Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' * If
' * .
The Only Importers ol
_ L. "V" _ A _ 1ST a i Q.A
in the West , Have Received per StBainBPllSARATOftA11 the Following Brands of Fine Cigars
Princessas Conchas Conchas Princessas Conchas Regalia
Conchas Regalia Reina Concha Especiales Petit Bouquets No. II and No 12.
Bouquets and Regalia Chica Honradez Cigarettes
All of the above will be sold wholesale or retail at New York Prices.
Max Meyer & Co. are Sole Agents for the celebrated Ecsepcian Reina Victoria Cigars , made
by Cubans at Factory 765 , Second District , New York , Beware of Imitations.
Max Meyer & Co/s ROSES are justly celebrated as well as UNEXCELLED and HAND-MADE , Those desiring a good 5 cent cigar
will do well to call for Max Meyer & Co/s COMBINATION , the only Havana Filled Five Cent Cigar made.
Western Agents for Old Judge , Vanity Fair , Richmond Gem , and Caporal Cigarettes and Tobaccos ; also Imported Turkish
Tobaccos and ' Cigarettes. Send for Price List to
ocx ,
The Daily Bee.
Monday Morainer , May 16.
Weather Koport.
( The following observations arc taken nt
the narno moment of time at all the uta-
tlonsuamod. ) .
Wia DnrxurmLTr. U. B , BIUHAL Stnvtoi. )
OMAHA. May 11. 1B82. (1:16 : p. in. ) f
River 7 foot 0 Inches above high water mark nt
Omaha and 4 feet 2 Inches at Yankton.
ThU is circus day.
Janaunchek cornea to-morrow night.
Ashland bridge is now open for travel.
An no bonds accompanied tbo recently-
received bids for grading tbo nortb side of
Farnam street , tbo commissioner/ ad
vertise over again.
Tbo Cno passenger steamer Wyoming ,
on route from St. Loum toUenton , was
expected by her ngontH here yesterday ,
bat did not put in an appearance.
The Denver train was beld thruo
bours Saturday nlgbt for Iho Barrett
troupe , who open in Denver lo-nlKht , It
saved them twenty-four hours time.
Mr. J. T , Allan noes out to-day to
bring back a carload ol evergreens from
Colorado for planting along the U , P.
K railway in the Platte valley ,
Two of the drivers with Belli tUroth-
m ! ers' circus are old Omaha boyt Kd. Simpson -
son , an old exprets man , and "Charley , "
who worked last summer for James Steph-
Mr. Bernard Blgsby will lecture In
BrownellHall to-iUy at three o'clock | > .
m. , on "Tom Brown 'at llugbyt and Ox-i
foid. " The public are invited. .
Tbo parties who recently organized'
an electric ilght company In St. Joe and
put the works there in successful opera
tion , propone to make an effort to qatab.
lUh a similar enterprise iu Omaha.
William Wright , an aged colored man
wag collects tin cans in n big bag , fell into
t to Jones street sewer Saturday night
and came near drowning , Ho was rescued
by officers Gorman and O'Grady.
T. Henry Tlbble'u with his wife Bu
rette , better known au "Bright KI < SS , "
and hU daughters Uda and May , has gone
north. Mr , Tibbies will locate on the
Ponca reservation and embark in farming
and stock raisin ; , lie will make n
plctumiuo picture when ho gets his war
paint and blanket on.
Hon. A. Loudon Bnowdou , director ol
the Philadelphia mint , intimates that ii
tbo bill for o&tablUhlnk' an assay oflico in
Ouiaha passes both houses of congrees , an
appropiiation of 815.0CO to $20,000 ciu be
obtained for the coustiuctlou of a suitable
building , which would be qnlto im addi
tion to the city ,
Mr , Samuel llecse , the well known
job printer , has puichascd two very bund'
Homo lots of H , U , Clark , Ktq. , on Soutli
Avenue , and will build a fine bousa there1
on some time this fa'l.
The first rehem&l for the grand con-
onto ! the Y. M. 0 , A. , which takes place
the latt of this month , was a bit ; one , and
another will take place iiext Thursday at
the sauie place. Two of the beat lady
lingers in the city will nsxlst on the occa.
The 1'irst M. K. Church , under the
pastorate of Kev , J. W. Stewart , l iu.
creating its membership nearly every
week. Forty-two new members have been
received tlnce Mr , Stewart took charge ,
Thn prayer meetings are well attended and
the outlook is quite hopeful ,
An inquiry OB fo whence came the
pretty girls and good looking matrons who
appeared In such numbers < m Farnam
street about noon Saturday , developed the
fact that they were from Council Bluffs
and came over to see Barrett at the mati
nee , In Itcsedale.
The county clerk and Us auUtauts
trebnsy preparing aa abstract t ; show a
clear title to the land deeded by Mr ,
Kountzo to the Government fur the im
provements to bo made at Fort Omahn.
The county commissioners Saturday
cancelled the tax of ' 67 on the property. '
A crowd of laborers in and in front of
the city clerk's office Taturday day at-
tactcd the attention of n reporter , who |
found it wan the men who had made the
big ditch in North Omaha , being paid off
by the commit ! c nn water works , to whom
! the matter HOB referred at the special meet
ing of the city council Tuesday night.
Mr. Nelson , S. Pinnoy , has been re-
liovcd from the office of United States
storekeeper of the Willow Springs distil
lery nt his own request on account of
health. Mr. John W. Jacobson , nf Host-
ings and late of Nebraska City , has been
assigned to fill the place. The commission
of Alonzo Per&Ins , of 131olr , as United
States storekeeper has been received.
The committee appointed at the Swed
ish und Norwegian masj meeting to correspond
spend with the Swedish and Norwegian
minister in Washington in leirard to the
Vica Consulate at Omaha , have received
on answer to the effect that Mr. N. N.
Vinquest has resigned and that the Consu.
Into la at present vacant , but the Minister
intends to propose n perton to fill the
vacancy and will not allow the Swedes and
Norwegians of Nebraska to select or rec
ommend any person to fill the position.
The steamer Behon arrived In this city
Saturday morn'ng en route from St. Loul *
to Bismarck. She had some freight for
Omaha parties , and took on a small con'-
slgnment of freight hero for up river
points. While lylnjj tied up to the bank
just above the Union Pacific bridge , she
caught fire near the pilot house , and tha
crew had a lively fight with water buckets
ts ex tlngulsh the il me . She lett Sunday
The weather on Sunday was as beau
tiful as the heart could wish , and citizens
generally took advantage of It by making
excursions to the park nnd elsewhere.
There was not a livery rig to be had in the
city for love or money , and the C M
which ran over the now St. Mary's nnd
Park avenue line wore crowded down with
passengers. The Btrcets were filled with
people all day , and the change of temper-
nturo wan appreciated by everybody.
A special train over the B k M. , from
Lincoln , nrrlvud yesterday morning with
the Sells Bros.1 eh aw. The train was
composed of about thirty stock , box and
platform care , extra size , manulncturea
expressly for thin outfit. There nro also
three palauo sleeping cnrs , rrmdo ex.
preiidy for Cell's Bros. The train was
elde tracked east of the U , P. depot , and
the animals and
equipage generally un
loaded nnd taken up Jfcrnam ittect to the
circus tite on Capital Hill.
Stinging Irritation , Inflammation , nil
Udnoy and urinary complaint * , cured by
' Uuchupabla. ' " 81. liepot 'nt C , /
Goodman's. .
Madame Jnnimechok and Other Cora-
Inpf Entertainments.
While Januachek wua plnying recently -
contly inDctroit an engagement which
was unusually BiicofBsful for Hint city ,
the able critic of Tlio Frc-o Proas thuo
spokoof herand her company "Tlioro
certainly cxista no need nt this time
to say ono word ia ro rd to the
.merits of this distinguished arliato.
iior nnmo nnd fame are too high in
public favor nnd her ability IB too
widely recognized by the thoatro-
goinu public to call for any comment ,
or for an extraordinary bespeaking of
attention. Janausohok's success the
current and past seasons has anr.
passed that of any former years , and
the critical comments upon her act
ing , have in the metropolitan press ,
have been moro laudatory if possible ,
than over boforo. It ia to bo noted
also , that the corps of supporting
artista has also found larpo favor
everywhere , the company being pro
nounced the very bust Janausohek haa
over gathered together. "
She appears iu Omaha thia week. "
The Hotspur Dramatic club give two
performances at Doyd'a opera house ,
matinee and night , Saturday , May
20th , for the benefit of the St. Joseph
hospital. The plays that will bo pro.
Rented will be the French military
drama of the "Old Guard , " nnd the
norio-comio drama , "Ohimnoy Cor
ner. " The purpose for which the en
tertainment is to be given is a good
one , and we hope the opera homo will
bo crowded to its ulmost capacity.
Then and Now.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , May 17 , 1871.
If. II. WAUNKII & Co. : Sin Fern
n great many years I suffered from
kidney disease. Nothing gave mo re
lief. I finally tried your Safe Kidney
und Liver Cure , and now am in per
fect health
A Birth that Was Not Report
ed to ihe City Phyeician.
A Rorrmrkablo Family and a Bit of
Family History.
"I can't leave you quite so much
milk this morning as usual , " said
Louis Littlefiold , the dairyman , to a
customer Saturday , "I had to
leave so much for the baby lion ? "
"What baby lion ? " asked the cus
"Why , there's ono down on Twelfth
atroot that is only throe days old , and
feeds out of a bottle like many another
baby. "
A BEE reporter , hearing this singu
lar conversation , went in search of
the royal infant , which ho found , to-
zother with its father and mother , at
No. 080 aonth Twelfth street. A
wooden cage , closely shut , stood in
the front yard , and the reporter on
knocking at the door was mot by Mr.
E. M. Dunton , the young man who
owns the animals in question. He
very kindly answered the reporter that
what ho had heard was true , "but , "
tie added , "I want to know before
hand that you will not go and aay in
your paper that I feed the liona on
dogs and cats , aa was stated last sum
mer of their former owner. I
don't do that , for I'm aa much op
posed to cruelty to animals as any
ono. "
The reporter assured him that ho
should be fairly represented , nnd ho
accordingly led him to the cage , and
began unbolting the lid which hangs
across the iron barred front. As ho
did BO thojro was an ominous growling
from the interior , ' and the lid was
struck violently by something from
within. With caution to stand back ,
the lid was suddenly dropped and the
anterior revealed , from which four
liugo eyes like balls of fire glared at
the reporter and hia informant. Talk
about your menageries. No prettier
sight was ever soon than those two
magnificent specimens of the mountain
The pair consist of "Tom , " a male
and his mote "Fannie , " the former
two and the latter thirty years old
Tom is the largest , and is about the
siKO of a big Newfoundland dog ,
though much heavier , and his com
panion is but little lighter. Both are
tiger-shaped , but much moro beaiti-
ful than thatanimal. . Both hava
glossy coats of soft gray hair , little
peaked ears , forocioua looking rows of
teeth , and tuska and great gray eyes
that roll restlessly aboutondlookany-
thing but loving. Theao animals nnd
another were cnught in the Big Horn
mountains about two yoara ngo
by an export , who pronounced
iannios mate who escaped , to
bo over 100 years old , for these ani
mals live to that extreme ago They
.are the only animals of the kind
owned any where , nnd Mr. Dunton has
a standing oflcr of $1,200 for the pair ,
which ho refuses , as ho intends to
keep them for breeding purposes. Ho
bought them abput eight months ago ,
and hnd them on exhibition at the
state fair iu September. They nro
in reality a largo ftpccics of panther ?
but nro commonly known as the
Hooky mountain lion.
There was another female , but she
gvo birth ton Jitter of young lions
in the fall and they were killed and
eaten by Tom when about three weeks
old. The mother , after crying for
her babies continually , died two days
after of u broken heart. Mr. Dunton
returned lust Sunday from a trip
south and on Wednesday Fannie gave
birth to three little lions.
Iho proprietor tried to take
them out of the cage
but before ho could do BO Tom stiuok
one and killed him. The mother
lighting to retain her children , seized
one in her tooth and it died soon after
boim/ taken from her. The third \vas
secured unhurt , and this the reporter
saw wrapped in woolen cloth and
lying behind the parlor atove. A
regular mining bottle with a rubber
tin stood on the table near by , from
which the baby is fed regularly ,
but not too freely. The little lion is
about the size of a half-grown cat , ia
gray , spotted with black , haa enormous -
mous claws , and n head out of all proportion -
portion with its body. It has not yet
got its eyes open , but when taken out
and potted whines like a kitten with a
double act of lungs , and scrambles
about as awkwardly as mule up a tree.
The animals are all fed on milk and
ogga , the old ones also being given
raw beef occasionally. It does not do
to overfeed them , at they are aubject
to dropsy if allowed to Hvo too well.
Mr. Dunton will have the trio photo
graphed in a few days. This city is
his home , and ho does r > ot keep the
creatures hero for exhibition.
An Omaha OrRtmlzatlonTPays Q visit
to Their Brethren of Council -
, cil Blulfd.
Friday evening a company of over
forty of tho.members and friends of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion , of this city , took a special train
for Council Bluffs , for a social union
meeting with the association of that
place. The delegation was mot at the
transfer by a committee , and escorced
to the Baptist church , where a largo
audience was in waiting.
After the singing of several soul-
stirring songs by the male choir , Dr.
P. J. Montgomery , president of the
Council Bluffs association , gave the
Omaha brethren a cordial welcome ,
and after reading the first paalm , in
troduced Dr. Doniao , of Omaha , who
congratulated the young men and
citizens of the Bluffs that they had re
organized under such favorable cir
cumstances. Ho exhorted them also
to keep free from debt , and not forget
their relationship to the church the
arm of which ii is.
After another song Mr. Warren
Switzler was introduced and spoke of
the two strong conflicting elements
now at work in the world upon the
moral character of its people , and es
pecially upon the young men. ' Ono
of the most potent agencies for the
elevation of young men , as had been
clearly demonstrated in ita work of
the past quarter-century , waa that of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion. "United work for young men ,
by young men. "
Following the address of Mr. Switz-
lor and a selection by the male quar
tette , Mr Howflor , general secretary
of the Omaha association , made a
brief talk on the spiritual work of the
Y. M , 0. A. and incidentally referred
to the relationship of the association
and church expressing decided views
on this point. The association ia the
church at work , it seeks by all legit
imate moans to brin { young men
under its influence , social and spirit
When the exorcises were concluded
three-quarters of an hour was spent
in a social way , nnd the Omaha boys
returned with expressions of deep
interest in the Council Bluffs work
and as being , highly delighted with
the reception'hoy ' rccsived.
ASK your druggist forlleilding'ii Husalaft
flalve. Keep it in the house in C.IEO of acci
dents. I'dcoSSc.
Import in t Ecclesiastical Mooting
Noxfc Week.
The annual council of the Proton-
taut Episcopal church in Nebraska
will bo held'iu the basement of the
now cathedral on Wednesday , and
Thursday next , the 17th and 8th
The prdor of cervices and business
will bo aa follows :
Morning prayer , holy communion ,
and eermon by the Kev. M. F. Carey ,
rector of St. Thomas' , Falls city ; after
which , if there bo time , the council
will organize and adjourn till U o'clock
p > ni ,
At 3 p. ni , the business of the coun
cil will bo proceeded with until G
o'clock , when a reoosa will be taken
until 0 o'clock , when the bishop will
deliver his annual address , and mis
sionary addresses will bo delivered by
the Rev , T. 0. Eldrod , of Norfolk ,
and the Rev , David Barr , of Nebraska
being Ascension Day , holy communion
will bo administered at 0 o'clock a m , ,
after which business will bo resumed
until 1 o'clock , when a recess will be
taken until 3 o'clock , At 3 o'clock
business will bo continued ,
A reception to the bishop , clergy
and lay delegates will bo given at the
residence of the Uev. John Williams
on Nineteenth street , to which mum-
bora and friends of the church are cor
dially invited.
Hedge plants 75o. per thousand
wholesale or retail. T. E , B. Mason ,
Shenandoah , la. d--'t
Wanted 100 mechanics and labor
ers to buy best boot a and shoes at P.
H Greon'a , 410 S.13th street.
Man-logo of Mr. Wm. Neville and Mies
Molllo Keith.
The following marriage notico.taken
from The North Platte Telegraph of
the llth inst. , will bo of general in
terest to our city readers. Mr. Nev
ille was formerly a resident of this
city , where ho practiced law at one
time and subsequently was sent to the
legislature which elected the late Hon.
P. W. Hitchcock to the United States
aonato. Dr. Joseph Neville and ex-
United States District Attorney Jamea
Neville , of this city , are his brothers.
Miss Mollie Keith , that was , is also
well known hero , having spent con *
sidorablo time here in visits to her
her many frionda. The Telegraph
says :
"Tho marriage of Mr. William Ne
ville and Miss Mollie A. Keith , of
this city , was consummated at the
homo of the bride's father , Mr. M. O.
Keith , in North Platte , on Wednes
day , May 10. It was a private affair ,
but a few parties outside of relatives
of the families being present. The
ceremony took place at 8:30 : p. m. , be
ing the beautiful ono of the Episcopal
church , and was performed by Bishop
Clarkaon , of this state. Misses E. 0.
Gaeey , Allie Clark , Jessie and Frankie
Barton acted as bridesmaids , and wore
the only persona who stood up-with
the contracting parties. After the
ceremony was performed a fine colla
tion was spread before the guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Neville decided to forego
the customary wedding tour and.have
remained in the city , the Sontei resi
dence on Fifth street having been fitted -
ted up for their occupancy.
Of Mr. and Mrs. Neville the Tele
graph can say little that ia not al
ready known to our people. jMr.
Neville has been following his pro
fession , that of law , in this vicinity
for several years , and ho has built up
a reputation as an attorney , second to
that of none in western Nebraska.
Ho has had a largo and varied expe
rience in the practical walks ot life ,
and the union just consummated will
but add impetus to his ability and
ambition , as well aa enlarge his sphere
of usefulness , for marriage is an insti
tution that gives men fidelity of pur
pose and permanency in the world.
Mrs. Neville is a lady who has been
known to the people ot this city since
girlhood , and few command their re
spect and esteem as an accomplished ,
able woman , moro than she , North
Platte has always been proud of her ,
and the now relationship , she has con
tracted but augments that feeling. "
VONCY TO LOAN Call at Law Orace ot O.
luThonns Roam 8 Crelzhton Blor > .
. . . 8 per cent In-
) fJ < J\\\J\J tercel In sums.of 12,500 and
upwards , for 8 to G years , on flrat-clasa city and
( arm property. Buuig liujL EaiATU and LOAU
Aaincr. Uth and DowUs Sts.
TXTANTfirJ--/ flrst-cla's wholesilo clothing
fV house for each of tbo states of lllstourl ,
Kansas and Ni bras k a at veraljiood calf pmencom-
nmtidlDK tra'c. Atldrun with reference and
full part cuUrs regarding territory at d terras ,
P. 0.1)9X ) 2003 PnlUticlphll , I'a m)3 ) CtsoJ
F.D A competent girl to cook aud do
L'enoial liouicwotk. Itcf.'recce roiiulro )
Family B nail. Addrcsa F. l. OHAIiLK ,
110-10 Kearney > cb ,
AgMtodo general hou oi rk ,
WANTED uiruorlSth and Casn H toit ,
at teller worts m tf
Two Band brick moildcrs. In
quire at W , U. Bullett'd olUco at 317
South 13U ttrcet. 105-lSf
WANT JO teams on Florence Cut-CD , ajes
I S3.f 0 per day. Work until O.-toher.
112 tf JAUE3 P. VINCENT.
ANTED Girl ta do general housswork , in
W : small fuully. S018 Hurt street.
110-15 DK.PAUL.
A girl t ) do general housework ,
WANTED Jiekson street. efl tf
A competent laundrei * at flouth
50 rcen for railroad ucrk. n.
WANTED , Kiu.Itimeut Agutit , llth
street , neat Farnam. 00-lSr
A.MED A laundrus at tht > fct. Charles
Hotel. 82 If
'ANTED A good tobcr ti-rnutier.
Good girl at 1M ( North ICto st.
' aituatlon by a louipetuu boon-
WAM'KU r who umlcrittnd * diy go d ,
peaks BcandluivUu. Addrtus \ . O. 1. Ufa
otllt . 1186'
A widow from the cast
WANTED work , fewlog or light housework
preferred. Wages tot to be contlderd eo much
04 good borne. AJJruu N. O. lite ottlitj.
"TTTAKTEU Situation byjoungman , loir bus-
YV ioeis education , In wbolcialo or counuls-
( loabouiB. II. Y , U e offlco. 1W-18-
\TtrANTED-3ltuattonln a nrst-d'ass grocery
\ \ store , 01 clerk by a man who is not afraid
to work. Haary no tbjcct until familiar with the
bii'lnese. liesi of reference given. Apply to O.
T. HoviBcr. Sup't..M.C.A. . , reading room ,
oraddresi K. S. Bco of flee. 114-13 *
TTTANTED A iltuvtlon an book-keeper or
VV clerk In some western city , by a joung
man22 years of age. Ilaihaltno years exper
ience in double-entry book-keeping , licit o
reference * given Address C. H. 1) . , P. O. box
404 Hartford , Conn. 109-lSt
\TTANTED-Sltuatlon by middle aged lady In
YV hotel or wldowois lamily as hou ekeopcr
is competent to take full charge , no objection
to go out of the city. Address Housekeeper Bee
olllce. 102-13'
Employment by a flrst-cl .31 bake
WANTED , Kmplo/mcnt Agent , llth
street nca Farnnm. 33-13"
"VTTANTBD Situation by a man of experience
VY and ability , in city and cnmtry , good
reference Addrcjj A. 1) . Hoe ofllcc 97-13 *
\T7 ANTED Hy a first-class dressmaker , scw-
YY Ing ol all Kinds , at No. 13U Dodge > trcet :
or will go out arm douorkat moderate prlcts ,
78-16 *
\\T ANTED Rooms sultablo for light house-
YY keeping , furnlihed or unfurnished , rea
sonable In price. A'ldrcfs 1) , C. L. Bee olllce.
ANTED To buy a good pjny , price not to
W exceed * :0 , address F. L. McCLURE ,
100-13 * Omaha , Nab.
To loan 3SUOor$300 tosorao re-
WANTED paity , who will g TO mo steady
emplo ; m nt In a grocery or dry goods ana gro
cery aittaro clerk , hxptricuce moio oi an
object atfUrit than wages. Address
111-tt t-LL. POWKLL , Klver Slour , Iowa.
ON El A partner wanted , acttre or si ent ,
M with $5000 to $20,000 cum to Invoit In a
_ imito builnoss which Iu six months time wi.l
[ ay a profit at lojst equal to the amount In.
vested , and both be turned Into clean cash and
the partnership ended. Address "Monty" Bee
office. BJ-tl
\TTANTED FurnlshO'l room with board , for
YV > > " , wife and child , In a good totality.
Pike muit be reasonable. Addrts * D , A. lioo
office. - 71-131
600 pnvy vau.ts , sinks And cess
pool i to clean with banltary Vault and
Sinn Cleaner , the best In use. A. Kvans & Co. ,
residence 1200 Dodge street. Omaha. _
W "ANTED Fundin ? bridge and school bonds.
tl.T. Clark. Beileme. Sg-tt
"TTTANTED * children aa boarders In a select
YV ocbooi , M 10th and California St. L. B.
JLN north ol DoJfte on 18th. , . " 118-JO'
J710R RENT The 'tccond .floor consisting
JU ol Ore rooms of the brlclc b nldlng corner
Liot'Elas and 12th strett , also the more uelow to
rent. L. Lehman. 117-tf
I OR RENT Furnished room corner 10th and
J } Dibits. 120-tf
TTIOK UENT Furnished room with or without
J ; board In a private iiuullyat 1113 18th street.
12'.18 *
RENT Two furnished front roorui at
459 bctneen lltraey and UtTw rJ , Hth
tret. 101.16 *
TnOR RENT House ol lx rooms. 1112 llth
JL1 street , touth ot Pa.lflc. T. 0. PELLE.
01-16 *
FOR RUNT-A nicely furnished room , 8. E.
front , /Or one or twa Ronthmen Inquire
at HH 18tU street , between Clark and Grace ; old
No. 030. Reference required. U
FOR r.ES'T House of five rooms , corner 23d
and Pierce. Apply at 8. O. Stevenson , cor
ner 17th and Ca-u. iie r f as > r Church.
TJOR RENT-rNeat'y furnUho : room with prlr
1J llcje of adjoining ( parlor. 1813 Webster
street. HO-tf
RENT New rooms furnlsred or u&fur.
TO ni'hi'd is dcilred commanding flno view
of tha Jlver , bridge , Council DIu0 > , and icenory
Up ant doTn the rher for twenty miles ,
"llocuior'uBlock-1 corner frtlitnd Honu.d.
1011 HK.Vi' A uulto of nicely furnished room
torrent. U. E.corneriMtliand Datvnport
BtrccU 931-tf
T710H LKASK Atf-5 ajiur , newrut niuo UBI
L1 denco lots near 25llietrett and St. UaryVave.
918-tf W II. 1UHTLKTT , itCOl EtUtu Agent.
17\Otl HUNT X lunutnvd 1001111 ovti tn
JTJ chauM * Exchange , ! ? . X. cor. ICtu > nd Uod ;
uroeta. V-H-tl
TT1011 HKNT Mlccly ( urnlnliixj rooiua with o >
Jj without board. Itcaoonablo prlcuu. 201t
1710H BALK A Lou < o and lot on Uodga street ,
JL1 cno ol tnatineit locations In tin city
116-tl J. U. DUMONT , ISth unl llarnfy.
I/1OH HAM ) lu liable corner lot JJoli Inx lot
X1 ifark avenue. GEO. W , AllKd
itt-tr UOG Karnam btmct.
"TTIOK SALE Drug store coropleto annual
K > Ioi upwaiil of teoju , Is well located , In
llkonilngton , county mat of KrMiklln County ,
and rut of the U , a. land otllco ( or Southern
Nebraska , full particulars furnished on a
plliatlon to W. O. U011IN80N.
82-1 J
HALF One house and lot at a bargain
FOR four room2 closets , ptntiy. cit
tern &c Inquire en nrem lies , No. 122 20th bt.
UogK'n & IlUrs addition.
SALE 100.000 excellent hard brick , for
FOB , cbcnp for cath , If taken cntlieaotbey
stand in the kit i , by LORENZO DI11DLK ,
Yard ono block south of corutr , of 15th street
and Ilelhcuo Road. 69-13"
77\OR \ SALE Or Trade ; 4ixl82 feet on lOlh
JJ street next to the corner of Harnev , also
eoxlSi feet on the a t tide between Uud < e and
Capitol at cnue. Enquire of II , DERTil OLD.
S3 It
SALE-Tho Warm SpiliiK , situated 24
FOR south ol the U. f. railroad iu Carboa
County , Wjomln ; Territoiy , 440 acrei ot
miadow and upland till * guaranted. Address
\V. IJ. Caldviell. Warm Springs , Wyoming.
SALE Neat cottage of five rooms , barn ,
FR , and cistern , on3rd street netr Cali
fornia , at 11,400 , easy term1. JU-Cagua opposite
pcuto.llie. S2-tf
I OK SALE A restaurant at a bargain. n
F Mannweller. llth stroel near Farnam.938U
T710K SALE Iho POPULAll HOTEL , known
J } aa the BOYS' HOME. This houno Is co-
tially located , has eou h and cost front , and In
surrounded w th flno ihadc trees ; cent .Inathlrty
Bleeping rooms , * has Ice house. laundry , eamplo
room , etc. Haia world w do reputation and a
better patron ; ge than many houses ot twlco Ita
capacity. Price $5,000 For particulars ad
dress , A. A. SAWDKY , Red Cloud , Mb.E54U
SKAP offer * burgalns In lota In hl new sul
len just went of 1.111 adjoining Fhlnn'a ad.
dittoes , ( only $200 to $400 each only 6 per cent
dovm and 5 per cent per month , cQlcea 10th and
Douglas streets. See Column.
PlOll SALE 200 choice lots In Han com Place ,
JD W. K Bartlctt , Heal Estate Agent , 317 8.
13th street. 833-U
EOlt SALE A good corner lot on Dodge and
28ih street , m a very fast growing part of
the city , will divide. Inquire at 810 South Eflth
street , near Farnam.Bogg'a & IllU'a addition.
"I710R SALE 20 lota near Hanscom Park , west
JC of Park Avenue. 5450 to ,6900 each. Me-
Caguo opp. PostofBcu. 671. tf
"I7WRY Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 83Z
JC "M. H. H. B. " , winner of prlzo at Stata
Fair. Stands for service vt Nebraska Poultry
Yards , West Omaha. Graham * . Browne ,
171011 SALE One second-hand 26 horse powe
JD engine , good as newal o two 8 horse powo r
and two IB horse power engines , new. Boilers
ol all sizes , now. Inquire Omaha Foundry an
Machine Co.U. P. By. bet 17th and 18th omaha
T7IOR SALE Or will excha fro for Omaha pro-
JD I iperty , an Improved sec on of land adjoin
ing ; a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , lilt
Farnhain St. , Omaha. 720 8mt
1IAY At A. H. Bander1 Feed Bto
1018 Harnev St.
TTISTKAY NOTlOf Taken up by the under-
Jil s'ffnoJ ' at hli place on Connoly's Farm on
Uellveuo road. Hay 10th 1832 , one red cow with
spotted h < al ( whiteand redabout 8 yoara old.
Ownercnnhavo the sanio by proving property
anJ pijlnir charres. JACOB SaiPPOUEiT.
122 IS'
> and toft stove wood can be obtained
HAR the wood yard on Chicago Direct bo-
twtcn ISttt and 15th , for caah. Prompt del < verr
guaranteed. 121-13)
T AKEN UP-A large red "cow , vlth strap
around the neck. ADAMS & HOWELL.
93 ! South of Poor housa.
S'lllAUEU From my place In the city , a white
cow about beven or eight years old , brandfid
U on one thoulder ; haa same red hat . I will
pay areuard for her recovery. K. WAKEOEY.
103 d2t wit *
mo BtUCKDAYEUS-To let a contract for
JL laying from 74,000 tJ 100,000 brick. In
quire at ( .tlics ot < mahn Foundry and Machine
Co. , U. P. Ky. between 17th and 18th street.
milOSE wlshlnir now wells bored , or old one *
JL cleaned or lowcrid , will please call on or
address II M. HKO\VN ,
01-18 IBDTBurtUtraet' .
PAVING No need ol siyinp jrranlts bloiks
are too dear for pavlntf the streets Thtro
is a man In Omaha that.wlll K\\O \ turtty and pat
In graiilto blocks 8 inches deep for $3.26 pot
yird. Aidrocs 10 Bee oflico. cg-31
mAKEN UP A cow about 7 yexrsold , red with
J-i white wrtMwe horns Also a heifer ,
red , with whlto ( pots , both with calf.
73-ltt on t w Bakery , ISih Si. nca > yii
OT"A " "P" of the North
MRS. 0. A. rLUSON-n-ectro Magnetic
Heal jr , also buslnei aud medical OMr.
vpyant. I'Kychometic rtadlngs ft.d trentmSuV
glveu. dilly from U a. m. to 4 p. m. Can becen. T
sultc byUtter. end name. ago. and leek § f
Caas S' , | Omaha , Nob. * ygg "injh
AVE flENT-Ch ? of 80 full lots to
, c , 9 * " , rALJIYSTERY ANU | CON J
TIONALIST , 49i Tenth Street , bctwpun farnaw
EndUa.ney. Will with
, the aid of B C
i-.v , obtain for My one a gKnce at tSo
and and nn . , . ! . . _ . _ ji. _ . . .
pruibDt , on curtain coadltlouu Ia the fu
ture. BooU and Shoes tntde
" to > rder. Purfea
* " " yntrtn
\ ,
Absolutely Pure.
This po der ner varies. A
y , strength and- '