THE DAILY BJDJ& OMAHA THURSDAY MAY 11. i882. 1 LIEIE IETRIIEID The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware Housi XIKT O73BCZ1 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA NEB , cr. or. BIRO WIET & oo WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes. t OMAHA . NEB. S. W. WYATr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SASH , BODES , BLINDS- AID IODLDIES 15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB P : E& 3C 3SET C3S3L1 S 8 Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact thax Sank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of H . t FOBMBN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing GoodsHats Hats and Caps Wo nre'propared to mout the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styloi and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connectionj 2 RESPEOTFTJLLYi M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th HAVB THE BEST STOCK IN NEBRASKA-MAKE THE LOWEST PRIDES This is the Only House that Does Not Sell High Price Goods. PERKINS & LEAR , FURNITUR Bedding , Mirrors , Feathers , Feather Beds , and all Goods'Pertaming ' to the Fur niture Trade , and Upholstery. 1461 Douglas Street , Omaha , mon-\ > -fil-Mly3rilp EASON. invites the attention of the public to his LARGE AND WELL SELECTED Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Carpet Line. Mattings , Oil ( Ms and window Shades. In large quantities , and always t at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. DETWILIE ! : 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , . . . . NEBRASKA Business flirectorv * Abitmct nd He l ttUte , JOHN t. McCAOUK , opposite Post Office. W. 11. BAnTLKIT 817 South 18ih Btr a . Architect * . WRBNE & MENDELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS Room li. Crt'Ighton Block. A. T. LAHOE Jr. . Room I. Citlfhfon Wet * . Boot * und Shoe * . JAMK3 DuVIKR ft CO. , fine Boot * Mil Shoe * . A Rood M lome oik on hand , corner Ixth nd IHraey. tHOfl. EFJCKSON , S. K. cor. 16th aad DonU JOHN FORTUNATU8. 10110th itrnet , m nuf ctur < i to order good wet ) It Ulr price * . Rfmlrlnrilonii. Ded Oprlnt * . LARRIUER Utnafuturer. IB1T DourlMrt Dooki , Newt and GUtlonery. 1.I. rnUKHAUF HIS F&rnhun Btrwt. Butter and Eg i. 9 UoonANK A BCI1ROKDER , the oldest a nd K toui In KebrutV * enUbllntinl 1STS Omthi. OEM HAL. RESTAURANT , MltS. A. RTAN , lonthwpjt corner ICthand DoJec. I ) t Board (01 tut itcnoy , QUItlKtlon Guaranteed kt ill Hour * . Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Tcrmj lor CuK rurnl h l Hn < wii Supplied. l floca Wagon * . 8N7DUR , 14thandHkmerSlroeU. Clothing nought. ' . HABRI3 rs-lll pay hlRhcitQwh price ( or i.ucl clothli'f. ConionlCth nnd Varnham. uowti CIA. JOHN BAUMER 1S11 Famham Street. JUI1K. H. BEKTUOLD , Rag * and MUM. Lumber Lime and Cement. rOSTEU & OHY corner tith and Doutln ale , L&mpt and Qlaciwnre. / . BONNKR 1809 DonclM St. Oood Variety. Merchant Tailor * . O. A. LINDP.UK8T , Jot ol our most pcpular Merchant Tailor * la ie- 'eltlng the Utect iloklpui for Spring and Summer 3eodn ( or Rcnllcracng wear. Styllih , durable , ind price * low an over 11 ISth bet. Douor.bFarn. Millinery. Una. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and RcUU , ran- IT Ooodl In great variety , Zcphyre , Can ! Boanln , Hosiery , Gloves , Conwte , Ac. Cheapest Iloura In ilio West. PnrchAsera nave CO per cent. Order > r Mail. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. ICON WKARNE & SONS cor. Mth&J cknonet Hour and Feed. )1 ! AD A CITY MILLS , 6th anit'Farnham Stfl. , Vo ! han * Bros. , proprietors. llrocnr * . C. BTKVEN8 , Slat between Cumins and Izat t. A. MCSHANE , Corn , ! Sd and Cumin ? Htrect * . nardwHio , Iron nna utcoi. OLAN & LANQWORTUY , Wholesale , 110 act1 A. 110LMK5 cnrno IfUh and Cllfornl . Homes * , Unadlei , Cic. P. WBIRT 018h Pt. bet Fum- ll rncv Hotel * ANFIELD UOUSK.Ooo. Unllold.Oth & Famham OORAN HOUSE , P II. Cory , 913 Famham St. SLAVEN'S I10TEL. F. Slaven , 10th Ct. Southern Hotel OUK. Hatnel rug * . I'alnti * na Oil * . KUIIN & CO. ftitimactita , fine vnno Uoods , Oor. l&tn and DonglM etrceta ' . 3. WIHTEIIOUJKniolcsalo & ReUU , lath ot. 0. FIELD , 022 Worth Sldo Cumin ) ; Street. PAKR , Dnigritt. 10th anil Howard Rtruta. Dontlcu. OB. RAUL WlllUnm I'lon * Oor. Iftth & Dwlee. ur > uuouii notluni , etc. JOHN D. F. LEllMANN & CO. , lew Tork Dry Goods Etc to. 1310 and IBIS Fam- bam itrcet. ' . . ( ] . Enavrnld alw > hoot * and nhnrt & Podflc ruruiturc. t ? . GROSS , New aod Beoond Hand rnrnlture od Stove ] , 11H Dcoilia. Ulghert caih price < Id ( or eecond tiD3 rood * . DON.NKR 1B09 Donna it. Hoe eood * Ac. ttrcoVforkt. OL'ACA FKNCE 00. ; D8T , FRlKSarCO 1418 Barney Ht , Irnprovo > d Ice BOXM , Ircr atd Wood Foncel , Offlca Pawnbroker * . ROHKNFELD 10th fit. , bel Fir. * Hal in , u niiDiaPatent. . titPt. . > ct. Tarn. A V/ECT 6 FRITSCnEB , laanutactmers o ( Cljar , nd Wholesale Detlcral n Tohiccon , 1U05 DouglaD. V. r. LOHKKilKK mnnuiacturer 1410 Farnham Florltt. A. Donigbuo , plante , cut Coven , teoli , ooqnets etc. N. W. cor. ICth auJ Douclud treot& Olvll Englneera and Surveyor * . AJJDREW ROSEWATER , Ciclghtou Block , Town Surveys , Grade and Sewengu Uyutcmj u Specialty. Uommlulon Merchant * . JOHN O. V/IL LI3.14H Dodge Street. 0 B. UKKilER. For detail * BOO largo adverilM * mout In Dally and Woeklr , Cornice Work * . ITcetern Cornice Works , Hanutacturera Iron iornlce , Tin , Iron and Klato Roofilnx. Ordort rom any locality promptly executed In the Ixwt n&nner. Factory and Office 1213 llarney St. C. SPECItT , Proprietor. Oalvanlied Iron Cornlcca , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part of the country. T. 3INKOLD 416 Thirteenth etreot Crocks ry > . BONNER 1809 DouKlaa itreet. Ooodllne. Clothing and Furnlihlng Qoo' . EO. n. FETKRSOK Aim Ilab ) , Cap * . Bootd , hoca Notion * and Cutlery , SOI B. 10th etreet. Show Case Manufactory , ! 0. J. WILDK , : anutacturernd Dealer In all tlnd * cf Qhovr aset , Upright Canea. A „ 1317 Out ) St. FRANK L. aBRIIARD , proprietor Omaha how Caeo manufactory , HIS Bouth ICthetieot , > otwoen Loavcnuortb and Marty. All good * varranted flrut-clvw. Utcivec ana inware. A. , loaler In 6torca and Tinware , and Minufictorcr ( Tin Hooa and all kind * cl Building Work , Odd Fellows'/Slock , .BONNKIt. 1 nn OniiglM8 > oorl and fft ( > ap. Ibeodi. EVANS , Vholetale and Retail teed Drili * and Oaltlvatora Odd Fallow * I ( all Phyaician * und Burffeon * . V , B. aiBBS , U. D , , Room No i , Orclzbton lock. Uth Btroot. P. S. LE1SK.NR1NO , H. U , Masonic Block. . L. HAIST , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. pottoQlco UU. L. K. ORADD.Y. eull tand Aurlnt. H. W Utb and Farnhara Et Hnotograpner * . OEO. IIEYN , PBOP. Ortnd Central Gullory , 812 Sliteenth Street. ear Masonic Hall. Flr8t < lwu Woik and Prompt. Plumbing , Qa * and Otcam FHtlnc. . W. TARPY & CO. , 210 U Ht , bet Farnham odUougla * . Work ptomp ytUcndtJ to. D. rtTZPATRlOK.m inuilat Street. alntlng nn apcr 1KNRY A. KOSTKRH. lit podge Street ehoouiuio * . : illllp Lan 1820 Famham it. bet 18th & Ilth. ( Second Hand Qtor * . LEAR , 1116 DoueU * St. Hew and econd Hand Furniture , Houw Furclshluj ; Good * , c. . bought and told on narrow marrln * baleen * . HENRY VAUFUANN , n tne new brick block on Douplai Street , DM Jail 0xned a moat elegant Beei liall , Hot Lunch from 10 to 11 entry day. Caledonia " J FALCONER 679 ICth Street. Undertaker * ! . HAS. BIKWB , 1011 Farnham bet 10th k lltd , 00 Dent Store * . . a BiOKUS rarohua II. , roey Oood * POT-POURRI. Business Enterprise in Severn Central Nebraska Towns. Hotel Attractions to the Met Obliged to Travel About. Kctucntlonnl nnd Court Matters In r Number or County Scats. Corripondeno , o ( BKWARP , Nob. , Mny .1 , Centra ! Nebraska seems to bo thoroughlf nwnko to the importance of the grcal isauo before the people of this country to-day , cspocinlly Nebraska , the viUl question of corporation rule ; and it is surprisinu just now that "every- body" is claiming to bo nnli-inonop. ely , just as hundreds of mon twenty years ngo clainmdto bo "Union mon , " while tlioy were buckling on the rebel harness to tight the stars and stripes They wcro good Union mon if you lot thorn hive their way ; good anti-monopolists , but \vo don't liljo "your way of saying it , " or "your wny of doing , " oto. It is , however , ttuo that the people of Control Ne braska , ns n mass , nro becoming very much in earnest on this subject. The David Oily bonk , under the inannjrcmont of W. B. Thorp nnd Judge Perkins , has como into being during the last few weeks , making the third bank in that city , fully equipped. It ia under the personal nuumi'cmont of Mr. Thorp , who has boon in the banking business in Da vid City for many yonrs , probably dinco the establishment of the old Butler county bunk. Johnny OrAQ" , of Ulysses , has cap tured the only hotel in Rising City , since the burning of the other house on the corner , and both David City and Rising City nro showing up many now buildings. Shelby seems to havo'noarly doubled its number of houses during the last six monthd , nnd is constantly adding now business. Prof. Makeover , for a long time fill ing nn honorable nnd responsible posi tion as nno of the faculty in the Woa- loynn University , has just accepted the position of principal of the schools of Oaccoln , after nn extended lectur ing tour in the east. Mr. Linpworthy has taken possess ion of the Commercial House nnd pro poses to demonstrate that he can ' 'keep n hotel. " The Commercial House at Stroms burg has passed in the hands of Mr. P. Carlton , formerly from near Grand Island , and the traveling public will bo glad to learn that they find pleasant accommodations again in this growing , busy young city. Aurora , like many other western towns , has been having n chronic did ! culty about schoolc , that has cost money and valuable .timo , as well as much bitter reeling" and wo rcjoico that harmony Booms to bo returning , aad school is at work in the now brick building. AV. H. Tairchilds it Co. will soon bo in their now largo bricic stoic on the opposite corner of the square , where they arc building with N. 0. Rogers , gocd store buildings of mam moth proportions , and a largo opera hall over both stores , and J. H. Boll is about to move'tho bank1 into bis now brick. The Aurora House under the maii- ngomont oFM. B. Jones , is growing in popularity and generally brings up a full land from the trains , while the Central House at York is probably tbu best of our smaller hotels in the cen tral part of the state. Everybody in York talks about the "Seminary" and show an himcut pride in their "col- lego , " while the public school , the most important , to the individual and the town collectively , may bo over looked. Prof. It. M. Bridges ia a "master" of bib profession , and ho car ries a big load on his shoulders , I read ily discovered , by a few minutes poop into his assembly hall , when ho had massed his forces. Wo watched the orderly and quiet behavior , and the thoughtful , pleasant faces of the hun dreds of children assembled thereand their prompt response to every call , and wo felt like asking the school board there and in every other villngo in our land , ' 'How often do you visit the schools I" Or is a hog trade of more importance to you than the schools ? Did you over think that it is your duty to visit the school , kindly and cheerfully , und assist by your presence and your interest ; and do you know it is also your duty to watch the school as well us study your duty there ? Did you know that it is an obligation you took upon yourself when you assumed the duty of school Dllicor to deal honestly with these children nnd.tlio district money , nnd that you can not do that unless you mnko youraoH'really familiar with the jchool and school methods , nnd the wants of thit school in particular ? And did you know that to neglect this was a violation of these great and important interest intruatod to you , ind as criminal as to rob children or improperly use your neighbor's iioney or credit in any. other way , ere , o break your bargain when it is to iiivo you a dollar and great lees to jthers ? The principal attraction at Seward this week is the district court , hold in i public hall , because the court house is deemed unsafe. The prominent nurdor trial , to have been heard this term , was put over until next term , ind all other jury business , because , if ter the urand jury had found indict- nents against several parties and the nurdor case caino up for trial , it was hscoyored that the county commis- lionors had made some grave mistakes in drawing the jurymen , and all were illegally selected ; pnd Judge Post . cry promptly oont them homo with the thanks of to court , and n regret : liat their ha'rd work was of no use ; ind that it was no fault of theirs that they were no lunger of any service to the court. The nine divorce cases in the present term must also lay over Jiitil next term. Thera is probably 10 business enterprise in Seward that the people of the place have had oc casion to bo proud of in the last year ir two , as they have in the faot that Seward has at last a magnificent hotel ; ind the traveling men are 04 much pleased as anybody , and ftll rejoice ; hat it is being well patronized. A very largo wsombly o friend * nnd iuvitcdguoUi ( | from towr and from neighboring cities , won present at the grand opening a few week since , nnd it will bo useless tc describe the hoitso and its appoint' monts , for "Alack" has a great ninnj friends , nnd they always call on him if thov nro in town , The thnusande of dollars spent for furniture , the great outlay for water , gas and every convenience that could suggest itself , the blooming flowers nnd largo green house plants , the elegant table , nnd the perfect system nnd watchfulness to anticipate every want , and the gen eral fnvor with which it is received by the public , indicate that this is to be ono of the most popular hotels , nnd Mr. G. McOarty , the proprietor , nnd his much-esteemed lady , are to bo congratulated on the success of this enterprise. \ largo number of the high schools nnd seminaries in No- brnska nndIowa nro rending Tm : URH ns n part of the general exercise in the schools , every dny. BUOKGVK. Free of Cost. Alt ijomonn wUhlnjr to text the merits ol n Ktc\l remedy one that will positively euro Consumption , Cough * , Cold * , Astir inn. Hronchitif , or nny nfTcctlon of tliront and limps ixro rcinicfitrul t3 call at 0 , F. ( tootlmrm'H Drue Store ntul get n trial bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery- for CoiiMimpUon , TIIKK or COST , which will flliow you wlmt n reuulnr ilollnr-str.o holtlo will do. Shall Wo Pay It ? Tmllnnoin Courier. Wo hope the honorable gentlemen who compose our legislative body will authorize the citizens of Omnha to pay the expenses incurred during the late "unpleasantness" in that city. Wo see the governor has included that item in Ins call , nnd asks the legislature to sanction his nnduo haste , and the actions of nu imbecile city government by passing bills to pay the expenses thereof from the state treasury. This is one of the cheekiest tricks wo have struck for some time and if the fax payers ; this stnto , outside of Omaha , don't make their just indignation felt in the coming conventions and at the polls , wo are greatly mistaken in human nature. Where , wo ask , is the just ness or fairness , in asking the state to pay the expense of "quelling a riot" in any town of this state without the officers of that town or county having used all moans in their power to over come itl ' .For expenses incurred in prosecuting o lien dura against a city ordinance the city is liable , nnd in stnto cases , the county whore the ofl'enso took place , and in no event can the state bo made liable - blo without n reasonable or probable cause to fear that the lessor authorities could not quail the disturbance. In the case at bar , wo nsk Governor Nance how ho deter mined the necessity for sending troops to Omaha , was it from the fact that the local authorities had exhaust ed every moans in their power to quell the disturbance ? Or , is it not a matter of fact , that the occasion was taken advantage of by you to manu facture political capital for the coming campaign ? As the history of the "riot" shows that thoformer was not the case , wo nro forced to. the conclu sion-that some motive akin to the lat ter view of'tho case must have entered into the actions taken by you. Incrodll > l < v V , A. Scratch , cirugKt&t , Kuthven , Oat writes : "I have the greatest confidence in your BumIOCK BLOOD BITTF.HH. In ODD CMO with which I am perfonnllyacqualnt- ed their EUCCCSH was almost incredible. One lady told mo tbnt hnlf a bottle did her more good than hundreds of dollara' worth of inedlclno aha had previously tnkon " Prlea Sl.OO. tn5.dlw. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SKWKMS. OmcBoxCiTYCmtiK , ) OMAHA , May 4th 1832.1 Sraliil proponalg will 1m received at tlif olllco ol tlio undersigned until Tuieilny , liny Ifitli nt 73u ; o'clock p m. ( or the construction of HtiHcru III North Omaha tts follown : 1COUcot moro or lean ol 8 } ( oat lirlclooncr SrliigH thick , "CO ( net morn or lc i ot Select lirlclc R3 cr 2 rlni ithick , and 710 tcet morn or less ol ! > \ feet lirlck 2 ilnif-f thick , locaUd on Izartl street between IDth mid 17th itrect , ami on 17th utroot hctwecn Izinl BiiUNI.IjoUBbtrtcte , and on Mcliolmbe tween 17th ami 21at HtrecW , tocetlicr with all noccsrary mitn helm , lamp holes , citch biMris , pipe connections , piling concrete and other work ON per pinna tint ! rpoclHcatlanH In the City En- Klueor'.i olllco. 1'aj nii.nts to bo made monthly In nh warranti. IB per cent , to no rcscivod nnlll final completion mid avccptanco of vorlc , ind fi f < cr ceitt. forapeilud of six momln after puch acceptance. All Mill to lu prepared on blanks furnished by the City nnglnccr , aciom- [ milled with the denatures nf proposed BtirotlcH , Ifimrantcclnc thit they v IMwith ttc principal inter Into lionJs with thecltv bf Omiha within ] no nck if.ur jcttln * of contract In liu sum of J300 > ifor the faithful performuico and corn. piotloiK t all work provided for la sprclQcationi m eald icwcm , on or bolero Not ember lstl&82. IVork on ( arto to begin onorbcforo Juno ICth 1892. All hlda to bo further scvomnanlcd with a crtlflo'l chick In thn sum nf flvo hundred dol- in ( H'OOpt/ablo ) ro the cl'y of Omaht and to io retiiuicd 10 the bidden In Uia nreut of non * icieptinca of bid and to the lucceonlul bidder jpon ( lie ( ulllllmcnt of the conditions aboi * ! i < eclflc4 , other wine to lie forfeited and placed to licinji'ltof thi'Dtwrr liind.scrlea'l . Ttiodty icriliy rcFentstho right to rrjci tali ) or all blda a purt of Ilio above work In tliu iiakljiL-of the contract : j j , L a Jr.wnr. ir4ti)10 City Cleik. DAVSS & SNYDER , B05 Fnrnhim Ot. , . . . Omflx , Nobr , ! ni.ii ij < M.l c iU Unil lu I'A tie u il Ifar r.iLia [ a Imu/uvix ) ( rnui , I , l > KAVJB WRHfiTKl1 f ; w } .Qd W. J. CON NELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Ornoi irrnot Roomianitalriln ( ) Uanicora liulldtng , N. W. corner Flt | ntb > u DR. Jb > ' . BOHWKEB , Physician and Surgeon CIIUONIO DIBKA8KS , KIIKUMATISU , Etc. , A Bl'KOIALTY. llcillclncs ( urnlabcd rtt office , ) Slco No , 1112 Ffttnriam St. , between 14th Uth , Omaha , N b. OEAIB'S ' OITY QREEN HOUSE i now open to tha public with lull supply o Cut Flowers and Plants "orB Jo. Wo will bcvgld to tutve the public 3ouquota or Any Floral Doelffu Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Orwn Uouw , 8. W. Oor 17th and Web- it r , one block Irom 16th itiovt ctr * . Nunterj. :3a : ttieet , oppoelt * Foit. JM. Y. OnAg , Klorut , Dj Laodc ii Oudoer , fiot-tm. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF : Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Ready for Inspection AT POLACK'S CLOTHING HOUSE The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , I 1316 Parnam Street , Near 14th , L * * " The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING Retail JEWELRY HOUSE MUSIC HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN T11K WEST I General Agents lor the find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as Eastern Manufacturer tfie Latest Most Artistic any , , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold RECIOCT3 STONES and : OT cash or installments at Bottom Prices. ail descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stoclc oi WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , and see our Elegant New Sterling Imperial Smith , , Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner Ilth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur Streets. chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. . SHOW GASES Large Stock Aways on Hand. WM. ROGERS' -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork The only und ( I Uioual plato that original firm of ia giving for In-1 B o g o r o Bros. a tan co * single All ou Spoons , F o rk a nnd plated Spoon a * Knives plated triple thickness with the greatest plate nly en of care. Each tho' nuotio a lot bning hang on n scale while trhero expo d boinir plated , to to wear , thereby inuuro A fall do- making a ulnglo ponit of silver on plated Spoon thorn , wear as long as Wn would call n triple plated ospecirJ attention ono. tion to oar nee- Klvnl. Orient. All Order ) In the West should be Addrotued to Wholesale- Jewel er , OMAHA - NEB B U RY'S BESTI Buy the PATENT PROCESS MWIfl3 tall JL A always gives catisfaction , because it superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap * est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. M. YATES. Cash Grocer COUNSELOR - AT - LAW B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , J. H. MoOULLOOH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Room if OtolghtoD Block , Kllttenih Street And Notary Public ,