Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    iTHE DAlLf BEE TUESDAY MAT 23 1882.
Trial of the Accused m Ola ;
County's First Murder ,
Analytical Evldonco of tli
Cuomlst Who Proved tbo
CorrwpondtBca o ( Tbo Be * .
OLT CENIHE , Nob. , Mf\y 18. Tl
trial of tlio first murder committed 2
Olny county ta concluded ; that of At
dorson for poisoning Johnson lust Jur
ith arsonio. The chemist , 1'ro
Clark , of Sntton , who made the analj
ata was on thoTritnoaaotandfiro houn
tcalified on dire t examination as fo
IOWB : That ho butd his conoltuion
that deceased came to his death b
nrsonical poiaonin from : First , tb
manner of death ; eocond , the pntholc
gical conditions rorcaled by the sutop
sy ; and third , quantity of araonio prcs
cut in the viscera.
The very interesting feature of th
case was the
by Dr. Clark , a aynopsia of which i
given. The inquiry was directed t
the determination of : First , the existence
once of poison qualitative ; and aocond
the quantity .in the viicora , quantila
tiy .
The liver was first examined b ;
making n solution of one-fourth of i
by digesting the same in diatille
water , acidulated with hydrochlorii
acid , and nubjecting it to the Marsl
hydiogon teat , and then sublimini
the nrsonicum from the hydrogen ar
aonido gaa on cold portolain , in a mir
Tor like deposit. To theao deposit ]
Tvuro applied a solution of c lcimi
ohlorido and heat , being differentia
test * , excluding antimony and carbon
This settled ono proposition in tozicol
ogy as applied to this case that ab
sorption of the poison through the cir
culation must hare taken plaep. The
whole weight of the stomach , its' con
tents uid the duodenum wns twenty-
two and a half oz. av. Twelve oz . of
this were taken and placed in an crap-
orating dish and digested in distilled
water acidulated with hydrochloric
acid and filtered. The Marsh test
was again applied roroalinp ; the pres
ence of arsenic. The arsonio being
Hion in solution was precipitated with
a current of washed hydrogen aulphido.
A portion of this precipitate was evap
orated to dryncss in a small ovaporat-
ingdiahcollected and placed with black
flux in a reduction tube and henUd.
The sublimate of arsenioum which re
sulted was returned to a tube open at
both ends and heated in contact with
air , the oxygen of the air converting
it into octahedral crystals of white
arsenic as revealed by the microscope.
Reasoning by exclusion , this disting
uishing differential tent excluded the
sulphides of tin , cadmium and anti
mony and demonstrates boyoud a
doubt that the precipitate rras arsenic
sulphide. The precipitate wa placed
upon a filter which had been previ
I ously dried in a drying oven and its
, weight mord d. The filter contain
ing the precipitate was again returned
to thd drying ovin a eng , &a it lost
weight , and again weighed. Tbo in
creased weight , viz : 8.01 gra. , ohowed
the amount of arsenic sulphide pres
ent in 12 ozs.
Then by the following proposition
its relative chemical value was do
termincd in the form found in the
drug stores , i. o. white oxide , as fol
lows :
, As the combining number of ar-
Bonio uulphido is to the combining
number ef arsonious acid , so ia the
nntnbor of grains of arsenic sulphide
obtained , i. e. , 8.G4 grains to X ,
which is G.I)5 ) grains of white arnonaio
found in the twelve ounces ? used.
Again by a chemical problem wo roach
the amount of arsonio in the whole
ntomach in this way :
12:22.5 : : ; 0.95 gr. are. to X ,
Which gives us the astonishing
amount of 13,03 grains of white ar
aonio in the stomach. This represents
the amount of surplussago of arsenic
loft after death had resulted by ab-
oorption ef the poison ,
Judge Weaver charged that the
jury mutt , in cases where the evidence
was wholly circumstantial , bo satisfied
beyond a reasonable doubt of the
guilt or innocence of the accused ba-
fore they could bring in a verdict of
guilty or acquit. The jury , consider
ing that there might bo conspiracy be
tween the wife of Johnson nnd Andor-
aon , the accused , who might bo impli
cated , ohoso to acquit rather than in
flict the death penalty , but would
have agreed to manslaughter had the
ntatato boon other rriso than impera
tive. In this , our code should bo
amended , In this ciuo a ghastly mur
der was conceded and it lies between
Anderson and Mrs. Johnson and may
include both is the verdict of public
II opinion. Bagloy A Be mis ably man-
ugod fer the defense. District Attor
ney Morris , for the state , showed a
culture in chemistry ana pathology
that would be a grace to a college pro
fessor. '
Throe boys \jndor seventeen were
aentonced to the penitentiary for throe
years each for horse stealing ,
A Konovatlng xtemody
Is to bo found in Buunoo BLOOD
BiTTKUfl , As an antidote or sick
hoadoaho , female weakness , Milieus-
ness , indigestion , constipation , and
other diseases cf a kindred nature ,
those bitters are invaluable. Price ,
91.00. inlSdlw
"OUR 'JIM. "
The AJax of Adama Who Imagines Ho
Control * Everything.
H , Neb. , May 19 ,
To the Editor of Tin DH.
I see by your paper that the rail
road lobby put their foot into it , us it
wore. I have a few words to say iu
regard to political influences , which I
would be glad to have you publish.
Aoyou well know our "Jim" ( James
Laird ) was a candidate for United
States senator at our last legislature.
Well , ho did not got there , nor did ho
expect to , But he did this much :
Ho tried to create the impression that
he controlled the politic ) of this
county and district by having a few
members vote for him , with the vie' '
of keeping them Irom some othc
man who was not a railroad mar
Which ho did. Then ho goes t
Messrs. Paddock , Dundy , Weave
and Van Wyck and says , "I have fiv
Totes which I can throw wherever
wish. If you will atfroo to give m
the naming of the appointees for th
different positions in the uouthwcstor
part of the Btato , so I can further m
chances for congress from thai sec
tion , I will throw them over to you.
But they each refused until ho cam
to Van Wjck , the "aiill-monopol
senator , " who at once agreed to th
Now the Hon. ( ? ) "Jim" is aup
gosling to the " .inti-railrond senator
who should bo appointed postmastc
at this place and others , nnd th
route agents over the Ii. & M. , N
they don t want a man to run on thoi
road unless ho ia A Lnird man an
will use his influence to got hu
elected to congress.
Wo have a good postmaster , it is no
him wo are complaining of but _ i
Is the man who was instrumental i
having him put there , for Van Wycl
said , "If you will get Jim Lsird t
recommend any other man I will so
that ho is appointed. "
How docs that Bound coming fron
a U. S. senator , nnd an "anti-monop
olist at that ! "
A young man hero , ono of the bes
of our city , sent in an npplicatioi
with the best of references , for routi
agent. Senator Van Wyck sent thi
application back to "Jim" and askoc
if ho should approve and send it ti
the president. The Hon. ( ? ) Jamoi
wrote across the face of it "Not by i
Dam sight , " simply bccaus ho did no
think ho could control hia vote nnc
Now , Mr. Editor , don't you thini
we ought to go in heart and hand foi
this man for congressman from thic
part of the atato ?
Ho is attorney for the B. & M. II.
U. , to bosuro , but that will only give
him prestige you know , and of course
! io would legislate for cheap
freights and equal taxation ,
not have the railroad bed taxed § 10-
)00 ) per milo and the company pay
rhoir taxes on it , while wagon roads
ire taxed with the farms adjoining ,
md the farmer , who is making money
land over fist , pays hii taxes without
'eeling ill Why not have the railroad
, axed with the land adjoining as the
'armor gota the bcnctib of the roadt
Dh , yes ! wo think ho is just tha man
TO want to stay at homo and dele
mt free passes to secure votes , for we
lo not know how some mon , near
ibout hero , would got -along if our
Geames" was to bo taken away from
is. '
But , Mr. Editor , I guoBB wo will
lot lose much sloop over this matter ,
s ho lias fivlod the last two years to
; ot to bo a delegate to the atato con-
ontion ( ot which ho ia so fond ) from
his county , except when ho could buy
, proxy. Ho cannot carry this coun-
y for road supervisor , Iqt alone con-
rcsa. But ho is trying hard to make
ho poopln think ho is "Lord of all , "
iut he has thus far failed most ulgnal-
y , and it is the hopes of your corros-
londent and a host of others that this
nan will bo shown up to the public in
lis true light. > Ypu may h.oar from
no again , for "tho halt has not been
Yours , fraternally ,
Ho May Wall Bo Joyful.
TorEKA , Kan. , May 12fcl881.
H. H. WABKBR & Co. : Sirs After
linotoon years of unmitigated sufi'or-
: ) g from chronic kidney disease I iin-
lly found joyful restoration to health
n your Safe Kidney and Liver iCuro.
d22-lw D. B. OWENS.
M rder Triul at Ord.
! orrotp nieniB of The Hco.
Oun , VALLEY Co , , Nob. , May 17
Hie trial of Niels Godtfriedson for
cilling ono Hani C. Thuosan on May
I ! ) , 1881 , was begun on Monday lost
> y commencing the ompannollng of a
ury , which lasted until the following
loon , as it was almost impossible to
ind men who did not know about it.
Sixty-seven intn were called , before
he desired twelve could bo procured.
Pha ovidonoo waa short , both upon
; ho part of the atato and of the do-
ondout. Last evening at 9:30 : the do-
onso rested , and the state then occu-
Ued about twenty minutes on rebut-
al , when the court adjourned to tnis
norniug at 8 o'clock. By-stnndors
eom to think the ovidonoo about
egftlly bftlanood. You will hoar from
uo again upon the return cf n verdict
* *
The grnndont triumph over achieved
> y nny modioino hna been achieved by
it. Jacobs Oil , the ouQ'oror'a friend.
for u Moating to Organlzo n Btato
Anti-Monopoly Loaguo.
Wo , the undersigned citizens of
uniuto , Adams county , Nebraska ,
aver the organization of a state
, nti-mpnopoly loaguu , ' and hereby
.uthorizo . the use of our namea for a
all for a mooting to bo hold in Liu-
oln for that purpose :
V B Ouahing S L Picard
j B Partridge A N Cole
3 N Crane James Newell
IW | Livoringhouso A P Black
iMooro BP Hilton
I U Nolan ' Goo Walker
I H Unrtlo E E Adam
JTwidnlo WE Wilson
V L Kilburn F M Anderson
Y P Norris John T Hill
YHBurr WDBolding
j B Thorno Gee T Brown
3 A Antrom B L Urass
: ilNowoll WGBealo
Y D Sowoll A H Brown
511 Clark G S Guild
5 F Walker E M Allen
J 0 Angoll Goo W Carter
YAckley EW Morse
. M Tapper A Borden
. ' ' W Eighmy N M Lloyd
II FJeeman Will H Paine
3 F Hogg
The meeting for the formation of a
tate league will be held at the Acad-
nny of Musio in Lincoln on Wcdncs-
lay , Junu 21. 1882.
Frank liardal , North llounott street ,
lulfalu , wtya ; "Ilm\etricJ your Sprim , '
lloosom us a family medicine , and have
ever come aero a auythlng to do so uiucli
ouci In eo abort a time iu cases of ind- !
eetlon , dyjpejula and deraugsiujnt of the
; oinacb ; I etronyly recommend It. 1'rico
) centi ; trial bottles 10 ctnta. m23dlw
018 Furnhum , bet. Oth and 10th Gtreets ,
Joe copy 1 yf r. In a < lvtncepo ( tpald$10 ) ,
1 months , " " B.I
month " " - B.i
CABD ( .IIICAOO , ( ii. not , uintiiiroua AJ
Ltf.70 Omaha Paiwenccr No. 2 , A
mtrmlatlon Ho , 4 , l.-O ip.m
AMtveOiniha PftwonEcr No , 1 , JJO : p. i
nt c v J.v.'on No. 8,10W : n. m.
\ , D. It. 1.1. 7 : < 0 a. ra. 8:40 : p. ra.
? . ft N. W. . 7:10 a. tn. 3:10 : p. m.
. ' . . K. I. & I' . , 7:40 a. m. S:40 p. ra.
. CGt ! , J. & C. > fivoi it ESO a. m. and 7 :
a. , Arrlvej nt 8 I Loulaat 0:30 : t. m. and 5:1
ni.W. , 01. ! . . & P. , lofivo * at 8 ft. tn. and 8:40 :
Airltcn a bt. Louis at 8:40 : a. m. and 7:1 :
WMT OB aocrnwaara.
8. Ei H. In Neh. , Through Express , BiSO a. t
H , A V. Lincoln Kxprena 0:20 : p. m.
0 1' , ( norland Erprcon , 1Z:1S : p. ra.
0. h It. T. ( or Lincoln , 11:45 : ft. m.
0. Iz It V. for Oacola , 9.40 a. m.
U. P frdpht No. 6 , fcWo , m.
U. P r r ltlit No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. .
0 , I' , trilpht No. 13 , SWp. m.
U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. mlgr nt.
„ , P. Denver imiroxe. 7:36 : p. tn.
W. P. fftlrht Nn 11 , 11:30 : p. m.
rj , P. Uenvcr freight , 8:25 : p. m.
0 B. tt Q 6:00 : a. m. 7:26 p m.
C. ft M. V. , DMG . m. 7:25 : p. m.
0. H. I. fcP.,0:45a. : m. 9:05p : , m.
A. 0. , St. Joe & 0 U. , TM * . m. 0ltp. : t
AABiciufi neil nis irra AND sourmrur.
0. b It. V , from Lincoln 1.08 p. m.
U. I' . I'nclflo Eipr M 8:26 : p , m ,
Bft II. In Nob. , Through Express ( ill p B
n. tt M. Lincoln Kxprow B < 6 a in.
U. P. I'cmcr oxproM , 7S6 a. m.
U. P. Freight No. 11 2.60 p. m.
U. P. Ko. C 6:10 : a. m. Kmlg Mil
D. P. freight Mo. 14,12:15 : p. m.
0. P. No , 8 0.00 p. m.
U. P. No. 12 1)5 : ) a. m.
D. P. Denver frtlcbt , 1:10 a. m ,
0. A It. V. tnlxo.1 , * r. 4:45 p , tn.
LO TO OmuhA tt 8:00 , 9:00 : , 10:00 : And 11:0 :
ra. ; 1-0 ? .00 , 8.00 , 4 00 and 6:00 : p. in.
Lo ro Council Blufls at S:2fi : , C:2C : , 10,25 In
: a. m. ; HIE , 2:25 , 8:26,4:25 : and 6:26 : p. tn
Bui'djn The dummy loaves Omaha at 9:0
incl 11:00 a , m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : anil 6:00 p. m. Lonvo
Oanncll Bluils at ( t5 ; anil 11:26 a. m. ; 3:85 , 4:2
ind 65 p. m.
Throufthnnd local pwmoneor trains betwcci
Omtli * and Council UluflB. Learo Omaha 6:16 :
8:60 : a. m. ; 840 , 6:45 , 0:00 : p. m. Arrlv
hA 7:40,11:35,11:46 : : : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 , 7:11 !
p. tn
Opening and doting of Mf lit.
fcOUT * . OrCK. OLOBI.
a , tn. p. m. a. m. p. m
la jo4N. W 11.00 0:00 : 6:80 : :4 !
JhkiKO , U I. & I'oclflc.11:00 O.-OO 6:30 :4I :
; MUKO , B. ft Q. . . . .11:00 s.-oo 6 0 2:41
Vatuh 12CO : 6SO 2:41 :
lonx City and faciac. . . 9.00 6:80 2:41 :
Jnlon PaclBo 4:00 : 11:40
) mthitU. V 4 0 11:40 :
i.ail. InKeb 1:00 8:10 :
( DiAhaft Sioux City. . . . 6.00 7BO
! , A Jl. Lincoln 10:30 8 : < X
i , P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1EO 11:00 :
; . P. DanvorKxp 9:00 fl:8 : (
> . , BlonxCity&St. P. . . 11:00 S:4C :
I/ocal malln for HUto ol Iowa leave but once i
-ij , viz : 0:20 : a , m. ,
Offlc open Oundayi from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
oa. hTovi- - 'ranvoi .u > .
i' " ( V IIouKcl.ifi'cr firln ihcvnnt o-
.D. i iti ih t viI ton ! : the daily looil
u ! it 'out tin1 wcrcc 11 \ client. iluM , litter
ml iii-lii. " ) of u roul ( i ? vnid t-tovi1. Clifl
.Icjuwr Cil f.tcvo Till do it , l > ctur ,
[ Uicix-r antl cheaper than by any olhci
ic.ina. It ia the only Oil S'tflVO made
, -ith the oil roaorvoir c Jjvatod nt the
inck of the stove , uwny fioiu the heat ; by
rhich arrangement ataolutO Bttfoty IE
ecurcd ; as no gas can be generated , full ;
10 per cent more heat is obtained , the
Ticks arc preserved twice ns long , thui
laving the trouble of constant trimming
ind the cxpenno of new ones. Examine
; bO Monitor and you will huy no othur
Manufactured only by tlio
Monitor Oil Steve Co. , Cleveland , 0
Send for dcflprintivofirRiilnr " ' "ill
It from 1.10 of a n Inch to
rldth In the coarsest felts ot finest si k )
It does all kinds and styles ot j laltlng In use.
No lady that does her own dress-maklm ; can
.tford to do without one as nlco phltlnc It
icvcrout of fashion , If seen It sells Itmtf. Foi
Jscblnss , Circulars or Agent's terms address
'I' Allan Ht , Ohtcacn
Sfetoaska National
( No. 2CC5. )
ORlte of Counaon-mi or TDK CURRK.VCI , >
WJHIMKUIOS , April 2 th 1882. j
WiiBRSia , liy natUfactory eyldenrti iircsentod
to the under * irneU , It Mi been made to appear
) MAHA , " In the c ty of Omaba , In the county of
Douglas , and Mate ol Nebraska , has compiled
with all the provisions of the Itevlird Statues of
; he United bUtes required ta be compiled with
jefoio an a&ioclatlen shall be authorised to com-
nence the butluess e ( lUnlilne :
Now , therefore , I. John J y K oxComptroller
if the Utirrcncy , do htreby rertlfi- that "The
Nebraska National Dank of Omaha , " In thecliy
5f Omuha , In the cnintyot Douglas , and stole
if hsbratka , la authorlz.d to commence the
miluoss of lianklnv-ai uro\ldod In BoctUii Fifty
) ne Hundred aud Sixty-Nine of the I'.etlicd
itatutenof tbu United States.
In testimony \vhercof wltnow my
1 ) h ndandfeMot olllco this ! &th
I fallAU } dsyof April 1 S8.
Comptroller of tha Ourroncy.
The abote Bank Is now prepared to rerelv e
liuslntu Itcomuieuieswith a fully pad up
capital of S250.00J.OO , with olllceruapil illuH > 'or
is follows !
i. It. JOHNSON , I'iriiU'M. if * t < tl- , John
son A , UVli iKvAlo inoixci
\ . E. TOU/JALIN. Via l'nrsiui , T , ol C. 1) ) . ft Q.
II. H. , lloston.
V.V. MOU8Bof . V. Uorv > end Co , , Whole.
wtle IlootaandBhous.
( NO , 8. COLLIN8 , of 0. H. & J. S. Collins ,
Wholesale Leather and S Udlcry.
IAUES M. Woo'Borih ' , Counsellor and Attoruey
at Latr.
, EW13 8. llEbl ) , of Dyron Ilcod A. 03. . Real
Bitato Ilotleia
1ENRY W. VATEd. Ca < hlcr , lat Cathlor ot ths
Klr.t National Hank of Omaha , and
connected with the aitho in
incut of that Bank VLC ! Us - . „
lutlou In 1&C3 ,
Troacborou *
Vrittea by bMlFE ) ? I
ut only life authorized by her , and which vrlll
ot be a "Blood and Thunder" story , such as has
eon and will bo published , but a true Ufa by
tie only ntrson who Is la po e tUn of the ( lets
-a Ul hful and devoted wife. Tinth It more
itertttmir tbaq fiction. Airents should apply
r territory at one. Bind 76 cts. for 0 m.
' * Booili J < H > Obnml er & Co ,
ms owl-tw-eow St. Iiouli , Mo.
Nourulgia , Schtica , Lumbago ,
Gactknche , Soreress of the CAosi
Gout , Quinsy , Scro Throat , Swell
ings and Sprains , Burns and
Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
fooih , Ear and Headache , frosta
Feat and Ears , and all oihor
Pains and Ache * .
Vt PrfpsroMon en e 'th < jail ST , JACOBS Ol
ta a mff.mtrr , tliiiftn aud cheap Eiterai
a m dy. A trial rnUli but the coinptretlrrl
tiWInp ontlay of GO Celts , and r < ry out oaCe
IAJ with { * lh can hurt ehetp sad ( xxlUTS * r *
ef III claims. Vs.
Directions In Eltien I ntn ( s # - ' (
( Saoaosior to D. T. Mount )
Manufalurerand Dea'er in
Saddles , Harness , Whips
Holies , Dusters and Turf Good ;
Agent to : Jas. R. Hill , tc Co.'s
" The Best in The World , "
Orden Eollcttedu OMAHA. NEB
Among the modldnal means of arresting
loatcUer'n Stomach bitten utandi pro cnilnenl
t checks the further progress of all dlsorderH o
he stomach , liter and bowels , rerltcathe vita
tamlna , prd > entoandro > redle chills and feiei
ncrcascs the acth Ity of the kidneys , counteracU i
ondency to rheumatism , and In a genuine tta.
ud solace to agtxl , InQrm and ncr > OIIH persons.
Forale by all drugKlsts and dealers Kenerally
_ _ al to ml
1'resldenl. Vlco I'ros't.
W. 8. Umsuin , Bee. and Treas.
Lincoln , Neb.
Oorn Planters , Herrows , F rm Rollers ,
ulk Hay Rakes , Ducket Elevntliic Wlnu
We are prepared to do Job work and manul
urlrjr for other parties.
Addres all orders
Lmcoui Nun _
Genius Bewarded ;
OR ,
Che Story of the Sowing Machine ,
A handsome little pamphlet , blue and cole' '
010 with numerous engraTtngs , will bo
o any auult ptnin calling for It , at any branch
r sub-ottlceof The Singer MauufacturmiCom-
uvny , or will be sent by mall , poet paid , tc
JIT perwn llvlui ; at a distance from our offices.
The Singer Manufacturing Oo , ,
Ollioe , U-i Union
( cMS ilAw
D , . K.
I speiins for Ilyttcrla , Uludnces , Conruliloua.
ervous Headache , McnUl Depression , Losool
! cmorytipernutorrboca , Iroixit uy , lnoluuUrj
julwloui , Premature Old Ago , caused by o\er-
xertlon self-abuse . which
, - , or OTcr-indulgcnco.
uads to misery , decay and death. One box 111
ura recent canoj , m h box coutatnionomonth'i
roatment , One dollar a box , or six boxes foi
vo dollars ; tent by mall prepaid on receipt ol
rice. We guarantee elx boit * to cure any case ,
Vlth each order received by us for six boxes , ac <
mipanlcU with five dolUrs , will end the pur-
laser our written guarautco to rcturu the
noney If the treatment does not effect a euro.
0. f , Goodman , UrusrgUt , Bole , Wholesale and
cful Agent , Omaha , Neb , Orders by mail al
cUIUptlcA. dbwlr
Forty yiu a * trim BU proveu "BLAOK-
' the brad liver inediciiw IP
Mrs J. O. Ilolicrtasn , nttslmrr. r , writes : '
M sudcrlnff from Kcnoral dcblmr , want o [ ni
petite , constipation , etc. , so that llfo asn bu
den ; after xislnjr Ilurdock ISIood Bitters I felt lie
tcr than for jcars. I cannot praise jour Blttei
too inuth. "
It. dlbbi. of nuffolo , N. Y. , writes : 'Tot
Ilurdock lilci Hitters , In chronic diseases of tli
blood , Ihcr a.j kldnejs , Imxa been elgnnll
marked with success. llia o n ol them insc
with beat result * , for torpidity of tholhcr , and I
conoot a friend of tnlno uutfcrlnit from drops ;
the effect was man clous. "
UnicoTurner , Rochester , N. V./wrltc1 ! ha\
been subject to serious disorder of the KUlticj
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Illoo
Bitters relieved mo before hill nbotllo wasusci
I feel confident that they will entirely cure rno. "
> Ascntth Hall , ninghampton , N , Y. , nrltci
"I Buffered Ith dull pain thrsujrh my el
lun a and shoulder. Lostmj spirits , nppcttl
and color , and could lth dllliculty Keep up a
day. Took j our Burdock Blood Bitters ns d
reeled , and 1m o felt no pain sluco first wreck a
tcr uslns ; them , "
Mr. No h Bates , Elralra , N. Y. . writes : "Abou
four years ago I had an attack of bilious focr. . an
never fully recovered. My dljcstho orpan
cro vcakcncd , and I would bo completely proi
tratcd fordajs. After uslnfftwo bottles of jou
Uurdock Blood Blttors the Improvement was 8
vlelbla that I nan astonished. 1 cannow , thoug
61 years of ago , do a fair and reasonable day' '
work ,
C. Bhckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canad
? reabj tcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For j cat
I suffered frreatly ( mm ott-rccurrlni ; headache ,
used } our Burdock Blood Blttors with hanplcc
resulta , and I now Hnd rnvtclf In better healt
than for } ears past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ! ha\
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bll
lous headaches , and cnn recommend tt to an } on
requiring a curs for bllllousness. '
Mrs. Ira llullnolland , Albany , K. Y , wrltci
'For sexcral years I hate suffered from oft-rccui
rinir blllioua headaches , dyspepsia , and com
ilalnts peculiar to my sex. Slnco ualnir you
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely rcllcujd. "
Price. 81.OO cei Bottln ; Trial Dottlct 10 CtJ
FOSTEE , MILBUEH , & Oo , , Pi'ops
Sold at wholesale ; by lab & McMohon and 0. F
loodman. Jo 27 eod-mo
r m&n of lev N
rnrd by tbc rtnUn ot trr > tMJnpO'rnilil- [
TOUf itOtlM TOld nleht wort , to re
Vlinulanlnnnd IMS H torubrntnnerYenai/
Hop Bit" t wi t , use Hop B.
I snlTcrinff from HIT It.
Jlncretlon or dlAlp& | j tlon ; If you art rnar-
riid or Bl clo , old or
po halth or LajRuI Blntc on B bva cf cicv
DCXJ , rely on Ho 1 Blttore.
WhooTor yon arc. . ThcnMntu ou iu > -
icol I tiaallTfrom come
h ai > ver jou
I bat Tour > 7 > tem J form of u : o n o i
* e tliat mlflrb t
ueeds eleuurtnp. ton-1 '
Ins or KUmnUtlng ,
wlthooi < xoa" ' I by timely ti or
CnUe Hop HcpB'.tterc
O. I. O
L > an bscln ( *
plain , , dlseoBe und Irreslrt * .
nt th" ttoinac/i ,
HOP bio o a r e 101
Ei irrfk , blood , dniDbonnem.
( Herornervuf aaa of opium ,
You will t > tcbuoao , of
uarodlf JOUMBC narcotics.
Hop Bitter *
If you are lim BoldbrilrnK
few ply weak ulrltcdtry Jind NEVER Circulur.
it i It may nOPBITTZU
FAIL vra con
life. It has
Buved hun n cUe l r. B T
dred u.
Dlecaso Is an ( fleet , not cause. Its origin I <
within ; Us manifestations without , iience , tc
ure the disease the CAruamuflt ba temoted , and
n no other way can a cure erer t e effected.
It realizes lhat
95 Per Cent.
fall diseases arize from deranged Kidneys and
or , and It strikes at ones at the root of the
Ifllculty. The dementi of which It If rompoeed
ct directly npon these vreat organs , both us a
ODD nid KKMTORRR , and , by placlDj ; them In a
calthy , condition , drive dUeaso aud p.Mn from
For the Innumerable troub'cs cauied by un-
icaltby ) Udnoj , Llvc-r and Urinary Organs ; for
he dutrcislDir VUordersof Women ; for Malaria ,
IK ) physic * ! dcrangcmrntt Kcnorally , this great
emtdyhai no equal , Btwaro of Impostors , Im-
atlODB and cjncoctlonasilrt tn be ] mt as Rood.
Tor sale by al ll dealers.
K. H. WARNER & CO. .
mo _ Roohfutor It , Y
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J , B. Simpson'e Specific
It U a positive cure for HporoiAtoirnea , 5omln *
t intyw. ImiMtancy , and all iliseaaca resulting
ioru Holf.Abusd , is Mfiitil Anilcty , LOMI
cniori. Pal I'd In tbo liack or SUt , and dldeasei
* ' - " - - - - that lead to
Intanlty an ,
The Specific
Modltlne Is
being nsod
with wonder *
Inl oucceus.
ll par *
1'itcn , fliwlflc , 81.00 per pjci j ; , or * U pack.
iges for w.OO. AddrcM all orders to
Kos. 104 and lufl Main tit. Uuffulo , N. T.
Sol'l In Omaha , by U. V. Goodinin , J. W. lloU ,
.K. Isb , and nil droxiflitsoveiywhore.
us MARK ? o > * TU &n
edy. Auuu *
falling cure
i for Hemlnal
Weakness ,
6 per mat or-
rhea , Irapot'
ency , anu all
Ubaueethaf *
follow ( LI &
olf-Abuw ; as Ixxa of Memory , Universal Lass ! .
ude , Fain tn the Uack , Uimuesa of VUlon , fro *
atura Old Age , and many other Diseases that
ead to Insanity or Consumption and a From-
ffTull particular * in our pamohlet , which
e desire to send frco I r mall to every one.
tSTTtia Bpoclflo ilcdlclao Is told by all druggists
t 01 per package , or Opack yo for 85 , or will
w > s nt free by mall on reel nt of the money , by
iddroailn ; TIJKQ1LA JEDICINE CO. ,
BoOalo , N. V.
ItUnk mcmlxrshlp roks for the antl monpoly
pftgue , containing statement of principle unt
ied * of precedur * and itstruetlonshow to org n-
, will be sent 01 application to Q. II. Calf ,
iflioy , Neb. Eaclosit stamp. wl ( U
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Pock & Baushers Lard , anfl Wilbor Milla Flonr ,
, - - -
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
_ 1304 Farnliam St. Omaha Neb. _
1213 Farnham St. . Ornaha , Nfib.
On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , S lt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
1118 . - -
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly ! Complete
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
STear Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA NEB
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRANG2QQ FQ " St. . Omaha
Wholesale Lumber ,
Uo , 1408 Farnliam Street , Dmalia , Neb ,