Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' '
. v
Coining Ascension Da ;
Services of Omaha Knight
.An Interesting Incident ii
Southern Masonry Exhibit
ing the Power of the
Order for Qood ,
Goat Hairs.
Ascension Day Services.
Elaborate preparations are bciti ;
made by Mt. Calvary Commander ;
No. 1 tor the observance of Ascensioi
Day services on Thursday , May 18th
Every Nebraska commandory nnd thi
Sir Knights of Council Bluffs ant
lied Oak , Ia. , have been asked t <
to participate in the ceremonies , an (
the occasion will probably brinj
together the largcstnumber | of Knight
Templar over gathered in our city
The programme includes publio scr
-vices at Boyd's Opera House at i :
a. m. , to which the publio are invited
dinner at Freemason's Hall , and i
pilgrimage in the afternoon at whicl
throe stations will bo visited. Thi
following order is inserted by requosi
in this column :
OUAUA , Nob. , May 9,1882.
Sin KNIOHT : In compliance will
the regulations of the Grand Oem <
-mundory of Nebraska , the following
order is promulgated relative to hold'
ing appropriate services on Ascension
Day (18th ( inst. ) .
The Sir Knights will assemble nl
the Asylum at 0 o'clock a. m. ,
( prompt ) , uniformed for duty on foot.
Will receive visiting Sir Knights al
U. P. depot at 10 a. m ,
Attend divine services at 11 a. m.
Dinner at Free Mason's hall nl
12:30 p. m.
Start on pilgrimage at 2 p. m.
Return to Asylum at 0:30 : p. m ,
Installation of olllcors , 7 p. m.
JBy order of
JAMES S. FHANOE , Commander1 ,
HAHLAN i * . DEVALON , Recorder.
Editor of the Lodges ,
It is a pleasure to mo to road youi
Masonio column and to hear of the
progress of the royal art in this and
other jurisdictions. An incident in
my early Masonio lifo has deeply im
pressed mo and perhaps it may bo ol
Bomo interest to others. With youi
U permission I will give it , to illustrate
The Bccno of this uarAtivo ia laid in
ono of the southwestern states ,
Abet thirty-live years ago there was
two brother Masons , aged about sixty
years , who had lived a number o
yearsm the same town , both mombort
of the , same church , warm persona
friends , members of the name lodge
for twenty or twenty-five years. /
" " " " Bhort period previous to the hidden
now to bo related , they had both em
barked in the hotel business as com
potitors. A jealousy grow up , then
un estrangement , incident after inci
dent transpired , the estrangement bo-
caino hostility and bitterness , until
nothing but their Masonio obligations
prevented personal violence. No
language was too bitter to oxpreus the
animosity existing between them.
The pastor of their church ,
( Presbyterian ) a learned D. D.
und a Mason , a very nblo
and efficient minister , made an
earnest effort to conciliate , which
failed to produce any change. A son-
mon of the church was convened and
in the spirit of Christian charity , a
labored effort waa made to reconcile
the estrangement of these elders.
The breach was apparently widened
and the ohasm deepened. The wor
shipful master was u young man who
felt keenly a sense o ! duty prompting
him to act , but the circumstances
were of ruch a character that ho foU
appalled. These brethren were both
old men in years and in Masonry.
Revorcnco and respect for their ago
created timidity. Ho felt that it
would be presumptious in him to at
tempt reconciliation where the church
had failed. To discipline or lecture
men of their age , reputation and es
tablished character by a young master
seemed preposterous. Ho know hia
duty , but hesitated from timidity and
a want of confidence in himself and
the power of masonry to perform it.
He was finally aroused from this
hesitancy by some casual remarks ,
made to him by a gentleman not a
Mason , who law these two venerable
brethren both in sight some distance
from where we were , when ho re
marked :
"I have lost al ) confidence in Ma
sonry as an institution for good , I
once regarded it a potential power to
keep down all animosity between its
members ; that if any unfortunately
grew up as with a magician's wand , it
could at once heal all broaches. I
now see it is like all others ; it is pow
erless against all passions of humanity.
Its proud banner of unity is trailing
in the dust. Ita lofty pretensions are
frauds. " I asked him what was the
predicate of this changed view , and
why he denounced masony thus. Ho
pointed to these two Masons and said :
' . " "Hero
'They are my predicates.
are two old Masons , * both' of high
atanding m the community ; see how
they hate and how bitterly they do-
1 Qounce each other. " I was dumb , and
ahrunk from contest on this subject ,
But busy thoughts were at
work ; a line of conduct project
ed and marked out , a sense
of duty triumphed over our timidity ;
I determined to act and at once. I
determined to test the power of Ma-
onry over _ its votaries , and deter
mined that if Masonry with its , vows ,
teachings' and lofty assumptions of
brotherly love , was powerless for the
accomplishment of good , when work
ing on good material and failed on a
fair trial , that would have to lower
my appreciation of its potency ,
With this feeling , that Masonry was
iUelf on trial , I entered upon my
duty aa master of the lodge. I kept
my own counsel , determined if possi
ble to heal this breach , but uttered
not word to any on the subject ; or
dered the secretary to summons the
lodge , not a ining to him nor to any
other the object , it being well known
to all the brotherhood that no ordl-
nary business demanded n meeting
I Rave none the object of the sum
mons , but , when being ankod , said
"Come and BOO. " The dayarrivoe
for the mooting , Iho lodge room wai
well filled , nearly every mcmboi
present , some from a long distance
and all wore anxious ta know wh ]
this meeting and'why the reticence
After the usual ceremonies of opening ,
I , as master , with intense feeling
calmly fttntcd that I hod marked thi
difficulty between Brothers V , and R.
feelingly alluded to their ago , thoii
previous good conduct , their lonj
friendship , their close association ii
Masonio brotherhood , and that thi
beloved order was suffering througl
them ; that I desired to test who the :
Masonry was of any value practically
to illustrate my theory , mnkinj
an appeal to their love of Masonry-
calling on them to remember thei
vows of loyalty to ito holy teachings
Then I requested [ Brother R. to slali
his grievances to his brethren , to d (
10 calmly and dispassionately , romom
bcring where ho was , but before doinj
so to approach the altar nnd bow before
fore that God whom ho professed t <
worship and invoke his guidance , in i
word , to pray , mentally or vocally
and when through his devotions t (
arise , but to remember whonstatingthi
causes of this estrangement that IK
was in the presence of the majesty ol
heaven and earth. I also romindoc
him thnt , I held in my hand the em
blem of power , that not one wore
would bu permitted derogatory to tkc
place , nothing contrary to the sacred
ness of hia surroundingz. Ho arose ,
mellowed oven to tears , and under in <
iluenco of this softened mood brought
no bitter railings against hia brother ,
but calmly told hia grievances and
Boomed disposed moro to apologize
than accuse. Ho sat down , titillnost
pervaded the room. A holy atmos-
S'loro seemed to pervade the place ,
ad was there ; the divine spirit ol
love hovered over us.
Brother Y. was called upon in n
similar manner , perhaps moro point
edly , allusion made to the scene
around us. Ho too offered his devo
tions ; ho too yielded to the softening
influences of prayer , and under this
hnly influence ho made his statement.
They were Hko the previous.
The master made a short address ,
and called upon those brethren to
bury their differences nnd animosities
BO deep that the hand of'resurrection
could not raise them again. Ho asked
them if they could not simultaneously
advance to that sacred altar upon
which each of them had vowed , and
there moot and clasp hands , and vow
to their Qed to do their duty as
Masons , as gentlemen and aa brothers.
They advanced , but instead of clasp
ing hands they throw their arms
around each other's nock , and molted
into tears. It was enough. I called
the lodge up , formed a circle around
them-und all bowed in prayer. A
very distinguished clergyman being
present , ho wan called on to load our
dovotionn. Such a prayer seldom is
sues from the lips of mortals , swelling
from a full heart touched by hallowoa
fire from lips burning with zeal and
eloquent beyond any I ovar hoard.
When ho pronounced the amen , look
ing through my tears , I behold u scone
B'jldoiri'vmncBBod. The brethren were
many of them prostrated ut full length
weeping with joy. The ledge was
pronounced closed , and such clasping
of hands and radiantly glowing faces I
never have witnessed. Oh ! how
sweet to memory their exclamations of
joy. It reminds ono of camp-
meeting scenes in the great west
before religion had put on ! dd slip
pers and walked forth in kid gloves ,
dressed in Bilks , online and golden
The Moral Masters of lodgoa do
your duty fearlessly , but in the fear of
God , and under the inspiration of
Masonry , and when HO done , fear not
to toll
TBK rowea ov MASONRY.
If itn power fails , rely on it that it is
because you have defective material
unfit for the builder's use , or your
cement is bad , or your workmanship is
Admonition : First Select good
material , reject and heave away all
Second Use your trowel skillfully ,
and sea that your mortar is properly
tempered ; keep your taper burning.
Third. Lot the gavel subserve its
use , govern with It glttraptly , mildly
and firmly. Fear not to use it prop
erly ; and lastly , combine in yourself
a living exemplification of your teach
ings , and you will find that Masonry
is equal to any emergency , and will
stand the tost. AN OLD MASON.
Omaha , May 12 , 1882 ,
Qoat Hairs.
Covert Ledge No , 11 , hold its regu
lar on Wednesday evening.
There will bo no mooting of Mt.
Moriah Ledge No. 2 , this evening at
Freemasons' hall.
Massachusetts lodges are not num
All the local lodgoa have the assur
ance of sufficient work to keep them
busy until called off for the summer ,
National Associated Prow ,
J , W. George , of Des Moincs , con
victed of the murder of Dr , Enpa , was
sentenced Triday to bo hanged August
10th , 1883.
Mm. Wilson , of Pittsburg , fell from
the rear car of a freight tram on the
B , & O , railroad , Friday morning ,
and # as killed.
Ferdinand Erint , of Rockford , 111. ,
was gored to death by a bull near the
town. When found in the field ho
was dead and every bone in hia body
broken ,
Tiie supreme court of Ohio granted
a now trial for Win. MoHugh. under
sentence at Cincinnati to bo hanged
in Juno for wife murder , The rover *
sal ia on the ground of over-ruling a
ohargo made by his counsel to the
The Canadian government has
promised to consider the subject of
Chinese immigration In British Co
lumbia. The Ohinoso population ia
expected to reach 32,000 by August ,
out numbering the whites.
John I. Davenport is in Washing
ton , havinir arrived from Cumberland ,
Md. , where ho was in consultation
ivith P , M. Johnson in 'regard to the
iloroy letter. It ia .thought arrests
vill bo made soon ,
Representative George Mapesono ,
oader of the independent republicans
> f Pennsylvania , has been informed
officially that Smaller ia in for a :
earnest war against the Cameroi
ticket , that ho has burned his bridge
and must advance. Smaller will pa ;
Philadelphia an early visit to give nil
and comfort to/tho independent move
A cave in occurred in ono of th
mines of Gable , Jones & Co. am
Boyortown , Pa. , Friday afternoon b ;
which Franklin Smith was inatantl ;
killed and Frank Woiso seriously in
jurod. They were at work when th
earth buried thorn.
A. Newton , of Iloyworth , 111. , age
59 , a prominent citizen and polic
magistrate , ravished n nine year ol
daughter of D. C , Campbell. Ho cot
fessod his crime nnd fearing arres
hanged himself in a barn ,
Postmaster-General Howe dirccl
that letters insufficiently prepaid , in
stead of being sent to the dead lotto
office , nftor Juno 1st , that the ad
dresses bo informed by the postmasto
and letters delivered upon payment o
postage duo.
J. R. Bothwoll , of an alleged min
int ( embezzler of Utah , against when
on attachment wns issued in Nov
York , a few daya ago , in connectioi
W. b. Clarke , 'arrived in Salt Lake
Friday night , with Charles Hinchman
ot Philadelphia , a largo stockholdo
in Stnrmont'tnino , ono'of Bothwoll'
properties , nnd S. Von Ronsolar , o
Philadelphia , secretary of the compa
ny. with him. Bothwoll is not communicative
municativo , but denied ho had swin
dlop anybody. Ho did not run awn ;
to nvoid arrest and will return toNoi
York when ho has finished his busi
ness in Utah.
The National Convention of the
Anciunfc Order of Hibernians closed a
three days session in Chicago , Frldo )
evening. Officers elected are : Na
tionnl delegates , R. W. Gallogor , Pee
rin , U's. ' ; secretory , P. H. MoNeills
Indianapolis ; treasurer , John McSor
ley , Cambridge , Mass. ; directors , M
A. Shea of Boston , Peter Kiornan o
Now Orleans , M. J. Oosgrovo of El
mira , N. Y. , P. J. Kelley of St. Louis
Edou Driscoll of Fall River , Mass
There are 50,000 members in the ordo
nnd the value of cash and property if
? 204,507. A resolution was pasaei
condemning the assassination of Cav
on dish and Burke. The next meotinj
will bo at Cleveland the second Tucs
day in May , 1881.
Thcro is four inches snow en the
Berkshire hill of Massachusetts.
All games of base ball were postponed
ponod Saturday on account of rain.
The president's cowboy proclama
tion was bitterly denounced at - \ mane
mootintr hold at Charleston , Arizona
Rov. Dr , Samuel , an Episcopalian ,
celebrated thirty years ago as a mis
sionary , died at Philadelphia Satur
day , ngod G9.
The sub-cummittoo of the house
committee on foreign affairs die
nothing .in Now York Saturday , am
returned to Washington Sunday.
A spirited contest is being had in
the courts of San Francisco for pea
session of Samuel W. Piorcoy'a ( the
actor who recently died in Now
York ) child by the parents of the de
ceased husband ana wife.
Lydia Adams , colored , ngod one
hundred and thirteen died at Eureka
Mo. , Saturday. She waited on Wash
inpton in his tent , and sold peanuts
to his soldiers. Shu was born in Hal
ifax in 1709.
The British steamship Suez arrivet
Friday at Esquimalt , British Colum
bia , with 890 coolie laborers for the
Oanadian Pacifio railway. She made
iho run from Hone ; Kong in twenty-
icvon days , from Yokohama in seven-
; oon.
A contract was closed Saturday by
ivhich the Calumet and Chicago Dock
company dooda sixty acres of land at
South Chicago to the Now York , Chi-
: ago and St. Louis Railtvuy company ,
xnd the latter will build shops at that
joint , work to begin at once. *
Edward Nixon & Co. , furniture
lealers , of Boston , suspended with
{ abilities from $110,000 to $125,000 ,
nostly duo to Now England banks.
tt is believed with proper manage-
nont the firm will bo enabled to Bottle
lollar for dollar. Iho firm is rated
n Russell's agonoy at from $200,000
; o $300,000.
1 Terrific Oalo on tbo Jersey Coast
Serious Results Expected.
fatlonul Associated Proas.
LONG BIUNOH , N. J. , May 13.
31d surfmon say that the storm now
iwoeping the coast is the worst for
his period of the year they have ox-
> orionccd for thirty years. Railroad
ravel on the Now Jersey Southern
ailway north of Long Branch has
> eon abandoned. The morning train
vhlch tried the trip was four hours ,
naking the run from Sandy Hook to
Liong Branch , thirteen miles. A
vashout on the Pennsylvania railway
> ntwoen Point Pleasant and the bay
ias prevented all Philadelphia eon-
iccticn. The bluff ia badly washed
way in many places. A cottage at
ho seaside park was unroofed , and
; ho cottages of Mr. Rathbono and
Eloopvillo were blown down. The
, ido at 4 p. m , yesterday was the
ugliest over known and broke com
pletely over the iron pier , but no
lamage is reported as yet , The
itoamor Jesse Hoyt , of Central , the
railroad of Now Jersey , nnd the
iteamora Boa Bird and Albortina did
lot dare to cross the bay in the tooth
> f the storm. The schooner Law
rence is ashore at the mouth of South
: ivor and breaking up. Port Mon-
nouth dock , which roaches a mile out ,
n submerged with high tide , which
iweops inland , covering lo v lands with
umbpr. Fishing boats broke their
noorings and lie stranded upon the
neadows. It blow a perfect gale lost
liqht. Two vessels are reported
itrauded off Sandy Hook , but the re-
> ort cannot bo verified.
NEW YOIIK , May 14. The steamer
? liny , 17.000 tons , built in Liverpool
u 1870 , belonging to the Liverpool ,
kazil & River Pfatto line , from Rio
ranbrio April 22 , with 20,000 bags of
offeo for New York , and a crow of 22 ,
lassengora 38 , after weathering gales
inou Tuesday , waa driven aground
,000 yards off Elboron , Long Branch ,
ml some distance from the shore , at
i a. m. Heavy seas rolled over her ,
ho waves splashing as high as the
iiasts. At 3:30 : the was discovered by
tussell White. Ho and Ben Van
trunt and Joseph Kuolca , all old surf
ion , ran to lifo saving stationNo , G.
All stations were closed May 1 , Th
urfmen smashed in the doors an
took out the apparatus , then huntc
up Capt , Walker Green , of station t
and he sounded an alarm and auorn
bled 25 men belonging to closed ata
lions 5 , G , 7 , and 8 , and fired out
line before G a. m. successfully. I
was attached to the mast. Over thi
38 passengers landed safely by mean
of Oroecho'a buoy , which made 3 !
trips from land to the ship and back
The first saved were seven babies be
longing to Mrs. John Smith , n steer
ace passenger ; the next two children
of Mra. Anthony Eaton ; next n chili
of Mrs. Frederick Nngel ; then tin
mothers , then other women , nftcr
wards the mon. While the passen
gen * were being saved the turfmei
manned the captain's boat and took ol
17 of the crow. Cnpt. Mitchell and fou
officers refused to leave so long as thi
vessel held together. The captaii
had boon on the bridge since Tucsda ;
without sloop. When the ship struct
ho secured perfect contol but loab the
boat. Ho rogulntod the rescue of thi
passengers. The passengers were pro
vided for.
RED BANK , N. J , , May 13. Thi
schooner Birdsoll stranded near Poin
Rock yeatcrdny morning. She ii
leaking badly with stern steve in , anc
will probably bo n total loss. Tin
crow reached shore safely , All crowi
of the lifo-saving stations have re
turned to do duty until the storir
RED BANK , N. J. , May 12. The
high sea has broknn away the roadbed -
bed of the Now Jersey Southern rail
road which runs on the narrow atrif
connecting Sandy Hook nnd Sea-
bright , Ocean Grove nnd Shrowsberrj
river are intermingled , and n stcamei
is reported aground off Atlanticvillo.
Stored Electricity.
NitlonM Associated Frou.
NEW YnnK , May 12. Walter B.
Whitinct and Nicholos Decker arrived
yesterday on the steamer Labrador
from Havre. They showed during the
whole passage that electricity can be
stored nnd carried around as safely
and conveniently as a traveler's ordi
nary baggage ready for immediate use.
They brought 18 boxes of ntored elec
tricity. Each box ia aboutj8 inches
high nnd 38 inohea long , lamps which
they Buppliod were lighted in the
prcBonco of U. S. Consul Glover in
Hnvro and kept burning during the
voyage. The engine room wna entire
ly lighted by these lamps. They arc
small , these use in the state rooms
being of only five candle power. The
lighta were not affected by the motion
of the ship or sea nir. The Experi
ment * are pronounced by the passon-
gora and officers as very satisfactory.
"I Don't -Want That Stuff. "
[ a what a lady of Boston said to her
tiusband when ho brought homo some
medicine to euro her of sick headache
and neuralgia which had made her
ipisorablo for fourteen years. At the
[ irst attack , therefore , it was adminis
tered to her with such good results ,
that ahn continued ita use until cured ,
xnd made so enthusiastic in its praise ,
; hat she induced twenty-two of the
boat families in her circle to adopt it
aa their regular family'medicine. Thai
" Uiflf" is Hop BittorS.-Standard , tl
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Serenest of iho Chott ,
Gout , dainty , Son Throat , Swa/l-
ings and Sprain * , Burns and
& Scalds , Central Bodily
Paint ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Ache * .
Me FrpntloD on rartb * qt li ST. JACOM On
u a taft , ure , tliiiplfi and thrap ttUrni )
Rm Jr. A trial eotalli tut tin eomp.r Ot Ij
tigUnr outlay of 60 Ctnti. and etiry OD > auffir-
U * with pain can baTt cbtap and petiUr * IM !
U Itictalma. * / >
DlrtcUoni In KUrtn Jjmrnip * P
Murray & Lanman's
Genius Rewarded ;
OB ,
Fho Story of the Sowing Haoliino ,
A handsoma llttlo pamphlet , blue and gold
ov with uiunerous cngnntnfi , will b
o nor auult persnn colling ( or It , at any branch
r kub-olflceot ThaBluuer ilaoulacturinjUooi-
'any , or will bu tent V " P ° * ( I11' to
ny i > crwn llvini ; At a dUUnca Irom our offlcoe ,
The Singer Manufaotnring Oo , ,
Mncipal Office , 34 Union Eriuare ,
NEW YORK.tobia
tobia d&w
B * '
lira J. O. Robertson , Plttoburjr , Tn. , writes : " :
vtu guderlnz from general debility , want of np
petite , constipation , etc. , so that lifo was a bur
den ; after using Burdock Blood Bitten I felt bet
ter than for jcara. t cannot praise four Bitten
too much. "
R.OIbto. of Buffalo , N. T. , writes : "Voui
Burdock Blot Bitters , In chronlo diseases of thi
blood , liter a J kldnoxg , hate been slgnalli
marked with success. I have Hiscd them mysef
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , nndlr
cMaof a friend of mlno nuffcrlng from dropsy
the effect was marvelous. "
Bruce Tumor , Rochester , N. Y.iiwrltes : ' ' ! havi
been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys
and unable to attend to bunlncan ; Burdock Bloat
Bitten relieved mo before half ft bottle waa used
I feel confident that they will entirely euro me. "
Asenlth Hall , Btnghampton , N. Y. , wrltct
"I suffered with a dull pain through mv efl
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appctltt
and color , and could with dltllculty keep up ol
day. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitten as dl
reeled , and have foil no pain since first week af
tcr uslne them. "
Mr. Koah'Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "Aboul
four yean ago I had an attack of bilious fever , and
never fully recovered. My digestive organ :
were weakened , and I would bo completely pros
trated for days. After using tno bottles of you
Burdock Blood Bitten the Improvement was BO
vUlblo that I was astonished , I can now , thoug
Cl years of age , do a fair and reasonable day'
0. BUcbot Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
PrcsbyUfflan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For jcars
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache ,
used j our Burdock Blood Bitten with happlcs
results , and I now find mvncU In better hcalt !
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! hav
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bll
lous headaches , and can recommend It toanyon
requiring a cure for bllllousncsa. '
lira. Ira llullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes
"For several yean I have suffered from oft-rccur
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com
plaints peculiar to my BOX. Slnco using you
Burdock Blood Bitten I am entirely relieved. "
Price. ei.OO Dei flattie ; Trial Bottles 10 CU
FOSTEE , MILBDEH , & Oo , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by lab & McMohon and C. F
Goodman. Jo 27 ood-mo
if you are * man i fit touordfc
ottualncsn.wcak- J miu > ot kv _ _ _
encd by the strut u ot tiTJtolllniraverniliF
Tour duties avoltf nlKtit work , to re *
fttinulantsund ui * toi H brain ncrrr fcnd
Hop Bittero. fasttf us Hop B.
IjyouareyounKanal i enltcrlms from any It.
dlecittien or dlislpal S Uuu t Ii you orb mar
rtea or tlBRlo , old or I youuir , BUilerlcir fpen
po rheaith or langulfln I [ MR on a Dec : I > cA.
UCEB , nly on Hop ! ( Bittore.
Thcuunas aia s >
VhoeTer you are. ,
you feel i naallyfroin e 'ci
that your y tcin I form i p ! o n o y
needs clcansfnff. tott *
IEJ ? or BtlniuMtlnfr , I hare twcnpreicpttc
without Moxicatlny , 1 by * timely usaot
taUo Hop * -j
Bltto . a/A
pepr'a , O , I. O
ortiMnarucom- fa an abaci uU
ri/flfni / , disease
and Irre9lsta
of th" omacft , Wocnro frn
6otrflb. blood , dnmkennoai ,
rt ror i rK l use of opium ,
Yon irlll be tobacco , o *
cured If you e norcotlcx.
Hop Bittore
fists. Bend tar
weak and
ply lowBplritcdtry NEVER Clreulu-
ut it may KOf BITTEU
gave your FAIL ! .
life. It Has
lived hun MhHl r > II.X
dreds. | 4Toronto , Cot ,
Dlicaso Ii an f fToct , not a cause. Ita origin la
within ; Ita manlfostitlona without. Ueneo , to
cure the disease the UUBBmust bo removed , and
in no other way can a euro ever re effected.
LIVER CURE Ia catablbuod on Jmt this
principle. UrealTzcatbat
95 Per Cent. '
alall diseases arize from deranged kidneys and
liver , and it fctilkcs at once ot the root ot the
difficulty. The elements ol which It la compoeod
let directly upon these great organa , both aa a
POODULd HESTORBB , and , bypl&clDK them In a
ccalthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
the syttem.
For the Innumerable troubles caused by un
healthy KUnejB , Liver and Urinary Orpana ; for
the dintretalng DUordcraof Women ; ( or Malaria ,
ind phTBlcil dcrangcmcuta generally , thla great
remtdy hai no equal. Btwsro ol Impostors , tm >
Italians and concoctions Bald to bo just aa good.
la by all ( lealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO. .
no Rochester , N. Y.
Among the medicinal in cans of arresting disease ,
loitcttcr'a btumoch tittern btands pre-eminent ,
t checks the further progress of all disorders of
liottomadi. liter and low els , r > hesthe iltal
lamina , moM-iiU and rcn ollcs chills and ( e\er ,
ncrcucs the nvtU Ity ot the kidneys , counteracts a
cndcncy to rUmuuatUin , and Is a genuine stay
Hid eolaco to aged. Infirm and ncrtout pcnons.
by all drug-gists and dealers generally
al to ml
- .
U plaits from 1-10 of a n Inch to
rfdth in the coarsest ( ell a or Ducit si ka
H dona all kinds and st ) le < of r lulling In uio.
Ka ladjr that does bcroun dress-making can
Sort ) to da without one 13 niw plattin ; is
lOteraut of ( oihlcn , If cccii It sells ItuK , For
Uchtnos , Circultrs or AKcnt'a teras bddrcsa
US A-dwusSt. Cblci u III.
. . .
Storage , Commission and IMesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peek & Bathers Lard , ana Wilbor Mills Flour ,
OMAHA , - - -
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Nfth.
On River Bank , Bet , Farakam and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
C C3 XSZ E * ' 5
1020 Farn ham'Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
1118 FARM . - -
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Ipring Qoofls Eeoeiving Daily ani Stock very nearly ! Oomplote
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
ffear Union Pacific Danot , , - - OMAHA
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , y
A , L. STRANG 205 PO TO st > | Omaha
holesale Lumber
lo , 1408 Farnliai Street , Omalia , Nel ) ,