Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Wednestay Morainer , May 17
Weather Report-
( Th following observations ara taken a
tha tame moment ot time at all the ata
tioni named. )
W a DiMRTMDrr. U. R. 8ia AI. Bmici , )
OMAHA , May .IB. 1882. (1:45 p. nO I
I !
5 °
Dinner , , , 29.81 SB" Freih Fair
Chtrenna. . . 29 11 i rlst Clan ly !
8W drink M ndy
10 01 3KK Illlh Fair
OhUha. . . . 10.23 < K Frenh
VaiVton. . SO It i rreih Clear
Da * Vfcinet i LUlit leir
Itareopcrt K .5z Clear
ft. Paul. . . 0 il 3K ft i Olear
Jr. Louis 0 15 UK Clear
o 12 Rrlsk Hear
Violent. . . SO 0 ] 3S Ursk
Blrmarck. , 2.1.03 Ursk Fair
29.CS Bilk llmdr
Suitor. . . . . CO 76 Freih Ji'r
iHadwOod , J9 14 llrl.k Fair
Amlnlbolno 2B73 Frenh Pair
River 9 feel 2 Inches abora high water mark al
Omaha and 4 feet 1 Inche * at Toakton.
Indication *
HlUonal Annclated Pro .
WABIUNOTON , D. 0 , , May 17 , 1 .
rn. For the upper Mississippi and
Missouri valleys , vrarmor , fair weather ,
followed by increasing olouclinosa and
in the Missouri portion local rains ,
( southerly winds , stationary or lowoi
Ashland bridji is now open for travel ,
> nedStw2t
The broom drill of the Trinity church
la-t Dijjht was n very successful nlTair.
Tin weather ia warmlrc up pretty
fait and moro rain may be looked for.
TheMlllard hotel will probably he
opened inside of four weoka. The carpeti
for the upper floor huvo arrived and will
be put down at once.
James Kearney received a terrible cut
In the head 8 tur 'ay night by falling from
a ladder leading to llcnry Hornbcrger'i
The telescope man is in town and
people are Investigating ttio sun' * urioti
and the approaching comet at to mucl
per head.
The city authorities are supposed tc
ff contemplate the chain ? of the Acadomj
on Sunday nights. They raifiht clone uj.
much worse placcu and raise a howl ot in
Charles Connoyer , acting fecretary ol
the school b ard , yesterday depogltet
the school sinking fund bonds with City
Treasurer Buck. Of the 3 > 7,00 ) ten thon.
naiid wore city bonds mrl seven thousand
county bond ) .
A difference of qpinion between two
oxpiojamonna to whether the gutters on
Fourteenth end Dodge are two feet to
low for the crossings or the croralngs two
feet too high for the ( rutttrii , nuggeita that
a board of equalization would be in orderto
consider the matter of a remedy for -what
ia nutiance in any guise ,
A meeting of the executive commltto of
the G. A H. , on the subject of decoration
< 1 5 , will bo held at 2 p. m. to-day at tbe
office of H , G. McKoon in Oreigh-
ton Block , to com'Hete ' prepa
rations for the proper celebration of the
National day , MaySOlh.
The report of tha secretary of tlia
rchool board , showing a balance nil cot up
to May 1st , furnlihoa the information that
tbe tax collected in March amounted to
* 2,2'0,74 ' ; finea and lic-nnoa for April.
930J4S 00. Warrants paid in April
37,105.r > 7 ; transferred to the sinking fund
$431.00. Balance last month In sinking
fund $27,025 00.
A. comilalnt baa been filed before
Judge Anderron , by John Gnllnger and
agatnat John Doherty , chnrg'ng the latter
with nu nanault and battery committed at
Ireland nillla , Dohtrty , It appears , went
to the mills ami threatened the Ufa of
JCltt , a hired mnn. Hesl.ppel tiallager
in the wnith , and when his wlfo inter
fered , slapped her.
About 4 o'clock yesterday a daugh
ter of Mrs. JamcH Morris , wa < awakened
by the shutting of Moor in Ahtyr oin. She
Tcao up lu bed , and looked abuut but paw
no ono und soon composed he elf to sleep
( rain when she again heard a Bound and
thia time saw a man with kla Ixxly partial
ly out of the window. The man was in
the act of fleeing when dieoorrred and
March for him afterward proved In vain.
lie had entered throueh tha same window
and gone all through tha bouse but took
nothing at all a way with him ao far as is
known ,
An employe at tha Oil Mills on 17th
atreet was caught ia machinery yesterday
and had an arm broken and the alda of his
bead and face terribly Injured. Ill was
attended by a Burgeon at once , who dressed
hli woundi and ha WHS able to get home
afterward. Tbe Injuries while severe are
cot serious.
TllE BKK reporter paid a visit to the
NaUtorlum cur. Nitnh and 1'arnam streets
and was turprited to find such a oomulettf
establishment ai the gentlemanly pro *
prleton , Means. Dlckman & Witte ,
lave madoof the old Tivoll
gardens. They duerve not only a very
liUaial patronage , but the thanks of the
iml-llo generally for providing auch a source
of comfort aa the Katatorlum will prove
to be during the heatud term.
An individual who was etldeut'y un.
Jer tbe influence .of liquor , attempted to
ooard tbe tioon train on the U , 1' , yester
day M it sailed out of the depot at the rate
of ien or twelve unlet an hoar. H * caught
tba haod-rall and fell , but held on for
about two car lengths and then dropped ao
close to tba wheel * that the ipectttor * all
shuddered until be was pulled away safe.
While the fellowhad no excuse for waiting
until the train started , It ia right to pro-
teat nxalrut trains pulling nut at such
dangerous tpeed inside the city Ittr.iti.
y. H , KU'do. of Sjracmr , Neb. , loft
Omaha yesterday monilng outlie Missouri
1' iclfio train for some point on the line.
There were three sections of tbe train ai.d
lie took paswge on the middle one. On
tba arrival at Gllmore he J'volml out and
a-ctug section ahead of him and another
liewl fht'l''au''n , ' ' m
that a oollWnil W B Iramloent , Ho leaped
from the trelu crd .triUpjf on lila neck
uud aliouldew , auffered iontmIon or te
} ir ia. Jfo WHII l/rought to Omaha on the
Ueuver run * d now lit * hi a precarlwa
coadition at Mercer'n Lo ital on
In Which the Iron Horao Ma ;
Boon bo Roaming.
A Blc Scheme on Pnper Mlscol
InnootiH Rnllwnjr Now *
The charter of the Dakota , Wyom
ing & Western railroad was filed vritl
Secretary Morgan Saturday.
The incorporates are William J
Nichols , Franklin J. Smith , Thoma
17 , WngatofT and Austin Storons , o
NOFV York ; llobortW. Kennedy ni
lloctor D. Mackny , of Denver ; am
James Ilallry , of Rapid City , Dak.
The object of the company is li
Own , manogo and maintain a nilrotu
and telegraph line in the territory o
The capital itock h placsd at 812 ,
500,000 shares of a pur value of 9101
o ch.
The incorporatora are the directors
The moat interesting fcatuto of tin
project is the route of the line , whicl
rrill bo aa follows :
trill commoncu at a point on the ear
line of the territory , at or near when
the . western division intersects tin
territorial lino. Thtnco it will pro
cecd down Gold run , and thence u |
Oastlo Uock crook , there it vrill taki
the moat practicable route to Powdoi
river , crossing it near old Fort Ilono
Thence it will proceed to Big lion
river , crossing that stream near Graj
Hullo crook , and extending on to I
point at or near the cast end ot tin
Yellowstone park.
Ohoyenuo will perhaps derive iti
greatest benefit from
which will begin ut Choyeimo. Thence
it will bo oztonded in a northerly di
rection to Fort Laramie , on the
I'latto river. There it will bond , and
following a northeasterly direction ,
will extend to the cast line of the territory
ritory , near Hat Greek , where the
road will cross the line.
The estimated length of the ro.-ic
within the territory is 50C
miles , and it will travornt
the counties of Laramie
Crook , 1'oaso , Sweotwater and Uinta ,
The company will Imvo the main
eaitern oilico at Now York , while al
western business will bo managoi
from the business oilico in Ohoyenuo ,
where the headquarters of the roac
will bo located.
The advantages of such a road car
hardly bo properly estimated , mid it
presenting the above description itbai
been shorn of that verbose phrascolo
gy which characterizes legal papers ,
but all of the principal facts are given.
Those informed regarding the mattot
afllrm that it is ft. bona fiao road , and
that work will soon bo commenced
upon it.
A meeting was hold at Mayor Uoyd't
ofllco lost oreuing to prepare for the
reception ! the managers of the Mis.
souri'PAcilio railway , and the business
men 6f St. Louis , who will arrive in
this clfy on an excursion on Thursday ,
over the Missouri Pacific.
The , executive committee was in
fected , to consist of Mayor Boyd ,
chairman , and Dr. Miller , General
llandoreon , Frank Murphy , H. W.
Yates. P. E. Her , John B. Brady ,
Ifax Meyer and Dr. Mercer.
Sub-committees wore appointed as
bllowo :
On invitation and banquet Frank
Murphy , H. W. Yutcs , 1 . E Her.
On finance Max Meyer , J. S.
Brady , S. D. Mercer.
On Reception and Carriages Chas.
S. Manderson , Goo. L. Miller , J. E.
On Speakers ( Jeo. L Miller , Ohaj.
S. Manderson , H. W. Yates.
It wan decided to meet the excur
sionists at the depot at 2 p. in. with
carriages and to drive them about the
oitv. In the evening a banquet will
bu given.
Among these expected ara Vice-
President Ilaycs , General Mtnauer
Tahnago and other Missouri Pacific
olllcmls , and a number of representa
tives of leading manufacturing and
mercantile houses. f'
0. J. Pratt has been promotodifrom
a freight conductorship on the passim-
cor run on the eastern division of the
Union Pacific. Ho has been in the
employ of the company for several
years , and is n faithful and efllcient
Time will bo shortened on the Kan
sas division of the Union pacific rail
way on Sunday next , to lessen the
run between Kansas City and Denver
by two hours.
General Superintendent Holdrcgo
has returned from his trip in company
with President Perkins uud General
Manager Potter to the present end of
Lho track of thu Burlington extension
to Denver.
The B. it M. , and K. 0. , St. Joe &
0. B. railroad ticket Olliccs , will re-
inovo to the rooms no- occupied by
Windell & Krollo , the hallow , corner
of Thirteenth and Fanwm ,
Harry L. Hall , travelling agent for
the P. , Ft. W. & B. route , has been
tppointod general passenger agent of
; hu B , & M. . with headquarters at
Dmalia , Ho will assume the duties
of his now position ubjut Juno 1st.
General Superintendent Hnldredgo
and General Ticket Agent KuHti , of
thoiB. & M. , will leave to-dny for
Chicago to moot Gonorat Ticket
Agent Stone , General Passenger
Agent Lowell , and General Manager
Potter , of the 0. , B , & Q The con
sultation will bo in regard to the de
tails ot the running of trains and so
on , on the Denver oxtontiou.
Four now Pullman palace cars will
bo put on the B. & M. , extension on
its opening. They Imvo been named
respectively , the Plattsmnuth , Lin-
coin , Hastings and lied Cloud ,
_ Frod. L. Amosono of the directors ,
will bo in Omaha in n fuw < 1 i.vs , to
[ ) rooood with General Manager Clark ,
of the U , P , to Now York.
Virginia to the Front.
Omaha Is constantly attracting to
itself reinforcements of business men
from all parts of the Union , who hoar
BO much of her promising growth
when still far off that they coino out
lo cast their lots with others who are
building up a solid business here.
Among the moro recent acquisitions U
Mr. W. T , Mount , who comoa from
the "Old Dominion , " which has sen
out BO many energetic and useful mete
to its sister Ktates everywhere. Mr
Mount has just opened up n firs
o'ass grocer's store at No. 11
Sixteenth street find in addition t
the stock of choice family gr eerie
nnd provisions , will keep A constan
supply of fruits of nil kinds. Ho ha
chosen an excellent locn'ion , as Ihor
is mi ) pi o field in that vicinity for
grocer who boliuvrs in the motto
"Livo and lot live , " to gain ix laiv
patronngo. Virginia men don't le
anybody beat them in cnterpriso ant
Mi. Mount will make A big succei
up there wo confidently boliovo.
A Choofey Coat Tblof A Light Batct
of Criminals Do faro Bunoko.
A stranger Monday aftomoor
walked up to the tailor shop of Join
Holler on South Tenth street , whor
Holler and a friend stood talking ir
front of the donr. Ho passed there
unporcotvod and entered the store
whom ho took from the hook a coa
belonging to the Mr. John Bell , the
Tenth street druggist , which hat
been loft for repairj , Passing out o
the store ngain ho had the audacity tc
offer it for ealo to Mr. Helltr , whc
did no * , rt'Cntjniro it as coming froir
the shop. The man wanted $10 foi
it , and while they were conversing
Mr. Heller's fiiend recognized thi
garment and said to him that it was
from his own store an 3 had been
stolen , A policatnnn was according ! }
called and the cheeky stranger taket
to jail. H had a preliminary
hearing yes'o'd'iy 01 the charge
of petit Urceny.
Joseph Brown , an old offender , was
this morning sent to the county jai
fi > r twenty daysnt hard labor for being
arrested in a ntato of intoxication.
Two plain drunks were arraignoc'
and ono was fined while the other wan
John Moran , nccusod of kicking and
beating Mary O'llrieii while she was
in n delicate condition , was to bo
heard on the chaige of assault anti
battery this afternoon.
Hedge plants 75c. per thousand
wholesale or retail. T , E. B. Mason ,
Shenandoah , la. d-2t
Army Orders
The latest orders issued from the
Department of the Platte , Omaha ,
Nebraska , are an follows :
A general court martiil is appointee
to meet at Fort Niobnira , Nebraska ,
on the 22d dav uf May , 1882 , or as
soon thereafter as practicable , for the
trial of privivo Win. McGuire , troop
F , Fifth civalry , and nuch other pris
oners -is may bo biought before ir.
Detail fur the Court- Captain Hen
ry Lipponcotr , Assistant Surgeon , and
,1. Sent Pavni' , Fifth cavalrj ; First
Lieutenant George B. DAVISfifth cav
alry : Second Lieutenant * James V. S
Paddock , Fifth cavalry ; James M.
MtCUrty , Ninth infantry and Lester
W. Cornish , Fifth cavalry ; SLCODC
Lieutenant Augustus 0. Macomb ,
Fifth cavalry , Judge Advocate.
A greater number officers than these
named can not bo assembled without
manifest injury to the eervico.
So much of paragraph 1 , special or-
lors No. 47 , current series from those
leadquarturs , as requires troop I ,
Fifth cavalry , to take station at Fort
Wushakie. Wyo. , i amended to read
Port MoKinney , Wyo. , instead.
The general court martial convened
at Fort Liramio , W. T. , by paragraph
! , special orders No. 27 , current ser
es from theju headquarters is dis-
" Recruit Frank Butler , enlisted at
< Wl Douglas , Utnh , ia assigned to
company I , sixth infantry.
Commlselonerd Proceedings
Saturday , May , 1832 ,
Board mot puriuiut to adjourn-
Present , Commissioner * Drexel ,
2orlisa and Knight
The bids submitted May llth , 1882 ,
wore taken up for consideration , and
t appearing Unit the same wore not
n compliance ) with the specifications
on file , it is therefore
Ordered , That said bids be and the
same are hereby rejected , and the
clerk is instructed to readvortiso for
proposals to bo .received until Tues
day the 10th inst. , at 3 o'clock p. m.
The cbim of Emil Johnson ,
amounting to $224 50 for witness fee
n the Koster case , was rejected.
The following accounts were al-
owed :
) . V. Ifivdsen , grocers for poor , , . .1153 05
) h rl H Split , hauling c ml 2 BO
r. U. O nUiiif ! , extra services 15 01
V. J. M unt , tales juror 40
frnry Pinult , groceries fur imor. . , 10 i1 !
rii'.masMcShaiie.uro ' ciii Dior poor 1 CO
foieph Stolid , tain 4 00
A. KovenberK. carpmUr work , , . 8 W )
V , M. Chadwick , p > t-mnrteiii , , . 1 > 00
j. A. Merriam , jmat-nioi te n 1000
I. Hoi I n & Co , , uroooil'H ( or poor 11 20
3. P. Mime & Co , dry goods 13 SO
U. Te lumber 18 CO
Win. Itrelle , wltiicus fee a 00
110AII Kt'.Nl ) .
5. Itoulnson , Rriuiiup $100 00
M. luTy ( , icradiiiK 18000
IDO TiciubU , labor tix refunded. . 301
Jno , Andervon , wi.rk'on . road , 0 00
J , MoLauKhlln , lumbr for county256.40
Adjourned to the ICth inst ,
JOHN BAUUEK , County Clerk.
Bf H. T. LKAVITT , Deputy.
Nerroui weaknriu , dy pei U , iinno-
lenco , e iki debility , cured by "WelU *
lealth Haaiwer. " 31. Uejiot t O. V.
Wanted 100 mechanics and labor-
ira to buy best boots and oboes at P ,
II Green's , 410 S , 13th street ,
Wanted To borrow ono thousand
dollars , for Two years , on church prop
erty worth thrice that amount. Ap-
> ly to L. 0 , Encmold , C05 south 13m
treet. 1C 8t *
Cream Soda Whitehouso Drug
Store , 10th titroet , near California.
n.ijox o oiug
Japanese Tea Store removed to No.
92 10th street. wTJ-Ct
Bids Opened for the Ndrth Omnh
iSowor-Tlio Assignment of the
South Uewor Approved.
A special mooting of the city coun
cil was held last evening at whic'
there worn present Metsre Bakui
Bnhm , Corby , DoHone , Dunham
Knufmann , McGuckin , O'Kuefc
Thr ns and Blr , Prt'sidon * ,
The call was road , showing the ob
jcct of ( ho meeting to bo thu openini
of bids for the construction of th
North Omaha sewer , and to take step
for thu completion of the Soutl
Omnha sower.
Stnno discussion took place over thi
acceptance or rejection of the bid o
the Omaha Sewer Company , whicl
wan handed in ton minutes after thi
advertised time. On motion it wa :
decided to allow it to bu opened.
The bids were then opened ant
found to bo from ths following par
tie * :
The Omaha Sawcr Co. , by W. B
Millurd ; S. R. Johnson and John H
Dtimont , sureties.
Wm. Mack A Co. } W. A. ; Paxloi
and 0. J. Karbach , sureties.
MoHugh and McGivock ; Ben Gil
laghor and Andrew Murphy , sureties
James Lilly , of Jackson. Mo. ; Wm
T. Johnson and Wm. U. L'JCis , sure
Ittncr Bros. ; Reuben Alton and C.
0. House ! , sureties.
Ejtuh bid was accompanied by t
check for § 500 M a forfeit , should the
bidders fail to make the conlracl
within ono week from acceptance.
On motion the bids were referred
to the committee on water works and
sewerage1 , with instructions to draw up
a contract before the next regulai
meeting of the city council , with the
lowest responsible bidder.
The assignment of Macauley and
O'Brien to MrEIu h and MuGavock ,
of the south Omaha sewer contract ,
signed by P. H. Macauley and Ouo.
ML O'Brien , Jr. , was presented.
Also a bond from McBughand Me-
Gavock to thn city of Omaha in the
sum of SIO.OCO , signed by Josiah
Kent , Gao. H. P.itersou and Charlet
Jonnoyur as trustoai1 , conditioned on
liu completion of the sewer on or be-
ror October 1 , 1882.
The committee on w.V.or works and
lowuraae , to whom this nmtti-r had
Deen referred , reported by a resolu
tion recommending thuconsoni of the
council to the assignment , approving
the bond , fixing the * date for the com
pletion of siid Buwor at October 1 ,
1882 , and instructing the city on i-
ie > ur to furnish Mt-ssrs. Hugh and
SIcGavock with the necessary plane
and specifications for the completion
of the work. The resolution waa
Mr. Baker , by permission , pre
sented for the considerrttiou of the
councilmen a petition from the busi-
ICHS inon and property owners on
Dodga btreot asking for the construe-
Jon of a sewer ulong that thorough-
'are , the ab-ence of any alley way be-
iween Dodge and Capitol Avenue ,
making it tiecots ry to the health nnd
eonvenietico of that section of town.
MrMcGuokiu was excused for two
Brownoll Hall Burglarized by Home
Bold Follows
It was oxpecleJ by the police that
ho presencei of the circus in the city
would draw with it moro or Ion hard
characters nnd'that they would take
advanta d of the crowd and the ab-
ODOJ of people from their homea to
get in their work. The burghry of
.Irs Morri.s' reaidenco , reported olee-
vheru ia supplumonted by a raid on
kownoll hill. Ainonc ; the guesta of
Dannon Doherty who came to the city
o attend the c ; uncil which mocU to *
liiy was Ruv. Mr. Jacobs. The
lueven having gained an entranca
o thu building visited liis
oem amoi'g ' others , and taking his
wits to thi ) lower story , ritlocl the
ircketa and tlirtiw them on the floor.
? ht < y obtained 803 in money from the
overt-mi Rt'iitluumn.
Varioiu smaller sums and articles
were t kjit and the intruders then
uado g < oJ their escape. An examin
ation of the promises Tuerday
ovotlod the footsteps ot the men on
ho ground beneath the windows , but
no uiue to the robbers was left by
which to follow thorn , and it was not
oomud nojiaiary oven to notify the
> olice
The HeGrawvillo , N. Y. , Sentinel ,
f the 20th ult. , says :
"Ihu event of last Wednesday eve-
ling WM the marriage of Judge Pea *
lody , nf Washington , D. C. , and Mrs.
C. F , Miller , of this village , at the
'nabyturiau church , Hav. Gee , Bay-
ess , of Mexico , N. Y. , f oiatiiiK. Th
hurch wus beautifully ornamented
with eivi r.jroi'us and llnwers. A lurgo
roll of uvorgreons bodepked with flow-
rs i h HII tveruruon horse-ehoo BUS-
) unded from the centre under which
ho Ciirumuny was performed. Iho
) tide und groom departed for Wash-
nglon on thu evening train , and wo
undeirstand will make that place their
uniro homo. Mrs. Miller has hosts
f friends in town who will congiatu-
ute her , while they regret the loss
rom society. She has won the re-
pect and esteem of all by her kind-
leas and alhbility. "
Judge W. L. Peabody is well known
n this city , where ho resided up to
bo time of his appointment to the
ensiou cflico department in Washing-
Waster J. O , Hltohcocle and D. O.
Solomon lildo Their Maoblnoa
from Omauuto Lincoln
In Ton Hours.
The Lincoln Journal says of two
imaha buys : "J , G , Hitchcock and
i. G. Solomon , two young men aged
oapectivo'y ' sovontaon and fifteen ,
ctidenta of Omaha , came Bailing into
Lincoln on their bicycles about 7
'clock last Sunday evening. They
nforuiod a Journal reporter that they
uid luit the metropolis at 5 o'clock in
the morning , and had avcraeod to
miles an hour until they struck th
Ashl.itid bridge , where they were dc
laycd about two hours.
The young men ay they had
very pleasant time and might hay
nmdo better time than they did , bu
were duMrous of having a fair vio\
of the country over which they passed
Mr. Hitchcock rode a bicycle tha
cost him $160 , the ono rode by Mt
Solomon coat nearly $100.
The young gentlemen spent yestor
d y afternoon in tiding about the city
and lotvo to day for Omaha. "
Homes Newman went weityeita d r.
Il v. II Wila > n , of O lcdale , ia la town
JA. MlnlcV , of Falla City , h in town
H. Una , of Decatur , is at tha Canfiald
U. V. V rm n , of Tekamah'is in th
John II. Gruben , of Albert ! , la in th
Mrs. C. II. Carrier haa returned frou
tlie east.
S , K. Gre otT , of Saunden county , la h
the city.
W. II. Michael , ot Grand Island , U ii
the city.
Martin Langdan , of Patilllon ; is at thi
Hon. G , W. K , Doranjr , of Fremont , ii
In the cita.
W. T. Thornac , of St Paul , la at thi
tilt. Marshall , of * Fremont , la in thi
J. W , Uernhardt , of Lincoln , is at thi
.T. C. Patterson , of Waynr , is bt thi
K. J. Moore of Lincoln , is a Witbnel
house guest.
K It. French 1 ft for GeorgetowrJ , Uol.
last ertnlaj.
K. Gill rJ , of Hlun , re isteri at thi
O T. B. WilHami , of Seward , Is at thi
Metropolitan. '
1. N. Taylor , of Columbus , is at tLt
MetrOi oh'tan.
GOT Hoyt , of Wyemlnc , wjui ia tbt
city yesterday.
John J. Adams , of Toknmah , is ft guest
. , f the Creiijlit'in. '
J. N lleynolds reprencnta Fullwrton at
tbt ) Metropolitan.
Hon. Geo. H. Jewett , of Sidney , la o
Williuell house gueat.
Mrs. Alldriuh and child , of 1'ricndvillc ,
are i > t the Metropolitan.
Fianfe U. Hull , agent of Frank Majo ,
was in the city last night.
llev. Geo. Green and family , of Kear
ney , aru at the CreiKhton.
.1 , K. Lucas , of Central City , rcgiatcrec
at the Creight n y. Hterday.
A. D. Tirrln and wife , of Salt Lake
City , ate at the Withutll.
J. M , Burks , of Lincoln , is enjoying thi
hospitalities of the Canfield. '
J. B. Farwcll , of Chicago , went weil
yesterday < n route to Montana.
LloidT vipresldint of Wtlls , Fargc
& GO.'M exprrs , went west y aterday.
W. D. Haller , L. P. Andraen ai.d . Mrs ,
KH. Clark , of Blair , ate at the Crcigh-
) on.
A. E. Aiken and two daughters , ol
Kearney , are registered at the Metropoli
Mr. J. M. Cruickahankand Mrs. Geo.
Crulck-huuk , uf North Watte , ara at the
Cautie'd ' ,
Win. U. Turner nnd Gilbert Randall , ol
J'lkhura City , registered at the Citightoo
J. ri. Gurley , reprcsentinj Dewey k
Sliiiiu , loft ytaterd.iy for u trip up tha
Elkhuru Talloy.
Hon. L. I. Abbott , of Fremont , ! a in
the city , also H. 8. Keller und Chan. 1'ot-
ter , f the uauia place.
N. S. Harwood , S. W. Little , A. 1' . A.
Stuaitaud a. D. Little , of Lincoln , wer *
at tlie Creightou over night. - >
Mitduma Janauschek and Alex II.
Stuart , her geut , inecribed their namea
on the Crelqbton house register.
Pete Mcl'hee , sheriff of Swaetwater
county , Wyoming , wai a west-bound pas-
keuytr yeaorduy. He goea to Green Hirer ,
Wm. Siuefer , Fred Sonnenscheln , J .
Vaataupal and W. Drabi N , all prominent
citizen * of West Point , ara at the Cm-
A , BenroD , G. A. Llndqncat and G.
Colin , leave for Kurope Satmday , and
will join Mr. A. Buwneau at Uurllngtou ,
IA. , pioctedlns together.
Miaa Nettie llendee , [ formerly a lady
aaleauian in thu New York dry good *
store , bos accepted a similar poultion in
the new bouse of Garrabrant & Cole.
B. D. Shield * nod L. T. La Bur , o-
IlAcketistown , X. J. , whu liavo been viif
iting J. M. Wolfe , of this city , left for
Denver and ilie Gimniion country on the
overland train jcntvrduy.
M. C , Wetmore. of SiggUU & Myer1 ,
Tobacco Cu'd h 'Use , St. Louie , ia iu the
city , Mr. Wetmore ia not only a remark
ably pleasant acquaintance but a thorough
butlnevi man whois annbla repreientatire
of tlie jjreut mttroindla with which Omali *
U now being united by the Miitouri Pa
II. J , Lee , representing Samuel 0 , Davis
k Co. , wboloale dry goodt , of St , Lonit ,
WMS in the city laat night , and leaves for
Salt Lake City to-day. Mr. Lea is one of
those magnificent , wholeaouled gentlemen ,
who do credit to the name of the great
city of the weit which be halls from , lie
U a weiteru gentlemen withstalwart Idea ,
and will gain friends wherever he gee ? ,
Join F. Carroll , who h&s been engaged
in editorial work upon The Leader duiing
thu uliEouce of ita city editor , departed
yenterilay with a round-up outfit for Mon
tana , having determined to initiate him-
belt into the practical working * of the
cattle buitnesi. Mr. Carroll is a fine
uew pat > er wan an < l a good fellow , and the
; oed wUhei of tlila ollie go with him ,
Cluyeme Leader. Mr , Carroll w a for-
inctly cl y editor ; of THE BLU
A. Bouman , an old and highly eatcoiroi
: mploye > f ttio Union 1'aclfio hcadquar-
] uait ri-lcft yesterday for a throe inontbY
.rip , during which he will vUlt bis native
uuutiy ( Swet'en ) , England , Kraco ? , Ger >
uiuy , etc , Mr. Bonuuan came to Omaha
with the first general superintendent c
tha U , 1' . , Col , Hammond , and has worke
for the compiny ever since. Ho is rtspecl
ed like by Lla fellow employes and then
higher in authority , and there are ton
bat will say well of Mm , May ho hare
plejisiut trip ,
There has been formed a Tolc
graphcr'a Library Association extend
ing from Omaha to North Platte
with headquarters at Silver Creek
J. G , Bonster secretary and librarian
They have purchased about fifty volumes
umos , and will make additions fron
time to time as demand requires
Mr. Booster was the originator ant
chio ! promoter of the scheme , ant
deserves much credit therefor.
No HnmtmtrK'DC the Amcrlotu
Yon can't humbug tha American i > o
pie , when hey flud a remedy that suit
them ; ihey uae It and rccommenil It ti
their friends. Jim exactly the case will
STHINO BL BSOU which hai become i
hoiiHthold word all over tha United dtatcs
1'rlce 50 cents , trial bottles 10 cents.
NOTICE Adrertl nn n To Loan , For , gal
Lout , Found , TVanU , Doardlnv , Ac. , will bo u
sorted ID thti columna ono tor TKN CENT !
per line ; each labMquent Insertion , FIYKCKNT !
pet llni. Tb first InMrtlon never l ai thai
ONBY TO LOAM fall al Low Omen of D
M UThomaa UojmB CriUbton Block.
A 8 per centln
0U.UUU tercet In aumu.of 83,600 am
rdi , for 8 to 6 years , on flnt-claaa city M
( ami property. Baata. RSAL ESIATI and Loll
Aaucr , 16th and Doudae Sti
I ED A slrl lor general hnusewrrk
WAN o a girl totiVo care of babr. 1411
Howard ttriet. ISO 10"
ANTED A food gill to di pontral hnuit-
W work. Call i 0:1 Souih IBlh itroet.
15J-17 *
ANTKU A nntclui cook at the Occl
W da tat 1K-U
- at Omtln rh'rt '
WANTKD-Wuhorvroman l'J-,6
\TrA.NTJSD-A ( f ri 14 or 16 ye r of Biett
VV work about tha Utcheo. Inquire i > t 161 !
Chi-ago itrcot. 113-10 *
ANTED A Klrl at the O-ralia ? te tr
YV Ijiu-.dry , Iiurdaud Tirentnnt
Machine band ) at 1122 Farrarr
lifoet ,
- A peed wom n eook.
11. UA N > VEIL"x ,
14M7 * Tenth trj t , near Farnau.
Twenty mei to nork la itoni
110 17 * Tenth , near harnam.
VTTANTED-.Iiy * nret clg wholesile rlothlnj
W house fo- each of the stttei of llls-ourl ,
Kansas and N bias ntttTcral ocde&l
nmadlaK tra e , AddrcE ) wl'h rcfereiite aurl
full put eularn rtgardlnv territory ard term ,
' . O. BJX 2003 PniU.clphU , 1'a tu3 ! Ottoj
AcoTjietcDt clrlto conic and dc
WANTED hcu < ewoik. Kctjrci CD require > ,
Family a nail. Audrcsi F.I OttAULE ,
110-10 Keainey > cb.
WANTED A iff I orlo geneiat house w rk ,
northwest c rncr 12th and Cac * s rear ,
at bo'ler or
T WANT 0 teams nn Fl renfo Cut-Off , wagei
JL 83.f 0 per day , Work until Octoher.
112-tf JA ES P. VINCENT.
WANIED Aklrltj ilogeneral housework ,
at 1714 Jaol son ttreet. k6 tl
ANTED A at the St. Charles
W _ _ Hotel. 82 tt
Gcod girl at lOba North 16t tt.
\TTANTED-Wotk by the day bv competent
V > g rl. wilt do wash nIroiilnic house clr > n-
In etc I quire at John Nellson on 26th trod
between Uou lasand Dodje. 14 8-1 6 *
S'tuatlcn to do gennrnl hriiio-
WANTED by competent girl. Acdro-nl. A.
Bte ofllco. 14Ulo *
S tuition as ( rarcllnz s > lei an
WAN1KD good' , r lost and nlois , or ome
sp a ally , ny unucf ablll yaud esptrtcnco Kef-
erunccs. Oil Bcootllca. 1417
.4 > TED Situation by two competent ulrlt
W a Btio d girU Inagocd la ml \ , or won il
d houFcuork InHstnil fiml r Hetofiifo-
cntoj. Apply ai 1113 Norili LKhteeLtn 8' c t.
1S9H *
'TIT ANTED DJTR Urst-clasa dressmaker , Few-
VV Intr o'all kinds , at So. 131 J Dodge trmt :
or will L'O out an u do ork at moderate , rlc n .
7S-10 * V
_ _
To loan ; f09or$301 to some re
WANTED puty , who willK vaao ttiady
emplo m ntlnagrotcry or dry good ) an ! gro-
cry& itta elok , rip rlouie D.OIO of RU
object attflnt thin \taffiH. Addreu
lll-tt hLL. I OU fcLL , hlrtr Sioux , Iowa.
I A partner wanted , actlre or si ont ,
MONK WOOO to S20.COO casnto Inrett In a
Ugllimatabutlneii wblchluslx montbitlmo wi 1
pay * prcflt at leist equal to the amount In.
reited , anil both be tumid Into cltan cub and
the p trtnerinlp ended. Addresi "Uoniy"Uee
office. tli-tf
\TTANTED 600 privy Tau.t , alnki and cwa
VV pool * to dean with tjanltary Vault and
Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Jfvuia & Co. ,
re ld nca litoi ) Dodge itreet. Omaha , _
WANTED Funding bridge and tchool bondt ,
n.T Clark.
YTtrANTED * children aa boarders In a select
VV Bchooi , at IBth and OlUornla fit. L. B.
LOUM18. 7W'H
_ _ _
\7\0n \ \ RKNT Five larva rooms , with cloiet" ,
Jj nt JiO | r ° nth. Good location. iUCagi
opposite poktofllcg , US V4
ROOM-Wlthor Utbeird.
EtHVIillED - b iween l alllornla and
WeUter , 151-tt
EUU KENT-Mar ! corner lOlh and Douglai.
A NICK front room to let with bo rl , 1417
2Vllow > rl itreet 155-1B
rilO 11KNT ult of arge , lry front h mber
J. rooms , furnished orutifuinliheiwithouthojrd
to { entleman and wife 2116 California strict
ottwetnilst and 22nd sts. 138-17t
POU KENT Homo or nix rooms. 1112 llih
trre , touth ol Pa Idc. T. C. PKLLK.
61-1B' , , _
mo R'NT1 T centl inan , two large elegant
J f rent rooms , one having an alcove , located
In no of the most central and deilrable location *
la the i Ity. Addreu J. MAItTiN , i'eo otllce.
18S tfO *
OR P.ENT-Portlon of house 912 North
Hz' ' t enthttreit , for a few ruonthi , furn-
Uhed compltt . t > famllV w thout cblldrtn.
Irqulra of J , M. llutley , Thirteenth and lc \ -
tn-crtli trteis. 13'-17
TTtOR RfNT A rcmfortablc rinuno on Cnlca ; > ,
1 } between Kourteu th tnd Fifteenth ttrects.
nqu'ra of Jch ti llcatui ner of C : > ci < o and
Hfteouta ctrectl. 124-16 *
'HO RENT largo furnliicdmnt room f r
1 two geull men , vlth or without board.
[ Ufinnce. . 1216 Do Ijie street. 13j tf
T\Oll HbNT Thu ipiclms tnd elegant hall
i ' vlihallin d < rnlniuro imcut4i In Clark a d
vmtirs lllcck nnplv to A 11 Clirk , or t , M
1. Kott f't lOt aud 107 8. 14th ilrutt. JU-21 *
isrICELY of Dolee on 16th. 118 20'
roOR RENT 1 he ifc-nd floor con.ibtlrg
1 } ot fire teen not the br ck bm' d ng corner
x > usl and 12.h klr it , aUo tbe itoru telow to
cat. L. Lehmiu. 117-tf
RENT ? urnj h d room corner lOtH and
FOR . 120. l
RKNT Furnlthed room vtlh or wltboal
FOR In a prlrat * family at 111J 18ih rtreet.
RENT A nlc ly fa nlshel tdom , H. K ,
FOR , for one or two ( rentlcjjtn Inquire
at 14 ' 4 18th street , belwarn Clark and tirace ; old
No. MO. Reference required. tf
r.KST Houie of fire rooms , rorner 23d
FOR Pierce. Arplr at S. O. St ven < on , ear *
ner 17th and la.i , iieir taattr Church.
90 tf
I70R RENT Neat y furnlihai raom wt'h prlr.
1 < liege ot adjtjnfng .p rlor. 1812 Wtbite *
( treet. Eu
mO RENT New room * fumU > cd or urfar-
JL m hed > a dctlred commanding flit view
of tha Jlter , brldfe , Council Blua , and acanery
up an i down the river for twenty mile * .
"Beemer'aBlock , " corner r-th .nd Uo.a d.
) nt. 1 1 A.SUIIO of nicely furtilaiini room
L for rent , U. K. corner 20th and larenport
JTIOR LKAbK At WS a year , lereral nic rert
L1 drncolotanear 26th street and Ht , HarvV aT .
918 U W R. DiBTLrrr. Krai IU - Agent *
lilOlt Kttll i IUIOMQVU tudoit oVu , v *
C chant ) ' Ejtthanie.N , K. oor. loth and On 'tr
itreaU. WO-U
hltNl Mcely turnlnriMi ( uoiu. wiia ot
without board. Reaaonabla prlcca. 2(18
Caw St t o
SALTC Ilnrrtind of > ws d. lilt Chl-
FOR between 14th n < 9 Uth street ! , m-19 *
TTIORSALE A carrlairehorieal < oabuitgr. IB.
JJ quire Dr. A S , llllltngs , opjojltd puetoffice.
160-lb *
EOF SAI E Hcuio ( foJ tarn and let near SI.
Muj't a enuu-J2tCX-bargain. MC'RII
orpoilte poit office. 167-.0
FOR SALE Cor. er an I adjoiuln ? Ut oa
Parkaranui. Flret rlaei property
OEO. W. AMd8,1505 faraam ttrect 187 t
A FiNE PAIIlt of ICO tcrea , I' ' 0 a ren In oil-
± \ _ tltatlon , nine mllMfrouu tha city at Ilwrt-
lnp < , Ad < tn county. Nob. , to oTcnanun forttoex
ol d-ugtm Wettcrn I water lia crn N < > br. k ,
worth ( torn 81 COO to 3CO ) , w.h < t d fferrnea
In cub. AddKM , L. A. hcyAl , Htetln - . Nek.
144-17 *
T710R SALE A homi anj lot on Uod/u Htraet ,
one of the f no > t Ircarlong In th < c llr
116-tt J. n. DUMONT , 13th an 1 liarary.
. . Bemls offer * bnRslnn In lot * In hl new ad-
Itlen justwe tcf > nl adjoining Hilnn'it add -
d tiers , ( only JSOO to 8400 each only 6 tier ctnt
down and C p r cent per month , office ! 16th aid
Dou lustreets. See Column. ,
FOR SALE Drug store -ccmplota annual
lai upwa d of ? COW , Is wa 1 1 > cated , In
HI omlngton. county nit of FrmMIn County ,
andreat of the U. a. land nlllco tor Southern
Nebra > Va. Full pirtKulari furnished oj iv
plication lo W. O. ROBIN'SON.
82-D *
T710R HALE Or Trade ; 44x152 fw-t on loth
I1 itreet next to tl o corner of Ilarney also
C0il32 leet on th > - < o/tt tide between Dud r a d
Capitol atenue Enquhoof H. DCUTilOLD.
23 't '
HALUj Jhu narm fep.inuM , hltUAtuU 2 *
blUn e < outh of the U. f. railroad ia Carbon
County , Wiomtnar Terrltoiy 440 acre * ot
meadow and up'and tit iiuarsnUd. Addreu
W. II. Cild ell , rtann fr pi Ings. Wynn Ing. _ _
S < LE N'cat cottapo of KYf r joms , barn ,
v til , and cUtorn , on 2.rJ street no.r Cali
fornia. attl , < 00 , easy lerui. JlcL'acuo nnioslto |
pOitotitc. Q3-tt
OK SALE \ rc taurant at a burg n. II.
F llaunn oiler , llth street near Faruatu.
_ ' _ _
as tha BOYS' IIOUE. .Tha homo lace -
ttally located.has son h and eaet front , and I *
surrounded wtti tine hada trees , cant Injthlrty
B ceplnir roomi , hn Ice hou. e. laundry , simple
room , &c. IIa < a world w de rcpuutlon and a
better patron go than man } houses ol twice IU
capacity. Price $6.000 for paitcuari al-
dieos , A. A. SAWDhY , Red Cloud , Mb.
IT10II ALE-200 choice ItU In Han-corn Place ,
J ? W. R Baitlett , Heal Estate Agoit , 817 8.
13th utre. t. 833-tt i
IjKJlt HALh A KI oa corner lei on LKHIKO and
1 } 24ih street , n a Tery fatt growing part ot
the city , will divide. Inquire at 10 "otith Eflth
street , near Farnatu Bong's & llill' addition.
_ _ E2Q.lm
uour llantcom 1'utk , well
t ? ot Park Avenuo. SIM to tOOO each. Mo-
Caguoopp I'ObtofflcB. 671. tl
1URY ThorouKhbred Jersey uti no. 88 *
"M , a. K. B. " , wlnnrr of prize at Stata
Fair. Bunds for service vt Nebranka Poultry
Yards , West Omaha. Graham f. Browne ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
FOIt SALE One second-bund 26 horse powe
engine , Rood as newal > o two 8 horeaiiowe r
and two 16 horse po or engines , new. B > llen
of a1 1 sires , i cw. Inquire Omaba Foui dry an
Machine Co.U. P Ky . bet 17th ami 161 h nmaba
_ _ _ _ 602-lni
TJlOlt 8ALK Or will oxcha po for Omaha pro.
JJ | pcrt-y , an Improved eec on of land adjoin-
\ng a elation on U. P. U. B. M. DUNHAM , 141 %
Farnham St. , Omalia. 720 Bmt
203-tf K3TADROOK ft COE.
B ALEl ) IIAY At A. n. Bander1 Food Eto
101H nnrnovHt. oin.C
LOST- French gold bow vpectaclca , finder win
plcasdlcue utht. Charei Hotel erd tie ro
raided. 162-17"
TOST A liver and whlfo colored pup , hreo
J moi.t sold. T ell d.rvrlll I u ul i.bly re
ward d ly 'eavlrgfliB-samu t o sturo cf Jamu
I ) ti sou'h 10 h str et
AI ED \Y-At Ch Itou llr a1 feed stjro.
Sixt.tnth.treit. . Prompt dullriiry.
No roou cf s ymg Kranliu bio kg
. atotodinr for pavlnit IhusirctU Thiro
Id a man In r matin that will
* * in BAiHia' * a ! l a * mil giro eurtty and put
l > i granite blocks 8 Inches deep lor
yard. A dn s 10 Die office. tg-31
1AKKM Uf A low about 7 JO-MOM , rtil wltfc
white tpot , larva hon.ii Alfo a belltr.
Kd , with white kpstt , both with I alf.
73-4tt on w Bakery , 18th bt. near William * .
T OST A subscription paptr oJ ibe North
JU Proibjterlan Cnurch. The finder will pleu *
luve at BieorHce. igs tf
MRS. 0. A. fLLISON-Eectri Matmetle
Htaljr , also bu lne a and medical Oklr *
royant. Psyehometlc radlngi a d treatment
gl\en. dally from U a. m. 10 4 p. m. Can bacen-
Bulled by letter , e-nd name , age , and lock ot
hair etc , with $2.00 consultation feu. No. SOU
COM a „ Omaha , Neb. 793 lm
QAVK RKNT Unoice of HO lull lots to leua
O Dear Crelghton College for(2o per yea
Dexter L. Thomas ft Bro. , Room S , Crelt-htoi
Block. ZOS f
riONALIST , 403 Tenth Street , between Farnam
wdllarney. Will , with the aid of guardlau
iplrltt , obtain for any one a gbnco at tae p t |
Led pretunt , and on certain conditions lu tha fa.
, ure. Boota and Shooa made to ir.ler , PcrfM
Absolutely Pure ,
Hit powder nem varies. A marieJ ot p
y , strength and wholecomeriex. Here ceo no
ilc-1 thin tha ordinary kind ) , and cannct bo
ild In competition with the multitude of low
ut , tbort wiifht. alum or phosphtte txiwder *
Sold unly In cans. UoTALIDituia POTCU Co. ,
6 Whll 8t , N w York