iTHE DAlLf JBEE SATUPvDAY MAT 20 1882. HONEY FOJR THE LADII 3lenainfftnco cloth ! s a now dreai f l Shot nntl changeable sllkn fire once n in high fftvor. Grensdincs in Spanish Itico designs novel nnd elegant , "Jumbo'1 ornamenls nnd chftrms worn by the million. French lace rivals Spanish Ineo for ti rolng black dresses. Tum-cncr collarf , with fancy neck- lions , are very fa hlonablo. It taVisaglrl about four hours lei to wfifh the front wiwlnwuof n house t tlie back window * . Newpoit JournM , UrociJcs clvo place to embroWcric dab irate dc'isni wrought on ntuali el in the Chinese Hitches that nro nliUe both Rides. Silk velvet coMquinp , with pannlern , elegantly worn over skirts of yariotH en nnd materials. Man ? ot thtm aie li with ofttin of pnla tlmdo or color. A T utcAti > trnw GypRy's hut , fnceil dark gteenclvcl , and trimmed outf with n wreith of harlo nuts and foliage sent M Jrotn Virot' * nmoiirf a nuitibt other sty Ish models. Very pretty sjirlng costumes are m of two cnntrnRting colors for ln tai < mo of dark blue cloih with wide box pi in ? around the hottom nnd a pnlinier-1 Irnpery nbovo llnciluith deep crimson. Ittoiktlia doctoH two bourn tn RC billiard bill out of the mouth of a Chic belle. She had been watchinu' an ni smiled Juit i tour iiine nnd reckloisly crack ehol was made. "Has it fttnpped raininR jclV as ! ( Jpoipo of Jlcnry , who Bat by the windi "Well , I K ess it hap , " nnswercd ller " ( hero IB woman tjuing about with timbrflU up , but that don't mcnn n thing. " DrcBscs of chine-figured satin surah among the moat tasteful iiuportatic They come with dark green or ninn grounds strowu with tea roses or car tions , nnd ate trimmed with cream-tin lico'.lo lui.0. Pointed bodices are confmud to eten ilresso ? , and the severe points ore softti byonoort o pulfs of tatin , giadur growing narrower in back and fr tut , or pleatlnge ot lace , or by many loops of Ion. J'ompelian red and black silk ttockli are worn with the Mioipluit and with I most el iborato toilets no matter whetl they are light or dark. Dark navy-li nnd the lighter porcelaln-bluo are favoi colors for hosiery. Small jewelled lacepinimatching I color ami design of the earrings , aio n used to fasten bonnet strings. The prci cst of these nro in ihe form of crescon made of pearls n arrow * , or butterflies , tiny diamonds. The most etnttlinu para&olit exhibit thui far are these of vcrmllllon satin , hn with old gold silk and trimmed wl doulilc-rutlles of wide gold Uco. Thof ruls are turroundcd by n wreath of hi liant scarlet , roses , mixed with small y low sunflower * . A western worn in named her girl ba after a noted ludy and wrote to her abe it. The lady nent a thick , hea\ily.pcnl envelope , "not to bo opened until t babo'H 30th birthday. " It wai n terril re\cno to take , Philadelphia News. Some of the prettiest dro tes for t inado with nummor season are these foundation bklrt of plain satin , either p. pink , eky-blue , silver-gray , lilac , or pi corn-color. Thesa skirts are covered wl gathered rutllea of Oriental lice. Among the newest fabrics are moj grtntdincs of two stripes of contrnHti colors , to he iiindo up with the repp Vlctoru silk , or with the glace mirahs 111 change through two or thrco colors , ii are culled chameleon silks. Small pcarf-shaped mantelets complt elaborate costumes for the carnage a street. They nro black , almond color drab , nud are of repped Hcillonro nil India cashmere or Chiua crape , with fi trimmln ; of filoek chenille fringe full ! over jet. There mo occasionally bravo women the world. A Philadelphia lady hen burglars breaking into her house. S arose , called the bulldog , and seized t MhotKUU. Then aha opoucd the door , _ out the dog , and ahnou Immediately rii the nun. "i'lio dog's hide waa too mu pirforateil to sell for anything. Rev Dr. Pullman , of New York , i cently taid that "women are not arm but plain liuiruu beings. " Tlio dooi , mistake. never made ft more serious COUMC , we all know they are not ange but to call them "plain" ! Wo predic Korlous.f ailing oil of thefeminino element this mnn'd congregation , New lfa\ Iteglster. "llosalind , my doir , " aalil her moth who was sweeping out the ( rent hallwi 'does this button belong to your fathi overcoat * " "Let me BOO it. Oh , dear inal It omnes from George's overci Jun't it splendid ? " "I don't ees anyth no very splendid about It. " "Ob , w al If you were only young , nnd BUC nice young man like George houl should " "Well , I shan't have any in Buch work in this house. I've no object to a little moderate hugging iu thin hot but young men can't nug their overc buttons off in my hallway , not muc And Ilosallud went to her uoudolr to dulge m MUSICAL AND DRAMATI Miry Anderson has. a now version 4'Mary Stuart. " Anna Dickinson ii to play "Othello" well M Hamlet. " CD ! . Mapleson cleared $00,000 by last opera eeanon. Nat. Goodwin' * profits for the ca. are estimated at $2 , COO. Itissuid that John McCulIaugh'H gain by this Bcaaon'n acting will bo ยง 30,0 May Davenport Trill play leading he : parts with Frederick Wtmlo next sprl May Shavr , of Fanny Davenport'a co pany , has been playing leading juven ! the past neaeon with excellent BUCOOAB. Mosinl Kets a mlllionfranoi for four B ions of liyo months in Spain. Strnkoi proposes taking Capoul to the 001 Miss Maude Harrison has been re-i gaged for another season by thn Uni Huare theater , at the song little salary J160 per week. California appreciates "Uncle Toi Cabin , ' Jay lUal's oomnany pUved S'J.OOO in one week at the California tb < ter , Ban Francisco. John McOullough , Lawrence Darr and Mary Andenon , have consented take part in the forthcoming dramatic f ttval in CluiinnatI , Flotow , composer o [ Martha , Stride and other operas , reached the ag' of 70 the 27th ult. His friends In Vienna tended duly to celeb rat u the event , James P. Voorhees , a son of Sena Voorheei of Indiana , hai written p which ho hopes soon to produce , lie ! bten acting with John McCullough'a co pony. Dr , Hans von Hulon U again about attempt the part of Benedict , the inarr man. He has lately become engaged Frauleln Bchauzer , an actress at the Alt iugen Court theater. Mionlo Palmer , MclCeoltankin , Ban MaoAuley , Gcnevleve Ward , Mr. i llrs. Florence , Hearnn's "Hearts of Oa Annie PJxley , "The World , " nnd Ua nd Far i on , have ull clone i their season Miis Clara Morris will play an enga aent of twa weeks at the Boston ti theater , beginning May 2 J. She will pear in "Oatnillo"-on the first week , i lu 'The New Magdalen" oil the secoi James O'Nell ulll probably be the lead member of the company in support CharlM II. Theme , Jr. , has finally ! the Uulou Square theater for good , t will not act with the company In Host .He nay * he does not intend to aot again Jong time , ui be and his wife have an sured income of $12,000 A > ear , Mid I want to enjoy themsel\6s. Clura Louise Kelloggwill Mng in pul for the lft t time , at the Academy of . sic , Kew York , on tha 10th InM , . , and proceeds will be don'nted tn the AC ! fund. This is a charmine mods to I leaye of the profession and the public. The first part of Wnpncr's "Nlbelur. Hinj ; ' was uroduced at Her M isnty's alcr In London , Friday nlptht , bcfor crond d audience , which included prli nnd other members of the nohillty. It well tecelvcd ami the pnpcrs cnlHrge u the artistic nnj popular succctrt , Kdwin Uootli , who , n already m known , will fail hence lor Kngland on J HI , in to appear In London , at thn Adel Iuna 2G , and will act theio for BX w ( The first niece , probably. Will bo "ll ! < llmi" Mr. W. K. Miller , manager Mr. liooth , is nhcady in London. The New Yoik May festival ii i nounccd , on tiio whole , n ucc < n < , and undoubtedly be repeated next j cur. : cxpcnditutei were about Sl'Ji.OOU , and cclpts about the enmo. It ii i ot prob that thn guamnteeil fund of $25 GOO wi touuhcd , unlcM Inter bills incrcnnq th ( pcndlttircs. Foi the r nt of the 7th i ment armorylii,000 wn pnldnnd 517 ws expended in fitting it tip. The ore tra of thrco hundred and two initrunn cost ? ii",000 , nnd n llko sum was ( pen compensate the soloUls. Thetrannpti lion of choristers and th ir mnintcnc while in tli-j city necessitated an outla ( some S2 ) , OOJ. How ( lilbert and Sullivan write t comic operai together If described by Collier. "They s t dawn and talk smokn innumerable cignrcls together , ' sayi > , "ihilt they nro Retting their it together. Gilbert ajs to Sullivan : ' . got nu idea. ' Sullivan screws his gUns i Ills eje , looks at Gilbert critically fc moment , and Hays : 'Have you ? I re tihouldn't havethoilgct It of you.1 ' 1 w the ghl to sing something llko this'i tinuen Gilbert. 'Make it the ninti , ' put Sullivan ; 'and , by the way , I want yoi write something for that chorus so thing thnt they can nng ! la-to-ta , nnd tin ; ' and so they talk nud joUo and sm cijarets till the opera in evolved. " BDUOATIONALi NOTES Milwaukee. Ii to be the site of a SI Normal School. A man in Knox county , Main * , v wanted to volonininnt proj cted hi icliool , wiolo hU ballot ' 'Know. " _ It is expected that the Professor of ( , io who is about to bo njitininto 1 to I towly constituted clinir at L'dinbtirg U lOrsity will begin his work lit the u v inter BCHsion. Th * minimum salary of tha primi ichool teacbcrK iu Franco in$200 , thorn mum $110 , Instruction is freu In inf choolf , primary schools proper , and ; 'anccd primaty Hchnols , and also in tormnl Rchools. Two ntudcntf , sent out by the Mexii ; overnment , nro taking ptactlcixl less n cotton culture , having a ( arm n lolma , Ala. , on which they do all VOTK themselvoi under the ditection o e-vdier. The first gift for the now Harvard 1 chool building wan $100,000 , buttha pi Mil necessitate $ l'M 000 for the build .nd $ D,000 addition < \ for fiirniHhIng. 1 loner has incrcaiid tliis original gift over thin amount. The Archbishop of ParU has issue lastoral letter deploring the neculnri/at if ctlucatlnu , and cliargiiii ; parentH to ] onally Undertake the ro iglotin instruct if their chihhcn in places where no edu lolml provision beyond the State sell xists. At tha recent matriculationcxnminat if the Calcutta Uiiiveisity , eight won laacodfucccsnfullv , of whom sK were : ives of India ; and at Ucmlmy eovcn i nen were Miccctsful , includlm ; four fr ho city of Poonnh. At the I'lrst A xhlbition at Calcutta , a female candid btnincd uHcholaiBhip ot the first grade Students at Michigan University \ \ lave completed their aecond year in lepattmcnt of literature , science nnd irts. und huvo nlH ) completctl all the t icrloed work ottered In the first two yt n some ono of the several lines of rti oading to n bucluloi'd degree , mo to illowud to chooao whether they will c luuo their work on tlu "credit BVB'.em' ' in the Ho-calied university eyatem. ' . lootor'u degruo is'.hercaftci to bo confer inly i'n persona that havomadoprotlclci n some ono branch of etudy ami g tUnlninenlB in two other branchco , i ipou preBontntlon of n thesis that el ivlnce pnvvcr of losearch nnd of iiuloii lent investigation. A Congraas of Fiench BchoolboTH iuat been hold near 1'otiloueo. thu tvvc iclebatex resolving after two days' dolil ition to Biiggcbt to the Minister of Pu Instruction the Bubstitutiouof two mod languages for thn Latin and Greek hlthi Included In the Lycco ctirrlculum , the polutmont of u commltteo of scholar mediate with the innntern , improvemen the food , HiipproBsion of the moiior hitherto enjoyed by thocoucierges of v plying small luxuries at exorbitant prl mill , fin illy , the amnesty of semi ache recently expelled from Toulouse and Mi oeller Annthcr meeting Is to bo holt August , during the Bummer holldayi order to consider the teply of the Minis should he deign to answer the "inanlfos The sludentsof the Harvard Annex fa shown a tendency toward the tradith classical curriculum and not tow science. All the courses in Greek v taken by the female students luut y The classes were fed by the best prli and high tchools , Tlie professors mar the young women on the name scale v the youni , ' men and have expressed gi satisfaction with progress , Two young women , who passed tiio prellmln examlnitloiiH last June to the regi course of four > oars , are expecting to t the Html examination next June , ' girls have all worked hard , au4 their hei has In no case suffered. All have c ducted themselves in a thoroughly ox plary iiiMuner. PEPPERMINT DROPS. Why ii it thit wo huir an much ah the Cochin China hut nothing about lone ? The paper which allied thin kirn weather the ipring.halt hit it nearer tl Vennor in in the habit oC doing , All kind * of food are now BO fearfi : ulultcrated that thephCo > vhere ianora u hlfeg ta at the dinner , table. f'hlla , ihla Chronicle-Herald , The New Hninpshtro brewora have Danced the price of hoer , and the Wl Mountaineers ure aaid to be as much sited about it an though they ll\cd in C ilnuati , The firat clrcun stattcd out from 1 lam county , N. Y. , In 18J7 or 18W. nippoeed the clrcu * jokes of IHS'J w imch older than iifty-four years. Nor .owu Herald. A lloston horse-rillroid had foityc luctora arrested for etealing faiea. ] [ own who can lient a hell.punch desen Ua appointed Indian agents. 1'hlladelj Chronicle. Iiniularantj are now pouring into jountry at the rate of one nillllun n yi Iut think how the corn crop will be ireaso.i when they got to wearing tit htting American ulioea , SIttlnr ; Uull la creditoil wlthremnklu a thoughtful manner : "What a pity I that our forefather * , the uobltt bona of forest , failed to pum an niitl-llnropean uarly in the ae\eutoenth century. " J I ; fortl Coumut. Kewaimperti are noticing the fact tin thief iu HurrUburg carried uH a ton of i without the family , but \ > a do bee anything remarkable about that , too of coal it bo Binull nowadayn that niojt any suiart boy u > uld ruu otf with ( It In mild the m'e nf hay nnd tlta\ New York Olty amounts to 810.000 , eacli year , A joung man who > lilted I York aud Cunay Inland last uummer , BUW the manner in which thouuautle of j oni of both sexes Imbibed fancy dri iftys he would have mipnosed the sail straw alone would reach a much IA aam. aam.The Cznr never receivcg anybody aft o'clock. The remainder of the do ; upends In the pilace Mill-cellar , locked Marvlngornkl fire-proof tnfe , clad In cast-iron tiller. Ho received LUuter Danenhower at 2 , however , on that ger man making an alR.invIt that he want Nlhlllit , and could net play on the co ; Puck , Country girl How can ynn tell an tor ? Why , It' * the easiest thing in world. Yr.u can tell him by hii dis Riil'lied filr ! by the perfect fit of clothes ; hy the clogance of hu mann and his wlnnitu ways. You may i know htm by the lavish w y ho ll around hi- money : hy the atmoepher o o ant leisure which always gurroii him. He generally dwhcn ft dwair , i keeps a pet bulldog with a binnctto ni lie wears nothing but the most expcni jewelry , and Invariably pc\kfl the tn : the whole truth and nothing but the tn 'Now York Commerchl. "I Don't Wnnt That Staff. " Is what a lady of Boston said to ! husband when ho brought homo so rnodicino to euro her of nick hoadni and nouralgin which had made ! miserable for fourteen ycnra. At lirst attack , therefore , it waa ndmir tcrcd to her with such oed rcsii that shn continued ita use until cur and tnmlo an onthusiixatio in its prai that she induced twenty-two of boat families in her circle to adopt aa their resular family medicine. T ia UopBiUora.-Standard. [ Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago flackacfio , Sorenass of the Cho Gold , Quinsy , Sere Throat. Swo ings and Sprains , Burns ana r Scalds , General Bodily Pains , $ aoth , Ear and Haadacho , frost Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Ache * . Vt. ) rrer ri 'l < " ' < " > ' "r"1 < ju ' > ST. Jirou M . * afeaure , tlinplf * and rhrap Extf 3ntiljr. > . A trlnl ontnlli but th couipuntl Irillnr ontliiy of fiO tents , nd every OCB eu l l with jiftin c n h T elieup md gisJtii * f IlicUlme. j > Dlrxctloni In Eleirii t ngti > tt3 * I aCOD BY AIL DK'aQQIBTB ANl SEI LJ IN MEDICINE. Mon BANK. OF OMAHA NEBRASKA ( No. SCOS. ) TKEARUHY DKl'AUTMENT. Olflco t f C'oui-rnoLLni op vim CLMIIIRNCV , \VAtlllNQTiy , April 6th 18SA WiititxAB , iiy tntlkfuitory uUitunco ( iroeci to tlin unikra KiicJ. It I UK been made to npi thit "TuK NEUltASKA NATIONAL HANK OMAHA , " In tbo u ty ol Onmhn , In the count UoiitliH , nnd btato o ( Kcbrw-ka , lias com ] ] with nil tiio ) tro\lnloiiB ct IhollLilsed Btatuc tha United bates required ta ba compiled i belaio an asuoclatlon klmll be authorized to c munco the bii-liusj of UanVlne : Now , therefore , I. John J y IC'-or.Comptrt of the Currency , do hereby rcrtlf that " Nebraska Nwlonal Bank of Onmha , " 111 tlie of Om ha , In the oiiinty of Utmglaa , and fc of Nubranka , l < authorized to couiirtnco business of liinklni ; m pioi Idod In SectUn I Ono Hundred und Hlxty-Nlieof the Itov Statutes ot the United Btatcs. In testimony wlicroot wltnoaa ( ) bund end real o ( ottico this ! { BKAL. V d y of April 162. I - j JOHN JAY KNOX. Coroptrollor of tha Curroi Th &bovo Dank li now prepared to rcr buslnpHH Itccmmoiicco lih a fully pad capital of KiCO.OO. ) 00 , with otncerB and dlivc u follow * : S. IU JOHNSON , PiuibrKT , of SteelJ ( Mn ft C'oVhnlciale ( Iroccrs. A. K. TOU/.AUN. Vie .I'BUIDKXT , of C. I ) . ( U U. , Unston. W. V. MOUSE , ot W. V. Mom and Co , , Wh ( Mo Hoots umlHhoca. JNO , 0. COLLINS , ot ( ! . II. A J S. Cell \\hok-nalB Leather and B dillery. JA1IE3U. WooiKorlh , Louincllur and Attoi at Law. LEWIS S. UKKU , ot Djrou Kced A Co. , 1 Kitato Doiloia O BNIIY W. VATKS. Ca.hlf r , late Cuhlor ol Flrit National Hank of Omaha , connected with Ihe attUo mam ruentof tl'at ' Hank tlnio Its on Uitlon la 1BU3. tnAety Somotb rou OHM Dr. Ci ord , of dl la d , O. , old , liopu and M maaufact < ArtiGcic Liml Of the litre * lmpru'i l plan , hi ) > ii mochunlcalrj * < ) IIH Itutu ut MI hu llth troot , Onuha , whcro hu U pnpur < i luriileh limb * of c\cr ) doecrlptton , ekclct and nupporteraforparallzoU anddoformcd Hu truuo , and thouldcr braces and rapix > rtcri cmulu \ > etkno > . S.c , Iho Doctor haiha < yearn experleuco lu ucarlni ; and adluitliu. J. B. OHAWKOKD. 109 South lith St. Omaha , No NERVOUS DEBILITY , _ _ A Cnri , Gaarantoocl. Dr. K. 0. Wont1 ! Ner\e and Utalu Trcatmni A rneclfio for H ) terU , Dlulneaa , Conrulil Norvoui Hcadacho , MonUl Dipmwlau , Lei MouioryjBiwrmitorrhaoa.riuixitoii : ) ' , luvolua Kuiluloni , I'rcm&tuto Old Ago , cau o > i by o exertion , aolt abune , or o\tr-inJuljtmce. w lunJi to inlwry , decay and death. Ono box euro recent caeca. Ka h box contains ono uior treatment , Ono dolhr a box , or elx boxo : Dvu dollan ; sent by uiall prepaid on rucol ) price. We guarantee tlx boics ta euro auy c With each order received by ui for six boxei oompanlcd with tha dollan , will vend tiio ] chuur our written cuaraotco to return money If the treatment dooi not efltct acute 0. f. Ooodman , DruKcltt. Bole. Whokt&Io ruiful Aent , Ouukhit , Jncb. Orderi by tut Ketallaprlco. i di\vU D. M. WELT ( Snoooxior to D. T. Mount. ) Manufa-.turcr and Dea'cr In Saddles , Harness , Whi FANCY UORSE CLOTHING Robas , Dusters and Tnrf Bo or tit * UKSCIUPTIOI gss S Sg Agent to : JM. It tllll & Co.'i World , " Ordcn Eollcltcd. OMAHA.NE moly Proposals For Indian Supplies i Transportation. T\DPAimtKST Or'TUE INTRKIOK , Offl < JL/ Indian A ( Inlrn , Wtailn toii. April 25. 1 Healed propoMld , Indorsed 'Tropoiuls Dccf , " ( litiU ( or licet mutt be sucmlitod In i nto emolopu ) , ) llaron , 1 Iou < , Clothlny , Tronsportatl in , c. , ( a the COKO may bo , ) direct oil ID the UommHsloner of Indian Alii l > os. C5 oinl 07 Wooitcr street , Se * York , bo rccelral until 1 p. m. of Tuesday , ilny 1832. for lurnlihli K for the I ndlan fatrt lie nl SiiO.OOO pound * Laeoil , 40,000,100 pouiidi Bee the hoot , 1V8.COO pound ) B an , 70,000 pot Baking Ponder , > ,000 000 round' Corn , 700 pounds Coffee , 8,800(4 ) pounds Flour 212 pounds Feed , COO.QOO pounds II. rJ Hrcad , 000 pounds llomlny. U 000 pound ) lard , 1 barrels mcsj pork , 233,000 pound i lllce , 11 pound ) Tea , 05,100 pounds Tobacco 200 pounds Fait , 2tOOuO pounds do.iti , 0,00u jioo Soda , 1,210,000 pound ! Sugar and 830,010 pot Wheat. Alto , Blankets , Woolen and Co1 ton Go Sonslstlng In part nf Ticking , 33,000 ) arils ? H ard Calico , 3iOOCO jatdj ; IJrllllnK. O.OOOyo Duck , free from all tUmg , 170COu yard ; I lm , 17,000 j ards ; Gingham , 50,000 yard ; } tucky Jeans , 28,000 yard ; Ciiot lot O.VOO > c , Drown Hrcetlng , 200000ard , Bleached hn Inu. 20,000 } arisj Hickory t-hlrtlne , 10,900 yn Calico Shirting , O.JOO jard * ; Wlntey , 3 yarrlg ; Clothing , Groceries , Notion1) ) , llaidw Medical Supplied , nnd & long llt of m i Uncous nrtlclo" , such 09 Harness 1'lown , Hi Forts , Ac , , ind for about 470 Wacom rcqu or the fcnlco In Arizona , Coloiudo , Dak diho. Indian To iltory. Minnesota , Mont Nebraska , ; \oiada \Yittomln , to bo dell ed at Chicago , Kansia Clti , and nioux City. . lor such Wugons as may to required , adapte the climate of the Pacific Coast , with Califo brakes , delivered at San Frtncltco. Also , t : importation tor auch of the artli poods , and euppllca that may not bo contr.x for to bo dclhcrcd at the Aitcriclrc DD8 | MUST BS MADK OUT OX U0KltSMRNf BLA Schedules shoeing the kinds a'ld quantltli subsistence nuppllcs cqulrid for oath Age and the kinds nd quantities In gross , of other KOCS ! and articles , together with b : proposals and forma for contract and bond , i itltlonstcbi obecrted by bidders , time place of deliver ) , terms of contract anl ; mint , transportation routes , and all other m eary Instructions will us luralbhcd upon a | cat on to the Indian Office In AYaslilngton , NOB. 65 and 07 Wooater street , Now York ; \ II. Lj on , No. 433 Broadway , Now York ; Comra twarlca of Subsistence , U. S. A. , Clicvcnnc , Chicago , I.OTCII worth , Omaha , 8 I.ouU , Silot Paul , Sin Frt clco , and Yank the Postmaster at Sioux C'ltj , and to the i masters a % the following corned places In 1 BBJ : Arkansas City. Burlington , Caldi Dodge City , Emporla , KuriLa , Urcat 1 ! Houard , Hutchison , IJr e , HcP/ierson , 1 Ion , Medicine Lodge , New on Osijro city , dan , Sti-rllng , ToptknulIlnKtoii , Wichita Wlntlild. ' Ilida will be opened at the hour and day al stated , and bidder * arc Uvltcd to bo prejtii the opening. CuRTiriEDCurcKs. All bids must 1 > ByiJ | Dled by cert chicks upni ; eoma United Stntvs Depositor ; Aiulntant Treapiircr , for t It rut Qvo ( .tr cm tbo amount of thu proposal , ' ' If > men Cominla torn _ JOHN blAULVH , VUOMI5 bCIJAMI' , Piosldcni * Vice 1'rca VT. S. DKISIICK , See. and Treis. THE NEBRASKA PJPiOTUEIK } ( Lincoln , Neb. MANUFAOTUKERS OF Corn Plantorn , Harrowt , Farm Roll Sulk Hay ( takes , Ducket tlevntlnc W ml &c. We are prepared to da job work and mint turlra for other partlon. Addres all orders NEBRASKA JJANUFACTUniNO CO. , LISCOUN N u M-3EI33 IMPERISHABLE PERFUM1 Murray & Lanman's FL S8Dft WATEt Best for TOILET. BAT and HANDKERCHIET OKAY'S SPECIFIC MT.DIOI1 Qreat-ntlJIB Kfi TRADI MARKThp . English rein. Anun. falling cure for Seminal Weakness , Spermator. rhea , I m pot ency , and all Dlsoaaesthaf * ' " " * BEFCRETAKINa.'o" o AFTER TARI Helt-AbuHo ; as IXMS of Memory , Uniteraal LJ tude , I'aln In the Hack , Dlmncu of VUlon , m tur Old Age , and many other Diseases lead to Inianlty or Consumption and a i'rt turoQra\e. XarFull particulars In our pamnhlet , w ! we dcslro to sand free I v mall to e\ery tvsniio bpocifle Medicine ls void by all drug ) at fl per package , or U jiackt os for 95 , or bo xnt free by mall on reel ptof the money , THEORA JKD1CINKCO , , Duflilo , N , ' PILLS ! PILESI PILES1 A Sure Cure Found at LaNe No Onn Neoil Bnfifarl Araracuro lor Blind , DloodW , ItctlEj- UlceiatcJ Pilot ha * been dBco ! > orod by Dr. ' llam , ( an I ndlan retnody , ) called Dr. Will i Indian OluUcnt , A etagla box haa cured won t chronic caeca of 25 or SOyoon lUndtDK. . one necj Buffer Ihe tulnuti * alter applying wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Ini ruonU and electu&rtM do more harm than f WlllUtn'i Ointment absorbs the tumon ) , al the Intrato Itching , ( paitlculaaly at night t getting warm la bod. ) attd u apoultlco. glrn tUut and pAloloM lellef , and lapreiurod onlj Vllei. Itching of the private peru , and tot D In ; elso. Ilead what the lion. J. II. Ccfflnbetry of Cl aud eays about Dr. Ullam'i Indian Fllu C inent : I ha > o used scirea of Files cuiea , an a&ords me p cauro to my that I bare never Ic auythlne which ave tuch Immollata and | > i Dtnt relief u Dr. William's Indian Olntmen for SAle by all drunrlets or mi.llod o& rcccl | prloo , IOO. IOO.HENUY & CO. . Prop'rm CLIVILISP , On Tor ealo by 0. t OoodmaD. If j on luder from Dyspepsia , USB IlUUDOCiv LOOD niTTI II jou are afflicted with HIlloiuncM , u n IIUUDOCK 11LOOW IJITTI If } ou are prostrated with dick Headache , lak IIUUDOCK BLOOD 11ITTI If jour Bow els are disordered , regulate them' IJUUDOCK BLUOD BITTI If your Blood ti nipure , purify It Ith BUHDOCK IJLOOD BITTI Iyouha\c ( Indigestion , you nlll hndnn null In BIIUDOCK BLOOD BIlTt If you "re troubled with Sprlnp Complaints , odlcato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTI If your Lhcrls torpid , restore Itto hcnlthync with BUUDOCK IJLOOD B1TTF If your Lhor Is alTccteil , > ou will find n sun storatn o In BURDOCK I1LOOD UlTTE If you have any species ol Humor or Pimple , not to take BUHDOCK BLOOD I11TTK If you hat o any sj mptoius ol Ulcers or Heroin Sores , a curatlia remedy will bo found In BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTE For Imparting strength and Utnhty to the tcm , nothing can eqnil BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTE For Ncr\ous and General Debility , tone up tj stem w Ith BUUDOOK BLOOD BITTE Price. 01.00 pet Bottle ; Trial Battles 10 ( FOSTER , MILBDRN , & Co , , Pro ] J3UFFAI.O. N. Y. Bold at wholiealo by leli & McMahon and C , Goodman. jo 27 cod-n if you urn * ninn Mipil by tin" Hrnln or rour iltitlcfl ovou1 vork , tu re tUniilintiftnil ui ralnnciToiMi Hop Blttorc , wasle use Hop Q. If jtm ftr yottnB * nrt diiciitlon or tUtm | > a tiuni tt ywunrr.niR rled or Mnplo , old or i-o UJK , Buttprlni' froi DosrhrnHli or luiguun jltiir oa A bed "t id nesn , rely on H O p JBlttcM. ' , , ss * ThcuMno ol & \Vhoerer younre oni * > n tihenerer JOU led | ja nanllyfr I n f onu * f If ! o n e tint your r . fhat Etirtis-i. o inlel need' clcimstru. havobot. . . IKK or ntlmulivtlntr , bv tlivloly MSOC t ko lion Hcptlttor Bltte . WOKEC ? Or I. O Is kn .bsclu ) latin , disease nnd trresK ot ti * uomarA , HOP hlo earn ! < Itnrrlo , tlooil , ilruitl cDnom Hifrortnrt I USfl Ot 0llUt | You will hfl tbbncro.c luredlf you se narcatlci. Hop Bitters noldbydni ) fTOU ropni ! . ? lsts. RmJt jly we nit end Circular NEVER In < rrj > lrltiiltry let It may BOP ninn ave your FAIL KITS CO. , llfo. It hnf > Aavod hun Kocheif tr , H , AT rontoOa Dtecase Is an i fleet , not a cause. Us orlgl within ; Ita innnifcjtjtlonslthout llcncc ( .uro the disease the cusKrauat \ > a icmo\cd , n no other way can n euro ever 'o cUccl WARNER'S SAFE K1BNDY Al LIVKR CURE ' > establlbhcd on Ju t I irlnclplc. It rutlUca t hat 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arlzo from deranged kldncjs i I * cr , audit ttilkis at once at the root of altllculty. The elements of which It is compc net directly upon thcso great organs , both i loooaud RFHIO SR , anil , byplaclig them I tcalthy , condition , drlvo UUnuo and pam fr ho sytteni. For the Innumerable troub'cg caused by ' icalthy KldnejB , I.lvcrand Urinary Organs ; the dtttroielDK Dliordcrsof Women ; for Mala ami phytlcil derangements general ) ) , this gi rcmidy h i no equal , lit u are of Impo * ors , tAtlocs and concoctions s lrt to be insan gc ForUlnbotox , as for WARNER'S 8A ] DIABETES CURE I or sale by all dealers. H. WARNER & CO. , me Koobostor , K. Y Anmntf the innllclnal means of arresting disci IIo tcttir'ii btflnnch i Itttrn sUndu pro inilni t chtickBtho furthtr progress of nil tiio Btomaili , lUer and torn Is , ru\Uestho \ bWmlni , pr.-Miita ami ro'iillca thills and fc' iicrukson the actU It ) nf the 1. Id ni ) s , found rac tndciic ) to rhtuniatUni , and U a genuine t umUol-u-o toDgwl , Intlrui and ninoiiK ] icrkoni Fnrlsala b ) all drugclsts and dealers genera al to ml To Nervous Sufferer THE CHEAT EUROPEAN REMCDY. Dr , J , B. Bimpoon'B Sped : It b a positivecuio for | jp iuiaoirce * , Beml W ; kc' ) . i , ImpoUncy , and all dlwues result Irsiu ScH'Almae , MI Mental Anxiety , Lou tUmory. 1'aluilD the Bun or Rile , and disci that lead Uoneumpt insr.nlty i carlygr The Spec HoJIelno twlrg u nith worn tul lucccs Paraph ! . nut fro < ta all. Writs lit thorn and got full ] Uculars. Prlis , SpecISs , II CO per pvckige , or li p airu for ti 00. AtMr.iS all onUrs to B. tlUBON MKUICINE CO. Not. 101 and 1M Alain bt. BuSalo , N. \ Sal t In Omaha hy C. F. Ucoduiao , J. W. I J.K , Ish , aud all aruicUUo crynhcro. i Idkw W.B. MILLARD. > ' . W. JOHNSON . . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frnits , 1111 FAENHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Baufihers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour , NEB OMAHA , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA iNATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOJJNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL CO. _ WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEAIKU ; N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Heb. . G. 1213 Farnham St. . O-naha. Nfth. -WHOLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S - Fire and Burglar Proo C3 > C3 1020 Farnham Street , a AND JOBBERS IN \ Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and ; -f- - _ -k-j- All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Boat Brands of fil&AES AID IAMACTUREB TOBAGCO , Asents for BBNWOOD NAILS AND LAFL1N & EAND POWDER. ' ] JOBBER OF IP . IP IE IB ; AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARM AM ST. - - OlvlAHA I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLIEST AND NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods BBceiving Daily and Stook very nearly ] Complete J. A. WUOLE3ALE AND UETAIL DEALEU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT R AOEN1 FOR MILWAUKEE CEIIENT COMPANY ) Near Union Pacific Depot. . - - OMAHA POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , AoniNEur , BKLTINO , P 0 1A D Ka 17 08 nvK HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AKD SCHOOL BELLS A. L , STBANG20f > Fo 1" ' St. . Omaha & holesale Lumber , So , 1408 larnhaffl Street , Oinalia ,