Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1882, Image 1

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A Livo'y ' Eow Over the Question
in tin ] Homo of Commons ,
Oladstono Indignantly Repels
the Taants of Buckshot
A Liberal Exchange of Lies
Between the Opposing
Factions ,
The Bgrypiian Ministers Tewka
Tumble aud Kiesed the
Khedive's Too.
A Stock Jobbing Canard Jmljj-
xnent In the Ring ; Theater Fire.
a ?
A Variety of Important Items from
Our .Northern Neighbor.
LONDON , May 10. In answer to
Sir Stullord Northcoto in the house of
Tj-J commons to-day , Gladstone declared
- the iclease of Davitt and the ausgecta
* * r had nothing to do with the arrears of
J * rent bill , ono having no connection
* ifo with the other.
Sir William Harcourt declared that
the goverment was bound to release
the suspects when they desired to
icstoro peace ,
Forster said that ho would , when
chief secretary for Ireland , have re
leased the suspects , but they refused
to give the promise ho wanted , which
was publicly undertaking to cease op
posing the execution of the law.
M . Chamborlaitr president of the
board of trade , atated that when Par-
neil was released from prison he was
absolutely unaware of how the gov
ernment meant to dent with the ar
rears of rent and othorquestions. He
denied that the government had
' pledged themselves to the suspects ,
and said ho believed the government
did right in obtaining the information
contained in the letter written by
Purncll before his release from prison
to Mr. O'Shea , home rule member for
the county Clare. Chamberlain in
sisted that Davitt'a name was not
mentioned , although Forster had delay -
lay , d it , and eaid rho word "conspira
cy" was not used.
Forster 1 adhere to the statement ,
that the word "conspiracy" was used.
/ Gladstone , amidst wild excitement ,
indignantly repelled the accusations
and denounced Forster as having
given the lie to a member's statement.
There is no foundation fur the ru
mor circulated in America that Queen
Victoria had been assassinated. Thu
report when telegraphed hero created
great surprise , and was laughed aa &
"stock jobbing canard. " *
ST. PETERSBURG , May 10. Gen.
Kaufman is dead.
LONDON , May 10.Miss Burke ,
sister of the late Under Secretary
Burke , has be mi granted a pension of
400 per annum ,
OAIUO , MAY 10 L'hu ministers -
ters had au audiencetoday
i with the khediw , during which
they implored his pardon for
their late action in attempting to de
pose him and protested their loyalty
and complete submission to the
regime , and in token thereof kissed
his hands and garments. Six iron
clads have arrived outiido the port of
VIENNA , May 10. Judgment in
the case of persons on trial in con
nection witli the Ring theatre fire has
been delivered , II err Jannbr hua
been sentenced to four months simple
arrest and a Cup of 5UO florins , and
Inspector Gerniger to eight months
imprisonment , and Iltrr Mitcher to
eight months imprisonment.
Rrtloiul Asooclated Prew
MONTREAL , May 10. Sir Hugh
Allen has received a mossngo from
Capt. Ritchie , of tlu ship Peruvian
which ia fast in the ice off Capo Ray ,
stating that all the blades of the pro
peller have been lost ; that the vessel
is provisioned for another nineteen
days , and that there urj O.'U porsonB
on board.
Prof , Vennpr , the Oaimdid weather
prophet , predicts fair with exceed
ingly windy weather for thu queen's
birthday , May 2irh , A cold period a
day or two prior to theti will terrain
ate abruptly in the evening with warm
The firat batch of Jowsh emigrants
from Russia arrived this morning.
The farmers were forwarded to Mani
toba ; the tradesmen were sent to Now
York. They complain that tickets is
sued to them by the Mansion house
committee in London , state that
bread and trimmed meat were to bo
furnished for the whole voyage. They
eay they had no moat , and had to pay
for all they eat. They will sona a
Utomont of the abuvo fact to the
lord mayor of London.
DANVILLE , Q lebuc , May 1C , A
fire which occurred litre Sunday after
noon destroyed between fifty and sixty
buildings during two hours. The
principal losera were : Goodhuu &
"Son , tannery ; loss $50,000 , insurance
§ 13,500 ; J 0. Smckwell , poitollico
and store and dwelling § 21,000 , in
surance $9,000 ; G G Oirter , § 5,000 ,
insurance § 3,000 ; Dr , Danke , Rev.
J. MclOllnn , F , A. Brien , Mrs.
McOowun , F. A. Dn.ko . and W. N.
Mountain , $2,000 each. The total
loss IB about $110,000 Two hundred
people were rendered homeless , fifty
of whom are left utterly destitute.
OTTAWA , Out. , May 1C. It U Bug-
trostid in the fishery department Ilia
the United States government b
requested to refund to Great Britain
$220,230 unexpended baUnco afto
settling nil claims nf the $700,000
tnid to the United Stit s by Grea
Britain in satisfaction of America !
fishermen's claims in connection will
the Fortune Bay trouble.
TonoHTo , Out. , May 10 There is
trouble among the letter carriers on
account of the appointment of a col
ored carrier , the first colored appoint
ment in the civil service.
Nfttlonkl AaxjclMed I'teis.
LOUWULB , Ky. , M y 10 , The
spring meeting of the Louisville
JocKty club opened to-day. Four
uvents were on the programme. Firsl
race , three-quart * rs of a mile , for ol
ages , was won by Gen. Matthews
Mnmrnoniit second ; time 1:10 : j.
Second race , milo and a quarter , for
l nijt'i , was won by Glidoa ; time
Tmrd race , Kentucky Derby for
) -yoar-oIda , milo nod a half , was won
iy Apollo , running very. strong ; Fa
vorite second ; 'timo 2:40 : $ .
Fourth race , one mile heat , was won
yy Bramballetta in two straight heats ,
Alwinue second ; time 1OOJ : , 1:45 : } .
ALBANY , N. Y. , May 1C. Troya 0 ,
Providences 11.
WORCESTER , Msss , May 10 , Bos
tons 7 , Worcestors 10.
DETROIT , Mich. , May 1C. Datrolts
! , Clovulatids 3.
) olitaiiB 0 , Philadelphia 4.
OAKDALI : PARK , Philadelphia , Pa. ,
May 1C. Luuisrilvs ( 3 , Athletics 5.
NEW YORK , May I'O. The prize
ight between Charlis Norton and
lames F. Rawley , light weights , who
iavo fought several hard battles in
ho ring , took plsca to-day in a struc-
uro 011 Coney Island , known as "Tho
Jam. " About 200 persons wore
iresent , Norion was the favorite ,
HOO to $75. Norton weighed 132
lounds , Riwlcy 110 , Three rounds
weio foucht in a rattling style , at the
ndof which Riwloy was unable to
aise to his feet and the second throw
p the epongo. Time 5 minutes.
PHILADELPHIA , May 10. The open-
nu day of the spring trotting meeting
t Point Breeze park resulted aa fol-
ows :
Three minute class was won by
Toung Fuller/ton , O'Connor second ,
3fmrlotto Oushman third ; best time ,
8:15 : }
2iJO : class was won by J. P. Mor
is , Croxio second , Humbrjldtthird ;
beat time , 2:20 : . _ ' *
Toxai Itcmi- -
National AwocUtod k-rew.
DALLAS , Texns 1C. The funeral of
Judge 0. M. Wirikler , of the court of
opi'uls , took place at Corsicana and
was the most imposing ceremony of
its kind ever witnessed in the state.
It was numerously attended by
Knights Templar , of which the de
ceased was past captain. *
Latest advices from McAllister are
to the tffect that CO persons are yet
under treatment , ten of whom cannot
A drunken crntjd California ! !
created much conMi-rnatiou on the
east bound Pacific express this niorn-
inir b > dranin a revolver on the pas-
SHtigern anil threatening to shout. Ho
wan disarmed bv two rangers and
gave lun name at R S. Swain , of San
Jose , lie claims to have had a tooth
ache and taking whisky to case it ,
which had the eilect of making him
believe the train , waa besot by robbers.
Destructive Flood * .
National AnxoclatoU I'reua
NEW ORLEANS , May 10. A special
from Camden , Ark. , says : "Wovaro
witnessing ono of the greatest over-
( lows known to the oldest sottlera.
The river is 45 feet- above low water
mark and raising two inches an hour ,
Plantations are under water , crops
ruined , stock for several miles east all
drowned , houses , mills , fences , vast
quantities of timber fill the surface of
the current , aud devastation is visible
from every quarter. "
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , May 1C. The
water of the Schuylkill is rising six
inches an hour. Fears are entertained
of a great flood at Conshocken. The
lower stories of mills and houses are
flooded ; also coal aid lumber yards.
The road to Fairmount park is now
under water.
Ten iron and woolen mills on the
banks ot the Schuylkill liver between
hero and Norristown , Pa . had to close
on account of the flood. The larceat is
that of the Campbell manufacturing
company , employing 1,000 hands.
The total number of people who will
bo thrown out of work for at least the
balance of thu week is over 2,000.
Dispatches from adjacent counties re
port streams immorally over their
banks and flooding farms ,
The Fatal Opium Habit.
National Associated L'resa.
PORTLAND , Oregon , May 1C.
Charles A. Ball , at ono time a prom
inent lawyer , but who acquired the
opium habit several years , was found
at eleven oclock this momine on a
bed in a opium joint in the Chinese
quarter , dead. There were three oth
er beds in the room , on ono of which
was an opium lay out The surround
ings were indescribably filthy and
wretched. Ball went to the joint at
eleven o'clock last night , was left
alone at sir this morning , and when
found at cloven had been dead several
hours , The coroner will hold un in
The NarthoratPuoific.
National Asi iciatod IVe-g ,
ST , PAUL , Minn , , May 10. Vico-
President Oakes , of the Noitliern Pa
cific , returned to SI. Paul Tuesday
from a trip to the end of the track.
In an interview Oakes said two sur
veys nro now going on in the National
Park region ono from Benson's
Landing , five miles , and ono from
Bozeman , sixty mil , which will not
bo coropkto until the and of the BUM-
mor. Regarding the territory ii
which the Northern Pacific , nnd Utal
it Northern roads are mutually inter
ested , no arrangement has been made
nbout buildintf lines in the Montana
Division of the territory. Oakes
loaves to-night for Chicago and the
National Associated ftaa.
NKW YOHK , May 10. Judge
Daniel's this afternoon gave ft decision
upon the motion for a now trial in the
case of Augustus D. Leighton , who is
now under sentence of death , the ox
ccution being fixed for Friday next ,
The judge , after renewing the evidence -
donco and law bearing upon it , de
cided the motion must bo denied and
the prisoner sent back to the Tombj ,
the woman who was qhot by her atop
son , Thos. McCabr' , on Saturday eve <
ning last , and who has been in New
York hospital for treatment , died at
10 o'clock this morning.
HAYEK , May 10. W H.
Hunter , foreman of a blacksmithing
istablisliment , testified ho saw Jennie
Cramer Friday night before her body
was found in company with another
woman and three young man on flying
liorscs at the grove at Sabine Rock.
Miss Jonmo Kendrix , who was
with Hunter and his wife that night ,
corroborated his statements. She
icard J ennin Bay on tht flying horses ,
"My God , I'm poralyeed. "
Mrs. Matilda J. Inwood testified
iho saw Jennie Cramer with James
Vlalloy on the flying horses the
night before her dead body was
bund as late as four o'clock , and
icard Jennie beg them to stop tle
lorso , saying : "Oh , God ! Stop the
lorses , " but James said : "So go on , "
iVhen Jennie got oft she was pale and
rightcned , and the young woman
who was with her , naid the motion
lad paralyzed her.
Jos H. Marain , who was ongaaed
n running flying howos , swore posi-
ively that Jennie Cramer was not
on the fljing horeot after nine o'clock
hat afternoon. Ho did not BOOany
uch party as Mrs. Inwood and her
mother-in-law and her daughter and
ricnd , Mrs. Sykos , describ
d. Tim is firot discrepancy in
.ho . testimony of the prooocutioi 9
NEW YOHK , May 16. A warrant
igned by the United States commie-
loner in Brooklyn was yesterday
) laced in the hands of Deputy Unit nt
States Marshal Bernhardt , who , ac
companied by one of hia lieutenants ,
started for Fort Hamilton , took a rev
enue cutter from the battery and'pro-
ceodod'io-overhaul an English sailing
vessel that was making ita way slowly
out of the bay. Going on board they
arrested a deserter from the army
who claims to bn a British subject. He
was returned to his quarters st the
ort , 'Iho incident gave rise to a
opart that the United States marshal
lad gone to take prisoners certain
ussengors on the Scythia who wore
uspected ot having been implicated
n the late Dublin murder.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 10. At
n early hour thii morning au officer
noticed a colored man standing on
ho bank of the river a' the foot of
Valnut ntrcct. In a few moments ho
jlungod in. Ho made but a brief
trugglo and then sank. No effort
las been made to recover the body
nd iio clue has been obtained to his
A. J. Walton was arrested to day
m the charge of embezzling $1,000
rom G. A , Stone , a nursery man of
liio pity.
John Jones shot and mortally
wounded JOB. Gettory hero this morn-
ng. They quarrelled over a prosti-
uto. Jones escaped after the shoot-
ng to Kansas , and has not yet been
"Nosey" O'Brien , of Chicago , a
well known thief , was arrested hero
o-day as a vagrant.
The Tennessee Bond Question.
ikUoual Associated I'retw.
NAHHVILLB , Tonn. , May 10. Thn
jondhnldera' proposition to sottU the
obt will be taken np by the house
Strlbo Ended.
National Aigoclattxl 1'rea * .
WARREN , 0. , May 10. The iron
workers' strike IB ended by mutual eon-
essions , and fires wore lighted this
noruing ,
OlHoor and Fiiiouor Both Killed.
National Aneocmeu f reae ,
NEW ORLEANS , Ls. , May 1C.
} apt. Sharp , of the steamer Minnie ,
tatod that on Tuesday a detective
with a posse captured , five miles bo-
ow Trinity , Li. , a man named Allen ,
a fugitive from Arkansas , charged
with the murder of his grand-aon , and
Lllen'a son , charged with murder.
? hey resisted arrest and shot thu do-
octivo , who in turn shot old man
Lllen. The detective and Allen both
Jed shortly after. The son escaped
uring the night during a rainstorm.
Fir eg.
flitonal Associated Vtcun.
'illsbury & Ilulbort'a elevator was
otally destroyed by fire late last
light. The fire caught in the cupola
rom an unknown cause. A largo
uantity of wheat wau stored in the
lovotor. Loss on building , $9,000 ;
oss on wheat , unknown.
Marino lutelligouce ,
'atlonal Auoclatetl Preai ,
NEW YORK , May 10. Sailed-The
Abyssinia , for Liverpool.
SOUTHAMPTON , May 1C. Arrived
'ho Kroinprinz , thu Wtlhelm and the
labsburg from Now York for Bre
men.LivEsrocL , May 1C Sailed The
City of Richmond tor New York.
NEW YORK , May 10. Arrived
Scythia from Liverpool.
National Banks and Bonded
Whisky the Only Matters of
Importance Bofora
Congress ,
Senator Beck Indulges in an
Extended Period of Dis
tilled Spirits.
An Important Amendment to
the Patent LawsPasood
by the Houeo.
Stur Router Doreoy Surprises
the Prosecution and Post
ponement Result ,
Bribery nnd Offlcial DoTjrinoherjr
tfaonrthod in the Qnnrtor-
mtwtor'i OfSoo.
A Variety of Other Itotne.
National AiKxlaUd Prcu.
WASHINGTON , May 16. Several
witnesses from Colorado appeared
> eforo the grand jury ia the star
rOUtO Cases.
At iho opening of court in ) ( ha alar
route cases , Marshall announced that
J. W. Dorsey could not bo found.
J. W. Djrsoy arose in the nudionco
and announced his presence. Ho
said ho had boon in the city the past
ton days and pleaded not guilty. The
prosecution asked for postponement ,
saying they wuro taken by surprise
and wore not ready to go ont
Adjourned till Thursday. .
Sawyer testified before the commit-
eo ot investigation of the charges of
corruption in the quartermaster's de-
> artmont , that ho paid McFarland ,
vhdo clerk there , $50 for securing an
alloivauo , and that ho kno * McFar-
and received $4,000 on accouutof the
timoua Rugs ; Fort claims. Siwyer'a
examination will bo continued.
At the cabinet meeting to-day the
organization of the tariff commission
was discussed. Among othep 'things
aoveral names wuro proposid , but
uouo settled upon. t , > * '
Tallow and dairy. prudes , dating
the month of ApriluiUL > i.ntufU > $ UC , '
034 44 , being $2,000,000 loss than for
April last year.
In the Arizona mining case Sccre-
ary Teller rendered n decision that
he failure to file and advertise claims
within the prescribed period is a
waiver of any right of priority assert
ed by a previous location.
The cabinet held a three hour sea-
ion to-day , consulting over the case
of Sergeant Mason in all its bearing ,
it is believed a conclusion was reach
ed , but what it IB has not yet bien
made public.
In answer to official inquiry , Attor
ney General Brewster decides that the
iroviso of Sec 4714 of the Revised
Statutes atill authorise the acceptance
of a declaration mudo before a duly
qualified officer to exempt pension
laims from limitations as to data of
iliug altogether. The declaration was
> rescribcd by a section now repealed.
} f Georgia seems to have been much
mproved in health during his ab-
once. Ho says he is now ready to
.o his share of work in the senate.
Colonel Casey presides over the an
nual convention of the Atnericau so-
iety of civil engineers. The annual
ddress was delivered thin morning ,
'he Washington monument will bo
nspoctod to-morrow and the Potomac
ata on Thursday.
tUUonal Associated FreM.
WASHINGTON , D , 0. , May 10.
Senator Hock made a speech in nup
> ort of his resolution to take action
3ii the house bill extending the bonded
teriod of distilled spirit ) as soon as
> racticablo , after the finance commit *
oo reports the same. Beck claims
ho hill was an honest means which
R-ould promote alike Hie interests of
ho dealer , the government and the
istillor ,
Senator Hampton reported favor ,
bly , from the military committee ,
ho bill for the erection of a monu-
nent to Major General DeKalb.
Senator Biyord roportdLjiom the
nance committee , the MB ( ( tending
he bonded period of whisky , amond-
ng the house bill , so as to limit the
orm to five years instead of eight.
Senator Blair followed Plumb on
ho 0 per cent bond bill , and after ox.
cutivo session , the senate , at 4:30 : p.
: n. , adjourned.
The bill to rooraugire the militia of
ho entire country as national guards ,
ho officers to bo appointed by the
> resdeiit ! , was refused consideration ,
m motion to suspend the rules , yeas
SI , nays 138.
The house passed by a vote of 150
o 48 the bill introduced by Mr. Bur-
ows ( Mich , ) preventing actions for
lamages for infringements on pat cuts ,
n all cases where the defendant pur-
liases the articles openly for a valuu-
> lo consideration fur personal use and
lot to manufacture.
Mr. Grapo'a bill to extend charters
of national banks was called up. Ho
poke an hour and a quarter , advoca-
ing its passage , favoring kcopinj. of
lational bunks in existence , but he
irould require them to keep ten per
ent of th ir reserve and redemption
uud in gold , nnd make every stock *
holder liable for double his slock , am
rach bank liable for the stock on their
book ? , so in case of failure ono am
all should bo liable for ita losses.
Mr. Buttorworth spoke in favor o !
the bill , praising the nation * ! banking
system , and presenting facts am
figure * in support of the ynleui aui
in favor of its continuance.
Mr. Browne spoke for an hour and
a half against the bill and in supporl
of the greenback theory , admitting
the national banking syt torn to bo the
best system the country ever had , but
holding that the issuing of money by
the government direct was far bettor.
The house then took recess at 5
o'clock until 7 for debate only.
There were only a dozen numbers
present at the evening session of the
house. Speeches wore made on the
national bank bill by Messrs. Brutnin ,
Holman , Hazlotino and Briggs. Ad
journed at 0:30 : p. in.
Phllndolphla FnoU-
.NV.Ion l Aiioclatcd FrcM.
PHILADELPHIA , May 10. Oliristnin
Ross , father of the long lost Uharlie ,
discredits the hona fulo allotted uts-
covery in Chicago. Ho has received
no oflicial advices on the subject nnd
lays there is hardly a week pastes but
! io receives a so-called clue which
proves worthless.
Apropos of the extensive move
ment among iron workers for an advance -
vance in wages , a number of promi
nent manufacturer * say they cannot
afiord it , and if the demand is persist
ed in the mills will bo closed until
there is an improvement in the busi-
It is understood that Yanderbilt
md Gowen will have conference in
London to-day. A private dispatch
received says a conGduntial letter h s
icon received in Now York from
President Go won to the lUVct that hu
iad an offer at for $30,000,000
[ leading railway consols , but ho
wanted 105. It was virtually settled
.his . afternoon that the Lohigh it
ichuykill anthracite coal mines shall
> o worked to their full capacity the
> alanco of the week , and that there
will bo a suspension of three days of
each week for the remainder of the
A decision wns rendered by the
supreme court in the celebrated Cam
eron will case , sustaining the docu
ment. The contestant was Mrs. Jane
Garrison , daughter of thu decasod ,
who received a legacy $100,000 , thu
> ulk of the immense estate going to
lur sister , who is the wife of Mr.
Packer , of the Luhiqh Valley railroad ,
who drafted the will. The decision
paid a high tribute to Mr. Pucker ,
vho had been seriously aspersed by
Judge Jeremiah Black and oilier coun
sel for the contestant.
In thepcaso of James D. Mathrop ,
chargejl , with embezzling , $3,000 f ,
shares in mining stock and $15,500 be
longing to Peter Hevoner , Iho Judge
ruledthat the latter charge couldn't
; o to the jury. The case was not con
cluded when the court adjourned.
This is the case which gave promi-
lenco to the Cochet claim , the stock
wing in payment for half of a share
> ought by Stewart from Havener ,
Stewart subsequently polling IIIB hold-
ng t ) Shipherd. 0 W. Brooks , ol
flew York was defendant's counsel.
Chief Justice Chaio'i Remains.
National Aiwouateil Prow
CINCINNATI , O , May 10 , Mrs.
vute Chaeo Sprague is coming hero
his week on invitation of citizens to
arrange for the transportation of the
remains of Salmon P. Chare from
Washington , to Spring Gravocomotory
n this city.
The Mnlno Republican Conven
National AfJOcliteJ Press. .
POUTLAND , May 16. The date for
ho republican state convention is
ixcd at Juno 15th.
The Ohio Up.
National Associated From
CINCINNATI , 0. , May 16 , The riv
er is up to a house in the lower part
of town for the seventh lime this year ,
National AMOcUtod Pceia
LONDOX , May 16. The liberal
> ress valiently attacks Mr. Forster
or causing thu parliamentary revola-
ion that the release of the suspects
was brought about by n bargain bo-
ween thorn and the government.
Had Times nnd High Price * .
fatlonil Awociated 1'ruM.
PHILADELPHIA , Po. , May 16 ,
> ading iron manufacture < f this
city have decided to reduce Iho price
of inm-bir from 2 8 10 to U 0 10 pur
mind under the sliding scale adopted
luno , 1889. It involve * u corn-Hpond-
ng decrease in wagea just at u time
when the men were contoinpUiiiii !
coking an advance. Tno latter hayo
mt yet. decided what action they will
ake , In consequence of the bad
tuto of trade textile fabric manufuc-
urers have decided to either stop
one Jiulf of the gingham and coarse
cotton goods looms or run on half
imo ; 2,000 weavero now earning $7 to
' 8 per week will under this arrange.
nent bo reduced one-half.
Nowtpaper Bnit.
National AHBOalated Preu.
CHIUAQO , May 10 , In the suit of
3ol. Gil. Pierce , late editor in chief of
The Inter-Ocean vs.\Vm. | Ponn'Nixon
, nd others , to compel the latter to
ulfil a contract and carry to fierce
8,000 stocks of the Inter-Ocean ,
Fudge Barnum decided to dismiss the
case to-morrow morning because the
contract was drawn too loosely to re-
sever indemnity , Meantime before
ho order of the court is filed , Piprco'a
counsel will be allowed to submit additional -
ditional authorities.
Imwloiineit in Old and Now Mexico
Nallonal Awoclktcd 1'rces.
Liiiruo , Tt-xns , May 16 , Indians
attacked a train on the Conception
oad , Mexico , yesterday and killed
ivo men and two women. They at-
aokod the Hucoindia of San Loreiuo
and killed two herdera.
Two aristocratlo youths , Emanuel
.Jisco and Utchards Youtalls , fought a
duel with iworda in Orixsba , MX. ,
yesterday , Both wcro badly wound
News from Grit tendon , N , M. , says
white laborers assaulted Chinese rail
road laborers and drove them from
camp , boating them terribly , and then
hung T. Scott , superintendent of con
struction , to a telegraph polo until he
promised to discharge the Chinese.
Secret noettlltloB In Vlrulnln Accord
ing to thu Code.
K IJon l AiwcUted Prrxu
RICHMOND , May 10. This morning
there were rutuois of a hostile meet
ing about to take place between Now
York parties , which caused the fact
to bj elicited that J. F. Imibot , ac
companied by his friend , E. A. Bru-
giore , arrived huro last night and reg
istered at the Exclmngo hotel. This
morning they luft on the Ilichmnnd
& Allcyhany nuho&d and disembarked
at Cedur Point , about thirty miles
from hrro. Here it was they ex
pected to miot Mr. Turnbull to settle ,
according to the cede , the dilllculty
originating in the Union club in Now
York last wint.r. _ Up to this hour
nothing authentic lias been reported ,
but rumor says thomuotingto k place
and Turnbull was hurt.
Mr. Liubvt and friend returned to
this city to-night about 10 o'clock.
No hostile meeting occurred , but the
idea is still prevalent that fivn re-
purtora , reprvBontin. ' Tlio New York
Herald , The Now York Sun , The
Baltimore Sun , The Chicago Times ,
md Tholl'chmond ' D spttchwent out
.o witness thu fight. The whole affair
is a hugn joke.
NKW YOHI , May 16. The chal-
lougo of Mr.Liubitt't , Mr. Turnbull
was the talk of the town to-day , and
, ho fact that Turnbull did not leave
; \\o \ city and not oven acknowledged
the challenge , is accepted us sufficient
evidence that the reported hostile
meeting originated in the brain of n
reporter. Turnbull , the challenged
gentleman , was Boon this iiftornoon.
lie said he would nut be interviewed ,
The affair was only private between
lim and another p.irty.
Now BlthopB-
National A'toclatod 1'rue ? .
NASHVILLE , Tumi. , Miy 10. A
roncral conference of the M. E
Church south to-day elected Drs. S.
-i. ' Parkers , A. G. Hurpjood , A.V. .
Wilson , J. 0 Gwnburry and B. . K.
Jargravo , bishops. _
\Vithorod Flowor.
N'ak'onal AoocUtod l'ri .
RooiiEhTMi , N. Y. , May 10. Jns ,
S. Vick , the well known tlorist aud
seedsman , is dead , ngod 03 ,
Strike Elided.
National Amoclattxl I'rmw.
EBro.v , Pa.- ' , 1Ly 1J ( The , < ytrike
of 300 men at' the Deinwuro liMiing
Mill will end to-morrow , the strikers
laving , on the advice of thu president ;
of tlieir union , accepted thu tormj of
.he . comp'iny. _
The Her oihocr' Union.
National AhBounto 1 1'reu ,
OHICAQO , May 1C. The national
convention of journey men horsesnoura
are in secret session. 'Delegates are
> resent from all unions in the coun-
ry , representing n constituency i > f
! 5,000 mumbord. Jos. Snyder , of
Jaltiniuro , president ; . E Carroll ,
of Chicago , soorotury. Today amend-
nentB were proposed to the constitu-
ion The convention continues in
session until Thursday.
"Writ cry Graves-
{ atlonal Amociutud I timi
OHIUAOO , III. , Muy 10. Only two
) odien of .lie twelve portions drowned
n Like Ciilumut have been recovered ,
The remains of Smith and young
llucklin were found tliia iifu-rnoon ,
3no thousand della wore r.iisid by
subrcription for the families of thu
Four members of the Wolf Like
Platinum club of Chicago were drowned
n Wolf Like near Slulliold , Ind. , by
.he npioUiriL' of two fishing boats ,
rho body of John Orttiull was recov
ered. The bodies of the other victiim ,
3eorgu Orswold , George 0. Knoll ,
and OHo Gibaun , wore not recovered ,
Twin Evil * .
National Auociatod I'reM
SAN FiiANoisoa , Oil. , May 10.
rVithin the past five days seventeen
mndred and fifty Coolie railway lu-
> orers have boon omruyod to New
iVcstminister , British Columbia , four
long Kong vcosols arriving at that
> ort on Thursday Inat.
Forty-six casts of wnuill-pox are rc-
lortul on thesleamship Altonower , an
ncronao of thirty -six umud yisterduy ,
The quarantine barge wliilucmiveyiug
i < tti nta from the btfaiiiBhip to the
loapital upautono ; Chinaman drowned ,
A Moil' n fill Journey.
National Afc.oti.itcd I'l tar.
OJIKIAOO , M iy 10. The remains of
ox-Govirnor Wuahburn , of Wisconsin ,
arrived in this city tliH evening en
outu from KuroLu Sitritigs to hia
ate home , Li Crojtsu , Wis , A largo
delegation of prominent Wisconsin
; ontloincn , includiiix Guv. Husk and
! X-govurnors , recoivnd thu remains
and will escort the cortege to Wiscon
sin to-morrow ,
A Switchman' * Fate.
N tlon l Axoclkted ficti ,
DETHOIT , Mich , , May 1C Fred
Gardner had a leg cut off above the
moo by a locomotive < hii morning ,
and can live but u few hours , Ho was
night uwitchman and leaves a large
? 'ui | Over.
National A-socUiui 1'ieu.
CINCINNATI , May 10. Two men
walking together on thu track near
.ho waterworks this morning , were
run into by a train and one HUB killed
and the other injured eeriuudy. Both
were strangers. _
The NuuiUor Iiijuroil ,
Fonx SMITH , Ark. , May 10. The
total number killed and wound ul by
the recent cyclona at McAllister , In.
dian Territory , foots up 120 ; of this
number fifteen uro dead uud about
fifty are fatally injured.
A Bemarkable Amount of Nor-
voiisnoES Bxliibiteil in the
Oappor'e Damp ,
Political Lightning Flushing
Frequently , Terrifying
the Fraudulent.
Oarno Gathers Cold Comfort
from the .Affidavits of
Hia Masters.
The Upper Homo Paicei the
Amended Charter for
Nine Apportionment Dilla Already
Introduced In the Legislature.
ctal Corro pondenco ot Tim D .
Li.scotx , Ntb , Mny 10-Mr.Carns ,
through one of his senatn cronies , had
the following resolution introduced
WHIREAS , Ono S. S. Reynolds has
circuited reports that lion. E. 0.
lirns , during the lost session of the
legislature , offered J. 0. Robbprts ,
chairman of the railroad committee
of the homo of representative , the
sum of five thousand ( § 5,000) ) dollars
to influonoo hia action as sucli chair
man , and ,
NViiEREAS/oaid Reynolds has ox-
hibitid u paper purporting to bo on
nflidiivit of the said Rubborls , alleging
Haid facts to bo true ; therefore bo it
IUHOLVED , That a committee of
three bu appointed by the president
pro torn of the senate to fully and
thoroughly investigate the truth or
falsity of the said charges , with full
powora to send for persons and papers.
This was carried through under a
suspension of the rules , and the committee -
mitteo , consisting of Senators Per-
kiiiB , Gere and Doano , was appointed
by Dinsmoro , president pro tern. The
amount of nervousness exhibited eve
the publication of Robbcrta' affidavit
are remarkable. Efforts ore mode by
th so most interested to break the
force of Robberta * testimony by at
tempting to impeach his veracity. The
general impression , however , ia that
Robborts tulla the truth , and -tho .
rumor that his affidavit will bo
atrencthoned by other documents of a
aimilhr nature undoubUdly.Jja8.Bomo
hacking to it. The stories ihnt'Mr. ' *
llaynulda'tells of'ha . .boilncw relaft
tiJos with Mr. Cams are pretty
tough , although , of'course , they do
not affect the question under consid
eration hero. *
The senate yesterday afternoon took
the Omaha city charter under consid
eration in committee of the whole ,
and recommended it for passage.
In the house a now apportionment
bill was introduced by Cole , of Rich
ardson county , dividing the state into
throe districts from the east to west.
Chia makes nine bills on this subject
so far.
Both houioi hold very hnof rcssions
this morning , tharo being pr.iotically
nothing for "them to do. Thu senuto
coiihiderod the Uil extending the
noitliern uiundaiy of tbo , Btntu , and
reported favorably upon it. In the
house the resolution favoring _ Crook's
promotion to the rank of major general -
oral was passed , OH wns also the reso
lution introduced by liostotter yester
day relating to the location of an In
dian training school at Gonoa.
The Cams investigating committee
muela in the cipitol at 2 o'clock.
Senator YunWyck has boon hero
since yesterday and loaves to-morrow
for Washington ,
The government detectives who are
rummnging around Uull'a accounts
have not unearthed the full measure
of hit crookedness yot. Their researches -
searches will close this week ,
Fdirfiold , ono of the Casa county
men aaid to bo mixed up in the Platta-
mouth surveying contract , is dangerously - i
ously ill with email pox and cannot
appear. Dr. Livingston sent word to
the senate that Fairfield had some
thing ho could share with thorn all. _
The sanguine spirits who wore in
hopes of vetting through this week
have about come to the conclusion
they weio mistaken. AROUH.
National Atuociauxi Press
LINOOLV , Nub , , May 10 The
Omaha charter amendments pissed
the sonata | hia morning. House
passed the resolution endorsing Gen.
Crook for promotion ,
The Cams bribery investigation
begins this afternoon , Rjbberts *
Btands by hia ulltdavit. Thuraton'a
affidavit ia regarded aa damaging to
Carna by the admission that Cdrna
tried to procure a bribe of money lot
Robberts from the Union Pacifio
OavendUh'i Auustns-
N tlonil ABMcUtcd Vitm.
ST. Louis' ] May 10. An anony
mous letter has been received by Chief
of Police Konnett , sent by u mun who
claims to bo able to giro itifornution
: lmt will locate the assassins > t Lord
Javendisli andUndor Secretary Burko.
[ lo demands a guarantee of iintnu-
tity for at least ono of the men and
iiDiuta upon the naming of a definite
amount of money M n rjwnrd. The
[ > plioo arranged fpr a meu'ing with
Him lust night , but ho gavu them the
Northoattern Iowa Ci- > ] > !
Nattoiml AraocUtcd VrcM.
MoGjiEaoii , Ii . , May 10 Crops in
Northeastern lowu are lu a line con- "
ditiou and further advanced than last '
year. There is moro corn planted
than a year ago ,