THE DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 20 , 1889 * O. O. C3OO3BC J3 OO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Ccnncll Blnfla. lows , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , General Agcnti ( or ( he Celebrated Mill ! o' It , D. Hush k Co. . OoMcn Kaglo Flour , If urcnwoitb Kan < atand Queen I ) i Mills. Sioux K 1U , Dakota. fcfctfncf , Sralth fe Cil't'mlen , Council Uluffa , In , SI. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S ' GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. _ _ TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F F IGE. OT.w' . Pi > C& "O" X 3R. 33 Ac CJ O. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. i- 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Rcidjr.flttcd uppers , In calf skin and kip. Oik ami Hemlock 101,11 LUATflEIt , and al oed * appertaining to the shoo trade. Oo-d oold aq cheap ai In the KM' . C3S-O " 0 IRS , fORRIS1 MI ULLIIERY STORE FOIl STYLISII SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S IIATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluff * la. That never require crimping , ot Mrs. J. J. Rood's Hair Store , at prices never before touched by any other hair dealer. Also a lull line of snitches , etc. , at greatly reduced price * . Also gold , silver and colored nets Wn\cs made from ladles' own hair. Do not fall to call before purchialng elsewhere. All goods warranted as represented. AlHS. J. J. GOOD , 23 M&ln street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. LIVER ? , FEED & SALE SIABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also a fine lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SDOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. iA , I UEUOVED without the drawing ot blood or uao o ( JJI.A.I M . * * i knllc. Cures lunjr dlscaaea , vn O'l'HWT KitsScrolula , Lhcr Com- r. llalnt Dropsy , Ithcuma- T II HI n R S ttsln. > Fovcr and Morcur- I U III U It O lal 8iroa > Erysipelas , Salt Rheum , Scald Heid , Citarrh , wo k , Inllimcd and granulated Eyes , . > crofuloii9 Ulcers and f o- male Dlstasoi of all kinds. AUo Kidney and Vencrlal disuasos. Hemorrhoids or 1'ilcs curcil money refunded. All diseases treated upon thoptlnciplcot veget able reform , without the uia oJ mercurial pois ons or the knifu. Electra Vnpor or M-dlcatod Baths , furnished occwho dcdiro them. Ilcrnlt or Kuptttro radically cured by the mo the Elastic belt Truss and Piaster , wiilsli haa buperior In thoworlq. CONSULTATION FHEE- CALL OS Oil ADDHES3 Drs , B , Rice ana F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. LIVERY , Feefl and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand. Council Bluffs , Iowa. WlLLAUD tiMITir. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , Office and rtaldenco 015 Willow aronue , Coun- cll llluga , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffa. Kxtractingand fllllns a epcclilty. Flrat-class work guarantcoJ. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OIBce , No. 14 Pearl Street , Iloiut , 0 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m , , to 6 p , m. llejldcnco , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central olllco. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue _ nour tfomlOtolltt.m. _ _ , and 2 to 6 p. m. BATOR'S LIFE ASSOCIATION , .DK3 MOINCS , Iowa. Incorporated Julv let , 1879 , for the mutual benefit of bank ollhera and their cuetomera , Baed ( on principles of KQUITV.ECONOMV AM ) Su- CUBITT , A tow cxperlenceJ life Insurance solici tors wanted Addri * ' , II , M Stovena , district Jiollcltor , Office No. 7 , Kvcrtfa btocx , Csuncil Bluffs , Iowa. ItedUicnco.lUHth avenue. P O. box 825. Ua &La J aac 33 O Ofllce over savings bank. COUNOIt , BLUFFS , - Iowa. W , C. James , In connection with hla law and collection buiinesabuya and aella real estate. Fcreona wishing to buy or ecll city pro | > erty call at hla office , over llushncll'a book etorc , Pen ) itreot. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 415Broadway , Council Bluffs Ptcdi anil oiortftgei drawn and ackuolcJge-1 WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. \Vavos Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET' ARTICLES , Nets , Oomba , , Brushes , Face-pow ders , Bands' , Hair Orna ments , Ac. , &c. All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. 337 W. Broadway , and 109 S. Main St , EUiRS. D. A. BENEDICT , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . IRS , E , J , HAEDING , I , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Eleclropithlc Institution , Pbila- dulphia , 1'uaua. OfBcQ Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL DLUFfS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlaoaacs and p'lnful [ dif ficulties peculiar to females a apccUlty. 1 he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Broad Ilaker In the West ; also a choice hind for Cakes and Pies. Bread delivered to all pafca of the city. FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can alwaya be found at B. DANEHY'P , 13fl Upper llroftdwuy. JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of tie Peace , 314 BROADWAY * Council Bluffs. - Iowa. W. B , MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of attracts of FottawaUaralc county. Oinro corner of Broadway and Main BirceU , Council IilulT , Io a. JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( Dcutschcr Arzt. ) ROOJI 5 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Gpuncil Blufls. Dlicasca of women and children a apaclalty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , , FUKE DlUPKKHAIiy EVKIIY SATU UAY. Offlcoln Fverctt'a blocV , Pearl trcct. Reel ] dence I2i Fourth utrctt. Olllto houra from 0 to 2 n. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 ti S p. m. , Council I luffs F. C. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Peari street , opposite the poatoffice. One of the oldest practitioners In Council Dlufla. Hitli- lifactlon guaranteed In all cases. DR. P. F , BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DR. CHARLES DKCTKEN , Olllcoovcrilrur flora , 414 Broadway , Council Illulfs , Iowa , AI illsca-i * of the ovu and uir Iroitod under the most approv cat jiivthul , and all JOHN LI OT , AT'TORHEY'-AT-LAW Will practice In all atate n pourta ] 6peafi Oerman FRUIT SALT. What is It ? What ia It Made Prom ? Who Makes It ? Slnvon's Lntost and Best Discovery T'he Coudonsntlon of tbo Modlcl- nnl Properties of nipo Call- fornla Fruit. Krom the San Fra ii co Dally Examiner , March 6 , IS'2 Fluit Salt ia olnboratclv trcntcd U | > on in this issue of The Examiner. What is Fruit SailIt / is the snlinu properties of Cnlifornin fruit mcdicl nnlly applied to the human syBlom. The r.ipid growth of the popularity attained by Slavcn's "Califoriiia Fruit Snlt" naturally ozcitos intoroat and crcntos n curiosity which issntUtiod by a perusal of this issue of The Exam iuur. People dislike to pcruso length ex plmmtions , and desire a coneisu plain atntemontof atiyeubjcctin which they are interested. This ccnciso and brief atutmnont wo herewith propose to give. It. 11 , 8LA.VKN , the well known chciuiat and proprie tor of the principal and handeotnost pharmacy and drug store in San Fran cisco , conceived the idea of condens ing the many health-giving and sani tary proportica of our much celebrated and luscious California fruits into a medicinal remedy. That California fruits do possess remarkable health' ' promoting properties no ono well in formed will question or deny. There fore , when Mr. Slavon decided on this and undertook the experiment , ho determined upon a careful analysis of all the principal food fruits native to this coast but more principally and notably the Old Mission grape ; the acidoud lime , the juice of which is so generally used for anti-scorbutic purposes on the eon ; the rich aromatic juice of the apvicot , and thatpcculiar- ly developed California fruit , the fit ; . In these four fruits , the grape , lime , apricot and tip , were discovered pro perties which LAllflELY CONT11IBUTE TO THE 1IKALT1I of these who consume them Attcr careful analysis and scientific prepara tion a cathartic salt was discovered which differed in many characteristics From any medicine now in use , and possessing , among others , the follovy- ng enumerated properties : First Being a health-imparting nedicine. Second An cxcollontmild , cathartic ; no astringent mineral poisons enter- ng into its composition. Third A medicine not debilitating or causing pain , and imparting a tone ; o the system producing a pleasant and cheerful effect. Fourth Being pleasant to the taste , comparatively very inexpensive and portable , and particularly adapted for iso of travelers , as its worth in com- > ating the effects on the system of ci- ! natic changes is incalculable. In addition to the foregoing , it s aii excellent tonic , and as luch has received the unqualified NUOllSEMOT OF LEADING P1IYSICIANS of this city , as is shown in recommen dations published in our advertising columns of this issue. Success has crowned the introduction of Fruit Salt nto every family where it has found is way. Thousands there are of sed entary habits who have in vain sought icalth in patent nostrums of doubtful reputation , who now are assured and : eul satisfied they have discovered in ; ho use of Slaven'a California Fruit Salt , a very pleasant , safe and effect ual family medicine. It produces no deleterious effects whatever , does not debilitate or weaken the system , bo ng exclusively vegetable in its com position , and entirely devoid of poi sonous mineral properties , it is neces sarily health-imparting. The discoverer of the saline , cathnr- , ic and invigorating medicinal proper- , ies in California fruit , II. B. Slavcn , s a skilled pharmacuotist , and after years of carotul study as an analytical chemist has perfected several very valuable medicinal discoveries , which are now world-wide in their use and very popular , but none are to be coin- oared for intrinsic merit to the OALITOllNIA FRUIT SALT. The Examiner fully indorses all that ! ias been said relative to this essence of ripe California fruit. It is meet- ng with a most hearty welcome from ill portions of the coast where it has } oen introduced , In Panama , Con- , ral America and South America it is used very generally , its health-giving and invigorating properties being lighly appreciated , particularly in , ho tropics. In conclusion wo might state that as a family medicine it is ncomparablo'and ita use Booms in variably to bo attended with the most gratifying of resulta. It is a savor- : ign remedy for headache , conatipu- , icm and dyspepsia. As a blood puri- lor its ollocts are marked ; its action on the kidni-yd is an excellent one ; "t cleanses and reinvigorates the iver , and toward all the organs of the ) ody its tendency is to restore them .o a condition of public health. Each lalf-pound bottle of the Fruit Salt contains about forty doses and its price .s nominal , putting this excellent rem edy within the roach of all. In fine , this discovery of II. B. 51avan is ono of the grandest triumphs of California skill , and while it is , as "no richly deserves it to bo , pecuniari ly bonulicial to its discover , it is cor- .ainly a laurel upon the brow of our ? oung State , buiug a California dis- ; every and manufactured entirely * rom the luscious , ripu fruits of our 3olden State. RELIGIOUS. The rec.ipts ( f tlio .AnieHcnn Home Missionary miciety for the past year were 310Co6 , an Increase of 830,011 over any iruviouayoir In the history ot the iocloty. Two Presbyteries of the Southern I'ref. lyterlan church have nvertured the Southern Cjencral AitemMy to send fra- : ernal delegates to the Northern Presby terian ( leneinl Assembly , In Springfield , Twenty-nine candidate * from IVesbjte- rian theological Hemlnaries have applied tor appointments in the inreign Hold ai inlHiionaricn. This h the largest number of npplicautu in the history o ( tbo Foreign liouti. 'J'liero me one full-bloodc'l Indian priest ana i-cven deacons In the KpUcojitl mis sion t- ) the Uliippewa or Ojlbwny Indians > f Minnesota. Jiesitlea there ia ono mlxed > JOK ! clergyman , n priest , uko connected with themlsilon , The negotiations for the union of the Associate Reformed and United Presby. ; criau churched hayo failed. The oppol. tion was chiefly In the Jtefortned riynod , and wan grounded on the fear that the donthtm brethren mUht be Ulntcil with "rebellion , " "slavery , " etc. The latest ntfttlitlcs of tlio Southern MetluxliU chuich itntc tlmt there 4,011 traveling unil f > .80"i local jireschp PI Ilil7 white , OU3colored mulf ) , II Inillnn rneinbem , the total of minister * and IIIPIII- I'crs being 860,037 , an Sucrcaso of 12.0S4 tlie ] ) : t year , Sun 1'rnnclico lias 15 Human P.ilholio churches and 10 chipels , 15 l'rc lijt rlaii churclitf , 14 Methodist , 11 Kpi copnl , ! l l > aitut , (1 ( CoiifjrcgaUonal and 'J Sweden * bi rcian. Tliero are aho many cluirclie'i of a liinctltnnccniH character. It is wtlmftted thtt : thewi Is ono church for every 2,000 of the population , A census of church attendance In St. l.ouifi nhou's tlmt tlio total on a rcccu'.Snn- d xy of churcli-Koers was 115,103. Of these 83,171 ttcro Itnnian ( 'athnllo , 0.920 l'rr < - byterhn , 7-l'0 Mctlioill-t" . 3.051 l.uth. trntiH aii.l 4,512 ] iaptlst < . In the .Sunil.ty scliools there wan un attcudixnco of > ; ) . . n.2. n.2.Of IS. * [ otlioilM churcliM in Vermont , nno ! linvo a membership of u\or'JOO each. Total members In full , 16.W8. Tlio num bcr of Addition * by confession the 1ml year w. 000. Tlio R blmth rchnoU number 17,7fl scholars , 2.f'3l ollicers and tctcheiR in28 Hchools. I'ow of tho-e clilircheH date hack nioro than 50 years , A few weol ; after Dr. Harris tacnmo Disliop of the Kpiseopnl Uicccso ot Michl- pan a debt of about $18,000 was removed from Grace church , Detroit , nut the church edifice was cnisocrateil. The con- iteration of St. .Inmrs' , Detroit ; Stl'iur ! . MttHiuctte , anil other clmrcliot followed iu rapid puccession , and now , In le.-u than thrco j caiP. tlio number Inn Increased to 15 , of which 12 have been erected and 0 consecrated during the current year. Found nt Imst What every "no rhould hiixr , nnd never bo without , Is THOMAS' KCI.KCTIIU- . . It Is thorough and onto In its vll'ectn , pro ducing the most wondrous cures of rheu- nmtUm , nonralgin , lnirn , Lirnisos , , , nd wounds of every kind. mliltlw CONNOBIALIi'JES. French cirls nro generally iimrie < i on ronclili L' thu ago < il indiscretion. I Lloitun Tost. Tost.A A silver cake basket full of $20 gold pieces wiw Mtiong thu presents nt n Wed- diugtn I'r.ividence , 11. 1. , hut week. isi K , J. lionner , daughter of Mr. Itobcrt 13onucr , is to bo raatricd next Thurxday evening , in Dr Hnll'd church , IS'uw York , to Mr. Francis Forbes. Mi Anna Foster , the yomigest daught er of Gav. Foster , of Ohio , Ii to bo mar ried iu a faw weeks to Mr. Mussoy , the governor'H private Bccrttary. They will make a bridal journey to Euro e. A clergyman who hud just married a couple felt indignant when the bridegroom gave him a fee of only half n dollar , Binilnd grimly , and said : "Never mind ; you'll hnvo to pay n lawvcr S100 for undoing what 1 have done. " An 1 udiana school teacher was in the habit ot ' keeping company" with a young girl living at a merchant's in tha town , and win expecting to marry lier. Ho finally eloped with both her and tlio mer chant "H wito. Ho is suspected of heading for Utah. A Philadelphia girl wnn BO thoughtless as to tell a friend that at her woildini ; tbo names of tbo donors would not bo dis played with tbo prenants. Of courxo the friend told. Her wedding came elf tlio other day , end the present * were not dis played either. They consisted of 732 plated Hiutar cponns and ly&0 imlt-iellarii , [ Philadelphia Nowa. To make it comprehensible to Knglisli renders , this in the way the fanhioiml > lo journals anniuiubed the recent marringo at \Vind.or : "Tho marriaKo of his lioyal Uiglinees Leopold George Duncan Albert , Duk.e of Alluny , Karl of Clarauce , lUron Asklow , Duke of Br.xony , i'rinco of Snxe- Goliurg and Gotha , Knight of the Most Noble Order of tbo Garter , Fourth Son of Her Mnjeaty Queen Victoria nnd Ilia Koyal HighiiCHs ihe Princa Uon'ort , Duke of tjoxo-'Jolnirg and Gotlm , with Jlw Serene Highness Princes.s Helen Krcdcrica Aiijtutta , Fourth Daughter of His Serene Hlghncsi the Reigning IVinca of Wnldeck nnd I'ynnont , was auleninizcd in St. ( Joorge's C/iapel / , Windsor , Thmsday , Bucklin's Arnici Salve. Tlio BEST SALVE in the world for Outs , Bruiaes , Sore Ulcew , Salt Kheuin , Fever . urea , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Cldlbluinx , Corns , nnd nil ekiu cruptionn , and posi tively cures \ri\cs. \ \ It 14 giurnutoeil to give uatiiifuctiou or money refunded , i'rice , 2.5 cents per box. For x.ilo by C. F. Goodman IMPIBTtUd. It wns Lonsfellow who glyly dcecribed , he liuly lui wo 'ring llowora "on the con- 3'reRation nido of her bonnet. " The bald-healed nnn'ri idea of heaven in a place where Imrletque opera perform , niicts will gu on without end. Picayune. Three-canl-monto men are not BO value less , after all , One of them hamineied n liaptlot miulutor of St. Louis vho insulted u lady on a railnud train. It DOW seems certain that Gulteau must go , but ho will hnvo the consolation of knowing whether or not Inyornoll wan right. "San Francisco is clamoring for brans bands in churchm * . " Kxtreme measures must be taken to lioep Han Francisco people ple awake , evidently. .Tense James was in thn habit of reading n chapter of the New Testament before starting to rob a bank , tie always wanted to get ahead of the cashier on biblical literature , Arkansas haa a inulu that will stop kick ing if the Lord's Prayer is recited to him. It surprises him BO to hear an Arkansas nun reci e Unit prayer tlmt he forgets nil about using his heels , "Don't you believe in a future life. In which A'oehall renew the ties that bind us together heroS" ' I do,1" Huld the hen. [ ) OJkecl husband x dly , "but I * don't want to. " Urooklj n K gle. At the close of dinner nt the late Dem of Kly'n a guest happened tu remark that fix eminent lawyers had died In six mouths. At that inlnulo the dean , very deaf , rose nnd Huid : "For thcno and all other mercies God's holy name 1)8 praised , " A Quaker missionary in Mexico baptized a convert contrary to the law of his church and on returning to his home iu India was reprimanded by the Quaker quarterly con ference. His defence wai that the man inbi t-d on baptism , and would have gene over to the liai.tlsts If he bad not consent- rj to perform the rite , , "Are you a JJapllst. " enquired a Ikek- laud woman of her milk gentleman , as she notul the color of the liquid he was mean , uringoiit. "No I'iii not , " piomptly re. joined the milk gentleman. . "WhyV" "Nothing nothing , " murmured the woman - man , "only I dluu't know. " And she went into the house nnd Roft'y shut the door , wnt'e ' the milk gentleman ttepped elf tlio st op and uentout the yard with leveral different kimis of doubt gimwlng'nt his heart. Kockland Courier-Gazette. A Maine who had " grrcer just "experi enced religion" acknowledged In meeting that be had been a hard ninncr , cheated customers by adulterating his goods , eld , , but , being converted , would r pay any one he had wronged. Late that night ho wua awakened by a ring at his door-bell , Looking out he inw a man. "Who aio you ana what do you want1 he naked , "I'm JJill Jones , You said to-uight you would repay those you bad cheated , dive ins that 8100 you've owed mo to long , " "Can't you wait till mornlngt" "No ; I ain't going to wait till then and utaiid In line all day. " He waa paid , A Card of Tlinulu. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. D , 1880. For the benefit of others who may Ruder aa I have , I write to Bay that on Thursday , October 21 , I wan attached with the moat aovoro and excruciating pniim ( nppnroutly rnuunulio or i ou rnlgtc ) on vho loft sulo of my neck nnd head , accompanied with nliirncss of the muscles , The paroxysms of pn would como nt intervals of two . . . three hour * day nnd nicht , from which I lost sleep nnd Buflorod intensely. Alter trying various remedies , 1110.1 ! nnd hups , bollndonna pl-xatcic , crude potruloum nnd turpentine , chlnroform liniment , etc. , without experiencing nny apparent rolipf , having aeon your advertisement in one of our daily papers , I oonchulud on Sunday to try St. Jacob's Oil , thnuqh not having much faith in so ctllod patent medicines. I was presented with n bottle by n friend , to whom I had stated my intentions , nnd to any that its nclion wns "magical" does not tome mo , convoy what I would oxpros' , It wns simply wonderful. _ Applied nnd thoroughly rubbed in in live mtn- utes the paroxysms would stop so to express it. like n Hush , nnd by con stant Application , the last of which wns Tuesday , 4 n. m. , the piins wore entirely subdued , nnd I have not had n return of them. To say I am thank ful nnd fool the greatest grntitndo to God , and through Him to man , for the means of obtaining such rcHot , ii but feebly expressive of my feelings nnd I doom it my duty to lot others know of , nnd obtain relief from the ennio source. FIIKII. W. WAIU > , 200t Titan Street. no Arranged , by Harugnrl Mivsn- norclior. ONLY" $90 , In the Cabin for Round Trip. From JNowYork to Atmverp and Eoturn , ow York Juno 10 , 188 ! , on Itlio now and splcni/id lt\ll atouincr lljgcn aiul. gZTRclntn tlcKcln foo.l one year on any Rstcamcr of tlio llctl Star Lino. jtarRnllrond Faro from Antwerp gto Paris , only $1.00. 1 Tickets , Proipoctut nnd oil Informn- Etlon Onlvtobo had from M. & . DURQ IHEIM , Bookseller * . 404 Vina Street , Cltv JlnifaUI.O. STho Cincinnati Hnruffarl Mnon- norchor. apl-m&c-ov eit-U SYPHILIS Catarrh , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any Skin Diseas Cures When Hot Springs F.iil MAVIKN , ARK. , May ± 1331 Wo have cinoi In our own town "no lived at [ tot Springs , nd wore finally cured with S , 8. S , McOAMMOH A ttim > T. IK Ul , UOIIIlt , UJHIUCU ii > 3 U1 itllil \ r , ii l4i. CUItK YOUU OK charge nothlni ; I ! Write for particulars and copy of little Book ; o the Unfortunate hufforlni' 81.00O Itownrd will I'u i'J ca u > chomlat who will flnd , on anilyaU 100 bottle S , 8 , 8. , one nartlcloof Mercury , loxllda alum nr any Mineral aubitanco. rBW1FT HPKCIKIO CO. Propa. Atlanta , Price of Small site , 11,00. Largo ilie 81.76. Sold by KKNNAUD DUOS , at CO mil Dnuglata Uenorallv , The Grea $ .hngiish Kemedy iNoTcr ( alt ) to cuio Nervous Debility. VItal - tal Exhaustion , Kinla- hlons , Seminal Woak- ncsios.LOHT MAN HOOD , and all the vlliffoctn of joutli- ful follies and cxcus- Itca. It stops perma nently oil weakening , involuntary lout Band Jjralns upon the sys- Item , the Inevitable . * jultol thosoovil prac tices , which uro BO destructive to mind and body and make llfo miserable , oltcn Itodlmf to Irmaiil- ty and death. It strengthens the NervesDrain , ( racmor > ( Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Iloiiro- ductlvo OriMtis , It restores M all the oriranlo functlriu their former vigor and vital ty , making - king llfo cheerful and onjojalilo. 1'rlco , ? 3a 'lottle , or four times the quauilty S10. Bent hy oxprcua , eocuro from etacrratlon , to anyaddruiu. on receipt of prlco. No.C. O. 0. eent , extcpt on receipt of } 1 as a ifuarantoo. Letters rj- quonthiL' answers must IncloBo ( tamp , Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tti heat and cheapest dyipcpula and hlllloui euro in the marktt. Bold by ull druggists. I'rlco 60 conta. D MIXTIB'II KiuN r KmtnDT , NBPRITICUM , Cures ( II klndpt Kidney and hladdercomplalnte. eoiiorrliea , gleet and leucorrhea. for isale uy all uauiiiU ! : 91 a bottlo. XNULUH MEDICAL 1NBTITUTB , 718 Olive St. , Bt. Ix > uls , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by C. K. GOODMAN. Jan & -lv M M KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Moit Succeisful Remedy over dlscov > ered , as It Iscortaln In IUctroct unci dooa not hlUter. KKAD 1'UOOK 11KLUW , Also uxcelleut fnr humamftcili , FflOM A PKOMINCHT PHYSICIAN. WuhlnKtciivllle , Ohio. Juno 17 , Ibal. ln II , J. KKNUALL , &Co. : ( JcnU UoadliiKyourad , vertlioinent In Turf , Field and farm , of your Kendtll'a BpavIn Cure , a-d having a valuable and uptody horto which Itad bcon lame from pavln for eighteen months , I tent to you for a bottlu hy oxprons , which In blx weeks removed all lamciiM * and enlargement and a larj | spl'nt ' from another home , and both hones are to-day tt 6OiinJ on colts. The ono bottle was worth to 1110 ono hundred dollars. Kotpoetfully vo'ira , If. A , IlKUTOLKrr , M. I ) . Send for Illiiitratol circular ( rlvlnR positive proof , Trlcotl , All IruK < Uts hava It or tan got It for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co' , Pro prietors , tnoulmr h Fall * , Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-w-ly 1 Amenta for tlu LlfTimia and Tr0ttclioroua ' JB8SO JafflBS ( Written by iff'VfoSf. ihi only llfaaulhoilzed by her , and wh'c'n will rot bo a "Wood and Thunder" atory , aucli a > hai been mil will ho imliilihed , bii ( a true Llfo by tha only ] > uou v ho la In piuoi hi of the facia a fal htul and Unvoted vtlfe , Tiuth Ii moro Intercitmg thai fiction. Averila ahnuld apply for territory at on-e. 8 nd 70 eta. for Oam. ploUook. J , jf. Olmtubnrs & Co. , od-.w-eow StJLoutii Mo- DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? . HOTELS. PROPllIKTOm JTOTJW ' ARLINQTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU3 , Mllfopd , Neb. } MARSH HOUSE , E.MAN8 , BROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , EtromiburK N * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A CLARK , Bltlr , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , Nellfih , Nob. GRAND CCNTRAL t..SEYMOUR , Nabrnika City , N b MI08OURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplnRWater.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , H rdr , Nab. QRCEHWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlndn , low * ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eromont , Neb , CXOHANQE HOTEL , 0. D. HACKNEY , Aihlnnd , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEt , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , Nat > . MOnOAN HOUSE , C. L. QRUDD , CuldaRocd , Nob. SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & BECKER , Oretlon , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , C.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURQE8S , Neoln , la. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQO , CornlnR , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J'L. AVERY , Gtnnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. DOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , I * , PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Cliennndonh , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLO , Dayld City , Neb DAGNELL HOUSE , CHA8. BAQNELL , Colleco Springs , la , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , AM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. dUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , In , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8 , DUNHAM , Clark * , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & OON , Marj-tvllla Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINSUOW HOUSE Q. McOARTY , Seward , Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar , Neb. CROZIER HOUSC O. R. CROZIER , Sidney , Neto. AVOOA EATINO HOUSC D. W. ROCKHOLD , Avocn la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & SHATTUCK. Red Oak. [ E JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital' . . . . . . . . - CBOO.OOOU Capital Biock , . . . . . eioooooo Par Value of Charts , - - - . ( . . _ _ STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DIl. J. I. THOMAS , I'rceldoat , Cummins , Wyoming. \VM. K. TILTON , VIcc.l'rcBUlcnt , Cummins , Wyoming K. N. UAUWOOD , SccroUry , Cummins , Wyoralrnr. A , G. LUNN , Troiautcr , Cummlnn , Wyomlo Dr. J. I. ThoniM. f.ouls Miller W. S. Uraracl. A. O. Dunn. E. N. LUtwood. Fnncla Leavens. Gco. II. Faloa. Lowla Zoluan. Dr. J. 0. Wntklna. il Ai-nnl lnr Snl M&M < iTJ * * * ! * , T - * > v''x * t * 1 * * * ' n * " ' nTcHD tor U.UIK tlio mnit dlro'.t , ( ( iilckrit , on iftfunt line ccnnoctlrg the great Metropolis. C1II JAUO , and the Kunrum , NORTii'L'AercaN , h I mil SouTii-KAuriiRN Lmra , which tornilnntcShoro vth ! KANH4B Car , LuAVunwouiu , ATniuiiON JOBHCII , IlLU/w nnd OMAIU , the OOUUICOIAI JvtTjRi from which rodUto EVERY LINE OF RSAD Mt penrtrutf * tbo Continent from tint Ulwnni rllvcr to the Padflc Hlopu. Tbo JHIOAGO ROOK ISLAND A I'A OIFIO RAILWAY [ i the only line from Chicago owning trv > K to itsnBM , or which , by lUi own road , rflictjco th riolnta above named , No raANirniia nr CAaniAai NO uutixa cnnvwriOK ] I Ko huddling In 111 renttlatod or unclean cart , u erory punongei nrrlod In roomy , clean and ventlUlod crtchii upon Kut Exproaa Trains DAJ CAM of unrlv Icd mtfrnlflconce , PuLLUAa I'ALAoa BuiiriNU CARS. ud our own world -famoci Dutixa CAas , uiion which mtali are ccrrcd of un < mrpaeacd oicellenco , ut the low rate of SiTnrr i'lK * COKTS IAOII , with ainplo lima for hoaliUa DUloyuient. Through CA between Chicago , Poor ! * , nraukeo and Ulanourl Hlvor Point * : and ctoso con loctlons at all polotii of Interioctloo with otaer roadg. Wo tlcVot ( do not forget thli ) directly to evert place of Importance In Konfis , tfebraika , IHi IIIIlii , Wyoming , UUh. Idaho , Nevada , CAllforn-j , Oregon , \Va blngtoa Territory , Colorado , Arltooi ind New Mexico. Aa'l ' beral arrangementa regarding bagK a M my other line , and rate * ot fare alwayt ui ow u nmpetllon , who furnish bat a tltho o tha oem < ort. ort.Doga and tackla of aportninan frao. Tickets , mara and fuldera at all prlnclra ifBcea In the OnltoJ BUtea and Canada. K. II. CAULK , E. 8T. JOHN , f\c9 \ Pres't 4 Con. Oen. Tkt andl'Ms'rAi Uanagcr. Chicago _ Oaltmyn. 3iBM City ffi Pacific PHB SIOUX OITY BOUTB Runs a Holld Train Ihrougb from Council Bluffs to Bt. Paul Without Ohango Time , Only 17 Houra it IB H.OO > UILEfl TUB flllOnXEBT P.OUTK rnou OOUNOIL BLUFFS CO IT. PAUL , UINNEAPOLin BULUT1I OR DiailAROK md all polntu In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Tha ! line la equipped with the Improved IVojtlu houoe Automallo Air-brako and UlUa PUtform Coupler and Iluder : and for OIJKKD. HAKcry AND oowroiii Ii unnirp wod. 1'ullrain 1'alaco iJleepliig Cat run through WITHOUT CIIANdK l.ctweun Kau iilCltyand Bt. Paul , via Council Ilu3j and Tralni leave Union Pacific Tranifor ai Couu- r'll lulJ : | , at 7S5 p. inlally on arrival of Kan \ CIlI. HI. jMWli and Oinicll JdtiQ * tr.ilu fiooi the South. Arriving at Hloux City 11:86 : p. m. . ird at the New Union llopot at at. Paul at 12:30 : noon. IKN HOURS IN ADVANCE Off AHY.OTflEB I10UTK , 5J'ltomembtr In taking trie Sioux City IV > ut < rou g t A Through Train. The Hhorteat Line , the vjulckckt Tlmo and a Comfortable Ittdo In tbi Throu/h Can between COUNCIL liLUKi'S AND BT. PAUL. AVHea that your Tickets road via the "Sloui C'lty and I'aclflo Itallroud " / , S. WATTLES , J. It. UUCIIANAN Bupsrlutunilent. flcn'l Pan. Agent. P. K. HOIilNBON , Asa't Ucn'l Paas. Ag't. , illtaourl Valley , lo a W. B. DAVIS , ScuthwutcruAgint , Councl Bluff * Ji > 'v . EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner fourth and I.ocuit Streets. SSW. 3C.OTOIS , IWCO. , JH. HURST , - - Prop- Rooina , 75o , 81 , and $1GO P r Day. An elegant lloltauiaut l connected with th'a lieu > o whuraiucali are ii > cJ trc uuLatI prlcca OjHin dayand ulght. in-lOui - FOB CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON , And all Poluts Eait and Bouth-Eatt. TIIKLINKCOMPRISE3 Nearly 4,000 inllca , Bolld Smooth Steel Traoki All cciineciloiit tire majo In UNION DEPOTS. It hag ix National Hopiitatlon na bulni ; the Great Through Oar Line , mid Ii universally conceded to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED Hnif. road In the world for nil closaeauf travel. Try Hand you will find traveling a Inxury Inntcad of a aUcomfort. Through Tickets vU ihla Celebrated Line for aalo at all ofllcra In the Wcs1 . Alt Information about Itatca of Fare , ( ilccnloB Car Acocmtuadatlona , Tlma Tables , ic , , will bo chuorfully given by applylnln < to T. J. HOTTER , 2d Vlce-frea't & Gen. } [ anagerCblcago. PEROIVAL LOWELU Gen , raaseiiycr Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNl'ORT , ( Jen Agent , Conucll Illiida. If. I' . UUKLL. Ticket morn-od Jy 1880. SHOBTL.HE. 1880. n tu * OMIT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THU EAST From Omaha and tbo Ww-rt , All trains lca\o C & M. Depot , Omaha : Xcb , Uo chance of cara bclwoen Omaha an\l DI and but one between OMAHA and NEW YORK. Dai ly PassengerTrai ns KAhTEIlH AMI ) SfKSTEll.V CITIES llh LKOt CHAEOES and IN AlVAJOB of ALli OTUIlft LINKS TUn rnfU lln U nqiiipfd with HnUnan't l'fc. .uc Sl'iuiiiiitf Cuic , I'.Ui t liCviJho * , iiill.r1 * Safety I'laliorm and Coupler , and the cohbVattd WeotlDzbouiK ) Air-brake. fcVHto that jour ticket rciOj VTA i\AN3AS CTtt , ST. JOSKl'H a OOU.NCIL BLU JTO K l ) load , via Bt Joeeph and Et. Louln. Tlcttta lei nil * it til coupon ulattoM In lh We t. J. ft BAUNABD , C. DAWKS , Gen. Bupt. , St. Joneph , Ua A Gen. Pau. aud Ticket Agt. , St Jocj > h , Uo , r/LVur Houuus , Ticket AK U * ( lO'M Farnhain atrcat. W. J.DAVixrOBT , a oonl Agent , FASTTI1VE ! _ la going Eut take the fe Northwest- Trains leave Oman * 8:40 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. in. . i full Information call on U. V. DUEL. Ticket Agent , litb and Graham BU. J. BELL , U. F. Uallway Depot , oi at JAUE9 T , CLAHK , Oenei. I , Oui L .