Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    K * *
Tine Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , May 12.
Wnathor Report-
( The following observations are taken i
the * Atne moment ot time at all the si
lions named. )
Rlrer7cet ( 3 InchM bora high water mark i
On&ha and 4 feet i Inchct at Yankton.
Ashland brides U now open for trare !
April nhowori are just putting in K
appenr nc9.
Vennor' * prophecy ot a cold wet HUBI
rncr Is thus far good ,
Gen. 0. F , Mandereon deliver * th
Decoration day oration at Beatrice ,
Two cassg of disturbance of the poac
made up Judge Bonoke's docket yen
Kiglit prlionern wont to work on th <
Cburt IIouso stone pile Wcdaosday unde
the new order.
The weather still continues cold , anc
the prospects were good for A frost las' '
nleht If U cleared off.
A five hundred dollar team of Iroi
gray horses has lately been purchased foi
the American Express Company.
The Mi-srs McCheano ontertainc4 f
few friends In their usual charming style ,
at their cozy little home on .Capital ftVfl-
nue , Wednesday night. '
A neat little contribution liox hai
been placed on the gate post in front ol
the Child's Hospital on D6dgo stroefr We
hope to see It welt filled and often. '
In the United States court yesterday
the motion to quash th'o Indictment In
the case of V. K. Clary , ono o ! the star
route men , was agreed and token under
advisement by the court.
The superintendent of the Vollow-
atone National Park , Mr. K. P , H. Con
Rer , wont West at noon , behigunder npocia
orders from the government to prepar
at once for the visit of the Omnha Bonn
of Trade ID July.
Cheap lots. Bonn has just laid out
nowaddttion of OC lots , only $200 to &M
each. 5 per cent.down and fi porwct. pe
month. Sea column ,
The steamer Wyoming passed Miata !
Missouri , at 8 a. m. Monday , all rlghl
three days rmd twelve hours out from Si
Louts. Urew and all on board were well
and Captain Coulsen expects to make th
run to Fort Benton In thirty days.
There will be a meeting of the OmaJi
Hod Carriers Protective Union , Friday
May 12th , at Fireman's hall , cor. IGth ant
Fftmam street , at 7:30 sharp , All hod car
riera and mortar makers are requested to
attend. M. Welsh , Corresponding Secre
Charles Bryant , who drives lr. S. D
Mercer's team woo assaulted Wednesday by
three men , sear 12th and Jackson streets ,
who robbed htm of liia overcoat and tro <
to go through his pockets when ho sue
Deeded In Retting at his revolver and Gring
at them drove them away.
John T. Clark , who has just returns
from Hot Springs , Ark , came near having
ft severe runaway on his honda Wcduosda ;
afternoon. Ho had driven to the dope
and had his trunk loaded into the can luge
when the horses took t right at an ongin
and started In among the tracks am
trains. A man caught them-and drov
them home for him.
The Trinity Guild cnteitntnmon
comes off on the evening of the IGtb , Tucj
day next , and will be ono of great enjoy
ttent to all who witness it , and partake o
the dellclom atrawherries and cream to be
ae'ryed during the evening. It will conela
of a concert by the Ulnth Infantry'b'nhd '
broom drill given by sixteen yduntr ladies
who have been drilled by Lieut. Poote , o
Fort Omaha , vocal 'solos by a number o
the Guild , and alia , rauslo' by a double
quartette , all of which is under the dlroc
tion of Miss Walker of Trinity choir. The
entertainment takes ulace at Motonlo hall
Tb practice ol dumping passeugera
out of tbo street cam in North Omnba , a
night , two or three blocks short of the
turn table , because tbo drlvera were afrait
to go further 'has ' been discontinued
Workmen are now laying double track
from the street railway bami on Twenty
fint Direct to the turn on Twenty-fourth
which U to be completed this week. This
is to facilitate the new order of things
Captain Marsh Bays that when he coin
pletes bis present plans he will have pul
the Omaha street railway under the best
and most convenient system of regulations
of any similar lines In the west.
Charles W , Caldwel ) , from Buena
Vista , Col. , jumped from the east bound
express train near Fremont , Tuesday nf <
ternoon and received injuries so eeverethat
He ban been uncongciou * ever since. Ife
wu picked up , brought to Omaha and
taken to the company's boipltal on liar
noy street , where he still lies in nn iusen
idble condition , and doubts are entertained
M to bis recovery. It i thought that ho
wa laboring undcrlng an attack of tern
por&ry insanity when be made his flying
leap from the train , He was ticketed to
Council Bluffs.
Tlie rnaoy friends of Colonel Harry
Browmon , In this city , will be sorry to
learn that be his had another stroke of
pira1y I , and Is now lying quite low at
Green lllver , Wyoming , with but slight
hopes of hii recovery , He was on hli
way to Fort WwhaVie , to assume the du-
tle * of A government position , when be
WMOvMiftkea at Green lllver withtbU
last wUfortune. His daughter , MI
Mollle Brownson , WM with bun , and ho
will receive every cre that loving bunds
can give.
The IOWA Attack on John 3
Finch , the Tempranca
A Sensational Pastoral Letter .Co
cornlnpr Him.
A few days ago Mr. John B. Pine !
the temperance npoatlo , passt
through Omaha on route to Lincoli
being soon at the tlino by a roporto
who interviewed him on the flubje-
nuarost hia hoart.
Mr. Finch spoke at Iowa City c
Sunday night last , and on Tuosda
evening the Republican , an ovonir
paper published there , printed tv lo
tor from Ror. 0. 0. Burnett to Roi
0. Oluto , ot that city , of which th
following are extracts :
IOWA CITT , la. , May 0 , 1882.
Ret. 0. Cluto , Iowa City :
MY DEAR SIR You and I are bet
ministers of the Gospel of Jest
Christ , and personally very goo
friends. Wo stand alike for morality
virtue and temperance , though yo
believe in sumptuary legislation as
method of moral reform , while I d
not. You have probably endorse
Mr. John B. Finch , of Lincoln , N
brasko. aa a worthy oxpononl
exemplar and champion of thca
principles , and have assistci
in collecting money to bring hini t
Iowa City in this threefold capacitj
And all this , of course , you have
perfect right to both believe and dc
This is a free country. Under you
luspicc'a Mr. Finch will speak to ou
people to-morrow ( Sunday ) , evening
thus as a moral reformer. You invit
liim horo.iond put him forward to expound -
pound , advocate and exemplify th
fundamental and sublime principles o
morality and goodness , and you winl
no and ether clergymen in the city
ta well as the public generally , tt
lit at his foot lor "instruction h
ighteousnoss. " In your newly awak
mod and burning zeal in this cause ,
'ou proclaim him aa having won grea
ictorios for.tho peculiar method o :
oformwhich you and he advocate ,
apparently-ho is your champion anc
tore , a sort of modern "Savior , " as i
rero.YoUrzoaf is admirable , and . '
pngratulato you. on your being' sc
ully "recognized" by the ' 'Orthodox'
lergy and churches of the city.
"Now , sir , in answer to your in
ulry , "What do you know about
inch ? " I will jjivo you parts of what
las been ont by ono of the
Boding lawyers in Nebraska , and il
ou wioh moro of the same kind I wil
00 that you got it.
( After .quoting from various papon
barges which have from time to time
eon made against Mr. Finch , the
'ritor of. ' the pastoral letter goes on
3 say : )
'fl mayABO ! inform you that , if my
formation bo correct , the criminal
ecordi of tbo. city of Lincoln , Neb. ,
Ir , , Finch's home , may help you in
our linquiry as to the moral worth
f that gentleman , said records con-
lining a full and particular account
f a trial for seduction and Bastardy ,
1 which moral reformer , John B ,
'inch , was defendant , and a young
roman who had been living in his
amily proaooutor , she swearing
hat said John B. Finch was
ho father of her illegitimate child ,
n vindication of your conduct in
'ringing ' this gentleman to our city as
worthy Christian gentleman and ox-
onont , exemplar and advocate of the
ordinal and all other virtues , you
rill dowell to go to the very bottom
f those damaging and most horrible
jporta , and as soon as possible give
io result of your investigations to the
ublic , who have an undoubted right
> know what kind of men are setting
lomsolvos up or are thrust upon them
i their would-be loaders.
This much , then , my dear brother
lute , in reply to your question to
10 , "What do you know of Mr.
inch ! "
Will you please now say what you
now about him ? Is ho a martyr
ely or a vile impostor ? Do please
ly. Very truly yours ,
[ omo And Foreign Hallway Nowe
and Notea.
'TJieiretiring-general ' superintendent
ti 4ho Unions 'Pa fid''Railway ' , J ,
ClErk loty last evening intho | | Union
del Go special No. twelve , for Mil-
aukeo , to begin at once the diochurgo
F hia duties as general superintendent
E the Chicago , Milwaukee A St. Paul
lies. His fimily accompanied ] him
i far as Galoaburg , Illinois , whore
icy intend to visit 'friends.
The following circular was issued
pin Union Pacific headquarters yes-
irday :
OMAHA , May 17,1882. J
> dhltlon suj > eriuUDdcr.ti and all concerned.
Will you please convoy to all officers
id employers , and my friends gen-
ally iny sincere and heartfelt thanks
ir their generous expression of
iondship and good will. Assure
torn I shall over hold their memory
con in my heart.
As I leave to-day with sincere re-
ird for your welfare , and again
tanking you , I wiah you all good-
re. J. T , OM.IIK.
When the Union Pacific passenger
ain was coming in from the west
iicsday , and when about five
ilos from Fremont , ono of the pas-
Hirers , a man named Charles W.
ildwoll , throw himself from the cars
liilo in rapid motion and sustained
mo serious injuries from the fall ,
io train was stopped and the man
ken aboard again , and had his wants
lioyod by Dr , Abbott when the
ii halted at the depot. Ho had a
ikot from Denver to Council Bluffs ,
d was evidently either ineann or
unk , as ho had previously made at-
inpts at jumping off the train , but
d boon prevented each time by foi-
ir passengers. Fremont Tribune ,
D. 0. Clark , for many yean super-
indent of the coal department of
3 Union division of the Union Pa
io railway , will hereafter rank aa
neral suporintendant of the coal de- ,
partment of the TJnion Pacific , whi
includes the Kansas Pacific and lie
in Colorado.
Ono hundred cars of old iron ra
have been gathered up along the li
of the Union Pacifio. One-half w
go to the Laramie rolling mills to
rerollod , and the other half to the E
Paul branch , after the bad ends ha
been cut off by the big shears at t ;
Grand Island shops.
The Union Pacific Railroad coi
pany has discharged every cocnnd sc
end section foreman botwcoh Ogdi
and Omaha , making every foreman <
the work of two. This is done on tl
acoro of economy and rotrcnchmor
Baggageman Clark , of Omaha , h
accepted the position of baggage ma
( or for the Union Pacific railway
Ogden , and passed west to aaaumo h
duties in that place Saturday last.
A Process for Making Vfcodc
Blocks Evorlaetlng.
THE BEH ollico had the pleasure <
a call yesterday from Mr. H. ]
Kroutcr , of Dallas , Texas , who com
to Omaha to sea the city authority
in reference to the material they1o :
poet to use in paving the streets th
season. Mr. Kroutor is the patontc
of a method of preparing wood so c
to harden and preserve it for an ii
definite period of time , and ho callc
on City Engineer Rosewater to-daj
who during his throe weeks stay i
the city will investigate the value c
his patent. Mr. Kroutor is a brothc
of 1. Kroutcr , the Imperial and Royi
Professor and Engineer of Austria un
the process is not a now discovery , bu
what is known as Bouchorio's mothoc
in use in the old country since 183E
It consists in forcing the sap out c
the wood used , and forcing in chlorid
of zinc , the only difference botwoc :
this and Bouchorio's method boin
tliat in the latter sulphate of coppo
iras used.
Mr. Kroutcr exhibited several spec !
nons of wood prepared in this way
mo a fine block , being a section ofi
sroBstio on the Royal railroad of Han
) vor , whore it was in use from 1862 tx
1879. It is apparently as solid a
> ver. Ho had also a section of bead
ffhich had boon in use twonty-fivi
? Cara , and another of oak the sami
ongth of time.
It is claimed for this method thai
; he wood can bo prepared in a von *
ihoit time , and at one-third the cos
> f any other method , including tha
> y creosote. Also , as a practical con
tidoration for Omaha , that it will no
jo necessary to import cedar blocks o :
my others , but that the commnnos
imbor growing in the Missouri rive :
> ottom is as , good as any when pro
> arcd by this process , and can bi
itilizcd when fit for nothing else.
i. Would-be Diamond Stealer In
vltod to Call Again.
A lady , whose name it is not necos
ary to give , who had boon boarding
bo Withnoll House for some timt
&st , was joined by her husband i
aw days since , and they detorminec
o remove to some private residence
uring the remainder of their stay ir
> maha , where the gentleman hot
omo idea of going into business.
Accordingly they sought and ob ,
dned a room at the residence of Mrs
t. E. Randall , No. 4141 North Twon
loth street. The lady , it appears ,
ossossoa some valuable diamonds and
Dwolry , the former being very costly
nd a prize worth having. So at least
bought sotno ono who had caught a
limpso of the precious stones worn
y the lady. The couple moved into
aoir now quarters Wodnesdy , and
bo same night about 2 o'clock
n attempt was made by a thief , who
ad doubtless shadowed her , to enter
ho room occupied by thorn , which
ras the front on the first floor. His
lavements in attempting to open the
rindow wore overhoardand the lady's
usband , jumping up , called rut to
now who -was there , thinking it
light bo some of the family out lato.
) n hearing his voice the man at once
ook to his heels , jumped over the
iinoo , and ran , disappearing before
haao could bo given ,
The follow is invited to call again at
n Aarly day , and is requested to not
ijuro the sash by trying to raise it ,
ut to come in at the front door ,
bovp which and a'little to the right
o will find the key hanging. Moan-
ime the diamonds have been do-
ositcd in a safe place.
. . . ,
I"1 I ll. ! f
be Irlah-Amorlcan Band and Tnolr
Quests at Masonlo Hall.
Masonic Hall was the sconnof a
rilliant and most successful ball last
rening , the occasion being the second
nnivorsary ball of the Irish-American
The hall was decorated with the
ara and stripes and the green flag
ith the harps of Erin , Irvine's
rchoatrn discoursed the svroot-
it of notes , and ubcut seventy-five
> uplo danced to the music ,
ho crowd was ono of the nicest over
isomblod in the hall , and from bo-
inning to end passed off pleasantly ,
t the midnight intermission the ma.
> rity of those p.-csont availed thorn-
lives of the opportunity to take sup-
H in the restaurant below , after
hich dancing was resumed , and day-
cjht cumo with the music of "Homo ,
wool Homo. " There were thirty
CCOB in all on the programme , in-
udiug the "Irish Reel , " something
iw in this lino.
The Irish-American band is ono of
io moat popular organizations in the
ty and were conspicuous during the
abor Union olTorts for volunteering
ioir services in the cause without re-
urd. Upon the back of the pro-
ammoa , which wore as handsome
id lusthetic as any ono over turned
it in the city were the names of the
embers as follows :
< 1 McGinn , James Barrett ,
iseph Bohoo T , V. Mulcahy ,
. A. MoKenna , R. P. Mulcahy ,
A. Golden , J. MoDermott ,
in. A. Golden , Michael , Dwyer ,
, P. Mulcahy , Ed , Eagan ,
kwronco Dwyer , Thos , McDormotL
A Permanent Etoto Organiai
tion for Prohibition Pur.
Tlio Bosolutlona Adopted at Yosto
day's Mooting1.
The ministerial convention whic
began in Lincoln on Tuesday , close
its session Wednesday night.
A permanent organization we
formed for future work , with the fo
lowing officers.
President S. H. Henderson , Has !
ings.vice prcaidont A. B. Irwin , Bt
atrico ; G. W. Reed , Gibbon ; L. Gregory
ory , Lincoln.
Corresponding secretary H , Brest
Recording secretary R. H. In
gram , Lincoln.
Treasurer E. M. Lewis , Lincoln
Central committee S. P. Wilson
Plattaraouth ; G. Scott , Sutton ; B
Osborno , Fremont ; J. B. Greene
Nebraska City ; William Sumptoi
The object of the organization wll
bo gathered from the following reaolu
tions , which , among others , weri
Resolved , That wp will unite on
prayers and efforts with all the friend
of temperance in Nebraska to sccun
at the earliest possible data the aboli
tion of the traffic from our state.
Resolved , That while every churcl
should DO a temperance society it
itself , yet when such a crisis as thi
present is upon us , it is incumbon
upon the pastors and members o ;
Christian churches to unite then
efforts with those of other temperance
people to accomplish the objects above
recited so far as other Chris
tian duties permit.
Resolved , That wo would call the
attention of our churches and Sunday
schools , and , when practical , juvenile
temperance organizations to indoctri
nate the young and thoroughly estab
lish them in temperance principles.
Resolved , That speedy prohibition
by constitutional amendment for the
itatoand nation is desirable , possi
ble , and highly probable in the neat
Resolved , That the people hold the
only power that can settle the ques
tion , and to the people the question
must finally bo submitted , and we
therefore appeal to our next legisla
ture and ask them to submit the ques
tion to the people of the state in the
form of a constitutional amendment ,
prohibiting the manufacture and sale
} f alcoholic liquors as a bovorago.
Resolved , That while wo labor earn
estly for the adoption of such consti
tutional amendment , and for the on-
ictmont of suitable laws to carry it
Into effect , wo appreciate the tact that
intemperance is a vicoand that against
its influence wo must labor and pray
until human nature has bocon o subject -
ject to iho grace of God through our
Lord Jesua Ohriat ; and that the hope
} f the enforcement of laws relating
to intemperance lies in an awakened
Dublio conscience and a right public
Resolved'That the fact that the
American saloon is a licenaed vjnstitu-
ion , makes it none the less an evil ,
ind that'tho paying of a large sum of
noney for , the privilege of committing
\ crime , abates none of the heinous-
less of the crime , but tends to con-
lect those who take the money with
he sin. ,
Resolved , That wo watch with great
nterost the struggle now going on bo-
woon the' upright , sober people and
ho whisky and 'drunkard makers in
he state of Iowa , and wo send greot-
ng and sympathy to those excellent
non andt women who are fighting so
irately t cave their children and the
rholo people from the curse of the
um traffic , and wo have great hope in
lie success of the righteous cause of
omporanco in the state.
Resolved , That to aid in the no-
ompliahment of the purposes heroin
ot forth , wo organize ourselves into a
lormanent body to bo known as the
'Ministerial Temperance Association
f Nebraska.
'no Biff Ditch Muddle , and tbo Pay.
. ment for its Maldntr.
A special meeting of the city eonn-
il was hold last evening in pursuance
f the following call :
GKtmkwEH orraE Crrr COUNCIL :
L special mooting io hereby called *
* for the purpose of acting upon
ny and all matters pertaining to the
Dwnrage system of this city , rnnd op-
ropriating money for the payment of
rorkingmon employed by order of the
ity council.
This call was-aignod by Corby , Mo-
luckin , Thrauo , Lecdor , Stull , Baker
nd Dellono. *
Roll call showed the following gen-
iomen present : Uaker , Behm , Dot-
> uo , Corby , Q'Koofe , McGuikin ,
icodor , Thrauo and Mr. President.
A communication was read from
10 mayor returning the ordinance to
itablisli the line of North Omaha
reek sewer , without his approval on
: oount of the opinion of the city at-
irnoy , which woatransmitted with the
ime. The reason of disapproval is
tat the ditch is not properly a part
I the aowor system. The only legal
ay of pay ing for the work would bo
i allow the parties to take a jtidg.
lent against the city.
The communication was tabled.
Another communication was relived -
lived from the mayor approving the
dinanco establishing the grade of
arnam and other ordinances ,
Also ono refusing approval of the
dinanco to regulate and license the
ictioneoring of goods. It is defect-
o in not fixing the fee or amount of
) iid , and in other respects. Filed.
The consideration of the sewer
jostion wea next taken up.
Mr. Baker said there was but one
y to get out of the dilemma , via ;
pay the men out of the general
nd. This would cripple the coun-
I , but they would have to stand it ,
ilr. Corby spoke in favor of some
iinediato arrangements for paying
o men. They wore all poor , and if
ft with only time chocks the scalpen
> uld take them in at 15 cents on the
, Ho offered to give 9500 toward
paying off the debt , ddllar for dollt
cent for cent , mill for mill. [ A
plauso. ]
Dellono moved to refer the whc
matter to the committee on wat
works and sewerage , with powe
After considerable discussion tr
motion was carried , the amount thi
to bo provided for being $850.20 , ai
it being understood that the counc
men would raise the money on the
individual notes , and wait until tl
now levy for their pay.
On motion the city clerk was i
structcd tofuinish the committee wll
n list of the men and amount di
The council then adjourned.
Lawrence Barrett at the Opera Horn
One , of Omaha's best audicnoes filed
od the opera house almost to eve :
flowing last evening , to listen to Lan
ronco Barrett's rendition of Shaki
' "Othello.
spcaro's thrilling tragedy ,
Ono is impressed while listening i
Barrett's Othello , with the idea the
ho has reached the acme of his prc
Session , so faithfully does ho ropre
jont the jealous Moor. His interpretation
protation and delineation of the graa
play writer's ideas are peculiar to him
self and have formed ono of the stof
ping stones to his just celebrity. Hi
support was excellent throughout
Louis James , as "Iago0ti8 Skinner
is "Cassia , " and Miss Marie Wain
might , as the fair "Dosdomonia , " al
issist in forming a support that cai
icarcoly bo surpassed. The Merchan
> f Voaico , will bo presented to-night
They Have a Lively Time In Thel :
Cosy Hall.
Last evening the Mmnncrchor so
ioty gave ono of their very ploasan
tails , and quite a number of the
acmbera put in an appearance , conaid
ring the inclemency of the weather.
During the evening the choir gav <
ome very excellent choruses , among
rhich the moat notoworty was "The
jonoRoso , " which was received 'with
; roat enthusiasm. vJMr. H. Raven ,
he musical leader , has trained hit
heir to a high state of efficiency , and
hey now boast quite a large body.
The Miuonorchor itself is doing re-
aarkably well since it has had its owe
tall , and quite a number of now moni
tors have been added to it during the
trcsent month.
A part of the musical union , undei
ho able directorship of Prof. Stein-
lauser , furnished the music on this oc-
The party broke up at a seasonable
E , It. French , whose present head'
uartors are at Georgetown , Col. , is in th
Ity on a flying trip.
Moso Starman bin just returned from i
rip to see hia friends in the east , and it
> eking ten years younger than he formerly
L Now Company Organized to Take
Hold of The Business.
Articles of association and incorpo-
itjon of the Omaha Nail Manufactur-
ig Company have been filed in the
Duuty clerk's office , by Jos Oreigh-
) n , John A. McShano and John
f. Lauor. *
The principal place of business , as
eretoforo will bo Omaha.
The capital stock is $400,000 , but
usinoss may commence when one
mrth of that sum is subscribed. The
; ock is divided into shares of $100
The indebtedness of the corporation
\ not to exceed two-thirds of its capi-
il stock.
Subscription are paid for ten per
ent down , balance subject to call.
The incorporation dates from May
, 1882 , and terminates in fifty years.
A board of five directors , a presi-
ont , vice president , secretary and
reasurer , constitute the officers cf the
The general nature of the business
} bo transacted is indicated by it9
Closing Ball of The Season.
Last evening the Thursday Evening
ub hold their third and last ball of
10 series in Standard Hall.
The hall was taatofully'docorated
id presented quito an attractive
lone , which was much enhanced by
10 ladies in their various and gay
About 30 couples joined in the
rpaichoroan performances , and the
fair was kept up in lively style till
wards the break of day.
Mr. Rico , the celebrated caterer ,
rnishoU the excellent supper , and
.0 . Ninth infantry stringed orchestra
ippliod the nuisic.
The club , which has run so succosr-
lly during the past winter , disbands
r the season.
Mailing n Raiio.
John Hays. Credit 1' . O , , saya that for
no mouths he could not ralae hia hand
hb head through lameness In the ghoul-
r , but by the use of THOMAS' KCLEOTIUC
L he was entirely cured. mQ dlw
of tie Literati ,
lie Choapcat , Largest and choicest collection
[ In the West
Cash paid for Second-Hand Books
exchanged for new.
NOTICE Adrtrtlumeni To loin , for Si
LoRt , Found , W nts , Ito rdlnf , Aa , will ba
catted la thc a column ! one * ( or TEX OEM
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FtVKORN
p r lino. Tha first tcmorUoQ oarer lea th
ONET TO LOAN Call at t w Utnes ol
M L. Thomas Room 8 Crelthton Block.
i LOAM At 8 per cenll
, in In snm .of $3,600 a
opwardi , lor 8 to B years , on flnt-claa city a
farm property. Binis But. Emn acd Lo.
Aoxxct , Itth and DourUs DU.
rnOI.OAK In turns to suit bent
JL 0 II. Uallau , attorney , room 6 , Unli
Blcck. 972-0
( Of NTS WANTfcD-To t 11 adjus'able bt
A llten boards. Call at Occidental Hotel.
- , sure thin ? , nn risks $3
B3-U * Over 1412 Dodge Bt.
Aslrlto do crnorat houiewor
WANIED . Jackson ttrtot. EC-tf
ANTED At the City Stam laundry ,
W young man , must bo a peed penman ,
"VTfANTED A competent l&undrnn at Rout
W 10th itrtet. MUS. II. KOUNrZE ,
G1 ro en for railroad work. I
WANTED , Employment Agent , 111
street , near Farntin. Oti-131
A girl fcr general housework , i
WANTED y. street between CAM and Chlcugi
) A young lady to run tewlne m ;
W chluo. 468 8. Isfcn stree , 83-11 *
ANTED A Inundrtss at the Bt. Cbarh
WANTED . 82-tl
ANTE"D A jlrl at the Boston Laundry o
WW 13thstreet beivieen Dotlgo anil ( apLU
i venue. 76-H1
ANTED A pailry cook and chambormat
W at the Occidental liotel , tuimeohtcly.
'ANTRD A good eobcr toamstcr.
ANTED Girl forgenercl homework. Ac
vv ply at 2015 California street. 76-13"
'ANTED A young nureo girl. 1E03 Chlcag
street. SO 10
pi IR [ < WANTED Enquire at 107 B. llth St
IjT CO 11 A. M. CLARK.
( TTANTED-EO teams foV Utah R. R. work
\ Y hlffbctt wages paid. Call at once
38-11 * llth street , neir Farnam.
.irAHTKb A comiMUnt girlac 1018 Chlcan
YY itrcet. CO 11
[ TTANTED One Oratcos ! < tcamstresj anc
VV twp apprentices for dross making. Mrs
Ico. W. Kendall , 1 Dcdze stieot , up-stalrs
fXTAN TRD Immediatcl a good girl for gen
VV cral housework , at410 h. 20th street , U
ween Chicago and Casa. C. B. M aX WELL.
953-tt SJHfcT _
tTTANTKn Good girl a' 1080 North lOtr st
fTTANTED Situation by a man of experience
VY and ability , In city and country , good
eference. Address A. IS. Bee office. 97-12
ntTANTED Employment -talesman 01
VV clerk , by active man ; 1 $ willing to wnrk ,
peaks German , Beat of references siren. Ad'
KM 93 Bee office. 81-11"
fXT ANTED By a flrst-clasa dretetnaker , sew-
VY Ing ot all klnds.'at No. 1319 Dodge > troet :
r will go out ana do work at moderate prlcts.
[ TTANTED Situation as tecond girl , by a
VV competentfflrl In a good family. Inquire
t Jullui Tielttchk ' liquor store , 303 B. Ifith
trcet , or at 823 S. 20th street 67-11"
[ TTANTED Situation by a younst man In a
YV grocery et9re , or to attend horses foi
rlvate mmllj , Inquire at H. Mannweller , Km-
lojment Agontllth street near Farnam.
ITONEV A 'rartncr wanted , active or sl'ont ,
.VI with $5000to$20COO casnto invoit In a
Ultimate buelneB which la six months time wtil
ay profit at least equalled to the amount ln <
csted , and both be turned Into clean cash and
I B pirtncrshlp ended. Address "Money" Bee
fflce. 8S-tf
[ TTANTED Furnlshc'l room with board , for
VV man , wife and child , In a good locality.
'ilco ' must be reasonable. Address D , A. Bee
fflce. 71-13"
rXT ANTED For the summer months , a 'ur-
VY nlshed house In good locality. A-ldrcsa
W.F. ALL'N ,
77-12 , Care Chu. K. Coutant.
[ TtrANTED BOO privy vau-ts. sinks and cees
r V pools to clean with Sanitary Vault and
Ink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co. ,
isldenco 1206 Podge street. Omaha. _
rTTANTKD fundlcir bridge and school bond * .
t/V g. T. Clark. BollBrqn. tfl-H
[ TTANTED 4 children aa boarders In a select
VV school , at 19th and California St. L. B.
OOMIS. _ 7B7-U
KENT A nicely furnished room , B. E.
front , for ono or two gentlemen. Inquire
1 14 24 16th street , bet ween- Clark and Grace ; Id
To. D30. Keferenco required. tf
i .iv.iv RENT IIouso ol fire roomsi corner 23d
[ > and Piercf. Apply at S. G. Stevenson ; cor-
CT 17lnanJCa-B , ouuoslta Easttr Church.
1 90 tt
mOR RENT. Neat'y furnlshei room with prlv-
[ } llego ol.ftdjolnlnf | .parlor. 1813 Webttcr
.root , o-tf
[ 7IOR REST IIouso ol nixrooms. . 1112 llth
1 } street , onth o ( Pa iflc. F. C. 1'ELLK.
6111 *
TieR RENT FuruUhed room 1723 Doiilas
J itreet. OM1 *
71011 RENT A furnished room to one or two
? gentlemen , 1012 California street.
31-12 *
7\OH \ RUNT A very nicely furn'shed room at
! 151H Podga Ptroat. 28-1 It
HO KKNT New rooms ( nrnlsVcil or uofur.
L. nuhed ts disirod commandlni ; line > lew
I the Jlver , bridge , Council Bluff. , and tconory
[ > ana down the river for tucnty miles.
Uocoier'iiBlock , " corner Mh.nd llo aid.Zfltt
10II E > T Asultoof nicely f urn Wicd room
! torrent , ti. E.corner20thami Dmcnport
reott. 051-tf
l < uu i.bM awre and butcher shop , S. E ,
corner 13th and Chicago. Innulra at store ,
leu Lucas , admlnittrstor of the osUte of E. C ,
cos 801-tf
1011 LEASE At $25 a year , several nlcoreul
1 drncolotsnear 25th street end St. Jlory'u are.
8-tX W It. BAKTLKTT. Iteal Estate Agent.
ilOll UKWX S lornieliuU roanu over Me
chants' Eichanje.H. 1C. cor. 16th and DoJe
octa. SiW-tf
10R KENT Nicely lurnlsbed rooms with 01
without board , Reasonable prices , soil
ss St.
OR SALE Drug store complete annual
; tiles upward of { 030 , li wiill located , In
omlngton , county neat of Fr > vnkln ! County ,
1 real of the U , 8. land offlca lor Southern
braska. Full putliulara fitrnltbed oj a >
cation to W. O , ROBINSON.
I OR SALE One houia and lot at a bargain
bouto has four room * , S cloiets , piqtiy. cli-
n Ac inqulioon jireinluei. No. 122 2Stn tt.
jit's & Hill's addition.
P4-15t MR3. A. L. LOFOREK.
IOB SALE-100,000 excellent bard brick , for
sale , cheap for tain , U taken entire as they
, ndln the kill , by LORENZO DIBBLE ,
rd one block south of corner , of 15th street
, nd Bclh cua Rood , C9-1S *
IOR HALK Four coolce loU in Hanscomb
Place. GEOltCJEW. AUKS ,
49-13 1COO Farnam Street.1 ?
1011 SALE One span ot marM , one cow , an <
one goat. Inquire ol Ellen Lucas , comer
h and ChicafO its. E02-U
rnOR BALB-Of Trade ! 44x18 * fet 0 10th >
JD street next to the corner of Haroey , also
COxlSJ feet on th wl ald between Dudgr and
Capitol aveius. Enquire of II. OERTUOLD.
83 If
PALE A Prut c'wn ' hardirara store to *
FOR In a thriving county scat of Kevin hun A
drtd InlablUntR , r.fty mllta est of LI to\nicAnejr \
afroodcaohbutlncfis. Good rowoni for Kllln/
For further particulars ad dress B Offlce , ru/ua
11-U-B ajKit
"C OR SALE The Warm Spilnn , dituated 3G
JD rnllM oouth ot the U. I * . rafiroAd In Carbon
County , Womlni ; Territory 440 acrot of
mtadow and upland tllb Runrantcd. Address
W. U. Ctldwcll. Warm HpMnga , Wyon-lcg.
SALE A reitaurant at a bargain. U.
FOR . llth streol near Farnam.
SALE Nest coltage of five room * , barn ,
FOR , and cUtern , n 2jrd street no r Call.
fornla , at (1,400 , CASJ termi. UcCftgue ouposltfl
po toinc i. 03tt
JJ M the HOY8' HOME. This honw ts co--
ttally | ocat d , baa sou h and cast front , and In
rurroonded w th fine ( hade tre ; contJni thirty
i ccplnir rooms , bag Ice boubo. laundry , sample
room , &c. Ha * a world w de reputation and a
better patromiro than many houses ol twloo Its
capacity. Price 85,000 For particulars ad-
drees , A. A. SAWDKY , Red Cloud , Neb.
' M4-U
Ilemls ffer bargains In lota In hit new ad-
l n Just wet of an I adjoining Fhlnn's ad *
dltlon * , | only flOO to 9400 tach omr 6 par cent
down and 6 p > r cent r month , omcoalith and
Douglas strccU. Bee Column.
fTtOR SALE 200 choice lots in Hanxxira Place.
JL1 W. R Bartlett , Real Estate Agent , 317 8
13th Btrott. to-tf
Tj OR SALE A good corner lot on Doage and
J } 2dlh street , in a very fatt growing put of
the city , will divide. Inquire at xlO SouUi 20th
street , near Farflamjiogg's & Hill's addition.
820.1m *
" | 7 OR SALE One span of hop * * , Iwo spring
JL' wagons and two eet of double harocsa. , In-
qulro Ellen Lucas , administrator of the estate
of E. C. Lucas , corner ISth and Chicago its ,
. _ j-00-tf
SALE OR RENT A two (2) ) story tram *
FOR ' 24xCO. N. E. corner 22nd and
Owning street. Inquire al KTUR'S Western
FOR SALE 20 lota near Hanscom Park , west
of Park Avenue. 8460 to i(900 each. JIO-
Caguoopp. Postofflce. 071. tf
"pURY Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 332
J ? "M. 8. H. 1) . " , winner of prlto at Stale
Pair. Stands for sorvlco vt Kobnuka Poultry
farda , West Omaha. Graham t > . Browne ,
_ _
SALE Ono second-hand 25 horse powo
engine. Koodaa ncwalro t o8 hone rower
inU two 1C horse pov cr engines , new. Boilers
it all sizes , new. Inquire Omaha Foundry an
Machine Co.U. P. By. bet 17th and 18th omaha
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ CftMm
HIGH SALE Or will excha ( re for Omaha pro.
U I Iporty , an Improved sec on of land adjoln-
ng a station on U. P. R. U. 11. DUNUA11 , 1411
'arnham St. , Omaha. . 720 Smt
203-tf ESTABROOK fc OOK.
DR10K FOR BALE . $12.00 ptrlOOO.T. Murray
BALED I1AT At A. H. Bander1 Feed Sto
1018 Ilarnov St. slB-tf
T1U03E wishing new wells bored , or old ores
L cleaned or lowered , will please call nn or
ddress H. M. BROWN ,
81-13" m/ Burt Street.
DAVINO No need of siying granite blotks
L are too'dcar for paving the streets. Thtro
) a man In Omaha that will give surety and put
n granite blocks 8 Inches deep for 63.25 per
ard. Address lo Bee office. 68-31
T1AKEN UP A cow about 7 years old"'red ' with
I white tpolt , larro horns Also a heifer ,
cd , with white tpots , both with calf.
3-4tf on e w Bakery , 13th St. near Williams.
TRAYED Ono ted and white spotted cow.
3 about 4 years old. Finder will bo rewarded
y Icavlnir Information at second house from
orner loth and Jackson. * 41-10 *
[ > AR % chanca for business for capita ] ot $3,000
LA ) or $5,000. Enquire of T : Gibson , Bosrd'of
rade. 6l2f
. - „ - BOARD And pleasant front
JT tws gentlemengentletranand. tvlfo , or- ,
files , prices reasonable. 605 N. 18th street b.
ween California and Webster. 10-U
r OST A subscription poper of the North
LJ Presbyterian Cnurch. | The finder will please
ave at Bte office. 9fl6-tf
I/TUB. C. A. FLLISON-E'ectro Magnetic
jJL Hcaljr , also businois and medical Clalr-
oyant. Psychcmetle readings aid treatment
Iven , d ily from 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. Can becen-
ilted by letter , send name , ago , and lock of-
air etc , with $2.00 consultation fee. No. 2013
ass St. , Omaha. Neb. 783 1m *
I ATE RENT Choice of SO fuU lots to leaM
3 near Crolghton College for $25 per year
exter L. Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 ' CrelghtOi
. -
IONAL18T , 493 Tenth Street , between Farnam
idllarnoy. Will , with the aid of guardian
ilrlts , obtain f or any one a glance at the past
id present , and on certain conditions In the ta >
ire. Boots and Shoes made to > rJer. Perfea
lut d 'on ' pnsraaUed
\bsolutefy Pure. ;
rhls powder never varies. A marvel ol p
, strength and wholesomeneBS , Moro ceo no
c I than tha ordinary kinds , and cannot be
d in competition with the multitude oil owl
t , short weight , alutn or phosphate powder *
laid only in cans. RoriMlUKixo POWDEK Co. .
i Wall fit. New York
'ualed prone U will be eccUed by the 1
County Commlsjlonors until MayllUi . .
1 o'clock p. m , to yrade the north out-bet
nam street between Sixteenth and Nine t
! ts. lllds should bt addressed to tbo Cfv
rk. J V \
be right to reject any and all bld < I I'M. \ ]
sr > eif JOHM BAUU l
_ 2t County a k. _
he partnership heretofore exlitlng Utwcen
jmt Oruenwald and John Bchroedcr/ii t U
dissolved by mutual content , Orue ? 'd ' re-
ng from said firm. Phe business w/l > * * ? *
Ion in the future by said Scbioed/r who u
horl d ts collect all onUtandlog W U < Jue
flrm and who will nay all clalraii1111 d
nds owing by said firm ,
miii , May 5,1882.