Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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I * The Omaha Bee
Published every morning , except BnntU ;
"Wke only Monday morning tUllj- ,
Dae Vo r. . . . . $10.00 I Thro * Month * . $3. (
Kx. Month * o.OO I One . . l. <
CltR WEEKLY BEE , published e
. .tjWednesday. .
OHO Year. SZOOlThreeMonlhg. . I
. MxMoitb * * . . . LOO | One * . . '
or Newsdealers In the United States.
' flttlons relntlnif to News and Edltorlftl rnn
ew iJiotild bo rtddrospcd to the Kmron c
. ' ( CHE NEE.
, Detteis And Remittances nhould be * t
, drcMvxl to Tnr. OMAHA PCBUSIHSO Cos
gurr , OMAHA. Dr&fta , Checks mlr < w
offio > 5. Orders to bf made payable to w
order of 'tho' Company.
; iim PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs
) El ROSEWATEB , Editor.
The publishers of THE BEE have tnad <
* arrangement * with the American Newi
Company to supply New Dfpots In 1111
ads , Town , Nebraska , Wyoming am
J Utah. AH dealer * wl > o keep THE DAILI
" BEE on le should hereafter address theli
orders to the Manager American New
-Company , Omaha , Neb.
Thn Camcronian idea of indopcn
denco in politics is independence o
other faction but their own.
OMAHA is the only lartjo city in thi
United States whoso assessment roll :
do not show a corresponding increase
'with ' the rise of property valuation.
HICKETY haloon framed shells buill
; ntho business portion of our citj
emphasize the necessity of a buildinj
lair and an inspector of buildings ir
OovEUNon KIKKWOOD again an-
Bounces authoritivcly that ho is not s
.candidate for congress. It looks nt
thopooplo will make him ono in spite
of hit protest. * " " , i
' ' v f
. . . ' . '
' courzo thoi state must bo rddis ;
\ fcJiejSn\ but how to eatisfy three him-
4ro3 csirlidfttes .with throe districts is
jifproblom Jliich hao never yet boon
Completely solved/ ' .
v" .WnEK , it comes to defending homo
industries Air. Blaine is a success.
The" Henrietta mine pf "which ho was a
fifthoivnor lias just boon sold in Lon
don for 51,000,000.
' ' , BEPOBTS from Winnipeg confirm the
tories of destitution among the immi-
. gnnta who are insanely rushing to anew
now country' which has not the moans
of supporting a sudden influx of popu
" - SPEAKING about contracts and silent
partners , the editor of the Herald has
tad the 'floor for some weeks past ,
t-iho subject being that little monthly
divy on the contract for transferring
freight at the U. P. transfer.
INVESTIGATION musio promises to bo
Hnusually lively at the present session
rol < the .legislation. There is an im-
iprcssion that as Carns.has had his
iianco ho may' now bo called upon to
ipay the piper :
POLITICS arid privatff business art
two very different matters. Silenl
partnerships in railroad eating houses
.Ballorships arid freight transfers an
( beneath the notice of the rjftoat No
-bruba sunflower who edits Jay Gould
democratic organ hi Omaha.
U .at 'once a quaint hume
and a grim truth , in tho' remark of ;
-witty and fighting Irishman to th
editor of The Albany Exprss : "Th
, < kmrockRmy dear air , is merely th
'ace of clubs'patntod'green , and Ire
land baa been forced to use it for th
. , ftet Boven years. " i c * > vr
, ' ) * Q > . " , i-l
* ' 'InK Omaha Horald'begs to say thi
"It has ma4o no charges except that
domocratib rnomber , of the legislhtui
'has boon awarded a surveyingcontrac
in contract in Nebraska. This awft
condition of affairs under a republics
administration demands prompt inrei
"Aw infuriated moVMs the hu
.guago used by Governor Na&co i
kis message to charaotorizo the Omab
strikers. The safety of Go verm
, Ufarioa and his staff together wit
every other citizen of Omaha durin
the late labor troubles gives th
square lie to such a statement.
SINCE the Omaha Herald is how !
ing BO loudly for some ono to "com
Jnto court , " a continuance of that littl
printing steal inquiry , which Di
.Miller's partner skipped to Colorad
to escape at the last session , wi
be in order. Investigation chicken
4 > ft6o come home to roost-
EENITOB MITCHELL , who ia the a <
# 1uu > wledgod leader oi Pentuylvani
iadependenta , tent a dispatch froi
Wuhingtoa obclaimlng all approvi
, l the rawit'jeooVeutloa at HarrL
Wr which , was manpii&t ! d by Do
. * " * ' ' i'i. '
* f TT i ii
Ciiiaffoo , He duBu'llikt the pn
- 4 UH0e of tlie coareaUon "typlfie
iMM oBHiaa power agaioBt which fif I
tfcll M 4 vbifJh thrice that number wi
tfciottl * , U tt y have the chance , i
- 4 bkUdt'box. ' ' HarEaoBy In Feni
jaylviiiU > firtVrr rff than ey #
The Irish assassinations have bee
the theme oi comment at homo an
abroad during the post. week. En ;
lish sentiment which was beginning t
veer rapidly towards Mr. Gladstone
policy of amnesty and conciliatio
has , as predicted , experienced a n
markablo change. The press of bet
parties voicing what may bo suppose
the popular will demands stern it
pressivo measures , and the answc
has como in a coercion measure whic
is ton fold more rigid in its provision
than the ono abandoned lost week b
the government.
The principal features of the no1
coercion bill appeared in detail oxclu
sivcly In THE BEE'S telegraph column
of yesterday. They nbblisli tiial b
jury in cases of treason , murder'tin
agrarian oatragej power is granted ii
proclaimed districts to search for BUS
licious characters , to arrest person
xowling at ntctht , and to arrest per
sons deemed suspicious by the gov
ctnmont , The viceroy is grantci
authority to remove foreigners whi
are considered dangerous to society
o suppress all secret organizations , t <
dissolve all unlawful meetings , and ti
hrottlo newspapers considered sodi
ious. Additional police are empowered
orod to bo appointed , the expense tie
) o levied on the districts , and the in
labitants of regions where maim
ngs , outrages and murders an
committed will bo held pccuniarly responsible
sponsiblo for their commission. Thii
s the measure which the bloody deec
of a week ago hag brought upon Ire
and. Will it accomplish its purpose
iVo think not. Coercion waa aban
lonod because it had signally failed
What reason is there to believe that i
now coercion policy moro rigid thai
ho old will accomplish any bettor ro
ults. The events in Ireland will noti
> o watched with moro anxious inter
st than over. Perhaps the Englisl :
Ministry , may discover that in sup
rcssing the land league , , which hoi
'onsidarably , , .frowned . , , . ; down outage -
ago , Jthey aft fonly , " , opening th (
oors fortho secret spread of far more
angcroua anil revolutionary organiza.
ons ,
There was ; some expectation thatthc
candinavian sympathies of Sweden
quid-enlist her , in case of a conti-
orital war , against Germany , as the
ewer which despoiled Denmark 61
chleswlg. Trinco Bismarck , it seems ,
as anticipated' this danger , and hot
ecurod Sweden as ally by the offet
f .Finland. This , the finest of the
utlylng 'provinces of Sweden , was
rested from Sweden in 1800 , after a
out resistance , in which Finns and
wedes co-opozated heartily. No at-
empt has boon made to Bussify Fin-
and. Her people are allowed to man
go their own affairs. Swedish ro-
nsihs the literary and official language
f the country , while the common
eoplo hi their homes speak theli
7igrian speech , as before Swede and
lussian c me. There is still a senti-
noqtal attachment to Sweden , and
ho popular songs glory in the war ol
nofleotual resistance. But there is nc
reat dissatisfaction with Russian
* ulo , and , indeed , no excuse for any ,
The Norwegian government , has do-
crminod 'to send an agent to the
kndwioh Islands to invcstigato the
ondition of the poor devils who were
enticed from their native land by tin
Hawaiian sugar planters , who trcal
them Uko slaves and pay them a pit
tattoo for their work , which roall ;
amounts to loss than the obligatioi
ncurred by the ox-southern elav
loldor , who had to care for his chat
; ol after they became snpormanuatod
There is no doubt that an investiga
; ion made by a Norweigian .agent wilde
do much to enlighten the world as t
the real condition of the laborers o
the sugar plantations of Ealakau1
dominiosi. It will bo more likely t
disclose : the true stat ofAffair * tha
a'commlssfo n invited'by ' the plantori
who would bo wined and dined b
them into oblivion of all that woul
reflect on the Island. A Norwegia
agent will not bo apt to overlook th
sufferings of his countrymen as a
American might if he had his hoa
filled with the idea that it would bo
grand thing to annex the Islands t
the United States. Such an agot
will not have any difficulty in procu :
ing evidence either. All ho will hate \
to do will bo to turn over the files i
the Hawaiian papers and ho will fin
enough instances of cruelty indicate
to keep him busy for months invest
gating them.
Several ingenious attempts to d
fraud the revenue laws have boon di
covered at the Hamburg custo :
house , A short time ago the owm
of a email estate near Humburg di
patched a wooden case containing
plaster cut of the Venus do Medic
four feet high , to Hamburg , with
written request to the authorities thi
the figure might be exempted fro :
duty inwards and outwards , as it wi
only forwarded to tha city in order I
be repaired. Upon the cue beir
opened the right aim of thePaphis
goddoM wafl fbund tp have beea'boce
off near the Uioulder ; BO the cut Iw )
"ptued" without hesitation , an
taken away by the person to whom
had be a addrenod. 'When , howove
it came back to the custom house f <
InipeetioB , before being forwarded I
iU owner , one of the wrchers nndi
who * * ooUe It happened to f U sui
dcnly remembered that , but a fo
weeks previously , the same cast <
ono very like it , had -boon "cleared
with a broken foot , and again in
condition of perfect repair. Th
suspicious fact lead to a strict invest
gation of the figure , resulting in th
discovery that the queen of love hi
been unscrupulously utilized as a n
ceptaclo for contraband tobacci
Twelve hundred Havana cigars woi
stowed away inside her torso , inl
which they had been convoyo
through the opening afforded by tb
brrakago of her arm. That membc
having been skillfully "restored ,
Venus was , tb all appearances , hoi
self again , exhibiting not the least sc
lution of continuity or other symj
toms of complicity with nofariou
A pamphlet recently published i
Vinnna gives some striking illustra
tions of the utter lack of honest
that pervades ovoiy branch of th
Russian administration. In ono cas
a manufactory of arms had to bo re
built , and the officials entrusted wit !
the undertaking stole $240,000 rubles
or about $120,000. In the stores o
the commissariat at Tiflis there wor
1,700,000 pounds of spoiled flour tha
waa sealed up by a commission of in
quiry as unfit to bo used. Notwith
standing this , however , the seals won
Broken and broad was made of thi
stuff for the troops , to their Injury
3ut to the profit of Bomo officials
[ n the same way , it is proved that thi
commissariat bought damaged preserved
served meats for which they chanjei
jwonty kopecks a pound , when goo <
TCSU , meat might have boon had a
: our cents. In the garrison of Osur
; oti symptoms appeared of cases o
cholera which were carefully exam"
inod into by the surgeon of the dis
; rict , with the result of showing tha
; ho malady was traceable to the dam
aged flour remaining over from the
time of the war , ' and thus corruptlj
served put to the troopa. It is oponlj
declared thata certain colonel pocketed
etod the equivalent of thil
obnoxious food. In the marine con *
missariat matters are said to bo over
worso. Moro than ono case is allegec
whoro. the money for building shipi
was actually spent , or-at least appro'
priatcd , before the ; building of the
pips for which it was intended had
been begun. In all the cases , cited in
his work the startling averment :
made profess to bo based on official
[ ocumonta.
The progress of British mercantile
hipping is on the steady increase ,
? ho tonnage of sailing and steam ves
els with cargoes and in ballast entered
md cleared at the ports in the Unitoc
tindom has risen fromG,4Hj485 ) toni
n 1840 to 41,543 259 in 1881 , the
oroign vessels in the name years risinf
rom 2,949,182 tons to 16,4flG,28 <
tons. The tonnage of British sboan
ressolo similarly entered has risei
rom 003,048 tons in 1840 to 32,017 ,
091 , in 1881 , the foreign meanwhili
rising from 128,507 tons 6)591,850
The number of British seamen sorv
ngin registered soiling and slean
vessels of iho .United Kingdom ( ex
elusive of river steamers ) has risoi
from 130,144 in 1851 to 168,098 i :
.881 ; and of foreign seamen BO cm
ployed from 5,798 to 24,805 , the per
centage of , foreign to British aeamei
employed having increased from 4.1
to 14.7C in the uamo period.
The ancient custom for the Pope ti
make presents to distinguish person
during Easter was duly observed 01
the fourth Sunday in Lent by hi
Holiness Pope Leo XII. Goldei
Rose , supreme recognition and reword
word of virtue , presented to .Arch
duchess Stephanie. This sacred emblem
blom of purity and piety in woman
itself a masterpiece of the goldsmith'
art , reproducing in precious metal th
most delicate details , of the Flora
Qnoon , was solemnly blessed by 'th
Sovereign Pontiff , annointod with
fragrant balsam specially affected t
that purpose , lightly bestrewn wit !
fine powdered musk , perfumed wit
incense , and finally placed upon th
altar during High Mass. Having the
boon sanctified and endowed with coi
tain supernatural attributes , it wt
placed in a costly embossed caske
and confided to the charge of an 01
altodjPapal official ono of the noblei
monaignori attached to the person c
his Holiness who convoyed it t
Vienna for presentation , with all in
aginable pomp and ceremony , to th
future Empress of thn Dual Realm.
Thus far , this year , the number <
emigrants who have loft Germany fc
the United States and other countries
but chiefly for that ono , has bee
greater than over before , In Marc
alone no fewer than 14,697 left th
ono pork of Hamburg in 103 steamoi
and ono sailing vessel , and tho. Han
burg companies complain that the
are unable to find room for all wh
wish to Bail. Last year 210,547 en
( grants loft the country , but this yet
a much larger number la expected <
leave. Bremen , Antwerp , and Ste
tin are the ports from which these pe <
| Je sail. _
As a proof of the Slavophil and m
tlonal tendencies now prevailing i
the surroundings of the omporer i
Gatschlna , the Noveo Vremyo atat <
that in a short time the ladies of th
Imperial court are to drew entirely i
Rwi&n costume , discarding Earopw
dross altogether , and all the polaci
officials , whoso office for the past 2 (
years been known under Gormn
name ? , will receive purely Russian t
The British government have oflei
od a reward of 10,000 for inform !
tion within three months which wi
lead to the conviction of the assassin
of Cavendish and Rurko , and gran
pardon to any person but the princ :
The construction bureau of th
navy department is in need of a thai
ough overhauling. Congress is an
nually appropriating hundreds of tliou
sands of dollars for maintaining ;
navy whoso only use scorns to bo t <
to furnish employment to half ;
dozen navy vnrds , and to secure sine
cures to half a thousand office holders
It is a well known feet that our nav ;
would bo absolutely worthless as i
moans of coast defense if placed ii
competition with the fleets of second
class European governments. Ou
cruisers are slow and worn out tubs
built on an exploded model , and fur
nlshod with armor which would provi
moro paste board against the formid
able guna of auch vessels as the Ter
roror Defiance of the English squad
ron. Millions of money have beei
squandered in patching up old hulks
which at brat are floating coffins
while there is a grave suspicion that i
largo part of the money reported a
expended for repairs has found ii
way into the pockets of naval bar
naclca and private contractors.
The country possesses a number o
navy yards which could very well bi
dispensed with. Other nations havi
found it moro profitable to have thoi :
war vessels built by private contrac
at fixed aoma , than to entrust thei :
construction to the hands of a half i
dozen government bureaus preside !
over by knock-kneed and , tun < 5
wrecked old salts. la this country
; ho political scandala of" navy yart
management have always beenrani ,
and odorous. Tie Boston navy yard
or which , ovary one admits there ii
not the slightest need , costs nearly t
ialfa million1 of dollars a year t <
maintain , exclusive of the salaries oj
ho officers detailed there for duty ,
.ta political value consists- the facl
that five hundred men are billeted
within ita enclosure , whoso principal
duties are to out plug tobacco and
vote straight at elections Commor.
oonsent among the honest men oi
> oth parties demands that there ° be i
borough reorganization ofr the nava
> ureaua before any move : is made h
iho line of adding to thoequipmen
of ? our war. marine.
A bill baa been introduced in congress
gross for the promotion of forestry ii
the United States and for the protec
ion of rapidly depleted timber lands
There are indications that the nationa
forestry convention recently held ii
Cincinnati is the beginning of a general
oral movement to the repair of th
woodland growth : which is so fast dis
appearing in this country. "While ii
Franco , Germany and other Euroroai
countries one of the principal bureau
of government ia- that having charg
of the forests and rivers , the whol
matter is novel to us. In those coun
tries the annual reports of the fcrcst
culture bureaus are looked for an
road with interest as having an impoi
tant bearing not only upon the Ban ;
tary condition and the agriculture
and commercial resources of the , coun
try but upon the revenue as well.
The combined effect of 'a'cHdonta
fires , clearings , and the w'aafo'ful con
sumption of our .forests in the prc
duction of lumber , railroad tiesj ia.
bark , fuel and for other purposes.wit !
a total neglect of the means of reprc
duction , have depleted our resource
to a greater exent than is gonerall
recognized. The statistics of tho'nn
tlonal census showed that should th
destruction of the forests of the Un !
ted States continue for the next quai
ter oi a century at the same rate t
during the last ton years , treea of
spontaneous growth will begin to dii
appear. The late convention wascalle
to guard against this calamity b
devising plans of forest oultui
and by suggesting necessary protectiv
legislation. Mr. Dunnoll's bill is on
of ita results. In a number of on
western states , notably our own , th
interest in tree planting ia on the Ir
crease. Arbor days are now annivoi
aries in several states. In Ohi
roadside planting associations are b <
ing organized throughout the run
districts , their purpose being to pn
mete the planting of trees along th
highways , and in groves where suits
bio sites can be secured. But loci
enterprise cannot take the place c
national legislation , and the bill pr <
pared by Mr. Dunnoll ought not t
obtain prompt recognition from cot
gross as a measure of the highest in
portanco to one of the economic an
hygonlo interests of the nation.
YO&K landlords have bee
taught a leuoa which some. Omah
property owners will do well tostudj
An exorbitant rise in rents has r <
suited in their being moro unoccuple
houses in the city than for years , an
the rapacious landlords are now bof
ging for tenanU , holding out a 'hev
reduction of reaU M a bonn * .
A new addition to the
city just laid'out into
Located on Hamilton
Charles , and SewardiSts.
and also on 29th , 30th
3-lat and 32nd streets ,
Only 5 or 6 blocks ; wesl
of the turn-table of tb
Bed Street Gar Line , 01
Saunders Street , and jus
west of and adjoinini
Shinns additions.
Me Tour Own Terms
' .6
, , , .ONLY ,
Call and get Plat !
and Full Particulars
Real Estate Agency
Business Director ? .
Abatract And Real batate.
JOHN It. HoCAOUE , opporito Pott OfflM.
W. B , BARTLETT SIT Bonlh'JSth Btretl
Architect * .
Room H. GTelghton Itlock ,
A. T. LARGE Jf. . Room ! . Cielthton Block.
Coot * nnd Bhoea.
Dee Boot ) and Shoes. A rood assortment
icraa work on band , corner 12th and n&rney.
CUOS. KRICKSON , a E. cor. 15th and DcnglM
1)1 lO'.h utrcet , tnAnnfactarci to ortlei food Trot
14 Mr prlw * . Rfriftlrjtiy don * .
Bed Oprlnj .
LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1B17 DonrJa l
Booka , Newa nd nutloncnf.
J. I. FRUEHAUK 1016 rarnham Btrett.
Dutter and Eggs.
UC3HANE & SCIIROEDER , the oldest B. and E
iCC83 la Neliraoka catabllihed 1875 Omaha.
Ullfl. A. IIYAK ,
loUiwe corner lethand Dodse.
Beat Board lor the Money.
C tielirtlon Guaranteed
at all Hotirs.
Boird by the Day , Week or Month.
OooJ Terms lor Caeh
Furnished Tlnmni Supplied.
UarrlaRoa and Road Wagons.
tTU SNYDER , 14th and Harner Streets.
OtothlnE Uought.
. HAKRIfl will pay highest Cash price : for leconi
l.nd clothlny. CcrncnlOth : and Farnham.
uewe en.
JOIIN BAUIIEK 1SU Fftrnham Street.
H. BECTHOLD. Ra a and MettJ.
Lumber- Lime and Cement.
fOSTER & QIl.iY corner 6th and Douglaa HU
Lampa and Qlaaaware.
1. EOKNER 1808 Douglai Ht. Good Variety
Merchant Tailor * .
Ono ol our most popular Merchant Tailor * Ii re
lelrlng the latert deslrns lor Spring and Snmme
3ocd ( or gentlemen e wear. Btjllth , durable
led prices low u ever 215 ISth bet. Douc.&Firn
UBS. a A. K1NQEU , Tboleeale and Retail , Fan
37 Qoouir In great variety , Zephyn , Canl Boards
Oodcry , Gloves , Cbrxte , &c. Cbcapctt House l <
khe West. Purch&gerB mvo 80 per cent. Orde
by Hall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
MOUP and Feed.
OHADACITY HILLS , Etb and Farnham Ste.
SVelthan * Broa. . proprietor * . .
2. 8TGYEN8 , Slat between Cnmlng and Izar
T. A.slTc3nAKE , Com. J3d and Cnmlng Btreeta
Hardware , Iron and etoel.
OLAN & LAtfCUYOUTIlY , WboleEalc , 110 am
112 IBth street
A. nOLMK come 16th and California.
Harneis , Saddle * , &c.
B. T EIBT iOlSthSt bet Farn-&namey
Hotel *
AN FIELD HOUSE , Goo , CanHeULBth & Farnhan
DOBAN HOUSE , P. H. Gary , 913 Farnham St
BLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Slavcn , 10th St.
lontharn Hotel Oce. Hamol 6th iLeavanwortl
ruga , Halnu ana Oil * .
fharmaclsts , Fine Tanc Goods , Cor. Ittb and
Doogui ( traeta.
V. J. WnrTEnODFE , NTholeeala & Retail , 16th It
O. FIELD , 2025 north Side Coming Street
PARR , Druggist , ibtn and Howard Street * .
Oentltt * .
DB. PAUL William * Mloct Cor. 15th A Dodge.
ury aoooa notion * , tto.
JOHN H. F. LEllilANN & CO. ,
flew York Dry Good * Store , 1310 and 1813 ' Yarn
ham ttrtet.
LCl'teowold. ' also booti and ihoe * APadfle
rurulture. t * -
i f. OBOES. Kmr and Booond Hand JPurnltnT' '
nd BtOTM , 1111 Doncla * Hlghert eaih prlo
aid for ocondh ni soost.
, , BOHKKB I'EO Donrta rt. Fine good * * e
' tcrcoWorM.
SURT , FRIES A CO 1211 Harney St. , Impron
4d Ice Bozet , Irce acd Wood Fence * , Offla
\Hnn. Oonnln IMnn and Walnut.
Pawnbroker * .
E08ENFELD 10th Bi. . bet far. Ha
Rerrlgeraton , Oanneld'a Patent.
OOODMAN 1th Pt bet. Fara. &
Oleara and Tobacco. ,
WEST & FRITSCDEB , manufacturer * of Cigars
and Wholesale Dealers ! n Tob&ccog , 1806 Douglas
y. P. LOREMZEM manutacturer. H18 Farnham
fiorlct ,
A. Donaghoa , planta , cut flower * , ceed * , coquet
eio. H. W. cor. 18th tnd DourlM itreeto.
Olvll Engineer * and Surveyor * .
ANDREW ROSEWATEB , Crclghton Block
Town Surrey * , Orado and Sewerage System * :
Specialty. .
OommlMlon Merchant * .
JOHN Q. WIL LIS.HU Dodge Street :
; D B. UEEMEB. For deUlla see large adrertlM
ment In Dally and Weekly , ,
Cornice Work * .
Western , Cornice Works , Hanufacturen Iroi
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roo&lng. Order
from any locality promptly executed In the bet
manner. Factory and Office 1218 Harney St.
C.8PECUT , Proprietor.
Qalvanlied Iron .Cornice * , Window .Capo , . eta
manufactured and put up In any pan of , tb
country. T. BINIIOLD 18 Thirteenth street
J. BONKEH 1508 DongUs street Ooodllne.
Clothing and Furnishing Qoo/ * .
DEO. H. PETEBSON. AIM Hat * . Cap ) , Bootl
Shoo * Notion * and Cutlery , SOi B. lOthrtreel.
Show Oae Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In alT kind * ol Bboi
Case * , Upright Cases , ft. * . , 1817 CUM St.
FRANK L. OERIIARD , proprietor Omah.
Show Case manufactory , 818 South Itthotreet
between Lcavenwoith and Marcy. All good
warranted flrst lae * .
Utove * ana inwore.
Dealer In Btorea and Tinware , and Manufacture
ol Tin Root * and all kind * of Building Work
Odd Fellow1 Block.
J. BONNEK. 1800 DoutU * St nod and Cheap
, [ Seed * .
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drill * ant
Cultivators Odd Fellows Hall
Physician * and Burgeon * .
W. B. OIBBS , M. D. , Room No , Cielghtoi
Block , 16th Street _
f , U. LKIBKNRINO , il. 1 > . Maaonlo Block.
a L. HA11T , U. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poitofflc
Oculist and Aurlst. B. W Uth and Farnham Bt
Photograpner * .
Grand Central Gallery ,
US Sixteenth Street ,
near Maaonlo HaU. Ftnt-cUea Work and Prompt
neaa Kuaranteen
Plumbing , Ua * and eteam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. , 218 W Bt , bet Farnhao
andDougla * . Workpromp y attended to.
D. 71TZPATRIOK.UO. ixiugla * Street.
alntlng an ap r anglng ,
HKNBY A. KOWKB8. HI Dodge Street
Phillip Laa 1820 Famham st b t ISth ft 14 tb
Second Hand Wore.
PEBKIHB 'ft LKAB , WS Donclai Bt , New aa >
Second Hand Furniture , Houw rumlahlng Ooodi
fcc. . bought and sold on narrow marrin *
' '
Undertaker * ;
OUAI. BIKWB , 1011 Farnham b t 1Mb * 11W
00 Cent BterM.
P. a BAOED8 rarnham Bt. Facer Good
Is U * nsw brick block on DoujU * gtntt. U
JfMt opensd a mort elasiatltec * Hall/
Bet Lunch bom 19 to II
erety day.
Headquarters of tfco Literati ,
The Cheapest , Largest nd choicest collection
Oil f
, In the Wctt.
Cash paid for Socond-IInnd Books
or exchanged for now.
ftt > 22-ly PROPRIETOR.
JAMES E. BOYD . . . Proprietor
Titos. F. UOTD. . . . . r.Biulnc93 Manager.
Three flights & Saturday Matinea
Thur'day , Friday & Sat'day
MAY 11 , 12 find 13 ,
Supported by n company of unusual' nccllcnc * .
Shakespeare' ! Trajedy In 6&ct .
O IX1 3BC 3D XM Xi O.
Shakciptaro'a Great Play.
And Kobertaon'fl 3 act Comedy
Xt , O 8 33 Z A. X. XI.
EhapcirxMo's Historical TrngcJy In 0 atta ,
All Ilcacnred Seats tl.OO ? First and Second Floor.
Admission First Floor 81.60 ; Second Flar 75c ,
Third Fioor COc. Soils on ealo commencing
Tuctclt.v morning ; May 9 , at 0 o'clock. _ 3t
Imported and Dosaentlo.
Finest Soloctiim In Town-
Prices to Salt Evoj body-
From Half iv Dollar Down to 5o > -
Schroter & Becht's .
Awning , Tent- and Wagon Covers
Cor. 14th and Howard Sts.
Grooeries and Piovisions ,
' at the lowest Sgurcs , For iMh.
No916. . North Sixteenth St ,
\Vorks '
m -3m
Bealod proposals will be received bjrthe Board
ol County Commissioners until May llth 1882 ,
at 8-o'clock p. m. to grod * the north one-half of
Farnam street between Sixteenth anil Nineteenth
street * . Bid * should ba addressed to the County
The right to reject any and all bldi Is hereby
reserved , JOHN BAUMER , .
St ' _ County Clerk.
F. L. Som.mers & Go's.
Wholesale Uannfaoturing
Fruits , Nuts and Cigars.
Ill S. 14th St.
BU-e _
Physician and Surgeon
Medkinei furnlihed at office.
Office tfo.1112 Farnnam St. , between 14th aai
_ Uth. Omaha , Neb. lito
Gen'l ' Insurance Agent
PboonlxAwurance Co. , of London ,
WestcheaserK.Y.CaplUI. . . . . . . . 1,000,000.00
The Merchants , of Newark , N. J. ,
Capital . , . , „ . 1,878,000.0
Olard Fire , Philadelphia , Capital. , , , 1,200,000.0
Flremea > Fund , , . , . 1,239,915.0
Itlsh America Assurance Co . 1,800,000.0
OfflCB , Boyd'B Opera House.
Geo. P. Bern is
16th and Dodge 8U. , Omaha , Neb )
This * miOTiT a brokerage butlnee * .
Dot * D | ( peculate and Uuretor * oy bargain *
nnok * art Insured io AIM. Instead
Nebraska LaMAgen
IBM Farnham Bt , . . . Omaha , Naferm'
Oare.ulhr * Ie7iea Sdln EtcrnK l5ff
all. Cheat Bargvlai U tmpioT 4 ( ana * .
Onaba dty proputy .
o. F.iDAviBi wijatna wnrDtti