Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1882, Image 1

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Liberal Distribution of Railroad
Passes Among Friendly
Fellows ,
In Which Oarns Performed the
Part of Paateboard
Thurston Dotaild His Conneo
tion With tha Bribery
Oaso ,
And Foofcly Fortifies the Political
Fortnnoi of HI * Bwiom
Klmball Relates How Ha Spumed
the Offer Life Was Too
Short , You Know.
Special Correspondence ot Tin tut.
LINCOLN , May 22. The unexpected
ndjournmont over to this week was
brought about by two * causes. The
two investigating committees had nol
brought in their testimony by Satur
day noon , and in the sonata the ad
herents of the Slocumb apportionment
bill found themselves , through the ab
scnco of Myors , just one vote short o !
a majority , and they adjourned sooner
than have the bill come up for pas
sage and got defeated.
Q , What is your place1 of residence'
A. Omaha.
Q. What is your profession ! A.
Attorney ; I am assistant attorney for
the Union Pacific.
| ( Q. How long have you held thai
position ? A. Five years ,
Q. Do you know Mr. Carnal A.
Yes , sir.
Q. Were you present last winter
during the session ? A. Yes , air , 1
was.Q. . Where did you boardl A. At
the Commercial hotel.
Q. Do you know where Cams
boarded ? A. Ho was at the same
Q. Whore did Robberts board ? A.
My impresaion ia that he was there
also ,
Q. Do you know Church Howel
A. Yes , air.
Q , Where did he stop ! A. At the
same place.
Q. Was ho on the same floor with
you ? A. Yes , sir ; nearly opposite to
my room.
Q. Did you have any conversa
, , „ , , . tion with Mr. Cams .at .tho last iSea.
aion of the legislature , in which you
authorized him in. any way to influ
ence Mr. Robberta' vote ? A. I never
had any such conversation with Mr.
Cams. I never authorized him to
offer money to anyone.
Q. Did you know that ho had made
a proposition of that kind to Rob
beries ? A. No sir.
Q. Did Cams have any authority to
make such an offer from anybody ?
A. Not to my knowledge. Ho cer
tainly had none from mo.
Q What did occur bet ween you and
Mr. Cams ? A. I with to state before
going further that I never had any
conversation with Mr. Robborts , and
have never talked with him on rail
road matters. All that I know about
this transaction ia that some two or
three conversations were had by mo
with Mn Cams. I can't give th details -
tails , but can give the substance there
of. Some time , after the appointment
of the committees , perhaps a week ,
Mr. Oarns came to my room and said
that he had something to tell ran that
would surprise me. I asked him what
it waa , and ho said : "What do you
think ? Jake Robberta wanta $5,000
for his influence aa chairman of the
railroad committee. " Ho said that
Mr. Robberts had an interview with
him , and stated that ho was there on
expense ; that he had a family to take
care of and was poor , and that if the
U. P. wanted to prevent unfat arable
legislation he could do them a great
deal of harm , unless they did some
thing for him. Robborta had asked
him to come to me and toll mo what
ho wanted. Ho told Robberts that
ho wouldn't bring the message , and
told him to bring it himself. Mr.
Cams said to me : ' 'John , I simply
bring this w rd from Robberts ; I am
much surprised at it. I wash my
hands of the whole business , I
thought it right that you should
know what Robborts eaid. "
I told him , in substance , that it
was somewhat remarkable , both in the
demand and the amount. I had no
money to give any man. I said I
couldn't ' help what Robborts might
do. Some time thereafter , perhaps a
week later , Cams came to mo again ,
/ and said that ho was unwilling to
come , but that Robborts sent him ;
that Robborts was friendly on Sena
torial matters , and ho said that Rob-
borts had told him that he didn't believe -
liovo that I had told Mr , Kiraball
what ho wanted ; that wo didn't appre
ciate the importance of his position
towards us ; that Whedon would have
got $10,000 if he hold the place , and
that ho was worth half aa much. Ho
wanted the thing settled at once , I
told Oarns that there wasn't any use
of my going to Mr. Kimball ; that if
Robborta wished to come in and fight a1
the railroads , all right. I afterward
saw Mr , Kimball at Omaha , and told
him that Robborts wanted $5,000 and
was threatening to harm us if ho did
not get it , Mr , Kimball asked me if
Robberts had come to me with such a
demand , I said no , but that Mr.
Cams had brought it. Mr. Kimball
said , "You know that wo have no
money to buy members of the legisla
ture with , and can't bo blackmailed
out of a cent. " I then told Cams
that it would bo well for Robborts to
act conservatively with the railroads ,
after what had occurred.
Q. You think there was a week be
tween the two oonvonationa you had
with Corns ? A. Yes , sir , about a
week , as near as I can fix It.
Q. Did you Ulk with Robb&rta on
this subject at Omaha ] A. I had a
talk with him nt my oflioo.
Q. Did you go to see him , or did he
call on you ? . A. Ho came to m ;
Q. Who else was there ? A. Mr
Q. Did you talk to Robbortn whil
Oarna wa present ? A. A very few
worda. I said , "Robborts , I heart
something that susprised mo vor ;
much about you , I hoar that you havi
made an affidavit that Cams offeree
$5,000 and that I authorized it. " He
kaid , "Norr John , I'll ' talk that over
with you , but not while Cams is pres
ent. " Wo then wont into another
room and wo had some considerable
conversation. I told him that I die
nut know whether ho had made any
affidavit , but I was anxious to see him
for I did not believe ho had over made
any such affidavit. Ho said , "Look
hero , John ; whatever affidavit I have
made will not hurt you in Butler
county or anywhere else. " I said ]
did not like-to have affidavits shown
around the county with my name in
them , He said , "It wont hurt you.
It was made to show to some of my
rjonda. " Robborta said that the
affidavit was made at the time when
Cams' friends in Butler county were
circulating icports on him , and ho
made the affidavit to satisfy his friends
that ho was all straight. "It will
never hurt you John , anywhere. " 1
then talked with him about Mr.
Q. How was the interview brought
about ? A. It was at my ra { uest. ]
had hoard of this affidavit from two
or three parties. ( Mr. Thurston then
related a conversation between him
self and Cams in which the latter
showed him b letter from Reynolds
threatening exposure in case ho didn'l
settle with him.
Q. Was Cams friendly to ths rail
roadj ? A , Yea , sir , ho was.
Q. Had hojatiy official connection
with the railroad during the session'
A. Not thwt I am aware of.
Q. Did hogivoRobbertsanycncour
agoment that' the railroads would buy
him up ? A. No ; Mr. Cams said to
me , "lonly bring to you what Rob-
boi ti said because I am asked to do it. "
Q. Did ho state that as a matter of
policy it would bo better to pay him
anything at ali ) A. No , eir ; I think
pprhapi I said that he waa an almighty
high priced man.
Q Was that the special objection
you made , that ho waa so high priced ?
A. No , air ; that waa my first impulse
only ,
Q. Did you sugeest to Mr. Ireland
to telegraph to Rjbbertt ? A. We
were talking about the matter when
Ireland cirno in and I said that I
didn't believe Jake had ever made
any auch affidavit and that I hoped
that Is it was in existence the legisla
ture would have a special eotaion and
have "itinvestigated. . Imlcnd said- '
"Why don't'jou telegraph to him ! "
I said that if wo * wrote or telegraphed
to him about this matter ho would go
right to Reynolds and toll him about
it if there waa anything between them.
Ireland then said , "I'll telegraph
him. "
Q. Did he suggest this to you or
you to him ? A , I suggested this to
Q. Was it the intention to have
trim come there and have him explain ,
3r did you h vo the idea of attempt
ing to induce him to drop the fight ?
A. I desired to know in the first place
whether I had made any affidavit , and
why ho had used my name in connec
tion with it.
Q You don't think Mr Cams had
any authority to purchase votes ? A.
[ know nothing about it ; he had none
o my knowledge.
Q Was ho authorized to extend
any favors in any way , for the road ?
A. Sometimes ho asked mo for passes
'or different parties.
Q Was there anything like the
jiymont of bills that Cams was au-
horinod to make ? A. Not that I
mow of.
Q , What is the fact then regarding
ho expense of members being paid by
railroad companies ? A. I know of
lone personally ; probably I paid the
room ren t of my room mate , Mr.
vyner ; but if so ho paid his own
board bills.
Q Was the propriety of giving
Ur. Robborts $5,000 over discussed
> y you , or the other railroad officials ?
A. Not to my knowledge.
By Roberts : Q , I n't it a fact that
Jirra left the room whore you and I
were talking that morning ? A. I
'UPE * you are right about that ,
Q. You remember that Cams and I
eft tot'pthoi ? A. Yea , I do.
Q Whom did you see with Cams
hat Saturday and Sunday ? A. I
lon't know that I saw anybody , unless
t witti Ireland ,
Q. Do you know whether they
owned together at the hotel ? A. I
lon't know how that was.
Q Did you eend Air. Hall to the
lotol for mo ? A. I did ; I wanted to
ee you.
By Girna : Q. Aftnryou had had
your cjnvcrsalion , I came in and
glkcd ( o Robbcrts didn't I ? . A. Yen.
Q Did you not say that there
wasn't xnything in that affidavit that
would hurt mo ? A. I don't remember
he language. Robberts said to me
hut'thu affidavit would never hurt
Mr. Kimball testified as follows :
Q , Wiiera do you reside and what
s your oilichl business ? A. I reside
; Omaha arid am in the railroad busi-
ices.Q , Do you know Cams and Thurs-
on ? A. Yes , sir.
Q Did you have any conversation
wl h Thurston during the last session
of the legislature concerning Rob.
jerta ? A , Yea sir ; Thuraton came to
my office on his return from Lincoln ,
and said Robberts wanted (5,000 ,
ind by implied threats said wo should
jo punished if he didn't got it. Ho
hen told mo all ho knew about
t. I asked him whether Mr. Rob-
lerta had personally made each a de
mand. Ho said tkat ho didn't ; "Mr.
llobborts insisted that I should bring
t to you. " I told him that wo didn't
propose to buy any member of tin
legislature , and Mr. Robbatts migh
do js ho pleased.
Q. Did ho stnto to you at that tirai
in aubstanco as to what Mr , Oarn
said to him , and how ho conduclcc
himself ) A. I undoretood that Cams
was simply bearing a message between
Robborts and ThunCou
Q. Do you know of any money
being placed in Thuraton'a hands to
influence matters at the session ? No
sir ; there was no money used.
Q Did you ever converse with
Robborts ? A Novur.
Q. Did you understand that Cams
acted as agent for Robborta ? A. No
sir. I got the impression that it was
a reluctant matter onMr. . Cams' part ,
The following resolution , which was
introduced in the house Saturday by
Mr. Cautlin , of Dodge county , anc
was laid on the'table by a close vote ,
37 to 33 :
Whereas , The educational interests
of our yonngand growing state should
ever bo hem sacred ; and
Whereas , The action of Regonta Fi-
field , Persingur and Carson ( the latter
since resigned ) , taken during the ab
sence nf Regents Gannett and Pow
ore , in removing Professors Church ,
Emerson and Woodborry from our
State University , ia unbecoming , im
politic , and establishing a bad proca
dent ; therefore bo it
Resolved , That wo , as the people's
representatives of the state of Ne
braska , do hereby condemn the course
taken by said regents , inoarruch aa
they did not remove the entire profes
sorship , including the chancellor , and
that the roeignation of said regonta
would bo acceptable to the tax-payers
of the state at largo.
Several of the members , in explain
ing their votes on this resolution ,
stated that if it had boon introduced
earlier in the session they would have
v.itod for it. The narrow majority by
which the motion to table was car
ried gave all the moral effect that
would have been secured by its pas
It is said that Gage county is in
turmoil over the stand taken by
Senator Castle on the apportionment
bill , and that his visit home yesterday
was not altogether an agreeable ono.
If enough pressure can thus be
brought to bear upon him tu over
balance the governor'a influence the
bill will go by the board. ABO us. .
Special to Ten BU.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Hay 22. The senate -
ate to-day passed the Slocumb appor-
tiocment bill by a vote of seventeen
; o twelve , Graham going over to the
The honae ordered the printing of
the testimony in the Robberts inves
'tlgallori "else'but ; teri'likeljr-Jfni ad
journ to-morrow without waiting to
consider it.
It Is reported hero that Gero was
offered the regency some tfmo since
and still has it under consideration.
Who Fall In a Box at Plattamouth.
Special Dispatch to TUB BBE. a
PLATTSWOUTII , May 22. Four decors -
ors from Omaha came here to-day on
ho invitation of a , "so called , Dr ,
3oggo , to prove wo had no small pox.
Our sheriff and board of health cor
ralled them at the post house , where
hey had gene without permission
and they had to beg hard to got re-
eased. They concluded that they
were doing wrong and that wo had
small pox. The bcya are having lota
of fun over it. VJSKITAI.
Iiobor Trouble * .
Vatlonal Associated 1'row.
NKW YOKK , May 22. All boiler
makers in New York , Brooklyn and
Qreonpoint struck for 10 per oont. in-
reaso to-day.
Journeymen plnmbors renewed the
itriko to-day because some of the
) osaea were paying less than § 4 a day.
Small Pax.
fattonal Associated 1'itbi.
CHICAGO , May 22.A St. Paul dis
patch says small pox has baon intro
duced along the Missouri and Yellow-
tone rivers by immigrants. There
ro six caeca nt ftliles City , ton at
Glenvillo and several at Bismarck.
Arthur Tlirentoiiod.
'allonal As oci .ted S'raat ,
NEW YOKK , May 22. A postal
ard threatening nf.siasination of the
( resident by Fenians unless ho recalls
jownll waa dropped in the city post- j
Hico yesterday. The clorkg arc much
NatlooM Associated 1'iu-o.
WAHAHU , Ind. , May 22.Tho largo
grist mill of Nelson & Co. , nnar
rlarion , waa burriwl last night. The
fire originated in a pile of ulmvinga by
parks from the fimiKco. Loss , $8,000 ;
10 insurance.
Obaoeno Poetry.
raiUna ) Awociatnl friar.
BOWTON , May 22. The atato attor
ney general has prohibited Oagood &
3o. from further printing and circu.
ating Walt Whitman's "Loavoa o'
Grass , " on the grounds of its obacie-
nity , The firm has complied. Whit
man refused to allow the proscribed
) ooma to "A Common Prostitute" and
'A Woman Waits For Me" to bo left
_ _
Kunsai Crops.
National Associated I'romi
KANSAS Orrr , May 21 , The Journal -
nal will publish to-morrow an extend- t
id report of the condition of oiopa in
lie great grain growing section of
Kansas , This report covers twenty-
eight counties along the line of the
uumaa division of the Union Pacific
road , The general opinion of the people
ple lu that lection U that tha pros >
pects were neVer bolter. Winter
wheat is universally reported iit good
condition , and lUtlo fear is expressed
of damage done by the chinch bugs.
Very little sprip ? wheat has been
sown. Most of the spring wheat men
have planted co n. Corn is backward
owing to the ooont cold weather.
Ooiiflidorablo .U , flsi and millet
seed has been a wn. Grass generally
is in R d oo dttion. Cattle and
sheep are also repot ted as looking
A OloBO Watbh on a Suspected
Assassin at Philadelphia.
A Myttorlont Statgrruit Arro ted
National Araoclattt ! Prow.
Prow.May 22. On the
arrival of the American line steamer
British King at lir : this afternoon ,
Detective Ohas Miller , representing
the British com ul , boarded her and
arrested a midc lo ngod Irishman who
gave the name f linnegan on sus <
picion of being ooncernod in the Car
ondish-Burko assassination. Ho was
found stowed away when two
daya out fr m Liverpool , the
vessel not mopping at Queens
town. When cuostioncd ho replied
evasively that to came to see friends
in Now York , Ho said at first that
ho waa a Sco chman and then ad
mitted that lo was an Irishman.
When two doy from Delaware break
water ho washou his pants , which had
several spots ofj blood. Ho has a sore
foot and a partially sprained ankle ,
which ho clains came from having
fallen from a v thiclo. Ho was taken
to the British c onaulato for examina
tion. There wsresix Irish- Americana
among the passengers. Fmnegan waa
terribly agitatcawhon arrested.
The consul committed Fitmigan to
the custody of Datestivo Miller , pend
ing investigation of his statement.
Four Irish Americans , two claim
ing Chicago aa jtheir residence , are also
being shadowed.
Finnegau slept in the lodging house
to-night , a dowctivo being unknown
to him in the next room. In a state
ment to the British consul ho said ho
was a coal hpaver out of work , and
thought if he CDutd got to Amerio i ho
could get workl Ho claimed to have
friends in New York , but refused to
give their name. The inipreanion pro
duced by his ajatbracnt is that ho is
only a "bum , " ' .but it ia considered
advisable to have ' 'him shadowed for
the present. Ho is middle-aged and
lias a sandy complexion , and hi ;
tieighth corresponds strongly with the
published description of ono of the
JPiicunix Park \ assassins. Hence his
r ; ' Denial.
Notional AMoclatfd l'
2,3.Tho Hoald
to-day publishes an interview with ex-
Senator Conkling denying in tote the
charges recently published by the
Kingston ( N , Y ) Freeman , in effect
that Mr. ( Jonkling'a candidacy for re
election to the senate was against the
a xdvica and wish of party associates
t > ut his own determination , and
further t , that they advised his with
drawal and ho refused , and lastly that
corrupt bargain waa about to bo con
summated for his election and that of
another person and that ho was a
party thereto.
Conkling , replying to these charges
states * that his name was used for ro-
iloction and ho wont to Albany against
its own inclination and under the ad
vice of friends , who said ho should bo
on hand and give information in per
son and explanation of his resignation.
Jo never asked a man to vote for
lim. His withdrawal was never sug
gested by hia friends , but frequently
> y himself , and his friends advised
against it ; that ho know of no bar
gain , corrupt or otherwise , The
whole atory waa false , as also that ro-
contly'circulated that in Cleveland ho
grossly insulted a number of loading
itizens who offered to escort him to
national Associated I'rcu.
ATCIIISON , Ks. , May 22. Hiram
iweet , a prominent jeweler , commit-
cd suicide yesterday. Ho left a note
Inting domestic trouble waa the
WIIITKWATEII , Win. , May 22.
lobert Grant , a well known young
nan of this place , auicidid bv shooi
ng himself with a revolver. No cause
s assigned.
Basa Ball.
Katlltial AnsodaUd i'loas
Tnov , N. Y. , May 22. Treys 3 ,
ioatons 7.
WonoKsriin , May 22. Worccstora
, Providence JJ.
CHICAGO , May 22. Chicagos 12 ,
> otroits. ) .
GLEVKLANU , May 22. No game on
account of rain ,
A Dying BUliop.
National Aiw > cl ted i'ress.
MINNEAPOLIS , May 22. The condl-
ion of Bishop FOBS to-day is alarm-
ng , and the worst is feared , and
preparations have been made for it , as
very pronounced symptoms of blood
poisoning are apparent.
Sunday in Now Yorlr.
National Associated I'rusn.
NEW YORK , May 21. This was the
irst bright spring.Jiko Sabbath that
Now York has had , and the effect was
noticeable in crowded churches and
hrongod streets. The beautiful
weather was an inducement to visit
Coney Island , Rookaway and other
easido retorts , and thousands loft the
ity by various moans of transportat
ion. It was estimated that J 00,000
eoplo wore on Coney Island , Fort
joe and other places. Up the river
was also crowded.
The Muckleulmrg Declaration.
fatlonal Atwociatod I'ttit.
CiiAiaorrn , N. 0. , May 21. The
olobration of the hundred and ceven.
eenlh anniversary of the Meoklen-
arg county declaration of independ-
once took place yesterday. Many
ininont nion wcro present , including
Senators Hampton , Butler , Vance ,
Ransom and Bayard. The latter de
livered the addrcsi of thn day. A
great military demonstration wn *
made there. Ilouso.i were decorated
and the streets crowded ,
National A ocated ! Prt > M.
LONHON , May 22. Parnoll hns decided
cided to continue to load the Irish
party in the commons , Davitt pro
poses to take the American platform
in a campaign in favor of the land
CAIRO , May 22. Arab ; Boy Patma ,
it ia expected , will resign the war
portfolio. Chief Pasha will form
now ministry ,
PARIS , May 22. M. Loon Say haa
resigned the otlico of minister ol
finance in consequence of the clmm
bar of deputies voting for the retnis
Bion of 1,000,000 franca collected as
taxes on drink.
WiNNKi'KO , Man. , May 22. The
severe snow storm yesterday seriously
affected early vegetation and is
source of alarm to the agricultural
A Treasury Bond Plato Thief-
National Associated 1'ion.
BROOKLYN , N. Y.May 22. Before
United States Commissioner Bene
dict , Charles H. Smith , indicted by
the Washington ( D. 0 ) grand jury on
the charge of itcaling from the United
States treasury a plate of n $1,000
bond of 0 per cent denomination on
January 15 , 1830 , uloidod misnomer ,
alleging that his name is not Charles
U. Smith. The case was adjourned
for investigation.
Going ; TJndor Sure.
National Asuoctalod Trow.
BOSTON , May 22. Tha Pacific Na
tional bank suspended for the second
time within six months this morning
for liquidation. It is generally thought
this means bankruptcy.
Fancy Farm Sold for Fancy Money.
National Associated Prcea.
PIIILADELPIIIA , 'May 22. Aristides
Wolck sold his Chestnut "Hill stock
farm to-day to Commodore Norman
W. Kittson , of St. Paul , Minn. , for
Marino Intelligence ,
Notional Associated preM.
NEW YORK , May 22. Arrived :
The Manse , from Rotterdam , and City
of Now York , from Liverpool.
PHILADELPHIA , May 22. Arrived :
The British King , from Liverpool ,
ANTWERP , May 22. Arrived : The
Bengenland , from Now York. Sailed :
On the 20th , the Rhynland , for Now
- jaJCTEEDA'H , My-22j SaU.od : jCho
Servia , forNoir York.
HAVKK , May 22. Arrived the 21at :
The Canada , from New York.
LIVCUPOOL , May 22. A-rivod : The
Adriatic , from NbYork ; Lord
Gough , from Philadelphia , and Mis
souri , from Bieton.
PLYMOUTH , May 22. Arrived : The
Wieland , from Now York , for Ham
SOUTHAMPTON , May 22. Arrived :
The Maine , from Now York , for Bre
QUEBEC , Can. , May 22. The
Allan steamer Peruvian reached this
port this evening , having lott Liver
pool April 27.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , May 22. There [
are twonty-ono ships in the ice look
northwest of Capo Ray. Two large
ocean i tuamora were caught in the
co and driven on the ccaat between ;
Capo Ray and Angall. A 1,000 ton
ship driven upon a aloaping cliff by
ho pressure of the ice , is resting
orty foot above the sea level. The
fate of the crow has not been learned.
Utlonal Aaaclated Preu.
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , May 22. In
Union county , Zichariah Johnion ,
solorod , waa caught in the wooda and .
ninjod five times , the rope being ro- a
eased when Moath was near. The ob
ject was to make him confess theft
which he denied. Ho has had the
flhoriff and a deputy arrested on perse
Poarion'a Plaoa.
National Amoclato < l l're s.
NKW YORK , May 22. There were
rumors about the city hall this after
noon that when the United States
senate aclj lurn President Arthur con-
omplatcn n change in the postnffico of
, liifl city and that ox-Police OommU-
aionor JSIiardt is anxious to fill the
) ostmustoralii [ ) .
NiUoiul Anoclatoj I'tea.
WABHINOTON , D. 0. , May 23 , 1 a.
m. For the upper Mississippi valley : 8
' weather , northwest winds , broom
ing variable , stationary or higher tem
perature. For .the lower Misaouri
valley : Partly cloudy weather , local
rains , variable winds , uliifting to
southeast , stationary or higher turn-
loraturo , generally lower pressure ,
Moro people have used St. Jacobs a
Oil for Rheumatism , than you huvo
any idea of.
tJtnh BB a State-
National AuoclaUd Prou
Utah , May 22. An
unusually largo vote was east at the
election to-day. With the exception
of perhaps a dozen , all votes were in
favor of a constitution , Very few
'ontilet voted , as they looked upon
the proceedings as a farce. The con-
atitutional convention meet again
Juno Cth , when dolugatea will be
chosen to carry the constitution to
Washington and urge the admission
of Utah aa a state ,
Hartford , Pa.
Thomai Fitclmu , Bradford , Pa. , wrltei :
"I enc'oee money for BriiiNO BLOSHOII M
Iiild I would if U cur l me. My dy -
popaia haa nuiltbed , with all iti eymp-
toint. Maor tliauknj I thall never be
without It in the hoa * .h 1'rlco 60 ce t ,
Uia bottle * 10 oomU. m23dlw
The Decision of the Court-in
fiano Dooms the Assassin ,
An Elaborate Document , Set
tling Several Import
ant Points.
The Democrats Succeed in
Blocking All Business
in the HOUBO.
Additional Correipondouco Relat
ing to American Pri -
onora in Ireland. .
Notional Anocutcd I'rrM.
W-asiiiNdTON , May 22. In Gui
toau'a case to-day the court dccidcc
the court had Jurisdiction , and tha
it was proper to try for murder in the
district where the murderous assaull
was mado. In regard to the point
that the law of Maryland at the time
of the cession of the District ol
Colombia to the United States ,
claimed to bo still in force , according
to which , where a fatal bio wwaa struck
in ono county and death occurred in
another , the crime could not bo pun
juliod in.tho former and possibly in
neither , Judge Wagner road a special
decision covering the ground , and
reciting nil the precedents , and con
eluding by holding that tlio crime was
punishnblo under the Maryland law ,
where the murderous blow was struck.
The first part of the opinion was road
by Judge James. After Judge Wag
ner had concluded , Chief Justice Car-
tcrs announced that the opinions road
wore the unanimous conclusion of thu
court ; that a now trial bo denied , and
the judgaaont of the court below bo
affirmed ,
Ono point in the decision , as road
by Judge James , was that the government
mont of the United States hail exclu
sive jurisdiction over the District ol
Columbia , and that murder committed
therein was a crime against the Um
ted States.
Mr. Reed Ouiteau's counsel , says
ho does not sivo it up , but will require
time to consider what stops should betaken
taken next.
Guitoau received the news of the
overruling ot the motion for a now
trial in his case with calmness. Ho
said Mr. Used would fix him all right ,
and expects a reprieve for six months
Meanwliilo ho hopes for relief from
the supreme court in aorao way.
National Associated Preaa.
WjfHjNOToiG D. O.f May .22.
Senator Miller ( Dal. ' ) introduced
joint resolution authorizing the pres
ident to declare martial law in
Senator Pugh moved to reconsider
the vote by which the 5 per cent ,
land bill passed the IIOUBO Friday.
Consideration was postponed until to
The Geneva award bill came up as
unGnishod business , Senator Hoar
speaking in favor. Senator Garland
offered a resolution for the minority
report of the judiciary committee , providing -
viding for payment of insurance men
for vessels captured , and it , was lost.
After a speech by Senator Jones
Fla. ) , Senator Bayard made a strong
argument in favor of executing the
award in accordance with subvention
agreed to in advance and with the
erms of award itself. Ho urged that
the matter should bo loft to the de
cision of the judicial branch of the
government. It would bo a clear
lorvoreion of publi j , duty to take
money for ono purpose and deliber
ately use it for another ,
The president sent a communication
ransmitting a letter from the acting
chief of the signal service , recom
mending an appropriation of 825,000 ,
.o bo not later than Juno 1st , to send
vessel to the relief of the expedition
sent last year to Lady Franklin bay.
The senate then wont into execu-
ivo session and at 4:55 : p. ui. ad-
ourncd ,
Mr. Calkins called the M.ickay-
Dibbell ( S. C. ) contested seat cam.
The democrats , under the lead of Mr.
Randall , filibustering , delaying the
taking up , and when taken up filibus
tered to prevent argument by a mo
tion that when the house adjourned it
adjourn until to-morrow , etc. , and de
manding the roll call in onch caso.
The entire afternoon was spent in
fruitless attempts to gut a quorum.
The Bergcant-at-arma wua sent out for
missing members but only brought in
ono , Voorhces of Now York , who
stated ho was in hiu seat when the
first roll wai called and had only boon
in a committee room on the floor be
low. Meantime' motion was made
by Mr , Klobe to fine him 20 but it
was voted down and attor some politi
cal sparring for amusement and politi
cal cll'uct ho was excused.
Mr. Bayno sent to the clerk's desk
Philadelphia paper with an editorial
denouncing thu course of the demo
crats in obstructing public business ,
and under the ruling of Mr. Robin-
eon ( Ohio ) , who temporarily occupied
the chair , it ivas partly read , but not
heard , the clerk's voice being drowned
by crioj of "Order" form the demo
cratic side. The point wiuj then made
that the reading waa out of order , and
was sustained by the chair ,
Mr. Moore ( Tonn. ) sent a ri'solu
tion to the clerk's desk to be road for
adoption , but it was ruled out of order
by the speaker.
Mr , Singleton ( Miss , ) was granted
leave of absence , on account of dan
gerous illness of his wifo. At 4 o'clock
another roll cull was had , on which
were 118 yeas and 1 nay ,
Adjourned at 4:40 : p.'rn.
National AwodaUd rrew.
"WAHUWOION , May 32. Postmaster
General Howe , in response to inquiry
by congress , reports in favor of abolishing
ishing postage on second-class mattnr ,
which amounts to $1,500,000 a year ,
saying the incroaao in revenues will
more than ollsot. lie says the expense -
ponso for the star and steamboat ser >
rice will bo $1,000 , 000 loan in the next
fiscal year than this ,
The liouso judiciary committee
authorized the chairman to report tote
to the house that the Northern Pacific
lind grants have not lapsed.
The sonata in executive session to
day con firmed the following nomina
tions : James S. Hulor , United States
marshal for Pennsylvania : Thomas
II. Van Volkonburg , supervising in-
BDcctor of the Oth district ; GoorgoM.
Chapman , of Now York , to bo an _ In
dian inspector ; postmasters Bonj AT.
Robinson at Fait bury , Illinois ; James ,
S. Foulko , Napoleon , Ohio ; Wm. T.
Yoe , Independence , Kansas.
The government has approved the
bill of Freodmans bank building , and
accepted it for $250,000. Commis
sioner Knox has declared the fourth
dividend of 14 per cent , payable Juno
1st. It is expected the final dividend
of 5 per cent , will bo realized out of
the remaining assets within tha
next two years.
years.snow ur.
The comptroller of the currency has.
called for n report showing the condi
tion of all national banks at the close
of business May 19 , 1882 ; also ap
pointed L. M. Price receiver of the
Pacific National bank , of Boston.
under the 106th call , $1 000,700 ; un
der the 107th call , $17,487,350 , under
ho 108th call , $18,045,000 , ; undortho
10 th call , 81 400,000 ; under the 110th.
cull , $4 549,591) ; under the lllth call ,
A mcsiago wan sent to the liouso
o day , conveying further correspon
dence between the state department
and the British government rolatiyo
.o American citizens in British pris
ons. The documents are very volumi
nous , and contain much that has boon ,
already published. Thp most im
portant , howoyer , are letters passing
Between Secretary Frclinghuyaon and
Minister Lowell during the past few
months. Lowell writes that on April
25 , in coBsultation with Forttor , ho
assents to the suggestion that the
American suspects now imprisoned
should bo offered their liberty on
condition they would return home.
This Forstor agroed'should bo made
then. Lowell says ho caused , unoffi
cially , assurance to bo sent them ,
that those who accepted this proposi-
lion and found thomsolvua in need of
funds to return , would bo furniihed
with which to return. Of five of them
in prison three , McSwoney , O'Mo-
liony and Gannon , absolutely rofusnd
to bo released on these term * , while
the other two , McGnory and Slattory , ,
took 'tho 'matter under Vjdvisumon
for throe days. In the
latter of May 4th , 'Lowell '
writes that the ciso of MoCormick
: oiifined in Conmcll jail is rather om-
sirrassing , because McCormick , who
> reduces the records of a court at
Troy , N. Y. , to provo his American
citizenship , seems to have been out of
ho United States thirteen years. He
s of opinion that the term of
ho lawa ot protection must have some
imit , which limit ho suggests should
jo about two years. Tno report was
also accompanied by a summary of
> her correspondence between Fro-
inghuyson and Lowell. From these
t is learned that all of the prisoners
except O'AIahony , had refused to ac-
opt the terms of release by which
hey were to return to the United
States , and ho was still undecided ,
[ "ho communication also cnnvoys a
copy of long instructions from Fro-
inghuyson to Lowell , in which ho in-
truota him that in the case of Ameri
can naturalized citizens who
lave been long absent from
his country , who are holding
oflioo in the country of thoirnativity ,
lus country could only demand that
ho same lawa should bo applied to
hem which Great Britain applies to
lor own countrymen , but where
American citizms who are such in
ho full sense of the word , are ar
rested and hold without trial , this
government must do as Great Brit-
lin did regarding her subjects during
ho lute war in the United States ,
lomand their trial or release.
Railroad Matters ,
rational Associated i'rtu.
CINCINNATI , Ohio , May 21. The
wnership of the C , n. & R. railroad
vas formerly transferred to Jowutt ,
rid Mailing certificates of $20,000
hares of stock were hold by pool.
A special from Louisville , says a
ompany 1ms boon formed and capital
ubecrined to build a short line bo-
ween Louisville and St. Louis , The
> reposed route adopted ia 80 miles
liurtor than the 0. & M.
Tlia Foniaus-
National Associated
NKW Yoiuc , May 21. A manifesto
las just been issued , aignod by order
> f thu executive council of the Fenian
irothorhood , declaring to every Irish.
ecret organization that the watch
word of hour has ueuo forth , pledging-
homsolves to apply all their resources
with redoubled energy and devotion ,
with ferocity equal to that of their
arch enemy , to the great work front-
ng them , and urging upon all their
irothren at homo and abroad the nec
essity greater than over of consolida-
ion of all available forces and hearty
co-operation of their common object ,
ho destruction and annihilation of
Jritiah power in Ireland , whoso oxia-
once they claim is the cardinal ro-
> roach and the supreme and burning
iliamo of modern civilization.
i i
Bluiue and. tionld.
National Au eclated 1'iaea.
CINCINNATI , May 21 , A Washing
ton special says it is authentically re-
[ > orted that a now railroad company ,
with Jay Gould and ox-Socrotary
Blaine at the head , will build a road
from Baltimore to Ohio , along the
Bouth eido of the Ohio river , at a coat.
of 810,000,000. /j