Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    . - - * > / - vn r t'T a K . i XT i t < t v/ * * x : rfi nnn
THE DAILY BEE : OMAHA JM Off DA * , MAY 22 , 1882.
NKW YORK , M y 20.
Event * of the week in financial circles
were noted chitfly for dullness , BO fir as
ttock exchange lran actiona were con
Money was easy throughout the week ,
and rotes for call Ivans ranged I ruin 4 to 'J
per rent.
Foreign exchange was unchanged , firm ,
and rates did not vary materially.
Government bond < i were quiet , with
alight change * , business hiving heen le.
atricted by agitation in congrest over the
Lank diirtlr bill.
lUilwtynnd miscellaneous speculation
were dull throughout , and while the iluctuatcd frequently between
Ircngth and weakness , the clmngcB were
unually alight. The market however ,
held up lemarkably well under tha pie-
vailing dullmsi , the largt export of gold
and tha persistent efforts of th * bears tu
dopio'a priois ,
The bank ntaUment to-day is unfavora
ble. The following are the changes :
Iioani increased 8376,100 ; legal tenders
increased $681,100 , deposit * decremd
1,331,000 , cliculation decreased 877,000 ,
and reserves decreased $2,020,725.
Money eloced easy at 2J per cent.
Bxchnnge closed firm ut 4 881@4 OCJ.
Governments closed firm.
Currency 6's 132 bid
4' coupons ISOJbid
44V 'nupona 110 * bid
Vtotinued 10 ] 5 bid
6'n oojtm ed 1018 bid
Pacific railroad bonds closed Mfollowii :
Union luts 117S@118
Union Lund Grants 113 *
Union Kinking Fund 1x1 }
Central * 117 @ 1174
The etock market to-day was extremely
dull , but a > strong tone prrvalled during
the ( ( Muter part of the day , and the high-
-eat quotatloni were generally current at
2 o'clock. The advance in the general
list ranged from i to 1 per cent , while
among the specialties , St. Paul , Minneap
olis & ManiUba and Richmond k Danville -
ville were exceptionally strung , the former
tiling from 124J to 129 , and the latter
from 112 to 104J. . Subiequently a part of
the advauce in tha Minneapolis & Mnni <
toba wan loit. There wai a fr ctional re
action in the general list toward the cloie
from the best figure1 , but the closing quo1
tntions showed a gain over those of yester
The following were closing ; bids :
Cedar Falls. . . 15 American 90
C. S. & O. . . . 5X US 72
Cirtrnl Pacific 90i GB 0
COCfcl . 74& Horuestake 17J
C. & Alton. . . . 1S2 Preferred. . . . 59
OStL&NO. . 75 1. O 1S4J
Col & Green pfd Reading fill
040 . 20J R & A lii (
I 1st pref . 30 K ftP 28
3d pfd . 23 8t. P. L ul 83 ;
A4TH . 27 S.m Francisco. . 38
Preferred. . . . C3 Preferred. . . . 50
Boston A. It pfd. O'JJ 1st Preferred. 5
D. ftH . 1061 Texas & Pac. . :0 : ,
DL& W . 120 ? IlicU&W . . . .51
I ) &H G 6l III 12 *
D kS O 84 Home ft W. . :0i
BriePreferred. 35J BtPM&M .128
Preferred. 73 T L 30
. 67i T D &B 12
BTenn . ll'S ' UP 113
t Preferred. . . 19 * Wabiwh SO ,
O B&Q . 132J Preferred . , . 63
Canada S . 61 R&D 105
o o & i o. . . ni St. Paul Ill
Aduuii . 134 Preferred. . .1204
Fargo . UO Western Union. 84 J
The following were the sales of the more
aotiv stock ? to-day. Total saler , 125.COO
U. S 1000 DL&W 8900
O U. &Q. . . . 703 Del &Hud. . . 00) )
NYO 3900 Erie 410
NJO 0103 . 3300
IU -100 K & T 2100
O. 0 7100 Northwestern 31)0 )
M C 10.0 Pioferred. . 400
N P 4SCO O&M. . . . 4800
Preferred. . . 7dOO RI SOO
rjnjoui' HJO St. P. & Om. 410U
C & O 20 Preferred. . 700
D&RG 4100 Wdbaahpfd. . 2500
State bonds dull but firm ,
OHXOAGO wonir.
OHIOAQO , May 20.
There has been a good supply of idle
capital in the bank vaults during the past
week , and an offerings of grain , provibLns
and mercantile paper haa been moderate
and below the wishes of leading discount
bouses , regular customers and others in
good standing found rates easy a > t 5(2)7 ( ) per
oenj i.nd most of the A paper presented
pasted at 6@6.
Hterllng fright 490
Sixty days 4874
C..M &St P. 7s I. &D. Kx lift
O , . M. & B P. 6V , Dubmiue div. . , . 103.
O. M. & St. P. 6 a , 0. & P. W. dlv , 03.
O , , B.fc Q. 4'n ci (
Burlington & Mo. in Neb 4' 81
Waba/h. St. L Ic P. 6' * 81
Gkic&go & Northwestern 5'i W
uxm&u Wliolfxmlo MorJiot-
Of rica or TUB OUAHA BEE , )
Saturday Evening , May 20. J
The wholesale mercantile trade ( f tha
! ty presented only a moderate degree of
activity during tha past week , Indeed , In
gonis lines , euch aa drygouda , manufact
ured clothing , boots and bhoes , hats urn
caps and millinery , the doi-lera complain
of its being dull for the noaeonof tb year ,
and many attribute the cause to ( he back
ward cold weather prevailing thui far
this month. But few buyera nro to he
seen , the demand being almost wholly
through mail or telegraph orchri on' ' am
fined to mich articles and in tuch ( juanti
ties as are needed to freshen up stock *
Price i iu these line ) were generally etead ;
and but few quotable changes occurred
The same may be said of the produc
market. All the leading comu.fusion men
report brtineos dull , receipts and deminc
lixht. Butter still continues to arrive f reel ,
and the market is depressed , Eggs are in
fair tupply and demand good , New pota
toea are slow sale ct 85 60 per banel. Th
upply of orsu < pi { slight and prices at
advancing. Lemons are in good tuppl ;
and fair average demand , and prices mui
eoon advance in sympathy with ecsteri
mxrktts. Maple sugar in in good eupplj
and fair domoud , quotable at 1 l@12&o & pe
pound. Receipts of btrawberries contlnu
licht , sufficient , however , for the deuiauti
M the quality is very poor ; eei'Hg to-do
t $ C OJ@6 50 for twenty-fuur-q'.artcuei
Green vegetables are in good supply
forniihed through local gardeners ,
tlces are Jecllntng , There wai moder-
te demand for proililoni and prices ex *
ibltetl little change , etcepting nuats if
II kinds , which ar stronger and ftrtvunc-
ng. Lnrd remain * about the same. The
lovemmt < > f flour Is better than lai
week aud price ? remain unchanged. Bmn
nd chop ci f ed continue iu gooil de *
nand at quotation * , The nholetnlo
rocary bmlnen still continues to take
la lent , all icport a good a the buslne-n ,
bo only quotable change beins on augur * ,
f nn advance nf Jo and n still further ad *
ance untie ipn'.cJ. ColTee , teaf , ayrups ,
ice ami mott other lines remain firm.
'ho ' deinnnd for dried fiuits Is fairly
c the Mt'l ' the market In thU line ncuer-
lly shows firmne's , thnit h pojcho < nro
ccllulnR. The deinnnd for hog4 is good
nd pricei nd\ Caltlc ie >
eipls Hre not reported. PacUur.i nre pa > *
ng (7 20 fur g MM ! , KfCiipU for the past
cokab. > ut33 c w. I'lico are alvtne-
ig , The local ( { Mlu market remains
bout the tame ai last wcoV , cloning AS
illowi :
WJieat , ho. 2 , advanced 2c ; rejeoletl ,
dvflnced le. *
Barley , No. D , declined le ; No. 3 , Je-
lined 3s.
Corn declined lie.
Oats decllutd lie.
Tli only changes reported in the nur-
et t > day are as f llowd :
" \Vluat , No. 2 , advanced 2c ; No. 3 , ml-
anced le ; rcjecte I , advanced io ,
Corn declined 4c.
Oat > declined Jo ,
Alcohol advanced 2Go.
Ca ifornta spirits declined 4c.
Sugars advanced ic.
California salmon ad vanced 10@30o per
Magnolia- soap declined 35o per
Local ( JrAln Uellnjr
WHEAT. Cash No. 2,100& & ; oah No.
98 : rejected , 743.
BARLEY. ca h NO. 2 , wo ; MO. s ,
HYK. Cash , 64 e.
CORN. Caah No. 2 , COJc ,
OATS. Caah , 43c.
STREET PKlCES-Corn , 50 < g45 ; oata ,
HAY < 6 CO@G 50 per ton.
OH iPPED KEED $1 60.
BRAN $1 l" > per hundred.
BTRAW 84 00 ton loose ; $5 00 baled.
Produce and Vegetables.
° OTATOES Nebraska * , 1 00@l 10 ;
.imported Scotch Chaupions 1 00@1 15.
dWEET POTATOES 85.75sjt.00 ( per
WILD DUCK-SI 25@110.
BUTTER Creamery , 20@2o ! ; choice
roll , HJ@15c ; common roll , 8@10i ; .
UK Hd > V AA V el lo w'atar/c )
ONIONS Bushel boxes , 2 603 00.
CRANBERRIES Per box , US 75 ®
rvr ciTJt 4jO1J _
CUKKSE-lCai4c. (
LEUONS-4 76@5 60.
BACON-Breakfast , 14Jc ; clear Bides ,
Jc ; drv nalt sldep , ljfc. '
SHOULDERS-Sip per 16.
PROVISIONS BruakfMt bacon , 141o
choice bird , 14Jc ; dried beef , 15Jo ; should
ere , Ojc : hauis , 14Jc ; bacon , sides , 12jjc
Grocers' Liar.
COFFEE. illo , tur , lie ; Rio , good
2c ; lUo , prime to choice , 12Jc ; Old gov't
Java ; 26J@28ic , Mocha , 28ic ; Arbucklo'e ,
14 Be
TEAS .Gunoowder , good , 45@55 ;
Choice , t > 0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40 ( < 545c ;
Choice , 60o ( > 75c ; Young Hyeon , good , 3G&
We ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
J5c ; Japan , choice , 60@76c ; Oolong , good ,
33@40 ; Oolong' , 40@55 ; Souchong
, „ , . . 3540u ; choice. S5ffl45c.
riUGAItS-Cut loaf. ICjfa ; Crushed ,
_ jyo ; Granulated , lO c ; I'owdored , 10"f ;
/me powdered , lie ; btandard Cotfoo A :
9je ; New York f"onfontioner' Standurd
A. lOc : Good A. O c ; Prairie Extra C. Da.
NKW PICICLKo Medium , m barrcu ,
COCO ; do iuhalf bblfl. 5 258inallB ; , in bbli ,
12 00 do , in half bbh , 7 CO ; gherkins , in
jbls , U 00 ; do , in half bbla , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lOu :
mre apple , 13c : Prusaincr oure noole , 16c.
HOMINY Now , ? 5 CK ) per bbl.
f HOPE Sisal. 1 inch and larger , ,3 ®
ie ; i inch , SgOic. (
' - 2 iuil Cream , 13i5j Part
Jkim Hie.
WOOUJ3NWA11E Two hoop pull- ' ,
05 ; hreo hoop puila , .5 20 ! No. I tub ?
lioneer washboardB , 1 85 Double Cr u ,
i90 ; Wellbncketa , 823.
LEAD Bar , SI Ofi.
DKIKD FRUITS Choice ImlveD ,
leachoi , 7cs Salt Lake lOo : vap-
. rated COit boxes , 13Jc ; M ichigan , 7c ; Is'cw
iToik apples , 7ic ; Prunes , old , ( ijc ; nav/ ,
"Jo ; Curruuts , t > i@7o ; BlackborrioH , now ,
:4e : ,
SODA. Dwisht'o lb papers , P2 83 ; Do-
tud do , f 2 85 ; Church's , S3 85 ; Kor ; odo.
BEANS Imported German t3 75 per
CANDLES BOIOB , 40 Ibe. Ifi or , SB ,
I54oboxea ; 40 Itm. , 11 ! oz. , 6s , 15c.
CANNED GOODS Oystera , 2 Ib
Field's ) , per case , § 1 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
> er case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cose ,
f 60 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 20 ; do
i Ib ( slack ) , per COM , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( olack ) .
> er case , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1
J > i , per dozen , 1 70@1 80 ; do 2 ft , nor dozen
_ 65@2 C5. Sardines. smAll fsh , imported ,
ono quarter boxes per box , 14 Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes fer box , He ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21io. Lobsterj , 1 Ib per dozen ,
ISO. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 8 Ib per
case , 2 70@2 00 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
: > er case , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
2 to ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 315 ;
string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans
iicr csoe , 1 85 , Succotash per case. 2 00.
J'ea/i , common , per case , 2 00peafl ; , cholco ,
per case , 3 15. Blnckberriee , 2 Ib , per case ,
240 ; strnwborriefl , 2 Ib , jwr case , 2 30 ;
raapberriefl , 2 Ib , per c e , 3 C0@315.
DaniEonn , 2 It ) , per ciuo , 2 45 , Bortlett
pears per caco , 3 0004 CO , Whortleberries
per case , 240. Egg plums,2 H ) percuwe.S 30 ;
Lrrnen gages,2 ft ner case , 3 30 ; do choice , 1
tb i > er case,4 CO. Pine Apples , 2 Q ) , per case ,
4 00@5 76. Peaches , 2 ft per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib. case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
uo > > e.2 75 ; do pie , G tb , per dozen. 3 50 ,
RIOE Carolina , 73c ; L < raMan , 7
@ 8c ; fair , C@0i.
HYRUPH. tingar hon , bbls , 55a : haf !
bh , 57c ; kegs , < 4 gallonv , $2 50 ; choice
table tiyrup , 53c ; half bbls , 55c ; kegu , 52 50.
8TAUUH , Pearl , 4 Jc ; Silver Uloss , 1
© 8Jc ; Cora Starch , 8J@9c ; Exceldor
Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7jo.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash-
ton , in sacks , 3 CO ; bbla dairy CO , 6s , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy. 100. 3s. SC5.
Ol 4U.utJ Jc for , | t0j iairuii > S | 190 ;
Clovea , 40c ; Nutmeg , 81 0025cG&aaia ; ,
Mace 81 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , DOc ; round
cases , 37.65 ; square cases , 85,10
SOAPS-Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 830 ;
Kirk's satim 30 ; Klrk'u standard , 3 65 ;
Kirk's whi Russian , COO ; Kirk's
Eutoca , 20 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 20.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis'
lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in coae ,
1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 CO.
FIELD SEED Red clover , cholco
new. ? 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. ( > 7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
0 alfa clover , new , $13 50 ; alsike , new ,
(1300. Timothy , good , uew , 83 00 ;
blue grass , extra clean , 81 60 ; bine gra&i ,
clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass , 2 CO ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mlesouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , 8100 to 8125 ;
Hungarian , 80c.
HEDOESEKD Osage orange , 1 to 6
bushel * , 35 00 ; oage orange , 10 busheli or
over , 84 60 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 85c ; per
FIS J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
lit 76 ; No , 1 white fL h , 90 Ib hf bbla. 6 70 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family
lOlbkiln , 8.r > cj New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 76c ; Colum
bia river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; GeorgVi
Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen , beneleu cod.ui.j
Uic ; boneless fish , 5jo.
MACKEREL Half bbls meMmsckorel ,
100 Ibs , 81250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , 8 60 ; hf bbls , fat family do , ICO
lb , 6 Oil ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 }
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family * 10 Ib do 75o.
PEANUTS Roftnted , choice , red Ten-
nowee , li"cper Ib ; ftnty white , lOjo pcrlb ;
ra v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry ftnnHt.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantis A , SJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta. A , 8c ; Uoott
KfSJc ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Cnbot W ,
71c ; Chittcnanpo A , e\c' Urent Falls E ,
8jc ; lloosler , 6Jc ; Honest Width , 7Jc ! In
dian Heail A , 8Jc ; Indian SUndarxl A ,
82c ; Indian Orch m d. w. , 8Jo ; Lawrence
LI. 7c ; Mystic Kiver , 7io ; Peqwot A , 8Jc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 ,
ett B , 7iC : do A , 8ie ; do E
cett BB. 8ic.
4-4t 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL , CJc ; Hadger Stat * X 4-4 , 7c ;
Beunlngton C 4-1,6Jc ; Buckeye 3. 4.4,6icc
Indian Orchard AA9-8. 8jo ; Loconia 0
39 , 8Jc ; Lthlch E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lorwdale 4-4 ,
lOc ; Popperefi N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do B
3i5 , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Poosset 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Womsutta 4-4 13 < 5
s1dc L 4-4 , ! UcBlackstoneAA ; in perial SJc ;
dcFi do half blenched 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ? ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9icVruit ; of theLooin.10 ; do
can brie4-4,13cdoWaterTwiat,101cGrcat ; ;
FalUQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c :
Lonsdalo , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; New
York Mills , 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepper * ! !
N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocohonta * 4-4 , 9Jc ;
4-4 , 8ic ; Utica , He ; Womsutta
O XX,12\o.
UuCKS ( Colerodf Albany K brown.
8c ; do C , < lrab , tie : deV itripco nnd
plaids , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
I9c ; Brunswick brown , 8jc ; Chariot fanoy ,
124c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kivor
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brnvrn \euonsotA brown. 15c.
TlUKJJNUti moskeae A 0 A 32
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; Arrowacra
9Jc ! ; Claremont B B , 151c : Conestoga tx
trn , 17Jc ; Hamilton D. Uio Lewiston A
80 , I5c ; Minnohaha 4-4 , SOo ; Omega super
extra 4-4. 28c ; Pearl Kiver 32. 16lc ; Put
nam XX blue Btrino , 12o ; Shetuckot S
lOJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8io
DKNIMS. Amoskeak , blueandbronn
16Jc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jo ; ArllngX
. blue Scotch . . , Ifilc ; Concord OOO , blue aw
% * * > _ _ l _ nf.'l _ Wt. *
-.rer , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Unoosvillc ,
blue and brown. 134c.
CAMBRICS Barnard , Slcj Bddystone
lining , 24 Inch double face , SJc ; Girnor A
glazed , 5cl Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc !
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jc ! Pequot do
5c : Loukwood kid tinish , Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros ;
coggin BRtteen , 8i ; Clarendcn , 6cCones ;
toga satteens , 71o ; Hnllowel , 8c ; Indi J
Or i3rd [ 7Jc ; Norr ( ; iinaettimproTedc
Pepperill sattp n 9in ; Rockport , 7Jo ,
PRINTS Aliens , 6Jc : American , 64c ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Conestoga. 6ic ; Dunkirk , 4Jc { Dunnell ,
6j@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , 6c ;
Harmony , 5ic ; Knickerbocker , 6Jc ; Mor-
rimac D , 7c ; Mystic , 5ic ; Sprarues , Co ;
Southbridge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl
boro. 55c ; Oriental 640.
GINGHAMS Amoakeog , lOJc ; Amos-
keig drem 12Jt Argyle , lOic ; Atlantic ,
9o ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; H'Bhlana ' , 8ic ;
Kenilworth , 8ic ; Plus kett , lOJc ; Sus
aex. 8c.
COTTONADE3 Abbervllle 13Jo
Agate. 30c ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T ,
17jc ; Deccan Co.BtripesDandT.16c ; Key-
atone , ISic ; Nantucket. 19c : Nonpareil ,
ICc ; Ocean D and T , 13je ; Royal , 16 } t
Sussex , 12c ; Tiogo. 12Jc ; Wochuaett shirt
ing jhecks. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12lc ; York ,
plain Nankin. 12ic ; do , check * , stripes and
fancy , 12 o ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
SHEETINGS Androscogdn 10-4,27ic (
do 9-4 , 21c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 27i ; New
York mills 98 , SSc ; do 78 , SOo ; do 58 , 22c ;
Pembroke 10-4 , 2."ic ; Pequot 10-4 , 2840 ; do
7-1 , 19c ; do 49 , 16c ; Pepporell 33 , 29c ;
do 67. 21c ; do 57 , IBc ; Utica 2(5 ( , 35c ; do
58 , 22Jc ; do 48 , 17o
Olccra nnd Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut ,
S25.00 ' ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Send Havana ,
S50.00ClearHavana. . 75.00.
S's TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Kulo ,
S'p Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , lint quality , U2c ;
S'E . , pounds , 1M Ib , butls.fiOc ; Horao Shoe ,
pounda , 2J Ib , butta. COc ; G.'lt Edge ,
poundfl , 2 Ib , buttp , CO ; Army nnd Navy ,
pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , 69o ; Loril-
krd'a Climax , poundn , GOc.
FINE OUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
7Cc ; Golden Throacf , 70c ; 1'ountain , SOc ;
Favorite ' , 6r 3 ; Rocky Mountain , COc ;
Fancy ? , 55c ; Dainy , COc. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxns , per Ib 63c ; Ixri-
illord's Tiger , C5c ; Diamond Cro\ro , CCo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 20to
SSc. Granulated Blackwella Durham , 10
oz : 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , COc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 16 or. 40 ; Seal of Nobroo-
ka , 16 oz , SSc ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , iinon bag *
perlb , S1.35 ; Marburga' Pnck , 2 cc , tin
oil , 55o ; Dog Toil C5c ,
Palrtta Oil * and Varnlslici.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omcha
P. P. , Oic ; white lead , O.P.&C Co .B.P.ej ,
pure,6oMarsallesgreen ; ! , 1 to 5 ft cans , 20c
Fro&ch zinc , gisin ecal. 12c ; French sine ,
red seal , He ; French rfnc , in varnish nssc ,
20c ; French zince , In oil aast , 15c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 ft cans 12c ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13. ;
lefined lampblack , 12c ; conch black , l ° c ;
i ory black , 16c ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. k D , , lie ; blind and shutter
trreen , L. M. k D. , 14c : Paris green. 18s ;
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscnn
iln , , 22c ; American Vonniliod , I , & P. , 18cj
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D O , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1 * ! ; patent
Jryer , Cc ; graining colors : light o&k , dark
oat , walnut , chefctnnt and acb 12c.
Drv ° olnt
Vhito lead , 6 0 ; French fine , lOc ; Puria
whHolng 2ic ; whiting pildera , IJc ;
v hitinr ; coml , lie ; lampblack Germnn-
town , 14e ; lampblack , orainary , 8c ; Pnia-
nion blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; uraberburnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
4csionna ; , burn t , 4c ; ilenno , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , 85o ; Parli green cora'l
26o ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12o ; vermillion , Eng , , 70e ; vermillion -
million , America , 18o ; Indian red. lOo ,
rouo pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cooluion'o
/io : Venetian red Am , , lc ; red load , 7o ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : chrotao yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rocbollo , Sc ; ochre ,
French , ijc ! ; ochre , American , lie ;
Winter" * mineral. 2Jo ; lehlgb brown. 2jci
snauluh brown , 2&o ; Prince a mineral Sc ;
VARNISHES Barrels per wllon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
81 ; furniture , U. 85c ; coach , extrn , 81 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 60 ; Japan.
70c ; aspbaltum , 70c ; shellao , 83 CO ; Sard
oil finish. 81 SO.
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; 160
headlight , per gallon , 12Jc | 175' headlight ,
per gallon , ICJc ; crystoline , i > er gallon , lOc ;
linseed , raw , per gallon , 60 ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 63o ; lard , winter at 'd , per gal
lon , 90 ; No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , 60c ; castor ,
XXX. p < > r gallon , 1 23 ; No. S , 115 ; sweet ,
: gallon , 85c ; eperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
n 5 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 60o ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 7Cc ; No , 1 , C5o ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; aummer , 15c ;
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No ,
2 , SO : sperm , signal , i < er gallon , 80c : tor-
pcntine , per jrallon , 75c ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon , 30c ; W. 20o
Heavy Hardware Ultt ,
Iron , ratai. $3 00 ; plow steel , speclnl
cant , 7c ; crucible , Ho ; npecialurGermanCc ;
cast tool do. 16@20 wagon Hpokeu , net ,
225@3 00hcbs ; , per set , 1 25 ; folloos , tawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; nxleu ,
each , 76c ; wiuarg uuta , per tb , 7@llc ;
wwhore. per Ib. 8@18c : rtveU , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , C@12c ; inalleablo , 8c ;
Iron wedgei , Go { crowbar * , Co ; harrow
teeth , 4o ; noneeboe * , per k g , 5 OOj tprint ;
stool , 7@fc ) Rnrdfn's horseshoes , 635 ;
SlIOT. Sh'qt $1.85 Buck shot
LJA. & VTJ1VJ , V * " } * Jvtv * : VllUby 82.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 6.40 : do. , half
k tf . 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast
ing , toss. $3.35 : Fuse , tier ICO feet 60a.
BAI.BEDVIItKIn car lots.,8 30 per
100 ; In less than car lots. 8 55 ixsr 100.
Oak K > \ , SSc to 42o ; hemlock sue ! , 28o to
S'ic ; hemlock kip. 80 to 1 00 ; runner ,
C5c to SOc ; hemlock c > lf , 85c to 1 20 ; hf m-
locl : upper , 23o to 2dc ; oa < u per , 24c ;
alligator , 4 00 to C 50 ; clf kid , 32@3ic ;
Grelsen kid , 2M > to27/ > ! oak kip , t < 0c to
1 00 ; oate c lf , 1110 to 1 3l ( | Frrneh kip ,
110 to 1 C5 ; Punch calf , 1 2.1 to 2 09 ; ruv
nettd. 6 50 to 7 60 ; lining * , 6 00 to 8 CO ;
topi.ings , 9 ( K ) to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOo
to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35s ; tlmon ,
2 'Q to3 00. "
HARNESS-No 1 star 01k , 42c ; No 2
do 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SSc : No. 2 < lo ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; Xo , 2do , 34c.
Horses and Mulct.
The market in brisk nnd all prudes nro
-.lllnc well at n lleht advancs in pilcps.
The demand for good homea exceeds the
tupply . coniidornoly. Pricoa range ta fol
lows ' :
Fine single drlrero , 5150. to SCO. ; Extra
draft horsec , 8175. to 225. ; Common draft
hones , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm hones ,
f 110. to i2T ) . ; Common to good farm horned
S90. to 8100.J Extra plug. , C-CO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , 820. to SJIO.
MULES. 15 to 16J hnndi ( extra ) , $125.
to 150. ; 14 } to 16 hand * , $100. to 140. ;
11 to 14 * hands , 670. to 100. ; 1SJ to II
hands , SCO , to 76.LI
LI uor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 226 per wine
gallon ) extra California spirit * , 1S7 proof ,
1 28 per proof gallon ; triple refined npirlts.
187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
wtiikies , 100@15u ; fine blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 OOj Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania rytf , 2 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imp9rted , $6 00@16 00 ;
domestic 1 404 00.
GINS Inrported , 4 50feO ( 00 ; domestic ,
1 40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 50@ < 3 00 ; New
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 bO@5 50
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Iinrortail jmr caao ,
200031 0Arc3tU.i ; , cuio , 12'W@
1600 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 B0@16 00
WINES Rhine wlao , per casn , 6 00 ®
20 00 ; Catawbft , per owe , 4 00@7 00.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles on :
are at Omaha at the following price" :
under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00.
TIMBERS 16 ft. ami under. 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 00 ;
1C ft , 824 CC , 2 ft , 827 60 ; 24 ft. , 827 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 822 00 ;
No. 2 , 820110.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boardn ) S18 50 : No. 2 , 817 00.
STOOKJ BOARDS.-12-in. D , 823 00 ;
12-in. O. 335 00 ; 12-ln. B , 640 00.
SIDING A , 821 00 ; B , ? 21 00 ; . C ,
818 00.
FLOORING-A , 840 00 ; B , * 37 50 ; C ,
$32 00 ; D , 823 00.
SHINGLES No. 1 , ? 175 ; 6-in. clear ,
82 75 ; star , S3 25 ; cxtr * A , 81 00.
LATH-NO , i. 83 co.
SHIP LAP-Plain , 82300 ; O. G. Nor
2 , 824 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , 835 00.
OEILING-Jin No. 3,82500 ; J-io.
No. 2 , 837 00 ; J-in. No. 1 , 842 50.
FINISHING 1-in. No. 3 , $37 CO ;
No 2 , S43 50 ; 1-in. No. 1 , 818 50.
THICK FINISH 848 00@55 00.
Building Material.
LIME Ptr barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per bus-
S6o Cement , bblf 82 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , $3 60. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. $3 CO. Straw board , $4 CO
PAPER Straw paper , SJc ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lOc ;
news paper. 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
Morris Run BloBsbnrg , 512 ; Whitebreost
lump , 86 f 0 ; Whjtebreost nut , 86 fiO ; Iowa
lump , 86 CO ; lowu nut 8G CO ; Rock Spring
$8 : Anthracite , all sizes , S12 00012 CO.
NAILS-Rates , 10 to 60tf , 3 60.
' ' ' '
per oz' , C106 ; Ch'lorofo'rm , 'per Ib. 100 ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , Cl 40 ; Epson
salts , per Ib , SJc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
lOc ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , l4c ! ;
Oil , Caator , No. 1 , per gnl , PI 20 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , § 120 ; Oil ,
Olive , per pral. 81 60 ; Oil , Orignnurn , 50o
Opium , 84 75 ; Quiniuo P. & W. & 11. & S. ,
per oz , S2 40 ; Potaaslutn , Iodide , per Ib ;
82 35 ; Salacm , per T. . 40o : Sulphnto of
Morphine , per oz , S3 75 ; Sulphur flour ,
per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , uar oz , $1 35 ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14@16c ; hea y ,
I3@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 1820o ;
washed , choice , E2c : fuir , 30c ; tub-dingy
and w.i 28c ; burry , blaokand rx > Uod woou
2@6c tcu
Hide * r-urn , Etc.
HIDES Uroen butchor'.i hide , ; CfSCic
cured 7c ; hides , prosn Bolt , part cured 7c
hides , 6ic ; dry flint , sound. 12@12c ; dry
calf end kip , 12@13c ; dry unit hides , round ,
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 ftn. , 10@llc ;
green calf , r/t , under 8 Ilia , per skin , COc ;
gresnjielto , 50@$1 23 ; green lamb skins
81 25@160 ; damaged bided , two-third rate ,
cut bcx > red and ono rrrub. claimed two-
tUrdii rate , ) branded hldou 10 per cent. off.
Coon skins , No. 1.4fic ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. D ) ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 ,
SOc ; No. S , 15c : No. 4 , 6c. For , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
6ic ! ; rhort stripe , 40r ; narrow ntrlps 2oc ;
broad ctripe , lOo. Tallow , Cc ,
Connoil BlniTi Morliot.
Flour Crystal Mills Golden Hlioaf ,
S CO ; California Eureka , patent , 3 8 > > ; bent
brand of Kansas , 3 50o)3 ( ) 90 ; Kanias and
Misjourl flour B 60@4 25 ; graham , 3 73 ;
ry flour , 3 40.
Bran and Shorte 20 00 per ton
Chop Corn 24 DO per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 110@l 10.
Corn < ! 5c.
OaU No. 2 , COc ,
Ryo-70 ; .
Bnrlcy No. 2 , 75o ; No. 3 , fOa
Hay Loose , 5 00@6 00 ; baled , 73 per
Wood 5 00@C 00.
" "
liuttcr Creamery , 20cln ; rolls , wrap.
n l , S0@25c : rolls not wrapped , 30c ; mixed
colon , 10@lCc.
1'otntortt Jtos and Bcoteb , 1 5
Onions 1 25@1 40.
Lire Chickens S 00 per doom.
OIIIOAOO , May 20 ,
yiour Kt ft'ly and firm ; tprinf ; wheat
flour , 4 7Bfc700 ; common to choice wett
eru , B 00@7 ' 0 ; common to funcy
aata , 8 00 ® 9 23 ; patent winter wheat
flow , C 00@7 00 ; fair to tholoe rya fl..ur ,
4 GO&4 DO ,
Wheat No , 2 ftpiinguniettledand high
er ; clos'nB on call at 1 20 1 27 } for ca-h ;
27 } for Mar ; 1 27J for J nut ; 1
for July ; l'0@l OOJ fur Augu t ; 1
1(6 } fur Septeuibei ; 1 141 lOj for the
year ; No. ? , c8j.
C.irnr-Atti and higher ; clo'inif at
74o f .r oash ; Hl 7 a for Vay ; 7 o for
June ; 7 > | o f r July ; V2iofor Aiiifiia
72)i ) fur September ; B8J fiir the year ;
74i3 [ for hgti ilxed ; 721@72 J for ie-
jected ,
Oats Qui-t end tlo/r / ; G2o for cosh ;
No. 2 , and May ; 45Jo for JUHP ; W\ for
July ; 3'l for Sipteuibir ; 115 Jc for the
jear.Hyo Dull and easier ; 77c for No , ! i
cash aud May ; 80 for .lunx ; 77o for July
H rley Inuclivtmt 1 00@l 05 lor cash
No. 2 ; 83@8Sa for Nn. 3
1'ork Active aud lilffl < er 19 GO ®
IOCS fur cvh nd > 1ay ; 19 05(5iltH74 ( f r
Jun i 1987i@l900 for Juh ; 2010 ®
2005 for Aujiut ) 2000 for Keptember ;
2J10fur October ; lBO.'i@180j fur the
year.hnl Brltk and offerings free ; 11 42 ®
11 41 for emu and May ; 11 45@ll 47i for
June ; 11CO@1162 { for July ; 11724 ®
11 7. " for . 'iigiint ; 11 35 for the year.
Dtcon Short rlhd , active nnd nfTfrlnR"
f ir ; 11 10 for canh and May ; 11 07 4@
11 10 for June ) 11 U © " l"i for July ;
II 22j © II 25 for August ; 1110 for the
lintter Heretpts fair end Inqnirr rrtivl-
f ratn ; choice to fancy crwumo rics , 2t2"o ( ;
do f if to ( tnnd , 2123fli clioicn to fine
dairlo , n322c { ; fair to Kooil , 13@18c.
KCB * St ad at ICc.
Whisky 1 1C.
Kec't . Shlpm'ls
Klotir . , 0r,03 4400
Wheat. . . 3fMO , f.in5 ! )
Corn . 210 74i 81,412
OaU . 9 , < ,713 49.U.7
Rye . 4,419 IH-IO ;
llnrlev . 7f > 70 4.U70
Et , Juonin frodnoe *
Sr. l.ouii , May 20.
Vlonr Dull and uurhanK d.
Wheat-IUshcr hut slow ; No. 2 r d ,
2 ? forca h ; 1 33fnr .May ; 1 24J fov.hin :
113J for July ; 1 09 } for Auutit : 1 OS
for the venr ; No. 3 do , 1 ill J1 221 ; No.
4 do 1 12) ) < ftl 1VJ.
Com Jjnwcr nt 78@79c77o ; for May ;
73Jc for June ; 73a f > r July ! 72jo for
August ; 70c for bptembcr ; GSJo lor the
year ,
OalsTioweTRt.Vlia for cnh ; 5CJ for
June ; W2 c for Ji ) y ; fijnO for A u t ,
Kjc-Dull , at 7 ( > Jolilil.
Uarlcy Unchon ed at 80c@l 10.
Lead-Dull at 4 51.
llutter S fiuly ; dairy , 15@21 : ; conn-
trv. ' Hacked , 1.1iil7c. ( )
'Whisky Dull at 1 15.
Pork 19 70 bid for caih and May ; job-
Uns , at SO Oil
Lrtrd Nonilunl ,
Heo'ts. ' HhlpmtB.
Flour n.fOO 7,000
Wheat 2.\000 4",00d
Corn CC.OOO 9,000
OaU IH.OOO 10,600
lintloy 1,100
Now York Prodnoo-
Flour Dull ; spring wheat firm ; winter
Htnck cteadfru. ; . - ' . 3 20I 10 ; muthein
Hour quit-1 but ateady ; common to choice ,
065 < gU124
Wheat -Unsettled nnd Irregular , but
cloning strong nnd i@llo I'ixher ' ; No. i ! red ,
1 42Jo. ; . 1 white , 1 44i < ol | 4AJ ; No. 2
red May , I 48@1 48J ; do June , 146J@
1 48J.
Corn i@Jc lower and dull , and do-
preMad ; dainand moderate ; No. 2 , SiV'- '
86 ; ungraded whit" . 92 ; No. 2 white , U
Muy. t > 5cd8r , > Sc ; doJunrt , 82@S2lc.
OAU Dull fur canh , lowhr lor option * ;
No. 1 white. 70 ; No. 2 do , CSi CJjc ; No. 1
mixed wettern , 62 @ 64c ; No. J mixed
June , 681 : .
Ilye-Qulet ; Canaia , 9ic.
Barley Firm.
Pork Scioog and active ; new m s ,
20 0020 10.
L ml Finn for cash ; 1117J May.
Whisky Nominal.
Chicago X.ITO Stoob.
CHIOAQO , May 20 ,
The Drovor's Journal report * :
Cattle Market active and 5@lOo h'ghcr ;
sales ranged fn > in 4 O.ift$5 75 for common
to good c ) Wi4 ; 40 for Texan stern ; 5 15(2 (
G 25 for feinler * ; G 90@7 f > 0 for Mr to
good shipping { .tear * , und from 7 0007 0
for ohoioD to extra tuiootli Hliippint ;
boeve * . KeccipU , 1.200.
Hogs Finn and 6@10o higher ; salfs
range from 7 2o7 Oi for light packing
and shipping lotn ; 7 T0@8 00 for heavy
paokiug , and from 7 40@8 60 for good U
exvra sinooih heavy shipping lots.
Sheep Active and piices unchanged
all aales were at 4 10. KeceipU , GOO hejid
Cinolnaatl Prodaoe *
Men Pork-10 7-fi@20 00.
Ird Prim * steam , strong at 11 824 ®
11 40.
Bulk MeaU Clear ildei held at 11 75.
Bacon -Clear tides 11 M@ll 02J.
Flour S.eady ; winter family , 5 90 ®
C 25.
Wheat Weak , dull ; No. 2 red 1 20.
CornLesi active and easier , at lowe
Oats Gooi demand and steady ; No.
mixed , BSc.
Hya Dull and eay. 80@S2o ; No. 2
80a 82c.
nnd nominal ; fall , SOc ®
WbUky Unsettled ; 114.
Cl.KVriAN , O. , May 20.
Petroleum Dull ; btaudard uhlto , 11
Uat , Gfc. )
PlTTHliUlia , Pa. , M y 20.
Oil Tlio inirket opened at C5e , de
clineil to ti4ic , Hdrnnceil to C9 | , nnii
cliwed nt nnoiiHtCOJu ; June delivery , G J ;
July , C9 c ; August , 71tfc ; Now York re-
fino.l , 7/c ; Auttvurp , 18Jf ; Bhlpiiii-nls
un ted , ( J2.228 baitvlt ; ilu. tut. wnter , l.Ofio
liirrel ! ; cliarlfH 7'J'H ; Pltlnl.uu sulej ,
Ib7,8t0 barroU ; oxoliango Htoclc , 8150.
NEW Yoiuc. May 20.
Votroleum Quiet und ttendv ; United.
604c ; crude , * n barrels. 04@7A' ' ' ; rollnert
huru in barrel" . 7c ; in lUUunoru aud
I'oorln. 1'roduoo.
1'uoKIA , May 20.
Corn Acllre but lower ; high mixed , 72
i)7llo ) ! ; mixed , 7IJ@72c ,
O tH Active but lower ; No. 3 white ,
Uyo Dull and Irregular ; No. 2 , 74 ®
Highwinea SUodjr at 1 14.
Ileo'ts. Ship't * .
Wheat . 1.371) 475
Com . 376 13.COJ
OaU . 2,7oO 88,385
Hye . 2,850 4,000
Burley . 1.05J
KcmaaJi City Lire Stoob.
KAKHAS Cur , May 20.
Cattle IloooiptH , 1,137 head ; Khlpuieuts ,
80 head ; murkec Hteady ; n itivu ihlppem ,
C00@7 35 ; native nUicUcni and furilerii ,
37 600 : native co , 300@5r.O.
HogH Hccoit2,0 | iH head ; rhiiimentu ,
f)8'j heatl ; market utrong und active 5a)10 ( )
higher ; nule < r UKed fioui iB Wl@7 75 ;
bulk of aalM from 707 ! 65.
E iit Liberty JMvo Stooli ,
KAHT LIUXUTI , Pa. , May 20.
Cattle Nolhing di ing. Iteteipte , 1,889
hea'l ; itiiiniicnU , not quoted.
HoAa Active and hrm. Keceipts , 3,100
hewl ; HhipuienU , 1.9X ) haari ; Phlla-
a IphK 8 lft@8 25 ; Yorkers , 7 70@7 90.
bheejSlu * . Kvcelpti , 3,400 , ; nhip-
uituU , C.COO ; prioen ranuu from 3 5U@3 76.
ToLhDo , May 20 ,
Wheat Strong : at 1 40 for N.I. 2 , ciu.h
anil Muy ; 1 ml for June ; 117i for July ;
1 141 fur AugUbt ; 1 12 fur tlio jtiar' ,
Corn Nomiuui ; kO ( ujHlcfurhitli ; m 1 !
78Jo for No. 2 cash ; Itija fur Muy , 73Jc fur
Jun ; 731) lor July ; Wo fur the > ear.
Iilverpool Prodaoe.
I iTKltfOOL , May 20 ,
Flour American. 10 @I2 < dl.
Wheat -Winter , 0 < 10d@10j 4d ; white ,
spring , 84&10 < ; Wub , 10 ( a )
Corn C' fid.
P.rk-bG , Gd.
New York Cotton-
NKW YOIIK , May 20 ,
Spot easy , but mi dlliiR uplands is
qilctod the muia un yu.ttrJuy. Hulerf , 70C
bulev , expori : < * 18 < al i > , to up uner * ; 2CO
bitlot wtru delivered on loiitructt.
Futures wt-ul. ; May , 12 3-6c ; Juno ,
12Zo ; July , 12 1.7@l2jc ; August , Hi
Butfulo Llvo Stock.
EAUT BurrAU ) , May 20.
HogH-IUcelpU , fO cart ; khlpuieuU , 40
cars. Maik t st < ady ; Yorkers , good to
choice , 7 7508 00 ; good to tnodluui 8 sr
Kanuui City Prodno0 Mnrhot
KANSAS CUT , M * y 20.
Wheat Firm ; hle higher ; cish , 11C ;
May , 116 ; No. 3 cash , 1 O1 ; M < y , I 00 ;
un , 91ic ; July , X4Jc ; No. 4 ca < h , Olfic ;
fav , OOj ! Julv , V8j.
Corn Firm : No. 2 mixed , rn h , 73J@
? $ ; MRV , 72Jc ; June , 71 Jc ; July , 71 J .
Hye Year , lOc.
lUrlrv CVli , 83jc ; May , 821c ; June ,
SJc ; Julv , fl.'c.
Outs No. 2 ca h , 60 ; June , 61c.
Philndnlobln Produce.
PlllUDKLMIlA , May 20.
Wheat Firm ntl 45 } J1 46 for cash nnd
iaj ; 1 43.@l } HI for.lune.
Coin Hnu ut 8d@8o ( ! for ea h and
t ) ; 82jJ i for June ,
Out * rfiendv at GKsG2Jj for cash and
ny ; 6D5 f > ir June.
lty tiulet at 9-'c.
Baltlmoro jProdnoo.
BALTlJlonB , liny 20
Flour Quiet.
Wheat southern , firm ; fullz , 185 ©
40 ; lonKl > rry , 1 4I@l 45 ; No 2 red
Inter , ptrnni ; at 1 44 } fur cash and May.
Corn White xouthern , steady at MIc ;
fllow , dull b7c ; mixed weitcru , firmer ut
NOT1CK AdrcrtliMinent To Loan , for , gale
xat. Found , Want * , Boarding ; , ic. . will be In.
urteJ In theie ealumns once for TEN CKNTH
er line ; each aub equ nt Insertion , F1VKCKNT8
> er line. Th Bnt lo ertlou ntrw IMS than
4 > t m iVltMTU tOAA A per c ntln-
B tU.UUU ) r il ID sum , orIX.WO and
uiwtnlo , lor B to 6 yran , on Ont clui cltjr and
ui property. CUMII lliiL KSTATI and Lo
An NOT , 16th and Dourlti BU.
ITr Atonce. boj 10 yo rs old. Call
VV rtuiidar ( jrcno-in re Hanoi ft mile
S. VV , of w it on J of Karnam atieet. Hard
WANTED-- ! ) flrit ck'i wholeinle rlothlnjf
homo for rach of the itato * of Mlwourl ,
d Nbt > ra * a rtr liOod | MI rnien.crttn-
tra. . AililrtM with reference ami
ull ptittcuUM rtgnnllntr territory w d tcrm ,
1' . O. UJK 033 I'flllJelphl i , l' . ra3 Ottoa
r"ANTKD Two il t-cla > houw palntem at
VV thuiutjr HouiH ) on Davunport between lltn
1M SO *
A ccxxl girl for irenetat HOUM-
WANTKD In imall farnUr. Southca-tcorner
,7th and Uodpo. 'DD-Z2 *
ANTH ) A competent launrfrw , hyll
W II. Kounlte , Soutli irth i rect.
WANTKD-A fed iln\ng \ room gill at H"S
CIM .troet. 187-20-
HO laborers , H. Mivnnwcller ,
WANTED n ci.t , llth ( treat near Knin-
am. IKl-SOt
WANT 10 teams on Florence Cut-Cff , wages
: $ .t.fO per ilnr. Work until Octohcr.
Good irlrl at lVfl ( VINCENT.'l '
WANTKD MRa-J. _ M. Coi'MiMAa.
ANTED A poiltlon ti book-lcogper or
W clerk In fonio we ' * rn city , by a yountC
mm S2yaM of g Ilia had two ) tnrs n-
pcridnco In double-entry boof-keep np Hut uf
rufaieni-ri K\ren \ Addr < C. II. D. I' O. box
403 lUrlford , Conn. lW-22f
Four or fh e boardoia In a I rivate
WANTED at 1MM Jackian street near Uth.
ANTED To rent , cottage rf fi or 0 rooms
good Icc.itlon , conrenlei.t to strtet K It
Addrm gtitlnc Urma tud luc.tlon. "Kent. "
HKB Offlce. II *
To rent , prlrlcg ol buy-
WANTED abaut tlnou mniiih < acotta o of
rtr- room * , good loca'ltv , wllhln t entj minutes
walk of pmtotHci. AUUrcnt nuitllii , ' toruio and
location , "llou i > " II oltlcw. _ inl7-tf
To loin $ iOOorS3OT to some ra
WANTED pilty , who will K > o n u nt.Hily
inipls M ntlnagroicrj orilry coed ) mil ( 'ro-
ccrymitoiu clirk. l.xp rluucu rtuio of an
oliluct Atlllrxt thin wnfrm. Address
111-10' KliU 1 O\VhlL , Klvcrbtnun , loua.
A partner wnnttdartUuor tl crt ,
MONKl $ ; oOOtu $ D(00 ciHuto Into t In a
k -lliui.t.iUuilno ! * which 11 nx tnnnt'mtlinu < > i 1
I ay pr IU at liust iqual t ) tlio atnniint In bolh bnturmd In'o clean tauli nl
he inrtntirihlu cndud. Addrcm "ilomj " Hee
WANTK1) VaKiUar brtJifS and ncriool bond * .
II. T. flnrV.llpIi ! ( ra t -
' ) WMpmyrva.M. r'HS < nd ri-n
WANTI'I M clean'tviy Vuuif uir.l
ilnK Cloanrr , thu baet injio. . A , tJ.v.d > ; Co. ,
esldenio 120(1 ( DaUno tr t , Oinorm. _
\TrArn'KD 4 cMldrca R'l biinrJuro In A noloct
V Y cchooi , at IDlb tnd Cili.'ornlu lit. L. U
.EAR AST ( urn shed rootnn , nortli , nouth
F and f\4t wlndowH , noutbiut cornrr fonr-
etntli and Chlingj. lOl-ZC'
HF.NT IIou eel Tonroom > , on I'lorco
FOIl , I ) tween Nix h und tjcvunth utrccta.
rqnlrncfC. I * Birkett , Muuon , betwien KluT.
entb and Tenth KtroitB. tOi-tf
KENT Iou o of n'x roomion 14'h ktrcit
between Chicago and COM , Apply at H , II
corner Uth and Ca > t oot. iKIO-tf
T7\OR \ UKNT Comfortable houiie nlth rlot * ,
[ ' hard an ! knit water. 0 < xiil locitlon. Ajifly
nrtuldruw No ZOI& 1 krco utmt Lttw en "fitli
and Zlti > utrtotH ,
T7\OH \ KKNT Larga htoi on t'umlni ; itrccr ,
| > bitncen Ivruutio'h autl Twoity-Kir ; > t lU.
L'alUtBtoreordjor ia3t. 2UJ-22 *
OH HK.SJ A. hou i of ( lie rooma nnd
F clotcls and a b&v window , and all other ini-
, corner druid and 1'ier. tO23 *
OH KKNT Kotiec 14 roomii , cellar , cittern
F and wo. I on ( .ointir 1 'th ' and C'lil&iuo tt
ao25 ; 1IMOTIIV KI'.LLY.
771011 KKNT A homo of four rooran , clocctii ,
L1 wnlUnd iliUrn , on llarnty butwton Utli
und IVth btroetn. Inqulrv on ( inmines.
ITIOKIIU'.T > 'urn' ho homeof live rooms In
1) ) good I till ii , only 6 blocks frouipottotUiK.
UcCtguo oppcwlta { mtttoib r. ' 1U/-V2
IIKT Two runiiii1 , faiiii < hcd or uu.
I710K ( , nl norlhw , tt cor. vr c ( 12th and
Ua-on. llauunil * llo prtlirm. , or twoiiite.
men , 1TB-XO
| ? OK KKN'r Alirlcn'iUiM 1J ( 0 Iret , ( .ood
lj loiatlnn , Bqulro ut lOiB Lunicy btr et.
A. Bcliliijel. agmt
I7\OH KKNT A Urn. Inqulra at 808 Soutli
jj IQtnilr.el. U01U'
I710K KKNT Klro ( area roomi , with eloiet * ,
Jj t | tO pur oiith , CJood lovation. McUaitue
KKNT Cellar ooruer 10th and Pouglai.
10 K NT Ta KcntUman , tw. ) Itajt eleL'int
j front roonn. intihaving in alcove , louitcd
Iu on uf ihiMiKMtien'raUnddflilruMo louxtlom
In the Ity. AJJroj.1 J.JlAltfiN , Una otllcc.
Ie3 10'
HOOM-WUli or HI > utbeird
. OOiN. H > tl Uret bjiweea Catllor U and
We utitr , i&I-tl
HUNT largo furnU icd front room fn
two genii men , Kith or wllbout boanl ,
reiioer. 12II > | io tentroet. 13J U
T7\OK \ HhNT Tha sptcl u and elegant h 'j '
P vl h oil ni d ! r ilinprjvimiiiUlnt'larka d
Kft'r IlltcU pplvtuA M rlirk , or t > U.
A , Ko t r1 * 104 and 107 H. Uth troi t. Hl-gl *
NICKIiY Do'veoiilBth. '
IT1011 IJKST-llouiioof flveroQUji , roruw S8d
Jj and l'i ro . Arplat 8. Q. bwv iujou , uor-
nor 17to aud in , nior Uoitir Churco.
rtl nr.NT Anlto * ( slcely iurnl hed room
torrent. U. K.corner 20thand Lnrenporb
KrMbt. 9B1-U
FORUHSB AtWS a year , never * nice
drnce lota rieir 25lh trret nJMt. Uary'x
918 t ( Vf 11. lUnTLCTT , Heal MUt-Agent.
POR RENT 1 rurnhhM room * ovtr Mt
chant * ' Kichanfr < , H. K. ear. 18th and fXxlg
llrn tn. 33P-U
TTIOR RENT Nicely larnlnhod rooms with or
L' without board , RMnonable price * . 2018
FOR HALE dieiv T'ir' cholc bmlnrn lot
n I > ' 'KO Btrert , w o.t of Odd Pell < w < Block.
POUPAL Ihptwootory fra-nebuilding V
ai pur rttort | lloU'v , ilrst door < Ast of le ! of-
n.r , 'nqnlruof MtLTOM l.ddhni A S ) .V ,
210 22 14th and Farnam.
OIIKAI'R-'T I.O'8-lnthocltynf0.iaha-IOl .
nndjinnnl , fi per cent 'low n aud fi percent
pir month lie * U'ngcnt , ISth and linuglxintfl.
17011 HAIE-8J acrm , ulth hr e , barn1
U Krapn * . rult tro-i . etc. , tirar c < t ( Vraha ,
by M. O lUKunn , 1M5 On igU-n > tr.- ' 20 - ? , ' .
I.10U A hi u > and lot UOvllb front.
IJ with btrn , two wilii. nnd cstrtn iKSr
Houlh 14th Href t , Kaoid bouse north \Mlllam
Blrtft. Price 16CO. 19J-20'
TTlOKflAMv I/irRO lot and homo of fcnrroomi
I < on South Itithatreet , at 8760. tmill c h
payment * , balance mouth y. Mctaguo cppo lt
j > o tofnc . ia.-tf
| 7\OR \ PAI.B One flne butiry and harnenfor
Jj $1X5. Inquire at llodpe'n Alt Gallery 1782 *
Cheap choice residence , corner
It-th and DurL luqnlre at 1322 Cau street.
poll iULVV-IIouie ol fcli roomi , and tot nox
( 1 220 , north of Utteuth atrtet bildge. Ap
ply corner 12th and Howard. Ne pjper Union.
| 7\OKH\I.KOItHKNT \ A larif ) home and SO-
lj acrtx ( Iimproved Und. with lar c orcbaid.
For particulars Inquire at 1514 Uoujla * ilreet.
8AI.K Home ( rooJ tarn and lot near St.
FOR ' a enue2bCObargaln. . MeCaftuv
0 | petite pootofllce. 167-:0
1710K HALE Ccrrrr ant Jolnlnc ] lot on
J ; Park avenue. Flnt-cla i property.
QEO. W. AMnH.U M harnam ttreot. 137-t
1710R RALE A hoe f and lot on Hedge street ,
_ T one of the flout locations In the city
llt-tl J. II. PUMONT. 18th ani Ilarnt7
IJMJK BALK Or 'Irauc ; 41X13:1 : lett on lOla
Jj street next to the corner ol lUrnev , alw >
COil32 liet on tb < a t tide between iKidyr ai < I
Capitol avenue. Enqulraof H. DEIITUOLO.
n HA UK 'I he narui &piu ) , ntuuiud li
blO mllcH foulh of the U. 1" . railroad In Carbon
Counly , WjomlnB Terrltoiy 440 acr i of
meadow and upland tlt.'D truan'n'wJAddreas
W. 11. Cild ell. VNarm Spllnpi. Wyninlng.
POK BALK Neat cottage of flrr rooms , barn.
Hell , and extern , on SJnl atreet near Cali
fornia , at SI,400 , cosy lermi. UcCOKUu np
SALE A re'Uurant at a barpam. IL
FOR . llth street near Faruam.9SOU
1710U nAliK Iho 1'Ui'UI.AH I1OTKL , known
Jj aa the BOYS' HOME. This hounalecoi
tially located , has sou h and coat front , and U
nurronndcd w th duo > ba > l trees ; cent Inithlrtr
clnir room * , has lee hoiuo. laundry , simj > l -
room , & . liana world w do reputation and
better | < atron'K 'lian ' many houses ol twice It *
capacity , I'rUe (5,000 for particulars ftJ-
- - A. BAWUEY.Ked Clouu , Atb.
'l OR HALE 200 cholco lots In Hanocom Plaeo ,
W. H Itaitlett , Iteol & > Ut Agout. 317 8.
IHthitroit. 833-tt
ITlWii HALb AITDOU tornur lot on
Jn 0th street , m a vnry fait growing part of
the city , IU divide. Inquire at HO South 2tJtb >
Street , nur Faraam.IioKj'a | A IIUl's addition.
820-lm *
. . . .HBAUis auio noor Ilaii coui 1-ark , weal
0 ol Park Avonuo. W60 to 8800 each. Mc-
Cairuoopp. Fottotllcu. 07UM
'niOK HAlib Or will exclia o lur uuana piu-
JJ I lp rty , an Improved nee ooodand ndjoln-
Jn"K a station on U. P. K. IU 11. DUNHAM , Ull
Pnrnbam Ut. , Omaha. 720 Brat
UAY At A. U. Bander * Feed Bto
BALED llarnev St. nlB-tf
C1THAYEU One 8 j ear old'bay ' niaro col , anoT'
O o"B3 je rold lion pray hor-o. < clt with
whlti stir In lor head Flndor will rcculve a.
liberal rtward by rcturnlrff the BUIa to IIr . U.
lalrouc , t o miles suuthwcut ircm litllovuoon
1'ope'a bridge. dl < 2tJi
) All h * rcl cow about 4 J em old , .
STHAYK1) . Ictur "P" ou right bin Any l -
forn-atlon Icadinir toner recoio' blv
ruwaidud by 1 > . Hat .r.y IC2) Uo.t-oiit. . ) 1M-3 * *
A brown linrso Ith collar aud
STUAVBD Tl u owner can have the turns 1)7
la'llnL'on ' Martin Siiottlo , on 3rd and Cnu-tnut
ttott 1D1-IO *
. AT ALL IlnUItf Ucard by the Jay
MKAI.S , llfl 12lh urtut lot ccii Dnimlu
amlDodjo.Mrs.L. _ | _ _ Bath. 17D-2 * . _
f _ > t-AIVH butcher uliop to-rppncJ o.orncr 10th
15 aid'c , lonncitcd uth ! bU vroiory
Hlore. . LKW , biiltor ami poult r 'rurh ' frouith * .
o untry. Four w av'oun reialarly ( nniploycd pur-
chanliiir. Kncli nillk daily from his OH n dairy
All cmt-miire reijum cil to call , tattlactlo
Kiiarjrut.1 d. It'J-m *
A Ihtr anil wbltu colored pup , three
LOUT uuld. 'Ire Under wilt I otul'nbljr re
ward d bj 'laiiig ' ; tliuBauiu t otturuj"
Uavls , nonlli IU lintritt
rM Ur Aiow bout7 } u > r oW , rut wllli
L uhltei iM > ti > , Un'o lioua Al > o a heller ,
red , with wnfto tjiDty. both with ralf.
73-4tt on e w Italic ry , lath at. near Wllllanta.
TIONALIbT , 498 Tiinth Htrudt , liotwcou Farnaa
andllainor. Will , with Uio Md of guardian
spirit * , obtain ( or any onn a Blanco at the patl
and precent , and on csrUIn conditions In tie roi
, ure. Doota and Bboc * mxdo to irdor. P rfoa
- r'nn tru r n rt
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A roarrel at p
ly , strength and wholcsomeneai. More econo
talc-1 thin tha ordinary klndi , and cannct M
told In ccmpeHllon ulth the multitude ofl cw
tent , short weight , alum or photphate powdeil
Bold only In can * . KoriL.IUniNO i'owota Co. ,
flV I Kt W w Vnrlf
lJBK 'l.llB 1'IWIOO *
( oolt Slovo
Mf thoolt Ina stool
th ii'at of
ycaisaiUirlv ;
tu i niiru ana
V Siunmar use tlitto Stovca nro
Thm oolfbrat6dBtove tor al br D. A ,