THE D.A1LY BUti : OMAHA TMUA M.AY 19 , i882. EjID < 8c CO , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA NEB. CT. CT. IBIRO'WIET & OO- WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes. OMAHA . NEB. FTJRNI ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O C E R SI \J CARPET O cr < ) if Invites the attenlionof the public to his LARGE AMD WELL SELE8TEQ ST6GK O3E" New Carpets ! Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Carpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades , In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE , CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. BETWILER ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA "ANGELIT& BOWEN ; JEWELERS AND MUSIC 'DEALERS ' ! Watches , Diamonds and Jewelry. of the very latest designs , Silverware , genuine Roger Bros , Goods. GOLD AND SILVER HEAD DANES , the Largest stock in the City , PIANOS AND ORGANS , We handle the best manufactured , and will not ba undersold. BHEhTMUBIO AJD MOtflO BOOKS , Musical Goods o ! all kinds , Bomember our Prices are Lower than the Lowest , Manufacturing and Repairing a Specialty. ANGELL ! & BOWEN , OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. U-thuiwt Bnmoss Hireotory. Abitract crxt Real t t te. JOHN L , McCAQUE , orposlt Po t ORIce , W. R. nAUTT.ETT BIT South llth 8tr e Architect * . HIFRKNK & C.V11KL8S011N , ARCniTKOT Room It Crelghton 1 ulock. A. T LA11OK Jr. . Room 2. CteUMon Hlnck Ooati and tthoet. JAMR9 UsVINK A CO. , flnt Bootn knd Shoo ) . A rood kmortratnl Mimr work on hind , corner ISth nJ lUtncy. rnOS. KRICKSON , S. K. cor. 18th ml Donuli JOHN FOUTUNATU8 , 1)5 ICth otrret , mtnnticturo to order good * o ( \ \ Mr rtlrfn. Uet IHrr ilooe. Bed Spring * . LAIUUMKR Mtnuftcturor. 15U Donrlui Uookt , Newt and ( Stationery. J. I. FllUKHAUF 1018 F tnh m Rtretl. Butter and Egg * . tallANK ft RCI1KOKDKU , the oldest n. nd I Otiie In Nnlm\ ; CKt lillnhod 1B7S Om h . UKNillAU HE3TAUUA.NT , MIl-'U A. UYAN , nlhwenl corner lOthand Uodtrc. lint Doard to the Money , Satisfaction Qiuritnieoi tt kit IIcnitB. Dotl-cl by the Dny , Week or Month. Oood Tcrma for Cwl Futnl'hod nnomii Sutipllml. tlarrlaie > and Road Wagoni. nNYUKU , 14thanJHarnov8trect > . Clothing Uought. . UAKIUS will iny hlghcxtCuih rrlca lor socoo ml clothlnr. Cornor,10th nJ V rnhun. jowo er * . JOHN nAUMEK 131 Fatnhun Street. Ounk , 11.11KKTHOLU , llmrn and McUI. Lumber- Lime and Ooment. A ( lit \Y corner Oth and DoUk'ln Stfl L mpi and Qlatiware. . BONNKH 1809 Uonalis tjt. Oood Vttloty Merchant Tailors. G. A L1NUQUE3T , Jne o ! our most popular Merchant Tailors ! > it cUlnt ; tbe latest designs for Spring and Butmnui looda for Roritlemon s wear. StylUli , durable , knd prices low as ever ilfi ISth bet. lout ; . & Farn , Millinery. 4HS. O. A. R1NQKRVholcwxlo and Retail , Fan y Qoodo In great xarlcty , Zephyra , Canl Boards , Uoslcry , Glovca , Coraete , & . Cheapest HOUM In ihoWcnt. Purchasers BA\O SO per cent. Ordci IV li H. 115 illteonth Street. r-ounury. IOHN WEARNE&SONS cor.lttbb JacktoDsti Mourand Food. ) UAUACITT MILLS , 8th and Parnham Qta. , Volshans Bros. , proprietors. Orocen. i. BTEVEN3 , Slat between Cumlnj ; and Itai f A. UcSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlnjf BtreetB. rlarawnte , Iron and meet. OLAM & LANO\YORTUY , Wholeealo , 110 naf ,12 16th street A. HOLMES corne 16th and Callfoinla. Harnoit , Qaddlei , &c. D. WE18T 10 13th St. bet Farn. h narnay. Hotels AHFIELD HOUSE , Oeo. Canflold.ttb & Farnbani WHAN 1IOU.SK , P H. Cftry , 013 Farnnam St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Blaven , 10th St. roathcrn Hotel Qua. Ilamcl 8th & Leavonwortb rugs , Halntt and Ollt. KUDN & CO. fharmacleta , Flco Vane Uoodo , Oor. Utn and Dotulfi btreeta. f. J. WUITEHOOTKVholc alo&Rotall , 16th at. 0. FIELD , 022 North Bldo Cumlng Street. PARK. DnieiflRt lotn arid Howard Htrcots Oontl U. JB. PAUL Williams mock Oor. 16th & Dodge. ury uooas notion * , tto. JOHN H. F. LEUUANN & CO. , It * fork Dry Goods Store , 1310 and ISIS Fam- bam atreet , tl. Knewold also boot and ahoes ft Paclflc. rurulture. < t. GROSS , New and Seoond Hand Furniture nd Stoves , 1114 Dctuua. nigbesi cub price ild for accond band goooa. EONNKK 1BOD D3U7la St. Flue roods &c. rcrco Vcir . OUAUA FENCE CO. JOBT , FRIEaoCO IZiaUarneyBt. , Improve d Ice Boii'8 , Ircr ac < .i Wood Fcncea , Office illnird. < 'onntf Vnu and Walnnt. Pawnbrokers. KOSEN'FKLt ) IQlh Pr. . bet f r. fr Sar Kame r4ii > ra , uonnold'i Patent. nOOIIMAK 1th PI. hct. Farn & OlRars nnd Tobacco. WEST & FfUTUCUER , manufacturers ol Clgira , > ml Whole-sale Doalcrei n Tobaccos , 130H Douglas. y. F. LOKKNgKN tnannlacturer 141B Farnham Florlct. A. Donagbne , plants , cut Cowers , coeds , ooquets > tc. N. W. cor. ieth nnd DoucUs Gtrocta Olvll tntlncera and Uurveyors. ANDREW U03UWATER. Crolghton Block , rown Surveya , Grade and BoworaKB Syotoma a Specialty. Uommlaslon Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL LIS.1114 Dodge Street. D D. BEE1IEU. For detallu aee Urge advertisement - mont In Dally and Weekly. Cornice Works. HTeatern Cornlco Worka , Manufacturer * Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofilng. Orders 'roni ' any locality promptly executed In the beat nanner. Factory and Office 1213 Harney 81. 0. 8PECHT , Proprietor. JaKanlzed Iron Cornices , Window Cape , etc. , nanufactured and put up In any part of tbe nuntry. T. B1NI10LU JIB Thirteenth rtreet O rockery , f. CONNER 1309 Douelaa street. Good line. Olothn | | [ and Furnishing Qoo < s. 1EO. H. PETERSON. Also Hate , Caps , Boots , fboei Notions and Cutlery. 80i 8. lOtb street. Show Oasa Manufactory.l O. J. WILDE , ifanulacturer and Dealer In all klnda ol Show 3aaca , Upright Caaea , . . 1317 Cies iit. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha ibow Case manufactory , 818 Boutb lOthetrcet , > etwe n Lcavcnwortb and Uarcy. All goods rarrantod ( Irst-clasa. eves ana inwere. A. BURMESTER , ) ealer In Stovea and Tinware , and Manufacturer if Tin Roofs and all klnda of Building Work , > dd Fellows' Block. ' . nONNKR. 1809 noiirlu HI cod and Cboao IHeeU * . ' . EVANS , Wholesale and ReUll Seed Drills and Mltlvatora Odd Felloe Hall Physicians and Surgeons. V. B. GIBDS , M. D. , Room No s , Crelgbton Mock. 16th Street. V , U. LKI3KMUNO , M. i ) . Masonic Ulock. I. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poatoffice DR. L. B. GUADDY. Icullat and Aiirlst. 8. W 16th and Farnbam Bts Photograpners. GEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery. 212 Sixteenth Street. lear Masonic Hall. First-clans Work and Prompt- ieaa guaranteon Plumbing , Uas and bteamttlng ) ; . ' . W. TARPV & CO. , S16 12 Ht. ( bet. Farnbam nd Douglas. Work proinp y attended to , D. ? 1TZPATKICK. UO ouelM Street. alntlng an cper anting. 1ENRY A. KOSTKR3. HI Oadge Htreel. bhoo btorei. 'hllllpLan 1820 Farnhim nt. bet 18th & 14th. Second Hand Otore. 'ERKIN8 b LEAR , 1116 Douglas St. , New and ocond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Oood , x. . txiuyht and sold on narrow mart-Ins. Undertakers. ! HAO. niEWE , 10H Farnham bet. 10th It lltd. 00 Cent Stores. ' . 0. BAOKDB Farnham Ht. . Taoev flccxli Ualoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , ntne new brick block on DougUa Btriel , bu ( tut opened a most elegant Beel Hal ) . Hot Lunch from 10 to IS every day. CalodonU'1 ; , FALCONER 879 16th Btreol. h DAILY BK1 VAHA PUnLISHINOCO. , PROPRIETOR ! -10 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TKIUIS OK OUBSOR1PT10N. > ftopy 1 jtttt.ln ih ncepp ( tpnli' ) . . . $10 < montht " " . . . 6. ( mnnth " " . . . 81 ? ML WAY TIME TABLE , CARD enicAoo , ST. rite , wmmroui IK OMAHA RAItBOAD. nave Omah Pwweiurer No. t , 8:80 : a. m. Ai mmcxIMIon No. 1,1:0 : ( p. m AI it Omaha Pmwonter No. 1 , JSO ; p. ti ccfnrtdntlon No. 8 , loW : . m. If ma OMAHA IABT OR SOOTH OU D. 0. , B. k Q. 7:10 : a. m. 8:40 : p. ro. a A N. W. , 7:40 . m. 5:40 : n. m. a , R. I. * P. , 7:4 : OB. m. 8:40 : T > . m. K. aSt. J. 4 C. H..IMVM t f 80 ft. tn. rd7:4 m. Arrives &t St.Loula at 8:30 : t. m , and 6:1 : m W. , MUL. * . P. , IciuesatS ft. m. and 3:10 : r Arrives A 81. Lou ! ) ftt 0:40 : ft , m , and 7:5 : m 1ST OR SOOTttWWW. 0. * M , In Neb. , Through Kir" * , StiO * in U. A M. Lincoln Express C'.VO I' , m. U P. Overland Kxpraw , 12:16 : p. in. 3 , * II. V , for Lincoln , U:46 : ft. m. > . & 11 V. for Owola , 0:10 : ft. m , tf.1' frclirht No. 6 , 6SO : A. m. 0. P ' relglit No. B , 8:20 : a. tn. 0. P. froljht No. 18 , 2.60p. m. U. P. Irclght No. 7 , 0:10 p. in. u > lci al. . . . V. Dtmer express , 7:35 : p. in. 0. P. frcitrht No 11 , ll'W p. in. U. P. Dcmcl frelirht , 8:26 : ) > ni. iliUVt.Mt rKOM SAW AMD OOLTR. 0 B. k 4 6:00 : ft. in. 7:25 p m. & a N. W. , : I6 R. m. 7:25 p. tn. 0. ft. l.t.l\VM n. in. 8:05 : p. til. A. 0 , . St. joe A. 0 n. . 7:05 : ft. rn. fiiijp. n nkivuii runi TII wn AMI ROOTDWIM , 3 ft It. V. ttoin Lincoln IXtt p. m. t ) P. Paclflo KxproiM 3:25 : p. tn. fi b M. in Nc ! ) . , Through Kx | > n - : lJ p M , t * II , Lincoln KxjirrM 9:46 : a la. U. P. Dcmcr oit-icra , 7:36 : a. in. J. P. rrclh-ht No. 14 2:50 : p. m. U. P. S'o. P 6:10 : R. m. KmU aat 0. P.tteUht No. 14,13:15 p. ui. D. P. So. S 9:00 : p , in. 0. P. N'o. 12 INS n. m. 0 , P. lionver lrol lit , 1:10 : a. m. 0. A R. V. mliiil , r , iMt. . m. luuiir TRAINS tern mm OMAHA A COUNCIL BiAirrfl. LJWVO OioAhft ftt 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : ftnd 11:00 : tu. ; 1:0 : 2.00. 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leo Council Bluffs ftt 3.25 , 0:26 : , 10:26 : nd at . m. ; 1:26 , 2:26 : , 8:26,1:25 : : and 6:26 : p. m. Stin.ajti ) The iliimmy lei \ca Omaha it 0.00 in J ll'.OO a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : ftrd 6:00 p. tn. Loa01 Council BluEfo ftt 0:26 : ftnil 11:26 B. m. ; S5,4:28 : : knd 5t6 : p. ui. locil passenger trnlus between and Council Uluffa. Loa\o Owahft 0:16 : , tl6 , 8tO : .m. ; 8:40 : , 6:46 : , 0.00 p. m. Arrive Oitnhi 7:40,11:35,11:46 ft. in. ; 6:40. : 7:05 : , 7:16 , p. m Oponlncpnd Closing of M lli. BOUTI. orin. CLOU i. ft. m. p. m. t. m. p. m. Chicago * N.W 11.00 B:00 : 6:80 : S:40 : Chicago , U I. ft Pftctflo.ll:00 : 0:00 : 6:50 : 2:40 : Chicago , B. & O. . . . -.11:00 : 0:00 : 6:50 : 2:40 : ( VabMh 12:80 : 6:30 : ! :40 : lloux City and Pacific. . 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Onion Facia ? 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha &R.V 4SO 11:40 : B.ft U. In Neb 1:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 0:00 7:80 B. AM. Lincoln 10:80 : 0:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:80 : 11:00 : J. P. Dem cr Exp R.-OO 0:80 : 0. . Sioux City & St. I1. . . 11:00 : 1:40 : Lout malls ( or Stnto ol IOWA leav * but once ft lay , viz : 6:30 : a , m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 n. m. T1I08. F HALL P U. HIS TONGUE CUT OUT. John Nntlkn'a Terrible Esporlonoo at tbo Hanaa of a Russian blob. New York Truth. No bettor illustration of thtfforocity of the Russian mobs , in their attacks on harmless Jews , can bo had than thu case of John Nitaka , now at Castle Garden , where ho arrived in company with thirteen of his co-ruligiomsts on board the steamer Greece last Satur day. The unfortunate man is com pletely dumb , his tongue having boon cutout at its roots by a band of drunken marauders. Ho is a pitiable object to ace , especially when ho attempts to make himself understood by dull nasal sounds and gesticulations. Yesterday morning his unfortunate condition was brought to the attention of Capt. Hointzman , who requested him to make a written statement of his terri ble experience. In accordance with this request John Nitaka wrote a story , four foolscap sheets long , in Russian. Translated by an official interpreter , the same road in part as follows : "My name is Jon Natika. I can not speak , because my tongue was cut out in Russia. I lived in the neigh borhood of KioiT , my business being that of a clothier. Last October the peasants became very abusive to us Jews and many were brutally ill- treated. At first they lot mo iilonu , but in December a band of peasants burned down one of my outhouses. I complained to the pristay ( police cap tain ) , but no one was arrested. I accumulated n little money , a fact which the moujika soon learned. On January 31 waa aroused by a number of them breaking into my room. They dragged me out of bed , and beat and kicked mo badly. They wanted to got my money and asked mn for it. When I pleaded poverty they took mo out into the garden , olad as I was in my night shirt , and , putting a rope around my neck , hung mo up to a limb of a tree. When I was half suf focated they lot mo down again and naked mo if I would disclose the place where the money was hidden. Again [ rotusod , upon which , without fur ther ado , one of the men forced open my mouth , and , while the others hold me , cut out my tongue with a pair of ihcars. They all then ran away , ivhilo I almost bled to death , I lubsequently recovered in the hos pital , and furnished the police with : ho names and description of my issailants , who were , however , ro eased on the trial , " Iloro Natika's narrative ends. Some ) f hut companions furnished ton Truth reporter thu remainder of the harrow- ng talo. It seems that , according to : ho Russian criminal code , no person : an bo convicted of nil assault unices , ho complainant testifies to the fact in sorson and by word of mouth. In S'atika'H case there could naturally bo 10 question of verbal testimony , inas. nuch as , having lost his tonguo. the ; ompluinant was dumb. This quibble was immediately taken hold of by the awyor tor the plaintiffs , and , to the lurpriso of everybody , the president > f the court ordered the prisoners 'our in number to bo discharged , L'lio day after this decision took place mother Jew was mutilated in a man- ler similar to Natika , in one of the mburbs of Kioto" . Natika and his companions will > robaby ! bo eont tu Texas by the [ lebrow Aid society. De > KOOU'H JUIicovory , ST. Y. Times. The public may justly complain of the slownues of the secular and scien tific press to recognize the news value at the highly important results of Prof , Koch's dificovory of the parasi tical source of tubercular disease. Prof. Tyndall's letter to the London Times , which wo published on Wednesday morning , first mode known to the Knglish-sppaking world the facts stated in Dr. Koch's address , delivered nearly a month earlier be fore the Physiological Society of Mer lin. Yet it is sufo to say that thu ijittlo psmphlct which wns left to I'm hn < y through the low mnila t the English scumtist outweighed ii importance and interest for tin human race nil the pros * dispatchoi which have boon Hishod under tin Channel since the ( Into of the dnliv ory of the address March 21. Thi rapid growth of thu continental cap ! tala , the movement ot princely need Ics and fat , vulgar duchesses , the do bntus in the Servian Skupschina , and the proercps or reseding of suiulrj royal gouts are given to the wingn ol lightning ; a lumbering mail coach ie swift enough for the news of one ol the great sciuntilia discoveries of the ago. Similarly , the gifted gentlemen TTJIO daily sift out for thu American public thu pith and kurnol of thu old world's news IcayojDr. Koch nnd hit bacilli to chance it in the ocean mails , while they challenge the admiration of every gambler mid jockey in thii republic by the fullnois nnd accuracy of their cable reports of horse races. In its purely scientific aspocta , Dr. Koch's discovery that pulmonary con sumption niul all tubercular diauaaos are produced by a "inimito rod- Rhapcod parasite" IB ono of thu moat impressive nnd striking achievements of the human mind. This young Gorman physiologist , as Prof. Tyndnll ikolches him , carrying on a series of nastorly investigations in the inter vals of attendance upon such cnaca of croup nnd measles na hm "modest country practice" brought him ; after ward , favored by government patron age , extending his rosonrchui uii'l perfecting his methods of observa tion and experimenting until with his microscope , his rab bits , doga , nnd guinea pigs , nnd his wonderful breeding establish ments for the bacilli , ho had built up for his discovoiy n scientific basis such as D.uwin wus accustomed to con struct for his own before he gave them to the world the man nnd his work furnish a new and shining illus tration of what can bo done for hu manity by that modern science which elderly orthodox gontlomcn are fond of declaring is made up half of em piricism and half of the bravado of reckless eeU-uaacrtion. In pushing ono stop further our knowledge of the pathology of the human body , Dr. Koch has given sciunce n now title to its honors , and imbued with now force and meaning the command , "Know thyself. " But science has yet much to do to seize the results of this discovery and apply them to the alleviation and cure of disease. Wo cannot doubt that every intelligent render of Prof. Tyn- dall's abstract of Dr. Koch's lecture instantly recognized the importance of the proof it affords that consump tion is contngious. It cannot bo suid , therefore , that for the present the now knowledge wo have gained is void of practical interest. But to draw from It its great possible benefits is the work of the future , and , fortunately , a work which the physiologist nnd physician may hopefully undertake. The popular interest in the little para- aite Dr. Koch has introduced to the world will deoponin proportion nsmud- leal science demonstrates its power to annihilate him or rob him of his fatal power Tubercular diseases , it la said , are the cause of uno-sovonth of the deaths of the human race. In this country pulmonary consumption is a scourge of such distressing preva lence and mortality that it may be reckoned first among the maladies which our changeable climate is sup posed to foster. And it is a disease against which medical skill contends with but slight hope. Whether this will bo true for all time , in spite of Dr. Koch's observations of habits of bacilli , cannot bo foretold. But the analogy of that other dreaded scourcro small pox affords ground for hope that its melancholy ravngen may bo atayed by some form of artificial in oculation. Two hundred yearn ago almost everybody had the small pox. Court chronicles inontionitsdisfigiiring effects upon the faces of kings nnd nobles , mid half the advortiaomonta for run- nway slaves contained the statement that the fugitive was "deeply pitted with small pox. " But the small pox bacillus has been tamed nnd made n comparatively harmless little creature by n modifying transplantation to the bodies of cattle , whence he is volun tarily received into thu human system us a safeguard auainot the invasion of Ilia kinsman of the original type. Dr. Koch's experiment has thus far failed to produce any modification in the character of the tubercular bacillus sufficient to warrant the experiment of inoculation upon a human subject. We may bo fery sure , however , that the attempt trill not bo given up by physiologists antil it is proved to bo hopeless or the tupply of rabbits and guinea pigs , 'ives out. But inoculation for con- mmptive diseases is not the only end tcionco will strive for. Whitt can bo lone to stay the ravages of the bacilli when they liavo already fastened upon the system ? Do they noinctimen Ho lorni nit for years in the limgi'f Is it ; ho bacillus itself , thu giirnt of con- luinption that is , or only a tendency ; o thu disease that u consumptive wont transmits to the childl Why Jo atmospheric condition m visibly ituy or haaton the disease ? These are juudtiona which shall remain unun- iwered. Womim'a Trno Frlond. A friend In need M ( itriumt milueil. Thla iionfl can deny , oipeciully whin iwsistunctj la leiiik-rtcl when one Is winly uflllcled with llht-aso , more particularly tlioso com. [ iluiiiiH and wonkneBHCH NJ common to our fou.ule population. Kvery woiiinu uliould know that Klrctrln Bittern nre woman'a true friend , ami will poxitlvilv restore her to health , even when all other remeJIeu [ alt. A biiiL-lo trial always prnvea our an. lertlon. They are pleammt , to thu tanto , KUI ! onlv coat fifty ecuta a bottle , Bold by D. I1' . Goodman The Kin tr of tlin Body U tlio bralnj the itoniacli lU main k > i ] > | > orti tliuucnu'i Us nn , bi'ii- ; tlio 'jOHt-1 * . lliu afeiuarili. liitlliu Uoii crcalvn a vh ent rvrolt unuii | ; thuo itliwliuncf I lie rc0nilortauanj ; to itlng tlicm hick to their duty , thcru U iicttiliii ; Iko thorcvuUtlnir , | iuilllni ; , iiivlKontlnv , tool- operation oTAK AM'Hbei.Tziiu AIKBIKKT It r iio > atcv t'.ii Dibtvni aud re term ta huilth botii ; bo body and too mind. SOLI , 11 y ALL DIlUOaiSTS. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Ready for Iropuotlon AT POLACK'S CLOTHING HOUSE. The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 11316 Parnnrn Street , Near 14th. MurlO-wl. Single Breooh Loading Shot Guns , from 55 to 818 , Double Broo oil Loading Shot Buns , 318 from to $ 75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , from SB to 825 , Fishing Taoklo , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Boons , Full Stock of Show Oases Always nn Harm , Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a First-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price Lits and Samples , INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS , * TO BE REPAIRED , E IT Gh "R .A. "V I ICsT Q- TO BE DONE OR JEWELRY MANUFACTURED. - " 3 WTiile our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others IE1 .A. I IB received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , EfO. 'laving lately enlarged my workshops and putting In now t.nd Improve * , chinory , I hope to still moro improve the quality and linish of our ork and fill orders with moro promptness than is usual O A-TJTIOIT I ijy Mctlo us always boon and always wjH bo : "First to gain supurior tied pnd then advertise the fact not poToro no wild advortisomon Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying ray denouncements , I would beg you , the render of tins , to draw u line between suoli copied ndrortisementa and those of Yourn very truly , „ ' The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Striking TCTPT 1882 Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact thax GO. Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and f Prices of VQJB OTH I ' ' CHILDREN'S WEAft , FORMBN'S , BOYS' AND . - " " - * " " " * ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF ' Furnishing Good s ( iats and Gaps aroproparod to moot the demands of the trailo In regard to Latest Style ! ' and Patterns. Fine JSlerolmnt Tailoring in Connootioi RBSPBOTB'ULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 13D1-1303 Faruham and 300 to 312 13th