THE DAIL3T BEE-SATUUDA MAT 13 , 1882. HONHY FOR THE LADIES All Italian bonnet braid * Are of A dee yellow tint , The colored belle tronld wear she could do so without pulling the over her own eye * . Flcayune. * * Some of the new spring wftlklnRco t * o block' velvet or Rntln bftve high flarin colUnt , closely covered with IMRO je Cicada. " "After Ml the Indelicate tcfttmony ww 'ID. " wijsn Kow Ilnvcn dispute ! ) nbemt th Malley trial , ' nil the Iftdy spectators lef the court room" There Is a girl In i'lymmtth county , Mo. who had eighteen HifTercnt lovers , nnd no ono of them ever got his nrm around her She weight 384 iKiunds , Some of tha new 1 > on etn of lace utmw are womlctfnlly delicate nnd nlry. nnd ore I ! etiiddod on tbe biimi with mock rnby r > carl , opal , or Inrgojttbeads < v The new ficelle Ince , which has nucidcnlj l > ccoma § o popular , fs made of cream whit or pale ve linen threads , nnd is use to i garnish dresses tind wraps ai well bonnets And round hats. ' A young lady In n Uostoh office la BO particular About her personal appenranc that she always takes a peep in the mlr ror before answering a call at the tele1 phono. Somervlllo Journal. , The bristling ruclio that Is uicd on. tin bottom of drcs < sklrti consumes a great 'deil of matcrnl , eight yards of silk being tometlraes cut up in Its wa\ed pleatlngs the effect , however , Is yery Koodt New Pnrit veils called toiletteo havi 'long ends that float Ilka Rails. They an scarfs of gauze long enough to wind arount the head and neck , and protect the com plexicn well In breezy weather. The severe and simple tailor-made cloth Rail Is the moat popular walking costume for spring weather , The novelty for those i * the use of plaques of braid instead of the trefoil curves for the frogs worn on the jackets' . Handsome Biarritz gloves of very fine undressed kid. to bo worn witli full dress , have wide satin bands at the tops delicate ly embroidered in tiny clusters of rosebuds ornaintod with a monogram or crest in gold or silver. Nicety of finish nnd smoothness of fit characterizes the woolen costumes special . ly popular this spring. Over-trlrnmlnj them is a much dreaded state ol affairs , and the lack of oil garniture is deemed ; 7 preferable to it. A new hat , styled "Over the Garden Wall , " is essentially the young ladles' hat of the pcrioi. It has an enormous brim , to bo tilted over the eyes and bent up at the back. , It is dented in on the crown , and trimmed round with cascades of ficelle lace , a huge'cli'ster of unmounted crimson xo ej , and two small nunflowers. tVery large handkerchiefs for the should- en , inadevof soft twilled silk , bordered with cdelwels lace and painted on the broad hems with tralls.of delicate flowers tu water colors , will bo worn this summer over the pretty dressesof flower-brocaded muslins .and satins made with ppintcd and full panler overdress. It is reported that the wife of Signor La OraBsa , a tenor singer and composer , has eloped with a young florist who was board ing in the family. The lady Is G8 years old , but her young blood got the better of hern The sunflowers and lilies of the youthful florist'had more charms than the pot-hooks and trills of tbe Signor , and to ahe left the latter n Do Grass * widower. Inter Ocean. The Moulton , Alabama , Advertiser i says : "Eight hundred and twenty-throe noodles and pins have been cnt out of Mist Slokea , a very intelligent yonrg lady liv ing ten miles west of Moulton , within tbe past few years. ' * The fellow that is en- gaped to that girl must often have had a quiet weep all to himself , Making loye to n fllnousnlon must bo terribly sharp- pointed work. Ifrw York Commercial. I Sloping shoulders are cndurlngly un fashionable. In days -one by their pos session WM 9onidered indispensable to es tablish any claim to having a good fitraro , .Nowadays fashionable women dress the shoulders as , much M possible to produce - duce the d < aired height and square ness shirred scarfs , hlgh'pnffed Vloeves , nd even beaded epaulets and floral'garni * iturw being set upon the shoulder * to pro- da oe extra height. So it seems that even the/standard of the beautiful is regulated byjthe dictates of /ashion. _ r The embroldory n kid'gloycs la very artistic and pretty thia searonj for exam- D'bn biown Bloves"the small leaves and s shade gradually from coffee to pahst yellow ; ' on dark gioon gloves the tllk grad uates from iuTiiiulo or bottlo-grceu to the soft hue * of the tender leayes of spring ; black gloves are embroidered In contrast ing' silks of various shades , all alike being shaded from 'the darkest- the lightest tints of the same dye ; and now that anadod and contrasting colors are so much in vogue , the new gloves will doubtless be an Tinrmonlous addition tothe \ fashionable itollet. Jetted fronts on not are 'in all sorts of possible'nnd impossible designs , the/ latter being achieved when flowers double their natural size are evoked. Great brilliancy is attained when tbe beads are simply seeded onIn great profusion , the * result being really bettor toan when exactness of pat tern in flower and bud is 'followed. IJeep fringes or laces > are the trimmings Accom pany Ing tbeso fronts , preference being , however , given tu tliolaoo. Ope is rather tired of bead fringes , and tbe lace patterns are so many that li well to hug the delu < slon of a novelty though' it Is only a delu sion. sion.Sets Sets of expensive buttons , with one's initial , monogram or coat-of-anns upon them , are again deemed proper preients. Gold and silver are the materials choscm , tbe various hues of which diver i * capable adapting it especially for this purpose. i Buttons of amber , tortoise-shell and agate are also displayed , but do not seem to have os much favor accorded them as do the prrciou * metal * . A set of silver but tons , large and flut in aha no , are almost a ch&udron In hue and are to bo nut on * a dark-green Jersey jacket. The brooch to match these Beta is a bar , formed of three of tbe buttons , if they are large , and five if they are small ; while rleeve links of two of them are worn at the wrists. "They say a woman can't keep n secret , " remarked Mrs. Vinsbury , withia tots of the head. "I say H'a a slander. Mrs. Smith told me to-day that the Peudenons liad bad an awful time. John came homo in an awful state , and Sarah declared she wouldn't live with him another day ) but they are ollmade up again , and this morn ing they were bolh AS good as pie. Mr * . Smith thought 'twas best not to lay any thing about it. seeing oa they'd made up , She told uie about it more n an hour ago , nd 1 haven't mentioned it tu nsoul. I KUfSB a woman can keep a secret as well as a men,1' K very woman In the room cried out inwt loyally ) "Of course the can. " It was only the men folks who relaxed their .features. IMPIETIES. The use of Talmageliat last evident. He ia a lightning rod that dtverta Imjer- soil from luj wring real religion. Spirit of tbe Times , A Cincinnati Journalist rcmarka that for men to atond In front of churches when the ladle * are coming out Ia amall uotatoea. Aa if there could be BO small potato maaher. New York Herald. Ouiteau wept when a band of revivaltita went into hi * cell and aung for him. There are aome reylvalUta whose alnglng would make anybody cry. Still , Gultoau la a dreadful uad mail , aud we think be do- aerrea all lie Ia getting/ / "Yoa will go to h 11 , " aaldapreachar to oa e of til * paraablonen , "lu apite of your wealth r.nd fine bouse on tbe hllL" 1'Well."fpU dtbeman.f'lfI do. I will go ia tor Iwprovwnents there. " It la hardly seowaary to jadd that thlawaaa tomt pata of Nebraska tbe minister * of tietomt ' 'board around" among their after tta old fwblon of school finding it difficult to nmtiin the steady draftnpon their chlcke coops and smoke hcmsen , and n wall arises. One discon tented man writes that there are too many preachkn to the acre , and advises consoli dation by the settler * , and a proceas of "fre ! nr.out ( , " whkh will result in a sur vival of I ho fittest among p-eachen , A preacher In Kanaas , had been for weeks contacting wonderful revival "Dear brethren and sisters , " he said , one dr.y , "this is the last meeting I Miall hold , It Is impossible to keep lip forever on o > rn bread and molasses for myself , and on ear of corn for my horse , God bless yon. " ThoKev. Mr. Dodo's relattsthat once when ridlne on the circuit h breakfnited at a house where iohnnycakes were serv ed. Observing ft feather protruding from hl cake he remarked , "Sister your johnny cake seems to be feathering out. " "Yea.1 res.onJed [ the lady unabashed , "I toll John no longer ag6 than yesterday that hi must either get a cotcr for the meal barre or move the hen roost , " The licv. Dr. Hartzcll , of Now Orlotni was dlsLiisrlng the union of the northen nnd southern branches of the Mcthodls church with a brother clcigyman belong ing to the latter branch , who insisted that the Methodltt church south was the origi nal of that denomination In America "Well , " replied Dr. Harwell , "I belonc to the Mcthoditt church of God , and if you want to rail yours the Methodist church south ol God I have no objection. ' The vriiroo Doctors. The bo t of all the pill-box crew , Since over time began , Ar the doctor * who have most to do With the health of n hearty man. And so I count them up again And praise them as I can ; There > Dr. Diet , and Dr. Quiet , and Dr. Merryman , There's Dr. Diet , he tries my tonicuo. "I know you well , " says he ; "Your stomach is poor and your liver Is sprung ; Wo muit make your food agree , " And Dr. Quiet , ho feels my wrist. ' And he gravely shakos bis head , "Now , now , dear sir , I must insitt That you go at 10 to bod. " Out Dr , Morryman for mo Of all the pill-box crewl For ho smiles and says , as ho fobs his fee , "Laugh on , whatever you do ! " 3o now I oat what I ought to cat , And at 101 go to bed. And I laugh iu the face of cold or heat ; Pur thus have the doctors saldl And so I count them up again , And praise them as I can : There's Dr. Diet , and Dr. Quiet , aud Dr. Merryman. Independent. RELIGIOUS. Tencesioo has fifty-six Presbyterian shurchcs. Tbe Fifth and Sixth Christian churches f Indianapolis bavo united , and ia called ho "Sixth Ulmrch. " There are twenty-three vacant Congro- atlonal churches in the stite of Connect- ! ut looking fur f good minister. The third reunion of the Christian Com- ilssion , the Sanitary Commission , and all lie chaplains of the late war , will bo held t Lake Bluff , near Chicago , 111on July and G. A 2.000-pound bell was recently "smug- lei" into the tower of Plymouth church , banting , Mich , by a few persons , and the oople wore delightfully surprised to be ailed to church by its ringing the follow- ng Sunday. At Chicago the Gorman Diptlsta have ecentiy organized a church for independ- nt work. The society has been duly es- abllshed , representatives being present rom Cleveland , Milwaukee and other [ tie * . The proceedings were conducted in lie German language. The Boston Journal eaysi "The entire imount of 870,000 required for the exten- Ion of the Boston Young Men's Christian Tnlon building has been subscribed. Lit- ie mdre than n month has passed since the nnounioment was made that ouch an ex- enslon wnslcontomplated and an appeal was made for funds.1 On May 21 the grand arinnU meeting of be religious society of Dunkurds will ba teld at Arnold's , n small station north of Yarsrw , Ind. Dunkords from all parts of bo fJnltod States will be present , and It vill probably be the largest religious as- emblage which has over met in the state , B In Joncsport , Maine , there is a Mormon ocloty which own a church edifice in partnership with the Congregatlonallsts. 'hoy are of the ( Joseph Smith sect aud beard polygamy , acknowledging the 11 bio , but as inferior in authority to the iook of Mormon. They are the survivals f the famous colonv that went to Pales. ine and were brought back by the aid of mr government. The town has a ponula- Ion of 1,300 , nearly one-half being Mor mons. Thd Presbyteries of the llnlted Prcsby- erian ohurcn have just voted upon a pro- jQsltion to repeal the law prohibiting the no of musical InUrumenta in the churches , ind have adopted it by the closevote of 110 in the affirmative to 600 in the nega- Ivo. This law was ono of the fundatneu- al doctrines of the church , and was adop * ed when it was first organized as a dfs- Inct denomination. The struggle between ild , traditions and commou.scnae has been m obstinate and protracted one , but com mon sense baa conquered at last. Translation from Holno. f thou dost but pass before me. And I feel but the touch of thy dress , ily heart leaps , and follows in rapture The track of thy loveliness , Then thou turncst about , and bondeat Those great eyea of thine on me , And my heart Js so stricken with panic , It scarcely can follow tboe , A pine tree stands alone on ' A. bare bleak northern height ; Phe ice and snow they swathe It , Aa it sleeps there , all in white. Tis dreaming of n palm-tree , In a far.oif eastern land , fba mourns , alone and silent , On n ledge of burning sand. Blackwood'a Magazine. Buoklin'a Arnica Salve , The BEST SALVE la the world for Cuts , Bruises. Sores , Ulcer * . Halt Rheum , Fever fares , Tetter , Ouapped Hands , Chilblains , 3orou , aii'l All tkln eruptions , and posi- lively cure * niloi. It ia guaranteed to rive ( satisfaction or money refunded , L'rice , 25 cents per box. For sale by D. F. Goodman . TteKlag of the Body 1 * the brain ; Ui stomach IU umln lumwrtTujcuervcs it * mo * son- fc-ors ; tbe bowels , the kidneys and the pores It * sateiruard * . Indigestion creates violent revolt Amour these attaches ot th rcgaloriranAnd to > rloe them back to their duty , there li nothing- Ikethercgulatlnir , purifying , Imljroratlnsr , cool- ' coolIt . It renovates tbo avstoru and restore * to bcilth both fie body and the mind. EOJ.D BY ALL DBCdQISTa. mlD-fia cb e t w -Clarkson &Hunt , laeoeato * o Richard * ft Boat , ATTORK1Y8-AT- , I , lUUMTM * ' OaiMtfik THE DAILY BEE .MAHAPUDLISHINQOb , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet 8th and 10th Gtrefltl. TERMS Of SUBSCniPTION. J copy 1 you , In * < iranc ( postr ld ) $10.01 1 month * " " 5.00 month " " S.OO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. CAM raicAoo , at. PATH , uimaAroua AHI OMAHA KAflOOAD. Ccaro Omaha Pamcnger No , ! , 8:30a.m. Ac tnmodallon No. 4 , IK ) tp.m Airlre Otoalsa Pasronier Na. 1 , 60 : p. m. cct rr a tdatloo No. S , 10M : > a. m. OMAHA Asr o conn ROOND. 0 , D. * o. 7:40 : , ui. B-40 p. m. C. i N. W.j 7 : 0 a , rn.-J.iO n. m. C. , n. 1. A I' . , 7:40 a. m. SM& P. m. K. 0,81. J. A 0. 3 , l vei at ( SO a. m. ond7.4S m. Arrlrct at St. Txral * at 0:30 : at. m. and CC2 fa. fa.W. St. L. ft P. , Ijavcs at 8 a. m. and S : 0 t > . Arrived A fit. I/6ttli at 6:40 : . m. and 7tO TO , rrnr on nooinwrars. 8 , ft M In Kc. . , ThrouKh Kxpruw , 8 : 0 * n , n , .1 U. Lincoln BiprosB 0:20 : p. m. U P. OvirUiiJ ExpriW , 12:161 : > . m. 0. I R. V. for llncoln , HUB a. m. 0. * R V. for OttooK , 0:40 : a. tn. U. P frrlght NO. f , 6:30 : a. m. 0. P t rpfclil No. ( > , 8-20 a. ra. 17. P. frtLht No. 18. 2 60p. m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 8:10 : p. m. emigrant. „ , P. Dcnror cxprcis , 7S8 : p. m. 0. P. fralrtit Nn 11. 11:80 p. m. 0. P. Ueiivet freight , 8.2S p. tn. An.RivisrROi < BAST AXD * our0. 0 B. k q 1:00 : a. m. 76 : p m. 0. ft N. W. , 9:46 a. tn. 7:26 p. m. 0. U. I. ft P. . 8:45 : a. m. 0 05 p. m. K. O. , St. Joe A 0 R. , 7:3B : a. m. 6tp. m Auivino rnox rat ww JJID BOtrrnwaar. 0. * It. V. from Lincoln 1.08 p. m. 0. P. Pacific Kinross 3.26 p. m. D ' > ft II. In Nob. , Through Express till p m , n. * U. Lincoln Exprcio 9 46 a tn. U. P. Denver cxpren , 7S6 a. m. U. P. Freight No. 14 2:60 p. tn. U. P. No. ( V 6:20 : a , tn. Kml anl U. P. height No. H , 12:16 : p. m. U. P. No. 0 0 CO p. m. U. P. No. 12 1:46 : a. tn. U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 a. m. 0. A R. T , mixed , ar. 4:46 : p. ra. fvwcr tuwa BrrwRra oiutu in oouwcti BLOWS. Lear * Omaha at 8.00 , 0.00 , 10.00 anil 11:00 : m.J 1.0 S.OO , 3.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. leave Council Blufla at S:2S : , 9:26. : 10:25 : and : SJ a. m. ; 1:25 , 2:25 , 8.25 , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. m. Bao-loj * The dummy leave * Omaha at 9:00 : tnd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00.4:00 : : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves Oonncll Bluffs at 0:25 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:86,4:25 : : tad 6:25 : p. m. , Through and local passenger trains between Omiha and Council BluBs. boato Omaha 0:15 : , : i6 , 8W : a. m. ; 340. 6:45 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 ft. m. ; 6:40 , 7:05 : , 7(15 , 40 p. m _ Opening end Closing of M ll . B3Uia. MIJI. CJX331. K. m. p. m. a. tn. p. m. OhlcagofcN. W 11.00 BCO : 6:30 2:40 : Obloigo , R I. & Picino.11:00 0:00 5:20 : ! :40 : Chicago , D. & . . . . . . .11:00 : 8:00 : 6-80 2:40 : WabMh 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Jlonx City and Pacific. . 9.00 6:30 : 2:40 : DnloUiPiicino. . . . 4:00 : 11:40 Jmahi&U.Vj 4KX3 11:40 : B , * II. In No'J 4-00 8:10 : 3mahafc Bloui City. , . . 0:00 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln 10:39 : 0:00 Q. V. Lincoln , Bundny. . . 1:30 1140 J. P. Denver Eip RAO 8:30 9. , Bloux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 Local mails for Btato of Iowa lear * bnt one * a lay , vlt : 6:30 a , in. Office open Sunday * from 12 m. to 1 p. m. IULL p M. Mraska Rational BANK. OF OMAHA NEBRASKA ( No. 2005. ) TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ) Office Of COMPIROLLKR Or 1MB CDRRCiCT , V WA I11 > OT05. Aptll 26th 1882. ) WIIKRIAS , by satisfactory evidence prewntcd 0 the undcriigned , It lias boon made to appear bat "TUB NKOHASKA NATIONAL BANK OF 1MAIIA , " In the city of Omaha , in the county of Douglai , and State of Nebraska , hai compiled with all the provisions of thollovlsci Statues of ho United States required to bo compiled with before an association shall be authorized to com' monce the business of Banking ; : Now , therefore. I , John Jay Knot , Comptroller ot the Currency , do hereby certify that "The Nebraska National Bank of Omaha , " tn the city of Onuha , tn the omnty of Douglas , and state if Nebraska. Is authorized to commence the justness of Banking i ptovtded In Sectlen Fifty One Hundred and Blxty-Nlneof the Revised Statutes of tUo , United States. ' . In testimony whereof wltnoas my ( } band and seal of office this 26th 1 SEAL. } day of April l82. . \ J uJOnNJAY.KNOX , Comptroller of tha Currency. The above Bank is now prepared to receive luslncea It commences with a fully pa d up capital ot $260,000.00 , with officers and directors u follows : , R , JOHNSON. PBESIDIHT , of Steels , Johnson - . son & Co. . Wholesale Grocers. A. K. TOUZALIN , VlOi'I'RraiDKNT , of 0. B. & Q. U. R. , Boson ( , W. V. MORSE , of W. V , Morse and Co , , Whole- , 'sale ' Boots and Shoes. INO. 8. COLLINS , of O. II. A J. S. Collins , Wholesale Leather andS.ddlcry. , IAMESII. Woolworth , Counsellor and Attoruoy at Law. LEWIS S. REKD , of Byron Rccd A Co. , Real Estate Uoalei I HENRY W. YATE3. Cashier. , late Cashier of ths Flr > t National Bank of Omaha , and connected with the active manage ment of that Bank since Its organ ization In 1803. . mdely Proposals For Indian Supplies and Transportation. TaDPARTMENT OFTHK INTERIOR , Office of JL/ Indian AOalrs , Washington. April 25.1882. Boaled/proposals , Indorsed ' 'Propoula for Beef , " ( bids ( or Beef must be submitted in sep arate envelopes , ) Bacon. Flour. Clothing , or transportation , to. , ( aj the case may be , ) and dtiected to the Commissioner of Indian Affair * , Jos. 66 and 67 Wooiter street. New York , will > received until 1 p. m. of Tuesday , May 23 , .832. for furnlihlrtr for the Indian Service about 100,000 pound ! Bacon , 40.000.COO pound ! Beef on iholioof , 128,000 pounds Beans. 70,000 pounds juuuuaruuu , owvvu l-uuuuv * 1BU JJIUAU , ( U , XX ) pounds Hominy , 0000 pounds Lard , 1,660 barrels mess pork. 33,000 vxiundi Rico , 11,200 pounds Tea , 05,000 pounds Tobacco 00,000 itounds Salt , 240,000 pounds Soap , 0,000 pounds taila , 1 ,2(0,000 pounds Sugar an * 830,000 pound Wheat. Also , Blankets , . Woolen and Col ton Goods consisting In part of Ticking , 83.000 jards ; Stan dard Calico. SlO.OCO yards ; Drilling , X0,000)ardg Duck , free from all iiting , 170,00u yard ; Den m > . 17,000 yards ; Gingham , 60,000 yardi : Ken tucky Jeans. 8,000 yiirds ; Cheviot. 6,200 yards Urown Sbeetlng , 200,000 } ards. Bleached bhoet- Ing. iO.OOOjirJa ; Hickory Shlrtlnp , 10,000 yards co Shirting , 0,000 > ard < ; Wlnto3,000 SirJi ; Clothlii-f , Qrocorles , Notloni , Hardware , edlcal Supulles , and a long ll t of m'scel lanoous articles , such as llarncui. Plows , Itakt ) . Forks , dc , , and for about 476 Wagons required Or the service In Arizona , Coloiodo , Dakota , daliJ , Indian To rltory. Ulnnosota , Montana , Nebraska , Notada and Wlicouiln , to bo deliver ed at Chicago , Kansis City , and bloux City. Also for such Wagons as may bo required , adapted to the climate ol the Pacific Coast , with California brakes , delivered at San Fnnclico. Also , traniportatlou for such of the articles , coodi , and supplies that may not be contracted lor to bo delivered at the Aiienclts. BlUi HUHT BS MADI OUT ONUOMUMIUlr BLANK ! Schedules showing the kinds a'ld quantities of subsistence supplloa equlrnd for each Agency. and the kinds > nd quantities In gross , of all ether goods and articles , together with blank proposals and forms for contract and bond , con. Ulttoustcbs otscncd by bidder * , time and place of delivery , termi of contract and pay. meat transportation routes , and all other neces sary ( nttrucilous wlllb lurnlshcd upon appli cation to the Indl n Office In Washington , or Not. 65 and 67 Wooster street , Now York : Wm. II. Lyon , No. 483 Broadway , New York ; the Oouiinlswulcs of Bubulsteuce , U. B , A. , at Cheyenne , Chicago , Leaveuworth , Omaha , Saint Louis , Saint Paul. Ban FraacUoo , and Yanktoo : the Postmaster at Blouz City , and to the Post masters at the following named place * In Kan sas : Arkansas City. Burlington , Caldwell , Dodge City. Emporla. Eureka , drcat Bend , Howard , Hutchison , Lariod , McPnerson , Mar ion , Medicine Lodge , Newton , Osox * City , Se dan , Sterling , Tojxka. Wellington.TlchlU and Wlnttold. Bids will be opened at the hour and day above stated , and bidden are Invited to bo prtient at the opening. CianriiD Cuicms , All bid * must be accompanied by certified check * upon some United Slate * Depository or A * slstaul Treasurer , for at least five per cent , of the amount ot the proposal. . U I'lUOE , OommlMloner. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 1BBACH BLOCK , 3TO11 RHEUMATISM , Houralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Baotacho , Soreness of iho C/iitt , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell- inqs and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodffy Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Ache * . Kt Preparation on earth to.ua1i ST. JAOOM Oil. is ) a taftt\rrt , ilinplfl and cheap External * m dy. A trial entails but the comparatively M9InR outlay of CO Cents , and evtry ons suffer- fM with pain can bavs cheap and pcilUil ro f rits claims. s/ Directions In ZIiT n LangnsfM. " O grOLDBTlLLDBUOOISTSANl/DEAlBBt IN MEDIOINE. A. VOGELER & CO. , D. M. WELTY , ( Successor to D. T. Mount- ) Manufacturer and Dca'cr In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Robes , Busters and Turf Goods of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Agent for J&s , R. Hill & Co. ' * CONCORD HARNESS "T&9 Beat in The World. " SO1. Orders Soljcltod. OMAHA , NEB IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER , Best for TOILET. BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. mon-woJ fr ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Something NEW FOB OMAHA , Dr. Craw- ord , of Cleveland - land , O , , the old , popular , and skillful manufacturer Artificial Limbs , Of the latest improved plan , has opened a mechanical surgery Institute at 100 South 4th street , Omaha , where ha I * prepared furnish limbs ot every description , skeleton * and supporter ! ( or paralliM and deformed limbs , trusses , and shouluer brace * and supporters lor emalii weakneis. &c. The Doctor has had 23 roan experience In wearing and adjusting , J. 8. OKAWFOKD. 100 South 14th St. Omaha , Neb. [ lenius Rewarded ; OB , ' The Story of tlio Sawing Maobino , A handsome little pamphlet , blue and gold core with numerous engrarlngs , will be GIVEN AWAY o anr aunlt person calling tor it , at any branch or lub-offlce ol The Singer Manufacturing Com pany , or will be sent by mall , post paU , to any perion living at a distance ( rom our offices. I Principal Office , 34 Union Square , NEW YOHK , . feblS daw NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. K. ( HVM cnwran Trcatm nt- A spcclflo Jor UysterU , DUxIneM , Oonvulslon * . Nervous Headache , Uental Depression , LoanoJ iltmorr.BMrmatorrbiBa.Irapoteney , Involuntary Kmlwlons. Premature OJd Age , caused by overexertion - exertion , Kit-abuse , or over-indulgence , which sad * to rnlnery , decay and death. One box will cura recent case * . Kah box contain * one month' * treatment. One dollar a box , or six boxes lor five dollars : sent by mall prepaid on receipt ot price. We guarantee six box * * to cure any case. With each order received by us ( or * U boxes , ac companied with flye dollars , will lend the pur. chaser our written guarantee to return the money It th * treatment doea not eSecl a cure. a t , aoodmaniDruggis * , Sol * . Wholesale and tegul Agent , Omaha. Neb. Order * by mall at Betaliaprlos. _ dfcwly Dexter L , Thomu. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Cttigaton Block Burdock liTTirr % JBIMIS lira J. U. Robertson , Pittuburir. Pa. . , writes : "I ai ruflcrlnff from general debllltr. want of ap petite , constipation , etc. , so that fife wnx n bur * den ; after u-lnjc Burdock Blood Bitten I felt bet ter than for j ears. I cannot praise j our Bitters too much. " Il.GIbbg. of BnBslo , K , Y. , writes : "Vour Burdock Blol Bitters , In chronic diseases of the blood , lUcr & 1 kidneys , have bttn slnallr marked with KUCCCSR. Ihn\o uf l them myself with best rcmiltd , for torpidity of tliclUcr , and In cncaot a friend of mlno suffering from dropsy , the effect was manclous " Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.lwrltcs'I : have been subject to eerlous disorder of the Kldne > e , and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood Bitters relieved mo before half a bottlonas used I feel confident that they will entirely euro mo. " > Ascnlth Hall , Illnghampton , N. Y. , wrltcc : "I suffered nlth a dull pain through my eft lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite and color , and could with dlniculiy keep up all day. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters as di rected , and hmo felt no i > atn since flnt week ot ter using them , " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , K. Y. . writes : "Abou four years ago I had an attack of bilious fever , ant no or fully recovered. My dlgcitho organt were weakened , and I would be completely pros tratcd for days. After using two bottles of you Burdock Blood Bitters the Improument was BO vMblo that I was astonish * ! . I can now. though 61 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day' * work. C. Blnckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada PrcsbyUrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For j cars I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. : used ) our Burdock Blood Bitters nlth happlos results , and I now ttnd mi pelf In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Blood Bitters for non OU9 and bll lous headaches , and can recommend rt to anyone requiring a cure for bllllousncss. ' Mrs. Ira Mutlnollond , Albany , N. Y , writes 'For sot era ! years I ha\o suffered from oft recur1 ring bllllous headaches , djspepsla , and com < ilalnts peculiar to my sex. Since using jour Uurdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " 'rice. ' 91.00 pel Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ott FOSTEfl MILBURN & Do , , , , Props , BUFFALO. N. Y. Sold ai wholesale by Ish & McMahan and 0. F. Goodman. te 27 cod-rue ty aM"flfc E 'y if jmiaroinisn | 7lr joufrifc , J piiui ot lci < enedtiytiie strain hr olUnpfow , . , .lw your ilullDs vol < niKiit wurlc , to res tlmulantsand u.i f tor * brain net-re nr5 < Hop Dltterc , Ivute , n Hop B. Ifyoanreyoratpiind dtscictlon or dli i | > a I Hun i K you arc mar rlcd or fllnFlo. ° or fTounj ? * suffering frcn potrhcallli or lancuUa. El 11 ir on a bed : f < fck. ness , rely on Hop 1 Bitter * . Whoever yonore. " , Tbouitanas dw nr * whenever jou * ecl J naallyfrom si > me Hint your eyrtera 1 form ot Klanoy needs clenran-z. ton- yUsc& ! > e chat uuRlit Incr or itlmulatlnfr , 9 have been preventoc i * by tlmolr usoot talco Hop HcpQlttera BlltO'a. Jl/dnrv D.I. O orufnaracow U on nbecluU disease plaint , . and Ixrcslsta. ottb ttomacft , bio toi HUP cure ( xiirrlk. tlooa , drunlo nness. liver at runt * I use of opium , You will tie tobacco , C. " curodltyoumc narcotlcc. Hop Blttor * Ifyonareelm- rilr weak and . t BPlrltcd.try NEVER Ctrcultr iti It may Bomrrnu ave your . FAIL BTO CO. , life. It hot aved hun Bokt. ) rKT dreds. J > _ Jj'L"Llii"M ' ] | > s fH1 " " U.I U Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin Is \Tlthln ; Its manifestations Mlthout. Hence , to cure the disease the CAUSE must bo removed , and n no other way can a cure ever I o effected. ARNER'S SAFEK1PNPY AND VJGR OURE I' cstabluhod on Just this ittnclplo. It rcalTzcalhat 95 Per Cent. falldlseasoa arlre from deranged kldnej s and Ivor , and It strikes at one * at tha root of the imculty. The elements of w hlch it is composed act directly upon these great organs , both as a OOD Bed RESTORES , and , by placing them In a lealthy , condition , drive dUeaso and pain from he system. > For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un- .ealthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for be distressing Dlsordcrsof Woman : for Ualana. nd physical derangimcuta generally , this great emtdyhai no equal. Btnare of Impostors , 1m * tatlous and concoctions said tn be Just aa good. For Diabetes. M for-WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES PURE. or vale by all dealers. H. "WARNER &CO. , me Rooboitor , N. X > BITTER5 Among the medicinal means of arresting disease , lostctttr's Stomach Kitten ) stands pro eminent t checks the further progress of all disorders of tie stomach , Ihcr and toweU , ret It cs the vital lamina , pmcnUnnJremedies chills and feter , ncrcaeea the activity of the kUnej , counteracts endency to rhcuuiatUm , and Is a genuine stay nd solaoo to aged. Infirm and ncn ous persons. Fer sale by all druggists and dealers generally * al to ml THE KENDALL PLHTIM MACHINE I DEESS-MAfii OMPAHIOH , It Plait * from M6 of a n Inch to width In the coanest felts r Ouest si kl It doe * all kinds and style * of I ( altlng in tuo. Ko lady that doe * her own dress-making can aflotd to do without one aa nice plaiting Is never out of fashion , U * eea it Mil * Itaell. Tor lachinei , CUcuUr * or Agent's term * addicts CONQAR & 00. , US AduoiBt. Chlcwo CL * W.B. MILLARD. V. U. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Mts , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peek & Bansliers Larfl , anfl Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL A CO. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER : 'N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St..Onnaha , Np.b. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham. and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JJHNSON & CO , , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN > i Flour , .Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and AM Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of ' OIRMS1SD. mUlACTUEED TOBACCO. Agents for BBNWOOD KAILS AND LAFLIN & 1AND POWDER 0 HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OP IE AND WINDOW SHADES. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE MILLINERY AD NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring 'Goods Eeooiving Daily and Sfcook vopy nearly ! Complete J. A. WAKEFIELD , WUOLESAtE AND RETAIL DEALEtl IN 1 saVisaiF mfummmfmumH * mmmami iJm Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT WBTATC AQEHI FOB IIILWAUKEB CE1IENT OOUPANY1 Near Union Pacific Depot. . - - OMAHA > POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IIAOHINEBT , BEG , * & * * * * & , , roraas FIPK , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANa205 F wV" > St. , Omaha - \ IROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb ,