Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1882, Image 1

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Dodge and 15th 'Streets ' ,
Silk Remnats.
A BARGAIN may be secured in
them ,
1 Call early as ! these -"goods will
sell rapidly ,
Dodge and ' 15th Street.
E irsr GR : r x nsr G-
While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Oompetition in our line
Over All Competitors
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now nd hiigurovoe.
chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish of our
ork and All orders with more promptness than ia usual
Erly Mctto us always been and always wil } bo : "First to gain snporlor
tiee and then advertise the fact not poforo no wild advei tnuinim
Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying icy
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of thin , to
- draw a line between ouch copied advortisornenta
and those of Youra very truly , ;
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb.
\l \
This ia tlio Only Eouso that Does Not Soil High
Price Goods ,
Bedding , Mirrors , Feathers , Feather Beds ,
and all Goods'Pertaming to the Fur
niture Trade , and Upholstery.
1461 Douglas Street , Omaha.
A Brief tot Spirited Debate on
the Whisky Bond Bill in
the Senate ,
Suoponsion Day Results in Lit
tle Profit to the Lob
byists of Congress.
A Trio of Lo Bred Residents o
Indian Nation Boldly In-
eult the Commissioner.
Boston Stalwarts A ppoased
by the Confirmation of
Worthingtouas Collector ,
'TrotV Falls to Earth a Financial
Ftaile , and Gnltonn Growl *
the More.
Tha Court-ln-Bano JJoflnltnlr Agro *
that Qultoau Shall Banff.
K tlon l Asocl Ud Prim.
WASHINGTON , May 15 , The president
dent has signed the tariff commisaion
There were circulated the past week
1,000 silver dollars.
Commander McOormick , of the
United States steamer EJSOX , reports
from Capo Palmas , Liberia , Apri
4th , that Consul General Merrill a
Granb&ssn , was shot and woundtc
March 18th. No arrests were made
The colored Mothod'st ' oonforcnco
at ita'aesiion to-day considered the
advisability of establishing a branch
in Indian territory.
Senate to-day conGrmod the follow
ing nominations : Holland ) Vorthing
ton , collector of customs for Boston
and Charlestown ; Call YanOloro , col
lector of customs at Saquina , Oregon
Jno F. Oovrey , of Ohio , resistor o :
the land office at Olympia , Wyoming
territory ; Robt. Lo rry , of Iowa , re
ceiver of public moneys at Huron ,
Dakota. '
The vote on the confirmation o
Wprthinglon to the Boston collector-
ahip was 38 yeas to 14 nays.
Guitoau's hopes of a big sale for his
book "Truth " have been
, , disap
point e 3. , Not over 100 copies have
been sold. *
Three Indians'from Indian Terri
tory complained to Secretary Teller
to day that Indian Commissioner
Price had refused them an audience ,
and that Mr. Price had a bill intro
duced into'congress taking away their
lauds and giving them to the Arapa-
hoes and Chojonnes , and that the
only reason for this is because the son
of Commissioner Price is connected
with the Texas Pacific Railroad com
pany , and that road favors the latter
Indians having the land. Both charges
are denied by Mr. Price.
assistant United States marshal of
Texas was arrested hero to-day on the
charge of filing false and fraudulent
vouchers with his accounts. The
bearing will bo held to-morrow.
during the month of April amounted
to $9,835,205 , about one-half of the
amount in the same month last year.
The usual cautions to steamboat inspectors
specters to increase their vigilance
during the coming excursion Beacon ,
will beirsuqd from the inspector gen-
oral's office this week.
In all probability the star route
cases will bo adjourned over tomorrow
row on account of the continued ab
sence of Dorsey. .
The court in bane have dofmtely
agreed to sustain the verdict of the
ewer court in the Guitcau caao. A
mblio decision will bo deferred until
icxt week. _
HcUonal Awociitod I'reu.
WASHINGTON , 1) . 0. , Mwy 14. A
) il ) \VUB reported favorably for thu
jrtclion of public buildings at llanin-
) al , Mo. ; Djtroit , Mich ; and Council
31ulld , Iowa.
The bill to extend the bonded pe
riod ot whisky was tukon up and Sun-
itor Buck optmud debate.
Senator Moriill followed Beck with
a prepared speech to ehovv Unit Sue-
rotary Folger was justifled in hi ex
clusions against extending the bonded
) eriod , but said the bill would un
loubtedly pass in a modified form.
[ Senator Bayard said the Bub com-
nitteo had prepared u substitute
vhich would be reported tu-morro\v.
[ t u undeutood it 'jxtundi and limits
ho bonded period live years.
Senator Windomsaid that when the
rill came before the senate ho would
ittempt to show what ho now bo.
ioved , that all fraudulonttranaactions
> eforo congress during the last twen-
y-fivo years had not altogether opened
as widu a door for swindling the gov
ernment as th bill under discussion.
After executive Hession sennto at 6:05 :
> . in , adjuurnud.
Mr. Robinson , ( N. Y. ) offured a
resolution requcstir g the president if
my American citizens had offered
insh-American prisoners money to
accept release on condition of leaving
.ho country. Referred.
Ulias , ( N. Y. ) introduced a bill for
the sale of the Brooklyn navy yard.
A bill to confirm title to the heirs
of Francis Salagar was taken up and
considered , but was rejected on the
ground that the amount of money in
volved was too much to allow it to
lass in such manner. Present uo-
ion on this bill prevented considera
tion of the McGarrahan claim , whicl
was expected to bo called up to-day
A bill was paused , accepting 20,000
volumes of books rdonatfd by Dr
Toner , of Washington , to the congrcs
fiiotml library.
A resolution to print addition *
copies of the Record of the llobrlhoi
for distribution t6 p'ublio libraries w *
IIouso then adjourned.
Cab to tknte * .
Kitton&l Att-dattd Pretl.
NBW lent , May 15. Notice i
Riven by the direct Cable Company
1C Broad street , that on and afto
Monday next , the 22d inst. , the rat
for diopatchos to and from Groa
Mritain , Ireland and Franco , will b
50 cents per word. The direct cnbl
has earned the confidence of the bus !
ness public by the promptness am
accuracy with which its business i
handled. Thin is the best nhowu in
the enormous increase of its business
The rate above given applies iiolcly
to commercial business and no clmnq
will bo made in the rates for proa
alnnnlnr Death.
K tlon l Afsocttted Prow.
NKW YORK , May 16. The death o
Allen J. Cummini ? . " aged forty-five
years , was from the most singula
cause. Ho picked bis thumb on n
thorn on April 24th. Erysipelas so
in , and blood poisoning resulted. IIo
died Friday in great pain.
Indication *
Ntttonil AaeocUteu Frew.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 16 , 1 a
m. For the upper Mississippi niu
Missouri valleys , slightly warmer
fair weather , light , rariablo winds
shifting to southerly , stationary or
lower pressure.
National AnocUtod Proiv
DSTIXOIT , Mich. , May 15. Dotroits
8 , Buiialos D.
PKOVIDKNCR. R , I. , May 15.
Providence 0 , Bostons 2.
WORCESTER , Mass. , May IB. Wor
ccsters 5 , Treys 1.
CuiOAao , May 15. Chicngos 10
Clovolands 4 ,
National Associated I'roou.
PiTTflBURO , May 15. A fire broke
out in the packing room of the Eagle
cotton nulls , Alleghany , at 5 p. m. to
day. Loss. $15,000 ; insured.
Ex-Judge Given dropped dead a' '
his residence in Greousburg this af
Miss Ma gio Soin attempted suicide
by drowning in the Youglirginy river
at MoKoesport this evening , but was
Sanany Glaring-
tfttlon&t AasocCatcd Prcsi.
COLUMBUS , 0. , May 15. A law anc
order meeting was ield at the city and resolutions adoptee
declaring that tlio Sifiiday law should
bo supported and appointing a com
mittee to secure its enforcement.
Plugging ; a Preacher-
I l'ro 8.
ST. Louis , May 15 Dr. Goo. A.
Lofton , pastor of the fashionable
Third Baptist church , started Sutur
day for u southern trip , returning
much sooner than expected with the
appearance of having encountered a
cyclone. It was learned from train
men that ho got drunk when 100
miles out and at tempted to hug a lady
and mada an insulting proposal to her *
The passengers knocked him under
.ho seat and ho took the first train
jack. Ho was from Mt mphis a year
since and will bo tried by tlio church.
A Brown Study.
Kfctlonil Aieociatod 1'rcuu.
NEW YORK , May 15. A mass
mooting of primers was hold at
} oopor Union this evening to protest
against the low ratd of iragos paid by
ho city printer , Martin P. Brown.
After icveral speakers addressed the
mooting , resolutions were adopted de
nouncing the low rate of waqos paid
> y Brown and pledging support to the
union men on a strike.
Political Froioonlion *
NktlonAl Amtocintod freun.
NKW YORK , May 15. The caao of
Jon. Newton Martin Curtis , who has
) uou reindictod tor having violated
bo law by collecting money from
flico holders to bo used for political
jurposes , ho at the time of collecting
uch assessments being special n-ont ,
7us taken up in the United States
rimiiial cjurt to-day. Counsel for
Ourtis contended there was no
uthorily under which the indictment
ould bo found , congress being do-
arred by thu constitution from Icgis-
itinon / the subject. Argument will
o continued to-morrow.
The Farmers Foe.
ntinnal AssocLtul I'tint.
Si-JiiNariEM ) , 111. , May 15. Dis-
ourdging reports reach the stuto do-
artment of agriculture concerning
10 dt'prodatioim of the army worm in
vhcut in Union county. In some
ocalities in that county thu worm lua
ulirely stripped the wheat elf the
lades and is now at wprk on the
oads. The fultx has sulFercd most ,
ot being so far advanced as some
tliers. It is stated that in many
laces the young berry itself has been
onsumed , and unless the deprcda-
ions can bo arretted , great loss is in-
CINCINNATI , May 15. Two weeks'
ontinuous rainy weather has greatly
olayoi corn planting in Ohio , In-
iana and Kentucky , Farmers are
nuch discouraged.
Give Him a Chromo.
lntlouM AbjoclittJ I'reu ,
ST. Louis , May 15. Prof. Wm.
Banning , recently from Cincinnati
nd Chicago , brought a lot of paint *
ngs hero for ealo , and when a severe-
f critical article appnarod la The
Jhroniclo , he alleges that the sale
was prevented , Ho now commences
nit for $15,000 damages against The
Jhronlclo and Win , Marpln , alleging
Ek conspiracy among the St. Louis
rtlsts to injure his business , The
flair creates great cousternatiou in
rt circles.
Oarns Calls for a CommiUoo
and is Immediately Ac
commodated ,
Uecsn. Porlcin * , Gore and Donna
SpeclM Difpjitch to TIIR DBK ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , May 15. In the
senate this afternoon Mr. Cams rose
to a question of privilege , and nskoi
tor an investigation of the charges
against him. Senator Perkins there
upon introduced a resolution calling
for a committee of three for this pur
poso. The president of tha sonata
named Messrs. Perkins , Cere nni
Doano as such committee , and it ia
promised they will go to the bottom
of the matter. Hobborts says ho will
stand by his atlidavit.
An apportionment bill was intro
duced ic the homo by Cole , of llich-
ardson , also a memorial to locate 01
Indian training school in Nanco
Kitlonil A < ocUtKl I'tcm.
Snow foil for two hours yesterday
morning at Dover , N. H.
The decision in the Guitoau case
will not bo rendered until Monday.
Two inches of snow foil in Franklin
county , Mo. , yesterday , and sleighing
was resumed.
Hon. 0. 0. Washburn , ox-mombor
of congress and cx-frovornor of Wis
consin , died at Eureka' Springs ,
Ark. , Sunday night , of paralysis and
Bright's disease of the kidney.
The statute in honor of Reuben
Springer was dedicated at Music hall ,
Cincinnati , yesterday aftornoon. It
was made by Preston Powers nnd
just brought from Italy. The May
festival will open this evening.
John D. Cameron , W. D. Russell
and P. A. Httttorsold have boon in
dicted at Ynnkton , Dakota , for forg
ing certificates of deposit. The grand
jury there is still iu session. More
indictments are expected.
The last proposition of the Tennes
see bondholders to accept bonds at
3 , 4 , 5 and G per cent , interest ,
passed to a third reading in the ben-
ate by a vote of 14 to 11.
Asail boat containing Captain
Bucklin , an old sea captain , his two
tone , aied ; 15 and 12 , John Smith ,
foreman of the car department at
Pullman , and four men whoso names
have not been learned , capsized in
Like Calumet , 111 , Sunday evening ,
and ell were drowned/ Only two
bodies have been recovered.
Brndstreots report that1 Bliss , Fa-
byonttCo , , dry goods merchants ,
Boston , obtained an attachment from
Judge Donahue of the Now York supreme
promo court against the People's cav-
incs bank of Mobile , Ala. , for 830-
337 , which the firm paid to the latter
on drafts drawn by Green & Co. , of
3olumbus , Misi. , who are accused of
icavy frauds in cotton.
The Provident Bank.
NtttooM Aiuoclatcd Prew.
JEIWKY CITY , N. J. , May 15. A
argo crowd gathered at the Provident
savings bank this morning and when
.ho . bank opened presented their
) ooks and demanded their money.
All were paid. Mr. Xtngsland , sec-
etary , who shot himself with suicidal
ntont , is much bettor and will re
Itoss Stout U In town.
L. F. Hilton , of BUIr , Is in Omaha.
J. J , Miller , of Beatrice , i * in the city.
Henry Heanu , of Homer , In in the city.
K. A , Illnea , of Beatrice , li in the city.
12. 0. Dartlett , of St. Paul , is in town.
Geo. KreUtiy , of Otoo Agency , U In th
! tv-
G. G , BesniH , of Firth , Neb , , la in tha
Harry F. Clarke , of Bellevue , la la the
WIHUm Mar hnel , of Fremont , Is in the
Ity ,
] , S , Colby , of Hhelton , is at the Can-
K. 0. Tierce , o [ Blair , U at the Metro-
olitan , .
Joseph B. Sturtovatit , of Mend , Neb. , ii
n town.
O.H. 1)111 , of South Ueiid , is at the
Jamen L'ierpont , of San Francieco , U Iu
be city ,
W. 0. McBeatb , of Dakota City , in In
10 city.
Geo. A. Brook a , of linzllo milli , U in
bo city.
George F. Tierney , of Tecuraseh , is at
Jeihtcn ! ; ,
J , Hungate and lady , of Illulr , are nt
Jrelliton. |
V. W , Bnal , of flheridun , Neb. , U at
he CanGeld.
O. C. Hublnson , of St , Paul , Neb. , in at
be Creljjhton.
Win. J. Harris , of Yankton , in a guest
W. H. Sunner. of Bchuyler , Li at the
Vithnell Home.
Jnmei ClarV , of Bt , Paul , la a guest of
lie Cantield House.
8. V , Davidson , of Tecumgeh , la a guest
ftLe Withnell huuio ,
K. 0. Dawon , of Dawaou , ia a guest of
mine host , Djnovan ,
B. CrewtU nnd Hon. N. W. Wells , of
Bchuyler , arj in the city.
0 , F. IdJiagi , of North Fiatte , come in
roiu the west last night.
Gonerxl SuperinUudent Holdreice , who
who LM been orer the llneot the B. & M.
with Gfncrivl Manager Potter , en n ton
of Inspection , hai returned ,
1) . C. Howard , of Koruoy , re ltterei
at the Can field InH nlKht.
Hon. Joun L. Leann , the bridge Unlldcr
of Grand InUnd , is in towu.
J. T. Iiticiu nml JoiephN. Ostorltnd , o
Centr.l City , were in t iwn last night ,
J. W. Do Slloi und A. II. Wick , o
H nUn , Ia. , nre nt the ( 'nnfield house.
pin nml , Warn er
ot Nebraska City , nro at the Withnell.
Charles Lnniiikln nuil Hon. T. M. 1I r
quctt , ot Lincoln , are nt the Mctropvll
Hon. W. H. Muogcr nnd J. 0. Black
miMi , Union 1'nclfio agent t Fremont , r
in the city.
John H. Atmof , S. B. Unley nnd R , H
Oakley , represent the ntato cajiltnl nt the
Crelghton to-day.
J. W. MnrMiRll , II , H. Wheeler and D
C , Uurr , of Lincoln , registered at the
Withnell lust ntght.
K. J. DoBtll , Thomas L. Gilffoy nd
J. C. Gnbble compose the Dakota City
delegntlon at the Crelghton.
Prof. P. S. Gilmorejwleader of the fa.
mouB Gllmoro'a orches'ra ' , of New York
Arrived in the city la. t nljht.
John Baler , Pat Bany , Daniel Dig
gem , and Jamen Itronuan , are niuon ,
the Jackaon reprtientativej at tha Orotgh-
Which Oast a Radiant Path
way from Omaha to
Railroad Item * Gathered ay a
Bee R porier >
The B. & M. railroad has for about
eight months boon pushing its exten
sion to Denver with wonderful enter
prise and now it is in a fair way to
In the month of August last year
work was commenced at the west hue
of Rod Willow county , Nebraska , a
distance of 247 miles from Denver ,
and now it is announced that the ox-
bansion will bo completed the last
week in May and will bo ready to
carry freig'u business by Juno 1st.
Owing to the company haviug some
now sleepers and day coaches mndo
expressly for this extension , the
passenger trains will not bo run until
July 1st , when everything will be
finally completed.
The construction of the extension
lias taken 2152 working days , an over
age of over a milo a day and very
little time has boon bat during this
The B. & M. railroad company
liavo shown unusual enterprise in the
carrying out of this great enterprise
and when the short time is taken into
consideration it must bo ad
mitted that the feat will
stand foremost among the instances
of remarkable railroad building of thu
ago.When the line is opened a lively
imo may bo anticibatcd , and it is the
ntontion of the company to run some
xcursiono to Denver , which will no
loubt bo found a great convenience to
ho traveling public.
The Union Pacific managora are
icklcd over the runs made by
.wo of their trains fiinco Saturday
ast. The Denver train which was
lold in Omaha three hours and ton
ninutos over time for the Barrett par-
y , arrived at North Plutto only forty-
ivo minutes late , and of course wont
nto Denver on time , They could
mvo donp ottll bettor with case , they
ay. This shows the ability of the
oad to Bhorten the schedule time of
not only this but overland trains nov-
ral hours , and this will probably boone
ono iu the next sixty davs. The
) onvor run can easily bo made in fit-
eon hours.
PayniHS'ur ' Josslyn'a train left Oma-
ia at 6:20 : a. m , yesterday , made the
un to Columbus , ninety-one miles , in
xaetly two houru and a-half , includ-
ng stops.
The Sioux City route has arranged
o cany delegates having certificates
rom the s cretariea of the state medi
al societies to St Paul and return at
, wo centi ) per milo each way , to attend
ho meeting of tlio National Medical
Lssociation , which meotn in St. 1'uul
lie First Tuesday in Juno. Tlicso
icknts will bo on oalo at Council
JlnfT * and all principal points on the
siour City & Pacific railroad
n Nubraaka and Iowa. As this
n the only through train line to
? t , Paul now equipped with
legant now Pullman palace stooping
a on evening trains north every
ay in thu week , it ia expected a
roivd will go , These wishing to
irocuro Bleeping cars chould give all
lossiblo notice ahead so extra accom-
dations can bo furnished , It would
> o bettor if state or local societies
would take action in thia matter and
a in a body , Thin will enable thu
oad , if notified in time , to got extra
leeping car accommodations. An
hero will bo about ono thousand
nodical gentlemen in attendance ,
otning from all sections of the coun-
ry , from Now York to California , it
will have great interests for members
af the profession.
U. I * . TiLEOIUl'IIEK8. :
Wo are glad to learn that Senator
Allen , of Illinois , late "preen" oper
ator in the telegraph ollico in this
city , has boon appointed station agent
at Hutton , vice Mr. Dorr , resigned.
jaruinio Boomerang.
jjA. II. Babb has resigned hia poei
ion aa operator in the Western
Jtiion ofllco in this city , and yestor-
lay departed west to accept a position
n the ollico at Bait Lake , Ho is a
irst-class operator and a good fellow ,
end what is a good thing in a printor'n
eyes , knows how to make good
copy , " [ Cheyenne Leader ,
Tli9 'Powers Bohina the Khe
dive's Throne Prepared to
Back Him ,
England , Franco and Turkey
United for Peace in
Egypt ,
While the Popular Ory of
the People IB for
Homo Rule.
Gladstone Introduces His Bill
to Wipe Out Arrears
of Bent.
The Irlili MemTier * Apparently
Floated Witk tli Proposed
A Few Canadian Pools.
AnocUtAd Prm.
LONDON , May 14. In the house of
loids this afternoon Eirl Oranvillo ,
foreign aocretary , said the govern-
inont has pursued the same policy
in regard to E ypt aa previously on *
nouuced , which woa to maintain the.
rrgitnoof Towko Pasha , the khedivo.
The speaker further said England and
Franco conaidcr the maintenance o
the khedivo'a authority aa the only
possible guarantee for maintenance of
order nnd development and prosperity
of the country , that the two govern-
monta are closely associated m n de
termination to ward off by their nnitod
efforts all causes of internal and ex
ternal complication , which might
menace the regime thur have estab
lished in Egypt. Ho concluded by
announcing that .other powers were in.
accord with them , ,
state of attain in Egypt grows worse.
The porto sent a telegram to the
Khedives ministry at Cairo , denoun
cing the violaticn of the constitution
ana expressing the necessity of then
adopting a course that will promote '
tranquility. The ministry will pay
little to the Porto's telegram , as they
are bent on bringing absolute homo
Porto has Bout a circular to the pow
ers , protesting against the dispatch of
foreign war vessels to Alexandria ana
claiming the aole'right of intervention
in Egyptian affair- . The Sultan ia
said to bo prepared to maintain etatn
quo in that country.
LONDAN , May 15. In the house 6F " "
commona this evening Mr. G/adatono /
introduced hia Irish arrears of rent
bill. It provides that either tenant
or landlord can make application to
the land commissioner to clear arrears
of rent. The measure is not to oper
ate above twenty pounds rental under
the Griffith valuation. The tenant
must pay a year's rent from Novem
ber , 1880 , to November 1881 , and.
must give proof before a competent
tribunal of his inability to pay other
arrears. Assistance is not to exceed
ono year's rent or ono half the amount
duo. The total amount of arrears
for compensation of landlords Ia to bo
drawn from the surplus of the Irish
church fund and failing in that from
the national consolidated funds. The
arrears are to bo extended to June
20th , 1883. Irish church fund ia cal
culated to yield 1,500,000 , while
application for clearances of arrears
of rent , it ia estimated will amount to
over 3,000,000. The reading of the
bill was received throughout with
cheers from the Irish members ,
LONDON , May 10. The queen haa
written Miss Burke , daughter of the
late Under Secretary Burke , a very
sympathetic letter , condoling with her
uTor the recent murder of her father.
May 15. The provincial
roaaurer delivered hia budget in the
loueo to-night. The principal point
f it is a measure for consolidation of
10 floating debt of the province by
10 isauo of $3,000,000 of 5 per cunt ,
obontures to bo floated in the prov-
OrrAWA'Ont. , May 15. In parlio-
nent to-day the minister of railways
> rought in a bill for all railways to bo
ubsidizud as an air line from , river
Do Loup to Edniondaon , Nuw Bruna-
vick , bringing St. John 108 miles
oarer Quebec and Montreal than by
iio present route , it making distance
rorn Quebco to Liverpool , via St.
bhn , N1. B.j aa short aa Portland ,
lius making St. John as u winter port
f the dominion compete on equal
erma with Portland.
Funeral Obsequies ,
The funeral ofMaryParcoll , daugh-
cr of Michael Purcell , of this city ,
ook place on Sunday afternoon from
St. Philomena's Cathedral , and Was
argoly attended , ,
It had been delayed to wait the ar-
ival of a brother of the deceased , Mr.
" . E , PurcoH , who resides at Oi-'iien.
The func/al was conducted by Mr.
3harlcB 1116 ( vo , and was very beautl-
ul , the iuWrment taking place at the
loly sepftlchro.
The yrronts of the deceased desire
hrouufi Tim BEE to return their sin
cere thanks to Jhcse who rendered
them aisistanco and Bympaity djring
their bereavement. Tkoy would
especially mention Fatner English ,
and the Oithedril choir , as iroll as all
; ho neighbors , fdur whoso kindly ner-
vices they feel much indebted.
The night operator at Oarbon , Mr ,
O'B. O-ipantor , b the. father. Q | fv
Ijjmacing baby boy ,