Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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The Only Exclusive
TTiPl t "B T'S' 1 "BPTT
Wholesale Hardware House
OMAHA HEB. : eHo : w 2sr & oo ,
jhvites the attention of ihe public
I to hisi
Embracing all the late pat
terns in everything in
the Carpet Line.
Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades ,
In large quantities , and always
at the Bottom Prices.
1313 Farnam Street.
This is the Only House that Does Not Sell High
Price Goods ,
Bedding , Mirrors , Feathers , Feather Beds ,
and all Goods'Pertaming ' to the Fur
niture Trade , and Upholstery.
PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas Street , Omaba ,
Signs of Spring.
The roses In the mead
Now blow in dainty cluster ! )
The poets fondly lieo.l
The roses In the mead.
Ah ! very soon , iudecil ,
We'll wenr our linen dusters
The roses In the mend
rs"o\r bloom in d.Mnty clusters.I'uck.
A Mn.y Day.
A paralytic May d. y ,
A fniiciiml M.iy day ,
Wlotcry , bloweiyt
lUlnery , gnnwery ,
A deuce of n blue Alny day.
Home Sentinel.
If I Could Host.
Chicago Tribune.
If I could rest from thinking ( or ft dny ,
Ami let my aoul flout , us it were , midvrR ;
This world of toll , thnt world of Joy be
twecn ,
Not stray Ing all inlicnrenly fields of green
I woulil bo newly girded then to ntay.
With all sleep's ballled horde of dreams n
bay ,
For lust tliit time to neither work no
1'lo.V !
From wonderiut ; what life's curious prob
If I could rest !
1'ut alii not so , not sn our tired souls ma' .
Seek rc3iito from the clamorous world's
By men not missed , nor yet by nngol
peen ,
Juet in the nrms of Nothingness to lean
Wo must go on , nor even p.\uio to say ,
"It I could real , "
Married Dlod.
In the coluniiK , side by side ,
Stand the captions Married , Died.
What line irony is this
That phados with death our nuptial bills ,
That blends beneath our earnest yaze
The storjr of two woudroui ilayt ?
The kiss ot death , of blushing pride ,
Sarcastic blend in Married , Died.
Throbbing breast of heart that bleed ; ,
Tearful , bright or dull eye reads
Ijincs whine message is nut clear
Bluired and broken through a tear ;
Lily finger ? , hand of no ,
Trace the lines nlong the pace ;
Death nnd Cupid side by Hide
Sport with man in Married , Died.
Hero a renulem , there a song ,
Blend and roll their notes alone ; ;
Village bells that ring : or toll
Greet a glad or passing soul ;
To the chancel call the crowd ,
Ulacl in silken gown or shroud ,
To tliechuroh we twica may rid ;
Hetd the headings Married , Died ,
lloist the anchor , tail nvray ,
iummer winds or sunlit bay
Lure thee o'er tbo outer bar ,
Wlisre the white-caiiped breakers are ,
Staunch tliv painted thallop be ,
StroUff to ride life's restless sea ;
jed shall rule the surging tide
That laps the shores of Married , Died.
Di-angc blosaomi , ripened wheat ,
Sprigs of rue or lily sweet ,
Curls of go'd ' , or lock of snow ,
Wedding robes , or garbs of woe ,
Hands in loving hands to rest ,
Dr folded lie on pulaele-w breast ;
Who flisll blooms and fruit divide ,
So near the stories Married , Died.
Atlanta Constitution.
A California Gamp Episode in
the Harly Mining Days.
Sao Francisco Cull.
Red Bill was a mining town. It
was built on a little knoll in a canyon ,
surrounded by mountains , and con
sisted of a cluster of small frame
louses oronnd a store , saloon and
gambling don ; a straggling line of
cabins and tents along either side of a
shallow , muddy stream , a blacksmith
shop for sharpening picks and drills ,
and , lastly , a Mexican fandango ,
where the festive minor , after the
day's work was over , loved to whirl
; ho dark-eyed senoritas in the mazy
measures of the waltz and mazourka
; o the music of an ancient harp and a
cracked fiddle.
The little camp was in a flutter of
excitement over the arrival of the
mail , which was by no means an
cvcry-day occurrence in that part of
.ho world. When nearly a mile down
ho gulch the boys have caught sight
of "Long Aleck , " the letter carrier
and newsman , jogging along on his
wiry old gray mare , and made the
mountains echo with the hearty shouts
of welcome which heralded his com-
ng. Claim aftur claim took up the
cry and sent the glad tidings booming
hrongh the camp. All hands knocked
off work at once. With noisy ( "root-
ngs and mirthful antics , more like the
wild glee of children than the sober
conduct of bearded men , the hardy
gold diggers dropped pick and shore !
and sluice-fork , clambered out of the
mines , climbed up the bank , gained
ho roud or trail , and made tracks for
Burwood'n store , the Red Hill post-
office. "Throe cheers for Long
Aleck ! " were ( f von with a will when
hat worthy arrived and dopoEitcd the
weather-boiton canvas bags on the
floor with the air of a man who had
lone his duty and felt proud of it.
There could bu no question uhout the
Iwd IJillors being proud of Aleck ,
dozens of thorn sprang forward to
; rasp his grimy hand and say , "God
> lesa you , old boy ! 'I hope you've got
omcthing for mo ! " And then the
notloy crowd , who looked rough
enough to have long since parted with
everything in the way of sentiment ,
eked and chatted ouch other about
what they expected from sweethearts
, nd dear ones l\r away , while old
Jurwood was hiuily engaged in open-
ng the aforesaid bags. In a few min
utes all had mthorod about the dirty
counters and anxiously uwnitod their
ilmncoa for the long-looked for news
'rom ' home ,
Among the expectant throng , but
standing .somewhat apart from the
others , with pale face and downcast
eyes _ , as if wishing to avoid contact
with his fellows , or at least escape
heir , rude greetings and coarse witi-
cisma , was a young man named Walter
Wilburn , who had come to the hill
some six months previous. Wilburn
was not naturally of a sullen gloomy
disposition. On the contrary , ho was
noted for his pleasant , genial temper ,
popular manners , and sociable habits ,
ind soon becatno the lifo of the camp ,
The boys used to envy the young fel
low's luck as ho related to them , with
pardonable pride , how ho had won the
illections of a beautiful girl just before -
fore leaving "the "
states , whoso
Father had promised to consent to
their marriage if ho would go to Cali
fornia and rrtako a resolute endeavor
to improve his fortunes. In cnso h
did not succeed within n year ho WA
to return nt nil events , and claim hi
bridoi liright nnd gy nnd light
hearted , boasting his happiness s
much that his weakness in this rcspoc
attracted the attention of noarl
everybody , young Wilburn suddenly
and without n moment's warning , received
coivod intelligence of the marrinqo o
the young Indy to whom ho was en
gaged. The shuck wns a terrible one
and prostrated him mentally and phy
sically. Ho staggered under Iho Won
like ft drunken man , nnd was dize <
nnd speechless in his grief. Hi
bright smile vanished. His nholi
nnluro changed. Ho became morose
silent and uncompanionable. The rid
brown of his healthy ohcok gave placi
to the pallor of death , The aparkli
of his eye faded out , nnd n look o
dull despair took ill place. Ho mopoi
around like one without an object it
lifo , crushed nnd hopeless. No wonder
dor the rough minors readily foniu
out the story of his disappointment
Nor ia it leas remarkable , under the
circumstances , they failed to appro
cinto his wounded footings nnd made
cruel sport of his misfortune. That is
was that caused him to shrink into
the corner while waiting for the timi
to bo distributed , nnd when the lail
letter had boon called out and handed
over to its exuHnnt owner , the poor
follow uneakod oil without n word ,
nnd made his wny to his lonely httlu
cabin down the gulch.
A MIKKR'B vKEsoinriiox.
"Look-er hero boys , " said Tom
Marvin , n regular old stager from
Pike county , but as big n honrtud man
as over turned up the earthen search
of gold , "that youngster's in a bad
wny nnd ought to bo looked nrtor.
There's not much foolishness 'bout '
no , you can jist bet your lifo , but 1
lain t forgot what it is for a youug
roller to get stuck nrter n pretty gal.
Wilburn'a pitting worse , and some OH
us has to bring him 'round n bit or
lo'll go up the flutno , sure iw yur
) orn. " "Well , that's all right , Undo
Pom , " responded Jake Byow , "but
vhat nro wo to do ? Ho won't drink
and won't go round with the boys ,
and ns for the wimmin folks , I'll bo
if I don't believe ho's afraid of a
digger equnw. "
"Now , jest yor mind what I'm a
oiling on yor , " replied Marvin.
'The har of the dog ia good fur the
) ito , and the euro fur that'young fol-
or is n woman. Lot's go down to his
shanty this nrtornoon with n bottle of
Martin's tanglefoot , and see if vre
can't fetch him along to the fandango.
It ho bucks like n btoticn nt night of
ho gals , we'll jest try him a apell at
nonto or fnyro. I never seed n man
> et that could go back on a pretty gal
and a stack of rod chips. "
The ivault of this deliberat'on on
iValter Wilburn'a case was that Undo
L'ommy and Jim McDonald went
down to his cabin that night and got
n before ho was fairly nwaro of their
jrcscnco. Jim , according to an
igreoment between them , pretended
o have boon drinking , and old Tom
wanted Wilburn to help him homo.
Clio poor fellow seemed at first puzzled
o know what to do , but apparently
concluded it was best to go along with
hem for this purpose. Mac aworo ,
lowover , that he wouldn't budge n
bet unless Wilburu took a drink with
urn , and after one was gulped down
iroposod another before starting.
Chen , stopping on the way up the
gulch , insisted on "just one ruoro
dram all 'round. "
The upshot of this performance wns ,
hat poor Wilburn soon began to feel
he effect of the strong liquor ho hud
aken , nnd made but focblo resistance
o visiting Spanish Joe's gambling
louse in company with his two frionda.
Once inside , inflamed with whisky and
surrounded by men playing at the va
rious games , Wilburn was easily in
duced to try his luck. Taking a seat
at n faro table , alongside of which
rero ranged a number of others , ho
) ogau with apparent indifference ns to
faults. Strangely enough , flcklo for-
uno showered her erailes upon him ,
ind he rose from the game with a
mckskin purse full of rich yellow
lust , which the dealer passed over to
lim with a scowl and a curao.
Marvin and McDonald still stuck to
heir man , although both had suffered
> y their visit to the don of the tiger ,
and procecdod with him to the fan-
lange , whore a largo number of men
ind women were dancing and drink-
ng. The hour wns late , and many of
) oth sexes wore partially intoxicated.
As the revnl proceeded the hilarity
nd excitement grow apace , and n
wild nceno was presented. The now-
omers , acting under the advice of (
Jnole Tommy , "pitched in" without
raiting for an Invitation , and Wilburu
ppoarud to enjoy the fun with even
reater zest than those by whom ho
rus surrounded. Ho danced and
rank furioualy , and toward morning
ecuino noisy and quarrelsome.
OVUM ! of the women objepted to his
athiT rude attentions , and one in
articular angrily complained of the
lannor in which ho behaved toward
Till' MUU&EU ,
More than once , as young Wilburn
ulled at her dreHs while pausing , up-
urently incroin n spirit of mischief
mn u wish to injure , the infuriated
voman ylimul nt him with Untiling
yes end clutched savagely at the
audio of a email dagger in her bosom.
> nco Wilburn roughly sought to make
p , and insisted on her taking n drink
vith him The woman refused , and
n her tormenter attempting to drag
or up to the bur , broke away from
lim and rushed out of the room. In
few minutes she returned , and while
Bussing near where Wilburn was sit.
ing , suddenly dashed a handkerchief
n his face wih ( one hand and made
dangerous stub at him with the oth-
r. McDonuld , however , who had
> een closely watching the woman , bo
ng fearful of eoiuthing of the kind ,
aw the knife as it was drawn , nnd
violently pushed her to ono side just
ti time to cave his friend's lifo. The
voman's countrymen came to her as-
istaneo and ugly work was threatened ,
) ut it soon blew over and the dance
wont on. Wilburn , BO fur from being
irousod to a sense of his impending
langer , became almost oblivious from
ho liquor ho had drank , and sat with
lis head bowed on hid breast and in ut
eri ng inintelligibly to himself. While
n this hulplt'ss condition a Mexican
lesperodo called Sanchez , who had al
ready tried to bring on a difficulty ,
without a word , thrust a pistol into
iViiburn's face and fired. The move-
non / , quick as it was , had been aeon
> y noino of-the Americans present ,
nnd they drew their revolvers instant
ly. The jar of the pistol fired by
Sanchez , however , extinguished tli
lights ami loft the room in total dark
ness. Nevertheless , some of the excited
cited mo , half crazy with bad whisky
lired _ shot nftcr shot in rapid BUCCPA
sioiH while the yells nnd groans of t'u
terrified and Bounded pcoplo nddci
to the horrors of the situation ,
After n miiuito or two , which acemcn
nn ago to these cooped up in that
midnight slaughter pen , candles won
brought in nnd nomtliing like ordo
restored , although omn of the Amor
icanii fiercely threatened to "kill ever ;
greaser in the camp. " The light revealed
voalod v > oor Wilburn stretched lifolua
on the floor , with n bullet in his brain
while Jim McDonald nnd two Mcxi
onus wuro found to have been bndilj
wounded The cowardly wrotohoi
Sanchez hnd disappeared in the dark
now , mat the Americans were furiou
orcr his escape.
The bright , hot suinmor's sun of th
southern mines hnd scarcely aliowi
itself nbovo the mountain tops bofort
the miners of Rod Hill wore in couu
oil. over the sanguinary ovonta of the
night previous. The feeling wns vorj
bitter ngaiimt the whole Mexican popu
lation , nnd it was resolved to give
mmcdiato pursuit to the llcning as
sassin. Thun commenced an exciting
chase from camp to camp , througl :
ravines and O.IUOHB , across rivers and
; ulchcs , over hills nnd mountains , on
iorncb < ck nnd afoot , until the mur
derous fugitive wns nt last hunted
lown nnd brought to bay in iv Table
Mountain tunnel , near the town of
SImw's Flat.
The sun was slowly sinking , filling
ho western skies with n conflagration
of gorgeoua benuty , when n shout
rom one of the pursuers announced
nt ho had discovered the Mexican's
liding place. Cautiously making
.heir way down nn old mining shaft ,
vith lighted torches , the minors begun
exploring the labyrinth of chnmbora ,
Irifts , ahaft nnd tunnels , which nt this
loint hoiiov-coinbcd the mountain.
Deep in the bowels of the earth , they
.lion canto upon the smouldering cm-
> era of his camp fire , nnd the fnct
.hat ho hnd left hm blankets behind
lim apoko of procipitnto flight. *
Suddunly tliero rung out n wild ,
brill lauuh , which cclioed and ro-
> oatod itaolf ngain and again tlirough
ho vaulted ninles nud dimly lighted
humbora , nnd the flying flguro of the
nurdcror was neon lor n moment and
lien lost to night ngaiu. For miles
lie underground pursuit continued ,
lie minors being reinforced by nuni-
> era of those ougnged in mining opor-
tions thoroin. Every few minutca
omo heavy blast in the shaft or drift
rould bo heard , wlch n dull , thundor-
ng nound , causing the firm rarth to
remblo , and making moro than ono
tnlwurt follow turn pale. Then , ever
ml unon , cnmo that weird , unearthly
iiugh , nnd was neon for nn instant
lie whitu .shirt of the nssasain ,
hilo tint torches nnd candles cast
fitful glare ever the scene ,
inking ghontly figures of the pur-
uors , and peopling tbo lofty passages
with ahadowy-liko spectres of another
world. Un , on , on ! Bang ! bang !
o the mx-shootcrs at every turn ,
fhtn a yliiubo ] ) is caught of the
muted man. Still that blood-curd
ing laugh rings out with tearful dis-
.iuctness. Suddenly the foremost of
, ho pursuers , darting into a side drift
rom whence the sound proceeded ,
osoi his footing and elides down an
nclino some ton or twolyo foot. At
ho bottom and in utter darkness ho
s greeted with that awful laughter ,
lis comradns , responding to his cries ,
nd him half dead with tright , while
rouched in a corner at the bot-
om of the shaft in not Sanchez , the
murderer of young Wilburn butapoor
talf demented creature , the wife of a
'able Mountain miner , whoso'habit it
was , when in liquor , to go wandering
lirough the tunnels and shafts of that
ast oubterranoim work-shop. The
wretched woman was not without n
limmering of reason , and by dint of
igns and oft repeated interrogations ,
vas undo to uudcratand the object of
Sioir search. Thou , in her own
iroken , disjointed , half-intelligible
naunor , she aigniliod that she know
where the fugitive could bo found ,
nd , with wendorful alacrity , led the
way to the mouth of n Iqng , dark ,
arrow tunnel , about a quarter of a
nile distant.
While the miners were consulting
t this point what was best to do , the
iarp report of a pistol was hoard ,
nd u bullet whistled uncomfortably
lese to some of the pursuers. There
TftH no doubt no now about the Moxi-
an being in the tunnel. How to got
lim out was the question , Another
ipt from the inside was heard , but
iis time no bullet whizzed by , nor
ould any marks of its place of lodg-
nent bo discovered. 11 any bplievod
md committed auicido. Still it was
o safe thing to yoiituro inside. A
ospurato man like Sanchez , armed
with n niX'Shootor , and death oturing
lim in the face , was an ugly customer
o draw from a tunnelliko n dog would
rag a badger from hit ) hole , Shot
fter eliot was fired into the dark ro-
ess in which the murderer hud taken
[ teller , but apparently without effect.
Slothing but the dull , muffled echo of
10 report of the pistols could bo
loard. Some ono proposed to "amoko
lim out , " and aoino old mining timor -
> or was hurriedly broken up and piled
t the mouth of the tunnel for this
lurpoBc. Such slow work , however ,
ould not bo endured , and Nowt.
Vard , a gigan'io young Tonnessoeun ,
ticking aside the emoking wood , on-
orod the tunnel , pistol in hand ,
Ithors wore willing to share
iis danger , but ho said
; was safer for ono to oo than a do/-
n. After groping his way tor quite a
istaneo Ward came upon n uido drift ,
t the mouth of which ho stumbled
vor what he instinctively know wus
ho body of the man they were after ,
Jy the aid of the dim light of a flick-
ring candle the stout-hearted miner
aw that Sanchez hud blown his own
> rains out , and so at last enjoyed the
; rim satisfaction of cheating the
Americans out of the pleasure of
ither shooting or hinging him.
Great was the disappointment at
ted Hill when the boys returned after
heir weary sourch. Every arrange
ment hud boon made n regular old-
nshioued trial by a miner's jury. The
verdict was already made up , but oven
"udge Lynch proved to bu poworlcKa
n the presence ot the grim destroyer.
) oath had robbed them of their via-
im , nnd'thoy grieved for tdo honor of
ho camp ,
.en s , Boys
Ready for Inspection
The Lowest Prices Guaranteed ,
; 1316 Parnuin Street , Near 14th.
Sinplo Brooch Loading Shot dims , from 35 to
Double Broo pli Loading Shot Duns , $18 from to S 75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from SO to $25 ,
Fishing Tackle ' , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Goods ,
Full Stock'of Show Oases Always nn
Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and Wood I > ipes and everything required in a
Tirst-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store
Jigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
its and Samples.
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.
The only nnd/I / Jllonnl plato that
original firm '
ia giving for Instance
Hogors Broo.
stance dingle
All oar Spoons ,
plated Spoon a
Forks and
Knives plated triple thloknosa
with the greatest
plate nly CD
of care. Each
the a o o t i o D
lot being hung
on a scale while where expo d
being plated , to to wow , thereby
Insure a full de making a single
posit of silver ou
plated Spoon
thorn.We wear as long a *
We would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to oar BOO-
Ilivall Orient. Tinned
All Orden ID the Wcet should be Addressed to
Wholesale Jewefer ,
x ( Or 3L S 8
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact thai
lank foremost in the West in Assortment and
Prices ot
M VWMM B V M ' *
rurnishing Goods
' * t Hats and Caps
Vo'oro'propared to moot the demands of the trade In regard to Latest 8tyle
Pattarna. Fiuo Merchant Tailoring In
. HELLMAN & CO , ,
1301-1303 Parnhain and 300 to 312 13th .