Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    * i * .
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The "Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , May 13.
Weather Iloport-
( The following observations are taken ft
this name moment of time at all the st
lions named. )
DmiTXIST. U. B. SlOIAL SllVlOR , \
OMAHA , May 12 , 1882. PUS p. m. ) I
Rlrcr 7 feet 0 Inched above high water mark al
Omaha and 4 feet 2 Inches at Yankton ,
Ashland bridge Is now open for travel ,
J. S. Hnlbert la running n restaurant
in Chicago.
Tbo circus Monday will make bust
BOM lively on that day ,
Another complnlnt" haa been filed
against tlioNcbrasknNatlonal banks folks ,
Sunday school of tbo Christian 8un <
day will incot at Masonic ball next Sun
day nt 12m.
Christian church will hold regular.
en Ices at Masonlo hall next Sunday at
10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. in.
Con. Qroner , BhcriiT of Lincoln
o ounty , came in on the U. P. train lost
alRht oa far as Valley , with two patlcnta
of the Insane asylum at Lincoln.
The Union i'aclDo is at present with
out a general superintendent , and there is
BO strong indication aa to whoso nhouldcrs
the official mantle of J. T. Clark will fall
Handsome Invitations are out for the
wedding of Hbs Mary GeUechmahn and
Mr.V , A. Morrison. The ceremony will
toke pkco on Thursday evening noit ,
ThcIKantas City , St. Joe & Omaha
roadIias put on sale at this point round-
trip-tickets for Pueblo , Colorado Springs
* nd Denver. Andy Borden deals out the
pasteboard with all his pro-hbtorio grace
juid suavity.
Councilman McGnclln denies that ho
< ndo a trip to Lincoln Thursday over the
It Union Pacific or any other route aa The
Herald announced. Ho was present at
the Council meeting Thursday night.
A man can stand at the comer of Six
teenth and Farnam any day , at any hour ,
and count from no verity -five to ono hundred
dogs playing on the various corners. Its
dog headquarters ,
The ) ! police round-up Thuradoy in
cluded three drunks , three tramps and
two disturbers of the peace , L. Dorsay
was coot to jail for thirty days for habitual
drunkenness , and another party sent up to
enre out the usual fine for Slocumbs.
Mr. Geo. T. Walker , late euperln.
teadent of the Omaha Kail Works , loft
ThunOay for the east to purchase
machinery for a new nail works company
la Ban Francisco with a capital .of $500-
jT-The congregation of Trinity cathe-
dnl will get into the chapel ( basement ) of
their new church next Sunday. They ex
pact to have an Interesting scivlco. They
jura to bo congratulated. It will bo tbo
best they have had for years.
Lake Superior is noted for the beauti
ful emerald hue of Its waters , but it would
blush to murmur if once placed beside the
pool of water at the corner , of Fifteenth
and Fonuun , near the Western Union
office.S. . L , Campbell , Esq. , late with Henry
Do hie , the boot and shoe man , hasentered
the grocery store of Wm , Seraur , to
whoeo Interests he will In future do vote his
The funeral of Mary Parcel ! will take
place * t 2 p.m. [ Sunday , from the resi
dence , 628fEleventh street , between Ohi <
catio and Casa. Bervices at St. riillo-
mtnsi'f cathedral. Interment at Holy
Sepnlcher ,
The Denver train over the Union FA *
elfio t , will be held this evening until
after the performance t the opera , house ,
to give those who come In from the west
a opportunity to return homo In good
bapo. The ran will then be made on fast
time as a teat.
The Lincoln Sportsmen's club has
elected the following team to shoot .lor
the eUto cup at the tournament in this
dty , bo ginning on tbo 23 3 of this months
Hours. Bullet , Jlarloy , If cBrido and J.
K Baum , with B. H. Folk , H , D. Hatha 6
way , M. M. White and T. F. Quick aa
alternates. Tbe chair appointed as dele * 0 !
gates to the state convention , Meurs. O1ai
Folk , Kendall , Quick , Rouco ( .and Btroaa * ai
baryer , ic
A. pleasant wedding look place at St. 13
Thilorneua's cathedral Thursday morning , la
tbo high contracting parties belnc ; Mr. laD
John 0. Rlley , of the Union Fad Go ehopa ,
and MIu Maiy Hickey , daughter of Mr , oi
James Hickey , of this city , Mlis Ella Bl
Welch and Mr. W , A. Mcallo acted as
bridesmaid and gronmsman , find Rev.
lather Engliih officiated. Tbe wedding in
breakfast was taken at the Crclgjiton Bt !
IIOUM and the happy couple left for Den
ver oa the evening train. ya in
" ' The Swedish Library association
trill bold & Grand Picnic at Hauscom
Park Saturday , May 13th. to com * Btl
Mace at 2 o'clock p. m. Music after *
BOOB and evening by Hollraau's or *
chtttra. All are invited , wod&fri an
v . .QRAPHS. tri
For the fin'MtOhiJdr ii's Pictures in
tlta city , go to Grand " Central Gallery , ante
212 10th street , "P | u call and ox *
mine specimen. i
* * .MtlTitill.r
to ;
Gzo , HEYK. bal
. VMowwheM'Butter 25o per pound at bal
" 3. JL ifthol' . - '
variety pf Ohildrons1 Shoes clu
k We41a' Opera Houao 21
f 21TJ
12-2t [ TJ
The Hired Girl Kindles a Livel
Piro for the Family.
Bed Blaze on Sixteenth Street Frldn
A serious misfortune befell tl :
household of Air , Charles E , Abor
of the well known drug firm of M <
Mahon , Abort & Co. , at an early hoi
Friday morning , The family reside in
largo two-story house on Sixtoont
street , two dcors north of Browne
hall , the house belonging to Mn
Olnrkson , Fred Davis , of the Fin
National bank , being the agont.
The fire originated from a dofoctiv
flue , which ran up between the tw
southwest corner rooms , and was bull
very thin. The hired girl , a Swede
had just previous to the discovery c
the flames lighted the kitchen fire t
cot breakfast , the family not yet hav
Ing risen. About half past fi , Cnno :
Doherty , rector of Browncll hall , < n\
flames issuing from the roof abou
the bftao of the chimney. Hi
ran across the lot and knocked at th
back door of the residence , but th
hired girl , with visions of tramps ii
her mind , refused to lot him in , an <
utterly scouted the news that th
house was on fire , well knowing tha
it was too early in the morning for tin
fire fiend to get to work.
The rector ran back to the hall am
sent in an alarm by telephone to tin
central office , from which it was son
to No. 3 engine house , and the hosi
carts and hooks lit out at a lively gai
for the Bccno of the fire , which is it
i locality very difficult of access foi
teams. Meantime the back door o :
the dwelling was broken in , and Mr
Doherty ran up staira to awaken Mr ,
Abort , who slept in the front part oi
.ho house , and know nothing of the
trouble. Ho would not believe il
tithor , until the rector drew him intc
ho hall and showed him the red
( lames licking up his property. The
ancrgotio clergyman then proceeded to
ight the fire with bucket * of water ,
md hod a small hose bcon at hand
nrould no doubt have confined it to
ho i corner in which1 it broke out.
'ho-neighbors came in and assisted
nd a goodly number soon assembled
n the spot where the firemen fol-
owed a Jittlo later , and had fqui
troams from as many hydrants flow-
ng in a jiflby.
The fire was thus far confined to
lie attic , but aa many goods as pos-
iblo wore rescued. Aa usual the
ramps showed up , and Mr. Albert
aught throe of them trying to plun-
lor the bureau drawers , and made
hem drop the stuff and "git. " The
lopartmont did good work , and Mr.
Llnprt speaks most highly of the skill
zhibitod by Chief Butlerwho ho says
indorstands his business as well as
nybddy ho over saw. The fire was
ut outwhon the entire roof and up-
r part off the house was damaged.
; IB water worked greater dostruc-
on than the flames and'tho loss to
10 household goods was very great.
Irs. Abort haa some very valuable
welry , . including'two diamond rings ,
hich were missing , and there was a
Dally sot of silver plate , a flne piano ,
id BUph articles , all of which were
lore or loss injured. There was
3,000 insurance on tbo furniture
id household goods , 91,500 of which
u in the London Assurance com.
my , and $1,600 in the Phoenix of
artford , both represented by Samuel
Howoll. The loss will oxoood this
aount no doubt. The loss in the
illdingia probably about $1,000 ,
aich is fully covered by insurance.
It was fortunate that the fire was
scovorod before the approach to the
airway was cut off , and that the
mily escaped without injury. It is
o first conflagration of any import *
ice slnco Mr. Butler became chief
d ho did himself much credit by the
iy in which ho managed it.
As usual there were some amusing
ourroncos during the fire , only ono
which , however , will bo related ,
aring the most critical part of the
air , when fire and water were con-
iting for mastery , the hired girl who
is the involuntary cause oi the
mblo , went to Mrs. Abort and
iod her if convenient to plooso pay
r the amount duo on this-wook _ BO
it she could ceo. This is equal to
3 conduct of her countryman , who.
jording'to ' Jules Verneaccompanied
3 professor on his trip through the
iter f the eatth. invariably do *
.nding his weekly allowance when-
) r a great peril stared them in the
o. ,
o Shooting Tournament In Thla
City Tbla Month.
Pho convention of the Nebraska
ito Sportsmen association will open
Tuesday evening , the 23d , at 8
lock , and their eighth annual tourn *
ont will begin Hay 24th , oontlnu *
through the 25th , 20th and 27th ,
th will bo hold in this city , the
or at the grounds of the Omaha
ving Park .association , matches to
n at 8 a. m. The following is n
nmary of the programme ;
ontott No. 1 f 200 ; class shoot *
, Open only to residents of thee
o ; ton single birds ; twonty-ono
Is rise ; tics , three birda. En-
ice , $5 , birds included. Four
ea-$80 , { CO , $10 , $20.
ontost No. 2 9200 : class shoot *
Open only to residents of thee
o ; five double birds at eighteen
is rise ; ties , two pair. Entrance
prizes , same as foregoing.
ontestNo. 3-$250 ; class shooting.
i to all ; fifteen single clots balls ;
iteon yards rise ; rotary Trap , En-
co , f3 , balls included ; ties , fire
' " . . Ietnn AnK J' rr
"ff - - -
I F.our priEes-9100 , f76 ( f50
126. <
'tXUUEflDAY , MAY 26.
intest No. d , $300 class ; open only
aidants of the etatej 20 single glasa
i , 18 yards rise , rotary trap , en *
ce $5 , balls included , ties 5
i , four prlEMj $120 , $00 , $60 , at ic
> nreat Ho. 5 , price , silver pup. for
teams of four , 10 alnglo birds ,
ords rise , entrance cost of birds. wi
i cup was presented by the Platts- in
mouth club iti ' 77 and is now hold I
the Omaha club. ]
Contest No. 0 , $250 class , free i
all(10 , single birds , 30 yards rise , ti
2 birds same rise , entrance ? G , bin
included , 80 jar da boundary , ok
four prizes , $100 , ? 75 , $ GO , $25.
Contest No 7 Class shooting , ope
only to members of association , tean
of two from any club , 10 single bin
to each man , 21 yards rise , ties ,
birds to each man. Entrance $ i
birds included. Four prices $80 ar
Ilallott silver cup , $00 , $40 , $20.
Contest No. -$250) ) class shoo tin )
open to members ; 15 single birds ,
yards rise from 5 ground traps ; tici
5 pirds , 31 yards rise , etc. Foi
prizes $100 and state officers' cup <
1880 , $75 , $50 , $25.
Contest No. 0-$200 ; class nhor
ing. Frco to all ; 5 single birds , 2
yards rise , and 2 double birds , 2
yards rite ; ties , two birds , -31 yard
rise and 1 pair 21 yards rise , Er
trance $5 , birds included. Fou
prizcs$80 , { GO , ? 40 , $20.
Contest No. 10 $250 ; class nhool
ing , open to residents of the state ; 2
single glass balls ; 18 yards rise , rotar
trap. Entrance $5 , balls included
ties , 5 balls. Four prizes $100 , $7E
$50 , $25.
Contest No. 11 Citizens purs
$250 $300 , open to all citizens c
the slate providing they have partici
p.ited in at least four contests , qxclud
ing No. 5 ; 3 double rises , 21 yard
rise , 5 singla birds , 50 yards rieo , an <
15 single glass balls , 23 yards rise
Purses and remaining conditions ti
bo determined hereafter.
Contest No. 32 Gold badge foi
glass ball ? , presented by Fromon
sportsmen's club in 78 ; 25 glass balls
18 yards lisa. Entrance $1.25 ; ties
10 baits , 21 yards riso. Open only tc
members of the association ,
A Renovating Remedy
IB to bo found in BUUDOCK BLOOD
BITTERS. Aa an antidote for aicli
hcadanho , female weakness , billions
ness , indigestion , constipation , and
other diseases of a kindred nature. .
these bitters are Invaluable. Price !
$1.00. mlSdlw
_ _
The Clothing Salesmen Are Conceded
tbo Point Asked.
An adjourned mooting of the Cloth
ing Salesmen's association was held
Friday at Baswitz & Wells' store ,
the regular officers presiding.
An understanding being arrived at
with the Clothing merchants of the
city , it was moved and carried that
the association announce through its
official paper that the clothing stores
of the city will , on and after May
15th , until further notice , close at 8
p. m. every day except Saturday.
It was also moved and carried that
20,000 dodgers announcing tho. fact bo
mntod for general distribution.
On motion a vote of thanks waa
onderod Messrs. Baswitz & Walls ,
or the use of their store for the meet-
ng.On motion the association adjourned
o meet at Hellman's store on Wed-
icsday night next.
To tkelPnUio.
Wo , the undersigned salesmen of
ho clothing trade of this city , would
espoctfully represent to the clothing
uying public of Omaha that the em *
loyos of this business are at present
orking longer hours than the em *
loyos of any other business , and
ould appeal to the citizens to assist
icm to shorter hours by making
loir purchases before 8 o'clock , ox-
opt on Saturdays.
Respectfully ,
i three times tbo man he was before bo
Ran tialnfr "Wells' Health Renewer. "
tU.Druegrsts. Depot at 0. F. Good *
Variety of Items ot Local and Gen
eral Interest.
A gentleman working with the con-
ruction party of the Colorado oxton *
on of the Uurlington & Missouri
vor rai'road ' , writes a letter which
voa some idea of the progress of that
ork. Ho writes from the Sand-Hills
i Colorado , and says : "Thoro is
> thing but sand for sixty miles ; very
tile vegetation of any kind. We are
-what is called the Band-Hills , and
ell do they deserve the namo. After
10 road is built we will have to haul
material ( rook or earth ) with which
case the banks. Some of the cm *
inkmonta are twenty or thirty feet
gh , and as wo go along they are
iing rebuilt. In some places wo
ivo as much as ton or twelve feet in
ght to replace. Notwithstanding
ese obstacles , wo are putting down
90 ! rails at the average of two miles t
lay , and laying the track in pretty
Ir shape at that. Our rood through
ilorado , in which state wo now are ,
being built as the Burlington &
ilorado railroad. I am now fifty- t
e miles from Denver , and expect to
in th'at city with the track by the
b of Juno , earlier if the company do
they first intended build about
irtoon miles cast from that point to t :
> ot us. "
Ilio Pioneer Press says that the lat-
; and most reliable programme is the
nneapolis & St. Louis Road to go
llock Island , and for the Omaha to
into the Chicago & Northwestern ,
is said that this may not occur for
lillo , but that it is sure to bo done
imatoly , and perhaps not far along
the future. The Burlington , Oed *
Rapids & Northern will bo run , as
otoforo indicated , by the Chicago ,
rlington & Quinoy and the Rock
md. What the effect of the late
iing will be upon the lease of the
Paul & Duluth by the Minneapolis
3t. Louis remains to be Boon. It Is
isperod about in railroad circles
t the new management of the Min *
.polls . & St. Louis line will have the
10 altogether , as under the present
mgoment'ft ' is a burden without
r connection , without profit , and ,
ides , the road now being linked in
ti the Omaha line , will not require 01
Independent outlet to Lake " 01tl
it the meeting of the general
tern passenger and ticket agents 0.
) hicago , ou Wednesday , the foi-
Ibwlng regulations in regard to roun
trip land exploring tickets , with
view to circumventing the scalpers :
First That from and after Jui :
1 , 1882 , round trip and land oxploi
ing tickets shall bo iasuod or sold t
no more than ono point on any rai
way , and that said ono shall bo name
by said road ; provided , however , the
where a railway penetrates more tha
ono state or territory , said railwa
may bo allowed to name ono point i
oacn eta to or territory ; and provided
further , lines penetrating the sam
state or territory , it shall bo allowc
to name ft point for each line , an
that said tickets may bo issued to th
several points so named ; and , prc
Tided , that if the point named by an ;
line is reached by other and conipct
ing lines , such tickets may bo issue
over each one of such compotin
Second That no round-trip lanier
or other round-trip ticket torminalini
nt nny _ Missouri river point , whotho
sold in connection with oxtonsioi
tickets or not , shall bo sold or will b
accepted by any of our respectiv
roads after Juno 1,1682.
Third That this association horob ;
adopts the ironclad form for all round
trip land-exploring tickets sold to an ;
land point , and that all such ticket
shall bo signed by the purchaser am
witnessed by the ticket agent sollinj
the same , and said ticket shall bi
made non-tranaforablo. The contrac
in all round-trip land * exploring ticket
issued and sold after Juno 1 , 1882
'hall ' embody the provisions ornbracec
u the form for said tickets adoptee
by the Western association at its moot
ing held at St. Joseph , Mo. , Nov. 11 ,
1879. and that the land-grant roads ,
or the roads for which thcao ticketi
are issued , hereby agree not to accept
any tickets that do not conform tc
this resolution.
Fourth That the rates for such
round-trip land-exploring tickets as
may bo issued in conformity with
these resolutions shall bo inserted in
all the rato-shoots issued by this as
sociation , and in all the district rate-
s'hpots issued within the territory of
this association.
Fifth That all round-trip land-ex
ploring tickets , ether than these re
ferred to in these resolutions , shall bo
withdrawn from sale on or before
Juno 1,1882 , and shall not again bo
placed on sale save by vote of this as
Sixth That the secretary ask each
line in interest to name their points
under these resolutions , and that
points so named or published as only
points to which round-trip exploring
tickets shall bo issued.
As long as trams are blockaded by
snow-within fifteen miles of Laramie ,
there is certainly good reason to boost
about our plorioua climate. Fourteen
years ago yesterday the Union Pacific
waa blockaded by the beautiful near
the city , and the same- thing occurred
to-day , though the track waa soon
Dloaroo. Freight trains Nos. C and
10 stuck , in the snow between Tie
Sidinff'Hnd Red Buttes this morning ,
md were several hours getting out
; wo engines being somewhat damaged
} y "bucking" the beautiful. Master
VIochanio Galbroilh sent out a snow
) low and t < ro engines ahead of the
ixpross to thoroughly clear the track ,
tnd prevent infilling up again.
Trinity Cathedral Chapel.
Bishop Clarkson , assisted by Dean
rlillapauffh and other clergy , will open
he new chapel of Trinity Cathedral
n Sunday morning , the 14th of May ,
rith appropriate services and core-
ionics. On Sunday night at 7:30
ho rite'of confirmation will bead-
linistored by the bishop in the
hapel ,
The sessions of the council of the
jocose of Nebraaka will bo hold also
i the cathedral chapel on the 17th
nd 18th of May , Tuesday and
Vodnesday of next wook. The open-
iR semron will bo delivered on
Wednesday morning by the Rev.
I. F. Carey , of Falls City , and on
iTodnesday evening at 8 o clock ad *
reuses on missionary subjects will be
olivored by the bishop , the Rev. Mr.
lldrod , of Norfolk , and the Rev. Mr.
arr , of Nebraaka City.
Gospel Truth ,
He that b surety for A stranger shall
aurtfor it. But be that trusUth to
ramo BLOOD for curing liver , kidney and
unpUInts of like tendency , shall never be
"appointed. Fries 60 cents , trial bottles
I oenti , . mlSdlw
Nat Drown , of Burlington , Is in tha
0 , , Inglehardt , of Yankton , is in the
3. W , Powers , of Kearney , is in the
Hon. Loran Clark , of Albion , in the
y. i
A. . King , of Toledo. Is n Metropolitan
El. T , Clarke' , of Bellevne , came in lait
M. K , Cooper , of IJa Grove , la. , Is In
i city.
il. S , Llndney and wife , of Fulton , Neb , ,
In tbe city ,
5 , W. Thomas , of Grand Inland , Is at
i Withnell. o
V. Burt and Irving B , Fuller , of Coin , t (
, ii in town.
3. P. Heath , of Covlngton , Neb. , h at
I1 , W , Gasstnann and wife , of Yankton ,
In the city.
Ion. W. A. Pftxton , returned from Lin *
n tat night.
) r.S. J.Hndley , of Arlington , was In
n night.- ai
1. J , Beemer , of Robinson , Col. , is at
Metropolitan , fi
( \ J , Moulton , pf The New York Daily fiai aiV
kphio , ii the city. V
Ir. A , L. Strwft of this city , Is in
cage on business. . ci
' , 11. Joy and wife , of Pawnee City , are
* 0 , Morehouse , of Missouri Valley ,
In town lost niglit.
[ rs. John A. Ilorbach b lying danger-
ly 111 at her rwldenee.
. A. Ringer la called wwt yesterday '
) ugh slcknewi of friends.
lain. La iFsrre , of .Bonanza , Idaho , left &
ha yesterday for home. j , °
i A. Eathwly and daughter left for
Omaha Tue d y morning- which plac
the latter will enter school. [ York Trit
P. Feftrn , of tha Union PaclGc shopi
went oat to Grand Island yesterday.
Mr. Walter Bogarl , of Buffalo , N , Y ,
Is vial tint ; friends in this city.
Prof. Marshal , of Fitchbur # , Mass. , led
Omaha to-day for California.
J. J. Adams and W. B. Thoman , o
Tekamah , are in the city.
Kucene Moore , the stenographer o
West Point , is In the city.
Geo. S. Smith , surveyor * general o
NebrAika. Ii ftt the Withnell.
James A. Brown and wife , of Cleveland
Ohio , arc at the Metropolitan ,
W. 11. ScoTille , a cousin of Gulteau'i
counsel , passed east Itvgt night.
. W. McBrldo , Martin Knutson and
Via Luntry , of Blair , are In the city.
U. II. Vistcher sncl daughter arnvec
homo on the overland train yesterday.
U , 11. and A. 21. Johnson , of Merbere-
bnrg are on the Croightoa House books.
II. B. Clalborne , the Union Pacific civil
cnctneer , arrived from Idaho last night ,
Ben Gallagher returned from a business
trip to Utah , Idaho and Montana , yester
0. F. Iddlnga and M. 0. Keith , oi
North 1'latto , came in from the west yes
terday ,
Vlo Blerbower , of Sidney , holy terror
to evil doers In that judicial district , is in
the city.
Mr. J. A. Tuttle , with A. L. Stran ? ,
levrea this morning for Lincoln on
buaincs' .
Goo , M. Champ and H. 'A. Bailie , of
Council Bluffs , registered at the Crelghton
last night.
Miss L. M , Christy , ot Laramie and
Miss A. H > L Edwards , of Lincoln , are
guests of the Canfield.
The family of Hon. J. H. Boyd returned
from the Pacific Coast yesterday Miaa
Nora remain ! in California.
Hon. Wm. V. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) was
in the city and left for homo last evening ,
accompanied by his daughter.
Mrs. W. V. Morse and children , accom
panied by Miss Nelia Lehmer , leaye for
the east yesterday to spend the summer. ,
Miss Joalo Blackburn left for Omaha
last Friday on a visit to her brother , T.
W. She returns in two weeks. { York
Bruno Eyforth , Esq. , cashier of Castel *
ler's b nt , of Blair , Is in the city , return
ing from a visit to relatives in Southern
Adjutant 0. O. Bates , of the Nebraska
First , headquarters at Beatrice , haa been
n the city for the past two or three days
m business.
J. M. Rickey and party of seven Union
Pacific surveyors came in from western
Nebraska lost evening , and are stopping at
he Metropolitan.
E. Lone , superintendent of bridges , U.
' . R. R. , and mentioned aa the possible
accessor f J. T. Clark , returned from
he west yesterday.
John Hayward and wife have returned
rom Ogden and will make thii city their
csidence. Mr. Hayward wl.l resume his
Id Omaha and Ogden ran.
Robt. Law , superintendent of the moun *
ain division of the Union Pacific , left
Imaha for Cheyenne yesterday , and Ed.
Mckinson , superintendent of the Laramie
{ vision , left for Laramio.
Hen. H. R. Denny , United States mar
bal of Minnesota , arrived from the north
ist night and is registered at the With-
ell. Mr , Dtnnyis an uncle of Mr. Al
orenson , of The Republican ,
Edward H. Crowell , the handsome and
jpular deputy sheriff of Douglas county ,
iturned from the east yesterday after
mr weeks absence. He was called to
hiladelphia by the serious illnetA of his
lother whomheleftmuchimproved. He
iportt the season much more backward
> wa east than in ITebraaka.
F. G. Keens and wife , of | Kearney ,
une in from the west yesterday and pro *
leded south by the Wabaah , en route to
harlcston , S 0 , Mr. Keens is tbe chief
cretary of tbe nupreme grand lodge , L
. G , T. , of the United States. George
, Katzenstein ; grand worthy chltf ot the
me body , whose residence is in Southern
illfornla , waa on the same train , destined
10 for Charleston , where the supreme
and lodge meets.
AsKyour druggist for Bedding's Russian
Ive. JCeep It in tbo house ia case of occl1
nts. Prloe 25o.
Hclol Orders for Abandoning Forts
( Fottennan and Sanders
Transfer of Troopa.
The following are the latest orders
iuod from the headquarters of the
partmont of the Platte :
In accordance with instructions from
0 Lieutenant General the pun : of
> rt Fottorman and Fort Sanders , W , 3
, will bo at once abandoned , and the 3si
prisons thereof will proceed to Fort si
A. Russell , W. T. , and take sta siI
in thereat. I
rhe public property at those posts
11 be disposed of under the direction Stl
the chiefs of the staff departments I
which it pertains. flll
Post funds and the property per.
tiiiig thereto will be transferred to Stl
1 post treasurer of Fort D , A. Rus *
Clio records of the posts will be sent
those headquarters.
Pending this disposition , an officer
1 ton nioii will bo loft at each post , 1
rroop I , Fifth cavalry , is relieved 1I
in duty at Fort Laramie , Wyp , ,
1 will proceed to Fort " I
'o , and take station thereat ,
froop G , Fifth cavalry , is relieved Ne ant !
m duty at Fort Laramio. Wyo. , plli
I will proceed to Fort McKenny ,
' 0. , ana taio statioutthereat.
Joptain John P. Walker , Third
airy , will join the detachment of ten
route to Arizona Boj
regiment now en ,
Hock Crook , Wyo. , reporting ia art -
t to the commanding officer of the
achment. stai
tbo Auerlooa a
'on can't humbug the American pee
6 Ox
wben they find a remedy that suits Caj
n ; they use it and recommend it to
r friends. Just exactly tbe case with
I NO ULOBSOM which ha * become a
sehold word all over the United dtates. IV
le 50 cents , trial bottle 10 centi. me )
inlSdlw vr.
NOTICE Advertisement To Umn , For Sat
Lott , Found , Want * , Boarding , tc. , will be li
aerted In these columns once for TEN CEN1
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1TEOENI
per line. The first Insertion never lees tbi
ONKT ' TO LOAN Call at Law Office of t
M' IkThomaa RosraS Creltbton Clock.
TO LOAA At 8 per centli
. . , tereat In lums.ore2.SOO an
upwards , lor S to 6 years , on flrit-claM city an
farm property. Dims Rub Kmn and Loll
AOINCT , ieth uid Dourlis Sta.
mOLOAN In turns to rult Borrower , no bonus
JL O. JI. Ballou , attorney , room 5 , Unloi
Ulock. 072-9
XT7 ANTED Runner at tbe Commcro al Hotel
W Oth and Ixavenwoth. 107-12 *
Two land brick monitors. In
WANTED at W. It. D.rtlctt's ofllco at 31
South 18th street. 105-131
WANT JO teams on Florence Cut Cfl , wagei
83 to per day. Work until October.
112 tf JAME3 P. VINCENT.
'ANTED-Glrlto do general housework , li
small family. 2010 Burt street.
110-16 DK. PAUL.
'ANTED A girl t > do general housework
at 1714 Jackson street. 8 tf
A competent taundreai ot South
85-16 *
- ) men for railroad work. II
WANTED-6) , Emplaymcnt Agent , lit )
street , nenr Farnam. 00-13 *
"ANTED A girl for general housework , al
W 418 ; 21st N. street between Cass and Chicago ,
A laundress at the St. Charlci
WANTED . 82 tf
'ANTED A good aobcr teamster.
G Irl for ircnertl houecvi ork. Ap
ply at 2016 California street. 70-12 *
One first clasi seamstress and
twoiprrcntlcesfordrcsa matilng. Mrs.
3co. W. Kendall , 1414 Dodge etrcct. up-otalrs.
TTTANTED Good girl at 1080 North 10th St.
A situation as book-keeper or
WANTED In some western city , by a joung
nan 22 years of ago. Lias had ttro years cxpcr-
cnceln double-entry book-keeping. Best o
ejcrencea given. Address 0. n. D , , P. O. box
09 Hartford , Conn. U > p-J5t
rTTANTED Situation In abrst-e'ass grocery
V V store , by a man who Is not afraid to work.
la ary no object until familiar with the business.
) cstof reference ( then. App'y to 0. T. How-
cr , Sup't. V. U. 0. A. , or address E. S.'Boo of-
Ice. 114-13"
ntTANTED Situation by young man , fair bus-
TT mess education , In wholesale or commls-
lon house. B. Y. Bee ofllco. 100-13 *
ntrANTED-SItuatlon by middle aged lady In
V V hotel or widowers family as houiekeeper
i competent to take full charge , no objection
) go out of the city. Address liousckeopcr Bee
tnco. 102-18 *
niTANTED Employment by a flrst-cltss bake
f V II. Mannwefler , Employment Agent , llth
reek near Farnnm. 99-13 *
ItTANTED Situation by a man of experience
r V and ability , In city and country , good
forenco. Address A. B. Bee ofllco. 07-13 *
TrANIED By"a first-class dressmaker , sew-
i\ lug of all kinds , at No. 1319 Dodge ttrcet
will go out ana do work at moderate prices.
78-16 *
TTANTED To buy a good pony , price not to
1exccid ISO , address F. t. McCLORE ,
100 18' Omaha , Neb.
XT ANTED To loan $200 or 8300 to some re-
rV spontlblo paity , who will give no steady
nplotmcnt in a grocery or dry goods and gro-
ryai ( tore'clerk. ' Ezperleuce ttoro of an
Jcct atlflrat than wages. Address
111-tr ELU POWELL , Hirer Slour , Iowa.
TONEV A partner wantedaotlveor sl'ent ,
rl with $5000 to 920,000 cash to Invcit in i >
rltlmato bus ) ness which in six months time wi 1
ly a iprofit at leiet [ cquallto the amount in-
sted , and both be turned into clean cash and
opirtnenhlp ended. Addrccs "MoDey"Bce
Dee. g3.t (
ITANTED Furnlshe-l room with board , for
'V man , wife and child , In a good locality.
Ice must be reasonable. Address D , A. Bee
Ice. 71-18'
ANTED For tbo summer months , a'ur-
V nlshed house in good locality. Addrcea
W. F.ALI > N ,
77-12 Care Chas. K. Coutant. '
I WANTED 600 privy vau.ta , sinks and cess
V pools to clean with Sanitary Vault and
ik Cleaner , the best in use. A. Evans & Co. ,
ildence 1206 Dodge street , Omaha ,
r ANTED Funding bridge and school bonds.
H. T. Clark. Bellevna. J6-U
CrANTED-4 children M boarders in a select
V school , at 10th and California St. L. B.
OMia. 78T.U
IOR BENT Two furnished front roomi at
459 between Ilirney and Uoward , 14th
uet. 10M6r
10TTAQE FOIl BENT-On 17th street , be-
Jackson and liiowncll Hall. 103-tl
I OR RENT House of six 'rooms , 1112 llth
street , eonth of PaIflc. T. 0,1'ELLE.
OR RENT A nicely furnished room , 8. E.
front , for one or two gentlemen Inquire
fill 18th street , between Clark and Grace ; old
OX ) . Reference required. tf
OK KENT Housa of flro rooms , corner 23d
and Pierce. Apply at S. O. Stevenson , cor-
17tn and Cass , near Easter Church.
3R RENT Neat'y fumlshei room with priv
liege of adjoining ( parlor , 1813 Webster
et. etf
OR RENT A furnlfhed room to one or two
gentlemen , 1012 California street.
81-12 *
) RENT New rooms furnished or uofur-
ntthedas dtslred commanding fine view
be liver , bridge , Council Bluff * , and scenery
and down the river for twenty miles. 01
cmer'aBlock , " corner Ptb tpd llonard.
26 tf
111 KENT A suite of nlcelv furnished room
torrent. 8. E.corner20thand Davenport
ill. 861-U
ill LKASli At $2S a year , several nice real Ol
leuco lota near 25lh street and St Jlary'K ave
1 W 11. BARTLETT , Real Estate Agent.
IK HUNT S furnished rooms over tit 81
chanta' Kichingr.N. E. cor. IBtb and Dodg
its. S89.U
H RENT Nicely furnished rooms with ot
without board. Reasonable prices. 2C1J Bi
Si.- . 7AQ M
" "
R 8ALH Dejliablo comer lot adjoi'lnglot
oilT.rk a\enue. GEO. W. AMES
9-tf leoa Faraam Bticct.
K BALK Drug store complete annual
Biles upward of $6000 , U well located , In
iilngton. county neat of Franklin County ,
eat of the U , fi. land office ( or Southern
mka. Full particulars furnished oa alien <
lion to W , 0. ROUIN80N ,
2-1 ? "
K BALE One bouse and lot at a bargain
ioui his four rooi'jp , 2 closets , pantiy. els-
K.C. Inquire on premise ) . No , 122 Zeth st.
' ft HUT * addition.
1-151 MRS. A. L. I.OFQUEN.
Et SALE 100,000 excellent hard brick , for
sale , cheap for ca > b. If taken entire as they
In the kill , by LORENZO DIBBLE ,
one block south of corner , of 15h street
I Bell ) cut Road. 69-18 *
.1 HAI. & Or Trade ; 44x131 feet oa 10m
street next to tbe corner of lUruoy , also
2 feet on th cast fide between Dodjr and
ol avenue. Enquire of H , BERTUOLD ,
3II u
Bnimira , situated 25
miles south of the U , K , railroad in Carbon
ty , Wjomln Terrltoiy. 0 acrei of
aw and upland title guaranted. Address
. Caldwcll , Warm Epiiugi , Vjromln ; .
riOR SALE A restaurant at a bargain. H.
1 Hannweller. llth street near Farnam.B39H
I7IOR SALE Neat cottage of fhe rooms , barn , .
JL veil , and cittern , * n 2Jrd street neir Call ,
fornla , at (1,400 , easy term * . McCagna opposite
pottofflce. 9SZ-tf
FOR the BOYS'HOME. Tills house Is co--
trally located , has ou h and cait front , ted Is
surrounded w tb fine thiwio trees ; contilnithirty
Bleeping rooms , baa Ice boute. laundry , s&mnlo
room , so. Has a world Ty da reputation ana tt
better patronigo than many homes of twice Its
capacity , Frlco $5,000. For particulars ad *
dress , A. A. SAWDEY , Red Cloud , Web.EHlf
filOR SAtE 200 choice Iota In Hanscom Place ,
JU W. R. Bartlctt , Real > tat Agent , 817 8.
18th atroet. 833-tf J
"T710II SALE A good comer lot on Doage and1
JL ? 26th street , m a very fatt growing part of
th city , will divide. Inquire at 210 South 20th
street , near FarnamjBogg'a & Hill's addition.
, 820.1m *
-TJIOn SALE OR RENT A two (2) Story frame
, L Ibulldlng,24x60. N , B. corner 22nd and
unmlng street. Inquire al Krug'i Western
Brewery. " "
1T10R SALE 20 lot * near Hanscom Fark , west
JL1 of Park Avenue. (460 to 1(900 each. Me *
Cague opp. Poatofflcc. 671. tf
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 833
FURY . S. U. B. " , winner of prlia at State
Fair , Stands for service t Nebraska Poultry-
Yards , West Omahx Graham e. Browne ,
TjlOR SALE Ono second hand 25 horse powo
JO engine , good aa ncwal o two 8 horse twwe r
and two 15 norsoponcr engines , new. Boilers
of atl sires , new. Inquire Omaha. Foundry an
Machine Co.U. F. Ry. bet 17th and IBtli Qmaba
TTIOR SALE Or will excha go for Omaha pro *
JD I Iperty , an Improved sec 08 of land adjoin
ing a station on U. P. K. R. M. DUN1IAM. 1411
Farnbam St. , Omaha. 7208ml
BALED HAY At A. H. Sander' Feed Bto
1018 Hatnev Bt. alO-tf
CM A ft per month by wide a ake mat. A
O I l/u Rood selling article for city and towns ,
Call at once at Occidental hotel. 104-12 *
mAKKN UP A largo red cow , with strap
JL around the neck. ADAU3& HOWELL ,
03 15 * South of Poor houso.
QlllAUED From my place In the city , a white
IO cow about ncen or eight } cars old , branded
O on one shoulder ; has some red hairs. I will
pay a row ard for her rec ; ory. E. WAKE LEY.
103 d2t wit"
mo BRlCKLAYERS-To let a contract for
JL Uylrg from 76,000 to 1CO.OOO brick. In
quire at otllco of Omaha Foundr/ and Machine
Co , U. P. Ry.between 17th and 18thstreet.
rpHOSE wishing new wells bored , or old onca
JL cleaned or lowered , will rlcaso call nn or
Address II. M. BROWN ,
81-13' 1M7 Burt Street.
No need , , of saying granite blocks
EAVINQ dear for vpavlni ; the streets. There
man In Omaba that.will give surety and put
n granite blocks 8 inches deep Jor. ,3.25 per
fard. Addreta 10 Bee office. > . es-31
T1AKEN UP A cow about 7 > ro r8 bid , red with
JL white enots , larro horns * Also a hclfor ,
fed , with white , spot * , both with calf.
3-ltf on e w Bakery , 13th St. near Williams.
r > ARE chance for business for capital of | 3,000
Cli or (5,000. Enquire of T : Gibson , Boird of
rade. to 12f
r OST A subscription paper of the North.
U Presbyterian Cnurch. The finder will pleaeo
iavo at Bee office. 095-tt
\JfRS. 0. A. XLLISON E'ectro ' Magnetic
-VI Hcabr , also business ncd medical Clalr-
oyant. Peychometlo readings aid treatment
Iven. dally from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Can bocen-
tilted by letter , send name , age , and lock of.
air etc. , with 82.00 consultation fee. No. 2013
asa St. , Omaha , Neb. 793 im *
JATE RENT Choice of 80 full lots to leuo
near Crolghton College for (26 per year
'ezter ' L. Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Crol/hto.
lock. 205-tf
IONAU8T , 498 Tenth Street , between Farnam
idHaincy. Will , with the aid of guardian
ilrlW , obtain for any one a glance at the pail
id present , and on certain conditions In the fn >
ire. Boote and Bhooa made to Jfder. Perfeo
Absolutely Pure.
Ills powder never varlea. A marvel of p
i strength and wholesomeness. More ecouo
: 1 than the ordinary kinds , and cannot b
1 In competition with tbe multitude of I ow
t , short weight , alum or phosphate powders
old only In cans. RoTALjDXKmo Powon Co. ,
Wall St. . New York
tilted States Depository
tart lational Bank ,
OliAHA. .
JOT. 13th and Farnam Bts.
BTiBLISUlD 1856.
mlzod M a National Bank Angnit 80 , 18M. .
WAI , - - T . 2005000
1PLU3 AND PROFITS - 160,00
- \
omcus AXD riuorou I
HAH KOBSTZE , President.
A. J. POffLrroM ,
ioau A. CsiiariTOjr ,
il bank recelvei deposits wlthoo rerard lo
luestlme certlflcates bearing Interest. ! !
* Wf * tint 1 ? ° , 2 * " ' "DMSCO and prUcIpal'
L0' V"UJnl.tl8Utell'I'oL < ) n < 1 < > D Dnbfln
burgh and the principal dtlos of thaconti
of Europe , marldtt
John Q. Jacobs.
( FofAierlyot Olshk Jacobs , )
, Agent 1 ,
lilroaa Outfit OH Biort Notice.
llth St. , Near Farioham.
Notary Public ,