1 $ * * " " 6 11HJE JDAJjLY J3JBE : COUNCIL BLUM'S , IOWA TUESDAY , MAY 23 , I882- The Daily Bee. 'COUNCIL ' BLUFFS. Tuesday Morninpr May 23. SUBSCRIPTION HATES ! By Carrier , - - - - - SO cent * per week ByUatl , - - - - - - - $10 00 per Year Offlce : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. 0. B. 1IAYNE , Vantpcr City Clrcuhllon. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Fancy goadi at cost ivt Hcrr-nian' * , Don't forget to cull at tlio now ici orcnm p rlor of Mr . J , A. Orsy , over 603 Broadway. maylKMf Take jour } co frcrn the Uluo Wapon Orders t Ven nt .T. T. Oltroi'i nnd at JontsBro * ' . Grocery. Mullholland&Co. Succeasora to D. F. Etcher. npSOtf Secure your scats for Litta concert at Hushnell & Urackotts. npt23 tf To buy elegant hammocks go to Mueller's miitic itono , Joeoh ] UO B , of C15 Upper Uroadway , Council Bluffs , m ke the bt t ljutter tubs in the west and nelli them at the lowest cash price. apr23-tf The Sunday School contention metis to'inorrcrr morning at the Baptiit church in this city , nod will continuountll Tim re day evening. Herzman ii Bun'rising everybody. Permits to wed woio yesterday grant ed to Michael Finklin nmd Stuan Koll , of Mills con ty and to 0. U. Buihoji and Mary Siga , of Hazel Doll. Thomni Mnrsball , of Omaha , was in the city yesterday , looking after his prop crty on Broadway nearly oppooito the Coy houie. Ilo is figuring on erecting n brick block upon the lots. Goods fresh nt low prices , I foreman In the difitrlct court yesterday the caio of Augusta ICultwiek v . Dr. 11. lllce , took nil of the day , It being a ilalm ou the part of the plaintiff for damages , al leging malpractice ou the part of Ilia doc tor. Last evening Mr. George Burnloy , of this city , was united In marriafio lo Misi Sarah Bothers , the corciuony being performed - formed at the ) eM nco of the bride's father , Hev. Mr. Leiuen otllciating. The frame building at the corner of Peatl and I Irst avenue , haa been ( old by Mr. Shugart to Wells Cook , and in t > bo moved down on Broadway , opposite the Coy houao , and usa'l as a warehouse , the nalo and HIOTO being necessary to make room for Shugart's now block. Closing out sale at Herman's , Joseph Belter makes suits in the lat est styles at 310 Broadway. npr4-tf The fourth annual lonriament of the Iowa State Association for the Protection of Game nnd Fiih is to be hold at C dar Rapids .Tuna Cth to 9th inclusive. J. 0. Hoflm yer , of this city , in one of the board of directors , and those interested can gain needed information cither of him or at TUB BEB office. Next Sunday evening Her. J. G. Lemon will preach on prohibition at the Baptist church , of which ho 1 * pastor. Ho extends a cordial invitation to saloon men and others who are against prohibition , and promises to reason the matter with thom fairly and R < iUArely , and with duo courtesy. , If Major Anderson is afraid to let * these of his own political faith have more than n month in which to discuss bis fit ness for congroir , what sort of hor.e can he have that his record will stand the scrutiny of his political enemies , who wilj have from now until next November to tcan it and ( how it up ! W.V. . Wallace's new residence ii bains fitted up very elegantly and attrac tively. One of the finest three-light New ell lights for his hall arrived yesterday nt Bixby & WoodV , and will soon be put in place. It is certainly beauty , nnd the other fixtures are in keeping , Missouri must bo emptying itself. The otheJ day nbont forty wagons passed through here loaded with folks bound for Idaho. Yesterday tea more , all from Bchuyler county , passed through the city ea route for Montana. . .It is natural for a man who is a rank monopolist in feeling and sympathy to In- more the rights of the people in political a * well ns commercial matte 11 , It Is nat ural for Huch a man to try to etllle the expression of public opinion , to oven throttle and misuse his own party by forcing a convention with the claim that Kijht makes right. There WM n pleasant little wedding party Friday morning at the residence of Hr. Williams o Myister itreot , the bnde being his daughter , Miss Henrietta Williams , who was wedded to Henry Br wn. Rev. S. G. Lemon tied the knot , and congratulations nnd well wishes were bountifully let towed on the youug couple. Th * talk concerning a city hall and market bouse combined is attain being re { vived. It is proposed that the city con dernu and purchase the needed land and let it rent free for a term of years to a stock company , provided th * company will erect a city building and market horns * to teat $40,000 , the company to furnish the city with what room it needs and take th * market rent * for profit , the building to revert to th * city after n term of y ara. The colored nine and a plckod-np I ! team ot white * bad n base ball content Sunday afternoon in which the latter won. > i gomi aomplaints have been lodged nt the police hudqutrtera by residents who are annoyed at Sunday base ball games. The omplftlnt I * bued not BO much on the fact of itf beiug a cracking of the o m numdment for the observance of th * qath , as becavte ball player * get 10 oiy iUstlo in their fun that they occasion bout out cos * word * and othar langu ; which grate * on the ear * of families 11 v Ing In the vicinity of grounds whore game * are played. The olectrio light company which lately made aa exhibition at Burlington , and which was ao eager to come here alao , ha * apparently been ( wallowed up by the a otuolldatlon. It wo * to organice a local ompony at onoe in Burlington , but the plan * ia * to hav * fallen wddenly through and the prern of that eity has gone from the extreme of printing column after column in iU praise , ton complete silence on the subject. Some other cloctrlo light company will now probably path into thi field , BO that citiiens of Omaha need not think all hope is gone. While The Nonpareil id shouting thut Anderson will bo nominated by aeclama lion , and whooping M though there was no other candidate , one who hovers about the editorial room quite freely , and who is In condition to know what Anderson and his man Friday are figuring on , n y tliat if nil vote for Anderson who are expected to , thai he has only three more than Mr. Sapp. Publicly oroclalmlng that Andtr son h the only lightning rod , nnd prl vntoly acknowledging that nt the very best he hasn't any margin on which to win. Such i < the difference of standing in front of "tho boom" and standing be hind U. U.A A girl of thin city purchased nomc meat nt n market , and In pa ) mcnt pro- heti'.cl a $5 "Omaha bill , " ono of those bills insuod by that city years ogn , but now Mcirce , The proprietor , not notic ing but that it was one of Undo Sam's own , changed it , but on dUjoveting the mistake , the girl wni brought to an ex- plination. She became ftlghtcno I , and a nho had spent the mo noy she made res- titutlon ni far fti possible by telling hovr she got it. It nppe.UH that two young mon uavc it to her , nnd nn Interesting chapter of social Ufa was hero opened dp , which hai made the young men tremble lent it should bo mndo public. Young men who prefer dnrkncsH rather thanllght should bu careful About parsing old billst DIETING THE DISORDERLIES. DISORDERLIES.d Another Ohanco to Sava a Few Nickels for the City. The prisoners at the oily calaboose are now being fed at an expense of twenty cents a meal , or sixty cents day , or 8120 a week. These confined there are generally in for a short season , and to many it is a fine chance to got fi Hod up. The fees of twenty cent * a meal are reported to lie above what other cities are paying. At the county jail the limit for board is 'J 50 a week. Reports from other > lacra , .is if , for instance , Atohison , [ Can. , show , that they pay leas. There the moin ! average ten ur eleven cents each. In view of these facts and the fact that there is little work given tlio prisoners , a scheme is favored to have the council fix up n bill of faro axd cut down the expense to a keeping with the board p. id for the prisoners itt jail and in other citiea. The amount to bo saved is not enough to do any great amount of road making hero or to erect a city building , but in the long run it will bo something saved. PREPARING TO DECORATE. A Partial Llat of the Fallen HorooB Who Are to bo Romomborod. Wall MoFaddon , who haa for a long imo had charge of the annual decora- ions of the soldiers. ' graves , is again planning to have such duties as fall to us lot carefully performed. Ho is anxious to procure a full list of the soldiers who are buried hero , so that kliolc graves may bo properly marked by memorial flags , thus preventing so far as possible the overlooking or omission of any. Tlio following list has already been secured , and it is do * sired that these who know of others , whoso names do not hero appear , should communicate the wanted in formation promptly and fully , by either seeing him in person , or drop ping a postal card to him , addressed KilUYIEW CKMETUnY. Dhris Woiriok , Dr. Osborno , . Joe Wheeler , J. W. Phillips , H. Fister , Van Floak , Wm. Knox , Maasio , Louis Henri , Wm. Springer , D. A. Gunnigham , E. M. 0. Mansfield A. E. Steinmotz , Jason Hubbard , Wm. Fuller , W. J. Fuller , J. Jacklin , Thos. Seymour , James Allison , Bust. OATIIOLIO CKMBTHHY. Perry Smith , Wet Burke , Two Long brothers. Another soldier , named Mudgo , rests in D. 13. Clarke's private ceme tery. UNITED THEY STAND. Tuo Cigar Makar * Olub Together For Mutual Protection. S t There are in the city about seventeen it itn teen cigar makers , some of whom belong - itol long to unions elsewhere , but there ol hna not boon tuiy local union ostaby linhed until noir. An organizntion li iriw made Saturday night , nnd application - cation haa boon forwarded for a charter - tor from the national rjisociation. This local organization starts out with niuo charter mouibora and the followE riff ofTicors : President , Charles Lol- bold ; treasurer , Ed , Smith ; Bocro- tt Ury , Olof Oloaon. ttT It haa been decided to nrrango for labels to bo used on boxoa containing oigaro uiftdo by the union men BO that the pnblio may know in making purchases whether they are patron- izini ; the union indirectly and supporting - porting that or not. The proeidont or some other officer of the union will giro put those labels , and will limit the distribution to the number of ci gars reported to bo made by the mom- bora of the union. In this way it is expected that in a few months the smokers , or many of them , will be come posted , and will iavor by their patronage the cause of the union. The formation of this union will not affect materially the prices paid cigar makers hero for the present. There are a few who nro getting about a dollar a thousand less than the others , and U may result in bringing their pay up to what the rest are getting , but aside from this no change is con templated. There are places outside of Council Dlufls in which cigars not not bearing the union label are soldat disadvantage , and It is thought that ; by organizing a union here , and using the labels ou this city's products , they will find u ready a market aa the union cigars in ado in Omaha , anc elsewhere , which now have an ndvant ago. COMING INTO COOT7T. A Number of Caaos Cared for by Judge and Justices Yesterday. In the superior court ycaterJny Thomas Linden was arraigned for soiling liquor on Sunday. It nppoara that John Hitchcock ; a first t' mechanic , who has suffered niucii < I late from over drink , was locked up and sobered off Sunday night , and on being pressed ho told where ho pur chased his whisky. Ilitchcock was released on condition of keeping sober for ton days at least , and Linden , who sold him the drinks , was fined $10 and costs. Thomas Lawrence , of Olcnwood , was bctoro the bar yesterday for being drunk. Ho had only arrived from Canada about three weeks ape , and ho learned ' yesterday for the first limp that it'cost 87 to got drunk in Council Hlufia flinco it became a first class city. . William Sohns was charged with fighting and using obacono language Ilo explained that ho lost his coat , and while in his shirt aloevcs Boino of the boys bothered him and chaffed him until ho got mad , and than ho cracked the law to the oxiont of nnd cost * . John McGovcrn , a plain drunk , concluded to work out his fnio by sit ting ; in the calaboose , and eating twen ty : cent meals at the city's expense. II. Oaugoy , complained of lor being drunk , oaid it was no such thing , and had his case continued till to-day. Mrs. S. Carroll , complained of for creating a nuisance nu Vine street , had her case set for Friday. E. P. Bales , charged with selling wood without it being oflicially mcas unid , has had his case set for Tlurs- day oruning. \V. H. Kurr was before J untice Ab bott yesterday charged wih | default ing a hotel keeper some time ago , was sent to jail for six days. The cneo of Thomas Caldwell , charged with burglary , was not taken up yesterday. It appears that there is some doubt about proving that the houao entered by him was locked , and as ha obtained nothing , it is probable the charge will not bo pushed. Ilov. Dr. Piek , a minister of Troy , N. Y. , relates his experience thus : I take pleasure in adding to your many tc&timoninis , that last Thursday , ( Thanksgiving Day ) not being nblo to preach on account of rhouma- tie pains in the shoulder. I bought a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil , which after using BOYoral times , relieved mo won derfully. TROUBLING A TENANT. A landlord Objects to Having Door Knobs Broken ana the Floor Chopped. Yesterday after \filham F. Stnilh was before Justice Frainoy , charged with malicious miachiof and carrying concealed weapons. The 'trial of the case showed that the complaining witness , Owen Cunningham was the jwnor of'the house in which Smith was living , and had given the latter notice to quit , but the tenant had not moved out yet. * Cunningham found that the house had been misused , some of the door-knobs having boon broken , paper torn off , and wood had been chopped in the kitchen , causing the floor to bohackcd up considerably , The landlord on account of this caused Smith's arrest for malicious mischief in defacing the building , There was a lack of evidence that Smith had done the damngo and ho was dis charged. Another complaint was en tered for threatening Cunningham , but the tenant was released from this. Still another charge was laid at his door , that of carrying concealed weaponssaid weapon consisting of a piece of load attached to a string , and which could bo used for a Blung shot. Witnesses were brought forward to show that the lead was used as a sinker to a fish- line , and was ior peaceable purposes , so this charge , too , was of no avail and John Lmdt , who appeared as Smith's attorney , walked out with his client , victor in three rounds , leaving the landlord to get sweet revenge in some other way. Messrs. D. B. Strope & Co. , Drug gists , Fort Waynp , Ind. , write : St. Jacobs Oil is considered by our cus tomers the boat liniment known , as always gives satisfaction , and it never fails. Mr. H. 0. Ward , ia ono of them. It cured him of a severe cose of rheumatism in three days. \Yo rocomino ud the Oil as n first claim linumeiit. THE COMING TUB AT OF TUB SEASON. _ M'lla. Litta nt Dohany's Opera House next Monday evening. This D young AmoricanjJPrinm Donna has earned the reputation of being ono of the FINEST ARTIST OF MODKHN a TIMES. 0 r mnslo loving citizens should not fail to hoar this Qoaou of Bong in H tier rendition of Martha. PERSONAL. . U. S. Mctiiren , of Sh.lby , lawn , ( i { n ttia city. J. IMper , of Chic g3 , was In the city TMterday. Col , A. A. Cochrtn has returned from tils farm nt Little Sioux , und I again At the Ogden , J. H , Steele , a wholesale millinery man M from Chicago , was looking aftir hli trade kero jcnterJay. M Wm. Burns , of Btuebeuville , Ohio , rep. resenting the Crown Steel work of Pitta- burg , Pa. , SuuiUyed at the Blggi house , M and left yesterday for Oiuiihn , Lincoln and other pulnti west. If John J. Morse , enparintendemt of the lelepmme exchange of thti city and DC Dmahn , WM here yesterday looking after ho worklngi of the wires and planning I several extension ! , which will add U the plete. leI convenience M well M Humbert of ttte leo patrouf. mo o A Friend in No d. Time over and ftgaln THOMAS' Ecr.KC TRIO Un. him i > reed n salutary friend ti lliell trc 80l. A nrcllablo cnratlte fo croup } n children , fioro throat and bron chlal fle tlon" , and ns a positive extcrtm remedy for i > an , It It a nenr-falllnij nntl dote. m2.1ll < v COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Gpechl lulicTtlflcmcnU , tuc as txmt , Found , To Loan , I'or Sale , la Rent Wants , ISotrdlng , etc. , will be ln ort l In till column fU the low ratopf TEN CKNT8 TKR LINK for the flrst Insertion and FITK CKOTH I'KR LINK ( or each subsequent Intertlnn. Leave < lr ortlscmenla t our office , No. 7 I'cart Street , nc r llrcdway. Wants. 'ANTKD. AA No. 1 waiter > t Louie's rcttiurant , rsr nil 3J7 tlro Jway. rn22tf WANTED-One for Mtchin and ono G1I1L3 housoctk. * 4 00 per vrt < llt P ll l each. WMhlnit do.ie rut. Apply to lira Hor- nco Kveiett , Council BlntM , ra jZO-3t ANTED Oo l fflrl for fcncr l housework W Inquire at lice otllco. may ID * W ANTKO Olrl to do cenoral housework. Apply Mil.Y. . B. Amont corner 7th majlOtf "ITirANTKD KTcryl > ody In Council Bluffs lo YY to take Tun U , 20 ccnta per ncok.de llrerptl by carrlen. Offlco , No 7 Pearl Street' ne r Broad way. _ "VirANTKn To buy 100 tons broom com YY For | ) rtlcuUnj address Council Blufli Broom Furtorv. OnunMI liltills. low * . 058 ! 8lf For Sato and Ilont FUll SAI.K Two new bjelcliit nt a liargiln. K. R. Htcinlillber , at no * furnlturo factory on Borcntb. avenue , next 10 C. & K. W. U K. InayZS-Ct 77 ° " RENT New house cfifun roomj. For I.1 particulars Inqulto of F. 11. Williams , on 1'ranklln street. rull'tit T7IOR HAliK CHUti * To brcnk up hcm'ekeep- JU Ing fur. Iturf , enrnetn , lUvts. etc , etc , W. K JIALLORY. mZflf AtShugait Implement Co ' . SALK-Shtet music worlh 35 cent ! to FOR . for 6 cintu a 'opy. nd over )0CKX other useful articles , atKrrltli & EreroltiGreat Flro nnd Tcn-Ctnt Biota , No. HO JltOJrtway , Council BIulTj , Iowa. KBNT Fum'siicd room. Inquhu No. 5 FOR 1'catl utroct. maylUf T7OR SALE. K'ehty-ncro farm pittly cult- ! _ L \atcd , two miles west of Omaha. Udell & J I . , ay. _ m-0-tf TOR KKNi 1'artor nhole of nlca Toaidonco J1 or will sell on e y terms.pply at I'o nHko. _ ma ) 2-tf UR HKNT T o p'caiant rfonra In Tory do- E idrablo location , i Illior furnlnhcd or utfurn- lined ; suitable for ladle B or gentlemen. | irll- J. W. SQUiUK & CO. > Oll SALK liea-itilul residence iota , SOC b each ; nothing down , and ? 3per"onth only , by J.X-MAYOU YAUdHAN. apl3-tf Miscellaneous. mUK KXCELS1011 OAMKRY the Br t to In J1roduco the rjew insUtitaiieoui process Mid inr.l > o a success ol It. Call and sea specimens LOHT Talr sola spectacles. A liberal rowan wllltepaldltlcttatTiiaUtiiolliea nib t BU. W. L. PATTON Physician and Oiullst Can cure any case of sore eye * . It U only a matter of lime , and can euro generally in from threa tc fire weeks-It rnakeu no difference enco how long dineaud. Will etralgktcn croi eyes , operate and reuiOTo I'tyrcginmn , etc. , am Insert artlflclal ej 01 SpocU.1 attention to rem - m re ng tadcwormB. ap5 tf A NYUNE WAHTINQ BOiretino quality broom J\ . corn teixl can jet It by writing to i > pl3U P. T. MAYNE , C > undl Bluffs Una of the bcik i cond class Hotels In the West In the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. E BR9WN , Proprietor. Hcs , SSI and D36 Uroidway , ' ouncll Bluffs , low * Table supplied with thn best the market af- fordi. O od roonu and Orst-clu * beds. Terms rery re oiiabla. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. G. Gerspacher & Son. FIHHT CLASH HOTEL AT UKASONABLK PlUCm. TKANS1KNT3 ACCOMMODATED HOTEL FOtt KENT. GOOD KEA80NS FOR RKNTINO : SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL N. Andenon , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower Broadway. Table nuppVeil with the best the market af- fonln. Terms 43.60 nd $1.00 per week. Transient 11.00 per dav. If Ynn "Wish a Imcch Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soupp , Meats , and Katnblei ahvnjs on hand. Five Cents per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMIHIN& AND GRAINING , B Shop Corner Broad way nnd ScfittSt MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , PROPRIETOR OP RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 313 Suth Main Street , Couccil n'uffi. New homo and newly flttfd itf in first clara HeaU at all hoard locrtani and lemo- _ _ _ ery u\t\\ng \ \ , FrulU < d toofectionorlea. DOHAHY'S OPERA HOUSE , o Monday Evening , May 29. TUB Marie Litta Grand Concert OB. Mile. Marie Litta , AUEltIOi.'H fAYOHITK FUIUi. DONNA , Auist&l by the followlig Solo ArtliU MISSDELLA.OAKFORD , The Coming Contialta , MR. L. H. CLEVELAND , The I'ojiular Teno' . MR. JULIUS BEREGHY , The HunarUn Ba&io. MR. JOHN SKELTON , Th § Great Cornells ! , MISS NELLIE BANGS , 140 The Hrllll&nt 1'laulit and Accompanlit. A GRAND CONCERT. BClu "Ing , by ipoclal arrani ' , rneBtOuo Acl ( ram Klotow'f Optra , W. 3SOC .A. Xfc Or ? 3 = E jfx. Produced with aconery and coitumei com . MARIA. UTTA u M AHTHA. llewrye your icali at liuahnell & Dr l ts. If Popular prlrca. Under a\umcei ol I'hllhir- rnoulo a clely , Tu-Th-StMo TOO UTTERLY UTTER JL'JtC HJ JbJ TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Public in FINE GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices , ( Fresh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Go. 16 Main Bt , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. K. II. SHERMAN , Busincfls Manager. WM. CHIUSTOHIE3 , Mechanical Manager 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD Bright and yellow and lurd nnd cold , Molten , graven , hammered and roll'J , Heavy to get and light to hold ; Hoarded , battered , bought and sold. Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled Spurned by the young , lut hugged by th old To the very verge of the churchyan mould ; Piico of many a oiimo untold. GOLD ! GOLDS If yon want to have gold y > u mus upend vour money to th very hotttidvant age. Do business with cash men , anc where only ono price will be aalqyd o taken , REMEMBER "A tree is known by Its frolt " A store by its prices. ONE THING-CERTAIN Onr prices are right. Our business U guarantee that fair dealing in oar watch word. XLCR is oar motto. Our bus ! neei is in a most healthy condition. Every department ia doing good work. Cannot Goods are going o2 very cheap. Teas and Coffees a choice assortment. Fane. Shelf Goods for the million. Como ant see us , we will do you pood. F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON mm MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. C. Wo [ fire tpoclal attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL 'MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will reelT prompt attention. A general u S tortment ol Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining , of , AND SUPPLIES FOR Itjfj Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooal , OHAS , HENDBIE , President , 2. OSCAR XVILBE 2. Olin GAS PIXTUKES. Bixby & Wood , THE PLUMBERS. 3n Bancroft or ( Fonrth J. M. PALMEB , DIALKR IH REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drs : Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & 1st Ave. COUNCIL BLUKKfl. MAUBER & OBAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qloss , Flno French China , Silver Wore &c. , BEOIDWAT. . COUNCIL DLUFFS. IOWA. " " MRS. fl. J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 222 Broadwav , Cannoil Bluff * . . 8. AMENT. JACOB H1M8 AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & OounsoUors-at-Law , OODNOIL BliUVFS , IOWA. Lnil HARKNESS , OBCUTT & CO. , Broadway , Cor. Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-3m - - J ? I mean business and no blowing. Having recently contiaotod for 600 Oigans and over 200 Pianos for the sea son , to ba sold at Bargains for Gash , and on time Agents wanted- TJ LL. Correspondence solicited , S L. L.a I a J. MUELLER , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. H Cruarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00 BM and ffilbw Streets , CouncU Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Kepairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blufla , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but firut-class Bakora employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T C A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Hailroad Lands , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , . OQTJ TOIL BLTJFB WALL PAPER AN Few Styles Just Received. GEO. B. BEARD , 11 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs . A. I1EKDK , W. HUNYAN , TV. BEKBI2 C. A. BEEBE & COM Wbolcule and Ketall Dealers in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Mrs , J , E , letcalfe and Iiss Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all ilndiof fancy good ! , such u Lace * , Fmbrolderle * , Ladle * ' Undetwea all de crlptlon > . Alan UnndkerchlefB , both In dlk and HOOD , lioio ol all Hindi , tbroad , pine , neeilles , ttc. Wo Lope the InQle * will call mid ace our itock of good * ttt 639 BroadVuy it tore g E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEAEL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , CERMANTOWH AND FANCY YARNS All Kinda. A Full liiuo of Convai , Fella , Embroidery , Kulttlug and Stamped Goods. Nioa Anaortiirnt of Appllquo Flotnrca Z11 . \ I j 412 BROADWAY , COUNCILSBLUFFS. WBSTSIDB SQUARE , CLARINfA IOWA ,