Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Tuealav Moraine , May 10.
Weather Report
( Ths following observations are t ken at
the same moment ot time at all th * eta-
kion * named. ) .
) srAKncairr. TJ. B , Si 'Afc BraviBi , 1
Quant. May IK , 1881 fl4t ! p. m.l I
D nver. . . . . 29 \ MW Uiht Fair
Chtvtnne. N 00 IKW Ilihl Fair
Wuhakle. . W Fair
Hltte. JlC Cl mdv
30.12 Frwh *
ankton. . . 30 U LUht { ' '
Dm Koine * . SO li frwh
Davenport. . 61 , 0 SB "rerh Clrar
IXPauU. . . 16 SK Clear
M. Loull SO 01 rrrih
M'MrhewL 0 IS Arluk Clear
30 12 Fresh Char
Bltmarck. DO 02 SRN Mil.k
fttutord. . . 3 SRW Rrek Cl > nHv
Cnrter. . , . . , 129.80 W rre h loud/
Omdwood. ,
junlnlbolne SO BO SO SWKm. I'ifiUily
River 7 feet e Inches above high water matk at
Osaka and t leet a Inch * * at Tankton ,
AiHIand brldgt U now open for tratel.
The Sacred 0 .ncert br the Music * '
Union OrchMtra , nt Mall's inmmer gar
den yeitenloy was a grand success.
Things ore llrcly down on the dump
nowadays It ri fall the park as A Sun-
diy resort.
The cutter at the northemt corner of
D uglas and Eleyentb , has become n fear
ful nutunce.
A porttrn of the company with Sells
Brothers' show reglitered at tin Metro
politan , and a part at the Withnell. '
the old house * south' of Vreneer's
Mock on I'll tee nth street are being re
moved to .nuke way for the new brick
The noon train weat yesterday" was a
good one for Mon ay. An extra emigrant
ale per vras sen ; out empty to tetutn with
a loo/I ,
Tlie man with the rubber balloons
turned out In full force yesterday. He is a
flower that blooms with the coming of the
The Sunday ntght entertainment at
the Academy of Mudo wet a quiet and re-
pecUble affair. The flnce opened up
with n en rmuua houte Saturday nijcht.
T/ie street ptrade by Sell * Brother * '
mamlnolh show , yesterday , was the
most immense thing of tha kind ever teen
in the West , There were four bund * ,
eight elrph nts and about n mile of vans
and gorgeous cars.
The adjourned meeting of the cathe
dral chapter of the d { < < ce e of Nebraska
will be held in the cba | el of the cathudntl
in this city thin eveulng , the 1'iih '
Init. , at 8 uMbch. The laudlni < committee -
tee will meet Mils evening at the
same plac > - , at 7:30 oVloek ( harp.
The lftdi-s ot Trinity church are rf.
qneatod to meet in "tin cathedral chapel"
41 TuiaJay afternoon at 3 o'clock , for the
purpose of eng iilng in eome unitd I uollon
towards raising fund f. r the completion
of the cathedral.
A row occurred in the European res
taurant jeitetday In vrilch the
two cooks dfinacded their wages in a very
vehement tvlf. A couple of policemen
were callei and after n regular ba tlu with
one of the men , la which hid head won ter
ribly pouudod up , captured him and took
him to jail.
The peat house will be closed to-day-
Steward Houck was in town ye terd y
and report * no ( , atlenU on Land. Hit
force at present comitta of one Slxter of
Charity , who \ JB to iiurte tlu baby
which U still utuVimed , ind Annie John
son , who it Entirely well. Ho aUo has a
cow and two home * to bring away with
Resident agents wanted ta handle
llawthorn'n Centennial Kxctlalor lloiil
Tdlnt in I'htt-inouth , Nebrnska Cily ,
Ili tlnf8 ( lpr munt , Blair , Seward , York ,
Sidney , and many cither towui In Ncbias-
ka. F r informHticm , aildrcsi or call on
1'unk. & Sbockuy , ttnte ngentn , room 0 ,
Crelghton block , Oniaho , Nobranka.
On of the elephant * in tin procession
yo terJ y created a lltile leniat'on a <
the corner ol Dou , la * at d Teiithk by
breaking ratik * tnJ runnln [ tnward a
crowd fit laJUs and children , who look to
their heel * in a hurry. He howled , ac
bli five companions bowled in concert
He waa soon brought back to butlntus ,
A lrge audienceostembled t Masonic
hall Sunday to bear lluv. Ingrain' * fn
Bormon , "Christian Biptlnn. " The ter
mon occupied forty-five minutes , and * wa
listened to with uufhgglnK inttrett to the
close. The ifec nd sermuM iu tlie nerle
will be preachrd nextS nday t-i ht , when
M announced at the close of the serv ce t\g ] \ , thi following questions will be
answrireil : "Whut wat l > apttim la th
early churcli ! llotvwa * CbrUt baptized
How did John , baptize ! How diii th
apostlei administer th , ! * or linancc ? Hou
do the best nchnlara of the world aw we
these quetluu > t"
The steamer Wyoming which full'ci
torescblhla city , yet r Jay was dolayei
near Btllerue by the' breaking of some o
her machinery. The citric came up t
Omaha and got omo material with whlc !
to pake repair * .
'A"May party will be given at Masont
. bail on the evening of Fr dav , May K
under the auipice * of the A. O , H. band
' It will be well arranged and a delljjhtfu
tlraeii Msured f r those r-o fortunate as U
I * pre-ent en the occasion.
P. 8. Gllmore , the great New Yorl
muBiclan , wi ile In the city yesterday pur
chated twenty acie4 of ground juit wet
tide the city limits , for which he paid
good round turn. He eipeo'-a Omaha t
be a b'r t city iu the future , nd ex
prefM JutonMitnent at it * i-rett ynmt
sines Jis i-Iajcd iu the Acadrmycf Mu > i
fiveye rs o o.
It nil be plereintr nova to the fri cd
of Acdy Hunt , ff theU. P. cxpum nudl
to ' * I'llI : ? , to kuour that IIP U
Jesao Jamoa * Brother
Omaha his Head quarters ,
He is Reooftniand by Ono of
Pinkorton'e Men ,
And by the Belle of the 3t.
Elmo Theatre.
But Doslrlng to Bacomo a. Poaceftble )
CltiBonwill 00 Lot Alou * .
An announcement a few days since
n TUB BRH that a man claiming to bo
brother of the nefarious outlaw ,
rosso James , was seen in the city , has
boon confirmed by positlvo informa-
ion that Omaha has been for some
imo past and still is the headquarters
of Frank James , the brother of the
murdered man.
Some two weeks ) after the assassin-
ion of thu man who had so IOI > K been
.he terror of express and railway
companies , an officer of the Omaha
lica foroo , who is recognised as ono
of the shrewdest and bravest of the
number , had his suspicions directed to
the mysterious conduct of the occu-
> ants of a piivato dwelling house on
tforth street , Thu lady of the
louse is a widow with two bright
children , whose husband WHS , it is
claimed , killed in i87U in Texas , at
the time of the
n whieh the James t > oys
and Youngors participated. She
moved to Omaha after her
loroavtmentand has over since lived
lore in good style , supported by th'j
members of the fraternity to whiah
r hubband belonged. About the
time alluded to above , strange parties
tvero seen to come and go from the
louse , generally at niglit time and
their movemonti were so frequent ate
to attract the ottpntion of a neighbnr
who gtiro the ofBcor a hint up n
which ho proceeded to act.
Ono night about three weeks ago
10 managed to gain a position under
the window and oviirheard a gonural
conversation in which
exclaimed1 , "It was too Q d
d that wo did'tit get iutj the nuht
csr. The papers say there was $3D-
000 in the next oar ahead. " This is
supposed to hare referred to tin recent -
cent attempted train rubbery tit Tex
an , in which the uttauking party WAS
repulsed with such a loss.
On > t subsequent night a madvnlmo
in hand , loft the house , and < B.he
stood on thn sidewalk in answer i.j'thu
question. "Wheroaro.vuu ifoingiiow ? "
mild "No rnitttor. Eynti the walls
ntvo oars somotimes. " From the fact
hut p irties had been seen digging in
ho back yard of the residence , it was
nferrud that they had been burying
qmo treasure tharo and the ofllcur
watched in .vain for a' dark night on
which to uuoatth it.It WAI gathered
rom what was overheard from the
idewalk that the man intended to re-
urn , and knowing that the town was
nfubted with a hard gang and think-
ng that they miyht be arranging for
A ma iut
m aomo of our banking
rstitutions , the ofllcur wont to Mr.
ilorman Kountra , of the First Na
tional bank and notified him of the
anticipated danger , with the sugges
tion that ho put on an extra watch
man. Mr. Kuunirj rvphod that they
would'havo u hiird tiniu iu getting at
.ho money in his vault , but thanked
.ho ollicer and took thu proc&u'.ion to
: ollow his advice , . . , . .
Tluro was still another wojnan in
.ho c.ieo , thq divorced wjfo . ( > f a , well
icnovyn buaini-ss man , who was a
cousin , by marri&go to Jessie Juiuen.
The same stranger was often BOOH in
company with her walking on the
streets leading'from ' her home tu the
tiouao which was
Week bi tore last the stranger left
the house , and it was supposed wan
going down to bring hm cousin up to
p s * the evening , and the ollicer de
termined to attempt the capture. For
this purppto ho took with him n
follow policeman , and they stationed
themselves a short distance from the
house iu readiness to spring upon the
unsuspecting victim. The scheme
wus thwarted , however , by a singular
Circumstance. The man for soim
reason had taken ft notion to call at
the tit. Elmo , and there took a seat it
the private box. At the end ot their
specialties some of the actresses were
uncustomed to going to the box tc
witneis thorost of the performance ,
and that is what Lottio Leo
of the theater did on the niuht in
question. It appears that oho hat
lived in St. Joe and knew the Jamei
boys by sight. On entering the boi
she said to the man , whom wo may ai
well call by his right name at once
for it was Frank James , "It was tot
bad that Jesse James was killed h
such a > cowardly manner. " Beoinj
that ho was recognised , Frank Jamtt
rose hastily and started tu leave thi
box. ' At ho did , o his coat caugh
the chair and was pulled back , reveal
ing a belt from -which hung a largo ro
voivor. Alarmed by this eticounte
ho did not return homo that nigh
and hence spoiled
The officers ; guessed that he had
kipped the town and gave up the at
tempt to capture. The mm who hat
worked up the casomotono of Pinker
ton's men , who gooi by the name o
Shsdoch , on the corner of Fifteenth
and Douglas a few nights after ant
learned that ho , too , had nhadowin
the man and was fully posted as t <
his whereabouts. Ila said ho had
known Frank Jamoi wus in Umulu
for a long time , and could huvo hie
ms hand on him at any time , lit
told the olliuur that in his opinion i
waa advitablu to let Frank alniin , a
ho was not hure for itny raid , and ih
arrest would only bring trouble tc
whoever took him. IIu thinks ho ha
given up his prodntory pursuits am
liitftnil * rorv'ti- < - - *
IKS since had i glimpse of the suspect *
ed party , and is positive that
Ho and all connected with the
louao at which ho has been seen live
well , dress well and nro apparently in
flluence , rhoutth U is not known that
hey any of them ever do anything to
earn njivinr , and it is probblo that
ho hero of so many noted outrage
of the law mar l'v" Bt > d die in our
midst inofftmsivo and unknown ,
An Allognd Shears Stealer Arroated
-Tho Pollca Court Docket.
A well dressed respectable lookmtt
irishman named Sheridan was arrested
yesterday by Deputy Marshal Me-
} lure on the strength of a telegram
rom Weeping Water. Sheridan was
a clerk for Rued Bros & Co. , of that
) loco , and left thorn on Saturday ,
coming to Omaha. Ho is charged
with stealing a pair of tailor's shears
worth 812 , which he sold in this city
for $5. Ho was identified from the
discription Bent , Ho denies stealing
.ho shears but says that he charged
limaelf with them on the books , and ,
while ho says hu sold them here , will
not Buy to whom. The purchaser IB
mown to the ollicors.
All the ( jflicurs that could bo spared
from the police force Sunday made
a grand round up of tramps. There wore
ten officers , including Sheriff Miller ,
and the territory covered wn * the
southwest pnrt of the city. The Union
L'uctUo track was followed as far out
as "tho summit , " and miles of box
tars examined. The result of a two
lours and a half walk , a distance of
, cn milrs , was very unsatisfactory ,
aut throe being secured. Yesterday
, wo of the three were sent to the
county jail at hard labjr fur ton days ,
and the other was discharged.
Two plain drunks were arrested
Sunday , ono whom paid his Quo and
.ho other was discharged. William
Wright , the colored man who foil into
.ho sewer was discharged , if being con
sidered that he was badly enough pun-
shed by his full in the filth.
The officers are on the track of
spmo crooks who took-advantage of
circus day tu visit the city.
Army Orders.
The latest orders issued from the
Department of the Platte , Omaha ,
Nebraska , are us follows :
Leave of absence for seven days b
; ranttd to Captain William A. Elder-
cm , commissary of subsistence , U. S
Private II. A. Uarley , troop L ,
Fifth cavalry , will proceed wilhoutdo-
ny by rail and ntage , to For' Washit-
do , W. T. . and report to the com-
minding officer of tliut post for extr *
duty in the qunrtormuntor's depart
ment a , ( tflegruph operator and. ro-
juiriimn nt Swue-twator bridge
Major Yerling K. Hurt Fifth cav
alry * will take command ot and pro
ceed with the tro'ups en route from
fort LjMmie , W. T. , to Tort Washa-
( to , W. T. , and assume command ai
hat post.
Jamon Garfleld Hntolilmom
To tha Editor of The Hee :
CiucubDAT , May 15 , 1882. The
lolico reporter in yesterday's llopub-
can has taken thu liberty to mention
my cognomen , prefixing thereto the
adjective "chicken. " Now I want to
say that in the flrut place my name is
James Gmfield Uutchiuson and
lot "Chicken Jim , " as The Republi
can traducingly avers. In the second
[ > lace I want it understood by the
white trash of The Republican , and
thu public generally , tUut it has been
my a ypur sincu I felt the .flutter of
ihiokcn'in my hat. I'm nut a candidate - '
didato for oflko mid don't want any
newspaper notoriety , especially
through the police columns of such an
impecunious journal as The Republi
can By allowing mo space for this
iiliort vindication of my injured repu
tation , you will confer a favor on your
honest but unfortunate f timid ,
The Congregation ot Trinity Church
Woruhlp In their New Chapel.
The opening services at the Now
Trinity chapel , the basement of which
was Sunday occupied for the first
time , were peculiarly interesting. The
floral decorations wore elaborate and
beautiful and the music , in which the
new organ was heard to great advan
tage , was fmn. Bishop Glarkson
made a strong appeal to the congrega
tion to aid Turn in raising a fund ol
17,000 , the amount necessary to com
plete the audience room so that it can
bo occupied and to raise the tower a
story hi hur , leaving the spire to be
added at n future time. There wore but
two alternatives , ono being to cease
work for the preiom- and occupy the
basumont chapel for u time , and tin
other to incur a debt for tha comple
tion of the cathedral. Ono of these
plans is undesirable , and the other
would indicate u lack of zeal on the
part of a body amply ublo from among
its members to raito the required sum
Ic is probable that steps will immedi
ately bo taken to raise thu 7.000 re
quired , by subscription or otiiurwuo.
The following U a brttf detcriptioti
of the now place of worship for whicl
the people of Trinity now leave Ma
sonic Hall. There are two entrances ,
one from Capitol avenue on the north
and thn other from the south , opening
from a path loading around the apais.
The choir and chancel are contained
in the projection or apaidal on the
cut of the main portion of the chapel ,
The organ chamber projects to the
south , and its floor is sunken below
the level of the main floor , The ap
sidal is lighted by thirteen windows ,
to correspond with those in the chancel
col of the cathedral , which are to con <
tain stained glass windows , with the
figures of our Lord and the twelve
iipobtios , On the north side , noarlj
opposite the oriiuu chamber , is tlu
utuhivo r.'oin for thu records of tlu
dioceeo , but used temporarily as t
robing room ,
The chapel is about forty-four feel
wide by 100 deep. Its coiling 11
broken at the lines of thu choir uni
hnnnonire * with the furniture and U
pleating in its general effect. About
tour hundred persons wn be seated
The ) Hancom Park Travel Contem
plated InprovomenU
The extent to which the * treet car
ino from the oilto Uanscom Park
patronised , indicate * that that
branch of the system will pay hig
profit from the atari. The most
noticeable thing about it Sunday
was the need ot an additional number
of can at once to accommodate the
travel. Men , women and boys
walked down to the Tenth itroot and
Ut P. depot terminui to catoh the
Park can , which on tholr arriral at
Farnam and Fifteenth wore invariably
packed to overflowing. There wc-ro
biiongh. passengers at the opera house
house corner at ono time to fill _ three
car * , a Uia reporter counting eighty-
lira person * in one bunch , A
CM * every fire minute * on
Sunday would not be too many , and
it is understood that Cnpt. Marsh will
put ou arc plo accommodations at the
earliest day. 1 houtands will now Tit-
it the park to where one did a year
ago. In connection with this sub
ject it may bo mentioned that Capt.
Marsh contemplated still further im
provements in addition to these men
tioned a day or two ago. lie pro
poses to extend the tracks on Siun-
dors and Eighteenth streets , and have
the ears run every ton minutes in
stead of seventeen minutes as now ,
and'at an early duy ho intends to run
the last cars at midnight , instead of at
10:20 : as now. This last mentioned
improvement nusht to bo started at
once. It will bo a stroke of enter
prise that will be appreciated.
Nervonr weaknes * , dyfpepiiia , impo
tence , texuti debility , curwU l > r ' 'Well * '
Health llejiwer. " * 1. i-ejiot - at C. F.
Remaining in Poitoffice during thu neck
ending May 13 , 1882\
„ . ! Mr * M C Grubb Mi
Gaughau M Hurilmt Mlea A
Humiihrey Miss B Harden Mr *
HUU L B Jahnson MU * A
Johnson Miss I Jausen Mia * A L
Krudther Mr * A Kuowles Miss 8
Kennedy Mr * JE
Larten 0 Lrinona Mr * J 8
Mson MUs C. MlkaeU.n Mi' * M
Meier M Manson Mr * N
Mavlty MUs M Merman Miss Mi
NelklMUsA Pike Mis * A
ItuddU MUs A Keller Mr * A
Hitter Mr * D-2 Bonderg Miw J
Bieanbrrk Mrs W
Story Mre 8 Beyler MU * A
Towns , ml MUs 8 Trued * A
TalbuttMitBG Wollea M
Tuoa. F. HALL , Postmaster.
thu Aiuertcau
Yon can't humbug the American people
plehui hey Uud u rctiutily that uita
thviii'hey ! u o it and lecommeuil it to
their frieriU , Just exactly the case with
Sl'UlNO 11L BHOM w.ilcli hit bfcome a
hnu.cliold wurd all over tha Jni'c
i'rlce 50 teuls , trial bottles 10 ceiit < .
Opening of the Summer Saw
dust Cempa'gn ,
Bella Bro * . Gtra Good Exhibitions ,
land Entertain Largo Crowd-
The first circji of the RCMOH in
Omaha pitched iu tent * oa the hill
out west of the cl'j ' on Sunday , and
told forth to the multitude joitotday
afternoon and evening. A * might bo
expected , it draw lorg't crowds , the
audience in the afternoon numbering
about three thousand ntid last night
ivor that Pgaro. The Soils Bros.
iavo a imJly ) g > od heir and they
; tvo the monoy'a worth ,
The performance began with the
grand entry of twenty mounted people
ple , iollowud by the first appearance
> f a clown , and then a leaping act
by the entire company , Prof. DGil -
Inn and hi * traitud Colorado ntuors
next appear in their unique perfor
mance , showing what wonders pa
tience and ( kill can do in the way of
training the brute creation , Lottie
and Willie Araar follow in a double
equestrian act , and then the Deviue
family and the Carron brothers enter
tain the audience in a "brother act , "
Ohorlus Fish and Willie Soils do the
bounding juckey business in a credit
able manner , followed by tumb
ling by the entire company ,
and nvzt comra ono of the
great features of the show , Madauio
Uordonia , the equestrienne.
Next is trautza work by Lottie
Amar and horizontal bar exercises by
the Rico brothers. Prof. Gillan fol
lows with his trained stallions , seven
in number , ono of them being an
1,800-pour.d Norman. Six of these
animals go througn u drill and wind
up by lying , when the seventh enters
and discharges a revolver , at which
all arise and begin skipping rope ,
waltzing , etc. , and then go oil , some
on two leps.
The Dcrine family , In an ( urial act ,
follow , the Rico brothers performing
it thy same time on the carpet. Jerry
Ball , in a hurdle act , comes next , and
then the champion bareback rider ,
Charlie Fish. "Tho slide for life , "
by Little All Right , follows. He
ascends to the top of tbe center pole
m a wire and then turns and slides on
bis feet to thu bottom , an act that
merits and receives applause.
Madnmo Cordouu and Willie Sell * ,
in the four-horse act , follow , and the
performance concluded with a "funny"
act by th Carron brother ? .
The menRgerie contain many ru-
rioui animals , among them a giraffe ,
sea lion , a pair of hippopotami , a liotr
ess with cub ) , & white bufiMo , n royal
tiger , etc. , and is well worth 'seeing.
A great portion of the entertain
ment is the music , furnished bProf
Heck's Impeml band of twenty-one
The parade yesterday morning at
tracted the usual crowd of sight seers ,
and WOH a lengthojifTair.
The whole concern , which is a rath
er pigantic onr > . in under the man
agement of Mr. Eph. Stills. The vet
eran showman , Prof. Gillan is the
ablu equestrian manager.
Thu circus entertains and ediGcs the
dwellers iu and about Council Bluffs
USB Iteddtnu'i lluula Salve in the
houte Mid use Krddiug's Russian Salvo in
tha stable. Try it.
I. O. Q. T. No 141.
At the rfgulcr meeting of the
Omaha Lodge I. O. G. T. No. 141 ,
Friday night , officers for the ensuing
quarter were elected as follows :
W. 0. T. Jno. Beten.
W : V. T. Nellie Dintols.
W. R. S. Joe Kennard.
\V. A. S.-Ohas. A. Potter.
W. F. S. H. B. Joy.
W. T. May Crawford.
W. 0. 0 P. Edwards.
W. M-Frank Buck.
li. M. Anna Colebatte.
W. I. G Jennie Aiken.
"W. O. G. Addisnn Jones.
R. H. S.-Lilho Webb.
L. A S. E. A. Thomas.
P. W. O.-S 0 Green.
G. D.-O. W. Green.
The lodgn has , during the last quar
tcr , initiated fifty-one condidates , and
reported ono hundred and seventeen
in good standing to the Grand Lodge.
They have now ono of the roost pros
perous organizations in the state. All
visiting Good Templars are cordially
invited to attend lodge. Also any of
the citizens of Omaha who are inter
ested in us and tin temperance work ,
who wish to know more of our order
and its workings , can do so by calling
on any of our officers , who will be
glad to inform them. They expect to
give a strawberry festival the latter of
this month to help pay on" thu debt of
the Grand Lndgo , and most respect
fully atk the tomporancu ptoplo of the
city to assist them. 'I ho time and
pluco will bo announced in thu papers
til duo time.
A couple of uulmpoitiut burglaries
were committed Sunday night. The Iirs I
of th(0 wis at MM. SengerV , No , 319
Noith 14th street , whete the thieve i sua-
cee'lrd In getting into tbe basement but
no further and went away empty handed ,
Tha sec nd was ut Scott'n bakery , on
Douglas street , where the Intruder *
knocked down a lot of tin cans and fright
ened themselves away. A lot ot wood
was all that waa missed next morning.
Among the advertised attractions of
Sells' Brother * great show are ' 'the four
most beautiful women on eirth/'includln ;
the famous 920,000 prize lady , who took
the gold as the loveliest woman in
America. The latter.Miss Georgia Mozart ,
and Mr. I'M Mozart , German sketch
artists , were induced by Manager Nugent ,
of tha Academy of Music , to leave the
Sells UrotheM at this point for an rn-
gagemrntat his place , where they will
ap enr May 2l'd , Mus titordo repre
sented ColumbU in the quartette of lovely
female * who line traveled with &ds !
Brother ? , ami in of llio pure t type of
An erican Ifliuty. Sh < la petite ia form ,
with dark broun hair eoft , deep eyes
Mi"h a * the Hourtea only are creJitul
with poisrtiimr. Slip will i rovA.-v.Mi * . f , ' .
ONKY TO LOAN Call kt L w Otnc of D.
M L. TtomM Ro3n8 CrelghtOB Block.
ftOCfl AfMiTu liOAA At 8 per cenlln <
340v.UUU r st In inms.of 2MO Mid
upvr rdi , tor S to 6 yoin. on Cnl-clm city and
( arm projwrtv. UIMU KIAL E 7iT nd LOAI
A9IXOT , ICth nod Douchs 8ts.
A girl fjr rsntral hnus rrk ,
WANTED kBCkt of ikbkbr. 1417 How.
arditrttt. 13011 *
VITANTKD Wahvtrctmn at Omaha h'rt
rANTftlvttrill or U * ar ct a , , . >
W wArka aiiiia < kllchta. Inqulrd Hill
CLI are ilr . IIS-16 *
- lid ta take e r cf tram.
WANTKD-A Tenth treU. HMl *
\ , ANTED-A Bltl kt th Oikhk fttam
VV Laundry , la rJ aud T cntdrit Mr ! .
Ukchloe kandl kt 1US Fa-rum
rttMt , 1M-1P
Apool womtn cook.
HUT * tr I t , fiekF rrn. .
Twenty me-i to work la lions
119-17 * Tei.lh , tttar F'&rnim.
- . drst-cla-i whfiln
WANTED-.riv each rf the stitoicl Jlli-outi ,
Kanm au < 1 Mitiias v raljord | at riu nem-
tnauulnif tra , e , Ai'driu wl'h rctereoi *
full p it ajlarii rigardlnn territory kid
: 0. DJX X003 Pailk .elphl i , IX
Acorrpetctit glrlt cnok and do
WANTRD klhcu'ework. Itctjroi certqUrei.
Fatillr s nail. Audroiu V. I ( IbAHLtf ,
110-18 KektnerMb.
WANTRD Affi i o la peneikl hons8 rK ,
northwest c rnerllia kiid Cca lot ,
kt bo'ler or s lliS tf
10 kms on Fl ren < - Cut-Off ,
$ ) .rOpord y. Worn u-til Ojt.ihcr.
- ilnncneia' ' housjd.ork , In
WANTKD-Olrlto 010 Durntreot.
110-15 ' ' Ih. PAUL.
WAN I ED Aklrlt ) do generkl
kt ITllJaci.sonttrict. to tf
ASTED toi.pelent IkUndrm
W 10th itrtet. Miid. li. KOUNl'ZU
* 5-U.
A TEU A at tha Ut. Uharl s
w llotd. 82 tf
ANTE r-Gcod < firl at 1IIKO North Iflt at
WAN'J K - llj k ra ( jtc.itiiu xlri , H dtua i m
to do houtewnrk knd twlng. Ad < ) rcg <
71S , P vetiticn h n re.t , IU lb'
1 v 1 S tuition kg traveling ole * kn
WAiV goods nr lo.tikhiihhois. ortome
sp oklty , hy uiiuof abUI ya..d eip Hence Itcf-
etuncis. BJ Uteo.llcj. 14M7
' tiiuntioum ubn-v-aw
\\rAN'EO grocery
VV storj , at clerk by k nun vnut not a raid
kVwnrk. Bkkrynn bject u i 11 fiml Ur with the
bu IneKf. llea. ct nlei n.0 Khea. upp'yto ' U.
T. Ho-uer , Sup'i. V. M. 0 A. , rea lui ; rotra ,
or ilcrtni ] K. S. f' olfloe. 114-1S *
. Sliuitlpn by two cosuputci t ulrU
WA.NThD il E , > Kinn 0' ' d ia > lvor o i rt
d lic.uic orh In - em > l. f.nil V. liuicf fe-
cmei. Apply k 1114 Norm tl.htooiti ne t.
Mt uijiil | > a compel n' , boon-
WAiNTtU [ r who uniler-t nd. uiy o ) il ,
rpciks HcandlnaTl.ii. Addr.u X , O. X Dea
offlt . MBS'
A iltu lion as bouk-'cepfr cr
WANTED In somu wwteru city , by a ' oung
man li years' f agv. Hki ha i two ymn eii-
itnuln doublt-ciitry iHOo-keeplng. be < t o
rn erti 01-giti n AddfcsiC. U. U. , P. O. I ox
409 H.rtfoid , Uom. 103 l.
IKU Iy a Iirsela > rlreatmtker , revr-
WAN allkln.ld . , at Ho. 1311 Dodge trutt :
or will gn oittunu do work at modcruto > rc a
- $ ' .UDrrtO ) tiioie ro
upon Iblr PJL ty , who will \frane \ bti kdy
tmpla m ntlnkKMtr orilryKucdi nn I gro-
tciyaotiru cl-rK. jxprieico u.oie of au
object t.Cr t Ihin wag . Addren
lll-tt H.L. OWt.LL , l.lfir nlnai , lowx
MONBk A puller wint-d , ent ,
with $ :000 'olW.lOO uisu la lave t In
li'tiilm.teliueine s wineni i ix moiitutlnla wi I
lay a pr flc at i i t iqual to tha amount Ill-
rule J , utij IKJID UoturiKd In o e. > an ci8h u.l
tut pirtnurihlp cnJtd. AdJrtai "Mom } " Dee
cllictf. tl tf
. BW privy vau.M , sink * And cost
WA.VriD 10 cKafi with .anltarj Vault and
Slut < ; ie * .er. thu b t In uae. A. bvans & Co. ,
ie IJ mu'r t6 UuU c utreut. Ouiah * .
WANrKD FuudlnK brlUirnund cboul oonilr.
n T ( Hark IVHrvue. M-H
4 cblldrea as b'-ardors In k select
WANTED , kt Utb and UillforuiA St. L. 11.
UJOillS. 767-tI
HhNT ult"of arge , i.ry | frort hunler
loonu , furnlthmlo i.nm nlti.ei thoutbo rd
to y ntlenan a > d ife , 211& California btr ct
tntWtftn2Utand : iiduti. Ui-17t
TO KPNT To ecn'lcman , twi ) arie elegint
front rooms , uti I avlng in alcove , located
In on cftlnjii osKcii ralandde Iralile locations
In the Ity. AddrcuJ HAUTiN , Leu ollico.
. *
I710II KKNT I'orll n of home 911 North
1 ? hlor t eiith itte t foratew iiioi.ihi. furn-
l > hed * oml | t . t > fimil , w thout children.
li qjlreof J. M. Biit'ey , Ihlriecnth and < t\\-
n .inh.trie s U17 *
FOR IUOT A rcmf ) r' ' blp houie on Cn'cajp ' ,
between Kouitee th and Kifteei th mutt * .
rq 'rdoJ ( < h dwldatco n r of Cacairo and
fllc entn str.uti. 1I-.10'
rpo KENT I krr * lurnls .td front room f r
L two genii men , with or without board ,
lufirencet. 16 | Do < ve ttreel. Mi tf
I" 011 KBNT The sp cl us met eltgant hk'l
: l'h kll m dcrn impruv > miiit t > i c'Urk k d
Kott ir Ulcck..pplv to A U ( Irk , vr ti" .
A. Kott r' 105 kiid 107 a. 14th kiru < t. } 41-21 *
uoitn of Do reonlStn , 113-0'
" 17011 ItrNT-Tbe fteind flier con l tl-g
Jj of flve roon mf the brck b I'd njtcrrntr
uoi ( la * anil 12.h , alto Ite s oru lelow to
real. L.iitimin. 117-tl
EOUIIFNT KurnLhcJ room corner 10ti and
U u.u . ISO-1
HEVT ) urnltliol room llh or lVont (
FOR in t. prliuto lumllykt 1113 IS li ' ( .
IS - B'
REST Two furni.lied trout roorm it
FOR 5V bct eeu U r..ty mud uow , r' , 14th
ttre t. jol-'ft *
RE > T House o1 tU roomi , 1112 llib
FOIt , loUh ol Pa inc. T. 0 I'KLLti.
RKNT A nlcily fu nlihel rroin , R. K.
front , tor on * or twj icentUnun Inquire
at 14'4 Iblhstrert , te'warn Uluk kudUrkce ; old
No. 8JI' , Kef cleave required. tf
I ! ENT House of flve rooms , rorner ttd
md 1'lerct. Arplr kt S , O. Stevention , cor
ner 17tn knd t a t , uur Lksttr Church.
| POtt
BENT Nrat v ( umljhei room l'h Prlv
FOR et aojoluinff ji rlor , Ibl3 Vv't"tir
street. W-tl
RENT New roomi fiirrls'ill rryUifur
TIO ni hcd a dt lirii co < umrdiiu flje vltvr
ol tbe Jhcr , bilJto , Couucll lllutl , ami i r > ' rv
up an 0011 the riter lor twenty \ uiil * .
"ilcemcr'i Kloik , " ictnor ah nd Uo a di
, -MJK ur , I A bulled nlctly lurnUhrd roomer
( or rent. s. t. comer SOth and IUM
. Lrar. At ii u wr , eolftul me
' riicelotsnetr iihttrtttknJ&t. Mar ) '
U1S-U W K. DIKTLKTT , iUal ttUtfii -J"t.T-
1 } cliantV CietUD oN' . U cci. l tb l
trwU. _ _ . . J- a-
KG FXHMoflOOicrM , H Mf ln it >
Hiatlon.Blin Dilirtfrom tkttitj at Hut-
Ing' , Ad m < enuntjr. Nfb. , to tcrmnj ( ftrttock
ci d ritin We lern I'water ' las * tn Nrhruk * .
wotlh licmfl roototS.lcn , , , d tTermcfr
la cash. Aadrtu , U A , ttrval , Hullnv. Nb.
PALB A houx n > l lot rn hoJtft u
EOR * ol th fne-t locations l thtiltr
H5-M ) . U. IJUMOMT , lit1 ! unl littpfy. .
PAfjK Drof stors ermp'ett ' an aal' '
FOR upwa it of | 60 W. It vel l > ett ii , IBJ
oailngton , county t ot FruiMIn County ,
and reat of the U. 8. Und fit ( > c 'or Southsrm
NCbrft-Vk. Full pml.tUra furnished oj a
plication ta VT. O. llUBlSStm.
924 ,
nR 5AT.F On * houio and | r | kt k bkryla >
footo3 clo'rti , pint 7 , cn- !
tern Ae nqi-l 'd rn prem Iti. No lit 28ih li ,
BM8 UttB. A. I. . T."rinBK.
Or Trkdi ; 44tttl letk on l ih.
itrtet oixt tottt corner of IUrr < er. ki o-
eo 18J Itttoi , tb iMttMo ketween ivd r *
Ckpltol kVinu6 Enqulnof It. DERTuOLD
. . . .MM _ _ f
a A 1.11 I be nkiui ep.lliitu , xltu tva In
bllJn 4 oouth cf the U. K rkllro * ' ! In < J bon
Cnunty , W.tomln ? Terrttoty 410 kcm of
mikdaw knd nplknd lit' ' uuirfntcd. Addrtw
H\OR \ SAl.F Kiat cottkpol | fW room , bkrnfr
ill , anil cUurn , on a r > l itreet ne-r C ll-
fornU , at $1,400 , tuy term . Mcumus ni > tKwIt -
i r.
Muh bAiK A rr t utant at a lj.rjr.ilu. U
L ; UauLweller. lltn street near fartiam.BS9K
FOR the BOYS' 110VK. 7h s hoiiM Is r -
tially located , h s sou h and eMt front , anil U
surrounded w th One ba/le tree * , eont In )
ceplne roomn , ha * Ice h6uti. laundry , i
room , 4c. IIa < a world w de rrpuiatlon and < u
retter patron ge than man ] houst-a ot twice luf
cnpwltj. Prlre It.fOO Krr paitcti'nM al-
OieM , A. A. SAWULT , Red Clouu , Mb.
SALE 200 choice lets In Han com Place , .
FOR W. R Barllett , Keal EUUre , | , t , SIT 8.
18th ntre < t. " " KM-tf
1.1UK nALfc AKKXJ lornot lot ou
Jj Mth street , n a very fktt growing part of ;
the city , will divide. Inquire at 10outh tdtk *
street , near Fkrakm.Bogii's & Hill's addition.
RgQ.lm *
uHr Ilktixxjin frk , week
F ofFkrk Aienue. f4COto 9300 each. lie- .
Cajrue opp. I'OftofflCK. 671. U
| 7\URY Thoroughbred Jenoy Hull KO. San.
L1 "M. t ) . II. B. " . winner cf print kt SUt * .
Fktr. Stknds for service tt Nebrukk Poultry
Yuds , West Omkhk. Qrabsm t" . Browne.
tpOR BALE One second-hind 25 hone powv
JU engine , jroodk newal-o twos horeaiwwe
knd two 15 horse po cr engines , new. Dller ) - .
of a'l slsei , new. Inquire Uuiank Fou'dryin
Ukchlnu Co.U. P. My . bet 17th kiid 18th Omib
T71OK tJALB Or will ezchk rt for Omaha 7pr °
JTJ I party , an Improved sec oa of Und kdjoln-
in ? a station on U. P. K. R. 11. DUNIIAH , 141ft
Fkrnham Si. , Omaha. 720 8m
11AT At A. H. Hinder1 Feed Bto $
inlgTTnTnevat. 1B.H
One eraj mire about tin \ran-
STBAVKD r tuarkK on both i.houl"ir . Finder
T.llbe llterallr rcwLrced be rettirmrp her to
/.11 F RllfBON ,
147 IB * 10th a"d Bauer tt St , . t m ha.
A liter and whln ; cMnred rup th'na
J moot sold. T ell d r will leiul blr re
ward il I y 'envi ' c " " ' am at t a sturn cf Jumw
Dnvi3 Boii'h 10 I. atr ct ]
ED IMY-At Ch lt . Dr ' fo'd tre ,
Hiit tnthitmt. Prompt dtllvury.
UP-A Inree rtd row , vllh strap
armmd tbe uceli. ADA s & H > VKLU
Bl 15 * Mouth ol I'oar hu e.
HAKE11 From my jiute Inthoiity , a h't '
SI ro * about revcn or right j care old , LrandnJ
Oon oi.e-hiulderh.i ; nu e rod hn r < . I will
pay a reward for tierrec vdijr. \TAKKi.KT. .
- 1IMd wlt
fno llKl"CK.i A KKN IV let a c-ntruct ( or
I Irvlig 'rom 75oOti , iro.f-00 br ck In
quire ac i nice ot toaha Fuundr a' d Muchloa.
Uo , U P. llr. betwe n 17th and 18th strict.
No reed ft siymif Kianl' b'ocki'
FAVItfO > di ar for pa lnif the s're U Ther *
Uaman In ' maht thtt will el re tun t rand pnt
l'i granite blocks 8 Inches deep lor fci.VB p r
jard A rlri-ulO H-eofflce. ( g-SI
niAKEN Ul' A cow about 7 } e-r old , red with.
J.white < C'il , Uno tori. * AVe a heller , ,
rtd , wl h white ipoto. both with ialf.
73tt on w Bak > rv. 18ti tit , neir
* ml Bcriptlnn papir of ihe North.
LOST Cuuruh. The finder will pleas *
le < ve at II eolBce. lu.'i tf
. C. A. FLLIsrN E'e-trn Majnetlg
Hea'jr , also b iflne < ai.d medic il Oklr-
voy nt P ycti < mtilc r ailmcn a d treatment
irlion dilly froui tf . m. 10 4 p in. Can tiocen-
> uli d by letter , fl-r.d i.iroe , uae , and lock ot
hair eta , lth $2 00 counuliktloi. fe < > . No. 2018
Uk s R . , Omaha. Neb. _ 7 ( < S 1m *
RKNT Choicti of 30 full lotu to leant.
SAVE Crelghton College for $2a per yea
Dexter L. Thomu & Bro. , Room B , ( rutcrhtct
Block. 20'.tt
TIONALIST , 493 Tenth Street , between Fkrnam
and Hainoy , Will , with tbe aid of gturdUa
spirits , obtain for any one a glance at the > past
and present , and on certain conditions In the fa *
tare. Boot * and Shoes made to irder. Porfao
Blank membirehlp rolls for the anti-monpo'7 i
league , cnnUl ilia etaten ent of pricpe n V-
h dt of pre j nuit anil li ( tiuctioi s how to urgku-
lie. ll. leitut en kppli aiion to O. to , I. air ,
> elioy , Neb. Jmloi ttainp. _ nili-11
Absolutely Pure.
Vhli powder never varies. A marvel ol p
tj , strength and wholeaouuneai. More ecouo
mlo I thin the ordinary kinds , and cannot k
tolil In competition with the multitude ol low
tot , ihort might , alum or phosphite powder *
Bold only In cans. KentGiKmo POWDU Co , ,
ft W 1 t w.w VnrV
'lha _
S anluolyTapoi
_ too'c btovo
7 th. thajrtuc4
Cw 73,000 ,
i j i '
§ > T ? " ' w
w3 * *
J p Iritis