Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    TEE DAILY BJtiJti : OMAHA MONUAYH "MAY " 22 , i882.
The Only Exclusive
holesale Hardware House
OMAHA - - - - - HEB.
Boots and Shoe
? Jo
Invites the attenlionof the public
to his
New Oarpetsl
Embracing all the late pat
terns in everything in
the Carpet Line.
f/r r < - Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades ,
In large quantities , and always
at the Bottom Prices.
T IS n W W TRF T T "K8 t I
t5 B Jj . JLp .Ei J * vw ! lj Jill jLt ?
1313 Farnam Street.
SIGNS House Painting ,
IT &B " IR
I" , n\l LS" H
1118 Farnam Street ,
Apartmonta in privatohouiua Painted , Frescoed or Decorated to auit nil
tas'es. ' Wo muko a srucial stu ly of the true harmony of colors and produce
ftnu contrasts and coinbiiuitioiib to mutch every variety of furnishing. Cliurcliue
and public buildings paintud and frescoed iu the most approved ntylu ,
and give personal attention to all work.
The Now Bill Pasaed and Now
Become a Law.
A Board of Public Work * and the
The bill amending the city charier ,
having passed both houses , is
now become n lavr , going into
elFoot at once by reason of the emer
gency clause attached.
Omit'.ing the repetitions of the bill ,
the principal and most important
changes in the city charter by which
a board of public works is created and
the matter of p-iving provided for ,
are ns follows :
Sec. 10. Thcro shall bo in
cash city of the llrat a board of
public works , which oh nil consist nf
three members , residents of such city
to bu appointed by the mayor , by am
with the consent of the council befon
the firat Monday of July , 1882 , for th
term of one , two and three yearn ro
sportively , the term of cilice of eacl
to bo designated by the mayor _ and
annually thereafter shall bo appointed
as hereinafter provided :
Ono member whoao term of of lie
shall bo three years.
The mayor , by and with the consent
of the council , shall designate onu of
the members of such boaid to bo
chainnan thereof.
The salary of the members of auel
board of public worka shall bo fixed
by ordinance and the salary of the
chairman ahull not exceed $2,000 per
annum , and the salary of each of the
other two members shall not exceed
the sum of § 1,000 per annum. Eacl
of the members of such board shall ,
before entering upon the discharge of
his duties , take an oath to faithfully
discharge the duties of his oflico and
enter into a bond to such city with
two or more uood and sufficient euro
ties to bo approved by the mayor and
council , the bond of the chairman to
bo in the sum of $15,000 and of the
other two in the sum of 810,000 each ,
conditioned for the faithful perform
ance of his duties as such member
of such board of public works. The
chairman of such board shall devote
his 1'iitiru time to the performance of
his ollicial duty , and no member of
sucli boaid shall over bo directly or
indirectly mtoiCHtrd in any contract
entered into by them on behalf of such
city , nor shall they bo fytertsrcd
either directly or indirecty in the pur
chase of aoy material to ba uaod or ap
plied in anti about the uses and pur
poaes contemplated by this act.
It shall bo the duty of such board
of public works and it shall have
power to make contracts on behalf of
the city f jr the performance of all
tuch work and the erection of all such
improvements as may bo ordered by
the mayor and council , but only with
the approval of the mayor and council ;
to superintend the performance of all
such improvements ; to approve the
estimates of the eity engineer which
may be made from titno to time of
the value of work as the same may
progress ; to accept any work douo or
improvement made when the same
ahall bo fully completed according to
contract , eucjcct , however to the ap
proval of the mayor and council , and
to perform such other duties as maybe
bo devolved upon them by ordinance.
Any member of such board may bo
removed from oflico by a yoto of two-
thirds of the members elected to the
council with the approval of the mayor
tor sufficient cause , and the proceed
ings in that behalf shall bo entered in
the journal of the council ; provided ,
that the council shall previously cause
a copy of the charges prof erred against
such member sought to bo removed ,
and the notice of the time and place
of hearing the same to bu served on
him ten days at least previous to the
time so usugriod and opportunity
given him to make his defense.
Sec. 4'2. The mayor and coun
cil of any city of the first-class shall
have power to pave , repavo or Mac
adamize any street or alloy or parts
thereof , in the city , and for that pur
pose to create suitable paving districts
Which shall bo consecutively num
bered , such work to bo done under
contract , and under the superintend
ence of the board of public works of
the city.
Whenever the ownora of lota or
lands abutting upon the streets or
alloys within any previous district
roproaonting a majority of feet front
thereon shall petition the council to
pavorepaveor Macadamize such streets
or alleys , it shall bo the duty of the
mayor and council to pave , ropavo or
macadamize the same , and in all cases
of paving , repaying or macadamizing
there shall bo used such material as
such majority of owners shall determ
ine upon , provided the council shall
bo notified in by said owners
of such determination within thirty
days , next , after the passage and ap
proval of the ordinance ordering such
paving , repaying or macadamizing.
In case such owners fail to
designate the material they desire
used in such paving , repaying or mac
adamizing , in the manner and within
the time above provided , the mayor
and council shall determine upon the
material to bo used.
The coat of paving , macadamizing
or repaying the at root a and alloyti
within any paving district , except the
intersections of streets and space oppo
site alleys within such district , ehal
bo assessed upon the lots and lands
abutting upon the streets and alloys
in such district in proportion to the
feet front so abutting upon such
streets and alleys. The assessment of
the special taxes for paving purposes
herein provided for shall bo made as
follows : The total cost of the im
provement shall bo levied at one tirn'o
upon the property and become delin
quent as herein provided , ono-lifth
(1.5) ( ) of the total amount shall become
delinquent in fifty (50) ( ) days aftersuoh
levy , ono-lifth (1-5) ( ) in ono year , one-
tilth (1-5) ( ) in two years , one-fifth ( I 6) )
in three years , and ono-fifth in four
years after the levy is made. Each of
said instalments except the fir at ,
ahall draw interest at the rate of seven
(7) ( ) per cent , per annum from the time
of the levy aforesaid until the same
shall become delinquent , and after the
eamo shall become delinquent , a pen
alty of ten (10) ( ) percent , together with
interest at the rate of one ( I ) percent ,
per month payable in advance shall be
paid thereon as in case of other special
taxoa. Such taxes almll bo collected
| i ntl 01 ced ns in Other casoi of spec-
'ial taxe.i. In case of omissions , error *
or mistakes in making such nsfcosmoii
or levy in rrspect of the total c st o
the improvement or deficiencies o
otherwise , it shall bo competent fo
the council to make a supplomenta
assessment and levy to supply such < l
ficioncies , omissions , errors or mi
takes. The cost of paving , mncada
mizing or ropiving the intersection
of streets and space opposite Alleys i
any paving district shall bo paid by th
city as hereinafter provided , but notli
inghorcin contained shall bo construe
to exempt any street railway compan ,
from paring or ropaving between it
rails at ( its own cost whenever air
street shall bo ordered pivod or ro
paved by the mayor and council of th
city as provided by law.
For the purpose of paying the cos
of paving , macadamizing or rcpivmg
ho streets and alloys in any pat ing
tdistrict , excluahoof the intersection
of streets and spnco opposite alloji
therein , the mayor and council shil
have power and may by oidinatici
cause to bo issued bonda off the city t <
bo called "District paving bonds o
District No. , " payable in not ex
ceeding five years from date , and tc
boar interest payable annually not ex
ceeding the r.Uo of seven per cent pti
annum with interest couponsattiehed ,
and in such case shall also provide
that slid special taxes and assessments
shall constitnta a sinking fund for the
pnyniuit of said bonds and interests
Provided , that the entire cost < if jnv-
ing , replying or macadamizing any
Bucli ntreeta or alloys , properly charge
able to any lots or lands within any
such paving district , according to the
front foot thereof , may bo paid _ by the
owner of suah lots or lands within fifty
days from the levy of such special
tuxes and thereupon such lot or land
shall bo exempt from any hen
or- charge therefor Suid bonds
shell not bo nold for lees than their
par valpo , or if said assessments , or
any part thereof , shall fail or for any
reason bo invalid , the mayor and
council may make other and further
assessments upon such lota or lands
as may bo required to collect from tiie
same the cost of any paving or mac
adamizing property charcoablo there
to , as heroin provided. Whenever
the mayor and council deem it expe
dient , they ohall have the power for
the purpose of paying the coat of pv -
ing , repairing or macadamizing the
intersections of streets and spaces op
posite alloys in the city , to ianuo bunds
of the city to run not nioro than
twenty years , atid to bear interest
payable sonn-nnnually at a rate not
exceeding six per cent per iinnuni ,
tvith coupons attached , to bo called
' paving bonds , " and which shall not
be cold for less than par , and the pro
ceeds of which shall bo used for no
other purpose than paying for the coat
of paving , repairing or macadamizing
the intersections of streets and alleys
in the city. Provided , that the ajniro-
gate amount of such bonds issued in
any ono year shall not exceed the sum
of $100,000 ; and , provided futther ,
that no such bonds shall bo isdued
until the question of the issuing of
the same hus been submitted to the
electors of the tity at a general
or special election therein , and author
ized by a vote of the majority of the
electors voting at such election. If in
any city of the first-class there shall
bo any real estate not subject to
assessment or special taxes for pa vine :
purposes , the mayor and council shall
have power to ptvo in front of the
same and to pay the cost thereof that
would otherwise be chargeable on
such real estate , in the same manner
as herein provided for the paving of
intersections of streets and paying
therefor. The word ' "lot" as in this
act used shall bo taken to moan a lot
as described and designated upo'h the
recorded plat of any euuh city , and in
case there is no recorded plat ot any
such city , it shall mean a lot as de
scribed and designated upon any
generally recognized in up of such city.
The word lanrn ) nil ill mean any un-
subdivided real estate.
That , section 43 ot said act be , and
the flame is amended to road na fol
lows :
Sue. 43. Such taxes shall bo levied
on all the lota and land bounding or
abutting oil such im jrovomonts , said
tax to bo either in proportion to the
feet front BH bounding and abutting
on or according to the value of such
lots or lands as shown by the last
previous assessment thereof for gener
al city purposes , as the council may in
each case determine : Provided , That .
this provision shall not bo taken to
apply to special taxes or assessments
for paving purposes except as provided
in section 42.
Provided further , That when any
such improvement shall extend into
or through any unsubdividod tract or
parcel or parcels of land , said taxes
shall bo so lovind as not to bo charged
Against the real estate adjoining such !
improvement for a greater depth than .
the avercgo distance through the sub-
ilitidod real estate to bo taxed for said
Sec. 11. That section 44 of said act
bo and the same is hereby amended to :
read as follows :
Sec. 44. All grading , pavingInac-
idamizing or guttering of any streets , '
tvonues or alloys in the city for .
which , or any part thereof , a special
tax shall bo levied , shall bo done by
contract with the lowest responsible ;
Free of Otmrge.
All iitrennshuireriDL'from Couijlis.CoIdp ,
Antiuia , Bronchitli , Lou of V ice , oruny )
ntfection of the Throat and IJUDK . are re-
Tuetted to call lit 0 , F. ( Jioodirian'H drug
itore and get 4 Trial Battle of Dr. Klng'n
New Discovery fov Cun-innptloD , free nf
diar e , which will convince them of ita
wonderful merits and show what a regular
Jollur-ulze bottle will do. Call early.
Genins Rewarded ;
nit ,
[ 'he ' Story of fclie Sowing Maohino ,
A Imndaorao little pamphlet , blue ted goH
lovailtli nuDiwous tngrArin s , will bu
o Any fc'iult puta n calling for It , at any branch
ir lub-otllco ot 7Uo ShiL'ur UauudvcturloirOom-
liny , or will ho tent 17 mall , pout ( alJ , to
living at a dlttanco Iroui our ofllcoi
The Singer Manufacturing Oo , ,
Principal 0 Jico , 34 Union Squure ,
feblS d&w
I'oity HIM li uu im p'ovea " BLACK
kst liver nmlicine ic
Nebraska national
( No. toos. )
Ofllce if CoHnnoiLKR or INK n RRR.NCT , V
\VAHIIMITOV , A | til 2M1Ibsri \ J
UiirnnAO , liy Mttltfftctorv nUlcure iircrrntrd
to the lindcm giml , It I n. 'l > fcti rniulo to nmtiui
OMAHA"In the c ty of Omaha , In thn count } o
DounUninl state of NelirnoVa , Imi complin
ltli ill tliei < ro\lloi'iflf Statlien o
the United M tc rnlilnil | to lie icmplltd lti )
before m awoclntlon nhfill lie nut hot lied to com
memo the bu IIUM of Ihn Ine !
Now , therefore , I. John J j K o , Comptroller
of thn Uitniicy , no hereby fertf ! < tliat "Th
Nebmkik Nail ml 1'ank ot Omulm , " In the cl ;
ot Oiiinhn , In the c mil ) of IioiigUs , anil Ute
of tttbrntkt , It Mithorlz d to commence the
bU'lnc-n ol Hanking ni moIdcd In Section KIIt\
Ono Itiimlnd and Hlxtv-M. e of the IlcUml
Statute * of t"c I nltc I State * .
In IcttlinoiiT whrreol wIlnc-M mj
> h nd ntidroMof oHlco this Stth
fcKAL. V diyol April 1 k2
Comptroller of thuCurtciir ) .
TlioaboAe Bank l no * prepared to teeol
b < i < liUM * It rotnmnneeanllli a fully pad up
&p Ial of f2.0OOJ.OO , with olll r and dlicc on
19 fellow i
3 It. JOHNSON , PI.MIDI.ST. ef Htcelf , John
non fc Co. , \ \ h letale Oroccru
A. E. TOU7.1MN , VlO rRriilDiiNT , of 0. H. & < J
R H , 11 i-ton
\V \ V. .MOIlSio' : . V. Mornoncd Co , , Whole
rcilo ltnct.1 and Shoes.
J.NO. 8. COh INS , rf O. H. ft J S. Colllnn ,
\Mi lonlo l.ovhcrnmlH ddlorv.
JAMC3 M. Woo north , Counsellor anil Attoruc }
I.E1M8 8. UKKD , of Iljron Hied A 0\ , Real
Hit.ito Uoiloia
1 KNKY ) V VATIM. TMlilcr , l to rmhlcr of th
1 Ir t National HanV ot Oninhu , an
connected vllli Ilia nctUu nuniKv
tncntof ( tint Hank fclnio Ita or an
IbktlOll III Ibltt
m.tol )
l'rcililetit. Vlco ' '
* I'rcn't.
\V. B. DnmiiKn , Sec. and Trcoa.
Lincoln , Neb.
Oorn Planter * , Harrow * , Farm Roller * ,
Sulk Hay Rakes , Ducket Llovatlnx Wind
Til ElC.
We are prepared to do job work and manut
ttirl > c for oilier | rtlca
Aildrcn nil anlvrr
Dr. Craw-
ord.of flo\e
land , 0. , the
old. popular
anil Kklllfu
} f the latest Improved plan , baa opened a
nochanlcit surjory Ini Ituto of , 10U South
14thtrout , Omaha , wlieru ho in propar d
urn fh limbs of every description , skeletons
ind 8up | > ortorfloriiralizoil ) and deformed llmbt ,
Tuascs , and ehoulilor biaces ami nupportcra lor
emalu weakne > e. &o Tliu Doctor li&a had f
roan experience la wearlnp ; and ailiiiB.ln .
109 South llth St. Omaha , Neb.
Murray & Lanman's
n > j ia IIr
Proposals For Indian Supplies find
U IndUn Affairs , Was In ton , April 25. 1
Mviliid proxH It. Indorred "I'npuBils fit
Uefhldx for KCLI limit besu nil ted In H > pirate -
irate cnvilopuij , ) Itvo , Kl.iu , Clothlni ; , or
I'runciiortjtl > n , c , ( a i the case may lie1 , ) and
11 octi'J t'J tlio CoininVnloucr of Indian AtTalrn ,
yos. 06 anil 87 Wooilcr btreot. New York ull
jo rccolvcd untl 1 p. in. of Tuesday , Hay 23 ,
1882. for furnlthl g for tba Inillan Hvrvlce ibout
KiU.vOO p rund < I ucon , 40,000 , OJ piunili Heel on
.hehoof , 18,000 pound * llcatin , 7U.OOO pound.
iakli.K . I'owder. { ,000 000 joundt Corn , 760000
lounda Coffee , 8,800,00 pounds Flour 21J.OOO
) jiind < Feed , 800,000 pounds Hard Uread , 71 > . -
KX ) pounds Uoralnj 0000 pouud * Lard , 1,66
jatrela incsi pork , 23J.OOO pound < Rlio , 11,200
wunds Ti , Oi.t'V-J ' pounds lobaico 00,000
, 2i'lOiO ' pounds Soil ) , 0,000 | > o i
io la , 1,260,010 pounds Hu ar aud 83V,010 p utid
AHO | Il'anketi , Woolen and Co' ton Good *
conrlttlnK In part of 1fcklu,3'GOOarda ! ; Utan
lard CaliLO , SiO.OCO yard * ; Drlllmif , vO.OOOjard *
) U.k ( , Ircu liom all 11111) ) ; , 17UC'iM' yutd ; Den
nib , 17,000 yanlx ; Oliinliam , 60,000 yurd > ; Kan
.uckj JtiBtis , 'J8.000 nrd < ; ( , liilot 5 , 00 ) M-di
Ir KiiH tetmi ; , tOU ! oou yards , UlaiUivd i-nret-
n , . ' , W.OCOyar ; Hickory lilrllnit , I0k0u > ar <
Jallco HhfrtliiKi "fW } urdVliiM ; > y , 3000
ar I J C otliln , , Orouries , Not out , llu dwaru ,
ilcdiial bum llui , urnl H long H < t of iu Btul
iiuiisariiUe , Hiuh > is Hatnis , I'lowf , ltake .
or < , Ae , and for about 4.fiUa'Oim roiulrea |
or tno ucrilco In ArUona , Dobutdu , lUkotu ,
dill- , Indian To rituty. t Imiiucu , Muiitaii ,
ebtiska , o adu and W ci n In , tti l > u ilill\er-
xJ at fhii-ik'O , Kanx Cit\and loux CliAluo
'or utli \ \ < IKOIIH us mu ) be rvulrud ( , adapted to
.h dliUute ot Hit. I'uu IU ( , 'o.i-t , with
jra n , dilltvied at nin I'r niuco ,
! ) , tiuu porluilon ftr ulicf Ilia trtloles.
oodii | and suppllu tint ma ) not bo tontrjtteJ
or to be dclvirv ) < l ut tin AK nJ t
HcliidulesfehuHliii ; tliu klndi u'l I iuaiitl | les ol
iubilstciiiuHUppllu iqilllHd for ualh A 'ilicy.
tdihu kinds nd I\UM \ Ma * In gtoai. of all
ittitr ( jo d Mnl atlkiiB , U nlber with blank
riipo as and for , * for contract and bund , cou
litlou. tc b nbneited by bldoers , time and
ilacool ilclhcry , teim * of lontravc an I pay.
uent tiancpoitatl in roucm , it d all r > thir net s-
ary li utruo lonu I'll ' b lur d bxl upon appll
at on to tliu Indian Oitlca IuVa tiii > nton , or
iui. t6 and (17 ( Wo M er etmt , I > o-Y Torn ; Win.
I. lj on , No. 4-3 llnii.iw.iy , New York ; the
knniiiesarlts of hululs enve , . B. A. , at
Jhcyeune , ClilraK , ' e veiifforlh , Omaha , Hilnt
.ouu , Halnt 1'aul , fi i Fu cUco , and Vauktoi , ;
hu rontmuiiter atiioiu City , and to the 1 * it-
naitvmatthofoilo * nL'innitd places In Kan.
as : Aikainu * Cit > . Hurllnitton , t'aldwtll ,
JodKe L'it > , Km | | ( , Kurtka , Urcat Vend ,
loHurd , Iluich'iuiii , Ur e , Jlul'nernon , Uar-
DII , iltdlclne I o K Slw on Outgo i.'lly ti > -
lun , MurllnK , 1op < .ka , WullloKton , Wlcb ta and
iilds will be I * I ut ( ho hour and day above
Uiivl.uud tldd.r art Imlted to bu preiouV at
bo optnlnr.
All bids must b a uimpaiilcd by certified
huLtupor j. B t iiltid Htatis Dvpo ltory or
Hklblunt Trtwuroi 'at t Uut the p .r lunt , of
be amount of th > proposU
II I IUUK , Commit louvr ,
* mt lor Jw UfoTlmia and
lit only 111 . t zl hy bir , and vthc willet
ot bo a "III < ] r i 'Jhnndtr" story , m ih us 1m
3 1 nn I r.'lll l < u p ill Isiud , but u true Id e by
bo oiily p tsiri ho Is | pi'tewlau ot the fjo
- 111 It ul an I itto'cd ' will ) . Truth It iror
atere tnu t ai Octlou Ajt < nn ihould apil )
jr ttrr tory at n Bind 75 ct * for ftam
il.Uook. J II. ( Jiiiiiuliiir * & Co ,
lun-Mid-AH'Cbw bti.oul . Mo-
OF "
Men's , Boys' and Children's
Ready for In peotion
The Lowest Prices Guaranteed ,
' 1316 Fnrnain Street , Near 14th.
Mi rlf ! nd
Single Breech Loading Shot duns , from $5 $ to
Double Breo oil Loading Shot Guns , 818 from to g 75 ,
Muzzle Lending Shot Onus , from U to @ 25 ,
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Goods ,
Full Stock of Show Oases Always nn Hand ,
Imported and Key "West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
First-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store
Cigars f om $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
lits and Samples.
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork
The only nndj | plato that
original firm of |
f ia giving for In-
Uogoro Broo.
$ > / / otanco - einglo
All ou' Spoons ,
pluted Spoon a
Forks and
Knivue plutcJ triple thickness
with tliu greatest
plate nly on
of euro. Each
the a o a t i o B
lot being hung
on a ecalo while whore expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
Insure a fall do-
making a single
poalt of silver on
plated B p o o n
thorn.We wear aa long aa
We would call
& triple plated
eHpooIal attention
tion to our coo-
Rival ) Orient. Tinned
All Orders In the Went should bo AdJrewed to
. . ,
Wholesale dewefer ,
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact thax
dank foremost in the West in Assortment and
Prices ot
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps
Vt "aru prepared to moot the domf.nde of thu trada in regard to Latest Btylet
and PattoriiH. Fine iuu-olmnt Tailoring in Connection
13D1-130J Firntuai and 300 to 312 13t