Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.1
Saturday Mornine , May 20.
Weather Report-
( The following observations are taken i
the same moment ot time at all the sti
lUver 9 ( c t 1 Inches above high water mark i
Omaha and 4 feet Inches at Yankton.
Indloatioo * .
Nkttonal Associated Preaa.
WABUINOTON , D. Q. } May 10 , 1 t
m. For the upper Mississippi valloj
colder cloudy weather , with rait
winds shifting to northwester ! ]
stationary or higher pressure * . For th
Missouri valley cloudy weather , loci
rains followed by clearing woathoi
northwest winds , stationary or lowc
temperature in the southern portion
higher pressure.
Ashland bridge U now open for travel
Frank Mayo in his great play c
"Davy Crockett" will Oil Koyd'a oper
house next Wednesday.
There lias not boon a funeral in th !
city since ono week afro to-day. Some
thing quite remarkable.
The remains of the late A. I * . Robl
on , who died at Montpelier , Idaho
arrived in the city on yesterday's over
land train.
It is stated that the Abrnms case wai
compromised by his paying over $000 U
his partner , who thereupon withdrew hi
Grand sacred concert by the Muca !
Union orchestra at Metr'a garden at 3 p
m. , Sunday next. Those concert * ar
delightful affaira and well worth attcndini
by lovers of good music.
Reserved scats for the enlcrtainmen
at Boyd's opera house Saturday night fo
the benefit of St. Joseph's hospital an
going very fast. The A. O. II. band wil
discourse some select muata for tbo entertainment
tainmont of the audience ,
A reception to the clergy and laity it
attendance upon the scsniorw of tha die
eeian council was hold Thursday at tb <
residence of Per. James Williams , rectoi
of St. Barnabas. It waa largely attended
and tha occasion was a moat enjoyable
ono ,
The Omaha Teamsters' Union hold
their regular meeting nt Tivoli hall , Fri
day , May 10th , at 7:30 p. m. By order ol
T. J. Quick , secretary.
The magnificent cornet band of th <
Cooper and Bailey cirous , which disbandec
at Creston , Iowa , last week , Las been
secured for the Benson at the Academy ol
Music , together with two lady performers
of considerable reputation.
It is not so certain after all that the
Barton-Comley opera troupe K ill appear at
Boyd'a this month. Their engagement ia
cancelled for the present , as it in probable
that they will play in Denver during the
week in which they were to have ap
peared in Omaha.
The Union Pacific has given such sat
isfactory rates to Wyoming people for ox-
hibiU to the next state fair in this city
that the governor has irsuod an address
giving the particulars nnd directions pub
licity. Wjoming will loom up in the fall ,
The "Wyoming , "which loft this city
at 0 o'clock Thursday morning , laid in
sight all day , having lodged on a sandbar.
At 7 o'clock p , m , the waa neon steaming
around the brnd oleyen miles away , and
may be supposed to made good her
Forty canvas covered emigrant wagons
crobso.l by the U. F. transfer Thursday
and passed vp Ifarnam street on their
long and weary way to Idaho and Oregon ,
They contained Missouri po < iplo , who ex
pect , if pleased with the in w country , to
bo followed by many othcrr.
Resident agents wanted to handle
Hawthorn's Centennial Kxcclalor Itoof
Paint in Plnttsmouth , Nebmska City ,
Huatlngs , Fr raont , Blair , Reward , York ,
Sidney , and many other towns in Nebras
ka. For information , address or call on
Fuiilt & Shockey , state ogentv , room 0 ,
Creighton block , Omaha , Nubrnuku ,
W , 15. Putnam , employed in the car
building department of the Union. Pncilio
shopr , mot with a terrible accident Thurs
day fchvrtly before 0 o'clock. lie ) was
at work at a new machine , and whllo
attempting to throw off the belt caught
his hand Hi the machinery aud had it cut
and mangled so badly that he had to have
it amputated. The operation WOK per
formed by Dr. Mercer.
A "Book Reception , " with vocal and
instrumental inutlc , took place at the
railroad roidlug room of the Y , M. 0. A. ,
corner Webster and Sixteenth BtroeU , I et
evening , at 7:30 o'clock. This new resort
b finely furnished , with carpet , organ and
all that can make it cosy aud attractive ,
A full line of the leading engineering pa
pers of the country ; New York , Chicago
St. Jx > ulj and Omalu news and illustrated
papers are kept on file , with magazine * ,
bocks , etc. It is hoped that this praise
worthy enterprise will meet with tttrou/
Do Not Be Deceived ,
In these time * of quak medlcint ) advor
; ieeuients everywhere , it is truly gratify-
jn < to find one remedy iliut id worthy of
pralie , and which really dues ni rocc'iu-
wended. Kliclrio Bl tor * we can vouch
for M being a true and reliable remedy ,
nnd pne that will do M r commended.
They invariably cure Stomach and Lhv-r
Complaints. Diseases of the Kidneys au'l
prlnary difficulties. We know whemnf
we speak , and can readily say , give tbuui
a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle y
0 , F , Goodman.
Or Prisoners on Both Sides c
tbo Bars ,
A Flight from Captlvltr nna Han
Times are quite lively now nbou
the yard in which the work is goirij
forward on the now county jail , am
become moro o daily by the result
of the morning tnatinooa in Judg
Boncko's court. Yesterday olovoi
now recruits were added to the work
ing force , which is under command o
Mr. Mike Mcany. There were fout
tocn out of the twenty-eight inmate
ot the jail at work Thursday , non
but these sentenced to a term at liar
labor being sent out. The men ar
put at digging trenches , carrying roc
and all aorta of work , and it is thougli
can begin breaking stone by Mondaj
Yesterday Sullivan , the ma
sent up for twenty-five daya for steal
ing a coat from Holler , the Tent
street tailor , jumped over the fonc
which encloses the grounds and mad
hia escape. Ho will no doubt shak
the dust of Omaha from hia foot , am
that will bo the best thing ho can d
both for himself and the town. II
is the third man who has succeodoi
in giving log bail , and the county com
missioners think it is time to do some
thing to atop it. They will accord
ingly put a double row of barbed win
about the top of the fence nt the high
cat place and a triple row at the lowe
portion , BO that the fugitives will tool
as if they had boon blackberry in j
when they do got out.
John Pioraon was arrested at one
o'clock this morning on the charge o
robbing Olios. G. Nolan of a pocket
book and $55 in money. Nolan it ap
pears was aomowhat intoxicated am
while out in an outhouse claims thai
Pioraon came and took his ducats whet
ho was powerless to resist. The robbery
bory occurred nt 7 p. m. , and the
empty pockot-book was afterwards
found by Goorgq Grooms who returned -
od it to the Judge yesterday morning ,
The hearing was to bomo oll'yostorda )
afternoon. ,
A telephone motwngo woa aont in tc
police headquarters early Thursdaj
that a lot of tramps had tnken pounce
aion of a box car under the U. P ,
bridge and were carousing over a kc
of boor which they had purchased
somewhere Deputy Marshal Mc <
Olure with a detachment of police
marched to the scene of action ,
ourroundod the party and captured
nine of them , landing them in the citj
jail about 7 o'clock , Ono of them
was decidedly ugly and the nippers
had to bo used on him. Judge Bonokc
sent eight to the county jail for too
days , at hard labor. The ninth
claimed that ho waa aick , and was
jivon till noon to leave the city or
take fifteen days at the some manual
oxorciao. „ it
Three drunks were aont to jail and
one paid a fine.
rranaactlona by tbo Rpiecopallane at
Thursday's Mooting.
The diocesan council of the Episco
pal church cloied Thursday after awe
, wo daya' session in the chapel of the
now Trinity church.
It being Ascension Day holy com
munion was celebrated by Bishop
Dlsrkson , assisted by Ilav. H.K. Bur-
jess and llov. Joshua V. nines.
During the days' sessions the par-
shea ot St. Johns , Harvard ; St. Po-
era , Plum Greek ; St. James , Fair-
nont ; Trinity , Republican City , Trim-
y , Fricndvillo , were admitted.
Other parithos were refused adrais-
Ion becaudo of informality in their
lapora of application.
The reports of the atanding commit-
oca of the Cathedral chapter and of
, ho Episcopal Endowment fund , were
The report of the committee on the
ovision of the constitution and canons
nraa ultimately referred back to the
jommittoo with important amend-
nents , to bo reconsidered , printed
md circulated among the parishes at
east throe months bo'fcro the meeting
if the next council , at which , meeting
urthor action will bo had.
A very interesting report of the
ommitteo on Christian education waa
cad by the Rev. 0. 0 , Harris , of
LJiiicoln , accompanied by the following
osolution :
Resolved , That this council rcaf-
irma ita confidence in the ndministra-
ion of the educational institutions of
ho dLcuoo , and hereby heartily
ommends Nebraska college and
Jrownoll hall to the gonoroua support
nd patronage of the public.
Addresses were made in this conncc-
ion by the Rev. Robert Doherty ,
color of Brownoll hall , and the llov.
bhn McNiimara , D. D , , president of
Nebraska collide.
An election for the diocesan stand-
iK committee was hold with the fol-
owing result :
Clorica Rev. Frank B. Millnj > au h ,
lev. Jatnoa Patmon , both of Omaha ,
nd Rev. II. B. Burgess , of Platta-
LaicsOharlea \V. Mead and H. 0.
lark , of Omaha , and M. II , Sessions ,
i Lincoln.
A committee , consisting of the Rev ,
ohn Williama , J. W Greenwood ,
lev. H. W , Oliver , Messrs. J. M.
faoltrorth , A. P. Uopkina , A. M.
arter , 0. W. Mead , Guy A. Brown ,
> , II. Whcolor , was elected to devise
loans for the increase of the Epitco-
al fund.
On the motion of Rov. 0. Harris a
oint meeting of the members of the
outhorn iwid northern convocations
as appointed for the second \Vodnen-
ay in October.
The bishop appointed the following
omniitteo to make the nocoasary
rrancemonts for aaid joint moetinj * :
'ho Rov. 0. 0. Harris , the ROT-
'rank R. Millspaugh. M. II. Sessions ,
3uy A. Brown and General Mont-
On motion of Dr. MoNomara a
ordial vote of thanks was passed to
40 people of Omaha for their goner-
ua hospitality to the members of the
The next mooting of the council
rill take place at Lincoln on the third
f May , 1883. A joint meeting of
the two convocations , northern an
southern districts of the diocese , wi
bo hold at Lincoln on the tocon
Wednesday of October.
The KnlRhts Templar Visit th
Ulocoerm Council.
Although the rain compelled th
Knights Templar to abandon the pilgrimage
grimago laid out for them on Avion
aion day , they concluded at the ! oa
of the banquet to pay a visit to th
Diocesan Council of * the Episcop :
church , in Hcsaion at the chapel c
Trinity cathedral.
They were received most courteous !
by the bishop , who responding to th
introductory speech of Rt. Em. Pan
Commander Whcolor , in which h
said the Knights were "aworn t
assist dofcnsolces widows , helpless
loss orphans and alway
unshoath their swords in the causa o
religion , " aaid ho waa not a Knigh
himself but ho had sometimes though
ho had made a great mistake in no
being one. Ho congratulated th
knights on their fine appearance am
successful celebration of the day , ane
aaid ho had many forcible examples o
their work in the cause of religion
Indeed ho recognized many leadin ;
churchman among their number , am
if they were only as good knaghts a
they were churchmen they were cor
tftinly faithful to the templar's obliga
tion. Ho also thanked the fraternity
for the presentation of a boautifu
boquot that waa on hia desk , and hi
hoped the purity , fragrance and fresh
ness of the flowers would bo omblemi
of the strong , unfaltering , boautiful'am
bright points in the Christian characters
tors of all present and of their livoi
and work.
As the Knights loft the Chapel , the ;
also left a liberal contribution in thi
box for the aid of the Child's hospi
The residence of Sir G. W. Linin
per was next visited , [ where thi
Knights were invited in and vorj
hospitably treated. From here thi
line of march was followed to thi
residence of Sir Marshall , where i
salute was given , and then they returned
turned to the asylum.
Mr. J. B. Weston , 45 Greonwooc
street , Springfield , Mosa. , Supt. Cai
Works , Beaten & Albany railroad
thus writes : I am one moro of the
fortunatoa who havu had the good
luck to hear of that wonderful remedy ,
St. Jacobs OH. I had rheumatism ir
the shoulder severely and could find
no relief until I used that. I applied
it and must confeia I was surprised al
the rcaults.
Correspondence of the Bee.
WAHOO , May 10. Saundore coun
ty's politicians are tuning their harps ,
md preparing for music. It unnccos-
iary for any other county to think oi
putting forward any candidate for a
itato office this fall as Saunders coun-
y , if all reports are true will trot out
.ho full list , except , perhaps superin
tendent of public instruction and
ioutonont-governor. The present extra
losilon of the legislature will enable
Speaker Shcdd and Senator White tc
iot up the pins in good shape. Speak-
9r Shoddorsomo of his friends thinl
30 would adorn the executive chair ,
ind it has boon said that Sonatoi
White acquitted himself honornblj
nrhilo treasurer of Lancaster county.
But this is not all. Our postmaatei
iaa been mentioned for secretary ol
itato. How this ia to bo brought
> ut ia atill a mystery to the
vritor. However , strange thingt
mvo happened , and may again. Then
igain the friends of that old
opublican war horao , L. W. Gilchriat ,
hiuk his 210 pounds of corporosity
vould about fit the auditor's chair.
Vhat L. W. may think of the prospect
[ am not informed , but think ho
vould not object to being "put on the
ilato. " Then there ia that oil-wheel
lorso , the Hon. M. B. Rooao , district
Attorney. At present ho ia playing
'tight and loose , " and baiting hia
look for judge , state attorney or con-
; ress , owing to which way the cat
umpa when ho stops on ita tail , and
to is not likely to stop on its tail until
t is headed the right way. The ro-
iistricting of the state may have some *
hing to do with the bait on his hooks.
Pirno will reveal the future. Mean-
imo wo will wait and wonder.
A HoiiaratinB Jttemody
s to bo found in BUHDOCK BLOOD
iiTTKii.s , As an antidote for sick
cadaaho , femalu woaknoHs , billious-
CBS , indigestion , constipation , and
thor diseases cf a kindred nature ,
hosa bitters are invaluable. Price ,
1.00. rolSdlw
Poatolllco Changes
i Nebraska during the week ending
lay 13 , 1882 , furnished by William
ran Vlock , of thu postoillco depart-
lent :
Established Androw.Codar county ,
Irs. Mary II. McNenl , postmistress ;
uydor , Snyder county , Conrad
chneidor , poituiastor ,
Postmasters appointed Amboy ,
Vubitor county , James Polby ; Cus-
or , Ouster county , Milo F. Young ;
! giit-Milo Grove , Cass county , Joieph
t. Sharp ; Norval , Seward county ,
sraol M. Johnion ; Omaha Agouay ,
rmaha Reserve , H. 0. Baird.
Established Jacob , Powcabiok
aunty , Milo Morgan , postmaster ;
loyatono , Benton county , Joachim
Postmaster appointed Bartlett ,
'romont county , T. 0 , Harris ; Bran-
on , Buchanan county , Mrs. Nellie
I. Hyao ; Carrollton , Carroll county ,
Walter H. Orabb ; Eagle Centre.
Hack Hawk county , John Siobel ;
'arley , Dubuque county , W. Y.
ildridgej Iowa Centre , Story county ,
I , B. Stoddard ; Norman , Winnobago
aunty , Titos. II , WaiiRenoss ; Prairie-
urgh , Linn county , Geo. W. Burn-
de ; Rochoator , Cedar county , Win.
laker , jr. ; Sherman , Poweahiok
juaty , 8. W. Pickering ; Hearing ,
lory county , Joaeph 0. Burkhart ;
ripoh , Bromor county , J , M. Bean.
Clean out rats , mice , roachea , files ,
nts , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks , i-oph-
a. IGo. DrugsUU.
A Woddlnpr on Webster Htroot The
Woa "Way Up. "
The MorrlBon-Qotzschmann Nuptial
and WecldlnB Fount.
Ono of the most charmin < weddino
that have taken place recently , wa
that which WM tulomnized Thurada
night at the residence of Mi
Charles Chunoy on 14th street
near Webster. The highcon
trading partica were Mr. Mitchol
Fioming ind Miss Maggie Henderson
The bridesmaids were Mies Lizzi
Benson and Miss i'anny Lydoll
and the groomsmen Mr. James Mut
phy and Mr. Edward Fornanaez. Th
Rov. E. B. Gruhftm , of the Secom
Prosbyttrian church , tied the nuptia
Mr. Fleming ia a eon of the we !
known pattern maker in the U. P
shops , Mr. Mitchell Fleming , am
Miss Uondorjon ia the nicco of Mrs
McPhcraon and Mra. Thomas Fal
There waa quite a large gathering o
friends , numbering over 50 couples
A very elegant auppor was laid ou
for the guests nnd all the arrangements
monts connected therewith won
managed very skillfully by Mi s D
McPherson and Mra. Thomaa Falconer
nor with the assistance of several o
the young ladies. Miss Tina Falconer
nor also rendered very efficient aid.
The presents were very elegant ant
were mostly composed of articles o
utility. The following is a list o
them ;
Mrs. B. Clark , a handsome toile
sot ; Mrs. A. A. Gibson , rocking chair
Mrs. Alien , a folding chair ; Mr. one
Mra. Fleming , a fine bedroom sot
Mrs. Cheney , a beautiful pin cushion
Mr. Johnson Lydoll and Mi is Troy , BO
of knives ; Mrs. Fleming sot of spoon :
and forks ; Mrs. Cumings , glass to :
sot ; William J. Knox , set of ailvoi
spoons ; John McDonald , comb anc
brush ; Misa Ryan , a tidy ; Wm. Gib
one , a pair of pictures ; Willie Falconer
nor , cream pitcher ; J. A. White
sugar basin ; J. 0. Moodio , silver cake
basket ; Miss F. Lydell , pickle dish
Mrs. Marks , Sam Atkinson , Williatx
Thompaott and John Carpenter , a vorj
beautiful China tea sot ; W. J. White-
house , a fine toilet sot ; Mr. and Mra ,
David Knox , a pickle dish ; E. Fernandez
nandez , a silver VBBO ; George Fleming ,
not of China cups and saucers ; Jamei
Murphy , ailver cake basket ; Mrs. Caa-
siday , silver castor ; Misa Benson , nap
kins ; Mra. Cuminga , towels ; Mr. and
Mra. Ruf , a Handsome tea set ; Mr.
Frank Patrick , bird and cage ; Mrs ,
Foster , Mrs. Cheney and Mrs. Me-
Dill ; , an easy chair ; James Dawsou , c
potato masher ; Tommy Falconer , s
pitcher ; Mrs. Bolts , a handsome lamp.
Mrs. A. J. Popploton presented the
wedding cake and Mr. James Falconu
ipnated the wine. The supper was
given in the residence of Mrs. Me-
k'herson , an aunt of the bride.
After the supper was over the party
ipont the remainder of the evening in
iancing and singing and broke up at
i seasonable hour.
At 8:30 : Thursday evening Mr. W.
A. , Morrison , the manager ot The Post
job room , and Miss Mary Getzsch-
maun , daughter of Mr. Getzschmann ,
proprietor of the city scales , wen
united in marriage at the roaidence ol
the bride's parents , No. ' 514 South
Ninth street.
The nuptial ceremony was pro
nounced by Rev. Storfart , of the First
Methodist church , in the presence oi
the following invited guests :
Mr. and Mra. A. Snyder , Mr. and
Mra. 0. BiendoriT , Mr. and Mrs. 0.
Anthos , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison ,
Mr. and Mrs. P. AndresMr. and Mrs.
0. H. Taylor , Mrs. J. Green , Miasea
Lizzie Gjeen , Josio- Green , Nellie
Landogan , Helen Wolf , Adeline
\Virth , and Messrs. Ge.orgo and Bruno
Fzachuck , Addison Jones , Adolph
Lutz , August Spitko , Julius Festnor ,
Emil Ascberman and others.
The bride was attended by her sis-
; or , Misa Martha Gotzachmann , while
Mr. George Tzchuck performed a
limilar ofiice for the groom.
After the ceremony , there waa a
iplondid wedding feaat with refesh-
nonts , solid and liquid. This was
oBuwod by duncing and other social
imuaomontB , which did not terminate
intil 3 a. m.
The following ia a list of the pros-
ints given :
Clock , A. C. Lutz ; silver fruit stand ,
T. W. Morrison ; clothes wringer ,
'aul Woddo ; hanging lamp , Adam
iiiyder ; student lamp , Mrs. B.
3. TzBchuck ; butter dish , Mr. and
ilrs. E. Andrea ; butter dish , Mias A
Virth ; butter dish , Jacob
iclzlo ; pair lamp mats and cream
litcher , Mian Nellie Landogan ;
air silver napkin rings , Mr. A. Jonon ;
ft pillow and sheet shams , Mrs. J.
V. Morrison ; album. Julius Featnor ;
ramod motto , Miss II. Gotzsohmann ;
ilycr jelly dish , Mr. Emil Ackerman ;
air tine vase motto , Miss Josie
i rcen ; beautiful sofa cushion , Miss
jizzio Green ; sot gold bracelets , from
ho groom ; four largo pillowa , Mrs. J.
! rcun ; bridal suit , Mr. nnd Mra. Gee ,
iiithes ; mtin dress , Mr. Paul Gotzsoh-
mnn ; tidiox , Hies Emma Getzsch-
unn , nnd numerous other articles.
TUB BUB otters its hearty oongratu-
itions to the newly married couple.
Mr. Win. Hosing , Fifth Avenue ,
Ihicago , attributes the euro of a
avoro hprain solely to St. Jacobs Oil
-pain's great antidote.
iponlng of the Finest Sample Booms
In tbo West ,
To-day the room > at No. 214
louth Fifteenth street , formerly occu-
lied by Joe Blake's wholesale liquor
tore , will bo thrown open to the pub-
o as a first class sample room.
Within the past few days
his room has been remodel-
A and fitted up on a scale of
lagnificonce never equalled in the
rest , and it will bo run in a manner
flitting BO costly a place. Joe
Hake , the proprietor , is well-known
nd popular among our citizens , and
lol. Floyd , who will officiate behind
lie counter , ia a whole host of attrac-
ions himself. Only the boat gooda
ill bo sold , and the house will stand
n ita merits fur t * solid and subatan-
al patronage.
NOTICE Adrertleomont To Ixran , for , S
Lost , Found , WtnU , Hoarding , & < . , will ba I
eerted In thM colnmni onca hi TEN CKV1
p f tint ; each tubsoquentInsertion , FIVECKXI
per lln . Th < nnt Inuertloo oevet len tbi
O.SKY ( TO LOAN Otll t Law Otnce ot 1
M U TbcrnM Kcora 8 Ctelehton Dlock.
"O LOAN AS 8 per centti
wju\j\j\j\j terost In ( uma.of V2,600 an
upwards , ( or B to G years , on Ornt-clura city MI
( arm property. HIKIS llr.AL HSTAT * and LOA
AOIXCT , 16th and DourUs SU.
"ITrANTiCt ) Two fir tlat9 hou painter * o
VV thelltty House oaDavenport between lit
and 12th street * . KRKD BACH.
A Rood Rlrl ( or ironetal home
work , In small family. 8outhea > tcorne
17th and Dodge. 180-22 *
'ANT'D A corrpetcnt Uundres1 , by Mn
" . Kountre , South irth s reel. 1S5-22
- yocd .Inlnff room girl , at 140
W Cass street. 187-20 *
\TTANTF.D-KO laborer * . H. Mannwcllei
VY employment atent , llth ilrcfltnear Farti
am. lBJ-Or
'ANTKD Dining room girl. Inquire a
1404 Caultjl avenue. Mrs. C. J. Marks.
177 19
- . . Mannwellcr , Err.
WANTKD-Raker.II. street near Fai
nam. 172-19 *
T WANT SO teams on Florence Cvt-CO , wage
JL S3.fOperd y. Work until October.
ANTED-Good girl at 1086 North lOlb d
85Q-t ( MM. J.M. '
A position is book-keiper oi
WANTED In tome western rlty , by a youo ;
rain 22yrari of nge Una had two ) cnrs ex
pcrle nee In double-entry booV-kcep'nf ? Lint o
references given. Addrois C. II. U. , P. O. bo :
40) Hartford , Conn. 109-221
A situation by a Dr t clan bake
WANTED . Addrcts "Baker" IUi
Four or flvo boardcrslna pritab
WANTED at 1503 Jackson street near 15th.
\\TANTED To rent , cottagn c ( 6 or 0 roomi
VV good loeUlon , convenient to street U. H
Addrn < sUtlng terms ind location. "Kent. '
BRB Office. t ( *
To rent , with prlTtVgJ of buyIng -
WANTED about three month * a cottage o
Urn rooms , Rood locality , within tventy mlnutei
walkot pnetoUlor. Adilrcsi stating terms anc
location. "Hou'c" n office. ml7-
To loan SfOBorMOO to sorao re
WANTED pai ty , whn will g TO ir o nti ad )
emploimentln a grocery or dry Roods and gro
cery an tare clerk. K.xptrlouce icon ) of at
abject atlnrtt than wage * . Aildrcsi
111-10' ELU POWELL , Hirer Slonr , lowu.
A partner wnnttd , active or sl'ont ,
MONEV esOOO to $20COO cisti to Invoit In i
legltlmatebuBlne's which In six months tlmo vn'l
pay a profit at lout equal to the amount in
rested , and both bo turned into clean eagh and
the partnership ended. Addreis "Monty" Bo <
office. 8S-U
Fandlop bridge and school bondr ,
WANTED Clark. Balleme 86-tf
\TtTANTKD EDO pnvy Taxis , sinks And ccs ?
VY pools to clean with Sanitary Vault and
Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co. ,
residence 1200 Dodge street. Omaha.
\TrANTED 4 children as boarders In a select
VY sehoot , at 19th and CjOlfornla St L. B.
OR RENT House 14 roomf , collar , chtern
F and well on comer 1-th and Chicago stretr.
Ahou o ot ( our rooms , cloiets ,
FORRKNT cUtcrn , on IJarney between 18tb
ind 10th streets. Inquire on premises.189H
RUT Furn'she I house e ( five room * In
FOR call n , only D blocks ( rom postofllce ,
UcC < r/uo opposite poatoHlfe. 107-22
ENT Two roooop , fumlihed or un-
FOR , at northwrrt cor er ot 12th and
Unon , Uan and wife prtfcrreJ. or two eentiC'
nen. 178-iM'
T7IORRENT One nlcclv ( nrnlshed 'ro t room
JJ ( or one or two gnntlcujoi , 1015 Chicane
ilrcct between lOtn and 17th streets. ItO-lt )
OR RUNT A brick ( tore 10x40 feet , coocl
location. Enquire at 1018 liarney Htreet.
( V. Scbletfel. agent. 18824'
RENT Four rooms at 24th and ITarnry ,
FOR on prewired. 175-10
RENT A barn. Inquire at 808 South
FOR street , 170 10 *
RENT Large , nicely ( urnUhod room ,
FOR front , hay window , and outside en-
nnce. Fifteen in nutcswalk ( rom Optra Houje ;
j.ti pats door Inquire 2324 at. M r > avenue.
"PO RKNT A new B room bouse , o-rnor ol
JL Grand and Pier street 164-10 *
[ 710R RENT Hoiwe at S. K. corner 10th and
C PaclHc street. H'S-IB1
RENT Flvo larire rooms , with cloretr ,
FOR 120 per onth. Good location. llrCaiaio
ippotlte pofctolfica. 18 S3
nUHNBIIED BOOM-Wlthor vlth'ut board ,
L ? 601 N , ISth Urcjt bjiweeu calllonila and
Vebttor , 161-tf
RENT Cellar corner lOUi and Douglas.
\ RrNT To ( jcnllcman , twn lario elejint
L\0 fro-trooms , onu having n alcove , located
i < mbpf ( hen.obt rcntrnl and doilrablo locations
i the Ity. Addrcas J. HAltTlN , fee oUlce.
133-10 *
HO RENT largo ( urnls'ied frnnt room ( 'r
two Kenll < men , with or without hoanl.
J2ID DoJxe street. 134-U
. . RENT Tha spud 'lit ) nnd elegant lia'l '
wilhallm derrilnipraTitn riUinOhrka d
ortt-rs IHock.tnplv to A M Clrk , urtiH
. Ko t.r's 105 and 107 S. 14th btroit. J41-21 *
\ | north ot Do < eo on ISth. 118'JO'
, < ui > HUNT llouw of live rooais , rorner 23d
J and 1'lcrcn. A | ply at 8. O. Sfovenson , corer -
er ntnanJcajj. near Kaattr Church.
7\OR \ HKNT A suite o ( nicely ( urn lulled room
1 ( or rent , ti. E. corner ami and Lmvcnport
70RLBA8E-Atfi5 ayoar , sevcra nlca
' druce loU near 25di struct and St. Uary' *
18-U W K. 11AKT1.K1T , Ittal Kttata Agent _
OK ItJCN'l X fuinmoca rooum o t
< ch 3U' Eichiujo.H. K. cor. 16th and Dot \
7\OR J1KNT Nicely furnished rooms with ni
' without board. Rcaionablo pricra. 2nlt
71011 BALE A house and lot 1(0x118 front.
' with bun. two wells , tnd cistern 12S5
iuth 14th itrcft , aoond hjuie north of William
rcot. I'rU-eJIOtO. WJ.20'
L r s lot andhoiuc of four rooim
on South Itth ktrcot , at $7(0. Euull caih
lymentK , balancu monthly. McCaguooppoilte
710H PALE One floe bugy and harness lor
,1 iiJS. Inquire at llcwpe' . Ait Gallery 178-21
0ll SALE Chop-choice residence , corner
? 18th and llurt. luqulru at 1322C 3 street.
103-21 *
.Ix rooini , and lot 30x
220 , north ol tlxtceuth stnel bridge. Ap-
ly corner 12th and II.war J. Newtpuper Union
1BMI !
: > 01tSALEORllENT Alarg * houie aud 80
' acren if loHro\i > d land.with larie oichaid.
3r pariluUr inquire at 1614 Uouila * street.
M. . .
i87-SOt Q.UcKpON.
" OU BALK Hard and soft wo d. 1411 Chicago
cage between 14th .nd ISth itreetA m-lD4
"T710B 8AT.K TtouM jrooJ tarn and let near f
JL1 Mirj'i aT n e 2tC bargain. MeCag
oppoilte postofflc * . 157-iO
SALE Corner ani adjoining lot <
FOR arenue. Flrst-clasi property ,
_ QEO. W. AiUH , ltX > 3Farnamttreet. 187-t
TraOR PALE A houi * anil lot en Dodge stre
5L ? one of the finest locations In thi city
115-tf J. II. DUMONT , 13th an ! Itarnt
T7IOK UAliK Or trade ; 44x182 lect on 101
JL ; etreet next to U.e corner of Hirney , nli
C0xl32 feet on th cant ride between JJr a <
Capitol avenne. Enquire of H BERTUOL1
li Un UALK Ihu viariu upiing * , cltuatod ' .
JL1 mlloi itouth ot the U. K rallrcAd In Carbc
County , Wyoming Territory 440 acret i
meadow and upland title guanntcd. Addro
Vf , II. Old cll , arm Springs , Wyonilng.
1710 It BALE Neat cottAge ol fire rooms , ban
JL well , nnd cittern , on 23rd street neir Cal
fornla , atfl,400 , taty term . UcCague ncpotl
poitomce. _ 6j/-tf
BAL.K A rettftutant at a bargtln. 1
FOR , llth street near Farnam.
_ _
FOR the BOYS' HOilK. ThlshcuMiHCa
tially located , has sou h nnd east front , and I
surrounded w th One ( hade trc < ; contilnsttilrt
sleeping rooms , bos Ira hou e. laundry , simp ]
room , etc. Hai a world w do reputation and
batterpntromgo than many hoiues of twice ll
capacity. Price $5,000 for particulars a ;
dress , A. A , SAWDKY , Red Cloud , > tb.
_ _ _ ] _ [ _ EM-U
SALE 200 cholte tats In Hunscom Placi
FOR . R liartlett , Real Estate Agent , 817 S
13th Btrect. _ BSS-U
IV Oi ; BALK A gcod corner lot on Uoago an
JL' &atb street , m a very 'att growing part i
the city , will dlrlde. Inquire at 10 South 20t
street , near Faroam Uogg's & II Ill's addition.
JT10II HALE 20 low near lianncom l' rk , wci
JL1 of Park Avenue. 4K > to 900 each. Mi
Cague opp. 671.U
TT10U SALE Or will oxcDu KB tor Omaha pit
JU.I Iporty , an Improved loc oa of land adjoin
Ing a station on U. P. R. R. II. DUHIIAM , 141
Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 8m
HAY At A. II. Bander Feed Bto
BALED St. _ slff-tf
TRAYEU A Iliht red cow about i yem old
. _ i biaudcu letter "P" on right bin Any In
formation leading toner recovery will besulttbl
rewarded by D. Uarerly IS2J Dodge st. 192-20
A browi horse with collar an
STRAYED The owner can hare the satneb
railing on Martin Spo'.ilo , on 3rd and Chojtnu
street 191-20 *
UI' Atlaikgray mare , with two col
JL larraarki. Too owner can hive the gam
on fptoTlng property nnd rnylnj c ar o b ;
ca'llnjr on D. Ucyo. fi.ur milts north cant o
Omnba , near Florence like. 190-10 *
EALS AT ALL nouns-Beard by the da
or week , 11012th etrcct between Dougla
and Dodge. Mrs. L. Bath. 170-24
Ono gray roarr HI- out ten year
STRAYED marks on both shoulders. Flndc
will be bberally rewarded by retn-nl-g herb
147-lOMlt-wlt 10th and Bancroft M , Omaha
Ono light roan cow. thin In fioen
STRAYED , from O. n. Park 2Mb an <
Caw street. Information ot whereabouts will b
July rewarded. 168-19'
butchar shop ro-cpcncd corner lOtl
BEAIV8 Dodge , connected with hii grocer
itoro. Egorp , butter and ppult'y fresh from thi
: untry. Kourwaeons regularly Hmployid pur
: haalng. Freth milk dally from his own dairy
All customers requus ea to call , eat'ufactlo
pi aranteed. _ U3-33 *
T OST A llrer and white colored pap , threi
LJ mont'sold. Tte flndir will bo suitably re
nrarded by leovirg the Eame t .9 Btore of Jama
DaTJa. tonlh 10th utrf ct. _
AILED HAY At Chi-ltou Itros'.fecd store
B SUttenth ttreet. Prompt delivery.
'I1AKKN Uf A cow about 7 jer old , red will
JL whltei pole , larpe bores Also a heifer
: cd , with watte spots , both with calf.
rS-Ut on e w Bakery , 18th St. near Williams
r < AVK 11EN1 Onoico ol SU lull lota to Icuo (
O near Creighton College for $25 per yea.
Dexter L. Thomaa & Bro. , Room 8 , Crelghto.
Slock. 205-H '
CIONAIJ8T , 493 Tenth Street , Lctneen Farnan
ind Harnev. Will , withtha aid of guarfU-M
iplrlts. obtain for any ono a glonco at the paii
md prercnt , and on certain conditions In the fa
; ura. Boota and Shoes made to jrder. Porfeo
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never % arlca. A mane ] of p
y , strength and wboleaotncnceg. Jloro ocono
ilc l than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bi
> Id In competllion with the multitude o ( I o
t , short weight , alum or phosphate pen dert
Bold only In cans. RorALSfUxiNo POWMU Co. ,
0 Wall fit. . Now York
W. d7 COP4NELL ,
bulldl'iz , , * ? . W uirner Fl'twntb in
Genius Eewarded ;
on ,
ho Story of tlio Sawing HacLiue ,
A handtoma llttld pamphlet , blae nnd golf
> ve with uumcraai cngrurlut4 | , will bo
i any auult rHirn cilllnu for It , at any branch
r mb-omuonf Ihe Singer Maiufovturin Com-
my , or tl : l > o cnt vj mail , post pild , to
ly per > on living at a dUtanco from our offiet .
The oiDger Manufaotming Go , ,
'riucipal OlHoo , 31 Union Square ,
( eblB d&w
i the Circuit Court o ( the United Statw ( or thi
District of Nrlinuika :
haml. It Uroilley , , \ . Wlllia-n Finery ,
. al.j n Chancery Foreclosure of mortgage.
Public notice U hereby Kite" that Injmrsuarico
i the 2Mb day o ( January 18.2,1 , 111 L. I ier-
i r , HiHJciafMa-Ucr fti t hancery in u.Ud Court ,
ill on the l tdayo ( June , 1SS2 at the hour of
o'clock in the forenoon of the said day , a the
irth door of the United tatc Court llouno nnd
wtofflce ulldlti.MnthaCltyo Omaha Uouglas
untytate and OUtrli't ot Nebraska , tell at
ictiou the follow Ing douiri xl projierty to-wlt :
The east half ot the southwest quarter
id the southeast quarter of the north west
larter anil the northwest quitter of the
tutheast quarter of section fifteen (15) ( )
wnshllJ twenty.three ( ' . ' 3) ) rauge teu (10) ( )
at of the Sixth Principal Meredian and
tuate and being iu the county of Hurt ,
.ate of Nebratka.Ktua
Special Master in Chancery.
W. J. CoNKKLt ,
Solicitor for Couiplanant
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real tutato ,
L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Office.
It. BARTLETT 817 South 18th Street.
Architect * .
Room 14. Crelghton Clock. i
A. T. LARGB Jr. . Room 2. Cieldhton Block.
Oooti and Bhoo * .
flna Coot ) wid Shoes. A good Maortment
md work on h.ind , comer liih and ll rney.
faOS. ERtCKSON , B. a cor. 10th ted DongUg.
101 loth ( troct , m&nutMturta to order pooJ wort
Rfmtlrlny dono.
Ded Spring * .
LARRtMER M&nutKturcr.
Dook * . Now * and Otatlonery ,
J. I. mUEIIAUF 1015 FarnhATO Street
Duller and Egg * .
KonnANK & SCHROEDER , the oldest R tnd K.
aon < M In Nebnukk ratobMihol 1875 Otnfcha.
juthwaii corner leth&nd Dodce.
Dcet Do&rd ( or tha Monry.
BUIitMtlon OunnuiteaJ.
tl iU Hoars.
Boud by th * 0 y , Week or Month.
Oood Tcmm for Cuh.
rnml" i o Unnmii Rappllcd. _ .
UarrlnRO * and Road Wagon * .
WU. SNYDER , 14th rvnd Haraev StrcsU.
Olothlng Bought.
J. nAURlfl will p y hlghmtCuh price ( of teconJ
li nd dothln ? . Cornerdoth od Farnhun.
uewa era.
lOUX DAUMER 1314 F rnh m 8tro > .
U. DEBTnOLD. R gg and MoUl
Lumbar Ulmo and Dement ,
fOSTER & ORiT corner Oth and DoofUa Bts.
Lamp * and Qlaware.
/ . BONNEIt 1S 9 DonglM at Oood V riety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One ol out most popular Merchant Taltora la ro-
.clvlng the bteet dculpna ( or Sprlcp and Sammor
Boods ( or Bontlcnon'e wear. Stylish , durable ,
ind prices low ai ever 216 lath bet. Doiur.&Fara.
UBS. 0. A. R1NQEB , Wholesale &nd R UU , Fan-
iv Goodi Ui great raricty , Zephyrs , Card Boania ,
uoalcry , Gloves , Corsets , & . Choarxwt IIouso In
the West. Purchasers D vo BO per cent. Order
116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNB & SONS cor.lith&Jadnoncta
Mourand Feed.
DUAHAOrrT MILLS , eth and Faraham Bto. .
VTebhana Bros. , proprietors.
C. 8TKVENB , list bttwcen Cumlng and bar
U. A. UoSHANE , Com. S3d and Cumln B tiwta.
HardwaiB , Iron and Steal.
OLAN & LANQWORTHT , Wholesale , 110
113 15th troet
A. HOLMES corne 1Mb and California.
Harnen , Saadle * , &o.
D. WEIBT 2018th St. bet FaroBarney. .
ANFIELD HOUSE , Ota. Canfleld.tth & Famham
DORAN HOUSE , F. H. Cory , 918 Famham Si ,
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaren , 10th St.
( onUiem Hotel Oos. Hamel Sth &Lc yonworth
rug * . Paints and Oil * .
fhanuadita. Fine Vane Goods , Cor. 1MB and
DOQKIO btrccta.
W. J. WUITEnOUPK , Wholesale & Retail , Uth et.
0. FIELD , 2023 North Slda Cumlng Street.
PARR , Drugglrt. 10th and Howard Btreets.
Dentist * . , \
OR. PAUti Williams Block Cor. 16th tt Paige.
ury uooaa Notion * , tio.
* ax York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1811 ram-
bam street.
Ci. 0. RnewoM also boot * and shoes & Padflc.
k , V. OROB3 , rTew and B oond Hand Fnrnltnro
ad Stoves , 1114 DcuffUs. Highest cwh prloe
ild ( cr second hand gooos.
30NNEB 1B08 Donyla si Fine eoods Ac.
f tree mroriu.
rjSX , rBIESflrCO 1218HarneyB . , Improva
d lea Boxea , Ircc aci Wood Fences , Offio
ttlnirs. Canntti * ? 'ne ' and Walnut.
Pawnbroker * .
ROHENFKLD 10th St. . bet far. A Har
Herngerators , uanneid's Patent.
OOODUAN 1th St bet. Faro. &
Oljcara and Tobacco.
VEST & PRITSCQERmanuacturerso ( Cigars ,
jxj Wholesale Dealersl n Tobaccoe , ISOSDouglaa.
Y. P. IX3RENZEN manaiacturer 1416Farnham
A. Donaghne , plants , cut Cowers , seeds , ooquots
to. N. W. oor. 16th and Douclas itreeta
Olvll Engineers and burveyora.
ANDREW R0815WATER , Creighton Block ,
'own Surveys , Grade and Sewerage Byntems
uommisaion ryiorcnanu.
JOHN 0. WIL LIS.llll Dodge Street.
> B. BEEMER. For details see largo advertise-
aont In Dally and Weekly.
Cornice Work * .
Vestorn Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron
'ornlco , Tin , Iron and tllnta Rootling. Orders
rom any locality promptly executed lu the boot
unnor. Factory and Ollieo 1218 Uarnoy Bt
C. 8PECHT , Proprietor ,
lalvanlzod Iron Cornlcoe , Window Caps , eta ,
lanufacturcd and put up In any part o ( the
auntrr. T. aiNHOLD t\6 ThlrtvenUi street
. BONNER 1SOO Dougiu street. Oood line.
Clothlntc and Furnishing aooy s.
EO. H. PETERSON. Also Unto , Caps , * '
hoes Motions anil Cutlery. SOI S. 10th ctroati.
Ghow Case Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE ,
: uiuacturcr and Denier In all k' ol tihow
v. ' < u , UprlKht Caeej , U : . 1317 Ca s St.
flUNJC'l , . QEHHAKD , proprietor Omaha
Ii07 Cioc manufactory , blS Hontli 16th etnict ,
- - Li ven arUi and llarcy. All - -
ovea na mwaro.
jilcr In Utovos and Tlnwiro , and Manufacturer
' I In Haofi till Llnds of Du.lcllar ; Week ,
ild > ' Una > V Bloc1 ! .
linsvvu lHOP-llniiglanBt. nfxl ml 13if o.
KVANH , Wholevi-lo and RrUU Seed Drills nod
i'JllvuMri Oii ! | FollriA'rt Hall _
HhyaK.lan * bnl ctur con * ,
' . B. GIUBi ) , U. U. , Room Ko i , Crelehton
tock. Itth Btfi-et
f. h , > ( j , id. t ) . rtujowc lilocu.
, L. IIAHT , M. U , , Kye and Ear , opp. jxnto cu
tilt > < . ! AmM. H. W If.tli an'l Firrham fta
I'hoto rapner * .
Clriud Cential Oillcn' ,
12 Blxt 3th Ptrwt.
* r il xinlc Hill. Pint-cue * Work and Prompt-
( or Ito'i
cUlcr , rriul rl uur l > tirnrm liiilrilrnctt *
lo New Onr > V'llvlluriir on two Kavt
LOT > i , A w HufVty Hu orvulr.
V Vamrner UM thete Stoves are tailsponsabhx
Thi se celebrated Stores f.lsale by D. A. Men/
H4iu , Neb. a 3-lm-m& 4w