMichaol of Philadelphia ; congressman at large , Thomas At. Marshall ; .supremo judge , Wnyno MoVeagh ; secretary of interior itiTurs , Thomas W. Phillips of Franklin - lin county. This is the country dole- gates' sfato ticket , but the probabili ties indicate several changes before morning. VlllQINIA HKPUBL1CAW ) . RICHMOND , May 23. A considera ble number of republicans from dif ferent suctions of the Btato had a con ference to-day. The best of fooling prevailed , and it was determined to Htand by the republican organization of the state. It was decided to call a meeting of the state central committee too on Juno 8 , proximo , in thin ciiy , with a view of perfecting the organi zation of the party , and of making an tlTort to Hccuro an increase of repub lican ruprrscntation in congress at the approaching election. MISSOURI OHKEXBACKKIIH. ST. Louis , May 23. The speakers at this afternoon's session of the na tional committee of the greenback pirty were lion. Gilboit Do La- Mtrlvr , of Indian * ; Captain Kichurd Treveillok , 'of Miiihlgali ; John-rMiu ; cuiro of Missouri , and E. Postlou , of Illinois. Recess to 7:30 : p. m. FOREIGN MOTES. National Associate * ! Prcaa. THAT COMPACT. LONDON , M y 23. In the house of commons to-duy Gladstone refused , when requested to produce any cor- reanondtiiico which it was alleged ho I'ml ' , or had road , between himself and P.irnoll , O'Shca or Forster , or either of them , in relation to the release of Hii4pects. Ho warmly said hu had duniud there was a compact , and ho would entertain no request which im plied that hia denial was incomplete , TI1R AKllKAH.S HILL , In the Ixiiiao of commons this oven- iiiir ; , oii a division on the second ivud- ing , , the arrears of rents bill was car- ricjlj by a votu of 204 for to 157 against. yffiCIQYP1IAN Al'FAIllH. OAIKO , Muy 23.The situation of affairs hero thia afternoon is ex tremely ciilicil. The Egyptian min istry has definitely refused to resign , relying on the support of. the alloy promUud by Arabi Hey , minister of way , who is accelerating" military preparations to sustain them in thu position they have taken. The mill- inters themBclvea in the meantime are trj'ingito rnlly to their support by re ports that England and Franco do- feign annexation of Egypt to their provinces and in proof thereof point to thu lar o fhot b'lth ' of those gov ernments luivo at thu present time in the port of Alexandria , IIUHMMl .IKWIHII VILLAOEH. VIENNA , Muy 23. Incendiariesdes- trnyed thu Suniri'or village and burned a number of Jewish children laillontioni. tftlcni ! Ana > clarc.i Prca * . .WAHIIIKOTOX , D 0. , May 21 , 1 a. m.-jFnr thu upper Misaishippi and Mieaouri v.illcjH : Warmer , partly i-loudy weather , joseibly fnllnwod by ocal rains ; vurublo winds , inoatly southeast , and stationary or lower pressure. , Tlio Star Route Casts. National ADD clatul Ftw * . WAHIUSOTON , May 23. All the ( I ir i outers recently reiudicted have given bonds. The court on Friday will sot the day for trial. Mote * Taylor Dead. National Awx&ied Prom. NEW YuitK , May 23. Moses Toy- or , presidunt of the City bink , a inmunont ciHzen , died at his res- dunce , on Fifth avenue , this morning. Crops in the Southuroat. Nitlonil AkMcUtod f row. \ CHICAGO , May 23. Crop reports 'rom Missouri , Arkansas and Texas are exceptionally promising as to wheat , porn and oats , and far more : han an average yield acorns to bo as sured. Hartford , Pa. Thomas Fitchan , Bradford , Pa. , wrltcn ; "I enclose mnnny fur Smitta ULOBHOM as [ id I would If It curcil me. My dye- iepra ! haa voulnhed , with all its tyrup- -ouiH. Many thankn ; I nhall never Ga without it in the Louse.h Price 50 cents , trial bottlwj 10 coot * . ml'Sdlw THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Peruvian Faddlo Again Stirred Up With a Sharp Stick. Shipuerd'o Assertions Flatly Oontradiotod by an Bx- Offliial. The DomocnvtB Bcoro An other Day of Successful Fillibuetering. The Geneva Award Bill Paused Without Chan go- A Variety of Other Items. CAPITAL NOTES. National AwocUtwl 1'nsn. Till : PKUUYIAN PUDDLE. WASIIH > OTON , D. 0. , May 23. Hilte , ox-assistant secretary of atato , testifies that he know nothing of uiiy United States ministers being inter ested in the Peruvian company or Credit Industrial , or of Morton , Blisa it Go's , contract ; that contract was never mentioned in the atato depart ment ; witness was present as inter- > rotnr wlion Count DoMmtftrroMi ox- iluincd the aims of thoCrtdit Indus- liul in seeking Atnorican protection. 31aino said it was contrary t * tlio spirit of our institutions and ho could lot ulllow the state department to enter into such , BU arrangement. L'ho count was disconcerted.- 3uarea subsequently unsuccessfully attempted to secure an interview with Blaino. Witness never heard of ho suggestion of uniting the Landraa claim mid the O.edit Industrial : never law the Alleged missing papers ; first earned of them from the newspapers ; would have como under his obsorva- lon if it had over boon in the depart- ncnt. Troscott wasspecially charged to investigate the Landrail claim. Blaine will bo attain examined to morrow onthoMontferrean interviow. ROLDinn'H CHILDREN. The committee on invalid pension agreed upon a bill to scouro pensions to soldiers' children by prohibiting > aying the sanio to solditirs1 widows ; uilty of immoral conduct. UNANIMOUSLY CONDEUXED. The house commit ! ao on naval af- 'aira have unanimously ogreod to re port lulvorBoly Calk ens bill for another xrctio expedition. HT. OEOUOE'R UNION. To-days .session of the ninth annual convention of the North American . t,0o9o'a - < iulon VFW _ devoted to tta ' opening''address ' by PrcaUlouKlftur * son and culls upon President Arthur and the British minister. TAIUFK OOMM183IONBB8. Since the cabinet mooting to-day , it may bo authoritivoly stated that nominations for the tariff commis sions will bo made this weok. THE AHSA88IN. Mr. Used obtuino I the signature of * Guitoau to-daj-j preparatory to habeas corpus proceedings. Guiteau is con stantly watched now , night and day. Brigadier General GJO D-iuglaa Ilunsay , on the retired lint , died this evening of sonilty , ogud eighty yearn. CONGRESS National Axgoclatod 1'rena. BKNATIS WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 23. Senator Pugh's motion to reconsider Friday'n votu pasatni ; the 5 per cent hind bill waa iidopted , and the bill re called from the house. Senator Logan , from the military committee , reported an amendment to thn army appropriation bill , establish ing an army and navy hospital at Hot Springs , Ark. Senator Miller ( N. Y ) introduced a bill for the erection of a public build ing at Troy , N. Y. The GdiiovH award bill came up af ter 2 p. m. , Senator Dull opposing ita passage. After several amendments wtro ottered and voted down the bill passed as it came from the house by a vote of 38 to 12. Those voting in the negative were Senators Beck , Gam- den , Ooko , Davis , ( Ills. ) Dwis , ( VY. V.i ) Garland , Oroomo , Hawloy. Jack son , Mackoy , Morgan and Williams. Adjourned ut ' 1:55 : p. m. 110U31 : PltOCKKDINUS. Mr. Calkins called up thoMackoy- D bboll election CIBO. Filibustering by the Djmocrats under the lead of Mr , llandall was n-aumod. The vote to tuku up was 121) to 1 , the latter by Pnolpj , of Oonneoticut. The repub lic um expect a quorum to-morrow. The liouBo spent the entire after noon filibustering , only ono member ( Tucker ) being brought in by the aor- geant-at-arms. The second roll call ihowcd 128 republicans voting , demo crats abstaining from voting. The houao adjourned at 4 35 p. in , , with the assurance from Mr. Calkins that the coso would bo called up to morrow. A Bwartu of Df ttotlvos- tf Uonl AttocUtoa fren. NEW YOHK , May 28.The Irish revolutionary brotherhood , an ad vanced nationalist organisation , are in a fitato of ferment over the largo number of British detectives now in New York , engaged in hunting for the murderers of Secretary Cavendish and Under Secretary Burke in Phoenix pjrk. They assort ahat the myste rious "Miko" Turner , who was ar rested last Thursday by Pinkerton'a men is a detective from Scotland yard , and the Irish nationalists have had a elaso watch on him. Frank llanlal. North Bennett street , Mutrili > , fly"I have tried your Bprinjr Blossom M ft faintly medicine , aud have never come OCIOM anything to do BO much good iu no abort a time lu aseaut hidl- geatlon. dy < | eul | and deranfjeuunt ol the atonmch ; I strongly recomwoad It. Trias CO cents ; trial bottles 10 cant * . w23dlw