Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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Council Bluffs , Tuesday , May 16th ,
r * " * Requiting In their Monstrous Union Many Thousand Yards the Largest Spread of Canvas
Ever Erected.
No Less than Six Big Tents and Three Rings
Will sufflco to present their Manifold Flrst-tlmo Feature * within the hour ) devoted to FxhlLltlon
Purposes , presenting a Myriad Oripin&l Attractions and Introducing to the I'ubllo ft
WEALTH OF STERLING NOVELTIES entirely unprecedented In the
amusement world ; tcccsslintlng tpcclally constructed Palace ,
Stock and 1'hUorni Cars and the
Longest Hallway Trains over used for the Transportation of Amusement
In Grand Spectacular Effect and Scenic Splendor , Introducing among Ita many episodes , the
the beautiful * atlosal Tableau , entitled COLUMBIA AND ff Ell COURT OF BEAUTY ,
In which , niprlately eroupcd , will appear the FOUIl HANDSOMEST
W IN AMERICA. The Consolidated Marvels of
Six Great Menageries , constituting the Largest Zoological Collection
Travelling. Amootr tbo many , special features In this department are a pair of FULL
Slboilan Albino Bears , a Molucca Bablrousia , a HERD OF
The Equestrian department will bo graced with the absolutely Inimitable riding of
Mr , OHAELES FISH , the Phenomenal Four-Horse Eider ,
The Renowned Caron and Washington Troupe
Led by the Frlnco of Laugh-makers ,
Ably Seconded by his Ald-do-Camp In Motley , Mr. ED. NEARY.
Children under 9 Years Half Price.
liOOO Reserved Seat Opera Chairs , 25 Cents Extra ,
&c CO , ,
The Only Exclusive
Wholesale Hardware House
crcr. N &c OQ. ,
i . ' *
Boots and Shoes.
always gives satisfaction , because it make ?
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap *
est Flour in the , market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
. M. YATE8 , Cash Grocer
0 1 0 M Q House Painting ,
1118 Farnam Street ,
Apartments in private houses Painted , Frescoed or Decorated to suit all
tastes. We make a special study of the true harmony of colors and produce
fine concrastsand combinations to match o very variety of furnishing. Ohurchoa
and public buildings painted and frescoed in the moat approved style ,
and give personal attention to all work , ,
Lath , Shingles ,
V * 15th and Ouming Sts , OMAHA , NEB
The Dying Buddhlstka Hymn.
I go to Lttm , in whom nil Id ,
Tlio elf > exlat nt petfcctnosj ;
Who knows not of fmnlity ,
The only Belnff that can be ;
Who , without motion can create ,
Or , motionless , nnnlliiUto
A world who e tup is brimming high
With will And self , nnd blapshemy ,
Upon the jVll be honor given
I phnll not tsee Htm. oven in heaven ;
The outline of Infinity ,
The subsUtico of Divinity ,
Created spirit may-not grnsp ;
Only by fftlth Ills knees I clnsp ,
My little till draws near the sen.
Source of my soul , I como to Thee.
Night on the Farm.
TIs dowfftll on the lonely farm ;
The flocks Are gathered in the fold ,
The duiky air In soft as balm ,
The daisies hide their hearts of gold.
Slow , drowsy , swinging bells arc heard
In pastures dewy , dark snd dim ,
And m the dooryard trees a bird
Trills sleepily his evening hymn.
The dark , blue deeps are full of stars ;
One louo lamp In thojilllaido glooms ,
A mile away , Is red as Man ;
The night is sweet with faint perfumes.
Told by a Transvaal Camp-Fire
My father was a well-to-do farmer
in England. I was the only child ,
and my mother died shortly after 1
was born. Our land was rented from
a very largo landed proprietor , a man
who had made his fortune in business.
Ho bought the estate about the tirno
of my birth , and came occasion ally to
live at the lar o house attached to it ,
bringing wife and children with him.
His wife 'was a very kind but very
homely person who was liked by all
the ton ants. , She was very kind tome
mo , and used to have mo n great deal
at the "Hall , " as the house was
When I first remember her child
ren , thero.woro thrao of them two
boys and a girl ; but before many years
past all but the youngest child died ,
and then Mrs. Clark , as I will call her
javo up going to Manchester with her
husband , and always remained at the
Ball , thinking the country air benefi
cial jor her little girl.
The child's name was Lucy , and I
thought her perfect. She was but a
low years younger than I , and she
and I were constant' ' playmates in our
loliday hours. My father sent mo to
i neighboring grammar school , but
clnd Mrs. Clark often supplemented
; ho'teaching I got'there by allowing
mo to profit by the lessons 'given to
jucy by a very accomplished govern-
BBS.It was in this way that a great love
of art was developed in me. I had
some natural talent .for drawing and
painting , and I eagerly availed myself
if every opportunity of cultivating
t. Lucy and I , .novorjipent happier
lours than those in which wo used to
; o out sketching together.
It all rises before mo pyon now like
& picture : the fmbrning sun glinting
-hrouBh - the trees and checkering , our
iath as-wo'wound - through' the wood ;
; he to the beat point of
viewj for/outUBke'tches"thr calnfiof
; ho noon , when , wo used to atop our
paintingond'havo. a picnic , feeling aa
f wo deserved some rest after such
lard/wqrk , ' andi'then. puf pretpnce of
dilig'oncb when wo used to say : "Oh1 ,
.his will never , do/ wasting DO much
ight ! " and'begin to paint again with
renewed ardor until'sunaot
Then'"how 'delightful' ' it used' to bo
fOfWandorlslowIy .homeward , .until wo
came 'to n , certain atilo where 'wo
ilways bade oachfothor good-by , _ un-
, oas T-Troro invited to go to spend the
evening at the halL -There , was a tan
gle of dog-roses andk honeysuckle all
iround that stile , and a ploughed field
beyond , with the little spire of the
village church showing in the distance ,
md the rooks were always cawing in
: ho tall trect close by when Lucy and
I used to say good hight , , ,
. , Thq , governess ] or : Mrs. .Clark was
il ways'with ' us , or I believe -wo 'should '
have kissed each ether ; but that was
put a stop to when Lucy's tenth birth-
Jay came , and wo marked her tenth
birthday with a black crpss In our
memories aa a consequence.
Looking back I often wonder why
they lot us grow up so closely bound
together. I suppposo it never occurred
to them that any unhappiness might
como from It.The farmer's son and
the rich heiress were sure to bo sep
arated by circumstances as soon as she
should bo introduced into society , and
ih'th'e"meantime.I ' > aided' in making
lior.happy , and was'liappyiny ' 'olf. I
suppose Mrs. Clark looked no further ,
and Mr , Clark let his wife have her
own way about all things that did not
interfere with his own plans , and his
plans were chiefly commercial.
Lucy was sixteen , and I was one-
and-twonty , when Mr. Clark ono day
astonished mo by tolling mo that ho
was going to speak to my father about
sending ) mo to Italy to study art , Ho
sent' for mo in his library to toll mo
this. I sat in his arm chair in front
of the writing table , on which lay
numbers of papers , and I stood before
him. I did not know him well , for
when ho was at the hall I did not go
there much , and ho called jmo' "young
man , " and'spoko * of my father as "a
very worthy man , who has striven to
give you every advantage his limited
moans allow. ' ' It struck a chill
tr rough mo , although my heart leaped
at the idea of going to Italy ,
The hardest part of it all wan leav
ing Lucy , but I tolt bidding good-by
to my old father very keenly.
I wont up to the hall the day that I
was to leave the old place ; Mr. and
Mrs , Clark and Lucy were in the
drawing room when I entered : Mr.
Olark bland and patronizing , Mrs ,
Clark tearful and nervous , and Lucy
very pale and silent. It.was a miser
able affair , and I soon ended it. Mrs.
Olark kissed mo , and cried and called
mo her "dear boy , " while Mr. Clark
looked at her with a mildly depreca
tory smile. Then ho shook hands
with mo , a little poirinpUily , andmadtj
aiWr't of vaUjdipfory s'poeob. which
struck'me aa being like a funeral "ora
tion , and all this time Lucy eat with
her head averted , and her hands ,
clasped on her knees. "Lucy , my
girl , " caid Mr. Olark , "aro you not
goingto wish your old play ma to .good
fprtani in < nfa nb UioJ" Itfjiwl site
sprang up and came over to mo quick
ly. "Oh , Frank ! " she snid , am
throwing her arms around my nocl
kissed mo. The next instant she wa <
quiio calm , with a look in her face J
had never soon before. I believe shi
Awed her father and mother , for then
was no word spoken as I left tin
I Walked rapidly homo , crossing tin
old site for the last time , I snatchec
apiece of honeysuckle as I passed
but I was no longer' thinking \ > f tlu
happy bygone days. The portals o
another existence had been throwt
open to mo for an instant , and I wai
dreaming of ita radiance still. Mj
father was in his gig waiting for mo
and all the old farm laborers and thoii
wives and children were gathered U
bid mo Godspeed. My father spoke
but little aa wo drove to the station ,
whither my luggage had already boor
taken In a cart. "When wo were r
short distance from it ho slackened
the pace , and , pntting ono hand on
mine , sad : "Frank , my boy , I've '
boon thinking that it'saclmnco as lion
you may netlike this now-fnnglcd life
you're going to. If you don't , why
then write and Bay so to mo without
any further ado , and the old man
will bo rightdown glad to BOO you
homo again , and glad to pay back
whatever Mr. Olark lias spent on you ,
for that ho mayn't bo throwing it in
your teeth. " I pressed his hand , and
lie wont on : "I'm glad to BCD you so
mettlesome about going away , but
just you take a word of advice from
four old father. I don't know any
thing of making pictures or that like ,
jut I take it that an artist has to learn
is trade like any ether man. You
must know how to plough well if you
wont good crops , so don't you bo in a
lurry , but take to the thing steadily ,
and don't you go in for high-flying. "
Well , I did go in lor the thing
teadily , and I made rapid progress.
! uiod to write to my father and to
VIrs. Olark , and hoar'from ' themrogu-
arly. I never wrote to Lucy nor shoo
o mo , but I heard of hor. She wont
o London the year after I loft , and
was presented at court , and there was
a great deal of company at the hall
luring the autumn and winter. I
used to scan those loiters which spoke
of her as if they enigmas , trying to
ixtract sorao hidden moaning from
hem. Sometimes I fancioa that
.hero was some covert allusion to her
> oing mindful of mo through all these
cones of pleasure ; sometimes I felt
racked jealousy of some imaginary
dmiror of'hors.
At length I got a letter from my
ather , telling mo of her serious ill-
ess , and then another from him say-
ng that.ho hoard that the doctors had
rdorodhorto winter in Italy. Bo-
ween these letters , I had one from
Urs. Olark , .mentioning . that Lucy had
een ordered to leayo 'England for a
mo , and .that hence I a must' not ex
act any more letters until she and
jucy returned homo , for that during
loir absence her time would bo fully
ccupiod. She wrote very kindly ,
ut I felt that the reason of her not
writing to mo again was that Mr.
lark , objected to my knowing that
auoy was to be in.Italy. ,
How dreary that winter was , in spite
: all the. golden dreams of youth ,
ostered by all the poetical and ro-
nantic teachings of nature , art and
iatory. with which the very air of
; aly is electric !
I became so restless that in the
pring I left Homo for Florence. I
ad never copied in the galleries there ,
nd I thought it would bo a now
ource of interest to mo to do so.
One day I 'was seated , in' front of
iat beautiful portrait of Oatorina
urnaro. I do not know if you have
een it. A sweet sad face and a grace-
ul figure , the bodice of the dross em-
roidorod with gold and jewels , and
16 nock loaded with chains of
earls : magnificent fetters laid on
ieir/air owner by the Venetianro-
ublic when the senate soldhor , beau-
V to the king of Cyprus , leaving her
bblo lover ; young Lorondano , to die
aving , I was copying this piuturo ,
ndv was greatly interested
lany persons passed through t the
oem , and.some paused to look at my
tainting , so that I took little notice of
ho'fact that some ono was standing
> ohind mo'Until I heard my name pro
nounced in a novor-forgottop voice.
It was Lucy , and alone ! She was
aller and more womanly than 'when I
oft her , but the same Lucy still.
She told mo that she and her moth-
r w.erfl in.lfloroncp , Awaiting for her
atherUq join them ; that pho had
pent the Tyintor in 'Sicily ' , and that
ler health. ' was bettor , but'that her
mothor'slhealth was failing rapidly.
. She said that Mrs. Olark was in an
djoining room resting , and that I
must go to see her. There was a
aim power about her manner that ;
urprisod mo , but she had lost nouo
if her Bweotnoso.
Before wo turned from the picture
[ was copying she aiked mo whoso
)6rtrait it was. I told her , and she
aid :
"So that is the face of a woman
who lot herself bo bought and sold by
a king and a senate , and not only
icrself but the man who loved her ,
and for whom she cared , too , In some
) itiful sort of way ! She oould not
iave loved him , or she would have
aught these haughty senators that
hero was something prouder and
trongor than oven their prido. "
Mrs. Olark received me with tears
of joy. I could see that she was very
much broken , and that she was com-
iletely under her daughter's domin-
on , although Lucy used her power
gently. She did not ask me to qo to
see thorn , but she said she would often
como to see me at my work , and she
made some weak little excuse lor not
nviting mo to their hotel.
After that JI saw her and Lucy every
lay at the gallery , aud Lucy often
managed to be alone with mo.Vo
lover spoke of our mutual affection ,
> ut wo felt ft , and words were not
needed between us , even to explain
why wo did not speak of it. Wo lived
n an atmpsphoro of our own , , Wo
pew .that our hUpplnoss could not
ast long , but Uls ( only intensified our
appreciation of it and rendered e&ch
moment'of it doubly precious , while a
concentration of thought , feeling , and
of the oiproaalon of both grow out of
our oeuvfctibn. It seemed aa if years'
of intimate knowledge of each ether
uust bo and were coiupressoa in those
ew weeks.
Ono day I'was sitting at my easel ,
when a woman approached mo and
' vo mo a letter. It was from Luoy.
she told mo that her father had ar
rived' and , tb4 phe 'was tp leave
rioronod at once. She told me that
ler mother was too feeble for hereto
to able to venture upon any assertion
of her own wishes as to corrospont
ing with mo , for that if her fatho
know that she had bcon permitted t
moot me constantly his anger woul
booxcossivo. She said that I migh
write to her once , and give the lotto
to the wife of the porter of the hole
where she was staying.
I did so. I poured out my soul i
that letter , and she sent mo a
answer , which I got ftftor she had lol
Florence. I have got it still ; in a
my wanderings it has never loft mo
Yet it told mo there was no hope
only that she would bo forever faith
ful to mo , and called on mo to trus
her through absence and silence.
My energy flagged , but I whippet
myself up. I determined to bo worth ;
of her , and hoped that perhaps
might win her ; but six months afto
this my father died suddenly , and
reeled under the blow. I lost no
only him , but the last chance of hearing
ing anything of Lucy , for , since ou
mooting at Florence , Airs. Olark htu
ceased altogether to write to mo.
My student days were passed , tui <
the sura of money Mr. Olark had generously
orously given mo was expended ; bu
I had a small fortune loit to mo b ;
my father , quite enough for mo i
fool independent.
It was hard to work at art at nl
successfully when one's brain is ii
constant need of urging to do its best.
In the excitement which follows any
great shock which , while shatter
1115 an actual happiness , yet appeal
strongly to the imagination , a mine
deeply imbued with artistic fooling is
likely to fool its power abnormally in
creased , but a reaction is only too
likely to sot in when the imagination
has to bo excited by the will , and in
most artistic temperaments tlio will is
not particularly strong , except when
it acts spasmodically.
I found all originality of | design
passing from mo ; no picture worth re
producing rose before" my mental vis
ion , and my very power of execution
seemed failing. My hoalth.'too be
gan to give way , just when I read a
glowing account of the Kimbolry dia
mond-fields. In a fit of mingled hopefulness -
fulness ; restlessness , and despondency ,
I resolved to try my fortune there. I
pictured to myself returning to Eng
land a millionaire or dying in some
tragic manner.
Of course you know how it all end
ed. I worked hard , andhoped , and
hoped. I got some small diamonds
and a'vory severe attack of fever.
Then I tned farming , and invested my
money in a wool-washing business , but
[ was not sharp enough looking after
kho agreement aa to the supply of
water that was to bo allowed to mo
From the little river which ran
through my farm , and , after the
ioods were Binned , the man I bought
tof , sold the .right . of taking moro
, han half the water * to a farmer to
vhom ho sold a tiroporty higher up.-1
vent-to 'law , and lost my case and a
; real deal of money. Then I tried
rausport riding , and lost heavily ,
igain , owing to various diseases in my ,
> xen.
I don't moan to blame my luck , aa
nany men do. To n great extent a
nan. makes his own luck , so that each
nisfortune which struck mo diaap-
x > intod mo moro and moro with my-
Then came the finishing blow , I
; amo across an .old Englishnewspaper
md in it 1 saw the advertisement of
Lucy's marriage , or , should Bay , the
mnouncomont of her impending'mar
riage. ' It was to bo a grand affair and
there wore a great many < details. ,
After that I went down , steadily. I
am speaking too openly to deny , that ;
I often helped myself on the .down
ward journey , when I ought to havq
known .better. . 'Yet I never parted
with her letter , nor with the belief
that , though her seeming faith may
bo given to another , , her true faith is
mine and mine alone forever , as she
wrote" .
Having finished , these words , Frank
Hpathcoto stood up wearily. I took
his hand and pressed It , and soon after
ho lay down to sleep. I lay down
too , and watched the flickering of the
Cro for. long , thinking over the story
I had hoard. , I could nut .iilpopy and
presently I stood , up and wont softly to where my strange acquaintance
Ho was lying with his rug flung
partially off. and with ono hand un
der his head. The ether lay' ' on his
breast , and his shirt , being open , I
could BOO a ribbon , round , his nock
attached'to a small bag which was par
tially concealed by his hand , and from
which a portion of an old letter pro
truded. I oould see ita .worn and dis
colored edges by the light of the
moon which had lately risen , and the
rays of which fell on'his'haggard yet
refined loco , and , 'as I watched the
expression of it change , according to
the dream which was passing before
him troubled his slumber , I thought
of how the rays of the same moon
that shod its rays on him might bo
playing on tholuxurious couch of the
woman ho had faith in even through
faithlessness ,
The next morning I induced him to
leave his companion and como with
mo. I was writing a book , and as
sured him , and truly , that his artis
tic talent , of which I convinced my
self before engaging him , would bo
invaluable to mo in illustinting it , my
own artistic productions being rather
unsatisfactory ,
Do proved a very agreeable com
panion , and I enjoyed my wanderings
much moro after ho became my guest.
About two months after my moot
ing with Frank Hoathcoto , wo two
were riding in advance of the wagon
over the brow of a wooded hill , whence
wo looked down a gorge ana over n
wide expanse of forest which strotchot
below us. "Stop a moment , " sale
Hoathcoto. "What is it that this
scene rorainds mo of ? * It seems BO
familiar to mo. "
Thou suddenly ho exclaimed : "By
Jove I I dreamed of this place years
ago , when I was a boy , only that there
were a number of elephants ranging
about among the brushwood ant
trampling it down. "
"Thoro were numbers of elephant's
hero until lately , " I said ; "it is a ou
rious coincidence1 ' and wo rode on.
At the bottom of ( he , , BVrB ° w °
crossed a small stream , off saddled ,
and watched the horses browsing un
til the wagon came up and cossod the
rivulet , when the oxen were out
spanned , Night came on and wo hat
supper , saw to the horses and oxen
being Bottled for the niqht , and theji
sat down by the fire. It was very
dark , for there was no moon , .ant
'tliero were a great many ovorshadow-
trees ' ' " ' ' i ' . * ' . ; /I '
ing , -
Presently wo hoard the creaking
sound of a wnponAmoving at some dis
tance. It was evidently coming from
the opposite direction to the way w
had como , and after n while wo heart
not only it but the tramp of th
horses , the rider being evidently
little in advance of the wagon. Tiior
horses and rider passed into prxrtia
view for n moment , irradiated by
Hidden flame that sprang up from th
fire. The solitary figure had some
thing unusual about its appoaranc
which excited my curiosity. I stooi
up and walked toward it. It was
woman mounted on a handsome horse
and with a led horse by her sulo. Sh
sat with one hand on the animal'
crupper , loaning bok and half turn
ing to see the wagon go through th
'Steady ' with the break there , " sh
cried , in ioer lingo , as the foromos
oxon took the walor , and the lumber
ing wagon slowly slid down the in
clino. A handsome figure she made
aa she sat there carlossly , with her
wide sombrero hat shading her face
completely from the flashes of lighi
that came from our neighboring camp
I walked over to hor.and she asked ,
in the same language she had used before
fore , whether there was a good out-
span on the ether side. I could tel
from her mode of speech that she was
English , so I answered in our common
She laughed pleasantly and thankee
mo. then cantered through the rivulet ,
and I hoard her give the order to out-
span. Thoro' did not appear to bo
any European with hor.
After my return to our fire , a good
loal of speculation wont on between
EToathofto and myself as to this un
usual apparition , Wo saw her campfire -
fire lighted , and could make out that
iho saw to nor horses being fed and
blanketed , and to her oxon being
iod up , before having her supper.
Wujon.agloam from her fire showed
us that she was no longer occupied ,
our curiosity could not bo restrained
my moro , and wo wont over the rivu-
ot to introduce ourselves in the freo-
and-oasy fashion of the country.
Her wagon was drawn up in a clear'
ng , round which the forest made a
dark semi-circle. Throe luxflro boys
rcro crouching over the fire and eat-
ng their supper out of a largo Gypsy
rat ; the shapes of the oxon and
icrsos loomed out of the darkness
lohind her , as she stood full in the
ilazo of the fire-light , her form orootj
lor hands clapsod loosely before her ,
lor head a little thrown back , ana
lor.oyos looking dreamily out intothb
Hoathcoto seized my arm convul-
ivoly , and I oould hardly repress an
xclamattonj but at that moment her
yes , foil on us , and she started.
I saw their faces change as they !
ookod earnestly at each other while
spoke , Uib color fading from each ,
ion "Frank ! " "Lucylfr 'broke ' from ;
loir lips , and their hands wore knit
I left thorn io their happiness , and ;
at long by own fire , pondering over ;
10 strangeness : of this life , over how
ro there blessed with the power of
volving from nataro her latent ro-
nance , and over what is the essence
t that which wo call by this name ,
nd of which most of us know-
Hoathcoto joined mo at last. . Ho
lad much to toll mo. She bad been
iromisod 'in marriage by her father ,
nd1 had refused to bow to ' ' his do--
isionin : spite -of her mother's tears.
She had told the suitor that her .heart .
iclongod to another , and that she
would not bo faithless tp him ; but it
pros of no avail. Ho replied that lib
irould abide by her father's word , and
toped to 'win ' nor heart after1 ho 'had' ' '
> ought her hand. Then she solemnly !
ssurod him and her father that eho
would refuse to pronounce her mar
( ago vows before the altar , Her
lireat was disregarded as an idle one. .
She wrote to the clergyman who
was to officiate , but her letter was in-
She was jealously watched , and the
reparations for her sacrifice 'wont on.
At last the fatal morning came , and
a . -possessed was she that her
athor mumurod words of 'praise as ho
landed her from , iho .carriage . , and
ikssing her arm through his , led her
ip the' aisle of the church , where
OSes i and lilies wore' strewn before
lor , There she stood between the
wo men who , had bartered her body
and thought they could barter h'or
oul , and lookod'up into' the kind face
of the old clergyman. '
His lips 'wore parted to commence
he service , when , with' a rapid gea :
uro , she throw .back . her veil , start
ing' him and attracting his notice ,
while her voice rang out the worda : ' ,
"I am hero against my will ; I'ap -
> oal to.'you and to yourlMoster. "
The next moment her father had
alien prostrate , and was struggling on
ho stops of the altar. Ho was ro-
novod unconscious , and died tlio nex
day.Hor mothonlivod for a short while
always in very feeble health and , BU (
'cring ' greatly from nervous depression
sion , and Lucy was her faithful nurse.
It was only alter her mother's deatl
hat aho felt at liberty to make an }
nquirios as to whore Hoathcoto migh
30 , but all clue to his whereabouts
seemed to have been lost after ho lot
It was about two years after her
mother's death that I mot her at' my
iriond's house.
Before that she had traveled a good
deal on the continent of Europe , then
a feeling of reetjeasnoen came over
tier , and she visited first North and
then South Africa.
The wild life in the more remote
parts of tlie latter had a charm for her ,
§ ho picked up the patois of the Bores
and a little of the Zulu languages ,
and , although often intending to return
turn to her English home ; still linger
ed. She had her own'tra'veling wagon
and her hprspi , but from a loyo of ad
venture trayoled alone , except for her
native attendants , fearless , because
caring little for life , and at lost her
wanderings had led her to him fo
whoso salto l fo honcpforward woult
bo dear to hor. , ,
That night I cbuld no sloop , .and !
stood beside Hcathcote'a couch look
ing at him by the 'rays of 'the ' moon
Two short inonths of comparative ease
and happiness had , wrought a change
in' him. but the greatest change of al
was in the expression of the sloop
orV face , as ho smiled in
ids dream a change worked by
a ehort watqi ) in the night
over him I noticed th'a
ori'd ? 'tho" ' little bdjr were
gone , and I guessed that the pledge o
everlasting fidelity had boon returned
to her whd gave it to ono who would
treasure the worn and time -stained
sheet of paper , which had lain close
to his heart for so many years , whis
pering hope wnon hope seornetl dead.
They were murrlcd at n missionary
station which was within a few days ,
trod of our encampment , and then ,
leaving their wagon and oxon with
mo , started for Pretoria on horse *
back , having bought a third horse to
carry their simple baqgngo and cook
ing apparatus , also their blankets and
a tothorintj-lino for the horses.
Doth of thorn good riders , and in *
urod to hardship , I thought , as I bode
them God-spcoa , that theirs was the
very romance of marriage , To mount
your horse at tlio church door , and ,
free from all the shackles of society ,
to ride forth into the wide volt , with
no ono near you but the ono you love
best ; to tether your horses at night
and lay down beside them with your
saddle for your pillow , and to wako up
with the fresh morning brcczo lifting
your hair , and the rosy morning light
bidding you welcome to another day of
iladncss ; to have the memories of two
lays like this to look back on , must ,
i sooinod to mo , bo worth .suffering
'or.They were to reach Pretoria on the
evening of the _ third day. They
trusted to obtaining food at the
liouscs of the Boors they thould pass.
They intended , when they reached
, ho village , to buy n light * carriage" , to
> rocood to Durban , aim thence homo
.o the old place where they had won-
ilored in childhood.
I was to dispose of their ' wagon and
3xon for them , and to arrange for
their heavy luggage being sent homo ,
As Hoathcoto wrung my hand at
lartin , ho said : "
' 'It ' is you who have saved us both ;
aut for you this would not have boon ;
jut my unhappy past scorns to mo
low like the shadow which adds to
ho lustro'of the sunshine.1 ' '
And it. is even so. In the spiritual
is in the material world , where the
un shine is iho most radiant , there
ho shadow will bo 'the ' deepest. These
do'no , while standing in the shadow ,
an realize the existence of the sun-
bine , and while basking in the ; light
An bo mindful , of the gloom , can un *
orstand what is romance , can.seb the
cauty of nature , or listen to her liar-
lonios. [ AJ1 the 'Year Round. <
Advertising Cheats.
'tovidonco AdvotUser.
; It has booomo so common to write
30 beginning of an elegant , interest-
ng article and then run It it to aorn'o
dvortisomont , that wo avoid all su'cb ,
lioala and simply call attention to thb
lorits of Hop Bitters in 'as plain ,
onoat terms , ao .possiblo tp induce-
ooplo to give thorn ono trial , as no
nb whd knows their value will' over
so' anything' ' else. ' " '
_ _
i the Circuit Court , of the Unltoil States far 'tho
District of Nebraska : ' ri
Eaiul. It , Bradley , ct al. . vs. Wllllaii Emory ,
, al. ; inChanberr. ' Foreclosure ot mortgage.
I'ubllo notice Uncrolu given thatinpunu&nco
nd byvlrttio of adccrcoontcrod In thoaboro.cauBo
a tlio 28th dav of January 18S2. 1 , hills _ L.i , lor-
ewer ; Special Master In Chancery In said Court.
Ill on the lit day of Juno , 1882 , at the hour ot
) o'clock In the forenoon of Uiosalcl day , at the
orthdoorof the United Ptales Court Homo t.nd
oatotflca I ulldlng In tlio City of Omaha , Douglas
> unty , htato 'and ' District' ot Nebraska , toll 'at
action the following doscrl od property to-wjt : ,1
The eaat.liaU.ot , the southwest quarter
nd the southeast quarter of the northwest
uartor and the northwest quarter of 'the
autheast quarter of section fifteen . (15) (
ownehln tweritv-throo (23) ( ) range tea' (10) (
ast of the Six tn .Principal Meredian and
Ituate and being , Lathe county of , Burt ,
tate of Nobraika.
Special Master In Chancery.
Solicitor for Oomplanant. [ d&w-4w
Pieetdcnt. Vice Prct't. ,
W. S. DIUUIB , Soc.mdTr6aa. "
vm t- co
Corn Planter * , Harrow * , Farm Roller * *
ulk Hay Rakei , Ducket fUeyatlriB , Wn | < *
" " * 'M
rtl & 0
We ro prejwod to do Job work and mural f ]
TUlnefoi otqer parties. , .
Addrci all'orden " ' '
J."H ; MoOULLOOH , *
Boom 4 , CreljhonBIocVr Fifteenth Street' *
Omo or CITY cl u. ; ) ,
OwilU , May 4th 1882. f
Bralcd proposals will be receive J at th * oftlio
rtthoundenlgned'Untll Tuesday , May 10th at
' ; SO o'clock p. m. for the conutinttlon of sewers
n North-Omaha a * follows ; 1000 r foot more or
ess of 8J foot brick t ewer 8 rings thick , 780 fnet
more or let ? ot G } feet brick jer 2 rings thick ,
md 760 teet more or lets of 610et brick sewer i
lings thick' , lacatid on Icard street between 16th
ind 17th itroet , and on 17th street ectweon
Iurd md Nli holia itrtotp , and on Nicholas be
tween 17th snd 21it stroeta , together with all
peccsiary man holes , lamp holes , otdi basins ,
iilpo connections , piling concrete and otherwork
w par plans and speclflcatlODi In .the City En-
zlbcer'it olll co , I'uj mcnts to bo made monthly
in i ctMh warrants , 1G per cent , to be reserved
until flral completion and of work ,
ind 6 ftr cent , for a period of six months after
nucli acceptinco , All bids to bo prepared on
blanks furnished by tbo City Knglut'or , accom-
panled wltti the signatures of proposed nuretlcs ,
gunrantcelng that they will , with tto prlnclpa ,
enter Into bonds with thu city of Omaha within
one week liter lettlni of contract In Iho guru r of
830.CK > Jfor the faithful ) and com *
pietlon of all work provided for la specifications
m bald sewort , on or bctoro No\cuiber 1st 1882.
Work on tame to liefln on or before Juno IStb
1852 All bids to bo further accompanied wth | s >
certified check In the sum of five hundred dot *
; iru (8rQo ) | > ayablo to the city of Ornah * and < to
bu rututned to Ihe bidders In the event of non *
acceptance of bid ind to tbo > ucccful bidder
upon the fulflllmcnt of the conditions above-
peclfloij. otherwiao to be'forfelted and placed to-
Iho credit ot the'sewer lundjserles'.l . The city
hereby resent * the right to rcjoct ny or all blda
ortocutt.ll a part of the above work In the
inak Intro ! the contract.
contract.J J. L. 0. JEWkTT.
m < tolO City CUilf.
Ii now open to the publlo with' a full sup ply o
Cut Flowers and Plants
For Bale. We wllfbe glad to B ve the publlo
| cat ) and tee nj.
Bouquota or Any Floral Design Made
to Order ;
City Green llouec , 8. W. Cor Uth and1 Web-
lUr , ope Vlock from letn reet can , Nurswy ,
Zwitrect ; 0 | > po lto Foit. Jai. Y. Oralcr'-Plorut
and LAndscaua ( Itrdner. . Mf b8.flai ;
PlumWng , Steam & Gas Fitting
Turbine W ter' ' 'Motor
' . ' | iUO WBBJIUiJlM ' - > l3'Jt )
Obr , and'-Harnoy , ' ' Q
WATU Mete la Cct ur Oruinca