\ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : "WEDNESDAY , MAY 17 , IBE2. \ O. O. OOCMBC &B OO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLESALE F L O XT R HOUSE , Gcceral AgenU lor the Cflturatcd Mills of II. 1) . Kush & Co. . Golden Pagle Flour , Learenwoith , Kansas , and Queen Bee Mills , Sioux Falls , Dakota. Petetcnco , Smltti & Crl t"ndcn , ioiiticiniln < T , la. JE3IJU. . W'JOLKSALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLTJFF3. IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F F ICE. JT. "VST. O'Cr3:3R,3El ss OO. . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA , IB : . 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Heady-fitted uppers , In call skin and kip. Oak and Hemlock iOLK LEATHER , anil nl i -j oodn appertaining to the shoe trade. Oo'd * sold M cheap a * In the Cast. I MRS.PERIS' ' m MILLffllRT STORE A FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND tJI CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. Jv 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffd la. Th t never require crimping , at Mr . J. J. Good's Ualr Store , at pr ces never before touched by &ny other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , Lie. , ut greatly reduced prices. Al aolil , silt er and colored nets Wtncs made from Itdica' own hair. Dj not fall to call lictoro purchwing ehcwhcro. All goods warranted aa represented , MHS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main street , Council lilude , Iowa. MASON WISE , LI7ER1 , FEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also a fine lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SCOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. REMOVED witho'lt the CANCERS drawing ol blood or use of knife. Cures lun ? diseases , muii.-i ? Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- X plaint , Dropsy , Kheuma- vis n n T II M II R S tl81n- Fever and Mcrcur- I W III U II W Ui BoreSi Erysipelas , Salt Rheum , Scald Held , Cttatrh , weak , inllimcJ and granulated Eyes , crolulous Ulcers and Fo- maleOiS'ase ol all kinds. Alw Kidney and Vcnerlal diseases. Ho morrholds or Piles cured money refunded. All dlseiscj treated upon the principle of veget able reform , without the uw ol mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or 11-dlcatod Biths , furnished OEewho desire them. Hernli or nupturo radically cured by the use tha Elastic bolt Trws and Plaster , which hu superior in the world. CONSULTATION FREE- \ CALL O.V OK ADDRESS Drs , B , Rico anfl F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale StaMes , 18 North First Street , Doujuet's old stand. Council H'uffj , Iowa. WILLAftl ) .SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Pliysiciaii and Surgeon , Office and residence 615 Willow avenue , Coun W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , 0 unoil Bluffs. Extractlnpand filling a ipochlty. First-class work fruaranteed. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , Mo. 14 Pearl Street. Hotin , 9 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m , , to 5 p , m , He > ldonce , 12i ) ilJancruft HCrcot , Telephonic connection with iCentral olllce. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , ISTo. 617 First Avenue Hour * fro in 10 to 11 a. m. , and 2 to 6 p. m. BAKKER'S ' LIFE ASSOCIATION , DKSMOINKS , Iowa. Inccriwratcd Julv 1st , 1879 , for the mutual benctlt of bank otll era and their cuitoinoru , Jlviod on jirinc pica ol Kijuirv , h'co.soMV AND SK CURITV , A few cxperlonciU life Inviirancu solici tors wanted Ad Ires * , II. M Stevens , ditlrlct solicitor , Oillco No. 7 , Kvurtfu blojK , Council UIuOs , Iowa. Hi'jjIiiciico.Uil HIi avenue. P O , b > x U25. U25.S. . E. MAXON , OIHco over sivlnju hank. -COUNCIL , BLUFPS , . . Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W , 0 , J meu , In connection with his law and eollictloii butlnessbujs and sells real estate. Persons wishing to buy or sell city property call at his olllcc , ever Budbncll' * book store , I'carl etreit. EDWIN J , ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs Deed * and mortgages drawn ucd HAIR GOODS WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Yuur Own Iliiir. TOILET ARTICLES , Nets , Combs , Brushes , Face-pow ders , Bands , Hair Orn.i- monts , &o. , itc. All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. 337 W. Broadway , and 109 S. Main St. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Eloctropithlc Institution , Phila delphia , Peniu. OlcB Cor , Broadway & Glenn AVB. COUNCIL BLUITS , IOWA. The treatment of nil diseases and ] > 'Infill , 'dlf- flcultlcs ptcullar to fi'italpj a apeiUlty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best liroJil Dakor In the Wctit ; also a choice lund for Cakes and Pic ? . Dread ilUiu-rtd tci all parts of the tlty. . FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can alwtys be found at B. DANEHY'P , 136 Urper llroadwiiy. JNO.JAYFEAINEY , Justice the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andRealEstate , Proprietor of attracts of Pottawattamlo county. Olllco corner of Ilroadway and Main srei't ! > , C uncll JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( Dculfcher Arzt. ) ROOM 5 , EVKRETT'S BLOCK , Council liluira. Olieasrs of women and children a specialty. P , J , MONTGOMERY M , D , , , ; FllEK DlSPKNHAHV EVEUV SATUUDAV , Olllce 111 F\mtt' block , Pearl troct. Rut ] , dence (28 ( Fourth btrrit. Olllco hours from 0 to 2a.in _ , , 2 to j and 7 t'l 8 p. in. , Council Uulh F. C. GLARK , PBACTJCAL DEHTIST. Peari street , opposite the postomcc. One of the oldest | > ractU onor In Council Ilhifla. SatU a Ufactlon KUinntccd In all cages. ODELL& DAY , CEBERAL FIRE INSURANCE AND- EEAL ESTATE AG'TS ' , MONEY" TO LOAN. Koa-d of Trade bulldlitt , Council llluBa , U. JOHN LINDT , ATTORHEY-AT-LAW Will practice In all state an court * Spoaki German Language. SHELBY. A Flourishing Center of an | Agriculturnl Country. Roprosontntlvo Bualuoaa Men , Intor- oata and UoVols. Corrc pond nco of The Ilco. SHELIIV , Ja. , May 0. Shelby la pro-ctmtiently a grain town. The wheat crop was light this surison , but the corn was n very fair crop , and this town , of perhaps 000 or 800 inhabi tants , in the southwest corner of Shelby - by county , has this season , shipped over a half million bnahola. Ono of the first things lint takes the atten tion of the str.Aiu'er when ho is landed on the platform of the 11 > ck IsKind station , is the three steam olovntors , and the acrcsof "corn cribs to the right of us" and "corn cribs to the left oi us" ht each end of town. THE TOWN was built after the railroad station hnil been located hero , and much credit is duo to Mr. J. P. McEwon , an early resident and business man , who handled the land interests for the rail road company. Mr. MoEtrcn was a man of onorcy and sterling integrity , and labored faithfully to secure agood class of citizens to muko up this young villiago. Being n strong temperance man , ho brought Iris , practical ideas into good use when ho was applied to for land by parties having the symp toms of habits that were not tcmnor- utu , for it is said ho managed to'got discouragements enough in the way of such persons to induce them to go else where ; ar.d now that six moonn have passed over his grave , his neighbors begin moro fully to recognize his worth and honor his judgment , and a monument worthy of his lifo is bofng treeted to hia memory. The railroad runs ulong the low lands , nearly through the centre of the town , which is ecattorod along the slopes on cither aide. The business streets nro on the east side , and like Third and Fourth streets of Cincinnati , run along the nido hill. The comfortable churches , $5,000 union school building , three first-class steam elevators , two lumber yards , two hotels , and a score or two of good trading houses , good farming hinds on every nido and the whole pop- uluticm intelligent and industrious , with progressive ideas , and a town council that says "no license , " ro some of the characteristics of this thriving and prosperous young city near the headwaters of Silver Crock. HEI'KESKNTATIVE MEN from Omaha and the Blulla are scon hero every day. Mueller is here mending the organs and soiling now ones. Dr. H. S. West , of the lirra of Sinton & Woat , whoso ollico is just opposite THE BEE office in the Bluffs , has been spending the week along this line , repairing teeth and selling now ones , and a half a dozen from across the river , including J. B. Porter , from the hat , gloves and straw goods DOUBO of W. L. Parrotto & Co. on Haruoy street. E. C. CLAl'l' C is ono of the keavy dealers in general merchandise , and with the addition ho is building , will have a store 110 feet long and metropolitan in its ap pearance , while W. F. Cleveland & Co. , just across the way are doing a largo business , and either one of thcso houses may be doing a $50,000 , busi ness , which socnia strange when there is oo much competition. . THE MILL of. J. W. Ohatburn , of IL-vrlaii , is managed by his son , T. W. , while the father personally manages the mill at Hurlan. Both father and son are ex perienced mill men , having built ten new mills in this slate. This mill has " 4 run , " does a gcnor.il milling busi ness , and can not fill all their orders , and although they have an exchangn store at Noola , and ship iu all direc tions , they could do much moro busi ness if they had mill capacity to do the work , and yet they are grinding 300 bushels per day. The mill is ono of the models. Every particle of wood work in the mill la planed , and all the machinery is supposed to bo the latest and best , and oven the wheat la all cleaned and then polished . with a sot of brushes before grinding , ) and the citizens may well feel proud of this aa well aa many other of their P business enterprises. S TUB HOTELS . , : are peculiar. Dr. Benhain near the d depot has fitted up his tine house with drr trooH and flowers , and the stranger rrt would bo like y to pass it as the residence - t ( donco of some retired merchant , for it ) ' is to all intents and purposes a homo. Mr. F. S. Gilliland , of the Central n Home , has just put on a second addi tion and proposes to keep doing so s until ho is able to uasommodato the traveling public who desire to stop with him. It would bo interesting , if time and if space -would permit , to mention many of the business firms and indivual friends of TinDTK , and the amount ci ; of business ; but your correspondent would return thanks for kindness ro- ccivod at the hands of the mayor , John Sandham of the firm of J. Dow it Co. , tnuii merchants , and I , F. Spauglor of A very , Spanglor & Co. , in thonamo business , and to Mr. Ohas , Shultz , formerly of Butler county , Nebraska. The splendid r , ins of last night and this morning ramo pleasantly , and ? there eeeniB to hu a general prospect iif good crops for the boason. The stock are being collected into herds and started for Ihu pasture grounds , the farmers talk anti-monopoly , the business men scorn to be prosperous and cheerful , and this young city is > growing every day. BUUKKYK , IOWA Bob McBride has sold the Eldora Ledger for 80,000. > Page couuty 1ms small pox bills to the amount of 5,030.08. if Cherokee is to have an opera house with it sealing capacity of 800. [ Two hundred and seventy-five stu ' dents are enrolled in Cornell colloi-o. The Oakaloosa packing-houso has if shut down because of a scarcity of hogs. The Presbyterians of Oskaloosa have > contracted for a now churh to cost $10,900. Oov , Sherman has consented to ad dress a scldiors * reunion at Nevada next August. Thomas Harrison , the sensational boy prenchor , will bo an attraction at Clear Lake July 501. The S'gournoy creamery began operations last week. The Kcviow is highly elated over the fact , Atlantic must subscribe stock to the amount of $15,000 before she c.in got the Holly system of waterworks. The Mitchell county papers record the fact that school teachers are scarce there and that many more are wanted , Work has commenced on the now Washington hotel at Cherokee. The improvements involve an outlay of $15,000. Emma Mocks , a young woman at Marshalttown. attempted to commit suicide the other day by taking a dose of poison. An old man named Thayer was found drowned in a crPok near Wash ington. An empty whisky llask was found in his pocket. , A brute named John McClinthan was run out of Monfroao beciuso ho attempted to rape his own sister. Ho wont to Kookuk. An insane man in Polk county has become impressed with the idea that another Hood is impending , and ho la engaged in building an ark. Airs. Lev ! Kottorinij , of LaPorto City , committed suicide by jumping into an old wel1. She had been in sane for several days post. In Hancock county recently a ! < ! months-old child of Martin Peterson toddled away fro.ii the house and was found drowned in a slough , A colored brother undertook to kill himiclf at Brooklyn last week , and managed to cut his throat pretty badly. Cause his true love wont back on him. Deacon Harnoy made the acquaint ance at DCS Moincs of a slick rascal who gave the name of Stearns , and was inveigled into cashing a worthless chock for $250. In the vicinity of Aplington , Will McD.tniel , only eighteen years old , becoming intoxicated , laid down on the railroad track , and was run over by the midnight train and cut in two. The Columbus Safeguard complains that in certain localities of the coun ty wolf raising scorns to be carried on to a large extent by parties , and then killed in order to sccuro their scalps. The management of the Coo college at Cedar R ipids are taking stops to raise $25,000 to bo applied towards the erection of a now building , which when completed will luivo cost ยง 150- 000. 000.Mrs. Mrs. DoLonu , wife of Lieutenant DeLpng , commander of the Jeannette Arctic expedition , who is residing in Burlington with her brathor-in-law , Gen. S. L. Glasgow , when the news of the death of her husband was broken to her , yielded to intense grief and was utterly prostrated. ( At Tipton recently , Bob McKee was found in his office with his throat horribly cut. Ho lived only a few hours. A lack of business is said' by the Conservative to have boon the cause of his suicide , but most proba bly there was flomothinp else wrong , us no ono need lack work in Iowa. Now Yorlc Postofflco. Wm. H. Wareing , esq , assistant general superintendent 3rd division mailing and distributing department Now York p'jstoflico , in writing concerning - corning St. Jacobs Oil Bays ; The re ports irom the several superintendents mid clerks who have used the Oil a reo in praising it highly. It has bean Found eilicacious in cuts , burns , soro- iiesa and stiffness of the joints and ; muscles , and aflords a ready relief for rheumatic complaints. ' A COLLAPSED CIRCUS. Cooper , Jackson & Co. Closed at Creston Building Kotos , Etc. ft Cl ZorrcspanJence of The Her. ; CKKSTON , Iowa , May 10 Cooper , Jackson & Co.'a circus and animal ihow exhibited in this city on Satur- lay evening and afternoon to a fllitn louao , and on the following morning .ho sheriff of Union county levied an xecution on the whole outfit to aatlafy nortgagos amounting to $19,000 , duo parties In Now York , Cincinnati and 3t. Louis. Over 100 men are thereby hrown out df employment without a lollar. Much blame is laid on the nanagors for their action in the matf cr. Out of thirty shown only two aid expenses. The cnuso of the 'ailuro is supposed to be duo from amy weather and hard times. Our city ia full of atir and building 0 going ou of every kind. The Bry- nor brick block in Hearing comple- ion , and whun furnished vrill be one f the finest in the city. The material ifV. . W. Kelly's now block ia mostly m the ground , The weather is now pleasant , yet ool. ool.About About one-third of the corn is ilnntod , and with u few warm days ho hopes of the farmere will bo fully eatorod. Diatriet court now in DCS- ion. No C.XHOS for trial this term vorthy of note. ANON. TOPICS FROM TABOIl. 0 rohlbltlon MovomontB-Poraonal - General Itoiiiu , F Correepondenccof the lice. TAUOK , Iowa , May 15. The pro- libitory amendment now pending in ur sluto is receiving much attention I rom the pooplu of Tabor. There ib I lot nor has there over been a saloon vithin the limits of our town , but our iitizens nro not unmindful of the locda of other places , and en the 27th f Juno will heaitily ondoavorto "turn jack Fharoah's army. " 0. L. Day , Sidney , Hon of Juuge Day , of the owa uupromo court , addressed our luoplo on the prohibition issues last I'huraday evening m the college ihupel. Hu was formerly a student this school and has now two broth- irs and a sister in attendance The louse was crowded , and all felt well aid. The prominent young mon of tlio county nro almost a unit for the nmondtnont. A temperance convention was hold fit Sidney last Saturday , 300 people being present , although the farmers nro very bu y with their corn plant ing. 1'rcs. Win. M. Brooks , of Tnbor colloco , is president of the society ami presided nt the convention. Several speakers from abroad were expected , but failed to arrive. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster arrived in Hastings on the morning train from the 1 ? lulls , but not in time for the morning train on I ho branch , and did not reach Sidney till 7 J > . in. The Presbyterian church was tilled M BOOH as her arrival was an * notmccd by the bull , and oho delivered a forcible lecture on the amendment from n constitutional standpoint. At the session in the afternoon $2-.25 ! ! ) was raised to aid the cause iii the state and county , by procuring speakers , distributing temperance litcraturo , etc. The society will furnish the county papers with prohibition supple ments. President Brooks returned a few weeks ago from a trip to Now En gland , and received while away up wards of $4,000 in cash contributions to our college. Mies Binnio DeForest and her brother , of San Jose , Californiagave ( an elocutionary entertainment in the Congregational church last Wednes day evening to n fair audionco. They nro good artists and Tabor would bo pleased to have thorn call ngnin. J. I'1. Sanborn , M. D. , D. D. S. , attended the mooting of the State Dental association at Dos Moines last we'jk. The doctor is in the front ranks of his profession , ilo road two essays before the association , one of which appeared in the Register. Professor Bottit , of Chicago , is con ducting n musical convention hore. Several of the students wont to the Blutfc Friday to hoar llomonyl. Small pox being so near as Plaits- mouth , is giving our physicians some vaccinating to do , although most of our citizens were vaccinated in the winter. Tabor college is in n nourishing condition and has a bright future. Commencement will take place from the llth to the Hth of Juno and prep arations are now making for the same. Mora about the school in the future. AUNTY BKLLUM. FLIKS AND 11UG3. I'lies , roaches , autg , bedbugs , rat' , mice , eojihers , chipmunkx , cleared out by "Koushon HiU" llic. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific II 19 a pool\ocuro ; for HpermUoirho * , 8emln IVeOKuosw. Imtiotancy , Mid all dlseiuoe resulting Irom Suli-AriUHo , us Moutil Anxiety , Loaai Memory , Pains In the Back or Bide , nuJ disease * * --i' " ' AVTElt Coniumptlon Insanity an curly iru re o Specific Uodlclno It being mod with wonder ful SUCCeiiS. 1'a.mphloU cut free lo all. Write for them and get lull par- ktculari. Prtco , Specific , 11.00 per package , or etx pack * igos for 16.00. Address all ordera to B. 8IM80N MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main Ot Buflilo , N. V. SoM In Omaha by 0. F. Ooodman , J. W. lielt , J. K. lib. and all Tiie Great Lngiish Kemetty .NoTor . falls to cuio Nervous Debility , VItal - [ tal Kxhaustlon , Kmls- Jilons , Seminal Wcak- ncs c , LO8TMAN HOOD , and all the \t\ \ II effects of youth' llul follies and execs- tos. It Btopa pcrma liently all ncakonlnt ; . linvoluntnry IOIIH sand trains upon the HH- J-eni , the Inevitable re- ' ult of thcso ovilprao. tlcci , which uro so dcfltrnollvo to mind and body mil make llfo inlseriblo , often leading to Imanl- ly and death It ntroim'thoiu the Nervun.llraln , memori ( Wood , Musclon , Plifcotho and Kcpro- iluctlvo OTOUIH. It runtoros to all the oriraiilo tunotl'-ns their former vlxor and vitality , ma- kliiit life cheerful and unjojnblo. 1'rieo , ? 3a 'lottlo , or four times Uo quanilty 10. Sent by jjcpross , occure from observation , to any address , an receipt of price. No. 0. O. IJ. dent , except DII receipt of 1 as a ifuarantuo. Letters rj- jucitliiK answers must Incloio stamp. Dr. Militia's Dandelion Pills ire , tlj best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous uro 11 the market. Bold by all druggists. Price 0 cents. IR ) MINTIB'S KIDXBT Ilmiiinr , NBPRBTICUM , Jurcstll kind of Kidney and bladder comnlalnto. ronorrhea , gleet and leucorrhea. For ealu by all ( "C"tKNaLIBItltlJIEDICALINSTlTUTK. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by fl Jan2&-1v nfi SYPHILIS n any sUija Catarrh , EOZKftIA , 3ld Sores , 5 I'imploa , BOILS , or uny 3kin Biseas . | Juras When Hot Springs Fail MAVIIIIN , AUK. , Miv 2. 1831 Vfa ) nvu CKO Iri niir o'i t ) * ll who lived at , P'l'l were lln illy curoil with H. H , H. Miwvr. Vuu iloulit.uoma KJ u ) lit itiid \ f.ViljI. . IUIIK YOUHOIUIiarco nothlni : 11 Write for lartlculars and copy of little Hook otho Unfnrtiinatfl inRi'rliK' OOU KnwnrU will bit | am to uj heiulbt nlio will llnu , on amijeU 1'X ) batthut tl. B.ono nartlcluof Jlercury Iodide 1'oUn urn or any illnorul nubsUntu. BWIrT BI'KiJIflU CO. Hro ; * . Atlanta , 1'rlco of Hmall site , 1.00. Lur e Miu $1,76. bold liy KKNNAHI ) I1UOH. fc OO . FASTJTIME Ea.it talu tht ' Trains leave Omibt i.iO p. m anil 7:10 : a. m. Hull Inlortuatlon uillou II. 1' . DUKV Ticket Lgeut , Htli anil F rnham riU. J. 11KLL. U. P. tUlway Depot , or at J Ail Ed T. UtAIlK , ( leaer- j , Oaiili * . | 17mie tl DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? . HOTELS. ARLINGTON. SARATOGA HOTEL. MARSH MOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSC , CITY HOTEL , COMMEROIAL HOTE _ GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , COMMEROIAL HOUSE OREENWOQD HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , CNO'B HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , MORGAN HOUSE , OUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKCR HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOI EL COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , OOMMEROAL HOTEL , DAQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , OALL HOUSE , COMMEROIAL HOUSE WOODS HOUSE , DOUQLA8 HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLKJUNCTION HOUSE WIN8LOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE CROZIER HOUSE AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE CENTRAL HOUSE J , Q. MclNTIRE , J. 8. 3TELLINIUB , E. MANS , JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL , CHENEY & CLARK , J. Q. MEAD , 5.JSEYMOUR , P , L. THORP , A. O. OAARPER , W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. L. ENO , O. D. HACKNEY , FRANK LCVELL , E. L. GRUUU , SWAN & DECKER , QEO. OALPH , O.M. REYNOLDS , D. H , WALKER , 8. DURQE8S , Dl A.WILLIAMS , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQO , J.'L. AVERY , J , W. DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , CHAS. DAQNELL , WM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , D , F. STEARNS , JOHN EOKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM , J. T. QDEEN , J. M. DLAOK & SON , A. T. POTTER , Q. MCCARTY , M. D. JONE8 , O. R. OROZIER , D. W. ROCKHOLD , Towxr | Lincoln , Net J Mllford , N b.l DROWN8VILLE , Neb Btromibura rt Louisville Olalr , Neb. * j Nellnh. Neb. f Nibratkn City , f b ' WeeplngVYVitar.Na HrtPdy , Neb , . Greenwood , Neb ) ' - } Otarlnda , Iowa Eremont , N b. " | Ashland , Neb } Atklnton , Nab. Qnlda Recd , Nib , Oreston , la. Exlrn , In. ' Atlantic , U Audubon , la. Neoln , In. ' Harlan , la , Cornlnc , l , { Otanton , Durllngton Junction , M ] Dlanchard , la. 6henandoah , I * . ; Dayld Olty , Nab i CollcKe Springs , la. t ' Vllll.ca , In. Malvern , la , Ida Qrovo , la Odebolt , la Oiceola , Neb. Olarks. Nab. Bedford la. Marjsvllla Ma NorfolkJunctlonNeb Seward , Neb. AuroarNet. Sidney , Neo. j Avoca la. ) LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Oak. Shelby , Shelby County , Iowa. [ ON THE HOOK ISLAND H. B. Canghran & Davis Bank J. Dow & .Co Steam Elevator Avery , Spanglor & Co Steam Elevator Abbott & Cooper Steam Elevator J. A. Green Farm Implements Moans Bros * Farm Implements J. lloinomund Hardware and Implements J. W. Garmong Hardware and Implements M. T. Stanley Lumber Albortos it Dohrman Lumber llorton Bros Livery Bopot & Simpson Livery J. W. Green Boots , Shoes and Clothing W. F. Cleveland General Merchandise ' . t R. 0. Clapp General Merchandise % J. W. Campbull General Merchandise R. M. Pomeroy General Merchandise L. Bonham Hotel F. S. Gilliland Central House 0. L. Cottrell Restaurant and Confectionery E A. Tryon Restaurant and Confectionery Davis & Go Drugs A. J. Marshall Drugs J. C. Benne Furniture R W. Peterson Jewelry Mrs. J. M. Buahfiold Millinery Store Mrs. J. G. Miller Millinery Store Miss M. L. McDonald Millinery Store T. W. Chatburn Mill J. G. Blessing ' Harness Clias. H. Shultis Harness 0. W. Domotto , M. D ; ' Physician R. E. Kuhn ' ' . Physician J. W. Campbell , M. D , Physician George Getty . - " f Law John Sandham : ' Mayor J. H. Shivoly Poatoflico and Insurance H. J. Smith Blacksmith F. Kiiosler Blacksmith F. 0.Mickey. . Bluoksmith VV. Goldner. Wagon Bhop C. II. Athorton Wngon Shop J. Morgan Moat Market Winters & Morgan Live Stock John Pomeroy Shelby Nowa * VV. M. McCown Justice 3. II. Cranmor Principal Public Schools Mining and Milling Company. . Working C pltaH . . . . . . . . . 8300,000. 3ipltalSiock , . . . . . . . . . Jl,000,000 Par Value ol 8h rc , . . . - | - - . . . 2fi,000 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING D1BTBIOT. DR. J. I. TIIOJJAB , Freddcnt , Gumming , Wyoming. WM. B , TIIYTON , VlcO'Pretldent , Onmmlot , Wyomlnf , E , N. IIAUWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming , A , 0. LUNN , Treuurer , Oummlni , Wyomln i Jr. 3. I. Thomtg. Loulg Miller W. 8. Bramel. A.O.Dunn , , N. Uurwood. Francis Leavens. Uco , II. Faloa. L wli Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Walking. inJmo5m OKO. W. KKNDALU Authnrlf nd Agent for Bale nt Stock ! & * * n . > . veh. CENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. he Moit 8ucce ful Remedy ever dlnvov red. aa It IdcorUln In IUclvct and doun not llmur. ItKAU 1'KOOK JiKlAMV , AUn oncollent ir liuinaii.rluHli. 'ROM A PfiOMINBNT PHYSICIAN. WaxhliiKtcndllu , Ohio. Juno 17 , 1U31. lu. . J. KKSHALL , &Co. : Ocnt Itenllnif jourud. ertUoniDiit In Turf , Field and Farm , ol your eml ill' * Hjiavln Cure , a d linvuii ; a valuable ud utecdy horiu which had hcun limu ( roai ) ttvln lor elul.tuuu innntlH , I uuiit 10 > ou ( or a oltlu Ly cxjiruug , wlidh 1 1 nix uuokd ruinovtd II laiiienrsd and unlartremont and a Iari ( Bpl'iit ' rom another liornu , and both horw.il are to-uay Dtounil nj ci.lti" . Thuonu bottlu waa worth lo HI ana hundred dollars , lluiji 'utlully OMH , H. A. UKHTOIKrT , M , 1 * . Hond for Illustrate ! circular KHIIIK ) > otiltl\ roof , I'rlco l. All DrinriiUt ! havu It or can ct It for you. Dr. II. J Huiidall It Co1 , 1'ro- rlvtort , KnoHliurgh Kalln , Vt JOLt ) BY AL.L. DRUGQISrS. "PILES ! PH.ES1 PILE81 \ Sure Cure Found at Laotl No Oaf-Tfwul Hnffnr ! A ourocure for Hlluu , UlcculuK , Itching and Ilcorated I'lioj ban been dl covcred hy Ui.VII cm , ( an Indlin rctnody , ) lulled Dr. Will uni'a uUUn Ointment. A nln le box IIM ciireit tbe roretclironlc uaat of SCor BUjtam ctandlcx. No ne neoU inffor flvo minutes niter applying this .uuilorful uoothlni ; iiitdlclno , Lotion * , Irittru- n'utu aud I'luctuarl'M do lucre hirm than oed , V'llllam'n Ointment bhBorbi the tumorn , aU ! > ho tntrime Itching , ( partlailoily ut nlL-ht after ettlnir win in In bed , ) aou M aiioultlcu , nlvit ) in- taut and iK.lnlw relief , and ! imr inro < J only lor 'lien. Itchlni ; ol the prlnte part * , aud lor tiotu Head what trie IIou J. It , Oolflnbtrry ol Cle > e- iml iys alxiut Dr. WilllamV Indian I'llc Olul- nit : I ham uird * co/i-a < i ( IMIo euro , * ud It dordaiuep ta ur lo 4y that I li\t never found nylhlne wlikli g vo luui luuitiillAtd and j-erum ioiit rullel MI Dr. WillUm' * ( udltu Oliitciint. for ule by ) l Jrug lftaor uj ! l d oil letolpt ItENHY ( to CO. . Prop' * * . , OtJIVlLiKI ) , 01117. For tail by 0. t GojJra u. OR AY'S SPECIFIC BHIDIOINEi TRADIT v MAHIC English rem edy , Anuri- falllnir euro for Heinlna ) Weakness , Sporuiator * rlua , Impot- nd follow as a sequence ol AFTER TARIrlQ. rJoll'AliiKo ; us Loon ol Memory , Universal La si- | tudo , I'aln In the Hack , Dimness ol VMon , I're- I inatura Old Ago , and many other Creases that lead to Immnlty or Cousutnptlon and a Prema ture 0 rave. faTKull particulars In our pimnhlet , which wo desire to ecnd tree I r mall to oeryone. < aTYIie HHilflc | Uedlclue ii told by nil diuggiala at Jlper packane , or ( Ijucki.'e * tor 5 , or will be Bunt Ircu by mill on rest j'tof the money , by - - - - TUB QUA 1EDICINKCO , , Uuffalo , N , Y. NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Gnrn Onarantoad- Dr. K. 0. U'ejtii Nervit and llraln Treatmeni A upocllle for llydttrla , Dlczlnetui , Convuliloni. Nervous Headache , Mentil Uepruwlon , Loss of lUmory.Spurmatarrhotia , lui poteiuy , Int oluutary Kmiu > Ion , Prmaturo Old Auo , caused by ovtr- exertlon , self atuee , or o\er-tudul eiico. which leads to misery , decay and death. One box will euro recent caaea. Hi h box contains ono month's treatment. One dollar a hax , or < ix boxes for the dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of iirli.ii.Vo uarintcu nil boxes tu euro any c sj. With each order received by us for * lx box9u , us- couipaulvd wltli Qvu dollart ) , will send the | < ur- cha er ur written ( 'iurwiteo to return the monvy If the tre&tmeuc doay not eff ct ucure. U. t , Qoodtnan , DrwifUt , Scti ) . WholeiuU and ru.-ul A uut , Oiiuii , Neb , Orders by null at lUUIUnr'iv. ' . rf * . > if _ W , d , CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Ovni - - Irjut Koouulouetk're ' ) In Uioioom luiilltoi , | V , W , co Qr Vlttamtb a