THE OMAHA DAILY JBEE : THURSDAY , MAY 11 , 'The Omaha Bee Pnbl ! h d every rooming , except Sands ; Kha only Alondiy morning dully , XBUM8BYMAIL- One Vear. , , . . 110,00 I Three Months. $3.C 9U Monlhi. o.OO One . . 1.C DIE WEEKLY BEE , published ei ty Wednesday. EKUMS TOST PAIDj One Year. . . . . $2.00 I Three Month * . . E BlxMnwth 1.001 One s . . S AMERICANNKwa Cosfi'ANr , Sole Aj-ent Cor Newsdealers In the United States COKUESPONDENOE-AJl Common ! litlons relatini ? to New * nnd Editorial mat era should bo addressed to the EDITOB o THE Br.E. BUSINESS LETTERS All Bnstow Litters and RernUtnricpg should bo ad droescd to Tun OMAHA PTOLISHINO COM VARY , OMAJIA. Drafts , Checks nnd Pout office Orders to be made payable to thi order of tha Company. Ei ROSEWATEIt. Editor. NOTICE TO NEWSDEALERS. The publisher * of THE BKK have made arrangements with the American News Company to supply New * Dtpots in Illi nois , Iowa , Nebraska , Wyoming and Utah , All dealers who keep TilK DAILY DKE on * lo should hereafter address their orders to the Manager American News Company , Omaha , Neb. ROHESON is dubbed "Tho Old Man of the Sea" of the republicin party. - > A PENNSYLVANIA bank cashier has .doped leavincr all his accounts square. -The race of bank cashiers scorns to bo deteriorating. IT is rumored that the St. Paul road has signed a contract for the conatrua- tion of a track from McGregor through Dos Moines to Nebraska City. TUB Vicksburg Herald thinks that the tariff has a firm grip on both par ties aj at present constituted , The tori ! ! commission delay chows it. NEXT to a first-class crop , a bogus insurrection and movement of the militia ia the most profitable means of providing dividends for the railroads. OMAHA'S lumbar dealers have dis covered that there is such a thing as killing the building geese which lay ; the golden egg of heavy purchases. Hence the tumble in prices. Axu now all the old and worn out war horvca of the country are erecting their lightning rods , notwithstanding the known fact that political lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place. TIIUEB HUNDitED congressional dis tricts would very nearly fill the bill for the ambitious Nebraskans who fool themselves competent to warm a scat in congress. Two hundred and ainoty-sovon will bo disappointed. PAIINBLL appeared in parlia mcnt on Monday in inourriing. Ho stated his belief that theDublin , murder dor had been committed by a' class which had always opposed him , O'D'onovan Itossa'a paper denounces the land league as milk sops. A WAGON bridge across the Missouri , according to Senator MoDill's bill , in iroduccd on Tuesday in the eonato , would bind together the twin cities of Omaha and Council Bluffs BO that local jealousy could never part them asundor. MILAN has a wonderful echo which repeats nine times in rapid succession. The Lincoln Journal echoes the Union Pacific organ notes with a rapidity which ought to make the Milan echo hunt its hole and remain fcrover buried from sight. OtKJAtt WILDE condescendingly won der * why the Irish "should wish to UMulnate mediocrity , "moanlntr Lord Frederick Cavendish and Under Sec retary Burke. From the fact that ; Oscvr was allowed to walk unharmed the tr6ots of Dublin , there ia good reason for his losthotio wonder , THE Herald ia howling loudly for aomo ono to come into court and an swer to the charge of making and dividing profits in United States sur veying contracts. Until the Herald ehowa fraud or makes a claim that the durvoys were not actually performed according to contract , there ia no causa for all this howl over a Platta- inoulh mare's nest. _ HE waa a member from the Western Reserve in Ohio who unpinned the f tidy from a chair In a Washincton parlor and wiped his nose on it. It was old Thad Stevens who once to marked ; "Western Reserve ? I've heard a good doul of western reserve , ? but never saw any of it in Washing. ton. " THE boulovarding of Dodge street it an innovation which promises to spread in Omaha , Our streets out- flido of the immediate center of busi ness are moro than wide enough for the common requirements of travel. In narrowing the roadway and plant ing trees on cither aide , the extended apace between the curb and sidewalk being neatly nodded , afresh and cheer- f ul appearance is giyon to the atroet while the cost of paving will bo ma- ' ierially lessened. Other cities have preyed the value and utility of boulo- yarding and Omaha ia in a fair way to ' " ? r- * twt 'ito merits. - fr , PAYING THE MILITIA- AMONG the subjects with which th legislature will have to wrestle is th payment of the expenses incurred ii the military excursion of Genera Alexander , the Great , to Omaha. While the athto was , perhaps , gratified fiod in the exhibition of mirtial array tax payers nro not likely to feolhnpp ; over the ncodless expense. Nobod ; can justly ; obect | to the payment o the militia proper They came t < Omaha at the call of their officers ai they wore in duty bound , and they ro malnod until they were ordered to go , Their coming and their atnyinp wai not of their own free will , All o ! them , excepting a few officers wht were in quest of glory and pord , would have preferred to have remained al homo and must of them were anxioui to get homo as soon as they foundoul that they were noc needed. But there were expenses connected with this ex pedition which the legislature should not sanction. The managers of the railroads who inveigled the governor into calling for the militia and for federal troops for their own purposes should not be al lowed to impose a special tax upon the people of this State in the shape of militia faro , It would bo n paying business for railroads to got up periodic scores when travel is dull , call in a few hun dreds or thousands of troops and make the people pay tax for their transpor tation back and forth. The Pacific Ilailroada have , of course , the advantage of the govern ment in this that they can charge up military faro with their regular ac counts and credit themselves on the debt they owe the government. But wo question the policy or the proprie ty of the people of Nebraska taxing themselves every time a railroad com pany wants to bring on troops for special police duty. LET XT BE A FAIR COMMISSION Thq bill creating n.tariff commls- : ton having passed both houses of : ongress will shortly become a law. riio measure provides that uino Civilians shall bo appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate , into whoso hands shall bo entrusted the work of clearing the ground for -ariff revision. No onn whoso atten tion has boon called to the enormous innual incrcaao of our treasury surplus : an doubt the necessity of a speedy reduction in taxation. In 1880 ยง G5- )00,000 ) moro than enough to de fray the expenses of the govern- uont were collected in taxes from ; ho pooplo. This sum increased to ? 100,000,000 in 1881 , and this year it will amount to $145,000,000. Such m increase of taxation is unparalleled , md , it is needless to say , uncalled for ind unnecessary. By the creation of \ tariff commission the people under- , itand that plans are to bo devised for the reduction of tariff duties.The : ountry has gene toe * long'on 'tho principle that tariffs' nrny bo raised but never lowered. Many of the du > ties , as now listed , were imposed on foreign articles , when they were twice is valuable ua they now are , and th jffect of their continuance has been ti iwoll immensely the profits o industrial monopolies by maintaining jxccflsivo prices on articles of every lay consumption , which if the duties nrero lowered would bo aold at a profit it one-halt their present cost. This paper has always boon in favor of i legitimate protection to American in iustry. It believes that the great prosperity of our country has been largely duo to the diversity of employment < ploymont fostered by a policy ot pro lection. But it has never boon and ia not now in favor of the people mbaidizing gigantic monopolies which ; an earn handsome profits and pay { oed wages to their employee wlthou such aid. , , , - 'In ' tho"'pro ' ont 'patchJBot : > and , laa ; orod cohdltiori'of the tariff every con turner in the United States la an lually robbed to fill the pockets o ilevon owners of the stool monopoly ind if the majority of dutiable orioles iolos were to bo examined in thu light > f their cost of manufacture in this lountry it would readily be soon tha. m moro than half the impost might > o reduced from twenty to thirty per lent without stopping an American nill or throwing a single American workman out of employment. It > ught to bo distinctly understood that ho present tariff commission has boon instituted not for the benefit if the manufacturers but for the bono- it of the pooplo. It is created to btftln facts and figures bearing on uriff reduction , not to dovlso argu- lents for or against protection. The eld of its inquiry is to bo a broad no. The problem offered for its alution ia difficult. It ia nothing ! ss than how to roduoo tariff duties rith least disturbance to industries > unded on the basis of protection. Vlint the country will demand is that 10 commission bo a fair ono , The resident should appoint as its mcm- ori , only disinterested and able men hose report will bo received aa the iault of candid conviction and impar- al examination , Representatives of 10 diU'eront viowa on the tariff ught to find a place on the coinmis- on. The great agricultural element light not to bo passed over.1 ( Well iformed protectionists ought to .tomato with carnoit and conicien. * ttous free traders. There must bo n suspicion of unfairness in a discussio : which involves the purses of over , citizen of the country. SENATOR VAN WTCK has introduce a bill in congress authorizing tha pay mcnt by the government of $1 pe aero to the claimants of the lands ii southern Nebraska , formerly grantoi to the St. Joseph & Western railroai company , The disputed ownership i familiar to Nebraskans through thi Knovala cases nrgued in the Unitoc States courts in this state , nnddecidec through virtual default in favor of thi land shark plaintiffs. The govern mcnt having given titles to the Bottler : on thcso alleged railroad lands noth ing remains but for congress to Ggh the casoa to the courts of last last resort sort on behalf of the government , 01 to buy off those who claim a prioi ownership. Senator Van Wyck , since the session of his investigation com- mittco in Lincoln last December , hat been working hard to got the ques tion settled in n manner which would afiord the most speedy relief to the settlors. It la understood that the land eharka are willing to accept $1 an acre in lieu of all demands , and perhaps this is the readiest way out of the difficulty. JOHN I. DAVKNroiiT's detectives claim that they are on the track of the Moroy letter. The ringleader of the conspiracy ia said to have been ono H. H. Hadloy , a prominent officer of the Hancock republican club , of Now York. Hadloy haa told to atory of his connection with the forgery. While the details of the statement are sup pressed , it ia known that Hadley and his associates palmed off the letter aa an original document upon iho demo cratic national committee , John I. Davenport , of Now York , who de serves the credit of having unearthed the forgery , ia still engaged in follow ing up the trail with the expectation of running the game into the demo cratic camp. Ex-Sonator Barnum is suspected of having had a knowledge of the forgery , and it ia claimed by those who have investigated the matter - tor that subsequent developments will lay a largo share of the blame very close to hia door. The investigation already made completely exonerates Representative A. S. Hewitt of any knowledge of the forgery. It ia re ported , oa gossip , that ex-Congress man H. G. Worthington , who was collector of Customs at Charleston , S. 0. , during Patterson's carpet-bag ad ministration of that state , had a knowledge of the forgery. Worthing ton is a native of Cumberland , Md. , where Lindsay lived. Ho was a mem ber of the Hancock republican club. The atory tocs that Worthington per suaded Lindsoy to recollect that he know Morey , and was familiar with his handwriting. THE BXE called attention a few daya ago to the enormous extent of the public domain granted to railroada by the Uniied States. Interesting con- Urination of our atatomonto are found in an analysis of a letter recently sent to congress by the secretary of the interior relating to the lapsed land grants. It appears , first , that the area of the lands granted to the Northern Pacific , the Atlantic & Pa- : ifio , the Toxaa Pacific , the Southern Pacific , the Oregon Branch of the Central Pacific , the Now Orleans Pa- : ifio , and the Oregon & California , ia 115,408,218 acres , or over 180,000 iquaro miles moro territory than ia contained in all the New England itatea , Now York , Ponnaylvania , Now lorsoy and Maryland ; second , that be toro the time expired by which th < granting acts required the roada to bo uniahod these corporations had Barnpd by the conatructlon of miloa of railroad pro rata for the number ofacroa granted only 18- BIB , lift acreV of 19,091 mUoa , losa than one-sixth of the total amount offered ferodbut a territory equal to all o New England except Maine. Third , that since the expiration of the time tot for completion of the roada and up o the present time enough miles have > con completed to entitle the roads , if ho principle is admitted that the cor- jorationy have an equitable claim to amis pro rata for each mile of road milt , to 14.201,34-1 acroa or 22,283 iquaro milea , a territory larger than ho area of Massachusetts , Rhode 'sland , Connecticut and Now Hamp- hire ; fourth , that by failure to com- ily with the terms of the grants , hose corporations have absolutely for- oitod all claim to 83,074,478 acres , or 30,730 equaro miles , which is now withhold from settlement. This ia a orritory nearly equal in extent to all f Now England , Now 'York , Now "oraoy and Maryland , or to the throe root central states of Now York , 'onnaylvania and Ohio , with a popu- ition of 0,000,000 of people. Now that the president has signed ! io Chinese bill tha Pacific coast ia ccovcring a little from the fit of pas- ion into which they were thrown by iio executive voto. It is undoratood aat Congressman Page will bo a can- idato for governor thla fall , and his soord against Chinese Immigration ia opondod upon to pull the party the fall campaign. A LITTLE nioro sunshine la beginning i bp calloi for by our farinora. CLASSICAL CONCERTS- Omaha's musical season may bo aai to have closed on Tuesday ovonin with the last of tha second series c the Philomathoan club concerts. Tn : BEK desires to aay a work in commendation dation of this organization , which ha ministered to the pleasure of our people plo during the past winter. The si : concerts of classical music given under dor the direction of Mr. George F Sauer have marked a great advance ii musical culture in our oily , and hav < afforded the citizens of Omaha an op portunity of acquainting thcmsolvci with a largo number of really excel lent compositions by the best mas ters. It is as true of music as it U of literature or art , that acquaintance quaintanco frith and study of the best works is the only true method ol acquiring a correct taste , and n self- aaliafying culture. Gormana are the moat appreciative of good music because - cause Germany is the most prolific producer of the best in musical art , and the taste for the best is fostered rom childhood through a never end ing series of excellent concerts by skilled musicians. Art flourished so long and brilliantly in Italy , because Art at first fostered by wealth became in turn the stimulus to a people ple of artists. It was in "tho atmos phere. It asaorted itself in every portrait trait gallery , public building and square. In consequence Italy became a nation of art critics. The time has passed when an over practical generation in America can declare music and art are matters of little concern. Our every day life , with ita wearing hurry and buatlo , its nerve.- destroying intensity of application , needs a relaxation which other coun tries have not boon slow to avail them selves of. And good music , appealing at once to the cultured taste and the intellect as well'oa to the emotions , is a healthy sedative no less than a con tinual education and source of pleas ure which our people cannot afford to ignore. Omaha , like all comparatively now cities , has long been deprived of the musical advantages resulting from first-class resident musicians. Within the past tow years the nucleus has been gathering in the city , which if sufiicient support can bo guaranteed will form an excellent medium for rendering the best musia in the best form for our citizens. It is the intention of the Philomathean club next year to greatly increase its membership , and enter upon a more ambitious form of entertainments than these which have been such a gratifying success during the past season. If the way seems clear , and why should it not , Omaha will be af forded an opportunity of listening tea a aeries of symphony concerts such oa are given with success in the larger eastern cities. All that is needed on the part of our people ia a generous personal and pecuniary support. It will not bo enough to appear on the subscription lists. An appearance at the concerts themselves is equally de- airablo. With these desiderata the success of our new musical organiza tion can scarcely help being complete. EVEN Sam Randall finds himself unable to redeem the democratic minority from utter imbecility. THE Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune says that the lines are beginning to bo drawn pretty sharply between republicans and dom Dcrata in the house as to the charade of legislation for the remainder of th session. The appropriation bills ar further advanced in committee than i usual at this stage of the session. The great legislative , oxccutivo and judi : lal bill , owing to the long experience , patient labor and energy of Mr. Can ion , of Illinois , who haa it in charge , a nearly completed , but the republi Mm plan U to hold back the appropria Jon bllla aa long aa' ' possible in th < lope of pawing a few of the moro im x > rtant moaaures which are upon the : alendar , The house calendar ia loaded lown with the important bills , and to .his not ono of them has been touched. Dhero yet remain six appropriation ) illa to bo passed the District of Columbia , river and harbor , naval bill , undry civil , legislative , executive and udicial , and the deficiency bill. Earnest OB the republicans are that arioufl important measures shall bo lassed among them the bill to extend ho national bank charters and bills to cform the postal services in various rays the democrats quito generally iroposo to prevent if possible any jgislation except to pa s the appro riation bills , That object is largely artisan , as they wish to go to the oils with the complaint that the ro ublicans , when they had control of othbrancheaofcongresaaccompliahed othing. This policy appeared to bead < ocatod by Mr. ox-Speaker R-indall , rho chooses every occasion to inter- OBO all manner of objections to the Druidoration of other measures , The jnminiiig appropriations will bo likely > excite considerable debate , notably ip legislative and deficiency bills , ho latter bill will bo a troublesome tie , and upon it possibly a political ebato will cuauo. In this bill it will eooiiio the duty of the republicans to take good the deficiencies which the jinpcrata caused by their appropria- ona which crippled the government , lie deficiency bil' will be unusually rge , any nearly every dollar of it , i V will bo occasioned by the fact that th democrats made inadequate appropria tiona , and boosted of their protondc retrenchment and economy. GovBKNOit NANCE may discover tha the threat of a vote will not alway club a legislature into submission. The President and Fltz John Porter Philadelphia Kecord. President Arthur has done juatic < to General FUz John Porter , so far a in him lies , by remitting a portion o the unjust penalty of the court-mar tial which disqualified him from hold ing any oflico of trust or profit undo ; the government of the United States In putting in the whereas of a "doubt * the president made a needless concea sion to a multitude who have novel taken ( no trouble to understand thi case , and who mistake prejudice foi opinion. The report of a board ol distinguished army officers , who reviewed the proceedings ol the court-martial in a time far removed from the passions , jealousies and prejudices oi the war , has shown that there it nc room for doubt. In that report the board unanimously declares that Gen eral Porter "saved the army from dis aster" by skillful and soldierly con duct for which ho was condemned. Oi few commanders of armies can such a eulogy bo truthfully written. General Porter ia the only ono of this class who was disgraced , when ho deserved the gratitude of his countrymen. While President Arthur has done homage to intelligent public opiuion by remitting the remainder of the sen tence , his expression of a doubt was gratuitous ana ungracious. A Corporation Tool. Phlla , Press. The cose against Judge Woatbrook in regard to his relations with the Manhattan company awindlos grow darker as the facts are brought moro fully to light. The investigation be fore the assembly judiciary committee , on Saturday lost , brought out most damaging testimony in the shape of the letters of the judge to the men who were engineering the stock-job bing achemo in the interest of the Gould combination. Judge West- brook allowed himself in hia judicial action , to bo cuided by their suggestions. Informa tion as to what his rulinga were to be , and valuable suggestions and advices , were given only to the ono side in the elevated railroad controversy. The other wai daily betrayed by the jiidgo who waa aworn to act aa an impartial arbiter between them. Ho appears as an additional counsel for Jay Gould rather than as a judge. The exact measure and extent of hia guilt la not yet clear , but ho manifestly violated all the proprieties of hia position , proved himaolf grossly unfit for the position ho occupied , and apparently furnished ample grounds for his im peachment and removal from the bench. Takes It all Back. Exeter Enterprise. The moro the advocates of woman suffrage agitate their peculiar viowa the moro public aontiment don't seem to change in their favor. A great many men , and not a few women have changed their opinions in this matter during the lazt few months , and wo predict 15,000 majority against the adoption of the amendment at the election. In nearly every school election in the state , tof which an account reached ' this of fice , the female attendance was remarkably small , and their votes generally cast in the interest of politi cal frauds who had boon kicked out of oflico by their own BOX. The En terprise hereby stands up in meeting and takes back every thing it has a tid in favor of woman suffrage. However , these who are in favor of i can hav all the apacp they want in its column , to ride their hobby , but they mus furnish their own side-saddles or rid like the men. Political Assassinations. St. Louis Republicans. Political assassinations is what Tal loyrand called "worse than crime i blunder. " There never was or.o tha. helped the cause which thq assassin hoped and expected to assist ; novoi one'which did not do the cause aeri < oua , if not irretrievable injury. s And Mr. Jomea Still Lives. Providence Press. Some of the atar route conspiratora who threatened to make it so hot for Ex-Poatmaater General James , when jongreaa mot last - Deco'mbq j- , have irgpnt buairj'eaa-fti Canada'new tha' ; heir trials , are to "bo had on the ! merits. None in Tliolra. Urete Standard. The rank and file of the Grand irmy boya repudiate the attempt o : v'amlorvoort & Co. to use that or [ anization for political purposes. W < udgo the eilort will recoil on tin loads of thoHo who attempt it. Complacent Mr. Doreey. iVheelhig Kef-iater. Mr. Dorsey looks at that $000,000 ancho and cattle upon , a thousand tills , and complacently remarks ; 'Gentlemen , I have done nothing to 10 ashamed of , " Ono Cause for Thankfulness. Cincinnati Acquirer. The season may bo backward , the ruit damaged and thobeara triumphant mt let ua be comforted by the intelli- once that congruea will probably ad uurn soon , Viowa at Long : Range. 'lev ' eland Leader. Far in the dim but glorious future ! io eye of faith can aeo a happy day hen it will bo poaaiblo to write in 10 past tense of "Tho last of the .pacnca , " This Means Duslnoua , oslon Traveller. George B. McOlollan haa boon made : i oflicor of the Now York Civil Ser- ice Reform association. Now look it for a grand strategic retrograde iQvoineiit. Stlnga Thorn Heavy , 'dney ' rialndettlcr-Telegraph. Roaewater , of THE OMAHA BKE , ' ings the Nobraaka dailioa pretty > avy by the way of proving up under ith a handao ao general circulation. 1 POLITICAL COMMENT. Judge Doyens is now being spoken of n a candidate for governor in Alassachu setts. setts.The The Bonrboni of Georgia move a little They propoie to nominate Hon. A , II .Stephens for governor. The Buffalo Kxprein suggests that "II Colonel Hob btlieved there was one per lups ho would behave better in court,1' When the people at Albany look at the cracka in the new capital , they mlghl boast of a bigger elephant than Jumbo ; but the ? don't. The Denver Tribune thinks tnat "so for President Arthur has either been utterly neglectful of or directly opposed to every western intercut. ' The Memphis Appeal congratulate * the democracy on what It declare * to be the assurance that the "la t republican { real- dent hut been elected. ' ' , TIie Cleveland Saturday Ledger , edited by a former republican secretary of state for Ohio , favors the election of Thurnian to the presidency in 1834. ' The further little Billy Mahono gets away from Ihe south and the democracy , " ay the Savannah Morning News , "the better It will prove , both for this section nnd that party. " "General Ilium s manly announcement of his candidacy for tl.o United States senate , " declares The Peoria Daily Tran script , "is received with general favor throughout the state. " The South , RIptht or Wrong , > Charleston ( S. C. ) News. Unices the northern democrats in congress stand to their colors as staunchly as the democrats do , the southern democrats will find it exceed ingly hard to hold their own this autumn. Virginia is in a ticklish condition , and the success of any form of indopendontiam in the Carolinas - linas , Georgia , or Alabama this year will place the national democracy at n serious disadvantage in the national election two years hence. Mr. Chalmers has been ousted , nnd Mr. Lynch , the republican contestant , has taken place , After all the howl ing about fraud and "tho Mississippi plan , " the best that the republicans in the house of representatives could do waa to figure for a majority of 385 for Lynch. In GJaiborneQuitman , Sharkoy , jTunica , and Wilkinson coun ties , in which , according to the census of 1880 , the colored voting majority is 5,795 , Mr. Chalmers is conceded to have had a fair and square majority. The republicans could not squeeze a majority of any sort for Lynch , with out assuming that ballo s which were cast in violation o the state law wore lawful ballots. This matter has been adjudicated by the supreme court of Mississippi and by the decision of that court the result of the election was determined. The republijana appeal ed to a "higher law , " the will of the majority. Mr. Robeson , it will bo re membered , wont very far in proclaim ing the freedom ot the republicans from any restraint or restriction- the law or custom. Very well ! But the democrats must fight as the re publicans fight. The determination of the republicans is to do whatever lies within the power of a majority of the house of representatives to accom plish It is the duty of the democrat * to exercise the power of the minority to the utmost. There is no other way to meet the occasion. On the first vote on the motion to call up the Lynch-Chalmera case , 11 democrats did not vote who were not paired , and on the vote by which the case was called up 15 democrats did not voto'who were not paired. This was wrong. The republicans had not members enough present in the house or in Washington to form a quorum , had the democrats abstained from voting. By abstaining from voting , the democrats could have prevented the expulsion of Chalmers from day to duy , and perhaps altogether. What would the republicans have done if Chalmers had belonged to their party ? Unquestionably they would have voted to a man when they voted at all , and would have abstained from voting as long as in that way they could prevent action. Are democrats expected to bo leas wise or moro scrupulous than republicans ? There wt-ro peculiar influences at work , perhaps , in the Chalmers case. Ihe sitting member was not popular t homo or in the house. This in an oicuae , but no justification. General Ohohnora is a democrat , and that is reason enough for sticking to him and making the fight on him to extremi ties , now that the republicans have raised the block flag and give no quar ter. ter.The The republicans are losing ground rapidly in the north , as well as on the Pacific slope. Their only hope of get- ing a majority in the next congress is by stealing congressional districts in : he south. The prosecutions for Ira- iginery election offenses , in .South Carolina .have _ tHe jsflmo end In view. President "Arthur'kicking out ro- ipectable postmasters all over the louth with the same object. The ad- niniatration organ in Washington ) ids high for' southern democratic luppott , and hints that "adminstra- ion" democrats in othes states will jo treated as generously as ro- idjustors are in Vireinia. Under heao circumstances any failure a ho part of the northern democrats in : ongrcss to stand shoulder to shoulder nth the southern democrats , at all inies , will weaken the party hero in n the south , if it does not knock the Bottom out of the party. The northern democrats hanker ftor the independent vote in the iorti ! and have a good chance of so uring a big part of it next November , mt that vote will cost moro than it is rorth it the price paid for it is the urrondor of the congressional districts u the south which the republicans laim 03 their own. Southern demo- rats will not consent to bo ground to ieces between the upper and nether lillstonea of national republicanism nd northnrn democracy. The south i the backbone of the national de- locracy. Break it , or oven weaken , and there will not bp , in our day , uotlier democratic president , Jacob Martrolf. of Lancaster , IN. Y. , iva your SntiNO BLOSSOM works wed for rerything vou recommend it ; mysblf , ife and children have all used it , and you m't find a healthier family in New York ato.-Oct. C. 1880. rn5 dlw Thou and Now ST. JosEi-ii , Mo. , May 17 , 1871. JI. II. WAUNEU & Co. : Sirs For great many years I Buffered from idney disease. Nothing gave mo ro- jf , I finally tried your Safe Kidney id Liver Cure , and now am in per- ct health , d&w Mm. TUOMAS KELLY. AHK your druggist forlledJIng'g llusslan dve. Keep it lu the house in cote of accl- uta. Trice 2io. CHEAP LOTS , A new addition to the city just laid out into BEAUTIFUL LOTS. Located on Hamilton , Charles , and Seward Sts. , md also on 29th , 30th , Jlst and 32nd streets. Only 5 or 6 blocks' west > f the turn-table of the led Street Car Line , on Saunders Street , and just 7est of and adjoining . * ' . / Jhinn's additions. / Hake Yonr Own Terms , ; ONLY i PER 'GENT ' DOWN , AND PER CENT PER MONTH H Call and get Plats , nd Full Particulars , , t eal Estate Agency , \ I5TH & DOUGLAS STS. - O