Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    TEE P-AILY vmi OMAHA MONDAY MAY 16 , i882.
CIO Furnham , bet. Olhnnd 10th Streeti.
Oac ccpy 1 yiati 510.0C
8 month ! S.OC
manlh . S.K
Ctr.Tts Otoiha r p ref r No. 8 , 8SO : . m. Ao-
frtwpititloii No. 4 , 1:0 1 p. m
sfdlriu Cuinl-'R ' rnssongcr Nn. 1,6:20 : p. n ,
ccrr J : il llon No , 3 , luK : ! h. m.
iMxo OWAIU IAST oil COUTH ronnp.
0. , B , b ti , 7:10 : n. tu. P. : o p. in.
0. * N. W. , f ; IO . in. 3:40 : n. .
0. , R. t. & r. , 7:10 : a. m. S : < 0 r. ra.
K. a , fit. J , & U. n.lcA M Bt t SO ii. m , and 7:46 :
W. AMvM tnt. Lous ! t 0:80 : t. iu. nad 8:62 :
tu. ,
J . , 31. ! . . ft I' , , lt- rod at S . m. n < 5 SW : p.
/Jri-.w t St , touts it BID : a. m. aid 7:80 :
wrat o * . ttFifwtom.
B , & It , IB VH > . , Thjoujfc Eiptcji. S ! 0 m.
II. h JI. Llni-oln Kxprcfs 6:20 \ > . m.
U i' , Ovcilar.'l Kxjir * , 19:13 ) x in.
0. A t > . V. tot Muolu , llilC . ID ,
W. A R V. ( or OMCOU. :10 : ft. m.
. 1' Jn-lehl No. S-aon. ra.
. P'l Ktelit Ho. 0 , 8:20 : a. re.
ftwirlit No. 18 , SATju n.
' 'tclibt N ° - ? i Cl ° V-
fV IV > ? ' IV "i rsiiress , 7 5 p. ID.
0. i' . froli lit N U , ! ! p. m.
C. P. IKw rut troleht , b:35 p. ra ,
GJHT AMD ouvn.
C 3. : Q tiW : n. m. m.
'G , i , N.v. . , f , m. . m ,
C. R., a. m. b.-OB v. in.
c P. . M. , ( nc fcO I'- . . tr-EG . . ) . ta
0. tt II. V. Ht > m Lincoln 1.GB p. ' " .
0. f. I'acl3c Sxpr * > R:25 | i , in.
t f * W Xeb. , Through JAPTUH llf p m
fell" ' ' * H. I.ln"0ri ! Kxpro-w-Bilffa in/
AJ. ' . Denver cxprow , 7:8fi . di.
W , P. BVeifht rio. It 2 (0 p. m.
tr. 1 * . So. 34W ; n. w Emlf ) tnt
\1. ] ' . 'rclitlit No. U , IJH : p. iu.
. V. Ko. 8 8:00 u. n- .
U. 1' . Ho. 11 1:15 : R. iu.
r , P. Bem r IrulKht , 1:10 a. m.
0. , K. fM p. ta. xst
| - V 6 , 10.M
, ; 1:0 > , 4 CO and b 0 y. in.
t , n-oCoutic.i Illofii 10:45 : and
ftt ft. ttt.j tU , Sif : , f : S5 p. in.
AT .Bi6 dunlti ) ' losvce Omohiv et 9.W
CM it &A2Hb'ii < )0 M K-MnHa. t r oair
lt ( ! 103 tt VM xnd 11 ! M j. so. ; ' 1:25 ,
' "
' Thiocsli cod loml pa seriier tialne batweon
Orjihit nail C-omjtl ! lllu&a. Ln ve Orashft 8:1B : ,
3:40 : , 5:40 : , HfU ji. m. Arriff
it b a. in. ; 6 : < o. 7OB , 7:1S : ,
ne Cloaleic
on-s. UI/33K.
> . m , p. tu. e. ra. j ) . i
i r. * v n.o" O'po f > : so L :
kgo , R ! . ' * v-.t.y..llM. : Hft : ) 6 : * ) E :
* ; fc. ! . A. tj 11:00 Bto : G:13 : 2:4
ttt. . . , 12.-M f.:30 : ft *
lfl < rrti OUy nwl t'nfie. . B-1 , Sl
" ' -1
. Jl : ja
; JAM. tnKob . i. 4:00
* > jt ) t--Aiw A Slooi U'.ty . . . . 7:33
M. ftll. nincoln . 10S- : >
TJ. f. Mncois , Sur.Ua" . . . 1:30 :
J. P. Oanvcr KJ.P B : : >
o. , sio x t ity ft u. r. . .11 oo 2n
Lcctl r.iuf'H for B ! . tu of iotra ICA.VB but ccca
i ! j- , vie : i':30 : a. m.
O.Ico open MBiJiyn from 1C m. to 1 p. tn.
03. K HALL P M.
letoash Mona
( No. SC05. )
'Office it CovrThOLLBR OKTIIK CtinnEKCT ,
\VAMliNaTO < , Aill2&th 18b2
\Vnr.nBAS , by r-atitfactor.v ovldcncu presentee
to the ut ders cnen , It I an been rnnclo to appear
OMAHA , " In the c ty of Omaha , in the county ol
Douglap , and Mate of Nebraska , lias"compiled
with all thoprovlsloisof thoIicUscd Statues of
the United MatcD requind to bo ( omplledwlth
lC/oie an association eball be authorized to com
Snencothubu Imescf DanMnc :
Now , tlurcfuro. 1 , John Jay K 'OxComptroller
of the currincy , do hereby ( ertlfv that "Tho
Nebraska Nail' nol Eank of Omaha , " In tbe cl y
of Onisl a , tn the c unty of Douglas , and ttato
of Nebraoka , it authoiizid to commence the
bufllncna of Banking a < tuovlJcJ In Scctlsn Fifty
Ono Hundnct nnd Sixty-Nine ot the Kovlecd
Statutes of tl.o I nitcd States.
In testimony whereof wltnos my
( V hund end real of office this 25th
4 SEAL. > day of April 1 82.
Comptroller of thu Currency ,
The above Bank Is now prepared to rccoho
' It commences with a fully pa d up
cap'talof $210,000.00 , with officers and directors
as follows :
S. II. JOHNSON , PRESIDVNT , of Steelr , John
son & Co. , Wholefalo Grocers.
A. E. TOUZALIN , Vic rntaiDKST , of C. B. & Q.
R R. , Boston.
W. V. MOUSE , o' W. V. Morss and Co , , Whole.
sale Boots and Shoes.
JNO. B. COLLINS , of O. U. & J B. Collins ,
, Wholesale Leal her and S ddlery.
JAMES M. Woo worth , Counsellor and Attorney
tt Law.
LEWIS 8. REED , of Byron Rccd & Co. , Real
Estate Uoilcis
HENRY W. VATES , Cannier , late Cashier ol tbs
Fir t National Dank of Omaha , and
connected with the active manage
ment ol that Bank tlnco Its orgau
Izatlon in 18C3.
( Snooosior to D. T. Mount. )
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Saddles Harness
, , Whips ,
EoliBS , Dusters and Turf ( roods
T SC. At'cnt rot Jos. R. Hill & Co.'s
' 'The ' Best in The World , "
Order j Solicited. OMAHA , NEB
In the Circuit Court of the United States ( or thi
District ot Nebraska :
S ami. U. llradley , et. ol. , is. Willla-n Emery ,
ctol. ; nfliancery Koreclosuro of mortgage.
1'utllo notice U hereby git en that in pursuance
and by virtue of a dccrcocntercd In theabot c.cause
on tho2Sthday of January 18a2.1 , fcllia L. bier-
bower , Special Master In Chancery In said Court ,
will on the m day of June , 1882 at the hour of
10 o'clock In the forenoon of the said day , a the
north door of the United tates Court House nnd
I'OBtotllco ulldlnt'iii the City of Omaha Uougloa
county , "tato and District of Nebraska , sell at
auction the following desert cd property to-wlt :
The east half of the southwest quarter
and the ( southeast quarter of the north west
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section fifteen (1C ( )
township twenty-three (23) ( ) range ten (10) ( )
east of the Sixth Principal Moredlan and
Bltuate nnd being in the county of Burt ,
State of Nehratka.
HLLIS L , BiKimowEB ,
Special Master in Chancery.
Solicitor for Cuinplanant. 'd&w-4w
Takp "BLACK-PnAUGHT" and yor
uuver Lu biliouu
Business Hireotory ,
Abstract and Real tjtata ,
JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Offlco !
W. R. BAim.KTT m South Uth Street
Architect * .
unuwn A MENDELSSOHN , ARomrncrrs
Room 14 Ciclfthton Block ,
A. T. IiAKOE Jr. . Rnom i. Ciclirliton Hint * .
Dooti and Uhoct.
JAJiF.3 ficTINE & 00. ,
/Ia Boots and Eliocs. A coed tsMrtmenl
ouo 'to ; * on hind , corner ISth n 1 Humcy.
303. r.RlOKKON , a K. car. 10th end Doiulw
) H loth utrftoi , ra nuittturt8 ( to order food work
il f lr tirleen. Remlrtnc1 done.
Bed GprlnKt ,
LAHR1MRK Manufacturer. 1617 Donrkiit
tiookt , Now * and Stationery.
) . 1. rUUKHAUK 1016 Farnhain Strctl.
tiutter and EKC .
JoCUAXH it SCnilOEliKR , the oldest B. and E ,
tl < 3 In Nebraska established 1875 Omaha.
( Jlfcwosi corner t6ifciud Uodpe.
UMt Ecuri' for the Money.
N UafMtlon Guaranteed
tit nil ITeut * .
rtcfc.d bj the Day , Wcth rtr Month.
Oixvl Terras ( or CV.h
/M nNVDER , 14th and H rnev Street ? .
s Uoii ht.
. Tt&lU'M vlll v y hl l.ntCnshmlco lor second
< .aj cldthtnv. Corac rl h and iVnham.
JCVKI cr .
JOHN BAUMUU 1311 Ftrnbun Btrcel.
H. BRItTllOLU , Riut > nd McUI.
Lumbar Lima end Camont.
'OEIEH & ORV corner tith and Douglw Bla
POKUIiU ISM DcuglM Ht. Oooa
Merchant Trtilore.
uo o ( our most ( cpuUr Merchant Talbr * Is re
tiring the latest debris ( or Spring and Summer
OJiln Jjr gentlemen a wmr. Stjllth , durable ,
' 0 prices tow M err 216 llUh bet.
ilia. 0. A. HUt'ORR , Wholunle trad Retail , F n
yttcodu In Kriat tniloty , EerJivri' , lioarde ,
tcslcrv , GUivca , OcrsotB , &o. Cuc.ipcat llouoo In
iaWut. rnrcHrJtrfl rava 50 pur cent. Ordci
.y Kf.U. HE rittaonth Street.
' '
-'ilH WHAUNK&SOMB co .l h&.fisckscni
Hour and Feed.
UASACrrSf UILL9 , Sth nd rnrahnai Sta. .
V'oahr.n3 ( Uro * . , tirsiirlctsrs.
. CTSTKICS , Slct uctwcon Cunlug nil Isar
A. UcSJIANE , Cor ) . 3d anil Cumlng Jjtrecti.
e , Iron aru
, > ! , AK & LJiXQVOKXny , WLOlwaSo , 110 EDI" "
12 Uth atrcct
A. IT.OLME3 cotno 1Kb and California.
Harness , Qaadlct , Ika.
B. WKIBT EOlSthSt. bet FarnIlsrncy. .
& 3FIEIJ ) UOOSKaoo. CanaoldCth & Farnhujj
JOJIAH HOUSE , P It. Cary , 013 Farnliam St
SLAVEN'S UOTKL. P. Slavcn , 10th St.
.outhcrn Hotel Qua. Ilniool 9th & Lcavonwoitb
Palntaana una.
X n2acct ! , YLic Fsnc Wood" , Cor. litn and
Don i > l etrccta.
f. 3. Wni'XKHOUFK , WhoIesilB&Rotall , 16th at ,
0. FIELD , 022 Uorth Skla Cumlng Street.
PAKR. Drazfflst. 10th and Howard Streets.
JR. PAtn. Williams Hlock Cor. 15th * Dodje.
ury Uooaa notions , ttc.
JOHN n. F. LKulIANlI & CO. ,
< tew Toitc Dry Goods Btoro , 1310 and ISIS Fam
him otract
. . O. Enewold alro boat * and Bhooa & Pacific.
i t. OROBS. New and Bcoond Band Furniture
ad Etovcs , 1114 DcazUa. Hlgboal cash price
kid ( or second band eooot.
BONNEE 1809 Donrta at Fine tcooda &e.
teroe Voru.
JUST , FBIESACO 1218 QarneyHL , Improve
d Ice Bozoa , Ircc acd Wood Fences , Offlca
Illnce , Oonntci' Plna and Walnni
Pawnbroker * .
R03ENFELD 10th Bt. hel far. Or Har
Hotrijterator * , uanrleld'a Patent.
ROODMAN 1th Rthct Fa > n. &
OlRira and Tobacco.
VEST & FKITSCDER , manufactnrort of Clgan ,
, nd Wholesale Dealeral n Tobaccos , ISOBDougUa.
f. F. LOUENZCN manufacturer HlOFarnhom
- Florlit.
A. Donaghue , planta , cut Hovers , seeds , ooqueta
tc. N. W. cor. 16th and Douclas streets.
Olvll Cnelneera and Surveyor * .
ANDREW ROSEWATEtt. Crolghton Block ,
'own Surveys , Grade and sewerage Systems
OommlMlon Merchant * .
JOHN O. WIIi L1S.11U Dodge Street
I B. BEEMER. For details see large advertise.
aent la Daily and Weekly.
Cornice Worka.
Vootcrn Cornice Works , Uanufactnrers Iron
lornlco , Tin , Iron and Slate Uoofllng. Orders
rom any locality promptly executed In the best
launer. Factory and Office 1218 Ilarney St
C. SPECHT , Proprietor ,
lalvanlted Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. ,
lanulacturod and put up In any part ol the
ountry. T. 8INITOLD 416 Thirteenth ntroet
Crockery ,
. CONNER 1E09 DOnglas street. Oood line.
Olothlns and Furnishing Uoo a.
IEO , H. PETERSON. Alno Hats , Caps , Boots ,
hoes Notions and Cutlery , 804 8.10th street.
Show Oaae Manufactory *
fannjacturer and Dealer In all kinds ol Show
asea , Upright Cases , * „ 1317 Caas St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
how Case manufactory , 818 Eouth 16th street ,
etween Lcavenwortb and Marcy. All good *
arranted flrst-clasa.
dtovus ana mware.
lealer In Stoves and Tinware , fcnd Manufacturer
f Tin Roofs and all kinds of building VVoit ,
Jd Fellowa1 Block.
. BONNER. IBM DonglftB Bt. nod tn.l Ohetp ,
| 8eeds.
. 'EVANSVholegalo and Retail Seed Drills and
nltlrators Odd Fellows Hall
' Physicians and Ouraeons.
r , 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No s , Creljhton
lock , 16th Street
e , 0 , JjElbKNHINO , at , U.
. Ik HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postoffice
cnllit and Aurist. S. W 16th and Funham Bti
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
sar Masonic Hall. FUrt-cUes Work and Prompt-
jsa guaranteen
plumblnfc , Uaa and Uteam F.'ttlng.
, W. TARPY & CO. , 218 12 St , bet Farnham
id Douglas. Workpromp y attended to.
_ D. FITZPATIUCH.Ha. uiuglM Street.
Intlng an aper
HENRY A. KOSTERB. HI podge Street
ahoe utores.
bllllp Lan 1820 Farnham st. bet 18th & Kth.
Second Hand Store.
EREIN8 & LEAR , 1116 Douglas St , New and
icond Hand Furniture , House Furnlehlng Goodi ,
p. . rmnrht and oM on narrow marrtni.
unoertaKeri ,
HAS. RIEWK , 101X Farnham bet 10th & lltd.
00 Cent Store * .
. 0. HAOKUB Farnham Bt. Tanev Ooods
Ualoona. '
i toe new brick block en Douglas Street , has
I nit opened a most elegant Beu Hall.
Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to IS
every day.
Caledonia " J. FALOONEU 07016th Btieet.
Whose Savor has been Largely
Impaired by the Olork of
the Weather.
Trinity's Coming Broom Drill
An Elegant deception ,
Notoa nnd Jottings.
The TTcathor ia the prevailing lopio
of iliacontcnt in aocial circles iu Omiiha
and Voiinor , nny bo said to bo the
must unpopular nun in the country.
Cloudy ski03 and frequent rain falls
have dampened all enthusiasm excepting -
copting that of the ladiea of Trinity
Guild , who have manned tlioir brooms
during the past week with rare regu
larity preparatory to the coining drill
on next Tuesday ovcning iu Masonia
Hull. There ia consiclcrublo dissntie-
fiction exprcaacd tlial the drill ia to
coino oil'on the name ovcniug us
Jnimuschuk's opening night , und the
attendance ia likely to sull'er in con-
Tlio recoplion given on Thursday
evening by Gunoral and Mrs. John 0.
Cotrun nt their rusidcnco on California
and 20th otreuta will long bj roinuin-
tiered us ono ot the moat elegant and
rechorchu nooial events which lias evei
: aken place in Omaha. Over two him
drcd invitations had beun ibsuud am
lotwithatanditm the thrcutiniiu ,
weather the greater portion of the in
vi ted guuats wore prcaent to enjoy th
Denial Jiospitatities of the heat o
losturs. The arrangotnenta outsid
.ho reudbnco to insure the comfort o
Jio guests were porfoot. T/iogroundi
vero brightly illuminated , the wftll
und porch leading to the door carpeted
and a full line of attendants provcntcc
11 cunfuaion and provided for th
pcedy discharge and departure of th
arriii cs. Jnaido the aueuo was stnk
ugly brilliant. Aa each guest de
ctndtd the stairs they wore presentee
ith a beautifully cnguivcd order o
auccs embellished with .i.luuulaouio
lonngratn and bearing the iuscrip
on , " 3Ir. and Mrs. J. 0. Oowin ,
lay 11 , 1882 , Omaha , " or
10 rcve'raT oido. The qntiro
lower floor was thrown opan for danc
ing. Boneatli the stairs Ilofiinanii's
full orchestra discoursed their avrotcat
strains as General and Mrs. Cowin ,
assisted by Miss J onton , received the
rapidly arriving guests. The rooms
were handsomely decorated , smilnx and
cut flowers being used with rare taste
to minister to the gratification of the
senses. The arch dividing the north
parlor , was festooned with amilax , from
the center of which depended the
initials "J. 0. 0. " composed of the
same material , while clusters of
Qlarahal Neil , Malmaison and Lamarck
roses adorned the mantles. The
ibundanco and arrangement of the
flowers was especially noticeable as
forming a pleasing innovation in Oma
ha social gatherings. Shortly after
balf past nine o'clock the orchestra
struck up the Landers , which was
opened with six sets and from this
time until nearly two the canvassed
Doors were filled with happy dencers.
A.B midnight approached the guests
found their way uptairs where auppor
tvos served. The rooms on the south
lido of the residence wcro thrown
nto ono for the occasion and
lllod with a number of toto-a-toto
; abloa , at which the elegant viands
; ould bo disucssed at loisuro. The
perfection and novelty of the arrange-
nents for supper , the ease and dis
patch with which all were served , and
; ho entire absence of all crush and
; onfusion , formed a pleasing feature
) f a most enjoyable evening , and
ere themes of universal comment.
In conclusion it may bo said that
Mr. and Mrs. Cowin can hardly fail
o congratulate thomeulvua no loss
> ver the perfect manner in which
.heir largo reception was conducted ,
han upon the evident enjoyment and
{ ratification of their guests , who in-
iluded in their number most of
Dmaha's prominent and representative
dtizeiis. When carriages drove up
ind wraps were donned and hearty
; oed nights were said , each andovery
me departed with moat pleasurable
ecollcctinns of a delightful evening
ind warm remembrances of the genial
lospit.ility and thoughtful attentions
if their entertainers. Those present
Mrs. Judge E. 8 Dundy , of the U ,
J. court , U , 8. District Attorney Lam-
lortson , Ellis Biorbowor , U. B , Mar-
hal ; Gen. George Crook , Judge and
> Irs , Lake , Miss Mamie Lake , Judge
Savage , Will Morris , Mr. and Mrs ,
Hias. Shivcrick , Miss Shivorick , Miss
/rary , Nathan Orary , Mr. and Mrs ,
/has. Coutant , Mr , and Mrs. 0 , N ,
lamsey , Col , and Mrs. Ludinuton ,
.lr. . and Mrs. H , W. Yates , Mr. and
ifrs. Ohas. E. Squires , Mr , and Mrs.
rl , G. Cole , Mr , John Collins , Mies
Tottio Collins , Mits Grennbow , Mr ,
nd Mrs , Joe Barker , Mrs , J. N. H ,
Jatrick , Miss Alda Berlin , R. Berlin ,
ilr.and [ Mrs. A. N. Ferguson , Mrs.
lugus , Mrs , Beall , Mr , and Mrs. J ,
1 , Lacey , Mr. and Mrs , John Wilbur ,
ilrs. Sidney E , Locke , Mrs. W. 0 ,
ves , Mrs. E. Horseman , Mr , Percy
Sustis , Miss Griffith , Mr. and Mrs.
lonry Eatabrook , Mrs. and Mia.
joorgo I. Gilbert , Mrs. 0 ,
] . lluatin , Mr. and Mrs. W.
r. Council , Judge Ohadwiok , Mr ,
and Mra. A. J. Ilnnseom ,
Hanscom , Mr. and Mrs. Ooo. E
Tritchytt , Judge nnd Blrs. Wakoly
Misa Wakoly , Mr. A. Wakely , Mr. 11.
Wnkcly , Mr. and Mrs. John I. lied-
ick , Miss Joannio Wool worth , Mr. ant !
Mrs. M A. Kurtz , Mr and Mrs. li ,
G. Blair , Mr. and Mri. Milton Bar-
low , Mr. and MM. P , 0. Jlimobaugh ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Wobatcr , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Gco. W. Doano , Miss Doano ,
Misa Ilustin , Mrs. D , V. Uarkalovr ,
Miss Daisy Barkalow , Mr. Nowt.
Bark-alow , Mr , M. Uarkalow , Col. and
Mrs. Martin , Lieut , nnd Mrs. Thomas ,
Capt. nnd Mrs. Roberts , Misj Ilonn
llosa , Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ij urns ,
Miss Ijams , B. B. Wood ,
George Squires , Lieutenant John
Bourkc , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dickey ,
W. E. Anniji , Lieutenant Morris
'Foote , Hob. Morris , J. G.Taylor , W.
lUoMillin , } Miss Lclimer , Joseph Leh-
inor , Miss Carrie Coin-don , Mr. I. E
Comrdon , Chos. Ogduu , the Misses
Morgan , Goo. Tatcraon , Geo. Savage ,
Warren Switzlor , Jlisa Etta Wells ,
Sir. and Mrs. S. ] ' . Murso , Mr. and
HIra. Merriam , Miss iMora Bulcombo ,
Mr. ntid Mm , W. K Jk-chel , Miss
Uniusworth ) Mr. and Mrs. E. A ,
Mills , ' Dr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Mercer ,
Mr. ixndMrs. Chas. 11. Dewey , Misaes
Ella nnd Grace Wilbur , Mr. nnd Mrs
Charles Mandoraon , Mr. J. Jling.
wait , Mi jor , nnd Mrs. John I'uroy
.uid Albert Ki'ltllc ,
Social Kotos.
Last Thuradny ovoning'o party of the
L' . E. club wns tlio lint oiui of three ,
und wns quilo ns much ot a suectisi in
every particular AH cither uf tt.o for-
inor ones , which grow to bu very pop
ular among the liniito j oirclu who hoii-
orod it with their presence. There
\vcro twenty-six couples present.
Among the ladies wcro iiecn some ex
quisite cuatuiniK , notwithatanding the
umuunccmonl by thu executive cum-
tnitteo that it was not a drusa ail'iir.
r.'io Ninth , inf.ttitiy string orchuatra
made the inuaic It H a matter of ro
jrol that thfo delightful liltlo club haa
] isbundod. But it wn3 the intention
; o conduct it through one ocason only ,
i.\d the oxooutivo coiiunittuo think it
jcat to quit while their laurels are yet
A pleasant HUlo surprise party to
Miss Emma Dodson took place on
j'riduy evening nt the residence of her
laronts on North Nineteenth ottcot ,
n which some sixty friends of the
oung lady participated. Excellent
uusic furnished iho occasion for cn-
oyablo dancing , and a pleasant even
ng was the natural result.
On Wednesday Mrs. J. H. N. Pat-
ick gave a ladies' lunch at Happy
lollow , there being , present Miss
Voolworth , Miss Brunda c , Misa
lustin , Miss Collins , Miss Wakeloy ,
ho Misses Wilson and Miss Berlin.
Personal and Social.
Jim Laird delivers the Decoration day
ration at Grand Island.
H. M. Wells will deliver tno oration at
'rote on Decoration day.
D. A. Wiuterate n , of Wahoo , it going
0 1'lorida tgr his health ,
Charley Walker has sold out at filooin-
Dgton and will live iu Line > lu.
Ed. A. Fry , of the Kiobrara Pioneer ,
as got the Hed Uloud trudorship.
Bay Nye has been taken into the firm
f i ye , Colson & Co. , of Fremont.
J. U. Mickey , the Odceola rejresonta-
ive , orates at btromaburg on the 30th.
W. N. AlcCandlloh has moved from
ireston , Flatto county , to Culbertaon.
Major Burgess , late of the Coluit bus
lazette , will onguge m journalism in Call-
J. E. Smith , the Beatrice banker , baa
one east on an extended visit , accumpa-
led by bis wife.
T. W. Lyinann and family , of Central
llty , have moved to Hooper , where Mr.
iyinan gues into the banking business.
James Evring , one of the l > o t known
ten of Central Nebraska , It now running
tie Wnodliiv r Gazette , llo makes uu
xcellent paper of it.
The Rev. Davis , of North liend , a good
linister and an old soldier , boo been in-
itid by Slieridm post to deliver an ad-
ress st Scliuyler on Decoration day.
Tno editor of tbe Tecumseh Journul
m excellent local paper , by the way , )
lioso name IsO , \v. Pool , has gone tu
llmois on a much desired visit.
In the last issue of his good paper , the
lattsmcmth Herald , Johu A. HuoMui-
hy gives nine columiiH of ten yearn' rom-
liscencea of new pitper life in 1'lutts-
Judge Gaalin , at this term of court , ex-
.iBtsull furmers from Jury service wiio
iivo not yet put in tliuir crops. This
uke the judh'o solid wltli the furmeis.
l&btinga Gazette-Journal ,
Last Friday evening Miss Nellie Hack ,
ay entertain-d about twenty of lierlrienclB
; the Exchange hotel pa > lorn , the occa-
on belnu thu seventeenth birthday of that
jung Iwly , Ashland Gazette.
11. S. Norval , Henry Bedford , John
Tibbeler and Dr. Leonbardt will all
art on Tluiraday of next week for Uu-
ipo. They will leave New York on tlie
ftli , and remain ubioud about three
louths. Seward Blade ,
Dr , A. H. Jacknon spent the greater
irt of last week in the city , but depxrte i
iu lirxt of the week ior Lincoln to b in
tendance at tbe extra tesalnu , after the
Ijoumment of which ho will return tu
lexioo. 1'awnee Kntei prise.
Albion liai t e rlk'ht kind of a doctor
id his name is Smith. Being called upon
1 visit asick wumtn in tno countiy. IIH
> nnd a creek on the route thatcouldn tbe
irded. So he stabled bis team , peeled ulf
is clothes and tied them on bU shoulder ,
id swam across ,
A cumber of the friends of Mr. and
Irs. S. M. ] 5roi > Bt were very pleasantly
itertalned at their residence ilast Fri-
ty exening , U was the oco-ision of th'
Itleth birthday of Mr , Urobst and tliu
i ay wus a complete nurnrino to him. In
Idition to the ladles ana gentlemen from
lis city Mr. and Mr , Hernia , of Button ,
ere present , and adned to the pleasure ot
10 occasion.Hultlngs Gazette-Journal ,
State Religious Notes.
Tbe Utica Catholics will noon begin tbe
ection of a church.
An addition is to be built to the M , K ,
lurch of Grand Island.
Tlie United Brethren have organized a
unday school at Grand Island ,
The Ba'ino county Sunday school asso-
atlon meets at Western on the Kith.
A Sunday ( school convention for Gage
county will be held at Bc trlco beginning
'onthclStSi. '
T/ie / undny school convention of 1'olfc
county meets t Osceola on the 17th.
lov. ! Dr. l ! lKh , of Chiciv < o , preached
In the .TunlntAHnptist church on the 7th.
The 1111 county Sunday fchool conven
tion will be held nt Grand Island on the
Ten converts added to the M. 13. church
i.l liurncttc were baptized in tlio JCildiorn
nn the 50th ult ,
Nov. 1. , L. Luse , of Wllbcr , w s nt -
| > rU d with ft c.xsn ilnnation on the 3J ,
TliutV the wno tu do it ,
The lUv. John IJ < HO tak < the pl.ico o !
tno Jlev.K Austin lit the United Uroth-
ten chutcli at lihto Vnlloy.
The Presbyterian church at Millorborti ,
Ivnnx otiuntr , will be dedicated nn the
Uth. Kev. Air. Little , of Onmhn , preaches
tlio serin n.
Tliero MO In NoiiiankA 121 locnl M , 1-2.
preacher ? , 17. > ttA\elin preachers , 11,001
member11 * Sunda > dchools and 10,000
membcra tnoreyf.
A labernnclo iiuirtcrly ineot'np wlllha
hold by the Fico Al tliodNm ixt Indtiitry.
on tlio oven MR of the 18th of May , nml
cuuttnuu over HtniiUy.
An Item suing tlio rouiuU regarding nn
aliened nMuult i i Uiv. II , 0. Harmon , the
M. 13. preacher at Scotia. It a o.ui .rd. Thu
> otiiKin n wnxnot tnuhbed by anybody
exccj > tn , "cra > " > ontli.
A organized itlieso
Mound Buhool lioti.iB in stcwnrt preeinct ,
last Sunday , nith ] { . ] J Price , nupuiintun-
dunt Jluy Ho | [ ) cr , Hecretnry , and Win.
t'ryco , trcasntcr , York Trkn.nn
The Mintst rlal Amociatiou of Noliw
kn DUlrict , XeliJaskn Uonfurencr , of the
M. K. church , wan hvlil t llumbuldt M y
i , 1 ! 'ilut ; ! , All tlio ROjaiona nero full of in *
Uroit. Tlio pro.'cheiti wore bplemliilly en
to.tnlucd by th.i end peupluuC tlninbol t ,
And thu niio ] < n'iu luft. upon tliv t Wit by
' - ' ' titan Wits nootl , nnd caUulittvdte
At PAA-IIPU , May 5 , by Uov. II. Bnruli
J. H. D usiil'vrry to JJmuu ' ( U'Or
At Oiociilrt , Mhy 7 , by .iJuJ u Alkon ?
J hn HuthUi i to Amu Mlnl.ey.
At iViiliao , T Iay 0 by Uev. Mr. Mnilolo
Georgd J. . . l.odtr to 1 < \ iLynns ,
At Sahuvlor , May , by Hev. Mr. Hood
l * liu Ii.White t Iellio Sh.i"
'Atl'lMlHu ' nth , Jt y 7 , bv Kov. S. ] .
Wilson , L 0. Jirven toir h '
At FairHrM , Afi8 , y th . Catholics
[ iricMl , SUphm Krinnl to L. M. Uynn.
At Oil n , . , April SO , by Judge Kent
\VilJnrd A. h'itu tti AuituxU JO. .Miller.
At Ulv-e- . , M"ny 0 , by Hev. .r F. Hob.
liuila , William King to Jb'annio Jliuso 1.
At C Gitv , Atuy 10 , hv lov. S.
Wirtiil , William U. Shholy to Sc , nh Abel
AtKowmvl , viy7 | , , b Itev. Mr. Ben-
idi. W llinui Jull to LucimU Hoclc.kliont.
At DavU Oily , JlyO , bv llpv. S. D.
iiO'jMts , John Jj. 1'nitt to MuiyJ. lUm-
, on.
At Ittdhlnola , May 8 , by Kev. Allen
il.utu > y , lUubcn U. Gtnvr to Louisa
At Wcsion , M'ay S , by llov. U 13. Unr-
OT , llo ett B. Duiuuth to Harriet D.
At Llncolii , M uy-l , by Hev. Mr. II iner ,
lenry HO IU toMary Styloa , both of
At Ucd Oak , Iowa , May 0 , F. 11. Joy ,
if I'nvvneu Ulty , to lliuiuiUi SlmnlcB , ol
, ed
At Stromshnrg , May 3 , by Uov. II.
johr , Clmrloi A. Trailing tu Anuutto F.
'liointoii ,
At Do i Chester , M ny 7 , by Rev , U ,
Ihick , A. W. Gingery to Mnry 1'urker , of
Jopley , Ohio.
At Sidney , May ( J , by Judge Neubauer ,
/ . ' es-tn , of Sldne3 % to Annie Hajmussun ,
t Grand Island.
At Qork , Hay 9 , by Judge Oiffen , Lacy
? < ue doll. of TJiuytr county , to Florenc *
Jreen of York county ,
At Columbia. May 3 , by Rev J. W.
jittle , Isaac N. McUeth , of Kearney , to
illen Syfeis , of St. Loul .
At North I'lattt , May 2 , by Judge
iijler , William J. Mitchell to EmmaS.
klurphy , both of Brady Island.
At the rcaid nco of the bride's parents
n London product , Nnmaha county , May
I , by Rev. B. F. Dawler , John AJ. Olork
> o Mullio Jones ,
Btato School Notoa
A teachers' institute will bo hold at
3rowaville on the 10th.
Prof , J , A. Campbell will conduct an
nstltuto at Red Cloud in August.
Prof. Bluehborn , of Lincoln , has estab
ished a German cliua at Tecumseh.
The Louisville public achuol boa 88
m ills enrolled , with an average attend
ance of 55 ,
The Browuville ( J ranger eaya first-clan
eachera are wanted at fair wages in
ieraalia county ,
Pawnee County Teachers' Association
aeots at ihd Pawnee City Academy , Sat-
ir lay , May 27.
Miss Lou Piper , formerly of Nemaha
ounty , baa been elected principal of the
'airmont. schools.
The officers of the Pawnee school din-
rict have called a special meeting to bo
eld on May 29tb , for tlio purpose of issu-
ig bonds to build tlio necessary addition
3 the cchool house ,
The total value of school property in
lorrick county Is 8111,837,41 ; the total in-
ebtedness i $17,260.40. There are fifty-
ne school houses in the county. The num-
er of children of Bchool ai-o in the county
1 1,005 , und the total attendance last year
as 1,038.
' Women Never Think. "
If thocrubbad old batcholor who
ttured this sentiment could but wit-
uss the intense thought , deep study
nd thorough investigation of women
i determining the best medicines to
eop their families wall , and would
to their sagacity and wisdom in 10-
icting Hop Bittern as the best , and
utno.iatrating it by keeping their fun-
ies in perpetual health , at a muro
ominal oxpensu , hu would bo forced
i acknowledge that such sentiments
o baseless and f also. [ Picayune ,
TIiaKine of th Body l th bralni the
Dinacti tt main iiiport | ; lliunenc * ILBiiii.ducn-
ir ; the 'jowcli. the kidneys and tliepirun IU
feguard * . IndlKcitlou urt-atca a vln cnt rotol
iiunirthwa attaches of Die regal organ , ana to
Inj-ttiein liitk to tliclr duty , t eru | . nothing
iu thorciruUtliiir , p'uKyliig iivlKoratlnir , cool.
f opuratlon oCi'AKVAsr'BbKLTZEU AIEUIK.ST It
novatt-a f o B.I at em auil roitori B to hail th both
o body nd tl a mind.
rulO-5inch o t v
Uoom 4 , Creigbton Block , VKtoentb Btietl
The Only Exclusive
rliolesale Hardware House
. .
and hoes
OK ; ;
s ,
Ready for Iu potion
Flie'Lowest Prices Guaranteed./ /
131G Farnum Street , Near 14th.
Iarl6 od
rhe Oldest Wholesale and THE LEAB1NO
n Omaha. Visitors can here INTI1K WEST I
General Agents for the
Ind all novelties
Finest Best
and Pianos and
VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
Eastern Manufacturer
Latest , Most Artistic , any
ana Dealer.
ind Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
RECIDJ3 [ STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
ill descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of
( PATCHES at as Low Pries - Steinway Pianos , Knabe
: es as is compatible with Pianos , vose & Son's Pi
lonorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
ind see our Elegant New
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
Jtore Tower
, , American Organs , &c. Do
orner llth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur-
Jtreets. ihasintr. ,
Large Stock Aways on Hand.
X NT GJ.88
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact thax
-B m M m
[ tank foremost in the West in Assortment ancf
Prices ot
Burnishing GoodsHats
Hats and Caps ?
Vo dro'proparod to moot the domanda of the trade tn regard to Latest Stylei
and Pattenia. Fine Merchant Tailoring ia Connection ,
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th
H. M. & M. PEAVY
1309 Farnham'Street.