HE OMAHA DAILY BEE 1 ELEVENTH YEAH. OMAHA SATURDAY MOJRNETO MAY x0 ! , Ib82. 285 A SEETHING SHYSTER , Who Foamed With fiaga at the Mention of Omaha Workingmen , And , Like an Assassin in the Night , Stabbed them in * the Buck. Bartlett Leads in Furious Op position to the History of the "Riot. " The Kailroad Strikers Froth and Faithfully Follow the Monkey's Shines. Moore , of York. Holds the Floor in the Center of iho Menagerie. A Ball of Dynamite Explodes in the House and Blows Up the Animals. The threat Alexander Heaves a " 3i" Valued at Four Hundred Dollars. "Medicine" Bills for Stomach Bitten Unceremoniously Thrown Up. A Double Dose of Anti-Fat for the Governor's Stair. Special Correspondence of Tni lira. THE EIOT ACT. LINCOLN , May 19. The wannest aceno that has occurred during the session was in the house yesterday when the militia appropriation bill oamo up for consideration > n committee of the whole. The whole day was con. aumod in the discussion of this matter , and on amount of spirit shown in opposition to the payment of < travagant charges that augurs badly for any repetition of the insane folly of calling out the troops to fight a phantom foe. The debate called out some oratory of a very exalted character actor , the members vicingwith each other in lauding or denouncing the validity of the various claims. A lengthy and heated oontrorersy took place over the items include d in the ata for expenses of the governor's staff. Tno UlJI i irCw. bliroT about S4SO , presented by S. J. Alex ander , for services as adjutant general and brigadier general during the riot , at a combina'd salary of about § 9,000 per year. After an animated discus sion , during which the charge was de clared constitutional , nugatory , ir relevant and a generally bad character given k it , the item was stricken out altogether. MBroatch said his army oxpori encfwarranted the declaration that was no need of a brigade staff : o there wore only a few compa with a complete regimental staff , the house did not strike out the r staff officer's claims. By 3 p. Ja debate had reached a red heat. som , Hulman , Whedon , Moore , ork , and a number of others made ; orous fight against the staff ex es and other claims. Bartlett , rchHowo , Mickey and McClung re- / Biaiod every effort to reduce the claims. ' Moore , of York , made a spirited ' speech against the objectionable fea tures of the bill in the course of which he requested the clerk to road a com munication which he stated would throw new light on the subject under discussion. The clerk began to read when Church Howe jumped up exclaiming claiming , "Who is thu letter okmed by ? " "Lot the clerk read on , and you will find out presently , " responded Mr. Moora. Then Bartlett advancing in front of the speakers desk furious with sup pressed rage shouted at the top of his voice , "Thulottor ia signed by K Rosewater - water and enter protest against al lowing u stump speech from him being road hero , Wo will r.ot allow it to bo read. " This wao the signal for general up roar and the moat intense excitement. One member asked Bartlett whether ho would object if the latter was eigncd by Tom Kimball. Others shouted , "Let the letter bo read no matter if it is signed by the dovil. " For nuarly twenty minutes the house wns perfect pandemonium ; raembora wore shouting themselves hoarse ; knots were all over the house discussing points of order , and the chair only added to the confusion with his gavel. Mr. Moore kept the floor , insisting on his right to have the letter road , and finally the question was decided by the house that Moore could road the communication. Ho prefaced the reading with a severe rebuke to the committee , which under the resolution introduced by him wad instructed to investiuato the causb of the Omaha riots and report whether the use of troops was justifiable. The commie , too through its chairman , Bartlett , had made a report upon the one-side testimony of ofliuiala that had called for and ordered out the militia. No information was sought from other parties , no chance was given the workingmen to present their side of the case , and the whole burden of blame is thrown on their shoulders. It was for this reason a citizen of Omaha had volunteered to present the history of the labor troubles from an unofficial standpoint and it was but just that the house should receive it. Mr. Moore then read the following letter : To the Honorable Hou e of Efprtscutnlhcs. As a citizen of Omaha nnd on behalf of what I know to bo a Intga majority of the citizens of Omaha and Douglas county , I respectfully submit for your information the following statement concerning the a'legod riots at Omaha. I was absent from the state on Febru ary 28th , when the laborers lured by James Stephenson , contractor for grading the 13. & M. depot grounds , wont on a strike , jxnd had no knowl- odao of the labor Jroublo until my re turn to Omaha on the day before the Labor union paraded in the streets. While marching through the principal streets that parade waa as orderly us any similar demonstration by Masons , Odd Follows , or any other benerolont societies. Among the 2,500 workingmen - men that marched in that procession , fully two-thirds were men of family nnd owners of comfortable homos , as law-abiding as any class of citizens in this ktato. The main purpose of parade as far as I could learn was to impress upon our citizens that the workingmen were united in support of the demand for living wages. They had boon assured that the laborers imported from Plottamouth would join them in this demand , and they marched through the streets adjacent to the depot grounds in expectancy that they would make common cause with them Before the procession had reached th neighborhood of the B. & M. grounds the crowd of boys and loafers which preceded forced their way down upon the dump and the procession broke ranks in spite of the efforts of the loaders , and when a pistol shot was fired by ono of the imported epocia" policemen , the whole crowd atam pedod like a herd of cattle. In th < stampede three or four persons wcro knocked down but nobody was ser iously hurt. The affray lasted loss than ton minutes and this was the only riotous disturbance that occurred in Omaha after the labor union parade. The stampede on the dump occurred between three and four o'clock in the afternoon , and about 7 p. m. , that day I was requested by Mayor Boyd to moot him iu consultation about the situation. At this conference there were present Superintendent Hoi drogc , of the B. & M. , Chas. J , Green , attorney of the B < fc M. , and John . Horbach , a railroad contrac tor. Mayor Boyd requested mo to give my views as to the propriety of calling upon Governor .Nance for troops. I expressed the opinion that there weS as yet no neces sity for military interference , I urged Mayor Boyd to go with mo before a meeting of the Labor union , which was in session at that hour , and I advised him to say to the men that as mayor of Omiha it would be bis duty to cause the arrest of every man that pould be identified as having struck a blow on the dump , and furthermore to call upon al workingmen to aid hi in in maintain- - turbance , with the additional notice that a refusal to sustain him would make each and all individually liable as rioters in case of further trouble. I promised Mayor Boyd I would fol low him in a speech and urge compli ance with his request. Mayor Boyd thought there was no use trying to pacify the workingmon. Messrs. Holdrego [ and Horbach declared that nothing less than military force would insure safety. I than urged the mayor to request Governor Nance to come up to Omaha and make a personal address to the workingmen , admonishing them to maintain order and notifying them that ho would call out the militia at the first sign of further disturbance. This was also opposek by all present. Thereupon Mayor Boyd telegraphed bo Governor Nan o that he had ex hausted his authority and was unable to suppress the rioters. The sheriff } f Douglas county was induced to jign a similar dispatch , although ho neither personally nor by deputy had sought to enforce order. On the same uight a special train was dispatched to Lincoln and Superintendent Holdrego with other railroad oflicials induced the governor to appeal to the provident fur federal troops. Although not i militiaman had moved and lot a single process of the : ivil authorities wns forcibly resisted , the governor assured the president that the state had entirely exhausted its military forces in the effort to sup press a formidable insurrection. This , va8 on Wednesday , March 8th , but federal and state troops did not roach Dmalm until Saturday , March llth. [ n the interval of more than two days perfect quiet and order reigned in - > maha. Lifo and property were as iccuro 0.1 they ever had been. The ( Moment that n dangerous riot w.s n progress at Omaha at any time ifter the governor called out the mili- ia , Or during their stay in that city is kbaolutoly unfounded , The troops vero there not to suppress n riot , but 0 protect workingmen employed by ho railroad company in caao uneni- iloyed workingmen should attempt to nterfere with them. No proclamation notifying citir.fiis ; hat troops were quartered in Oinuhu .D suppress riots or domestic violence vaa issued by the governor , nor did ilayor Boyd servo notice upon all loncurned to keep away from the itreets occupied by the troops. Under ho city charter of Omaha tha mayor s authorized to prohibit the sale of iquor in times of riot , but no action ras taken in this direction. The sa- eons wore kept open night and day , Sundays and week days , during the iccupancy of the city by the army , > nd the people were exposed to the tangent from affrays betweendrunkon oldiers and citizens. On Sunday , March 12 , the second lay after the troops were quartered in ) maha , ono G. P. Armstrong , an god citizen , while under the influence > f liquor , engaged in a wordy quarrel rith ono militiaman , and after being : necked down , was brutally stabbed o death by another soldier. The : illiig of this man , whether lawful or tulawful , ahould have been rigidly in- 'estimated , but the ollicors in com- rind , when asked to surrender the soldier that had put Armstrong to death to the civil authorities , pleaded ignorance , and up to this day the kill ing is unaccounted for. At the urgent request oF the attor ney general a special grand jury was ompannoled to indict the rioters , and indictments were found against fire or six ollicors of the Labor union and Trades unions for murderous assault , but it transpired on the first trial that the irrand jury had boon packed with men supposed to bo biased agaitst the Labor union met It was shown that Mayor Boyd said to ono grand juror who seemed to op pose the indictments , "Wo made A mistake when wo put you on this jury. " The jury tailed to convict , and nobody in Omaha expects that any of the in dicted parties can bo convicted. Al though no apparent necessity existed for keeping a largo force of troops at Omaha , they were not withdrawn un til the men were almost on the point of mutiny. Lot mo state in conclusion that while no reasonable man will oppose the payment of the militiamen who responded promptly to the governor's call , a largo majority of our people re gard the calling out of the troops as unwarranted. First Because the mayor did not call upon citizens to aid hint in main taining order. Second Bccauan the sheriff of Douglas county failed to act. Third Because no forcible resist ance was offered to the civil authori ties in serving process. Fourth Because no disturbance oa curred at any time after the ton min utes' stampede on the durap. Fifth Because the governor , with' ' out authority of law , called upon the president for troops before the militia had reached the threatened point. E. HOSIIWATKU. The reading of this communication caused a good deal of commotion among the railroad cappers on the floor. The house continued the de bate over the various items in the militia bill , and considerable reduc tions were made. The items to pay the railroad faro of the troops were allowed in full. The bill was finally passed as amended and sent to the senate. This morning Mr. Moore moved to have the communication of Mr. Rosewater - water spread upon the records. This lead to a reading of the letter by the clerk , after which Bartlett openodout with a very bitter speech , charging Rosewater with fomenting discord and abetting the strikers in their ends. The speech made very little impression on the house , which clearly saw through its sophistry. A motion to lay the communication on the table was lost by n vote of 40 to 19 At noon the debate was still go ing on with undiminished vigor. In the senate this morning the tea timony taken in the Tefft investiga tion was read. Mr. Tefft them made a motion that the testimony and the finding of the committee be spread upon the record. This was allowed b/J e-iH > natx- - * - - * f"i _ Mr. Tefft then spoke at length on the result of the investigation. Aliowa. DOINGS OF THE DAY. Special DUpatch to Tux UKX. BXUITIKO DEBATB IK TUB HOUSE THE WORK OF TIIB 8ENATB. LINCOLN , Neb. , May 19. An ex cited debate continod all the afternoon in the house over the resolution to spread Mr. Roaowator's communica tion upon the records. Brown , of Boone , spoke at length against it , ibusing Rosowatcr in Ifou of present ing any.argument. Ho was followed by "Jen. Hollman , who urged the necos- lity of having both sides of the question presented properly , and that .he house deserved to know the causes if riots at Omaha. Oorrell , the woman suffragist , gave m elaborate view of riots and rioters 'rom a woman's standpoint , and made lloBowuter out to bo the chief rioter. Bartlett and Howe followed with lengthy speeches , both indulging in bitter Irnguage towards the author of ; ho communication. The motion to put it on record was in ally lost by n heavy voto. The senate to-day recommended the Slocumb apportionment bill for pia- : nge , by a vote of 1(5 ( to 14. Nance's brother-in-law , Cni- tlo , flopped over , probably it the governor's instance. This in- lures final adjournment to-morrow in ill probability. * The Donate is still in session at 0 /clock , discussini ; the apportionment. Messrs , Daily , Howe and Do.ino are .ilking against time , with n fair show ) f lasting until morning. The militia > ill pissed the senate with an amend- norit raising the amount of Murk el ind Swobo's bill to the original fig- jrea. OMtnary. fatlonal Associated l'm . MIJ.WAUKKK , Mis , May 19. Liuut , kV. Walton , of tlio United States lavy , chief of thu life saving uorvico n this district , died suddenly lust light of pneumonia. ICnuvuH Crops. \'atlnnal Associated I TOPEKA , May 19. The warm feather and gentle rains of the past ow days settled the question of the yheat crop , which is cei tain to bo a tig ono. Chinch bugs have endeavored o damage , but cool nights and rains isvo kept them under control. The inrvest will commence throe weeks arlior th'an usual. Embezzler Arrortod. rational Associated I'rew. GIIKUOO , May 19. W. B. IIenn r- hoots , book-keeper forO , II. Pulaifer , iaj boon arrested for embezzling ? 3,000 of his employer's money , which raa swallowed up in speculations. A St. Xjoui * Man's Statement. ST. Louifl , Mo. , April 2U , 1881. II. II. Warner & Co. ; Sirs I was iurod of painful kidney disease by Safe Kidney and Liver Oure. J. B. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Congress Disposes of Two Bills of National Importance , Pope Points to the Progress of Peaceful Starvation Among the Mooooleroa. The Five Per Cent. Land Bill Patched Up and Finally Paused by the Senate , All Shades of Financial - . Belief Aired in the Houoe on the Bank Charter-Bill. The BUI for n Public Bnildinc at Council Bluff * FSMM the CAPITAL VOTES. National AuocUted Press. MAnVlNO INPtANS. WATIUNOTON , May 19. General Pope telegraphs the war department that thoMascaloraIndiansmuatoithor starve or bo turned over h ) the war department. .The Indirn bureau can't food them , owing to liwfcof appropria tion by congress , and' the Indians must either be compelled to starve peaceably , or let go to plunder and murder for n living. VORKKIN NKWSPArBM. The house poatonice committee agreed to report adversely the rcnolu- tions admitting free foreign newspa pers sent to bona fide subscribers. A. MINK CONTEST. The contest between Yuba Mining company and Salmon Creek company as to their respective ) rights to the Salathaolo mine in Sacramento , Lap land district , California , was decided by the secretary ofthointoriorin favor of the Yuba. The committee on foreign nft'airs have adopted a resolution that Ship herd bo permitted to aubmit for in < spection any originaljpapors pertinent to the caao , and it found pertinent they would be received nnd ho be examined aminod on them. SHAKE. Williams nnd Blackburn have just had a half hour's friendly conference in the senate cloakroom. Amicable relations have bepi i restored. Black burn withdrew his Objectionable Ian " guago. ' ? ' AUTHOa's 'ACTIONS. ' It is authoritatively stated that no member of the tariff commission lias boon agreed upon ny the cabinet. The president hi signed the forti fication and agricultural appropriation bills to-day. , , , j/X'r ' 'President Arthur and HOT oral cabin et officers attended tbo races yester day and to-day , and goagain to-mor row. TUB The convention of 'civil engineers closed to-day by calling on President Arthur in a body , and the members afterward inspecting various placen of interest. The convention will meet next year at Minneapolis , Minn. The members loft for homo to-night. CONGRESS National Associated Press. RK.VATB rjtOCEKUINaa. WASHINGTON , 1) . 0. , May IU. Bills for public buildings atGalvoston , Texas , LaCrosse , Louisville , liinni- bal , Detroit and Council Blufc , a bill authorizing the Texas and St. Louis railroad company to build certain bridges in Arkansas , and incorporat ing the Garfield Memorial hospital , were passed , The sonata resumed consideration of iho five per cent bill , Senator Morgan delivering a long speech iu opposition. Senator Vanco'n amendment Was rejected. Senator Hoar moved an amend ment to refer this question to the : cmrt of cltims , the attorney general to represent the government. Re jected. Tlio iiinuiidmiiits of Senators Merrill - rill and Morgan were voted down. The amendment of Senulor Farley , including California utnong other states to bo benefited , waa adopted by i vote of 25 to 17. Sonutrr llurrin moved that the bill be indefinitely postponed , Lost 21 to 22. Senator Morgan's amendment that tie inoni'y to which a state may bo- . omo entitled to under Iho act shall ho rotiiini'd by thu United States on iccuunt of any direct tar under thu ict of 1801 , remaining due nnd un paid , wuu u < > reed by n vote of 24 to 0. i'ho bill then pawd by a vote of 23 to 17. The iiiiys were Senators An thony , Bluir , Hrown , C ill , Cemdon , Coke , D ms ( W. Va. ) , Dawes , Gor man , Harris , iiawloy. Hoar , Juckeoii , Maxoy , Miller ( .V. Y. ) , Morgan mid jaultbury. Seiiato then adjourned till Monday. IIOUBK rilOOKKUINOH. Mr. Townsend (0 ( , , ) introduced a bill creating a board of commissioners DII inter state commerce as a bureau rf the interior department. lie- [ erred. The bank charter extension bill was taken up. The amendment to reduce : urrency to bu withdrawn to three in- itead of fivn millions per month , was rejected , 92 to 101. Mr. Baynu's amendment that banks in notifying the treasury to hold ; alled bonds a year after thscall with out interest , was rejected-42 to 109. Mr. Orapo's substitute forllandall's imendment requirim- banks to ivo ninety days notice befpro withdraw ing bonds to retire circulation and limiting amounts to bo withdrawn to fO.OOO.OOO per month was adopted. .The amendment prohibiting the is- PU'O of bank notes , in ox- HISS of ninety per cent of par value of their bonds on deposit , nnd the issue of more than ninety per cent of paid up capital of the banks in currency , was adopted A largo number of amendments were offered of nil shades of financial belief , but were rejected , Mr. llico ( Mo , ) too'.c occasion in speaking ( o an amendment , to reply to the criticisms of Bland yesterday , in which the lat ter had charged that the greenback- era of Missouri had entered into an Agreement with the republicans by which they were to support republican measures. He denied the charges , branding them na utterly nntruo and groundless. The people of Missouri , no said , nro tired of democracy as ia shown by the fact that the democratic mnprity in the state has boon reduced from 00,000 to 17,000. Ilia remarks were warmly np- plaudcd by the republicans. The previous question was ordered at 4:20 : p. ni. , and a largo number of amendments pending wcro then voted down in their order , and a bill WAS passed by a vote of 125 yeas to 07 nays. nays.Tho democrats voting for the bill were Messrs. Beach , Belmont , Bliss , Covington , Duestor , Dibble , Ellis , Ermnonbrout , Evans , 1'lowor , Garri son , Hardonburt ; , Hoblitzall , Hutch- ins , Klotz , Mitchlur , Phelps , Ilichard- son , lloss , Shelley and Tillman. Republicans voting against the bill were Messrs. Anderson , Cutler and Marah. J. Wiatt Smith , classed as a green- backer , voted against it. HOUBO ad journed at 0:15 : p. m. , Mr. Calkins giving notice that ho would call up the contested election cases to-morrow. A Staantor Saved. .Vitlfinal AMocUtud 1'rom. NKW YOUK , May 19. The steamer llio Grande waa sunk at Delaware breakwater Wednesday to save her from burning. She waa raised during the uiiht and otoamod for Now York at 1:15 this morning. May Muslo. National Araoclalea tress. CINCINNATI , May 19. The May musical festival closed to-night , The weather 1ms been fine throughout , and a great success was scored , both artis tically and financially. The festival association como out about $20,000 ahead. Two-Two A Cairo National Assocl&tal Prm. NKW YOKK , Slay 19. The grand jury , in its annual investigation of of municipal charitable institutions , ascertained that in the hospital on Blackwoll Island during April , were born forty pahs of twins. Georgia Politic- National Aanoclatod 1'rcu. NKW YOKIC , May 19 Gov. Col- quite , of Georgia , says that he will not be a candidate for a third term in Georgia. Stephens will bo ottered and will accept the reaular democratic nomination for governor , and will bo elected. Ho will not take the nomina tion from the independents alone , and 'will accept the nomination uroly for the purpose ot harmonizing the de mocracy in Georgia. Col. Oolquitt says ho has not received Senator Hill's resignation. Ho has advised him to hold on to the seat because his salary is all ho has to live on , and ho may after all pull through. Colquitt ad mitted he will accept the nomination for Bell'n place in congress if a vacancy occurs therein. Texas Politics. National Aktociatoa 1'rcm DALLAS , Tox. , May 19. It is pretty certain the republicans will nominate fifull atato ticket by coalition with the independents and disaffected demo crats and green backers. They stand seine show of success. Notwithstand ing the reported declaration of retire ment from politics , it is believed by many that Gov. Roberts , the old re liable , will turn up in the democratic sonvontion as a dark horse , guberna torial candidates being so numerous IB to split the party M urine- National Aoaoclated I'rcta. BILTIMOUH , May 19 Arrived Ho- uuizolliT from Bremen ; sailed , Loip- iig for Bremen. LiVKiti'ooii , May 19. Arrived jnllia from Now York. QUEKNUXOWN , May 19. Sailed ! ) n the 18th the Nevada for New JTork.on Iho 19th Celtic forNow York. IfAMiuma , May 10. Arrived 3erviu iroin New York. BKKMBN , May li ) . Sailed Hubs- burR for New York. GLASGOW , May 19 Sailed--Slate if Nevada and Anchoria for Now An Oil Paulo- S'atlonil Afcsoclntutl i'rcwt , CINCINNATI , May 19. A special TOIII Bradford , 1'onnujlvaniu , says that the utmost consternation prevails in ppeculalivu circles of the oil trade : iver the bi well at Cherry Grove township , Wurren county. The well IVHU drilled two months ujro , but never completed until now , nnd the most gratifying resultn nro obtained , it be ing CHtimutcd that it will produce COO iurrels a day. The market ! H vnry [ liverish , and a panic of unprcccdent- , d dimensions iu uxpectcd. Tanners Strike- National Autoclat < l i'rciu. CIIIOAOO , May 19. This afternoon 200 seumsters in Grey , Clark & , En- { lu's tannery struck because the pro- .irietorn posted a notice that the yard would licroaftar bn known as non- inion , Over 1,000 strikers are now nit , and all the lurpo tanneries are jractically closed , Small yarda are itill running with non-union men , Duly two tanneries are still working union men at the wages demanded , Prafetslouul Piety. lUtloaM Associated fiott. BruiNOPiEr.1) , ills. , May 19. The Presbyterian general assembly devoted - voted the forenoon to the appoint ment of special and other committees ind to arranging order of busi ness for the session , A special com mittee was appointed on desecration of the Sabbath , particularly with re ference to poftsenger and freight traffic on railroads. The report on this subject will bo ono of the inter esting matters of dissuasion. AJ.I.ANTA , Oa. , May 19. To-day wns thu second day's session of the general assembly of the Southern Presbyterian church. Dr. Stfiott , of Austin , Tcxns , tlio now moderator , presided. The matter of the frater nal relations wns referred to thu com mittee on trreign correspondence. Dr. Gregory , ddegivto of the reformed Dutch church , wns received. SPOUTING. National Amoclatnl I'rnw. NATIONAL JOt'KKY IM.U1I. WASHINGTON , May HI. The inaugural - augural mooting of the National Jockey club continued nt Ivy City to day , with iv fair attendance. First rnco for nil ngea , with selling allowances , threo-fourthn of a mile , was won by Iota , Jake White second ; time , 1:1GJ. : Second race , army nnd navy stakes for throo-yoar-olds , olio nnd n half miles , was won by Tuscaloosa , Fregald second ; time , 2:40. : } . Third rnco , Washington cup , sweepstakes for all ages , two miles , had only two starters , Thorn and Keno , and was won by the former ; time , 3:40. : Fourth race , handicap steeple chase , usual courao , wns won by Judge Mur ray , Kitty Clark second ; no time taken. I.OUIHVII.LK HACK * . LouiftTii.LK , Ky , , Mny 19. First rnco , for two-year-olds , winners excluded - cludod , oiio-lialf mile , was won by Target , Matrimony second. Time , CO ] . Second rnco , for nil ages , nine and ono > half furlongs , WAS won by Crosoto , Follow PJay , second. Time , 1:48 : } ' . The event of tha day was thu third race , the contest for the Louisville cup , two miles nnd ono-quartor , won by llindoB , Checkmate second , Time , 3:67 : $ . Fourth race , for all ngea , soiling al lowances , inilo nnd a quarter , was a very close rnco , nnd wns won by George Wnkoa , Bubbler second. Time , 2:101. : Filth race , handicap , mile and one-half , was won by Lizzie 8. , Grnu gor second. Time , 3:37. : ] . VAHK 11AI-U NKW YOUK , May 19. Bostons 10 , Metropolitans 4. . DKTKOIT , May 19. BufTalos 11 , De- troits 14. PmLAUKU'iUA , May 19. Provi dence 2 , Philadolphias 1. The Daba of Manchester. National Auoclatod ITCH. CHICAGO , Mny 19 , The Duke of Manchester and party arrived in this city last night. They drove about the city this morning nnd leave to-morrow for Manitoba to inspect lands recently purchased by the corporation of which the duke is president. Notoi From National AbSuclated frets. YOONUSTOWNO. , May 10. The jury in , the J. W. Bush murder caao this morning returned n ' .verdict of guilty of manslaughter. 'A motion was filed for a new trial. S. A. Mills & Co. , dry goods , had their doors closed by the sheriff last night on a claim of $37,000. Cohn , Sample & Co. , of Cleveland , claim'tho , goods. Winno Bros. ' drugstore at Painos- rillo , Ohio , was totally destroyed by ire this morning. 'A gaaolino lamp ixploded. Losa , $5,000 ; insurance , 32.500. Mutilated Remains Found. latlonal Auoclatod 1'roaa. ATCHIHON , Ks. , May 19. The nutilatod remains of Judge Gnprgo V. Ockor , who mysteriously disap. > eared lost February , have boon found n a thicket n few miles from town. The body had been almost entirely sonsumed by wolves , dogs and liogs. Identification waa established by tapers and some articles of jewelry. ' ' " Starving Jtriau Emigrants. National AnooclateJ I'reea. Tnov , N. Y. , May 19. The largo ado of immigration , mostly of a roverty stricken character , is flowing n a channel through this city from Canada. According to the statements > f immigrants , it originated in Irish ivictions. The landlords , after evict- ng their tenants , made arrangements 'or their transportation to Ponnsylvn- liu via Canada. No arrangements lave been made to supply them with bed nnd they arrive in Troy in n initialled oonditiod , some not having nsted food for three to four days. ) arrival of a party hero lost night awe , wo months baby waa found dead in tn mother's arms from starvation , [ 'hilanthropia citizens lire raising sub- icriptiona to relieve thu destitute who ire arriving during day nnd night. They are often obliged to wait twenty- our hours for conveyance down the 'iver. Suit fatlonal AjwodateJ I'rctuj CIIICAOO , May 19 , Judqo Bar ium this afternoon dismissed the bill 'or want of equity in the ease of Col. "lil Pierce , late editor of Thu Inter Dcoun , against the Nixon's , involving iOO shares of The Into/ Ocean stock , ilaimed from the Nixona by the ; oloiiel on n loosely drawn contract for .ho sale n which no valuable cnnsid- > r.ition was lujjtionod in case of nan- 'ulfillmont. rTorce took an appeal. fatlooal . . . _ „ JfcuoAOo , ifiy 19"--It ia said that So branch hftuse of A. T. Stewart & Jo , in this city to-day discharged all mipioyes , 200 in number , and decided .o clo3a their store hero to-morrow , * IrlnU Coercion. National AssocUUd 1'roai LONDON , May 19. In the IIOUBO of ; ommons this afternoon , on a division jn the second reading of the bill for prevention of crime in Ireland , re- iultod in a vote 383 for the bill to 45 igainbt , HBDDINOM , Itoasln Salve hia proved it * eUicieiu-y by a twt of 76 7ard' oonsUat it * THE HANGMAN'S HARVEST Matured MurdorBrsluokefl by tlio Nook and Planted , Numerous Sprouts at Various Points Qivo Promise of Karly Riponinc. Aujjastua LeiRhton Drops Through a Hole With His Mug Masked. A Ren of Innooonoo Dotioonili la TonnoMoo on the Second Trinl- Poke Wolla and Other Pills Plnlntr for Hborty. CRIMINAL NEWS. National Amoclattx ) Vrtna , NKW YOKK , May 19 , Auguatus D. Leighton , n mulatto , wan hanged this morning at 8:45 : , in the Tombs , for the murder of Mary L. Dean , his para mour , Juno 14,1880. Mary Donu , n beautiful octoroon , 20 years old , was married nt 1C , and deserted by her husband at 19. She then opened a house of assignation on Twenty-seventh street. Leighton be came her lover. Ho wns n light coffco culor , tall , slender , n great dandy and a favorite among colored girls , and a successful barber. Ho became en gaged to a mullato named Mary Del- worth nnd quarrelled with Mary Dean to got rid of her. She forbade him her house. Hearing she waa endeavoring to injure him with his affianced by sanding her information of his past , ho called on her Sunday evening , Juno 14th , 1880. She refused to lot him in and came down the high stoop and talked with him on the pavement. A quarrel ensued. Ho made threats and she ran to the top of the stoop nnd called the police , Leighton ran up to her , grasped her by the hair , took out a razor and drew it twice across her throat , severing the jugu lar. She fell dea . Ho fled to Harrison , N. J. , but thpro surren dered himself. IIo was tried in No vember , 1880 , and sentenced January 28,1881. Ho appealed and the sentence - tenco waa affirmed. Ho was again sentenced to be hung the same day with William Sindram , but waa re spited until to-day by request of llov. W. Morgan , because ho was not spir itually prepared to die. Mary Doll- worth visited him frequently and fainted when parting for the last time yesterday. Among colored women who took an interest in Leighton was a washerwoman , named Margurota Cordova , for many years a servant of Peter Cooper's family. She spent $700 of her hard-earned savings se curing appeals , delays and respites , and promised Leighton to adopt and give a permanent homo to Mary Doll- worth. Leighton slept well trom midnight until G n. m. Mrs. Cordova yesterday sent him a now suit of black broad cloth to bu hanged in. The pants and vest not fitting perfectly , Leighton sent them to a tailor's to bo altered. Ho dressed with the greatest care for the scaffold , personally superintending the polishing of his boots. Ho' went to the scaffold confident ho was fully prepared , and that ho was a true Ohris- .ion. He mot death firmly , and with nuch bravado. His neck was not jrokon , buc ho died of strangulation. Major , the Italian under sentence > f death , bade Leighton farewell at nidnight , each asking the other to > roy for him. At the scaffold Leighton were iround his neck an Agnus Dei given lim yesterday by two Catholic Sistora > f Mercy. Sindram and nineteen other mur- lorers were hung on the same scaffold JHod for Leighton , NTRBTOIIED , POI.AHKI , Tonn. , May 19. W. W. [ tea was hanged hero at 3 p. m , , to- lay for the murder of Jas. T. Good- nan last July , llea slept nono. Ho ook a teaspoonful of morphine at laylight and called for a "toddy. " I'ho scaffold was erected in the rear of the jail. The execution waa public , i'ho evidence against Rea was entirely Hrcumatantial. Ho had heretofore borne a good ohai actor and lately the feeling prevailed to a great ox tent that lie wns innocent. Strong efforts were made by the very beat citizens of the : ounty nnd the state to have his sen tence commuted to imprisonment for lifo. The rope broke on the first trial ind ho wat hung on the second at tempt. About 4,000 people witnessed tlm execution. " J'OICK WKLLS , TIIII VILLAIN. FOHT MAUIKON , Ia , , Muy 19. Poke Wells , the notorious outlaw , while iorving sentence , escaped recently Tom the penitentiary by chloroform- ng u guard , whodicd from the effects. To-day Wells nnd his accomplice , Jook , were sentenced for lifo for this ust act in his long career of crimo. AN KDiroit iNuiuren PmLAiiKLriiiA , May 19 , The ; rnnd jury have returned three true jill ogaiiibt Chan. K. Smith , oditor-in- ihief of The Proai , charged with ibollint ; Mr. Wog , district attorney ind detective. FIHU 1IUO F'JT OCT. iNNKi'Ka , Manitoba , May 19. irthy , a fire bug , waa arraigned > trial this morning before . 'lller ' , found guilty and son- _ fourteen years in tUe/peni- t , . . named Neil Mel ilro dead on Me in street i TUNNKMNO A JAIL. ST. ALUAN.H , Vt. , May 19 , Jeremiah - miah Shost , a highway robber , and. Edward Pabina , a till-taoper , escaped from juil through a tunnel dug under tlio jail wall six foot deep , by moms nf a tin wash basin and a etovoshaker. No cluo. A DANKl'.ll IN JAIL. BUFFALO , N. Y. , May 19. R. Par ker L o , president of the broken First national bank , was unable to furnish. $100,000 boil ana waa kept ia jail.